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In May, President Trump pulled the United States out of the Iran nuclear deal despite Iran living up to its obligations and the deal working as planned. While the US kept in place most sanctions against Tehran, China and Russia – along with many European countries – had begun reaping the benefits of trade with an Iran eager to do business with the world.

Now, President Trump is threatening sanctions against any country that continues to do business with Iran. But will his attempt to restore the status quo before the Iran deal really work?

Even if the Europeans cave in to US demands, the world has changed a great deal since the pre-Iran deal era.

President Trump is finding that his threats and heated rhetoric do not always have the effect he wishes. As his Administration warns countries to stop buying Iranian oil by November or risk punishment by the United States, a nervous international oil market is pushing prices ever higher, threatening the economic prosperity he claims credit for. President Trump’s response has been to demand that OPEC boost its oil production by two million barrels per day to calm markets and bring prices down.

Perhaps no one told him that Iran was a founding member of OPEC?

When President Trump Tweeted last week that Saudi Arabia agreed to begin pumping additional oil to make up for the removal of Iran from the international markets, the Saudis very quickly corrected him, saying that while they could increase capacity if needed, no promise to do so had been made.

The truth is, if the rest of the world followed Trump’s demands and returned to sanctions and boycotting Iranian oil, some 2.7 million barrels per day currently supplied by Iran would be very difficult to make up elsewhere. Venezuela, which has enormous reserves but is also suffering under, among other problems, crippling US sanctions, is shrinking out of the world oil market.

Iraq has not recovered its oil production capacity since its “liberation” by the US in 2003 and the al-Qaeda and ISIS insurgencies that followed it.

Last week, Bloomberg reported that “a complete shutdown of Iranian sales could push oil prices above $120 a barrel if Saudi Arabia can’t keep up.” Would that crash the US economy? Perhaps. Is Trump willing to risk it?

President Trump’s demand last week that OPEC “reduce prices now” or US military protection of OPEC countries may not continue almost sounded desperate. But if anything, Trump’s bluntness is refreshing: if, as he suggests, the purpose of the US military – with a yearly total budget of a trillion dollars – is to protect OPEC members in exchange for “cheap oil,” how cheap is that oil?

At the end, China, Russia, and others are not only unlikely to follow Trump’s demands that Iran again be isolated: they in fact stand to benefit from Trump’s bellicosity toward Iran. One Chinese refiner has just announced that it would cancel orders of US crude and instead turn to Iran for supplies. How many others might follow and what might it mean?

Ironically, President Trump’s “get tough” approach to Iran may end up benefitting Washington’s named adversaries Russia and China – perhaps even Iran. The wisest approach is unfortunately the least likely at this point: back off from regime change, back off from war-footing, back off from sanctions. Trump may eventually find that the cost of ignoring this advice may be higher than he imagined.

(从重新发布 罗恩·保罗学院 经作者或代表的许可)
• 类别: 对外政策 •标签: 唐纳德·特朗普, 伊朗 
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  1. Vidi 说:

    Trump may eventually find that the cost of ignoring [the advice to back off from Iran] may be higher than he imagined.

    Perhaps he’s counting on not being President by then. Another case of IBGYBG (I’ll be gone, you’ll be gone), an attitude that seems to be infecting bankers, Wall Street, and the rest of the U.S. élite lately. A cataclysm is coming, and they can see it.

  2. mark green 说:


    Iran and Israel are locked in a vicious cold war. Their animosities date back to mythical antiquity. One alleged episode is even celebrated in the Jewish celebration of ‘Purim’.

    看看吉拉德·阿兹蒙 (Gilad Atzmon) 对普珥节的惊人见解:

    In any case, Iran and Israel’s antipathies for one another shouldn’t concern superpower America. Except that it does.

    Like American television, Washington happens to be Israeli-held territory. Haven’t you heard?

    This is why Zio-Washington invariably sides with Israel in all of its disputes, even when 1) Israel is the aggressor, 2) even when Israel is slaughtering powerless civilians who are protesting their subjugation, and 3) even when US interests are not at stake or even in play. And this uniform deference from Washington is thoroughly bipartisan. It is ‘business as usual’. It’s basically unanimous. Both Parties. No dissent.

    Many just call it ‘US Mideast policy’. Ironclad. ‘Unshakable’. But don’t laugh or smirk. Doing so might be seen as ‘anti-Semitic’.

    Exactly how traditional ‘US Mideast policies’ benefit the average American however remains a mystery. Many of these questionable policies are never critically examined in the open–at least not the big ones involving that ‘special relationship’ with you-know-who. Never.

    These rigid policies help explain how Cyrpto-Israelis in America–using Washington as their proxy–have successfully brought the US into Israel’s cold war against Iran.

    Zionist operatives have not only orchestrated the decades-long freeze of billions of dollars in Iranian assets that belong to the Iranian people, but they have launched a global (and crypto-Zionist) ‘Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions’ campaign against the relatively peaceful nation of Iran.

    Iran’s crime? That nation’s alleged ‘sponsorship of terrorism’ in support of the Palestinian struggle against Zionist occupation, as well as other anti-Zionist resistance movements in Lebanon, Syria and beyond.


    与此同时,犹太复国主义者领导的针对伊朗的 BDS 运动无异于一场全面的经济战争。 与此同时,以色列受益于美国无条件、持续的补贴。

    Politicians who dare question this phenomena–or who wander off the Zionist plantation in Washington–tend to disappear. Rapidly. Journalists, too.

    在很大程度上,以色列将其统治该地区和扩大边界的使命视为一项宗教义务。 命运。 这使以色列自成一类。 与邻国(包括伊朗)不同,以色列拥有大规模杀伤性武器。

    Due to Israeli influence here, Americans are not only actively supporting various Zionist war efforts, but they are also paying billions more for their gasoline since Zionists have managed to prohibit the purchase Iranian oil throughout the West. These economic ‘choices’ are what Americans unwittingly make–even though the ‘average Joe’ remains totally unaware of them.

    Indeed, even though Iran wants to be a trading partner with America and bring its oil onto the world market, Zio-Washington says ‘NO!’

    美国消费者该死。 伊朗人民该死。

    This is not the first time that US economic interests have taken a back seat to Israsel’s. Please recall the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, Zio-Washington’s intervention on behalf of Israel during that conflict, the ensuing Arab oil embargo, and the disasterous recession that followed.

    But Zio-America never turned it back on Israel, even though American citizens never had the opportunity to determine their allies or policies one way or another. US support of Israel is mandatory. It’s been this way since LBJ.

    Today, Israel is maneuvering Zio-Washington to do to Iran what it did to Iraq, Libya and Syria; namely, spread destabilization and impose ‘creative destruction’ upon all nations that pose any long-term threat to the Zionist State.

    • 回复: @EagleEyeX
    , @alan
    , @mark green
  3. EagleEyeX 说:
    @mark green

    摇滚马克·格林……太棒了! 不能更好地说

  4. alan 说:
    @mark green


  5. mark green 说:
    @mark green

    Correction: This is the article about Purim by Gilad Atzmon that is truly extraordinary:


  6. JC 说:

    马克和艾伦的好评……美国公民看不到门口的敌人真是太可悲了……以色列沙米尔问 20 年前为什么美国有 200 名犹太人亿万富翁 50% 的亿万富翁在美国……30 年前 CBS由其犹太所有者出售,泰德·特纳(ted Turner)将按照它的话来说,犹太人已经武装起来,他们的媒体永远不会落入 goyins 手中并找到红石来接管它……从 lbj 到今天,我们有一个更糟糕的zio potus可能,更糟糕的国会'......而且没有什么可以改变它......



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