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北约,因为理论上,他们知道。 莫斯科方面明确表示,在确定发生了什么之前,他们不会说任何话。

一件事是肯定的。 如果俄罗斯国防部发现是北约干的,他们将把地狱的所有狗都放给北约,就像“不对称、致命和快速”一样。

在 Moskva 的位置:它位于 3 台钻机之一附近,用于使用水听器和 NEVA-BS 雷达监测黑海的整个区域,最西端的 BK-2 Odessa 位于蛇岛东北约 66 公里处。 整个事情都集成在区域监控系统中。 从字面上看,一切都受到了监控:船只、低空飞行目标、较小的回声,甚至是毫无戒心的游泳者的浮动头部。

因此,任何东西——更不用说亚音速海王星导弹和 Bayraktar 无人机——都极有可能从这个空中网中溜走。


它可能是某种水下无人机,要么是从某个偷偷摸摸的潜艇上释放出来的,要么是由 SBS 团队从西海岸来的,在蛇岛中途停留。 然后,那架无人机不知何故设法从下方钻穿了莫斯科号的船体——并在内部爆炸了它的有效载荷。

以下内容来自布鲁塞尔的一个顶级消息来源:近二十年来的严肃、值得信赖、经过验证的记录。 然而,他可能只是在散布虚假信息。 或者吹牛。 或者那可能是坚如磐石的英特尔。

在我们开始之前,我们应该指出很难相信海王星/Bayraktar 的童话角度。 毕竟,正如我们所见,俄罗斯舰队已经在敖德萨方向建立了多维监视/防御层。

莫斯科河在敖德萨附近,离罗马尼亚更近。 一年前,消息人士称,在其上安装了一个新的相控阵定位器:照明范围为 500 公里。 根据乌克兰的标准叙述,首先莫斯科号被无人机击中,定位器和天线被砸碎。 莫斯科人半盲。

然后——根据乌克兰的说法——他们从岸边发射了两枚海王星巡航导弹。 由北约的猎户座执行指导,它悬挂在罗马尼亚上空。 导弹在导引头关闭的情况下放大了飞船,这样就不会检测到辐射束。



Moskva 在距敖德萨 100-120 公里的地方执行战斗任务——控制半径为 250-300 公里的空域。 因此,事实上它确保了摩尔多瓦南半部、从伊兹梅尔到敖德萨的空间以及罗马尼亚部分地区(包括康斯坦察港)的重叠。

它的定位不能更具战略意义。 莫斯科正在干预北约将军用飞机(直升机和战斗机)从罗马尼亚秘密转移到乌克兰。 它正在24/7全天候观看。 北约空中侦察完全在它上面。

作为莫斯科的“杀手”,北约可能没有像乌克兰宣传的那样选择海王星; 消息来源指向第五代NSM PKR(海军打击导弹,射程185公里,由挪威和美国人开发。)

他将 NSM 描述为“能够通过 GPS 调整的 INS 沿着编程路线到达目标,通过在 3-5 米的高度飞到目标独立地找到目标。 当到达目标时,NSM 会进行机动并部署电子干扰。 高度敏感的热像仪被用作寻的系统,它独立确定目标船最脆弱的地方。”


与此同时,据消息人士称,在莫斯科号被毁后,黑海舰队“似乎不再拥有配备远程防空导弹系统的舰艇”。 当然,三波段雷达 Sky-M 系统仍在克里米亚发挥作用,能够跟踪最远 600 公里范围内的所有空中目​​标。 人们想知道这是否足以满足所有俄罗斯的目的。

那么我们在这里真正拥有的是什么? 幻想还是现实? 只有一种方法可以知道。

我通过不可估量的 Andrei Martyanov 了解了信息,她在 1981 年以 Slava 的身份认识 Moskva,当时她漂浮在塞瓦斯托波尔北部湾,而我的班级最初是在旧巡洋舰 Dzerzhinsky 船上进行的第一次夏季练习,被广泛介绍了她。 所以,她是个老太太,不得不在这个时候以这种方式结束自己的长寿,真是太可惜了。”

Martyanov 再次成为完美的专业人士,强调在这个阶段没有人真正知道发生了什么。 但他提出了一些关键点:“根据 NSM(如果我们接受这个版本),即使它的低可观测性和 GPS 引导处于正常(即海至状态 5-6)和正常的无线电渗透率,即使是莫斯科的旧护卫舰雷达会在几十公里的距离内看到这些导弹,肯定在 15 到 20 公里之间。 与任何北约反舰导弹一样,NSM 是亚音速的,其速度约为每秒 300 米。 即使在 15 公里范围内,也有 45 秒的时间来检测轨迹并为任何“值班”的 AD 复合体开发射击解决方案。 反应时间绰绰有余。”


Martyanov 还强调,“不可能隐藏反舰导弹的外部影响——人们会立即知道是什么击中了舰船。 此外,要击沉莫斯科这样的目标,必须发射齐射,而不仅仅是两枚导弹,至少可能是 3-4 枚。 在这种情况下,俄罗斯会知道是谁袭击了莫斯科。 北约知道吗? 如果这不是现阶段绝对不能排除的内部破坏,我很肯定这个事件已经写满了北约。 我敢肯定,如果 Nebo 投入使用,它就会看到齐射。”

这给我们带来了不可避免的关键:“如果北约参与其中,我相信我们会看到一些报复,毕竟,正如我一直在记录的那样,美国在中东和其他地方的基地只不过是肥胖的著名目标。 ”


(从重新发布 战略文化基金会 经作者或代表的许可)
• 类别: 对外政策 •标签: 美国军事, 北约, 俄罗斯, 乌克兰 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. RoatanBill 说:

    俄罗斯需要借此机会瓦解北约,让美国脱离欧洲。 乌克兰只是一个开始。


    俄罗斯首先应该把叙利亚境内所有不是叙利亚人或俄罗斯人的东西都干掉。 我确信他们可以提出其他目标。 如果我负责的话,会有一个 DC 分队等待装运黄金,以弥补美国连同其通常的导弹货物一起偷走的胡说八道的美元。

    • 同意: Humbert Humbert, Realist
    • 回复: @JWalters
    , @SPRiggs
  2. 在巡洋舰被击中后的第二天,俄罗斯宣布拆除了基辅制造海王星导弹的工厂。 它指出,乌克兰反舰导弹被击中的想法是有道理的。 俄罗斯人可能已经做出反应并用 Kalibr 罢工对工厂进行了报复。


    俄罗斯早些时候宣布,它使用Kalibr海基远程导弹袭击了该工厂。 罢工是在乌克兰声称摧毁了俄罗斯的莫斯科军舰后一天发生的,莫斯科后来说这艘军舰已经沉没。 根据乌克兰国家武器制造商 Ukroboronprom 网站上的一份声明,Vizar 工厂生产海王星导弹。

    附近一家木材作坊的 47 岁老板安德烈·西佐夫(Andrei Sizov)说,罢工发生在晚上。 “凌晨 1 点 30 分左右,我的保安打电话给我,因为发生了空袭,”他告诉法新社。 “有五次命中。 我的员工当时在办公室,被爆炸吓倒了。” 他认为俄罗斯正在为莫斯科军舰报仇,并说:“他们让我们为摧毁莫斯科号付出代价。”

    • 同意: Horus
  3. 如果美国人确实策划了建议的行动,那么他们的能力令人印象深刻。 俄罗斯人看起来像笨蛋。 如果他们弄清楚了,俄罗斯人将无能为力。 美国和欧盟不断打击俄罗斯,克里姆林宫发表言论作为回应。 除了乌克兰,考虑到力量的不平衡,俄罗斯表明它没有苏联的钢铁。

    • 同意: Fran Taubman
    • 不同意: Badger Down
    • 巨魔: Humbert Humbert, nokangaroos
  4. Aliens did it with their directed energy weapons. They seem to target Russian rocket/missile capabilities, as fires are multiplying in Russia in places connected to Russian missile forces, and only in those places: Tver, Briansk…

    “Moskva” was a legitimate target in this sense as Russians are trying to salvage something from it, which denies it was just an obsolete ship used as a movable S-300 complex. What is being salvaged? Nuclear warheads?

    But even Russians prefer Ukrainian “Neptune” missiles than a blow by angels (to use the language of the Bible), so they will never tell you the truth. And remember that USA originally denied Ukies this scoring.

  5. “So get ready: something lethally “asymmetrical” may be about to pop up.”

    Pepe, for once I would like to see something symmetrical happen … lethal and fast because all the rest is hot air!

  6. MLK 说:

    The green light to sink this ship had to be made by the USG. Not NATO. Not one of the nearby NATO members. And most certainly not Ukraine.

    The question is what it is paired with behind the curtain. Is it payback by the USM for something already on the books or a new line item that will be responded to commensurately by Russia in as public a way, even if deniable as here.

    The worst interpretation is that the neocon filth really have the means in place to fulfill their dream of getting the US and Russia at war with each other. Not through proxies, nor at all contained, but all out madness.


    Thus this is the least worst outcome in the instant context.

    Ominously, the world saw in real time that whomever is handling the Potemkin Village Idiot in the White House can have whatever words they choose come out of his mouth. That was the clear message of having him read Regime Change off of his teleprompter in Poland.

  7. 与莫斯科谜题并不完全相关,但另一个谜题是基于这样一个事实:普京正确地说现代乌克兰是苏联人形成的一个人造实体,即由乌克兰本土、俄罗斯东部、利沃夫周围的波兰西部和其他部分组成罗马尼亚和匈牙利。

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Jeff Davis
  8. Wokechoke 说:

    The interesting moment will be the targeting of the Dneiper bridges. Such destruction could trigger tit for tat bridges elsewhere. The oil depots getting smashed are an interesting escalation too. So fun to see Greens cheer on the Bryansk fires.

  9. Spanky 说:

    The Ukros are crowing about a successful strike against Russia, yet the U.S. / NATO, which has been loudly trumpeting almost all other Ukro propaganda, is strangely muted about this. And the Russians are (apparently) playing coy about what happened aboard the Moskva…

    There has been online commentary to the effect that U.S. / NATO forces provided Ukro forces with the position of Moskva and, possibly, missile guidance using NATO equipment. And now this. In either case, these are acts of war. Perhaps both Russia and the U.S. / NATO are attempting to back away, for now at least, from all that that implies.

    FWIW, are there any photos of the Moskva available, taken after the 事件, which clearly show the entirety of its hull, both port and starboard, stem to stern?

    • 回复: @V. K. Ovelund
  10. @Here Be Dragon


  11. TG 说:

    Hard for us to say, of course, what with the near-total corruption of the western so-called press. But, some observations:

    1. Defending against missiles is harder than it is in the movies or glossy press releases. Anti-missile defenses are finicky beasts, a lot has to work perfectly, and things leak through. If the system were down for maintenance, or a technician pushed the wrong button, or it was shut down to avoid hitting a passing friendly, or whatever, well, that can be that. Being distracted by a bunch of drones won’t help. The record of anti-ship-missile systems is not perfect. And even subsonic drones are moving pretty damned fast, 600 mph 100 feet off sea level comes in over the horizon in not a lot of time.

    2. Did the western forces actually do it themselves? No idea. But it seems likely that the Ukrainians had real-time satellite intelligence from the Americans, so they wouldn’t have needed to use their own radars, just program in the coordinates and go. The missiles could also therefore fly silent until the last moment, not using their radars except in the terminal phase. And if the Americans were monitoring the emissions from the ship, they could tell the Ukrainians if the anti-missile systems were offline or engaged with other targets, giving them the perfect opportunity.

  12. Z-man 说:

    I heard that the Ukrainians or whoever flooded, sorry for the unintentional pun, the airspace around the Moskova with drones which overwhelmed the defensive systems and a couple of missiles were able to penetrate the defenses and cripple the ship. 30 dead as far as I know.

    • 回复: @GMC
  13. Anonymous[343]• 免责声明 说:
    @John Thurloe

    同意,美国国防部长和国务卿宣布他们将前往基辅,然后昨天(在东正教复活节)前往基辅并告诉泽伦斯基,美国将直接向乌克兰提供价值 XNUMX 亿美元的武器来杀死俄罗斯人.


    预计 10 年内俄罗斯将被瓜分,美军占领俄罗斯油田。

    • 巨魔: pyrrhus
  14. Notsofast 说:

    ….. lethally asymmetrical…..might not even come from the russians, irans proxies are stepping up attacks on u.s. supply lines in iraq and syria. just the other day in iraq four nato members were hit with a double ied attack. the pathetic state department is begging iran not to retaliate for solemanis murder, of course iran refused. it will be interesting to see if any of the captured manpads from ukraine end up in iraq and syria.

    • 回复: @P.O.W
  15. nsa 说:

    Barstool Commander NSA here. The 2003 Iraq attack is the blueprint for quickly taking down a much weaker enemy. The complete power grid was knocked out the first day casting Baghdad into total darkness. . This requires less than 100 missiles attacks on the major substations in the case of Ukraine or Taiwan. No modern society functions at all in the dark. No communications. No cable. No internet. No online shopping. No free porn. No keeping up with friends on cuntbook. No trivial 200 text messages a day. Minimal damage to actual infrastructure. Game over….the only thing left to negotiate is the terms of surrender.

  16. Mr. Hack 说:

    Wasn’t the original Russian response to the downing of their flagship that it was caused by some kind of a fire caused somewhere on the ship due to some sort of a malfunction? Why not take them at their word? I came up with this scenario recently at another blogsite, and nobody there challenged its veracity. Russian internal human error, anybody?:

    One of the sailors stepped out for a smoke and instead of throwing over the cigarette butt into the sea, he decided put it out on the shiny new deck…and voila a fire appeared that took down a $750,000,000 cruiser ship. The flagship of the fleet! 🙂


    • 回复: @TG
  17. or by a SBS team

    Thanks for an interesting review of this event.
    Of course it’s speculation, albeit informed speculation, and the field is narrowing to within NATO. My own “most likely” vote is the SAS/SBS from Perfidious Albion who specialise in this sneak sabotage type of operation.

    I disagree that retaliation should be aimed at USUK in the ME, although imho it would be beneficial all round to send a quiet diplomatic message to Oman to cease their long-term assistance to USUK forces bombarding Yemen with their ISIS allies.
    Imho a direct strike at the head of the snake is long overdue. SAS HQ is in Hereford, English west Midlands bordering Wales. The Queen of England is about to celebrate a Jubilee at the beginning of June. As good a date as any perhaps …

    Or maybe Mr Rothschild’s English mansion, also well-known …

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Jeff Davis
  18. @Gordon Bennett



    • 不同意: Badger Down
    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  19. @John Thurloe

    如果美国人确实策划了建议的行动,那么他们的能力令人印象深刻。 俄罗斯人看起来像笨蛋。 如果他们弄清楚了,俄罗斯人将无能为力。


    Although I wouldn’t say that an alleged attack on the 40-year old ship is in particular impressive. It was equipped with outdated gear most of which was made in the 1980’s. But I agree that the Russians will do nothing in response, even if it is confirmed that NATO or the US did it.

    美国和欧盟不断打击俄罗斯,克里姆林宫发表言论作为回应。 除了乌克兰,考虑到力量的不平衡,俄罗斯表明它没有苏联的钢铁。


    Russia is a liberal capitalist state incapable to mobilize its own government and population. The USSR was an elephant, and the Russian Federation is a bear. A bear is a stupid animal which prefers to sleep when the weather ain’t good, and so does Russia. And the Russians are pretty dumb too.

    • 不同意: Drapetomaniac
  20. TG 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    Very possible, of course. Remember how just recently the multi-billion-dollar assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard was scrapped after a sailor lit a fire. But apparently, it wasn’t so much the original fire that did the damage, as incompetent damage control responses.

    They may be made of metal and surrounded by water, but these big warships are a lot more vulnerable to fire than you might think.

    • 回复: @Sollipsist
    , @Corrupt
  21. 信息很明确:北约将提高产量,直到俄罗斯最终让步。每一个被摧毁的 Ukie 大炮、坦克、卡车或其他设备都将很快被西方取代,而对于每一个 Ukie 士兵起亚,一些雇佣兵将被发送。
    我猜想,在将乌克兰夷为平地之后,美国富豪们将廉价购买房地产,让德国人一如既往地愚蠢,为重建支付数十亿美元,他们会很乐意这样做。 因为,你知道,这件事。

    • 哈哈: GMC
    • 回复: @MarkU
  22. A123 说: • 您的网站

    有人能解释一下两个小型海王星弹头如何摧毁重型巡洋舰吗? 即使准确无误,这个故事仍然非常不可信。

    最初的报告是关于在弹药储存中引起火灾的机载问题。 这与我们看到的一张照片是一致的。 北约相对沉默,因为他们同意最初的 Russian assessment, “The Moskva was lost due to 操作员错误. 美国海军最近使一艘潜艇永久无法使用,原因是 操作员错误,所以这不是他们特别想吹嘘的故事。


  23. Mefobills 说:

    No modern society functions at all in the dark. No communications. No cable. No internet. No online shopping. No free porn.

    Your right of course. Russia sucks at informational/cognitive war in the new hybrid war space. They have only just recently been able to counter false flags, as was shown in Kazakhstan. The CSTO had to put boots on the ground. But, the CSTO had to have some sort of decent intel to interdict the false flag operations.


    The breakdown of the messy Kazakh op necessarily starts with the usual suspects: the US Deep State, which all but “sang” its strategy in a 2019 RAND corporation report, Extending Russia. Chapter 4, on “geopolitical measures”, details everything from “providing lethal aid to Ukraine”, “promoting regime change in Belarus”, and “increasing support for Syrian rebels” – all major fails – to “reducing Russian influence in Central Asia.”


    So, even with the Rand report broadcasting Globo Homo’s intentions, Russia still is Oafish in the information space.

    Here is Glazyev also predicting the hybrid information war, and how it will shape the future as he saw it back in 2015.


    Glazyev: My book, The Last World War, that I already mentioned, which was published as far back as 2015, argued that the likelihood of this happening eventually is very high. In this hybrid war, economic warfare and informational/cognitive warfare are key theaters of conflict. On both of these fronts, the U.S. and NATO countries have overwhelming superiority and I did not have any doubt that they would take full advantage of this in due course.

    Globo Homo also turns inward on its own people with false flag, as the Jan 06 “insurrection shows” where the crowd is seeded with operatives.

    This new world is kind of like a blob.

  24. 几十年来,这个神秘人一直在对伊朗核计划和伊斯兰革命卫队进行破坏行动。包括工厂内铀离心机工作时发生爆炸,用机枪从太空瞄准并触发杀死他们的原子大师,并在巴格达机场杀死伊斯兰革命卫队的负责人。
    BUT, since Mr. Escobar never mentions Israel for anything happening outside the Middle East – and always sparingly when he does, – and as he obviously hasn’t yet discovered that Russia and Israel are in an existential conflict, and since he is not aware that Ukraine was triggered this year as a trump card on the Iranian nuclear deal negotiations, it’s obvious that he’s leaving the most propable perpetrators and scenarios without consideration. How do I know that he doesn’t know? Because of his explanations why all this is happening – previous articles from roughly the last year. Everything else is/could be discussed at length as/ ‘the cause’ of this ongoing calamity we’re seeing in Europe and elsewhere, but never Israel as perpetrator and the Iranian nuclear program as the reason for the perpetration. So, this is a big blind spot in his articles, both for him if he’s truly ignorant of those things, and for his readers.
    顺便说一句,不到两年前,黎巴嫩贝鲁特港口发生了一次大爆炸。到目前为止,没有人知道发生了什么。这很容易解释: 非常高科技的武器 are outside the limit of comprehension of ‘dissident’ article writers, and noone with the relevant knowledge is telling you, me or anyone else.

    • 同意: inspector general
    • 回复: @George Rockwell
  25. ARepli 说:

    以下内容来自布鲁塞尔的一个顶级消息来源:近二十年来的严肃、值得信赖、经过验证的记录。 然而,他可能只是在散布虚假信息。 或者吹牛。 或者那可能是坚如磐石的英特尔。


    * * *





    服务员: 现在,当你准备好后,把这个盘子拿起来……








    莱昂内尔·赫茨 (Lionel Hutz),律师:这是自我对电影《永无休止的故事》提起诉讼以来最公然的虚假广告案件。







    玛吉:我们一直开车到凌晨 3 点,寻找另一家吃到饱的鱼餐厅。

    Lionel Hutz:当你找不到的时候呢?


    Lionel Hutz:陪审团的女士们、先生们,法官大人:这听起来像是一个“吃饱了”的人吗?


  26. Karl1906 说:

    OK. A decades old Russian warship burned and sunk. So much is known. It’s not even clear if it was attacked! Then, what’s the overall tactical value of this loss in the conflict? It’s the ONLY loss of this kind the Russians had to this point! I’d say it’s of no importance. It certainly will not change Putin’s course of action and the outcome of this war. No matter what some of the NATO-goons and the fake news-press may claim.

    • 回复: @showmethereal
  27. Anonymous[274]• 免责声明 说:

    This was supposed to be kept secret!!

  28. Anonymous[222]• 免责声明 说:
    @Arthur MacBride

    Or maybe Mr Rothschild’s English mansion, also well-known …

    • 哈哈: Arthur MacBride
  29. Jeff Davis 说:
    @Gordon Bennett


  30. Sollipsist 说:

    The simplest explanation is an internal accident. That explains the relative muted response from all sides — embarrassment from Russia, no reason to gloat from anyone else.

    The next most likely explanation is direct US/NATO involvement. It makes sense tactically, but nobody wants escalation, so there’s no official outrage on one side or triumph on the other.

    Least likely is an unassisted/lucky Ukraine strike. Taking out the flagship is great for propaganda and morale… but it begs the question of whether a strike like this is even within their capabilities — and if so, why haven’t there been more like this? Putting all your eggs into one big morale boost doesn’t make sense when you don’t have the guns, numbers and positions to rally with.

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  31. MarkU 说:

    The actions you are proposing are war crimes under international law. Yes I know the US and Israel attack civilian infrastructure regularly and have no regard for international law but the Russians apparently do.

    • 同意: Notsofast
  32. Pheasant 说:

    It was an old ship. The Russian missile cruisers even in Soviet times were rustbuckets. This articles information about how missile defence works is wrong. I did think it strange that the Ukranians would be capable of sinking a ship with a missile however.

  33. MarkU 说:

    Even a relatively puny munition can hit a vulnerable spot (such as ammunition stores) but you are correct to query the assumption that it was a Neptune missile. Only a fool would rule out the possibility of NATO having supplied something heavier.

  34. Agent76 说:

    Apr 18, 2022 Sinking of Moskva warship a ‘significant public embarrassment’ for Russia

    Retired Vice-Admiral Mark Norman discusses the sinking of the Russian warship Moskva and the implications of the loss for the war effort.

    • 不同意: Drapetomaniac
  35. SIS 说:

    An exact same type of ship exists in the Ukraine fleet called the Ukraina. It looks exactly the same as the Moskva build wise, but has never been fully commissioned.

    The tug supposedly rescuing the Moskva is completely out of proportion with the Moskva in the “shaky footage” shown. Shaky footage being a classic Psyop tactic. It is possible to make convincing models of ships. Many James Bond films in the 70’s and 80’s used this technique.

    The deck on the Moskva looks rusted, where other actual images of it has a very red deck, and was also recently in for improvements in circa 2020, so they probably painted the deck then.

    Was the whole thing Psyop? I know this is hard to contemplate, that a mostly phony war is taking place, but much of the evidence suggests that. The phony war to give cover for the bankster / eco reset.

    The Kremlin does not control the Central Bank of Russia.

    • 谢谢: Pheasant, RedpilledAF
    • 回复: @Ulf Thorsen
    , @V. K. Ovelund
  36. Jeff Davis 说:
    @Arthur MacBride

    “Strangle the chicken to frighten the monkey.”

    One of many possibilities: Attack Saudi oil production.

    With Saudi oil output “impacted”, the price of oil worldwide rises significantly. European and US economies are slammed. Turn the economic “hybrid” war back on the US and Europe big time. While Russia, Iran, and Venezuela — as well as US oil producers — get an economic boost.

    • 回复: @Arthur MacBride
  37. Joe Paluka 说:

    美国会拿什么来占领他们? 橙色头发的 LGBT 部队?

    The US won’t exist as we know it in ten years, Russia will be better and stronger than ever.

    • 回复: @haha
    , @Drapetomaniac
  38. MarkU 说:
    @Gaylord of the German Gaylands

    是的,这就是我读到的计划。 不过,该计划存在问题,尤其是俄罗斯人将北约的扩张视为生存威胁,因此不能承认失败。 由于俄罗斯人由于数量庞大(他们非常清楚这一点)而无法击败全面动员的北约,他们已经明确表示,如果必须,他们将诉诸核武器。 管理西方世界的疯狂近亲银行家似乎(错误地)相信他们在玩扑克,而俄罗斯人在虚张声势,可能一些欧洲资本将为这种误解付出代价。 可以理解的是,不愿意为伦敦报仇的美国可能会在那个时候退缩而不是发动全面核战争,北约的其余部分将解体,就像它在苏联解体后应该做的那样。 乌克兰最终将被俄罗斯联邦、波兰、罗马尼亚和匈牙利瓜分和吸收。


  39. Horus 说:

    北约当然知道莫斯科发生了什么。 几乎可以肯定,他们是这次袭击的幕后黑手。


    这是一艘旧船,正如评论所说,保护船只免受导弹袭击真的很困难。 亚音速导弹仍然可以击败现代防空系统。 被击中也不足为奇。



  40. SafeNow 说:

    I will repeat what I posted long ago. As Ron would say, made relevant by recent events.

    China recognized several years ago that warship-sinking has a high potential to be the dangerous basis for stepwise escalation into a strategic nuclear war. China then astutely deployed its gigantic “coast guard cutters” (12,000 tons, the size of a destroyer!). Also flat-sided and double-hulled merchant vessels. Ramming and “shouldering” would be the game; playing at bumper-boats. The worst-case scenario would be an exchange of small-arms fire, not WWIII. The U.S. responded by sending a Navy carrier group, a foolish and dangerous response. On the plus side, the Japanese and other CGs have enhanced operations, and conducted some joint exercises with the USCG. Too bad the U.S. doesn’t have ice-breakers – – perfect for bumper-boats.

    • 回复: @mike99588
  41. Seeing that America 正式 has laser technology with lethality up to one mile (ref 1), and considering the fact that microwave frequencies can be used for invisible maser beams, and remembering the strange anomalies of the California wildfires some years ago (ref 2), is it to stretch the imagination too much to think that what was used here might have been a space-based directed energy weapon?

    What is Elon Musk sending into space? And how much gear can one buy with the Pentagons missing 35 USD? (ref 3)

    1: https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/capabilities/directed-energy/laser-weapon-systems.html

    2: https://odysee.com/PARADISE-DESTROYED--California-Firemen-Find-Signatures-of-Directed-Energy-Weapons – sorry it’s Infowars, but the 5-minute clip is quite good.

    3: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/pentagon-35-trillion-accounting-black-231154593.html

    • 回复: @Harold Smith
  42. GMC 说:

    Z Man – kak di la ? Possibly the drones did lead interference. My first comment , when I heard of the Moskva getting hit was a mini sub from Israel or Germania. That was my first instinct because the only way the Ukies could pull this off is with a whole lotta help from the Nato boyz. Actually Russia needs to make another couple big naval ports on the Crimea coast and Evpatoria could be enlargened to support the region between Sevastopol and Odecca areas. In due time. oodahchee

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  43. Phibbs 说:

    I was in the U.S. military, but I still hope Russia and Iran attack and destroy every single American military base in the Middle East and Europe. I hope Hezbollah flattens America’s master — the Jews of Israel — at the same time. As for those Americans who die, well they chose to serve in the Israeli-Occupied Government’s military. They can die knowing they died for Israel, as this Jew hatred for Caucasian-Christian Russia is all over the Jew-owned media and coming out of the treasonous mouths of the Jew-owned Congress and White House.

  44. ValMonde 说:
    @John Thurloe

    是的,整个北约舰队可能在几分钟内被击沉。 做什么的?
    为什么要给joo-run US摧毁上帝创造的恶魔般的满足?
    最终会的。 俄罗斯有时间。

    • 同意: Drapetomaniac
  45. Wokechoke 说:

    There’s Turkey sitting there rescuing the crew apparently.

    After the Bryansk oil depot was bombed by Bayraktar (MIT’s offshore drone project) drones Turkey should expect increased sabotage on their own installations. The war spreads. Istanbul could face several problems given that it is so exposed to the sea.

    It’s pretty clear now that Turkey is balls deep in the Moscow Cruiser sinking and technologically involved in that raid on Bryansk. What they are hoping to gain is anyone’s guess though. No wonder the Russians were so keen to seize and hold Crimea. Not having it exposes Russia to attacks in Moscow from Istanbul.

  46. Wokechoke 说:

    The Turks must have been informed and greenlighted this, along with both Washington and possibly London. Turks are balls deep in this. And guess what, they’ve got oil terminals and gas pipelines too. They are going to get a lot of sabotage now. War Spreads.

    • 回复: @Here Be Dragon
    , @GMC
  47. still not much convincing evidence it was hit by missiles, which of course remains a possibility. this is what surface vessels are most vulnerable to. deliberate sabotage, hit by a torpedo, hit a sea mine, all also, decreasingly likely, scenarios.

    still most likely they accidentally blew up their own ship, then weren’t able to save it. which happened to Kursk in 2000, and is something that happens once in a while when you have dozens of vessels out there maneuvering. previously we have clowned US Navy for losing vessels this way that weren’t even in a war game or an actual war, so it’s totally fair to chuckle at RUS now.

    • 同意: peterAUS
  48. Wokechoke 说:

    Turkish ships nearby ready for rescue. Very suspect. They also appear to have provided the drone over Bryansk that blew up the oil depot. They are going to regret it. Russia has proxies there who can also blow up terminals and depots.

  49. @Jeff Davis

    Attack Saudi oil production.

    This is certainly a valid idea of itself, curtailing Wahhabism for example.
    The drawback is that many millions of innocent people will suffer*, also the action will be drawn-out and uncertain of success.

    *Just as today many people are suffering and have been suffering for decades in the west because of the policies/actions of their paid-for “governments” acting on behalf of zio-kike-masonic banksters. Even when such policies have a wholly malevolent outcome for 99.9% of humanity. Even when it is increasingly seen that zkmb’s and their politician and “journalist” flunkies are themselves malevolent and even demonic.

    So for reasons of justice and effectiveness, a strike at the head of the snake seems the best policy. The west is effete and will not retaliate. It’s also possible that many/most of the people in the west would support such a strike. It is even likely that righteous Jews also would do so. Oligarchs/zionism = the road back to expulsion/pogrom for Jews.

  50. @Thomas Faber

    …is it to stretch the imagination too much to think that what was used here might have been a space-based directed energy weapon?

    Yes it is stretching the imagination way too much to think that “a space-based directed energy weapon” had anything to do with this.

    • 同意: Drapetomaniac
    • 回复: @Thomas Faber
  51. @Here Be Dragon


  52. iseeit 说:




    • 回复: @Notsofast
  53. 因此,任何东西——更不用说亚音速海王星导弹和 Bayraktar 无人机——都极有可能从这个空中网中溜走。




  54. @Santa Claws


  55. “俄罗斯正在失败:”布林肯和奥斯汀在基辅访问期间承诺提供更多军事援助

    Antony Blinken 和 Lloyd Austin 表示,在与基辅的 Volodymyr Zelensky 会面后,美国希望俄罗斯被削弱; 俄罗斯油库起火; 随着战斗的继续,乌克兰东正教基督徒庆祝复活节。 照片:美联社
    俄罗斯当局表示,他们正在调查这些设施的火灾,俄罗斯官方媒体称,这些设施共包含约 15,000 吨燃料。 在俄罗斯表示乌克兰直升机发动袭击并在俄罗斯与乌克兰接壤的别尔哥罗德地区的一个油库引发火灾后不到一个月,大火就爆发了。 俄罗斯官方媒体周一播放了安全摄像机镜头,似乎显示了一场大爆炸,随后发生了火灾。

    哦,佩佩看!! 看!! 俄罗斯油田着火了。 你认为北约是怎么做到的? 将军推测什么? 你的内部消息人士怎么说? 你让佩佩(悲惨地失败)意识到存在着一场由西方正在进行的秘密战争,其技术配得上一部《碟中谍》电影。 你只是不明白。 那里有一整支军队(不属于特定国家),有电脑,没人知道。

    的确,我们在西方表现得很愚蠢,似乎没有重点和无能,更多地担心只有变性人的权利。 但西方也有才华横溢的创意人才,他们实际上开发的技术不仅会让你大吃一惊,也会让俄罗斯人大吃一惊,让俄罗斯看起来只不过是一个需要被送回家的校园恶霸。

    如果您认为俄罗斯可以与西方竞争,我会邀请您参观史密森尼航空航天博物馆,水星太空舱与俄罗斯联盟号太空舱并排站立。 Mercury 胶囊具有制作精美的拨动开关和带有最先进面板的仪表板。 联盟号看起来像 1950 年的胡佛真空吸尘器,橡胶软管用胶带安装在开口上。 如果您认为俄罗斯人在我们之前领先,那么它曾经是并且现在仍然是一个笑话。 没有什么太大的改变。 看来你对机械和技术知之甚少,无法理解这里发生了什么。 所发生的一切就是俄罗斯戳了熊可以这么说。 就像日本对珍珠港所做的那样。 乌克兰被认为是美国的珍珠港,没有其他原因,它是通往北约和整个西方的桥梁。 如果乌克兰失控,西方就会失控。 这不会发生。 用日本海军上将山本普京的话来说,他刚醒了一个沉睡的巨人。

    在我写这篇文章的时候,乌克兰有一支来自世界各地的军队特种作战人员,他们身穿制服,使用电脑和卫星工作。 当以色列人进入伊朗杀死他们的顶级核科学家时,他们占据了该国 1/4 的电网。 彻底停电。 当他们把科学家带到医院时,电动门无法打开。

    莫斯科号可能在袭击前被黑了,很可能是被一艘不属于任何特定军队的潜艇击中。 只是一艘你永远不会听说的隐形潜艇。 你真的需要醒来,闻闻佩佩的气味。 当你幼稚地写着“当心”时,所有的地狱都会崩溃。

    这给我们带来了不可避免的关键:“如果北约参与其中,我相信我们会看到一些报复,毕竟,正如我一直在记录的那样,美国在中东和其他地方的基地只不过是肥胖的著名目标。 ”


    想想航空航天博物馆的联盟号太空舱,看着西方开始全面进攻,同时让乌克兰看起来像是处于失败的边缘,只是幸运地刹车了。 最终不会有一名俄罗斯士兵留在乌克兰。 我不在乎你为谁路由。 道德的长弧即将出现。 在俄罗斯之后,真主党将被击败。 黎巴嫩人想加入正常世界,而不是像纳斯鲁拉这样的头巾恐怖分子,他只想杀死犹太人,以便穆斯林占领圣城。 就像穆斯林是启蒙者一样,犹太人和西方是帝国的“占领者”。 甚至阿拉伯的穆斯林阿拉伯人也不再相信这一点。 伊朗军队将在真主党和哈马斯之后被摧毁。 游戏,设置,匹配。

    我们剩下的是想要与他人一起工作和玩耍的群体,以及想要征服、分裂和接管的群体,这取决于他们为自己设定的标准。 什么国籍就跑什么。 建立法律和人类仪式规则的另一组将成为这一天。 您不能像俄罗斯那样攻击一个国家并杀死平民,然后走开第二天再试一次,无论历史上谁对谁错都无所谓。


  56. 照片似乎不是导弹。 当导弹击中一艘船时,它会在船的侧面打一个洞,这个洞会形成一条阻力最小的路径,导致船壁被炸毁。

    这是印度不久前测试布拉莫斯导弹击中一艘旧目标船的照片。 你会注意到墙壁的爆裂。





    • 谢谢: Sepp
    • 回复: @Sparkon
  57. @Harold Smith

    Because such weapons do not exist, or because it would be too risky to do it like that?

    Physically speaking, such weapons are eminently possible – lasers have been used to measure the distance to the Moon, for example, and as I wrote, America already officially has military lasers. Israel also unveiled their “iron beam” anti-air-system recently, also utilizing laser technology. I admit it would require serious wattage and engineering to do it from space, but it is certainly possible. And with Elon Musks Space-X, a lot of stuff can be hauled into space relatively cheaply.

    As for microwaves (which can also be beamed, with similar technology as lasers), the reason that one should not put metal into a microwave oven is because metal absorbs microwaves, and heats up. Aiming a sufficiently powerful microwave beam at the ammunition depot of the Moskva would set it on fire.

    Now, would it be detectable with the sensors of the Moskva? I don’t know.

    • 回复: @Corrupt
    , @Harold Smith
  58. @A123

    一艘拥有 40 年历史的军舰是俄罗斯海军的旗舰。 好的。




    类似于废弃的钢铁厂,它是一个有毒废物场,目前是其地下室的自杀最后一站。 他们会喝凉爽的帮助吗?

    • 同意: antitermite
    • 回复: @Wokechoke
    , @Badger Down
  59. @Wokechoke

    It is highly unlikely that Turkey was at any rate involved in this incident other than saving the Russian sailors. There had already been a case when they hit a Russian fighter jet in Syria and the Russians made them pay for it a great price – billions in hard cash.

    Don’t think that after that the Turks would be willing to risk their well-being once again, especially considering that now the stakes are higher than ever. The Russians know what happened there, after all the crew survived it, whatever that was so they know for sure what it was and what it was not. Had it been NATO they would have certainly say it.

    But what is not any less interesting is why there is so little coverage regarding the recent Turkeys invasion of Iraq. An unprovoked and absolutely illegal invasion, a war of aggression against a sovereign country, a young and developing democracy and there is almost complete silence – where are all the human rights defenders?

    No sanctions against Turkey too.

    Turkey has begun the new week with the launch of a large-scale ground and aerial cross-border offensive against Kurdish militants in northern Iraq.

    Alongside artillery, T129B helicopters, drones and F-16 fighters, Turkey’s Special Forces and elite commando units were also deployed as part of the campaign that reportedly struck targets of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, in northern Iraq’s Metina, Zap and Avashin-Basyan regions.


    • 回复: @Wokechoke
    , @showmethereal
  60. Marcion 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    像俄罗斯和中国这样的国家都以古代历史为基础。 换句话说,他们的文化是经过时间考验的。 西方过于反文化、反精神,无法在时代生存。

  61. Wokechoke 说:
    @Here Be Dragon

    That’s the Turks payback I suspect. A free plunge into Mosul.

  62. Wokechoke 说:


    • 回复: @Intelligent Dasein
  63. RegretLeft 说:


    • 回复: @A123
  64. Corrupt 说:

    “But apparently, it wasn’t so much the original fire that did the damage, as incompetent damage control responses.”


    • 回复: @ntn
  65. Corrupt 说:
    @Thomas Faber

    “Now, would it be detectable with the sensors of the Moskva? I don’t know.”

    It depends. Microwaves operate between 300MHZ – 300GHZ. At least part of that range (probably at the lower end) is detectable with ESM equipment designed to detect RADAR signals, especially those used for missile homing and and targeting by aircraft. I’ve also read about laser warning systems, but those were usually on aircraft, and I’m not sure if ships carry them yet.

    • 谢谢: Thomas Faber
  66. Corrupt 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    “The Moskva was probably blacked out before the attack, and it was probably hit by a submarine also not belonging to any particular army. Just a stealth submarine you will never hear about. ”

    你的主张是荒谬的。 黑海没有非俄罗斯潜艇。 他们将不得不在不被发现的情况下穿越博斯普鲁斯海峡,而这不会发生。

  67. Sepp 说:



  68. @SIS

    At this point in history I would not at all be surprised to find out that what you suggest is true.

  69. @Thomas Faber

    Because such weapons do not exist, or because it would be too risky to do it like that?

    Because such weapons don’t presently exist and likely won’t exist for a long time if ever.

    Physically speaking, such weapons are eminently possible – lasers have been used to measure the distance to the Moon, for example, and as I wrote, America already officially has military lasers. Israel also unveiled their “iron beam” anti-air-system recently, also utilizing laser technology. I admit it would require serious wattage and engineering to do it from space, but it is certainly possible.

    It’s not “certainly” possible. A laser beam diverges and the beam quality deteriorates as it propagates through the atmosphere; and the beam would have to dwell on the same spot on the target for a long enough time to damage it.

    So to damage a ship like that from hundreds of miles away you’d probably need a multi-megawatt laser with good beam quality at the very least. In addition to the laser hardware itself (and I don’t know if current solid state laser technology can even be scaled to that level of power output) you’d need a huge power supply and cooling system along with it. It’s not feasible.

    Aiming a sufficiently powerful microwave beam at the ammunition depot of the Moskva would set it on fire.

    Even if you could generate a very powerful microwave beam, microwaves don’t penetrate metal; they are reflected.

    • 回复: @Thomas Faber
    , @orchardist
  70. peterAUS 说:

    Not any mention of a failed missile launch process, which started a fire, which an outdated fire fighting system couldn’t handle.

    Boring, probably; much better stories are lasers, SBS, Harpoons etc.

    The all story is really simply about corruption and poor systems maintenance. Both endemic in RF armed forces.

    In time, with war dragging out, we’ll simply have more of that.

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  71. haha 说:
    @Joe Paluka

    “美国会拿什么来占领他们? 橙色头发的 LGBT 部队?”

    没有。 他们将部署配备最先进的假阳具、即时性别改变设备和性别中立的超级军事装备的精锐 LGBTQXYZ 团。 他们邪恶的俄罗斯人甚至不知道是什么袭击了他们:她是恶魔,他是恶魔,还是多性别的恶魔。

    • 回复: @Sheba
  72. Desert Fox 说:

    It is no riddle, the ZUS and NATO sank the ship, the ZUS and NATO are on the side of the zionists and nazis who rule the Ukraine, Russia will prevail.

    • 哈哈: Corrupt
  73. @Fran Taubman


    俄罗斯唯一落后于西方的技术是半导体制造,即便如此——还有一个庞大的工业卡特尔和一个国家反对它。 这并不是因为俄罗斯缺乏人才,而是因为在开发这些技术时——在西方,它正处于危机之中。

    真空吸尘器是太空中的第一颗卫星。 俄罗斯和中国是唯一可以将重物送入轨道的国家。 西方没有其他国家可以做到这一点,或者在冶金领域和火箭工程方面与俄罗斯竞争。 俄罗斯一直是并且仍然是第一。

    And Russia has an army of strategic missiles armed with hypersonic warheads, gliding through the atmosphere ten times faster than any anti-missile system the West now has. The fact is even China is now testing a prototype, but in the West all these talented brilliant people still haven’t figured out hypersonic flight – fact.

    俄罗斯在潜艇设计方面被认为是最好的。 俄罗斯现在正在建造世界上最先进的潜艇——阅读你自己的西方媒体,比如《国家利益》杂志。 俄罗斯是唯一拥有核动力鱼雷的国家。 在撰写评论之前,您至少应该在互联网上阅读一些内容。

    The long arc of inadequate arrogance is here. You are delusional and stupid and for sure wouldn’t be able to explain what the hell morality is, if anyone asked, but no one certainly will seeing that the whole line of reasoning in your comment is that of a religious fanatic. You can do no wrong. You are who is right and who is best.

    For sure, we can say one thing: Russia hasn’t lost a war in two hundred years, and has defeated all the strongest military powers the West has ever had so far. Yet, for the West the situation is opposite. The United States Army – the strongest military power, in the world – couldn’t defeat Vietnam.


  74. MotGOD 说:


    如果你摆脱了你的俄罗斯狂热爱好并进行了一些诚实的研究,你会发现没有必要假装它是北约,没有必要对俄罗斯“摧毁”北约感到兴奋(因为你爱俄罗斯,你应该希望俄罗斯统治者不会愚蠢到攻击北约,因为那将是你心爱的 Raggedy-Bear 的终结)。



    不是阴谋! 不是“ebil Not-See”北约!

    只是 RF 无能——Bully Bear 无法承受重击,仅此而已。

    • 同意: Haxo Angmark
    • 巨魔: Humbert Humbert
    • 回复: @davidgmillsatty
  75. @Harold Smith

    Allright, I just checked it out, and I see that you are correct about the microwaves. Thanks for the correction.

    [If anyone is interested: https://engineering.mit.edu/engage/ask-an-engineer/why-cant-we-put-metal-objects-in-a-microwave/ ]

    But some other frequencies, perhaps?

    In any case, the official lasers work through 1 mile of surface atmosphere – and they can certainly burn holes through metal, and quickly. The thinner atmosphere at higher altitudes would have less of the scattering effect. Lockheed Martin say (officially) that they can produce focused 1 megawatt beams, as far as I read what they are saying.

    I honestly don’t know if they have space-based energy-weapons yet, but I am sure that there is a lot of hidden technology. And I must say, the pictures and anecdotes I have seen and heard from the California wildfires of some years ago leaves me very suspicious. People reported seeing beams from the sky, among other things. Did you check out the clip I linked to?

    • 回复: @Harold Smith
  76. Notsofast 说:

    don’t laugh, i have seen video footage of the easter bunny controlling joe biden, and santa has been a shill for norad for decades. with that said , you’re right, the guy is a fuckin moron.

  77. Sheba 说:

    I agree with you. I read pepe’ s articles and am always excited to read his analysis but when it comes to israel he has a huge blind spot. He needs to address this head on otherwise all he offers is patched up stuff. They always seem to have a role in conflict. For example, both in Myanmar and with serbs the Israelis set the stage up for the conflicts and sold arms and provided training in ruthless kill tactics.

    • 回复: @Badger Down
  78. Wokechoke 说:

    A missile that ignited other missiles is a good possibility. Shit happens.

  79. @Fran Taubman

    啊,那个又老又丑的犹太复国主义婊子从冰箱里跳出来了。 你为什么要在与你无关的兄弟之间打架? 你没有足够的死去巴勒斯坦婴儿的图像来手淫吗?

  80. Notsofast 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    you should stop beating your chest so hard, you’re going to bruise your saggy israeli tits.

    • 哈哈: Harold Smith
  81. PJ London 说:

    My view (for what it is worth) is that the incidence of sabotage across both Russia and the US seems to be increasing.
    To me it is far more likely that some Russian sailor accepted $2,000,000 to explode the Ammunition store than some Ukrainian missile evaded the Russian defences. It would also be cheaper.
    Oil facilities in Russia are mysteriously catching fire. Food centres in the USA are being destroyed, I know that the climate vegans are happy about it and will claim responsibility or blame it on God’s will, but it seems too much to be coincidental. When Electricity distribution or generation installations start strangely falling prey to acts of God then I will be more convinced.
    I expect funny things to start happening in the UK following Bozo’s visit to Kyiv. Though the UK is so screwed up I don’t know if they would even notice it.
    Russia in the mean time will step up attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure. Apparently as many as 11 million have fled westwards and 2 million eastwards, soon there won’t be many left. Of course they would have fled without Russian invasion if the borders had been open.
    Time to close down the western border. Take out the rail lines and the energy distribution, especially oil pipelines inside Ukraine.
    Anything entering Ukraine to be destroyed. Kill off the western supply lines.

    • 同意: James Speaks
    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  82. @Joe Paluka


    The US is degenerating quickly while Russia is still rising from the ashes of the Soviet Union.

    Poor old Uncle Sam is really going to need a lot of Viagra to stay erect.

  83. yes, by whatever means, NATO played a key role in sinking the Moskva.

    but blowhard botox-brain Putin will do precisely nothing about it.

    as to the “Donbas cauldron” you silly Putinistas keep glowing about,

    yeah…that’ll close about the time the milkyway galaxy completes another revolution.

  84. @Here Be Dragon

    “Russia hasn’t lost a war in 200 years.”

    you are an ignoramus. The Germans crushed Russia on the WWI Eastern Front.

    See: Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.

    • 回复: @Here Be Dragon
    , @republic
  85. A123 说: • 您的网站


    The Moskva’s Captain has been reported deceased “in the line of duty”. Photos of him alive have been circulated, but at least some of them are out of date based on visible rank insignia.

    The USS Connecticut’s Captain was relieved of duty. The XO and the COB (most senior enlisted) were also relieved.



  86. 很抱歉,但 5 年 2021 月 XNUMX 日在此博客上发布的评论包含:

    说话的人对新冠病毒爆发前 18 个月从实验室释放“细菌”所造成的破坏是正确的。 我强烈怀疑 UR 贡献者会受到例行监控,因此相关机构会从我当时记录的电子邮件中的日期戳中知道该说法是正确的。 此外,我全心全意地祈祷,另一种说法是错误的,并且因为以色列而前往美国的事情不会发生。


    我以为有一封关于上面最后一句话的电子邮件,但当时我找不到它,因此含糊不清,但今晚它在我的电子邮件客户端搜索其他内容时弹出了一个不相关的文件夹。 我已将它移至我的收件夹中,情报部门可以轻松验证它的发送日期,即 16 年 12 月 21 日,以及似乎将要对美国人民造成的彻底灾难,没有任何怜悯或希望的迹象。

    此外,有上述语言的人几年前还有另外两个,直到这个周末他们才明白。 其中一幅显示美国最近的一位总统似乎在酒店里,就像在酒吧里喝着他的悲伤并推开试图进入的人一样。 后者发现自己置身于一片荒芜的沙漠景观中,树枝干枯折断——他们现在认为这是一片核荒地,“酒店”是为“重要”人物保留和保护的设施。

    另一个地方是英国工业革命的发源地。 这个人很困惑,因为一方面它似乎回到了过去,即草地和一座由干石建造的基督教教堂——旧式。 院子里有“食物银行”风格的包裹,表明贫困,但以我认识的方式布置,这似乎表明基督教已经完全接受了耶稣的说法“在亚伯拉罕之前我是”。


    为了安全部门的利益——如果他们检查我认为谁是他们最著名的远程观众(以色列电视名人?),他们会发现一封在奥巴马就职典礼前后发给他的电子邮件,其中涉及一个极其奇怪的巧合,涉及一系列以 111111 开头的数字……他是一个犹太人,要求对此发表评论。 他几乎立即回复,不久后发表了一篇关于他认为序列含义的文章。

    • 回复: @Jack McArthur
  87. @Jack McArthur

    我已将它移至我的收件夹中,情报部门可以轻松验证它的发送日期,即 16 年 12 月 21 日,以及似乎将要对美国人民造成的彻底灾难,没有任何怜悯或希望的迹象。

    抱歉打错了——日期戳是“12 年 16 月 2019 日晚上 11 点 40 分”

    • 回复: @Jack McArthur
  88. @Here Be Dragon

    Frannie doesn’t mention that the US made money from WW2 while the Soviet Union was half destroyed. Or the list of space firsts by the Soviets.

    Frannie, is there a model of the Vanguard in the museum?

  89. raga10 说:

    If “NATO did it” it would be really impressive for them to pull something like this off with no-one noticing any NATO presence in the area.

    The ship was, as the article pointed out, just over 100km away from Ukrainian shores – well within the range of their missiles. Russians demonstrated their shortcomings many times over in this campaign; I find it completely plausible that they failed to detect or to intercept the missiles for some reason or another. Maybe they were just pissed, or maybe it really was an accident like they claimed at first.

    (I find that insistence that everything that goes wrong for them is the result of accidents rather curious – personally I would rather admit I was bested by the enemy than by my own incompetence… )

    • 回复: @raga10
  90. ntn 说:



  91. @Anonymous

    On the TV news they said the USers were afraid that Putin would take them out. That’s why they kept quiet about their visit to Question Mark.

  92. raga10 说:

    PS: so far NATO has been afraid even to send old equipment like jets or tanks to Ukraine for fear of upsetting delicate Russian feelings. I I find it very hard to believe they would have the guts to rush into actual military action instead.

  93. mike99588 说:

    An 爱荷华州 hulk filled with 40 psi foam might be especially interesting in bumper boats.

    • 哈哈: SafeNow
  94. orchardist 说:
    @Harold Smith

    A low yield nuke, 也许, detonated while suitably configured with a Fast Closure Device, mounted on either a ship, tank, plane or satellite, could pump a Laser to shoot a beam on a planned course and direction.

    Pumping Lasers with nukes was done c. 1975?

    One shot deal till the next shot is loaded – but if the reward is high enough, so what.

    Would be clandestine and non-traceable, also.

  95. @Haxo Angmark

    During that war two violent revolutions happened. The first one forced Emperor Nicholas to abdicate. The second one brought Lenin into power and led to a civil war.

    The continuing war led the German Government to agree to a suggestion that they should favor the opposition Communist Party, who were proponents of Russia’s withdrawal from the war. Therefore, in April 1917, Germany transported Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin and thirty-one supporters in a sealed train from exile in Switzerland to Finland Station, Petrograd. Upon his arrival in Petrograd, Lenin proclaimed his April Theses, which included a call for turning all political power over to workers’ and soldiers’ councils and an immediate withdrawal of Russia from the war.

    Yet Russia did not lose. The treaty was annulled soon thereafter and it fought back, regaining most of the territories it had lost. And later the rest of them.

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  96. My brother found a good info. Some time before the incident, the Moskva accidently downed an own Su-30 fighter bomber. Could be that they were very hesitant to attack possible air targets after that.

    As for Nato did it. It would have been enough to get all the intel together for UKR, sattelite etc. and coordinate the actions of the coastal antiship-missile battery.

  97. @nsa

    You are right. The second US war in Iraq shows how it’s done. Starve the population with “sanctions” to get rid of 500,000 children and other weaklings. Then bomb the civilians. Just shoot everybody, dogs too. Heck, the US killed more people in one week that Russia has killed in two months in the US war in Ukraine. Just kill the people and steal the oil!

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
    , @SPRiggs
  98. Ocko 说:

    它没有沉没,他们把它拉进了一个港口。 船上有核头。 他们不会让它们在海地上腐烂。

    • 回复: @raga10
  99. @Jack McArthur

    我只是抬头看远程查看器,看看早上 0f 911 发生的事情(许多人报告了与 1111111 等的链接),并回忆起该人在同一天的讲话,在第一架飞机撞击之前,以及他们如何相信一位美国总统在下一个世界的代祷在那天停止了一场更加心理和令人沮丧的攻击。

    • 回复: @Peter Rabbit
  100. anonlb 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    你几乎是对的,但你认为俄罗斯将大失所望的结论可能是错误的。 虽然它肯定西方会战斗到最后一个乌克兰人甚至更远,但我也确信中国会与西方战斗到最后一个俄罗斯人。 在双方数百万人死亡后(即使不使用核武器)朝鲜式的乌克兰分裂是更有可能的结果。

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
    , @SPRiggs
  101. Wokechoke 说:
    @Badger Down

    The celebration of the evident war crimes is astounding in retrospect, such footage should have resulted in Bush’s defeat and impeachment. Tells you something when Trump gets impeached for merrily threatening to block arms shipments…based on a leaked call to Zelenskyy promoted by a jewish Ukrio-American holding a US Army commission.

    • 回复: @SPRiggs
  102. Wokechoke 说:

    Hordes of heavily armed neo-Azovians’s their comrades killed off by Chechens, feeling betrayed by Jews like Zelenskyy and Blinken (and NATO), will roam the EU carrying NLAWs seeking vengeance on dumb whitey. A great opportunity for more violent repression and control by the existing state’s in the EU.


  103. raga10 说:


    That’s pure speculation and Russians certainly are not going to confirm it!
    Sure, they will try to recover as much as they can but they would do that regardless, just like US and UK worked very hard to recover their F-35s that fell overboard. There is plenty of useful intelligence on such wreck they wouldn’t want to reveal, even without nuclear weapons.


    It sunk alright, in about 50m of water according to this source which also gives the pretty detailed location: 44°56′ N 31°44′ E.

    This location will be easy for open source intelligence to confirm: they just need to watch the activity in the area, as Russians will have to send recovery ships to the spot where the ship is – it’s not something that can be hidden in this day and age.

    来源: https://charter97.org/en/news/2022/4/21/464344/

  104. republic 说:
    @Haxo Angmark

    Also Crimean war and Russo-Turkish war and WWI

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
    , @raga10
  105. Biff 说:

    Somebody forgot to put the plug in before they launched the boat.

  106. @SaneClownPosse

    It must be the flagship: it’s got a flag on it. Any fool can see that.

  107. Anon7 说:

    As many of you know, Scott Ritter has consistently supported a contrary narrative about the war in Ukraine, one in which he claims that Russia is the clear winner in this conflict, and will dictate terms when it ends.

    Ritter accepts the story that the ship was struck by two missiles, and that this caused the loss of the ship. He asks a lot of questions about whether or not the Ukrainians had help in targeting the ship, and from whom. Sorry, but I can’t find the correct video; he’s been on youtube a lot.

  108. @Here Be Dragon

    Russia hasn’t lost a war in two hundred years

    Russo-Japanese war of 1905?

    • 回复: @Notsofast
  109. JWalters 说:

    The Russians may be equally focused on the information war. Worldwide, they are winning that war, as many countries are glad to see Russia striking back at the Western oligarchy’s bullying.

    Even within Europe and America, the general public is waking up to the lying of their oligarchs, and not buying their press and politicians’ excuses for their economic suffering.

    普京还通过向乌克兰正规部队提供慷慨的投降条件来保持道德上的优势。 当地发生的事件有据可查,这些信息最终会传给西方公众,就像关于伊拉克战争的骗局一样。





  110. SPRiggs 说:

    &$@% 俄罗斯!!! 喜欢看到俄罗斯人试图将美国从欧洲或叙利亚赶走。 他们可能会导致梦遗。 在我看来,除了核武器之外,俄罗斯军队没有什么可怕的。 我不认为他们愚蠢到为了领土野心而终结世界,但如果是这样,那么无论如何这是不可避免的,否则我们都会成为他们的奴隶。 我认为美国应该借此机会埋葬俄罗斯,与欧洲和俄罗斯各地签署50年天然气合同,向俄罗斯供应和武装俄罗斯,恢复其所属的第三世界地位! 让人民挨饿,导致政权更迭。 善良的人总会战胜邪恶的朋友!!

  111. Pat Kittle 说:
    @Fran Taubman



    • 回复: @Sepp
  112. SPRiggs 说:

    You don’t seem to like Jews much, huh buddy?

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  113. SPRiggs 说:

    如果西联和俄罗斯断绝一切,出兵划清界线,这场战争就不会发生! 必须不惜一切代价阻止俄罗斯。 梦想让老船员重新团结起来(苏联)现在需要停止,否则它永远不会停止。

    • 巨魔: Lurker
    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  114. pyrrhus 说:

    A 40 year old warship? If this were a commercial ship, I would assume insurance fraud rather than
    enemy action…

    • 哈哈: showmethereal
  115. @Here Be Dragon

    For sure, we can say one thing: Russia hasn’t lost a war in two hundred years, and has defeated all the strongest military powers the West has ever had so far. Yet, for the West the situation is opposite. The United States Army – the strongest military power, in the world – couldn’t defeat Vietnam.

    Russia has never successfully been invaded and lost. But they have lost adventures wars which they were the invader. The Japanese kicked their asses, so many Russian peasant conscripts died it brought down the Romanovs. You do not know history at all.

    As Russia faced imminent defeat by the Japanese, the call for peace grew. Nicholas’s mother, as well as his cousin Emperor Wilhelm II, urged Nicholas to negotiate for peace. Despite the efforts, Nicholas remained evasive, sending a telegram to the Kaiser on 10 October that it was his intent to keep on fighting until the Japanese were driven from Manchuria.[57] It was not until 27–28 May 1905 and the annihilation of the Russian fleet by the Japanese, that Nicholas finally decided to sue for peace.[60] Nicholas II accepted American mediation, appointing Sergei Witte chief plenipotentiary for the peace talks. The war was ended by the signing of the Treaty of Portsmouth.[57]

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
    , @Here Be Dragon
  116. RoatanBill 说:


    美国不会直接与俄罗斯对抗,因为美军拥有昂贵但劣质的武器,制造周期长。 它的高科技武器的任何严重支出都会导致继续战斗的短缺。 再加上俄罗斯在他们的后院开展活动,而美国则相距甚远,美国无法在没有美国使用核武器的情况下获胜,然后没有人获胜。

    美国没有化石燃料来满足欧洲的需求。 即使供应充足,欧洲人也没有接受美国燃料的基础设施。 很快,欧洲人将改变他们对能源需求的疯狂态度,因为别无选择。 来自布鲁塞尔的热空气不会运行欧洲的工业,也不会在冬天为它们提供热量。


    欧盟靠的是借来的时间。 当他们的银行倒闭时,它很快就会分崩离析。 由于交易对手的连通性,这将使美元被遗忘。

    • 谢谢: James Speaks
  117. @Wokechoke


    Subterranean Homesick Jews.

    • 哈哈: Notsofast
  118. Wokechoke 说:

    It’s no cohencidence that these events in Ukraine have come to crisis point with Zelenskyy as commander in chief in Ukraine.

    Leon Trotsky was born the next town over from the current Ruler of Ukraine. Third cousins or something I hear. You like professional revolutionaries old man?

  119. Wokechoke 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    No the war against Germany did the damage to the Romanovs. Although to be fair the guys who actually gunned down the Czar and his daughters and sons have names and a religion.



    Double Jacobs…

    Had anyone of the children survived it’s possible the imperial family may have returned as constitutional monarchs later on. Interesting what if.

    • 哈哈: Fran Taubman
    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  120. How times have changed. New Axis is Jewish supremacists and Sub-Nazis of Ukraine.

  121. @Spanky

    Your comment seems generally sound, but I would reply to this point.

    There has been online commentary to the effect that U.S. / NATO forces provided Ukro forces with the position of Moskva and, possibly, missile guidance using NATO equipment. And now this. In either case, these are acts of war.

    The provision of information 能够 be regarded as an act of war, but probably won’t. Missile guidance using NATO equipment probably crosses the line, though.

    I wish that NATO would make up its mind that this simply is not NATO’s war. Unlike some right-of-center commenters, I sympathize with neither side in this war (or with both sides, if you prefer), yet I am unimpressed by sympathy as a cause of action in any event. In my estimation, a hard, cold calculation of Western interests dictates that we recognize the existence of a Russian sphere of interest—much as we would insist that, in, say, Mexico, Russia recognize the existence of an American sphere of interest. When it comes to the Ukraine, NATO should just stay out.

    My last sentence is unoriginal, of course, and is unlikely to provoke disagreement here; but it is nevertheless what I think.

    • 回复: @Spanky
  122. @Anonymous

    预计 10 年内俄罗斯将被瓜分,美军占领俄罗斯油田。

    I doubt it. The U.S. could not even achieve a partitioned Afghanistan within 10 years, nor to maintain troops occupying Afghan poppy fields.

    • 回复: @anon
  123. Since NATO is arming the Ukraine and sending instructors to show the Ukrainians how to fire them and probably themselves firing them then they may as well do it officially rather than pretending that they are not directly involved in the war, which they are. Also they don’t need to have their NATO soldiers wear Ukrainian uniforms and pretend they’re some kind of mercenaries, they may as well fight in NATO uniforms.

    Surely Russia can gather evidence from satellites about Romania allowing its airfields to be used for Ukrainian planes, and helicopters or rather their own and other East European NATO members’ Soviet origin planes and helicopters with Ukrainian insignia painted on them, to fly missions in the war zone. Yes it’s time they all get punished for their direct involvement in the war which they are somehow trying to disguise as being something else, rather unconvincingly.

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
    , @Sepp
  124. @SIS

    The Kremlin does not control the Central Bank of Russia.

    It doesn’t? Please explain.

  125. Salcio 说:

    “有一点是确定的。 如果俄罗斯国防部发现是北约干的,他们会放走所有的狗……”——你是说所有贵宾犬?

  126. SPRiggs 说:
    @Badger Down

    That’s a cool story yiu made up there bro! You like fiction, huh? Total BS!!

    • 同意: Fran Taubman
    • 回复: @Badger Down
  127. Wokechoke 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    Then show the public back home the Plan 1919…

    What are we all signing for here?

  128. Sepp 说:
    @Pat Kittle

    我们已经在以色列的监狱里,自从这些小帽子迫使他们所有的 shobbos 奴才签署诺亚德法律以来。

  129. Sepp 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    北约击沉莫斯科号的方式与击落 MH17 的方式完全相同。 所有的计划、基础工作、指导和掩饰都是由北约完成的,而乌克罗白痴做了扣动扳机的肮脏行为。

    无论哪种情况,俄罗斯能提供什么证据都无关紧要,它将隐藏在北约宣传 FUD 迷雾中。 MH17 黑匣子仍然像希拉里服务器或亨特的笔记本电脑一样无法访问。 由同步的全球宣传烟幕支持的“似是而非的推诿”。

    普京从未为 MH17 报仇,这可能是北约击沉莫斯科号的主要原因之一。 现在普京面临着更大、风险更大的反击,或者再次退到角落等待下一次更大的挑衅。

  130. @Wokechoke

    No the war against Germany did the damage to the Romanovs. Although to be fair the guys who actually gunned down the Czar and his daughters and sons have names and a religion.

    Dude are you dense? Earth to Wokechoke the Russians LOST!!!
    The Empire fell
    People hated the Romanovs for sending young boys to fight and die and they rebelled.
    Pick up a history book.

    • 巨魔: Lurker
    • 回复: @Wokechoke
    , @Pat Kittle
  131. Wokechoke 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    You credited the war with Japan for ending the Czars. That war with Japan happened a decade before the war with Germany. The Russian fleet was sunk in 1905. The St Petersburg Revolution deposing the Czar happened in 1917 and the communists staged a coup a bit later. Jews and certain ideologues didn’t like the Tsar but plenty of Russians still supported their royal family and various outlying groups of Cossacks were personally loyal to the Imperial family. The execution of the Czar itself is widely seen as an act of sadistic Jewish malignancy given the Jewish identity of the gunmen who shot raped and dissolved the family in acid. The murder of the family turned the birth of the communist regime straight into a curse.

    Yeltsin pointed out that the act was barbaric. We know what he meant. Today the Russians appear to see the Czar as a Saint.

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
    , @Che Guava
  132. @Thomas Faber

    This Judy Woodesque “hidden technology” DEW meme is nonsense. There are presently no practical megawatt-level laser weapons. Certainly nothing that could be put on a satellite and used to destroy targets on the ground. And to the extent it may someday be possible, this is not the kind of thing that some small secretive research group is going to invent/develop in isolation.

    It is presently possible to make megawatt level lasers but they are big and bulky. An example is the YAL-1 project whose laser was so big and bulky it had to be housed in a Boeing 747. And as powerful as its chemical oxygen iodine laser (COIL) was, it still wasn’t powerful enough to do what they wanted to do with it, so it was scrapped.

    “I don’t know anybody at the Department of Defense, Mr. Tiahrt, who thinks that this program should, or would, ever be operationally deployed. The reality is that you would need a laser something like 20 to 30 times more powerful than the chemical laser in the plane right now to be able to get any distance from the launch site to fire … So, right now the ABL would have to orbit inside the borders of Iran in order to be able to try and use its laser to shoot down that missile in the boost phase. And if you were to operationalize this you would be looking at 10 to 20 747s, at a billion and a half dollars apiece, and $100 million a year to operate. And there’s nobody in uniform that I know who believes that this is a workable concept.”


    The Lockheed-Martin solid state fiber lasers are a more advanced technology than the YAL-1 COIL and they would be smaller than the COIL for a givern power output but it’s not clear how high the power can be scaled, and even if it could be scaled up to a multi-megawatt level, it would still be big and require a big and bulky power supply. It wouldn’t be something stealthy that somebody is going to put on a satellite.

    As far as starting fires is concerned you can buy 450 nm (blue) laser diodes with a 7 watt optical power output on ebay that will probably start fires under the right conditions at short range. Maybe one of these could be mounted on a small drone and used to start fires, but why would an arsonist go through the all the trouble and expense?

    • 回复: @Thomas Faber
    , @MarkU
  133. raga10 说:

    Also Crimean war and Russo-Turkish war and WWI

    And let’s not forget Afghanistan! The US are not the only ones who embarrassed themselves in Afghanistan…

  134. Pat Kittle 说:
    @Fran Taubman


    (((You))) think we should all be in prison for merely questioning (((your version))) of WWII.

    That’s all we need to know about (((you))).

  135. GMC 说:

    Ya, it’s hard to tell the players without a scorecard but Turkey is definitely in the lineup.Israel too. It’s real easy for the so called leaders to sit back and let their populace take the hit for economic failures or become cannon fodder. If we don’t have a nuclear winter – Europe is going to get a bit poorer and chillier.

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  136. P.O.W 说:

    “…it will be interesting to see if any of the captured manpads from ukraine end up in iraq and syria.”

    – it would be a pity when those captured weapons turn up in the streets of NATOstan cities and towns, in the hands of the cartels, BLM and ANTIFA groups.

  137. @Harold Smith

    Well, you might be right. The fact is that I don’t know. But with enough money, I don’t see why it would not be possible to build a space weapon with a nuclear reactor mounted with some monster capacitors and, say, 5 1-megawatt lasers, all able to point at the same spot – it could be assembled in space, so as not to take the whole load up at once. Sure, it would be big and bulky, and perhaps, as you say, not feasible – but not impossible either, I think.

    Looking at the world, and what has been going on, I am convinced that there are people who, by any and all means, want to rule. I 期望 them to hide technology, if they consider this in their interest – and I also think that they have been doing so for a long time (at least a hundred years). And with enough money (35 trillion USD missing from the Pentagon??), a lot is possible.

    The bottom line is that I don’t know. In any case, I appreciate that you have taken the time to answer 🙂

  138. @SPRiggs

    So when will we see you parachuting into Azovstal to join your Ukronazi idols?

  139. 本文中的信息在很大程度上解释了为什么莫斯科的“袭击”如此神秘,

    乌克兰兜售的宣传简直是胡说八道,无论有没有北约的帮助,他们的本土烟花都不可能偷偷溜过 s500 系统。

    北约实际上不得不“为第五次辩护”,而 Ukie 的故事被毁了,



    我并不是说这是一个假标志。 毕竟,没有人受到责备。
    如果是导弹或鱼雷,伤亡人数出奇地低。 想想谢菲尔德吃鱼后的大屠杀。



    • 回复: @R2b
    , @davidgmillsatty
  140. @SPRiggs

    A true Alpha Cretin. The USA doesn’t have fifty years of natural gas, possibly not even fifty months. Were you born this dumb, or have you deteriorated? But your comments are SOOOOOO dumb that I smell a sarcastic mouse. Not even a Yankee Doodle Dumbarse can be this thick.

  141. @PJ London

    Several of the mysteriously burning US food facilities were FOR vegetables. Veganism is not compulsory, so why do you denigrate its practitioners?

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  142. @Wokechoke

    The costly and humiliating series of Russian defeats in the Russo-Japanese War left the Russian Empire demoralized, added to Russians’ growing anger at the failed policies of Czar Nicholas II, and would fan the flames of political dissent that ultimately resulted in the overthrow of the government during the Russian …

    We started this conversation by saying the Russians had not lost a war in 200 years. Wrong. Peasant boys were being sent to die. The peasants resented the aristocracy for its disregard for the peasant class. Before the Russian revolution, Russian still had slaves. The revolution had nothing to do with the Jews. Russians were starving. The enlightenment never hit Russia, nor did the Renaissance.

    The order to kill the Czar and his family came from non Jews in the politburo. The Jews fighting in the Russian revolution did not fight for Jewry, they were godless. Most were non Jews. Most Jews in Russia were against the revolution and moved to America.

    It is like saying all the aristocracies in Europe and the French Revolution was caused by Jews. Stupid. The aristocracies created feudalism which granted power to the nobility WHO WERE CERTAINLY NOT JEWS. Revolutions are fought between the powerful (non Jews) and the powerless (non Jews and Jews)

    No one rapped the czars family. Furthermore there was only one Jew in the battalion of men guarding the Czar and his family. Most were non Jews. Because one was a Jew you decide to blame the Jews.

    The sadism that existed during the Russian Revolution was perpetrated by the revolutionaries who were mostly non Jews.

    You are so ignorant of the historical facts. Why not educate yourself on why the Romanov dynasty ended? No one misses them. It was a doomed dynastic system that was unsustainable and destined to fail. Serfdom ended and the peasants had a chance at advancement and education.

    • 巨魔: Che Guava
    • 回复: @Drapetomaniac
    , @Che Guava
  143. @Another Polish Perspective

    It’s most likely things related to codes and such like. It was a 40 year old ship …. It wouldn’t have the most cutting edge stuff on it. But also ship born air defense would like have things the ground based ones don’t also…. So there can be plenty of reasons… the most likely is intelligence though.

  144. @nsa

    Remember Russia said they would not invade Ukraine but are conducting a special operation. It might be semantics to most – but that’s why they didn’t do exactly what you said and just knock out all communications and electricity. They are targeting military assets. Invasion means to take the whole country. In the west people view it differently. But in the East – words mean what they say. So I guess Russia really isn’t the west after all

  145. @Karl1906

    Yeah the silly media claimed losing that ship meant Russia could no longer hit Ukraine with cruise missiles… except that ship didn’t carry land attack missiles and Russia has kept hitting Ukraine with cruise missiles… Go figure

    • 同意: davidgmillsatty
  146. @Fran Taubman

    Dear Fran, in the Japanese War the Russians lost about 50 thousand men – about the same amount of casualties the Japanese had. The revolution that followed resulted in constitutional reform and establishing a parliament, not the abolition of monarchical order. Nicholas II retained his power.

    You could also reference the Crimean War of 1853 – 1856, the First Chechen War of 1994 – 1996 and the First World War, but it wouldn’t make a good argument because in the end Russia retaliated and defeated all of the enemies soon thereafter, even though it had lost to them first. However that is not what I was talking about.

    You said it – Russia has never lost when it was invaded. And this is what I meant. You need to learn a bit more about the historical context in order to understand the process which is taking place in Ukraine. The point is that Russia is not an invader – Ukraine is the aggressor.

    The war is going on for the territories and for the people which are an integral part of Russia and had on paper been a part of Ukraine not for a long time. Not long enough to forget that the region of Donbass was not lost to it in a war, not sold, not exchanged for something else but given as a gift.

    And had the Ukrainians not gone bananas with all that Nazi crap it would have remained a part of Ukraine, and Crimea would have as well. The war in Donbass began after the people had proclaimed independence and has been going on ever since. The Russians had to interfere to protect the people – the Russian people.

    There are no Ukrainians in Donbass.

  147. SIS 说:

    Reply to @V. K. Ovelund. Please excuse the length of post.

    See Sergey Glazyev admitting that the central bank of Russia “needs to be nationalised” and at the same time “answers to the IMF” and “panders to the enemy”.. The article linked is worth a read. I have read more than Glazyev admitting the central bank is not Kremlin controlled. Including Escobar.

    Sergey Glazyev:


    “the Central Bank, on the instructions of the IMF, raised the interest rate, which completely paralyzed our economy. The total damage caused by this policy has already reached 50 trillion rubles of unproduced products and approximately 20 trillion rubles of undeveloped investments. Now we need to add to this the $ 300 billion invested in foreign assets that are currently frozen — that’s the damage” 1

    “Therefore, when we talk about nationalizing the Central Bank, we are not talking about formally nationalizing it (it is already nationalized), but about bringing it into a policy that is consistent with national interests” 2 (Glazyev contradicts himself by saying that the central bank needs to be nationalised, but is already nationalised. Surely it would be working in the national interest if it was.)

    ” But why does the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, in your opinion, pursue a policy in the interests of the enemy?

    — As I said, it does this on the recommendation of the International Monetary Fund. …. Therefore, an influential lobby is formed around this policy, which supports this policy based on its private interests. These interests run counter to the interests of the country, they are directly opposite to them. And if you look at what the Central Bank is doing today, I have no doubt that it is continuing its policy of pandering to the enemy.” 3 (Again, it would not be doing this if Kremlin controlled)

    1,2,3 https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/04/09/events-like-this-happen-once-a-century/#more-264873

    If the central bank was Kremlin controlled, it would be working in the national interest. He admits it is “pandering to the enemy”.

    There is a reason that the Russian central bank had $300 billion abroad ready to be seized, and let 600 tonnes of gold go abroad recently. So much for Russian accumulating lots of gold to fight the cabal. The central bank let more than 600 tonnes leave the country recently.

    Sberbank’s CEO Herman Gref is a WEF board member and involved with vaccine / digital money tech. JP Morgan is involved with Sberbank, via crypto etc. Rockefeller and Rothschild both are part puppetmasters of the WEF, as well as puppetmasters of the Fed. Herman Gref is “their man”, so to speak.

    It would appear that some of the same tentacles that control the Fed, control the Russian Central Bank. My guess is that the Rothschild / Rockefeller matrix and possibly others, control the Russian central bank. Obviously, these banksters control the IMF. Which Glazeyv admits, seems to be dictating Russian central bank actions. Not the Kremlin.

    • 同意: peterAUS
  148. mcohen 说:


  149. Spanky 说:
    @V. K. Ovelund

    In my estimation, a hard, cold calculation of Western interests dictates that we recognize the existence of a Russian sphere of interest—much as we would insist that, in, say, Mexico, Russia recognize the existence of an American sphere of interest. — V. K. Ovelund

    Altho I agree with your estimate, unfortunately, the West (defined here as the U.S. and NATO, plus Australia, New Zealand and Japan) does not and seems incapable of hard, cold calculations regarding other nations’ interests — China’s recent treaty with the Solomon Islands being case in point. After much ado about Ukraine being completely free to join NATO, irrespective of Russia’s security interests, the Empire of Hypocrisy now says (according to 守护者):

    Ambassador Daniel Kritenbrink warns security pact presents ‘potential regional security implications’


    The provision of information can be regarded as an act of war, but probably won’t. Missile guidance using NATO equipment probably crosses the line, though.
    When it comes to the Ukraine, NATO should just stay out. — V. K. Ovelund

    Altho an accident aboard the Moskva cannot be ruled out in light of our present lack of information, the war in Ukraine is a U.S. / NATO proxy war against Russia — nothing more and nothing less — which the Empire makes abundantly clear daily. Understanding this, Russia is trying to limit the fighting to Ukraine, which would explain their circumspection if the Moskva was hit by anti-ship missiles either by NATO or with their direct assistance. Russia does not desire a wider war, which the U.S. / NATO needs and is attempting to provoke. (Altho the promised Russian 不对称反应 is an interesting, if not ominous, reply.)

    • 同意: V. K. Ovelund
  150. @Here Be Dragon

    The Kurds were sold out a long time ago. Sadly the Kurds never seem to get it. They were used against Saddam and then sold out. They were used against Assad and again sold out. I’m not sure why they don’t understand the US couldn’t care less about them.

  151. @GMC

    Not poor enough. The Bulgarian PM wants poor Bulgarian citizens to donate one salary each to the Ukrainian government. Other European countries may do the same – spend their taxpayers’ money supporting the Ukrainian government.

    • 回复: @GMC
    , @Wielgus
  152. @Another Polish Perspective

    我也使用某种定向能武器……来自通常的“外星人”。就像 9/11 和引发加州一些非常有趣的“森林火灾”时可能使用的那些一样……。

    • 同意: GMC
  153. @mulga mumblebrain

    Australia is going apoplectic because PR China supposedly wants to build a military base on the Solomon Islands and calls it a red line, but it doesn’t recognise any of Russia’s red lines. But I see China denies it will be building this base so why all the fuss? Even US issued threats to the Solomon Islands based on this fake news about a Chinese base.

  154. @MotGOD

    乌克兰人在梦中击沉了导弹。 看我上面的照片。

    Moskva 没有从船的两侧爆炸,这就是导弹击中所发生的情况。


  155. @Here Be Dragon

    Dear Fran, in the Japanese War the Russians lost about 50 thousand men – about the same amount of casualties the Japanese had. The revolution that followed resulted in constitutional reform and establishing a parliament, not the abolition of monarchical order. Nicholas II retained his power.

    Yes the Duma was set up specifically for constitutional reform on the issues I stated. But the Czar inexplicably reneged on the terms which meant power sharing, and retained all the power for himself. It was a failure and Nicholas was told by others in the aristocracy that retaining exclusive power and not solving the issues of status quo that he would be doomed, and he was. You need to understand that Russia never went thru the enlightenment where freedom and empowerment of individuals from the feudal system was abolished. Nicholas was a very stupid leader.


    The President of the Duma, Michael Rodzianko, became very concerned about the situation in the city and sent a telegram to the Tsar: “The situation is serious. There is anarchy in the capital. The Government is paralysed. Transport, food, and fuel supply are completely disorganised. Universal discontent is increasing. Disorderly firing is going on in the streets. Some troops are firing at each other. It is urgently necessary to entrust a man enjoying the confidence of the country with the formation of a new Government. Delay is impossible. Any tardiness is fatal. I pray God that at this hour the responsibility may not fall upon the Sovereign.” (28)
    On 10th March, 1917, the Tsar had decreed the dissolution of the Duma. The High Command of the Russian Army now feared a violent revolution and on 12th March suggested that Nicholas II should abdicate in favour of a more popular member of the royal family. Attempts were now made to persuade Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich to accept the throne. He refused and the Tsar recorded in his diary that the situation in “Petrograd is such that now the Ministers of the Duma would be helpless to do anything against the struggles the Social Democratic Party and members of the Workers Committee. My abdication is necessary… The judgement is that in the name of saving Russia and supporting the Army at the front in calmness it is necessary to decide on this step. I agreed.” (29)

    You need to learn a bit more about the historical context in order to understand the process which is taking place in Ukraine. The point is that Russia is not an invader – Ukraine is the aggressor.

    I know enough history to challenge what you are saying. You need to understand what I am talking about with regards to the enlightenment missing Russia. The Ukraine was a part of the Russian Empire, much as many other countries from many other Empires in Europe. Austria used to part of the Austrian- Hungarian Empire, and Poland and Lithuania were all part of Empires. Empires have come and gone.

    It does not matter that Russia feels that Ukraine is part of its former empire, that country has made a decision to succeed from Russia, their choice, and obviously they are willing to die for it. Who conquers what has been going on since the beginning of time. If Russia loses they lose. You ideas are sentimental not logical.

    Ukraine does not want to be part of an autocrat government, they have chosen to join the West and attempt democratic reforms. That is their choice. Who would want to be rolled by Putin. Let Russia set one foot in Poland. I was just in Poland and they have memories of the the solidarity movement and what it took to get away from the USSR. Same is true of the Berlin wall.

    You can feel your feelings, but it is silly of you to claim some historical grandiosity about your ideas. There are two sides to every story. Like saying the Czar is missed, the Russian Empire was glorious.
    It is not relevant to what is taking place in 2022.

    The British used to say the sun will never set on the British Empire. Well how did that work out.

    • 回复: @Here Be Dragon
  156. GMC 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    Simply amazing how these poodle countries fall over each other to kiss the USA and EU dicks. One would think that the Bulgarians and other Eastern European countries that have Russian populaces, would have entirely known about the terror that the CIA, Nato and the US has bestowed against Donbas – in the last 8 years. I wonder if the Turkish So. Stream pipeline is still flowing beyond Turkey ? Russia needs to neuter Bulgaria, Romania and others – in the future. Worthless countries 50 years ago and still are.

    • 回复: @raga10
  157. @Fran Taubman

    If there’s a loose brake routing issue to fix here, please enlighten us.

  158. @antitermite

    There being no photos of the Moskva, showing a blowout of the ship’s side wall,is highly indicative that this was not a missile, because side wall blow outs are clearly seen in known missile strikes.


    • 回复: @Sparkon
  159. Wielgus 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    There are already tensions expressed towards Ukrainian refugees and giving up a month’s salary will make them worse. Like a tithe. Resentment of paying tithes to the clergy or to the Pope in Rome helped kick off Protestantism.
    If people had to give up a month’s salary to support Israel, anti-Semitism would cease to be on the fringes and become quite mainstream.

  160. Anon[336]• 免责声明 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    如果您认为俄罗斯可以与西方竞争,我会邀请您参观史密森尼航空航天博物馆,水星太空舱与俄罗斯联盟号太空舱并列。 Mercury 胶囊具有制作精美的拨动开关和带有最先进面板的仪表板。 联盟号看起来像 1950 年的胡佛真空吸尘器,橡胶软管用胶带安装在开口上。


  161. @Fran Taubman


    For me the Russian Empire was not glorious at all and I am not missing the Czar because I am a socialist of a particular kind. This is not the point. And what I am talking about has nothing to do with Russia’s alleged desire to restore the Empire. Russia does not need more land. Nor does it need Ukraine to be a satellite state.

    Let me explain it like this – imagine that we are talking about Jews. For example the Jews in the Palestinian territories. Let’s imagine that there is a Palestinian state, and the Jews are still residing there in the settlements. For a period of time there had been no problem and the Jews were getting along with the Arab population.

    But then a radical government came into power and began repressions against the Jews. For example, it ordered the Jewish schools to be closed and cancelled the status of Hebrew as the second official language, which it had been granted in the beginning when the state was established. And in the press people started to refer to Jews as Kikes.

    Of course the Jews couldn’t accept it and proclaimed independence. And then the Arabs called them a terrorist organization and started shelling them and attacking them with missiles and mortars and then sent the troops to enforce the law that the local Jews are not willing to follow. Most of the Muslim countries support the Palestinian Arabs.

    And the question is what would in a situation like this Israel do, and I guess it wouldn’t ignore it and would interfere in order to protect the people – the Jewish people, from being slaughtered. You should have known that Russia had tried two times to solve the problem without a war. Ukraine did not follow the agreements.

    And regarding it being a kind of sentimental line of reasoning – well, life is all about feelings and logic is not life. All ideas are sentimental. Most of all that of the enlightenment missing Russia, considering the fact that in the United States the slave trade! was abolished later then serfdom was in Russia.

    Your comment therefore implies that the enlightenment happened a little too late in the United States, but it nevertheless does not present a problem whatsoever for a reason that remains an enigma. And lest we forget that Russia’s contribution to the classical music, literature and science is eminent, if not outstanding.

    Your logic Fran is based on false premises.

  162. MarkU 说:
    @Harold Smith

    I’m glad to see see someone else arguing with the clueless science fantasy garbage. In my experience it is always people that know damn all about science that believe in that crap.

  163. My hypothesis is that Russia cannot defeat the Ashkenazim. While Ashkenazi and Russian conventional weapons are relatively at the same technological level, the Ashkenazim possess a much larger force of international Gentile soldiers, they possess much more conventional weapons, and they possess the means to manufacture much more conventional weapons than Russia. The Ashkenazim seem to be calling Russia’s bluff regarding the use of nuclear weapons, and it may even be the case that the Ashkenazim, out of a Group Selected Religious/Spiritual/Monumentalism view, are willing to sacrifice themselves in a nuclear war as long as they can be relatively sure they will kill all the Gentiles along with them. There may be a subjective feeling of Honor among the Ashkenazim to choose to die and take their enemies with them than to remain alive where they have failed to enslave or kill off all the Gentiles.

    Now, the question is, do the Russians have the same Group Selected traits that will motivate them to be willing to sacrifice themselves provided that they take the Ashkenazim with them? My understanding is that they don’t. Dr. Michael Anthony Woodley of Menie has shown that due to years of dysgenics and mutational load, Russia comprises a very strong level of relatively Individually Selected/R-Selected Atheistic/Nihilistic Neurotic Non-Industrious Low-Intelligent Psychopaths. Thus, I conjecture that Russia will not launch a nuclear attack. Russians in Ukraine will be attacked by a virtually endless supply of soldiers and conventional weapons, resulting in the elimination of all Russians there. However, it will not end there. The Ashenazim, being extremely Group Selected/Ethnocentric, will now want to aggressively end the lives of all Russians in Russia as well. Russia will face a constant bombardment with conventional weapons until every Russian has lost their lives. Of course, during the process, the Ashkenazi males will rape as many Russian females that they perceive as attractive as they can.

    随着俄罗斯人的离开,德系将获得俄罗斯的所有权,这意味着丰富的土地和自然资源来源。 也许俄罗斯将成为以色列的一部分,这是他们在布尔什维克革命期间的计划。 俄罗斯完全可以种植 Hasidic/Haredi Ashkenazi 家庭,由于他们极高的优生出生率,将很快使整个俄罗斯充满基因先进的德系人。 主观上讲,大自然和上帝的意志将被执行,他们的计划是让德系犹太人在达尔文的生存和统治斗争中取代所有外邦人。 就像智人取代尼安德特人一样,德系犹太人将取代外邦人。

    最后一点,鉴于整个俄罗斯人口将在德系犹太人手中经历极端程度的身心痛苦,俄罗斯政府可以先发制人地为整个俄罗斯人口提供无痛的自杀方法,例如自杀药物, 为每个人提供枪支,以便他们可以通过头部中弹来结束生命,以气体为基础的自杀产品,例如刚刚在瑞士发明的毒气棺材,所有人都可以免费乘坐飞机,这样他们就可以在没有降落伞的情况下进行高空跳伞,准备建筑物,俄罗斯人可以跳下的高桥、丘陵和山脉等等。 俄罗斯人剩下的短暂生存时间可以用来尽快为先发制人的无痛死亡做好准备。

  164. MarkU 说:

    I beg to differ with your pathological analysis.

    You are obviously in need of serious medication and psychotherapy and probably need to be incarcerated both for your own safety and for the safety of those around you. If you continue to spout such delusional nonsense you will probably end up working for the Council on Foreign Relations.

    • 同意: davidgmillsatty
  165. Sparkon 说:

    I don’t see it that way. However, I do see dark areas, likely hull breaches, near the waterline on the port side in this photo of the listing, burning 莫斯科等等 海事执行官

    However, images from the scene told a different story: the vessel appeared to have sustained two hull breaches near the waterline on the port side, just beneath the stack, and extensive fire damage amidships.


    The main damage appears to be amidships but smoke obscures much of the tower. Some naval experts may know if that is commensurate with an onboard magazine explosion. If the Russians release pictures of the sunken ship we may learn what took her down, but meanwhile, this image of HMS 谢菲尔德, burning after being hit by an Exocet missile launched by an Argentine Air Force Super Etendard, in fact, looks quite similar, in terms of damage and smoke, to the image of the 莫斯科 above, which was listing to port, putting those breaches closer to the waterline, whereas the 谢菲尔德 is not listing to starboard in this image, so the hole is higher, but she too foundered while being towed.

    图片: 海军瞭望台


    • 回复: @davidgmillsatty
  166. @Fran Taubman

    “Why not educate yourself on why the Romanov dynasty ended?”

    Dynastic rule was ended so that non-dynastc psychopaths could gain control and immense wealth. You know, the people behind the curtains who are currently in control of the world’s dumb-ocracies.

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
    , @Wokechoke
  167. GeneralRipper [又名“GKWillie”] 说:

    Which goes to show that Russia and it’s leadership are MUCH more decent and humane, than any of the sick fucks who’ve been calling the shots in the West in the last 50 years.

    Of course, the cherry on top is the fact that Iraq was NEVER anything resembling a threat to the United States of America, only to the Shitty Little Nation of Jew dogshit which OWNS it’s weak compromised whores/politicians. as well as it’s media.

  168. Htos1av 说:

    问题是婴儿潮一代坐拥超过 90 万亿美元的资金。

  169. Htos1av 说:



  170. Wokechoke 说:

    She knows! She can’t bear to face it though.

  171. Wokechoke 说:

    It was not so much ended as murdered by a set of Jewish freaks.

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  172. @Wokechoke

    You mean like Stalin and Beria etc? Those freaks. Because they all turned non the Jews and sent them to Siberia.

    • 回复: @Avery
    , @Wokechoke
  173. Avery 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    [Stalin’s Jews-We mustn’t forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish]
    (Sever Plocker|Published: 12.21.06 , 23:35)

    [那我们犹太人呢?一名以色列学生高中毕业时从未听说过这个名字 “Genrikh Yagoda,” the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the “bloodthirsty dwarf.”]

    [Yezhov was not Jewish but was blessed with an active Jewish wife. In his Book “Stalin: Court of the Red Star”, Jewish historian Sebag Montefiore writes that during the darkest period of terror, when the Communist killing machine worked in full force, Stalin was surrounded by beautiful, young Jewish women.]

    [斯大林的亲密伙伴和忠诚者包括中央委员会委员和政治局委员 拉扎尔·卡冈诺维奇. Montefiore characterizes him as the “first Stalinist” and adds that those starving to death in Ukraine, an unparalleled tragedy in the history of human kind aside from the Nazi horrors and Mao’s terror in China, did not move Kaganovich.]

    [许多犹太人将自己的灵魂出卖给了共产主义革命的魔鬼,手上永远沾满了鲜血。我们再提一个: 列昂尼德·赖希曼, head of the NKVD’s special department and the organization’s chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist.]

    [In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent* of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. They too, of course, were gradually eliminated in the next purges. In a fascinating lecture at a Tel Aviv University convention this week, Dr. Halfin described the waves of soviet terror as a “carnival of mass murder,” “fantasy of purges”, and “essianism of evil.” Turns out that Jews too, when they become captivated by messianic ideology, can become great murderers, among the greatest known by modern history.]

    By 1939, the Jewish population of the Soviet Union constituted about 3.2 million people.
    In 1939 population of USSR was ~190 million people.
    That makes Jewish percentage of the USSR ~1.6%

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
    , @Fran Taubman
  174. Wokechoke 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    lol. The Soviet Union did one unique thing. It enfranchised Jews as citizens and let your people administer the NKVD, the economy, the police, the courts the army… the Czar excluded such subversive populations. Communism was the then current means with which vampires took over, over there. Trotsky was born the next town over from Zelenskyy for example.

  175. Wokechoke 说:

    The Czar didn’t allow these people to hold office. The main innovation of communism was the political enfranchisement of Jews. The difference is stark from the pre to post revolutionary administrators.

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  176. @Avery

    [Stalin’s Jews-We mustn’t forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish]
    (Sever Plocker|Published: 12.21.06 , 23:35)

    This is the greatest hits of Jew haters, a tired top 10. I know it was in Y News but taken out of context. The Jews who murdered during the revolution and communism were not fighting for Jewry, they were fighting for a godless communist society composed of godless Jews and non Jews.

    Those Jews were not fighting for Judaism or Jewish causes or for Zionism and Israel. They were just people who were born Jews, some whose parents had already converted to Christianity but are still considered Jews by die hard Jew haters.

    Jews fighting for Zionism and Israel are fighting for Judaism and the establishment of a state for Jews.

    Are you getting my point. Let me be more clear. Mao killed 75 million Chinese during the Chinese Revolution all in the name of a better godless China. No Jews were involved in that. That was mass murder on a much larger scale than one Jew did during the Russian revolution.

    But you are a Jew hater Avery, and as such you have a bias against Jews. You will look thru a microscope to find the Jews all the while passing on horrible sadistic non Jews to find the one Jew, because your biased makes you irrationally obsessed with Jews.

    No matter. If someone showed you 1 plus 1 = 2. You would say 1 plus 1 Jew= 2 murderous Jews.

    See my point. I fifth grader could figure out your silly bias, and dismiss you as a useless piece of shit with regards to history, murder and Jews.

    • 巨魔: Lurker
    • 回复: @Avery
    , @mulga mumblebrain
  177. @Wokechoke

    The Czar didn’t allow these people to hold office. The main innovation of communism was the political enfranchisement of Jews. The difference is stark from the pre to post revolutionary administrators.

    lol. The Soviet Union did one unique thing. It enfranchised Jews as citizens and let your people administer the NKVD, the economy, the police, the courts the army… the Czar excluded such subversive populations. Communism was the then current means with which vampires took over, over there. Trotsky was born the next town over from Zelenskyy for example.

    Double LOL for both of these lying comments. The Czar did not allow subversives in the government !! The entire aristocracy was a privileged bunch of idiots who owned land the peasants slaved and farmed the land for a piece of bread, while the nobility of land lords took the profits to drink and rape and pillage with no consequences or laws holding them accountable. If you were a poor Russian peasant woman your probably had many abortions from being raped by a Russian nobleman. Most died.

    The Czar let a piece of shit like Rasputin actually make governmental decisions. He was a drunken raping pervert. Oh sorry he was not Jewish.

    The Jews might have held positions in the communist party, but during the counter revolution most Jews who were sent to Siberia. When Stalin got sick before he died the politburo could not find a Jewish doctor to care for him because they were all in labor camps. No Jew ever held major administrative roles like Kruschev or Stalin or Beria, or further on in time. Jews were not allowed to practice Judaism. They did it in secret. Jews in my family went over to Russia covertly to help them get out.

    Practicing Jews were not desired within Russia and represented no continent of Judaism or Jewish causes. Most Rabbis were jailed, and bartering was done to get them out of Russia.

    Go find a Jew and Jew to make your noxious case. But Russia was full of non Jewish scum who treated the lower classes like scum. No education nothin. Fortunately the Jews were able to educate themselves and thus form intelligent people to challenge the corrupt Russian Aristocracy.

    You should watch the film Dr. Zivago and see what pre revolutionary life was like for the Russians.

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  178. How many Orcs were incinerated, maimed, drowned or died of hypothermia in the sinking of that old rust bucket?

    Not nearly enough!!

    The Russians, as individuals, can be great people. As a nation, they are such fuck ups. The Orcs just crashed a spy ship into a freighter off the coast of Istanbul. If there is a more appropriate metaphor for the Orc military, it’s a spy ship cruising blind.

  179. @Sanjay.....


    • 哈哈: Fran Taubman
  180. Avery 说:

    {This is the greatest hits of Jew haters, a tired top 10.}

    You are desperate: the writer is a Jew.
    I didn’t write the article: a Jew wrote it. Get it?
    Nothing is taken out of context: I just highlighted some things from the article so that you would not miss it when you read the entire article 😊

    {But you are a Jew hater Avery, and as such you have a bias against Jews. }

    Sever Plocker, the author of the article — a Jew — must be a Jew hater then: No?

    {…. and dismiss you as a useless piece of shit with regards to history, murder and Jews.}

    When posters start foaming at the mouth and resort tom insults, I know they have no facts to backup their bloviations: they are just throwing out BS to try to obscure their incompetence.

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  181. raga10 说:


    And yet, most Eastern European countries that experienced bliss of living under the Russian rule first-hand are now Russia’s staunchest opponents. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Well, maybe not you – you probably prefer to remain oblivious to the obvious.

    • 同意: peterAUS
    • 回复: @Jack Sparrow
  182. Wokechoke 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Rasputin was known for being against the war with Germany. Had he really been influential Nicholas would not have decided to mobilize against Germany. Rasputin was just a proto peace n love hippy. He opposed Russian entry into war against Austria. He told Nicholas not to mobilize! This is why MI6 shot him as a dark influence (meaning counsel of peace) on the Emperor.

    Again Rasputin was a peacenik. His name was blackened by warmongering groups in the government and mostly by MI6 who wanted him gone because he was telling the Emperor to stop the war.

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  183. @Wokechoke

    Again Rasputin was a peacenik. His name was blackened by warmongering groups in the government and mostly by MI6 who wanted him gone because he was telling the Emperor to stop the war.

    Sort of clueless about what you are saying here. I have never heard that he was a peachick etc. He was depraved and a vulture. You know the kind of subversive Jews the Czar excluded from power. Do you have a source you can quote about these facts regarding Rasputin? I have never heard this before. What is M16? Please sight sources for this drivel.

    Quoting you and Avery

    The Czar didn’t allow these people to hold office. The main innovation of communism was the political enfranchisement of Jews. The difference is stark from the pre to post revolutionary administrators.

    lol. The Soviet Union did one unique thing. It enfranchised Jews as citizens and let your people administer the NKVD, the economy, the police, the courts the army… the Czar excluded such subversive populations. Communism was the then current means with which vampires took over, over there. Trotsky was born the next town over from Zelenskyy for example.

    Here is what I have heard repeated many times. He was so embarrassing the nobility killed him. No peace

    Rasputin among admirers, 1914
    The Imperial Family’s belief in Rasputin’s healing powers brought him considerable status and power at court.[51] The tsar appointed Rasputin his lampadnik (lamplighter), charged with keeping the lamps lit before religious icons in the palace, and this gained him regular access to the palace and royal family.[52] By December 1906, Rasputin had become close enough to ask a special favor of the tsar: that he be permitted to change his surname to Rasputin-Noviy (Rasputin-New). Nicholas granted the request and the name change was speedily processed, suggesting that he already had the tsar’s favor at that early date.[36] Rasputin used his position to full effect, accepting bribes and sexual favors from admirers[51] and working diligently to expand his influence.

    Rasputin soon became a controversial figure; he was accused by his enemies of religious heresy and rape, was suspected of exerting undue political influence over the tsar, and was even rumored to be having an affair with the tsarina.[53] Opposition to Rasputin’s influence grew within the church. In 1907, the local clergy in Pokrovskoye denounced Rasputin as a heretic, and the Bishop of Tobolsk launched an inquest into his activities, accusing him of “spreading false, Khlyst-like doctrines”.[54] In St Petersburg, Rasputin faced opposition from even more prominent critics, including prime minister Peter Stolypin and the Okhrana, the Tsar’s secret police.[55] Having ordered an investigation into Rasputin’s activities, Stolypin confronted the Tsar about him but did not succeed in reining in Rasputin’s influence or exiling him from St Petersburg.[56] In 1909 Kehioniya Berlatskaya, who had been one of Rasputin’s early supporters in St Petersburg, accused him of rape. She went to Theofan for aid, and the incident helped to convince Theofan that Rasputin was a danger to the monarchy.[57] Rumors multiplied that Rasputin had assaulted female followers and behaved inappropriately on visits to the Imperial Family – and particularly with the Tsar’s teenage daughters Olga and Tatyana, rumors reported widely in the press after March 1910.[58][59]

    Rasputin with his daughter Maria (rightmost), in his St. Petersburg apartment, 1911

    Caricature of Rasputin and the Imperial couple, 1916
    World War I, the dissolution of feudalism, and a meddling government bureaucracy all contributed to Russia’s rapid economic decline. Many laid the blame on Alexandra and her evil spirit, Rasputin. One outspoken member of the Duma, far-right politician Vladimir Purishkevich, stated in November 1916 that he held the tsar’s ministers had “been turned into marionettes, marionettes whose threads have been taken firmly in hand by Rasputin and the Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna – the evil genius of Russia and the Tsarina… who has remained a German on the Russian throne and alien to the country and its people”.[60] (The tsarina had been born a German princess.)

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  184. @Avery

    You are desperate: the writer is a Jew.
    I didn’t write the article: a Jew wrote it. Get it?
    Nothing is taken out of context: I just highlighted some things from the article so that you would not miss it when you read the entire article 😊

    I read the entire article. What I am referring to by out of context is what I have often repeated. These sadistic murders were Jewish in name only and they were part and parcel of an entire sadistic force of mostly non Jews. Stalin etc. They represent a godless communist mantra and despotic rule. These Jews did not murder for a Jewish cause or in the name of Jewry. Huge difference. Huge.This is the apparatus that many Jews belonged. It did not represent Jews, and most Russian Jews hated them.



    Here is what I meant

    The Jews active in official communist terror apparatuses (In the Soviet Union and abroad) and who at times led them, did not do this, obviously, as Jews, but rather, as Stalinists, communists, and “Soviet people.” Therefore, we find it easy to ignore their origin and “play dumb”: What do we have to do with them? But let’s not forget them. My own view is different. I find it unacceptable that a person will be considered a member of the Jewish people when he does great things, but not considered part of our people when he does amazingly despicable things.

    And finally. What did it matter if someone had a Jewish wife. Because the author is Jewish does not excuse hyperbole and stupidity like this. Did any of the Jewish murderers have beautiful Christian wives? What difference do the wives make. They were not murders. Just plain stupid.


  185. @Wizard of Oz

    Anne Applebaum is one of the most loathsome neo-con hate-mongers extant, so the Wizz having a crush on her, too, hardly surprises. I bet he has a picture of Ilse Koch next to his bed.
    When it comes to barbarity, Applebaum’s Ukronazi idols are hard to beat. Not only are they directly descended from Ukrainian butchers whose atrocities against Jews, Poles, Hungarians, Roma and Russians during WW2 even repulsed the Germans, but since returning to Ukraine post-Gorbachev, and particularly since the US-organised and financed fascist putsch in 2014, they have massacred, tortured, disappeared and killed thousands of victims, all to Applebaum and the Wizz’s absolute delight. After all, who better to represent really existing Western Moral Values than yet another US-backed death-squad butchering its way through its enemies?

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  186. @Fran Taubman

    And they still claim to be the world’s cleverest people!! Basing its ‘argument’ on the Mercury space program c. 1962, and ‘Mission Impossible’ movies which it seems to believe are documentaries. This is what happens when the self-delusion, inculcated over 3500 year, of TOTAL supremacy over humanity, hits the reality of goyim who don’t believe the bull-dust. And arguing that the hyper-aggressive, murderous (for ‘religious’ reasons)fascist, racist, settler cancer occupying Palestine, that specialises in murdering defenceless children, represents ‘MORALITY”.

  187. @Fran Taubman

    Jews CANNOT have a ‘home’ by stealing the home of the Palestinians. That’s International Law, old girl. And ‘Eretz Yisrael’ extends from ‘..the Nile to the Euphrates’, to quote Ben-Gurion, Herzl and numerous others. It can only be done by genocide, but, fortunately, the Torah has the world’s oldest extant description of the ways and means of genocide, and injunctions by the psychopathic Judaic Divinity to commit it, then and now.
    Moreover the Talmud declares that killing civilians, even children and babies, is not just permissible, but is a mitzvah, or good deed. And a whole city, like Gaza, may be destroyed for the ‘crimes’ of a few. It’s no wonder you turned out so Evil.
    By the way, monstrous lies about Mao only reveal your deep, deep, Judaic hatred of the goyim, and the Chinese in particular, because the Chinese don’t buy the Judeosupremacist bull-dust that infects the West (neither do they hate Jews). Moreover, they suffered a vastly greater genocide during Imperial Japanese aggression, from 1931 to 1945, so do not buy the racist garbage that the Nazi Judeocide is ‘unique’ in being more important than ALL other genocides in history, which is just your insufferable egotism and narcissism and contempt for the suffering of others in action.

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
    , @Pat Kittle
  188. @mulga mumblebrain


    犹太人不能通过窃取巴勒斯坦人的房屋来拥有“家”。这就是国际法,老姑娘。引用本-古里安、赫茨尔和许多其他人的话说,“Eretz Yisrael”从“尼罗河延伸到幼发拉底河”。只能通过种族灭绝来实现

    自 1948 年以来,生活在以色列的阿拉伯穆斯林人口增加了四倍。种族灭绝???生活在以色列的阿拉伯人的条件比沙特阿拉伯等大多数阿拉伯国家要好,沙特阿拉伯仍然对人进行斩首。更多的种族灭绝发生在贫穷的印度人和巴基斯坦人身上,他们在为阿拉伯酋长的建筑项目工作时声称节省劳动力并住在锡罐里。查一下。死亡人数惊人,他们无处可逃,护照也被没收。


    • 回复: @Jack Sparrow
  189. @mulga mumblebrain

    Prove any one of your grave accusations. You might start with the most serious if you think yourself capable of that discrimination.

  190. Pat Kittle 说:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    @Fran Taubman…
    … your insufferable egotism and narcissism and contempt for the suffering of others in action.

    Fran fellowwhite Taubman is fairly adept as leading us goyim down the rabbit hole.

    Go along for the ride, but keep this in mind:

    She considers ALL criticism of Jews, Israel, and/or Zionism to be “Jew hatred” — for which she would gladly see us imprisoned.

    Ask her if she approves of Europeans being imprisoned for questioning her version of WWII. She will adamantly refuse to answer. THAT is (((who))) we’re dealing with here.

  191. Wokechoke 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Rasputin is well known as an opponent of Russian entry into conflict with Germany for ww1. Because of this MI6 called him “Dark Forces” and made sure he got shot in the back of the head by an MI6 agent Oswald Rayner. The famous story about the poisoning, stabbing, multiple shooting, drowning death etc were hype and fake news created by the press. Good cover story.



    Anyway, Rasputin repeatedly told Nicholas not to go to war with Germany. There are letters he wrote to Nicholas to prove it and his eventual assassination by Rayner suggest he was a man who got in the way of a good old war.

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  192. @Wokechoke

    What ever you are referring to about Rasputin is more fictional then factual. Rasputin garnered a lot of story telling and mythology.
    He was drunk most of the time and his involvement in the war effort and M16 is mythological and more story telling. Facts are not there to support your idea. Just gossip.

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  193. Wokechoke 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Rayner edited Yusupov’s book that gives an account of the assassination. Lurid tale as of no sexual orgies, cyanide in cakes, drowning.

    That’s a big red flag. The revolver that shot Rasputin was a British service revolver .455. Rare enough in St Petersburg to be the smoking gun.

    Gossip, nah, forensic. The autopsy in the police report said a bullet in the thorax and a .455 headshot did him in.

    Rasputin’s daughter even sued Yusupov for libel in a French court.

  194. anon[271]• 免责声明 说:
    @V. K. Ovelund




    This deep, factual, identity crisis of “Russians” is one of the root causes of their turbulent history.


    You can hate anglo-zionist order all you want but let’s be honest: do we really want an order headed by Ivan? Seriously it is such a bad idea that even 1/2 of Russians historically have dreamed and prayed for being integrated into the evil bad lying West.

    • 同意: Fran Taubman, raga10
    • 回复: @Jack Sparrow
  195. @Wokechoke

    I just looked it up. I thought his story was disputed and mythological, put apparently it is considered accurate. I had never heard of it before.


  196. @Wokechoke


    Nevertheless it’s always amusing to read Fran DeafMan who confuses UK’s Military Intelligence dept 6 with an American rifle the M16.

    Please don’t discourage her too much.
    She might cease posting …

    SIS is the world’s oldest spy agency (founded 1909).
    Many think it’s now just an adjunct of the Mossad, like UK itself.

    • 回复: @Lurker
  197. @raga10


    • 回复: @raga10
  198. @anon


  199. @Fran Taubman

    自 1948 年以来以色列的基督徒人口情况如何?

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  200. @Fran Taubman


    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  201. raga10 说:
    @Jack Sparrow



    • 回复: @Jack Sparrow
  202. @Jack Sparrow




    • 回复: @Jack Sparrow
  203. Nazareth (Agenzia Fides) – The Christian population of Israel continues the slight numerical growth that has characterized it since the founding of the Jewish state, but also continues its progressive decline in percentage compared to other faith communities – Jews, Muslims and Druze – present in the country. The Israeli Central Statistical Office published these data on Christmas Eve 2021. According to the Israeli Statistics Office, 182,000 Christians currently live in Israel, which corresponds to 1.9 percent of the total population, while the growth rate of the Christian population in the Jewish state in 2020 was 1.4 percent.


    • 回复: @Pat Kittle
  204. Pat Kittle 说:
    @Fran Taubman


    “Jewish lightning” mysteriously destroys ancient Christian churches in the self-proclaimed “Jewish State” (Israel).

    You know this, and have no problem with it.

    Your hatred of gentiles is so extreme you actually approve of throwing us in prison for questioning your version of WWII.

  205. Mike-SMO 说:

    或者俄罗斯人会发现,在他们的“Sooper”防空系统卡车上使用的同样有缺陷的维护也用于莫斯科,当乌克兰导弹抵达时,系统出现故障。 普京被“沼泽生物”包围,他们拿钱进行升级和维护,并告诉前少校他想听到什么。 然后导弹来了。

    唯一的问题是俄罗斯将付出多少鲜血来获得普京想要的东西。 为了打败德国,斯大林派了数百万人去死。 普京也有同样的选择。 普京可以用俄罗斯的血液来肥沃乌克兰的黑土地。 他没有给自己太多的选择余地。 华盛顿的政权太老了,也太矛盾了,无法想出一个让玩家满意的解决方案。 如果你想要战争,这就是你发动战争的方式。

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  206. @Mike-SMO

    这绝对是第三次世界大战,我认为普京和中国一直想要的。 普京将使用战术核武器。 质疑西方将如何回应。 俄罗斯和中国想要霸权,他们认为西方不会打核,也不会打核。 俄罗斯、中国和伊朗愿意为自己的事业而战和死。 他们看不到其他获胜的方法。 韦斯特不会用核武器回应。

    我想知道西方是否已经解决了这个问题。 但这比古巴导弹危机要糟糕得多。 这是真的。 普京希望恢复他的国家声望。 冷战结束后,我们让俄罗斯成为了一群失败者。



    • 巨魔: Harold Smith
    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  207. Pat Kittle 说:

    Shystress Fran:

    This is definitely ww3, which I think Putin together with China has wanted all along.

    How typical of (((you))) to pin WWIII on the goyim, when (((your kind))) are pushing it:

    “Ukraine crisis won’t cool off since jew neo-cons want war more than ever”:
    - (https://johndenugent.com/ukraine-crisis-wont-cool-off-since-jew-neo-cons-want-war-more-than-ever/)

  208. @SPRiggs

    You think the US isn’t stealing Iraqi oil?

  209. @Fran Taubman


    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
    , @Fran Taubman
  210. @raga10






    但在政治影响力方面,乌克兰人却表现出了他们的狡诈,主导了俄罗斯前身苏联的政治生活。 1922 年至 1991 年间,苏联统治该国,乌克兰裔领导人领导该国的时间有一半以上。









    随着时间的推移,赫鲁晓夫成为乌克兰苏维埃社会主义共和国的领导人。约瑟夫·斯大林去世后,他在 1953 年至 1964 年间巩固了权力并领导了苏维埃国家。

    苏联总理尼基塔·赫鲁晓夫与美国总统约翰·肯尼迪在奥地利维也纳散步。赫鲁晓夫对乌克兰的热爱在现任克里姆林宫中并没有得到很好的回应。 (美联社档案)

    “这有点象征性,有点试图重新洗牌中央集权制度,而且,充分披露,尼基塔·赫鲁晓夫非常喜欢乌克兰,所以我认为在某种程度上,这也是对他最喜欢的共和国的个人姿态。他是俄罗斯人,但他确实对乌克兰有很深的感情。”前苏联领导人的曾孙女尼娜·赫鲁晓娃 (Nina Khrushcheva) 说道。

    将克里米亚移交给乌克兰是一个有争议的举动,激怒了包括普京在内的俄罗斯权力机构中的许多人。 “1954年,俄罗斯苏维埃社会主义共和国的克里米亚地区被割让给乌克兰苏维埃社会主义共和国,这严重违反了当时有效的法律规范,”普京在谈到赫鲁晓夫的行为时说道,后者将其描述为“象征性的姿态”。

    赫鲁晓夫还因其苏联的去斯大林化政策而闻名。作为去斯大林化的一部分,他还反对斯大林的俄罗斯化政策,允许共产主义权力圈子对其进行批评。 1953年,乌克兰共产党公开批评斯大林的俄罗斯化政策。斯大林是格鲁吉亚人,不是俄罗斯人。


    勃列日涅夫在乌克兰中部出生和长大。他的护照等一些苏联官方文件也将他的种族列为乌克兰人,但其他人认为他有俄罗斯血统。勃列日涅夫是赫鲁晓夫的门生之一,于 1964 年至 1982 年间统治苏联,是继斯大林之后在位时间第二长的共产主义领导人。

    27 年 1974 月 XNUMX 日,苏联共产党领导人列昂尼德·勃列日涅夫(右)在莫斯科克里姆林宫举行的招待会上与理查德·尼克松总统交谈时提出了一个观点。
    27 年 1974 月 XNUMX 日,在莫斯科举行的克里姆林宫招待会上,苏联共产党领导人列昂尼德·勃列日涅夫(右)在与理查德·尼克松总统的谈话中提出了一个观点。(美联社)

    虽然勃列日涅夫的务实方针帮助苏联提高了国际地位,但他的反改革议程导致苏联最终衰落,这个时代被称为“勃列日涅夫停滞”。 1975年后,由于健康状况每况愈下,他基本上退出了活跃的政坛。


    切尔年科是另一位乌克兰人,他也进入了苏联权力的高层。 1984年至1985年,他短暂领导了这个共产主义国家。





    苏联改革派领导人米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)也有乌克兰血统,他是该国最后一位领导人,见证了该国的解体。
    苏联改革派领导人米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)也有乌克兰血统,他是该国最后一位领导人,见证了该国的解体。 (刘香成/美联社档案)
    尽管戈尔巴乔夫因其开放和改革政策而受到西方世界和一些前苏联加盟共和国许多人的喜爱和赞扬,但他今天在俄罗斯仍然是一个有争议的人物。 1996年,他竞选总统,获得了总选票的0.5%。


    但他也相信普京是俄罗斯的最佳人选。 “我绝对相信普京比任何人都更好地保护了俄罗斯的利益,”他在 2014 年表示。





    • 回复: @raga10
  211. @Jack Sparrow


    What a feckless ignorant response. You present no data just BS. If there was huge numbers of Muslims and Christians massacred wouldn’t there be some data backing that up like we see in Ukraine or China. etc. Bodies, burials. photos. You cannot massacre millions of people for religious reasons and not get noticed. Look at genocide of Muslims in China. Much written about it. Do you have any evidence siting this. Where is the well documented evidence of genocide of Christians in Israel? Where?

    您可以查看以色列境内种族的人口统计数据。见下文。穆斯林阿拉伯半岛的基督徒人口很少,因为穆斯林屠杀了他们。这已被证明。 1949 年以色列建国时,有 34,000 名基督徒。 2019年基督徒人口 增长 至 180,000。阿拉伯穆斯林人口从 110,00 年的 1949 万增长到 1.6 年的 2019 万。种族灭绝在哪里?如果你用谷歌搜索以色列境内基督徒的种族灭绝,你什么也找不到。因为没有。没有证据,因为以色列境内没有发生任何人的种族灭绝。为什么不去那里交易并亲眼看看。所有宗教都一起做自己的事情。你就是个彻头彻尾的骗子。

    例如,如果我们看一下以色列国自建国以来各个宗教团体增长的整个表格,就会发现,34,000年,这个犹太国家的基督徒人数总计为1949人,1970年为75,000人, 1990 年接近 115,000 人,180,000 年超过 2019 人。
    Over the same period, Israel’s Muslim population grew from more than 111,000 (in 1949) to over 1.6 million in 2019. The number of Jews, which was around 1.17 million in 1949, had risen to 6.69 million in 2019. The growth rates of the Christian population in Israel are consistently lower than those of the Jewish and Islamic sections of Israeli society. A certain similarity can only be found with the Druze growth figures, the number of which was less than 15,000 in 1949 and increased to 143,000 in 2019.

    • 回复: @d dan
    , @mulga mumblebrain
  212. @Jack Sparrow




    Persecution of Christians ‘coming close to genocide’ in Middle East – report

    “在阿尔及利亚、埃及、伊朗、伊拉克、叙利亚和沙特阿拉伯等国家,基督徒和其他少数群体的处境已达到令人震惊的地步。在沙特阿拉伯,基督教的所有表达形式都受到严格限制,包括公共礼拜行为。私人基督教服务经常受到打压。阿以冲突导致大多数巴勒斯坦基督徒离开家园。 ”

    • 回复: @A123
    , @Jack Sparrow
  213. A123 说: • 您的网站
    @Fran Taubman


    The greatest threat to Christians are violent Muslims. Month after month after month, Muslim Jihadists shout “Allah Is Greater Than God” (Alluh Ahkbar) and butcher defenseless followers of Jesus: (1)

    The following are among the abuses Muslims inflicted on Christians throughout the month of March, 2022:

    *The Muslim Slaughter of Christians*

    Iraq: Family members murdered Eman Sami Maghdid, 20, known as “Maria.” Her “crime” was having embraced Christianity and abandoning the marriage she had been forced into at the age of 12. Her 18-year-old brother and perhaps uncle responded by slaughtering her on Sunday, March 6. Her body “tied with a tape, thrown at the side of the road, with many stab wounds,” was found later, according to a local source:

    “[S]he was punished by her family for leaving Islam, specifically for being emancipated and embracing the Christian religion; in short, she was ‘guilty’ of apostasy…. The young woman was well known for her activism, her struggle for women’s rights, which—together with her conversion to Christianity—led her to be condemned by her family….

    Islam has ethnically cleansed Bethlehem. (2)

    In 1947, Christians made up 85% of the population, but by 1998 the figure had declined to 40%.
    .”The Palestinian Authority is officially committed to equality for Christians, although there have been incidents of violence against them by the Preventive Security Service and militant factions.

    The phrase “officially committed to equality for Christians” is of course code. Minimal code breaking shows the translation, “enthusiastically committed to violence against Christians“。

    The Muslim Occupation of Judea and Sumaria [MOJS] has an obvious cause and resolution

        • Jihadist Colonies are the Problem
        • Islamic Decolonization is the Answer



    (1) https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/18464/persecution-of-christians-march

    (2) https://www.liquisearch.com/bethlehem/demographics/christian_population

    • 巨魔: mulga mumblebrain
    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  214. Sparkon 说:

    照片似乎不是导弹。 当导弹击中一艘船时,它会在船的侧面打一个洞,这个洞会形成一条阻力最小的路径,导致船壁被炸毁。

    这是印度不久前测试布拉莫斯导弹击中一艘旧目标船的照片。 你会注意到墙壁的爆裂。

    Thanks for posting this. However, a path of least resistance has no force, and some force was required to peel back the ship’s hull like that.

    超音速两级布拉莫斯导弹以印度和俄罗斯的河流命名。 在这次测试中,两枚布拉莫斯导弹向这艘身份不明、被遗弃的印度船只发射。 第一枚导弹,大概是打了这个洞,没有弹头。 随后,这艘船被第二枚导弹击中,由一枚 Su30 发射,该导弹确实有一个主动弹头,并击沉了该船。


    这枚巡航导弹展示了其以网络为中心的综合打击能力,它是在没有弹头的情况下从导弹驱逐舰 INS 德里发射的。

    在接受记者采访时 ANI通讯社官员表示,导弹以每小时约 3,000 公里(1,864 英里)的速度行进,使其难以被防空系统拦截。

    周二,一架 Su30-MKI 战斗机也发射了布拉莫斯,击中了同一艘废弃的船只并将其击沉。


    可以肯定的是,超音速布拉莫斯和亚音速海王星之间没有太多共同之处,这艘身份不明的印度船只和 莫斯科,现在位于黑海下 50 米深的水中。

    Apparently, the hole in the Indian vessel was created by the kinetic force of the unarmed BrahMos, but I can’t explain how or why its hull peeled back like that.

  215. @A123

    How you been A123? Did we do a good job of getting AnonStarter, and his Aki Talha off UR? They could not match our facts and truth to their ridiculous self righteous Muslim BS. Claiming all the discord in the ME was due to the biblical Jews being cast aside by Allah, we the fallen, and them the new light with their third temple Al Aqsa. Nothing to do with the Muslims and infidels.
    I really believe we outmatched them at every turn and they left because they were seen for who they were, clueless and unable to defend Islamist nihilism as religious fanatics. I am proud of us.

    • 同意: A123
  216. d dan 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    “Look at genocide of Muslims in China. ”

    Asshole, keep your lies to yourself. When your type is being genocide next time, don’t come to China to beg for help.

    “Much written about it.”

    As if it makes a difference. Yes, “much written”, by many assholes like you.

    • 同意: mulga mumblebrain
  217. raga10 说:
    @Jack Sparrow

    So your argument largely revolves around the fact that some individuals from conquered areas rose to prominence within USSR – fine, I don’t deny it. That doesn’t change the fact that on the whole those are now the countries that seem to be most fearful of return of Russian rule. Starting with Ukraine: whatever historical arguments you might want to list, the fact on the ground is that most of Ukrainian population living there right now is currently busy demonstrating as clearly as possible and often at great personal cost that they want nothing to do with Russia.

    Or take a look at Poland – their dislike of Russians might almost seem pathological, but it is the result of their long and complicated history as neighbours, history much predating USSR. It was Russia and not Soviet Union that dismantled Poland as a nation for something like 100 years. Of course, the Soviet years didn’t help either.


    So know that when you argue in favour of completely uncoupling today’s Russia from its past, you are actually arguing against their own understanding on this issue.

    • 同意: Fran Taubman
    • 回复: @Jack Sparrow
  218. @Sparkon

    I am told that the black areas near the water are torpedo tubes and the black areas are burn marks from them but I don’t know.

    At any rate you can clearly see the blowouts on the Sheffield and you can see them on the Stark. I was not able to upload either or I would have. You can find images of the Stark online. The blow outs on the Stark are even more pronounced.

    And when you look at the two areas of damage on the Moskva they are not alike. In one you clearly have damage above deck and on the other you don’t. There is not even a fire on the side rear.

    The Stark, the Sheffield and the Indian target all look very similar and the Moskva is the odd man out.

  219. @Sparkon

    The blast follows the path of least resistance.

  220. @Sparkon

    At comment 67 there is a video and if you stop it at 49 seconds you will see two huge inserts(?) in the side of the ship that are obviously part of the ship before it was hit and it looks like these two areas are where the two main areas of damage were on the ship. So I am even more convinced that this was not a missile strike.

    I don’t see anything like torpedo tubes. It looks like ports where smoke was coming out.

    • 回复: @Sparkon
  221. Sparkon 说:

    At comment 67 there is a video and if you stop it at 49 seconds you will see two huge inserts(?) in the side of the ship that are obviously part of the ship before it was hit and it looks like these two areas are where the two main areas of damage were on the ship. So I am even more convinced that this was not a missile strike.

    The vessel pictured at that point in the video is not even the 莫斯科, which can be determined rather easily by the lack of the missile tubes on her foredeck, and even more decisively by vessel’s hull number, 494 in the video, while Moskva’s hull number was 121.

    At any rate you can clearly see the blowouts on the Sheffield

    No I can’t, and I doubt anyone else can see that effect “clearly” either. Please examine closely (right click, open in new tab) the image of the stricken HMS 谢菲尔德 I posted in the comment to which you are replying, my #173, and this one:

    图片: The Star

    No, I’d say the odd man out is the Indian vessel, with its skin peeled out and back like that, an effect visible on none of the other ships hit by subsonic cruise missiles, while BrahMos is a supersonic cruise missile, so it is not too far-fetched to think it would have a different kinetic impact effect than a subsonic missile.

    Look at this image of the USS 斯塔克, which did not sink, her survival due to quick action by captain and crew, and relatively close proximity to port, but the image, like that of the 谢菲尔德, does bear some similarity to that single, smokey image of the 莫斯科

    Again, according to Indian sources, the first BrahMos missile to strike the unidentified, abandoned Indian vessel did not have a warhead, so there could be no blowout at that stage from the missile’s explosive force, because it didn’t have one, path of least resistance notwithstanding. Further, the Indian vessel apparently was not underway. It was abandoned and dead in the water. We have no pictures of the vessel sinking or about to sink, so comparative photo analysis can be taken only so far in this case.

    If there is anything clear from the image of the stricken 莫斯科 it is the incontrovertible fact she is listing severely to port, and obviously must have been taking on water at that stage, meaning her hull was ruptured.

    The photo evidence we do have does not rule out that the 莫斯科 was indeed hit and sunk by a missile or missiles, and in fact supports that argument to some degree.

    • 回复: @davidgmillsatty
  222. Anonymous[907]• 免责声明 说:

    List of the weapons and ammo the USA warmonger whores have sent to Ukraine.

  223. @raga10


    • 回复: @raga10
  224. @Fran Taubman


    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  225. @Jack Sparrow

    There is a lot, I mean a lot of history written on the subject of discrimination of religious minorities within Israel. The history of religious minorities within Arab countries in the ME. . Why don’t you goggle and or order some books and read up on the subject instead of asking stupid questions.



    There has been ethnic and religions fighting between peoples, since the beginning of time. Do you recall the Crusaders? The Muslim sacking of the Spain and Europe for Islamization. o say that all was well between Christians and Muslims before Israel is just ignorant. You won’t respond to my comments because you are an ignorant buffoon.





  226. @Fran Taubman

    Is genocide “discrimination”?

  227. raga10 说:
    @Jack Sparrow


    Well, I see it differently – I think Russian regime doesn’t especially care about small minority of Russians in Donbas who might be unhappy there, except as a convenient excuse. It’s the rest of the Ukraine that they want, and beyond that, the rest of the Soviet empire that they lost: Baltic states, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria… Russia, whatever label it happens to be wearing at the time, is always just another imperialist bully.


    Afghanistan confronted with a smaller and less well equipped Taliban folded within a week with barely a whimper: it is obvious this was a country and society that didn’t care one bit about its shape and form, which was clearly imposed on them from the outside.


    I gave you the direct example of what Russian official position on this matter is, and you don’t think that is relevant at all?

  228. raga10 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    o say that all was well between Christians and Muslims before Israel is just ignorant.

    Yeah, Germans had muslim units in WWII (see: Free Arabian Legion). No doubt many volunteers to those units simply wanted to earn some cash, but none of them seemed to have any problem with exterminating Jews. So clearly, all was not well in Palestine long before the state of Israel was formed.

    Interesting reference to this point: https://www.camera.org/article/anti-jewish-violence-in-pre-state-palestine-1929-massacres/

    • 回复: @Al Liguori
  229. @raga10

    What a crock of hasbara!

    The Jews have ALWAYS been the terrorists: https://judaism.is/genocide.html

    They have not yet received the full measure of their just desserts and they have always had an excuse for violating even their own laws. From the Talmud, Shevuot 39a:

    “Kol Yisrael areivim zeh ba-zeh” • “All Jews are responsible for each other”


    Keep (((their))) principle in mind. All Jews are responsible, hence even families for generations are responsible for Soros, Trotsky, the Kaganovichs, Pfizer’s Borla, Meyer Lansky, and the millennia of Jewish genocidalists and miscreants. Through the generations they all must be punished collectively because their own laws affirm their collective guilt. Hoist them on their own petard exactly as they swore in Matthew 27:25.

    Shevuot 39a is worth your reading: https://www.sefaria.org/Shevuot.39a?ven=William_Davidson_Edition_-_English&vhe=Wikisource_Talmud_Bavli&lang=bi

    • 巨魔: mulga mumblebrain
  230. @Sparkon

    Here is the Stark:

    And here is the Sheffield:

    There are blow outs on both of them like I said.

    • 回复: @Sparkon
  231. Nice try but inconsistent.

    Assuming the veracity of the preceding paragraph (#3) about an “asymmetrical, lethal, and fast” response from Russia should NATO be culpable of sinking the Moskva and the lack of a said badass attack, this (succeeding) paragraph doesn’t work:
    “As a direct consequence of hitting the Moskva, NATO managed to reopen an air corridor for the transfer of aircraft to the airfields of Chernivtsi, Transcarpathian and Ivano-Frankivsk regions.”

    The ordinary and direct inference from that paragraph is that NATO sunk the Moskva. But I’m sure that the author can wiggle out of it from his (“his” used in the OED sense lest I be judged and pilloried as non-PC) prior equivocation.

    I’m guessing that my old friend from Cal, Graham Seibert (sometimes quoted by Unz) would have mentioned such an “asymmetrical, lethal, and fast” response in his daily reports from Kiev.

  232. Sparkon 说:

    There are blow outs on both of them like I said

    Both missiles that struck the 斯塔克谢菲尔德 had powerful warheads that exploded forcefully, so there is no real mystery about the damage done to either vessel. Your blow outs just weren’t very clear in some of the images, and still do not look like the damage done by the BrahMos.

    Unfortunately, you muddied the waters with that bogus video, and also by bringing in the Indian BrahMos test. My point was the peeled back skin of the Indian vessel doesn’t look like the damage to 斯塔克 or 谢菲尔德, but it’s an irrelevant, apples-to-oranges comparison anyway, as the BrahMos is supersonic, the first one in the Indian test didn’t even have a warhead, and we have just one image with no details about when it was taken.

    By contrast, as we’ve seen, there ,那恭喜你, numerous good images of the 斯塔克谢菲尔德 after they were hit, but the blow outs are not clearly visible on all of them, while we have but a single, rather poor quality image of the stricken 莫斯科, with the area in question veiled by smoke, in shadow, and already partially submerged, so again, photoanalysis can take us only so far in this case, but there is nothing in the image of the stricken 莫斯科 to rule out a missile strike.

    I’m pretty certain that the 莫斯科 sank. The most likely explanation is her hull was ruptured by the force of an explosion. I’ve read that the Ukrainians were reporting in timely fashion on social media to have hit the 莫斯科 with their Neptune cruise missiles. Indeed, most “reputable” U.S. defense authorities are now saying that the 莫斯科 was hit and sunk by a pair of Neptune anti-ship cruise missiles, for whatever that is worth.

    Theoretically at least, and by most accounts, the 莫斯科 should have been able to detect the Neptunes and defend herself against them, but the other side of the coin is she was an aging vessel, and we have little knowledge of the state of training and readiness of her crew. At the same time, the Neptune is a modern missile that was only quite recently introduced into service, and may have a trick or two up its sleeve. It’s not unreasonable to think if anyone would know the Moskva’s vulnerabilities, it would be either the Ukrainians, or the Americans.

    Additionally, please keep in mind, the United States and other NATO members have sent a load of modern weapons (and presumably military technology and intelligence) to Ukraine since Russia invaded.

    Finally, you may have noticed certain parties trying to derail this discussion about the sinking of the 莫斯科. I wonder why.

  233. peterAUS 说:

    ….the Sheffield had powerful warheads that exploded forcefully,….

    The easiest/quickest:

    The Exocet that struck Sheffield hit her on the starboard side at deck level 2, travelling through the junior ratings’ scullery and breaching the Forward Auxiliary Machinery Room/Forward Engine Room bulkhead 2.4 metres (7.9 ft) above the waterline, creating a hole in the hull roughly 1.2 metres (3.9 ft) by 3 metres (9.8 ft). Contemporary accounts suggested that the missile failed to explode, despite disabling the ship’s electrical distribution systems and breaching the pressurised sea water fire main. The damage to the fire system severely hampered any firefighting response and eventually doomed the ship to be consumed by the fire.

  234. raga10 说:

    Theoretically at least, and by most accounts, the Moskva should have been able to detect the Neptunes and defend herself against them, but the other side of the coin is she was an aging vessel, and we have little knowledge of the state of training and readiness of her crew.

    I watched a youtube clip posted by somebody who appears to be a Danish Naval officer, titled “Bad design can kill: Missile defense and user fatigue”.

    He points out that it would be unlikely that Ukrainian drone distracted Moskva – the ship is capable of dealing with multiple targets and a drone would not just fail to distract the crew but it would have the opposite effect: it would actually alert them that something was happening. But otherwise, sheer boredom of watching blank screens for hours at a time probably made the crew not as sharp as they could be.

    According to him (and I think that’s logical enough) it is easier to get the optimal performance from the crew during exercises that go for limited amount of time and everyone knows that something is about to happen, but maintaining the same level of readiness day after day is another matter.

    His opinion was that systems on Russian ships are older and less automated than the western ones and they are capable enough when operated by crew that is skilled and alert, but their performance drops off sharply when crew is at anything less than their best.

    It made sense to me. Anyway, here’s the clip if you’re interested:

    • 回复: @Sparkon
  235. Sparkon 说:

    maintaining the same level of readiness day after day is another matter.

    Sure, that’s why I cited crew training and readiness, as well as the advanced age of 莫斯科, which may not have had modern and/or comfortable facilities for the crew.

    I worked on rotating shifts during two overseas tours with the USAF, and they are very grueling, and can grind one to a pulp. However, we AF shiftworkers did get a period of recovery, or “long break” after completing a cycle of days, swings and mids. That rotating, cycling shift work required four separate but complete crews or “tricks” to man positions 24/7/365. And mids, aka the graveyard shift, were always a struggle, giving us bleeding eyelids of lead, figuratively speaking, and possible real, long-term health consequences.

    I don’t know how the Russian navy (VMF) does it, but standing on station in a war zone for a lengthy period is bound to grind down the crew’s readiness, and there was no back-up for the 莫斯科 in the Black Sea. I wonder if the Russians had considered moving another of their Slava class cruisers, 乌斯蒂诺夫元帅 from the Northern Fleet into the Black Sea before Feb. 24, 2022.

    To summarize: If missiles sank the 莫斯科, there seem to be two possible ways it might have happened: 1) crew fatigue and/or inattention 2) new EW technology, which was capable of spoofing, jamming, eluding or otherwise defeating the Moskva’s anti-missile defenses.

  236. peterAUS 说:

    To summarize: If missiles sank the Moskva, there seem to be two possible ways it might have happened: 1) crew fatigue and/or inattention 2) new EW technology, which was capable of spoofing, jamming, eluding or otherwise defeating the Moskva’s anti-missile defenses.

    There is also 3) system failure due to poor quality of material and/or poor maintenance.

    Personally, I don’t believe the cause of sinking was an (enemy) missile, but we won’t know the truth for some time.

    • 回复: @Sparkon
  237. @Sparkon

    Sorry, I am not convinced. But, as you say, since we do not have any really good photos of the Moskva, we will have to wait to see if the Russians raise it (I have heard they might) and tell us what they find , if they ever do.

    I originally thought the Russians were going to use the sinking of the ship as an excuse to really ramp up the bombing campaign since the Ukrainians said they sank it. Some sort of retaliation would have made sense. But nothing changed much and as I recall they made statements that the sinking did not affect their plans in any way.

    Plus two smaller boats got sunk a couple of days ago purportedly by missiles from a Ukrainian drone and it seems like Russia admits this is the case. But they did not admit the Moskva was hit by missiles.

    I think it was sabotage.

    • 回复: @Sparkon
  238. Sparkon 说:

    Sure, training and maintenance are very large factors of readiness, which I inadvertently excluded from my 1). All equipment and weapons must be both modern, and in top notch condition, with well-rested personnel manning them. Fatigue always results in reduced readiness.

    A good military organization has reserves, so that units, equipment and personnel can be taken off line every so often for PM (preventive maintenance), refit, and R&R (rest and recuperation).

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  239. Sparkon 说:

    since the Ukrainians said they sank it. Some sort of retaliation would have made sense.

    Russia did retaliate directly, at least according to the Wikipedia article, citing Reuters:

    Although Russia did not confirm that Ukrainian missiles had hit the ship, Reuters reported that in the morning of 15 April, Russia launched an apparent retaliatory missile strike against the missile factory Luch Design Bureau in Kyiv, where the Neptune missiles allegedly used in the attack were designed and manufactured.

    The article goes on to describe a postage stamp:

    The sinking of Moskva came two days after Ukrposhta released one million “Russian warship, go fuck yourself” stamps, which show a soldier giving the finger to 莫斯科.


    是的, 莫斯科 was a big, juicy target sitting out there…

    There is also some speculation about other missiles, along with EW technology that may have been supplied to Ukraine recently by Western countries, that could have been deployed and launched against the 莫斯科 to sink her.

    Russian commentator Sergei Markov, a strong Kremlin supporter, told the BBC Radio 4’s 在一家世界 that the cruiser had been struck by missiles shipped from Norway, and that her electronic defenses had been neutralised by the USA. Other…media.. speculated that the ship had been hit by a Norwegian AGM-119 Penguin missile.


  240. peterAUS 说:


    We know that RF surface fleet got less resources/attention than their ground conventional forces.

    We see the level of manning, training, maintenance, and overall expertise in those ground forces. We can safely assume that all of that is even worse in the surface fleet. Adding the age of the ship into the account.

    I am, personally, positive that the fire was result of an internal error. Human (corruption, training, discipline, whatever), hardware, software, doesn’t matter. The error created the initial fire.
    Similar errors, then, allowed the fire to spread through the ship and, ultimately, lost the cruiser.

    Bottom line: the systemic weakness within RF Navy sank the ship, IMHO.

    That’s boring for Internet people and humiliating for RF. As for NATO it’s better to emphasize a missile attack.


  241. @Fran Taubman

    Well, Fran, you well know that there are Jews in Iran, with a guaranteed seat in the Iranian Parliament. The other communities were hollowed out after the Nakbah, when they were ordered by the Zionazis to move to Israel, and when hesitant, the MOSSAD committed a few false flag bombings to hasten the exodus.
    Moreover when the massacres, murders, torture, rape and ethnic cleansing committed by Zionazi terrorists in the Nakbah became known, there were locals who attacked Jews, some for nefarious purposes of theft. Of course Israel is easily the most discriminatory country in a very poor field in the Middle East. It is the second most economically unequal country in the OECD, with Israeli Arabs second class citizens with at least sixty discriminatory laws and regulations targeting them, the imprisoned Palestinians third class or worse, guest workers fourth class and illegal immigrants fifth class.
    Furthermore, among Jews themselves, the Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox are dominant in religious affairs, controlling the definition of a Jew, of Jewish marriage etc, and their head-bobbers sit in their yeshivas (and the brothels)all day, doing nothing, while subsidised by the State. You really are brainwashed Fran. Do you realise that the hate-crazed intransigence of Jews like you make Israel’s destruction, definitely an Evil, more likely, or have you got a bad dose of the Masadas?

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  242. @Fran Taubman

    Only a real Zionazi psychopath would reference the entirely fraudulent ‘genocide’ of Uighurs in China, then double down on Zionazi Big Lying by LUDICROUSLY asserting that this villainous filth has NOT been ‘..much written about’, when there are mountains of false writings concerning it. What is ACTUALLY NEVER mention in the West are the multitudinous crimes against humanity of the Zionazi regime. No surprise seeing that Zionazis own and control the Western MSM.

  243. @Fran Taubman

    Of course a flagrant psychopath like this Zionazi will accuse others of that which she most desires. The Zionazis have long threatened that if their horror regime is placed in existential danger, that they would ‘..take the world down with us’, by means of their large nuclear arsenal. Are you actually a vicious ‘antisemite’, determined to make people hate Jews by acting so vilely?

  244. @mulga mumblebrain

    What? Only one seat in the Iranian parliament for a tiny minority like the Jews! You’ve got to be joking! You know very well that although being a tiny minority in the general population they don’t want to be restricted to only one seat in the government- they want many more seats in government like they get elsewhere from US to the Ukraine and in-between. Now if you started reserving/ restricting seats for them in western parliamentd based on their minority status there would be an outcry and they would mobilise all their shabbaz goyim to complain that it is some kind of discrimination, anti-Semitism, whatever. They have to rule, or else…

  245. Sparkon 说:

    Breaking news this morning May 6, 2022 reports that the Russian frigate 马卡罗夫海军上将 has been hit by a Ukrainian missile and is ablaze near Snake Island.


    NBC and other U.S. media were reporting on their 5/5 evening news that U.S. intelligence helped sink the 莫斯科.

    • 回复: @Sparkon
  246. Sparkon 说:

    The Wikipedia article on 马卡罗夫海军上将 has been updated with the lastest information from a May 7, 2022 article in 西甲,显示出
    the Russian frigate 马卡罗夫海军上将 has not been sunk.

    Google Translate’s machine translation of the 西甲 文章:

    Arestovich denies rumors of sinking of Russian frigate Admiral Makarov

    The Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked the Russian invaders on and near Zmeiny Island, sinking a landing boat of the Serna type, and earlier reports about the destruction or damage to the Russian Black Sea Fleet frigate Admiral Makarov turned out to be fake. Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the President’s Office, spoke about this in the Feigin Live podcast.

    “No Makarov was sunk, of course,” said speaker Bankova.

    He added that “it was some kind of misunderstanding.”

    Answering the question of where the information about “Makarov” came from then, he suggested that it could have been “thrown” by the Russian military themselves from the forces of information and psychological operations “under the guise of a Ukrainian account on social networks.”

    Such things are done in order, he added, to discredit the Ukrainian and Western press – “look, they say they are lying, they announced, but there is nothing like that.”


  247. 一位前中央情报局联系人告诉我,尤克无人机是诱饵,当船上的弹药耗尽时,就会发射导弹进行杀戮。

    • 哈哈: peterAUS
  248. Che Guava 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    I hate to respond to such evil trolling in words, but you are such a bare-faced liar that ‘troll’ is insufficient.

    Also, to relieve the younger readers of your lies.

    Freeing of peasants from serfdom was in 1860s.

    Serfdom was not exactly the same as chattel slavery.

    That was under Tsarist rule.

    Much more wrong with your ziolies, but the very cruel murder of the family of the Tsar was most definitely under Jewish direction, as was the Bolshevik coup d’etat and civil war.

  249. Che Guava 说:

    I don’t know if this is worth posting. You, Wokechoke, are wrong. Many more Russians died in the land war, simply because our Imperial Army had concentrated on disease prophylaxis.

    You are likely correct on the numbers killed by bullets, grenades, etc., but General Pestilence killed many more Russian than Japanese soldiers.

    That Taubman is a total liar on so many points, all of the time.

    The Jewish plutocrat Jacob Schiff had been one of the major financiers of Japan’s war effort.

    I suppose as a q.p.q., the military at the time allowed mainly Jewish brainwashers into the P.O.W. camps. At that time, of course ‘Jewish Bolveshiks’ would be an incorrect description, Jewish loons had access to the Russian, Baltic, and other products of the brainwashing, in some cases the victims were home soon enough to have some part in the events of 1905. Many more to play bit parts later.



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