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先前: 乌克兰将攻击俄罗斯控制的核电站以阻止俄罗斯人自己攻击它




乌克兰军方直接向位于 Energodar 的扎波罗热核电站内的冷却剂系统和核废料储存场发射了多枚火箭, 当地政府管理人员弗拉基米尔·罗戈夫周二告诉俄罗斯媒体。 他警告说,成功的打击可能会导致相当于“脏弹”的辐射释放。

其中一枚制导导弹用乏核燃料击中距离桶只有十米”,”罗戈夫告诉 Soloviev Live。 “其他人打得更远一些,50到200米。”

这位官员解释说,由于储存地点是露天的,任何撞击都将导致释放数十至数百公斤的核废料并污染该地区。 “用简单的语言来说,这就像一颗脏弹,”罗戈夫说。

虽然反应堆本身只能用战术核武器摧毁, 冷却剂系统和废物储存更加脆弱,对它们的损坏很容易导致灾难,这位官员说。 罗戈夫补充说,乌克兰军队已经向冷却系统发射了“几十枚”重型射弹。 如果他们成功地禁用了这样一个系统,它可能会产生比 1986 年切尔诺贝利灾难更大的崩溃.

俄罗斯军队在乌克兰军事行动的早期就控制了欧洲最大的此类设施——扎波罗热核电站。 俄罗斯和乌克兰一直指责对方炮击该设施,并警告说该地区的战斗可能引发核灾难。 俄罗斯指责乌克兰对该设施发动大炮和无人机袭击,谴责这些行动是“核恐怖主义”。 乌克兰军队声称俄罗斯人炮轰自己是为了诋毁基辅。

西方媒体只是顺着泽连斯基的党派路线,说俄罗斯又在轰炸自己。 这是持续的模因:每当 UAF 做任何完全疯狂的事情时,媒体只会说俄罗斯做了。 记得他们说俄罗斯轰炸了 它自己的战俘营里挤满了乌克兰新纳粹分子,他们将因战争罪受审?

(可能只是 Twitter 和卫报上的女性声称俄罗斯在周末轰炸了自己。我没有看到 NYT/WaPo/CNN 机器这么说。 我们在《卫报》上报道说.)


几个小时前,推特上的女性仍在声称俄罗斯正在轰炸自己的发电厂(自 XNUMX 月以来一直控制着该发电厂),但根本没有解释这有什么意义。

但是看看这个 ABC 新闻报道:

他们没有勇气责怪俄罗斯,因为它太愚蠢了,所以他们只是表现得像这是某种自然力量。 他们没有说乌克兰正在这样做,因为每个人都知道美国可以告诉乌克兰停止轰炸核电站,他们必须这样做,因为整个乌克兰人民军队都是由美国资助的,而这些是美国导弹在工厂射击。



我认为核辐射被夸大了。 我们在广岛没有问题。 我们在福岛没有问题。 这没什么大不了的。 但这是一件大事。

此外:你看起来像个十足的疯子,正在轰炸核电站。 我知道美国人是如此肥胖和智障,以至于媒体可以禁止人们使用 Twitter,因为他们说乌克兰民主正在轰炸核设施——但德国呢? 德国人支持轰炸核设施吗? 德国人是否值得冻死,以便乌克兰民主犹太人可以在欧洲制造核危机?

事情是这样的:俄罗斯的土地已经超出了他们的要求。 所以,我们已经处于这样一个位置,如果乌克兰立即投降,他们会过得更好。 没有人真正相信乌克兰会赢,除非他们只是地球上最愚蠢的傻瓜,吸着犹太媒体的奶头。

那么,“我们”究竟在为什么呢? “民主”不是人们为之而战的东西,无论如何,乌克兰也不是任何人定义的“民主”。 他们没有公开的选举或媒体。 所有反对党和反对派媒体都被禁止,如果人们不同意泽连斯基,就会遭到突袭和逮捕,并没收他们的资产。

为之而战的合乎逻辑的东西是土地。 但目前这场战争的战斗正在导致乌克兰失去土地。 如果他们投降了,他们将拥有更多的土地——更好的是,如果他们一开始没有挑起战争,他们将拥有更多的土地。 在这一点上,他们每天都在攻击俄罗斯,他们正在失去更多的土地。 那么发生了什么? 为什么人们支持这个? 他们告诉所有人乌克兰可以赢得与俄罗斯的战争,现在不可能相信这一点。 即使是最愚蠢的智障,也不可能相信这一点。


坦率地说,就试图消耗俄罗斯的士气而言,这甚至没有任何意义。 对俄罗斯的制裁提振了他们的经济,整个国家都团结在普京周围,因为整个俄罗斯种族都受到了攻击。 因此,即使从 ZOG 的角度来看,继续这场战争也是一种疯狂、奇异、令人困惑的行动。


(从重新发布 每日斯托默 经作者或代表的许可)
• 类别: 对外政策 •标签: 美国媒体, 俄罗斯, 乌克兰 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. 总是同性恋鸡奸者民主党在乌克兰犯下战争罪……


    • 同意: Je Suis Omar Mateen
  2. “Ukraine Democracy Jews” is a keeper, although it only has impact to those of us who’ve noted some or all of “They don’t have open elections or media. All opposition political parties and opposition media is banned, and people are raided and arrested and have their assets seized if they disagree with Zelensky.” Which I read on RT for example but I have to wonder about the MSM etc.

    One question we have to ask is why is Russia still operating the power plants? I assume to avoid hardship for the civilians they’re still supplying I assume on both sides, and their forces to the south. Turn them off, cool the cores down from their delayed decay radiation, and they become like those casks of “spent” fuel (scare quotes because it can be reprocessed) except with much better physical protection.

    One obvious answer is with all those casks not protected by a containment shell, if the Ukraine Democracy Jews really want to create a dirty bomb equivalent, perhaps wouldn’t amount to much but the West’s ruling trash will paint it as Armageddon, they may be able to pull it off. But this is a desperation move. Note the attacks started quite recently. after the latest? HIMARS Western 奇迹武器 scored some serious hits but again was much less than a game changer.

    You know Zelensky has got to be worried, a repeat of the Romanian preference cascade and a fate like Mussolini’s or Ceaușescu’s is not out of the question, no matter how many escape plans he tries to keep viable. Or from the viewpoint of the West, below the propaganda you have to know it’s realized by many that he’s failing, And we’ve seen for decades, like with the Diệm brothers who ran South Vietnam, that the West will kill those they support or previously tolerated for pretty much any or no real reason at all.

  3. 西方媒体甚至半岛电视台已经报道了一段时间,俄罗斯人一直在轰炸他们控制的这座核电站。 会不会是乌克兰的反攻做得那么好,以至于俄罗斯想在撤离该地区之前引爆一枚脏弹,从而将乌克兰人拒之门外?

    俄罗斯首先表示,SMO 的目标是非军事化和去纳粹化。 从发生的事情来看,因为乌克兰似乎比以往任何时候都更加军事化并且更加纳粹化,但是如果一个被入侵的国家试图抵抗,人们就会预料到这一点。 因此,真正实现最初目标的唯一方法是接管领土,包括整个国家。

  4. sonofman 说:


    • 回复: @Dumbo
  5. Observator 说:

    Southfront has documented a series of coordinated attacks on Donbass power plants and civilian infrastructure, primarily enabled by the longer range weapons supplied by the United States to the nationalist regime. This must be the great million man offensive the rodent in the tee shirt has been predicting. Looks to me like its past time for the Russians to put their fleet of heavy Tupelov bombers into action over Kiev. A little carpet bombing might have, in Winston Churchill’s infamous words, “a marvelous effect” on the barbarians.

  6. neutral 说:

    I don’t have a problem with this, the Ukranians have decided to exterminate themselves by being brainless ZOG puppets. At least with this nuclear disaster the Ukrainian cockroaches can die out much faster than they would have under the usual ZOG ethnic cleansing timeline.

    • 回复: @Realist
    , @JWalters
  7. neutral 说:
    @That Would Be Telling

    no matter how many escape plans he tries to keep viable

    His real country is Israel, so until the day comes when Israel is dismantled, this jew is perfectly safe.

  8. I have to say I am disappointed with the Russian SMO. When they were at the gates of Kiev and Kharkov I was really looking forward to them going in and rounding up all the Neo Nazis and sending them to re-education camps instead now those Nazis and other civilians are being rounded up by the Ukrainian government and sent to military training camps operated by NATO. Russia probably worried too much about the uproar in the Western SMS and parliaments about the massive civilian casualties this would entail but should have gone in regardless. Sparing all those civilians hasn’t earned them any good points as they’re ostracised, blackened and sanctioned to the maximum. So now it goes the way it goes with Ukrainians attacking nuclear plants even deep inside Russia at Kursk.

    • 回复: @Angryman
    , @David Parker
  9. Notsofast 说:

    tomorrow erdogan is meeting zelensky and the secretary general of the u.n. in ukraine. this would be the perfect opportunity for false flag missile strike taking out zelensky, erdogan, and guterres and blaming putin. highly unlikely, maybe but this may be their last chance to turn things around and get rid of trouble makers erdodan and zelensky in one fell swoop and making peace impossible forever.

  10. Dumbo 说:

    This. It’s all mostly a sick joke. It will probably end with Eastern Ukraine as part of Russia and Western Ukraine as the new Kosovo, and Western Europe enemies with Russia and depending on the US for its energy.

  11. Hitch 说:

    “No one actually ever believed that the Ukraine was going to win, unless they were just the dumbest morons on earth sucking the teat of Jew media.”

    LOL. j2 is one of those dumbest morons on earth. He is so dumb he doesn’t even know that he is sucking the test of Jew media.

  12. anaccount 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    半岛电视台基本上是 BLM 的喉舌。 ZOG 在大多数问题上都完全支持它。 所以,半岛电视台将矛头指向俄罗斯,我并不感到惊讶。 他们仍然支持巴勒斯坦事业,但一旦卡塔尔出局(如摩洛哥),他们的调子就会在一夜之间改变。

  13. @Observator

    supplied by the United States to the nationalist regime

    Please don’t confuse Zelensky’s government with “nationalists.” They are on the side of EU-ZOG-Globalists. Pretty much the adversary of true nationalists. Just a nit pick.

    • 同意: Curmudgeon
  14. The war has entered a most dangerous phase with these attacks on nuclear power plants. The Americans and Zionists know that they cannot defeat Russia militarily, or economically, so they are intent on causing a huge nuclear disaster in Europe. They don’t care what happens to Europe as they’re safely ensconced across the ocean. EU s powerless to do anything about it as it is American artillery operated by its own personnel and guided by its own satellites that is aiming at these power plants, and they will continue until they get a result as obviously the media will blame Russia, which it already does, so it’s a very convenient false flag. It could also be a prelude for worse to come since if you blow a dirty bomb you may as well use an atomic bomb and if a nuclear plant goes off as a result of these bombing Russia may well drop a nuke on Kiev. Each time Russia has been put in a position to escalate as no other options were given since a drug addicted lunatic who follows strictly Zionist orders has been installed as the ruler of the Ukraine. Dark times ahead for Europe, on top of all else that awaits it in a cold, fuel starved winter coming up.

    • 回复: @Che Guava
  15. Rothschild Poodle Volodymyr Zelenskyy


    • 回复: @JM
    , @JM
  16. anon[110]• 免责声明 说:

    No goy, not even Anglin, seems to realize that the neocon Jews gamed this out ahead and figured it was no lose. They hate Russia, ostensibly over pogroms, but really because Old Russia never allowed them into the Orthodox core to practice their blood-sucking. They hate Germany of course. They hate the Orthodox part of Ukraine for aligning with Russia for its entire history, trying to keep them out (being essentially Russian, if you like). And they hate the Catholic part of Ukraine for its large number of sympathizers with Germany in WW2.

    So a Russia struggling to keep up its arms supplies, a freezing Germany with industrial precariousness, and a devastated Ukraine add up to a positive for them.

    They have a 3,000 year memory for slights and you’re puzzling over actions with roots only 500 years old?

  17. I´m afraid if you ask the average German it´s 俄罗斯。
    ZDF has been blaming the Ruskies – interspersed with (uncommented) Ze
    发布 blaming the Ruskies – since 三月 (!) …
    albeit without 技术上 saying so but repeating often.
    – Meanwhile Medwedew (lit.: “Son of Bear” no less 😀 ) has pointed out that
    should anything untoward happen to Energodar there are … other 核电站
    (presumably closer to Kiew).

    Time at the very minimum to shut off the money and arms spigot.

  18. Even for the stupidest retard, it is impossible to believe that.

    I don’t think you’re right there, unless Biden just lost his title as the stupidest retard.

  19. Gee. It’s almost like somebody wants to de-populate the Earth.

    • 回复: @Sir Launcelot Canning
  20. @That Would Be Telling



  21. @neutral

    no matter how many escape plans [Zelensky] tries to keep viable

    His real country is Israel, so until the day comes when Israel is dismantled, this jew is perfectly safe.

    Is he physically located in Israel or the Ukraine? If the latter, he is most certainly not “perfectly safe.”

    If the former, how much influence over the war could he be exerting? He’d need his Jewish staff there, which just devolves the problem to their safety. Plus sooner or later people would notice.

    • 回复: @Supply and Demand
  22. Meanwhile the Brits keep prodding and provoking, sending a spy plane over Murmansk and nearly creating a shootdown and the Article 5 “pretext” they’ve been desperately seeking since February.

    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  23. gottlieb 说:


    • 回复: @PetrOldSack
  24. @WorkingClass

    Well then why wipe out the Europeans? They’re the ones who built the advanced world that we live in. I would say if the Earth needs depopulating, wouldn’t it make more sense to take out some of the useless populations?

    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  25. 泽伦斯基显然正在诉诸以色列设计的“参孙选项”的变体,即如果以色列发现自己受到毁灭的威胁,就摧毁整个欧洲。泽伦斯基这个反社会者一定认为他能够逃脱欧洲最大核反应堆的辐射泄漏。对于这个小人物来说,一亿欧洲人惨死并不关心。

    • 同意: Hitch
  26. @Sir Launcelot Canning

    That would come later, after the 3rd world peoples have been used to wipe out Europe. In centuries past, the goal was to wipe out Christendom which has already been accomplished en passant as it were. Now their target is descendants of Europe, AKA, white folks.

    • 同意: Cauchemar du Singe
    • 回复: @anonymous
  27. @beavertales


  28. @Bruce Arney


    The former would be easy, because as long as Russia has physical control of Europe’s largest nuclear reactor 复杂 there’s not going to be much effect on humans. Chernobyl was significantly worse in terms of release by its nature, graphite moderator burning for example, and it had minimal ill effects past a not very distant margin no matter how liars like the ones who created that recent video series pretend.

    另请注意苏联人 设法对他们的一个高放液体核废料罐进行化学爆炸, third worst accident in terms of total radiation released. Per that Wikipedia link, ~70 tons of TNT equilivent, about a tenth of the tank’s contents lofted into the air, and “After the explosion, a column of smoke and dust rose to a kilometer high.” Although putting this partly in perspective and achieving some mitigation of a sort, the Soviets were simply dumping lots of waste into a nearby river and lake and the latter was used in an open cooling system for six reactors. As in, take cool water in, cool down the reactor which you’re only using to make plutonium, assume something akin to a Chernobyl type design like our own first ones designed for this, discharge it straight back into the lake.

    So for this site there would be very few if any immediate deaths from radiation, let along a level you’d notice seeing as how there’s an all out war going on. The usual suspects will scream about Putin poisoning zillions of children etc. but in reality absolutely nothing resembling a Samson Option. Worse likely cases are one or more operating reactors getting all three of their cooling zapped but good PWRs contain meltdowns, still very hot in both ways fuel rods cooling in water getting hit and/or their cooling system(s) getting zapped, or the mentioned most recently due to some near hits of dry casks getting busted.

    但与它的总范围相比,这个综合体正在变得针锋相对,这不是一个完全相似的地方 遭受海啸袭击 或没有安全壳或任何类型的反应堆 字面上爆炸. Which can’t happen with the design of pressurized light water nuclear reactors (PWRs) which also have containment buildings. The latter are designed to for the most part shrug off the sorts of ordnance they’re being targeted with.

    The biggest long term effect would be “engineering casualties,” like Three Mile Island or rendering the whole complex unusable for some time, since we’re talking about a fifth of the Ukraine’s electricity generation.

    • 谢谢: Levtraro
  29. Ross23 说:

    如果您的孩子最大可能 5-7 岁,我会推荐这个有趣的智商测试:-

    俄罗斯和乌克兰之间发生了战争。 俄罗斯占领了一个地方/旗帜(简单的语言)。



    如果您想让它变得有趣,请尝试降低年龄,就像您的 3-4 岁聪明孩子的父母一样尝试与他们一起尝试。 🙂

    • 同意: JR Foley
    • 回复: @boomerfeeds
  30. hardlooker 说:

    If the image of democracy is a mushroom cloud, then the image of its remedy is a second mushroom cloud.

    We would have philosopher kings all trained to serve and ready to lead if we hadn’t swallowed the bullshit about democracy. Good kings are hard to come by but there’s nothing better.

  31. SteveK9 说:

    Hatred is not logical, so looking for logic when the motivation is hate will be a fruitless endeavor. Trying to understand the hate might be possible. There has been a fascist element in Ukraine since before WWII. The Zionist Neocons have fanned that hate and promoted it, in an effort to build an ‘anti-Russia’ that can be used to attack Russia. But why? Global domination has to be a big part, and maybe the Zionists just hate Russia on some mistaken historical ground … all the pogroms were in Ukraine.

  32. obwandiyag 说:

    I like how he says shelling the nuclear plant is horrible but nuclear power is not that dangerous.

    Because Hiroshima.

    And because Fukushima. Which is not over yet. Which is killing killing killing. Only you can’t see it. So, out of sight, out of mind.

  33. Avery 说:


    Can’t cause an nuclear explosion by bombing a nuclear plant: it is not possible.
    Even then, won’t make much of a difference: Russians troops have been training since Soviet times to operate in Nuclear, Chemical and Bacteriological contaminated areas.

    切尔诺贝利爆炸造成的直接死亡人数不到 100 人:大多数是急救人员,他们没有防护装备,而且停留时间太长。


    • 回复: @old coyote
  34. anon[210]• 免责声明 说:

    @Sir Launcelot Canning #26

    “Well then why wipe out the Europeans?”

    They live too well. . . and too long.

    ” They’re the ones who built the advanced world that we live in.”

    Thanks for building the world we live in. You can go now.

    ” I would say if the Earth needs depopulating, wouldn’t it make more sense to take out some of the useless populations?”


    • 同意: Kratoklastes
    • 巨魔: Realist
  35. @That Would Be Telling

    Chinese news is reporting that Zelensky has been in Prague since March. They just concluded a deal with Z to pull out the last remaining Chinese firms from Lviv. BRI has become a bit of a dead duck there since the Ukranian Army seems so intent on destroying all of the country’s infrastructure.

  36. 有一些科学家声称地球上最危险的动物是蚊子,其次是人类。





    • 回复: @Notsofast
  37. 安德鲁·安格林可以说是当今最伟大、最勇敢的记者。他的散文非常精彩。感谢上帝,Ron Unz 在这里为他提供了一个平台……这是来自一位 60 岁的婴儿潮一代,他经常诽谤他……这是理所当然的……继续努力,安德鲁!我想给你捐款,但我又老又蠢,搞不懂比特币!

    • 同意: JR Foley, Levtraro, Derer
  38. old coyote 说:

    切尔诺贝利清理(一个完整营)部队的近 80 人,近 4000% 因辐射死亡。这一切都被戈尔巴乔夫政权隐藏了多年。有一部(大力宣传的)乌克兰电影,其中有绝对可怕的视频和静态记录,记录了住院和垂死的俄罗斯士兵,他们被送往极度污染的高辐射地区死亡。该镇的许多平民也死于辐射病。

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
    , @Avery
  39. So what exactly are “we” fighting for at this point?

    The Russian intentions for their special operation were fairly obvious from the outset – they haven’t tried to hide their purpose.

    And IMO that Russian action has always been a genuinely just cause (unlike, for example, the American military which likes to characterise blowing innocent men, women and children to pieces as “righteous”).

    As to what exactly NATO and the Ukronazis have in mind with their part in all of this – I suspect it would become a whole lot clearer with an understanding of Klaus Schwab’s view of the process.

    Follow any tentacle back to its source, and it always seems to end with the genocidal Satanists of the World Economic Forum. They’re the ones pushing to exterminate 90% of the Earth’s population and sieze absolute control over whatever might be left.

  40. Biff 说:


    All wars are banker wars….

    The western dollar wants to dominate the world – at the same time it’s a house of cards – hence the desperation of bombing a nuclear power plant.

  41. JR Foley 说:

    “Israel is fulfilling today what God’s will is…it is in this Book!” as John Hagee opens another TV program.

  42. Notsofast 说:
    @loner feral cat

    thank you for this excellent video. while watching it, i realized that the great reset was hilarious clintons scam, she tried to play on sergey lavrov, in 2009 with her “beautiful shiny, jolly candy like history eraser button” that she thought she had labeled “reset”. lovrov pointed out to her, that her cyrillic translation of “reset” actually meant “overload” in russian.

    the great overload, yeah, that pretty much describes it.

    • 哈哈: loner feral cat
  43. anonymous[384]• 免责声明 说:
    @Twodees Partain

    The zionists want to get rid of white people and replace them with global south and African refuse who can be even more easily controlled. The jews supply the brains; the global south rapefugees provide the labor for building swimming pools in Khazaria. Jewish progressivism has, at its core, the destruction of whites, their replacement by unintelligent third worlders, and a globe in which the jews treat the surviving goyim as worse than farm animals. They’re getting closer. The worst thing that white America ever did was thinking that shlomo was “white” and part of the Judeo-Christian “family”. There is no Judeo-Christian family, and never was.

  44. XBardon Kaldlan [又名“Bardon Kaldlan”] 说:


    • 回复: @profnasty
  45. @War for Blair Mountain

    Of course Jews have are playing a big part in this. But I cannot believe the stupidity of the Ukrainian diaspora. Granted, many of their fathers and grandfathers were Banderisti, but when you’re removed a bit (generationally) from the historical point in time that you constantly bitch about, wouldn’t you think some focus or some logic would come into the picture. Too blind to see the forest for the trees.

    • 回复: @Mario Partisan
  46. Ukro-Nazis are running the Kiev regime and they have a Jew as a front-Yid for PR purposes. The Galician Nazis are not neo-Nazis. They are paleo-Nazis, echt sons of Uncle Adolf.

    And why is Zelensky doing it? He is (big surprise) only in it for the shekels. He is OK with murdering the Ukrainian goyim, because they aren’t members of the tribe.

  47. Jimmy1969 说:


  48. Anon[337]• 免责声明 说:

    It’s time for someone to assassinate Zelensky and put an end to this war. Getting rid of him is the only way to stop it.

  49. meamjojo 说:

    We’re sending in the “A” team now!
    U.S. Air Division Deploying Soldiers as Kremlin Says Russia, NATO at War

    Soldiers from a U.S. air assault division that arrived in Europe in late July are being sent to NATO members in eastern Europe to help protect the military alliance’s eastern flank, the U.S. Mission to NATO announced Thursday, as Russia fuels concerns that its war could widen beyond Ukraine.

    The mission said that nearly 2,400 soldiers would be sent to NATO members Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovakia to “reassure our Allies, and deter our adversaries.”

    • 回复: @anonymous
  50. meamjojo 说:

    When y’all get tired of Anglin’s FAKE news, here’s some truth on the Ukraine war to read:
    Ukraine update: More explosions in Crimea as ‘secret weapon’ strikes again
    Tuesday August 16, 2022 · 7:10 AM PDT

    AND team Putin is panicking!

    EXCLUSIVE: Vladimir Putin’s ‘panic-stricken’ officials in secret bid to end bloody war in Ukraine
    Senior officials and members of President Vladimir Putin’s elite are said to be “panicking” and want to negotiate in a bid to end the bloody war in Ukraine, experts claim

    14 Aug 2022

    A highly placed Kremlin official has secretly approached the West to help end the Ukraine invasion, it was claimed last night.

    The secret member of Vladimir Putin ’s elite is said to have revealed the Kremlin is in panic and desperate for the bloody war to end.

    Astonishing claims about the move were made in a report circulated to Western intelligence agencies.

    It is believed senior officers and officials close to Putin are alarmed by biting Western sanctions and the failing economy caused by war.

    Some Kremlin figures are also concerned about the increasingly alarming risks being taken such as fighting at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine.

  51. @meamjojo

    When y’all get tired of Anglin’s FAKE news, here’s some truth on the Ukraine war to read…



    Next thing you’ll be telling us that the Americans really 做了 登陆月球。


    • 同意: JR Foley
    • 哈哈: meamjojo
  52. @Bragadocious

    The UK is fast disappearing down the toilet so starting a world war might take the impotent UK serfs’ minds off falling wages, rocketing inflation and gargantuan energy bills. Karma is a bitch.

  53. 我认识的大多数澳大利亚人都相信这些不可能的故事,并且似乎愿意跟随大撒旦进入华盛顿疯子制造的任何泥潭。 政府更迭并未导致外交政策发生变化。 似乎没有人注意到澳大利亚的谁在和美国的谁说话……

  54. 俄罗斯人让普京捍卫自己的主权,勇敢地面对战争恃强凌弱者,用价值数十亿美元的战争玩具玩战争游戏,而美国和西方却让职业罪犯喋喋不休地喋喋不休地谈论最新的话题,就好像他们相信这些都是废话。

    • 同意: Bro43rd
    • 回复: @boomerfeeds
  55. @old coyote

    灾难发生后,欧洲大部分地区的农产品被宣布不可食用并被销毁一年。 远至不列颠,绵羊被摧毁。


    • 回复: @W
  56. @meamjojo

    Some Kremlin figures are also concerned about the increasingly alarming risks being taken such as fighting at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine.

    Everyone should be alarmed about this. But apparently the UN and IAEA are not, even declining to send inspection teams as Russia requested.

    It’s a war and each side is bound to score some hits but your reporting is entirely one sided. It seems that even independent observers on the UR cannot agree as to who is winning. Reading your comments, as well as those of a few others here, is a waste of time. Why don’t you just write “Victory to NATO, the greatest force for freedom, democracy and human rights in history!”, “God bless America!”, etc.?

  57. Alfa158 说:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Even if you stop operating, in the sense that you stop generating power, a nuclear power plant of current designs, that doesn’t remove the danger. The cooling systems for the cores and the spent fuel storage have to keep operating for very long periods or else the radioactive materials in the core and fuel will increase in temperature until you have a radioactive meltdown anyway. That is why the Ukrainians are also shelling the hydroelectric power station that would be able to supply emergency power to keep the cooling going if the plant was disabled. If they can destroy both targets, it’s Chernobyl time.
    The Fukushima plant was shut down as soon as the earthquake hit. The diesel generators on site that were to supply emergency power to keep the cooling system going were located above ground to survive a tsunami but not high enough to survive a 10 meter high wave. All but one generator was drowned and the plant melted down.

    • 回复: @That Would Be Telling
  58. Child Molester in Chief biden would love to see a nuclear catastrophe. Then he can explain away all the millions of vax deaths we will see over the next few years. Say they were due to radiation poisoning.

  59. @Ultrafart the Brave


  60. @Ross23

    但是这个网站上的大多数人都没有通过这样的测试,因为如果你问一个三岁的孩子,人们是根据目前的证据登陆月球还是证据是虚构的,他们会嘲笑这里的海报的愚蠢。 或者他们的covid需要大声笑

  61. Sam Smith 说:

    Could this be the “October Surprise” a little early this November election? The DemocRATs have tried just about everything under the kitchen sink to turn the tide come this November.

    I seriously doubt that the Ukies are this incompetent at hitting this nuclear power plant. If and when they actually land a bullseye, it will be a gamechanger in terms of PR propaganda against Russia. It may be the 宣战 necessary for US/NATO to “intervene” in the Ukraine SMO.

  62. @Poupon Marx

    当他们的国家被非法入侵并且自决受到威胁时,你会惊讶于有多少人愿意战斗。 通常,您所描述的情况发生在入侵军队的领导人死亡时,而您是对的,俄罗斯的战斗意志会在普京离开的那一刻消失。 如果俄罗斯不能加快获得土地的速度,乌克兰也将赢得这场胜利。 北约国家也愤世嫉俗地勉强帮助乌克兰延长战争。 除了维持这种僵局之外,没有真正的理由从乌克兰扣留远程设备或飞机。

  63. “俄罗斯的土地已经超出了他们的要求。”

    没有俄罗斯对乌克兰土地的要求。 他们主张将 DPR 和 NPR 归还他们自己的土地。 DPR 和 LPR 不是俄罗斯的州。


  64. Tom Welsh 说:

    ” 为争夺土地而进行战争是合乎逻辑的。但当前这场战争正在导致乌克兰失去土地。如果他们投降,他们将会拥有更多的土地——更好的是,如果他们一开始就没有挑起战争,他们就会拥有更多的土地。”





    要了解他们的行为,你所需要做的就是了解华盛顿和伦敦想要什么。这很简单:伤害俄罗斯,削弱俄罗斯,如果可能的话肢解和掠夺俄罗斯。 (其次是中国)。问这是否合理或可能可行就像问一群饥饿的狼攻击灰熊是否合理。



  65. @anonymous


    • 同意: Passing By
    • 回复: @Happy smart Muslim Arab
  66. Russia should make it clear, if they haven’t already, that Kiev and Liviv and the Ukraine government will cease to exist from the first strike.

  67. Ghali 说:

    俄罗斯应该放弃一些 炸弹监护人英国广播公司 总部。通过这样做,俄罗斯将拯救人类免遭可能的核浩劫。

  68. GMC 说:

    The Israelis and some Islamic groups have carte blanche access to both Ukraine , Russia and Crimea because of their Manipulated ties . Which means Mossad and others can easily operate in and out of the war zones. All of these jewish shrines, alleged Jewish massacre sites, synagogues, etc. etc. etc. are placed all over the World in order to have access to these countries. The heavy Russian/Slavic speaking populace in Israel is not a coincidence. Similarly, the US Embassies, Military Bases and BioWeapons Labs are planned for the same reason. Anyone , any country that doesn’t see this and does nothing to stop the infiltration is as guilty as the terrorists , they let in.

    • 回复: @Hitch
  69. @Ultrafart the Brave

    MemeJewJew is – like JackD who uses Ashke-math to calculate that COVID leads to 100x risk of myocarditis[1] – part of iSteve’s Kike Hasbara Chairborne

    AshkeMath is a branch of mathematics developed by lice-infested hovel-dwellers whose greatest fear is that someone makes them wash. AshkeMath is why the Enlightenment 没有做 开始于 苍白的结算.

    [1] The actual odds ratio for post-COVID myocarditis is 1 – i.e., no additional risk... UNLESS YOU’RE A FILTHBLOOD, in which case it rises to between 7 and 43 but I don’t care because every filthblood death is a mutzvah,

    • 回复: @That Would Be Telling
  70. 这场战争是否还在继续,因为西方军队已经失去了数千名被俄罗斯军队杀死的最优秀的士兵,他们被视为承包商和雇佣兵,他们正在寻找某种报复? 还是更多地是因为随着俄罗斯占领更多乌克兰领土,洗钱和武器以及从事卖淫、器官摘取、绑架儿童、走私等各种非法活动的窗口正在迅速关闭? 这不再是一场解放战争,而是关于别的事情

  71. Angryman 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    WTF is going on!? How come the ukie army can take pot-shots at the nuclear power plant in Zaporozhe whilst the Russians are just sitting on their arses? The Russians have all the fire-power in their armoury to settle the matter and yet … nothing happens. Please explain Putin and Shoigu why you are declining to take the necessary measures. Oh, we can’t upset the SMO’s precious little schedule! This could be settled in a few hours, as it would have been in the days Marshal Zhukov and the Red Army.

    • 同意: Derer
  72. meamjojo 说:
    @Ultrafart the Brave

    Ha! The only news you want to see is that which agrees with your personal POV. Sad!

    • 回复: @Ultrafart the Brave
  73. InnerCynic 说:

    The slow motion destruction of Ukraine continues and the Ukrainians do their level best not to disappoint the “crazies” within its ranks.

  74. bonin 说:

    俄罗斯球迷喜欢谈论俄罗斯人有多纯洁。 “俄罗斯人不是吸毒的同性恋”就是这个故事。


    顺便说一句,莫斯科到处都是吸毒者。 不要欺骗自己。

  75. sarz 说:

    Anglin,您的网站似乎在 Tor 上也被屏蔽了。 我建议将来所有工作链接(如果有的话)作为 URL 单独列出在你的 Unz 片段的底部,而不是目前的超文本链接(当前链接到不再有效的 dailystormer.in)。

  76. @meamjojo

    Ha! The only news you want to see is that which agrees with your personal POV. Sad!

    1. Clearly a case of projection (IOW, back atcha Babe).

    2. An excellent grasp of the concept of 确认偏误 – remarkable! … but as shown by your example, the wind blows in both directions…

    3. FWIW, back in the days of paper media all those years ago, the Mirror at least had the universal appeal of the Page 3 girls – so not a total loss (the best we might hope for nowadays is child-grooming paedophile trannies with bad makeup and shaved testicles hanging out for all to see).

    • 回复: @meamjojo
  77. Hitch 说:


    All these mysterious “explosions” in Crimea and Kherson are most likely the work of Mossad and not Ukrainian “patriots” or even SAS.

    I find it quite interesting that as all this sabotage is happening in Novorussia that it is Zelinsky who is cracking down on ethnic Russians caught behind “Ukrainian” lines, especially in Kharkov and Mykopolis?. It would appear that Zelinsky and his ZOG masters are trying to provoke Russia into cracking down on the citizenry, especially in Ukraine.


    • 回复: @boomerfeeds
    , @GMC
  78. yaosxx 说:
    @War for Blair Mountain

    实际上,情况比这更复杂 - 乌克兰国旗是犹太复国主义旗帜 - 蓝色和黄色 - 你可以在广告、图片、电视、电影等中随处看到这种组合 - 就像名片一样!彩虹旗也是犹太复国主义!他们喜欢使用代理——所以对于 LGBTQ 群体来说,这是孤独的!尽管最近添加的粉色、蓝色和棕色是为了隐藏一个启示性的秘密,但它们首尾相连,形成了万字符的一个版本——Na Zi——民族犹太复国主义!请记住,纳粹万字符已被更改——万字符一直是和平、能量和权力的象征,受到佛教徒、印度教徒等人的尊敬。犹太复国主义者因自己的邪恶行为而篡夺了它!
    JAO – 犹太自治州 – 成立于 1928 年 – 所以布尔什维克犹太复国主义者 – 成立来消灭俄罗斯 – 他们的旗帜:彩虹旗!

    • 回复: @Anon
  79. A123 说: • 您的网站

    An interesting and substantially more plausible scenario was shared in the UR News Links:

    https://readovka.news/news/108520 / Voltarde • Foreign Policy

    Ukraine Is Shelling the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant to Cover Up Its Dangerously Shoddy Condition Due to Past Embezzlement of the Funds That Should Have Been Used to Maintain It.

    It looks like Oligarch Zelensky is merely corrupt. This we already knew from the 潘多拉论文 detailing his amusement of personal wealth at the expense of others.

    When a really simple explanation is available — Neither wacky religious conspiracies, nor nuclear apocalypse scenarios are required.


    • 回复: @A123
  80. Realist 说:

    Moreover: you look like a complete lunatic, bombing a nuclear power plant. I get that Americans are so fat and retarded that the media can just ban people from Twitter for saying that Ukraine Democracy is bombing nuclear sites – but what about Germany?

    Yes, many Whites in this country are self-loathing. The Whites that founded this country and those that turned this country into the greatest civilization on this planet are mostly gone and have been replaced by avaricious power-hungry assholes…supported by some of the stupidest, most worthless White shitheads imaginable.

    Do Germans support bombing nuclear sites? Is it worth it to Germans to freeze to death so that Ukraine Democracy Jews can create a nuclear crisis in Europe?

    Germans are also White as well as most of Europe and they have been affected by the self-loathing dumbassery as the US.

  81. Realist 说:

    I don’t have a problem with this, the Ukranians have decided to exterminate themselves by being brainless ZOG puppets.

    The Whites in the United States have decided the same thing.

  82. Petermx 说:

    I have no idea what the video at the top of the article supposedly shows. I looked at it more than 5 times and saw nothing unusual.

  83. A123 说: • 您的网站

    Addendum… Autocorrect is evil.

    Pandora Papers detailing his amusement of personal wealth


    Pandora Papers detailing his amassment of personal wealth


    • 回复: @cohen
  84. What does the average [redacted] think? They think they were not asked if they wanted to squander their hard-earned standard of living to stand with Zelensky, who is increasingly reviled by average [redacted] as he steps up his dissing of [redacted] and all things [redacted].

    The problem is that the average [redacted] is afraid to be very vocal about that because their politicians view any dissent on a host of issues as coming from enemies of the state who are to be watched and stamped out. The worst thing to be in [redacted] these days is an anti-immigration, anti-vaxx Putin-understander, and merely expressing objections is sufficient to attract criminal charges.

  85. @CelestiaQuesta


    • 回复: @Liora
  86. @Hitch


    • 回复: @Hitch
    , @GMC
  87. MLK 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    难道乌克兰的反攻做得这么好。 。 。



    Russia — really, anyone who knows how to fog a mirror, is aware of these timing considerations. Behind the curtain, there are conveyed red lines to shape the contours of Russia’s escalation dominant actions.

    Shelling Europe’s largest nuclear power plant, though not as yet causing an environmental catastrophe, is an altogether credible warning. So was the reported shelling in Crimea.


    It’s a fascinating, if monumentally dangerous and complex, situation for the principal parties to game out.

    The sweet spot for Russia is to continue to achieve its objectives while playing along with official Washington’s well-honed ‘Baghdad Bob’ operations.

    不过,最终,在 11 月之前,这将达到紧要关头,因为俄罗斯知道,一旦中期选举结束,美国方面最糟糕的人将不再认为自己受到限制。

    假设我的评估是正确的,那么问题就变成了乌克兰 SMO 启动前的轮廓和时间安排是什么,其即将推出的派对是 Novorossiya/rump 并与乌克兰海上隔绝?

  88. Hitch 说:

    Interesting comment by Paveway IV:

    Lindsey Snell’s Ishgal website published an article about her interviews in Ukraine with Ukraine International Legion types – seriously debased humans, but much of this has been reported in bits and pieces by now, but I don’t recall seeing all this in one place before.

    “Everyone’s a little problematic in Ukraine’s International Legion”
    by Lindsey Snell and Cory Popp, August 17, 2022

    She also did an interview on YouTube’s the UsefulIdiots channel (Katie Halper/Aaron Mate) earlier this month that I found interesting – someone may have already posted it. About 25 min. and well worth it. Lindsay’s experiences reporting from the Ukrainian side and some highlights. Sounds like she was in Germany. Guess they didn’t arrest her, seize her bank account or throw her in prison – yet – a la Alina Lipp.

    From the Ishgal article:

    Weapons supply issues have hit all segments of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, including the International Legion. “There’s total grift and corruption going on everywhere,” Velcro said. “Some of the volunteer groups are now weapons trafficking. I went into the supply room and I asked my team leader for uniforms for my soldiers. And he said, ‘We don’t have any uniforms.’

    “And I said, ‘Man, it’s going to get cold here. If you guys don’t have regular uniforms to supply these foreign fighters now, what’s going to happen when it’s freezing out?’ The network of volunteers is burning out. You can’t sustain a war crowd-funding it forever.

    “We’re driving around in unarmored technicals on the frontline. At one point, the Legion even asked me to pay to help repair a vehicle, and I did. I went up to an ABC News crew who had driven up to us in an armored vehicle, and I said, ‘So, you guys get legit armored vehicles? I wish we had those.’ The ABC cocksuckers just gave me a smirky look.

    • 回复: @cohen
    , @Tom Welsh
  89. DanFromCT 说:

    犹太人自己谈论 Eretz(大)以色列并指出,在其人口中,居住在美国的人数(大约 40%)与居住在以色列本土的人数一样多。 美国自称是“一个民族”,因为两个政党都为激进的犹太复国主义亿万富翁所拥有,以至于美国参议院领袖查克·舒默(Chuck Schumer)说他将自己的种族利益视为“一个人(捍卫者)” ) 以色列”。

    犹太复国主义犹太人通过他们对主流和社交媒体以及出版和娱乐的控制,几乎控制了美国舆论的所有决定因素,而且在没有阻力的情况下加倍如此,因为基督教教士已经承认基督教一直在忽视假定的犹太人的苦难是错误的。 耶稣基督的死亡和被钉十字架不再是基督教教士人类存在的核心本体论事实,他们证明自己更关心自己的公众形象。 他们如此小心地培养和渴望的这种形象将他们定为基督的背叛者,因为这种形象只不过是他们在摧毁基督教方面对犹太人有用的功能。 对于基督教教士来说,从天主教主教到福音派电视演员,他们的存在取决于犹太人的金钱,犹太人实际上已经取代了基督成为人类完美的受害者,人类必须向他求助,以悔改和宽恕被称为大屠杀的神话事件。

    西方的道德颠覆可以放在犹太人的脚下,尽管他们绝非孤军奋战。 共产主义犹太人,自称是俄罗斯和乌克兰共产主义的先锋,以及毛和曼德拉的傀儡,因此,无论从任何真理标准来看,都是人类历史上最糟糕的屠夫。 尽管如此,教士们正准备对约翰福音和天启之书进行大肆宣传,以满足犹太人的报复,并将这些撒旦屠夫描绘成受害者。 如果背道的国会议员或白宫的冒名顶替者对圣经有任何用处,那就是把它贬低为神话,并用关于从未发生过的所谓大屠杀的书籍取而代之。

    在天主教徒中,如果我没记错的话,双膝跪地,尤其是对老人来说,是一种为崇拜圣体而保留的行为,而拜登则笑着嘲弄他每天否认的信仰,以这种方式跪下一种崇拜正统犹太妇女的时尚,她的生育能力使拜登成为犹太人及其代理人取代白人的象征。 拜登和其他利用他们的洗礼从内部摧毁教会的背道者一样,在牺牲他的儿子亨特时揭示了他纯粹的撒旦心理,亨特因性变态和毒瘾而死亡一千人,而他的父亲在他耳边低语要求做更多事情。


    • 回复: @GenFranco
    , @Anonymous
    , @Anonymous
  90. Avery 说:
    @old coyote

    {切尔诺贝利清理(一个完整的营)部队遭受了近 80% 的辐射死亡 - 近 4000 人。}

    一个营通常有 300-500 人:最多 1,000 人。

    如果您认为是,请提供可靠来源的链接 “nearly 4,000 men” 来自 ‘cleanup troops’ 被杀了。

  91. cohen 说:

    123 with peace slogan

    A Total Moron who publishes that Palestine is a State and they it does not allow citizenship to Jews

    Israel should retire this buffoon doing more damage to Jews with his stupidity

  92. Anonymous[159]• 免责声明 说:

    The Russian way of responding to shit like this is asymmetrical and very effective. We all remember when CIA DO was whacking Russian diplomats, shitting on bedrock principles of civilization predating the Bronze age. DO was like “Ha, ha asshole, what are ya gonna do about it?”

    Then Scott Stearney had that nasty spell of Sudden Asshole Death Syndrome (SADS) which was totally normal for a military puke in tip-top physical shape, uh, well uh, oh wait, he offed himself, yeah he was just too too stressed out, poor guy, foul play? THERE WAS NO FOUL PLAY!!!

    They couldn’t even mention it. It was worse than when Iran shelled a US base and the US just hunched over and took it. Stearney’s suicidation roused the guys who have the tanks and scared the shit out of cowardly DO ratfuckers who rely on let’s-you-and-him-fight.

  93. anonymous[403]• 免责声明 说:


    发布新闻周刊宣传文章的链接? 真的吗? 你认为UNZ的读者会浪费时间吗?

  94. @boomerfeeds

    “…illegally invaded”. If you are talking about Ukraine then you need to return to research and historical record, or stop with the shekel grubbing propaganda.

    普京非常受欢迎,他的政策得到了广泛的支持,这些政策关系到俄罗斯的生存,并要求北约和 JUSA 遵守国际法,停止像犯罪卡特尔一样行事——而他们本身就是这样的。

    As for Ukraine “winning”, which planet do you live on? Ignorance is ugly, Truth is Beauty-to paraphrase Plato.

    • 同意: Harold Smith
  95. Doug Ryler 说:

    “我们犹太人,我们这些破坏者,将永远是破坏者。” ——莫里斯·塞缪尔


  96. W 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    是的,但是做这些事情是否合理? 在美国,鸡死于“禽流感”。

  97. 就在我认为这件事不能再疯狂的时候……它已经疯了。

  98. @Alfa158

    While you are right about the problem of shut down nuclear reactors needing cooling for a while because of delayed decay of fission products “If [the Ukraine] can destroy [cooling targets] it’s Chernobyl time.” is a gross exaggeration. The Fukushima disaster may also be one, depending on exactly what cooling means exist for the reactors and the hot spent fuel rods cooling in water, this reactor design has three cooling systems I haven’t examined in detail.

    But the worst exaggeration is that pressurized water reactors (PWR) plants are not at all like the RBMK graphite (which can burn!) moderated Chernobyl design. Light water is a moderator as well as coolant, no chance of a literal explosion from a runaway reaction like with designs where cooling light water is a neutron poison. As in water forms voids of water vapor, less neutron poisoning happens, reaction rate increases, repeat until boom, the “positive void coefficient” that’s outlawed in the US thanks for Teller and that’s one reason old CANDU designs are a non-starter here, they use heavy water as the moderator.

    PWR designs by definition have a reaction vessel to contain the pressurized water, RBMK uses pipes, which early on the Soviets were much better at making. Good designs have a heavy duty containment building around them which the RBMK doesn’t. While I haven’t examined the differences in detail, there are quite a few compared to the light water boiling water reactors (BWRs) at Fukushima.

    First that’s glaringly obvious and I have difficulty believing it is that control rods are inserted from the bottom. Assuming you don’t do something stupid like make the tips of your control rods neutron transparent like the RBMK, that was the final fatal blow at Chernobyl, from the top allows them to be held by electromagnets, lose power and they drop home assuming their channels are not (yet) damaged. I don’t know if this was a factor at Fukushima, but it’s an obvious safety advantage that if I remember correctly goes back to the very first reactor (or maybe someone was at the top with an axe??)

    Right now I and probably we can’t say what would be the worst cases for this plant, but less than Chernobyl is all but certain without the Ukrainians physically there planting explosives in critical locations, and less than Fukushima is a possibility. One other factor at Fukushima that may also be an issue in the Ukraine is that their electrical control systems were in the basements, bad news when they got flooded. Those for a Ukrainian reactor getting hit hard enough would not be good.

  99. cohen 说:

    Nice to learn about a new website. Thanks
    Birth place of Hitler and Bandera. Austria. Wonder what school system Austria had in those days.

    One not reported opinion of Polish People! Rising discontent with Ukrainian refugees. Free loading and effecting Polish way of life could be responsible. Personal Observation: At Warsaw Airport while waiting in line for the automatic passport checkin, a woman cut in front without any hesitation and went through. The Polish Guard shook his head and said Ukrainian. No he was not complementing her beauty but her rough action. There many Ukrainians working in public service earning an honest and decent living. Signs of unsympathetic views are starting to creep up among Poles. Thanks to economic situation and tons of refugees.

  100. @Kratoklastes

    I find it interesting that the COVID anti-vaxxers have moved from potentially justified skepticism, certainly so for those under 30, and the 承认 low age weighted risk of heart or heart lining inflammation for mRNA vaccines straight to eliminationist rhetoric like “filthbood” and here a outright call for genocide.

    You really think it’s good to put yourselves into a kill or be killed posture with most of your societies? You’ve gone from being generally stupid and lying but somewhat tolerable to an existential threat, and nearly overnight at that. Don’t think others aren’t noticing this, especially us vaxxed who continue to not die as you’ve confidently predicted for a couple of years now.

    • 哈哈: Je Suis Omar Mateen
    • 回复: @Alexandros
  101. Hitch 说:

    LOL. The only idiots still pretending that “Ukraine” is a “Democracy” worth dying for are here trolling UR. If you are so obsessed with Crimea being “illegally occupied” then don’t you go go join the “International Legions” like all the useful idiots in the Spanish Civil war.


  102. Tom Welsh 说:

    “A little problematic…”?

    What would she have called Heinrich Himmler? “Slightly neurotic”?

  103. Anonymous[106]• 免责声明 说:

    The world is burdened with over seven billion people, so, the powers that be have concluded that a nuclear war is necessary in order to rid off five billion people which will balance out things like it should be. Nothing to see here!

  104. Che Guava 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    drug addicted lunatic who follows strictly Zionist orders

    I detest the creep, but from my impression, and unlike H. Biden and crack, the pics of Zelensky snorting huge amounts of cocaine are just humorous memes, made with Gimp, Photoshop, or similar.

    However, if wrong on this point, would greatly appreciate correction.

    Zelensky may be addicted to a Prozac-family drug, as must be a huge portion of U.S. pols, media, etc.

    When I see U.S. stats on legal psychoactive pharma drug frequency, I can’t say ‘unbelievable’, only ‘astonished’.

  105. @Poupon Marx




  106. Alexandros 说:

    This development is further evidence that nuclear explosions are impossible.

    • 同意: Je Suis Omar Mateen
  107. @anonymous

    While propaganda articles must be viewed with suspicion, today’s “新闻周刊” has become amazing in what good things they’ll publish. I don’t read it, but articles that have come to my attention that I’ve clipped in the last couple of years include:

    * Mitch McConnell Received Donations from Voting Machine Lobbyists Before Blocking Election Security Bills (7/26/19)
    * Oregon Tougher on Thanksgiving Families than Antifa Terrorists (11/20/20)
    * Inside the Military’s Secret Undercover Army (5/7/21)
    * Rodney Dunn, Arkansas Police Officer Who Flipped Pregnant Woman’s Car, Faces No Charges (6/10/21)
    * Whether We Say It or Not, Our Culture Provides Cover for Groomers (6/23/22)

    And for COVID:

    * Most U.S. Hospitals are Empty. Soon They Might be Closed for Good (4/18/20)
    * The Controversial Experiments and Wuhan Lab Suspected of Starting the Coronavirus Pandemic (4/7/20)
    * Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab With Millions of U.S. Dollars for Risky Coronavirus Research (4/28/20)
    * How Amateur Sleuths Broke the Wuhan Lab Story and Embarrassed the Media (6/2/21 on DRASTIC)

    In a different way, note 时间 and it’s 2/4/21 “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election” where it bragged they’d “fortified” the election.

    Clownworld appears to mean there’s fewer hard and fast rules….

    • 谢谢: profnasty
    • 巨魔: Je Suis Omar Mateen
    • 回复: @Greta Handel
    , @anonymous
  108. Anon[169]• 免责声明 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    Another Cold Warrior who can’t wrap his head around the possibility that Russia is no longer the bad guy.

    “Could it be that the Ukrainian counter-offensive is doing so well that Russia wants to set off a dirty bomb before retreating from the area”

    Do you even read what you write, Mike?

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  109. Alexandros 说:
    @That Would Be Telling

    You really think it’s good to put yourselves into a kill or be killed posture with most of your societies? You’ve gone from being generally stupid and lying but somewhat tolerable to an existential threat, and nearly overnight at that. Don’t think others aren’t noticing this, especially us vaxxed who continue to not die as you’ve confidently predicted for a couple of years now.

    Good idea? Nothing about this is good. But if it comes down to suffering tyranny, which is entirely enabled by YOU, I think yes, I’d rather die.

    If you want to start killing us that would be the ultimate irony. Cry for Jews, murder your cousin. The circle would be complete then and you can join the afterlife in a position you never thought possible.

    But I think the best thing to do, is for you to continue taking the shots.

    • 回复: @That Would Be Telling
  110. @That Would Be Telling

    And for COVID

    Has either of these intrepid Establishment journals published anything skeptical about the Big Pharma products that so safely and effectively boost their advertising revenues?

    那个 would be telling.

  111. GenFranco 说:

    而且他评论的语气总是暗示他实际上并不相信他们,这有点可悲和可悲。 他只是想从人们那里得到提升。


    “MAGA 现在要踢屁股了!”


  112. Agent76 说:

    2 年 2022 月 54 日 为乌克兰提供 XNUMX 亿美元,而美国数百万人陷入贫困

    在今天的美国,每 1 个孩子中就有 6 个生活在贫困线以下的家庭中。 截至 14.4 年 2022 月,[官方]贫困率为 2022%。17 年 XNUMX 月的儿童贫困率为 XNUMX%。

    23年2022月XNUMX日乌克兰“新纳粹夏令营”。 幼儿军事训练

    We are at a dangerous crossroads. What is happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III Scenario. The use of nuclear weapons are contemplated.


    • 回复: @Che Guava
  113. Anon[289]• 免责声明 说:

    “The Ukraine Flag is a Zionist Flag – blue and yellow – you see the combination everywhere – in adverts, pictures tv, films etc – like a calling card!”

    I’ve noticed this too. Local political campaigns use a lot of blue-and-yellow signage around here, even it’s just commissioner of roads.

    Don’t vote for any candidate who uses that color combo. Don’t patronize local businesses that use it.

    Also, it’s interesting to note the names of the candidates and business owners involved. Interesting in an ethnographic way.

    • 回复: @Catdog
  114. Smug disregard of “nuclear fallout” concerns, as found in this piece just like we see with the hetero, meth-fueled, tattooed jock Nazi assholes in Kiev, is exhibit #437 in why the Nazi West will lose this war.

    The rest of the world wishes to survive long-term, thank you very much.

  115. @Alexandros

    But if it comes down to suffering tyranny, which is entirely enabled by YOU, I think yes, I’d rather die.

    “That can be arranged.”

    And will be if you and your ilk start acting on your frankly expressed genocidal desires. In the meanwhile, you are “the enemy of all who live,” cannot ever be trusted for anything serious.

    • 回复: @Alexandros
  116. GenFranco 说:

    说得好! 最重要的是:



    • 同意: Thor Walhovd
  117. GMC 说:

    I’m in Western Crimea – on the base that got hit – on the beach – Novofedorovka. Ive had a few days to think about all of this and the ” Accident” on base was a legitimate military target for whoever did it. I was here years before, when this base was Ukrainian and I knew quite a few of those guys. This place was very small back then – really laid back, natural beach , 3 small bars , not modernised as it is today. Thruout middle and Eastern Ukraine , everyone got along – No Russia vs. Ukraine – as far as most the people were involved – Politically , there was the East West BS but both sides were really corrupt – this was all understood. Everyone got along that lived here – Ukies, Rooskies, TaTar, Belarusian, Moldovans etc. That was what I liked about the place .

    Zelinsky’s crackdown on Russians is due to years of western produced propaganda on the people nonstop but it started with the Maidan and then accelerated with the Jew Oligarchs — that also looted Ukraine for even more $. This is where the Israeli influence would come in – the media in the US was/is doing the same today- Sabe’ ? In fact, anyone in politics in Kiev were looters and scammers – going way back. So, I saw the crackdown on the Ukrainian side after 2014, but I see no crackdown on the Crimean people , even after these hits on some bases today. People will move out away from the bases maybe, but they’ll come back. Everything is back to normal here – a lot of work for carpenters from all the damage . The financial relief teams in our village are already depositing funds to people who had serious damage or just need window/door repairs to their residences. I was at the center today – I was impressed. It’s like one big Family. America used to be like that.

    Crimeans voted to go back to Mother Russia for a good reason – because Ukraine was too corrupt and most of the monies slated for Crimea was ripped off. Add the Nazies beating the hell out of people headed to Crimea or the murders occurring in Donbas { news traveled fast here} right after the Maidan and it was a no brainer vote. So again, no crackdown but the police are helping out around the roads that run past the bases and keeping an eye out for problems. Russians are stubborn and don’t give up that easy. lol Spacibo Hitch

    • 回复: @Hitch
    , @Sam Smith
  118. @Bruce Arney


    • 回复: @That Would Be Telling
  119. Catdog 说:

    I will be sure to stay clear of the secret zionists at Ikea.

  120. GMC 说:

    只有傻瓜或巨魔才会试图淡化以色列在乌克兰的作用。或者美国。尤其是在 Ron Unz 评论网站上。证据确凿,五位犹太寡头、两位犹太总统、一支纳粹军队和基辅的警察正在操纵他们的表演。当然,一旦战斗开始,那些寡头就逃跑了。你会很好地融入雅虎。

  121. @MLK


    3. 招募芬兰和瑞典加入北约
    4. 西欧摆脱对俄罗斯石油和天然气的依赖



    • 不同意: RadicalCenter
    • 巨魔: Harold Smith
  122. Che Guava 说:

    That man in the foreground of the photo is extremely obese.

    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  123. Thoughts 说:

    Russia was supporting Syria

    That’s why this war will continue

  124. Alexandros 说:
    @That Would Be Telling

    I did not express any genocidal desires. While such a thing may have merits I don’t think the result would be very good.

    You on the other hand came storming out the gates with a “vax or die” attitude. Are you really that surprised some people might want to celebrate your death?

    I wouldn’t celebrate it, but considering you seem very itchy to kill a bunch of innocent people, maybe I should?

    • 回复: @That Would Be Telling
  125. 犹太媒体拥有数十年的撒谎经验。

  126. Cohen 说:

    Apparently you are watching US TV too much. How many times anyone has seen people in London begging, European Industry??? Rationing of gas being planned??? Lowering/raising temperature in winter or summer. families getting cooled of in MacDonal or shopping malls in London… on and on..


    • 同意: RadicalCenter
    • 回复: @BayAreaSkeptic
  127. @Anon

    Hey, I was being sarcastic. Of course I don’t believe that the Russians themselves are shelling the plant despite what the MSM has been claiming, but I was writing as if going along with their reports and wondering why the Russians would do that. I think the Ukrainians are shelling the plant since if Russians wanted to blow it up they could do it by placing explosives as they control it. So the claims by the Western MSM make no sense.

    But of course they could turn this into a false flag by blaming Russia and most people would believe it as they believe whatever the MSM tells them. Some were expecting a big false flag and this could be it if this plant is blown up.

  128. Hitch 说:

    I am glad to hear that Zelinsky and his Jewish Cabal have not managed to make your life as difficult as he and his fellow blood sacrificers have for ethnic Russians in rump Ukraine.

    I often read that there are powerful factions in Russia that think that Putin has been too soft for far too long. The weak counter reactions to the MH17 fraud come to mind, and throughout the entire Minsk process Putin seemed to make far too many concessions. That Medvedev has suddenly turned into a real hawk since February 24 also shows that politics in war time can be very unpredictable.

    If something happened to Putin, or if some other major sabotage operation succeeded, say the take down of the Kerch straights bridge, there could easily be a crackdown on foreigners or people with less that sterling “patriot” credentials.

    Do you worry about this?

    • 回复: @GMC
  129. Exactly the same template or method is used when the murderous apartheid army of israel goes on a killing rampage of Palestinian children, women and civilians. Westerna media avoid stating the obvious: the racist zionist occupation army did it. Indeed it is as if the Palestinians were bombing themselves. So all the “reporting” about the bombing/shelling of the nuclear plant by the western media follows the zionist template/method.

    Russia ought to send a Khinzal or two to visit the decision making centers of the ukro-naziland, such as the offices of Ze pig. That would stop the pending nuclear catastrophe ..

    • 同意: RadicalCenter
  130. MLK 说:


    With all due respect, that’s embarrassing. Russia has been rather open about the specific objectives of its SMO. Demilitarization of the Ukraine is a straightforward concept. Here’s a good primer on “denazification:”


    Cutting through all the nonsense, Russia’s broad objectives are geopolitical no-brainers. Russia was invaded twice in the modern era through the Ukraine. Whatever else we might say about the psychopathically anti-Russian Zbigniew Brzezinski, he correctly pointed out that Russia was indefensible with the Ukraine in alliance with a hostile power.


    不用说,我不同意你所说的对俄罗斯的影响。但我唯一要进一步评论的是目前流行的说法,即俄罗斯已经或很快将成为中国的船只。任何声称这一点的人当时大概都相信尼克松在 1970 世纪 XNUMX 年代对中国的开放也同样为美国带来了麻烦。


    • 回复: @BayAreaSkeptic
    , @Bell Rings
  131. Sam Smith 说:

    Crimea is also the birth region of the Khazars who “converted” to Judaism around 740 AD, or rather they took over Judaism since their “conversion”. Parts of Georgia and southern Russia were also part of their former homeland. So, it is understandable that the “Jews” in Occupied Palestine now (95% of Jews today are the descendants of these Khazars) and elsewhere would want to take it back from the Russian and hence one of the key causes of this geopolitical struggle.

    • 回复: @GMC
  132. @MLK

    My attempt at sarcasm. I don’t believe the MSM claims but tried to rationalize their reports by assuming they were correct, which they obviously are not.

    These attacks on the nuclear power plant are a false flag: attack the plant then blame Russia. If it blows this could be huge and the Russophobia in the West would reach unprecedented levels, worse than anything we’ve seen so far. And that is what TPTB want, and whatever follows after.

    • 回复: @MLK
  133. Avery 说:

    {他们仍然会变得更弱和更多 隔离的。}


    俄罗斯是中国的亲密盟友,中国是一个拥有 1.4 亿聪明人的制造业强国。
    俄罗斯与印度关系友好:印度还有另外 1.5 亿消费者。



    PM 北约最新成员像女大学生一样参加派对,周围都是喝醉了的白痴。


    • 回复: @Avery
    , @JR Foley
  134. Levtraro 说:





    全球大部分投资是由中国和其他亚洲国家对亚洲经济体进行的。西方经济体负债累累,因此并不是全球外国直接投资的动力源。 80 年,流入欧洲的 FDI 下降了 40%,流入美国的 FDI 下降了 2020%(参见 UNCTAD)。

    3. 招募芬兰和瑞典加入北约


    4. 西欧摆脱对俄罗斯石油和天然气的依赖

    不,他们仍然依赖、需要和购买俄罗斯的石油和天然气;德国迫切希望增加目前从 NS I 获得的 20% 的流量。









    • 同意: Swaytonious
    • 回复: @That Would Be Telling
  135. @boomerfeeds


    安德鲁·安格林 (Andrew Anglin) 在本专栏末尾写下了以下内容:


    If AA read his articles’ comment threads, this comment and (alas!) many, many others would show him that, when it comes to the Grand Canyon of Stupidity and Impossibility, the bottom is still a long, long way down.

  136. Anonymous[368]• 免责声明 说:

    That was a great comment!

    At a Catholic bookstore a few years back I requested a book title which was one of St. Thérèse of Lisieux’s favorite books, 当代世界的终结与未来生活的奥秘 by Charles Arminjon.

    While they didn’t carry the book they just happened to have been sent a copy of it that day by Sophia Institute Press (by mistake? gratis? Providence?).

    Anyway, I said I wanted it and the nun (in habit) started looking up the sale price. She seemed uncomfortable and whispered to me, “I should let you know that there are some outdated thoughts about the Jews and the identity of the Antichrist in this book. I just wanted to caution you.”

    I smiled and thanked her for the tip while fighting my passive aggressive impulse to point out to the good sister that it was one of St. Thérèse’s three favorite books. St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Doctor of the Church.

    • 谢谢: chris
    • 回复: @DanFromCT
  137. Athena 说:



    “在那份报告中, 国际特赦组织指责乌克兰军队在学校、医院和住宅楼内或附近部署军队和大炮,从而有效地利用平民作为人体盾牌,从而犯下了战争罪。 在 19 个不同的城镇和村庄发现了乌克兰士兵的这种做法。”


    Ukrainian lobby of NaTO-Canada = LIARS, MANIPULATORS, WAR criminals :

  138. @Cohen


    俄罗斯人可以随心所欲地进行反抗。事实仍然是,对于占全球 GDP 超过 50% 的国家来说,成为一个禁止投资和贸易区的国家,为乌克兰东部的一小片地区付出的代价是愚蠢的。苏联100%拥有乌克兰,但它仍然崩溃了。


  139. The STUPID GERMANS apparently have no sense. They are the reckless Ukrainians to release radiation over the whole of Germany. Are GERMANS that pathetically stupid?

  140. @That Would Be Telling

    Imma start calling them DJ’s = Democracy Jews.

    That way peepooz think imma talk’n bout Spin Doctors.

  141. Passing By 说:

    You should lift your gaze up from your navel from time to time. If you did, you might notice that you aren’t at all indispensable. Quite the contrary, actually. The rest of the world will feel relieved to have you off its back. Most were hesitant in the beginning and voted to condemn the Russian operation in the UN, without supporting sanctions, not b/c they agree with you but b/c they were afraid of you. Now that Russia has shown the world that the collective West was run by a fake elite of shitty moronic arrogant disrespectful uneducated petty assholes and has stood up to it, the world is much less afraid.

  142. Sanjay 说:


    • 回复: @Swaytonious
  143. @Alexandros


    哎呀,你是对的,我很抱歉,你回复了我从 Kratoklastes 的帖子开始的一个子线程,我没有注意到这一点。

    另一方面,你以“vax or die”的态度冲出大门。


    在经典的武汉 -> Alpha -> Delta 的日子里,我提倡 30 岁及以上的人接种疫苗,并指出了在我们的大 Delta 浪潮期间不保持曲线弯曲的额外危险。 在那个漫长的高峰期,四面八方的 150 英里内没有免费的病床。

    My part of deep Red state flyover country being particularly “vaccine hesitant,” and often it was exactly that vs. an informed opinion or ideology, needlessly lost too many people throughout 2021, and during that Delta wave peak in getting them transported to an open bed. Healthcare workers including doctors also wasted a lot of time phoning around for free beds, a failing of our public health authorities which are trash, infectious disease control being 过时.

    The only “or die” is if you rolled snake eyes as described above, and don’t forget about morbidity including delayed mortality which per an early VA data study on classic Wuhan was significant. But of course all this is prior to the end of the first Omicron wave, that variant was a game changer.

    Although while I haven’t continued checking since it’s not relevant to myself or anyone I know, in the very unlikely case you don’t already have vaccine and/or natural immunity Omicron’s first variant was thought to still be several times worse than the flu and thus worth getting immunized for if the other considerations like age called for it. We’re now several sub-variants past that, don’t know if that’s still thought to be true.

    • 哈哈: Je Suis Omar Mateen
  144. @MLK

    任何板着脸重复 SMO 这个词的人都应该感到尴尬。


    • 回复: @Avery
    , @Levtraro
  145. MLK 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    Got it. Sarcasm is difficult to convey in this format. Besides, I’ve heard every one of your (sarcastic) points from people who should (and likely do) know better.

  146. 这是来自 Alexander Mercouris(通常相当中立)的一段相当有趣的视频,他在其中讨论了普京和绍伊古在莫斯科世博会上的演讲,主要是来自全球南方的人们。 演讲内容将俄罗斯(和中国)视为西方精英推动的全球主义的主要反对者。

  147. @Swaytonious

    Frankly, as nukes … destructive power [is] most useful at high (no fallout generating) altitude….

    Unfortunately not true. At low enough or ground level much more fallout is generated because lots of vaporized or picked up soil and rock gets nasty parts of the warhead in or coated with it. But even high enough there’s still whatever mass the warhead had to make particles as it condenses after being vaporized, although less than for the first generation bombs that trashed the two Japanese cities, or the middle era designs before we were able to make them small.

    There’s also the potential to either “salt” a bomb or for thermonuclear warheads to make their second fusion stage tamper out of U-238 instead of lead or whatever. The latter will about double the yield as the flood of neutrons from the fusion causes that normally fairly stable isotope to fission.

    Some of this will stay up high in the stratosphere until it’s decayed enough to not be much of a real problem, but the fallout danger, at least close downwind is still a thing. Also there’s the potential a nuke’s altitude fuzing will fail and it’ll only go off when the salvage fuze fires as it hits the ground.

    • 回复: @Swaytonious
  148. Desert Fox 说:

    The war in the Ukraine is a zionist war on Russia and it was started in 2014 with the zionist Nuland led coup which led to the Russian speaking Donbass region breaking away and then the Donbass region came under continual attack by the Ukraine which in turn led to Russia entering the Ukraine to save the people of the Donbass.

    This is a war against Russia and Russia has the moral high ground and will win this war.

  149. @cylindrical crown

    南半球没有人热切地盯着俄罗斯。 没有人对搬到俄罗斯或囤积卢布感兴趣。
    俄罗斯在投资方面没有提供任何东西。 巴西或印度没有俄罗斯汽车工厂。 班加罗尔或上海没有俄罗斯软件公司。 俄罗斯公司没有带来技术和投资。
    全球南方的精英受过西方教育。 他们把孩子送到西部的学校。 在他们掠夺自己的国家之后,他们在纽约和迈阿密而不是莫斯科购买房产。


    • 回复: @cylindrical crown
    , @Levtraro
  150. Derer 说:

    It appears that Russian’s number one objective now should be to target and eliminate the Kiev non-Slavic regime. It should be so obvious to any rational person that Russia has no motive whatsoever to damage, by them controlled, nuclear plant. Who is desperate here, and target this nuclear plant, is the Kiev regime of Zelensky as seen by his filthy propaganda displays at every occasion. He does not care how many Slavs are killed.

  151. eudion2 说:


    • 回复: @AlexanderEngUK
  152. @Levtraro

    全球大部分投资是由中国和其他亚洲国家对亚洲经济体进行的。西方经济体负债累累,因此并不是全球外国直接投资的动力源。 80 年,流入欧洲的 FDI 下降了 40%,流入美国的 FDI 下降了 2020%(参见 UNCTAD)。

    这一段确实伤害了你的其他主张。贸发会议 还没有用 at least at the top digested level because they’re still only reporting on 2020, where normal economics were trashed by COVID.

    In general, “highly indebted economies” where that’s in part done by printing dollars or I assume Euros will still have plenty of what people will accept as money to invest. Investing in things potentially more solid that fiat currencies has something to recommend it.


    Just now I have not been able to find any evidence we’ve imported Russia oil or distillates after April 2020, 例如,请参见此处 (向上,他们有其他国家的五月份数据)。

    In theory “Biden” 8月XNUMX日禁止了 with I assume some allowance for stuff in transit. I’ve certainly been reading that this is a major factor in our coastal areas not (well) served by pipelines from the Gulf region being short on distillates (they’re allergic to refineries, we’re overall down 5% or 1 million barrels per day from the pre-COVID peak, plus see the Jones Act).

    但总的来说,对于 现在 Russia is doing OK or better. I wonder about the longer term, disconnection of supply chains goes both ways so what are they no longer able to get from Germany for instance which the PRC can’t provide adequate substitutes? OK, the bought from MacDonald’s franchises can’t get enough french fries to keep them on the menu, but reports of that implied there’s still some supply in Russia for those really needing a fix (this pertains to the type of potato and processing capacity).

    • 回复: @Levtraro
  153. Avery 说:

    {任何重复这个词的人 SMO 板着脸应该会感到尴尬。}

    =When youse are not embarrassed calling the naked invasion of a sovereign state 1,000s of miles away, killing 100s of 1,000s of civilians — including children — destroying its infrastructure, and still occupying it when the Iraqi Parliament/People demand the US forces leave, Operation Iraqi 自由(原文如此) — we sure have no reason to be embarrassed.

    = 当你们的北约恐怖分子对南斯拉夫进行非法恐怖轰炸长达 78 天,造成 1,000 名平民死亡并摧毁其大部分基础设施时 贵族(原文如此) Anvil — we sure have no reason to be embarrassed.

    US has been invading the world and calling the death and destruction it brings…….wait for it…… “Liberation”.。 对。

    Before that British Imperialists had been invading and bringing “Law and Order” — i.e. death, destruction, looting, misery, hunger,… — to the ‘benighted masses’ 数百年。




    • 回复: @BayAreaSkeptic
  154. Derer 说:

    I did not know that you are such an illiterate. The only excuse for your slanderous display is your pathological denial of West’s suffering at Russian counter sanctions.

  155. Derer 说:


  156. 视频链接
    Globalism is actually Jewish hegemonic supremacism, but Jews are so powerful that even China and Russia dare not point this out. White Gentiles in the West can tolerate to some degree China and Russia’s bashing of Western Globalism/Imperialism but will totally flip out over any hard criticism of Jewish Power. Jews have such control on the Western Imagination and ‘Spirituality’ that it’s verboten to mention the Jews. Russia and China know what Western Power essentially boils down to Jews leading and whites providing the support. Jews are masters, whites are dogs.

    The #1 ‘religion’ among whites, especially among the elites, today is Jew-Worship. Indeed, all this anti-Russia thing was driven by Jews. Jews lead, whites follow. Jews say, whites obey. Jews decree, whites agree. China and Russia know full well that precisely because whites are so obeisant to Jews, any criticism of Jewish Power on their part will lead to white hysterics and subservience to Jews beyond what’s happening today(which is already crazy). But unless the Jewish Factor is named and shamed, no real change is possible.

    Putin’s pitch to the Rest(against the West) has only limited appeal. Globalism is two-way imperialism. In past imperialism, the West colonized the Rest. It was one-way imperialism. Under globalism, the Jewish-run Wests get to financially conquer the world and use military power to invade any nation or put military bases there.

    But it also allows demographic imperialism, i.e. nonwhites get to enter the West in droves and even take up elite positions(like Indians in UK and nonwhites in the US), and the Rest see the rewards of globalism. It’s not good for their nations as a whole, but the idea of emigrating to richer white nations and having their kids enter the ranks of globalist elites is very appealing to them. And the fact is most people in the Rest are not really patriotic but only care about themselves and/or immediate family members.

    In past imperialism, whites were proud of their race and defensive of their motherlands in their conquest of the world. In globalist-imperialism, white pride, white indigeneity, and white unity are taboo. Whites are not allowed to act for white identity or interests. The only people who are allowed tribal identity are the Jews. Jews suppress white identity to make whites serve Jewish identity. Jews also exploit ‘white guilt’ about blacks to paralyze whites into shame; whites then seek redemption, and Jews spell out the path to salvation in four ways: (1) reject whiteness as evil and vile, and ensure future of the West will be majority non-white via mass immigration (2) obey Jews as the holy race (3) worship blacks as the awesome race (4) celebrate homosexuality as the New Normal.

    Because whites cannot act in their own interests, nonwhites see a great opportunity under globalism to move to white nations in huge numbers and take over. Just like Russian military is incrementally taking over parts of Ukraine, nonwhite hordes have been incrementally transforming entire parts of UK and France and other European nations. Malmo in Sweden now looks like the Third World. Minneapolis used to be nearly all white. It is now largely black. Also, white kids have been indoctrinated to hate themselves and support BLM thugs burning down cities.

    Of course, the Rest see some big hypocrisy in globalism. West says it is ‘anti-racist’ but why is it then supportive of Zionism that erases the Palestinians? Also, what kind of ‘anti-racism’ is it that US military paints BLM signs on bombs to drop on Arabs? So, globalism is ultra-sensitive about black feelings but also use blackness as moral justification for the US to invade and bomb other countries, i.e. “Because Americans are so contrite about its history of ‘racism’, it has the moral justification to invade and destroy other nations.”

    Morality under globalism makes little sense. Take the Germans who make such a big stink about their WWII guilt. But it only goes one way. They suck up to Jews over the Holocaust but conveniently forget their invasion of Russia led to 20 million Russian dead. Germans say they totally reject the Nazi ideology but then support Ukro-Nazis in Donbass. So, German ‘morality’ really comes down to sucking up to Jews who rule the US. It’s phony.

    P.S. Ray Sawhill booted from Twitter. He didn’t even push the envelope on controversial topics.

  157. Hitch 说:
    @cylindrical crown

    Putin, Shoigu and Lavrov speak more truth than all the western “leaders” combined. But I can also say that Alex Jones speaks/spoke more truth than all the world’s MSM combined.

    归根结底,如果有人在到达奥弗顿窗口的边缘之前只会故意说出真相,那么他们实际上只是有限的聚会场所,就像 Ron Unz 一样。

    琼斯、普京、拉夫罗夫和绍伊古永远不会说出犹太人的名字。 他们都害怕犹太人的力量。 当然,这同样适用于 Mercouris。 他们是否是有限环聊的积极参与者并不重要,只要他们安全地留在环聊的范围内,他们就是在为它做出贡献。


    At least Alex Jones will name BIS. Putin, Lavrov and Shoigu will not. They will rant about “Nazis” and they will rant about Nazi “war crimes”, but they will never mention the orders of magnitude greater war crimes committed by Russians while under Judeo-Bolschevic tyranny. During the entire Soviet gulag certain Judeo Americals like Armand Hammer and Rockefeller could land in Moscow. They will never mention that one of the BIS founders was Schacht and that Germany remained in BIS throughout the war and even afterwards.

    最重要的是,普京、拉夫罗夫和绍伊古永远不会提到俄罗斯及其盟友中国的中央银行仍然是国际清算银行的成员,就像德国在整个二战期间一样。 虽然最终 BIS 不是发号施令者,虽然 BIS 只是执行政策和上级机关的命令,但重要的是每个人都认识到,只要俄罗斯和中国的中央银行都是 BIS 的成员,它们都是从 CV19 到 CBDC,从疫苗护照到气象工程,再到乌克兰冲突等全球冲突和战争的工程,它们仍然是危害人类罪的一方。

    Catherine Fitts 和 Patrick Wood 最近关于 BIS 的讨论值得一听:


    对话基于 Patrick Wood 2005 年的一篇文章:


    伍兹在其中列出了普京、绍伊古和拉夫罗夫不愿讨论的 BIS 的所有特殊权力:


    – diplomatic immunity for persons and what they carry with them (i.e., diplomatic pouches)
    – no taxation on any transactions, including salaries paid to employees
    – embassy-type immunity for all buildings and/or offices operated by the BIS
    – no oversight or knowledge of operations by any government authority
    – freedom from immigration restrictions
    – freedom to encrypt any and all communications of any sort
    – freedom from any legal jurisdiction[9]

    此外,BIS 董事会成员(例如 Alan Greenspan)单独获得特殊福利:

    – immunity from arrest or imprisonment and immunity from seizure of their personal baggage, save in flagrant cases of criminal offence;
    – inviolability of all papers and documents;
    – immunity from jurisdiction, even after their mission has been accomplished, for acts carried out in the discharge of their duties, including words spoken and writings;
    – exemption for themselves, their spouses and children from any immigration restrictions, from any formalities concerning the registration of aliens and from any obligations relating to national service in Switzerland ;
    – the right to use codes in official communications or to receive or send documents or correspondence by means of couriers or diplomatic bags.


    – immunity from jurisdiction for acts accomplished in the discharge of their duties, including words spoken and writings, even after such persons have ceased to be Officials of the Bank;
    – exemption from all Federal, cantonal and communal taxes on salaries, fees and allowances paid to them by the Bankï
    – exempt from Swiss national obligations, freedom for spouses and family members from immigration restrictions, transfer assets and properties including internationally with the same degree of benefit as Officials of other international organizations.[11]

    在没有附加条件的情况下贩运毒品、芬那特、器官、儿童,甚至是西方武器给乌克兰,需要清洗大量资金。 整个星球都被迫实施 AML(反洗钱)法律,许多大型犹太银行被抓获并被迫支付罚款(KPM、汇丰银行)。 然而,所有这些洗钱活动仍在全球范围内进行。 乌克兰和俄罗斯,就像中国和台湾一样,都受益于 BIS 的完全和完全的主权豁免权,作为回报,他们实施了 BIS 关于 Covid 封锁、CBDC、气象工程(气候变化)、制造食品短缺等事情的命令,是的,甚至战争。

    伊朗是唯一一个不是 BIS 成员的主要国家(可能除了朝鲜),也没有向这个腐败和邪恶的组织提供主权豁免权。 在俄罗斯和中国抛弃 BIS 并与人类团聚之前,我们必须明白,它们比乌克兰、土耳其甚至以色列好不了多少。

    • 回复: @Passing By
  158. @That Would Be Telling


  159. meamjojo 说:
    @Ultrafart the Brave

    Putin/Russia is still losing and will have to give back all of Ukraine. Will be so embarrassing for Putin. He’ll definitely throw a hissy fit. Maybe let the nukes loose?.

    Here’s a direct news source for you.


    • 回复: @anonymous
    , @Dnought
  160. H. L. M 说:

    I have to agree that Ron Unz has some crazy ideas.

    And it does seem that both Russia and China are aligned at least in part with the jew world order.

    Maybe Putin is trying to straddle the fence.

  161. H. L. M 说:
    @That Would Be Telling

    It is a stark illustration oj jewish greed that Zelensky, after having already stolen so much money that he will never be able to spend it all, is still in Ukraine.

    Maybe he isn’t……………

    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  162. Passing By 说:

    In the case of Putin, I think that “rootless cosmopolitans” and “supranational elites” are as unambiguous and vitriolic invectives as a man in his position can allow himself to use. The understatements are descriptive enough and elucidating further unbefits a statesman. What we hear when he speaks doesn’t matter, what the “rootless cosmopolitans” and “supranational elites” hear matters.

    • 回复: @Hitch
  163. @gottlieb


    I suppose you point at the author, “Andrew Anglin”. I think as much of it/he/them. What an algorithm can do in tuning the message to the readers ambitioned @unz.com. Ron Unz is in on the take. There are some very astute Jewish anglers (plural) fishing for the sweet spot in public communication. A great effort, stealthily introducing algorithmical production of the message in a next step? For now sifting out the “alternative media correct” tune and tone works wonders (this allows for producing multiple articles on always the right subjects and zooming in on style as much. Congrats to the mis-chievers! Looking forward to the further roll-out of the experiment.

    叙事新闻,正如我多年来所假设和所说的那样,已经过时了。 甚至 Ron 和他的书信在注意力持续蔓延的情况下也趋于平缓,他曾经/现在就像纽约时报一样。 很勇敢的填补了Alfabeth和Meta的足迹,推特蛮横的潮流。

  164. Height_776 说:

    “所以,即使从 ZOG 的角度来看,继续这场战争也是一种疯狂、怪异、令人困惑的行为。”

    • 同意: Chuck Orloski
  165. Passing By 说:
    @cylindrical crown

    To answer Mercouris’s quandary as to why the West persists in its current course, it’s because there’s a new super-weapon that will definitely change the tide of the war and save it from debacle:


    • 回复: @Anonymous
  166. @H. L. M

    Maybe Putin is trying to straddle the fence.

    Putin and the one and only Holocaust, as politically correct as they come. Mind it could be some sort of opportunistic public posturing. A man like Putin (do we know him other then second tier projections) must have some particulary, not for comestication, quips for insiders, on this.

  167. Hitch 说:

    Russia’s Defence Ministry says it may shut down Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant if shelling continues


    • 谢谢: Chuck Orloski
  168. profnasty 说:

    美国武器。 美式训练。 美国瞄准。 是的,美国正在轰炸核电站。 好的。
    In other news. Not only is US at war with White Christian Russia, Blowjob Joe has declared war on White Christian America. He’s hired 87,000 armed militia to rob and imprison White American taxpayers. Nice.
    If Repugs don’t retake Congress, it’s game over for Johnny.

    • 回复: @Jim H
  169. Hitch 说:
    @Passing By

    Naming the Jew is just one part of Putin’s limited hangout game. As I described in detail, he won’t name the bank for central banks (BIS) that has a virtual monopoly on money laundering across the planet, and he won’t admit that Russians committed far more war crimes and crimes against humanity from 1936-1945 than Germany ever did.


    “Nazi” has become nothing more than a pejorative for anything that Jews dislike. Putin can make create speeches and speak very clearly and precisely. But when it comes to WWII, all he and Lavrov and Shoigu can do is spew ZOG propaganda.

    • 回复: @arthurdecco
  170. anonymous[403]• 免责声明 说:

    叹了口气。 。 。

    YAWN . . .

  171. @Avery


    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  172. Anonymous[405]• 免责声明 说:
    @Passing By

    Ukrainian oligarch says he performed ancient Jewish curse on Putin

    来自 Ron Unz 的 美国真理报:犹太宗教的奇事 :

    …religious Jews apparently pray to Satan almost as readily as they pray to God, and depending upon the various rabbinical schools, the particular rituals and sacrifices they practice may be aimed at enlisting the support of the one or the other. Once again, so long as the rituals are properly followed, the Satan-worshippers and the God-worshippers get along perfectly well and consider each other equally pious Jews, merely of a slightly different tradition. One point that Shahak repeatedly emphasizes is that in traditional Judaism the nature of the ritual itself is absolutely uppermost, while the interpretation of the ritual is rather secondary. So perhaps a Jew who washes his hands three times clockwise might be horrified by another who follows a counter-clockwise direction, but whether the hand-washing were meant to honor God or to honor Satan would be hardly be a matter of much consequence.

    Strangely enough, many of the traditional rituals are explicitly intended to fool or trick God or His angels or sometimes Satan, much like the mortal heroes of some Greek legend might seek to trick Zeus or Aphrodite. For example, certain prayers must be uttered in Aramaic rather than Hebrew on the grounds that holy angels apparently don’t understand the former language, and their confusion allows those verses to slip by unimpeded and take effect without divine interference…


  173. profnasty 说:
    @XBardon Kaldlan

    Yes! When an American trained Orc fires an American rocket into the nukular plant,
    KABOOM- deadly fog.
    Pentagon Bart Simpson,
    “I didn’t do it!”

  174. Getaclue 说:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Vx 彻底失败,正在杀死/致残数十万人——无法相信任何不参与其中的人仍在拉皮条。

  175. @Sanjay


    • 回复: @anon
  176. Avery 说:

    {Russia will be isolated all right: from the dying, suicidal West.
    Good riddance.}

    Russia’s isolation from the West will deprive it of the “rich culture” 西方的。

    [Yale professor blasted for program working with 3-year-olds on their ‘gender journey’]

    [“I am the director of the Yale Gender Program, which is an interdisciplinary program working with gender expansive individuals 3-25 and their families,” Yale professor Christy Olezeski says in a video circulating on social media. “We help individuals who are questioning their gender identity or who identify as transgender or nonbinary, and we help them with their gender journey.”]

    Yes, Russia desperately needs the West to guide Russia’s 3-year old children on ‘gender journey’.. Poor Russian children: they will grow up all confused, damaged, lost,…. — due to Russia’s isolation from the West.

  177. @BayAreaSkeptic

    ‘Morally wrong’ to oust a fascist regime so depraved that IT shells a nuclear plant then blames the other side? The only moral imbecile here is YOU.

    • 同意: acementhead
    • 回复: @BayAreaSkeptic
  178. Anonymous[244]• 免责声明 说:

    Col. Douglas Macgregor interview from this afternoon:

    • 谢谢: Levtraro
  179. @H. L. M

    ?elensky and his boys aren’t finished yet. He declared the other day that any part of Ukraine’s public owned assets still not yet looted will be ‘privatised’, and the proceeds used to (I suppose) buy more weapons from his Western controllers. That the Evil little thug is prepared to risk a nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine, and beyond (not as far as Israel, he hopes), by shelling Zaporizhzhia, make it IMPERATIVE, in my mind, that Russia must capture the malignant golem and put him on trial.

  180. @H. L. M

    Jews are welcome in Russia and China, so long as they behave, like any other human group. There is NO chance that they will end up running things, as they do in the West, particularly not in China where they cannot ‘melt in’ to the background.

    • 回复: @neutral
  181. AnonfromTN 说:

    The nature of the Kiev regime is obvious to any unbiased observer. Only total idiots and paid propagandists can mention Ukraine and democracy in the same sentence.

    Now, practical considerations. Ukie shelling of Zaporozh’ye nuclear power plant, intended to blackmail Russia and Europe at the same time, can backfire. Russians can shut this plant down, explaining it by the danger of an accident triggered by Ukie shelling. This would leave Zaporozh’ye, Dnepropetrovsk, and quite a few other areas under Ukie control without power. Most foreigners do not realize (and the propaganda in the empire and its vassals never mentions it) that this plant under Russian control still supplies electricity into Ukrainian grid. Not that current Kiev regime cares about Ukraine residents, but the loss of power would greatly inconvenience Ukie cannon fodder accumulated by the regime in those areas.

  182. It does make sense from a zionist perspective. The sanctions haven’t boosted Russia’s economy, the forecast is that Russia’s economy will shrink by 4% this year, while the EU is forecast to grow by 1.5% (although that seems optimistic).

    In addition, jews usually HATE Slavs, especially Russian/Ukrainian ones (they’re pretty much the same thing). Anything which results in large numbers of Slavs dying (probably at least 50k Ukrainians so far), their economy wrecked, and their country partitioned, as in Ukraine, is very desirable from most jews’ point of view – the jewish-run Holodomor happened because of that jewish hate for Slavs. It’s also why Ukraine has been repeatedly ordered by the US zionists running it (Victoria Nuland, etc.) to carry on and fight the Russians to the last Ukrainian – maximum death and destruction.

    • 回复: @BayAreaSkeptic
  183. JWalters 说:


    This may be another step toward turning Ukraine into “a land without a people”. Kind of like sending all the Ukraine males, young and old, virtually unarmed into battle against the Russian army.

    This might also be a “knock over the chessboard” move, hoping they can escape scrutiny and retain control in the ensuing chaos.


    • 同意: Decoy
  184. @AlexanderEngUK


  185. 民主犹太人? 耶稣基督向门徒解释稗子的比喻时,认定他们是撒但的后裔。 我们通过他们的果实认识他们。

  186. @mulga mumblebrain


    • 哈哈: Dnought
    • 巨魔: mulga mumblebrain, AnonfromTN
  187. ebear 说:

    罗戈夫补充说:“乌克兰军队已经向冷却系统发射了‘几十枚’重型射弹。 如果他们成功地禁用了这样一个系统,它可能会产生比 1986 年切尔诺贝利灾难更大的崩溃。”





    你是在接受西方的宣传。 在提出无根据的主张之前,请多研究一下这个主题。

  188. JWalters 说:

    I agree the Ukrainians are being ethnically cleansed, but I don’t think they realize it yet. They are still being controlled by the Zionist “news” machine. As are the Americans, Brits, etc. It’s an information war.

    • 回复: @BayAreaSkeptic
  189. 找到对欧洲最大的核电站实施这种极其危险的疯狂袭击的人或人,并施加适当的惩罚:死亡。

  190. @neutral

    Not only is he a zio, his zio owner and funder (and Azov Battalion financier) Igor Kolomoisky left Ukranazistan for Zionistan after a clearly faked “falling out” with Elensky.

  191. Avery 说:


    俄罗斯人在布查屠杀了 400 人,你的证据在哪里?

    • 回复: @BayAreaSkeptic
  192. nsa 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    Mike baby,
    Still fighting the big one from high atop your barstool lookout at the VFW lounge while downing $5 doubles…in between complaining about your prostate woes? Careful driving home …..the Protect and Serve boys are ever vigilant.

  193. @BayAreaSkeptic


    Where were you when the videos were released showing “slaughtered civilians” getting up and walking around after the Ukronazi film production of the Russian “atrocity” in Bucha was complete?






    Why don’t you give us a rendition of how that evil bastard Saddam was sitting on hordes of WMDs while you’re at it?

    Or maybe you could refresh us all on Assad’s devilish deployment of chemical weapons all across Syria?

    就连那个喊狼来了的男孩也曾 一些 redeeming qualities, he ultimately had to face up to his mischief – unlike characters such as yourself, it appears.

  194. @Brooklyn Dave

    Obsessing over events from 80 years ago may seem excessive, but give the Ukies some slack, another group is still trying to get back at Amalek.

  195. @JWalters


  196. Notamason 说:

    支持乌克兰是因为 KIKES 掌管白宫。

    • 同意: Druid55
  197. Avery 说:


    btw: since you are making things up, why didn’t you claim 4,000 people were killed at Bucha? Has a lot more “bite”, don’t you think?

  198. DanFromCT 说:

    Thanks for suggesting the book. I’d love to read it, and hope I will. Good price at Sophia Institute Press, too.

  199. @BayAreaSkeptic

    如果你听过视频,你就会知道是俄罗斯和中国将抵制西方全球主义者。 俄罗斯向中国供应原材料,中国供应制成品。 这两个国家都得到了印度的帮助。

    除了武器和说教,全球南方会从美国得到什么? 全球南方会从一个因缺乏能源而在经济上被阉割的欧洲得到什么? 全球南方将从金砖国家那里得到他们需要的一切,并将蜂拥而至。

    • 回复: @BayAreaSkeptic
  200. Trinity 说:


  201. @cylindrical crown

    全球南方? 不,中国向西方供应制成品。 中国流入的 FDI 中有 2% 来自俄罗斯,而中国流出的 FDI 中只有不到 XNUMX% 流向了俄罗斯。 印度的数字就更少了。

    我们玩这个游戏怎么样? 对于你能在中国举出的由全球南方建造的汽车厂,我给你一千美元。 对于北美、欧洲或日本投资建造的每一家汽车厂,你给我一千美元。

    我不知道你们过着什么生活,但这不是现实世界。 中国和印度将从俄罗斯购买廉价石油。 这就是它的程度。
    他们不会冒险与西方在俄罗斯做生意。 华为刚刚退出俄罗斯市场以先发制人的二级制裁。

    • 回复: @ebear
  202. JR Foley 说:

    Canada has another woman Defence Minister –Anita Anand and she is not Native born if you get my drift—-

  203. Dnought 说:

    All I’m seeing is Zelinsky whining and asking for more handouts. Hardly the posture of a guy who’s “winning”.

    I’m sure Canadian citizens paying already skyrocketing energy bills will appreciate that their government is handing Ukraine $350 mil to buy natural gas. Insane.

  204. Silesian 2 说:

    任何辐射的释放都必然会遵循与切尔诺贝利相同的过程——并在放射性同位素云中覆盖基辅和民主乌克兰,更不用说波兰、波罗的海、芬兰等。我希望民主国家喜欢事情的发展。 他们为此付出了相当大的代价。

  205. @ebear

    空隙系数不是福岛第一机械所显示的点。 如果不去除衰变热,燃料就会熔化,脱落到容器底部,从而释放出大量的元素氢。

    福岛并非没有伤害——预计在未来几十年内,许多猴子会患上白血病和甲状腺癌。 鸟类等附近的动物表现出与切尔诺贝利禁区相同的身体异常。

  206. JM 说:
    @loner feral cat

    But is Putin still a Globalist? This is discussed here:

  207. 美国有义务立即停止在该地区的俄罗斯航班上提供 JSTARS 情报。 事实上,如果它不能对其代理国进行控制,它就需要改变当地的军事平衡,以便消灭乌克兰的肇事者。


    • 回复: @Quartermaster
  208. anon[309]• 免责声明 说:

    难道现在所有智商至少为 100 的外邦人不都应该了解梅尼的迈克尔·安东尼·伍德利博士、理查德·林恩教授和凯文·麦克唐纳教授的研究吗?

    Anyway, I am curious to know why all the readers of websites like Unz Review sympathize with Russia and China. Is it because “an enemy of their enemy is their friend?” Is this all it takes? How many of you have actually talked to typical Russian or Chinese people? If you do, you will see that they are just as culturally and genetically degenerate as Western Europeans. There is nothing “noble,” “honorable,” or “advanced” about Russians or Chinese people. The term “Gentile trash” is ubiquitously accurate. Thus, as long as you personally don’t contribute to the Ashkenazi war on Russia and China, then why have any sympathy for them? It goes against my personal morals to contribute to the invasion of sovereign nations, thus I don’t contribute to the war on Russia and China. However, I show no sympathy for them either.

  209. @That Would Be Telling

    “in the very unlikely case you don’t already have vaccine and/or natural immunity Omicron’s first variant was thought to still be several times worse than the flu and thus worth getting immunized for”

    My comments here on UR stopped your employer from ever making the Moronic clot shot publicly available: I forced pfizer to cancel its Moronic trials early February this year. But thanks for giving ol’ Sailor a fresh set of eyes and a Brand New Car!

  210. @bonin

    You seem to be asking whether “google” or Russia is pure. Have you tried “wikipaedia”?

  211. That twit quote above is so fake. The title FLEEING NUCLEAR PLANT SHELLING and the picture of an ammunition store in Crimea blowing up don’t match at all. Why propagate lies?

  212. Liora 说:

    Little Jew ‘boomer’ became upset that his tribe was exposed (again!) in a company with Nazis. Don’t you like the Zionized Nazification of Ukraine? What’s her name – Nuland-Kagan of the powerful parasitic Kagans clan of warmongers?
    看,犹太人是班德派最好的朋友!荣耀归于犹太英雄斯蒂芬·班德拉! Mazel Tov,美国犹太社区和你们美国国会的 37 名亲纳粹犹太议员!

  213. Levtraro 说:


    Finland and the Baltic states pose no new threat to Russia, so the invasion of those countries is not going to happen. The Ukraine on the other hand did pose a new and significant threat to Russia but not any more. MLK’s point about the importance of the Ukraine as twice the route for invasion of Russia is the key point.

  214. Liora 说:


  215. Levtraro 说:


    From the use of the word “aspirationally” as if it were an important thing, I suspect you are some kind of graduate in gender studies. Your previous thing about the result on the battlefield not mattering is another clue. It is all in the head right? All that matters is the narrative, the feelings, the emotions.

  216. GMC 说:

    Well, actually the jewish people in Crimea are just normal folks like most of them in rural areas around the World – it’s the US, Israeli Zionists, the NeoCons, Lobbyists and their tag along jews and non jew ” Bidens” that cause the Pain in the world. If I’m not mistaken. X President Medvedev’s parents are both Jewish but he doesn’t look like a Zionist type. In fact he was in Charge of Unifying Crimea and started the transitional phases of the re- build. I always liked the guy – but as most of us awake people , I was a bit on guard over his type of Russian /Jewish loyalties., but that’s My stupid US programming coming out. I’m learning to curb some of that – here.

    Yes, President Putin seems to be slow at the starting line but I think he will win the at the finish line – he certainly has a very good administration and team around him. I certainly don’t see any evidence of a POlice state here and the Russian Gov. is not a huge octopus that is overwhelming Their people , like in the US.

    But unlike the Ukrainians , the Russians are Not used to western foreigners { exception – Moscow/Saint Petes} but they accept tourists. I was much better off when it was Crimea, Ukraine but I can’t blame Russia, for what the State Dept. and USGov. did in Kiev, in regards to isolating Crimea from the world. I have been sanctioned and frozen from my accounts – not by Russia – but because I refuse to lie and leave here. And now, maybe some Russians do not like this American living here but this is not because I’m a bad guy – it’s human nature for Russians and others, that have been attacked by the USA and their axis. I would imagine the US citizens would dislike me living in the US , once they knew I lived here also. You have to be a strong person to live in this world – overseas. – and take the heat. I retired in Ukraine , knowly that I should not retire in any super power country – I just didn’t see this coming – back in 08-2014. Eventually , I will have to sell my place and find a place that’s cheaper, and use the money to survive. At least, I’m not alone – there are going to be some worse things, coming to the people in the West , if they aren’t prepared.

    • 回复: @Hitch
  217. anon[698]• 免责声明 说:

    @BayAreaSkeptic #206

    “Zero percent of China incoming FDI came from Russia and less 2% of China’s outgoing FDI went to Russia. The Indian figures are even less. ”

    Guess who else is falling a little short in this area:

    “The United States has a poor track record of attracting global investors, with foreign investments to new facilities having fallen sharply over the past few decades.

    “The value of greenfield foreign direct investments (FDI) relative to the size of the U.S. economy has dropped by 96 percent since the 1990s, according to a recent analysis from the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), a technology think tank. Greenfield FDIs are foreign investments in newly constructed or expanded facilities.”


  218. @BayAreaSkeptic

    As a Ukronazi orc liar, you are growing hysterical as your little Banderite Reich is obliterated. Stiff shit. Use your orc neuron-why would Russia shell themselves? As for Bucha, those killed were pro-Russians murdered by your Ukronazi orc buddies, after Russia withdrew from the area. Keep up the lying-it’s a hoot!

    • 同意: AlexanderEngUK, Avery
  219. GMC 说:
    @Sam Smith

    Yes, totally agree, I have read what I can about this area , with regards to the Khazars, Pechenegs and others. I found excerpts from a book Constantine the XIII { ? } wrote to his son, informing him of all the clans and tribes to the North, that he would need to know about. It even had the accounts of how the ” Rus people” had to cautiously head down the Dnepr R. in order to get to the Black sea and further south. Well, those Khazars haven’t changed much in the past 1500 years – they are still trafficking the ” Rus” Ukrainian women while a war rages on.

    Compared to the Arabs and the Jews , the Americans were just a pin prick in the history of Slavery.But those Khazars new that if they controlled the historic documents, scrolls, artifacts, money, publishing companies, books and then later the News and Medias. they could continue on with their crimes. They only wanted to continue the slave trade and routes, and the fertile lands in Ukraine – not deal the entire populace. They know how to make a Win – look like a Loss – to the rest of the World. They’ve had over a thousand years to hone their Trade. Spacibo – Cam

  220. @BayAreaSkeptic

    Willing to fight to the last man??!! Are you insane? Or just an orc liar? Why haven’t you volunteered to fight for Banderastan? Are you a coward?

    • 回复: @Ultrafart the Brave
  221. @BayAreaSkeptic

    Countries representing 85% of the Earth’s human population have NOT sanctioned Russia. They know the lying arrogance of Western thugs like you, so automatically support anyone decried by Western supremacist vermin.

  222. ebear 说:

    这太可怕了! 俄罗斯现在必须利用他们尚未“觉醒”的强调数学和科学的教育体系,创建全新的产业来取代那些离开的产业。 更糟糕的是,他们将不得不以两倍于之前价格的价格出售一半的石油来为所有这些提供资金! 如果他们成功了,那么他们将面临成为自己经济所有者的问题,加上自己国内生产的商品的消费者,以及创造的所有过剩就业机会! 哦人类!

    • 谢谢: RadicalCenter
  223. Levtraro 说:
    @That Would Be Telling

    This paragraph really hurts your other claims.

    Why would that happen? Does the paragraph spread some kind of infection to the other paragraphs? Isn’t any paragraph standing on its own depending on its respective truth content?

    Regarding the substance of your reply, note that I was making two points: (1) that Western FDI is not as important as it used to be (poster I was replying to was assuming that a country could not sustain its economy without Western FDI), and (2) that making assertions without backing them up with data or sources is easy but precludes intelligent discourse, so I was terse on purpose.

    Going back to point (1), do you know that a big part of Western FDI is just tax avoidance? Check this:


    One the largest items of Western FDI recently was the purchase of Microsoft by … Microsoft, lol! Okay, here it is: MS Ireland bought MS Singapore, big FDI item, pure tax avoidance, no real investment, and yet it counted as FDI.

    Regarding purchase of Russian oil by the USA, check this:


    It’s from March so probably today it’s not happening.

    • 回复: @That Would Be Telling
  224. Liora 说:

    马泽尔·托夫,犹太人!别忘了再次向 Babiy Yar 的方向吐口水;至少自2014年美国犹太游说团最终安排乌克兰纳粹化以来,犹太游说团就一直在向二战受害者的记忆吐口水。

  225. Renoman 说:

    泽连斯基必须离开! 我不在乎谁做或如何做,但他已经走了——现在!

  226. @bonin

    Is that not the origin of “Polish”?
    By the way, what does “bonin” stand for? Bone in? Bone in the mother’s poo?

  227. neutral 说:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    Jews are welcome in Russia and China, so long as they behave

    Then the chinks are as clueless as many say they are, if you can even contemplate the idea that jews can behave then you are hopeless.

    • 回复: @Alexandros
  228. Alexandros 说:

    Our triumph has been rendered easier by the fact that in our relations with the men whom we wanted, we have always worked upon the most sensitive chords of the human mind; upon the cash account, upon the cupidity, upon the insatiability for material needs of man; and each one of these human weaknesses, taken alone, is sufficient to paralyze initiative, for it hands over the will of men to the disposition of him who has bought their activities.

    In order to put public opinion into our hands we must bring it into a state of bewilderment by giving expression from all sides to so many contradictory opinions for such length of time as will suffice to make the Goyim lose their head in the labyrinth and come to see that the best thing is to have no opinion of any kind in matters political, which it is not given to the public to understand, because they are understood only by him who guides the public. This is the first secret.


    • 谢谢: Passing By
  229. @BayAreaSkeptic

    No. I said that Russia is scathed, they will have a 4% shrinkage of their economy this year due to the zionist attacks on them, both military via Ukraine’s fascist psychopaths and general army, and economic via sanctions. Russia had no choice but to intervene in Ukraine, where the Donbas was scheduled to be ethnically-cleansed in March by the Ukrainian army, followed by NATO membership and nuclear weapons on Ukrainian soil pointed at Russia. So far, so good.

    Outside of the West, Russia is building on its ties with most countries. Perhaps the most important one is China, where there’s rapidly increasing cooperation between the two countries in many fields. It seems the zionist West is doing its best to degrade its global reputation even more, and to build worldwide, anti-West coalitions, which may turn out to be a foolish strategy.

    As for Western companies, let’s see how long it take for McDonalds and the rest to make their way quietly back to the Russian market. I don’t expect them to be able to resist their thirst for profit for long!

  230. @Levtraro

    This paragraph really hurts your other claims.

    Why would that happen? Does the paragraph spread some kind of infection to the other paragraphs?

    In a manner of speaking. “Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus” or “False in one thing, false in everything.” You’re false in multiple details in two things, and by citing COVID first year economic statistics either deliberately misleading or not very smart. Someone who’s new to these topics would be justified in ignoring everything you said, or would have to verify every other claim. Which is bad because all your other claims are from memory correct.

    • 哈哈: Je Suis Omar Mateen
  231. Hitch 说:

    I have been sanctioned and frozen from my accounts – not by Russia – but because I refuse to lie and leave here

    If it is any consolation, I had large positions in Gazprom, Lukoil and Norilsk which are all now in limbo and I can’t collect any dividends. I even went to a few banks trying to see if I could set up a Russian ruble account or any other account to transfer my shares and then get the dividends.

    Are you still a US person? I don’t understand why/how they can sanction you. Is it just because you have a home address in Crimea?

    • 回复: @RadicalCenter
    , @GMC
  232. USGrant 说:


  233. Levtraro 说:
    @That Would Be Telling

    In a manner of speaking. “Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus” or “False in one thing, false in everything.”

    While going by that logic is correct in mathematical proofs, it is stupid or misleading in textual discourse. Every claim must be assessed on its own merit, especially when the original poster I was replying to presented a numbered list of disparate claims.

    • 巨魔: That Would Be Telling
    • 回复: @Ultrafart the Brave
  234. anon[309]• 免责声明 说:

    The Ashkenazi war on Russia seems to be going quite well. They have just carried out another attack on another military base in Crimea. And as in all past cases, the Russian government did not retaliate against the Ashkenazim by targeting Ashkenazi areas such as Israel, London, Paris, Sydney, and Vancouver. Russian Slavs are being liquidated in mass, and their resources are being depleted and destroyed in mass. Russia is culturally, genetically, and environmentally dying, while the Ashkenazim is thriving. Just like Russia lost to the Ashkenazim during the Bolshevik Revolution and the Cold War, they are again losing. I speculate that pretty soon, Putin will be overthrown by the Russian people, who will then agree to become the legal property of the Ashkenazim in exchange for a great diversity of affordable recreational activities. I don’t know if the Ashkenazim will agree; they may just want to liquidate the entire Russian Slavic population.

    It seems to me that Putin, due to possessing inferior genetics, misunderstood Ashkenazi innate personality, not realizing that they would call Putin’s bluff to use nuclear weapons, and not realizing that they would never quit the war against Russia. The Russian population could have understood the true nature of the Ashkenazim, but Putin passed a series of laws making it illegal for anyone in Russia to read and understand the research of Professor Kevin MacDonald, Professor Richard Lynn, and Dr. Michael Anthony Woodley of Menie. Putin thought that the Ashkenazim would have given up on Ukraine by now; he is now learning that they will never stop fighting in Ukraine and Russia, and the only way to stop them would be to agree to mutual extinction using nuclear explosions. However, Putin never intended to use nukes, only using the threat as a bluff. Thus, Russia’s defeat is guaranteed.

  235. @That Would Be Telling

    That should be talking:

    You’re false in multiple details in two things […]

    Check this character(s)’ 2,500 comment history. Since landing here in May 2020 it’s been a constant stream of

    1. Chinadidit!

    2. Roll up your sleeves!

    • 同意: Levtraro, Je Suis Omar Mateen
    • 回复: @anonymous
  236. Passing By 说:

    Afaic, the first comment by him that I read dissuaded me from reading another.

  237. @Hitch

    We continue to receive dividends from our Russian stocks in our US investment account. We just can’t sell the shares (nor buy more shares, as we’d like to do).

    I wish that we had started moving our savings and investments out of the US years ago, but better late than never.

    • 回复: @Hitch
  238. Hitch 说:

    英特尔 Slava Z,[8 年 19 月 2022 日下午 6:53]


    “Obviously, the electricity from the Zaporozhye NPP is Ukrainian. The Ukrainian people need it, especially during the winter period,” Guterres said.

    ZNPP 及其电力现在属于俄罗斯。它不属于乌克兰。乌克兰越早关闭越好。并明确传达这是对泽连斯基团伙恐怖主义行为的报应。

    LOL. Russia should be sending a missile to the Khmeinisky and Rivney NPP’s near Lemberg for every artillery round that lands near Zaporozhye. What both the Russian and Western worlds seem to not understand is that the “Ukrainians” now living in Galicia ethnically cleansed all the Germans and Poles who had been there for centuries. For the “Galicians” pretending to be “Ukrainians” to make claims about Crimea being Ukrainian is sheer hypocrisy. Of course Russians claiming that Königsberg is “Russian” is even worse.


  239. 这样的 彭博 report of unknown provenance that claims only two of the five Zaporizhzhia reactors are in operation. That’s a deficit of 12% of the plant’s nameplate 20% contribution to Ukrainian grid (“nameplate” in that power plants normally go off-line for maintenance, nuclear ones for refueling etc. and a reactor might not always put out the exact amount of design power).

    Also has a good graphic of the other nuclear power plants in the nation, with Chernobyl’s of course marked as decommissioned. There’s three other sites with a total of nine reactors, only the South Ukraine one is even vaguely close to the real action, albeit north and slightly to the east of Odessa. That has three of the same model as Zaporizhzhias’. Khmelnytskyi has two of those, Rivne has two and two older with not quite a third of the nameplate output. Go to the bottom of the Wikipedia page and you’ll find other PWR plants that were never finished, due to Chernobyl and/or the end of the Soviet Union. Pity ignoring the minor details of war, the one in Odessa was going to provide a lot of its waste heat to keep the city warm.

    这是 ZeroHedge (warning) article that linked to that, starts with covering a phone call between Macron and Putin (doubt it’s his fault, but Macron and France are suffering from their nuclear power effort losing its mojo not all that many years ago). Also says “IAEA chief Rafael Grossi said he’s ready to lead an inspection team” to Zaporizhzhia and Putin is all for that. Plus:

    “Every Russian soldier who either shoots at the plant, or shoots using the plant as cover, must understand that he becomes a special target for our intelligence agents, for our special services, for our army,” Zelenskiy said in a video address on Saturday night.

    It would be a war crime to use the plant as a base to offensively fire from, and if so whatever happened from return fire would be on the Russians’ heads.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  240. anonymous[403]• 免责声明 说:
    @Greta Handel

    Yes Greta, thank you!

    He has already been correctly identified by many UNZ readers as a Big Pharma shill. In the past he was all over just about every COVID article with his endless mRNA gibberish and long winded posts. Now he’s back and in addition to being a COVID expert, he is also an authority on military strategy and nuclear weapons as well. Trying to read his posts, with his long winded prose and odd sentence structures containing many parentheses, it’s like trying to listen to someone speak with their mouths full.

    I notice when someone counters his arguments and gets him backed into a corner, he just hits the troll button. Sometimes I read what he has to say, but most of the time I just keep scrolling.

    • 谢谢: Je Suis Omar Mateen
    • 回复: @Passing By
  241. @boomerfeeds

    不是每个军人老年男性都能负担得起贿赂边防警卫 E10,000 让他们逃到西欧的费用。 所以有些人放弃了用其他方式为泽连斯基政权而战的机会:


  242. anonymous[403]• 免责声明 说:
    @That Would Be Telling


    Amazing is not a word I would use in reference to any mainstream media, except to underscore their ability to lie without consequence.

    I’m not here on UNZ to read posts referencing any mainstream sources. If I ever watch any TV news, or listen to any mainstream radio shows, it’s ONLY to hear what they are saying, how they are saying it, and what they’re not saying.

    • 同意: JWalters
  243. @Hitch

    谢谢 …
    but start with the Bèmaks 😀

  244. @Hitch



    • 不同意: RadicalCenter
  245. @Ghali




  246. Passing By 说:

    See post #242 that was meant to be a reply to hers but I somehow did something wrong. The comment that persuaded me to scroll down when I see his pseudo was pertaining to the mRNA jabs. I just couldn’t believe that someone could still peddle what he peddled in spite of the mountain of evidence to the contrary.

  247. @JM




    Maybe this time around they’ll lose it all at the global casino’s craps table.




    P.S. Slowly digesting it, and still uncertain as to whether or not Putin is part of some sophisticated dark deception. One thing’s certain though, common Russians and Ukrainians are not.

  248. @loner feral cat


  249. Hunsdon 说:


  250. annamaria 说:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Re Zelensky, Nuland-Kagan, Bronstein, and the hateful lunatic Schneerson: https://thesaker.is/on-the-transfiguration-of-europe-from-nulands-dream-to-nulands-nightmare/ 管理员评论:

    “Looking back in history, it must be admitted that these lands are the ancient ancestral lands of the Jewish Khazaria, that is Israel, captured by Kiev’s Rus’ (the ancient state of Russia with the capital in Kiev) in the tenth century. The Slavs are temporary guests on these lands and are subject to eviction. We will return this territory and build the Great Khazaria – the Jewish state –on these fertile lands the same way as, 50 years ago, we created Israel, squeezing the Palestinians out. Israelis will partially relocate here, and we will drive Slavic cattle out far to the north, beyond Moscow. There will be a small Northern Territory, a reservation with a compact population — a reservation, like Indian reservations in America.” – Rabbi Menahem Mandel Schneerson, a deluded wannabe Messiah.

    These genocidal maniacs of talmudic persuasion must be checked and carefully monitored.


    • 谢谢: JWalters
  251. anon[360]• 免责声明 说:

    @loner feral cat #254

    “Slowly digesting it, and still uncertain as to whether or not Putin is part of some sophisticated dark deception.”

    What worries me is that $300 billion transfer – half of Russia’s foreign reserves, some of it gold no less – to Western financial institutions immediately before the start of the SMO, where they could immediately be frozen. What was that!? Earnest money? Bribes, payoffs? You hold this $300 billion guarantee, and if we don’t stay east of the Dnieper you can keep it?

    Don’t like it.

    • 回复: @loner feral cat
    , @JWalters
  252. Passing By 说:
    @loner feral cat

    To answer the question as to whether Putin is part of some sophisticated deception, ask yourself this question: is Putin a sociopath? If he is then he’s a deceiver. If he isn’t then he necessarily genuinely opposes the sociopaths that make up the Western globalist elites.

    • 同意: JWalters
    • 回复: @loner feral cat
  253. GDPBULL 说:


  254. @Hitch

    Appreciate your comment and would disagree only about Kaliningrad. What could be more fair than taking some of the land of an enemy who attacked you and killed more than 20 million of your people, the majority being non-combatant women, children, and elderly people in their own homes and schools, in your own country. What could the Germans argue against this? “Hey, sorry about murdering your grandparents and parents, but it’s really not nice to take our land, let’s be decent people, shall we?”

    The Russians have lived in Kaliningrad on the attacker’s former land for nearly 80 years and have no obligation to give it back to the attackers’ immediate descendants (not to mention, no obligation to give the land to the Turks, Africans, and Arabs who seem likely to inherit at least the western part of “Germany” (the former BRD aka West Germany)).

    • 同意: Avery, Commentator Mike
    • 回复: @Hitch
  255. @Passing By

    Appears to be extremely cold-blooded.

    Question kind of becomes, is he a sociopath or a psychopath?

    Was raised by psychopath, with the more dangerous of these disorders.

    They will ultimately leave untold pain and suffering in their wake.

    Either way, sociopath or psychopath, neither should be allowed to wield political power.

    Humanity needs an EQ (empath quotient) requirement, for its politicians.

  256. JWalters 说:

    Thanks for posting this excellent video. The discussion makes it clear that the Russians fully understand that their real enemy is the banking mafia who controls the collective West. This is great news. This is a great opportunity for The People of the collective West to attack this mafia from their side. All hands on deck!

  257. @anon

    Lots of glaring bloody red-flags.

    Sadly, darkness is nothing new in humanity’s badly broken history

    Hoping the Slavic people, both Russian and Ukrainian, are soon left alone in peace.

    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  258. @Levtraro


    Congratulations Levtaro!

    You’ve earned the prestigious That Would Be Telling Troll Tag – a sure sign that your comments are over target, on point, and most importantly expose the nonsense of the paid poster troll brigade.

    Wear it like the badge of merit that it is.

    • 同意: JWalters
    • 回复: @Levtraro
  259. @mulga mumblebrain

    Willing to fight to the last man??!! Are you insane? Or just an orc liar?

    You missed a more likely possibility, ie, a 付费巨魔.



    It’s old news now that the United Nations – controlled by a bunch of Globalist psycopaths – hired over 100,000 paid trolls to push their BS Corona Chan narrative and get the depopulation agenda underway…


    Let’s be clear – with psycopathic misfits like creepy Bill, Soros, Schwab, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Branson, and numerous captured governments around the world funding the Globalist effort, who knows how many more paid trolls (millions?) are currently infesting web forums and social media right now to push the myriad Globalist agendas directed toward their Great Reset and New World Order?

    With the current level of AI development, they don’t even have to pay their troll bots, all they have to do is deploy them. Could literally be 十亿美元 of the bastards. Recall Elon Musk’s revelation that 90% of Twitter posters are actually just bots.

    This raises a curious sort of empathy – hard not to feel sad for clowns like BayAreaSkeptic, seeing as how there may not even be any point to suggesting that he (it?) “get a life”. Not going to happen for a microbe on a cellphone.

    Seems to be quite a batch of them crawled out from under their rocks to come spread their BS mischief on this particular forum.

    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  260. JWalters 说:
    @loner feral cat


    I too would like to see the entire Rothschild mafia rounded up, tried, imprisoned, and 所有 their wealth confiscated. Leave no root from which they can grow back.

    Investigations should include
    (1) their banking heists of 2008 and 2020,
    (2) their MIC trillion dollar heist in Afghanistan and Iraq,
    (3) their meddling in US elections for Israel (with their intended capital from which to rule the world),
    (4) their multi-billion dollar MIC scam in Ukraine,
    (5) their engineered Covid pandemic and its multi-billion dollar mRNA vaccine scam.

    Those are just the latest crimes. Eventually we should also get to
    (6) 9/11,
    (7) the assassinations of JFK and RFK (major election meddling),
    (8) their monopoly of the corporate media and fraudulent cover up of all these crimes.

    Regarding Putin, I agree with The Duran analysts that Putin is fighting these criminals. This mafia allows a certain amount of controlled (fake) opposition, but these operate within definite limits. On fundamental points they cover up for the mafia. The Russians are hitting the mafia hard on such points. This is a real fight.

    Here’s Lavrov excoriating Israel, which is completely forbidden by the Rothschild mafia.

    Here’s some interesting background information on Russia and Putin (banned from the Rothschild media).

    • 回复: @loner feral cat
  261. JWalters 说:

    According to the very knowledgeable analysts on The Duran, less than half that amount was left in Western territory. It was enough to tempt the West to snatch it, and help destroy their credibility as trustworthy bankers. This is partly why we see so much of the world now abandoning the Western banking mafia’s financial system, such as for oil purchases.

    It also helped the Western banking mafia think they could easily dominate Russia economically, so they went ahead with their siege warfare. That was also a trap, since Russia was prepared to weather that siege and has emerged with a stronger, more self-sufficient economy. Meanwhile, the Western economies, especially the Europeans, are suffering economically and politically from the siege.

  262. @loner feral cat

    The entire human enterprise is nearing its terminus. We had a few thousand years to get our act together, and various ‘indigenous’ groups managed to live WITH the Earth, rather than against it, but the ‘superior races’ soon wiped them out, and continue to persecute the survivors to the present.
    The writing has long been on the wall. ‘Civilization’ after ‘civilization’ falling because they refused to obey the limits to destruction. Tear down all your forests, and the rains disappear, your crops fail and the neighbours take you out, or the peasants do, then return to the forests. It might be ‘boring’ but at least it can last.
    Today the ecological destruction is super-charged by our technology and insatiable greed. Capitalism, the essence of Life-hatred, selects for the greediest and most destructive, and, thus, in the face of global ecological collapse, we see hideous dystopias like the UK, about to select one of two fanatic Life-hating zealots, who, to appeal to an electorate of deranged Tory thugs, have promised to smash the environment, environmentalism, unions (of course) and all protest. The perfect recipe for insurrection. If you are being driven at break-neck speed to mass death, and all avenues to peacefully beg the psychopaths for your lives have been closed, the explosion of rage and resistance is inevitable. The Tories certainly deserve it.
    It will be civil strife, of course. There are millions of greedy, stupid, brain-dead enemies of life on Earth (many appear here)who have been brainwashed to believe that NOTHING is awry, that we can go on burning fossil fuels forever, that fossil fuel based agriculture with its monocultures, oceans of chemical poisons, lakes of faeces leaking into EVERY river in the UK and killing them, genetically engineered crops etc, can go on forever, that organic food-growing is ‘inefficient’ ie at generating PROFIT, and that Greens are the New Communists.
    Meanwhile the economic system implodes, the West supports a fascist regime of deranged psychopaths, so Evil that they willingly shell a nuclear plant occupied by Russia, then, dementedly, assert that the Russians are shelling themselves, in Ukraine, war is openly planned against China and Iran as well as Russia, the liberal fascist vermin bewail Rushdie’s fate, in the name of ‘freedom of speech’ while DEMANDING that ‘antivaxxers’, ‘CoViD sceptics’ and other ‘disinformers’ (as defined by the liberal fascists) be SILENCED and purged from the public square, and ‘trans’ lunatics stalk Western children. Tell me this is not the last train to Palookaville, heading straight for stanchions at platform’s end, at top speed.

  263. @Che Guava

    I know it, Che. He’s fat as hell, too.

    • 哈哈: Che Guava
  264. @Ultrafart the Brave

    I’ve argued with three doctors, so far, re. HCQ, IVM and ‘vaccines’, with NO effect. They are all decent, very busy, people, but they know squat about CoViD19, and they do know that if they prescribe IVM they’ll be in the shit and that NO pharmacist will dispense it. As Illich observed, in order to safe-guard your health, you need autonomy and the ability to embrace suffering and death, because they are inevitable.

  265. @BayAreaSkeptic

    Another feelthy Ukronazi troll. They are getting MORE psychotic as their beloved Banderastan is liquidated. Why aren’t you at the front-lines with your orc brothers? Cowardice?

  266. @That Would Be Telling

    例如,我在 RT 上读过,但我想知道 MSM 等。

    RT is Putin’s version of the MSM. Anything owned by the regime can not be trusted as a source of info.

  267. @JM

    Yes, Putin is still a globalist. He’s a WEF product and the only real difference he has with them is that he thinks he should be the big boss.

  268. @Mandrill with a hand drill

    美国没有这样的义务。 俄罗斯人围绕核电站设定了收费标准。 如果那里发生任何事情,那就是普京和他的暴徒。

    • 回复: @annamaria
  269. @Quartermaster

    RT is Putin’s version of the MSM.

    Agreed, although I find it interesting it has much less of a rigid Party Line than the US MSM, although it’s of course always pro-Russian. I take this to in part be a sign of justified confidence.

    Anything owned by the regime can not be trusted as a source of info.

    True, but it doesn’t mean we can’t learn things from it, and also weight when it might be telling the truth. What they say about the Zelensky regime is certainly plausible, it is after all the Jewish SOP. And to the extent the suppression of political opposition has been done openly … well, I actually don’t closely watch that sort of thing, the regime’s actions are what matters right now, and it’s obviously been pozzed after color revolutions, lots of people forget the 2004 one which just happened to be aimed at the same politician and pro-Russian policies as the 2014 one.

  270. @JWalters

    You’re shining a light on their cruel injustices. It’s helping to wake people up.

    Like yourself, other content creators are communicating truth on emerging alt-tech sites.

    替代技术 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alt-tech

    As soft payback, the oppressive self-serving globalists need to be ceaselessly humiliated.

    Endlessly shamed, by a million satirical memes.

    Until they can no longer sleep at night, and the truth becomes their worst nightmare.


  271. Hitch 说:

    I have a Schwab account and have not received and dividends from my Russian ADR’s. Who is your broker?

  272. Hitch 说:

    This is what I mean by people in glass houses throwing stones. If Russia has rights to lands that the USSR stole, then why should not Ukraine have rights to Donbas and Crimea? Why shouldn’t Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and even Finland be allowed to expel ethnic Russians who act as an anchor for macho Russian national socialism? I could go on and on. What about the Kurils and Kamchatka? Austrian claims to Lemberg predate Russian claims to Odessa. What about west and east Prussia, Pomerania and Silesia? Of course Crimea really wasn’t “Russian” until long after the Crimean war of 1856, which would mean that US has claims to captured “Indian Territory” are more sacrosanct than Russian claims to Crimea.

    Russians want to claim once they ethnically cleanse an area, it becomes some kind of “perpetual Russia territory”, with history only starting after their conquest is complete and their claims, no matter how spurious, having precedence over all others. Of course Russia’s European neighbors all recognize this Russian character flaw and this is why all their neighbors hate them so much that they are trying to deny them Schengen passports.

  273. Levtraro 说:
    @Ultrafart the Brave

    Lol! Now I know about this loser, thanks to you and Greta.

  274. GMC 说:

    Ya it’s the Crimea, Russian and mostly the US Banking system thing – I have no stocks, bonds or any investment in Russia. The UKraine years was really a terrible place to do any banking , unless your last name was Biden. I retired in Crimea , Ukraine and the US is 100% responsible for where my address is. After 2015 I had to send an affidavit to BOA saying I didn’t support terrorism – Can You F..kin believe that. Of course I’m a US citizen, but they could pull a Snowden on me in a minute. Blaming someone else for the USG crimes are SOP .

    So I set up a bank account with an Austrian Bank and that worked well, but now BOA has deleted that account without my approval and between that and the Visa cancellations – I’m f.. So this is a typical move to steal from a nobody like me , but I think this could happen to many folks in the near future.
    I thought I had a well thought out retirement plan – bucket list included taking the Trains to all the Eastern European capitals – visit Asia –then came the State Department. Land of the Free – Home of the Brave – LOL just another sucker slogan .

  275. Bell Rings 说:

    What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you look after Brandon and change his diapers? That is your purpose!

  276. annamaria 说:

    Have you mastered Hebrew already, ‘Quartermaster?’
    The Kaganat of Nuland (what is left of former Ukraine) is still a property of Ziocons. Hopefully, the Talmudists and their Banderite collaborators will be subjected to a thorough de-Nazification, so that the old Slavic lands will be cleaned from the believers in Rabbi Schneerson’s hateful and supremacist ideas.
    The lunatic Schneerson:

    We will return this territory and build the Great Khazaria – the Jewish state –on these fertile lands the same way as, 50 years ago, we created Israel, squeezing the Palestinians out. Israelis will partially relocate here, and we will drive Slavic cattle out far to the north, beyond Moscow. There will be a small Northern Territory, a reservation with a compact population — a reservation…

    Banderites became a reliable tool for Judea in its war against Russia. How close are you, ‘Quartermaster,’ to Rabbi Schneerson’s followers? All your posts reek of ziocon enthusiasm for harming and eliminating the Slavic people.
    Alexandr Solzhenitsyn:

    You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated.

    Here is your spiritual and military leader Mr. Ze, a Jewish homoerotic dancer in high heels:

    The Jewish Cabal controlling the Western financial world thought that Russian forbearance in the face of their unrelenting aggression in Ukraine to destabilize their country was weakness, and therefore miscalculated.

    • 同意: Anthony Nugent
    • 回复: @Passing By
  277. annamaria 说:

    “Crimea really wasn’t “Russian” until long after the Crimean war of 1856…”
    — You obviously wanted to impress this forum with your ‘knowledge of Russian history.’ You failed.

    Russia annexed Crimea after defeating the Ottoman Empire in the Russo-Turkish War of 1768-1774.
    Do you know when the United States was established? After bloody wars with the natives and after a bloody civil war? The year 1776 is celebrated in the United States as the official beginning of the nation.
    To improve your memorization of important historical events:
    1. Russia annexed Crimea after defeating the Ottoman Empire in the Russo-Turkish War of 1768-1774
    2. The year 1776 is celebrated in the United States as the official beginning of the nation. Between 1776 and 1789, thirteen British colonies emerged as a newly independent nation, the United States of America.

    Are you a product of incomparable Ukrainian education?

    • 回复: @JR Foley
  278. Levtraro 说:





    In another article here Larry Romanoff is crying rivers of tears over the evil done by the USA to other countries. Those countries were weak and incapable of defending themselves against American hegemonic ambitions. This doesn’t mean they deserved to be bombed, it just means that they don’t have any natural right to exist as independent and free from agression from other States. If they wanted to be independent and free from agression from other States, they should have been strong.

    All States are fictitious constructs whose power is based on indoctrination and naked force over a group of people. If States want to be free and independent from agression and conquer by other States, they should be strong. It’s their fault they are weak.


    • 同意: annamaria
    • 回复: @BayAreaSkeptic
    , @Hitch
  279. annamaria 说:

    Where does the Kievan junta learn about “democracy and freedom?” — From their talmudic masters:
    “Israel raids Palestinian Civil Society: https://consortiumnews.com/2022/08/19/israel-raids-palestinian-civil-society/

    The targeted groups were documenting Israeli war crimes in Palestine and collaborating with investigations into Israel’s actions, including the probe by the International Criminal Court.

    The Banderites follow the “chosen” methods religiously: https://www.moonofalabama.org/2022/08/quality-of-ukraine-reporting-continues-to-deteriorate.html#comments

    There is no longer the possibility of “legal” political work in fascist Ukraine because the Kievan junta passes “laws” that are totally undemocratic against all political opposition.

    “Reporters Without Borders is maintaining a Ukraine news feed in order to summarize the violations of freedom of information taking place in Ukraine:” https://rsf.org/en/summary-attacks-media

    • 谢谢: Anthony Nugent
  280. Passing By 说:

    Austrians claims to Lemberg cannot predate Russian claims to Odessa. Austrians didn’t found Lemberg aka Lvov aka Lviv. A Slav nobleman founded it. To which Slavic people the nobleman belonged is open for a debate that I have no intention of starting here. Odessa was founded by Catherine the Great, Russian empress. So your assertion is essentially, as your whole post, b s.

    • 回复: @Hitch
  281. https://www.rt.com/news/561209-uk-inflation-khan-london/


    “我们以前从未见过这样的情况,”汗在 Twitter 上写道,他指的是能源价格飙升和创纪录的超过 10% 的通货膨胀。




    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  282. Che Guava 说:

    Never forget that Lithuanians, and to a lesser extent Latvians, were prime shock troops of the Bolshevik 政变.

    • 同意: Hitch
    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  283. eudion2 说:

    鉴于切尔诺贝利的记忆,俄罗斯人和乌克兰人都不会摧毁一座会污染他们的家园并杀死他们的同胞的核电站。 两国士兵将拒绝听从在该工厂发射导弹的命令。

    因此,攻击背后有第三方。 他们的家园必须离得很远,这样才不会遭受任何放射性尘埃。 该第三方指派发射导弹的士兵要么是反社会的雇佣军,要么被认为是俄罗斯人和乌克兰人都是低人一等的人。


    • 同意: That Would Be Telling
  284. Passing By 说:

    He isn’t worth the effort of a reply. Heck, he isn’t even worth the effort of reading his posts.

  285. FifthDim 说:

    99 月,俄乌危机占据了 XNUMX% 的新闻,今天除了欧洲面临的暗能量冬天,你几乎找不到一篇文章。 俄罗斯对敖德萨的攻势已经开始。 核设施的轰炸只是西方媒体为了转移注意力而制造的烟幕,以避免告知北约的兵棋推演已经结束。

    • 同意: arthurdecco
  286. @Levtraro

    但不用担心,一旦俄罗斯屠杀了数百万斯拉夫同胞并吞并了 LPR、DPR 和克里米亚,那将解决他们所有的问题。
    LPR 一定是某种真正的魔法污垢。

    • 回复: @Levtraro
    , @annamaria
  287. Irwin 说:

    “i fear we awaken a sleeping giant” Quote of the year 2023

    • 谢谢: Levtraro, Avery
  288. Levtraro 说:

    What about the “aspirational” aspect? 😀

  289. Hitch 说:


    “Russia” did not “beat Nazi Germany to a pulp”. The Russian army, slaves to the same Jewish Kabal ruling Ukraine today, were blood sacrificed by the million in a Jewish blood vendetta against Germany. The USSR would have collapsed like a house of cards were it not for Jewish bankers Jewish arms manufacturers in the US and UK who saved Stalin’s skin and the USSR’s ass.

    斯大林将被允许征服柯尼斯堡和柏林,早在美国和英国为俄罗斯军队在白俄罗斯和波兰的行军中配备装备之前,他们就已经同意了。 美国和英国同意不在南斯拉夫登陆,也不从东南部入侵奥地利,并专注于在法国北部登陆,原因很简单,犹太阴谋集团希望苏联及其俄罗斯奴隶进行种族清洗和种族灭绝整个东欧。 他们成功了,被撒旦共产党杀害的数百万无辜平民东欧基督徒比被德国人杀害的还要多。 除了德国之外,参加巴巴罗萨的所有国家都证明了这一点。

    这就是为什么整个波罗的海和东欧都如此鄙视俄罗斯人的原因。 俄罗斯人和亲俄人士不能接受他们在这一时期欧洲所有流血事件的共谋和内疚,这是当今人类面临的最大问题之一。

    • 回复: @Levtraro
    , @arthurdecco
  290. @Che Guava

    True, and then they were for the Nazis in WWII.

    • 回复: @Che Guava
  291. Hitch 说:
    @Passing By


    In classical antiquity a large Greek settlement existed at its location. The first chronicle mention of the Slavic settlement-port of Kotsiubijiv, which was part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, dates back to 1415, when a ship was sent from here to Constantinople by sea.[7][8] After a period of Lithuanian Grand Duchy control, Hacibey and its surroundings became part of the domain of the Ottomans in 1529 and remained there until the empire’s defeat in the Russo-Turkish War of 1792.

    What I wrote in my comment really applies well to Odessa:

    Russians want to claim once they ethnically cleanse an area, it becomes some kind of “perpetual Russia territory”, with history only starting after their conquest is complete and their claims, no matter how spurious, having precedence over all others.

    Russians are completely obtuse about history. In their view, they never “conquer” or ethnically cleanse a land, they only ever “liberate” it. This is why they are so despised all across eastern Europe.

    So now Russians are getting a taste of their own medicine. The reason all of Europe is so united against Europe and all of them jumped wholeheartedly onto the sanctions bandwagon is because of this Russian blindsidedness.

    Lets face it, if Putin and Lavrov were half as great “diplomats” as Russians insist they are, they would have easily been able to prevent all these sanctions. But instead the Russian inability to accept simple historical truths about things like the genocide of Germans all across Eastern Europe, and even Russa, leads to dozens of countries and former allies of Russia all mistrusting her.

  292. Levtraro 说:

    “Russia” did not “beat Nazi Germany to a pulp”

    Lol! They made the German Chancellor blow up his head, they kept his Austrian skull as souvenir, and they raped all the German women they could find. That is the very definition of being beaten to a pulp in war between States.

    The Russian army, slaves to the same Jewish Kabal ruling Ukraine today, were blood sacrificed by the million in a Jewish blood vendetta against Germany.

    You are just the typical Jew, giving credit for all important historical events to your obnoxious tribe’s machinations, like nothing of any importance happens in the world without the proverbial super Jew pulling the strings.

  293. Decoy 说:

    I don’t know anyone who thinks Russia will come out of this “unscathed” . To the contrary, there are many people who think the United States will be a net winner with its proxy war. Except for Ukraine, at least a decade will have to pass before the winners and losers can be sorted out. Ukraine was a failed state before the war and its problems have increased 10 fold since the war started. Zelensky has to go begging for money each and every day just to keep his government functioning. It seems to me that one of three things will result in his downfall. 1. Ukraine will run out of able bodied men to keep the war going. 2. Changes to Western governments (Italy first) will suppress enthusiasm for him. 3. A people’s revolt in Germany and England will force governments to stop the madness of extending the war. At some point even the mainstream Western media will start to slowly but surely hint that a settlement is needed. The sooner the better.

  294. Levtraro 说:

    Russians are completely obtuse about history. In their view, they never “conquer” or ethnically cleanse a land, they only ever “liberate” it.

    You don’t know what you are babbling about.

    Russians are proud of being conquerors, they boast of having the largest country in the world because they just took all that land with force. I’ve heard that plenty times over many meetings over vodak shots here in the West and there in Russkieland.

    • 同意: AlexanderEngUK
  295. @Anthony Nugent


    • 同意: Anthony Nugent, USGrant
  296. MarLuc7 说:

    It is gonna be funny as hell when Zelensky finally jumps ship. Where will this shitbag comedian land next?

    I wonder, what will be his exit strategy?? How will he save face?? Where did all those Bolshevik Cheka go after Russia finally kicked them the hell out of their country????

    What will the media spin be to reboot this Jew? No doubt he will spend millions with an American PR firm.

    The Ukrainian people who voted for Zelensky are like Joe Biden voters in America; they will be trying very hard to find something to brag about. But their country will be in utter ruins and they will be watching their children slowly starve and freeze to death while their beloved Zelensky is served steak and lobster on the deck of his yacht.

    Finally, the mask will come off and the world will see the truth. Zelensky is just another ugly Zionist Jew scamming the world. His image was carefully crafted. His media PR blitz worked. His direct copy of the Wolverine Beard noted:

    I predict Zelensky will either be seen at a gay nightclub in Israel or partying in Florida on his yacht -wearing a speedo. He fleeced all of Ukraine for millions. He fleeced all of America for millions. His handlers made BILLIONS.

    And idiot Americans were actually flying Ukraine flags over their homes. When a year earlier they could not even spell Ukraine.

    I am always flabbergasted at the power and effectiveness of state-sponsored propaganda. It works EVERY DAMN TIME

    • 同意: annamaria, AlexanderEngUK
    • 回复: @Anthony Nugent
  297. @Hitch

    所以你认为俄罗斯承认希特勒和纳粹是对的,他们与他们作战是错误的,这会以某种方式提高他们在世界上的公关地位并帮助他们的外交。 不,我更愿意看到西方从德国本身开始这样做。

    • 同意: Che Guava, nokangaroos
    • 回复: @Hitch
  298. Che Guava 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    I hate stating the obvious, but irony with a large helping of hypocrisy.

    Also a little relevant, AFAIK, nobody ever talks abt. the rights of ethnic Russians in the (EU-member) Baltic states.

    Same for ethnic Serbs in Slovenia.

    Unspoken double-standards are so great!

  299. @MarLuc7

    I am always flabbergasted at the power and effectiveness of state-sponsored propaganda. It works EVERY DAMN TIME


    Divide and Rule is the way to control dumb asses!


  300. Passing By 说:

    Envy oozes from every sentence you write. Things are as they are and they are unlikely to change in your lifetime. You ought to get used to it. Negativity is toxic.

  301. @Decoy





    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  302. Hitch 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    俄罗斯与芬兰、爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚和立陶宛(以及其他国家)存在巨大的公关问题,因为被视为解放者的是德国人,而不是俄罗斯人。 许多在战争中丧生的犹太人是爱沙尼亚人、拉脱维亚人和立陶宛人报复共产主义犹太人的结果,他们烧毁了教堂、掠夺人民、将农场集体化、反对坟墓或向共产主义灌输思想。古拉格

    我们可以在整个波罗的海看到同样的态度,因为当地公民拆除了红俄强奸犯的纪念碑。 他们当然不会这样做,因为“俄罗斯人”将他们从“纳粹德国”中解放出来。

    举个简单的例子,俄罗斯人只是迟到了,半心半意地承认了他们在卡廷森林的罪行,我与一个骄傲的波兰人一起工作,他的家人在俄罗斯奴隶军中失去了成员,他强烈地反俄。 这就是为什么波兰如此积极地支持乌克兰的原因,尽管乌克兰人有几个壁橱,里面装满了他们在前期和战争期间对波兰人犯下的战争罪行。 在华沙起义以及斯大林和丘吉尔于 1943 年在直布罗陀击落总理西科斯基时,波兰国民警卫队的待遇也很恶劣。

    老实说,波兰总理莱赫·卡钦斯基(Lech Kaczynski)在前往卡廷访问卡廷以试图治愈与普京和俄罗斯之间的伤口时,导致他丧生的喷气式飞机失事是中央情报局(CIA)策划的,但俄罗斯从未真正反对中央情报局(CIA)对此,宣传机构留下的印象是,普京和俄罗斯出于恶意击落波兰喷气式飞机,是因为波兰不会闭嘴帮助俄罗斯掩盖其严重罪行。

    俄罗斯如何治愈这些伤口并重建这些桥梁将是一个相当大的挑战。 有一点是肯定的,喋喋不休地谈论“清洗纳粹分子”并将任何不喜欢俄罗斯的人贴上纳粹的标签,就像犹太人给人们贴上反犹太人的标签一样,这当然不是很外交,也不太可能是一个非常成功的策略。

    • 同意: arthurdecco
    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
    , @Levtraro
  303. Anonymous[429]• 免责声明 说:

    The Spanish seemed to have no trouble justifying their expulsion of professing Jews in the 1500s, nor in justifying their removal of “secret Jews” from the Catholic Church hierarchy during that same interval.

    I’m not a Catholic, and don’t know how this could be reconciled with current (2022) Catholic Church policy/doctrine. Anybody want to help me out here?

    I’m hoping for something deeper than “That was then/this is now” variants.

  304. @Hitch


    令人毛骨悚然的是,目前的历史叙述与 1930 年代后期的历史叙述如此接近,俄罗斯联邦取代了希特勒的国家社会主义德国——两者都受到同一个罪犯(((自选部落)))的反对……原因。


    • 同意: Hitch, nokangaroos
  305. Jim H 说:

    ‘American weapons. American training. American targeting. Yup, America is bombing a Nuke plant. Nice.’ – profnasty

    Yes, really nice. Nice little nuke plant ya got here. Be a shame if sumpin’ were to happen to it.

    But as Dirty Old Turtle hisself would tell ya, when it comes to Clowngress, there’s only one War Party.

  306. @Hitch

    回复:298 由搭便车发布

    “这就是为什么整个波罗的海和东欧都如此鄙视俄罗斯人的原因。 俄罗斯人和亲俄人士不能接受他们在这一时期欧洲所有流血事件的共谋和内疚,这是当今人类面临的最大问题之一。”


    俄罗斯需要查明和诋毁那些偷走他们国家 60 年的凶残、盗窃的怪物。

    控制苏联的人不是俄罗斯人。 问亚历山大·索尔仁尼琴。 他经历了它。

    • 回复: @Hitch
  307. anon[265]• 免责声明 说:

    “Crimea really wasn’t “Russian” until long after the Crimean war of 1856…” – some fellow named “Hitch.”

    Even if that were true, which it isn’t, Crimea *绝不* belonged to a even a fictional Ukrainian “Republic” until the Soviets illegally (according to the Soviet Constitution) gave it to the Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine in 1954. It was taken from the Ottoman Turks and then even paid for by the Russians. In fact, no such state as Ukraine even ever had hold of the north coast of the Black Sea. That was taken from the Turks by the Russians also. Interestingly, while there was a cute little tiny country called Ukraine in the 17th century – essentially a land-locked Kiev and its hinterlands – you wouldn’t be wrong to say that the present Ukrainian state was historically cobbled together by just about everybody but the Ukrainians themselves, most recently by the Soviets. And the Galician Ukrainians, formerly known as Rusyns, were never a part of Ukraine until the Nazi-Soviet partition of Poland in 1939, over 900 years after the Mongols drove these future Nazis out of Russia with their tails between their legs.

    • 谢谢: annamaria
    • 回复: @Hitch
  308. Hitch 说:


  309. Hitch 说:

    The entire region was Greek before it became part of the Ottoman empire. Most of those cities along the Black sea still have Greek names. Just because the area “twas taken from the Ottoman Turks” does not mean that the majority of inhabitants were or that they simply disappeared. Except in Russian eyes.

    There is also the critical point that Catherine brought in many thousands of ethnic Germans enticed by guarantees of independence, freedom from military service, and non-aggression. Catherine needed these Germans to “civilize” the Russians and teach them how to farm and how to be productive, which they did.

    In gratitude the Russians willingly genocided all the Germans spread around the Dneiper, Volga and in the Ural mountains. Of course it was these new German agricultural practices and farms that caused the region to prosper which allowed Odessa to grow and become a major trading hub after its decay under the Otttomans.

    Now we blessed with a never ending stream of macho Russian revisionists who blather on in their fantasies about how Ukraine was empty and had to be “settled” by “Russians”.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  310. JR Foley 说:

    大多数傻瓜只相信 CNN、福克斯和美国主流新闻台的广播内容——全是宣传,缺乏事实依据。事实上BS卖得更多是因为大多数观众都是脑死亡的。

    • 同意: USGrant
  311. @Commentator Mike

    对于乌克兰人民来说,“饶恕所有这些平民……”已经“……为他们赢得了”许多好处。 俄罗斯人经历了几个世纪的入侵战争,他们从痛苦的经历中知道痛苦的记忆是多么挥之不去。 俄罗斯人没有也不想占领乌克兰。 他们希望尽快建立一个拥有军事和警察系统的中立乌克兰来维持秩序,而不是攻击说俄语的乌克兰人或俄罗斯人。

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  312. JR Foley 说:

    大多数傻瓜只相信 CNN、福克斯和美国主流新闻台的广播内容——全是宣传,缺乏事实依据。事实上BS卖得更多是因为大多数观众都是脑死亡的。

  313. @Hitch

    I don’t know if Russia apologising would make a difference. Some people just hate other people and grovelling to them won’t help much. I don’t think Russia apologised to the Chechens for crushing them and now they manage to get on with each other. It’s up to all those other East Europeans if they want to get on with Russia or not. In fact Hungarians have a very good reason to hate Russians, more than some others, and yet they would prefer to get along. Russia doesn’t need the East Europeans and it would seem that they need Russia more. So let them buy American gas at whatever astronomical price.

    That plane crashing with the Polish government in it was suspicious. Maybe even the Russians did it. Americans have done that enough times to presidents they don’t like.

    There it looks like Ukrainian terrorists killed Dugin’s daughter although he may have been the target.


    • 回复: @Avery
  314. Levtraro 说:



    What Finns, Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians think of Russia is of little importance, actually it is completely irrelevant as long as they don’t start acting on those “feelings and emotions”. Those are minuscule States, the largest is Finland with just 5 million. And their “feelings and emotions” regarding Russia may change rather rapidly. Recently the Chechens were being massacred by the Russians and now the Chechens are shouting Allahu Akhbar conquering cities in the Donbass for Russia. The Japanese were nuked by the Americans and now they lick American boots while saying domu arigatou.


    Not at all. The statelets surrounding Russia and the large Western States in the EU, especially Germany, are the ones that will have incentives to rebuild bridges with Russia in order to rescue their production model based on cheap energy and other commodities from Russia. They just need some time to swallow the bitter pill but they will come around. PR and feelings and emotions don’t propel turbines or move machinery or heat homes.

    • 同意: Passing By
  315. annamaria 说:

    Sure, the Kagans are disappointed and dripping with impotent hatred re the Russian defense of Slavic lands. Your Jewish ilk has been working diligently to convert neo-Nazi Ukrainians into your collaborators and cannon fodder. It is a great tragedy that so many brainwashed Ukrainian soldiers and innocent Ukrainian civilians died during the ongoing Judea war on Russia – despite Russia’s efforts to protect the brotherly people’s blood. This is not your fascist lebensraum in Palestine and genocidal wars against Iraq, Libya, ns Syria.

    • 谢谢: Chuck Orloski
  316. anon[845]• 免责声明 说:

    Blowing up the nuclear reactors in Eastern Ukraine is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Ashkenazi military genius. They have just now blown up the daughter of Putin’s friend, Alexander Dugin. Russia has very few elites due to dysgenics, so it makes sense for the Ashkenazim to kill off the few remaining individuals in Russia with IQs of 120 and higher. Of course, Dugin’s daughter was a high testosterone and highly masculinized female who took on the highly masculine role of holding a job as a writer of poetry, instead of marrying, having children, and being a housewife. Based on having a male-style haircut that is very short, she may even be a homosexual. Her father Alexander Dugin is a Neo-Conservative who works with Putin to help fight Anti-Semitism and help promote individualism and recreational activities in Russia. Dugin once appeared on Edward Dutton’s poetry channel where he and Dutton exchanged poetry for two hours straight.

    I think Putin is going to resign, and will then probably end his life, in a similar way that modern history books state that Hitler did. I think Russians are going to very soon turn on Putin since they are starting to see that the Ashkenazim will give no peace to Russian Slavs for as long as they don’t own Russia. Russians will blame Putin for starting a war with the Ashkenazim without having a strategy for winning.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  317. @beavertales


  318. Avery 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    {I don’t think Russia apologised to the Chechens for 破碎 them and now they manage to get on with each other.}

    This needs to be clarified: Russia & non-Islamist Chechens (e.g. the Kadyrov clan) crushed the Islamist Chechens and their foreign Islamist allies who had appeared in Chechnya by the 1,000s during the 2nd Chechen war.

    Russia had no beef with the Chechen people. Kadyrov clan is Muslim of course, but they are fiercely anti-Islamist. Moscow spent $10s of billions completely rebuilding Grozny. And sends huge sums of Federal rubles to Chechnya to keep it happy. In return, Chechens are fiercely loyal to Moscow. (I guess as long as rubles keep flowing into Grozny).

    { In fact Hungarians have a very good reason to hate Russians, more than some others, and yet they would prefer to get along}

    What are those ‘good’ reasons? Please elaborate.
    Russian themselves have very good reason to hate Hungarians, but they don’t
    Hungary joined the Nazi invasion of USSR: a catastrophic war the every Russian/Slav remembers. About 25 million* Soviet citizens were killed, mostly civilians, and mostly ethic Russians/Slavs.

    [匈牙利领导人米克洛斯·霍尔蒂和德国领导人阿道夫·希特勒在 1938 年]

    {That plane crashing with the Polish government in it was suspicious. Maybe even the Russians did it.}

    Nope: just conspiracy theories.
    It was 100% Polish pilot error.

    [Both the Russian and Polish official investigations found no technical faults with the aircraft, and concluded that the crew failed to conduct the approach in a safe manner in the given weather conditions. The Polish authorities found serious deficiencies in the organization and training of the Air Force unit involved, which was subsequently disbanded. Several high-ranking members of the Polish military resigned following pressure from politicians and the media.] (from Wiki, Smolensk Air Disaster)
    * in one of recent Col. Macgregor interviews he mentioned something that I had not heard before.
    他说 “We (meaning the West) estimate Russians lost ~40 million people in WW2, but are presenting a lower figure”.

    • 谢谢: Commentator Mike, annamaria
    • 哈哈: Hitch
    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  319. @Avery

    What are those ‘good’ reasons?

    The bloody crushing if the Hungarian uprising in 1956.

    • 谢谢: Avery
  320. @David Parker

    可能的。 无论如何,车臣人比乌克兰人还要狂热。 然而,乌克兰人可能会炸毁一座核电站并造成无法估量的破坏。 如果这种损害主要是对欧盟而不是俄罗斯,那么也许这还不错,因为欧盟在这场战争中竭尽全力支持乌克兰人,而不是采取可能对它有利的中立立场。

  321. Druid55 说:


  322. annamaria 说:

    Do check the names of cities and rivers in the US. The native inhabitants gave these names.

    Did you ever have an evaluation of your intellectual abilities?

    • 回复: @Hitch
  323. annamaria 说:

    First, the Ziocons-inspired murder of the young Dariya Dugin has united Russians around the RF government.
    Second, your Ziocon “values” have been illustrated again by this murder: https://www.moonofalabama.org/2022/08/rip-darya-dugina.html

    Roger Waters makes it to Ukraine’s hit list for opponents (ie anyone who doesn’t bend the knee to the Ukraine regime). Olez Buzina, a Ukrainian journalist, made the list and was killed by a car bomb. Eva Bartlett, a journalist covering Gaza, Syria and Donbass is now on the list.
    This has been going on since April 2015.
    Nothing shrieks ‘western values’ more than having a hitlist of journalists and political opponents


    • 谢谢: JWalters
  324. annamaria 说:

    The western MSM reaction to the murder of the young woman shows a triumph of Talmudic mentality. The Kievan junta is under a Ziocon thumb, and the Banderites do what Ziocons want them to do. https://www.moonofalabama.org/2022/08/rip-darya-dugina.html

    … the tragic murder of Dariya Dugin is that it illustrates the utter hypocrisy of Ukrainian leadership. It confirms the neoNazi dependence on propaganda and war crimes. The people who did this are perfectly capable of shelling nuclear reactors, using cluster munitions on civilians, shooting their own servicemen and using human shields.
    The celebratory tone of the Western media’s reporting of this tragic incident is truly shameful. Most people around the world never look to the West for moral leadership, but until recently, most people still think that the West would learn to be civilized by and by. But it seems that seems never going to happen. …
    8 years of random shelling of civilian targets in Donetsk, more recently peaking with 20.000 anti-personnel mines being dispersed into the city, and the UA artillery and rocket attacks aimed at nuke plants’ cooling systems and toxic spent fuel, and all kinds of mundane Nazism [fascism].
    NATO has become an unapologetic sponsor of terror, right on its own borders.

    The American Ziocons have a field day in Ukraine by practicing their genocidal hatred of Slavs. The American Jewish Community and European Jewish Congress emerged as the strongest endorsers of neoNazism (fascism) in Europe. This is also a logical outcome of the profiteering schema of holobiz.

    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  325. Aerial photos of the plant show no evidence that anyone has shelled the plant. Anglin has simply posted more BS.

    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @GomezAdddams
  326. Hitch 说:

    LOL. Fact checked by a dyke with a dick.

    • 回复: @Avery
    , @Druid55
  327. Avery 说:

    You are unable to factually refute poster [annamaria] and so in desperation are descending to spewing vile personal venom. You lose, homes.

    • 回复: @Hitch
  328. Hitch 说:

    Annamaria wrote:

    Do check the names of cities and rivers in the US. The native inhabitants gave these names.

    Avery dog piles on:

    You are unable to factually refute poster

    I can’t even figure out what either of you are talking about, it all just boils down to macho Russian “might make right” talking points. What is to refute? Basically both of you are just proving the point that “Russian Logic” is an oxymoron.

    As I wrote above, Russians are going to have a rough time building back bridges to the people they have spent the last year calling “Nazis” who Russians insist need to be eliminated.

    I have been highly sympathetic to the Russian position in this war, but between the incessant propaganda about “denazification” and all the hyper macho Russo-phile trolls here on UR, I am about ready to throw in the towel and just say “a pox on both slavic houses”.

    • 回复: @Avery
  329. Avery 说:

    {Avery piles on:}


    {I can’t even figure out what either of you are talking about}

    And the reason that you can’t is…..drum roll please…..YOU ARE AN IDIOT.

    • 同意: JWalters, annamaria
  330. @annamaria

    The murder was, presumably, but not certainly (the Ukronazi orcs wish to kill as many ‘Moskali’ as possible)accidental, her father being the target. At least it will steel the Russians to pursue the only tenable outcome-the TOTAL eradication of the Banderite/Zionazi/NATO regime.
    I’d recommend taking out the fascists in the Baltics, too, if only for reasons of moral hygiene, but that might be too difficult and dangerous. Given that the fascisti are openly and widely agitating to destroy and vivisect Russia, there cannot be any compromise anymore. ‘Peace’ talks are out of the question-these monsters lie as they breathe.

  331. @BayAreaSkeptic


  332. @Decoy

    Russia wins. Weapons, tactics and personnel tested and proven. Ukraine de-Nazified. The EU and the USA noticeably weakened. NATO impotent. The ‘Atlanticist’ traitors at home thoroughly discredited, the worst fleeing to their Western homeland. Closer alliance with China, and strengthened relations with the REAL ‘International Community’ who loathe the arrogant Western overlords. The US dollar weakened. Etc. Putin triumphans!

    • 同意: AlexanderEngUK
    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  333. @mulga mumblebrain

    In his column on UR PCR explains well what has been going on in the Ukraine so far, probably the best succinct analysis I’ve seen so far.


    • 同意: Chuck Orloski, Levtraro
  334. Levtraro 说:

    This is a reply to Mike in #342

    Good complementary info is in a link to the Grayzone posted by for-the-record: “Ukraine War Veterans on How Kiev Plundered US Aid, Wasted Soldiers, Endangered Civilians, and Lost the War”.

    Ukrainians are stealing even medical supplies sent from the West to sell in the local black market, painkillers are not bein given to the wounded, presidents of hospital and nurses are suspected of stealing those painkillers.

    Members of the Ukrainian Parliament increased their salaries 70% in July taking advantage of the fact that the US taxpayer is paying their salaries while soldiers in the front have to drive their own cars and pay for petrol and repairs because of lack of moneys.

  335. USGrant 说:


    • 回复: @annamaria
  336. @anonymous

    Quite easily the most rediculous comment I have read in a long, long time.

  337. @Ukraine Tiger

    The Talmud is a must read. That’s why they have been sent packing, losing everything, 250 times or so in the last 2000 years.


  338. @Commentator Mike

    Some people are an insult to the human species, but unfortunately the best example of a website in decline caused by the owners senility

    The reactor is a bomb by itself, if russia wants to blow it they just have to let him go hypercritical

    Let it look like an accident.

    And – to the author of the article- no, there is no “nuclear explosion”. You know it but you write it. Where is your distinction to the fuc*up mainstream media journalists?

  339. annamaria 说:

    Ukrainian neoNazis are the most loyal servants to American Ziocons. Mazel Tov, “white fuehrers,” with your offshore accounts. https://www.moonofalabama.org/2022/08/ukraine-open-thread-2022-138.html#comments

    Energodar /Zaporizhia nuclear power plant employee appeals to all sides not to shell around the plant. Energodar is built on the ground that can shift relatively easily from vibrations.

    Your Jewish Fuehrer Zelensky – the military and civil leader of Banderites – has been working hard (on behalf of his Zio-Masters) to eliminate as many Slavic people as possible. The Banderites scum has been serving the Ziocons as either cannon fodder or the eager zondercommand thugs killing “pro-Russian” civilians and reluctant conscripts who do not want to die in a Judea war against Russia.

  340. annamaria 说:

    “Germans are a defeated and occupied people. They have been the unrelenting target of American jewish social engineering since the end of WWII.”
    — Tragically, this is true! Germans, the most brilliant and industrious ethnic group, was terribly wounded by the lies and indecent attacks of the pompously arrogant, morally relativist, and inherently parasitic group unable to produce its own civilization but feeding on other peoples’ cultural and scientific achievements.

  341. @Observator

    OK OK OK —there were hundreds of Ukrainian jokes years back —reason there are few Ukrainian suicides —pretty hard to die jumping from a basement window–the Ukrainian maiden who attempted to trade in her cycle for a moped—now they are elevated to why Ukrainians can not die from nuclear release— because it’s old hat. Following this the Ukrainians will send a mission to the sun —-departing at night.

  342. @Quartermaster

    Are you Ukrainian or simply have Ukrainian ancestry?

  343. @BayAreaSkeptic

    Are you Quartermaster’s younger or older brother? Just wondering —-



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