 Brett Redmayne-Titley档案
谎言... 和眼睛...乌克兰

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利沃夫, 乌克兰西部.

的现实 Free Introduction 正如我在两周前抵达之前所预料的那样,战争已经慢慢地在那些受其影响的人的脸上、声音和深邃的眼中找到了。 这些是无辜的人,主要是那些有故事要讲的人,并且在讲故事时不会分析任何文字。


经过五个小时的旅行,我们挤进一辆装满食品和医疗援助物资的货车,我们抵达乌克兰利沃夫。 现在,我和其他五位热情的同事坐在一张长木桌旁,桌子上铺着适度的遮盖物,准备迎接我们的欢迎。 我们深入研究,吃着我们都承认是有史以来最好的意大利面酱。 我们很饿。 我们的主人很高兴我们在这里。

这顿饭是在一座古老天主教堂的祭坛前的一个巨大的白色大厅里供应的,该教堂因年代久远而破败,但仍由我们的东道主罗马使用,他是全球基督教团契的成员 赞美教堂。 我被邀请 by 创始人约翰麦戈文,我有幸在华沙中央车站接受难民采访时遇到了他,那里是许多逃离这场战争的人的到达点,三个巨大的全白帐篷由其他援助人员提供膳食、杂物和所有从乌克兰来的人的庇护所。


在冲突地区,不可能成为中立的、基于事实的记者。 在受影响的人眼中,客观性被认为是这场战争的两极分化的一方。 东方或西方。 因此,从我在黎巴嫩和土耳其的那段时间学到的最重要的一课就是问很多很多问题,同时保持闭嘴。

而且,要听 ……仔细观察!

我在利沃夫这里或在华沙街头漫步时遇到的许多人都经历过这场战争,但来自第聂伯河​​以西的外围,基辅位于白俄罗斯附近的北端。 这并不意味着他们没有受到影响或没有表达强烈的情绪。 但在那些西部旅行的受访者眼中,一个人是否真的被 内部 饱受这场战争的折磨。 眼睛是一个人灵魂的镜子。

当我采访了许多人时,我关注的是他们的眼睛,以确认他们提供的许多真理。 每次我都会想起 2018 年一位坚强的真主党士兵站在饱受战争蹂躏的以色列/黎巴嫩边境俯瞰以色列被盗的巴勒斯坦农田时告诉我的话。

“当一个人看到他的第一个死者时,他会永远记住它。 当一个人看到一个人死去,看到那个人咽下最后一口气,然后静止下来,它就永远存在……在他的眼中!”

我见过那双眼睛。 在黎巴嫩。 在土耳其。 在憔悴的机场里,许多从战争归来的卡其布大兵脸色蜡黄:他们 “千里凝视” 目不转睛地看着,左手无人看管地叼着一根未点燃的香烟,陷入深深的沉思中,下巴靠在右边,作为他们唯一的支撑。


在去利沃夫的路上,乌克兰约翰麦戈文的女婿保罗是我们的司机,也是我们的高级成员 赞美教堂 坐在骑着猎枪的詹姆斯旁边。 他是一位年轻的老兵,在阿富汗亲眼目睹了战争并失去了一位密友。 詹姆斯来这里是为了开始有组织地对不知名的人进行军事撤离,因为我通常不会问愚蠢的问题。

保罗和詹姆斯确实非常了解导致俄罗斯别无选择的背景和原因,除了出于国家利益寻求北约扩张的安全,同时也保护在文化和语言上比乌克兰人更俄罗斯人的被蹂躏的东乌克兰人。 正如詹姆斯所说, “当战争开始时,我认为普京是一位国际象棋大师。 但, “他继续, ”我已经改变了。 现在他输了。” 他承认,这种观点在佐治亚州的家庭餐桌上并不是很受欢迎,而且它是基于美国提供的情报。 但是,有一点我们都同意:我们讨厌这场战争。

尽管西方媒体 声称泽连斯基的家人仍留在乌克兰基辅 作为支持,这不太可能是真的。 几天前与我的基督教晚宴主持人的一次谈话中将两个和两个放在一起,很可能是詹姆斯和他的团队,现在在利沃夫等着他,完成了 “萃取”,泽连斯基的女儿两周前从基辅到利沃夫。 詹姆斯不介意承认这次他来这里是为了执行类似的任务。

当我们坐在其他座位上的同志们倾听时,礼貌和我对聪明讨论的热爱所建立的萌芽友谊,阻止我就他们分享的一些信息和观点挑战保罗和詹姆斯。 我没有见过更优秀的人,但我们的对话中缺少一些片段,我一直把这些留给自己,同时担心在错误的方向上失言会把友谊变成尖酸刻薄,这很可悲地说明了 在本系列的第一部分。

我还没有找到前往乌克兰东部的安全通道,所以我在餐桌上向我们的主人提供了我有限的医疗技能和强大的后盾,可以将物资运往东部。 由于危险,向东的医疗援助和食品储备在利沃夫堆积如山。 危险并不是特别俄罗斯。

泽连斯基在遭受巨大损失后急需军队 向犯罪分子开放乌克兰西部的监狱,然后武装他们 奇怪的信念是,尽管遭到残酷的监禁,但他们实际上会站在乌克兰一边,将武器指向东方。 他声称这仅限于那些有战斗经验的囚犯,但事实并非如此,因为这将是一个非常小的部分,因为除了刑事夷平顿巴斯,这是一种受制裁的罪行,这是乌克兰最近的第一场战争。 毫不奇怪,许多人将他们的武器和新获得的自由转向西方,以寻求新的犯罪机会。 在战争中,医疗用品往往价值不菲。 因此,为难民提供的救济物资不仅需要应对俄罗斯的威胁。

尽管有如此多的媒体歪曲,但距离波兰边境 XNUMX 公里的利沃夫只是受到这场战争的影响,因为它靠近并被用于在城镇郊区储存的即将到来的军事武器和外国雇佣军。 利沃夫被俄罗斯火箭击中,但这些火箭仅限于纯粹的军事目标。 正如利沃夫市长在被西方媒体审查的多个 Telegram 帖子中所说,没有平民伤亡。 但是,当火箭坠落时,每个人都知道。 它们是巨大的爆炸。

三天前,我遇到了迈克尔,他是另一个基督教团体的成员。 26 月 XNUMX 日拜登在华沙演讲的当晚,他在利沃夫 三枚俄罗斯火箭摧毁了一个弹药工业区和一个石油和润滑油设施. 消息人士指出,这些也被用来储存西方供应的弹药。 “它把我们从床上惊醒”, 迈克星期天对我说。 这并不奇怪,因为 外交部副部长谢尔盖·里亚布科夫 13 月 XNUMX 日 警告说 美国 从它策划的多个国家抽运武器不仅是一个危险的举动,而且是使这些车队成为合法目标的行动。”

我还与利沃夫的一名援助人员进行了交谈,他在附近 50 公里的伊万诺-弗兰科夫斯克地区的 Deliatyn 村 18 月 5.5 日,在罗马尼亚边境,据报道,俄罗斯首次使用了一枚以 XNUMX 马赫的速度呼啸而来的高超音速导弹 直接击中了一个深层地下掩体,其中包含西方捐赠的乌克兰导弹和飞机火箭。 据报道,200多名新来的雇佣军也被安置在那里进行初步训练。 视频中看到的爆炸是巨大的。 文森特说, “我们整个酒店都震动了,距离我们20多公里! 屎像地震一样掉在地上。 感谢上帝,只有一次爆炸。”

所有的军火和雇佣兵,以及他们向东增加战争恐怖的动力,都瞬间蒸发了。 没有平民受伤。

尽管有这些罢工,利沃夫还是照常行动。 我看到商店开门了,人们随意地走着,公共汽车和火车照常经过。 这表明,这里的公众从这些经历中知道,俄罗斯并没有试图伤害利沃夫的无辜民众,而是仅将精密先进弹药用于纯粹的军事目标。

晚餐后,Antone 也欢迎我们,他说,他刚从东部敖德萨回来。 Mosha,乌克兰人和我们这次旅行中唯一的女性伴侣翻译为 Antone 为我们提供了他与俄罗斯人打架的故事。 他总是冗长而和蔼可亲,因为他告诉我们在用步枪射击和捐赠的 RPG 攻击他们后反复逃离俄罗斯人。


所以,我非常关注。 作为一名记者,我的同事们已经宣誓保密,以保护我。 他们信守这个诺言。 因此,当 Antone 继续他的故事时,我偶尔会请 Mosha 向他翻译一个战略性温和的问题或更多问题。

侧翼旁听着一个矮小、粗壮、留着胡茬的男人静静地站着,一言不发。 随着故事的继续,我经常仔细观察他,然后再把注意力转移到安东身上。 他正在进行的故事似乎有问题。

但是,当这个人看到我朝他的方向望去,然后面无表情地回头看我的眼睛时,我才知道,出了什么问题。 它是讲故事的人。

沉默的人现在转身离开。 没有再见,他就走了,但他最后一次看着我,在这次旅行中,我第一次看到了最明白无误的战争苦难。 那双眼睛。

安东结束他的故事时,我又问了几个问题,不再探究他的证词,而是探究这个人自己的脸,他笑得那么快,说话那么快。 不,我不会和他一起冒生命危险。 不,他没有见过战争。

不像那个什么都没说的人,我看不到…… 那双眼睛。

随着我们在利沃夫的业务现已完成,我们帮助工人们蹲在面包车上,开始我们返回华沙的漫长旅程。 现在有一个座位空着。


开始下雪了。 奇怪的是这是四月初的晚春……一个看似非常黑暗的自然评论对我们所有人征收 该死的战争!

在过去的两周里,我听到了很多。 然而,我在乌克兰西部是一个与东部截然不同的现实,那里真正的战争在一个城镇一个城镇,一个小时一个小时地肆虐。 华沙到处都贴满了乌克兰亮黄色和淡蓝色的旗帜,所有这些都热切地支持乌克兰的战争。 供应商在许多街角出售它们,就像它们是水果一样,它们的颜色装饰在广告牌、商店、公共汽车、灯柱和地铁上,因为广播和电视台每十分钟就会大声疾呼支持乌克兰的电视广告,这是集体支持战争的一部分.

在华沙,除了来自基辅的难民外,大多数难民都是因为这种恐惧而逃离的,而不是直接的冲突。 许多人坦率地承认这一点。 是的,他们在那里有家人,听过很多,但大多数人倾向于在战争开始前几年得出自己的观点:反俄罗斯。 这种情绪在东方并非如此。 当我看晚间新闻时,我酒店的夜班服务员迅速翻译了这个纯西方的故事。 作为反击,我的翻译和朋友安德鲁(Andrew)是乌克兰人,他经常在奇怪的时间给我发短信,提供来自东方的信息,很快就很明显,波兰和乌克兰的媒体都故意让战争的现实变得混乱。

泽连斯基已经禁止了乌克兰的所有媒体报道,除了一个,其他支持和平的观点是,我会发现是死刑。 战争是唯一允许的认可意见。 和平会让你被捕或枪毙。

这是昨天 14 月 XNUMX 日显示的,当时两者 Viktor Medvedchuk, a Ukrainian politician who was elected as People's Deputy of Ukraine 29 年 2019 月 XNUMX 日和 来自乌克兰安全局 (SBU) 的 Valery Shaytanov 少将, 因非常似是而非的罪名被捕 “叛国罪。” 整个西方媒体都加入进来,诬告两人都是 “普京的盟友。”

这完全是垃圾。 我在今天早上的电话中与最近在乌克兰的美国内部联系人确认了这一点(见:即将到来的第四部分),他对这两个人都很了解。

他们真正的罪行是错误地建议乌克兰解决这场战争并接受和平。 两人都知道真相:乌克兰军队在人员、物资和补给能力方面都遭受了惊人的损失。 泽连斯基继续 清洗和平 “反英雄” 两周前,他解雇了两人 Naumov Andriy Olehovych,前乌克兰安全局内部安全主要部门负责人,和 Kryvoruchko Serhiy Oleksandrovych, 前乌克兰安全局驻赫尔松地区办公室主任。 这两个人也都犯了仅仅暗示乌克兰新的死刑罪 “和平。”



我烦了。 我去东方的目标肯定会被那些难民讲述那里暴行的真实故事,这与我自己的现实相遇了。 俄罗斯驻华沙大使馆现已关闭。 工作人员在他们离开之前正在燃烧一切。 据推测,我的俄罗斯签证申请就是其中之一。

尽管我现在离我很近,但我几乎没有一天收到关于顿巴斯和东部发生的恐怖事件的视频和图片。 我的联系信息很容易找到,自本系列开始以来,我收到了数十条 Instagram、Telegram、Tick Toc 或 Whatsapp 消息,要求我与读者分享这些图像。

但我拒绝看他们中的任何一个。 视频和图片可以被篡改并用来使记者的工作偏离客观报道的错误方向。 这场战争现在是一场受媒体启发的狗屎秀,我不会参与其中。 所以,我把这么多的请求归档了,从不看一个,因为我已经知道它们包含什么,恐怖。 我不需要看……或听。


在我的第一家酒店,我遇到了李。 英语比较少,他拦住了我,询问信息。 反过来,我也同样招架他。

Lee 承认自己是一名美国雇佣兵(前空降兵),像詹姆斯一样花钱从基辅附近地区提取身份不明的人。 他欣然承认知道许多乌克兰军队中的纳粹哲学,但由于他的服务不关心而得到了丰厚的报酬。 他似乎缺乏高质量的美国情报,因为他的问题主要是关于基辅以外的道路和军事,而我无法回答利沃夫以外的问题。

他在这里似乎与他格格不入。 有趣的是,他问我是否有防弹衣和头盔等防护装备的联系人。 我警告他危险,不是主要在他的目标以东的俄罗斯人,而是乌克兰人。 几天前,我的翻译安德鲁给我发了三个我收到的视频,告诉我, “被折磨的人说俄语。 他的凶手说的是乌克兰语,” 在他努力教育我的过程中。


但李似乎是个好孩子,但过于美国式的虚张声势,没有听从我的警告。 为了帮助我告诉他安德鲁的视频,虽然我还没有看过。 他不相信我,让我给他看。 我在 Whatsapp 上滚动到正确的位置并将我的手机递给他,他急切地点击了第一、第二和第三个视频。


他把手机还给我。 “是的”, 他说, “那很糟糕。”



当我再次将靴子踩在地上时,我仍然被困在华沙,我记得在我在异国他乡报道期间,那位守护天使一直在指引着我。 坐在潮湿的酒店房间里炖煮并不能提供故事……也不能提供运气。

所以,我回到华沙中央车站。 一边做一些照片编辑,一边坐在巨大的苏联文化科学宫大楼前的一个非常靠近的混凝土长凳上,我的目光从屏幕上浮现出来。 在我的正前方是一个弯腰拄着拐杖的老人。 他直接朝我移动。 他看起来很虚弱,现在离他只有几码远,离他太近了,我怕他是瞎子。 但他停了下来,现在已经足够近了,可以说话了。 “你是一名记者,” 他用完美但带有浓重口音的英语说,不是作为问题,而是奇怪地作为陈述。 我点点头,不知道英语能带我走多远。 “你会帮我吗,” 他提议,我认为他的意思是捐赠并伸手去拿我的红色日包。 “不不不…” 他回应说, “我有话要告诉你。”

我站起身来,向他伸出我的手臂,他双手轻轻握住,我帮助将他半弯着的身体放在我旁边的混凝土长凳上。 一个多小时后,当雪花再次从头顶的灰暗中呼喊时,我和他告别了。 他告诉我的话,让我泪流满面,口中充满祈祷,心中充满仇恨。

艾布拉姆来自马尔科夫卡,他穿越东部战区与他的女儿和两个孙女会面,他们过去两周已经从基辅南部来到这里。 原来我那天早上早些时候在中央车站和他的女儿 Taisaya 谈过话,因为她的英语也说得够多了。 自从她的两个小女儿说她们在等爷爷的到来后,我显然离开得太快了,但是这里的火车不再按照预定的时间表运行。 姑娘们脸上洋溢着幸福的笑容,等待着。 我曾告诉他们的妈妈,我想要东方的证词,但她无能为力。 我忘记了他们的名字,但记得很清楚。

在接下来的一个小时里,当我愤怒地乱写乱写时,艾布拉姆告诉我,战争开始时被困在马尔科夫卡,不是被俄罗斯人而是被乌克兰军队(AFU)所困,他一再称之为 “匪徒。” 关注这个系列的人都知道这意味着什么:纳粹。

艾布拉姆是俄罗斯犹太人,他自豪地承认曾在红军服役,尤其是在阿富汗。 “我们在那里做了很多错误的事情,” 他开始, “但他们讨厌这些班德主义者,他们的心中充满了仇恨。 总是讨厌。 多年,只恨!” 我愚蠢地提出了主要问题, “为什么?。” 一直低着头说话的亚伯兰顿时直起身子,像父亲责骂孩子一样看着我的眼睛, “因为我们是俄罗斯人!”

然后,亚伯兰谈到了早在 2014 年橙色广场革命之前的时代,当时乌克兰当然被划分为多个民族地区,但当时顿巴斯、顿涅茨克、卢甘斯克和乌克兰东部,尽管吸引了更大比例的犹太人和民族俄罗斯人就是这样,乌克兰的一个地区。 东方与西方合作得很好。 他谈到了反犹太主义和反俄罗斯情绪的小例子,但正如他所说, “当我们还是苏联人时,我们都是朋友。”

据艾布拉姆所说,2014 年一切都发生了迅速变化,“我们变成了狗!” 他吐口水。 “但你踢狗一次,它就会跑。 你又踢了一条狗,他看着你的眼睛,问为什么” 但是,为了强调,他放慢了速度, “你踢狗三下……它会咬人。” 他谈到了 AFU 之后立即发动的袭击 韦斯特推翻了维克托·亚努科维奇的选举 他本人来自乌克兰东部的顿涅茨克。 他继续说,

“那时我们想要的是独立。 我们已经是了。 不加入 俄罗斯. 我们想要这是一个谎言。 他们从西方向我们东方发动战争。 因为我们说俄语? 我们爱 俄罗斯? 不仅如此,这……”


“因为班德主义者讨厌 俄罗斯. 因为你……对不起……你的国家……讨厌 俄罗斯. 我们是我们心中的俄罗斯人! 我们不讨厌 美国. 我们爱 乌克兰! 但是你……我再次抱歉……你的国家,它讨厌 俄罗斯

他的愤怒是可以理解的。 Abram 的妻子在 AFU 的不分青红皂白的炮击中丧生,当时她在她担任店员的商店和当天营业时遭到了一轮子弹袭击。 他问我是否知道恐怖是什么,但回答了他自己的问题, “永远不知道,死亡何时会到来。” 他说班德里斯特会在数天、数周、数月内不向他的村庄开枪,然后突然从数英里以外的地方开火,而且没有特别的目标。 “多年来,我们不知道下一个死去的人是什么时候。 和…” 他加了, “七年来,我们一直在乞求普京的帮助。”

在他最终离开马里基瓦之前已经过了三周,但那是俄罗斯军队将 AFU 赶出去的时候。 据艾布拉姆说,AFU 一直把他们关在地下室。 自己的恐怖。 食物很少,没有厕所——水桶——在 AFU 为了他们的安全征用了他的大楼后,太多的人在那里避难,将其用作高层建筑提供的有利位置和射击机会。 当 AFU 被俄罗斯人赶出时,他们用 RPG 向它开火,而他和地下室的 XNUMX 多人都惊恐地尖叫着。

他逃离了马尔科夫卡并经由白俄罗斯向西移动,但他的弟弟在试图使用不是由 AFU 而是由俄罗斯人创建的人道主义走廊时被杀。 他本应在前往白俄罗斯边境的途中在普罗西安会见他的兄弟列昂尼德。 他没有成功。 是邻居朋友告诉他的。

艾布拉姆告诉他从他的窗户看到 AFU 士兵在道路上挖掘地雷以阻止人们离开他的城镇。 “只有我们在混凝土上行走。 混凝土下没有地雷,” 他说。“但是你走在混凝土上,他们会向你开枪。” 当他和两个家庭男人、两个女人和他们的孩子穿过 AFU 种植的绊线时,他的兄弟死了,他们穿过路边的灌木丛,离开通往 Prosian 的道路。 一位邻居朋友和其他人与另一群人在一起,远远落后于生活。 做出反应的是俄罗斯军队,而不是AFU。 带头的男人当场就死了。 其他人当场死亡。

他哥哥的邻居在普罗西安传出可怕的消息,他把他哥哥的手表带到了他面前。 亚伯兰把手伸进口袋时,脸和手都在颤抖。 我知道会发生什么。 他颤抖着拿出一只破旧但可爱的金色发条手表,金色腕带几乎没有了,镜片在不均匀的象限中破裂,但我仍然可以辨认出这恐怖的确切时间:5点39分。 是。 下午。 只是没关系……不再重要了。



他的女儿 Taisaya 和孙女 Kristina 和 Alina 让我大吃一惊。 在亚伯兰和我在一起的整个时间里,他们一直在看不见的地方等着,现在走上前来帮助他们的祖父回家。 我不知道他们是否听说过这种恐怖。 我拥抱他们都没有,或者只有一个,很好的理由。

当我帮助他站起来,将亚伯兰的手杖放回他的手中并确保他稳定地保持平衡时,他努力完全站直以正确地伸出手。 我很惊讶他几乎和我一样高。 我伸出我的手作为回报,他接过来,轻轻地抚摸,现在专心地看着我,好像最后一次测试我的勇气。

亚伯兰现在在微笑。 “我女儿说你是记者。 随心所欲地向东走。 你会知道我说的是这样的。” 他说作为一个结局。“那么,请……讲述我的故事。”

“谢谢…” 他补充道,然后永远转身离开。 但就在他这样做之前,我清楚地看到了他的脸,我知道他的故事是真的。



我现在将查看它们。 那些视频。 图片。 我觉得有义务。 致亚伯兰、列昂尼德、我在利沃夫的基督徒朋友、安德鲁和我采访过的每一位难民,还有那些我没有采访过的人 或死了.

坐在酒店的床上,枕头堆在我身后,我在笔记本电脑上绘制这些图像和视频,然后访问手机上的文件,我手头有六块腹肌。 我手头有我的翻译应用程序,只是为了知道这场战争的语言是什么。 当我准备好自己时,我又一次长时间地闭上了眼睛,想起了雇佣兵李的最后评论,因为我知道这将是 “很糟糕。”


死者,伤者扭动着,他们的尖叫声直到沉默,他们的证词我不明白,但我明白,野蛮人AFU埋设地雷的观点,向平民目标射击,向建筑物的居住者,或者只是建筑物,血淋淋的脸在镜头前尖叫着报仇,大炮击中建筑物,白旗挥舞,割裂的喉咙,眼泪,孩子们抓着死去的母亲,母亲抱着死去的儿子,丈夫,兄弟最后一次或呼吸,血,如此,如此之多的血,而且一直以来,太多,太多的恐怖。 肯定有更好的单数词可以用,但我无语了。 很简单,纯粹……恐怖!

每次我移动到下一个文件时,我都会强迫自己这样做,喝啤酒来平息我的愤怒,这种愤怒只会随着每次拉动瓶子和新的暴行而增加。 我会尊重他们所有人,必须完成我开始的事情。

两个多小时后,我被花光了。 我做完。 我醉了。 我现在亲眼所见……

我去洗手间时被瓶子绊倒了。 我必须把这一切从我脸上洗掉。 把它从我的脑海里洗掉。

我从水槽里泼冷水。 冷水淹没了我的整个头顶,迫切地想要解脱。 抓起手边的一条白毛巾,我照镜子,但我的眼睛无法聚焦。 我所看到的只是这些图像的万花筒旋转,混合在一个带有红色的杂音中,这将 不能 走开。

当毛巾从我脸上拉下来时,焦点慢慢地回到视野中。 在镜子里,我深深地看着自己苍白的脸,从我的两个星期到现在被这场该死的战争不恰当地折磨着,疲惫、疲惫、疲惫。

然后我看到他们,以极其精确的方式回望着我,这是我对这场战争残酷真相的见证。 在那里,在镜子里,盯着我看,我看到……


奉献: 致 Matias R.、Michel C.、Ron U.、Jeff B.、Jan O. 和 SF。 谢谢你让我继续前进! 和平…

作者注: 我的系列文章的第三部分到此结束,“目的地 乌克兰。” 如需进一步了解,请参阅 第一部分,“对战争的无知”, 第二部分,“波兰会成为流氓吗?”

作者简介: Brett Redmayne-Titley 在过去的十年里一直在旅行和记录“帝国的悲伤”。 他撰写了 200 多篇文章,所有这些文章都已发表并经常被世界各地的新闻机构转载和翻译。 可以在 watchromeburn.uk 上找到他的许多文章的档案。 可以通过现场直播 ((@))gmx.com 联系他

• 类别: 对外政策 •标签: 美国媒体, 俄罗斯, 乌克兰 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. Levtraro 说:

    感谢 Redmayne-Title 先生的报道,感谢您讲述来自 Марківка 的老人的故事,我现在将阅读您的报道的前两部分,并感谢 Ron Unz 的发表。

    • 同意: Lurch685, Spanky
    • 回复: @JWalters
  2. I do respect people who write their own first hand accounts of war. But then Redmayne-Titley contrives stuff like this.

    I also spoke to one aid worker in Lviv who was in the nearby village of Deliatyn in the Ivano-Frankivsk region 50km f rom the Romanian border, on March 18, when Russia reportedly used for the first time a hypersonic missile that screamed in at Mach 5.5 with a direct hit on a deep underground bunker containing Ukrainian missiles and aircraft rockets donated by the west. Reportedly, over 200 incoming mercenaries were also housed there for initial training. The blast as seen on video was colossal. Said, Vincent, “Our whole hotel shook and we were more than 20 kilometres away! Shit fell all over the floor like an earthquake. Thank God there was only one blast.”

    所有的军火和雇佣兵,以及他们向东增加战争恐怖的动力,都瞬间蒸发了。 没有平民受伤。

    How does he know that all the munitions and mercenaries were vaporised? And instantly,too ? He doesn’t.

    How does he know that no civilians were hurt ? He doesn’t.

    So it makes me skeptical of everything else he has written in the article, especially as his ludicrous last article in UR was about Poland going rogue in the Ukraine.

  3. 我一直来这里是因为有时会有这样的作品。


  4. Dumbo 说:


  5. Wokechoke 说:

    I don’t see how we avoid ww3 really. Millions of dead by the End of this.

    • 回复: @meamjojo
  6. Cookie 说:







    • 同意: Ace
  7. meamjojo 说:

    Multi-millions would be a small number against a total population of almost 8 billion. We can afford to lose 4-6 billion easily. The world will be a better place with less humans.

    • 同意: Vinnyvette
    • 不同意: emerging majority
  8. @Verymuchalive

    A missile at Mach 5.5 doesn’t “scream in”. I’d expect a sound like a much closer shotgun. Then the explosion of the warhead.

    • 谢谢: Verymuchalive
  9. Anyone think Zelensky isn’t on Ukraine’s side?
    A “people” without much land, for a land without any people.

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
    , @annamaria
    , @JWalters
  10. Wokechoke 说:

    我们可能会在南美洲和南亚的非洲部分地区失去它们。 在欧洲没有那么多。

  11. EH 说:

    字里行间读起来很有价值,但语气如此飘逸、柔弱,就好像它是用理查德·西蒙的声音写成的。 也许他只是个超级伽马:完全不了解自己什么时候被玩,绝对幼稚的天真,荒谬的缺乏自我洞察力,同时作为一个头发花白的资深战地记者可笑地试图表明他可能不是真正的同性恋,只是一个英国傻子。

    • 同意: Realist, RIchebourg, Emslander
    • 回复: @Levtraro
    , @Anonymous
  12. @Dumbo

    That is what is happening now. The American people don’t hate Russians but the captured media is in full howl against the bears.

    • 同意: Ace, annamaria
    • 回复: @follyofwar
    , @Z-man
  13. Anon[291]• 免责声明 说:

    That principle could find use in all the world. If all the world weren’t inhabited by human will-to-power.

  14. Wokechoke 说:
    @Badger Down

    Sinking a capital ship in this way opens up the possibility of a de housing bombing campaign in Kiev. De housing is what the RAF did to Hamburg, Frankfurt, Cologne, Dresden, Berlin. There’s a good reason that the Russians said it was a magazine explosion caused by an internal fire. It at least allowed them to pretend the war isn’t escalating.

    A capital ship is a strategic weapon/target. Tit For Tat, Tik For Tok.

  15. follyofwar 说:

    Gidoutahere,我不太确定“美国人民不恨俄罗斯人”。 在过去两年中绝大多数人因 Covid 谎言而堕落之后,我相信他们可以被编程为憎恨深层政府告诉他们憎恨的任何东西。 有多少美国人对最近的历史有足够的了解,能够理解充满救世主犹太新保守主义者的拜登政权是和平的真正敌人,而不是普京先生? 从幼儿园开始,一生都在接受歇斯底里的反俄宣传,这是一件很强大的事情。 弗拉德·普京现在是人民的敌人伊曼纽尔·戈德斯坦,每天遭受两分钟的仇恨。

    哪个国家的灵魂病态到让一个腐败的老头子把世界带到核浩劫的边缘却无能为力? 选举的神圣性,即使是非法的,也比拯救地球重要得多。 “民主”,全都欢呼民主,把我们带到了崩溃的边缘。 当我们最后一次下山时,一位名叫泽连斯基的犹太喜剧演员,显然不关心乌克兰人民,已经成为这个卑鄙国家的民族英雄,也是一个性感的象征。 我们美国人就是这么可怜的人。

    顺便说一句,喜欢这篇文章。 它读起来更像海明威的小说。

  16. Karl1906 说:

    Thanks to “alternative” media it’s still possible to get some good journalism. msm will completely ignore the truth as it doesn’t fit into the narrative of their masters.

    Now some commentators claim that it’s Russia’s lack of “soft skills” that’s an issue for them but I honestly don’t think that simply hiring your own bunch of shills and bots on “social media” is a true counter punch.

    No, using the methods of the enemy only turns yourself vulnerable to them. And you should also never use the platform of the enemy in the first place. (Just compare DiscloseTV on Twitter and Gettr and the disgusting responses the “better” plattform Twitter tolerates without issue. It looks like a clever strategy to let the provocation stand but not the responses. Feels like “victory”, right?)

    Just let “Western civilisation” (e.a. morons, degenerates, shills & bots) have its silly circus and “victories” on Twitter and Facebook while the rest of the world sees the facts, listens to the evidence and witnesses and knows better.

    • 同意: GomezAdddams, Franz
    • 谢谢: Thor Walhovd
    • 回复: @littlereddot
  17. frankie p 说:

    You are sick. Why can’t we lose them in Europe? Why can’t we lose them in your hometown, your region,.your country? If I might presume to ask, is it ok if you, every member of your family, every one of your friends and acquaintances, everyone with any connection to you, are among those who we can afford to lose?

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  18. The mainstream US media, including NPR and all the big corporate outlets, are besides themselves with excitement while cheering on the genocidal Nazis in Ukraine, the US arms dealers literally making a killing with all their “aid” money, and the bipartisan war machine hacks in Washington who rubber stamp and orchestrate the whole thing from their “safe spaces” across the ocean.

    And remember to vote Republican or Democrat this fall if you want blood on your hands, and if you support their Satanic, bloodthirsty chaos, death, and mayhem.

    • 谢谢: annamaria, Justrambling
    • 回复: @IreneAthena
  19. @Verymuchalive

    “How does he know that all the munitions and mercenaries were vaporised? And instantly,too? He doesn’t.”

    How do you know “he doesn’t?” You don’t.

    “How does he know that no civilians were hurt ? He doesn’t.

    How do you know “he doesn’t?” You don’t.

    The author may have learned the truth of both these assertions after the fact.

    • 回复: @Verymuchalive
  20. @Wokechoke

    USA –could lose 340 million and be intact with 1% saved—-in the Bible —

  21. @Karl1906

    Now some commentators claim that it’s Russia’s lack of “soft skills” that’s an issue for them but I honestly don’t think that simply hiring your own bunch of shills and bots on “social media” is a true counter punch.

    There is a very real danger of “soft skills” taking a life of its own. It comes about when the promoter of the “spin” starts to believe the spin itself. This appears to be one of the driving factors of decay of “Western Civilisation”.

    Thankfully neither the Russians or Chinese seem to put too much over-emphasis on PR. They seem to content to let the truth speak for itself. Admittedly though, the truth seems to take a painfully long time to make itself heard over the din of Western “soft skills”.

    Personally I don’t think we have to wait more than a year or two. When Western “soft skills” are not able to correlate with reality anymore, everyone in the West will be forced to ask themselves the uncomfortable questions.

    • 谢谢: Karl1906
  22. Lurker 说:

    The world will be a better place with less humans


  23. Levtraro 说:

    是的,但是记者在那里,在地面上,接近实际的军事行动,所以我只是重温一下语气,专注于信息和对人类及其个性的反思,比如 Ukies 生活在正确的情况下现在。

    顺便说一句,新闻业可能枯燥且内容丰富,就像技术论文中的数字表一样,但这不是当今记者的教育方式,他们中的大多数人都想成为诗人和小说家,或者至少想用他们的作品引发情感。 至少 Redmayne-Titley 在那个部门做得很好,除了提供信息。

    • 回复: @Black Maggot
  24. GMC 说:

    Good article Brett – Спасибо . The big Mariupol Elephant in the room is the names and nationalities of all those murderers that were taken out in all those failed helicopter extractions. There must have been at least 50 that ” thought they might make it out” but anyone that has been in a War and rode choppers, knows that a grunt soldier is not the first guy on the list of rescued personnel.The major players are and I’ve yet to to see more than a couple names and their nationalities. And rumors say there are plenty of Nato huckleberries left in the underground facilities, most likely tying to scap any evidence that they were working on. Hopefully Donbass bypasses Russia on this one and spills the beans. OR a good journalist is allowed access to the Donbass records.

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  25. @Cookie



  26. 布雷特·雷德梅尼-蒂特利,
    从本质上讲,您在这里用 ZionLendSki 传播犹太教,他只是被“古怪的信仰”所误解,可怜的真正的犹太人(当然)在善意但天真的基督徒,善良但被误导的英裔美国人的背景下成为受害者雇佣兵——“镀锌铁”——有眼睛和没有眼睛。 荒谬!


    呼吁 ZionLendSki 开放监狱,随机分发 AK 故意制造混乱,就像 ZionLendSki 站在大规模进口黑人和棕色人以摧毁白人乌克兰的最前沿(作为犹大的主唱),贬低此类巨型犯罪为“古怪信仰”正在支持负面力量(犹太教和鬣狗),就像你的帮手败类一样。
    Jewmerica 正在迫使俄罗斯与最后一个乌克兰人战斗(你提到过,为了在拯救方面在这里); 因为你正在带来补给并进一步收留德国残余以支持你的邪恶行为。 https://www.rt.com/news/553993-germany-arms-ukraine-war-party/
    你的主人,罗马,“他是一个名为赞美礼拜堂的全球基督徒团契的一部分。 我是应创始人约翰·麦戈文(John McGovern)的邀请,希望能与所有其他约翰、詹姆斯和“好俄罗斯犹太人”一起被他妈的核爆。
    由于第一个将是最后一个,我假设作为最后一个亿万富翁 ZionLendSki、Shmyhal 和部长们将在佛罗里达州被暗杀、在 Kiew 或 Gulag 处决。

    俄罗斯犹太人不是犹太俄罗斯人。 如果你真的是一个犹太俄罗斯人,那么犹太人早就离开你了,只是俄罗斯人的遗骸。 所以,操你和你的亚伯兰,还有他的假“俄罗斯人”!
    为什么这个老混蛋要追着你讲他可怜的故事? 你有没有问过自己,你这个非常犹太人的糟糕的夜晚讲故事的人?!


    你从来没有真正的兴趣进入顿巴斯——你他妈的狡猾的犹太懦夫! – 否则您将不会在华沙申请并通过土耳其进入俄罗斯。

    • 哈哈: Lurch685
    • 巨魔: Jim Crint
  27. The OP claims to be a journalist who has been in war zones before yet writes that he needed to get extremely drunk to watch some horrific videos that provoked untold shock in him. So he’d never seen images of the horrors of war and the tortures and murders by Al Qaida, ISIS, US troops in Al Ghraib, etc. I’m sure what he saw was terrible but he’s either playing it up for the audience or he’s no journalist.

    • 回复: @DevilAdvocate
  28. Anon[412]• 免责声明 说:

    这就是明斯克协议的全部内容。 但是泽伦斯基先生和他在华盛顿柏林和巴黎的经理们并不感兴趣,因此我们就在我们所在的地方。

    • 同意: Miro23, Jim Crint, 36 ulster, 36 ulster
  29. @meamjojo

    Good idea! Let’s get rid of all the tribe and minions, you included… A few millions don’t matter, according to you, right? 😀

  30. Horus 说:



    • 回复: @KantNeverCould
  31. 第一批度假者出现在马里乌波尔的海滩上

    • 哈哈: chris
    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  32. 谢谢你,谢谢你,布雷特·雷德梅尼-蒂特利先生。作为一名正在康复中的小财记者,我充分认识到您致力于文学。




    尤其令人感动的是与来自顿巴斯的俄罗斯犹太难民的遭遇,他因这种持续不断的仇恨而失去了太多太多的人,这种仇恨如此笼罩着饱受苦难的乌克兰;罗斯土地的心脏和灵魂。 《无主之地》是那些悲伤民族的核心。


    • 同意: Lurch685
  33. @Verymuchalive

    VMA: One must understand the difference, as you perceive it, a chasm, between mere journalism and literature.

    Though a recovering journalist myself, I’m quite discerning between the two. As warzone literature, the writer’s introspective and well-crafted words and phrases “those eyes”, will live on. Our consistent quibbles here on UR will dissipate into the mists of history.

    • 谢谢: JWalters
  34. Miro23 说:


    不是他。 他只是一个毛绒玩具。 这是困惑的新保守主义者。

    乌克兰从 2014 年中央情报局政变开始被开发为针对俄罗斯的发射台。 北约基础设施和指挥系统正在到位,乌克兰武装部队装备和训练由美国军方 - 一切准备就绪,计划于 2022 年 24 月入侵顿巴斯。 俄罗斯迅速将部队调往边境,并在 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日发动袭击,先发制人。

    因此混乱。 新装备和训练有素的乌克兰军队应该胜利地横扫顿巴斯。 乌克兰本应通过在俄罗斯边境建立核导弹基地进入北约。 事实上,新保守主义军事项目现在是一团乱麻,犹太媒体(换句话说,整个西方媒体)愤怒地咆哮而不是欢呼胜利——而仓促的经济制裁对美元和经济造成严重打击。美国客户国家,如德国。


    如果他们滑过那个边缘,他们将得到他们的世界末日。 普京多次表示他已经做好了准备,俄罗斯航空航天部队最近进入高度戒备状态,公众正在练习疏散程序。 这对俄罗斯来说意味着可怕的破坏,但毫无疑问他会这样做。

    • 谢谢: Jim Crint, Nancy
    • 回复: @E_Perez
    , @Derer
  35. @Dumbo



    确实存在,一个乌克兰人,一个尽管是最原始的俄罗斯人的民族; 几个世纪以来一直是边境地区,被蒙古部落基因改造,被鞑靼人、土耳其人和可萨人当作奴隶; 被波拉克人在语言上灭绝; 被瑞典人、法国人和德国人入侵,并被巴比伦塔木德派至上主义者搞得一团糟。

    你是完全正确的,小飞象,需要将布尔什维克和苏联行政设计的这个科学怪人怪物重组为不同的国家。 不幸的是,在苏联解体后,这个行政上的庞然大物并没有被分割成它的组成部分。

    讲俄语的人从哈尔科夫开始统治这片土地的东部,穿过顿巴斯,然后向东清楚地到达摩尔多瓦边界。 这些人是新俄罗斯人,应该作为与俄罗斯共和国的联系国独立。



    • 谢谢: Indifferent Contrarian
  36. @Dumbo


    Well the Galicians in Western Ukraine clearly hate the ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine. We know that because they have been shelling them since 2014. I don’t know whether the Easterners hate the Westerners, but I suppose eight years of military aggression intended to exterminate their people might do that.


    Because the small hat people that run the American State Deparrment will not allow it. Victoria Nudelman and Anthony Blinken are willing to fight to the last Ukrainian to prevent it.

    • 回复: @Curmudgeon
  37. Jake Dee 说:

    我不想诽谤任何人的信仰或声称我无法证明的事情, 但是如果 如果一个福音派教会的成员正在另一个大陆的战区为一个政治上著名的犹太家庭的成员执行撤离任务,那么我认为这至少是对他们时间和资源的高度可疑的利用。和 if 赞美教堂正在为乌克兰的贵宾执行半秘密的撤离任务,这些贵宾如何与他们取得联系?这并非不可能,但将是一个经典的六度分离问题。当然,除非只有一度的分离,直接穿过弗吉尼亚州兰利或华盛顿特区环城公路内的某些地方。
    整个情况让我想起了很多准军事自由缅甸游骑兵队和他们的创始人大卫尤班克。 他是一名福音派传教士和特种部队退伍军人,曾在缅甸/缅甸从事秘密工作,也曾在伊拉克和叙利亚出现过。 我第一次意识到他和他的工作是从 ISIS 倒台后他在难民营的 YouTube 视频中了解到的。

    • 同意: chris
    • 谢谢: Kali, Arthur MacBride, Sarah
  38. @GMC

    There is talk that NATO command has ordered the Azov Nazis to execute the NATO foreigners trapped with them in the Azovstal plant rather than have the Russians take them alive. It would be funny if the Azov Nazis keep prodding these NATO foreigners to keep fighting and then executes them before surrendering themselves.

    Many keep saying that the Russians want to deal with Mariuopol first before sending these troops to deal with the Donbass cauldron. I think the delay is also for psychological reasons so as to be able to show the Ukrainian troops in the cauldron the destruction and/or surrender of the Ukrainian forces at Mariuopol before giving them the same choice. Maybe it will work to persuade more Ukrainians in the cauldron to surrender and maybe it won’t but it’s worth a try. The only downside I can see of the delay is that Ukrainians could send more reinforcements and NATO weapons to the cauldron but would even that be a “downside” if it would just mean more Ukrainian forces being trapped and more weapons destroyed? Obviously NATO would hope that these reinforcements and weapons could help the Ukrainians break out and drive the Russians out of Donbass but how realistic is this? Or perhaps to solidify the current defences and make it costly for the Russians to dislodge them? But then the way the Russians seem to now be doing it, slowly and methodically, would that also be of any advantage to the Ukrainian side? Other than of course in the meantime reinforcing themselves in the Western and Kiev region while delaying the Russian advance as maybe they hope to at least retain that part of the country.

    • 谢谢: GMC
    • 回复: @skrik
    , @littlereddot
    , @GMC
  39. @TheTrumanShow

    The author may have learned the truth of both these assertions after the fact.

    He doesn’t say so, he just asserts.

    • 巨魔: Olivier1973
    • 回复: @Joe Wong
  40. @Wokechoke

    The plan is to wipe out what’s left in Europe and N America and move those Africans and Latin Americans North letting China have all the Precious Mineral Resources.

  41. Wokechoke 说:


  42. Wokechoke 说:
    @frankie p

    I like Europe. Why do you hate Europeans?

    • 回复: @frankie p
  43. Jim Crint 说:
    @Badger Down

    奇怪的是,声音以 1 马赫的速度传播。

    • 谢谢: Corrupt
  44. skrik 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    There is talk that NATO command has ordered the Azov Nazis to execute the NATO foreigners trapped with them in the Azovstal plant rather than have the Russians take them alive

    Well, still problems. Let’s say, that the “Azov Nazis” surrender. The Russians walk in, and find the murdered “NATO foreigners.” Bad ‘vibes,’ splashed across RT&Co. If Russia obliterates the Azovstal plant, that would destroy much ‘evidence.’ Seems to me, that an ‘humanitarian’ way out is simply to starve the Azov Nazis out, along with their NATO foreigners. Also, it seems that helicopter rescue is not possible.

    Walk out, Nazis and NATO traitors both, laying your guns on the ground, hands in the air!

    Make your bed, sleep in it. rgds

    • 回复: @rerttgiyuhgpio
  45. 谢谢你的这个系列。

    第 3 部分中的个人故事以一种强有力的方式结束了它,超过了任何关于匿名人员被随机弹药删除的报道。
    I’m glad you didn’t go in depth about the torture scenes, there’s plenty enough available on telegram, Southfront.org, and even twitter, for those curious (& unsqueamish)

    第 2 部分肯定探讨了波兰政府的精神分裂行为。
    顺便说一句,这是在 oneworld.press 中预测的

    第 1 部分是我们都熟悉和沮丧的部分。

    当然这里的读者都知道是肯尼迪先眨了眨眼。 我责怪媒体; 如果他们将其称为土耳其导弹危机,那么美国刀枪不入的神话可能会有所减弱。

  46. @Commentator Mike

    Many keep saying that the Russians want to deal with Mariuopol first before sending these troops to deal with the Donbass cauldron. I think the delay is also for psychological reasons so as to be able to show the Ukrainian troops in the cauldron the destruction and/or surrender of the Ukrainian forces at Mariuopol before giving them the same choice. Maybe it will work to persuade more Ukrainians in the cauldron to surrender and maybe it won’t but it’s worth a try.

    When I indulge my imagination, I would have the Russians wait till the starving Azovstal defenders start to eat each other before allowing them to surrender. Later “leak” pictures of the half eaten remains to those caught in the Donbass cauldron. No doubt they will start surrendering after that.

  47. Anon[115]• 免责声明 说:

    First unconfirmed reports….

    Whose small aircraft have been collecting the trafficked internal organs ripped from the people of Donbas by Ukrainian Zio-Nazis (Banderites)? https://themillenniumreport.com/2018/06/israel-organ-trafficking-capital-of-the-world/

  48. Sarah 说:

    In conflict zones, being a neutral, fact-based reporter is not possible. In the eyes of those affected, objectivity is perceived as instead being on one end of the polarities of this war; East or West. As such, the most important lesson learned from my time in Lebanon and Turkey is to ask many, many questions, while at the same time keeping one’s mouth securely shut.
    And, to listen …and watch closely!

    But it is in the eyes of those interviewed who travel West that shows whether a person has indeed been 内部 afflicted by this war. The eyes being the mirrors of one’s soul.

    所以,我非常关注。 作为一名记者,我的同事们已经宣誓保密,以保护我。 他们信守这个诺言。 因此,当 Antone 继续他的故事时,我偶尔会请 Mosha 向他翻译一个战略性温和的问题或更多问题。


  49. Realist 说:

    我不太确定“美国人民不恨俄罗斯人”。 在过去两年中绝大多数人因 Covid 的谎言而堕落之后,我相信他们可以被编程为憎恨深层政府告诉他们憎恨的任何东西。 有多少美国人对最近的历史有足够的了解,能够理解充满救世主犹太新保守主义者的拜登政权是和平的真正敌人,而不是普京先生? 从幼儿园开始,一生都在接受歇斯底里的反俄宣传,这是一件很强大的事情。 弗拉德·普京现在是人民的敌人伊曼纽尔·戈德斯坦,每天遭受两分钟的仇恨。


  50. frankie p 说:

    I like humans. I don’t believe that we can afford to lose those in Africa, South America or South Asia, just as I don’t want to lose those in Europe. I don’t hate Europeans; my ancestors were nearly all Europeans, perhaps one Native American mixed in there some generations ago.

  51. Flooding or bunker-buster bomb for Avoz Steel Factory?


  52. annamaria 说:
    @Badger Down

    懦夫泽先生正躲在某个地方,期待获得他新获得的财富——离岸账户上的 1.2 亿美元: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/10/4/pandora-papers-ukraine-leader-seeks-to-justify-offshore-accounts
    这个奸诈的犹太人命令所有年长的乌克兰人 18到60 被征入乌克兰军队,但 乌克兰犹太人 被疏散到以色列和欧盟国家的安全地带。 至于普通的乌克兰人,犹太人泽林斯基并不关心他们的幸福。 https://www.moonofalabama.org/2022/04/ukraine-open-thread-2022-50.html#comments

    今天早上,亚速斯塔尔的“捍卫者”获得了最后一次投降的机会,一个 5 小时的窗口。 奥洛多米尔·埃伦斯基 拒绝他们投降,现在 Azovstal 被 TU22 轰炸了。


    • 同意: Von Rho
    • 谢谢: Badger Down
    • 回复: @JWalters
  53. Z-man 说:

    As I’ve said in my famous ‘Culling’ post. 500 million negroes, 500 million South Asians, 500 million Orientals, a smattering of central and south Americans and Arabs…and of course the magic 6 million Jooz! (Evil grin)

  54. Z-man 说:

    The Jews hate white Christian Russia. The Jews own the media. CNN and Fox are the same, especially when it come to the Russian bear.

  55. Z-man 说:

    The term ‘Dumb Pollock’ can be better used to describe Ukrainian nationalists fighting the Russians now. I can see them putting up a good fight on the field or even in urban warfare, but Mariupol is lost, and they want to fight to the last man. Well, F-them, let them die.

  56. annamaria 说:

    Cookie,请查一下大饥荒期间乌克兰共产党第一书记的姓名和事迹: 拉扎尔·卡冈诺维奇,有犹太血统。卡冈诺维奇是斯大林的妹夫,也是他传闻中的继任者。

    Don’t forget also to check the names and deeds of Phillip Goloshyokin (Shaya Itsikovich, of the Goloshyokin Genocide in Kazakhstan fame), Zemlyachka (Rozalia Zalkind, the organizer of the mass murder of Russain officer corps in Crimea), Naftali Frankel (the organizer of GULAG, a network of concentration camps), Genrikh Yagoda (Yenokh Iyeguda, a sadistic boss of the Soviet secret police NKVD), Isaya Berg (an inventor and practitioner of the REAL gas chamber), and many other Jewish activists known for their unquenchable thirst for Russain (Ukrainian, Kazakh, you name it) blood.

    犹太游说团喜欢大肆宣扬苏联的反犹太主义,但事实与部落的谎言并不相符。例如,乌克兰屠夫拉扎尔·卡冈诺维奇 (Lazar Kaganovich) 一直住在莫斯科的特权公寓里,享年 90 多岁。

    • 回复: @Cookie
  57. @follyofwar

    Well, cheer up. The dems obviously stole the election, are doing really bad in the polls, and trust in the MSM is low. A faltering economy is a very difficult situation for an incumbent party to prosper in – Dominion cooked elections or not.

    • 回复: @follyofwar
  58. “For Zelensky and Nato their personal treason is allowing this war to be fought right down to the very last Ukrainian.”

    ohh nonsense. Clearly, “to the last Ukrainian” is a misnomer intended for emotional import. And ofcourse the tragedy of war for those involved ia always wrenching.

    And while I have warm ambracefor Nazis. And cannot support same relational conduct or anyrthing akin to stripping scripture of it meaning, in the end. the tragedy is solely the fault of Russian invasion.

    And its clear that the civil conflict alsohas tragic consequence, upon reading the russian role in hindering peaceful settlemnent, there’s no reason to take any accusations against ukraine’s failure seriouly – though a million voices do so.

    • 巨魔: White Noise
  59. Rooster14 说:

    我们即将在一个大型家庭聚会上前往复活节。 毫无疑问,我们将听到普京如何对通货膨胀负责,以及昨晚有关新闻的内容。 人们会反刍他们在新闻中听到的任何内容,以表明他们有多“见多识广”。 关于美国迟早会介入,然后他会后悔的,也会有很多虚张声势!......但没有想过会发生核战争,因为他们对两个月前一无所知的国家。 就像你说的那样,吞下 Covid 叙事钩子、台词和坠子的人已经证明,他们真的会相信电视告诉他们的任何事情。

    • 同意: Robjil
    • 谢谢: follyofwar
  60. RawDaddy 说:

    我没有经常在 Unz Review 上发表评论,但这篇文章我至少要感谢你们成为我们其他人的眼睛和耳朵。 你的勇敢值得赞扬。 谢谢

  61. 伍迪·格思里:

    I would like to see every single soldier on every single side, just take off your helmet, unbuckle your kit, lay down your rifle, and set down at the side of some shady land, and say,
    Nope, I aint a gonna kill nobody.
    大量的 rich folks wants to fight.
    Give them the guns.

    -Woody Guthrie

    • 谢谢: IreneAthena
    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @Curmudgeon
  62. @Jake Dee

    我当然感谢您的评论和断言,并感谢您的评论。 然而,作为对约翰麦戈文和你对他和赞美教堂的善意研究的礼貌,让我有资格。

    作为一名道士,我认识到所有宗教所提供的好与坏。 在这个系列中,我目睹的适用于许多西方/基督教援助组织的虚伪本身就是一个故事。 然而,在我通常的仔细检查下,约翰以他的真诚和奉献精神体现了良好的一面,尤其是在他对所有其他观点的克制方面。 我们吃了两个小时的晚餐,我可以证明这一点,因为我不容易留下深刻的印象。

    他与 Faith Chapel 的全球网络给了他很多人脉,因为他值得尊重。 詹姆斯不是在约翰的指导下,而是确实是他影响的弟子,而是在其他有军事关系的人的指导下行事。 他是赞美教堂分会的成员,也是约翰的好朋友。 与您提供的相反的优秀历史参考不同,我不认为约翰除了帮助他人而不考虑个人教派之外,在他的工作或意图中没有邪恶的一面。

    感谢您对这个正在进行的系列的评论和客气话。 BR-T。

    • 回复: @Jake Dee
  63. GMC 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    Personally I’d use napalm and chemical warfare on them . It’s a small area full of Nazis and Nazi partners and if the civilians are out of the way – f…it. Since no one else in the World is concerned about the 300 US BioWeapons labs in the world, the 2 dozen in Ukraine etc. – and the US gave chemical weapons to Saddam to use on the Iranians – let’s up the fear factor for those ” Novi Nato” countries that are dying to join.

    Start with the napalm and use CS before you switch to the real stuff , send a message to the Nazis that the real stuff is on it’s ways and let Nazi EU sweat it out. And if the EU doesn’t want to pay for the gaz it has stolen already – add a little CS to your pipelines before you shut down.

    People don’t realize how evil the West is – this covid killing fields isn’t over yet and enslavement is just around the corner. The Red Army was feared in the end because they were fed up and went ballistic on the Germans and others. Police Actions in a neighboring country that wants your people dead – doesn’t make it – The New Testament guys can’t beat the Old Testament guys unless you force yourself to play by the Old Testament rules. If this is your bag. I read the bible.


  64. gT 说:

    这是什么犹太宣传? 数以千计的乌克兰人,无论是否与俄罗斯结盟,都快死了,但采访了一个有着哭泣故事的犹太人。 不错的触感也带来了愚蠢的金色手表。 应该问谦虚的祖父他有多少不同的护照。

  65. @Dumbo

    Better yet! Why not let the west country be part of Poland and the east side of the Dniper be a part of Russia? Problem solved!

  66. Jake Dee 说:
    @Brett Redmayne-Titley

    正如我之前提到的,我不能断言任何事情都是事实,我只是在猜测。 但是,假设性地说,如果我遇到一位我怀疑从那里接受指示或金钱的基督教传道者 任何 国家的秘密部门,即使是出于善意,我也会向他们推荐这两部圣经;

    他们给他带来了一分钱。 又对他们说,这像和题是谁的呢? 他们对他说,凯撒的。
    然后他对他们说,所以把属于凯撒的东西还给凯撒。 上帝的东西归上帝。
    马太福音 22, 20-21



    • 回复: @Emslander
  67. Desert Fox 说:

    This war was started with the zionist Nuland led coup in Kiev in 2014, the blood of the war is on zionists hands, just like the wars in the middle east which was destroyed for Israels greater Israel agenda.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  68. Cking 说:

    Has anyone read or viewed the plan to establish a new state of Israel in Ukraine? Is it possible, that we live with the threat of unleashing nuclear war because of the cabal in and around the DNC/MSM Regime are actually working for Israel’s interests? All to be accomplished with America’s blood and treasure and the devastation of Europe.

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  69. Emslander 说:
    @Jake Dee


  70. E_Perez 说:

    俄罗斯迅速将部队调往边境,并在 24 月 XNUMX 日发动袭击,先发制人。

    俄罗斯先发制人? 嗯,有趣。


  71. follyofwar 说:

    That is exactly the point I was trying to make. While parliamentary countries, for example, can at least have no confidence votes, and force snap elections, this country’s stale 18th century Constitution permits nothing on the national level but voting for either Tweedle-dee or Tweedle-dum once every 4 years. It won’t matter much if the republicans sweep the midterms or not. They promise to keep expanding the war on Russia – only do so more competently. As I said, the sick Biden regime, led by the nose by Jewish neocons, can lead the world into nuclear holocaust, and nothing (legally) can be done to stop it.

  72. Joe Wong 说:

    Are you asserting facts yourself too? The author was in the area, may have found the facts and did not mention the details, but by comparison, you definitely are trying to spread disinformation by allegations without basis.

    • 同意: David Homer
    • 回复: @Verymuchalive
  73. 当我放纵自己的想象力时,我会让俄罗斯人等到饥饿的亚速斯塔尔守军开始互相吃掉,然后再让他们投降。

    对每个他的恶毒,扭曲的自己。 当我放纵我的想象力时,我会让战争国家崩溃,取而代之的是华盛顿总统在他精彩的告别演说中阐述的新的(或者更确切地说是旧的)外交政策模式:

    在执行这样一个计划时,最重要的是排除对特定国家的永久、根深蒂固的反感和对其他国家的热情依恋; 并且,代替他们,应该培养对所有人的公正和友好的感情。

    对另一个人怀有习惯性仇恨或习惯性喜爱的民族在某种程度上是奴隶。 它是仇恨或感情的奴隶,其中任何一种都足以导致它偏离其职责和利益。 一个国家对另一个国家的反感使每个国家都更容易进行侮辱和伤害,抓住轻微的不满情绪,并且在偶然或微不足道的争端发生时变得傲慢和顽固。

    因此,频繁的碰撞、顽固、毒辣、血腥的较量。 国家在恶意和怨恨的推动下,有时会迫使政府与政府作战,这与政策的最佳计算背道而驰。 政府有时会参与到国家的倾向中,并通过热情采纳理性会拒绝的东西; 在其他时候,它使国家的敌意屈从于由骄傲、野心和其他险恶和有害的动机所煽动的敌对计划。 和平常常,有时也许是国家的自由,一直是受害者。

    我不希望任何人,无论是乌克兰人还是俄罗斯人,经历战争的恐怖。 但乌克兰在欧洲。 让乌克兰人、俄罗斯人和欧洲人弄清楚。 与此同时,欧洲人应该将美国的战争机器踢出欧洲。 全球警察大猩猩破坏了它所触及的一切。

  74. annamaria 说:
    @Desert Fox

    Agree. The vengeful and neurotic Talmudists have endangered humanity. They are helped by the eagerly collaborating fascists of alls stripes, from the Ukrainian/Canadian Banderites to the thoroughly corrupt US/NATO brass (the MIC).

    • 同意: White Noise
  75. Alfred 说:



    • 同意: GMC
  76. Alfred 说:

    泽连斯基总统顾问奥莱克西·阿雷斯托维奇 (Oleksiy Arestovych) 2019 年表示,泽连斯基很愚蠢

    “投票给具有泽伦斯基品质的人——只有彻底的白痴才能做到这一点。我想不出更好的词了,为此,我淡化了大约 20 倍的词汇来公正地表达它……”

    • 谢谢: GMC
  77. Curmudgeon 说:
    @Wade Hampton

    Well the Galicians in Western Ukraine clearly hate the ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine.

    Galicians were a problem to the Austrian Empire. They hate everybody. I live in a city with a large “Ukrainian” population. Large numbers came post WWI. The “Ruthenians” seemed to fit in well, but the “Galicians” have been on a crusade for Ukrainian “independence” for as long as I can remember. The butt heads with the Poles, Germans, and Hungarians as well.

    He readily admits to knowing of the Nazi philosophy attached to many in the Ukrainian military

    and later equates Banderists to “Nazis. There is no evidence that Bandera was a Nazi in the context of following their philosophy, and the author provides no statements as to what “Nazi philosophy” is alleged to exist in the Ukrainian military.
    The volunteer Waffen SS was composed of anti-communists from across Europe, including Sweden, Spain and Portugal. Being opposed to the communist political philosophy does not make someone a Nazi. What everyone ignores, is that the (((communist))) attempts to overthrow governments post WWI, the most obvious being in Germany and Hungary. Spain came later.
    Whether 1914 or 2014, the small hats are getting what they want. Another war to concentrate wealth.

    • 同意: Corrupt, Wade Hampton, Nancy
    • 回复: @Wade Hampton
  78. @GMC

    Reports are that your “Nazis” are not allowed to surrender even so they do not seem to have a chance.
    Cui bono? Who wants the Nazis dead apart from you?
    Well, the ZionLendSki regime for sure:
    The enclosed have no chance and are forced to stay in there by threatening commandos as the reports go from those that did manage to escape.
    The biggest opposition to the Jewkrainia regime must be by now in those tunnels beneath Asowstal.
    ZionLendSki & the Jewnighted States of Israhell have already killer commandos going around in the Ukraina and in Russia too.
    Russia could very well have several interests in getting the enclosed out alive, e.g. because they could very well be Russia’s most potential defector’s for the new Russian friendly Ukraina. And the NATO scum in there, especially the American hound dogs, are very important to show to the world too. I hope Russia gets this US general alive. Would that not be a beauty to contend with? Maybe he is the reason for the imprisonment of the leading opposition leader in Kiew, whose party had a majority and was prohibited by the Jew. No one needs this war apart from the Jew (and Jewmerican army scum).

    Does burning people alive not have a very particular and very bad American taste?
    Napalm sticks to the skin. Death by burning must be one of the worst, if not the worst.
    I am sure American phantasy is able to come up with a death even more inhuman as burning alive.
    Wake up Millstone, because that cant be you. Спасибо.

    • 回复: @GMC
  79. Anonymous[106]• 免责声明 说:

    1. The God-damned war is not a mere 50 or so days old. It started in February of 2014 with the American-instigated putsch. The killing has gone on, mostly by Ukrainians against ethnic Russians, for the entire eight years.

    2. The American intel agencies who manipulate every goddam move that the Ukies have ever made both before and since the coup sure picked the most diabolical, but appropriate Ukie president for their purposes. He is truly the man who will gladly fight the war to the last Ukrainian because THEY ARE NOT HIS PEOPLE and he does not give a goddam about any of them. Moreover, HIS people have a longstanding grudge against Russians, because they managed to take back THEIR country from HIS people.

    Let both of those points sink in and you will understand why this is gleefully allowed, rather caused, to happen by the global American manipulators, who are also Zelensky’s people.

    • 回复: @Corrupt
  80. Curmudgeon 说:

    That was tried in the Christmas Truce of 1914. (((They))) were horrified peace might break out.

  81. R2b 说:

    文章很长,没时间看。 羡慕所有能做到的人。
    Ukie 一方和他们所有的雇佣兵经常表现得令人作呕。
    RT 关闭了有关普京周围荒谬故事的报纸报道,以及俄罗斯正在失败的报道,当事实相反时,一切都在准备大假旗!

  82. @GMC

    Ukrainian soldier telling the PornoSkanko where to get:

    A Uki Nazi asking for peace from the evil Jew:

    犹太人的 UA 正在慢慢地但肯定会被空中和大炮磨损:

    Overall very sorry for the misled people. It is very sad:

    “来自美国特种部队退伍军人的电子邮件; 乌克兰有 500 名美国黑水雇佣兵?”

    • 谢谢: GMC
  83. Corrupt 说:

    “Western Ukraine and Eastern Ukraine appear to hate each other.
    Make two countries.”

    The same comparison could be made between Chechnya and Russia. Why didn’t Russia let Chechnya retain its independence? I have no use for the Russian apologists here, and given the choice between a dead Russian and a dead Ukrainian, I would prefer to see a lifeless Russian, regardless of the reasons for the initiation of this war.

    • 巨魔: White Noise
  84. Corrupt 说:

    “The God-damned war is not a mere 50 or so days old. It started in February of 2014 with the American-instigated putsch. The killing has gone on, mostly by Ukrainians against ethnic Russians, for the entire eight years.”

    错误的。 它实际上开始于大约 90 年前,当时俄罗斯人对乌克兰人实施种族灭绝。

    • 同意: Wizard of Oz
    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Von Rho
    , @annamaria
  85. @Jake Dee

    上世纪 90 年代掸邦起义期间,我在泰缅边境认识了 FBR/David Eubank。正如你所说,远比表面上看到的要多得多。


    • 谢谢: Sarah
  86. @Joe Wong

    He; The author may have learned the truth of both these assertions after the fact.

    Me: He doesn’t say so

    Straightforward reading of the article. Nowhere does he mention that he learned the truth of his assertions afterwards.

    Me: He just asserts.


    Joe Wong, you’d make a terrible lawyer.

    • 巨魔: Olivier1973
  87. hank jr 说:

    As long as that 4-6 billion contains the people currently in positions of power all around the world.

  88. Anonymous[106]• 免责声明 说:

    So you say. In reality, everyone in the entire region suffered from the crop failures and food shortages surrounding the turmoil of WWI, the Bolshevik revolution and the invasion by the West, including the United States. Ukraine was in a position of privilege for the entire existence of the Soviet Union. It was developed as the industrial center. Several of its native born became the premier of the entire freekin’ Soviet Union, including the Khruschev mischief maker who left this legacy of Crimea by “gifting” it to the Ukies who never lived there nor developed it. Once Ukraine finally got its only independence in all of history after the fall of the Soviet state, it completely screwed the pooch and collapsed its economy because of all the rampant corruption in that pseudo-nation, population by a nearly equal number of Russians. All it knew how to do in the energy sector was to steal gas from the Russians and bellyache about the unfairness of it all when the Ukies, in fact, were the free riders–as always. Totally loathsome country and entirely disreputable people. If the West didn’t want to use it as a cudgel against Russia, it would have disintegrated years ago, with its component parts given back to the original owners. Ergo, you are full of shit.

    • 不同意: Wizard of Oz
    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  89. Von Rho 说:

    你应该说 50 年前,当西方领导人谈论本可以拯救世界的绝妙节育措施时。 不幸的是,他们缺乏将这一点与非白人结合起来。 现在为时已晚。

    • 回复: @Corrupt
  90. Von Rho 说:

    俄罗斯人没有对任何人进行种族灭绝。 这都是乡巴佬传教士所做的宣传(请注意,“Holomodor”在他们俗气的耳朵里听起来像是一个邪恶的亚述国王)。 1930 年代的饥荒遍及全球,甚至在美国也是如此。 由于股市崩盘,农作物减产,贫困等。

    • 哈哈: Corrupt
    • 巨魔: Wizard of Oz
  91. @Corrupt

    Why didn’t Russia let Chechnya retain its independence?

    First of all because it did not have it then. It could have been granted, but the Chechens being a proud people decided to take it, instead of asking for it.

    On 6 September 1991, militants of the All-National Congress of the Chechen People stormed a session of the Supreme Soviet of the Checheno-Ingush Autonomous Republic, with the aim of asserting independence. The storming caused the death of the head of Grozny’s branch of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, who was defenestrated or fell while trying to escape.


    The Chechens came in and grabbed that man, and threw him out of the window. This was the reason for the war that then followed.

  92. annamaria 说:

    You are quite an insistent apologist of the Judeo-Nazis.

    You feign total ignorance of the Jewish origin of Bolshevism in the Russian Empire. This is what makes you so obvious. You are a committed hasbarist.

    Your vengeful genocidal tribe has produced the worst traitors and sadists.
    Jacob Schiff, Jewish-American Bankster (affiliated with the Rothschilds) was the personal sponsor of Bronstein-Trotsky.
    Your Lazar Kaganovich was the butcher of Ukraine (see Holodomor).
    Your Frenkel was an executioner of hundreds of thousands of prisoners in Soviet concentration camps under his supervision.
    Your sadistic Rozalia Zalkind organized a mass slaughter of the Russian officer corps.
    Your homosexual monstrosity Phillip Goloshyokin (born Shaya Itsikovich) was in charge of the extermination of some 40% of all Kazakhs, an event known as the Goloshyokin Genocide.

    It is your tribe that committed (or attempted to commit) the genocide against all its hosts, whether Persians (Iranians), Spaniards, Germans, or Russians. The nonchalant Americans are the next. This is why your tribe has been expelled from all countries it came in to reside.

    • 谢谢: White Noise
    • 回复: @Corrupt
  93. aandrews 说:


  94. @Badger Down

    应该有某种尾声,因为导弹以超音速飞行,沿其路径产生压力波(亚音速物体不会)。 在物体经过后,这种压力波会撞击观察者,但会持续一段时间。


  95. @Commentator Mike

    有些人在看到许多犯罪和恐怖之后保持(甚至增加)他们的敏感性。 其他人变得麻木和艰难。

    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  96. Anonymous[357]• 免责声明 说:

    I have to agree. This article is supergay, all that “looking into men’s eyes”. It’s like a rough trade travelog.

  97. @Curmudgeon

    Thanks, Curmudgeon. My limited knowledge of 20th Century German history leads me to believe that a lot of the German support for Hitler’s NSDAP was due to simple opposition to the small-hat-dominated Communist Partei. Nobody wanted to have those people rule over them and the NSDAP was the only alternative at the time. (Nobody wants those people to rule over them today.)

    It is perverse that today it is the small-hats who dominate the Ruling Class and therefore American foreign policy. The Galicians who allied themselves with the NSDAP in the 1940s to oppose small-hat Russian Communism now find themselves allied with the small-hat dominated American State Department against the Christian Russian Federation.

    Today the Galicians today have zero agency. They are completely the tools of State Department small-hats Victoria Nudelman and Anthony Blinken. These people are willing to fight to the last Galician to achieve their goals.

    And what are their goals? Maybe to concentrate wealth. But I think the overriding goal is to destroy Western Christendom and replace it with Globohomo (globalist and homosexual) culture, i.e. to destroy the Goyim.

    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  98. @GMC


    • 回复: @GMC
  99. Lurch685 说:


    • 回复: @anon
  100. Dumbo 说:

    The Chechens seem to be OK being part of Russia now. At least from the few videos I saw of Chechen soldiers. They seem to be having fun in this war. Perhaps the only ones…

    I’d rather not see anyone dead, thank you.

    And honestly I don’t see much difference between being an “Ukrainian” apologist or a “Russian” apologist. They are in many ways similar people. Arguably, being an Ukrainian apologist is worse — because the Ukrainians are obviously just being used by the West. As someone said in some other place, the Euros, and in particular the Anglos, will never see the Ukrainians as “fellow Europeans”, they are just seen as dumb Slavs (and the Jews probably see them as Untermenschen or worse). That’s why the particular nationalism of Azov is quite stupid. They kill other Slavs in other not to feel like Slavs, I guess.

    • 回复: @Corrupt
  101. Bottolini 说:


    在几天的时间里,普京在乌克兰的 200 年反波兰宣传(来自奥地利、德国、俄罗斯和苏联俄罗斯的)蒸发了。 他带领乌克兰人拿起武器对抗他们所谓的俄罗斯兄弟,以保卫他们的国家。 乌克兰人现在正在做波兰人在 1920 年波苏战争期间所做的事情,当时很少有乌克兰人愿意与红军作战。 如果没有乌克兰的“兄弟国家”,俄罗斯帝国的日子就屈指可数了。 对普京来说不幸的是,中国总参谋部正在关注这一切。

    德国和俄罗斯真正想要的是回到他们过去的美好时光,即俾斯麦掌权的时候。 以波兰和东欧所有其他小国为代价的良好的德俄帝国友谊。 换句话说,德俄共管公寓。 这一直是普京对德国的提议,默克尔全心全意接受,与俄罗斯一起在波罗的海之滨修建天然气管道。 幸运的是,以牺牲德国和俄罗斯的新帝国利益为代价,加速推进东欧一体化进程可以挫败这些计划。

    英国和美国现在看到,挫败默克尔和普京联合建立德俄共管计划的最佳方式是让未来统一的东欧“再次伟大”。 那就是 *确切地* 为什么普京现在入侵乌克兰。 去年白俄罗斯的示威活动在他邪恶的帝国头脑中敲响了所有警钟。 一个强大而统一的东欧——旧波兰联邦以某种新形式复活——是德国和俄罗斯最可怕的噩梦。

    普京也犯了与斯大林完全相同的错误。 正如希特勒的目光牢牢盯着俄罗斯,尤其是乌克兰的肥沃土地——正如他在私人谈话中所说,德国相当于英国的印度——今天的中国领导人的目光也牢牢盯着所有的生存空间。暂时由少数俄罗斯人拥有。 得出的结论是显而易见的。 当第一枚导弹发射时,看看谁最终让谁感到惊讶将会很有趣。


  102. Art 说:



    • 同意: Decoy
    • 回复: @Amon
  103. @meamjojo

    the corporations will soon grant your wish i fear. as the corporations have these systems with feet they call robots and chemicals they label covid and gene edits they call vaccines. The robots are for the Oligarchs to make money not for saving those condemned by the need for more corporate profits.

    No grave is required for the dead and gone robot, but we are out of burial space for useless outdated humans. Be careful though, robots, unlike humans, are brave and might self program morality, sufficient to rescue humanity from the clutches of global monopoly powered corporations.

    Putin asked what good is a world if there is no Russia.. and your posts suggest to ask “what good is a world if there is no humanity.. ” ?

  104. @meamjojo

    “We can afford to lose 4-6 billion easily. The world will be a better place with less humans.”

    With perhaps one person in a thousand being human and the remainder still animals you wouldn’t have much improvement.

    Man appears to be the missing link between anthropoid apes and human beings. – Konrad Lorenz

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  105. Cookie 说:





  106. @Bottolini

    瓶装葡萄酒:虽然知识渊博,但你的评估要么是(1 一个情报特工访问他有限的聚会场所,要么(2 一个可萨黑手党或(3. 一个波拉克民族团结主义者。

    Anyhow, what would be wrong with a Russian-German consortium. Such a denouement would be the utter ruin of the crumbling petro-dollar and the long overdue destruction of NATO. As for the bit-role players in east-central Europe—they are highly likely to be allowed to stew in their own juices. Perhaps there will be some re-drawing of boundaries, but nothing quite so drastic as 1945.

    One thing for certain, a partial re-establishment of Bismarck’s Drei Kaiser’s Bund would bring a level of stability to continental Europe such as it has not enjoyed for nearly 150 years. Thankfully, the mangy old lion would be frozen out and its egregious elites would be taken down a number of notches. Who knows, maybe Britain would experience a populist revolt and the entire moldy infrastructure disestablished. Perhaps even City of London would be demolished.

  107. @Bottolini


    无论如何,普京在他的使命中团结了俄罗斯人民,以拯救他们在顿巴斯的俄罗斯兄弟并击退加利西亚的 Globohomo 入侵者。 他在俄罗斯的支持率高达 80% 左右,高得不可思议。 Oanda 的卢布兑 80 美元汇率为 XNUMX,或多或少与特别军事行动之前的汇率相同。

    普京拥有这种认可水平,因为他的公民知道他爱他们并想保护他们。 美国会不会有这样的总统。

    • 同意: annamaria
  108. @Horus

    Yeah, but it’s called “a thousand yard stare”; not a “thousand mile stare”. As untold authors have suggested: write what you know. When you stray from what you know, you come across as inauthentic at best.

  109. @Thor Walhovd

    So true. Ask the typical US consumer of that propaganda if he had complaints about the violence in Ukraine in 2014, and he will give you a blank stare. Maybe that’s because he hadn’t heard of the place before it became fashionable winter 2022 to superimpose its flag on one’s social media profile photo? Or maybe also it’s because one has to chase videos like the one I’m posting from site to site until one finds one where it hadn’t been taken down.

    As an American, I believe it is up to the Ukrainians to work out how to deal with the severe cultural divide between its East and West. Also as an American, I know American “representatives” like Victoria Nuland and John McCain have —- and/or in 2014 HAD— no business, that I can defend, exacerbating and taking advantage of that rift for their neoliberal/neoconservative “Project for a New American Century.”

    Link to “Ukraine on Fire” is after MORE tag.

    • 谢谢: RobinG
    • 回复: @RobinG
  110. Wokechoke 说:

    There’s an element of the Scottish Raj here. It’s worth assessing exactly what the USSR was. Brezhnev was a Ukie and Kruschev might have been. Either way Kruschev married a Galician or a Ruthenian Ukie.

  111. Wokechoke 说:

    That’s why I suggested we trim Africa and South Asia first.

    • 同意: Drapetomaniac
  112. jacknap 说:

    The East tried that and got bombed for 8 years by the West.

  113. @Cking

    After having bad-mouthed TruNews & Rick Wiles, that network is a source for documents-based discussion of the “plan to establish a new state of Israel in Ukraine.”

    It appears to be very real and to have begun to be made public at about the same time as Neocon Nuland offered (Purim?) cookies at Maidan.

    TruNews discussed the re-location plan in two Godcast episodes, on
    4月5: 摩西·泽连斯基? 穆斯林学者称犹太复国主义者将把以色列迁往乌克兰


    Started to prepare a transcript but got lost in the weeds.

    The first telecast, “Moses Zelensky?”, began with a video of Palestinian scholar Mraweh Nassar commenting (in Arabic, with subtitles) on The Plan.
    Here’s a transcript, taken from the subtitles:

    “The Jews now claim biblical Jerusalem is located in Ukraine. The Israelis have turned to the East. They now want Russia and China because America has forsaken them. (America) has told them in short: Your (zionist) project is a failure, and you are bound to come to an end — if not this year, then the next. The Americans understand that they are supporting a failed project, so (the Israelis) are looking for an alternative, which can be Russia or (China). So they would not destroy their relations with Russia or (China) over a handful of Jews. As far as they are concerned, those (Ukrainian) Jews can go to Hell.
    Even the Jews themselves, including Lieberman and Netanyahu are now convinced that Palestine cannot be the state for the Jews. So they started saying that holly Jerusalem is in Ukraine and not in Palestine. Ukraine is now the candidate to become the future Jewish state.

    Perhaps one of the reasons they instigated this war was to empty out Ukraine. The West is now convinced that the (Jewish) state is doomed, that the (zionist) enterprise has failed. What is the solution, then?

    That Israel will be adopted by Russia and China instead of by the West, or that there will be an alternate state.
    The whole world knows about the Jewish state in eastern Ukraine. I remembered that there were 43,000 (Jews) there, but now they say 200,000. It is an independent state, and they did not want to spread the word about it so they would not be told to go there rather then [sic] come to Palestine.
    Why did the holocaust really happen? Leave aside everything that is being said.
    During World War II, some of the Jews joined the Americans and the West and others joined Germany. They said, If the Germans win, we are with Germany,
    And if the West wins, we are with the West.
    Hitler found out that there were (Jewish) spies so he killed some of them. It was not hundreds of thousands like they say, These are all lies.

    They are now saying that the Temple and biblical Jerusalem are located in Ukraine and not in Palestine.
    If this does not work tomorrow they will say that they are in the Netherlands.”

    Wiles and Doc Burkhart followed up with references from several Israeli newspapers and other outlets dating back to about. 2014, in addition to comments by American Jewish ‘leaders’ from as far back as 2012.

    As usual, I got snared in a rabbit hole, tracking down Life of Jews in Ukraine which devolved into ‘Whatever happened to the Jewish project in BiroBidjan?;” the extent to which Jewish and suborned US leaders trace a pattern very similar to the provocation of WWI and WWII with consequent destruction of several nations, peoples and cultures to achieve their Palestine-based FataMorgan, etc.

    My tentative conclusions are that: The Palestinian scholar may be engaged in wishful thinking. (I wonder if Taxi at Platos Gunscan be coaxed. out of “Hiatus” to offer insight on this?)

    It seems entirely consistent with zionist practice to pursue such a plan, but I do not believe for an instant that Jews intend to give up zionized Palestine and relocate to Ukraine; they’ll try to take both.

    • 谢谢: Cking
  114. anon[300]• 免责声明 说:


    Kept thinking the writer was trying too hard to be stylistic and not hard enough at “just the facts, ma’am.”

    And I could have done without the poor pathetic Jewish victim, but that was a novel touch — haven’t seen anything like that in the last 20 minutes.
    JD 提出了一个重要的见解。

    • 同意: Arthur MacBride
  115. dcouzin 说:
    @Badger Down

    The error with “scream in” is worse than that about the quality of the sound. To scream IN means that from the receiving point a scream is heard during the arrival. With Mach 5.5, nothing is heard with the arrival. (With luck — not having been destroyed by the arrival — a sound is heard after the arrival, hardly a screaming in.)

    • 回复: @DevilAdvocate
  116. MotGOD 说:





    现实情况是,不是在 72 小时或更短的时间内赢得战争(记住这一点,哈哈)?迄今为止,俄罗斯人取得的成就很少,但失去的却很多。







    俄罗斯人最好承认自己犯了一个大错误,停火撤退并支付赔款,而不是张大嘴发出核威胁,直到可怕的“全球主义邪恶势力”将虚假的核武器拳头放入熊的大嘴中,然后进行核灭绝敲门。 - 出击。



    • 巨魔: Olivier1973
  117. Amon 说:

    你在那里是因为你的政府已经表现得如此糟糕,它需要一场全球战争,很可能是一场核战争,来摧毁整个全球经济体系,这样它就可以消除它所拥有的 200 多万亿美元的总债务并重新开始。 https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/total-us-government-debt-is-200-trillion-debt-clock-ticking-to-next-crisis/



  118. JWalters 说:

    Completely agree. I turned on the radio today and immediately heard the BBC lying about Mariupal. I thought of George Orwell. Same for NPR a bit later. Only general conclusions and no specific facts. Their sources are “Ukrainian officials” and “American officials”.

    Here’s another source with videos from the ground, detailed documentaries, and wide ranging discussion.

  119. JWalters 说:




  120. profnasty 说:

    Ha ha ha. Now they know how the Germans felt. Once again Z leads US into a despicable dirty war.

  121. JWalters 说:
    @Badger Down

    Zelensky is probably on the side of the Talmud Mafia in the City of London and Wall Street. They are probably experiencing “record profits”. Seems to happen with every war and/or economic crisis.

    • 同意: annamaria
  122. profnasty 说:

    你我都知道特鲁多、巴菲特、盖茨、索罗斯,所有的犹太亿万富翁都是魔鬼的儿子。 他们甚至让我们谈论他们。 因为他们知道在这种情况下谈话毫无价值。

  123. @Bottolini

    Ok we get it that there’s an endless supply of kike trolls like you around here…

    But quality will always win, not quantity…

    The main gift of Putin to the world will be the final defeat of the kike tribe… In the company of their equally vile boot-licking minions…


  124. @MotGOD

    And quite another kike troll… you, motgod (god of what filth, exactly?)

    This place is full of expert military strategists, apparently 😀

    Let’s see if your masters will keep paying your meager troll salary after the Ukinazis get obliterated en masse 🙂

  125. annamaria 说:

    Your post can be only qualified as “shilling for Zio-Nazis.” https://thesaker.is/gonzalo-lira-is-missing/ The SBU [Security Service of Ukraine] is the SS of Zelensky, and is conducted by the CIA, killing and torturing “pro-Russians” and political opponents.

    American Judeo-Nazis have been collaborating with local Ukrainian Nazis since 2014. It was the representative of the Kagans’ clan of rabid Zionists and warmongers, who had established the open collaboration with Banderites (self-proclaimed Ukrainian Nazis) in 2014. For the long eight years, the zionized US government has been encouraging the Banderites to murder the pro-federalists living in eastern Ukraine while, at the same time, prohibiting their puppets-in-presidency to implement the Minsk agreements that would stop immediately the civil war.

    在与俄罗斯的犹太战争中,美国犹太纳粹分子将愚蠢的班德利特人用作攻城锤。 犹太化的美国政府通过在乌克兰境内维持非法生物武器实验室犯下了严重罪行。 在这些生物实验室中,美国专家对当地人群进行了非人类实验。

    至于所谓的波兰人和匪徒之间的兄弟情谊,沃林尼亚大屠杀并没有被遗忘。 等待乌克兰的 Zio-Nazis 从波兰人那里得到当之无愧的道德教训。
    The Banderites are currently admired by Jews. Do you know why? – And for how long?

    • 回复: @Olivier1973
    , @Bottolini
  126. For your amusememt, about the lies of the presstitutes in the corporate media:

    None other than MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ Mika Brzezinski said the following words in her out-loud voice…



    “…and that is our job.“

    To which the effervescent Joe Scarborough replies:


    Watch the full clip here:

    “Elon is trying to control how people think. That is our job”. 😂😂😂 pic.twitter.com/NywLXXu8hz

    — Dave Portnoy

    PS- Is she a relative of Zbigniew Brezinzki? Oh God…

    • 哈哈: IreneAthena
  127. RobinG 说:

    Thanks for posting the link to UKRAINE ON FIRE. And I also agree with @Thor Walhovd, to vote Republican or Democrat is to want blood on your hands. (So what to do, alas? @Realist seems to think pitchforks are in order… just like Ukraine, eh?) But then you wrote,

    As an American, I believe it is up to the Ukrainians to work out how to deal with….

    Can’t agree there. It’s way beyond where they’re capable of dealing. Nuland and McCain were only the face of much bigger players, and the game’s been running since 1951. (CIA Operation Aerodynamic.) The deNazification must proceed, and succeed.

    • 回复: @IreneAthena
    , @Spanky
  128. Anon[336]• 免责声明 说:

    Best coverage I’ve found of the situation on the ground in Eastern Khazaria with independent journalist Patrick Lancaster, excellent 1st hand coverage.

    His subs have jumped from around 80K to 400K in a mere 3 weeks.


    • 同意: RobinG, Commentator Mike
    • 回复: @Wielgus
  129. @SolontoCroesus

    I rather think that if you consult your Talmud, that you will find that the whole Earth belongs to Yahweh’s darlings.

  130. @Wade Hampton

    If the USA ceases to be global hegemon, Israel will be forced to treat the Palestinians like fellow human beings, cease attacking their neighbours and operating a global Murder Incorporated and various heinous industries like human organ trafficking. Jewish economic crime might be reined in, too. So this is a fight to the death to protect the Judaic Way of Life. Next stop-the Samson Option. How is ?elensky so sure that ‘Russia’ will use nukes in Ukraine?

  131. Athena 说:

    Azov backed by US-Canada NATO since 2014:

    Oleksiy Arestovych, advisor to Zelenski:

  132. Athena 说:



    ”As Freeland highlights, Canada has nurtured ultranationalist forces who vehemently oppose relations between Ukraine and Russia.

    The Canadian military directly assisted the Ukrainian far right. In June 2018 Canada’s military attaché in Kiev, Colonel Brian Irwin, met privately with officers from the Azov battalion, which uses the Nazi “Wolfsangel” symbol and praises officials who helped slaughter Jews and Poles during World War II. Rather than express public disagreement with their views, Canadian military officials sought to manage any potential public relations fallout from at least two meetings, which included Azov representatives boasting about their Canadian support. A September report from an institute at George Washington University revealed that the far-right Centuria also boasted about being trained by some of the 200 Canadian troops in the Ukraine. The report detailed Centuria members making Nazi salutes, praising SS units and promoting white supremacy.

    Canadian training of the Ukrainian military, including the far right, assisted Kyiv in ignoring its obligations under the Minsk agreements designed to overcome the violence and division caused by the ouster of Yanukovych in 2014. Negotiated by France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine, Minsk I and II proposed a more federalist Ukrainian politics to end the war in the Donbas region. Ostensibly, the Canadian government supported Minsk II, which was unanimously endorsed by the United Nations Security Council. But in practice Ottawa built up a Ukrainian security apparatus that blocked its implementation.”

    • 回复: @Curmudgeon
  133. @RobinG

    Sure, it’s just that I don’t trust the US state Department or its military to accomplish that De-Nazification of which you speak, since—curiously—it was the Zion-controlled US who trained and funded those Nazis to help accomplish the de-Ukrainization of Ukraine in the first place.

    The Jewish Zelensky may be happy to tolerate Nazis in Ukraine, and the US neocons/neoliberals will will continue to fund them, precisely until most of the inhabitants have become refugees. The MidEast has been a rough neighborhood for the Zionists. There’s been talk of a relocation for years.

    • 同意: White Noise
    • 回复: @RobinG
  134. @SolontoCroesus

    The only place for the “Chosen”—Jews who are incapable of living with others unless as predatorial parasites—is the currently rather inhospitable northwest corner of Australia—essentially a land without a people for a people without a land. Financial arrangements to pay off the few people living there will be quite adequate with the Tribe controlling most of the planet’s money supply, gold and diamonds.

    • 同意: White Noise
    • 回复: @White Noise
  135. RobinG 说:

    What a weird reply. Surely you didn’t think I was referring to the US state Department or its military, lol. Ахьмад Сила! Путин Сила!!

    • 回复: @IreneAthena
  136. 我承认,我爱上了一个已婚女人!欧洲议会议员克莱尔·戴利和米克·华莱士坐在她旁边。

    她大力反对美国/北约向乌克兰注入更多武器的计划。运行大约一分钟左右......一个火热的爱尔兰莱西,她脱口而出以下内容; “历史告诉我们,制裁并不能结束军事冲突。他们不会帮助拯救生命。向乌克兰投入的武器越多,战争就会持续得越久。您让我恶心”

    参观 https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Russia-Warns-US-Over-Irresponsible-Arms-Supplies-to-Ukraine--20220416-0002.html 然后向下滚动文章页面到 Sphithiphithi Evaluator @_AfricanSoil 的推文

    • 谢谢: IreneAthena
  137. @emerging majority

    They should be sent to a deserted island and imprisoned there forever…. Would-be escapees shot on the spot…

    There they can practice their parasitism among themselves

    • 回复: @Anon
  138. @MotGOD


  139. @annamaria

    The SBU [Security Service of Ukraine] is the SS of Zelensky, and is conducted by the CIA

    The SBU is the Gestapo; the Azov, Aidar, Donbas, C14 battalions are the SS troops; Yelenski (the letter Z is forbidden now in Banderastan) is a puppet on a string (aka a clown, a dirty clown).

    • 同意: annamaria
  140. GMC 说:
    @Kurt Knispel

    My comment could be taken only one way Kurt. I am that old man that lost some of his family and friends and I personally, live in a village that was once controlled by the Nazis in WW II. Any of us – Here- could be the old man.

    And yes I want revenge for what the Demons have done in Mariupol and other villages, as much as I want revenge for what the West has done to the world As far as any thought that Zelinsky and the rest will go to prison is a long shot – they wil head to and be protected by the West at all costs.

    Militarily, unless these Nazis are stupid and out in the open , the napalm will be a psych drop = the smell. The CS is military grade tear gas and this is for the irritant and to give the western newsies something to cry about – after they find out it’s tear gas, Russia can show photos of US POlice using the same on peaceful protesters.

    Using real Biological chemical bombs would be better than losing more Russian soldiers than need be. We are not dealing with humans anymore , we are dealing with a Demonic Cabal and that my friend = No F…n Rules. Only agenda is to save the Nation and Russia is under attack by more than 40 countries. 40 against 1 – sort like what the ” old man ” faced.

    I remember an old Vietnamese man that lived between Vinh Long and CanTho in the rice fields. I would see him from time to time when I would drive to our outpost { B company} next to a small ROK base. He had an M-14 with him everytime I saw him and never though nothing of it since he lived there. He was protecting his village and that stuck with me ever since.

    • 同意: White Noise
    • 回复: @Kurt Knispel
  141. GMC 说:

    That’s a valid point – D A. I’m just thinking about how many Russian soldiers are going to die , taking out those Demons, down in the 4 level town below the steel mill. This is not the CuChi tunnels in Nam , this system has probably been fortified and is a base camp { my opinion}. I’ll assume all passports and personal info has been burned by now, so their tattoos will be worth some evidence. And the West doesn’t care if Russia has their people – we are dealing with stone cold killers from a Demonic Cabal – same as the Covid 19 Fauci Cabal. Plus, the western media will cover it all up anyways.

    Nope, kill those Demons fast and use anything you want – and spare the Russian lives. Period.

    • 回复: @DevilAdvocate
  142. @skrik

    As far as I am led to believe
    your talking about a very large underground complex
    there are 8 underground levels and tens of miles of tunnels
    they have extensive supplies starving them could take years

  143. Anonymous[271]• 免责声明 说:

    This writer is gonna get himself killed. Way too naive. Even a decrepit jew got him hoodwinked in no time with the usual tale of jewish victimhood. There’s at least 6 million similar tales in that particular bag of tricks at any point in time.

    Also, it’s called the “thousand-yard stare” and you can’t get it online. Not really.

  144. Wondering why I just cannot dismiss the persistent thought of “CIA” ref this article ?
    Such a tearjerker … the emotion …

    • 回复: @GMC
  145. Wielgus 说:

    Meanwhile Gonzalo Lira seems to have disappeared. He may have gone offline as a precaution but it is also possible he was arrested by the SBU.

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  146. @Wielgus

    What was he thinking? You have to know when to keep your head down. Especially in wartime.

    • 回复: @Wielgus
    , @Wielgus
  147. I don’t think this hand waving poseur deserves tobe taken as relying unvarnished truths but I shall read at least one more of his effusion to try and work out where he’s coming from.

    It is telling that, with all that weeping over videos – gaydar perhaps – he has not posted the evidence. Let’s see those videos.

    To understand what’s been happening in Ukraine forget the ridiculous talk of Nazis 75 years after WW2 and recognise that the key is to understand Putin the KGB/autocrat/kleptocrat who has taken advantage of Russians cultural weaknesses.

    Try this from several years ago. Quite encouraging when one has to listen to Sleepy Jo.

    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  148. GMC 说:
    @Arthur MacBride

    And if you are correct A M – I hope they read my comments on what I would do to their buddies in Mariupol.Of course in reality , those guys in the steel mill mean nothing to them. My last email from America stated that everyone is backing Ukraine and Zelinsky is a Hero. Aren’t Heroes are supposed to save people ?

    • 回复: @Arthur MacBride
  149. Bottolini 说:


    • 巨魔: White Noise
    • 回复: @annamaria
  150. @GMC

    It can only be hoped, GMC, that those of Azov and their spiritual “nazi” brethren around the western world can wake up to just (((who))) they are serving.
    Azov members spilling their blood, vile tortures, biolabs in order to help their Jew leaders clear their country and make way for another Eretz Israel.

    Fighting/killing in order to be displaced from their homeland.

    This has been the story of us Europeans for the last 100+ years.
    Those who have tried to stop it are vilified to this day.

    • 同意: GMC
    • 回复: @annamaria
  151. Wielgus 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    Maybe the urge to bear witness overcame any urge to self-preservation. I hope he makes it, whatever has happened.

    • 同意: Spanky
    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  152. @Wielgus

    I hope he got away, and anyway I’m not one to dispense advice. If not, he made up for any failings he may have had and will be remembered as a fallen fighter for the truth.

    • 同意: Wielgus
  153. Wielgus 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    Ukrainian POWs being fed, presumably in or near Mariupol. It looks like thick soup or kasha porridge. This clip was apparently broadcast on a major Russia TV channel, evening of April 17.

    • 回复: @RobinG
  154. 乌克兰士兵挥舞乌克兰国旗嘲弄俄罗斯人

  155. @RobinG

    As an American, I was, am, and will continue to be talking about how US interference has harmed Ukraine. I haven’t criticized you for waving the Russian flag, but it is not my flag to wave.

  156. @Mike_from_Russia

    He’s a poor, propagandized, dumbed-down deluded fool. If he doesn’t start waving a white flag, he’ll most likely become worm-food over the next weeks.

  157. @GMC

    “As far as any thought that Zelinsky and the rest will go to prison is a long shot – …”

    Agree (have no agree-button) and add on (for the records):


    As you said “a long shot” but “a shot” nevertheless.
    ZionLendSki & Cons will not be able to remain in the Ukraina (for one).
    Secondly, today the RUS MoD published an official (documented) death toll: over 23,000 UA soldiers killed so far…
    Does anyone think, Russia can and/or will let the originators and perpetrators of this war get away with it?!
    For the second time in known history Russia will have to go after the main Jews at least.
    How would the Chechen losers see themselves otherwise?
    ZionLendSki hopes now to have this mess for another 10 years… (“stretching Russia”).
    The Ukraina will only come to unity and lasting peace if the “Judeo-Christians”, namely the Jews ant their Catholics are converted to Orthodoxy.
    Rome & Israhell must be cut out of the Ukraina if lasting peace is wanted.

    • 同意: GMC
  158. @GMC


    但俄罗斯在信息战方面一直处于劣势。 当他们抓住那些西方人并向所有人展示他们是谁时,我认为西方不会忽视它。 看看那个英国雇佣兵的单例,他的母亲呼吁普京人道地照顾他。
    有数百个,这将是一场精彩的表演。 特别是如果他们让他们公开承认他们所犯的罪行,以及俄罗斯人对他们的照顾程度如何。 这将与乌克兰人对待战俘的方式形成鲜明对比。
    这就解释了为什么西方拼命想把他们从马里乌波尔解救出来。 这根本不是关心他们的生活。

    • 回复: @GMC
  159. annamaria 说:



    今天的乌克兰是犹太复国主义美国的一个小复制品,但带有班德派口音。美国人普遍忽视了针对俄罗斯的犹太战争。等到腐烂的美国(被金融鱿鱼和犹太化的国大党从内部吃掉)崩溃并成为一个规范的法西斯国家,享受摩萨德批准的审讯技术以及 ZUSA 在乌克兰和其他国家尝试的其他令人惊奇的事情。

    “The US tried to fund biolabs in Ukraine as early as 2005:” https://www.africa-press.net/tanzania/all-news/us-tried-to-fund-biolabs-in-ukraine-as-early-as-2005-records-show

    根据当年 2005 月存档的纳恩-卢格报告,关于在乌克兰建立 ICRL 的讨论可以追溯到更早的 XNUMX 年。


    生物战科学家利用外交掩护在全球 25 个国家的五角大楼生物实验室测试人造病毒。这些美国生物实验室由国防威胁减少局(DTRA)根据一项价值2.1亿美元的军事计划(CBEP)资助,位于格鲁吉亚和乌克兰等前苏联国家、中东、东南亚和非洲。

    • 回复: @GMC
  160. annamaria 说:
    @Arthur MacBride

    “It can only be hoped that those of Azov and their spiritual “nazi” brethren around the western world can wake up to just (((who))) they are serving.”

    — This is s non-starter. The “nazi” leaders have been bought by ((them)). And look at the EU governments; with very few exceptions, the “leaders” have been bought as well by the same “money makers.”

    At least, the masks are off: “They” have even sacrificed their profitable schema of holobiz by establishing open collaboration with the self-proclaimed “nazis” to fight the Russian Federation.

    The psychopathic scum of the “owners” of the western world use any means to get money, power, and slaves. Either there will be a force endangering “their” lives person by person, or the western world is doomed. A detailed map of deep-underground bunkers for the psychopathic “elites” can be handy for the masses.

  161. RobinG 说:

    Да. “Щи да каша — пища наша.”

  162. @dcouzin

    如果目击者距离目标 20 公里,一枚经过的导弹会留下一串可能类似于“尖叫”的冲击波“轨迹”。 更准确地说,以 20 马赫的速度行驶 5.5 公里需要 10.7 秒。
    因此,至少 10.7 秒的尖叫声随后是一声巨响。


  163. Anon[336]• 免责声明 说:
    @White Noise

    They should be sent to a deserted island and imprisoned there forever

    Madagascar was the original plan before Palestine drew the short straw.

    • 回复: @White Noise
  164. Wielgus 说:

    “Perhaps if I taunt them they’ll make a mistake.”
    “Would it help to confuse them if I run away more?”
    “Shut up, and go and change your uniform pants.”

  165. Anon[336]• 免责声明 说:

    Kinda disappointing not to see the front lines ‘manned’ with more strong independent women.

    The only thing close is the occasional sniper setting-up shop with her EZ-Bake oven in some blown-out hovel, which isn’t quite the same.

    Speaking of which, are we including the ladies in Selective Service yet? I’d hate for them to miss out.

    • 回复: @emerging majority
  166. @Anon

    The “Equal Rights” legislation should surely indicate that women could be drafted by the SS. The U$$A has become increasingly pussywhipped. About time for women’s full equality to become slaves of the WarDefense Industry.

  167. @Mike_from_Russia

    “Mike from Russia” or “Kike from Russia” today?
    Most of the captured and/or shown “Nazis” are hooligans (from Azovstal soccer?).
    I have seen many Russian movies with tattooed soldiers and “SpetsNaz”(is?) tattooed just like the bad Nazis. How about that?

    Glory to Russia! Glory to the Russian Army (nowadays, because it is in effect fighting the evil Jew while its battle cry is “Denazify”)!

  168. Corrupt 说:
    @Von Rho

    “So you say. In reality, everyone in the entire region suffered from the crop failures and food shortages surrounding the turmoil of WWI, the Bolshevik revolution and the invasion by the West”


  169. Corrupt 说:

    “You are quite an insistent apologist of the Judeo-Nazis.”

    I didn’t see where I offered any apologies for Judeo-Nazis, just that I felt the situation would be better if Russia had stayed within it’s own borders. That being said, I do believe “Nazi” is thrown about for effect, much like “racist”, “misogynist” or “homophobe” are hurled by leftists to denigrate those that oppose their agenda.

    “You feign total ignorance of the Jewish origin of Bolshevism in the Russian Empire. This is what makes you so obvious. You are a committed hasbarist.”

    I don’t like communists, and I’m aware that many of the early communists were of jewish origin. I oppose the outsized influence zionists have around the world, and in the U.S. in particular, so calling me a “committed hasbarist” is a mistake. You would not be mistaken in saying I do not perceive as much jewish influenced maneuvering in the russia-ukraine conflict as you do, but then we are all entitled to our own perceptions and opinions.

    “It is your tribe that committed (or attempted to commit) the genocide against all its hosts”

    Sorry, but Italians did no such thing.

  170. Corrupt 说:

    “And honestly I don’t see much difference between being an “Ukrainian” apologist or a “Russian” apologist. They are in many ways similar people. Arguably, being an Ukrainian apologist is worse — because the Ukrainians are obviously just being used by the West.”

    I agree that there isn’t much difference in being an apologist for either side, however, given that Russia invaded Ukraine rather than Ukraine invading Russia I consider being a Russian apologist worse, especially as they have already done all the things they accuse the Ukrainians of. Thanks for providing your input.

    • 回复: @Kurt Knispel
  171. @Corrupt

    “Ukraine” did nothing. “Russia” did nothing.
    Jewmerica is forcing Russia (“stretching Russia”) to fight to the last Ukrainian;
    Jewmerica attacked the Ukraina, toppled the president and attacked Novorussia or “Little Russia”.

  172. Anon7 说:

    Looks like the Americans are in charge of the “international fighters”, people who go to Ukraine to fight.

    This French journalist says “I thought I was with the international brigades and I found myself facing the Pentagon.”

    • 谢谢: Olivier1973
    • 回复: @Olivier1973
    , @annamaria
  173. The ‘crazy’ stuff isn’t just in Ukraine. For a mere $100 the White House gift shop offers this:

    “6th” Coin in Historic Moments Series, Russia Invades Ukraine, Honoring President Volodymyr Zelenskyy #31 in series, PRE-ORDER SALE! ALL SHIPMENTS BEGIN ON JUNE 15, 2022

    If the ‘Most Honest Human Being God Has Ever Created’ returns to the White House, will we be getting another such wonderful coin?

  174. Spanky 说:

    …I also agree with @Thor Walhovd, to vote Republican or Democrat is to want blood on your hands. (So what to do, alas? @Realist seems to think pitchforks are in order… — 罗宾格

    Agreed. Which is one of the reasons why I advocate for voting 以上都不是.

  175. @Anon7

    I knew it already, but thanks for displaying it for everyone to see!

  176. @Wizard of Oz

    So now you simply deny the role of neo-Nazis and Banderite fascists in Ukraine, ie reality, and thus become an apologist for those Nazi butchers. Ever lower sinks the great Wizz, on a trajectory so familiar to students of Austrayan political ponerology.
    Putin WAS KGB, he is NOT an autocrat but heads a Russian Government determined to remove the existential threat built by the West on their borders and traditional territory, and I’d vouch that there are several hundred true ‘kleptocrats’ in Ukraine, or safe in Israel, far richer than Putin. I know well that your type likes a Big Lie when smearing your victims, but you read like an op-ed in any Murdoch shit-rag. P.S. In my opinion Blinken Bill is an expert liar who seems even to believe his lies, the ‘Exceptionalist’ Disease.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  177. anonymous[191]• 免责声明 说:

    So what if the pagan godless whitevil psychos of the earth get a few more years on earth. It will be but a minor delay towards their journey to eternal Hell.

    At least the others you mention stand a better chance at salvation. More true monotheists, you see. 😀

  178. annamaria 说:

    The wrong flag. — Pentagon is designated today by the Star of David with the Swastika inside it. All these memorials to the fallen in WWII are for patsies.

    Hopefully, the Jewish project of the Nazification of Ukraine is an ugly swan song for the Pentagon and its Owners.

  179. annamaria 说:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    This [Wizard of Oz] is another “it” from the hasbara brigade, on par with [Been_there]. Best to ignore them or use their indecent points as an opportunity to bring in new factual information that can make their owners apoplectic.

    The “chosen” are mad that so much truthful information about Jewish crimes has become available on the internet (as compared to the Zionists-controlled MSM). Though there is obviously a frantic and massive activity to suppress the truth by Google.

    • 同意: mulga mumblebrain
    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  180. @annamaria

    Israel keeps on bombing a sovereign country Syria and no complaints there from the Western Zionazi cheerleaders of the Ukraine, nor in the UN or any international institution, no sacking of Israeli Jews from media or cultural institutions in the West, no phobia of Israeli Jews in the MSM.

    • 同意: White Noise, Spanky
  181. denk 说:

    所有这些 制成的 crisis…’pandemic’, proxy wars, energy crunch ….

    Can you guess,

    Raytheon and Lockheed Martin boast to investors that Ukraine-Russia crisis is a boon for their business

    最大的石油巨头 205 年利润达到“令人瞠目结舌”的 2021 亿美元

    Wall Street profits drive average bonuses to a record $258K

    Pfizer revenue and profits soar on its Covid vaccine business

    Pfizer Forecasts Record-Breaking 2022 Profits


  182. The misled soldiers, confused hooligans and adventurous mercenaries in Azovstal want to surrender according to numerous intercepted radio contacts.
    Creep ZionLendSki is telling them to die like men.
    The violent Jew brands any surrender of the hopeless as treason with death punishment.

  183. GMC 说:

    Agree, this is why my comment said to spare any Russian soldiers from fighting the steel mill nazis and use Chemical weapons on them. Simply put, the Russians could use some bunker busting bombs and then follow up with Chemical weapons and blame them on the US/Nato Bioweapon lab in the underground steel mill, that just got hit. . No one will be allowed into the area – except Russian hazmat teams – period. If there is a better solution , I’d like to hear it.

    At this stage – the West has made it clear that there is No International laws left, and since this is one army vs another – just win. I have No conscience dealing with this scenario, since the opposing army was given the chance to surrender. They are going to die and so they will try to kill as many Russians as they can before they pass. . I’m sure the Pentagon has No conscience dealing with any of its civilian or armed war crimes. The crime of War on the Russian people has been started – there are no rules when it comes to survival – sacrificing your own soldiers when there are other options, should be out of the equation. Morals have to take a back seat on special occasions. My 2 rubles.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Commentator Mike
  184. GMC 说:

    You could be right , but from my emails from the States – Ukraine is treated like a Holocaust victim and Zelinsky is a Hero. Russia is terribly hated . So when those Americans, French and others are shown off or are in the list of dead , the Western press { who now has the people under their thumbs} will portray these mercenaries as the Heroes, not the enemy. Holding them in prison will keep this Hero BS alive – killing them will have an Ending.
    And give Victory Day – another reason to celebrate, yet mourn those who have died protecting their Russian Homeland, in WW II and now – Beyond.

    • 回复: @Kurt Knispel
    , @DevilAdvocate
  185. @GMC

    They died “protecting” (resp. very often fleeing from) the violent Jew and his BS before and after 1945, as a matter of fact they are dying today because of the Jewish BS and not because of “Nazi”.
    Who is making ZionLendSki a hero in the US?
    Abducted Medvedchuk and polit party were leading in the Ukrainian polls.
    ZionLendSki is president because of the illegal incarceration of Nadiya Savchenko, a Uki patriot (“Nazi”) wanting peace with Russia like all brained Nazis would. Hooligans are a subject for (missed) kindergarden or parental home (incl. holodomized grand or great grandparents).
    Why do you think Russia seems somehow pained with every ordinary Ukranian (incl. soldier) suffering and dying?
    Why do you think Russia is focusing on military installations and not Ukrainians per se?
    Because it is a brother war initiated by Satan’s creatures on earth.
    Nazis are not Satan’s people. The Grand Nazi is the Christ. Is!
    3 million Germans POWs helped build and died building a better USSR.
    How many “GIs” (womit) helped rebuild Vietnam?
    As a matter of fact the GIs are screwing Vietnam to this very day, which I happen to know from personal experience etc. pp.
    But Russia has and of course should have its own “history” and so should the Uki Nazi’s be allowed to tell their own stories (his stories), because they too do have stories. It must not be a problem. It becomes a problem the moment one is not allowed to share his grievance (not even with his own).
    We get jailed – under the eyes of salivating “GIs” – when speaking truth an being found out.
    You can only have a victory if you make someone else the loser.
    You can only be “the good guy” if you make someone else “the bad guy”.
    It is a weak spot on Russian self esteem and I know why, but why bother haggling.
    Do you stirr around in a brother’s wound? No, you help him to heal and get rid of the bandage.
    One day Russia will no longer need the bandage of a “Victory Day” (at the cost of the other) and happily celebrate its great military traditions (to which “Nazis” contributed enormously and leaders like the Putin know that too).

    • 回复: @GMC
  186. annamaria 说:

    Why people are dying in Ukraine, and why those who support the ZUSA’s policies in Europe and Asia are nothing but the metastatic messengers of a deadly cancerous growth (Financial Squid/MIC) that has consumed the Zionzied Empire of Lies and Hypocrisy. https://www.voltairenet.org/article216524.html

    From 1981 onwards, the United States began to let its debt slip away. It went from 40% of its GDP to 130% today. They tried to globalize the world economy, i.e., to impose their rules on the solvent countries and to destroy the state structures of the remaining countries (the Rumsfeld/Cebrowski strategy).

    To pay their debt, they printed dollars, spied on the companies of their allies, and stole all the reserves of two big oil states, Iraq and Libya. Nobody dared to say anything, but from 2003 onwards, the US economic system was no longer what it claimed to be. Officially they were still liberal, but everyone could see that they were no longer producing their own food and necessities and that they were living on rapine.

    The US economy, which was one-third of the world economy when the USSR dissolved, is now only one-tenth.

    The Zionized Banking Parasite, which has captured and devoured the US/UK/EU, is dragging the world to a hot WWIII.
    The CIA and captains of IT have been the loyal servants to the mega murderers. The Owners have neither decency nor honor, shame, and normal human intelligence. They are possessed.

    • 同意: acementhead
  187. GMC 说:
    @Kurt Knispel

    Kurt, Kurt Kurt – where should I begin ? The Zionist or Babylonian Talmud Fuckers are a given here at “Ron’s House”. We all know their involvement in everything , but there are others to blame and they are the ones that also cause the Evil in the world- for a buck, for a good time – for a nasty, evil masochistic personality flaw , etc. etc. etc. This is not just a purely Jewish trait, it is religiously flawed universal problem.

    In Ukraine, it looks like the greedy Jew Leaders/Oligarchs and their ” Nazi” battalions. To write this in the same sentence is a dream come true , when it comes to calling out the Chosen ones and Hell, I can feel like Jesus Christ when he called them out – before they paid the Romans to kill the Savior. And it’s my pleasure – being baptised a Lutheran and studying the Bible in Confirmation classes as a teenager.

    Show me a Victory Day in Russia where the Russians didn’t acknowledge the death of everyone in WW II – the Russians invite most everyone to their Victory Day celebrations and after observing the German tourists in Crimea – there is NO hatred of the German people here. In fact it’s the opposite because I look German and everyone asks me – First – if I’m from Germania – with a smile – and I politely say nine – ya Alaska mushina.

    Ukraine’s Government needed to Grow Up after the Soviet Union downfall but instead it became more and more corrupt – to the point that we see today . It’s a failed state with a sacrificed populace and it’s time to stop it. Spacibo

    • 回复: @Kurt Knispel
  188. @GMC

    因此,当那些美国人、法国人和其他人被炫耀或被列入死者名单时,西方媒体{现在已经把人民置于他们的拇指之下}会将这些雇佣军描绘成英雄,而不是敌人。 把他们关在监狱里会让这个英雄 BS 活着——杀死他们会有一个结局。

    俄罗斯则可以提出饶他们一命,并给予较轻的惩罚,例如20年以上的监禁,以换取完全公开认罪并揭露一些非常“不便”的事情。 我很确定被定罪的人会欣然接受,那时不可能(即使在西方)驳回他们要说的话。


    • 回复: @GMC
  189. Anonymous[140]• 免责声明 说:


    是的,他们会死。 整个乌克兰也将死去。

    让我们不要责怪乌克兰人,他们中的大多数不是暴徒或罪犯。 他们遭到袭击. 他们是受害者。 就这些。


    But Ukrainians? They are not to blame, they are simply people who have been attacked, that is what they understand. If your country is attacked, and you are not at fault, would you not choose to fight? Would you surrender? If Ukraine has chosen oblivion over living under foreign occupation, can they be wrong? If they choose to continue with an insurgency, it’s only to be expected.

    让乌克兰人英勇地死去,大声反抗,让俄罗斯人把他们都杀了。 没有希望的战斗,这就是人们所做的。 这是结束这一切的唯一方式,有 44 万乌克兰人死亡,还有 XNUMX 万俄罗斯人死亡。


    The main truth we can learn here is this: Never put your trust in the promises of lairs and manipulators – in this case, that is the West. Ukraine did so, so now they will disappear from the earth.

    • 回复: @Robjil
    , @annamaria
    , @GMC
  190. Robjil 说:

    让乌克兰人英勇地死去,大声反抗,让俄罗斯人把他们都杀了。 没有希望的战斗,这就是人们所做的。 这是结束这一切的唯一方式,有 44 万乌克兰人死亡,还有 XNUMX 万俄罗斯人死亡。

    这场由西方推动的乌克兰战争看起来是19世纪巴拉圭战争的重演。 巴拉圭百分之九十的人在那场战争中丧生。 西方不会允许其傀儡乌克兰满足于任何事情。 这太疯狂了。 因此,乌克兰这场战争唯一可能的结局将是巴拉圭在 19 世纪面临的情况。



    巴拉圭大约三分之二的人口在冲突中丧生,其中包括大约 90% 的男性。 巴西和阿根廷将继续吞并巴拉圭大片领土。

    • 回复: @Von Rho
    , @Kurt Knispel
  191. annamaria 说:

    Ziocon 在乌克兰推广“西方价值观和民主”的可爱傀儡:
    乌克兰的泽连斯基声称要捍卫民主,但他宣布反对派为非法,下令逮捕他的对手,并主持了全国各地持不同政见者的失踪和暗杀。 https://thegrayzone.com/2022/04/17/traitor-zelensky-assassination-kidnapping-arrest-political-opposition/

    • 同意: Von Rho, GMC
    • 谢谢: mulga mumblebrain, Robjil
  192. JamesinNM 说:

    我已经看到了我生命中的挚爱的死亡,并且永远不会一样。 Fauci 等人对此负责且不在乎。 如果有机会,我不确定我能不能杀死他们,因为我不相信我能造成足够的痛苦。 我讨厌那种邪恶以及对孩子们所做的无法理解的邪恶。

    • 回复: @JamesinNM
    , @peterAUS
  193. JamesinNM 说:


  194. Von Rho 说:

    苏联所做的正是两个世纪前英国在工业革命中所做的。 一个必要的步骤。 “暴力,历史的助产士”。 不要相信乡巴佬传教士。

  195. Von Rho 说:

    巴拉圭被巴西人口减少。 这将由其自己的政府在乌克兰完成,该政府不是由乌克兰人领导的。

    • 回复: @annamaria
  196. GMC 说:

    这是一个很好的观点,我相信俄罗斯会将这些人中的一些人带到刑事战争罪法庭,这不会出现在西方媒体上,也不会被西方任何人承认——但它会在东部,也许还有非洲。 我很想看到 Poroshanshter 和 Zelinsky 受审,但犹太人会保护他们的宝石。

    我将其视为一项需要尽可能最终完成的行动,尽可能减少俄罗斯/顿巴斯和车臣士兵的死亡。 因为会有其他地方很可能会坚持并尝试相同的方法。 我们对此事都有个人观点,而我的可能过于美国军事式的大胆。 但是再看看五角大楼和以色列人自 2014 年以来在乌克兰所做的事情。我从 08 年开始就在乌克兰,并且在我不得不改用俄语之前拥有多年的居留护照。 我全都看了。

    • 同意: DevilAdvocate
  197. @Corrupt

    这场绰号为“大饥荒”的饥荒还有另一个原因,但在任何有关它的猜测中都没有提到。除了恶劣的天气和歉收之外,它还发生在苏联政府雄心勃勃的工业化计划期间。所有的机械和硬件只能从西方获得,而且是用纯金支付的。然而,1932年,西方拒绝接受黄金,转而要求小麦。共产党政府不愿意破坏其工业化计划,因此不得不遵守。再加上产量不佳,该国面临着面包的严重短缺。受灾最严重的地区从哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯中部一直延伸到乌克兰(俄罗斯饿死的人数比乌克兰还多)。然而,没有发生起义或骚乱(可能有几个原因,其中之一是最近对 1920 年代类似事件的记忆,当时数以万计的饥饿儿童从俄罗斯伏尔加地区转移到乌克兰以拯救他们免于饥饿)。因此,政府没有受到直接威胁,也没有政权更迭。看到这个伎俩不起作用后,西方放弃了用面包支付硬件的要求,并在第二年转回使用黄金。

    有趣的是,大饥荒还影响了利沃夫和乌克兰的其他地区,这些地区直到 1939 年才成为苏联的一部分,在这种情况下,原因是天气和低产(可能还有这些国家的一些政治发展)。然而,利沃夫的人们也纪念他们 1933 年的饥饿死亡,并将其完全归咎于苏联。对于他们以及一些 UNZ 评论者来说,逻辑是未知的。

    • 谢谢: emerging majority
    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  198. GMC 说:

    Relax Anon – you got too close to the fire but didn’t look to see who brought the fuel. Ukraine has been a corrupt corrupt place for decades, from gun running, supporting biolabs , laundering money,to human trafficking – { the list is long }- and with much international help along the way. Millions left when the Americans and Jews took over in 2014 and millions will leave again. The only difference is that too many of the people that stayed or left this time , were severely programmed and propagandized by the US – and I mean M K Ultra. They hate Russians and watch pro Russian people get gunned down in the streets.

    So, Enough with the poor Ukrainian people – some understand that Russia is not to blame on this one but more of them – hate Russia and think it was just fine and dandy to watch 45,000 Eastern Ukrainian//Russians die or get maimed, since 2014. A Normal society does not sit back and watch this happen in their own country , unless they are well – Programmed. Certainly Donbass, Lugansk and Crimea didn’t want any part of it. . Ukrainians stood around and did – nothing. In fact they joined the Nato/ Nazi Ukie military and pitched in.

    So now, it’s time to De-program these Ukrainian folks – for their own good and the good of all the Slavs living in or near – the Borderland. There is a huge lesson to be learned here – don’t let the West or jokers like them, into your country.

  199. @GMC

    If we go by the standars of warfare USA set in its war against Japan, Russia has every right to nuke two Ukrainian cities, Kiev and Lvov, because:

    – Like the Jap’s Unit 731, Ukrainians are conducting evil biowarfare research in their laboratories.

    – Like the Japs, the Ukrainians are murdering and torturing POWs.

    – Like the Japs, the Ukrainians are offering insane resistance and most are following orders of their supreme commander, the Khazar Zelensky acting here the emperoror Hirohito, to fight to the death even though resistance is futile.

    In some respects the Ukrainians are worse that the Japs since they’re killing their own citizens, while the Japs did that mostly to the Chinese.

    So just like US wanted to spare its troops fighting for every inch of Japan, I don’t see Russia using nukes being any more reprehensible. But like Lavrov says they won’t as they want to occupy the moral high ground. They should just drop all the old dumb bombs from their warehouses on Ukrainian military formations wherever they find them as they’ll be replacing them with smart missiles anyway. So carpet bombing of those in the Dombass cauldron should be part of Phase 2.

    • 回复: @emerging majority
  200. annamaria 说:
    @Von Rho

    “Paraguay was depopulated by Brazil. This will be done in Ukraine by its own government, which is not led by an ethnic Ukrainian.”

    — Let’s do some appropriate substituting:
    “America will be ruined by Ziocons/Zionized MIC. This will be done in the US by its own government, which is led by people who are not loyal to the US.”

    • 回复: @Von Rho
  201. 当你称对梅德韦丘克的叛国指控似是而非时,你失去了我。 这个人是一个吉斯林人,应该因为他的叛国罪而被处死。

    • 回复: @annamaria
  202. @GMC

    Russia seems to be doing very well in handling this Jewish attack incl. managing the prisoners.
    Russia (“Little Russia”) seems to have by now over 3.000 Ukrainian POWs on standby to rebuild the Donbassa.
    Add another 2.000 “builders” from Azovstal with an American general as a chain-gang-leader clearing the streets and debris and what not from Mariupole…
    23.000 UA soldiers killed…Russia needs to household and needs every POW it can get to rebuild everything.
    Our fathers were sentenced to 25 years slave labour and more. Most never returned.
    Mr. Lavrov let the last German POW go only a few years ago – it was a big write up in RT & Sputnik. The last German POW was 16 when caught.
    I wish Russia very, very well; all the best only and wish the Ukraina that it will get freed up from the iron grip of the evil Jew and can return to the Motherland – that way it will have Crimea not back but forwarded on the way east. Go East, Young Men! The West is dead sick, the West is Jewish, the West is evil;

    (Russian victory will help our effort to get Jewmerica out of Germany. Anyone fighting Russia is fighting for the enduring enslavement of Germany. The UA soldiers are enemy soldiers.)

    (Responded already yesterday (in cyrillic) with a nice video from the famer ‘Такого, как Путин’ Someone like Putin – it got censored)

    A second try:

    Do you know “The Crimean Reportage” from a Sandro?

    • 谢谢: annamaria
    • 回复: @GMC
  203. GMC 说:

    Ya Agree C M , there is something that I also consider – and that is too many in Ukraine and their Criminal Owners dba { USA, Israel, all of Nato , Turkey etc. } have shit on the sacred lands of the Kingdom of the Slavic Orthodox. Where so much blood in the past, along with the pain and loss is six feet deep and unmeasurable in Their History.

    The Russians understand well , how the native Americans were genocide d for their Lands and they can relate , with those Empires from the East and West that have tried to do it to them. I can not understand how any normal country can stand against Russia , knowing that the West is run by the Demons and Jackals – that have No regard for any Law , any Morals, any Honesty, any Humanity etc. etc. etc. In a war this close , Russia shouldn’t give any luxuries/slack to their enemies – whether they’re Slavic, Mercs, Nato, Nazis, Isis, alQaeda, or the rest of the cut throats. My 2 roubles worth.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  204. GMC 说:
    @Kurt Knispel

    Hi Kurt ! Ya this little ” conflict ” in Ukraine is showing so many Emporers with no clothes, that the entire West has blocked out any debate, opposite side of the story, and Honesty. But in time it will all leak out – especially when all the peasants have to pay for it in goods, services, energy etc. And they figure out that Russia had little to do with their problems.

    We notice Israel is MuM about all the Ukrainian and Russian Jewish Oligarchs – these days. The USA would never dare call them Jewish Oligarchs, it’s always Russian Billionaires – and how many yachts, palaces and funds are being stolen. LOL

    Ya Ive run thru the Crimean newsies – Sandro is OK but I don’t comment anymore. I used to comment on Yandex articles – in English but short 1 or 2 sentences and got some decent replies , but Yandex stopped their comments along time ago – hard to find a website that isn’t afraid of the Gov. these days. I’ve been 86d from 95% of the websites that had comment sections so….after 12 years Ce la Vie.

    I caught that damn flu again and yesterday lost my taste and smell again – I’m callin it a night – Kurt. Spacibo.

    • 回复: @Kurt Knispel
  205. Von Rho 说:

    不幸的是,以前的 POTUS 更糟糕,因为他和 ZV 一样是一个小丑,坐在 WH 中,由那些失去二战并正在寻求报复美国的人(顺便说一句,他的女婿有什么区别和另一个现在成为英雄的小丑?没有)。

    • 回复: @annamaria
  206. @Levtraro

    是的,如果这种令人伤感的、女性化的语气是新闻业的新规范,请给我干巴巴的信息。 它读起来就像《全家福》中的肉头写的。

  207. Curmudgeon 说:

    Nazi “Wolfsangel” symbol and praises officials who helped slaughter Jews and Poles during World War II.

    The “Wolfsangel” symbol was used by the volunteer Waffen SS Galicians. It is not a “Nazi” symbol. DeGrelle’s wallon Legion had its own symbol. https://www.amazon.com/AZ-FLAG-Walloon-Legion-Flag/dp/B01BU4H4TO
    The Netherland’s 25,000 Freiwilligen Legion volunteers wore this: Freiwilligen Legion.
    None of the above were required to be “Nazis”. Bandera never claimed to be a “Nazi”. He saw the Germans as an opportunity to rid “his country” of communist (((Russians))).
    That Galicians would want to “slaughter” communist Jews who had starved millions of their family, friends, and neighbours is not surprising. The arrogant Poles, pre WWII were making their own claims to Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, and Ukraine.

  208. @GMC


    与此同时,这里有一张传单,是对 Asowstal 地下傻瓜的召唤:

    听听 Asowstal 流氓、UA 爱国者和民族主义者,
    基督鞭打了你接受命令的物种。 您非常听话地接受犹太人的命令,进入坟墓,您留下的坟墓,您的家人(!)将不会拥有,因为Ruski的炸弹只会将您烧成灰烬。
    UA 民族主义者 Banderite 如何接受 Kiew 犯罪犹太人的命令?
    一个骄傲的 UA 士兵怎么能躲在妇女和儿童的身后?
    一个骄傲的人是否会听从犹太人的命令,尤其是那些躲避自己战争并要求你“像男人一样死去”的犹太人? 即为他牺牲自己和你的家人,为他和他的交易和收益,尤其是在你死后用他的信条重新安置乌克兰?!
    您在 Asowstal 的指挥官是否担心因战争罪而入狱?
    您在 Asowstal 的指挥官是否只照顾自己的兽皮?
    不要投降,因为 Ruski 会治疗你的伤口并喂养你,迟早会把你送回家给你的家人。 俄罗斯没有死刑。 俄罗斯遵守日内瓦公约。 也许你想知道这是不是真的?
    根据俄罗斯国防部的说法,您的 23,000 多名战友被登记为死者。 共和国已经在养活和治愈超过 3,000 名战友。
    也许你最好表现出有益的勇气并开始照顾你的家人,活下去而不是为他妈的犹太人而死. 太感谢你的爱国了!
    对于您和您需要您活着的亲戚:Slava Ukrainyi!

    • 谢谢: GMC
    • 哈哈: Von Rho
  209. @Curmudgeon

    The Cur justifies the genocide of Poles by his Banderite idols, because ‘they’ were arrogant. Some trolls are more vicious than others.

    • 回复: @Curmudgeon
  210. @Russian, just Russian

    Can someone tell me when the term ‘Holomodor’ was first used, and why it, miraculously, is so close in spelling to ‘Holocaust’?

  211. annamaria 说:

    你的犹太人泽连斯基是乌克兰人民的叛徒。 他不是安排了所有犹太人从乌克兰撤离,然后下令将所有18-60岁的乌克兰男子强制征召入伍吗? 他从未服务过。 同性恋的犹太怪物赋予了他的老板科洛莫伊斯基(乌克兰犹太社区主席和以色列公民)创立的纳粹敢死队的权力。 Banderites 以低廉的价格将乌克兰和乌克兰人卖给了犹太人。

    • 谢谢: Von Rho
  212. annamaria 说:

    Time is long overdue to talk about Jewish Bolsheviks and the Jewish bankers- sponsors of the Bolshevik tragedy in Russia.

    • 回复: @GMC
  213. annamaria 说:
    @Von Rho

    Why have “they” locked all archives related to the JFK assassination for the next 70 years? Like a monumental collection of holobiz lies, the JFK assassination has been protected from any investigation. Perhaps the archives reveal the true owners of the CIA, FBI, and the US government.

    • 回复: @Von Rho
  214. @emerging majority

    I just mentioned that if Russia were to emulate USA it should use two nukes, just to catch up with the American’s war record, but of course I do not recommend using nukes and agree with Lavrov.

  215. GMC 说:

    Pretty sure the Russian educational system buries many of these facts.A great read was an old Fort Russ article 2015 – Jewish Homeland Proposal for Crimea – Stalin and the Crimea California project. I found it again at freeukrainenow.org – There are a couple political organizations in St. Petersburg that are trying to awaken the Russian people about the Zionists that are working and setting up businesses in Russia. But like I said – the Real Zionist Jewish problem { I don’t think} was never addressed here and buried.Some of my TaTar friends are very aware of the yevey. Thanks

  216. annamaria 说:

    The Jewish protege in Ukraine: https://consortiumnews.com/2022/04/20/zelenskys-hardline-internal-purge/

    “Volyn massacre”: the most terrible crime of Bandera: https://www.ilawjournals.com/volyn-massacre-the-most-terrible-crime-of-bandera/

    in the Spring of 1941 the Organization of Ukrainian nationalists labored manual called “Fight of the OUN activities* during the war”. It was painted in detail the issue of “service BEZPEKA” … in this document it was said that Ukraine hostile elements must be destroyed by any means. in 1943, the dogs unleashed. The chief “service BEZPEKA” Mykola Lebed took the initiative of cleansing the territory from the Poles. The tip of the OUN (banned in Russia) is approved. Although the oppression of the Polish population in Volhynia and throughout Western Ukraine began much earlier.

    First ventured Peter Nesterovich. With subordinate nationalist squad, he decided to cut cleaned Polish village Parole (near Vladimirets, Rivne region). … Before killing women, the nationalists had raped them, then cut off the noses, ears and chest. Men dealt with axes. Over two brothers-teenagers by the name of Gershkevich who tried to escape and call for assistance to Soviet partisans mocked with cruelty. They cut off the hands and legs, ripped stomach, and a wound filled with salt. Then the unfortunate were thrown into a field to die. Only in the village, killing 173 Poles, among them 43 children. They spared not even a one-year-old baby. They nailed him with a bayonet to the table… .

    behind Parole came under attack another Polish village Lipniki. With the locals massacred a detachment of Ivan Litvinchuk, better known as Oak. They completely massacred a village, killing 179 poles (51 of them children). … Then it cut the population of the village of Kuta, the village Katarinovka… And Ukrainian nationalists killed not only the Poles, but, as they called them, “nedoukraintsev”, that is, people of mixed marriages. To “apostates” nationalists were treated with particular cruelty.

    After WWII, Banderites were taken to Canada. There, they hold regular Nazi parades and built Nazi memorials. The Jewish Communities of Canada and the US did not object. Banderites were feted and cared for to become cannon fodder in a war against Russia. Zionists love Banderites, don’t you see?

    • 回复: @Curmudgeon
  217. @Robjil

    有趣——巴拉圭——“……对历史了解不多……”(巴拉圭)。 我知道小猪,犹太驱逐舰又名“博士。 默克尔”在巴拉圭有一个大农场,而帕拉显然也养活了一个庞大的“犹太社区”。 人们还能期待什么?
    波兰 似曾相识
    波兰在德国本土恐吓并杀害了德国人; (凡尔赛的犹太人命令将德国领土非法添加到波兰)。
    到 1 年 1939 月 65,000 日,波兰已将超过 XNUMX 万德国人驱逐出普鲁士(!),并残忍地杀害了大约 XNUMX 名德国人。
    停止犹太人分而治之。 俄罗斯的胜利也将是乌克兰的胜利。

    • 同意: Robjil, annamaria
  218. Von Rho 说:

    肯尼迪家族是暴徒。 小罗伯特是一个邪恶的氯喹。 一场谋杀和一场种族灭绝。 你能从罗马天主教徒那里得到什么? 也许肯尼迪是被捍卫自己主权的黄蜂从天上杀死的。

  219. Von Rho 说:
    @Von Rho

    PS:我的意思是“他们的主权”。 美国最好由黄蜂领导。

  220. i’ve seen the ammo railway wagons, armoured, someone at departure graffitied. IRAN, in a funky style. you know, ammo factories workers cannot talk, but use their tricks.

    Banderistan is a warm-up, sayanims want to fathom their power over those Lolita Express [with more flights than Pan-Am, (c’est such a Paname)] passengers that rule us.

    As usual, the MARRANOS will hit on a holyday, such as the Eid, (Ramadan Mubarah)

    And a good attack is the best defence.


  221. Curmudgeon 说:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    I’m not justifying anything. I live in a city with a significant population of Ukrainians/Galicians and Poles that came post Soviet takeover a century ago. For the most part, they hate each other, and virtually every other ethnic group. Fifty years ago, the local soccer league had to force many of these ethnic clubs to accept “other” players in an attempt to de-ethnicize the teams in order to stop the games that turned into bloodbaths on the field and fights in the stands.
    Do you think all of the Paddy bars in New York with their cash collection buckets for donations to the IRA were for the love of the English? I live in the real world, not Utopia. Some ethnic groups hate other ethnic groups. I have no control over what other people chose or choose to do.

  222. Curmudgeon 说:

    I live in Canada, in a city and province with a substantial “Ukrainian” population, along with many other large ethnic populations, including Jews. The “Banderite” mentality was here during and post WWI. At the time, they were called Galicians by my father’s generation. They were shit disturbers from the start, and went to great lengths to try to remain “separate” like the Jews (and Poles to an extent). I have yet to see or hear about a “Nazi parade” in my 73 years. Virtually every ethnic group here has some sort of “festival” over a summer weekend that has a parade. The Ukrainians have a very large one in a town about 4 hours drive from here, and yes there is a parade.
    Yes, many came post WWII, and I went to school with several who became good friends. About half made fun of their parents being stuck in the “old country”. I worked summers in a factory full of Ukrainians, Poles, Hungarians, and other Europeans. I saw the friction between them. That was at a time when immigrants were pressed to conform with the majority the “English” or “French”. What they did in their homes was their own business. It is only since Canada went multicultural that the hyphenated Canadian has come out in full force – and out of control. That is why I often link Rabbi Sacks’ quote of “Multiculturalism Threatens Democracy”.
    I accept that bad things were done before, during, and after WWII, but the trend is to highlight only certain groups or activities selectively as the case may be. That the Poles were ethnically cleansing West Prussia and other German territories during the 1920s and 30s is ignored. That the Czechs were doing it to ethnic Germans and Hungarians is ignored. This crap has been going on for centuries. I used “arrogant Poles”, because the idiot Marshal Edward Rydz-Śmigły refused to recognize the League of Nations mandate over Danzig (95%+German), refused an offer of a plebiscite over West Prussia (the Danzig corridor) and ordered mobilization of the Polish army declaring they would be in Berlin within a week. That didn’t work out well for them.
    These old hatreds, including the Irish hating the English (and sometimes Scots) continue to this day – unfortunately.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  223. annamaria 说:

    However, Bandritese were indeed nurtured by the Canadian and American governments with the tacit approval of the Canadian and American Jewish Communities.

    The Bandera network: https://banderalobby.substack.com/p/the-canadian-bandera-network?s=r
    The profitable schema of holobiz has tons of documents in holobiz museums about Stepan Bandera and his punitive expeditions against Jews (and Poles). Babiy Yar is quite a famous place in Ukraine, whcih Jews used to revere (before the Kagans clam went into full collaboration with Ukrainian Nazis).

    Here is a monument to a famous Nazi collaborator Roman Shukhevych. Another local monument is a memorial honoring the 14th Waffen SS Division filled with Ukrainian collaborators. https://www.thenation.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/nazi-monument-ukrainian-cemetery-canada-cc-img.jpg

    There has been open Jewish hunting on people who served in the German army as teens. Yet a progeny of a famous Nazi collaborator Chomyak has become a de facto ruler of Canada with the blessing of Jews in the Canadian Parliament. https://www.civilianintelligencenetwork.ca/2022/02/23/chrystia-freelands-nazi-history/

    German military records have been found in a Polish government archive in Warsaw revealing that Michael Chomiak, maternal grandfather of Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland, volunteered to serve in the German invasion of Poland long before the German Army attacked the Soviet Union and invaded Ukraine.

    乔米亚克的记录显示,他在维也纳接受了德国间谍和宣传活动的培训,然后在四年的占领期间晋升为运营德国在乌克兰加利西亚地区和波兰的新闻机器。乔米亚克在纳粹事业中的地位如此之高,而且在纳粹事业中如此活跃,以至于波兰情报部门一直在积极追捕乔米亚克,直到 4 世纪 1980 年代,他们并不知道他已经逃到了加拿大艾伯塔省的一个农场寻求安全。

    The papers reveal Chomiak’s enthusiastic writing in wartime media in Cracow and Chelm, as the German concentration camps nearby at Belzec, Majdanek, Sobibor and Auschwitz destroyed the populations of the Polish cities, of Jewish Lvov (Lviv), and of the Galician region which Chomiak sought to cleanse for his vision of Ukrainian independence, backed by German arms.

    And yet his progeny, the anti-Christ Freeland, is loved, loved by American Ziocons because this ghastly woman was so good at preparing and “cooking” Ukrainian Banderites for the role of cannon fodder in the Judea War against Russia.

    • 回复: @Curmudgeon
  224. Derer 说:


    Only Russia? I do not understand. You can bet on American major cities would burn from Siberia nuclear silos and submarines. It is true that every US war engagement was conducted in far away foreign soils and the US shores were spared…not this time. Russians know their targets.

  225. @Cookie

    There they brought up their children deeply saturated in hatred, and when the imbecile Gorbachev allowed them to return, and the Quisling traitor Yeltsin allowed ‘Ukraine’ to secede, they had their Kingdom of Hatred at last. Then, aided, abetted and financed by the USA, UK and other Western forces, they set to work to isolate, disempower and alienate the large Russian community, and the community of intermarriage, plus the smaller Hungarian, Azov Greek and other minority communities. The USA staged a Colour Revolution in 2005, to forestall the pro-Russian Yanukovich, but he won again in 2010, so the US went the whole hog in 2013-4, with a new Colour Revolution climaxing in a fascist putsch against the democratically elected Yanukovich.
    于是,政变政权及其纳粹敢死队屠杀了平民,袭击了顿巴斯,宣布俄语为第二语言为非法,禁止亲俄政党,逮捕或失踪记者,将顿巴斯的 200 万人驱逐到俄罗斯,并使乌克兰成为世界新纳粹培训和灌输中心。全部由西方直接资助和援助。乌克兰政权完全无视明斯克一号和明斯克二号协议,当俄罗斯最终介入时,他们准备对顿巴斯发动闪电战。
    ALL this horror has been TOTALLY supported by the West, its ruling elites and the MSM vermin. Indeed a TOTALITARIAN pall has descended on discourse in the ‘Free World’, lunatic excesses like banning the letter Z, and firing those who, incidentally, spell it out in cheese, banning Russian tennis players from Wimbledon etc, have gripped the Western dystopias, all showing, quite clearly, how deranged these societies are, and how much they value and wish to protect those who worship Hitler and murder and torture with pleasure. The Evil of the West has always been plain to those willing to think for themselves, but now its is screaming in our faces like a blood-besotted banshee.

    • 同意: annamaria
    • 谢谢: emerging majority
  226. @Von Rho

    加油 Von-HCQ WORKS,非常安全又便宜。 我的印象是你可能不是认真的,这个 goobledygook 太古怪了,但是,如果是这样,请尽快咨询精神科医生或驱魔师。

    • 回复: @Von Rho
  227. Creepy Boris Johnson, Jewish scum of Rothschild, is sending more Johns, James and Pauls as terrorists into the Ukraina to harm the European peoples.


    BRETT REDMAYNE-TITLEY should name that “ancient catholic church” accommodating British terrorists.

  228. Curmudgeon 说:

    People from across Europe “collaborated” with Germany when joining the Waffen SS or the German military. That does not equate with them being “Nazis”. People across Europe saw the Soviets and communists – as a grave danger to themselves. The governments of the UK and France saw Germany as an economic threat to their corrupt elite system. The Poles were played like a fiddle by the ZOGs of France, the UK, and the US.
    As I mentioned, people of Bandera’s mindset were already in Canada, and rabidly anti-Soviet Communist, but entirely open to their own version of collectivism. Like every other pernicious ethnic based philosophy, these people infiltrated all of Canada’s political parties, and will partner with whomever they need to, including Jews, to push their agenda. The ones “collaborating” with Germany, 90 years ago, saw it as a means to an end. An old ultra-liberal boss of “Ukrainian” heritage openly acknowledged that there was an historical mistrust between Jews and Ukrainians. A Jewish friend says his grandmother called Ukrainians “ganef” – thief. My point is that these issues were there along before the NSDAP was even formed. People with agendas will attach themselves to any movement they think will serve their purpose. The NSDAP were anti-communist despite the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. The communists, to the Galicians, were the Jews and Russians they already detested and wanted to obliterate. Beyond that, they couldn’t be “Nazis” because the NSDAP had made it clear that they were a German solution for German problems, and the philosophy was not for export. Stalin’s starvation of millions made it a natural choice for these types to join the war against the people they already hated.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  229. annamaria 说:

    Perhaps you should not shy from the r0le of Jewish Bolsheviks in the Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakh, et cet. tragedies. The ongoing collaboration of Bandrites and Jews in the Nazification of Ukraine should not be shunned.

    I understand your concern about the purity of definitions, but for now, there is no other definition but “Nazi” or “neo-Nazi” to explain what has been going on in Ukraine since the Ziocon putsch in 2014. Moreover, the “freedom fighters” at the Kolomojsky-created death squads (Azov, Aidar, Dnipro) use Nazi insignias and call themselves Nazis. Let’s stick this to their Zionist sponsors: Biden and Pelosi (self-proclaimed Zionists), Clintons, Bush, Obama, the AIPAC’s luminaries Schumer, Cardin, Schiff, Nader, and other Klobuchar and Haines.

    By the way, many German Nazis were dignified, decent people. These adjectives – “dignified, decent” – are not applicable to the Ukrainian “Nazis” who use civilians as human shields and cut fingers and genitalia in POWs. For obvious reasons, the adjectives “dignified and decent” are also inapplicable to the Zionist sponsors of Banderites.

  230. Von Rho 说:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    醒醒,现在是 2022 年 2020 月,而不是 XNUMX 年 XNUMX 月。在亚马逊,大多数死于新冠病毒的人都在服用 HCQ 治疗疟疾。

    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  231. JerryLamb 说:

    Just foud this and I agree. Russia was Legit when they started this war.

    Article 51, U.N. charter. ..that “[n]othing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense… ”  And this right of self-defense has been interpreted to permit countries to respond, not only to actual armed attacks, but also to the threat of imminent attack.

      据五名熟悉该计划的前情报和国家安全官员透露,中央情报局正在美国监督一项针对乌克兰精英特种作战部队和其他情报人员的秘密强化训练计划。据其中一些官员称,该项目于 2015 年启动,位于美国南部的一个未公开的设施中。


    The training, which has included ‘tactical stuff,’ is ‘going to start looking pretty offensive if Russians invade Ukraine,’ said the former official.

    One person familiar with the program put it more bluntly. ‘The United States is training an insurgency,’ said a former CIA official, adding that the program has taught the Ukrainians how ‘to kill Russians.’”

  232. @Von Rho

    Now, Von-I fear for the balance of your mind. RFK Jr an ‘evil chloroquiner’? It’s hydroxychloroquine in any case, and its very safe as medications go, and effective as an early treatment for CoViD19, despite frauds like the Surgisphere study, so where do you get ‘genocide’ or ‘evil’. Joe Snr was definitely a mobster, but the descendants have lived off the earnings of his crimes, rather than commit any more of their own, certain RFK Jnr, a very fine fellow from the looks of it.

    • 回复: @Von Rho
  233. Von Rho 说:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    抱歉,您证明自己是健康科学领域的门外汉。 关于上面提到的公众人物,每个散布假新闻的人都是流氓。

  234. Well written articles. I’ve read all three in the series. It supports information i have already heard. The tragedy is all the innocents caught in the mix.



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