 播客贾里德·泰勒(Jared Taylor)档案
我们没有枪支问题。 我们有一个种族问题。

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该视频可在 隆隆声, BitChute, 布莱顿, 乱糟糟的电视, 3说话, 优格管奥德赛.

该国再次处于对枪支和枪支管制的狂热状态。 24 月 XNUMX 日,约瑟夫·拜登总统将他眼中的敌人命名为枪支管制的头号敌人。 [[2:25 – 2:33 “作为一个国家——枪支游说团体?”]] 这发生在萨尔瓦多·拉莫斯(Salvador Ramos)在德克萨斯州乌瓦尔德(Uvalde)的罗伯小学(Robb Elementary School)开枪之后; 22人死亡,18人受伤。


就在 10 天前,在布法罗,Payton Gendron 在一次对黑人的袭击中杀死了 10 人,并打伤了 XNUMX 人,他认为这将引发一场种族战争。


刘易斯对一位黑人医生很生气,他认为这位医生搞砸了他的手术。 三名射手都使用了 AR15 式步枪,但在医院的史密斯也使用了手枪。

禁止所谓的突击步枪和大容量弹匣,使武器更难获得,并通过法律从疯狂的人手中夺走枪支的热度正在升温。 每当发生重大枪击事件时,都会发生这种情况,这是毫无疑问的:对小学生的屠杀尤其可怕,令人心碎。 但是为什么这么多地方禁止学校和医院使用枪支呢? 好人会把枪留在车里,大屠杀者知道不会有还击。 布法罗杀手选择纽约进行大屠杀,因为它有严格的枪支管制。 他知道他的受害者会手无寸铁。

但在塔尔萨医院枪击事件发生后,拜登先生重新回到电视上加强枪支管制。 “我们还愿意接受多少屠杀?” 他想知道。

这个国家实际上接受了很多大屠杀而没有考虑太多。 步枪大屠杀得到了广泛的报道,但它们非常罕见。 如果拜登先生和他的朋友们查看数据——他们从未这样做过——他们就会明白谋杀问题不是 AR-15。 它甚至不是枪支。 是黑人。

三起备受瞩目的大规模枪击事件持续了 19 天,造成 37 人死亡、21 人受伤,共造成 58 人伤亡。 你知道在这 19 天里发生了多少次*其他*大规模枪击事件——即至少有四个人挡住子弹的情况? 维基百科会跟踪他们。

其他 38 起大规模枪击事件 你从来没有听说过。 他们造成41人死亡、164人受伤,共造成205人伤亡。 这些几乎不为人知的大规模枪击事件造成更多人死亡和受伤 八倍 拜登先生对这三个人感到兴奋。

比那更糟。 让我们看看所有枪击事件,而不仅仅是大规模枪击事件。

2020 年是我们拥有准确统计数据的最近一年,而 CDC(其数据比 FBI 更完整)记录在案 24,576杀人案.

其中,枪支占 19,384 件,即 79%。

其他 5,192 人被殴打致死、勒死、刀割、淹死、被汽车碾过等。这相当于每天有 53 名美国人被枪杀,另有 14 人被其他方式处置。

这意味着,如果今年美国人以与 2020 年相同的时间互相射击——而且看起来确实如此——在这三起重大新闻大屠杀的 19 天期间,有 1,007 人被枪杀。 那是 27倍 这三起备受瞩目的案件的杀人人数。 另有 266 人以其他方式死亡——是三巨头死亡人数的五倍。 仅用了 19 天。

每年有多少人被突击步枪击毙? 没有人真正知道,但并不多。 这是 2020 年受害者人数的图表,根据使用的武器。 手枪居于首位,而步枪则远远落后,少于被殴打或用手脚踩死的人数。 但这还不是全部,因为第二常见的谋杀武器是“枪支,类型未说明”。 如果我们将这些未知枪支按与已知枪支相同的比例分为手枪和步枪,它会将步枪的数量推高至 706 支,排在手脚之前。

数量不多,我们不知道这 706 支中有多少支是突击步枪。

不管你喜不喜欢,真正的问题是种族。 以下是 19,384 年被枪杀的 2020 人的 CDC 数据,按种族划分。

黑人占其中的 12,048 人,尽管黑人仅占总人口的 14%。 再看看右边,或者每 100,000 人的死亡人数。 黑人 25.5 的数字几乎是白人 10 的 2.7 倍。 但是,白人比例包括西班牙裔,他们没有单独分组。

以下是 2020 年西班牙裔因枪支导致的死亡人数,每 100,000 人中有 4.8 人死亡,比白人死亡率高 80%。

由于政府几乎将所有西班牙裔美国人归类为白人,因此您可以从白人数字中减去他们的数字,以获得更准确的白人枪支凶杀死亡率 2.0。 正如你所看到的,亚洲人死于枪支谋杀的比例只有白人的一半,但黑人的死亡率是白人的近 13 倍,西班牙裔的死亡率是每 4.8 万人中有 100,000 人,或者是白人的 2.4 倍。

如果在 2020 年,美国每个人都以白人的比例死于枪支谋杀,那么枪支凶杀案将只有 6,570 起,而不是 19,384 起,即下降 65%。 你可以撤资警察。

现在,我给了你 死亡率 按种族杀人,而不是谋杀率。 我只计算受害者。 难道白人种族主义者正在杀害所有这些黑人? 不。谋杀通常不会跨越种族界限,但当它跨越种族界限时,黑人比相反的方式更有可能杀死白人。 这张 FBI 表 部分但典型的数据 报告有 566 名黑人杀害了白人(包括西班牙裔),但只有 246 名白人和西班牙裔杀害了黑人。

由于白人和西班牙裔的数量大约是黑人的 6-1/2 倍,这意味着黑人更有可能以如此惊人的倍数杀死白人或西班牙裔,我什至不会告诉你它是什么. 所以,黑人的比率 谋杀 比他们的凶杀死亡率高,白人凶杀率低。 具体多少,我不知道。

让我们看看真正的大图。 这是一个非常聪明的人,三世约翰·罗伯逊 (John Robertson) 博士制作的图表,它显示了不同国家的凶杀率与枪支私人所有权之间的关系。

绿色的欧洲和橙色的亚洲聚集在左下方,这意味着很少有私人拥有的枪支和谋杀。 最凶残的地方,在顶部,是在加勒比和拉丁美洲,尽管没有那么多的私人枪支所有权。

美国在右边,有很多枪支。 但是每 7.5 万人中有 100,000 起的总凶杀率(即蓝色方块)被 29.2 的非常高的黑人总凶杀率拉高。 正如你所看到的,黑人正在以拉丁美洲的速度犯下谋杀罪,就在巴西和墨西哥,这两个国家的枪支拥有率很低。 仅就白人而言,3.12 的总凶杀率绝对高于许多欧洲国家(绿色国家),但也没有脱离图表。 哪个对一个国家的谋杀率影响更大? 枪的数量还是住在那里的人?


正如你所看到的,美国白人被谋杀的可能性并不比澳大利亚人或加拿大人高,尽管他们的国家基本上禁止私人枪支。 还有一些枪支不多的白人国家,例如俄罗斯和立陶宛,其死亡率远高于美国白人。 我包括了一些白色的拉丁美洲国家进行比较,但如果你愿意,你可以忽略它们。 所以,重复一遍:如果你只看美国白人,我们的凶杀死亡率肯定高于西欧,但也不是离谱。 正如我所指出的,白色 谋杀 率,而不是白人的率 被谋杀,低于这个,但我不知道多少,我不认为国会研究服务正在调查它。

有什么机会 *任何* 这个得到 任何 关于枪支管制的所有喧嚣的官方通知? 零。 我的这个小谈话会成为很好的国会证词,但政客们不敢谈论种族——好吧,也许除了这个人:“布莱克·马斯特斯将枪支暴力归咎于‘黑人,坦率地说。’”

这是来自每日野兽。 请注意标题下方的“大师赛”。 说实话,你就是纳粹。 毕竟这是美国。 Blake Masters 是一位在亚利桑那州竞选美国参议院的风险投资家。 如果您认识他,请给他发送此视频的副本。

如果这最新一批三起极其反常的大规模枪击事件意味着更多的枪支管制,那将意味着主要因为黑人的犯罪行为而惩罚守法的白人。 主流中没有人——我的意思是没有人——敢告诉你。

John Robertson 博士的图表数据源,III: “估计全球民用枪支数量”,小型武器调查和澳大利亚政府。


(从重新发布 美国文艺复兴 经作者或代表的许可)
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. Franz 说:

    请注意标题下方印有“Master Race”字样。说实话你就是纳粹



  2. TG 说:

    统治精英只想解除工人阶级的武装,但他们并不关心杀人或大规模枪击事件。 正如这里所指出的,在枪支控制良好的墨西哥,官方人均杀人率远高于美国。 大规模枪击事件一直在发生,然而,没有愤怒,没有“这场大屠杀会持续多久?”的呼声,没有任何声音,即使美国公民受到打击。 这只是照常营业。 精英们受到很好的保护,装备精良,所以不用担心。 只要工人阶级无法反击,统治精英就可以拥有天价的凶杀率。

    即使在大部分和平的西欧,他们也确实发生了大规模枪击事件(以及“炸弹暴力”、“刀暴力”和“手榴弹暴力”等),而且奇怪的是,没有愤怒。 没有慷慨激昂的呼唤“这场大屠杀必须结束!” 没有哭泣或咬牙切齿。 我们听说,是的,这是一场可怕的悲剧,我们的心向受害者和他们的亲人转移,但这些事情发生了,我们无能为力,可怜的亲们被误解了,交通事故杀死了更多的人,我们必须转向不是愤怒,而是爱,等等。这里没什么可看的,没什么可做的,这只是商业成本和人员的自由流动。

  3. bert33 说:

    媒体在放大暴力方面发挥着作用。 禁止电视。

  4. Reg Cæsar 说:

    What is it with Lake Michigan, at least the southern tip? Chicago and Gary can’t explain it all. The Appalachians from Kentucky to Maine are the opposite, despite northern New England having always been the least gun-controlled part of the country. (Until the 1900s, gun control was a Southern thing.)

    The most murderous places, up at the top, are in the Caribbean and Latin America…

    Where Africans and Mesoamericans enjoy the social and legal freedoms of the white man. Ditto for South Africa. The rest of Africa isn’t all that deadly. Evidently they know how to keep each other in check.

    • 同意: Atle
    • 回复: @Kim
  5. Andreas 说:


    简单地问一个问题: 如果没有黑人,社会会出现问题吗?

    教育程度: 否




  6. BananaKilt 说:









    • 回复: @Cauchemar du Singe
    , @Realist
  7. Truth 说:

    布法罗杀手选择纽约进行大屠杀,因为它有严格的枪支管制。 他知道他的受害者会手无寸铁。

    不,假人; 布法罗杀手之所以选择纽约是因为他住在纽约。

    • 巨魔: bruce county
    • 回复: @interesting
    , @Atle
  8. Unit472 说:

    Blacks may have always had a higher predisposition to violence than others but the problems seems to be growing worse. For example, another rapper was shot to death in Chicago yesterday. As best I can tell that makes 10 so far this year. Small beer in the overall level of negro homicides but you might wonder why it happens at all. These are relatively successful young black men.

    Growing up there were many successful black male vocalists and the only one I can think of who was shot to death was Marvin Gaye and it was his own father who killed him. The Temptations did not war against the Four Tops nor did Smokey Robinson feel it necessary to issue threats against Barry White to be considered a credible singer/songwriter. Yet here we are where rap ”stars” getting shot to death is considered normal.

    One wonders if this isn’t going to move up the negro social status ladder to the point where NFL and NBA stars don’t also begin deadly feuds out of the Aaron Hernandez playbook. Both leagues have become so thuggish it would not surprise me.

    • 回复: @anonymous
    , @Dani
  9. @Andreas



    They rarely seem interested in opening businesses in Black areas. They don’t trust their own kind.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @fray juan crespi
  10. Bo Bo 说:


  11. @BananaKilt


    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  12. Truth 说:
    @Bo Bo


    (Now how do we get it through the courts and that stupid “Constitution” thingee?)

    • 回复: @Bo Bo
  13. You don’t have a race problem. You have a pro-crime problem.

    Crime is 50 times higher in England and Wales than the known minimum. To within epsilon, 所有 crime in the UK is preventable. Can’t blame that on Bantu-Americans. It had started going up by 1898, so you can’t blame it on “Pakis” or whatever either. They do, however, have all the same pro-crime policies as American does. Such as State-funded police.

    In other words America’s problem is that it’s full of pro-crime Americans who let the State revoke rule of law whenever they want. Apparently demand for justice is low and demand for anarcho-tyranny is high, so that is what is supplied.

    See also: Singapore. Turns out some judicious flogging gets the crime rate way way down, even if you live in a “multicultural” society. (Turns out jail is exactly as cruel and barbaric as it looks, if you spend more than 5 seconds looking.) It’s impressive they’re overcoming the State-police handicap, but they had to really work at it. There’s a specific anti-police police force. Who watches the watchers? CPIB, motherfuckers. That’s who.

    Or, in America, nobody. Nobody watches. The results are what you would expect.

    • 回复: @Drapetomaniac
  14. Bo Bo 说:


    • 回复: @Truth
  15. Bernie 说:

    America doesn’t have a gun problem. It has a black problem.
    America doesn’t have a crime problem. It has a black problem.
    America doesn’t have a racism problem. It has a black problem.
    America doesn’t have a poverty problem. It has a black problem.
    America doesn’t have an education problem. It has a black problem.
    America doesn’t have an infrastructure problem. It has a black problem.

    将 12% 的人口转移回他们的家乡,我们几乎所有的问题都消失了。

    • 同意: Cauchemar du Singe
    • 不同意: Robert Dolan
  16. Truth 说:


    And you and your family would be the niggers. Because rich honkees are going to have them.

  17. USA1943 说:

    种族灭绝往往伴随着没收枪支和妖魔化某个群体,民主党和媒体似乎对某个特定群体怀有敌意,你能猜出是哪一个吗?如果该群体放弃枪支,他们就不会学习历史,土耳其对亚美尼亚人,斯大林 1 年,霍尔多莫乌克兰因没收枪支而被迫挨饿,魏玛 1917 年代。柬埔寨的波尔布特、古巴的卡斯特罗、委内瑞拉、伊迪·阿明、乌干达、卢旺达、委内瑞拉还有更多,他们正在美国尝试这样做,他们显然讨厌一组特定的人,我担心他们可能会不战而屈人之兵,我希望我错了。

    • 同意: Robert Dolan
    • 回复: @Robert Dolan
  18. @Andreas

    Like they say in Russia, I’m not a racist, I just don’t like Negroes.

  19. WSG 说:
    @Bo Bo

    I don’t want to pay the upkeep for these degenerates. Immediate castration and deportation. No half measures.

    • 回复: @Realist
  20. WSG 说:

    The Hispanics aren’t much better. They also need to be removed.

    • 回复: @Arminius1933
  21. Karl1906 说:

    If you only see the gun problem, you’re an idiot. If you only see the race, you’re just another idiot.

    What you actually have to see is what has happened ever since 1964. It’s the political system (in this case the Democrats do it the most, but also the Republicans) “hijacking” the race and social issue for political gain and making the media their accomplice. Now this has always happened. BUT not against the MAJORITY of the population – and the whole of the middle class – and AGAINST the interest of THE WHOLE FUCKING NATION.

    Now they’re at a point where black people are considered “Democrats” (aka “plantation people”) per se. The social question is reduced to “racism” (or “white suppremacy” in regards to class and merit) – meaning ANY OTHER aspect MUST be totally ignored – or lied about. Black people are now a “protected class” because everything relating to them is strictly “regulated” by politics and the media. But it’s not the tail wagging with the dog that’s the problem here.

    It’s a political class and their cronies who use the race card as a money scheme. And in their game the common good is only indicated in the TOTAL AMOUNT OF DAMAGE THAT IS INFLICTED UPON THE PEOPLE AND THE COUNTRY.

    So, you see, it’s not “the blacks” that are the problem. It’s THE WHOLE FUCKING POLITICAL ESTABLISHMENT. And when these people want “whitey” (aka the middle class) to “go” it’s actually their time to go.

  22. @Andreas

    If not for the nose, blacks wouldn’t be such a problem.

    Jmedia 煽动黑人仇恨和杀害白人。

    Prior to jew rule (before the mid 60’s) black violence was contained in black areas for the most part.

    • 同意: Ace, Cauchemar du Singe
  23. @Bernie

    No…..the removal of blacks would NOT end our problems.


    Blacks are used as marxist foot soldiers…..as a golem for organized jewry.

    Yes, blacks have lower IQ’s.

  24. @TG




    The neocons have destroyed the middle east and slaughtered millions of people…..the idea that they care about human life is absurd.

  25. 人们正在热衷于禁止所谓的突击步枪和大容量弹匣,让武器更难获得,并通过法律从疯狂的人手中夺走枪支。每当有重大枪击事件发生时,就会发生这种情况,毫无疑问:对小学生的屠杀尤其可怕,令人心碎。但为什么这么多地方禁止学校和医院持枪呢?

    武装看门人。武装老师。给孩子们武装起来!特别的 白色 童子军/鹰童子军的精英可以接受枪械训练并全副武装。

    Wouldn’t Big Guns love that! Many millions of expensive weapons manufactured to fit tiny hands. We could add another proposal I saw at Naked Capitalism: make small-size Kevlar body army mandatory for school kids.




    Is this true? I’ve no idea, but since this essay is clearly some desperate NRA propaganda, I’d have some doubts.

    But suppose for discussion purposes it’s God’s Honest Truth. American children across the nation are still living in a state of constant terror. Does this bother the gun nuts? Except doing the “thoughts and prayers” stuff and having to compose diversionary stuff like “It’s All The Fault Of the N*****s”, obviously not.


    But the dirty “N*****s” and Gang Members won’t obey the law! Make the penalties strong enough to get their attention. Any discovered illegal guns get crushed, a fine of maybe 20% of net worth assessed, and a mandatory no-parole sentence of 5+ years at hard labor on some distant and isolated outdoor project. I’m talking breaking big rocks into gravel and splitting large logs into kindling with hand tools in all weather. Maybe with a 50 pound steel ball attached by a log chain to an ankle.

    我怀疑这里的作者更愿意回到手无寸铁的黑人和全副武装的流动团伙的美好旧时光 白色 People. You know, bring back the Slave Patrols with curfews and “physical” on-the-spot punishment with ball bats and tasers. Vicious Black Folks would not be allowed to possess firearms unless they could produce a photograph of themselves kissing Trump’s Bare Ass. Yeah, this is a high standard, but then those darkies are extremely dangerous people.

    Another suspicion: the present Supreme Court would likely buy into such a proposition. Even Justice Thomas must understand the dangers posed by his fellows, and might even endorse a Return To Africa campaign for the po’ black-skinned Americans.


  26. Japan prohibited guns long ago on the obvious understanding that they were ‘cowards’ weapons’.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Kim
    , @Reg Cæsar
  27. hotrod31 说:

    确立事实,崔波诺? 然后跟着钱走; 谁控制了媒体,谁就控制了思想。 而且,谁控制了金钱,谁就控制了媒体。 政府只是棋盘上的棋子。初级,亲爱的沃森……谁受益????

  28. hotrod31 说:


    • 巨魔: Automatic Slim
    • 回复: @littlereddot
    , @Dani
  29. Pat Kittle 说:

    我们没有枪支问题。 我们有一个种族问题。


    Jared Taylor 的 AmRen 对评论者有规定,其中一条明确规定:

    “关于犹太人的深思熟虑的评论可能符合我们的其他标准。 然而,这样的评论总是会引起谩骂和强迫性的评论。 因此,如果您想写关于犹太人的文章,请在其他平台上进行。”
    - (https://www.amren.com/blog/2021/05/amren-commenting-policy/)

    具有讽刺意味的是,反白人犹太人利用每一个机会破坏 AmRen,而 Jared 在一个勇敢的犹太人平台上加入我们,在那里我们自由地写关于犹太人的文章。

    • 谢谢: fray juan crespi
  30. Anon[103]• 免责声明 说:

    Karma is a bitch isnt it . Did you just wake up and there were blacks around you. No your ancestors brought them here and used them for their own purposes. Now you think you can just dispose of them ? Hell No. The sins of the fathers being visited on the sons and you are crying like a whipped dog. Grin and bear it bro

  31. GMC 说:

    The USG and their Game of taking guns away from Americans is a fraud. Just another tool to keep the sheep looking down. Notice that the USA has been easily and comfortably looted by the Zionists, MIC, Wall Street, Globalists, Politicians etc. without any interference from the most heavily armed populace ever known to exist. By now, the USG understands that they don’t need to take away guns from anybody – they will continue looting, laundering the foreign aid and weapons packages, and making more laws to screw the populace at every turn. If the guns ever – do come out in order to overthrow the century old ” Coup d’tat ” – the Looters will have Long Gone Away.

  32. mark green 说:

    我们没有枪支问题。 我们有一个种族问题。


    • 回复: @Kim
  33. 我们都有。 即使在 100% 的白人人口中,你仍然会发现疯狂的白人想要为自己的自恋目的将大众媒体武器化。

    I agree that white people should be able to buy weapons for self-defense. But an 18-year-old with a history of mental health issues shouldn’t be able to buy two assault rifles after his 18th birthday.

    Unfortunately, I think that “gun rights” is a religion for contemporary conservatives, and only bloodshed can solve this conflict.

    • 回复: @Goddard
    , @HT
    , @Reg Cæsar
  34. “The Race Problem” is The Jewish Problem.
    Abolish Judaism & Jewish “Christianity” – the two sides of same evil of playing gods on earth “improving” God & creation; beyond earth “Judeo-Christianity” is nothing but shit in hell.

  35. @Bernie

    Plus another 2 % of the population need to be transfered back to their homeland (hell) and all our problems go away.

  36. Malla 说:

    No your ancestors brought them here and used them for their own purposes.

    But also saved them from sacrifice by enemy tribes. An African from Benin told Prof. Henry Louis Gates Jr. this fact straight on his face. That the Africans sold into slavery were lucky as most of them were POWs and surely would have been sacrificed to the ancestor Gods of the victorious kingdoms/tribes. So this was good karma. But Whites got crime and destruction in return for saving those blacks!!! Karma is made up bullshit and was used to justify the caste system in India, a system of slavery far worse than any on earth. Brahmin to Dalit—> It was your bad karma of your last birth which made you a lower caste Dalit, if you DO YOUR DUTY WELL (serving upper castes, cleaning toilets/gutters), you will gain good karma and in your next birth you will be born as an upper caste Hindu. Such psychological tactics makes rebellions highly highly unlikely.
    Imagine, instead of giving the blacks the Bible and Christianity, the Whites had done something similar.
    White plantation owner to Black slave—> It was your bad karma of your last birth which made you a Black Slave, if you DO YOUR DUTY WELL (working hard and obeying orders), you will gain good karma and in your next birth you will be born a White plantation owner. Whites were too good for their own good, should have learnt from the Brahmins.

    Now you think you can just dispose of them ? Hell No.

    Hell yes, they could easily have been sent back to the Muddaland, more than a century ago. Easy peezy. But the politicians/ Satanic globalists saw a use in blacks to divide Whites and hence they were retained.


    “第一个,黑人真正想要的,被这场大辩论的各方所忽视。 第二个和第三个是生活在黑人中间的白人之间的矛盾意见,在对他们有益的范围内,什么对他有益。 根据我的经验,这种划分不是很广泛,但被第四方面的政党扩大了,远离黑人居住地区的政治团体用它来让白人反对白人[自由白人对保守白人]作为一种手段获得选票和权力。 这是主要方面。 过去的一百年表明,新英格兰和旧英格兰的白人可能会通过这种方式暴力煽动彼此以及温暖纬度地区的白人,直至内战。 美国内战是其中的第一次。”
    “The transference of power to a newly-arrived minority (Ashkenazi Jews) is, however, possible if the original stock (WASPs) can be kept fairly equally divided by the wedge of some exterior issue. For this purpose the negroes of the South continue to be used.=

    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @Dani
  37. Tucker 说:

    The obnoxiously jewish Bill Maher just recently decided it was time to do one of his tribe’s favorite stunts by playing the ‘who me?’ card. Pretending as if Hollywood is not completely owned, controlled and dominated by the same tribe he belongs to – he did one of his “rants” about Hollywood’s obsession to crank out endless movies where massive amounts of gun violence are depicted and how the reoccurring theme (and excuse) Hollywood uses to justify these depictions of gun violence is where a ‘good guy’ who has been wronged somehow, decides to get REVENGE by slaughtering whoever he perceives to have wronged him or his family.

    There is no question that American movie goers – and especially conservatives and right wing citizens – enjoy these kinds of revenge oriented movies. The incredible popularity of the Showtime TV series “Dexter”, I think, is a reflection of this kind of mindset – because, Dexter was a serial killer who only went after killers who slipped through the cracks and who our corrupt and incompetent justice system either refused to punish or who were set free on some flimsy ‘technicality’.

    Watching Bill Maher performing his version of the Tribe’s ‘who me?’ act made me remember the movie ‘Natural Born Killers” which came out in 1994. A friend and I went to see that movie in a theater and it was a truly horrific piece of leftist anti-Second Amendment fear propaganda.

    Hollywood was clearly conspiring with the Clinton Administration who had been agitating for the passage of the 10-year ban on so-called ‘assault weapons’ – which did get passed and signed into law on August 25th of 1994. So, in order to help scare the pants off the American voting public – and soften them up to support this ban, Hollywood’s jews roll out “Natural Born Killers” which was 1 hour and 59 non-stop minutes of Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis using AR-15’s to slaughter literally hundreds of innocent people.


    And, not only did this fear porn propaganda succeed in this instance – but, this was not the only time Hollywood has colluded with our increasingly tyrannical and corrupt US Government to shape, mold, and influence the American public to accept infringements on our Constitutional rights or to accept the globalist war mongering cabal’s obsession with launching wars all over the world against nations that have not attacked us and who pose zero threat to the USA.

    My advice to my fellow American citizens is to pull your heads out of your hind parts and learn to recognize and understand how our corrupt and criminal ruling political class and their allies who own Hollywood and our TV networks work together to brainwash the public and to propagandize us using the mainstream media and movies. Today’s movies and TV programming are no longer being produced for simple entertainment purposes. Everything that flows out of that industry today is pure propaganda and is designed to deceive, shape, and influence people to blindly go along with whatever twisted and destructive agenda that our elites have decided to promote.

    • 谢谢: Achmed E. Newman, Mike Tre
    • 回复: @Dube
  38. Kim 说:
    @mark green


    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @Reg Cæsar
  39. Kim 说:
    @mulga mumblebrain


    • 回复: @Sollipsist
  40. @bert33

    Ban television.
    Bingo – got rid of mine about 20 years ago and am doing fine.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  41. Interestingly, Taylor published an essay I wrote in his magazine and then made it part of a book he wrote and then I was banned from the comment section of his website. But then again, I’ve been banned from most all websites. I’ll probably be banned from this one as well in due time.

    • 回复: @Kim
  42. Unit472 说:

    I think one thing we could do is eliminate Medical Privacy restrictions where it interferes with firearms background checks. Psychiatrists and other mental health professionals could create a data base of people law enforcement could reference for firearms purchase purposes.

    Doesn’t mean just because you saw a shrink 10 years ago you can’t have a firearm but you might have to have a hearing if you were involuntarily put in a mental hospital for a 72 hour observation period because your family thought you were nuts.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  43. KenH 说:

    It has a black problem.

    America has a black problem because it has a Jewish power and influence problem. But even without the Jewish problem blacks do need to be repatriated back to Africa.

  44. geokat62 说:


    Thanks for the reference, Malla.

    • 谢谢: Malla
  45. 似乎大多数(如果不是全部)评论者以及作者都未能将美帝国主义纳入他们的分析中。奥巴马杀死了一名16岁的美国人,特朗普杀死了8岁的妹妹。


    When the leaders kill with impunity (and don’t say it’s ‘war’; none of the countries where Obama killed thousands were a threat to the USA) then, naturally as water falling, the low level people tend to ‘imitate’ the leaders.

    Some imitate in their ‘heads’ with video games and the constant ‘top gun’ violent films we all love. Others imitate in actual reality.

    What Eisenhower called the military industrial complex, what others called the Pentagon System of stimulating the economy, what others call the Deep State, is rooted in the profits of weapon sales, paid by the USA taxpayer or by buyers abroad. In addition our allies, like Israel, have a ‘kill with guns as much as you like’ permit.

    Our whole system is ‘gun oriented’. For profits. For entertainment. For keeping the citizens afraid. They WANT the children afraid in school, don’t you understand? They will grow up afraid and easily controlled by those who control the Pentagon System wealth transfer scheme.

    The USA doesn’t have high speed rail, or factories that make shirts and jeans. But we make and idolize and fetishize weapons. Look at the pentagon/CIA budget. No surprise that killing with guns is as American as apple pie.

  46. geokat62 说:


    Could you imagine Jared Taylor or anyone else screaming this basic truth from the rooftops?

    Until our fearless leaders do so, this issue will never be properly addressed.

  47. BuelahMan 说:

    If you take the jews out of media, this problem goes away.

    • 同意: Tucker
  48. I prefer: You have a gun problem, because you have a race problem.

  49. Sollipsist 说:

    动漫和漫画。 毁灭性武器摧毁了外国人口的智力和生殖潜力,同时保持他们的消费习惯完好无损。 他们还从不拘一格的 Kawaii 猛攻中看到了巨大的成功。

    • 哈哈: fray juan crespi
    • 回复: @Anonymous
  50. Goddard 说:
    @Punch Brother Punch


    枪支权利并不是枪支拥有者的信仰。 这是枪支拥有者不信任左派。 枪支拥有者担心,即使在防御措施上妥协也会导致滑坡,最终导致枪支禁令。

    • 回复: @Punch Brother Punch
  51. “刘易斯对他认为搞砸了手术的黑人医生很生气。”


    • 回复: @Tucker
  52. HT 说:


  53. Bookish1 说:

    I am not Jewish so the sins are not on my shoulders

  54. RoatanBill 说:

    I largely agree, but I own lots of guns to protect myself from the predators in the society that the gov’t purposely puts back on the street after being convicted of some violent or other antisocial offense. My guns are to protect myself from the predators I may encounter.


  55. @mulga mumblebrain


  56. @HT


  57. HT 说:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    How do you not see that gun control laws like the ones being suggested by Democrats only effect law abiding white people? The blacks already don’t follow them and someone willing to shoot 20 people sure isn’t going to follow new gun laws.

    • 回复: @RadicalCenter
  58. Petermx 说:

    “This is from the Daily Beast. Note “Master Race” stamped under the headline. Tell the truth and you’re a Nazi.” Look at the name of the author of the piece. They turned both “Master Race” and “NAZI” into two of the biggest insults you can direct at someone but “chosen people” is alright. Now they have added “White Supremacist” and “White Nationalist” since turning the White country USA into a multiracial country. It’s safe for them to now lob those new insults since Whites are now almost a minority and they are the most protected ethnic group in the world. “Christian” might be demonized next.

  59. Kim 说:

    Every government in the world rules by violence and terror and always has.

    You only just waking up to that?

    • 回复: @WingsofADove
  60. @HT

    Don’t start niggling over it, jew/black, one goes with the other.

  61. Tucker 说:
    @American Bulwark

    This Lewis mass shooter is probably a victim created, albeit deviously and perhaps indirectly – of the endless brainwashing by the owners of Hollywood and the mainstream TV media.

    What sort of brainwashing am I referring to? For his entire life, this black Lewis guy has been watching Hollywood movies and TV programs in which blacks are placed into professional roles that are blatantly unrealistic in the real world. World famous Brain Surgeons. Nuclear Scientists. Computer Geniuses. Electrical Engineers. World famous Doctors. Astronauts. Captains of futuristic Star Ships that fly around the Universe and engage in battles with Klingons and other evil space aliens. Whites who are red pilled on the race issue watch that crap and laugh to themselves and most recognize how phony and unrealistic it is, and understand that the jews in Hollywood are deliberately trying to create a false reality. It’s part of their strategy to brainwash Whites into believing that there is no difference in IQ or ability or aptitude between Whites and blacks.

    但是,嘿。 美人网 上周刚刚发表了一篇文章,其中种族否认 libtards 抱怨美国黑人医生的百分比仅为 5.6%,这与 1940 年的百分比相同。天哪! 医学必须是种族主义者!

    But, since this Lewis shooter was brainwashed to believe that black doctors were every bit as talented and capable as White doctors – hey, remember Doctor Huxtable on the lecherous Bill Cosby’s show? – Lewis probably thought that choosing a black doctor was a way to show his racial loyalty. He probably never gave a thought to whether the guy was qualified and competent.

    当好莱坞的所有者故意制造虚假现实时,这对我们的社会造成了真正的伤害。 首先,它对那些通过这些人造电视和电影角色对自己进行不切实际的描绘的人口群体产生了严重的负面影响。 这给了他们一个错误的希望,可能导致他们浪费很多钱,通常是 很多纳税人的钱 – pursuing careers in fields that are far beyond their intelligence level. This lures them down a path to almost certain failure, which gives rise to feelings of anger and resentment and then they start looking for someone else to blame.

    而且,谁来担任最喜欢的人的角色呢? 怀特。

    • 回复: @American Bulwark
  62. Realist 说:



    • 回复: @James Scott
  63. 我们没有枪支问题。 我们有一个种族问题。

    Genocide on the Native Americans , slavery ,lynching, racial segregation( Why segregationist and racist America sent its men to Europe to die fighting the NAZIS is a mystery. ),police brutality, White Supremacism, ku klux klan, the desire to commit genocide on Latinos,Blacks and the Jews ( who would hate Mathematics,Physics and the family of Richard Feynman ? All the Jewish people that I know including the Holocaust survivors from wealthy European families who suffered a lot are wonderful.) …….do indeed indicate that America has a race problem.

    • 回复: @littlereddot
    , @Dani
  64. @USA1943




    • 同意: USA1943, Mis(ter)Anthrope
  65. Realist 说:



  66. Realist 说:

    I don’t want to pay the upkeep for these degenerates. Immediate castration and deportation. No half measures.

    Soo…no one nutters?

  67. Reg Cæsar 说:


    Commenters here too often believe a) abortion and contraception should be legal, even for whites; b) Darwinism should be taught to children in the schools, regardless of what that does to the birth rate; c) high earners should be taxed “progressively” high, etc., etc.

    In other words, they claim that Jews are out to destroy us, while blindly going along with the very means that group uses to do so. Curious, indeed.

    • 回复: @RockaBoatus
    , @Truth
  68. Anon[312]• 免责声明 说:

    我们没有枪支问题。 我们有一个种族问题。

    Oh do we ? We have a gun problem and a race problem. The race problem are feral Blacks. We dont really care if the slaughter each other. They are animals anyway.

    We do care when they go after whites, except of course whites who want to bond and associate with them.

    That is where the gun problem comes in. A White man with hardware and an attitude is a White the Negroes avoid. Blacks keep pushing and one day the push back is going to come. It always does. Lets hope they enjoy a taste of their own medicine as they are the first to cry long and hard when they get braced.

    As for banning any gun, this is all horse shit. With enough dollars and the right connection anyone can get any gun they want. If pistols are banned then a sawed off shot gun is in my opinion a better and more lethal alternative. People will always find a way around all these regulations. Will the Pohleese knock on every door especially the ones in the Negro slums and ask for their weapons to be handed over?? LOL.

    In the end better a charge for illegal possession rather than a coffin. One way or the other the gun ban is not going to go anywhere. Its all the usual tiresome political posturing.

  69. @Malla

    In Hong Kong, with total gun control, the traditional implement of choice is
    the kitchen chopper; the survival rate is very low (by US standards) but it´s

    • 回复: @Malla
  70. Reg Cæsar 说:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    Japan prohibited guns long ago on the obvious understanding that they were ‘cowards’ weapons’.

    So did Georgia, in 1837. Pistols, anyway.


  71. Reg Cæsar 说:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    But an 18-year-old with a history of mental health issues shouldn’t be able to buy two assault rifles after his 18th birthday.

    Not to mention vote.

  72. Dystopian 说:

    正如您在文章中提到的那样,西班牙裔美国人被政府与白人混为一谈,故意歪曲数据。 上次我深入调查时,一半的“白人”谋杀案是由暴力的西班牙人犯下的。 减去它们,我们白人的枪支凶杀率是文明世界中最低的之一。 即使你把豆子留在里面,数据也破坏了容易获得枪支导致犯罪的论点。 此外,由于谋杀绝大多数是由男性犯下的,所以枪击这个地方的人口是 7% 而不是 14%。

  73. Dystopian 说:


    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  74. AceDeuce 说:

    Now you think you can just dispose of them ?

    Yes. Can and will.

  75. anonymous[251]• 免责声明 说:

    Sensible countries, societies control both Black and other POC, Muslim criminals, welfare underclass and guns.

    The American Right wing, Constitutionalist, Libertarian GUNS GUNS GUNS types are idiots.

    Hell yes we can have sensible


  76. Dumbo 说:

    我们没有枪支问题。 我们有一个种族问题。

    I guess to a hammer, every problem is a nail.

    For Taylor, everything is about Blacks.
    For Sailer, everything is about IQ and SAT scores.
    For others, everything is about Democrats.

    We don’t have a “gun problem”, but this is not just a “race problem”. We have an “FBI problem”. Most of those shootings are either fake or made by mentally ill people egged on and trained by the FBI.

    • 回复: @RockaBoatus
    , @WSG
  77. anonymous[251]• 免责声明 说:

    Do you have a link to the story about the killed Black rapper in Chicago? I’m just outside of Chicago.


  78. SafeNow 说:

    Conservative pundits and newspaper writers have recently adopted the term “gang-related” shootings. When discussing proposed gun laws, they will say that the overwhelming majority of gun shootings in this country come not from lawful owners, but rather, are “gang-related.” This is a euphemism, isn’t it? When two or three Black friends go out and commit to shooting, they are not a “gang” in the ordinary sense of that word. and certainly, It is really stretching the term in the case of a lone black shooter, who would have to be deemed a gang of one.

  79. Jimmy1969 说:

    Excellent summary Mr. Taylor…with a big exception. You and many other people mention a figure of 14% when you describe blacks and gun crimes etc. That is wrong and it is much worse than that. The number is really only 2 to maybe 4 % Most of the shooters and criminal punks are between the age of 15 and 35 to 40 years old and most of them are unemployed and single, and have long records. With a few exceptions. They are not Women or the elderly or the very young. That 2 to 4 % actually makes things more hideous because we are not held hostage as a Country by 14% but by maybe 2% of the buck males. That minor group should be dealt with very very harshly.

  80. “我们没有枪支问题,我们有种族问题......”




    • 回复: @Robert Dolan
  81. Realist 说:

    Black descendants of slaves that live in the United States are the luckiest blacks on the planet.

    • 同意: Bernie, Achmed E. Newman
  82. RoatanBill 说:


    The psychiatrists are needed by Big Pharma as an outlet for their mind altering drugs, all for profit. The psychiatrists are also required by gov’t to concoct laws and precedent to excuse the criminals in the society for their actions. The gov’t desperately needs criminals, the more violent the better, to get the brain damaged population to demand more police that don’t protect them, but provides an insurance policy for the political class to protect politicians from an irate population.

    If one were to seriously look at the benefits all the Humanities and Social Science graduates provide the public, they are a net negative, sucking up resources for their own benefit while pumping out nonsense the weak of mind readily accept. These faux professions are there to provide the controllers with a way to point at these bullshit artists to back up their nefarious plans citing “expert opinion” for justification.

    • 谢谢: Realist
  83. @Critical Thinking

    The “race problem” has been deliberately engineered by organized jewry.

    CRT isn’t new….it’s been around for many years…..it’s the backbone of Hollywood movies as well as all of sociology.

    70 年来,鼻子一直在妖魔化白人。

    Blacks weren’t such a huge problem prior to the (((civil rights movement))) and integration.

    The nose turned the dial up to eleven now, allowing BLM to freely burn and loot and murder, while at the same time disallowing whites the right to defend themselves. The nose literally tells whites that they must die at the hands of feral buckwheats and not object. Whites must take the knee….roll over and die.

    The jews carpet bomb the middle east, slaughter MILLIONS of innocent people…..then pretend to care about the sanctity of life and demand that whites disarm.

    What is happening is so obvious……it really IS white genocide. No other term could be applied to it.

  84. @WingsofADove

    It seems most if not all commenters as well as the author have failed to include in their analysis USA imperialism. Obama killed a 16 year old American and Trump killed 8 year old sister.

    Oh give me a break. That Chomsky type thinking is so absurd. If a Black youff shoots his rival over a diss it must have something to do with Afghanistan. Yea that must be it.

    So you think our street shooters are privy to US foreign policy?

    Since we are no longer at war with any country will the gun homicide rate drop?

    The USA doesn’t have high speed rail, or factories that make shirts and jeans.

    We have high speed rail being built in Florida and you can still buy US made shirts and jeans. Some people swear by custom made jeans:

    Maybe fact some of that left-wing garbage you are being told before coming here.

    • 回复: @WingsofADove
  85. @Truth


    • 回复: @Truth
  86. What were to happen if whites worshiped ape as god?



  87. Unit472 说:

    Psychiatrist may well be frauds but mental illness is real and psychiatrists can and do cover it up. If your family call the police on you because of your violent or delusional behavior and you get 5150’d, Baker Acted or whatever the term is in your state for 72 hours of involuntary psychiatric observation at 16 and you want to buy an AR-15 when you turn 18 ( as two school shooters did) that is something a law enforcement background check ought to pick up on. Right now it won’t because of medical privacy rules.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  88. Dumbo 说:

    Then again, from an AP article (written by a Jewish woman, Seitz):

    White supremacists are riling up thousands on social media

    WASHINGTON (AP) — The social media posts are of a distinct type. They hint darkly that the CIA or the FBI are behind mass shootings.

    Then just a bit below:

    These type of threats and racist ideology have become so commonplace on social media that it’s nearly impossible for law enforcement to separate internet ramblings from dangerous, potentially violent people, Michael German, who infiltrated white supremacy groups as an FBI agent, told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday.

    What a joke. The FBI are the terrorists and the shooters, or are grooming them.


    • 回复: @CelestiaQuesta
  89. @Goddard

    True. There is a “slippery slope” issue. But, again, I maintain that 18-year-olds with mental health histories shouldn’t be allowed to buy assault rifles. We need sensible (“basic bitch”) gun regulation.

  90. Wokechoke 说:

    It is black people. The rest is word salad.

    • 回复: @Truth
    , @Karl1906
  91. @Robert Dolan

    Blacks weren’t such a huge problem prior to the (((civil rights movement))) and integration.

    Blacks were always a problem. Read W.E.B. Dubois’ book, The Philadelphia Negro (published in 1899).

    • 回复: @Robert Dolan
  92. @Franz

    解除武装 http://judaism.is/disarming-goyim.html Judaism’s “Kill even the best of the Gentiles” religious imperative is no mere anachronism, but evident in the Jewish-inspired-and-controlled murder of over 60 million Christians “in a time when Jews had control over the Gentiles” under Judeo-Communism! Judaism teaches that non-Jews must be exterminated before their moshiach (“messiah” The Anti-Christ) comes to rule the world.


    • 同意: Getaclue
  93. 从来没有出现过枪支问题,但自 18 世纪黑人“意第绪式”输入以来,一直存在这种问题。

  94. Haskap 说:


    Mass shootings, senseless crime (like killing to steal $200) and slaughters in tribal Africa, all point to the weak family connection.


    • 回复: @Punch Brother Punch
  95. Wtf Man 说:

    What a bunch of racist drivel. You’re all idiots. Seriously, none of you understands anything. Poor sad little white people whining that brown people are the problem. Fucking snowflakes.

  96. @Dumbo

    We have a Black problem, a democrat problem, a crime problem, a race problem, and an FBI problem in large part because we have . . . . a Jew problem.

    This is not to say all problems would be eradicated once Jews were gone or had no power or influence. But a good many of the problems that plague the U.S. and every other western country would be greatly diminished had Jews never been given the foothold they’ve had for a long time.

    • 同意: CelestiaQuesta
    • 回复: @CelestiaQuesta
    , @Reg Cæsar
  97. The solution for the gun problem is simple : divide the society into responsible and irresponsible citizens. Based on that you allow only the responsible citizens to own guns. By irresponsible is meant : criminals,political extremists,White Supremacists, ku kulx klan members and sympathisers, drug addicts and people with mental illness.

    • 巨魔: RoatanBill
    • 回复: @Charles Martel France
  98. “‘How much more carnage are we willing to accept?’ (Biden) wanted to know.”

    Okay I’ll take a stab at answering this question: Apparently “we” (or at least Biden, his Jewish supremacist handlers and all those who empower/tacitly agree with their Satanic agenda) are willing to accept nuclear-war-level carnage.

    So if there’s no problem with intermediate range nuclear missiles and the threat of planetary extinction, for example, how can AR-15s and a few measly mass shootings possibly be a problem?

  99. Hrw-500 说:

    The mirror links to Odysee and Bitchute are broken. Here the correct ones. I hope they’ll work.


  100. @Reg Cæsar

    Jews are indeed “out to destroy us,” but your point is well taken. Same thing goes with the gay rights and Transgender movements which Jews endlessly push on us. It wasn’t long before the GOP followed the democrats and spoke favorably of gay marriage and the Transgender freaks. The Trump fanatics even got their own Tranny named ‘Lady MAGA.’ The next thing Americans from both parties will embrace is legalized pedophilia. It’ll be the next ‘big thing.’

  101. RoatanBill 说:

    You admit that psychiatrists are frauds, but then you use them to get what you really want ignoring their complete lack of any credibility. I think the word “duplicitous” fits your proposal.

    Face it, if a family has to call the cops on some violent family member, that person is already a lost cause and can’t be fixed, not at that age. Parenting failed somewhere along the line, probably due to lousy schooling and parents trying to be friends to their kids as opposed to being the adult in various situations that pop up.

    Putting a person into a mental facility usually means drugging them, especially if they are brought in for violence. It’s the psychiatric drugs that are implicated in the mass shootings. It’s the psychiatrists and their mind altering sewage to blame for much of the mass shooting violence. In effect, your proposal will create more mass shooting events by involuntarily subjecting people to mind altering drugs.


  102. @Haskap



  103. Mike Tre 说:

    The guy receiving the award was on to something before he veered off into an “muh ebil not sees” screed.

    The funny thing is this jewish award recipient doesn’t even realize it was and is primarily members of his own tribe that have promoted the psychology racket from the beginning, and that the Nazi’s were trying to rid themselves of those same types of people.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  104. @Dumbo

    The FBI – Federal Bureau of Insurrection, top cops of the DOJ – Department Of Jews, has earned their title a thousands times over. They only exist for the benefit of our controlling elites. Get outta line and they come and take you away in more ways than one.

  105. Anonymous[410]• 免责声明 说:
    @Robert Dolan



    Jews have lost their top dog position [1]. They are now classified as “White” under the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and are now classified as an oppressive group rather than an oppressed group under Federal law. That subjects them as a group to the same asset stripping and loss of freedom of association hitherto enforced only on non-Jewish groups.
    Obama and the Black coalition are now top dog, running Biden’s administration through his staff. You can see that in the various policy disasters of the Biden Administration. Many of these “disasters” are deliberate assaults on “Whiteness”, destructive in a manner seen only in African politics.

    通过联邦政府中介为犹太联盟工作的城市黑人突击队的日子已经结束。 看似流氓的行政机构在构成上基本上是黑人。

    Granted that the reality is African leadership and US Black expendables, that reality doesn’t make the African leadership Jewish or make anybody in the Black coalition friends with members of the Jewish coalition.

    Nor does Black coalition dominance mean that this dominance will last about 5 decades, as did the Jewish coalition dominance. Nor does it mean that all elements of the Jewish coalition are gone — powerful elements remain. And it does not mean that either coalition is friendly towards Whites. It does mean that accurate description of Federal action has to take the identity of the dominant coalition seriously.

    例如,试图将 1/6 变成叛乱,因此叛国,从而结束对黑人联盟(和奥巴马)的政治反对,这完全脱离了非洲政治。 犹太联盟 50 年来从未尝试过如此笨拙的事情。

    1] https://www.takimag.com/article/hollywoods-jews-get-their-wandering-papers/

    总结:好莱坞娱乐公司雇用白人的比例被限制在 30%。 这包括制片人和作家。 犹太人被算作白人(大概除了埃塞俄比亚犹太人,但没有提到)。 这是好莱坞犹太人权力的终结。
    失去好莱坞(一个主要的收入来源和以前对美国民主党至关重要的服务),以及更重要的将犹太人重新归类为白人,是一个仍然占主导地位的犹太人联盟永远不会容忍的。 因此,在好莱坞协议和重新分类之前的一段时间内,没有占主导地位的犹太联盟。

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @john speke
  106. RoatanBill 说:
    @Mike Tre

    Psychiatry was being discredited on the road to being declared the fraud that it is till Rockefeller discovered he could convert petroleum into drugs in general and psycho drugs in particular. Rockefeller created the dysfunctional medical and pharmaceutical entities the US is stuck with today.

    我们 https://www.corbettreport.com/bigoil/ for a good overview of how this all came about.

  107. @bert33

    Isn’t it ironic that you must be 21 to drink alcohol, 18 to fight endless wars, and no age limit for violence, rape, murder and child pornography freely distributed online and via cable.
    Without (((Hollywood))) satanic sex cults grooming their next generation of prey, they would at best die off or at least return to the closet.

    GlobalHomo is now the most threatening menace to our kids, yet is giving special rights, privileges and protection, right up there with Magic Negroz.

    That pressure cooker is ready to explode.

  108. @Punch Brother Punch

    No…..what we are seeing now in terms of black crime is far worse than anything from the past, and it’s been orchestrated by organized jewry.

    I’m older, and I can recall a time when blacks kept to themselves and didn’t cause so much trouble. During segregation blacks preyed on other blacks, but generally KNEW better than to screw with whitey.

    And back then cops had balls and enforced the law.

    The problems came, as I said earlier, when jewish activists set the blacks loose on the white population. Emmet Till chasing after a white married woman and getting himself killed was a turning point.
    Oh, and the false flag church bombing the FBI did to demonize white “racists.”

    I am not saying that blacks are not a problem. I acknowledge their lower average IQ’s, low impulse control, time preference, etc.

    However, you can’t tell me that organized jewry hasn’t made things a thousand times worse with all of their crazy anti-white activism. Whites are on the defense now and it’s been that way for a LONG time.

    My God, I watched Colin Flaherty’s clips everyday for many years until the black on white violence made me sick.

    It wasn’t that way before. Growing up the midwest years ago, the black kids behaved themselves for the most part. And for the most part they stayed in their own neighborhoods.

    Now, you have hoodrat gangsters hitting Beverly Hills everyday, and the rich people are told not to wear watches and jewelry because it’s too much temptation for the young negroes.

    People really don’t understand how far we have fallen. The rule of law has been gutted. We’re looking at Road Warrior now.

    • 回复: @Punch Brother Punch
  109. usNthem 说:

    Negros, the gift that keeps on giving to Whites. Even when the stupid s**** off themselves non-stop, it ultimately penalizes Whites. Hey, that must be the plan – libtards allow blacks to blast each other as a means of disarming White people. Win, win for them – conspiracy theory? Who’d a thunk.

    • 同意: Arminius1933
  110. smetana 说:
    @Zachary Smith


  111. Pat Kittle 说:

    Karma is a bitch isnt it . Did you just wake up and there were blacks around you. No your ancestors brought them here…

    — You people could go back to Africa but you are secretly happy to live where the Whites you passionately hate give you $$$ TRILLIONS $$$ of freebies.
    — Your mostly get away with your chronic criminality — raping, robbing, & murdering Whites.
    — Africans themselves pour out of Black Africa by the MILLIONS to try to be as lucky as you are.

    And all you can manage to do is hate Whites & feel sorry for yourself.

    Another FACT:
    — People with high IQ’s generally live better than people with low IQ’s — REGARDLESS of race.

    (You are probably smart enough to vaguely understand these FACTS, but you pretend not to.)

    • 同意: Bernie
  112. Anonymous[369]• 免责声明 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    23 years here, and never missed it.

    Not having a TV really puts you out of touch with contemporary culture which puts you out of touch with your fellow citizens. It’s selfish. No man is an island.

    Get a TV. Watch sports. Watch local news. Develop cultural bonds with your fellow citizens.

    • 哈哈: RoatanBill
  113. @RockaBoatus

    (((Christ killers))) have for over two thousand years never given up their Zionist Protocols of goym extermination. In the past they worked in the shadows, today they are brazenly in our face and using riches from usury to expedite their apocalyptic prophecy’s of world domination.

    Try and tell that to Evangelical Jesus People, they need to be awakened, not (((Woken))).

  114. @Andreas

    I used to work with a black woman who I knew lived in a mostly white neighborhood in a more country kind of area. She bluntly told me she’d rather live around a bunch of rednecks than to live anywhere near “the hood” with other blacks. I paraphrase but those were nearly her exact words.

    Here’s but one example of the race problem. White landlord comes to collect rent and this is what he gets –


  115. @Robert Dolan

    Ever heard of the book “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews” ? I have the volumes in pdf form but honestly as of yet have only skimmed it. (((They))) claim it to be ‘pseudo-scholarship’ ((They)) also were however prominent among the Communist Martin Luther King and his group –

  116. geokat62 说:

    Develop cultural bonds with your fellow citizens.

    Keep watching the TalmudVision, goy. It’s the only way you’ll develop degenerate cultural bonds with your fellow goys, goy.

  117. profnasty 说:

    White people are ice cold murderers.
    Oh crap. That’s not right.

    Ok. We all got poopy pants.
    BUT. Notice how the Brown Bastard was never punished. //Now fast forward. Soros.
    Cali. You get the idea. You are animal feed.
    //See how they left him wear his Elvis/Jew hair. Fonzi!!
    Me? I would have shaved his head with a rusty razor. When he winced, i’da told the jailer to slap him silly.
    But that’s just me. Deadbug.

  118. @Bo Bo


  119. @Andreas




    I loathe those elitist scum. They forced me to be bussed into an inner city ghetto high in late 1970’s. It was basically prison, except we got to leave at the end of the day and on weekends. Every single day we had to worry about being beaten just because we were white.


  120. Truth 说:
    @Bo Bo

    Old Sport, an opinion is lovely and wonderful… And impotent. As they say; “opinions are like (you know what) everyone has them.

    一个是复杂的(并且有价值的)是 实施。

  121. Truth 说:

    Yes that’s right, he was considering driving three days to Dallas to do his shooting (since he had all of the weapons anyway but he figured, “heck, why don’t I just drive an hour north to protest those liberal gun laws… and I can say goodbye to Aunt Myrtle on the way up.

  122. @Ulf Thorsen

    That is a great book and filled with truth.

    The jews ran Tony Martin out of his teaching job for teaching the information in that book.

  123. Getaclue 说:
    @Wtf Man

    Statistics you utter loser, statistics.

    • 回复: @WSG
  124. @Tucker


    但说到自己珍贵的小身体,他们绝不会像他们在屏幕上宣传的那样去看医生; 只有一位善良的犹太医生才会这样做,他不会把事情搞砸。

  125. @Ulf Thorsen

    MLK was a total fraud.

    His jewish handler (Stanley Levison) wrote MLK’s speeches.

    MLK ‘s academic work was stolen from others.

    He loved to have sex with white prostitutes and often beat them.

    Jackie Kennedy, in reference to MLK, told her husband, “Keep that negro away from me…..he’s creepy.”

    The entire civil rights movement was engineered by organized jewry to destroy whites.

    The NAACP was started and run by jews for many years.

    In fact, the Atlantic Slave Trade was run by jews….the slave ships were owned by jewish merchants…..the slave auctions were closed on Saturday for Shabbat.

    • 回复: @Ulf Thorsen
  126. @Anon

    没有 your ancestors brought them here and used them for their own purposes. Now you think you can just dispose of them ? Hell No.

    You have to take into consideration that you might be talking to people like Trump whose grandfather was born in Germany. Based on ancestry such individuals can not expel the Americans of the first hour. Black Americans are true Americans just like the George W. Bush family. History matters a lot.

  127. @John Johnson

    Note that I said USA imperialism, especially since WWII when we put 800 military bases all over the world, was PART of the story, not saying it’s the whole story.

    The number one current film is called Top Gun, Maverick.

    The biggest military budget in the world is the USA, by far.

    Humans are mimics. Humans without a lot of status wealth or power tend to mimic, imitate, those with status wealth and power. USA humans with high status political power kill a lot of children. Fact. Not hard to see that others might imitate them.

    That has nothing to do with Chomsky or left wing anything. That’s reality.

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  128. @Kim

    No, I agree with that.

    However the USA rules a lot of the world, not just USA territory, with violence and terror.

    The leaders of the USA, who have a lot of social status and wealth, kill a lot of children. Everybody knows that fact. Not surprising that some Americans imitate their leaders. Basic mimesis in action.

  129. @Robert Dolan

    “In fact, the Atlantic Slave Trade was run by jews….the slave ships were owned by jewish merchants…..the slave auctions were closed on Saturday for Shabbat.”

    I’ve always wanted to know about the Rhadanites from the early Middle Ages. They traded chiefly in luxury goods among the Carolingians and Charlemagne had Jews in his royal court I believe as advisers. Where it gets interesting and relates to their role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade is that while the Vikings and Saracens were both attacking portions of Europe/Carolingian domain, the Jewish Rhadanite merchants were there as well. I’ve always wanted to know their relationship/interaction with the Vikings but also the Muslims at that time in Europe. The only case of Vikings that I am aware of taking sub-Saharan African slaves was when Thorgest(or Turgeis) supposedly took 2 back to Dublin which he controlled at the time in the early-mid 800s. The interesting part is that the man who made it known to Thorgest that North Africa had slave markets he should check out was a man with a long Muslim name but who was apparently a Jewish convert. I have the man’s name and story in pdf form but not in the mood to dig for it. The info is a bit obscure and not easy to find. The point to all is is the question it raises. Were they involved in the slave trade in Europe even as early as the 800s?

    • 回复: @Robert Dolan
    , @Wokechoke
  130. Malla 说:

    The same thing happened in the UK. With the banning of guns, knife crime increased. Now they want to ban knives. But black neighbourhoods in the UK have guns and some blacks from the UK in a documentary claimed that “the government is giving in the black community”. What they meant that the British Government was “supplying guns to black neigbourhoods” to artificially increase crime. But that makes no sense, why would the British Government import black infiltrators into the UK only to make them kill each other? makes no sense. Or does it? What if criminal Blacks are to be used as one of the future shock-troopers for a future “revolution” and takeover of civil society?

  131. @Ulf Thorsen


    Historically speaking, whites were not known for taking in slaves.

    muslims took around 140 MILLION africans as slaves over the centuries and castrated them.

    muslims also snatched whites off the coasts of Europe and enslaved whites.

    I think it’s Michael Hoffman that wrote the book, “They Were White and They Were Slaves.”

    “The Redneck Manifesto” also mentions the truth regarding slavery, and Jim Goad is very funny.

    Another great book is, “Time On The Cross,” a look at the economics of slavery….and the truth is just the opposite of the jew narrative you see in movies.

    • 回复: @Ulf Thorsen
  132. Malla 说:
    @John Johnson

    Once an athlete or rapper gets a big paycheck

    And Jewish financial “advisers” move in with “advice” and “products” to bankrupt them and loot them out. Jews call Black Americans, “Liquid cash”.
    The entertainment and sports industry works mostly in such a way that we have Jewish pimps (producers, managers) using their hoes (athletes / rappers and others) to suck out money from the johns/tricks/squares (fans). So after the hoes do their service, the pimp tribe come in to trick out the hoes!!!

  133. Haskap 说:



    • 回复: @Karl1906
  134. @John Johnson


    然后奇迹般地,他所有的伙伴,他伙伴的伙伴,以及他孩子的外地伙伴都搬进来闲逛,接下来你就会知道当地的犯罪率每年上升 400%。 然后隔壁的两所房子尽快在zillow上。


  135. @Robert Dolan

    Actually the Vikings were big time slave traders and arguably this was the greatest source of wealth for them throughout the period. This is a chief reason why ports such as Dublin were settled by them and for that purpose. My question has always been what their relationship/interactions were with Rhadanites at the time. It is something you can barely find any info about and that in itself seems a bit suspect to me considering there is a vast trove of other info about their activities of the time. During that period, the Vikings were the main slave traders throughout Europe.

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Wokechoke
  136. Bernie 说:

    Karma would be blacks going back to Africa. Whites have no sins – certainly none that others don’t have as well. Well, maybe giving blacks the option of staying here or going back to Liberia was a sin. Should have been mandatory as blacks know they need whites for any degree of civilization.

  137. bert33 说:
    @Zachary Smith

    Or, get that new federal prison built and start putting people in it for life when they commit murder. And no ‘woke’ interpretations, you go around killing people you go big house for life no matter what you look like. Politicization of law enforcement is a problem obviously a lot of bias in the whole conversation but the common thread is capital crime, murder. Make it life sentence, no parole.

  138. @Wtf Man

    Talk is cheap. Move into the ghetto and prove your point. If you are white, you won’t last long. I can tell you from my experience of going to school in the ghetto that the whites whom blacks hate most are those that claim to be “down for the black man.”

    They do not respect whites who are ashamed of who they are. They see that as weakness and weakness is to be attacked.

    • 同意: WSG, John Johnson
    • 回复: @John Johnson
  139. WSG 说:

    Your moniker is appropriate. You have a “I’ve never around blacks but I understand all about their nature” problem. Never go full-on retardo.

  140. @WingsofADove

    The number one current film is called Top Gun, Maverick.

    The biggest military budget in the world is the USA, by far.

    Humans are mimics. Humans without a lot of status wealth or power tend to mimic, imitate, those with status wealth and power. USA humans with high status political power kill a lot of children. Fact. Not hard to see that others might imitate them.

    That has nothing to do with Chomsky or left wing anything. That’s reality.

    Most “gun violence” is committed by Black males under the age of 24.

    You are telling me the underlying motive is US military bases abroad and movies like Top Gun?

    Are Blacks really into Tom Cruise? Or are they more likely to study the US military?

    Yes this is just as ridiculous as anything Chomsky comes up with. Totally ignoring race in favor of a pre-existing anti-US agenda. That is why the left supports speech control. Once you allow the subject of race their academic heroes like Chomsky look like lying hacks….because that is what they are paid to do. Spin BS theories while trying to ignore the dead rhino in the room which is race. That is the main purpose of the US academic system. Convincing White people to ignore what is in front of them through fake studies like the social sciences.

    • 回复: @WingsofADove
  141. TTSSYF 说:


  142. @Mis(ter)Anthrope

    Talk is cheap. Move into the ghetto and prove your point. If you are white, you won’t last long. I can tell you from my experience of going to school in the ghetto that the whites whom blacks hate most are those that claim to be “down for the black man.”

    They do not respect whites who are ashamed of who they are. They see that as weakness and
    weakness is to be attacked.

    Anyone that has been around Blacks can confirm this and it is even true for middle class Blacks.

    They view White men that try to equalize themselves to Blacks as weak. Even office Blacks will look down on White men that try to be egalitarian. Strange but true. Black and Hispanic men are more comfortable around Whites that are somewhat cold and distant to them. They respect men that don’t need their affirmation. Churchhill made similar observations of non-Whites. They don’t really get equality and assume you are putting them above you because you are lacking as a White man.

    Being a wigger is in fact extremely dangerous. You will immediately be targeted for robbery as you are openly stating that you trust Blacks and want their approval.

    I knew a White guy in high school that wanted to be down with the homies and they emptied his house. He actually got off pretty easy. Another friend of mine nearly had his girlfriend raped. Also knew of a party where a Black woman peed on a rape victim. I was at least exposed to these stories and kept my distance. .

  143. 迪路 说:

    The essence of the problem is that black people have low IQ on average, and you can’t blame them or count on them. They are incapable of awakening and are more easily manipulated and controlled by the Jews. Therefore, all mankind needs to control the black population for all human intelligence levels. That’s where evolution really goes.

  144. Wokechoke 说:
    @Ulf Thorsen

    The first Jews in England were brought over by the Normans. Literally the Slave Traders of Rouen. The Vikings certainly had to have been the suppliers for the Jewish slave market owners. Bristol was a slave port sending women to Dublin in the AngloSaxon era though.

    • 回复: @Ulf Thorsen
  145. Haskap 说:

    在杀死萨达姆和奥萨马·b·L之后,美国总统吹嘘这一事件向民众传达了什么信息? “我们抓住了他”在全国范围内得到回响,作为对付敌人的一种公认的方式。

    • 同意: WingsofADove
  146. Wokechoke 说:
    @Ulf Thorsen

    There may have been a few Jewish shippers in the Viking ports I suspect.

  147. @Realist


  148. @Robert Dolan


    Crime was way worse in the 1970s, 1980s and early 90s. For instance, there have been around 250 people murdered in Chicago thus far this year. Let’s assume that number triples by the end of the year (unlikely) to 750. That would still be a below average year for Chicago in the 1970s and early 90s.


    When it comes to crime, people always think things are getting worse. Remember, 50 years ago, they didn’t have DNA testing or cell phones or security cameras/systems to the extent we have today.

  149. Hankjr 说:

    我们有很多问题,但枪支或种族问题都不是当前局势的罪魁祸首。这些只是精英们用来分散平民注意力的谈话要点;扔骨头让穷人和中产阶级咬牙切齿。真正的问题要大得多,涉及企业权力、政府腐败以及药物过量处方作为应对社会和精神疾病的无效工具。这一切的根源是什么?金钱和利润。当前的系统需要完全关闭并重建以服务于所有人,在此之前,我们将继续受到种族、性别、枪支、堕胎、气候,当然还有老左/右派栗子的轰炸。 99.9%的人需要看穿01%的人向他们散播的幻想,并停止玩他们的游戏。

  150. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:


    • 哈哈: InnerCynic, Sollipsist
  151. @Anonymous

    Don’t take this personally, #369, as I doubt this includes you:

    Yeah, I guess it’s that I don’t mind not keeping in touch with the contemporary culture of tattooed blue-haired, nose ringed fat-assed twerkers, modern singers who ululate on every note, ghetto thug NFL players, and and the local diverse news “team”. I don’t want to be in touch at all, and I’ll be damned if I’ll accidentally pick up any cultural bonds!

    Secondly, I can’t watch TV or movies (hence, I watch generally older movies) with built-in agendas of PC and wokeness without getting pissed off and it raising my blood pressure, so I don’t do it.

    I also don’t get how you think not wanting to be part of this Globohomo anti-tradition, anti-White-man culture is selfish. My family is the same, and we don’t mind being one small sane island.

    • 回复: @InnerCynic
  152. Dube 说:


    • 谢谢: mark green
  153. @James Scott

    That’s Realist’s shtick: constant blackpilling about how whites are doomed because they don’t all have STEM degrees and they’re weak because they allow Jews to rule over them. Realist is the number one disseminator of anti-white propaganda on 乌兹网.

    It’s unlikely he’ll be killed by a non-white as he’s terrified of them and clings to the safety of his suburb of Chicago where darkies rarely ingress.

    • 回复: @Realist
  154. InnerCynic 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    “Keeping up” with the cultural madness will drive you insane. Best to separate yourself from the insanity as best you can.

  155. @Franz



  156. Reg Cæsar 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    Hell, I read this about 45 years ago and was done with it then.

    Helped along by a short stint at a Navy base the year before; there were dozens of common TV rooms, and on Friday night, every last one was tuned to 查理的天使. Where were we supposed to watch 巨蟒?

    I learned in time that almost everything worthwhile on television would end up at the library anyway. Now it’s on YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, etc.

    Jerry Mander, by the way, lives in Bolinas, about which Wikipedia informs us,

    The community is known for its reclusive residents. It is only accessible via unmarked roads; any road sign along State Route 1 that points the way into town has been torn down by local residents, to the point where county officials offered a ballot measure to which the voters responded by stating a preference for no more signs.


    • 谢谢: Achmed E. Newman
    • 回复: @Johnny Nada
  157. Karl1906 说:

    “Word salad”… you know, “Wokechoke”, the likes of you will be seriously fucked should 乌兹网 ever requiring a captcha or simple math problem before you can press “Publish Comment”.

  158. @Ralph B. Seymour


  159. Karl1906 说:

    You’re completely right in regards to the current state of affairs. But it wasn’t always like this. It was turned into this by rich elites who basically “bought” off media and politics.

  160. @TG

    But you wouldn’t have ruling elites if the foreheadless dupes didn’t want government.

    In a predator-prey relationship in nature the prey doesn’t want the predator. Most prey animals are smarter than your typical Homo sapiens sapiens.

  161. @RoatanBill

    It’s the psychiatric drugs that are implicated in the mass shootings. It’s the psychiatrists and their mind altering sewage to blame for much of the mass shooting violence.

    Or it’s good old-fashioned psychopathy and narcissism (which have always been with us) coupled with access to guns and sensationalistic media.

    The “SSRIs are to blame!” argument is a correlation fallacy. Mass shooters tend to display behavioral problems prior to commission of the crime, which makes them candidates for being prescribed psychiatric medication. But millions of people use the same meds and don’t become mass shooters.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  162. Yes but it’s still white men, they created the conditions for the black crime… duhhhh

  163. RoatanBill 说:
    @Ralph B. Seymour

    Maybe it’s due to where I am, but I never saw any of the local news where adults and children were being interviewed. This video is the first I saw of such after the fact interviews or scenes of the event as it was happening.

    Without the narrator mentioning it, I noticed that there were no tears and the people shown to be upset were not convincing. The use of sunglasses seemed odd. I immediately picked up on the word “torso” used by that little boy and that is not a word a person of that age would use. The narrator eventually also picked up on that word. That word was given to the boy by an adult. That “brave mom” also used the word “escorted” as part of her description and I doubt a local bumpkin from that area would use a word generally used by a police spokesman when he’s giving details to the press about some incident. I looked at her and heard that word and it didn’t fit the picture.

    I gather that the narrator’s theory is that the local parents weren’t in on the secret so that they could show real emotions during the opening act and therefore believe what they’re supposed to believe, that their kids got out safe from a real incident. The classroom had no kids or teachers in it and everyone not in on the theater was simply kept away from that room so the controllers could make up anything they wanted and no one was there to say otherwise. The after the fact news teams interviewed crisis actors. I thought it a bit strange that every parent had a large picture of their child to hold during the interviews. I know that’s not something I’d go looking for nor would I be giving interviews to reporters.

    It would appear that it’s another Sandy Hook, but there is no actual proof of that. It’s all inference and speculation. If someone could identify the interviewed “parents” as actors, as people that don’t live in the area or somehow shatter their credibility with actual facts, that would help add credence to the narrator’s theory.

    • 回复: @Ralph B. Seymour
  164. Yes but white men created the conditions for the black crime

    • 回复: @Kim
  165. RoatanBill 说:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    The “SSRIs are to blame!” argument is a correlation fallacy.

    No, the SSRI’s are a correlation fact. That there is no absolute proof that the drugs are responsible is obvious, but the high correlation is unusual. What the public is told about an incident is also twisted to fit a political narrative.


    Given that the gov’t lies to the population continuously, every incident should elicit skepticism about the story being told. I’m not convinced that many of these shootings aren’t staged. That people may be killed is something the US would do since 9/11 was at least partly an inside job. Operation Northwood planned to murder US citizens for effect. Operation Gladio murdered lots of innocent people as part of a propaganda effort. I could name many more instances where things were managed to produce a desired effect.

    There’s also a high correlation between drills being run and then shortly thereafter the real thing happens. 9/11 had a drill. 7/7 in England had a drill. The Uvalde incident had a drill. Covid had a drill. There are just too many coincidences to believe all these things aren’t at least partly theater.

    • 回复: @Punch Brother Punch
  166. @Reg Cæsar

    I would’ve given 10 to 1 odds that “Jerry Mander” was either a stage name or phony. Yet that appears to be the actual name of this author. Thank you for alerting me to his book “Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television.” It sounds like a worthwhile read, even if I suspect it’s the work of a communist sympathizer.

    Red Lyning

  167. @John Johnson

    I would say ignoring the obvious reality of mimetic violence and USA imperial violence and the top film in the current culture is ridiculous. So we clearly will not agree.

    You’re not going to get a ‘one to one’ direct cause and effect.

    But when the general promoted ethos of a culture is to resolve conflict (the conflict of business, the conflict of wanting someone’s oil, emotional conflict) with massive gun violence, to find ones exalted place in the society via massive gun violence (the presidents and generals etc) to flood the culture with an ideology of the nobility of massive gun violence, then there will be effects. It’s inevitable. It’s odd that you can compartmentalize our society in such a way as not to see the connections.

    • 同意: Harold Smith
    • 回复: @John Johnson
  168. @RoatanBill

    No, the SSRI’s are a correlation fact.

    Looking into the history of our two most recent school shooters – Ethan Crumbley in Michigan and Salvador Ramos in Uvalde – I find no evidence that either one was on medication.

    I took Paxil for a few years in my late teens. I didn’t have any homicidal ideation. I oppose SSRIs because I believe they cement the mind, but I see no evidence that they provoke violence.

    9/11, Gladio, etc. are simply different phenomena than a psycho sperg getting hold of a gun and shooting up a school. Can’t legitimately compare them

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
    , @Realist
  169. @RoatanBill



    “受害者”的父母似乎无法流泪,却通过“gofundme”现金捐赠活动赚取了数百万美元。显然,配角的表现也相当不错。詹姆斯·费泽 (James Fetzer) 确认了一位老师,他也是桑迪·胡克 (Sandy Hook) 的演员。




  170. @Wokechoke

    The first Jews in England were brought over by the Normans.

    Oh absolutely. William brought them in to essentially be his bean counters.

  171. Anonymous[395]• 免责声明 说:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    What is getting worse is the cities, the large urban areas. That’s where the “road warriors” and “discontinuity” comments are coming from.

    • 回复: @RadicalCenter
  172. Anonymous[395]• 免责声明 说:

    Adding a bit:
    Up until the widespread development of antibiotics in the late 1940s, treatment by a physician of a disease that was verifiable by pathology increased the chances of the patient dying. Treatment of some medical conditions, such as injuries to the limbs or starvation, was well known and effective, but not so for diseases as a class. Today, the medical condition of “obesity” is still not effectively treatable.

    Psychiatry/psychology is apparently not up to the “antibiotic stage”. A resort to psychological treatment is simply a way of shedding responsibility and legal liability.

    This is not to say that research into brain function is worthless, just that knowledge of brain function [1] is not now an adequate foundation for treatment of brain function.

    I’ve known several people who work in this field, from social worker to PhDs in treatment and research. At the current state of knowledge, they have no way of making objective diagnoses that could resist management imposed quotas for drug prescriptions.

    Accordingly, what we have is a system in which people who do not function in society (perhaps from real organic mental disease[2], perhaps from exhaustion or ill treatment, perhaps because of incompatibility with a dysfunctional organization) are given chemicals that make them more tolerable to the organizations that initially could not tolerate them, and that shield these organizations from legal liability and to an extent from bad publicity.

    This whole area is as unsolved as were diseases in before 1940. While I can’t specify an solution, I can say that pretending to have a solution and to have unquestionable professionals who supposedly can detect mental illness but in fact are under institutional pressure to detect it and prescribe drugs of unknown effect [3] makes the situation worse.
    For an analogy, consider “family services”, another area of all powerful experts, responsibility dumping and political assaults. Or for that matter, the COVID-19 affair. My advice for all these areas is “search and avoid”.


    1] Brain function is deduced from the effect of brain lesions and the distribution of blood during cognitive tasks as observed over MRI. That’s it. While useful in avoiding destruction of some cognitive abilities during brain surgery, it is just starting to help in understanding brain function, and is useless in psychiatric evaluation.[4] All that can be said now is that brain processes are far more complex than were previously thought, and are not now understood in any detail.

    2] Example: Schizophrenia appears to partially heritable, hence is probably organic.

    3] https://www.anxietycentre.com/research/ssris-virtually-ineffective/

    4] A friend of mine once had epilepsy, and was given brain surgery to cure the condition. The surgery ended the epilepsy, but gave him the equivalent of a lobotomy, something that had not been mentioned even as a possibility by the physicians that sold him the operation. He had previously run a feed and seed store, and the lobotomy left his family with no way of supporting itself.

  173. @Punch Brother Punch

    仅由 reason “murders” seem lower is the trauma centers have
    gotten so much better through incessant OJT (on-the-jogger training).
    Besides the trends are despite that on their merry way to 超越
    Crack Wars.

    • 回复: @Sick n' Tired
  174. RoatanBill 说:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    I supplied 45 examples where drugs were implicated in shootings. You supply two that 五月 not have been and claim equivalent evidence. I certainly couldn’t do that since I’m honest.

    Then, to top it off, you are the one comparing 9/11, Gladio, etc to the shooters in a left handed fashion, not I. I claimed those incidents as evidence of gov’t lies and propaganda and made no connection of those events to drugs.

    Maybe you can blame your drug use on the mendacity and lack of logical abilities you’ve displayed.

  175. RoatanBill 说:
    @Ralph B. Seymour

    I understand and agree with your points. What’s missing is proof backed up by physical evidence. Assertions, gut feel, reliance on past mendacity, etc aren’t proof.


    • 回复: @Ralph B. Seymour
    , @JR Foley
  176. @Ralph B. Seymour


    Kids are known for their skill in memorizing lines. That’s why the elites utilize them in every false flag. Because the sheeple can’t tell.the difference between real and false kiddie tears.

    Stay woke, bro. You’re one of the few who “gets it.”. Pat yourself on the back for it.

  177. @RoatanBill

    I supplied 45 examples where drugs were implicated in shootings.

    You didn’t supply shit. You linked to an idiotic Libertarian website.

    Maybe you can blame your drug use on the mendacity

    What a scumbag you are. Accusing me of being a drug-user for briefly taking prescribed SSRIs thirty years ago. Go fuck yourself, pig.

    • 哈哈: Truth
    • 巨魔: RoatanBill, Realist
    • 回复: @Punch Brother Punch
  178. @Punch Brother Punch

    Hit the “troll” button all you want, you’re still a scumbag, RoatanBill.

  179. @WSG

    I would argue that Hispanics are collectively a worse and much more immediate problem than blacks. First, there are more of them: black population in the United States stands at 13 percent, Hispanics are approximately 18 percent( more than 60 million individuals). Second, they are just as big of an economic drain , if not bigger: according to the United States Census Bureau’s Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), 75 percent of Hispanic households with children in the United States, whether immigrant or not, use some sort of taxpayer funded welfare program, e.g. food stamps, TANF, SSI, Medicaid, rent subsidies, utility subsidies etc. Hispanics who are illegally employed in the United States do not pay taxes on what they earn, and a very large percentage of what is earned by illegals( of whatever national origin) is siphoned off from the American economy and sent abroad to their countries of origin in the form of remittances ( to the tune of literally scores of billions of USD every year), tearing a huge hole in our already economically unhealthy balance of payments. We are currently in the throes of an inflationary economic environment: scores of millions of Hispanics have to eat, buy gas and live under a roof. Economics as an academic discipline is actually based on a very simple principle: the law of supply vs. 的需求。 If a given commodity, say single family houses, is in static supply ( not increasing), but the demand for that commodity keeps increases steadily, then the cost(i.e. price) for that commodity will correspondingly increase. While certainly not the only factor, Immigration in itself is a driving factor in the housing price inflation and subsequent housing shortage and burgeoning homelessness crisis in this country that you don’t hear ja c k shit about from the Jewish controlled mass media. Likewise, take the same basic economic principle of supply versus demand, and then invert it: if the demand for a given commodity (e.g., labor)is steady, but the supply for that commodity is increasingly disproportionately, then the cost of that commodity (i.e. wages)will drop like a rock in pond. Despite an artificial and modest increase in overall wage levels in the wake of the arbitrary, ineffective and economically disastrous COVID lockdowns, Immigration has been a primary culprit in the decades long wage stagnation of Americans without a college degree, who form the majority of the working population( to better illustrate this point, Cesar Chavez, the labor activist, sent his union members to help patrol the United States border with Mexico in order to assist with apprehensions of migrants, the logic being that the increase in available illegal migrant labor would negatively impact his union members and labor movement by dramatically depressing wage levels for agricultural workers). Hispanics contribute disproportionately to street crime and in particular gang violence, with such criminal street gangs and organizations such as MS 13, the Trinitarios, Latin Kings etc. engaging in drug trafficking, extortion, contract murder etc.

    While demographic trends can be reversed, there is one more point that perhaps reduces all the others to insignificance. Hispanic culture is race obsessed, to an inordinately greater degree than the United States, with one’s socioeconomic virtually predicated upon racial classification, and the highest positions on the socioeconomic strata being distributed on the degree of European ancestry. I’ve heard arguments from white nationalists to the effect that Hispanics as a whole harbor a deep racial hatred of white Europeans. This argument is specious: while many Hispanics are envious and resentful of the economic achievement and material prosperity of white Americans, the vast majority of them nevertheless desire to join the white American mainstream. Far from racial hatred, most Hispanics quite literally WISH that they were white. That is not hyperbole: in addition to the aforementioned attribute of racially based, social hierarchy in Latin America, simply look at the intermarriage rate among Hispanics in the United States. According to Pew Research Center, some 27 percent of Hispanics are intermarried( almost exclusively with whites). When you do not include immigrants or foreign born Hispanics, that figure jumps to nearly 40 percent. The percentages are virtually identical to those for Asian Americans , which is all the more remarkable when you consider that, aside from miscegenation, the two demographic groups have nothing else in common and could not be more dissimilar: whereas Asian Americans have the highest incomes and the highest rate of post graduate , Hispanics have the highest high school dropout rate in the United States, and three quarters of Hispanic households with children are on welfare.
    Since it is critically important, it bears repeating: the most existential threat posed by the Hispanic population is the desire of the vast majority of them to intermarry with white Americans. That is a genocidal Great Replacement that could easily be accomplished without firing a single magazine cartridge. Indeed , miscegenation is one of the strongest propanda themes currently being promoted by the Jewish controlled mass media, and there have actually been a steady stream of miscegenation media encouraging Hispanic intermarriage.
    Jewish organizations take out full page advertising denouncing intermarriage among the American Jewish population( now at 60 percent), but their coethnics in the mass media do everything they can to promote miscegenation among their white American hosts. I guess that sort of brazen, shameless hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance is what Jews refer to as “chutzpah ” 🙄

    Join the American Freedom Party






    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  180. @Charles Martel France

    • 巨魔: 罗丹·比尔

    What is your problem with my proposal ? Do you by any chance belong to the group I designated as irresponsible ? There is always a room for an exception based on a convincing explanation. Don’t dispair and get angry too quickly.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  181. @hotrod31

    不仅仅是在美国。 同样的问题在世界上许多其他国家也重复出现。 不,在这些地方,问题不在于黑人。 是殖民者来到并留下来的。


  182. @Charles Martel France

    人们可以理解为什么白人美国佬对黑人和犹太人咆哮。 简而言之,他们对生活水平下降感到失望和愤怒。 照镜子寻找真正的原因太痛苦了,所以他们希望有人来责怪。

    作为一个国家,拥有一个外部忌讳的人对于团结民众更加有用。 不幸的是,拥有永无休止的仇恨对象现在已成为美国文化的一部分。 目前的替罪羊是俄罗斯。 几个月前是中国、伊朗、伊拉克、阿富汗、叙利亚、委内瑞拉、古巴等。

    It wasn’t too long ago that Americans were pissed at France and resorted to eating Freedom Fries. Remember that?

    • 回复: @jeff stryker
    , @Malla
  183. @HT

    欣赏你的感受,但我们不要写得好像这是一个白人国家。 它不是。

    “枪支管制”“法律”影响到美国所有守法的人,包括数千万和平、守法的亚洲和西班牙公民。 例如,在我们人口最多的州,西班牙裔合法枪支拥有者可能比非西班牙裔合法枪支拥有者(加利福尼亚州)还要多。 德克萨斯州、纽约州、新泽西州和佛罗里达州很快也会出现同样的情况。


    将拉美裔与核心美国人、欧洲白人团结起来的最佳方式是在学校和媒体上对他们的孩子进行扭曲,美化非洲人并阻止警察保护我们其他人免受他们不断的暴力、骚扰和破坏,并给予优先考虑为非洲人提供招聘、晋升和大学招生方面的帮助。 这就是我们的统治者正在继续做的事情。 一个新的联盟正在酝酿之中,也正在酝酿之中。 我们会需要它。 我们将需要彼此。

  184. @Anonymous

    The small towns are often getting more violent, more plagued by theft and lack of trust and peace, as well. The Africans and the dreg portion of our Hispanic population are not staying in the cities, big or small, and the loss of safety, order, cleanliness, and civility are not confined to the bigger cities either.

  185. @Punch Brother Punch


    ……在 1970 年代的克利夫兰意大利-爱尔兰和费城暴徒战争中,汽车炸弹爆炸了。


    不,他们并没有毁掉学校,但是任何与我同龄的人都会记得芝加哥发生了大约 50 起意大利人谋杀案。


    今天的人们忘记了 70 年代和 80 年代有更多的白人暴徒犯罪。

    白人罪犯也刚刚放弃犯罪。 在“三击法”(波莉·克拉斯案)之前,有白人银行抢劫犯、精明的装甲车劫持者、猫窃贼、艺术品窃贼以及像豺狼这样的秃鹰三天型老派绅士杀手,但三击法让他们退休了。



    A) 优秀的妓女已经消失了,卖淫现在已经在网上出现了,所以密尔沃基同性恋黑人出租男孩在行动中失踪的日子已经结束了。

    B) DNA



    • 回复: @Deep Thought
    , @Arminius1933
  186. @littlereddot







    为什么不关心日本人呢? 他们是最后一群真正对你做出反社会行为的人。

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @littlereddot
  187. @Anonymous

    Not to rail on this subject, but just because it was slightly coincidental, being just this morning:

    I went to the gym and the TV was on a news channel. In big words at the bottom, it said “RACISM”. A black anchorman, journalist, whatever they call themselves now, was speaking about some story, and, well, #369, I’m not about to work out while being lectured by some black man about my racism. Fuck that! That is what TV IS, though. Are you actually PAYING your after-tax money for this?!

    Just to wrap the anecdote up, since there was nobody else there to even ask about it, I turned off the POS with the remote. Let me tell you, that remote is pretty remote at this point. Good luck, next guy in the gym. How about thinking your own thoughts?

  188. @Arminius1933

    Great comment, Arminius! I would like to add one thing. Contrary to Mr. RadicalCenter’s comment of hope (IMO) about Hispanics and guns*, the Hispanics as a whole have NO history of resistance to authority and demand for rule-of-law and limited government, such as the British and British-descended people of America have had for 800 years. It may be just culture, but there is probably a genetic component too.

    If the US Feral Gov’t comes hard for the guns, the bulk of the Hispanics will cave. They will not stand on principle.

    If you import the 3rd world, you will GET the 3rd world.


    * I don’t include the long-term resident Hispanic Americans, such as those whose families have been in Texas and New Mexico for 150 years, but they are but a small fraction at this point.

  189. @jeff stryker


    Just like what the “chicoms” use to restrict the freedoom of the people. Are you sure that murrika is the land of the free these days?!

  190. geokat62 说:


    Having sympathy for Jews and their history is like running a store where a customer’s credit card is declined 109 times, but you assume there’s something wrong with the card machine and let him walk out with his goods for free.


  191. @RoatanBill




  192. @RadicalCenter

    I do not think that it would be easy to mobilize Hispanic-Americans against very well educated Nigerians (Africans ) using White Supremacism because Hispanic-Americans with their weakness and strength remain Christians. They are the guarantors of the existence and continuation of Christianity in South and North America.

    Sometime ago a Hispanic professional football player brought me to tears when I saw him making the sign of the cross after scoring a goal in a soccer match in a strict Muslim Arab country. That is how Christian they are.

    • 回复: @Truth
    , @John Johnson
  193. @RadicalCenter


    西班牙裔社会以白人精英(尽管是南欧西班牙人或意大利人)为基础,他们对庄园里的黑人、印度人和混血的 Pardo 苦工完全漠不关心。


    看看他们是如何将他们赶出洛杉矶的,将毒品销售从卡特尔中心垂直整合到街角 Cholo,这样黑人就不会进来,通常是非 PC。


    Fred Reed 有一些有效的观点,这就是其中之一:与欧洲的阿拉伯人不同,他们将街头黑人转变为他们的宗教并在美国形成团结,这没有共同之处。

    • 回复: @Truth
  194. Truth 说:
    @Charles Martel France

    m because Hispanic-Americans with their weakness and strength remain Christians.

    Catholics aren’t Christians, the are Constantinians. Mormons read the bible too.

    • 回复: @JR Foley
  195. Truth 说:
    @jeff stryker



  196. Realist 说:
    @James Scott


    Very manly…little dick. Only a nutless asshole would threaten violence against someone, especially on the internet. If you were to try in real life…I would put a hot one between your eyes.


    I have never said that…but if this country has to depend on little dicks like you, this country has lost forever.


    我再说一次,我从来没有这么说过。这个想法是 白人 are beginning to fight back is laughable…there is no evidence of that. Instead of making idle threats do something about it…little dick.




  197. Realist 说:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    That’s Realist’s shtick: constant blackpilling about how whites are doomed because they don’t all have STEM degrees and they’re weak because they allow Jews to rule over them.

    You and little dick make a great couple. Dumb and Dumber

    Realist is the number one disseminator of anti-white propaganda on 乌兹网.

    Give an example where I am anti-White??? The only Whites I am anti to are the dumb bastards who allow themselves to be screwed into the ground….like you and your butt boy little dick.

    It appears you and Jimmy Scott are trolls.

  198. @Karl1906

    The Political Class is ZOG and their shabbos goyim hired hands and stooges.
    Take away their BLAK Flying Chimpanzee shock troops, then purge the political scum harshly, then strictly delimit the mestizos…that don’t like no STEENKING badges anyway…so that they don’t become the new shock troops, which is happening in a small way already in police forces and the military.
    Go for Regional Secession into White Only ethnostates/confederations…
    and tell The ZOG Political Class to go JAM IT !

  199. @Robert Dolan

    Cut the BLAK balls off the Khazar, turn it into a falsetto chirper.

  200. @Punch Brother Punch

    Crime was way worse in the 1970s, 1980s and early 90s. For instance, there have been around 250 people murdered in Chicago thus far this year. Let’s assume that number triples by the end of the year (unlikely) to 750. That would still be a below average year for Chicago in the 1970s and early 90s.

    Murder rates would be much higher with 70/80s medical technology. If you were shot in the chest you were pretty much doomed. Now they are actually saving Blacks with even a dozen 9mm wounds. The medical technology is far more advanced and our military doctors even train in Chicago.

    Anyways Chicago already passed their daily per capita murder record

    When it comes to crime, people always think things are getting worse. Remember, 50 years ago, they didn’t have DNA testing or cell phones or security cameras/systems to the extent we have today.

    We really don’t know crime rates for assault or property crimes. Anyone that has lived in the city knows why. I was lectured by 9-11 for calling in shots fired. Yes actually lectured by the operator because I didn’t see a gun and was thus wasting his time. Later it turned out there was a gun. Huh.

    Calling in something like a break-in is a joke. If you are White then the response is “lesson learned” unless you are shot or seriously wounded. You chose to live there and that is the risk. We once had a rapist on the loose and the police didn’t want to provide the race. Just watch out for a man in dark clothing. I guess if you are being raped then you found him.

    The circus protects Blacks in the cities and has no choice but to ignore certain types of crimes. They don’t have the resources to lock up every Black criminal over an auto break-in or a black eye on the bus. If you are fine they will get pissed off that you bothered them. The attitude is that Whites choose to be there and whatever happens is your fault. Blacks are basically treated like wild animals by Democrats and it is your fault if you get too close. The police in fact will treat a punch to the face as a good reason for a White person to leave. You were given a lesson so take it. That is the attitude.

  201. @Charles Martel France

    do not think that it would be easy to mobilize Hispanic-Americans against very well educated Nigerians (Africans ) using White Supremacism because Hispanic-Americans with their weakness and strength remain Christians.

    You really haven’t been around Hispanic men.

    They will do any job for $20 an hour and think Whites are weak for putting up with Black antics. They look up to strong Whites in fact. I’ve had Hispanics actually undercharge me once they realized I don’t f-k around. They will actually be quite loyal to White men they respect.

    White supremacism is a dead end. Whites and Hispanics should find common ground outside of liberal/egalitarian thinking. Meaning some nexus where Hispanics don’t mind Whites at the top if everyone is living well. That would be a liberal nightmare.

    Unless White people start having more kids I don’t see much of a choice. We will be outvoted by an army of dog moms and the traditional minority alliance unless someone comes up with a plan. Get ready for single shot rifles only, 90% income taxes and a trans president if you don’t want an alliance with Hispanics. That is what is coming.

  202. @Alrenous

    The solution isn’t government actions, the solution is permanently removing crims from society – dead or alive.



  203. JR Foley 说:

    NRA is next to Godliness. “Have gun will Travel” and ” We stood obedient 60 minutes in Texas – we 60 were facing 1 eighteen year old.”

  204. JR Foley 说:

    False—should brush up on Peter.

    • 回复: @Truth
  205. JR Foley 说:

    Is this not authoritarianism? USA however is a democracy !!!! See the difference? Doubt me ask Donald Trump – Ted Cruz or Hillary Clinton !!!!

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  206. RoatanBill 说:
    @JR Foley

    The US has been a soft military dictatorship since JFK got whacked.

    It’s common name is “deep state”. The three branches of gov’t are now staffed with actors hired via the phony election process.

    • 同意: Realist
    • 回复: @Alrenous
  207. Dani 说:

    Anyone who could find a problem with your comment is someone whom I’d want nothing to do with, ever. Excellent summation.

  208. Dani 说:

    Your comment is excellent and you raise a very interesting and valid point. Based on my observation of things and what I’ve learned as it relates to our criminally deceptive reality, I feel compelled to weigh in on at least part of what you spoke about – the toxic rap thing.
    Back in the 80s, when only Marvin Gaye was slain at the hands of his own father (allegedly, I won’t even pretend to say I believe this now, as we know they have lied about much bigger things, and entertainers, athletes, and politicians seem to get murdered or kill themselves at an unusually high rate), the rap industry was nothing like it has become now, but things were underway to change this and change this they did. I grew up in the 80s and it was very common for us young White teens to like some of the up and coming rap music of those days – stuff that I no longer listen to today and only listened to during my youthful days in the 80s, but stuff that we did not have to worry about our parents hearing coming out of the speakers in our bedrooms – no cussing, no bitches, hoes, and drugs, no killing cops, no killing anybody. I always use RunDMC as my case-in-point, as I was particularly fond of them (as a young, 13-15 White girl in the upper middle class suburbs of New Jersey, and I was one of countless) – this was rap music all of us kids, white or black, liked together in my town, and it even made us bond in some ways. The blacks liked a lot of our music back then, as well. Certain parasitic forces saw fit to change this, and by the late 80s, starting with groups like Public Enemy and NWA, the whole rap scene was completely transformed into something NORMAL White people wanted nothing, and had nothing, to do with. What passes for rap over th past decade I can only personally describe as degenerate noise pollution, and that especially includes the filth that comes out of these exotic, industry-created black Barbie whores. Of course the whole east/west coast rivalry of the 90s started, and then Tupac and the big fat one, though I personally don’t believe they were killed and probably controlled oppo spooks, but the culture was born and since then, rappers seem to be taken out quite regularly. I have not heard of ANY of these rappers that get “murdered” – and I am glad and plan to keep it that way. Huge part of the divide and conquer with blacks and whites in the U.S., IMO.

  209. Realist 说:

    You are in a disagreement with one of the biggest (at least the dumbest) dickhead trolls on this blog.

    He and James Scott are losers.

    • 同意: RoatanBill
    • 回复: @Punch Brother Punch
  210. Realist 说:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    I oppose SSRIs because I believe they cement the mind, but I see no evidence that they provoke violence.

    They certainly worked in your case…your mind is cement.

  211. Dani 说:

    I absolutely LOVED reading your comment. It’s funny, I only just recently learned about Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and the “wonderful” literary contributions he’s made to the world. I actually felt like throwing up going through the titles of his “New York Times best sellers”, not to mention the high praises he ‘seems’ to command, JOKE. I certainly can’t imagine he shared any such information an African from Benin was honest enough to share with him. I guess it doesn’t much matter after the fact, however, does it?
    I recently finished reading Controversy of Zion by D. Reed and have heard great things about Far and Wide – with those delicious snippets you included, I am now most anxious to get on with reading this work. I have been doing my damndest to find anything credible I can get my hands on as it relates to the unCivil War and this book seems to fit part of the bill, at least.

    • 谢谢: Malla
    • 回复: @Malla
  212. Dani 说:

    How convenient to say such things when one relies solely on the complete and utter bulls*** version of mainstream history rammed down the American throats through every possible means at the disposal of those who wish to see the White race a distant memory of the past. Not all of us are that cookie-cutter to believe ANY element of who “native Americans” are, and if you have any modicum of intelligence, which is debatable, than you surely are familiar with the many artifacts both found and “disappeared” over the last 2 centuries and longer – I guess you keep up on your Smithsonian subscriptions, eh? Since they bring you all the historical hodge podge you like to base your hateful and erroneous arguments on. The injuns were busy killing EACH OTHER before and during the arrival of the first world civilization creators – and many of us are fully aware Europeans were in this land centuries before their “second coming” – there is staggering evidence to support this, because they have not destroyed all of the evidence yet and many of us are taking advantage of this while the window of opportunity is still open. I don’t give a flying fuck what they call the hybrid Asiatics who were living here primitively at the time the Europeans CAME BACK – who ever said it was “their land” and what in the hell were they doing with it anyway? You cannot possibly think you will be taken seriously using NatGeo approved historical narratives that do nothing but demonize the race that has done the most for ALL of humanity and has gotten nothing but grief in return for it. Why else is it only White nations that are being flooded with non-White, violent, low IQ free-loaders ?

    • 回复: @hotrod31
  213. Dani 说:
    @Charles Martel France

    You are a moron with a dangerously mainstream concept of history. I can’t believe how much jewish concocted propaganda you spewed in such a short comment – you seemed to hit all the favorites, all of the most over-used, lied about and in some cases, entirely made up parts of history. There is no such thing as a Holocaust survivor, unless you are perhaps referring to the Europeans who weren’t melted into the asphalt in Dresden in February of 1945. “The desire to commit genocide on Latinos, blacks and jews” – WTF are you even talking about? These are three ungrateful races that get more out of living in this country then its intended progeny – you sound like the typical delusional, jealous, anti-White POS that must love the ongoing re-writing of our history, that only serves to embolden your delusion. The fact you believe in a Holocaust is telling enough.

    • 同意: Malla
  214. hotrod31 说:

    ……好吧,爱因斯坦——我猜你至少已经注射过 2-3 针疫苗了? 不要忘记它需要每隔几个月“更新”一次。
    有点题外话; 一般来说……人们发现,人眼似乎总是能“找到”——它正在寻找的东西。
    顺便说一句,如果你把头从臀部深处移开足够长的时间,你可能会意识到一个鲜为人知的事实,即第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战是由你似乎神话的非常友好的人们发起的……即。 贪婪、贪婪、“文明”的欧洲贪图便宜者。 我怀疑他们想象中的智商很高,因为他们在积累财富的同时设法避免了野蛮行为……我怀疑这些人显然会符合你对“文明”的偏见。
    祝您愉快 …

    • 回复: @Drapetomaniac
    , @Dani
  215. @WingsofADove

    You’re not going to get a ‘one to one’ direct cause and effect.

    Of course not and I fail to see why imperialism has any effect given the drastic differences among the races. It doesn’t make sense as even a partial factor.

    But when the general promoted ethos of a culture is to resolve conflict (the conflict of business, the conflict of wanting someone’s oil, emotional conflict) with massive gun violence, to find ones exalted place in the society via massive gun violence (the presidents and generals etc) to flood the culture with an ideology of the nobility of massive gun violence, then there will be effects. It’s inevitable. It’s odd that you can compartmentalize our society in such a way as not to see the connections.

    I don’t see the connection because as I pointed out most “gun violence” is from Black males under the age 24. Do you deny this?

    As the author states it is indeed a race problem.

    Or do explain how US imperialism seems to have no effect on US Asians. Why aren’t Asian youth shooting at each other if US foreign policy is to blame?

    Whites in Chicago have a homicide rate on par with French and British Whites. How are they seemingly impervious to your theory?

    Do you have nothing to say about racial differences or like leftists do you just pretend that they don’t exist in favor of *feel good* theories that don’t add up? Just repeat your theory instead of trying to explain it in the context of race? This is the same irrational thinking that leftists use to blame guns and yet those guns don’t seem to go off as much in certain areas. Funny that.

    I live around rural Whites that are armed to the teeth and yet “gun violence” doesn’t happen here. Why is that? Are they not educated on US foreign policy? If I told them about how many military bases the US maintains would their gun violence rates go up? Your theory is just Chomsky BS. Totally ridiculous and only considered because the US values race denial.

    • 回复: @WingsofADove
  216. Truth 说:
    @JR Foley

    He says something about worshiping statues of The Virgin Mary?

  217. @Realist

    It’s ironic that you once called me “childish” as all your insults are some variation of “you’re a stupid dickhead with small penis!” Or you just take something I wrote and throw it back at me as in comment #229.

    Call me a troll if it makes you feel good. I’m not the one who levels unprovoked insults at the family members of anonymous online commenters. That’s 真实 loser, troll behavior.

    • 回复: @Realist
  218. @John Johnson

    I’m not arguing with statistics about black and white gun violence.

    I’m looking at a cultural ethos via basic facts about mimesis.

    The USA resolves economic/business conflict via imperialism. Saddam and Gaddafi want to leave the dollar as a reserve currency? Kill them.

    A very high percentage of black on black gun crime is due to business conflict. The market of the street corner ‘belongs’ to one guy. Another guy wants it. Imitating the ethos of imperialism the second guy kills the first guy and takes his market.

    This brings not only wealth but more importantly social status. Just like the social status of Obama and Trump increased everytime they bombed some country.

    Whites have, for various reasons, other ways of getting wealth and social status. But, compared to rural whites in France, for example, rural whites in the USA blow people away at a much higher rate.

    You can deny the facts of mimesis, imitation of elites, but the evidence is all around you if you open your eyes.

    The young man who kills children or students is, to some degree, in his own mind, striving for status enhancement via killing with a gun. Rap videos with guns are fictional status enhancement that many young black men and some white men imitate. Just as they imitate the fictional heroes in Top Gun and the real ‘heroes’ of presidents and generals who kill a lot of people.

    This is in fact not a left or right wing concept. In fact the right wing thinking types in general are more open to theories of mimesis that the left.

    Imitation and business explain a lot of the USA gun violence. Not all. But, as I said from the beginning, it’s an ignored part of the mix. Ignored because it threatens the basic USA power structure of financial power via the Pentagon System of government handouts. Ron Paul is not Noam Chomsky.

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  219. Anonymous[166]• 免责声明 说:

    I should add that the Ivy League is doing its best to produce the next tranch of African leaders for the US Black population. Apparently, almost none of the Blacks in Ivy league schools are multi-generation US Blacks; most are offspring of upper class immigrants from Africa. It is alleged that many of these upper class immigrants are descended from the people who captured and then sold the ancestors of the American slave descended Blacks. See: https://www.unz.com/isteve/at-harvard-descendants-of-american-slaves-are-outnumbered-by-descendants-of-slave-sellers/

  220. 大规模枪击事件是一种现代现象。它始于 1966 年,德克萨斯塔枪击事件发生在反文化的中心。在过去 25 年里,随着我们的文化退化和心理健康状况恶化,情况变得更糟。这些大规模枪击案的凶手中的每一个都被下了药,并且都来自一个破碎的家庭。迪伦·鲁夫 (Dylan Roof) 早在 2015 年就枪杀了南卡罗来纳州的黑人教堂,随后又推动了全国范围内拆除南方联盟雕像和标志的运动,他对药品和父亲的生活很着迷。我们的统治阶级拒绝承认药品、精神疾病和父亲缺席造成的家庭破裂等问题。你可以感谢无过错离婚的引入和破碎的家庭法院系统,该系统在孩子监护权的争夺中压倒性地偏向于女性,无论她是否应该拥有它。

    • 回复: @Punch Brother Punch
  221. Realist 说:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    Only a goddamn loser thinks the truth is an insult.

    • 回复: @Punch Brother Punch
  222. @WingsofADove

    A very high percentage of black on black gun crime is due to business conflict. The market of the street corner ‘belongs’ to one guy.

    That is actually a myth. Most black gun crime is not related to street protection or gang competition for drug sales:

    You are actually bringing up Saddam and Gaddafi in an article about Black crime and you clearly haven’t even studied the issue.

    Ron Paul is not Noam Chomsky.

    Both are race deniers from different ends of the spectrum.

    Ron Paul blames drug laws, Chomsky blames the US government and imperialism.

    Both would be horrified by a frank discussion of racial differences. This is because both subscribe to competing ideologies that agree on suppressing any discussion of race. Both don’t want the masses to know about testosterone differences. It only undermines their competing theories of everything being caused by external forces.

    These ideologies completely fall apart to anyone with a basic understanding of history. They are only embraced by the mainstream because the mainstream supports race denial and will suppress any critical opposition.

    Tell me, did London youth violence reach its peak during the height of British imperial expansion?

    • 同意: Drapetomaniac
    • 回复: @WingsofADove
  223. @Realist

    Yeah, you’re clearly a winner, Realist.

    Much like the Hindu goddess whose name escapes me at the moment, you “personify delusion.”

    • 回复: @Realist
  224. @Jonathan Gillispie

    它始于 1966 年,德克萨斯塔枪击事件发生在反文化的中心。

    There were mass shooters prior to Whitman.  Look up Howard Unruh, who killed 13 on his so-called “Walk of Death” in 1949.  (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Unruh)

    I think mass shootings may be an example of “media contagion effect” where disturbed people are inspired to imitate crimes that generate a lot of media coverage.

    在 1980 小时有线电视新闻出现之际,大规模枪击事件似乎在 1990 小时有线电视新闻的出现期间有所增加,然后在 24 年代末和进入千禧年,见证了互联网和社交媒体的兴起,大规模枪击事件似乎有所增加。媒体。

    Every one of these mass shooters…came out of a broken household

    The Columbine shooters didn’t come from broken homes, nor did Seung-Hui Cho, the Virginia Tech shooter, or two of the more recent ones, Ethan Crumbley in Michigan or Payton Gendron in Buffalo.

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  225. @Punch Brother Punch

    If you define a mass shooting where 10 or more people are shot then yes they have massively increased since the 90s. The gun control crowd doesn’t like talking about this since it undermines the narrative that the guns are to blame.

    The Columbine shooters didn’t come from broken homes, nor did Seung-Hui Cho, the Virginia Tech shooter, or two of the more recent ones, Ethan Crumbley in Michigan or Payton Gendron in Buffalo.

    The Columbine shooters both had weak liberal dads that were barely involved.

    The Ulvade shooter didn’t have a dad in the home.

    Ethan Crumbley’s parents were reckless criminals and are facing charges.

    Sandy Hook shooter had a single mom and corporate dad that didn’t care about him.

    I think there is indeed a pattern here. Payton Gendron is an exception to the rule which is that they tend to have a single mom or weak dad.

    • 回复: @Punch Brother Punch
  226. @Zachary Smith

    Repeating rifles with capacities like modern ones existed since before the ratification of the constitution so you’re wrong there.

    The Girardoni Air Rifle fired large-caliber musketballs plenty fast enough to kill and had a 21-round total capacity.

    It was carried by Lewis & Clark on their famous expedition out west and even used by a few military units. Granted a bit complex and expensive for its day hence why it didn’t replace muskets in battle.

    These were well-known to those who wrote the constitution.

    Switzerland has some of the highest private
    firearm ownership rates in the world, in fact their government pays for their fully-automatic rifles (unlike American AR15s), ammunition, training, everything. They have guns everywhere and shooting is the national sport in a sense…very little gun violence.

    My parents. grandparents, and so on told me they’d very often see students toting guns down the halls of their public schools.
    Zero gun violence.

    People here know guns aren’t the issue.

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  227. Just finished watching the Jewish controlled mass media propaganda program PBS News hour. PBS, NPR, and other “public ” News organizations ( which are actually corporately funded, just like the commercial News and entertainment media) are controlled by the same big nosed, funky smelling, deep pocketed kikes who control CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post etc. , it’s just that the PBS type programming is aimed at an audience several IQ points and a couple of tax brackets above the football fans.
    The host of the program, the walking cadaver Judy Woodruff, was interviewing a regular contributor to the propaganda show,((( Lisa Desjardins )))🕍✡ about the gun bill proposal in the United States Senate, which would close so called “loopholes ” in existing gun control legislation, and cast a wider net regarding who would be precluded from owning a weapon, in this case by allowing government access to mental health records of anyone seeking to purchase a weapon legally. The same gun proposal would also provide billions of dollars worth of new funding for mental health resources . This may sound “reasonable ” to the mass media conditioned, taxpaying zombies and couch potatoes listening to the talking corpse Woodruff and her kosher counterpart, but doing just a cursory analysis demonstrates how specious this proposal is. Like all gun control legislation, the law would only remove weapons from the hands of law abiding civilians, and further desensitized the public to more registration and regulation of weapons ownership, in order to facilitate government confiscation of those weapons at a later point.
    The focus once again is on weapon ownership, not the classes of people (i.e. blacks, who at 13 percent of the United States population commit 56 percent of all murders annually, and other minorities, like spics) responsible for the vast majority of mass shootings and homicides in the United States. Other nations that are currently saturated with weapons in private ownership DO NOT have te same number of gun homicides that the United States does. That fact is attributable to demographics, not gun access.


    To add insult to injury, the new legislation , while funding mental Healthcare, would also authorize the government to peruse the confidential mental health records and other sensitive documents arbitrarily and without probable cause in order to deny an otherwise law abiding citizen from legally obtaining a weapon, in stark violation of not only the Fourth Amendment but also HIPA and other privacy laws governing health and other records.
    For example, a person who was diagnosed with depression ten years ago, and prescribed an SSRI antidepressant ( prescription drugs that are dispensed every year to literally SCORES OF MILLIONS of ordinary, law abiding Americans) would be precluded from buying a weapon to protect himself, even if he has no criminal record and there is no evidence that he is inclined ( legal justification, or probable cause) to engage in any illicit activity.
    It reminds me of the United States Air Force bombing Afghanistan with cluster munitions and other devastating ordnance killing thousands of Afghan civilian villages, while also dropping food packets in the regions pulverized by the bombs. It was as if the Pentagon brass was telling the Afghan people “hey, we might be blowing the arms , legs and heads off the bodies of your children, but if you manage to dodge the carpet bombing and survive, at least you won’t be hungry at the funeral processions “.
    At the end of the interview, Woodruff makes the comment to the effect that the process of enacting the legislation is as drawn out as building house, while the birdbrained , anorexic , and wholly unattractive Jewess replies facetiously that there’s a reason why she’s gainfully employed. As both of these two nitwits are indeed employed in the Jewish controlled mass media propaganda machine and are lavishly rewarded for it with prestigious positions and lucrative salaries and other compensation, they are also fully aware of the dire economic conditions that ordinary ,working and middle class Americans are currently enduring, with rapidly rising inflation reflected in the consumer prices for food, gas and other fuels, as well as housing , and you devastating financial impact that the inflationary economic environment is having on their security. One doesn’t need to be an economist to notice the rapidly expanding, homeless encampment popping up like mushrooms within even every mid sized American city.The remark by the female codger Woodruff and her (what’s that smell?) Jewish colleague are a clear mockery of the painful economic reality of literally scores of millions of Americans, and they both reflect the utter indifference and contempt that the media and their politician-prostitutes have for the civilians that lord over and abuse.
    While female yeshiva graduate Desjardins has an excuse , as she is an Ashkenazi Jew masquerading as a white European, and deliberately misleading the public with lies, obfuscation, obscurantism and tendentious anti white propaganda through control the mass news and entertain.ent media is the mechanism through which that 2-3 % of the United States population that composes the Jew minority
    maintain control, Woodruff is another story. She is not Jewish, and although ,like virtually all other white liberals, she is fully aware of racial differences and harbors the same ,old stereotypes about blacks and other non-whites and is therefore a shameless hypocrite ( Candace Owen’s famously referred to wealthy, white crackhead liberals such as Woodruff as ‘closet racists”), she nevertheless willingly works directly to further the ethnic interests of the Jewish minority, even though the policies that are enacted as a result are literally leading to the death of her own ethnic group, white Americans, who founded, built and sustain the very nation that the Jews and their collaborator scum are in the process of destroying. For a few shekels and a strategic blowjob on a casting couch to two or three dozen ugly, Jewish media executives( think Harvey Weinstein), Woodruff is willing to betray her own race and actively assist in the genocide of people of European descent (i.e., her own people) for a temporal life of material wealth and at least the semblance of high social status. Many thoughtful, observant, assiduous and angry white nationalists and other patriots quite rightfully blame the Jewish minority for advancing the governmental authority and political policies , from immigration to gun control to minority street crime and welfare parasites to CRT to miscegenation propaganda, ad infinitum ( read a copy of The Culture of Critique by Dr Kevin Macdonald) , it is critical to rectifying this disastrous situation to acknowledge the fact that as powerful as the Jewish minority is in Contemporary Western civilization, the ugly, mephitic Semitic Middle Easterners could pose absolutely no harm to people of European descent without the active and willing assistance of people like Woodruff and her equivalents in the media, the government, the colleges and universities, the police etc.
    If the Jews are a malignant cancer rapidly metastasized throughout the body politic of the West , then degenerate and deracinated scum like Woodruff are the angiogenesis that nourish the Jewish tumors.
    Woodruff herself may be over 20,000 years old and facing retirement, but i.must say that I sincerely wish that she stays in excellent health and lives an exceedingly long life ahead. Because in that way, there is a much better chance that she will live to witness the collapse of this whole ,rotten edifice and be on a list of treasonous degenerates rounded up by armed units of revolutionary white Americans, seeking retribution with boundless alacrity.
    I sincerely hope that Woodruff and hundreds of thousands of other unspeakable degenerates like herself live see the day that the Jews and theirare finally made to pay the account in full that they have outstanding with the American people, and as the Woodruff is led up the steps to the gallows and the fiber noose is fashioned around her geriatric neck, I hope she realizes in her first al moments that those thirty pieces of silver shekels that the Jews paid her to pass on and betray her own people were not really worth after all.God in heaven, bring The Day of Rope.




  228. @nokangaroos

    “The only reason “murders” seem lower is the trauma centers have
    gotten so much better through incessant OJT (on-the-jogger training).”

    这和手机的共性。 可以立即拨打 911,节省宝贵的时间,这些时间过去常常用于寻找公用电话或敲附近的门让他们拨打 911。Shot Spotter/枪声探测器也会立即向当局发出警报,因此一旦发生枪击事件,他们就会开始争先恐后发生,而不是等待有人调用它。

    • 回复: @jeff stryker
  229. @John Johnson

    If you define a mass shooting where 10 or more people are shot then yes they have massively increased since the 90s.

    People who study this issue have long advocated for the media not publishing the names or images of mass shooters.  I tend to agree, although I wonder if that’s possible anymore with social media, where this info will inevitably leak out.

    The Columbine shooters both had weak liberal dads that were barely involved.

    Dylan Klebold’s parents were liberal/art-school types (with some Jewish ancestry), but Eric Harris’s dad was in the Air Force.  I don’t know his politics and he probably worked a lot, but he seems to have made an attempt to deal with his troubled son, even maintaining a journal detailing the process.

    He may have just been in over his head.  The definitive book on the story is “Columbine” by Dave Cullen. He argues that Eric was a full-blown psychopath whose writings were loaded with hostility and contempt for other human beings and who possessed the glib, superficial charm to fool the adults in his life, including his parents and probation officers.

    At one point in his journals, Eric writes about his fantasy of going into the military and getting sent to the Middle East, where he would rape and murder middle eastern women. It’s possible that, had he lived, he might have developed into a serial killer.

    Columbine could also be seen as an example of the media contagion effect as the boys had become obsessed with the Oklahoma City bombing (Columbine was supposed to be a bombing, with some shooting, but their homemade bombs didn’t go off.)

    I’m not a big Jordan Peterson fan but I think he’s right in attributing these events to “malevolent narcissists weaponizing mass media.”. Unfortunately, there is no infallible psychological treatment for serious personality disorders such as malignant narcissism and psychopathy.

  230. Atle 说:

    Stop overthinking it. The guy accomplished exactly what he wanted.

  231. @Sick n' Tired



    1. 不那么白的意大利人走了

    智者有什么? 几条垃圾路线? 工会没了。

    在七八十年代,费城、克利夫兰或芝加哥帕奇的非白人意大利人以每月约 10 起的速度互相谋杀。




    2. 性工作者做 CRAIGSLIST 和阿片类药物取代快克可卡因红灯区

    在 Joel Rifkin/Gary Ridgeway 时代,有巨大的女性卖淫市场,但随着卖淫活动的上线,这些市场现在已经不复存在,首选的药物是阿片类药物。


    3. 德州电锯大屠杀

    这部电影是虚构的——虽然基于盖恩——但最糟糕的白人杀手出现在像 Shermantine & Herzog 这样的乡村丛林国家的乡间小路上。

    4. 三击

    偷车贼和扒手店经营者以及偷猫贼和职业刺客都直截了当(可能对一些俄罗斯人除外),因为不值得花时间被困在 80% 黑人的监狱中。

  232. Indeed America(White America ) has a race and rage problem. Shall I add to the race and rage problem of White America in North Korea others like Vietnam,Cambodia,Laos and Japan ? With regard to Japan, I am sure that J.Taylor is going to tell us in the near future more about Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombing and the issue of race when the calculations were made to carry out the barbarous crime against humanity.



    You can see this, for example, in Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, which was all but razed by American bombing. As Myers points out, “The destruction of the original city by American bombs enabled the regime to re-design it from scratch as a grand and enduring work of propaganda in its own right.”

    “Over a period of three years or so, we killed off — what — 20 percent of the population,” Air Force Gen. Curtis LeMay, head of the Strategic Air Command during the Korean War, told the Office of Air Force History in 1984. Dean Rusk, a supporter of the war and later secretary of state, said the United States bombed “everything that moved in North Korea, every brick standing on top of another.” After running low on urban targets, U.S. bombers destroyed hydroelectric and irrigation dams in the later stages of the war, flooding farmland and destroying crops.


    Hundreds of tons of bombs and incendiary compound were simultaneously dropped throughout the city, causing annihilating fires. In order to prevent the extinction of these fires, the trans-atlantic barbarians bombed the city with delayed-action high-expolosive bombs which exploded at intervals throughout for a whole day, making it impossible for the people to come out onto the streets , the entire city has now been burning , enveloped in flames , for two days. By the second day 7,812 civilians’ houses had been burnt down. The Americans were well aware that there were no military objectives left in Pyongyang …..

    The number of inhabitants of Pyongyang killed by the bomb splinters , burnt alive and suffocated by smokes is incalculable , since no computation is possible. Some fifty thousand inhabitants remain in the city, which before the war had a population of five hundred thousand.

    • 回复: @Malla
  233. Kim 说:
    @Your favourite bedwench

    The only condition that is required to create black crime is the presence of blacks.

  234. Malla 说:

    Thank you for your kind word. Do read his other books too, such as those from Africa. Very insightful about what really happened there. But he has some weird views on Hitler, that Hitler was a secret Communist!! I think Reed’s Christian principles made him averse to National Socialism.
    But anyways, happy reading.

    Douglas Reed – Far And Wide

    His Africa series, a must read.
    Douglas Reed – Somewhere South of Suez

    Douglas Reed – The battle for Rhodesia

    Douglas Reed – The Siege of Southern Africa

  235. Malla 说:
    @Charles Martel France

    Indeed America(White America ) has a race and rage problem

    The USA had bombed up and flattened Pyongyang during WW2 as well. But i do not see any race issue. The USA believes in equality in race when it comes to bombing. Like the bombing holocaust of Dresden and other German cities. As well as the unnecessary Allied bombing of French cities during WW2.
    Between the time of the German victory in the Battle of France and the Allied conquest of the country, the Allied Forces bombed many locations in France. In all 1,570 French cities and towns were bombed by the Allies between June 1940 and May 1945. The total number of civilians killed was 68,778 men, women and children (including the 2,700 civilians killed in Royan).

    The total number of injured was more than 100,000. The total number of houses completely destroyed by the bombings was 432,000, and the number of partly destroyed houses was 890,000. The cities that saw the most destruction were the following:

    The bombings in Normandy before and after D-Day were especially devastating. The French historian Henri Amouroux in La Grande histoire des Français sous l’Occupation, says that 20,000 civilians were killed in Calvados department, 10,000 in Seine-Maritime, 14,800 in the Manche, 4,200 in the Orne, around 3,000 in the Eure. All together, that makes more than 50,000 killed. During the year 1943 alone, 7,458 French civilians died under Allied bombs.

    So no, when it came to mass bombing, they believed in racial equality.

    • 回复: @Charles Martel France
  236. @RoatanBill

    The US has had a totalitarian terrorist dictatorship since 1776. Washington was an actor-puppet. Basically Reagan with a higher IQ and slightly more mental issues, but more committed to his role.

    America didn’t go off the rails. It was never on the rails to begin with.

  237. Malla 说:

    One can sort of understand why the white Yanks rant about blacks and Jews. In a nutshell, they are disillusioned and angry about a declining standard of living.

    All those Jews and Blacks should be shipped to Mainland China and given citizenship. This will make everybody happy.

  238. @John Johnson

    I read the article in science news. Nowhere did I find any proof that ‘status/revenge’ violence was more prevalent than business related violence.

    However I did note any interesting fact. You can read the article and see a buttress for your POV.

    But I read the article and see PROOF of mimetic violence, in fact one could say the article illustrates almost perfectly the Girardian theory of mimetic violence.

    But the authors make a quite typical, for USA academics, misrepresentation of reality. They say the violence exits in a cultural bubble. Anybody familiar with rap knows that is not true. Rap pulls in constantly from the dominant culture symbols and motifs and makes references to all the dreck of popular culture, and popular culture is created via Hollywood by the CIA to glorify ‘justified’ violence, not only violence by the state but personal vengeance violence.

    So your source strongly supports my argument of mimesis, and also completely and typically ignores the reality of the violence in our cultural reimaginings of ourselves and its CIA origins.

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  239. @Malla

    So no, when it came to 大规模轰炸, they believed in 种族平等.

    You should not forget that we are talking about the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima not any mass bombing. The Americans for sure wouldn’t do such things in Europe (Germany) for racial considerations among others.


    Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings

    The two atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945 killed and maimed hundreds of thousands of people, and their effects are still being felt today.

    By the end of 1945, the bombing had killed an estimated 140,000 people in Hiroshima, and a further 74,000 in Nagasaki. In the years that followed, many of the survivors would face leukemia, cancer, or other terrible side effects from the radiation.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @John Johnson
  240. john speke 说:

    我只会看旧的 DVD。 没有预览,没有带有黑脸的 Amazon Prime 启动屏幕或带有 Rupaul 广告的 Netflix 启动屏幕。 即使我忍受这些烦恼,我寻找非常老的电影的免费电影频道也会插入黑人广告。 最近看了《禁忌星球》。 一部精彩的电影。 任何地方都没有黑人,最近的黑人又回到了许多光年之外的地球。

  241. Malla 说:
    @jeff stryker


    他们是共产党人。 他们讨厌美国。 简单如。 甚至认为美国(主要是国务院)几乎是所有成功的共产党接管的幕后黑手。 但他们对美国的仇恨并没有阻止他们与华尔街吸血者和亨特·拜登交往。 或者你可以说,被洗脑的平民(对美国、英国、日本)充满仇恨,而他们的精英则热衷于赚钱。 这就是大多数国家的运作方式。 不仅仅是中国。


    英国人神奇地将她们变成了非自愿独身者和成年处女??? 听起来很酷。

    为什么不关心日本人呢? 他们是最后一群真正对你做出反社会行为的人。

    强迫她们成为非自愿独身者和成年处女。 这是反社会行为,好吧。 但中共权贵们却大举投资东京房地产进行报复。 当平民们尖叫着、尖叫着时,他们的精英却在穆里卡、日本、澳大利亚、加拿大、英国、新西兰等地保住了他们的不义之财。
    问题是,如果邪恶的殖民者不能让美国成为如此成功的国家,中国人会蜂拥而至到该领土的大学学习吗? 为了获得工作和公民身份? 有多少中国学生为了去危地马拉、墨西哥或秘鲁留学而牺牲? 澳大利亚也一样,没有盎格鲁人,只有阿博斯人,会怎样? 有多少中国学生为了留学和移民巴布亚新几内亚而牺牲?



    他是这样评价穆里卡的。 但他的中国也长期以来一直这样做。 许多国家都这样做。

  242. Malla 说:
    @Charles Martel France

    The Americans for sure wouldn’t do such things in Europe (Germany) for racial considerations among others.

    Of course they would. The Germans had rebelled against the Satanic… ooops Jew Gods of the Allies.

  243. @Lewis and Clark

    My parents. grandparents, and so on told me they’d very often see students toting guns down the halls of their public schools.
    Zero gun violence.

    People here know guns aren’t the issue.

    I would add that repeating 30/30 rifles were once a staple for homesteads and yet there is no record of a teen going on a killing spree with one.

    Yes they are lever action but they can be fired quickly and the bullet is devastating.

    With a 30/30 and colt 45 you could cause extreme damage inside a school.

    Guns are indeed not the issue. The culture went to garbage in the 60s and even conservatives don’t want to talk about it. Conservatives have long been against talking about Black crime and now they won’t even talk about cultural deterioration in general. Gun owners will eventually lose unless something changes. Liberals have the long term advantage.

    • 回复: @Johann Ricke
  244. @hotrod31

    “that WW1 and WW2 was initiated by the very friendly folk you appear to mythologize … viz. greedy, avaricious, ‘civilized’ European free-loaders.”

    Greedy, avaricious, ‘civilized’ European free-loaders, well you got that right. Government – guilty as charged. Unbeknownst to most everyone, the alpha-male social hierarchy hard-wired people to be domesticated animals to, yes – government. And therein lies the real problem. People are wired to obey, not eradicate government.

    “gorgeously rich tapestry of people of all shades and cultures”

    你住在黑人聚居区吗? 如果没有,STFU。

  245. @WingsofADove

    Do you acknowledge that most “gun violence” is committed by Black males under 24?

    Do you acknowledge that “gun violence” massively increased since the 60s? Then again in the 90s?

    Do you acknowledge that during the peak of US expansionism there wasn’t a problem with pioneer White teens shooting each other?

    Just wondering how far from reality you have positioned yourself.

  246. john speke 说:

    您可以放心,在好莱坞找到工作的白人将是{{{}}}。 就像常春藤盟校一样(正如 Ron Unz 在本网站的长文中所述),{{{}}} 在常春藤盟校中的代表人数超过 1000%。 在那里被接受的白人通常是{{{}}}。

  247. @Charles Martel France

    You should not forget that we are talking about the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima not any mass bombing. The Americans for sure wouldn’t do such things in Europe (Germany) for racial considerations among others.

    Is that why the Allies carpet bombed German cities? Out of racial solidarity? The British had no problem with night bombing and knew full well that they were killing women and children.

    At the end of the war the US had a jumbo jet in the works that could carry multiple nuclear warheads.

    It was designed entirely with the purpose of nuking Germany if they didn’t surrender.

    The British have never viewed themselves as Germanic despite their history. They don’t like talking about how they have been conquered by Normans and Anglo-Saxons. In their minds they are a special island people that are separate from the continent.

    Americans shed their German heritage in WW1.

    The Germans did view the British as racial cousins but they bombed their cities as well in both wars.

    A whole lot of brotherly love.

    • 回复: @Charles Martel France
  248. @John Johnson

    They made the bomb and the choice was between Germany and Japan and they chose Japan.


    . But because of international pressure, the persecutions were soon stopped, and Nagasaki Christianity came up from the underground. And by 1917, with no help from the government, the Japanese Christian community built the massive St. Mary’s Cathedral, in the Urakami River district of Nagasaki.

    Now it turned out, in the mystery of good and evil, that St. Mary’s Cathedral was one of the landmarks that the Bock’s Car bombardier had been briefed on, and looking through his bomb site over Nagasaki that day, he identified the cathedral and ordered the drop.

    At 11:02 am, Nagasaki Christianity was boiled, evaporated and carbonized in a scorching, radioactive fireball. The persecuted, vibrant, faithful, surviving center of Japanese Christianity had become ground zero.

    And what the Japanese Imperial government could not do in over 200 years of persecution, American Christians did in 9 seconds. The entire worshipping community of Nagasaki was wiped out.

    The above true (and unwelcome) story should stimulate discussion among those who claim to be disciples of Jesus. The Catholic chaplain for the 509th Composite Group (the 1500 man Army Air Force group, whose only job was to successfully deliver the atomic bombs to their targets) was Father George Zabelka. Several decades after the war ended, he saw his grave theological error in religiously legitimating the mass slaughter that is modern land and air war. He finally recognized that the enemies of his nation were not the enemies of God, but rather children of God whom God loved, and whom the followers of Jesus are to also love. Father Zabelka’s conversion to Christian nonviolence led him to devote the remaining decades of his life speaking out against violence in all its forms, especially the violence of militarism. The Lutheran chaplain, William Downey, in his counseling of soldiers who had become troubled by their participation in making murder for the state, later denounced all killing, whether by a single bullet or by a weapon of mass destruction.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @John Johnson
  249. Seekers 说:


  250. Truth 说:

    The Jews should come to India to teach you how to prosper, everyone would be happy.

    The blacks have been there for at least a decade…


    • 回复: @Malla
    , @TheCurseOfHam
  251. @John Johnson

    The culture went to garbage in the 60s and even conservatives don’t want to talk about it.

    Part of that cultural degeneration is a huge reduction in death sentences relative to population increase, and decades-long delays in the execution of these sentences. Used to be Death Row convicts were dead within a low single-digit number of years from their sentences being read out. No longer. Heck, FDR’s would-be assassin was zapped within six weeks of arrest, after only 10 days on Death Row.


  252. Malla 说:

    Why Truthie, what’s wrong with China? Check out their cities and check out crumbling American cities. Check out Chinese cities vs Indian cities. I would take China over India. But in India we have freedom of speech. That is one thing I would miss about India. I would miss it a lot actually.

    The Jews should come to India to teach you how to prosper, everyone would be happy.

    You are right, Hindus would be …or Hinjews would be very happy if Jews moved here. And even if the jews may not like it at first, in the long term they would be happy with us Hinjews than with gentile Whiteys especially Northern European gentiles (including Russians). Joos and Hinjews both will get along. India is a better option of Joos than China. Hinjews can make a deal with the Arabs, India take the Israelis and other Jews and Arabs take their Muslim brothers of the Ummah, South Asian Muslims. Easy peezy.
    The Arabs would refuse, they do not want our Muslims. They like their Muslim “spiritual brothers” of South Asia away from them. They would rather have Israel. Damn!!

    The Racism of Arabs Towards Indians, Pakistanis and Bengalis! Yet Pakistani women Lie
    Arab guy from UAE says Indian or Bengali (Bangladeshi) workers cannot be equal to Arab (Egyptian, Sudanese etc..) workers. The South Asians are below the superior fellow Arabs.

    It is actually far far easier for a South Asian Muslim to marry a White or Black American Christian woman or say a Buddhist Thai woman than a fellow Muslim Gulf Arab women.

    The blacks have been there for at least a decade…

    Blacks of African descent have been in India for centuries and there might obviously have been few some coming to India in the ancient past as well. Many African blacks came to India during the Indian ocean Slave trade mostly by Arab and Portuguese traders. Their descendants are called Siddis (which is actually a term of respect in North Africa) or makranis etc… Some of them them rose to high office like in western India and Bengal. Many of them were Ethiopians as they were Christians and thus OK to be enslaved by Muslims. In Karachi port, you can find the descendants of the black slaves, who were freed from slavery by the British Empire.
    As far as American blacks, why would they prefer smelly India to more developed China???

    Lot of young, mostly westernised Indians are into Hip Hop and Rap. We have MTV in India. it is cool that some people are into fusion. Good for them.

    • 回复: @Truth
  253. Malla 说:
    @Charles Martel France

    They made the bomb and the choice was between Germany and Japan and they chose Japan.

    I think, Germany was already defeated by the time the bomb was ready.

    So America, a Christian country (was even more Christian then) chose a specifically Christian Japanese city? Like how the British in Nigeria preferred working with the Muslims of the North like the Huasa over the Christians from the South like the Ibos.
    Weird Crazy World.

  254. @jeff stryker


    I can’t help you there, I don’t live in a high rise. But I will try to answer your questions:


    了解威胁的来源很重要。 就像你想了解狗是否真的患有狂犬病,需要被安乐死一样。




    因为他们才是掌握权力杠杆的人。 大家都知道少数族裔只是为了让年度合影看起来更加多样化。


    它表明了美国的灭亡速度。 就像你想知道狂犬病狗什么时候会因感染而死亡一样,那么让孩子们再次到前院玩耍是安全的。


    He does? I don’t know and don’t care. Only Americans get distracted by the personalities. The rest of us focus on the general trends….like when the rabid dog is going to die.

    为什么不关心日本人呢? 他们是最后一群对你做出反社会行为的人

    Their time is, and will continue to come. Already their economy is sinking fast. We have already far exceeded them in per capita GDP. Now when I go to Japan, everything is such a bargain! Don’t you know the saying?…”living well is the best revenge?”

    现在我要问你的问题。 看到自己的国家在自己眼前崩溃,感觉如何?

  255. @Malla

    All those Jews and Blacks should be shipped to Mainland China and given citizenship. This will make everybody happy.

    You are forgetting about the dot Indians. They ain’t too popular either.

    All these populations can be put to good use.
    The Jews can be employed in trading companies on account of their good money sense.
    The Blacks can be employed in the entertainment industry on account of their innate musical talent.
    The Indians can be employed to inflate balloons, since they do nothing but blow hot air out of their mouths. If Indians did with their hands one tenth of what comes out of their mouths, their country would be in the first world by now.

    • 回复: @Malla
  256. Malla 说:

    You are forgetting about the dot Indians.

    PRC takes us in too. Cool. PRC smell more curry than before.

    The Jews can be employed in trading companies on account of their good money sense.

    Let them control People’s Bank of China.

    The Blacks can be employed in the entertainment industry on account of their innate musical talent.

    Sure, but make sure the entertainment industry is run by Jews and homos.

    The Indians can be employed to inflate balloons, since they do nothing but blow hot air out of their mouths.

    Perfect material for CEOs.

    Give membership to Jews and Indians in CCP. Soon they will import their cousins from Israel and India to join in. Soon there will be a lot of money transfers, huge amounts from China to Israel and India. Overpriced Holohoax memorials will open everywhere. Hindu gurus will come in droves and blabber bullshit (hot airy wisdom about spirituality) and have many Chinese followers, all for RMBs and pussy (or dick, if they are limp wristed types). Blacks will demand a Black history month and special African-Chinese studies.
    Jewish professors in Tsinghua University (no, cancel that, Beijing University, Tsinghua is for boring uncool people) will write dissertations about how Blacks suffer “systemic racism” (most Chinese will never figure out the the real definition of this term) and original Shang Dynasty wuz blacks. We wuz Shangs. Black and Jewish “professors” as well as some Chines looking professors (maranos) will write “dissertations” (actually they are fish wraps, but shhhh) that Chinese civilization is inherently violent, racist and Imperialist. Crime rates will sky rocket in cities. Indians will own all the shops in Shanghai, Shenzhen etc.. and there would be frequent Black riots over some police officer trying to arrest some criminal and they will attack and burn Indian shops. Chinese people will leave the great cities they have built and move to the suburbs. All that great public transportation in cities will smell of of pee and most Chinese people would avoid them due to Black Crime. Shanghai be full of rich Jews and Black ghettos and Indians running the shops. Media (owned by Chinese Jews or Chews) will only show cases where some Chinese guy killed some Black criminal in self defense, the black criminal will immediately become a “genius in the making” and that Chinese guy’s life would be over. The world will believe all crime done by local Chinese against innocent blacks because of racism. Native Chinese would be working their ass out to buy a house and raise families and pay taxes while most Black Chinese would be in the Ghettos enjoying welfare on those taxes. Most next generation Chinese would become Chiggers. No more taking care of parents and ancestors, that is sooo old fashioned and boring, baby mamas everywhere.

    • 回复: @littlereddot
  257. Truth 说:

    The Arabs would refuse, they do not want our Muslims. They like their Muslim “spiritual brothers” of South Asia away from them. They would rather have Israel. Damn!!

    Rich Gulf nations do not even allow Muslims from outside the Gulf to get visas to work there. There are tens of thousands of Egyptians, Indonesians and the rest “grandfathered” but it is impossible nowadays.

    They prefer Hindu Indians, Buddhists, and West Africans (to work on the rigs at 120 degrees) and especially Philippinos.

    • 回复: @Malla
  258. Malla 说:

    Rich Gulf nations do not even allow Muslims from outside the Gulf to get visas to work there.

    They allow Muslims from Pakistan and Bangladesh. They avoid other Arabs. I think they are afraid other Arabs will get too involved in local politics. Most of those monarchies are afraid of the revolutionary movements which have taken place outside the GCC in the Arab World. Nasser and the Saudi king were enemies in the beginning. West Africans started coming much later but there are many now. There are people from East Africa as well like Kenyans/ Tanzanians and horners like Ethiopians but may be less than in numbers than West Africans.

    • 回复: @Truth
  259. Malla 说:

    We may have a ((Hip Hop industry – Private Prison)) nexus problem.

    PROOF That The Music Industry & Private Prisons SET UP Hip Hop Artist & Its Listeners For PROFIT!!

    Krayzie Bone Exposes Private Prisons That Are Linked To Rap Music

    hip hop and the prison industrial complex explained

    Check this out littlereddot, in the future, the CCP will privatize prisons. Owned by the Jews..Chews. And soon more gansta stuff will come on (Chinese media)). Crime in cities will sky rocket further. Chinese people will not only suffer more black crime and then have to pay taxes which will go to the ((Chewish)) private prison owners.

  260. Truth 说:

    Subcontinental “Muslims,” some; especially Bengalis, for a few reasons:

    A. You don’t speak Arabic, and therefore will not be able to align with the locals and start revolutions.
    B. 他们希望分控员是被动的,而一般来说,你是被动的。 例如,尼泊尔人本质上可能是地球上最被动的人。

    In both Kuwait and Bahrain, I found Pakistani’s fairly rare. They were much more numerous 10 years ago from what I understand. My gut feeling is that they are being phase out of the Gulf, I don’t know if that is an official policy or not.


    Afghans: Unquestionably the most “alpha” of the group


    • 回复: @Malla
    , @jeff stryker
  261. RoatanBill 说:
    @Charles Martel France

    Your solution is statist to the core. Who is going to decide on who is and isn’t a responsible individual?

    The US Constitution allows for no exceptions to who can own weaponry. That the Supreme Court and other courts have slowly whittled away the average person’s rights is obvious and tyrannical.

    No one on the planet has the right to deny anyone a weapon for self defense. It is a natural right that can not be infringed upon but the scum in gov’t does just that.

    • 回复: @Punch Brother Punch
  262. Malla 说:

    LOL, Bengalis are not passive in South Asia. In the gulf they might be. But as a rule the more warrior populations are the most passive in civilian life.
    Populations belong to either group
    Thuggish/machismo in civilian life Pussies in War
    Passive or law abiding in civilian life Brave and Fierce in War

    For example, Biharis, a people living close to Indian Bengalis are the most thuggish, tough ass criminal types in India, make gangs and have gang warfares but in military history are the most pussyboys. Small number of British defeated three huge Bihari-Bengali armies and they ran away screaming like little girls in the Battle of Buxar. Bengalis are like Biharis and so are my people, the Up Bhaiyyas.
    Bengalis in India are pretty thuggish. People argue, speak out, mobs attack stuff. That is why Bengal (Indian Bengal) was poor, thuggish revolutionary Unions would fight with Company bosses all the time and revolt. Indian Bengal was Communist. But Indian Bengalis (Western Bengali) are less thuggish than their Muslim brothers in Bangladesh (Eastern Bengalis).
    Compared to Bengalis, Marathis (Bombay city region of Western India) are way more passive. marathi workers do not argue but always follow orders of bosses, there was very little Union activities, so most companies left Bengal and moved to Maharashtra which is one of the most prosperous of states and most Industrial state in India. the British Industrialised Bengal, their first conquest in Indian subcontinent but after Independence, and Communist rule, Bengal de-industrialised. Bengalis, Biharis and UP Bhaiyyas belong to “Thuggish/machismo in civilian life Pussies in War” group.
    And Marathis are passive in civilian lives but one of the fierce martial races of India. The British Empire considered them a Martial race. The Marathis built the huge Maratha Empire after the collapse of the Mughals. Their founder King Shivaji Maharaj was praised for his bravery and smarts by everyone from Europeans to foreign Muslims. Marathis belong to the “Passive or law abiding in civilian life Brave and Fierce in War” group

    Nepalis are very passive in real life but are some of the toughest fighters in war. Give a Gorkha some khukris (knifes) and point out the enemy and they will creep close and cut out their windpipes in no time. That is why Gorkhas from Nepal have the right/opportunity to join three armies today . The Nepali Army, Indian Army and the British Army. There is a reason, why three armies actively recruit them. There are frequent news in India about some Nepali Gurkha in some train and some dacoits come in and try to loot or rape women or something and single or few Nepalis Gorkha butt- fuck the dacoits.

    Armed With Only A Khukri This Gurkha Soldier Took On 40 Men And Saved A Girl From Being Gang Raped

    The Nepali Gorkha dude in the beginning , Acting Sergeant Dipprasad Pun, fought off 15 Talibanis on his own in Afghanistan. Was manning a checkpoint on his own in Afghanistan’s Helmand Province back in September 2010 when he noticed what appeared to be a group of Taliban insurgents attempting to plant a bomb near the front gate of the checkpoint. The insurgents opened fire and Sgt Pun returned, using up all of the ammunition at his disposal before eventually beginning to fight the insurgents off with his machine gun tripod. He withstood rocket-propelled grenades and AK-47 fire for approximately 15 minutes on his own before help arrived.

    They are super passive and quite in normal civilian life though, extremely nice well mannered people. But do not get fooled.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  263. @Malla

    Perfect material for CEOs.

    The same time that Indian CEOs are all the rage in the USA, is the same time the country is crumbling…coincidence? Question is, do Indian CEOs cause the crumbling? Or does the insanity that caused the crumbling state also cause the hiring of the Indian CEOs?

    The company looks so Woke now that it has a dark face to grace the photos of the annual report. LOL. In a few short years, people will be as embarrassed about it as the photo of themselves in bell bottom pants.

    • 回复: @Punch Brother Punch
    , @Malla
  264. @RoatanBill

    Who is going to decide on who is and isn’t a responsible individual?

    The State. This is why felons aren’t allowed to have firearms. And this is why you need to work for a State that represents the interests of the citizenry, instead on fleeing to Libertarian fantasies of stateless societies.

    The US Constitution allows for no exceptions to who can own weaponry.

    The 2nd Amendment was derived from English Common Law which distinguished between Protestants’ right to bear arms as opposed to Papists.

    Blacks in the South were only allowed to own guns with the advent of black, anti-Republican militias in the Civil-War years (thus fulfilling the “well-regulated militia” requirement).

    No serious person would argue that private citizens have a right to own nuclear weapons. Clearly, there’s a general consensus on how “armed” a person should be allowed to be.

    I am a “Statist,” as well as a supporter of law-abiding citizens’ right to defend themselves with firearms, within reasonable limits. It’s time for Libertarians to grow up and engage in a serious conversation about gun rights going forward.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  265. @littlereddot

    I’ve never worked for an Indian CEO, but I did work as a bartender at a bar owned by a group of Indian graduates from Stanford (working in Portland for Intel).

    I can tell you one thing. Indian men are 角质. Those guys were going through white women like Kleenex and molesting the (white) female bartenders to the point where the place had to close.

    • 回复: @littlereddot
    , @Anonymous
  266. RoatanBill 说:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    As a statist, then you must own the 200 million people gov’ts murdered in the 20th century. In particular, you must own the millions the US has murdered in your name. Have you no conscience?


    Even if the absence of government really did mean anarchy in a negative, disorderly sense – which is far from being the case – even then, no anarchical disorder could be worse than the position to which government has led humanity.

    To be an anarchist only means that you believe that aggression is not justified and that states necessarily employ aggression. And, therefore, that states, and the aggression they necessarily employ, are unjustified. It’s quite simple, really. It’s an ethical view, so no surprise it confuses utilitarians.
    Accordingly, anyone who is not an anarchist must maintain either: (a) aggression is justified; or (b) states (in particular, minimal states) do not necessarily employ aggression.

    • 回复: @Punch Brother Punch
  267. @Truth








    ……菲律宾也出现了报复行为。 阿拉伯男性经常遭到随机袭击。

    • 回复: @littlereddot
  268. @RoatanBill

    Yes, I’ve read Percy Bysshe Shelley.

    Anarcho-capitalism is more retarded than straight anarchism or straight Libertarianism.

    Aggression and coericion, in the modern world, come from private employers rather than some sort of general weltanschung.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  269. RoatanBill 说:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    Aggression and coercion, in the modern world are almost exclusively products of governments. It takes government to build armies of brain dead zombies that do as they are told to kill people in distant lands they never before met and who have done them no harm.

    无政府主义者没有试图对土耳其的亚美尼亚人进行种族灭绝; 他们没有故意使数百万乌克兰人挨饿; 他们没有在欧洲建立死亡营地,以杀死犹太人,吉普赛人和斯拉夫人。 他们没有在数十座德国和日本大城市发射炸弹,也没有向其中两个投掷核弹; 他们没有进行“大跃进”,杀死了成千上万的中国人; 他们并没有试图在柬埔寨接受任何有价值的教育来杀死所有人; 他们没有发起一场又一场的侵略战争。 他们没有实施可能杀死500,000万伊拉克儿童的贸易制裁。
    在无政府主义者和国家主义者之间的辩论中,举证责任显然应该落在那些信任国家的人身上。 无政府状态的混乱完全是猜测。 毫无疑问,该州的混乱实际上是可怕的。

    Every year, on Veterans Day, orators declare that our leaders have gone to war to preserve our freedoms and have done so with glorious success, but the truth is just the opposite. In ways big and small, direct and indirect, crude and subtle, war-the quintessential government activity-has been the mother’s milk for the nourishment of a growing tyranny in this country, and it remains so today.

    Government as we now know it in the USA and other economically advanced countries is so manifestly horrifying, so corrupt, counterproductive, and outright vicious, that one might well wonder how it continues to enjoy so much popular legitimacy and to be perceived so widely as not only tolerable but indispensable. The answer, in overwhelming part, may be reduced to a two-part formula: bribes and bamboozlement (classically “bread and circuses”). Under the former rubric falls the vast array of government “benefits” and goodies of all sorts, from corporate subsidies and privileges to professional grants and contracts to welfare payments and health care for low-income people and other members of the lumpen-proletariat. Under the latter rubric fall such measures as the government schools, the government’s lapdog news media, and the government’s collaboration with the producers of professional sporting events and Hollywood films. Seen as a semi-integrated whole, these measures give current governments a strong hold on the public’s allegiance and instill in the masses and the elites alike a deep fear of anything that seriously threatens the status quo.

  270. 值得一提的是,黑人只是我们种族问题的一部分,而不是主要部分。是的,它们使我们进入内城变得危险,但它们只是一种武器,一种由构成我们种族问题最大部分的犹太人所使用的武器。毕竟,几个世纪以来,犹太人一直在公开致力于消灭白人,而在这一点上,他们已经非常接近成功了。是犹太人篡夺了我们在欧洲和美国的权力。正是犹太人摧毁了有机的欧美文化在这个国家取得成果的任何机会。正是犹太人窃取了我们解决任何其他问题(包括黑人问题)所需的权力。

  271. @jeff stryker

    事实上,有组织的白色垃圾堕落犯罪活动仍然不少。 雅利安兄弟会、佩克伍兹和肮脏白人男孩等白色垃圾监狱帮派的成员总数达数千人,监狱系统内外还有无数其他协助者和附属机构。
    你提到的很多网络妓女都是一些毫无价值的白人垃圾妓女,出现在诸如“寻求安排”、“只有粉丝”、Instagram 等网站上。

    Perhaps the biggest white ( or at least, white dominated and directed) organized criminal syndicate in this country are the FBI, DEA, ATF and every urban police department . The “law enforcement ” agencies are organized criminals hiding in plain sight. Think about it: over 300 American cities burned in 2020, as the black and Antifa scum looted, rooted and murdered, while the police held and played their taxpayer funded fiddles, and continued to collect their taxpayer funded welfare checks, benefits and pensions.
    他们没有将纳税人资助的资源用于平息骚乱和围捕低等人,而是热切地遵循犹太玩伴的指示,非法监视、骚扰和诱捕任何反对CRT和在学校针对他们的孩子进行同性恋宣传的白人政治异见人士。 警方急切地全力逮捕和追捕 6 月 XNUMX 日的抗议者,并以虚假的重罪将他们关押多年,同时对他们进行身体和心理折磨,所有这些都是由纳税人承担的。
    Support the police: the right arm of the Jews as they institute their Bolshevik totalitarian police state, to complete the genocide campaign against white Americans they’ve been engaged in for decades.



  272. @Malla


    All those Jews and Blacks should be shipped to Mainland China and given citizenship. This will make everybody happy.

    • 回复: @littlereddot
    , @Malla
  273. @Punch Brother Punch

    They are trying so very hard to lighten their gene pool. It is hardwired into them. Here in Singapore, they chase after any woman that has a lighter skin tone then them.

    • 回复: @Malla
  274. @jeff stryker

    你对菲律宾人情有独钟。 这是很能说明问题的。 这是你现在唯一能住得起的地方吗?

    • 回复: @jeff stryker
  275. @RoatanBill

    Aggression and coercion, in the modern world are almost exclusively products of governments.

    Aggression and coercion are timeless human traits which would exist with or without government.  Really, the purpose of good governance is to rein traits like these in.

    It takes government to build armies of brain dead zombies that do as they are told to kill people in distant lands

    I’ve lived my entire life under the U.S. government and I’ve never gone to distant lands to kill people, and I like to flatter myself that I’m not a brain dead zombie.

    In contemporary America many who join the armed forces do so because the job opportunities offered by private or corporate businesses in their area are so unappealing.  And many others do it because they have high psychopathic traits and see the military as an exciting way out of dull reality.

    As W.B. Yeats wrote in “An Irish Airman Foresees His Death”:


    Somewhere among the clouds above;
    Those that I fight I do not hate,
    Those that I guard I do not love;
    My country is Kiltartan Cross,
    My countrymen Kiltartan’s poor,
    No likely end could bring them loss
    Or leave them happier than before.
    Nor law, nor duty bade me fight,
    Nor public men, nor cheering crowds,
    Drove to this tumult in the clouds;
    I balanced all, brought all to mind,
    The years to come seemed waste of breath,
    A waste of breath the years behind

    Government is not at fault for the existence of psychopathy.

    Brain-dead zombies are the result of consumerism, mass media, shitty educations (both public and private) and wage slavery, not government.

    • 回复: @Drapetomaniac
  276. @RoatanBill

    I don’t think I made my point clear in my first response, so let me add:

    Any population has a certain amount of aggressive, high-in-psychopathic-traits members. Mostly male (although females are not blameless, as they sexually select for aggressive, psychopathic males).

    In the absence of a government and military, these people will be clamoring for an outlet for their aggression. This would likely lead to a dictatorship seizing power and a thwarting of the entire Libertarian project.

    It may be that governments and militaries exist to (ideally) channel these aggressive and psychopathic traits into more socially productive paths. Good governments do it well. Bad governments do it poorly, or even catastrophically.

  277. @littlereddot




    当该死的客家南方华人接管时,东南亚就会发生这种情况。 工资微薄,中国将军们运送数百万磅的沙雾和亚巴。 通过政治赞助造成的大规模腐败(好像美国没有这个问题)。









    • 回复: @littlereddot
    , @boy1988
  278. Malla 说:


    As usual the Chinese are pathetic in understanding Indians, “they wanna lighten the genepool to look like uz Chinese.” India had light skinned people too.
    事实是白人,因此白人女性平均更具吸引力。 简单如。 还有一种白人女性随和、荡妇的形象(东亚女性也一样)。 黑人女性也是如此,但直到最近,印度男人对黑人女性根本不感兴趣。
    But thanks to the seeping in of Judeo Cultural Marxism, Feminism, etc…via cable TV and internet, Indian women are becoming loose too. Even in freaking small towns.
    有趣的是,最近印度男人开始被黑人女性所吸引,这仍然是少数人的事情,但我看到这种情况正在增长。 也许是西方齐奥文化马克思主义媒体的影响。

    早些时候,在老式的印度人中,有一种对皮肤白皙、具有白人特征的名人的热潮。 事实上,这种热潮对于男性(演员)来说比女性更强烈。 看看下面的视频,这位女演员肤色较黑,而且不是很白种人。 但那家伙是。 这种压力(英俊的白人特征、浅色皮肤)对男性来说更强烈。

    但有趣的是,随着美国西方影响力的增强,年轻一代在某种程度上正在失去对浅肤色印度人作为名人的热潮。 年轻的西化印度人盲目追随西方左派。


    泰米尔人并不代表所有印度人。 泰米尔人甚至对浅肤色的人很着迷。 任何来自宝莱坞的北印度人都会因为肤色更白而成为他们行业的明星。

    • 回复: @jeff stryker
    , @littlereddot
  279. Malla 说:

    Or does the insanity that caused the crumbling state also cause the hiring of the Indian CEOs?

    The question for China should be, will the hiring of Indian CEOs improve the quality of goods from China. “Made in China” has become synonymous with cheap crap, but with Indian CEO’s that could change. Indian nationalists are happy that the Chinese manufacture their own weapons because they would want their Indian soldiers to ratherface “Made in China” modern weapons rather than bows and arrows of Pygmies. But Indian CEO’s could change all that.


    • 回复: @littlereddot
  280. Anonymous[319]• 免责声明 说:
    @Punch Brother Punch








    • 谢谢: Punch Brother Punch
    • 回复: @Mehool Mehta
  281. Anonymous[319]• 免责声明 说:

    Small number of British defeated three huge Bihari-Bengali armies and they ran away screaming like little girls in the Battle of Buxar.

    LOL, you are right.
    Check out this video of a team of armed Indian policemen scared shit of a single unarmed White guy.

    Indian police scared of a brave Western man

    No wonder, a tiny number of Brits conquered the whole place in a short time.

    • 回复: @Charles Martel France
  282. @Malla






    • 回复: @Malla
  283. @Anonymous

    I guess Malla would reply : That is a sign of respect. It has nothing to do with getting scared of a Western man however brave. Indians are used to dealing with tigers,cobras and other animals as large as elephants.

  284. @jeff stryker

    哦,你真是太激动了。 看来你的钱包空空,让你有些苦恼。

    不用担心,有很多孤独的中年菲律宾人可供您吸收。 但最好有一个 巴鲁特 或两个让您老化的设备重新工作。

  285. @Malla

    look like uz Chinese.”.

    No, we don’t think you want to look Chinese. But you do want your tribe to have fairer skins. Admit it, it is written into your caste system.

    India had light skinned people too

    Your tenses are absolutely right. The Aryan conquerers had light skin. They tried to stay that way as long as they good through your caste system, but of course melanin tends to seep through intermarriage. Now your tribe tries to regain a fair complexion either through racial admixture, or the skin lightening products that fills your cosmetic shelves.

    It is no secret that mothers would reject prospective brides for their sons if they are of too dark a complexion. I too watch Indian movies you know.

    Tamils are even crazy for lighter skinned people.

    I am not talking about Tamils. They, like the other southerners are a sweet and noble people. In my observation, this lighter skin chasing is particularly obvious with the ambitious money grubbing fairer skinned northerners that are have been infesting us in the last few years.
    Even the local Tamils get pissed off by these new arrivals.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
  286. @Malla


    Whatever happened to “Make in India”????

    Modi blasted this over the airwaves a few years ago ad nauseam. The advertising campaign must have cost billions.

    It is the quintessential Indian hot air….Indians boast alot, but nothing ever gets done.

    • 回复: @Malla
  287. Malla 说:

    Your tenses are absolutely right.

    No you are wrong and the tense is wrong. It is have.

    But you do want your tribe to have fairer skins.


    Thanks, to this tribe’s craze for whitening creams, one nation has become a big market
    Why China is the largest Whitening Products Market in the World

    Whooosh, largest in the World. Whiten up and save White face.

    • 回复: @littlereddot
  288. Malla 说:

    They, like the other southerners are a sweet and noble people.
    Of course and the noble South Indians fight evil. they have made a movie about their fight against evil.
    Chennai Vs China
    Lets read the plot of this legend where the noble South Indians fight evil

    In the film, a medical student enlists the help of a circus artist, who is a descendant of Bodhidharma, to revive the legend’s skills and knowledge, while a Chinese man with hypnotic powers starts a government-planned biological war against India.
    Bodhidharma, a master of martial arts and medical remedies, is the son of a great Indian king of the Pallava dynasty. He is sent to China by his guru, who requests him to stop the spread of an epidemic existing there from spreading to India. Initially, the Chinese treat him as an inferior. However, when he cures a little girl infected by the disease and defeats people who ill-treated the villagers, the Chinese then began to respect and worship him. He begins to teach them how to cure many diseases, the skills of hypnotism, and the physical training of the Shaolin monks that led to the creation of Shaolinquan. After several years, when he expresses his desire to return to India, the villagers plot to poison him and bury him near the temple, believing that their village would be free of diseases if he is buried there. Bodhidharma agrees to die and subsequently becomes a fundamental figure in Chinese history, affectionately being dubbed as “Damo”.

    In modern-day China, Dong Lee is given the task of starting a government-planned biological war against India, known as Operation Red. He arrives in Chennai and commences by injecting a virus into a pariah dog, with the virus being the same as the one which occurred during Bodhidharma’s period. Meanwhile, Subha Srinivasan, a genetics student, discovers that Bodhidharma can be brought back to life if his sample of DNA is matched with another sample of DNA. Coincidentally, she finds a matching sample in Aravind, a descendant of Bodhidharma who is working as a circus artist. Lee finds out about Subha’s mission to revive Bodhidharma and plans to kill her first so that the disease cannot be stopped.

    Subha approaches Aravind but begins to fall in love and spend time with him, forgetting about her mission. One day, Aravind’s family sees Subha and clearly remembers that she visited them a year before to find Aravind and know all about him for the Bodhidharma research. Saving herself, she lies by saying that she does not know them. Later that night, Aravind’s uncle explains all what happened one year before when they met Subha. Aravind goes and meets Subha and is enraged upon realising the truth. However, the next day, he reconciles with Subha in a love failure mood and agrees to contribute to the research and hence save the country. The research begins of giving life to Bodhidharma and to end Operation Red. Lee, who is capable of doing anything, does all impossibly bad things, mastered in “Nokku Varmam” (hypnotism), a martial art which was actually taught to the Chinese by Bodhidharma.

    …watch the rest in the movie.

  289. Malla 说:

    Whatever happened to “Make in India”????

    Even nothing is better than earning money from crappy products. No karma triumphs bad karma.

    • 回复: @littlereddot
  290. @Robert Dolan

    Absolutely correct. But the “free army” of feral, ghettoized blacks and spics isn’t exactly free , nor is that army informal. The subhuman parasites in the urban ghettos are being subsidized ( if not completely sustained) by the entitlements and welfare handouts paid for by white taxpayers; sorry folks, food, fuel and housing prices might be going through the Kuiper asteroid belt by the end of August, but most of your taxes actually go to pay for enforced charity for unproductive and violent subhuman animals, whether you like it or not.
    And if you live in one of the major cities, there is a high probability that your police department is “majority-minority” , i.e. filled with mostly, unskilled, unemployable blacks and spics recruited off the public assistance rolls to perform taxpayer funded, government unskilled labor. Th fact that many of the nation’s largest urban police departments ( including the largest, the NYPD) are composed mostly of members of the same two groups of subhumans who are responsible for the majority of urban crime ( blacks and Hispanics) should wake you up. The drive to stuff taxpayer funded, cheap polyester police uniforms with as many degenerate, 80 IQ, welfare recipients and ghetto trash the politicians can find has nothing to do with “building bonds with communities of color”. The Jewish controlled mass media and the prostitute-politicians that they own want police agencies and military forces that are politically reliable, and less likely to sympathize ( much less, God forbid join) with any organized white resistance to the kikes and their useful idiots.

    That’s the reason why Gen. Milley launched his recent purge of “white supremacists” out of the military, while ignoring the very real problem of gang affiliated subhuman blacks and spics in the military, learning valuable combat skills at taxpayer expense that will only translate into more dead American civilians on the streets.

    It’s also the reason why Brandon the dementia patient and the melodious Jews like Feinstein and Schumer want your AR-15 and other long guns : these are the very weapons that white revolutionary infantry will need to level the battlefield against the kikes and their stooges when this whole rotten system collapses of its own weight.
    Never give up your long guns. Let the kikes and the whore politicians pass all the illegal, unconstitutional gun control laws they want: there are commercially available gun storage containers from military surplus and sporting goods outlets that can be used to store and conceal your weapons until you need them.
    And a word to the wise: when the inflation rises to the point where millions of impoverished urban underclass ghetto dwellers can’t afford to buy groceries and the food riots start, the last place you want to be is anywhere near a major American city. Question: during the Saint George Floyd the Junkie riots just two years ago, you saw the subhumans in hundreds of American cities go bat shit crazy and loot ,burn and kill in order to steal frivolous luxury goods at upscale retail stores in Chicago or New York City on Fifth Avenue. The nigger and spic ghetto trash were killing and razing retail stores to the ground , simply to gain access to and “liberate from white oppression” 70″ flat screen TV and thousand dollar Rolex watches. Now, imagine what those same subhuman nigger and spic parasites would do if the welfare checks and the EBT cards suddenly proved insufficient to keep the refrigerator stocked with buckets of KFC and watermelons, or arroz con Pollo?

    If you can afford to do it, GET THE HELL OUT OF AMERICAN URBAN CENTERS. When SHTF , they will be ground zero for social disorder and breakdown of governmental authority.
    Also , for a reasonably perspicacious trajectory of how a collapse of the the Federal government in the United States would go down, read a copy of The Turner Diaries, by Andrew Macdonald ( aka, Dr. William Pierce). It’s a work of dystopian fiction, but it basically extrapolated what the 21st century would look like if governmental policies and social trends extant at the time the book was written continued unabated.





  291. Malla 说:
    @Charles Martel France

    Oh Obama’s brother, who Obama hated because he loved Western civilization too much? You should check out their brief conversation.

    • 回复: @Charles Martel France
  292. @Malla

    It is easy to for Chinese to get fairer skins so that they don’t look like peasants from the fields.

    Indians on the other hand have to resort to breeding their way into it. Poor things, all the cream in the world is not helping very much. The are trying to appear like Brahmins, but failing so far short.

    People around the world notice how desperate Indian men are for fairer skinned women. It is a sad thing to be ashamed of what you are.

    • 回复: @Malla
  293. @Malla


    There is only one thing I have come across that the Chinese cannot make better than Indians….cow urine. I actually find bottles of this stuff sold in Indian shops. Tell me, does it taste better cold or hot?

    • 回复: @Mehool Mehta
    , @Malla
  294. @littlereddot



    ——孟买的恶心和呕吐,Mehool Bhai

    • 回复: @littlereddot
    , @TheCurseOfHam
  295. @Anonymous


    匿名混蛋 Bhai,


    来自 Mehool Bhai 的严重警告。

  296. @Charles Martel France

    They made the bomb and the choice was between Germany and Japan and they chose Japan.
    (references unrelated editorial)

    You linked to an article that didn’t even contain the word 德国.

    Should probably work on basic WW2 history before commenting on the bomb.

    Germany surrendered before the nuke had been tested. In the early years of development they imagined using it against Germany but they didn’t know if it would work.

  297. @Mehool Mehta


  298. Malla 说:


    How can they choose? There is nothing made in India apparently? Made in India does not exist.

    Tell me, does it taste better cold or hot?

    Never tried it, if you are sooo curious, try if yourself at those Indian shops. LOL

  299. Malla 说:

    Uncle, you think too much. It is just a matter of both guys and girls finding whiter skinned partners attractive in India. Simple As. And this phenomenon is common throughout the World from the Middle East to Latin America.
    Nothing to do with trying to be Brahmans, British, Persians or ancient Aryans. Nobody thinks like that. It is simple attraction.

  300. Malla 说:
    @jeff stryker


    那些来自印度内陆的澳大利亚人种低种姓士兵看到浅色皮肤的高加索克什米尔妇女和蒙古人种东北印度妇女时会感到很冷酷。 因此发生了如此多的强奸案。

  301. boy1988 说:
    @jeff stryker

    当然,由于嫉妒,中国人在印度尼西亚总是成为攻击目标,因为平均而言,我们比所谓的印度尼西亚本土人更富有。最近,攻击采取了不同的语气,即物质至上的未受割礼的卡菲尔人,但仍然植根于嫉妒。印度尼西亚的中国人没有兴趣进入政治。我们知道除非你是穆斯林,否则基本上不可能这样做。但这并不意味着我们不能成功并通过代理人进行统治。大多数当地人都有一群懒惰的人,他们甚至会只是为了钱而杀害自己的同类。老实说,那里的一个著名产品或知名公司不是由中国人创立的。Indomie 是中国人,gojek tokopaedia 是中国人,旅行是中国人,这样的例子不胜枚举。如果中国人不这样做不控制印度尼西亚的经济不知道会是什么样子。还有一个有趣的事实,当我们控制经济时,印度尼西亚的原教旨主义运动是由极端保守的也门血统领导的,他们认为自己是纯粹的阿拉伯人,而不是通婚和他们的伊斯兰教是最真实的形式。想想 Abu bakar baasyir。

    • 回复: @jeff stryker
  302. @Malla

    You are too brief. It is not clear what you are trying to say.

    • 回复: @Malla
  303. Malla 说:
    @Charles Martel France

    President Obama and his cousin from Kenya had a conversation, I think it is in his book. While his Kenyan cousin was full of love for Western civilization, Obama was about love foe Kenya. Obama never met his brother again, and one could get the feeling, ex Prez Obama hated his cousin for his love for Western civilization. I think this same cousin went and later settled in China.

    • 回复: @Charles Martel France
  304. @Malla

    我觉得 this same cousin went and later settled in China.

    Cousin ? No, he is his brother from a Jewish mother. To give you more information about him if you like : he is an American who studied physics in the USA. As you know the Obamas are smart.

  305. @Punch Brother Punch

    “Aggression and coercion are timeless human traits which would exist with or without government. Really, the purpose of good governance is to rein traits like these in.”

    Weasel words and distracting from reality. Government is a force multiplier that can kill by the millions. The worst of everyday killers may kill a couple dozen and a well armed public would soon make a killer’s genes Darwin Award winners.

    Governments steal money by the trillions. Common theves hardly anything compared to that and a well armed public would also make thieves’ genes Darwin Award winners.

    Only stupid people support government. They do not want a civilized world. They want a world that NEEDS government so as to support their belief in it.

    Self-fulfilling insanity.

    • 回复: @Punch Brother Punch
  306. @Drapetomaniac

    The worst of everyday killers may kill a couple dozen and a well armed public would soon make a killer’s genes Darwin Award winners

    Everyone that Ted Bundy encountered was completely fooled by him. Rather than reach for their guns, his conservative friends (he was active in the Republican Party in Washington state) raised money for his defense when he was first charged, as they couldn’t believe he was capable of such deeds.

    Conservatives overestimate the efficacy of vigilantism. Human beings, 集体, are passive and gullible.

    “Everyday killers” are mostly pathetic and inconspicuous when they’re not committing crimes.

    Governments steal money by the trillions.

    Governments don’t “steal money.”. This is Libertarian inanity. Governments “tax” the citizenry. Have done since the beginning of civilization, will do until the end. Your responsibility as a citizen is to support governments that tax and spend wisely.

    • 回复: @Drapetomaniac
  307. @boy1988






    关于中情局故意煽动当地人杀害印尼人的说法纯属荒唐无稽之谈。 美国人与此无关。

    • 回复: @boy1988
  308. boy1988 说:
    @jeff stryker

    中国将军? 在印度尼西亚,从来没有任何华裔军事将领。尽管有一些例外,但中国人几乎不可能在政府中担任如此高的职位。我认为在东南亚唯一存在某种中国将军的地方是是缅甸。果敢地区有一个由争取自治的华人组成的叛乱组织。像那里的各种少数民族叛乱分子一样,他们的将军定期从中国进口化学成分,制成冰毒和亚巴药丸

  309. @Punch Brother Punch

    Sure, and most people are fooled by their governments and kill millions but Bundy didn’t kill millions. Neither did Hitler, but his government true-believers sure did. Your ilk belong in the animal world because your behaviors and its behaviors are compatible – everything ‘belongs’ to you or your own ingroup.

    “Conservatives overestimate the efficacy of vigilantism. Human beings, en masse, are passive and gullible.”

    Easily fixed – kill or remove everyone that cannot behave in a civilized manner from society.

    If anything of mine is taken from me by force or threat of force, that is stealing what is mine. Theft. Besides that, other people and their property are not your property. So mind your own business and become civilized.

    BTW, is it okay for me to ‘tax’ you?

  310. @Ulf Thorsen

    And I bet it was JEWS who TOOK Martin Luther King OUT too !


    NELSON MANDELA was a communist too.

  311. @Truth

    Just like everyone is PROSPERING & HAPPY here in the JEW S A right ?

  312. @Mehool Mehta

    There goes one of them CHINESE TROOPS ( click on above person’s name to see picture ) it’s rumored online that they are planning on bringing them in on us here in the USA. ( also known as “CHICOM” )


  313. Dani 说:

    你真幸运,我太忙了,没时间查看这个用得很少的电子邮件帐户——我不会回避给你的回复。 老实说,在 Unz 网站上看到这样的评论让我感到震惊,因为我开始认为这是一群受过良好教育的人,受过良好教育是指了解现实和准确的历史。 可悲的是,您不属于这一类,这对您自己不利。
    爱因斯坦? 嗯,呃,不。 即使你用这个作为表达方式也是主流的愚蠢行为。 他是一位犹太复国主义犹太至上主义黑客,根据议程,他被提拔到许多更聪明但不是犹太犹太复国主义者的人身上。
    大声笑——不,这位女士没有 JABS——但是我怀疑你是否属于这一类。 我的意思是,你认为欧洲白人应对两次世界大战负责,这两次世界大战给他们带来了绝对的一无所有,并带走了很多东西,就像那些世代中最好的育龄欧洲人一样。 如果你不知道谁是两次世界大战的幕后黑手(以及两次世界大战之前和之后的许多其他战争),那么它告诉我你基本上什么都不知道。
    你说“他们在积累财富的同时设法避免了野蛮”——这与现实恰恰相反。 欧洲人忍受了所有的破坏和野蛮,积累了零财富。 你会混淆欧洲人和国际犹太人,包括丘吉尔和罗斯福。 看看 FDR 包围自己的内阁——拜托。



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