6 月 XNUMX 日的节目审判达到了朝鲜的谎言水平——但我仍然更喜欢没有特朗普的特朗普主义

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[摘录自最新的Radio Derb,现已上市 通过VDARE.com]

另见: 国会大厦“暴动”恶作剧:如果特朗普是民主党人,我们的谎言媒体将如何在 6 月 XNUMX 日发起抗议 [视频]

无论如何,在政权媒体中,今天的头条新闻是六 (6) 次国会听证会中的第一次 我们得到了承诺 在去年的 国会山抗议 反对2020年大选。

这次活动的主席是一位名叫 本尼·汤普森 我有谁 直到昨天才听说. 汤普森代表是黑人,因为他努力向那些可能没有注意到这一事实的观看者解释清楚。 编辑报价:

感谢今晚观看的每个人分享你晚上的一部分,了解导致并包括 6 年 2021 月 XNUMX 日暴力袭击事件的事实和原因……对我们的民主、选举制度和国家。

我是 6 年 2021 月 521 日委员会主席 Bennie Thompson。 我出生、长大并仍然住在密西西比州的博尔顿,这是一个人口 XNUMX 人的小镇,位于杰克逊和密西西比州的维克斯堡以及密西西比河之间。

我来自这个国家的一部分,人们为奴隶制、三K党和私刑的行为辩护。 当我今天听到声音试图为起义者在 6 年 2021 月 XNUMX 日的行为辩护时,我想起了那段黑暗的历史[阅读主席 Bennie Thompson 在 6 月 XNUMX 日第一次听证会上的讲话全文, NBC,9 年 2022 月 XNUMX 日]。

啊, 美国黑人的浪漫! 委员会听证会进行了 XNUMX 秒,我们已经陷入了黑人自恋的深渊。 我没有留下来强制提及 埃米特·蒂尔(Emmett Till).

美国黑人——受宠的、有特权的 宠物 我们的社会——他们真的 没有任何想法 我们中有多少人憎恨他们的 无尽的抱怨?

我们已经扭曲和 变形 我们整个社会——我们的司法系统, 我们的教育系统——努力安抚他们,但他们只要求更多。

主席先生,有一个我们社会变形的例子正盯着你看:6月XNUMX日手无寸铁的白人女性抗议者被杀 阿什利·巴比特 由武装的黑人男性 国会警察 迈克尔·伯德中尉。 经过马马虎虎的调查,伯德中尉被清除了任何不当行为。

主席先生,我知道这样说很陈词滥调,但你真的相信 白人男警察 谁射杀了一个手无寸铁的黑人妇女 在任何情况下 将得到 一言不发就走了?

你相信吗? 真的吗?

现在告诉我关于黑人袭击白人的联邦统计数据。 一位受人尊敬的评论员写道:

在美国,黑人在黑人和白人之间的跨种族暴力中犯下了大部分不属于仇恨犯罪的罪行:88% [利用悲剧进行种族宣传, 希瑟·麦克唐纳(Heather Mac Donald) 城市日报 23年2022月XNUMX日]。

这个数字有错吗,主席先生? 作为联邦立法者,您是否有与之相矛盾的联邦统计数据?

自内战结束以来的 157 年累计,(a) 白人使用任何方法(包括私刑)杀害黑人的数字是多少,以及 (b) 白人被黑人杀死? 主席先生,您对这些数字有估计吗?

当然,我在浪费我的呼吸。 这是美国 黑人种族申诉。 该 抱怨是, 自恋,扭曲变形:这些都是美国存在的理由。 没有它们,我们将漫无目的地漂流,没​​有目的或目标。

正如我们大多数人所理解的那样,这个委员会及其所谓的“调查”与正义、宪法或国家安全无关。 这是一场旨在阻止唐纳德·J·特朗普 (Donald J. Trump) 竞选 2024 年总统的粗暴政治运动的开场。

我们的统治阶级对特朗普的仇恨是显而易见的。 六年后,它仍然燃烧着猛烈而明亮。 这真是一件非凡的事情。

我记得那些人——嗯,他们 1970 年代的同龄人——对理查德尼克松的仇恨,他是一个比特朗普更好的总统——也是一个更好的人。

我的一位同事在 萨文商用机器 在 1970 年代中期,他自豪地拥有几卷卫生纸,每卷卫生纸上都印有尼克松的肖像。 即使在那时,当我还是一个 XNUMX 多岁的自由主义者时,我也觉得这有点过头了。 或者在底部,也许……

该政权对特朗普的仇恨远不止于此。 这真是一个奇迹,而且 推动我们的大部分国家政策.

和这个 , 这个 特朗普精神错乱综合症, 只是他们的象征,外在的象征 us,正常的美国白人。

2016 年,我们中有 XNUMX 万人投票给了特朗普,因为我想他们知道,我们已经厌倦了他们的反白人、反美意识形态扼杀了我们的喉咙。

特朗普是一个局外人,不是他们中的一员,也不是单一党派的成员。 这就是我们喜欢他的原因; 这就是他们恨他的原因。

我希望在 2024 年取得特朗普式的胜利。这是我对胜利者的建议:排干沼泽!

特别是,结束 赤裸裸的政治化 of 联邦执法. 各部门需要进行大规模清洗、大规模解雇 司法, 国土安全部国防.

我不确定清洗需要走多远。 在最底层——例如国土安全部的边境安全官员——一定有很多联邦雇员如果被允许的话会很乐意做他们的工作。 也许联邦调查局也是如此。

In 上层, 不过,在决定追捕和迫害持不同政见者并对真正的犯罪视而不见的地方,我希望看到大规模裁员。

我什至会支付他们该死的夸大的联邦养老金; 让他们离开华盛顿特区

卡尔文·柯立芝 解雇了 波士顿警察罢工者; 罗纳德·里根 发射空中交通管制员: 总统先生,有两个很好的例子可以指导你。


对于 激进的方法,考虑完全关闭部门和机构。 美国在没有 FBI 的情况下相处了 157 年; 我们真的需要一个吗? 我们为 两百二十七年 没有国土安全部; 我们到底是怎么应对的?

如果你想变得那么激进,那就更进一步,将联邦部门迁出华盛顿特区。这座城市是阴谋的蜂巢。 司法部设在爱达荷州,国防部设在堪萨斯州,财政部设在阿肯色州,国务院设在......哦,我不知道......阿拉斯加州?

让我们进行一些真正的改革:朝着更多传统自由的方向进行改革,更多地控制我们的事务,减少行政国家的权力。 我们目前所走的路线会导致专制和绝望。 让我们改变路线。

对不起:大量的不诚实和虚伪,无视真相和事实,让我气喘吁吁。 我们真的达到了朝鲜建制派撒谎的水平。


我的首页 纽约邮报 今天上午没有提到委员会的听证会。 完全交给了一个15岁女孩的故事(种族不详) 当她被流弹击中时,她坐在家里做作业——尽管不是致命的,谢天谢地。

没有 怀疑子弹是由 Klansman 发射的——汤普森主席提醒我们的“黑暗历史”中的另一件事。

纽约邮报 印刷版确实有一页对委员会听证会有些怀疑的报道——第 7 页——(相当大的放大和倾斜 在线版本) 但在专栏页面中没有任何内容,也没有社论。 对于这种救济,非常感谢.

福克斯新闻是唯一一个这样做的有线频道 不能 引起注意并大喊“先生,是的,先生!” 当我们的统治者要求他们进行全面报道时,福克斯进行了猛烈的回击,用一个非常有活力和精心研究的塔克卡尔森的节目版本,没有被广告打断。


(希望销量 我的枕头 救济因子 并没有受到太大影响。)

所以是的:无论如何,我们将可以自由地嘲笑政权的谎言。 让我们对此感到安慰。

同时我觉得有必要说,虽然我认为我们的国家立法机构为了阻止某个特定候选人在 2024 年竞选公职而陷入这种深渊是可悲的,但如果他们成功了,我不会太介意。

就个人而言,我不希望特朗普在 2024 年竞选. 他将在选举日 78 岁,这太老了。 受够了这些怪人。 我自己也在同一个区域,我非常清楚我的能量水平——我的意愿和能力 把事情做完——已经褪色。 [“行政人员的精力是定义好政府的主要特征,”亚历山大·汉密尔顿在 联邦党人编号10. 我们从特朗普总统那里得到的比从乔·拜登那里得到的更有意义——我们怎么能得到 ? ——但我们不会得到更多的能量。

撇开他的年龄不谈,我只是不认为特朗普是一个好的候选人。 当然,他有一些积极的成就,例如在联邦法规和能源独立方面,并告诉外国人不要介入我们的业务。

不过,有太多我难以原谅的事情:在他的政党控制两院的那两年里,他未能对国会行使自己的意志, 没有任何紧迫感 in 修建边界墙 他答应过,他的 可耻的待遇 of 杰夫·塞欣斯 (和 安犁刀),他对 黏糊糊的颠覆者贾里德库什纳......太多的负面因素。

我要特朗普主义。 但我不想要特朗普。

但是,是的,当然:如果他 is 2024年的共和党候选人,我会咬紧牙关投票给他,只是为了在统治阶级的集体眼中伸出一根手指。

约翰·德比郡[给他发电子邮件]写一个 数量惊人 关于各种主题 适用于各种网点。 (这 不再包括 《国家评论》,其编辑发脾气和 解雇了他。) 他是 作者 of 我们注定要失败:恢复保守的悲观主义 和其他几个 图书. 他拥有VDARE.com com出版的两本书: 异议权 (也可以在Kindle中使用) 以及 异议人士权利第二卷:《 2013年议论录》.

(从重新发布 威达 经作者或代表的许可)
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. Gyre07 说:

    我和你在一起。 我也不希望特朗普再次获胜,因为他缺乏组织和技能来运行一个可以清除你所命名的各种联邦机构的政治党派黑客。 此外,您不会正面遇到凶猛的对手(这正是他会做的),这是武术法则之一。 取而代之的是,您避开他们,他们摆动并且他们错过并且他们的侵略性能量最终流失回到他们自己身上。 如果像德桑蒂斯这样的人赢得共和党初选并在两年内参加大选,这很可能会发生。 他是一个成年人,有一个组织,而特朗普是一个没有组织的男孩,在保护他的人民方面有着糟糕的记录,对于谁应该为他的政府工作的判断更糟糕。

  2. Ghali 说:

    “North Korean Levels of Lying”. 这是我在任何地方读过的最肮脏、最种族主义的评论。 威达德比郡 无非就是肮脏的偏执狂。 事实上,没有任何实体或个人可以接近美国和美国人的谎言水平。 因此,使用美国和美国人的谎言水平作为最高谎言水平的衡量标准是准确和明智的。 可惜UNZ继续发帖 威达 垃圾。

    • 同意: Justrambling
    • 哈哈: Mike Tre
    • 巨魔: Vinnyvette
  3. Mark G. 说:

    特朗普肯定会比拜登更好,但特朗普主义并不是我们问题的真正答案。 在我们陷入恶性通货膨胀之前,必须停止印钞来支付高额政府支出,但特朗普上次上任时几乎没有采取任何措施来减少政府支出,而且豹子不太可能改变他的位置。


    • 同意: Bo Bo
    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Just Some JB
  4. 我们扭曲和扭曲了我们的整个社会——我们的司法系统、我们的教育系统——以努力安抚他们,但他们只要求更多。

    当然,这比单纯的变形要糟糕得多。为了“提升”黑人的神圣事业,整个西方文明正在被瓦解和摧毁。就好像白人的存在除了为黑人服务之外没有其他目的。我很难想象还有哪些不值得的受益者 任何 大量的白人慷慨,更不用说 Free Introduction 非常慷慨。 这是一场多么可悲、可悲、可悲的闹剧。

  5. Reg Cæsar 说:

    Representative Thompson is black…

    …but otherwise a dead ringer for John McCain.

    • 同意: lavoisier
    • 哈哈: Bro43rd
    • 回复: @Currahee
    , @Fidelios Automata
  6. Anon[217]• 免责声明 说:

    Trump’s greatest gift to the American people is Trumpism, without DT the man. Stop stupid wars and bring the troops home. Invest in America and bring back the good jobs. Build a big, beautiful wall and repatriate those who have no place being there. AND drain the swamp!


    DT 可能会考虑像 Gore Vidal 那样发表自己的 SOTU 演讲。

    • 同意: Kolya Krassotkin, tyrone
    • 回复: @Realist
    , @JustBrooklyn Here
  7. Wala 说:

    我要特朗普主义。 但我不想要特朗普。






    • 同意: Vinnyvette
    • 巨魔: Harold Smith
  8. 啊,美国黑人的浪漫!

    作者似乎没有意识到人们倾向于美化他们的背景,无论背景多么糟糕。 一个多世纪以来,人们一直在努力自豪地宣布南方奴隶的叛国和恐怖主义。 我的一个南方亲戚一直在寻找为斯拉夫统治而战的 xx 曾祖父母,但到目前为止还没有运气。 黑人做同样愚蠢的事情,有时也做得过火。 一个例子是非洲中心主义——古代非洲人发明了所有重要的东西。

    根据非洲中心主义学者 Cheikh Anta Diop(一位在美国颇有名气的塞内加尔人)的说法,非洲人发明了从犹太教、工程学到天文学的一切事物,包括辩证唯物主义(显然马克思主义是发明家引以为豪的原因)。




    我猜这是一个通用的 rightwingnut 声明,因为一个人可以用这么多组代替粗体部分。 在 Unz 网站,目标通常是犹太人,尽管有时可以看到“民主党人”、“妇女”和“自由主义者”。

    1970 年代中期,我在 Savin Business Machines 的一位同事自豪地拥有几卷卫生纸,每卷卫生纸上都印有尼克松的肖像。 即使在那时,当我还是一个 XNUMX 多岁的自由主义者时,我也觉得这有点过头了。 或者在底部,也许……

    我将此声明视为作者没有发表太多言论的证据,因为快速搜索发现卫生纸描绘了除了从约翰逊到拜登的一位总统之外的每一位总统。 乔治·H·W·布什是个例外,我怀疑他没有接受治疗,原因很简单,这样做可能是一个致命的错误。 (想想 1963 年,达拉斯)

    现在告诉我关于黑人袭击白人的联邦统计数据。 一位受人尊敬的评论员写道:

    别管“可敬”的人写了什么,我的兴趣在于作者对“统计”的评论。 他有一个 Rational Wiki,这就是他们对他的数学的评价。



    现在我不怀疑作者在白人为白人编写的智商测试中可能会做得很好。 但如果他接受了布须曼人智商测试,我敢打赌他会惨败。 把他塞进时光机,把他送回几十万年前:我预测他在他还活着的短暂时间内会成为笑柄。

    种族主义白人拒绝考虑贫困、营养不良和低预算教育的影响。 他们为什么要这样做? 会冲淡自己的珍贵 创造之主 信仰体系。

    就个人而言,我不希望特朗普在 2024 年竞选。

    我预测作者会用这个实现他的愿望。 对于富人和犹太复国主义者来说,Orange Oaf 是一个完美的金矿。 挤满了人的最高法院,破坏了法规,降低了富人税。 现在,除了给他们的生活水平甚至他们的生命带来巨大风险之外,肥胖的无知者只能给他们带来任何风险。 和一个年轻的疯子一起去要安全得多。

  9. @Gyre07


  10. JimDandy 说:

    And I’d prefer Derbyism without the Philosemitism.

    • 哈哈: Bro43rd
  11. bert33 说:

    I think California will eventually become a sino-mexican narcoprotectorate and you can kind of just dispense with the whole voty-choosey business, along with your political opinion, because ‘accidents’ happen, and you wouldn’t want to have an ‘accident’, would you? In the face of that international organized crime element, we have the biden administration in all their illustrious wonderment. Let that sink in. Crime does pay, and pays well. the democrat party is bought and sold and the legal system now a plaything for the wealthy and criminally inclined. Witness hunter biden.

    As for your federal agencies, you may get your wish, because officially we’re 30 trillion in the hole, unofficially several hundred trillions more, and when all that debt starts to obey gravity it will take the government with it.

    • 回复: @Bro43rd
  12. Sam Smith 说:

    US show trial reaches “North Korean levels of lying”?!?

    What a crockful of shit!

    Mr. Derbyshire, remember your “US is the hope of the world” bullshit article on the EP-3E spy plane incident near Hainan Island in 2001?

    You were an American ass licker! Still are!

    • 同意: Realist
  13. I know that the Qtards and varied sycophants don’t want to hear it but Desantis is the way forward. Although another 4 years of him reforming Florida would be great too.

    • 同意: Mark G., SteveK9
    • 回复: @Ulf Thorsen
  14. 特朗普是一名商人,他的当选是有效营销的典范,巧妙地利用当时的社交媒体来避开有偏见的媒体。 MAGA 是一种非常简单而有效的政治策略,它邀请任何土生土长的美国人拥抱一种民族主义和职业道德(操外国人!)。我认为特朗普是最好的候选人,但他应该任命一位继任者作为总统候选人,比如德桑蒂斯,他可能会比特朗普本人做得更好。特朗普是钥匙,但更明智的领导人需要进入这扇门。

    • 同意: Joseph Doaks
    • 回复: @Goddard
  15. Petermx 说:

    This kind of lying is nothing new except that it is new as to who it is being used against and for what purpose. If you have enough influence in the mass media (meaning you own a very significant percentage of it, or even most of it) and you lie continuously about something, you do it every day and you do it on TV, in newspapers, magazines and this is backed up in books you publish (you control publishing too) then you can convince everyone, including people with the highest IQ’s that an absolute, easily provable lie is the truth or that they had better accept it as the truth or you will destroy their reputation.

    There are many examples of this, especially relating to WW II. It is a well know fact that Jews completely dominated communism, making up 80 to 85% of the USSR’s first government and holding many of the leading positions in that government until sometime after WW II. Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler, Alexander Solzhenitsyn and many others said it and a large number of eastern Europeans knew it but if you tell anyone that today, out of fear or ignorance (I prefer the word stupidity in cases like this) they will say you are wrong, claim you don’t know what you are talking about and there is a good chance they will insult you. The fact that what you are saying is 100% true is irrelevant.

    This lie might be the most important factor in understanding the world we live in today and in understanding WW II. It completely alters the understanding of WW II by hiding the fact that Jews led the USSR, one of the world powers that fought that war. This changes the view of Jews from a powerful group which held sway over a great power of over 100 million and caused immense death and suffering to being victims themselves when an enemy that invaded the USSR was joined by a significant number of Soviet citizens and others in fighting them and taking revenge against them. This is just one example. There are many others, easily provable blatant lies to create a favorable narrative of world altering importance.

    I believe the Jan. 6 Show Trial is led by the same people, Jews, to advance their own interests. Jews have had a dominant role in American politics going back to before WW II, with that power growing with each decade that passed. The current US government has Jewish secretary of state, Antony Blinken, a Jewish attorney general of the US named Merrick Garland and assorted other characters with immense power such as Victoria Nuland, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. The Jewish attorney general continuously insults well over 100 milllions of Americans constantly when he keeps saying that “White supremacism” is a threat or even the biggest threat to the American government and its democracy. He repeats this accusation to a country that was dominated by and had an overwhelming White majority (85 to 90% of its population) in 1965 that willingly changed its laws to alter the country from a White Christian country to a multicultural country. His White target is stymied from firing back at him because he belongs to the most protected ethnic group in the world.

    I believe he and others were bothered by and felt threatened by a president (Trump) that was enormously popular to hundreds of millions of White Americans who felt they finally had a president that cared about them. It does not matter that Trump was a big defender of Israel and his family intermarried with Jews, he was a populist president adored by Whites who felt he had their interests at heart. Add to that fact that Trump adopted the name of one of the most despised groups in history in Jewish eyes that tried to keep the US out of WW II, “America First”, led by America’s biggest hero at the time whose reputation Jews destroyed when he led a campaign to keep the US out of WW II and you have the reason for the Jan 6 committee, the empowering of BLM and many other things. I feel I can almost guarantee you that many Jews were reminded of Adolf Hitler speaking to adoring Germans when they saw Trump’s adoring Americans.

  16. Karl1906 说:

    The only thing that Trump was good for was showing us how utterly corrupt and unreformable this system has become. Even a moderate populist like him was causing serious ripples through this “2-in-1”-uniparty-system. BUT… he would NOT have changed anything with another 4 years. And he WILL NOT change anything should he come in power again.

    The establishment is close now in turning the USA into a dictatorship. Yeah, there may be some resistance, but no civil war. You need military to run a civil war and the US military will not split and/or take a stance AGAINST the Democrat government.

    Because it’s not about the Democrats (and neither the WEF) – it’s the US establishment, the “elites”, who WANT IT that way. And they consider you – white and/or middle class – dead anyway. You resist now, they murder you straight up. You comply, they will murder you later. The latter thing is already going on with the “vaccines” they’ll just double down further and further.

    Andrew Anglin said it best when comenting on the kangaroo court-proceedings: “the FBI is rounding people up for refusing to participate in this scam. Congress doesn’t have the power to order the FBI to round people up, but they’re just doing it anyway. When the FBI rounds you up, it has been, up until now, for the purpose of putting you before the judicial branch of government – not the Congress”

    And SCOTUS and the rest of the US “justice” system is completely silent about this. You know the drill and what’s going to happen next.

    • 同意: Emslander, Bro43rd, EdwardM
    • 回复: @Kim
  17. mark green 说:






    • 同意: Achmed E. Newman
  18. The machine-like – precision? – – soul- and spiritlessness with which Bennie Thompson fulfilled his mission – his: role! – in these hearings is spooky and impressive at the same time.
    How do you – as a political party – get hold (create?) such – characters?

    (Makes me think of romantic jurist and composer’s & writer’s E. T. A. Hoffmann’s complex and – over the centuries – quite influential short story The Sandman (1817) – see not least The Residents’ take on it below).



    The Residents made a concept album based on E. T. A. Hoffman’s modern times soullessness-short story 桑德曼 which – deep down – is about the enormous power of conventions

  19. BananaKilt 说:




    • 回复: @Blissex
  20. BananaKilt 说:


    • 同意: WhoaWaitaMinute
  21. 德布腐败区不会带来任何好处。未觉醒者必须将自己从其管辖范围中分离出来。分离是可能的。改革则不然。

    • 同意: Bro43rd, Kratoklastes, Not you
  22. Corvinus 说:



    ——记住这是一个 *两党合作* 国会委员会以目前的形式存在——由两名共和党成员(切尼、金辛格)和一名共和党人共同领导其调查小组(里格曼)——因为众议院共和党领袖凯文·麦卡锡 *决定* 会是这样的。

    众议院民主党人想要一个无党派委员会; 共和党人说不。 民主党随后同意成立一个由 5 名共和党成员组成的两党委员会,只要他们中没有一个人是案件的证人; 共和党人说不。 民主党人表示,麦卡锡选择的非证人仍然可以在委员会任职; 共和党人说不。 民主党人随后公开呼吁共和党人在委员会任职; 作为回应,麦卡锡命令他的核心小组成员——受到惩罚的威胁——不要加入委员会。 无论如何,有两个人加入并受到了惩罚。

    此后,共和党人发起了一场宣传运动,散布有关委员会的虚假信息:他们错误地声称委员会是党派而非两党派; 谎称他们没有机会加入; 错误地声称这是一场党派活动。

    实际上,我们 *知道* 该委员会不是一个党派活动,因为民主党想要一个 *无党派委员会* 而不是一个党派委员会,而是 *共和党* 坚持 6 月 XNUMX 日的调查应由国会委员会进行。

    民主党和共和党的分歧在于国会委员会是否应该调查 6 月 XNUMX 日事件 *腐败*—that is, whether its members/investigators could also be witnesses in the case. Democrats said no; Republicans *要求* 腐败。

    这种意见分歧并不神秘:共和党领导层非常明显地希望并需要 6 月 XNUMX 日的调查由国会和 *腐败* 因为它知道——全国也知道——《6 月 XNUMX 日》的主要作者是共和党的领导人。

    鉴于现在谴责 J6 调查的所有共和党领导人最初都承认这次袭击是非法和危险的,需要进行调查,我们可以肯定地说,有一个原因,一个原因 *只要* 大多数共和党人不会参与这项调查:正如他在 2016 年选举周期中公开所做的那样,特朗普威胁说,如果党派领导人不按照他的要求行事,他将退出共和党,并带走大约 30% 至 40% 的共和党人。

    但对于这种字面上的与魔鬼的交易,共和党可以 *抛弃* 特朗普和帮助他策划 10 月 20 日事件的 2 到 4 名共和党众议院议员和 6 到 XNUMX 名共和党参议员。几乎所有这些人都在共和党无论如何都会控制的地区或州。

    因此,当有消息称共和党正在创建“作战室”以散布有关今晚听证会及其 5 名继任者的虚假信息时,政界的每个人都明白,本月共和党在 J6 上发表的任何言论都不是诚实的或诚实的。爱国。

    • 哈哈: Patrick in SC
  23. Why bring North Korea into this? And who is to say they’re bigger liars? Oh, US lying about North Koreans being the bigger liars.

  24. “……他对 Jeff Sessions 的可耻对待……”

    塞申斯得到了他应得的。 这个无能的傻瓜对礼仪和法律更感兴趣,而不是保护总统免受司法部门的豺狼之害。 他本可以否认他做出的脆弱的借口,这使他能够回避参与他一生中最重要的事件。 在特朗普迫切需要一个有能力的 AG 介入并对抗 FBI 之际,塞申斯的行动比其他任何人都更严重地阻碍了总统。 塞申斯自愧不如,从未充分解释过他的行为。

    • 同意: Emslander, SteveK9
    • 不同意: Joseph Doaks
  25. Kim 说:

    But but but Warp Speed and a $500 billion Platinum Plan for dem po po kneegrows!

    And don’t forget his first choice for Secretary of State was Rex Tillerson.

    And who can forget his pardon for Shalom Rubashkin, jew, despite $27 million in bank fraud and extensive immigration fraud?


    These are just a few among many indicators of the high quality type of man Zion Don is!

    • 回复: @Karl1906
  26. But I’d Still Prefer Trumpism Without Trump
    “如果投票很重要,他们不会让我们这样做。” ——马克吐温

    Right – don’t vote no matter who runs for anything. Our Republic is dead.

  27. @Corvinus

    米特? 米特·罗姆尼? 那是你吗?

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  28. J.T. 说:


    • 巨魔: Harold Smith
  29. Goddard 说:


    这种情况甚至比白人为黑人服务还要糟糕。 白色存在的目的是 合并 与黑人。 白人奴役黑人的最终行为是将他们最宝贵的资源——他们的 DNA——捐赠给一个新的泥人。

    • 回复: @silviosilver
  30. Goddard 说:
    @James of Africa

    在德桑蒂斯担任副总统的情况下,在特朗普的最后四年里等待着 28 年的到来。

    • 同意: SteveK9
    • 回复: @Joseph Doaks
    , @Buck Ransom
  31. 无论你是否喜欢特朗普,我们都不会通过投票摆脱这个国家正在遭受的暴政警察国家。我原以为这个事实现在已经很明显了。

    • 同意: Johnny Smoggins
  32. 我很难理解 Remus 叔叔在讲述这个故事,所以我把它关掉了。 让我想起了理查德·普赖尔(Richard Pryor)关于黑人牧师在葬礼上发表演讲的短剧。

  33. Emslander 说:

    And if you’re going to be that radical, go further and move federal departments out of Washington, D.C.

    Move the White House, the Supreme Court and the Capital out here to the banks of the Mississippi. The weather is better and our thinking is much clearer. Let the Departments rot in that swamp. Hollywood wouldn’t set foot in Northeast Missouri. The constitutionally authorized government might be less inclined to stay in session 24/7/365. The obedient media might wither up and die.

    Being of the same age zone, I draw exactly the same conclusions as you. No Trump, but the logical extension of Trumpism.

    It’s a wish list, a fantasy, a sparkling vision, though, that can’t happen within this system of thought control and court tyranny. Someone said, I think it was Peter Theil, “Just give us a nation, a regular country.”

    I’m worn out supporting this evangelical movement of deranged non-human monsters, lizard people.

  34. Emslander 说:

    Are you Nancy’s bathroom attendant, or what?

    • 回复: @Kolya Krassotkin
  35. lavoisier 说:

    One of your best JD.

    不如 会谈, for sure, but what is?

  36. Anonymous[661]• 免责声明 说:

    “In truth, no entity or person can come close to the U.S. and Americans levels of lying.”

    The illegitimate state calling itself Israel not only comes close but supersedes every imaginable concept of lying.

  37. Benny Thompson is what Kim Jong Oon would look like in black face?

    (What number day is this clown show on? I want to know how much longer we have to endure pre-empting regularly scheduled programing.)

    After the 2017 Inauguration Day riot in DC and the BLM riots of 2020, Jan 6 was a tempest in a teapot.

  38. Realist 说:

    In truth, no entity or person can come close to the U.S. and Americans levels of lying.

    True…this country is controlled by the nastiest lying bastards on the planet. Very sorry to see it happen.

  39. HammerJack 说:

    有时德比郡摇摆不定,有时德比郡摇摆不定 第n 程度。 本文就是后一种情况之一。

    Sadly though, to your comment: Ron DeSantis is little more than a “business as usual” Republican, and we’d do well to remember that people like that worked hand-in-hand with Dems, virtually every step of the way, to wreck this once-great nation.

    • 同意: Charon
    • 回复: @follyofwar
  40. Realist 说:


    这个国家无法通过选举手段来拯救。那些掌握权力的人不会放弃他们自 1945 年以来一直为之奋斗的目标。深州拥有如此多的控制权,现在只有严重的叛乱才能阻止他们。

    • 同意: WhoaWaitaMinute
  41. A123 说: • 您的网站

    我要特朗普主义。 但我不想要特朗普。

    MAGA is much larger than any one individual. It represents a fundamental shift in American politics:
       — Workers are moving to the MAGA GOP
       — MegaCorporations are embracing the SJW DNC
    This is a work in progress. It took decades to get into this mess. It will take time and effort to complete this transition.

    No one should use the term Trumpism. MAGA is not a 个人崇拜.

    Personally, I don’t want Trump running in 2024. He’d be 78 on Election Day and that’s too old. Enough with these geezers

    Only Trump and the people around him can speak to his health. This would certainly be an acceptable reason not to run. However, if he is in good medical condition, there is no reason for him to unnecessarily step aside.

    There was too much I find hard to forgive, though: his failure to exercise his will over Congress in those two years that his party controlled both houses

    The MAGA party did *不是* control Congress at any point during Trumps 1st Term. It is foolish for anyone to believe that Trump could have made the GOP(e) swamp creatures conform to MAGA principles. In order to obtain Senate confirmations a giant chunk of cabinet posts were traded away. Does anyone believe that Trump wanted to nominate Elaine Chao (a.k.a. Mrs. Mitch McConnell)?

    Replacing GOP(e) corporate lackeys with actual MAGA Republicans is a process that is still evolving. The House, with its Appropriations powers, should be in MAGA hands after the midterms. The Senate is harder to change, as terms are 6 years and a 60 vote super majority is required for many functions. The next MAGA President will have more cooperation from the Senate, however political compromise will still be required.

    Even with the Presidency and Congress, the most that can be hoped for in a 4 year term is a good start. It will take multiple MAGA administrations in succession to drain the establishment swamp.


    • 回复: @Emslander
  42. Realist 说:

    WTF…you’re new here aren’t you boy?

    • 哈哈: RoatanBill
  43. MLK 说:

    I agree. It’s all childish counterfactuals.



    然而,我发现有太多难以原谅的事情:在他的政党控制参众两院的两年里,他未能在国会上行使他的意志,他承诺的修建边境墙缺乏紧迫感,他对国会的可耻对待杰夫·塞申斯(Jeff Sessions)(和安·库尔特(Ann Coulter)),他对狡猾的颠覆者贾里德·库什纳(Jared Kushner)的纵容……太多的负面影响。

    let me tell you something. If after all that’s happened over the last six years you’re fixated on Ann Coulter’s hurt feelings then you’re well and truly lost.

    “Trump Must Go!,” a relentless effort to destroy Trump and his presidency, by anyone who is anybody, foreign and domestic, eventuated in an in our faces steal of his landslide win.

    If we’re going to save this great constitutional republic, the malefactors must be forced to accept the outcome of free and fair elections. They didn’t in 2016, so they decided to fix it but good in 2020.

    I don’t mean to be harsh, but the “Trumpism without Trump” brats have no right to negotiate a surrender masquerading as compromise with the “our democracy” crowd.


    • 同意: Carolyn Yeager
    • 回复: @Greta Handel
  44. Anonymous[421]• 免责声明 说:

    Trump has the great advantage of setting feasible and desirable goals, and of having the 1950s New York City style of aggressive pursuit of his goals. Trump’s mistake was trying to work with the Democratic Party. He’d done that before as a builder in NYC, and though that he could do it again for the entire US. He could not; the existing establishment wanted only to keep the political money flowing the the major cities and maintenance of their individual political position and income. That’s why they had Pres. Obama elected.

    In practice, Trump served as the Great Revealer rather than the Great President: he revealed enough of the 2016 system of government to make it intolerable non-urban Americans.

    Now, whether he could 成为 the Great President and actually change the nature of government is not known. It seems unlikely, as he is getting old [1]. However, a President who is a Great Doer, but not a Great Revealer of any sort, would just prolong the agony of a system that is visibly failing to even permit the basics needed for life. A second run as Great Revealer would be better; we and history at least get a martyr out of it.

    So who is the Great Revealer and Great Doer who could be an effective President and minimize the hardship/casualties? Is there any? We’re about to find out. . .

    1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5rBGFmQ3-Q

    • 回复: @Woodsy
  45. @Zachary Smith

    Blacks are being weaponized for the now with no intention of being given a future. Basically they are volunteer slaves for the economic one percent who likely owned and enslaved them to start with. I’m old and white with no use for the short sighted and stupid in this class war. It matters not who they are is just that they choose to be silly little tools. Incidentally that includes my older and white sister. See no prejudice other than being a lefty fool. Hope that helps.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  46. @Swaytonious

    Still DeSantis knows how to govern, and might be the best we can get at this point.

    • 回复: @Z-man
  47. @Ghali

    In truth, no entity or person can come close to the U.S. and Americans levels of lying.

    By Ghali, you must have never left the house or picked up a history book. The America of a half century ago going back to its founding was the most honest society ever seen in history.

    That said, yes, lying all over the world, especially the Globohomo Agenda, is at Book of Isaiah or Book of Revelation levels at this point. What comes next?

    • 同意: Mark G.
    • 回复: @Greta Handel
    , @Curmudgeon
  48. “我想要特朗普主义。 但我不想要特朗普。”



  49. Z-man 说:

    —But I’d Still Prefer Trumpism Without Trump

    But yeah, sure: if he is the GOP candidate in 2024, I’ll clench my teeth and vote for him, just to stick a finger in the Ruling Class’s collective eye.

    Ya sees, I read the title and the last sentence and got the gist of the article.
    We need an America First Nationalist to run. The million-dollar question is who? I like Josh Hawley but he’s too milk toast (milquetoast) for me. Certainly 不能 DeSantis who’s as big a cuck to Izra-hell as Donald. But as the author of the article says, ‘I’ll hold my nose and probably vote for DeSantis if he’s the candidate’.

    PS. This is how it’s going to be if Howley or even DeSantis gets in:
    They’ll both try (especially Hawley) to do the right thing for America vis-à-vis The Cabal, and they’ll get a call, a threatening call, and that will be the end to trying to be an America Firster.

  50. Was Trump really a revolutionary candidate? Or was he a psyop used give us crumbs of hope with the ultimate intent to demoralize us? Also no meaningful election reform has been done anywhere, while all states have become browner. We’re pass fixing the US.

    • 回复: @WorkingClass
  51. 说得好!

    Bravo, Mr. Derbyshire, as I don’t disagree with a single word of this post. Above all else, I thank you for putting the name of the murderer of Ashli Babbitt, 迈克尔·勒罗伊·伯德 in your post. I don’t know why his name doesn’t appear in most other writer’s material on this subject. It’s been know for over 2 years now who did this.

    I look forward to watching the Tucker Carlson clip, so thinks on that too. No way will I follow the Lyin’ Press on this – the TV’s been off for 23 years for the express purpose of not having to seen the pissing-and-moaning black whiners like Thompson and the viscous Banana Republic types in the Congress and other high office.

    No, Trump did not have any idea how to drain the swamp. He hired swamp dwellers as his employees. You got the right idea here too, Mr. D. If the Congress would not confirm one’s appointments for head of the big Departments and any little ones, guess what happens? The interim guy who you pick runs things until they approve someone you can trust. You fire bureaucrats at every level until they start doing the jobs the way you want them done, per YOUR policies. Firings do wonders for the mindset of these bureaucrats.

    You get rid of entire staffs of offices, if you need too, as the Clintons did. Yes, hardball, as the country is at stake.

    As Trump is still good for rallying the population (as much as I wish he’d fade away too – not bloody likely), I heard something from a rally in Alabama that just showed me what a bullshitter he is. He started railing on what his generals did while he was in office, how they screwed him over. What? You were President, meaning Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces! You could have fired any one of them at any time. Why were they still there, sabotaging any good that you were doing?

    He is still on our side, but way too much of a bullshitter rather than an executive. I’d love to see Ron DeSantis run.

  52. @Götterdamn-it-all

    GiA, I really don’t disagree with your take on Mr. Upright, Jeff Sessions, who wanted to still play by the Marquis of Queensberry* rules against people who play by the rule of lies, agitprop, and subterfuge like all Communists.

    However, Trump handled this stupidity, as he did lots of his time there. What you do is have a good talk with Mr. Sessions. If he won’t do what you need (play hardball) due to his rule-of-law principles, you nicely ask him to resign and get someone else. It didn’t need to be out in the open with back-and-forth tweets, as in 8th grade.

    An illustration of Trump’s mindset that some of you all who don’t follow 威达 (关于移民入侵的所有事情的网站)可能不知道的是:一旦杰夫塞申斯回到阿拉巴马州,他再次竞选美国参议院,他在担任司法部长之前的旧职位。 Mr. Session is a true immigration patriot with an A or A+ rating from … somebody, FAIR(?). Yet, due to his 14 y/o school girl style vindictiveness and his big ego, Donald Trump supported Jeff Sessions’ primary OPPONENT, who was not an immigration patriot! That is sabotaging the whole effort with one’s schoolgirl mentality. What an asshole! That’s all I got to say about that …


    * I honestly have no idea of who that Queensberry fellow is, but you all get the point, I’m sure …

  53. @Götterdamn-it-all



  54. @Goddard

    “在特朗普的最后四年里,德桑蒂斯担任副总统,等待 28 年的到来。 ”


  55. bwuce wee 说:

    trump literally is the ONLY guy who is qualified to fix the mess at this point in history. and he is the only guy who can win, so really it’s trump or democRAT hell for eternity. you are fooling yourself if you imagine otherwise. the democRAT strategy will be to divide and conquer, meaning they will support various alternative candidates to trump, which they can either bring down, blackmail, or bribe to their needs. trump has already proven he can defeat them, no one else can defeat them. wake the ‘f’ up, sleepwalkers.

  56. @Ulf Thorsen



    • 回复: @Johnny Smoggins
  57. @Wala

    恭喜你未能掌握基本的抽象思维。特朗普没有发起任何运动。他不属于 ZOG 以外的任何组织。他实际上从未持有白人投票他入职的任何信念。他在选举后的第二天就背叛了他们(信仰和他的选民)。他首先不是“特朗普主义”的一部分。如果你想崇拜他和他的叛逆之徒,请寻找另一个网站。

    • 同意: Realist
    • 巨魔: Carolyn Yeager
  58. KenH 说:


    Ask/axe? The negro demands more and if we don’t give to him riots or threatens riots while Jewish media smiles approvingly and blames the white and non-black victims.

    I’ll take Trump over proxy for the Jews Joey hairplugs Biden but electing Trump means we’ll get a heavy dose of (((Kushner))) and Ivanka’s social leftist crap and it was he who crafted Trump’s negro whispering strategy by supporting Juneteenth and turning the oval office into soul train. It seemed a week didn’t go by where there wasn’t at least one black interest group invited to the White House. In the end about 90% of blacks voted Democrat anyway and negro coddling has never moved the needle for Republicans.

    Trump thinks he can fire a handful of top people throughout the bureaucracy then brag that he’s draining the swamp. Trump thought talking trash on Twitter was akin to getting things done as did most of his supporters. For being so tough Trump got pushed around a lot.

    We need someone who will wield hard state power against the Jewish led radical left and left wing activists who’ve embedded themselves throughout the CIA, DHS, DOJ, FBI and NSA. I don’t think either Trump or DeSantis is willing to do that to any meaningful degree.


    • 回复: @WhoaWaitaMinute
  59. SafeNow 说:

    The most important responsibility of a U.S. President is to prevent a nuclear war from happening. Trump understood this, and wanted to get along with Russia; achieve a modus vivendi, to use a vogue term. He largely accomplished this, despite having had his presidency disabled. So give credit where it is due, especially now, because the exact opposite philosophy is now operative – – in both parties – – and as Fred Thompson says in Red October, We’ll be lucky to live through this.

    If we do survive this, forget about political steps to reverse the unraveling. A point of no return has been reached. The future will be a blend of South Africa, Brazil, Idiocracy, and authoritarian rule.

  60. January Sixth chair Bennie Thompson,
    With only a trifling name-change,
    Could be Faulkner’s retard Benjy Compson;
    They’re both Mississippian lamebrains!


    • 谢谢: Charon
  61. KenH 说:

    by Trump officials themselves that their polling numbers said he would lose

    Trump was also supposed to lose in a landslide to Hildabeast Clinton in 2016 and how did that polling turn out? If you dare respond with Russia collusion or Russian hacking crap then go jump off of a tall building because you’ll have no credibility. The claims in the Steele dossier have been completely discredited and debunked.

    Per the polling data Trump was supposed to lose Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania by double digits but only “lost” by .6%, 2.8% and 1.2%, respectively. Each state flagrantly violated their own election laws which massively increased voter turnout in blue precincts via mail in voting.

    Trump never instructed anyone to enter the Capitol and exhorted the audience to protest “peacefully and patriotically.” Trump tried to get up to 20K national guard troops stationed at the Capitol on January 6th which Pelosi and the Dems rejected. The majority of the protestors inside the Capitol were allowed in by the Capitol police.

    Contrast this to the demons on your side who encouraged rioting and property destruction in 2020. There needs to be a select committee on the Jewish media instigated violent antifa and BLM riots of 2020.

    The only liar here is you.

    • 谢谢: Emslander
    • 回复: @Corvinus
  62. Trumpeter 说:

    这一直是我的在线身份。 我十分同意。

  63. InnerCynic 说:

    That “dark history” has a lot of darkies putting each others lights out.

  64. Sam Smith 说:

    Scolpisci nella tua testa a lettere adamantine … Carve into your mind in great stone letters: This nation [the “Great” United States of America] is the hope, and the conscience, of the world.

    So pronounced the “Great” John Derbyshire in his National Review article on April 18, 2001. His entire slurpy diatribe about American exceptionalism, while justifying the violation of Chinese airspace and using Hollywood “Holocaust” garbage to boot, was actually posted here on UNZ!


    In more than 20 years since that watershed article, this royal American ass licker is still at it.

    If the “Great” United States of America is “the hope and the conscience of the world”, I would hate to guess what world he is living in!

  65. @Ulf Thorsen



    • 同意: usNthem, WhoaWaitaMinute
  66. Derb, Madison penned Federalist 10.

    Point taken just the same.

  67. Ron Dulo 说:


    “6 月 XNUMX 日的审判达到了朝鲜撒谎的程度”




    • 回复: @Greta Handel
  68. lavoisier 说:
    @Zachary Smith

    如果您不能相信 RationalWiki 作为有关心理测量学或任何其他需要专业知识的深奥学科的有效性的无偏见经验真理的来源,那么您可以信任谁?


    It is obvious, isn’t it?

  69. Emslander 说:

    The next MAGA President will have more cooperation from the Senate, however political compromise will still be required.

    It is revealing that Biden has lately taken to declaring “these MAGA types” the most radical or damaging or authoritarian or, whatever expletive he can mine out of his fervid cranium, political movement in all of history.

    I wonder whether he’s anticipating the more effective political movement that you describe. Maybe he’s getting the truly threatening vibes out of the private polling and small group analysis he lives with minute to minute. I don’t think anybody fears Trump or Trumpism that much any more. They effectively neutered Trump.

  70. @Joseph Doaks






    • 回复: @Emslander
  71. @Petermx



    但在 XNUMX 年代后期,斯大林处决了其中的大部分。

    • 不同意: Petermx
    • 回复: @Staudegger
  72. @MLK

    They all want to rewrite the script since Trump took the oath, erasing their own cravenness.

    Who’s rewriting? Some of us saw through Trump long before that.

    2008年,奥巴马被吹捧为政治局外人,他将消灭布什岁月中所有的腐烂和流血的犯罪活动。 根据我们的统治阶级,他竟然是一个灵巧的举动。 尽管愚人仍然拒绝看到它,但奥巴马是我们军事银行业的完美仆人。 现在,特朗普被吹捧为另一个政治局外人。

    特朗普总统任职期间将暂时安抚躁动不安的低下阶层白人,同时吸引自由主义者的愤怒。 这将赢得我们统治阶级的时间,因为他们继续在国外发动战争,同时使美国人陷入贫困。 像奥巴马一样,特朗普不会履行他的任何选举承诺​​,这也将归咎于两党政治。

    Linh Dinh, “Orlando Shooting Means Trump for President,” 2016 年 6 月 12 日, @ The Unz Review.


    • 同意: Hangnail Hans
  73. Dystopian 说:


  74. @Achmed E. Newman

    By Ghali, you must have never left the house or picked up a history book. The America of a half century ago going back to its founding was the most honest society ever seen in history.

    And you know this from the “history books” in those government schools you might just one of these years take your kids out of?

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  75. Voltarde 说:

    Intelligence. Principles. Courage.

    Realism. Reason. Responsible.

    Massie 2024, a worthy successor to Dr. Ron Paul.

  76. Karl1906 说:

    Trump could have pardoned Assange at his last day in office and that would left a positive signal for the whole world to see. Instead he went out with a whimper – and another false flag against the American constitution and population.

    No, the American Empire has reached its end and the only thing left to hope for is that those in charge won’t be insane enough to risk a nuclear armageddon.

  77. @Ron Dulo


  78. HT 说:

    我会不同意,因为我会再次与特朗普一起冒险,他现在明白必须对联邦官僚机构做什么,并且可能真的会这样做。 另一种选择是从一个新人开始,他们并不真正了解问题的严重性和紧迫性,因为他们没有亲身经历过。 在他们弄清楚之前,他们将像特朗普一样受到打击和破坏,为时已晚。 当然,如果我们能找到一个像希特勒一样残忍的人,他会像希特勒对待新马克思主义者一样对待他们,这可能是摆脱他们的唯一方法,我会改变我的想法。

  79. Dystopian 说:
    @Zachary Smith

    奴隶制可以定义为以武力窃取某人的劳动收益。 这与政府拿枪偷走我的大部分工资并将其交给他们的选区有什么不同? 今天活着的人与 150 多年前发生的事情无关。 为什么你不能继续前进?

    • 同意: Bo Bo, Kolya Krassotkin
    • 回复: @HT
  80. nsa 说:

    “North Korean Levels of Lying”
    An assertion offered up as self-evident without example or any kind of proof at all. Why not actually compare the level of lying of Rodong Sinmun to the bullshit that appears daily in any London or New York newspaper? In retrospect, it would have been healthier to allow in a few more Honduran fruit pickers than a washed up Brit Tory propagandist.

  81. @Anon


  82. 3g4me 说:

    @2 Ghali: Ho hum. We have another POX who is butthurt.

  83. martin_2 说:
    @Zachary Smith



    Firstly, since the Bushman wants to live here, in the West, and we don’t want to live there, presumably, in the “Bush”, it therefore makes sense that we would care about how well the Bushman does on 我们的 IQ 测试,而不是他的,因为我们的 IQ 测试衡量的是他或他的种族群体适应的程度 我们的 社会。


  84. 3g4me 说:

    Standard UNZ fare – more Boomers debating which uniparty whore can pretend to be holier than the rest. Anyone who believes in muh democracy and voting is a fool – and there’s no fool like an old fool. AINO is dead and gone, but conservatards are still rearranging the deck chairs. Hope you all go down with the ship.

  85. Staudegger 说:
    @Here Be Dragon

    但在 XNUMX 年代后期,斯大林处决了其中的大部分。

    不,他没有。 斯大林是一个哲学闪米特人,他认为谋杀任何犹太人讨厌的人是他的工作。

    • 谢谢: Petermx
    • 回复: @Here Be Dragon
  86. @Wala

    I like the “egotistical moron” charge, but don’t think you’ve used the best analogies.

    像约翰·德比郡这样的老式保守派需要指出的是,没有特朗普在场 is no Trumpism. They cannot be separated. Trump is a totally unique and authentic personality with a combination of qualities no one else has. Those who think someone else, different from him, can carry out his policies better than he can, don’t understand what those qualities are. Unlike any other politician I know, Trump has a formidable backbone and he doesn’t budge when he believes he’s right.
    我的希望是,在这 4 年的卸任期间,他看到了他在第一个任期内所犯的错误——迎合党内更有“经验”的成员 (RINO),并认为他有足够的时间来完成工作——并且在第二个任期内将更像他自己的人。 他也应该和伊万卡和杰瑞德一起完蛋!
    As for his age, don’t judge the high-energy, healthy Trump with other lesser men.
    After the mid-terms Trump will have a larger number of strong supporters in Congress AND later bring along even more in the Presidential election in ’24. This is the way to go – not to change horses in mid-stream.

    请记住,民主党人非常害怕特朗普重返办公室。 这告诉你一些事情。

  87. possumman 说:

    They want shed of Uncle Ben until he becomes useful and then there he is back on that box of rice.

  88. @Greta Handel

    I know this from BEING THERE.

    It’ll be after this next school year for the elementary school boy. Middle school is too dark. My wife wants to take him out right now due to the wokeness, but a) this school doesn’t have much yet (remember my comments under Michelle Malkin’s latest column)* and b) they are some good kids.

    However this is NOW, and then was THEN. You didn’t understand my comment obviously, and you’ve got this habit of ass/u/me – ing a whole lot, Greta. How about writing in with something constructive at some point?


    * I would be completely up for raising Holy Hell, if the school were. That’s actually a pretty fun thing for me, as I don’t make an effort to be some pillar of the community.

    • 回复: @Greta Handel
  89. Agent76 说:

    8年2021月XNUMX日,您被骗了! 证明了建筑物的“插入”设置!!!



  90. 这种仇恨,这种特朗普精神错乱综合症,只是他们对我们普通美国白人仇恨的象征、外在象征。

    这是无稽之谈。健康的普通美国白人讨厌前民主党人唐纳德·特朗普,因为他是一个自命不凡的同性恋者和越轨者。普通的美国白人并不讨厌狗,他们说话时不会做出一些装腔作势的手势,穿着 Depends,吸食 Adderal,或者与爱泼斯坦和克林顿这样的人交往取乐。特朗普与罗伊·科恩关系非常密切——这应该足以让任何普通的美国白人避开特朗普。特朗普是一个骗子,这确实是美国引以为傲的小贩和欺诈传统,但他仍在进行骗局。


    • 同意: Harold Smith
    • 回复: @Emslander
  91. @Old and Grumpy

    I don’t think Trump intended to be President. He just ran to increase his brand. And Bannon was aware of the existance of the Deplorables and was whispering in Trumps ear. Orange Man literaly came out of nowhere and defeated first the Republicans and then the Democrats because neither ever thought of asking for White Working Class votes.

  92. @David Burberry

    DeSantis is up Israel’s a** too much for my liking. He broke the law in fact a few years back when he took his staff to Israel and actually drafted legislation for Fla against “anti-semitism”.

    • 同意: Druid55
  93. 我在此提名青铜时代变态者担任美国导演

  94. Brad Anbro 说:

    I’d prefer Franklin Delano Rooseveltism, Dwight D. Eisenhowerism or John F. Kennedyism. NONE of the rest of the so-called “presidents.”


  95. follyofwar 说:

    Good point, HammerJack. DeSantis is an Israel-first conservative, like the majority of neocon republicans. I’d only support him if he is opposed to the war against Russia, but, to my knowledge he has yet to register his opinion. DeSantis could turn out to be just another RINO. My pick would be Rand Paul. We know where he stands.

    • 回复: @KenH
  96. @Petermx

    I believe he and others were bothered by and felt threatened by a president (Trump) that was enormously popular to hundreds of millions of White Americans who felt they finally had a president that cared about them. It does not matter that Trump was a big defender of Israel and his family intermarried with Jews…

    You’ve put your finger on the bi-polar, manic-depressive, mentally ill character of America. This is why America is falling to pieces, this is why voodoo practitioners are emboldened, this is why insane ((Jews)) have run amok… yet again.

    A bi-polar, fork-tongued, Zionist blowhard like Trump is not going to save America anymore than he saved the Jan 6 political prisoners lingering in prison, anymore than he saved his own presidency from insane ((Jew)) saboteurs — some of which were part of his family and working for him.

    Everything you wrote about the ((Jews)) is correct, but you did not follow those truths to their logical conclusion, which is that Trump is a mentally ill prisoner of ((Jews)) and prison keeper ((Jews)) — as are so many schizophrenic Americans (and Englishmen, like Derbyshire).

    It’s because the ((Cousinhood)) has had control of the Anglosphere for a long, long time.

  97. @Staudegger



    三十年代后期的清洗与反犹太主义毫无关系。 当犹太人试图摆脱列宁,他被枪杀后幸存下来时,他任命斯大林为他的继任者。

    斯大林继承了这个国家,当时最有影响力的职位由列奥·托洛茨基领导的犹太人担任。 他花了 XNUMX 年时间才在大清洗之前巩固了足够的权力。

    然后他在两年内摆脱了其中的 75%。

    • 回复: @Kolya Krassotkin
  98. @Achmed E. Newman

    Let’s make sure we have our facts straight here.

    The America of a half century ago going back to its founding was the most honest society ever seen in history.
    I know this from BEING THERE.

    1972 年你几岁?

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
    , @Mark G.
  99. pyrrhus 说:

    Well, at least Trump finally realized that Ivanka was an air headed, social climbing enemy for the last 6 years…

  100. 我认为特朗普无意当总统。他跑只是为了提升自己的品牌。

    这正是我从 2016 年特朗普获胜的震惊中恢复过来后看待此事的方式。


    事实上,有一段时间我以为这个人可能会编造一个辞职的理由,因为他实在是太力不从心了。但在某个时候,他意识到除了电视时间之外,他可以委托所有总统工作,并开始认真享受在白宫的生活。以至于他试图推翻 2020 年选举以留任。


    别让我开始谈论拜登/哈里斯二人组是如何成为民主党候选人的领先者的。这是富人在当今时代能够像 200 年前那样管理选举的又一例证。

    • 同意: WhoaWaitaMinute
  101. @Carolyn Yeager

    I hope you’re right. I don’t usually agree with you, but I’m all for Trump. I have my reservations because of his dealings with Jews and Israel, but as far as US politics goes I’m pro- Trump 101 %.

    • 谢谢: Carolyn Yeager
  102. Corvinus 说:

    不出所料,唐纳德·特朗普和德文·努内斯——美国第一修正案的两个最大敌人——正在禁止在其社交媒体平台上传播有关 6 月 XNUMX 日听证会信息的用户。


  103. HT 说:

    犹太人政体将永远捏造假奴隶制问题。 他们现在已经咬牙切齿了,赔偿最终将成为现实,并且是另一种使用他们的宠物黑人以及有条件的白人内疚作为武器来伤害白人的方式。

  104. Woodsy 说: • 您的网站


    • 回复: @Not you
  105. KenH 说:

    My pick would be Rand Paul. We know where he stands.

    He’s great on foreign policy but sucks on immigration and wanted to have a town hall with BLM back in 2015. Paul is always voting to increase various work visas which harms the American work force.

    No matter who we get they will all genuflect before the Jewish lobby, so it’s likely that Rand would channel his inner Max Boot if he were to become president. Just like Trump went partial neocon on us by keeping us in Afghanistan, placing troops in Syria and assassinating general Soleimani for Israel.

    • 回复: @follyofwar
  106. Emslander 说:
    @Johnny Smoggins

    The flaw there is that the Left thrives on chaos and destruction. I guess the people of SF are about to throw out the crap-in-the-street Left, but don’t put any bets on it. The only way to clean the place up is to go there with a battalion of cops as they are bedding down and truncheon them all into the Bay. It only takes once and they find a different venue.

    I know those SF people. They wouldn’t allow a single bruise to be raised on a single one of their beloved street dwellers.

    I’ve known a number of alcoholics who have never reached bottom. They just drank themselves to death. Think of how that happens to a nation. It’s by never doing the necessary thing. Liberal thought is the alcohol and we may never stop drinking it.

  107. Emslander 说:
    @Peter Akuleyev

    Because he is the opposite of what has been produced by the peristaltic excretions of the thieving, spending, corrupting complex that Eisenhower tried to warn us about, Trump is the perfect purgative to be thrust into the complex’s system.


    • 回复: @Corvinus
  108. James J. O'Meara [又名“彼得·D·布雷登”] 说:


    That is, of course, the Alinsky Method: personalize and attack.

    • 回复: @SMK
  109. Corvinus 说:

    William Barr said he told Trump in no uncertain terms there were no legal grounds whatsoever for him to claim that there was systemic corruption in the U.S. electoral system. Barr says he told Trump it was “crazy.”

    杰森·米勒承认,特朗普被他自己信任的数据专家私下告知,他将在 2024 年总统大选中落败。


    So, we have three Trump officials, among many, who testified under oath for the House committee. How and why are they lying?

    • 回复: @James J. O'Meara
    , @KenH
  110. Pablo 说:

    J6 委员会听证会是一场大型小丑表演。本尼·汤普森饰演小丑头目。 J3“叛乱”已经过去三年了,但它仍然是头条新闻!我认为这比谈论每加仑 6 美元汽油或汉堡包价格上涨 6% 更容易接受。这当然比公布 Ghislaine Maxwell 的客户名单更令人向往。华盛顿特区除了深州黑客或那些对深州有用的白痴——比如汤普森——什么都没有。真是一场狗屎秀。

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
    , @RandyZ
  111. Mefobills 说:


    It looks more like DeSantis has a Posse of White Cubanos.

    This posse is his strength, not the Jews. These white cubans are immune from jewish liberalism, since they have their own “holocaust” history, where they were forced to flee from Cuba.

    The New York Jews who vacation or retire in Florida are not really in charge, near as I can tell. I’m willing to be proven wrong.

  112. @Achmed E. Newman

    抱歉,塞申斯没有给特朗普时间坐下来讨论此事。 在与特朗普交谈之前,塞申斯回避了自己。 特朗普被塞申斯困住了,他无视整个俄罗斯骗局丑闻,专注于其他事情,而特朗普则被司法部闲逛。 与其回避自己,塞申斯应该立即辞职,这样特朗普就可以任命另一个 AG。 但他没有。

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  113. @Zachary Smith

    “But if he was given a Bushman IQ test, I’d bet good money he’d fail miserably. Stuff him into a time machine and send him back a couple of hundred thousand years: I’d predict he’d be a laughingstock for the short period he remained alive.”

    I’ve always felt we should hire based on how well an applicant could perform in 25374 B.C. or in the outer reaches of aboriginal Australia. Good metrics.

    Nobody’s disputing black people don’t perform better than whites in some areas. That’s why the entire NFL backfield is comprised of LaDanian and Jamal.

    They just can’t think, and they’re not equipped to fairly compete in our technological society.

  114. Jan 6 was a HOAX. The viking dude was an actor and there were Ukranian Azov Nazi’s (i.e. Sergei Dybynyn) at Capitol Hill event (see link for pictures and proof). Same people funding Ukraine are the same people funded the Hoax.


    • 巨魔: Corvinus
    • 回复: @Blissex
  115. Desert Fox 说:

    This is a true zionist bolshevik trail over nothing , but just like the communist, bolshevik trails under Stalin, the verdict is preordained, to scare the people from ever protesting, however BLM and ANTIFA have a pass, as they are acting under zionist orders and as everyone should know the zionists are in control of bolshevik Bidens administration and every administration since they had JFK assassinated.


  116. Blissex 说:


    Nature or nurture? Let’s switch the topic to nurture instead, a study on light-skinned and dark-skinned orphans and foster mothers has reported:

    * 由浅肤色母亲抚养的深肤色孤儿的学业成绩和行为与自己母亲抚养的浅肤色儿童大致相同。

    * 当由浅肤色母亲抚养的深肤色孤儿被转移到一个母亲为深肤色母亲的家庭时,他们的学业成绩和行为会显着下降,并变得与自己母亲抚养的深肤色孩子几乎相同。

    * 当同样的深色皮肤孤儿从深色皮肤的母亲转移回浅色皮肤的母亲时,他们的学习成绩和行为会恢复很多,变得与自己母亲抚养的浅色皮肤孩子相似。

    That’s as reported, and on its own I think it already should make people think. Then try to switch “dark-skinned” for “underclass” and “light-skinned” for middleclass.


    • 哈哈: 3g4me
  117. @Götterdamn-it-all

    OK, I didn’t know this first part, and are you sure of that? Even so, it didn’t matter whether Sessions resigned on his own or not. You “resign him”, meaning come up with a diplomatic-sounding excuse. In this case the real reason would have probably been fine. (It’s a firing, and people mostly know that, but with dignity.)

    然后,你接下来要做的不是成为一个 14 岁的女学生,而是通过搞砸他很有可能成为 1 名参议员中的 100 名的机会来消除你的怨恨,而这些参议员在移民问题上站在你那一边!

  118. @Carolyn Yeager

    Carolyn, I think his policies or better could be carried out fine by someone else with his amount of – I gotta admit – courage and lack of give-a-damn-about-civility-ness. There are plenty of other people like this.

    What Trump has that I don’t see elsewhere is the ability to rally people, with an amount of energy that you just don’t see very much. People on ludes shouldn’t try to be the next Trump, put it that way.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
    , @Carolyn Yeager
  119. @Pablo

    Agreed on the rest, Pablo, but no, it’s closing in on 1 1/2 years, not 3.

  120. Vinnyvette 说:


  121. Trumpism without Trump? WTF is it?

    • 回复: @Blissex
  122. Mefobills 说:

    Derby says this:

    我记得那些人——嗯,他们 1970 年代的同龄人——对理查德尼克松的仇恨,他是一个比特朗普更好的总统——也是一个更好的人。

    Nixon obviously screwed up in 1971, especially by allowing CFR agent such as Kissinger have control. Kissinger was the main architect of the 73 Saudi agreement, which created the TBill/Petrodollar System.

    But, Nixon may have had another card he was playing, which is why the (((creditor class))) hated him so much, and blasted Nixon with their presstitute bull horns.

    You have to follow the JEW! If some Jew tries to dissuade you from pulling up his skirts, punch him right in the face. It is ok to be an anti-semite. It is your duty.

    R. Duane Willing had a hypothesis, and I cannot find his hard copy book at the moment, to then follow the footnotes.

    The Watergate break in was an attempt to get the goods on the FED (a private banking cabal).
    The FED apparently had a floor they owned in the Watergate building.

    Nixon had planned to spring a new money system onto the country, which was gong to use the Savings and Loan System to bypass the FED.

    The person that Nixon used to set up the new System, and get the goods on the FED, was a homosexual. The bad guys caught onto the plan and were able to turn the Homo, and then he was given a cushy job within the FED system. Nixon wasn’t sufficiently wise on why you don’t use homos in positions of power.

    The bad guys also were able to use their (((agents))) in their owned press organs, to then shape narrative.

    It is just like Jews to have puerile humor like “deep throat” and to use narrative control via their press organs and agents like Bernstein.

    The New York press organs in particular, are agents for the finance class of wall street. After the inception of the FED, private banks began to sweep their reserves into the “market” to then make sordid gain. They do this by making loans to themselves, since they have hypothecation power. In other words, they steal from you by swinging the market.

    So, it is quite possible that Nixon was a great president. Sometimes by the second term, a smart president can pull head out of ass. Nixon knew something was up with the Jews, and it took him some time to learn. This not being Jew wise early in life, is a real problem of history, because their manipulations are not taught… it is anti-semitic to engage in thought crime.

    To be a great president today is a contradiction in terms. You cannot be elected if the owned press organs are against you.

    Trump, is a populist (generally populism is a bad thing) and is able to use alternate media, or go directly to crowds, and our (((Friends))) have no control over. This not being in control drives them insane.

    In other words, Trump has -and had – a great amount of power, but he is almost completely clueless. The contradiction between what is necessary to be elected, and to actually govern is too great.


    Democracy for the people is a failure.


    The book is about how money functions as a religion. Its god Moloch is hidden in plain sight in the saga of Bible personalities and stories. The Moloch is the God that does not forgive. Israel was not intended as a people nor a place name. The temple and congregation of God Moloch are effectively indifferent to the primary human obligation of stewardship of planet Earth. The lust of god Moloch through his temple, as it appears in current structures of central banking and stock markets, dominates all other religious traditions through the “psychic” fire called ROI and interest rates.

    These are called usury and prohibited in scripture. The obligation of human enterprise to accomplish stewardship of the planet and prosper in harmony with nature involves two rules; 1, do not soil the water; 2, do not attempt to regulate life by usury. The text mentions how the powers of the religion of money resist and destroy opposition such as in: The assassination of Lincoln and JFK; The World Trade Center destruction; The driving force of war; The bizarre infatuation with Pres Billy Cs “knickers”; The corporate undermining of the US Constitution. All these, plus insight on the real meaning of the Holy Grail, are integrated into a story of how money rules over life rather than serves humanity toward a prosperity in harmony with nature.

  123. Corvinus 说:

    Trump is an elitist who made his money by screwing people over and would grab your wife and daughter by the p——. He is also a pro Israel.

    • 同意: Harold Smith
  124. Dumbo 说:

    Trumpism without Trump? LOL. Then vote for Jared Kushner, fool.

    Anne Coulter was right about Trump.

    What has he done? Bombings abroad, check. Israel first, check. Promoting gays and trannies, check. Covid lockdowns and mRNA Vaccines, check.


    P. A. Has America reached the bottom yet? (pardon the pun):


  125. Staudegger 说:
    @Carolyn Yeager

    我的希望是,在这 4 年的卸任期间,他看到了他在第一个任期内所犯的错误——迎合党内更有“经验”的成员 (RINO),并认为他有足够的时间来完成工作——并且在第二个任期内将更像他自己的人。 他也应该和伊万卡和杰瑞德一起完蛋!

    特朗普不关心白人。 他迎合白人选民,但在实际掌权时向他们吐口水。 他和他的父亲一样,是一个愚蠢的热爱犹太人的犹太复国主义者,就像每个西方国家的每一个保守派一样。 如果特朗普回到椭圆形办公室,他会重新做同样的事情。 如果你不这么认为,他为什么要赦免一群卑鄙的犹太骗子,他们中的大多数人投票给民主党,而不是 6 月 XNUMX 日的抗议者,他们实际上是他的支持者? 特朗普是犹太人的工具。 他可能是现代美国最大的犹太人工具。 没有自尊的白人应该支持他。

    请记住,民主党人非常害怕特朗普重返办公室。 这告诉你一些事情。

    民主党人花了四年时间摧毁特朗普政府,特朗普没有采取任何措施阻止他们。 民主党不怕特朗普。 他们害怕白人。

  126. Dually 说:

    征兵的结束和“全志愿”军队的开始是平权行动的第一个伟大例子——针对上层白人男性。 他们放弃了自己的男子气概,以及任何道德地位,但他们可以派穷人和工人阶级白人的儿子代替他们去死或被肢解。 再说了,无形的穷人无论如何也没有发言权。 如果这些乡巴佬抱怨,他们很容易被归类为“种族主义者”或社会达尔文主义的“失败者”。

    在平权行动开始五十年(左右)之后,听到那些从中受益最多的人的抱怨,真是令人惊叹。 但是,这些“聪明”的赢家怎么会不认为社会工程赶不上他们呢? 德比郡先生,你只有你自己,以及你这一代自满的“赢家”。

  127. Curmudgeon 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    The America of a half century ago going back to its founding was the most honest society ever seen in history.

    You are out by more than 160 years, minimally.

  128. James J. O'Meara [又名“彼得·D·布雷登”] 说:

    因此,我们有三名特朗普官员,其中有许多人为众议院委员会宣誓作证。 他们如何以及为什么撒谎?

    Because if you commit perjury that helps the Democrats, you won’t be prosecuted for it.

    背叛永远不会成功; 什么原因?
    If treason prosper, none dare call it treason.

    Cf.: “For Wales, Richard?” — A Man for All Seasons

    Also cf.: Hillary’s attorney got off scot-free this week. Durham is 0 for 0.

    • 回复: @Blissex
  129. Anon[214]• 免责声明 说:

    Let’s be frank and candid.

    It’s JEWISH levels of lying.

    Yes, American levels of lying are the highest in the world.

    But what do we mean when we say “Americans”?

    Who is America’s ruling class?

    Who speaks for “America” on the world stage?

    The answer to these questions is simple, and it should be obvious to foreigners. The answer is: JEWS.

    Blinken is a JEW. Garland is a JEW. Nuland is a JEW. Many such examples!

    Every level of so-called “American” government is occupied, controlled, and represented by Jews.

    You are not dealing with Americans! You are dealing only with Jews who have American citizenship. And they hate America and you.

    You should see and understand this. Derb is too stupid to see.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
    , @Jim H
  130. Blissex 说:

    «Trumpism without Trump? WTF is it?»

    Remember Perot? Buchanan? It is just “tory”/nationalist conservative right-wing, instead of “whig”/globalist neoliberal right-wing.

    Consider this beautiful quote from an interview with notorious Grover Norquist:

    «Pat Buchanan came into this coalition and said, “You know what? I have polled everybody in the room and 70 percent think there are too many immigrants; 70 percent are skeptics on free trade with China. I will run for President as a Republican; I will get 70 percent of the vote.”
    He didn’t ask the second question … do you vote on that subject?»

    Eventually enough people did “vote on that subject” to elect Trump.

    • 回复: @Shafar Nullifidian
  131. Corvinus 说:

    Let’s assume you are right and that Jews control everything. What are you doing other than telling people to stop Jewish machinations from being put into motion? If you sent willing to directly intervene, then your standing by while your fellow whites are being ground up like sausage meat.

    • 回复: @Anon
  132. @Gyre07

    我不确定还有什么更糟的,看我最喜欢的电影和连续剧从几天或过去铸造魔法黑人和同性恋者进行翻拍或紫色头发的彩虹怪胎和魔法黑人流氓恐吓我曾经喜欢去的地方。 去哪里解脱?

    我的直觉告诉我 (((Hollywood))) 将竭尽全力改写历史,任何与 Genmanic/Russian/Nordic/Slavic/Nazi 血统相关的血统的人 (((AskeNazi 除外))) 将被羞辱、被审查、被剥夺生计并受到残酷和不寻常的惩罚。

    我怀疑另一个“魔法黑人”总统将在未来 12 年内到来。 到那时,数以千万计的非法移民和难民将投票支持更多的免费狗屎,而谁会给他们呢,总统 Jonterious J. Jefferson III,托马斯·杰斐逊的直系后裔。

    在这种垄断被解散之前,期待 (((好莱坞的下一部大片))) 'Drag Queen Story Time' The Movie 到达您当地的剧院并通过有线电视播放。

    如果你在孩子成长的过程中向他们灌输足够长的时间告诉他们他们是同性恋,那么许多人会选择任意数量的性别 ID 与之相关。
    Here’s a list of just a few possibilities – 2SLGBTQQIAHPWXYZ (Two Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Beastiality, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual people, Hermaphrodite and Pedophiles. + added to cover the overlooked).


    • 回复: @anon
  133. @Gyre07


    那你要去哪里 当佛罗里达州变成“完整的新泽西州”时,我的意思是,在哪里?亚利桑那?政治潜力更差(半加州裔的加州人正涌向那里——包括有色人种和同性恋者)。然后还有那些神经毒性的蝎子,以及你需要的大量空调的电费,以及即将到来的大规模水战……

    佛罗里达州当然并不完美,但德桑蒂斯在阻止该地区成为五月岬郊区方面相当成功。 (根据最新的人口趋势,狭长地带很快就会没有足够的饼干——饼干们正在选择退出其他地点;像往常一样,狭长地带实在太俗气了)。 SC?那种状态充满了色彩。嗯。

    特朗普(当然)是没用的。 (这个就不用多说了)


    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  134. Blissex 说:
    @James J. O'Meara

    «Because if you commit perjury that helps the Democrats, you won’t be prosecuted for it.»

    Well, if you commit truth that helps centre-left Democrats, you will be persecuted for it.
    It is not “Democrats”: it is that anything that helps the dominant elite factions will be “protected”, and current in the USA the dominant elite faction are the “whig”/neoliberal globalists, to which most Democrats (since at least Clinton) and a a majority of Republicans (e.g. Romney) belong.

    «Hillary’s attorney got off scot-free this week»

    Consider that it GW Bush, BH Obama, DJ Trump all boasted publicly, to gain votes, of approving lists of murders of “very bad people” USA citizens to be carried out by DOD/CIA death squads and got off scot-free too, and that B Clinton and GW Bush could be argued to have started wars of aggression and invasions and ordered massacres against some 3rd rate countries several thousand km away from USA borders and thus unable to threaten the USA in any way, and they got off scot-free too.

    • 同意: Ulf Thorsen
  135. This from someone I stopped following a few years ago but recently checked back into. Not sure who the guy is being interviewed but he apparently worked for Trump administration. Interesting what he says about Israel, Russia and China –

  136. Blissex 说:

    «Jan 6 was a HOAX.»

    Then about the violent insurrection at the Capitol of Oct 6 to sabotage a constitutional function? Why was it “forgotten”? Was it also a “HOAX”?

    «在 6 月 164 日向美国最高法院确认布雷特·卡瓦诺 (Brett Kavanaugh) 的投票中,一名妇女接连不断地尖叫着从参议院画廊抗议,并被警卫抬走。 [...] 人们愤怒地冲向参议院的封闭入口。 […] 美国国会警察表示,当天共有 4 人因“拥挤、阻碍或不便”被捕。 […] 300 月 9 日,来自全国各地的 227 多人(主要是女性)在国会山示威时,显示了对卡瓦诺的强烈反对。 [...] 在参议院哈特办公大楼,人群对性侵犯和卡瓦诺所代表的反动议程说“不”,淹没了中庭和每一层楼。 当天有 XNUMX 多名高呼口号的激进抗议者被捕。 […] 对卡瓦诺的提名有太多的愤慨和愤慨行为,无法一一列举。 [...] 对卡瓦诺的愤怒最初于 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日在国会山最高法院爆发 [...] 在 XNUMX 月的第一周参议院司法委员会听证会上,超过 XNUMX 名示威者被捕。»

    «反对抗议布雷特·卡瓦诺(Brett Kavanaugh)到最高法院的示威者,针对共和党参议员的摇摆投票办公室,要求他们投票反对唐纳德·特朗普总统的提名人[…]大约有二十多人在参议员鲍勃·科克尔办公室外被捕,据现场的一名警察说,他是田纳西州的一名共和党人。 他的工作人员说,在科克办公室门前竭尽全力封锁走廊,[...]参议员不在那里。 抗议者随后将大厅下移至苏珊·柯林斯参议员的办公室»

  137. Anon[214]• 免责声明 说:
    @Mark G.

    All these (((neocon))) a_sholes want to “cut spending” by eliminating Social Security and Medicare.


    The GOP, the Tea Party, the Mitch McConnells, the Paul Ryans, the Rand Pauls, et al. are 100% in favor of cutting spending… but *only if the cuts principally hurt White Americans*.

    共和党已经暴露了自己的面目。他们和奥马尔和 AOC 一样讨厌美国白人。他们都是ZOG。

  138. ARepli 说:

    罗恩·乌兹(Ron Unz)以另类观点的名义再次呼吁大众精神病。


    DeSouza 的穆勒鞋……



    //+ Christopher Hooks 评论州长和





    下一个: 世界末日

    • 回复: @Anon
  139. Anon[295]• 免责声明 说:

    Trump did everything that Kushner asked him to do – Abrhamic accord ,
    transferring Golan Height and Jerusalem to Israel , moving embassy , taking Sudan off terrorism list . Still no gratitude! Not even a thank! He killed Suleimani Reneged JCOPA ( the master knew ,
    Kushner knew no one would dare from either parties accuse Trump of hurting US interest when Israel tells what is US interest and JCOPA was not US interest according to Netanyahu’s drawing of the picture of the grenade ).

    Hey Derbo , this is your Trumpism – the concrete result . Rest are fluffy MAGA hat that has been blown off the head by the Zionsim .
    Stick with Zionism – it is original evil and your real master .

  140. @Achmed E. Newman

    There are plenty of other people like this.

    Name a few, Achmed.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  141. @Greta Handel

    NOYB. I’ve been here my whole life. I’ve lived here when it was still a great country and before it was a place full of lies as I described earlier. Do you live in this country or not?

    I just ask to see why you don’t seem to know what you’re talking about and why you make so many wrong assumptions. Write something constructive next time. I’d appreciate it, and so would the writer of the post.

  142. @WhoaWaitaMinute




  143. Dutch Boy 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    Trump’s childish vindictiveness was one of his most grating qualities and a major weakness.

  144. Anon[214]• 免责声明 说:


    I *是* 做某事。

    It’s an action which I urge ALL White patriots to take. That is, those who aren’t too COWARDLY to do what must be done!

    What I’m referring to is submitting opinion pieces to our local newspapers. Our voices can make a difference.

    Just last week I mailed an op-ed piece explaining the details of the USS Liberty incident to my own local newspaper, the Sunday Shopper. I haven’t heard back from them yet, but I think there’s a good chance they will run it. I’ll let you know when they do.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  145. anon[411]• 免责声明 说:

    Whites have no future in America unless they start banding together and acting like a cohesive tribe. As long as shabbos goy bow to Israel and not to America, there is no hope. The individual must never take primacy over the wellbeing of the community. In fact, radical individualism is one of many reasons why the Jews assumed command in America: homogeneous, cohesive, culturally aware, highly resistant, highly skeptical and mindful societies (aware of the 3000 year old history of Jew deceit and war by deception) are the best vaccine against the Jew bacilli. If the society is not cohesive, homogeneous, resistant, refuses to learn the true history of the Jews, and is not culturally aware or loyal to itself, then the Jews pick off the influential shabbos goy who can be corrupted, and use those networks to insinuate themselves into the levers of power. You can either sacrifice for your own people, and for the culture your ancestors built, or you can sacrifice for shlomo. American “leaders” chose the latter.

    • 同意: Kolya Krassotkin
  146. @Staudegger

    Alright “Staudegger” — another Jew who gets off on fashioning a 德语-sounding name for himself — name your preferential candidates over Trump who will serve average white American citizens interests over and above Zionist’s demands??? Americans can’t just go to the polls and vote Trump–they have to vote 某人。 或者您是否建议根本不投票。 你的游戏是什么?

    That question goes for ‘lavoisier’ and Robert Dolan also. The last time I asked this of Robert Dolan, he admitted there was no one, and as a last resort he would vote for Trump.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
    , @Staudegger
    , @lavoisier
  147. anon[411]• 免责声明 说:

    Whites in Europe and America could win a war of attrition with Israshit, but I don’t think western Whites have the guts for a fight. Maybe when they are being marched off to extermination camps by globoshlomo and magical negroes, they will fight back. Maybe. By then, it will most likely be too late. This is what happens when a society becomes feminized and decadent. Look at the rights and privileges and freedoms Whites had just 60 years ago, and look what they have now. And we all know the tribe driving this pogrom. Same tribe that killed tens of millions in Russia and Ukraine a century ago. See what happens when history gets censored?

    • 回复: @CelestiaQuesta
  148. Mefobills 说:

    民主党人花了四年时间摧毁特朗普政府,特朗普没有采取任何措施阻止他们。 民主党不怕特朗普。 他们害怕白人。

    罗伯特斯蒂尔给了特朗普一个模板来建立新的替代结构。 使用建筑物的类比,如果您的码头腐烂了,那么您就可以并行建造新的码头。


    斯蒂尔现在死了,也许是血凝块。 他还推动了 Q Anon 阴谋,使白人保持沉默。 相信计划!

    如果总统要成功,有很多活动部分必须正确。 建造新码头是最重要的事情。 第一个码头是一个讲真话的媒体。



    竞选公职和当总统之间的鸿沟太大了。 它们是两种不同的技能组合。

    我希望我付钱给本·加里森做一部沼泽卡通。 它会在沼泽游泳池下腐烂的柱子,以及戴着安全帽的特朗普在建造闪亮的新柱子时在上述腐烂的柱子上挥舞大锤。 也许特朗普会看到它并改变路线?

    There was practically no way to get through to Trump. He was using Mossad to protect himself against the deep state, when instead he had power he didn’t even know he had, or how to deploy.

  149. Mark G. 说:
    @Greta Handel

    1972 年你几岁?

    I was sixteen in 1972. I don’t know why Achmed picked that time period as America no longer being the best country and I would be interested in hearing his reasons but I think you could make a case for that.

    America certainly had many flaws but it was the best country in the world for the average person for much of its existence. In the early seventies the government left Bretton Woods and severed its last link to gold in order to engage in an inflationary policy.

    This has been catastrophic for the average American. When the government prints the money up it goes to political insiders with the right connections while the average American has had to pay higher prices and has had a worsening standard of living. In 1972 I traveled around Europe with my parents and could see, even in Europe, things were not as good for the average person as here in the U.S. Before the seventies a lot of families, including my own, were even able to get by on a single income. The system was changed to benefit dishonest people at the expense of honest ones.

  150. Agent76 说:


    These black voters are breaking the MSM narrative about Trump and BLM.

  151. “Do black Americans—the pampered, privileged pets of our society—do they really not have any idea how much so many of us resent their endless whining?”


    Every program supposedly designed for redress has never been exclusively for the black population. They all come under the umbrella of diversity programs. And almost all are captured by whites: women, same sex practitioners, white’s with disabilities etc., poor whites and then hispanics, even illegal Hispanics get a shot at the redress Blacks are last the list. Nearly all of the issues of consequence about which you complain are the result of choices made to benefit white’s under the supposed cause of black issues.

    and to the end of incessant whining: white women, women, white men, white kids . . . corner the market. Whites control more than 90% of the wealth, businesses and government composed entirely of whites (even civil servants save maybe in DC) — and the loudest complaints are by whites. trigger warnings, sensitivity training, harassments . . . me tooism, women crying at work, women crying at academic conferences white women moves to change the entire environment and landscape. Truly in a league of their own. The academic games with money for access to elites schools, almost entirely white.


    “There is an instance of that deformation of our society staring right back at you, Mr. Chairman: the January 6 killing of unarmed white female protestor Ashli Babbitt by armed black male Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd. After a perfunctory inquiry, Lt. Byrd was cleared of any wrongdoing.”

    She came crashing through a darn window. Good greif.

    ohh stop,

    “I know it’s trite to say it, Mr. Chairman, but do you really believe that a white male cop who shot an unarmed black woman under any circumstances whatsoever would get away without a word of reprimand?”






    “In the U.S., blacks commit the vast share of the interracial violence between blacks and whites that is not classified as a hate crime: 88 percent [Using Tragedy for Racial Propaganda, by Heather Mac Donald, City Journal, May 23, 2022].”

    But there’s little to no evidence that skin color was the direct or actual motive. There are simply more whites than blacks and therefore more targets for criminal conduct. The dynamic here is more intrapersonal then interpersonal in nature. In Hawaii, I would hardly be shocked if more nonnatives were attacked by native population than the reverse.





    I hate the term trumpism or the naming the period as though Pres trump was to cause. The environment in which candidate trump entered the political arena was not one of his making. It was premade and waiting. He may have shaped it, and whether said shaping was beneficial is a matter of some discussion.

    Absolutely appreciate his commitment to protecting children in the womb.

    • 回复: @Anon
  152. KenH 说:

    Half Jew Bill Barr is a swamp loyalist and it showed. Barr is the guy who went on Wolf Blitzer’s show on CNN about two months before the election and got very emotional when discussing the danger of mass mail in ballots and his grave concerns for the upcoming election. Then after the election he does a 180 and declared that there was no “widespread fraud” that would have changed the election outcome. This without even investigating any of the credible allegations that were pouring in from precincts in all the battleground states.

    Jason Miller says the Jan 6th committee took his comments out of context:


    Sure, jackasses like Donoghue say stuff like that to maintain their standing in the swamp and not jeopardize future job opportunities. It is not illegal or “meddling” for a president to demand that the DOJ do their job and investigate allegations of voter fraud. Barr is a self serving buffoon who thought doing so would make him look too partisan and like Trump’s personal attorney. But Merrick Garland is now acting like Biden’s personal attorney and he doesn’t care what anyone thinks.

    The left and the media responded to allegations of widespread voter fraud as follows:
    1) First they said there was absolutely no fraud and it was the safest and most secure election ever.
    2) Then they conceded that yes, there was some fraud, there always is, but not enough to change the outcome of the election. Again, everyone was afraid to look because they were afraid of what they might find.

    Whether anyone likes or hates Trump the swamp wanted him out by any means necessary and since their bogus impeachment failed then then weaponized COVID to crash the economy and force through illegal changes to state voting laws and rules and instigated nationwide riots so people would blame Trump for all of it and vote him out. And it worked. American Jews were disproportionately involved in this conspiracy.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  153. My first link is one I’d ordinarily avoid, for The Atlantic is now a magazine I refuse to pick up on the “free” table at public libraries. But it wasn’t always that way, and the date on the link story is 2012. 也许 this date makes the article more reliable than recent ones. And it may not, so consider this piece like Wiki – a place to begin and something to treat very gingerly.

    Racism for Dollars: John Derbyshire Turns White Supremacist Pitchman
    John Derbyshire’s first column VDARE after being fired from the National Review– besides one dedicated to thanking generous readers — includes a defense of white supremacism. It doesn’t seem like a coincidence that one of Derbyshire’s most explicitly racist essays is packaged with a very explicit request for donations.

    One thing the fat orange guy used to his advantage was the fact that White Folks on the lower end of the Bell Curve have money, and like to be ‘stroked’. That, and the fact they exist in large numbers. Authors and other pitchmen can make a LOT of money cozying up to these types.

    John Derbyshire: wrong even 176 years ago

    For many years I was mystified by the way Poor “White Trash” Confederate solders fought so long and hard for a nation which considered them to be a “mudsill foundation” for the Slavocracy.

    The theory was first articulated by James Hammond, a United States senator from South Carolina and a wealthy southern plantation owner, in a speech on March 4, 1858. Hammond argued that every society must find a class of people to do menial labor, whether called slaves or not, and that assigning that status on a racial basis followed natural law, while the Northern United States’ social class of white wage laborers presented a revolutionary threat.[1]

    As I now understand the pre-Civil War situation, white folks in the South were kept in a state of terror by their Upper Class Betters. The line was that Black people were sub-human in every way, and wanted nothing more than to rape white women before they killed those women. As the previous link explains, there were “scientists” for sale who would write learned essays about the primitive nature of the black slaves.

    Even in 2022 you find people at Unz who claim to believe pure barbarism existed in Africa, and that the Slave Traders were saving the lives of the people transported to the New World for eternal slavery. You see, they were fated to be eaten by their Black Cannibal enemies in Africa! By way of contrast, in South Carolina and similar places, the very contented but extremely stupid and vicious black people were given steady jobs and regular meals and taught to Love Jesus. WHAT A DEAL!

    The Derbyshire types are unhappy this Great Bargain was broken, and the near-moronic Black People are allowed to do things like marry smarter White People, Vote, and other nasty stuff like that.

    I suspect Mr. Derbyshire is now making a fine living based on the simple premise that “Intelligence” is the exact same thing as the “Score On An IQ Test”. Tain’t so, but it works nicely for a lot of the professional racists.

    That second link has some pretty darned good reading about all this, and as expected the name “Derbyshire” turns up quite a lot.

    • 哈哈: fnn
  154. Corvinus 说:
    @Carolyn Yeager

    “Alright “Staudegger” — another Jew who gets off on fashioning a Germanish-sounding name for himself — name your preferential candidates over Trump who will serve average white American citizens interests over and above Zionist’s demands???”

    False premise. You assume without fail that the U.S. is undoubtedly controlled by Jews for some sort of twisted means.

    Furthermore, you do realize that Trump himself is a Zionist and allegedly was using Mossad to protect himself against the Deep State. Which would mean Trump is in league with the very group you believe is seeking to destroy America.

    • 回复: @Carolyn Yeager
  155. Corvinus 说:

    “It’s an action which I urge ALL White patriots to take. That is, those who aren’t too COWARDLY to do what must be done!

    Talk is not enough. People already know about Jews. What is called for is direct action. You’re getting run over repeatedly and all you are willing to do is say “stop”.

  156. Seaman 说:

    我对听证会很好奇,直到他们说了“五个死去的警察”的谎言。 那时我就​​知道整件事都是胡说八道。

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  157. Rodrigo. 说:

    As soon as I saw it was a black man giving the narration I knew it wouldn’t take long until he pivoted to slavery or other racial issues, as they always do, it seems like that is all that they bring to the table is claiming to be a victim. Building rockets? Nah. Excelling in the sciences? Nope. Designing things? If it’s not a crack pipe or a small tool to bust into a business then nope on that too. Bouncing a ball on the ground? Ok, well they do excel in that immensely important area /s. Claiming to be a victim all the time and asking for free stuff? EXCEL!

  158. @Goddard

    白人奴役黑人的最终行为是将他们最宝贵的资源——他们的 DNA——捐赠给一个新的泥人。

    即使白人有自尊和自豪感,这种情况也会仅仅是多种族主义的结果​​。 原因是,无论有多少人试图阻止它,只要白人不是生殖隔离的,他们中的一些人就会混在一起。 当然,种族自尊和法律禁止可以减缓速度,但如果有足够的时间,必须期望共享同一领土的两个种族最终会完全混合,这个过程一路滚雪球。 明白这一点的人太少了。 (Derb 没有。或者,出于明显的原因,可能假装没有。)

    尽管如此,鉴于很少有人理解它,如果白人“接受”(尽管很不情愿)正在发生一些混合,那将是一回事,但在所有其他方面都尽一切努力促进自己的利益。 那样一来,就算时间一长,他们发现自己已经混为一谈了,也可以说一路走下来真是太有趣了,如果他们没有注意到自己快要被遗忘了,谁能责怪他们呢? 然而,目前的现实一点也不好玩。 这是一场考验。

    • 谢谢: Goddard
  159. Jeff Davis 说:


    You’ve seen 2000 mules. You know what happened. Here’s how to use it to full and magnificent advantage, and help the real America win big and take back our country in 2022. Bigger than we’re already going to win because of the catastrophe that is the Biden administration’s record.

    Each of the cell phone IDs that are mentioned in 2000 mules track the progress of the ballot mules during the voting phase of the election. Each of those IDs leads back to the home of the mule because that cell phone sits on the night stand all through the night at his or her home. Since the Geo location data — the pings — are publicly available (and reportedly soon to be released to the public by True the Vote in Operation Ripcord) anyone in possession of that data can determine the identity of each of the mules by identifying their home address. With that address they can then track them down and confront them with their fate: either be protected and their are anonymity maintained if they tell everything they know about how the ballot harvesting and drop box stuffing took place.: where they got the ballots who they spoke to how they got paid and how much they got paid. Or face imprisonment and the destruction of their lives. With 2000 mules to choose from, and only the first to come forward guranteed protection, we can count on a veritable flood of whistleblowers falling over each other to tell their stories.

    While it is to be expected that the local police authorities — and the feds for sure — may resist in some degree, to pursue these election-associated crimes, it is far more likely that the Internal Revenue Service will be compelled to investigate the undeclared income that the ballot mules collected, presumably in the thousands of dollars. So the approach would be not only to threaten to report them to the police and the feds, but also to threaten to report them to the IRS. This I believe will persuade them to turn on the ballot-fraud conspirators and detail fully all aspects of the conspiracy.

    Having this bombshell expose in the lead up to the 2022 election, we’ll quite likely ***DESTROY*** the Democratic Party. Relegating it to the dust bin of history. That in itself would be a magnificent achievement, but wait, there is more.

    With overwhelming control of both the house and the Senate, a further possibility presents itself.

    It is a little known fact, a bit of political trivia, that the speaker of the House of Representatives does not actually have to be a member of the House of Representatives. The Speaker, appointed by The House can in fact be ***any American citizen***. So consider: with the necessary majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate, Biden and Harris can be impeached, convicted, and removed. Then the line of succession to the presidency falls to the Speaker of the House.

    Thus, after the installation of the new House of Representatives in January of 2023, Donald J Trump can be appointed speaker of the house.

    Yes!!! You see where this is going!!!



    The remainder of the 2021 to 2025 presidency will be less than half a term. That means that Trump could run again in 2024 and if successful serve as President for almost ten full years, longer than any President except FDR.

    虽然我并不幻想这 ***将要*** happen, it is completely in the realm of the possible.

    Sit back and savor. Dream the not-at-all-impossible dream.

    • 谢谢: CelestiaQuesta, anarchyst
    • 哈哈: Charon
  160. @Corvinus

    Trump … 据称 was using Mossad to protect himself against the Deep State.

    Oh really … 据称. Wonder where does this ‘alleged’ belief come from? Just your lying lips?

    I stated well over a year ago that I would not engage with you bc you have no credibility. That hasn’t changed.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  161. Corvinus 说:
    @Carolyn Yeager

    “Oh really … allegedly. Wonder where does this ‘alleged’ belief come from? Just your lying lips?”

    Wasn’t the Deep State after Trump? Wouldn’t he need protection? What better organization than to have by your side. This belief comes from Mefobills. I was just restating his position. He has claimed in the past to have much knowledge in this area, and that he is generally right. You also hold a similar view about being generally right. So, who is to be more trusted here?

    “I stated well over a year ago that I would not engage with you bc you have no credibility. That hasn’t changed.”

    You didn’t even address the fact that Trump is a Zionist. I would say YOU have the credibility issue here. For heaven’s sake, Trump’s son in law is Jewish and served as an advisor! You don’t think for one second that Trump placated the Zionists for the opportunity to be president???

    • 巨魔: Carolyn Yeager
  162. @Carolyn Yeager

    The tenets of “Trumpism” existed for centuries before Trump was even born. Trump himself doesn’t uphold them. The rule of law? Okay, why did he explicitly say he wasn’t going to arrest Hillary after running on doing so? The sanctity of sovereign borders? Okay, why did he deport zero net illegals and import over 2 million more nonwhites, as well as refuse to leave NATO and reject the UN’s treasonous supernational control over our laws?

    No one was deported. 60,000,000 illegals are still in the US. No one was arrested. Every member of Congress and the executive branch and the communist judges are still there. No borders were protected. No illegal laws were disavowed. He didn’t tell anyone to stand down. He didn’t order the un-enforcement of unconstitutional edicts by the executive branch.

    然后怎样呢, is “Trumpism” if not milquetoast zionist neoconservative civic nationalist rhetoric from 20 years ago? And why would anyone here want or support that?

  163. @Carolyn Yeager

    Me, John Derbyshire, and hundreds of thousands of Americans. This guy’s not a God, Carolyn. He’s just famous from a damn TV show.

    • 回复: @Carolyn Yeager
  164. @Seaman

    同意,海员。 人们总是死去,无论他们是否参加集会和骚乱。

    I talked to a Capitol Cop in the summer of ’21 who knew Brian Sicknick, the guy who was supposedly hit by a fire extinguisher. Someone threw it, sure, but those guys had shields, helmets, and the whole get up. This guy told me that, no, it was not a fire extinguisher but the guy’s health that got him. He had some heart condition, I believe.

    BTW, this cop did know who killed Ashli Babbitt even then, but I could tell he didn’t want to tell me any more than that.

  165. Corvinus 说:

    “Half Jew Bill Barr is a swamp loyalist and it showed.”

    Assuming that to be true, then Trump cannot be trusted in selecting advisors and got it good and hard as deserved. I mean, he knew that Barr was Jewish and served under one of the Bushes, yet put him in a powerful position. That doesn’t show good judgement.

    “Barr is the guy who went on Wolf Blitzer’s show on CNN about two months before the election and got very emotional when discussing the danger of mass mail in ballots and his grave concerns for the upcoming election.”

    That doesn’t mean that Barr, when pressed under oath, finally admitted the truth. Are you that dense to not understand that presidential advisors may go on TV and tout a position they know is other than truthful?

    “Then after the election he does a 180 and declared that there was no “widespread fraud” that would have changed the election outcome.”

    Because he saw the evidence. Even the Arizona state audit disproved Trump’s allegations. Are you that stubborn to admit you are dead wrong?

    “This without even investigating any of the credible allegations that were pouring in from precincts in all the battleground states.”

    To the contrary, there were several, in-depth investigations, and the result was the same–no widespread fraud as claimed.

    How do you account for Sydney Powell who said she had clear evidence that the U.S. Army seized servers in Germany showing that Trump votes were switched to Biden, and has yet to provide that proof?

    “Jason Miller says the Jan 6th committee took his comments out of context”

    Of course he is going to make that accusation! But the fact of the matter is that under oath, Miller said that polling numbers showed Trump losing.

    “Sure, jackasses like Donoghue say stuff like that to maintain their standing in the swamp and not jeopardize future job opportunities.”

    You mean like Barr and Miller when catering to Trump? Regardless, you are obligated to demonstrate how Donoghue is lying here. Show your work.

    “American Jews were disproportionately involved in this conspiracy.”

    You mean like Jared Kushner, who is Trump’s son-in-law.

    “Whether anyone likes or hates Trump the swamp wanted him out by any means necessary and since their bogus impeachment failed then then weaponized COVID to crash the economy and force through illegal changes to state voting laws and rules and instigated nationwide riots so people would blame Trump for all of it and vote him out. And it worked.”


    • 回复: @KenH
  166. @anon

    It’s become obvious our political pay to play masters are compromised, and in order to maintain any credible standing must submit to the every whim of their (((overlords))).
    Jeffrey Epstein (himself compromised) was just one (((PedoPimp))) setup by Five Eyes to gather compromising intel on specific targets.

    Another (((PedoPimp))) team working undercover captured Hunter Biden’s escapades to be used for favors once the Big Guy CornPop received POTUS confirmation. It’s been downhill since. CornPop is so compromised, he can’t think, walk, or talk without medical/Pharma intervention. Then there’s Schumer’s and Schiff’s pedo adventures, Nancy’s child virgin blood transfusions and insider trading, Fat Jerry Nadlers Moher fetish, Hilary’s lesbian mental disorder, not to mention the Clinton Pay to Play Foundation, Clinton Body Count, bla bla bla, the list is earth shattering.

    They believe we’re so gullible, they could appoint a black defense Secretary, a fag in charge of transportation, a drag Queen for health Secretary, a black lesbian press Secretary, (excuse me while I vomit), and no one would dare question their qualifications or credibility. The Illegitimate Babbling Buffoon Administration is so gay, they created MonkeyPox because C19 was taking away their spotlight, ruining gay pride parades and closing down gay bath houses. Since MonkeyPox originated by gay anal sex, the chances of catching it if straight is non existent unless you have sex with a closet GlobalHomo who’s not being honest about his gay nightlife.

    I Agree with Derb, I’ll take “America First” without GlobalHomoZioBIGsRxMIC3BLM that’s still getting away with murder and crimes against humanity.

  167. anon[137]• 免责声明 说:

    Trump made many mistakes.

    Trump took steps no else could, would or could even conceive – N. Korea, talk to/Russia, tariffs/China.
    Is Flynn the only American Trump can trust?
    Any American not corrupt, cowardly, piss ant?
    America needs Trump. Only Trump big enough.
    The Deep Shit State shits at the mention of his name.

    2024 – 3rd straight.

  168. @Swaytonious



    Maybe he is using the small-hats’ organisational prowess to get into office, then he intends to pull a 弗拉基米尔·弗拉基米罗维奇 and give the kike oligarchs their marching orders (and/or Berenovsky those parasitic motherfuckers).

    Frankly that’s 非常 unlikely – it’s got maybe a 1 in a thousand chance of actually being his plan.

    He’s just a typical piece-of-shit politician. Anybody who thinks he’s the Great Saviour is utterly retarded.

  169. John Derbyshire: “The chairman of this event is some congresscritter named Bennie Thompson …”

    LOL, he looks a lot like Dr. Zaius from Planet of the Apes.

    John Derbyshire: “I know it’s trite to say it, Mr. Chairman, but do you really believe that a white male cop who shot an unarmed black woman under any circumstances whatsoever would get away without a word of reprimand?”

    Here Derb appears to be forgetting the Miriam Carey incident.



    Cops are the regime’s enforcers. They are subhuman scum who can get away with murder very easily, especially if the excuse is they are protecting American politicians, who regard themselves as much more important than the peasants.

  170. XBardon Kaldlan [又名“Bardon Kaldlan”] 说:

    That black guy looked to me like an orangutan! Its like ‘ Planet of the…”😉

  171. @Petermx

    This is the problem with people who are warehoused in a Western public-school system: the mathematics side of things fails to teach them how to sort by date.

    All the kike influence on the government and bureaucracy of the USSR was pretty much eliminated a half-decade before 第二次世界大战。

    Yezhov and Beria were both gentiles (Beria was devoutly Russian Orthodox); Kaganovich was a kike, but had proved his 真实的 during the Great Purge of 1937 (a key motivation for Stalin to ‘clean house’, was the assassination of Kirov – another gentile – in 1934).

    It’s true that Red Army was infested with komissars (political officers – политический руководитель) – but so was the German military (the Nationalsozialistische Führungsoffiziere). Turns out that if your political system has a strong revolutionary-ideological ‘bent’, you have to have 公职人员: that’s been true since the French Revolution.

    In the English military they didn’t need indoctrinators to make sure the troops followed orders to charge: their ‘normal’ officer class had no qualms about walking behind the lines, shooting chaps who failed to advance in good order.

    There’s not much good evidence that the kikes retained their over-representation among the komissars after 1937, and plenty of evidence to the contrary.

    I’ll blame the 红海行人 as a default position most of the time, but not in this instance: they do not deserve credit for the Red Army winning WWII.

    • 回复: @Petermx
  172. AKINDLE 说:

    Give me a break. Trump only excelled at one thing: pandering to negroes. He will never win anything again.

  173. BBQWhales 说:

    抱歉,你不能在 SISSY GIRLYMEN 礼貌礼貌和失败的情况下获得 WARRIOR RESULTS。

  174. Flubber 说:



  175. I voted for Trump twice. Loved his rhetoric, hated the fact that he got very little done. Especially with his scheme son-in-law undermining him at every turn.

  176. The way in which the Democrats find the very worst types of Black American to enter Congress denigrates their entire community, no doubt as intended, but they do fit in well.

  177. @Goddard


    • 回复: @A123
  178. @Mark G.

    在一个完美的世界里,你是对的。 但在我们所居住的世界上,我们的领导人在过去 30 多年、40 多年以来(主要是为了他们自己的财富和/或这些政策所创造的权力)所采取的腐败的税收印刷和支出政策都没有。 , N+ 年可以或将要改变。

    我们的政府在政治上不再可能采取必要的纠正措施来防止即将到来的崩溃。 只看目前全球存在的数百万公务员。 他们在官僚机构之外基本上无法就业。 我们的统治者不会允许他们的“就业”被终止。 那些人会怎么做? 就个人而言,我不在乎,但它是房间里的另一头大象。

    还有很多其他的例子。 可悲的是,我们人民对此无能为力。

    我们生活在黑暗的时代。 我们能做的最好的事情就是在当地生活,在我们自己的部落内建立或重建关系,并继续与志同道合的个人及其部落合作和支持,以更好地度过即将到来的崩溃。

  179. Anon[210]• 免责声明 说:

    Time to start seriously developing a plan B. It takes a few years of planning, but better early than 1 day too late. Our forefathers left their homeland for better pastures and we can too.

    Life is way better on the outside.

  180. Sokrates 说:


  181. SMK 说: • 您的网站
    @James J. O'Meara

    Of all the deranged and psychotic Trump-haters -democrats and republicans, gentiles and Jews, leftists of all races, neocons, “rinos,” “cucks,” Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Max Boot, Bill Kristol, David Frum, Bill Mahrer, ad nauseum- the most deranged and psychotic is Sam Harris who, unlike all the others, argued that Trump was worse than Hitler and Osama Bin Laden, more “reprehensible” and “despicable” than a Muslim terrorist and “mastermind” of 9/11 and a Nazi lunatic who murdered 6-million Jews and started World-War II, a “300 lb. child and psychopath who has defiled the planet,” and other demented and unhinged ravings beginning when Trump announced that he was running for president and during his 4-years as president and still during the year and a of Biden’s farcical and disastrous presidency and forever.

    Imagine if Trump is elected president in 2924!

    He was so blinded by his hatred of Trump that he was ecstatic when Biden defeated the “child” and “psychopath” and declared with other leftists that “the adults are back in charge,” hailing the victory of a senile and demented buffoon in his “‘second childhood” and crazy cackling Kamala, who habitually speaks and acts like a 13-year-old teenage girl, by far the worst president and vice-president in almost 250-years of American history and they’ve only been in office for 18-months.

  182. @Zachary Smith





    因为这不是一个科学事实……; )

  183. Staudegger 说:
    @Carolyn Yeager

    其次,投票毫无意义,因为犹太人控制着两个主要政党。 任何政治解决方案都需要一个拥有足够资金和有机、大众能量的独立政党来掌权。

    • 回复: @Carolyn Yeager
  184. Petermx 说:

    I am not giving them credit for winning WW II, nor am I giving it to you. You didn’t fight alone, although you made the biggest sacrifice on the allied side but not compared to Germany who had millions of civilians deliberately murdered in Great Britain and the USA’s bombing campaign, murders they boast about, not to mention what the Red Army did. The allies won WW II because of the combined efforts of USSR, Great Britain, USA, world Jewry and France, which was knocked out in 1940. Without your allies, none of you would have won against Germany. Probably Jews do deserve credit for winnng WW II. They did more than anyone to pull Great Britain and the USA into the war, not by fighting but by making financial payoffs and propagandizing for it.

    You still had Ilya Ehrenburg, Vasily Grossman and others working for you during the war. You have a right to be proud and a right to celebrate your victory but Germans don’t have to celebrate what you did and shouldn’t. They should remember their soldiers and losses and hopefully will do that someday.

    • 同意: lavoisier
  185. Anonymous[410]• 免责声明 说:
    @Old and Grumpy

    Blacks are being weaponized for the now with no intention of being given a future. Basically they are volunteer slaves for the economic one percent who likely owned and enslaved them to start with.

    It certainly looks that way, but my guess would be that former President Obama is simply trying to use the present supremacy of the Black coalition in the US to achieve a command economy and permanent dominance by the Black coalition that he currently heads. The Black coalition and the Federal Agencies (which supports a big chunk of the Black middle class) badly need a command economy and permanent dominance, as they are both loosing their legitimacy and thus becoming a threat instead of a charity for the deserving poor and the Winners of WW II (Blacks and Agencies respectively).

    The chance of obtaining such a permanent dominance is very small, and the chance of a command economy lasting more than a decade or so is also very small. However, political leaders do not think freely (as they are restricted to whatever actions will keep their coalition together), and it is possible that former President Obama is not thinking long term. It is obvious that his coalition is not thinking long term.

  186. Coemgen 说:

    I’d Still Prefer Trumpism Without Trump


    Always look a gift horse in the mouth!

    Look how far a pathological level of ingratitude has taken U.S Rep. Ilhan Omar.

    • 谢谢: Carolyn Yeager
  187. Coemgen 说:

    Drain that swamp!

    That hasn’t worked so far.

    Maybe we need a new metaphor: Fill that swamp! (clean fill only)

  188. KenH 说:

    Assuming that to be true, then Trump cannot be trusted in selecting advisors and got it good and hard as deserved.

    On this you are 100% correct. Trump continued to appoint sketchy people or people who did not support his agenda and platform and in the end it arguably cost him re-election.

    Pre-election polling numbers couldn’t be trusted since the majority of polling organizations always oversample Democrats and people aren’t always honest with the pollsters. And again, most polling data showed Trump losing in 2016 by a landslide and how did that turn out? Should Republican presidential candidates and presidents just throw in the towel every time a poll shows them losing?

    How do you account for Sydney Powell who said she had clear evidence that the U.S. Army seized servers in Germany showing that Trump votes were switched to Biden, and has yet to provide that proof?

    I never said anything about Powell and the majority of people claiming fraud and widespread irregularities do not rely on her allegations since to my knowledge she has not provided evidence to back them up. Trump has never put any stock in her allegations and she was dismissed from his legal team late in 2020.

    You mean like Jared Kushner, who is Trump’s son-in-law.

    Kushner kept advising Trump to concede shortly after the election so he was part of the problem.


    A lot more credible than your Russian hacking and Russia collusion garbage. The anti-Trump strategy was mostly admitted in the Time magazine article of Feb 4th 2021 that bragged about “saving” and “fortifying” the 2020 election.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  189. Anon[291]• 免责声明 说:

    “There are simply more whites than blacks and therefore more targets for criminal conduct.”

    If whites had the same level of criminal conduct that blacks have, blacks would be extinct because there are fewer of them to target.

  190. Anon[291]• 免责声明 说:


    That you can’t tell the difference is evidence of depraved indifference on your part.

  191. @Achmed E. Newman

    Trump has a 4-year record as president of the United States, for God’s sake. He’s not just “famous for a TV show.”

    So You and John Derbyshire have the necessary “courage and lack of give-a-damn-about-civility-ness” and that’s it? You are a nameless troll and J.D. is certainly not known for his courage! Or his incivility. So you strike out on both counts.

    “Hundreds of thousands of Americans” is not naming a single one! You strike out there too. I also said nothing to indicate I thought Trump “was a God.” Yes, you are certainly at peak stupidity. It must be tough to have a quota of comments to make with so little to say (20,800 comments here).

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  192. Anon[378]• 免责声明 说:

    Draft Tucker. Trump will force vax us using the military.

  193. @Staudegger

    First: who are YOU, Jew, to name yourself after a German WW2 tank ace — which you are NOT.

    Second: Stating that “voting is meaningless” and “there is no political solution” is not a new idea or your own idea so … that leaves the question still open and unanswered, “What is your game here?”
    Unz Review 已经存在了很长时间,并且在您所信奉的人中广为人知。 你怎么花了这么长时间才到这里? 你刚成年吗? 你可能 16 岁?


    • 回复: @Carolyn Yeager
  194. Jim H 说:

    ‘Who is America’s ruling class? Who speaks for “America” on the world stage? You are not dealing with Americans!’ — Anon, post # 133

    Since there are no actual Americans in the “Biden” regime, someone else has to speak up for America’s interests:

    Following Israel’s Friday pre-dawn raid on Damascus airport, Russia’s Foreign Ministry on Friday evening slammed the “vicious practice” of Israeli strikes on civilian infrastructure, which it said were “provocative” and “in violation of the basic norms of international law.”

    Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said, “We are compelled to reiterate that the ongoing Israeli shelling of the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic is absolutely unacceptable.”

    She continued: “We strongly condemn Israel’s provocative attack on the most important object of the Syrian civilian infrastructure. Such irresponsible actions create serious risks for international air traffic and put the lives of innocent people in real danger.” — ZH

    Not in fifty years has the foreign-occupied State Department uttered a peep of complaint against apartheid Israel’s violent, reckless predations against its neighbors.

    Unlike us, the Russians own their culture. They don’t let enemy aliens hijack, twist and subvert it.

  195. lavoisier 说:
    @Carolyn Yeager

    Americans can’t just go to the polls and vote against Trump–they have to vote for someone. Or are you recommending NOT to vote at all. What is your game?


    Most would answer to choose the lesser of two evils–Trump over whatever evil Democrat they put up against him and that seems reasonable on the surface.

    But there are harms in choosing the lesser evil in such a situation. Choosing Trump disarms you to the harm that has befallen the nation and at some level makes the people complacent at what is being done to them by their government.

    After seeing Trump fail to keep any of his promises to the people who put him in power, some of whom took incredible risks for the man and whom he betrayed, and his slavish obedience to all things Zion, I would choose to stay home.

    With a Democrat you know he is your enemy so you are not surprised by their animus towards you and their concerted efforts to harm the American people. With Trump, you can fool yourself into thinking he is really going to support the historic American nation based on his words. This is very dangerous as it provides comfort while Rome continues to burn.

    The Jewish scum he pardoned at the end of his tenure tells me that he is not someone to be trusted ever again. He is a servant of Zion masquerading as a patriotic American.

    • 同意: Adam Smith
    • 回复: @BuelahMan
  196. A123 说: • 您的网站
    @Buck Ransom

    DeSantis and Trump are both Florida citizens. This is the rule for the Electoral College:

    The Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves

    Trump selecting DeSantis as VP would give Florida to the Democrats.


  197. @Carolyn Yeager

    Trump has a 4 year record of nearly completely blowing an opportunity that 60 million hopeful Americans gave him! The immigration issue is existential – he made some headway, but all of that was non-legislative under-the-radar stuff that could be turned around the day he left office. It was!

    You have a point that Mr. D. here is perhaps a little too civil, but he tells a lot of truth, and he has the brainpower and knowledge that Trump is lacking.

    Hell, I don’t even mind that Trump is lacking it, if he would just hire employees that do and that he can TRUST. That was his problem, IMO. You do have to delegate – Donald Trump didn’t have the confidence that he could use his trusted friends to drain the swamp. Instead, he figured, as with his Real Estate business, I guess, that he’d get the “experts” in running government, straight out of the Beltway. Stupid, stupid, stupid! All that said, I LIKE the guy. I’d rather he be President than any of the Commies that are around. I’d just rather have someone who has a strategy and leadership ability. (Ron DeSantis is one out many.)

    I could run things just fine – been following politics and understanding the solutions for years now. However, no, I’m not on TV and not known beyond my blog. That’s the problem with the other 100’s of thousands of American men who could do this job. It’s really the problem with the other 300 million that vote based on pretty faces on TV and demagoguery.

    My wasting my time on imbecile broads like you on-line is not helping our country however, so bye, Carolyn.

    • 回复: @Carolyn Yeager
    , @anarchyst
  198. Anonymous[124]• 免责声明 说: • 您的网站

    Remember that this is a *两党合作* Congressional committee

    Just like the Wehrmacht was an unbiased “tripartisan” military force because it contained Aryans, Jews, and blacks.




    I bet you also think Biden is the bee’s knees, Kamaltoe hot, and Hilligula robbed of her rightful queenship.

    Are you familiar with the term “useful idiot”?

  199. Corvinus 说:

    “ On this you are 100% correct. Trump continued to appoint sketchy people or people who did not support his agenda”

    He lost the election because enough voters saw through his charade, and those advisors finally realized his ineffectiveness as a leader.

    “Pre-election polling numbers couldn’t be trusted since the majority of polling organizations always oversample Democrats”

    As well as Republicans. Be consistent.

    “I never said anything about Powell and the majority of people claiming fraud and widespread irregularities do not rely on her allegations since to my knowledge she has not provided evidence to back them up”

    So you are tacitly admitting that she is lying. Now, that be the case, why should we trust anyone who made similar claims. Furthermore, Trump did support anyone who made such statements, and put stock into what she said.

    “lot more credible than your Russian hacking and Russia collusion garbage.”

    You’re just straight up lying here.

    • 回复: @KenH
  200. @Achmed E. Newman

    Yeah, yeah. You can’t answer a single direct and pertinent question from me, to support your previous statements, but you CAN write paragraphs of unrequested general criticism that is just more of what you’ve already said.

    This is all your 20,000 comments here amount to. You have clearly lost the ‘debate’ Achmed, and so resort to 广告人身攻击 and literally run away rather than admit it.

    P.S. Your blog is redundant material.

  201. @Achmed E. Newman

    The 9th Marquess Of Queensberry, given name John Douglas, formulated the rules that we use in modern boxing, and he developed the boxing-glove. The 9th Marquess was a gifted athlete and boxer in his own right, and his rules were meant to make boxing more survivable, as it was bare knuckle and extremely savage at the time. He is also known for a very deft legal takedown of Oscar Wilde, who had seduced and was having an affair with the Marquess’ son, about twenty years Wilde’s junior. The Marquess left his calling card on which he called Wilde a “sodomite” at Wilde’s social club, provoking Wilde into an unwise lawsuit for defamation, against the advice of Wilde’s many friends. To defend himself, The Marquess’ lawyers produced numerous male witnesses who testified to being paid for sex by Wilde. Wilde himself gave legally irrelevant testimony that appeared arrogant and flippant, and seemed most concerned with uttering witty one liners. As Wilde later put it: “I was my own persecutor.” English law at the time required that if one sued for defamation and lost, he must pay the defenders legal expenses. As The Marquess had hired the best, and extensive private detective resources had been used assembling the testimony of Wilde’s rent boys, the legal bills were gigantic and bankrupted Wilde. Wilde was proud of and made his living by being the most verbally clever man in the room, but clearly The 9th Marquess defeated Wilde at his own game. To your comment, AEN, I believe the phrase you were looking for is “Quetta Rules”.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  202. Anon7 说:

    For those who wonder how we’ve gone so far down the road to Soviet-style show trials:

    不公平! [NPR]

    Producer David Kestenbaum explains how teachers at his sons’ preschool installed a “tattle phone” where kids could register their complaints about each other. David rigged it up to record those complaints and document the unfairnesses of preschool. (12 minutes)

    That’s right. They could be encouraged to start learning useful skills (I learned to read when I was three, why don’t most kids?) and spend lots of time playing outside.

    Instead, they argue incessantly about the “rules” and “what is fair”. No wonder they become social justice warriors in college.

    I’ll bet those pre-school kids would love to see the unfair kids get what’s coming to them in a show trial.

  203. @Blissex

    Derbyshire’s article has this as the lede “Jan. 6 Show Trial Reaches North Korean Levels of Lying__…” then figuratively overflowing colostomy bag produces not even 1! Derbyshire is a bloviating, rabble-rousing liar!

  204. @Carolyn Yeager

    好的 Staudegger,我查看了你的评论页面(我应该先做,但在写了几条评论之后才考虑它),你出现了 那里 to be on the up and up, I have a few questions that I think you should not mind answering … considering the prevalence of trolls in these threads.

    我查了一下 Franz Staudegger,发现他是奥地利人,来自上奥地利的 Kaernten(我们南边),我的好朋友 Wilhelm Kreissmann 也来自那里,他是 Staudegger 的同时代人,出生于 1919 年。 https://kriessmann.carolynyeager.net/ Perhaps they knew each other. I can’t ask, as Willi died in 2012. Willi grew up in Klagenfuert, where his father was a schoolteacher and school Principal. It was and is perhaps the most nationalist-sympathetic part of Austria.

    Are you by any chance Austrian-German to any extent or just a fan of WWII heroes? Clearly you’re American, and a fan of Tanstaafl. As you may or may not know, I have a history with the more unpleasant side of T., who accused me of being too much a German nationalist when he deceitfully and shockingly took control of my (our) radio network and locked me out. He treated me very wrongly, and dishonestly, because his paranoia got the better of him. One symptom of his paranoia is fear of having his true identity revealed. I know it but have never mentioned it to a soul. Of course, no one has ever asked me for it either. LOL. So much for the extent of the interest in Tanstaafl.

    You don’t seem to have a very high opinion of Slavs, which is what White Nationalists get upset with German National Socialist admirers about. Would you disagree with that? Thanks for a yes or no on that. Or more if you wish.

    On my part, I apologize for calling you a Jew without any proof for it. I don’t think you are. But you should remember Trump is a half-German, half Scottish American. What real estate developer in NY City would not do business with Jews?? [My own father and grandfathers were forced to do business with Jews; believe me, they didn’t want to and didn’t like it.] You don’t seem to really know anything about the Trumps in business, but are just repeating what others have said — like Tanstaafl? That doesn’t say much for you. I think you’re young and still finding yourself.

    • 回复: @Staudegger
  205. Staudegger 说:
    @Carolyn Yeager



    您似乎对斯拉夫人没有很高的评价,这就是白人民族主义者对德国国家社会主义者的崇拜者感到不满的原因。 你会不同意吗?

    我对斯拉夫人没有很高的评价,但他们肯定是雅利安人,我已经说过了。 布尔什维主义之所以在俄罗斯而不是西方扎根是有原因的,因为无论出于何种原因,斯拉夫人都倾向于非常奴性。 乌克兰人愿意为泽连斯基而死只是进一步证明了这一点。

    至于特朗普,他不值得同情。 他不仅愿意与犹太人合作,还愿意将自己的种族出卖给他们。 他为他们牺牲了自己的女儿。 他多年来一直领导纽约市的以色列日游行。 他为内滕雅胡谋杀了索莱马尼。 He cynically used White votes to get elected and then thumbed his nose at them and did whatever Kushner wanted him to. 他在国会大厦发动骚乱,然后让司法部迫害抗议者。 他本可以赦免他的支持者并免除他们目前正在遭受的折磨,但他却赦免了一群黑人和犹太骗子。 特朗普是一个卑鄙的人和一个骗子,他不值得一票白人投票。

    我不能谈论你与 tanstaafl 的历史。 我所知道的是,从科学的角度来看,他目前是关于犹太人行为的最佳作家/演讲者之一。

    • 回复: @Carolyn Yeager
  206. @Staudegger


    民主党不得不 出现 反对他,因为那是骗局的本质。 他们越是诋毁他,他的低智商支持者就越支持他,而他却公开背叛了他们。 例如,如果民主党真的想除掉他,他们本可以将他在叙利亚的罪行包括在对他的弹劾指控中,但他们没有。


    确切地; 因为他们在同一个团队。

    • 同意: Staudegger
    • 回复: @Carolyn Yeager
  207. KenH 说:

    He lost the election because enough voters saw through his charade, and those advisors finally realized his ineffectiveness as a leader.

    Sure Corvy, and Biden is a steady hand, cool hand Luke and philosopher king that America needed. Are you claiming Biden is a better leader when the country is sinking into economic depression, too many crises to name and mismanagement the likes of which we have never seen?

    You will respond will your usual dissembling and lies which is all you are good for.

    So you are tacitly admitting that she is lying.

    You have poor reading comprehension skills. She hasn’t provided any evidence but still claims she has it. I don’t know either way. Can you admit Christopher Steel and Jew Adam Shiff are liars?

    You’re just straight up lying here.

    You were confronted with facts that you can’t dispute. You were dumb enough to believe the Russia collusion garbage. That’s all anyone needs to know about you. You have no credibility.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
    , @Harold Smith
  208. Corvinus 说:

    Stick to the point. Trump lost. There wasn’t the type of voting fraud that you and others claim to be.

    Biden had his fair share of issues as well. But truth be told, presidents have very little control over gas prices. Yes, policies and legislation can certainly play a role, but gas prices are largely dictated by oil prices and oil prices are dependent upon supply and demand. Presidential control is not as simple as what you suggest.

    “She hasn’t provided any evidence but still claims she has it. I don’t know either way.”

    Of course you know. You’re just taking the easy way out here.

    “You were confronted with facts that you can’t dispute”

    You are out of your league here. “No obstruction. No collusion. Total and complete exoneration!” is a completely false statement. Mueller said explicitly that he did not exonerate Trump as to any collusion. Mueller was also not even consulted when William Barr crafted his letter. Moreover, Mueller had narrowly defined collusion not just as “conspiracy” but only one narrow part of conspiracy (with the IRA and/or Russian hackers). We need to know what evidence Mueller had that led him to be unable to exonerate Trump on that specific allegation. Mueller found evidence, just not enough to indict.

    将Mueller的报告提交国会是唯一的选择。 两年来,数十名调查记者和独立记者以及穆勒(Mueller)收集了证据,证明特朗普用美国外交政策换来了金钱。 巴尔的报告摘要与该指控均不相关。 竞选活动没有在选举黑客活动中串通,而是合谋提升了特朗普的商业利益,这一点明显体现在他的同僚被绳之以法。

    因此,我们这里只有四页的摘要,而不是整个报告,仅掩盖了细节。 特朗普并未因串通而获得辩护。 “不串通”仅表示穆勒没有“合理怀疑”犯罪共谋的证据。 至于阻碍,上司没有向穆勒询问巴尔对他所发现的东西的解释。 “不串通”将是“免责”。 该报告称“不加赦免”,并且存在犯罪证据,但不存在90%的水平-刑事起诉。

    As to collusion, it continues to be properly investigated—not in the narrow way Trump demanded and apparently Mueller’s team acceded to—in multiple other federal jurisdictions and the inability to indict on the investigated collusion is not an inability to impeach. Besides, over 400 detailed pages is important here for insight and context. If 90% or more proof of conspiracy—a narrow vein of collusion that excludes many criminal collusive acts currently being investigated—is what is required to convict someone (and under Department of Justice Regulations to indict them in the first instance), what percent proof establishes them as a national security threat? Besides, Trump not facing an indictment for conspiracy and obstruction does NOT end the NYAG, MDAG, NJAG, NDCA, NYCDA, or other active state-level criminal probes.

    “Can you admit Christopher Steel and Jew Adam Shiff are liars?”

    You’re going to have to do much better than rely on your confirmation bias.

  209. @Emslander

    Pelosi’s Groom of the Stool.


    (All kidding aside, I am sure Biden has one of those, either “Dr.” Jill or a highly trusted member of the Secretive Service with a strong stomach.)

  210. @Here Be Dragon

    Your mention of Leo[sic] Trotsky reminds me of the time I asked my shitlib older brother if he had ever heard of Lev Bronstein. “No,” he had immediately answered. But when I asked him if he had ever heard of Leon Trotsky, “Of course,” he answered.

    Because my brother and his wife are regular watchers of The History Channel[the Hitler Channel], he considers himself knowledgeable about history, yet, he is, like most intellectual lefties, I have found, a mid-wit who can only satisfactorily regurgitate the propaganda he’s been fed but incapable of using new information to draw any new and original conclusions.

    • 回复: @anarchyst
    , @Here Be Dragon
  211. @KenH

    Trump’s 2020 loss was his own doing. He betrayed his supporters and he betrayed America at a very critical time. Trump, the delusional infantile narcissist thought he could have it both ways. Unfortunately for Trump too many people came to see him for the evil clown that he is.

  212. Not you 说:


  213. @Bombercommand

    Thanks for the background and interesting comment in general, BomberCommand. Now I know what Druid55 was talking about in his reply too. I just looked it up and found nothing for “Quetta Rules”. I may be lost again…

    • 回复: @Bombercommand
  214. Not you 说:



    • 回复: @Corvinus
  215. anarchyst 说:
    @Kolya Krassotkin

    任何在该频道上观看希特勒谎言和捏造的思想开放的人都可以很容易地看出这都是废话,尤其是当所谓的“大屠杀™”被插入到几乎所有这些节目“宝石”中时。 那些瘦弱的斑疹伤寒受害者尸体的旧照片不断被摆在周围,以提醒“我们”希特勒真的是多么邪恶。 (是的,没错)。
    Looking at the big picture (which is always ignored), the “German state” was attacked by the rest of the world, and “held on” to its principles for far longer than expected.
    希特勒最大的“罪孽”是劳动力的货币化(赋予劳动力真正的“价值”)以及与罗斯柴尔德银行作对。与犹太人经营的银行作对使他成为“头号敌人”。他还知道有一部分布尔什维克犹太人正在德国境内煽动共产主义革命。大多数人不知道他与犹太复国主义者签订的秘密协议,以“鼓励”犹太人移民到当时被称为巴勒斯坦的地方。当时的德国政府和犹太复国主义者都庆祝了这些协议。 “美国希特勒频道”从未提及历史的这一方面。

    • 巨魔: Corvinus
  216. Not you 说:


  217. anarchyst 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    You are missing a very important point. Trump was rendered somewhat impotent by the laws that changed the “rules” for presidential appointments. Until the 1930s, every time a presidential administration changed, ALL positions in the executive branch changed as well, given to supporters of the president’s political party. This assured that the president’s administration would have a certain amount of loyalty–something that is missing in today’s “Senior Executive Service” system where senior executive positions are filled while ignoring party affiliation.
    We would need to go back to the old ways, that when the presidential administration changes so do the underlings in the executive branch…

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  218. @anarchyst

    The flaw with this logic, Anarchyst, is that Trump had loads of people in “his” party (or I should say, “his squad of The Party”) who were against him too. Do you remember anti-Trumpist Paul Ryan? I believe he got voted out as in an incumbent. Trump needed to clean house, and you must have real loyalists working for you to do that.

    I don’t care that “this guy knows nothing about environmental matters for this department” or whatever it is. That doesn’t matter. There are plenty of people in said organizations that can get things done. It’s a matter of who they actually work for, and if they didn’t work on behalf of Trump and patriotic Americans, that friend-of-Trump’s job is to get rid of them. You don’t have to actually gut any whole Cabinet Dept, as once you put the fear in those bureaucrats, they’ll comply.

    See, what President Trump did have going for him was 50 or more million Americans that would have done lots for him. He didn’t use them. They voted, and they went to rallies. (I did both.) However, instead of tweeting about “Joe Biden can’t beat me up” – and yes, I remember this – he needed a guy to gather the info, write the tweets, and use these to give American patriots their instructions, such as:

    “Judge ABC of the 3rd District of Arizona (whatever) has been blocking our legislation. He must be recalled. The petitions can be found here. We need 90,000 signatures by next week. Please call your Arizona legislators too, as we must have Judge ABC removed!”

    You do that for 100 judges, and that’s just a start. You get organized, even if you suck at it yourself, as Trump did. He’d rather talk in circles at a rally or badmouth someone in a tweet. He still could have hired those people who are organizers. They could have gotten the American people to do whatever political moves he needed, and 50 million eager American patriots can exert a TREMENDOUS amount of political pressure, when guided the right way.

    What a lost opportunity. In the meantime we can’t wait for “another shot at it”. From ’16 through now, even before the Biden open borders push, there were likely another couple of million successful illegal alien entries (it’s not all across the southern border) and a couple of million legal immigrants. They all have kids and even bring over their parents. There was just one main job that the American patriots voted for him to do. I wish I could have been there when Ann Coulter told him off!

    • 回复: @anarchyst
  219. anarchyst 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    You make excellent points about Trump’s naivete especially when it came to enemies in his own party. You are spot on.
    I think that Trump is more politically “streetwise” as a result of the turn (fraud) of the last election.
    That being said, there is another way.
    The speaker of the house is not required to be a “member of Congress”. If and when the Republicans gain back the house and senate, Trump could easily be assigned that position, which would infuriate both the left and traitors in his own party. That would be an interesting course of action…and a way to get back at his political enemies.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  220. Anon[665]• 免责声明 说:

    嗨,瓦拉,爱迪生是一位真正伟大的美国人。他窃取了自己所有的想法,包括约瑟夫·斯旺 (Joseph Swan) 首创并发明的灯泡,该灯泡比爱迪生 (Edison) 做广告早了大约 20 年。他是一个做广告、自我夸大的小偷。

  221. @anarchyst

    Your plan would be an excellent one, Mr. Anarchyst, but the only problem I could foresee is Donald Trump’s ego. He will not settle for anything but being the top guy in the limelight. I’d have had no problem with that, had he been smart enough to get around the resistance from The Party to get things done with the help of Americans.

    It would be great if the guy would somehow have learned from all of his mistakes. I think his idea is to get back at those who screwed him rather than trying to accomplish things with his ego in check.

    BTW, now I’ll add one more personality trait that I believe was part of the problem: Trump is as easily distracted as a 10 week-old kitten. You don’t keep freaking responding to the BS!

    I remember – here’s the post, in fact, from right then: “Nothing but distractions” from Summer ’18. Having already been off the idiot plate for 19 years by that time, I happened upon a TV on Fox News at some friends’ house. I COULD NOT BELIEVE that the stupid “Russia Collusion” story was still going on! I had not wanted to keep up with that, and President Trump should not have been keeping up either. “How’s that?”, you say? It goes like this:

    “Mr. President, about the committee’s findings from so-and-so’s paper about the … Russia, blah, blah…”

    “Mr. Newsman, as I said yesterday, I will not be taking any questions on the silly Russia Collusion story. My White House lawyer, Joe Shyster, will answer any questions by email or phone… it might take a while for him to get back to you…”

    “But, Sir, the Russia collusion in the election is blah, blah, blah…”

    “OK, Mr. Newsman, you were warned. When you leave today, my Press Secretary will cross you off the list of attendees for my next press conference. We have a long waiting list, Glenn Reynolds, the Instapundit, Michelle Malkin, and so on, who would like that seat. It’s been nice knowing you.”

    That’s HARDBALL. There are no laws on who gets to attend the press conferences, yet you know that these vultures want to be there to get their “original” story to put in their narrative. I actually thought Trump was going to do something like this early on. See “Alex Jones in the press gallery?”. (BTW, that old post was written just before I realized that Matt Judge had gone native.)

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  222. @Achmed E. Newman

    马特 苦力, oops. I haven’t read his site in over 4 years, since he turned hard-left.

  223. follyofwar 说:

    I wasn’t aware of Rand’s liberal views on immigration. If true, I think he’ll have to change his tune if he runs in 2024. No one in favor of more immigration will be the R nominee next time. I keep wondering how they are housing all the millions of illegal invaders now.

    Of course, it’s academic if Trump runs again in 2024. Rand has stated that he won’t run against him.

    But gimme a break, Ken. Comparing Rand to the buffoon Max Boot, who, just like John Bolton, has never met a US war he didn’t love, is ridiculous. A few years ago Rand, being opposed to most foreign aid, wanted to cut off all aid to Israel, for which he was lambasted by the Israel-first RINO establishment.

    Rand at least held up the $40 billion give-a-way to Ukraine for a few days. He’s been great in opposition to vaccine mandates. And didn’t you love the way that Rand destroyed NIAID-boss Tony Fauci at several Senate hearings?

  224. Technomad 说:

    我一直说特朗普从来没有真正理解推动他进入白宫的力量(诚然,面对一个无能、愚蠢过度自信的对手)。 一旦他在那里,我认为他真的不知道该怎么做。

    有人会带着更多的政治技能出现,他们了解特朗普的所作所为,并追随他的脚步。 城墙要建起来,如果不合法,所有的外国鬼子都将被驱逐,自由人将在街上哭泣。

  225. @Achmed E. Newman

    I searched “Quetta Rules” as well when I was writing my comment, I too got nothing. I read of this phrase many years before the internet. It refers to the colonial community during the British Raj. Quetta was, and still is today, a big center for Cricket. The British colonials in Quetta became known for playing a “gentlemanly” game of Cricket that emphasised enjoyment over winning-at-all-costs. This might have included some minor bending of rules, but I’m not certain of that. As a result, “Quetta Rules” became, in England, a euphemism for playing “softball” vs playing “hardball” in any situation. I have frequently encountered writers refering to “Marquess Of Queensberry Rules” in the mistaken belief it refers to a “softball” approach. As you now know, the 9th Marquess was anything but, and a very dangerous man to cross. There are other peculiar mistakes made by even professional writers, for example using the phrase “small beer” when “small potatoes” is meant. “Small beer” is in fact a distillers term for Whiskey, as Whiskey is distilled beer, so the mistake is doubly ridiculous. Another mistake frequently seen at TUR among commenters and authors alike is misusing the phrase “begging the question”. This phrase should only be used to refer to The Fallacy Of Begging The Question.

  226. Corvinus 说:
    @Not you


    • 哈哈: Not you
    • 回复: @Not you
  227. @Harold Smith

    哈罗德,我必须告诉你们两个,你们的 指控 against D. T. and his alleged “scamming” of the public are strikingly similar to what was leveled at Adolf Hitler by the “progressive” labor parties of his day. I’ve documents just a bit of it in my most popular article https://carolynyeager.net/fake-legends-adolf-hitler%E2%80%99s-%E2%80%9Cjewish-grandfather%E2%80%9D Are you two sympathetic with those unfounded rumors that were circulated throughout Hitler’s political career, and even still today? I’m sure you are, to some degree.

    You even call Trump’s millions of very loyal White supporters “low IQ” just like Hilary Clinton did. In any case, it was those low IQ middle-America Whites who got him elected, not the White Nationalist contingent who’ve tried to take credit for it. D. T. doesn’t depend on you, since he learned he can’t. Don’t you think most people can sense what a candidate thinks of them? Men like you could never get elected by people whom you look down on. So you satisfy yourselves by coming to a place like this and expressing your contempt for it all — along with consistent gloom and doom.


    • 回复: @Harold Smith
  228. vinteuil 说:

    For better or worse, Trump is running, and will be the Republican candidate for president, in 2024.

    Everybody just kind of has to get used to that fact and work with it.

    • 同意: Carolyn Yeager
    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  229. Not you 说:


    • 回复: @Corvinus
  230. Corvinus 说:
    @Not you


  231. @Staudegger

    感谢您回答您与 Deutschland 或 Staudegger 的联系。 你没有。

    … Slavs, but they definitely are Aryans, and I’ve said so.

    Yes, you have and Hitler said so too. Himmler was the one who was looking for other evidence and was very sensible about it. https://carolynyeager.net/himmlers-oct-24-1943-freedom-day-speech-posen It’s found in the last half of the long speech.

    But when you come to Trump, you just repeated what you’ve already said (and others have said) – which are only allegations without proof or specific examples. “王牌 牺牲了 his own daughter to Jews.” 愚蠢,但我已经多次听到这些确切的词。 在 21 世纪(甚至在 1960 年),没有父母可以控制他的“成年”女儿在浪漫/婚姻部门所做的事情。 那完全是无知的谈话。 父母的偏好并不重要。

    “He led NYC’s Israel Day Parade for years.” 错了,他只做了一年,2004年。那是第一年 学徒 on TV. That you said “for years” shows that you’re just repeating some talking points.

    “He murdered Solemani for Netenyahu.” No one serious is arguing this, with evidence. Once again, it only comes from the extremely irresponsible anti-Israel, pro-Iran faction of Internet warriors. Was it in line with what Netanyahu wanted? Of course. https://www.politico.eu/article/how-trump-decided-to-kill-irans-soleimani/ 甚至 Politico 也承认特朗普非常负责。 他没有听命。

    “He cynically used White votes to get elected and then thumbed his nose at them and did whatever Kushner wanted him to.” So by using the word “cynically” you’re saying that Trump had worked-out in advance a 计划 让白人投票给他,同时知道他只会满足女婿的利益,以及他自己对犹太人的爱? 什么情节剧! 但只是一种解释。

    “He started a riot at the Capitol and then let the DOJ persecute the protestors.” You really think he wanted a riot? You know who got the riot going – the FBI embedded with the all-male “Patriot” groups. It ended in “Fake-riot.” But I agree, that was not his best hour.

    “He could’ve pardoned his supporters and spared them the torture they’re currently undergoing but instead he pardoned a bunch of black and Jewish crooks.” Every president pardons a certain number of crooks at the end of his term, to fulfil political favors received. You act like Trump is unique in this. He couldn’t very well pardon “capitol rioters” under the current hysteria about it, either.

    None of this is something you’ve researched yourself. It’s pure anti-Trump propaganda points that you’ve just picked up and are repeating. So the question is why? You’ve brought me back to asking what your ‘game’ is, because you do have one. You’re not a genuine article.

    “I can’t speak about your history with tanstaafl. What I know is that he is currently one of the best writers/speakers on Jewish behavior from a scientific perspective.” Oh, and what is this “scientific perspective?” How do we recognize it? Please explain it to me. I have seen that T.’s fans have, from the beginning, attributed to him amazing powers of insight. But as with all Jew-wise speakers today, none seem to me to say anything that Adolf Hitler didn’t already say, and and quite well and thoroughly. T. came up with “Jewing” around 10 years ago, which he still uses today, I notice. Ah, the boys who hang out there fell out of their chairs in admiration at that one. Is that the scientific genius?

    As to my history with him, I didn’t intend for you to speak about it. You can’t. I just wanted to practice full disclosure. BTW, I checked some recent comment thread and didn’t see your name there. Of course, you may have created “Staudegger” just for UR and use a different name there?
    Anyway, I’d be pleased to hear back again if you care to reply to any of the above.

    • 回复: @Staudegger
  232. @Bombercommand

    Great stuff, BC, and I will be sure to be careful about my use of the “Marquess of Queensberry” phrasing in the future. “Hardball vs. Softball” is probably the best way to explain the situation I meant.

  233. @Carolyn Yeager

    You even call Trump’s millions of very loyal White supporters “low IQ” just like Hilary Clinton did. In any case, it was those low IQ middle-America Whites who got him elected, not the White Nationalist contingent who’ve tried to take credit for it.

    Of course by that I am referring to those people who continued to support Trump long after it became painfully obvious that he’s nothing but an Israel-first, America-last con man and consummate deep-state team player who has nothing but contempt for his supporters and for Americans in general. (BTW it was apparently the anti-war/anti-interventionist voters like me – yes I voted for him the first time – who swung the election for Trump).

    D. T. doesn’t depend on you, since he learned he can’t.

    Well of course he can’t because things like respect and support have to be earned; excuses and disingenuous posturing while doing deep state dirty work won’t suffice (whether or not Trump can actually learn such a lesson is debatable).

    Don’t you think most people can sense what a candidate thinks of them?

    Does it matter at this point? I think not.

    Men like you could never get elected by people whom you look down on.


    So you satisfy yourselves by coming to a place like this and expressing your contempt for it all…

    Well of course I have contempt for those who seek to destroy America (and for those who support them); why wouldn’t I? And I come here because I believe I have a moral and patriotic duty to oppose the propaganda here.

    …along with consistent gloom and doom.

    Anyone paying attention can see that America is going down fast, and we appear to be one incident away from a direct military confrontation with Russia and/or China. That you don’t seem to appreciate this horrific situation for what it is (and the culpability of those who brought us to this point) would seem to reflect poorly on your grasp of reality, not on mine.


    Let’s see, Trump illegally invades and occupies Syria, murders people in Syria with bombs and missiles, steals Syrian oil, exits the INF treaty, murders General Soleimani apparently in an attempt to start a war with Iran, brags about being the first to send lethal weapons to Ukraine, tries to starve Venezuela into submission, reinstitutes cold war provocations against Russia and China, generally escalates tensions everywhere in the world, and refuses to do anything whatsoever to hinder the hopeless and utterly self-destructive deep state agenda of world domination and control…but I’m a member of the “death cult” for pointing it out and Trump is a paragon of virtue and reason?

    • 同意: Liberty Mike
    • 回复: @Carolyn Yeager
  234. @Kolya Krassotkin

    You mean what, exactly?

    Leon Trotsky was Lev Bronstein, but as you said a lot of people don’t know that, and it doesn’t even matter or change anything, so what’s the point of this diatribe?

  235. @Zachary Smith

    “Racist White People refuse to factor in the effects of poverty and malnutrition and low-budget education”


    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Achmed E. Newman
  236. @Harold Smith

    I have never spoken with you before, or read your comments — actually have hardly ever seen them so we must not have interest in the same articles published here. You are anti-American, not just a critic of ‘your’ country (as I am), but are all in for Russia, China and Iran. That’s why you hate Trump, because he’s 100% pro-American (in that, he overlooks too much), so that puts you on opposite sides.
    For that reason you look for ways to denounce him and keep him out of office. It’s not the well-being of the USA that you’re concerned with bc you see the USA as the world’s most evil force.

    You are anything but a patriot. In saying that, I’m not blind to America’s faults, not by a long shot, but you will interpret it that way. It’s not hard to see through your “arguments” so here are a few bits of nonsense from you that I’ll point out:

    1) “I voted for him the first time.” Does that mean you voted for Joe B. the second time? Or someone else, or just didn’t vote? It makes little difference bc by not voting for Trump, you helped Biden to win. Biden is the “Israel-first, America-last con man and consummate deep-state team player” that you’re accusing Trump of being. Trump was a newcomer to Wash. DC, while Biden is a 40-year-plus veteran who’s been lying and plagiarizing his entire career. Believe me, I watched him do it.

    2) “(BTW it was 显然地 the anti-war/anti-interventionist voters like me – yes I voted for him the first time – who swung the election for Trump).” There’s that “apparently” — apparently according to what? No, it’s not apparent at all. That is truly a stupid thing to say because it’s so clearly false, with nothing to back it up. In a comment thread to Mike Whitney’s June 4th article, you replied to “Jim Dandy” with this:

    Trump’s a liar who stole the election by completely misrepresenting himself. Even Clinton, the demonic scum that she is, was more honest than traitorous-con-man-jew-lover-and-infantile-narcissist Trump with his bait-and-switch campaign scam. As I see it, Trump literally didn’t do ANYTHING good for anyone except jews.

    Very strong hate and anger there, Harold. Why so vicious? So in your opinion Trump is worse for this country than Hilary Clinton? After 2 years of Biden, we know for sure what H.C. had in mind in 2016. Saved by Trump!!

    3) “I come here because I believe I have a moral and patriotic duty to oppose the propaganda here.” … “Anyone paying attention can see that America is going down fast, and we appear to be one incident away from a direct military confrontation with Russia and/or China. ” Who is responsible for that? Everyone knows it was not Donald Trump, but is all the purposeful doing of Joseph R. Biden and his handlers.

    “那 you don’t seem to appreciate this horrific situation for what it is (and the culpability of those who brought us to this point) would seem to reflect poorly on your grasp of reality, not on mine.” Unbelievable!! Is that extreme obtuseness or just plain lie? Have you ever told us what your solution is? If so, I missed it so please repeat.


    • 回复: @Harold Smith
  237. @Carolyn Yeager

    You are anti-American…

    Well that depends on how you would define an “American,” right? If for example by an “American” you mean a dumbed-down, morally incompetent person who doesn’t know right from wrong, or generally what to think or how to behave without guidance from the Satanic jewish collective, then yes, I’m anti-American.

    …not just a critic of ‘your’ country (as I am), but are all in for Russia, China and Iran.

    Of course I’m “all in” for any country e.g. Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, etc. that defends its sovereignty and resists the imperial depredations of the Satanic jew-controlled U.S. empire, yes. Does that make me a bad person?

    That’s why you hate Trump, because he’s 100% pro-American (in that, he overlooks too much), so that puts you on opposite sides.

    I was hoping you might infer from my previous comments why I despise Trump. Okay I’ll try again: I can’t stand Trump because he’s a lying, mass-murdering, moronic, utterly jew-controlled infantile narcissist and anti-American traitor (my definition of American); clear enough? If Trump was anything other than an anti-American traitor he wouldn’t have exited the INF treaty and put us all at risk, for example; capisce?

    For that reason you look for ways to denounce him and keep him out of office.

    Nobody has to look very hard for reasons to denounce the scumbag.

    It’s not the well-being of the USA that you’re concerned with bc you see the USA as the world’s most evil force.

    Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but unfortunately the nuclear-armed, utterly lawless, jew-controlled post-constitutional wasteland we live in HAS BECOME the world’s most evil force. Accept it.

    You are anything but a patriot.

    That depends on how you define “patriot,” right?

    In saying that, I’m not blind to America’s faults, not by a long shot, but you will interpret it that way.

    Alas you force me to inflict yet more bad news on you: America’s “faults” – should they go on much longer uncorrected – will be fatal.

    It’s not hard to see through your “arguments” so here are a few bits of nonsense from you that I’ll point out:


    1) “I voted for him the first time.” Does that mean you voted for Joe B. the second time? Or someone else, or just didn’t vote?

    Of course I didn’t vote for lying, mass-murdering, jew-controlled anti-American traitor Biden any more than I voted for lying, mass-murdering, jew-controlled anti-American traitor Trump; rather, I voted for Jo Jorgensen.

    It makes little difference bc by not voting for Trump, you helped Biden to win.

    Your reasoning is faulty. That’s like saying: by not interposing your body between arch-enemies Bill and John, you helped Bill shoot John. No, I didn’t help Biden win. It’s the people who voted for Biden (and those who carry out his orders) that bear sole moral responsibility for his crimes.

    Biden is the “Israel-first, America-last con man and consummate deep-state team player” that you’re accusing Trump of being. Trump was a newcomer to Wash. DC, while Biden is a 40-year-plus veteran who’s been lying and plagiarizing his entire career. Believe me, I watched him do it.

    Of course Biden is a well-known scumbag. Trump was not a career politician, and as of Nov. 2016, I did not know him to be mass-murderer, so for that and other reasons I gave him the benefit of the doubt and voted for him. And he wasted no time in betraying me et al. With his criminal attack on the Shayrat airbase in Syria in April 2017, for example, Trump acted quickly to put himself on the same moral plane as Charles Manson, removing any doubt as to his evil nature.

    2) “(BTW it was apparently the anti-war/anti-interventionist voters like me – yes I voted for him the first time – who swung the election for Trump).” There’s that “apparently” — apparently according to what?

    Apparently as per observation and reasoning (sorry if that kind of thing is over your head).

    No, it’s not apparent at all.

    Yes it is, if you bother to look at the evidence and do a little reasoning.

    That is truly a stupid thing to say because it’s so clearly false, with nothing to back it up.

    It’s not “clearly false”; what’s stupid is your claim that is. Your ignorance of the matter reflects poorly on you, not on me.

    It was Trump’s narrow margin of victory over Clinton in three states – Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – that put him in the White house, and Trump’s winning margin in these states was 少于 the number of Sanders supporters who voted for him in these states.

    Most Sanders supporters apparently voted for Clinton or Jill Stein but some voted for Trump, and if they hadn’t done so, Trump would’ve lost the election. So why did they vote for Trump? The most likely explanation – whether you happen to like it or not – is that these people were Sanders’ anti-war/anti-interventionist constituency who took Trump at his word.

    In a comment thread to Mike Whitney’s June 4th article, you replied to “Jim Dandy” with this:

    “Trump’s a liar who stole the election by completely misrepresenting himself. Even Clinton, the demonic scum that she is, was more honest than traitorous-con-man-jew-lover-and-infantile-narcissist Trump with his bait-and-switch campaign scam. As I see it, Trump literally didn’t do ANYTHING good for anyone except jews.”

    Very strong hate and anger there, Harold. Why so vicious?

    Well to be honest my statement there doesn’t reflect much more hate and anger toward Trump than I’ve expressed against other jew-controlled scumbags e.g. sleazy Joe Biden, the senile servant of Satan.

  238. Anon[102]• 免责声明 说:

    Yes, even Tom Sowell claimed that U.S. blacks were corrupted into their current estate by the example set by lower class whites in the South. This theory of his is not vastly different from believing that Wakanda is or was a real place, or that a blue devil cooked up honkies in a test tube. Scratch a black and you find a voodoo.

  239. rplende 说:

    The U.S. needs to get the likes of Ron De Santis or Rand Paul into the Presidency.

  240. @europeasant

    It’s amazing what WHITE people believe, even educated White people who are 27 years old. I wrote up an anecdote of trying to talk sense on racial matters with an otherwise bright guy, who had the same excuses you’d have heard 60 years ago, EuroPeasant!


    • 回复: @europeasant
  241. SafeNow 说:

    Barr: “Trump was detached from reality.” Uh-oh, sounds bad. But going a bit deeper, we see that Barr is diagnosing a type of dissociative disorder. The basic psychiatric definition of a cognitive dissociative order is having a cognitive consciousness that is contrary to the mainstream cognitive consciousness. This sounds great to me; sign me up.

  242. @Achmed E. Newman

    When I was was young I held a lot of liberal ideas. One that comes to mind is “All people are created equal”. Our institutions brainwashed me and it took a few years working in factories, driving a cab, two years military as an enlisted man to come to my senses. We are not created equal and there is no equal even between races. Our government would like us to believe we are all equal and they create laws like Affirmative Action, to achieve that outcome.

  243. RandyZ 说:

    The headline says the hearing reached “North Korean levels of lying”, yet didn’t contain a single example of a lie told during the hearing. This “article” is pure incoherent ranting. Very weird.

    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  244. @RandyZ

    I watched c.two minutes of ‘highlights’ and counted several lies. There are none so blind…

    • 回复: @RandyZ
    , @RandyZ
  245. @Bombercommand

    “reign in” instead of “rein in” is very common on UR and elsewhere. The problem with seeing a mistake repeated so often is that you start to doubt your own knowledge of language.

    • 回复: @Wielgus
  246. @vinteuil

    So we have to put up with the war in the Ukraine and the impoverishment of the West by the sanctions blowback for two more years and then Trump comes as a saviour to put a stop to it and start improving the economy just by ending some, many, or all of the sanctions. Maybe that’s a plan of sorts. He’ll probably disappoint on other issues. Still all power to him.

  247. @Commentator Mike

    Even if the U.S. doesn’t get turned into a pile of nuclear ash by then and Trump somehow gets reelected, he’s not going to fix anything, because the only thing that has a chance of fixing America – if it’s not too late already – is leadership by good moral example, which would obviously exclude reprobates like Trump.

    • 回复: @Carolyn Yeager
  248. @Harold Smith

    And who do you have in mind for this “good moral leadership?” Bc you’re so far unable to name a single person
    A. who could be elected;
    B. who would want to run and even have the job;
    C. who would do the things you want done and still keep the citizens of the USA safe and moderately prosperous in a (let’s face it) dangerous world.

    I see you as similar to the moral crusaders who made up the anti-Hitler Resistance conspiracy movement in 1940s Germany. Their idea was to save the “Honor and Glory” of true Germany from the clutches of an unprincipled madman whose Jewish policy and “total war” tactics was bringing SHAME on Christian Germany in the eyes of the world. In their aristocratic moral fervor and their MISREADING OF THE GOALS OF THE ENEMIES OF GERMANY, they undermined their own soldiers, failed to uphold their vows as officers, and brought disaster on their countrymen that is still being lived out today. Those they picked for the civilian political leadership after the “cleaning out of the “Nazis” were totally inept, indecisive and even cowardly.
    In other words, you also end up helping those who hate us and who could never themselves accomplish the good that we (Americans) have accomplished, even though we’ve also done so much bad.

    Until you can put forth real names that fit the above basic requirements, you are just hot air at best and a destructive, nihilistic force at worst.

    • 回复: @Harold Smith
  249. @Commentator Mike

    If in January 2023 we have a Republican-controlled Congress, with a Trumpian bias, that can have a big influence on the foreign and domestic ills we’re suffering from today. So already the improvement begins two years before getting rid of Biden altogether.

    The vigilance needed now is to make sure the coming election is not stolen again, through confusion created by last-minute crises. Anything can happen, including cancelling it! The globalists are pushing hard to keep control no matter how bad they look.

  250. Wielgus 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    My experience of the Internet is that “reign in” may actually be more common than the correct spelling. Which does not say much about spelling standards.

    • 回复: @Wielgus
  251. Wielgus 说:

    A further thought – in addition to being a victim of poor educational standards, “rein in” is likely also to be affected by how few people today in the Anglophone world ride horses or operate horse-drawn wagons. 雷恩 is probably less common than 统治 and despite the latter having that silent g to complicate things, it is the word that springs to mind in too many cases.

  252. @Carolyn Yeager

    And who do you have in mind for this “good moral leadership?” Bc you’re so far unable to name a single person
    A. who could be elected;
    B. who would want to run and even have the job;
    C. who would do the things you want done and still keep the citizens of the USA safe and moderately prosperous in a (let’s face it) dangerous world.

    So on the basis of 一种 comment I made you conclude that I’m “到目前为止 unable” to do something that I didn’t need or intend to do to make the point I made? Seriously? If it wasn’t for such outrageous strawmen you wouldn’t have much to say, would you?

    I see you as similar to the moral crusaders who made up the anti-Hitler Resistance conspiracy movement in 1940s Germany. Blah…blah…blah…

    Well you certainly have a right to your own personal opinion, no matter how unfounded/facially ridiculous it appears, but you have no right to be taken seriously, and you’re not.

    […] In other words, you also end up helping those who hate us and who could never themselves accomplish the good that we (Americans) have accomplished, even though we’ve also done so much bad.

    You seem to imply that the “hate” that many people all over the world have for “us” is unreasonable. On the contrary, those who hate “us” do so for a good reason: “we” have gone out of our way to make them hate “us.” You see, unfortunately “we” have allowed jews to subvert this society and turn this country into a blunt instrument whose only purpose is to beat the world into submission to their Satanic, messianic, judeo-communist new world order. (Welcome to Biblical “Mystery Babylon”). As “we” lead the world to nuclear war for the Satanic jewish agenda, what else other than “hate” should we reasonably expect under the circumstances?

    Until you can put forth real names that fit the above basic requirements, you are just hot air at best and a destructive, nihilistic force at worst.

    LOL! There you go again. In my reply to Commentator Mike, I wasn’t intending to write a comprehensive essay; I merely responded to his assertion that Trump can somehow save America from itself, that’s all.

    Anyway, it’s clear from your statements here that you’re morally bankrupt and as such you’re incapable of understanding the nature of the situation that you endeavor to lecture me about, but for the sake of lurkers let me take a stab at your “basic requirements”:

    A. who could be elected;
    B. who would want to run and even have the job;
    C. who would do the things you want done and still keep the citizens of the USA safe and moderately prosperous in a (let’s face it) dangerous world.

    (A) In the 2020 election, Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian Party candidate, theoretically could’ve been elected.

    (B) That she troubled herself to run for the office of president obviously shows that she wanted to run and implies that she would’ve accepted the job if elected.

    (C) Obviously, the best way to “keep the citizens of the USA safe and moderately prosperous” is for the USA to repudiate the jewish-supremacist agenda of complete world domination and control at any cost, right? It is the pursuit of that Satanic agenda that’s created formidable enemies, destroyed the USA economically and politically, and which now threatens complete physical destruction.

    I voted for Jo Jorgensen, as I do not know her to be a mass murderer, nor do I believe her to be demon-possessed nor do I believe that she would sell out or submit to the Satanic cult. So she would be far more likely to act in good faith and lead by “good moral example” than disgraced cold-blooded mass-murderers like Biden and Trump, right?

    So Jo Jorgensen meets your criteria.

    • 回复: @Carolyn Yeager
  253. @Harold Smith

    So Jo Jorgensen meets your criteria.

    No, not point A – She could never be elected. I also doubt she could keep the USA safe and moderately prosperous (point C). By naming her, you clearly show yourself to be an un-serious person.

    You’re also a consistent user of strawmen. One of the most obvious strawman tactics is to claim that I “implied” such and such, and then address as if I had stated it! You’ve done that twice now. Very shifty. Very weak.

    • 回复: @Harold Smith
  254. @Carolyn Yeager

    So Jo Jorgensen meets your criteria.

    No, not point A – She could never be elected.

    I figured you’d resort to a semantic argument, which is one reason I was reluctant to waste time composing an answer in the first place. Anyway, as I said, she could theoretically be elected. Although she didn’t get anywhere in 2020, that doesn’t mean she could “never” be elected. If the economy keeps getting worse (especially if some of the most dire predictions come true) and the threat of nuclear war remains high or gets even worse, the level of public disgust with the corrupt duopoly might create an unprecedented opportunity for third party candidates.

    In any case, whether or not she could ever be elected is irrelevant to my original point (directed to Commentator Mike), which was that Trump will not save America from anything.

    I also doubt she could keep the USA safe and moderately prosperous (point C).

    Safe from what exactly? Obviously, the biggest threat to “the USA” is U.S. “government” pursuit of the self-destructive jewish-supremacist agenda for world domination and control. Surely the risk of war and economic collapse would be much less with Jo Jorgensen in the White House than Trump or Biden.

    You’re also a consistent user of strawmen. One of the most obvious strawman tactics is to claim that I “implied” such and such, and then address that as if I had stated it!

    Please point out some specific examples where you believe I’ve disingenuously misconstrued something you said.

    • 回复: @Carolyn Yeager
  255. MEH 0910 说:



    • 回复: @Greta Handel
  256. @MEH 0910

    Asking yet again:

    1) Why do you, MEH 0910, routinely post without any further comment the work of Mr. Derbyshire that he and/or Mr. Unz doesn’t want to publish on this website?

    2) Why, 德比郡先生温兹先生, is some work of this columnist not published on this website? (Other columnists – Pat Buchanan, for one – have had work withheld here, too.)

  257. @Harold Smith

    I figured you’d resort to a semantic argument

    That Jo Jorgensen would/could never be elected is not “a semantic argument.” It’s a given based on all probable indicators and past experience. So YOU are indulging in semantics here. As I almost said last time, “the pot calling the kettle black.”

    In any case, whether or not she could ever be elected is irrelevant to my original point (directed to Commentator Mike), which was that Trump will not save America from anything.

    It is relevant to what you said to me your reply to C. Mike: that J. J. was your choice as meeting my criteria for an equal candidate to Trump.

    the risk of war and economic collapse would be much less with Jo Jorgensen in the White House than Trump or Biden.

    How so? You have no grounds for saying that. Under her, it would be more likely the weak US would be attacked and/or forced into a conflict. Under 4 years of Trump, we were never at war with anybody, and the economy was going great apart from the Covid crisis which Trump had nothing to do with starting. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/11/01/fact-check-trump-not-first-president-since-eisenhower-without-new-war/6086636002/ There’s no way we can hide from the world as it exists today.

    Please point out some specific examples where you believe I’ve disingenuously misconstrued something you said.

    Easy. Above, you wrote “You (Carolyn) seem to imply that the “hate” that many people all over the world have for “us” is unreasonable.” I didn’t say that and did not intend to “imply” it, so that is a strawman you’ve created. Then, in the very next paragraph you accuse me of what you had just denied: “LOL! There you go again. In my reply to Commentator Mike, I wasn’t intending to write a comprehensive essay; I merely responded to his assertion … blah, blah.” In my case, however, I only quite legitimately requested you provide some specific name(s) of a candidate better than Trump. You came up with the ridiculous Jo Jorgensen. So you’re practicing “one rule for me, another for thee.”

    • 回复: @Greta Handel
    , @Harold Smith
  258. @Carolyn Yeager

    I’m following this exchange, one in which you’re becoming increasingly disputatious and desperate.

    各向同性 选择您 basis for asserting that

    Under [Jo Jorgensen], it would be more likely the weak US would be attacked and/or forced into a conflict.

    Really? Most people here, even (especially?) Trump enthusiasts, seem to agree that Uncle Sam isn’t facing substantial threats except to the extent he’s not minding his own business.

  259. @Carolyn Yeager

    I figured you’d resort to a semantic argument

    That Jo Jorgensen would/could never be elected is not “a semantic argument.” It’s a given based on all probable indicators and past experience. So YOU are indulging in semantics here. As I almost said last time, “the pot calling the kettle black.”

    The text of your “A” criterion was: “who 可以 elected.” I took this to mean a candidate who is in a position of meeting all 50 states’ ballot access requirements, i.e. someone who is on the ballot in all 50 states. For example, in contrast to Libertarian Party candidate Jorgensen, candidates of the Green Party and Constitution Party are generally not found on the ballot of every state, so their presidential candidates often could not be elected simply because of the technicality that they could not get 270 electoral votes even if they were popular.

    Because Jo Jorgensen was on the ballot in all 50 states, she theoretically “could be elected.” Okay so she lost the 2020 election just like Trump lost the 2020 election, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that “she could NEVER be elected” just like Trump’s loss in 2020 doesn’t mean that Trump could NEVER be reelected.

    But because you want to be contrary, you’re claiming the phrase “who could be elected” doesn’t refer to any objective standard such as a candidate’s potential access to 270 electoral votes, but instead to your highly subjective personal opinion as to the chances that the electorate would elect the candidate.

    IOW with your self-serving qualification you’re taking advantage of the linguistic ambiguity of the phrase to claim that you win the argument. That’s pure semantics, IMO.

    In any case, whether or not she could ever be elected is irrelevant to my original point (directed to Commentator Mike), which was that Trump will not save America from anything.

    It is relevant to what you said to me since your reply to C. Mike: that J. J. was your choice as meeting my criteria for an equal candidate to Trump.

    Huh? I’m sorry but this incoherent jumble of words makes no sense. And I said nothing to Commentator Mike about Jo Jorgensen or your “criteria”.

    the risk of war and economic collapse would be much less with Jo Jorgensen in the White House than Trump or Biden.

    How so? You have no grounds for saying that.


    Under her, it would be more likely the weak US would be attacked and/or forced into a conflict.

    So by abandoning the hopeless, utterly self-destructive agenda of trying to take over the world for the Satanic jewish collective (with all its associated costs and risks) this would somehow make the the U.S. “weak” and subject to attack? You don’t expect to say something so laughably absurd and still be taken seriously, do you?

    Under 4 years of Trump, we were never at war with anybody, and the economy was going great apart from the Covid crisis which Trump had nothing to do with starting.

    Now you’re just plain lying. Contrary to his pre-election promises and intimations, Trump continued and escalated all preexisting conflicts from the illegal military occupation/action in Syria and the pointless war in Afghanistan to the hybrid wars against Russia, China, Iran and Venezuela. Moreover, by assassinating General Soleimani, Trump tried to start a kinetic war with Iran; and that and Trump’s several attacks against Syrian government forces both risked escalation to a direct military confrontation with Russia. Lastly, in addition to reanimating the political corpse of Joe Biden and inflicting that tragedy on us, Trump did his share to damage the economy and accelerate the dedollarization of the world.

    and the economy was going great apart from the Covid crisis which Trump had nothing to do with starting.

    You can’t say that Trump had nothing to do with starting the covid-19 crisis. That’s pure speculation. Prove it. Explain why Trump failed to force the CDC to identify the pathogen responsible for the outbreak of the “mysterious respiratory illness” which sickened 82 people and killed 3 at the Greenspring Retirement Community in Springfield, VA, in June and July of 2019, for example. Explain why under Trump the U.S. government failed to live up to its obligations under IHR(2005).

    There’s no way we can hide from the world as it exists today.

    ROTFL! So you’re Jewish?

    Please point out some specific examples where you believe I’ve disingenuously misconstrued something you said.

    Easy. Above, you wrote “You (Carolyn) seem to imply that the “hate” that many people all over the world have for “us” is unreasonable.” I didn’t say that and did not intend to “imply” it, so that is a strawman you’ve created.

    Well not quite, since anyone reading your comment above can see that there is nothing disingenuous about my inference. You were clearly making the point that if the U.S. had a president who led by “good moral example” (as per my view) it would somehow “end up helping those who hate us,” as if those who hate us do so for some incomprehensible reason other than the manifest evil and injustice we regularly visit upon them. Basically your foreign policy philosophy seems to be “the beatings should continue until the hatred disappears.” IOW according to you (and your tribe?), those damn Arabs (for example) hate us because of our “freedom,” right Carolyn?

    Then, in the very next paragraph you accuse me of what you had just denied: “LOL! There you go again. In my reply to Commentator Mike, I wasn’t intending to write a comprehensive essay; I merely responded to his assertion … blah, blah.” In my case, however, I only quite legitimately requested you provide some specific name(s) of a candidate better than Trump. You came up with the ridiculous Jo Jorgensen. So you’re practicing “one rule for me, another for thee.”

    Nonsense. Anyone who can read can see that you’re either lying or so utterly confused as to appear to be out of your “mind.”

    My point (in my reply to Commentator Mike) – that Trump would not save America from anything – stands on its own; it is self-evidently obvious to any reasonable person who’s been paying attention. Thus there is nothing “quite legitimate” about your attempt to equate the validity of the point I made in comment #259 with my ability to come up with names of people who would fit your arbitrary, irrelevant, self-serving criteria.

  260. HeyJJ! 说:

    What I’ve always said, “whites don’t hate blacks”. Resent, YES! Because squeaky wheel normally gets the grease but now all black wheels squeak. So here is my analogy. In a family of a few sobs, say 3-4, and one (Jimmy) is special needs. Everywhere you go, like amusement park, your told to wait for Jimmy. Your told Jimmy can’t do that, do something or some ride Jimmy can do. The non-disabled siblings want to spread thier wings, test their limits, but must LIMIT that to what Jimmy can do. Jimmy gets head of the line, attention, most favored, etc… eventually compassion turns to resentment.
    That is what has been going on and is increasing. 12% of population demands higher percent in sports, sports GM/owners, entertainment and awards while maintaining exclusive ceremonies, advertising, leadership, government, and on. Color/race over merit. EVERYBODY not white is BIPOC! No month for any other group, except Pride. Even those who died serving or have served get one fleeting day.
    The push to keep racism alive, remember slavery, victimhood…is further driving a wedge between diversity and healing, going too far too greedy and inviting justifiable pushback. White people who never owned slaves and condemn it should not also have to pay for it endlessly. Black Panthers want a black nation…it already exists, go there. This is NOT a nation which should be divided by race.

  261. RandyZ 说:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    So what were the lies that you heard? Please enlighten us.

  262. Staudegger 说:
    @Carolyn Yeager

    感谢您回答您与 Deutschland 或 Staudegger 的联系。 你没有。
    是的,这就是为什么它们是匿名句柄。 如果我在“卢克天行者”下发帖,你会指责我不是绝地吗? 还是不允许非德国白人欣赏德国二战英雄? 你到底在说什么?

    愚蠢,但我已经多次听到这些确切的词。 在 21 世纪(甚至在 1960 年),没有父母可以控制他的“成年”女儿在浪漫/婚姻部门所做的事情。 那完全是无知的谈话。 父母的偏好并不重要。

    废话。 父母应该引导他们的孩子。 特朗普显然没有以任何种族意识抚养他的孩子。 作为希特勒的崇拜者,你应该知道他的名言,“黑头发的犹太人等着玷污雅利安女孩并从她的人民那里偷走她”(释义)。 好父母不会让他们的孩子被敌对种族当作战争新娘。



    没有人认真地争论这一点,有证据。 再一次,它只是来自极端不负责任的反以色列、亲伊朗派系的网络战士。


    甚至 Politico 也承认特朗普非常负责。 他没有听命。

    Politico 有意淡化以色列对特朗普的明显控制。


    不,特朗普没有解决任何问题,库什纳做到了。 他正在领导特朗普的竞选活动。 这不是解释,这是众所周知的事实。 库什纳的人对保守派选民进行了一项调查,以了解他们的关键问题是什么:移民、贸易和外交政策。 库什纳随后调整了特朗普的竞选活动以吸引他们。


    他命令他的追随者向国会大厦进军,并要求他与他们同在。 我们都知道结果如何。 当他的支持者发生骚乱并被捕时,他被赶走了。 然后特朗普拒绝赦免他们中的任何一个,而是让他们在华盛顿监狱受到黑人警卫的折磨。




    总统可以赦免他想要的任何人。 你需要停止应对。 特朗普有四年的时间为白人做点什么,他除了为以色列服务之外什么也没做。 就像主流政治中的其他人一样,他是一个骗子和一个卑鄙的人。

    你让我回过头来问你的“游戏”是什么,因为你确实有一个。 你不是真货。

    我没有游戏。 你凭什么说我不是真货? 你到底在说什么?

    哦,这个“科学观点”是什么? 我们如何识别它? 请给我解释一下。

    他的文章病理学和病原体是关于犹太人行为的最佳文章之一。 我也喜欢他的术语,比如“精神病理学”。 在谈论犹太人以及他们如何点燃人们时,我一直使用它。

    • 回复: @Carolyn Yeager
  263. RandyZ 说:

    Haha, how does 18 months turn into “going on 3 years”? Actually, the facts about the first president in US history attempting to stop a peaceful transition of power is going to be in the history books for a hundred years. Hilary ran her email server incorrectly and we heard about it incessantly for five years. Now we’ve had a president attempt to overturn the results of an election and people are saying “oh, just get over it and move on”. Very weird.

  264. @Staudegger

    You’re tardy with this reply, but I’ll answer a couple of things that only require a fairly simple answer.

    是的,这就是为什么它们是匿名句柄。 如果我在“卢克天行者”下发帖,你会指责我不是绝地吗? 还是不允许非德国白人欣赏德国二战英雄? 你到底在说什么?

    What I’m getting at is obvious to any but the purposely obtuse. Why hide under anonymous handles? Especially ones you have no connection with. You live in a world of fiction, apparently. I doubt very much you would lose anything by being more honest about who you are — except your anonymity, of course. Are you only saying what you do because your ‘real identity’ is safely distanced from it? What do you think the German WW2 heroes think of ? 他们从来没有想过要匿名。


    Are you a parent? I say you’re not or you would have worded this whole paragraph differently. So you don’t speak from experience, only from your safe place of finger-wagging anonymity.

    我没有游戏。 你凭什么说我不是真货? 你到底在说什么?

    我想我已经明确了什么是“真正的”,什么不是关于你的。 当你用事实来支持他们时,你会说出谈话要点并且是错误的。 例如,你认为你不需要为你所说的唐纳德特朗普提供支持证据。

    His [tanstaafl’s] article Pathology and Pathogen is one of the best pieces on Jewish behavior out there. I also like his terms like “psycho-pathology.” I use it all the time when talking about Jews and how they gaslight people.

    The idea of Jews as a pathogen was basic to German antisemitism, and Goebbel’s went into detail about it along with quite a few other National Socialist writers. Hitler was one of the first to speak of it in 我的奋斗 (1925). Read the section headed “Nation and Race” in Volume One — here is a summary assembled by me: https://carolynyeager.net/adolf-hitler-nation-and-race-part-2
    Tanstaafl is nothing but a late-comer to the truth about Jews (after marrying one) who took all his ideas from those who came before him, though he avoids ever talking about Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP. That doesn’t stop people like you from wishing to form a cult around him, and attributing to him ‘genius’ ideas that are not his. It’s a very Jewish thing to happen, is it not? T. is mixed ethnicity himself (5 in all, incl Polish & Sicilian, so nothing dominant), which may be why he denigrates “pure ethnicity” (especially German) and favors “Whiteness” and mixed European as the ideal.

    • 回复: @Staudegger
  265. RandyZ 说:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    What were the lies that you heard? Actually, there weren’t any.

  266. Staudegger 说:
    @Carolyn Yeager




    以您的真实姓名在网络上发帖有什么好处? 你为什么对我的身份如此着迷? 你为什么不去追踪这里的其他匿名海报? 你为什么不在这里公布你的家庭住址? 如果你被我用日耳曼名字冒犯了,就说出来,否则就别管了。

    你觉得德国二战英雄对你有什么看法? 他们从来没有想过要匿名。


    你是父母吗? 我说你不是,否则你会以不同的方式措辞整个段落。 因此,您不是根据经验说话,而是从您挥舞手指匿名的安全地方说话。

    我说的应该是常识。 犹太人以强权的孩子通婚为目标。 假设他自己不是加密犹太人,特朗普应该警告他的孩子,但他没有。

    我想我已经明确了什么是“真正的”,什么不是关于你的。 当你用事实来支持他们时,你会说出谈话要点并且是错误的。 例如,你认为你不需要为你所说的唐纳德特朗普提供支持证据。

    我关于特朗普的证据就是他的生活,这表明他是一个铁杆的犹太复国主义者和哲学家,将犹太人的利益置于一切之上。 没有相反的证据,除非你有。


    国家社会主义者并没有特别深入地描写犹太人。 他们基本上只是说犹太人是故意摧毁德国的坏人,这是真的,但他们没有像最近的一些思想家那样准确地描述犹太人。 当然,国家社会主义者实际上并没有进行任何大屠杀。 如果他们更充分地了解犹太人,他们可能会。 我读过戈培尔、希特勒和罗森伯格。 罗森伯格的作品是最好的。 Klages 也很好,虽然他不是 NatSoc; 事实上,他比他们更反犹太人。 说实话,席琳可能是 20 世纪最优秀的犹太人作家。 今天,我发现最好的犹太人作家是 tanstaafl 和 Mark Brahmin。 我不在乎你是否不喜欢那样。



    并将不属于他的“天才”想法归于他。 这是一件非常犹太的事情,不是吗?

    不,不是。 我不确定你的问题是什么,但我认为这次谈话已经陷入僵局。

    • 回复: @Carolyn Yeager
  267. @Staudegger

    You’ve satisfied me that you’re not a serious person, or particularly knowledgeable either, and that’s all I was trying to determine. Mark Brahmin, oh yeah … https://www.amazon.com/Mark-Brahmin/e/B07WHFX8Q2%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share You’re kind of a little bit of everything, aren’t you? Still finding yourself, I guess. All the best to you.

  268. Cking 说:




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