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中东哪里有大屠杀,您会在其中找到以色列的指纹。 因此,这永远是永远的。

自1948年以来,以色列一次又一次地证明,它以暴力恐怖主义解决方案解决了其所有区域问题,从而改变了政治和地缘战略方程式。 一次又一次,总是有一个主要的西方政府从以色列的恐怖主义中受益和支持,在最近发生在贝鲁特港口的可怕爆炸案中,现在又被称为“贝鲁特岛”,美国将从中受益匪浅以及特拉维夫。

自1948年以来,贝鲁特港口一直是以色列标明要摧毁的目标。 摧毁这个最初由古代腓尼基人建造的繁忙而勤劳的港口,一直是以色列的梦dream以求的事情。 这是因为贝鲁特港对以色列的海法港构成最大的贸易竞争,因此对以色列有利可图的海洋经济构成持续威胁。 此外,贝鲁特港口是建立完善的,至关重要的生命线,可以满足黎巴嫩的日常能源和生活需要,因此,摧毁贝鲁特港会使黎巴嫩政府脆弱,并对其所有的经济和政治决策形成现实的围困:政治上的虚拟殖民地黎巴嫩受到其更富裕的敌人和邻居的侵害。 在此也不要忘记,黎巴嫩的军事抵抗组织是对犹太国家本身生存的最大直接威胁,以色列担心该港口被用来将未经检查的武器转移到居住在黎巴嫩的巴勒斯坦抵抗军手中以及手中黎巴嫩其他各种抵抗团体在与以色列交战。

此外,贝鲁特港也对美国向东的电力投射构成最大的地缘战略威胁,在中国,中国及其新的丝绸之路业务正在向西快速蔓延,并试图在地中海东部沿海地带着陆,贝鲁特就在此处港口码头。 美国最近迫使以色列取消与中国的海法接触,这在一定程度上抑制了中国在地中海东部的发展,现在在美国前进的道路上仍然是贝鲁特港。 美国必须入侵它以阻止中国的地缘战略任务蔓延,否则就必须销毁它。

显然,美国选择了后者,以色列将完成贝鲁特港口的销毁任务交给了以色列。 毕竟,由于不同的原因,双方都从贝鲁特岛(Beirutshima)受益匪浅。

因此,贝鲁特港口遭到的破坏是非常及时的,因为黎巴嫩政府最近与中国就其大量投资和发展贝鲁特港口的提议进行了正式谈判:这是中国急需的门户港口和通往欧洲的桥梁,这代表了美国在欧洲霸权的绝对无法容忍的方程式。 如果允许贝鲁特港口的完全重建,那就要根据美国和以色列对黎巴嫩政府施加的严格条件,将贝鲁特港口恢复到以前的活动水平。 毫无疑问,美国决心不让中国任何高管,投资或管理人员进入中国。

此外,由于无法克服黎巴嫩抵抗军在战场上的力量,最近以色列表现出的歇斯底里和对真主党因报复以色列杀害一名叙利亚战斗人员的恐惧而再次证明,以色列对贝鲁特港的恐怖袭击在一定程度上动摇了,面对真主党,以色列自己的怯ward感和军事软弱; 同时严重打击了黎巴嫩敌人目前厌食症的经济腹地。

亲爱的读者,这篇文章与贝鲁特港口爆炸案的“ whodunit”方面无关,这是黎巴嫩敌人及其混乱行动的成果,这是既成事实。 是的,代表黎巴嫩港口当局和一些政客存在重大过失,但不是港口当局或政客引起了巨大的港口爆炸,而是以色列利用了这种疏忽和腐败并为之作了准备。对没有武装的黎巴嫩公民本人的爆炸性虚假标志。 以色列的一种典型行为:在无法对敌人的军队或武装抵抗者进行打击时,对未武装的平民进行打击。 而且,真主党在港口没有武器库:这是一个荒谬的假设,因为它虚假地贬低了真主党的才智并将他们的高级武器战略家沦为劣等黑帮。 如果真主党已经有几座山和一望无际的偏远山丘用于安全武器储存,则真主党没有理由将贝鲁特港口繁忙而裸露的通道用作秘密武器储存。 当然,真主党存在于贝鲁特港,但仅用于英特尔聚会,而不用于武器存储。

本文与建立slo-mo中收集的whodunit和whatnot法证无关。 对于所有从贝鲁特港口进行的虚假国旗袭击中真正受益的人来说,已经很清楚了。 本文关注的是针对黎巴嫩的恐怖袭击的地缘战略原因和原因,尤其是目标本身和时机。 这里的相关问题是为什么是贝鲁特港口,为什么是现在? 因此,让我们看一下这次恐怖袭击贝鲁特的更广泛的地缘战略意义。 毕竟,如此巨大的事件并不会突然变成现实。 如此巨大而必然的事件永远不会白白浪费。 这不是由于疏忽和严重无能而偶然发生的不幸事故。 确实,这是一个更大的地区和全球项目的触发点,就像9/11攻击是一个更大项目的触发点一样,该项目的最终受益者仍然是以色列和美国的中等收入国家。


美国失去了巴基斯坦到中国的势力范围,因此失去了与中国接壤的攻击犬,并且最近将土耳其指定为美国 新的执行者 在中东,它现在应该让美国利用土耳其和以色列这两个臭名昭著的恐怖主义国家,它们经常违反国际法而不受惩罚,这是两个臭名昭著的恐怖国家:利用它们作为破坏者和破坏者,反对前进中的中国和北京的任何中东地区盟国。 贝鲁特岛显然是美国明显的努力,即在高度战略性的东部地中海地区遏制中国的前进,因为美国试图同时通过安全领土向东自我枢纽,无论中国成功地被美国及其地区武装分子撤退了什么。

但是,这个宏伟的地缘战略计划真的能为美国带来好处吗? 通过不断地限制中国新的丝绸之路计划,美国真的能够成功地保持世界上唯一的超级大国的地位吗?

这尚未确定。 但是,从席卷美国国土的严重预算和社会危机来看,没有迹象表明其加深的麻烦正在减轻,分析人士怀疑美国的肺部力量足够大,无法与中国抗衡。 在这里我要补充一点,美中争夺贝鲁特港口的斗争尚未结束。 一位纳闷的中国驻黎巴嫩大使想到了贝鲁特港爆炸般令人震惊的事情时,想到了什么:目睹他的宠物项目和任务在他眼前和在他与以色列人之间签署的协议被摧毁之前就被销毁了。黎巴嫩的Diab政府。 认识中国人后,他们将通过向贝鲁特港口提供重建和安全协议,将其视为一次在黎巴嫩进一步扎根的机会,而贝鲁特岛之前的协议规模较小,仅用于扩建和翻新。 这就是紧要关头:迪亚布的政府是否足够勇敢地面对进一步的美国和以色列恐怖主义,以便与愿意将黎巴嫩从当前棘手的金融双重危机中解救出来的中国结盟? 我估计迟早会在这方面测试Diab的勇气。

在这里,我谨提醒读者,在我们的生活记忆中,几乎没有黎巴嫩实际上羞辱了美国和以色列军队从其领土上并将其驱逐出境。 但是它在政治上也能做到吗? 我说是的,只要真主党的尖端武器保持完好无缺,再加上一个团结的社会,它赋予其总理明确的任务授权即可继续与中国达成交易。 第一个条件得到保证,没有人可以触摸真主党的怀抱。 但是,在过去30年来的多次失败之后,美国和以色列能否成功地在黎巴嫩引发另一场宗派战争? 7月15日(明天)是被暗杀的拉菲克·哈里里(Rafic Hariri)案正式判决的发布日期-黎巴嫩国家已为此焦虑地等待了大约XNUMX年。 当地分析家预测,手指会错误地指向真主党。 在这种情况下,很可能会点燃宗派火药桶。 也许不是这样,因为自从港口爆炸之夜以来黎巴嫩一直受到《马歇尔法》的约束,因此街头的安全掌握在军队手中,而不是政府安全机构及其宗派同盟手中。 即使美国在黎巴嫩军队内部拥有自己的特工,但他们仍是少数派,冒着黎巴嫩军队自身崩溃和瓦解的风险–美国最不希望看到这样的结果,因为如果发生这支军队瓦解,那么真主党将被迫介入以接管保护黎巴嫩街道的任务。 而且没有人希望这种情况,甚至是真主党也不会。



因此,在贝鲁特岛之后,以色列仍然是真主党导弹的人质。 而且中国看到了更多的机会,可以在饱受摧残的黎巴嫩中站稳脚跟,并通货膨胀。

(从重新发布 柏拉图的枪 经作者或代表的许可)
• 类别: 对外政策 •标签: 中国, 以色列, 黎巴嫩, 新丝路, 恐怖主义 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. Pheasant 说:

    ‘Marshall law’

    Great tv series.

    I suspect the author meant martial law.

    I saw one Israeli general boasting on twitter that they detonated the port. Also I have seen the video with what appears to be a missile. But other than that not the slimmest of evidence to say who actually did it regardless of the geostrategic situation.

  2. Svevlad 说:



    As for Lebanon itself, RIP. It’s over.

    • 同意: Sya Beerens
    • 不同意: L.K
  3. @Pheasant

    “Not the slimmest of evidence to say who actually did it”?! I think you missed the whole point of this spot-on analysis.

    • 哈哈: 36 ulster
    • 回复: @animalogic
    , @jsinton
  4. Thank you for a nice perspective summing some of the forces behind the scenes leading up to this massive hit on Beirut, a major capital city, which VT has put considerable effort into demonstrating it as an Israeli nuclear missile strike. We have clearly entered a new phase in 2020, striking world capitals with WMD.

    What is astounding is that the Lebanese govt and Hezbollah went into over drive to negate and deny the Israeli action. Most people, Lebanese included, fall for the False Flag narrative, now moved from weapons depot, to firecrackers to ammonium nitrate. What next? The finger pointing seems to be used to place the blame on the Michel Aoun government and to stoke the fires of civil war.

    I suspect that since a nuclear strike, a mini at that, is such a game changer and there is absolutely nothing that Hezbollah can do about that, therefore they went into denial mode, in order to maintain their military deterrent standing with the Lebanese public. Israel is coming out more and more in the open in its willingness to destroy its neighbors in plain sight. If you cannot do anything about it, the least that should be done is to speak out and truthfully about the event. That might further demoralize the Lebanese public, but they are fairly demoralized anyhow.

    It might just start to galvanize world opinion to get serious about curbing WMD that is controlled by the ‘out of control’ lunatic fringe of this planet. The truth, however painful, may be the best remedy left for ME and world peace.

  5. GeeBee 说:


  6. A123 说:

    伊朗真主党的暴力恐怖分子已经破产。 (1)

    在黎巴嫩,尽管该国破产并且伊朗的代理民兵真主党对总理哈桑迪亚布的政府施加影响,但政府拒绝了购买伊朗石油并以黎巴嫩镑支付的提议。 能源部长 Raymond Ghajar 几天前表示,黎巴嫩不打算购买伊朗石油,这显然是对真主党领导人哈桑·纳斯鲁拉 (Hasan Nasrallah) 提议的回应。


    在没有资金购买弹药的情况下,著名的恐怖分子纳斯鲁拉宣布使用硝酸铵的新武器。 不久之后,黎巴嫩已知最大的 NH4-NO3 储存库发生爆炸。


    -1- 这纯粹是工业事故。 被削弱的真主党中央政府无力行动。
    -2- 来自伊朗真主党的逃兵在试图为纳斯鲁拉窃取 NH4-NO3 时引爆了自己和这座城市。

    无论哪种方式… 纳斯鲁拉的手上沾满了孩子们的鲜血。

    很快,黎巴嫩人民将把可怕的纳斯鲁拉赶出去。 伊朗什叶派新月议程的恐怖终于结束了。

    毫不奇怪,付费的 Taqiyya Trolls 已经生效,为他们的阿亚图拉编造谎言。 然而,试图将什叶派的无能和暴力归咎于以色列是如此明显的 Taqiyya 欺骗,没有人会相信。


    (1) https://worldcrunch.com/world-affairs/iran39s-deepening-isolation-on-the-world-stage

  7. This commentary by Taxi is very timely regarding a major world news event now taking place. Why does the Ron Unz Review shadow it in a corner and not place it as a leading article for all to find????? Infact there is no other article on this Hiroshima style event. Please Ron or editor can you help me out here?

    • 回复: @A123
    , @Daniel Rich
    , @Derer
  8. A123 说:
    @Tommy Thompson

    … there is no other article on this Hiroshima style event.

    Actually, Sailer beat Taxi by a substantial margin:


    史蒂夫 piece is now so old that it aged off the UR front page.


    • 回复: @anon
  9. @Svevlad

    If that’s so, let the government and people quickly see it and decide to reunite with Syria. May be only hope.

    • 同意: Moi, Skeptikal
  10. anon[300]• 免责声明 说:

    France with other NATO powers can’t do much against Libya until airpower swept in . This time is not going to be any different.

  11. ‘It is already clear to all discerning minds who exactly benefits from the false flag attack on the Beirut Port. ‘

    ‘Who benefits?’ is not a sufficient proof of anything.

    I sold my deceased mother’s house in the fall of 2008 — but the funds didn’t finish all their legal perambulations until the Spring of 2009. Conveniently, both the house and the cash resulting from its sale were safely out of play when everything went kablooey.

    结果,我并没有在 2008 年股市崩盘中损失大量收益,而是在反弹前夕通过投资迅速大幅增持了我的股票。



  12. @Pheasant

    ‘I saw one Israeli general boasting on twitter that they detonated the port. ‘


    • 回复: @Pheasant
    , @ld
  13. Yukon Jack 说:




  14. jsinton 说:

    I don’t discount the “Israelis did it” theory. But this article does a lot of 1+1=3. Makes a lot of leaps of faith. Seems to regard Hezbollah as valiant freedom fighters against the evil Joos. A more careful observer would tell you the world is infinite shades of grey, and Lebanon is no different. I lived in Beirut for years. I have some insight here. Sometimes accidents do happen, and keeping 2,700 tons of ammonium nitrate is poor storage for 7 years in the middle of the city is just the sort of stupid thing that the Lebanese would do. An accident or false flag operation waiting to happen. I’ll wait for more info before I try to pass judgement.

  15. @A123

    They’re non state actors, sounds familiar?

  16. Taxi 说:
    @Colin Wright

    So israel is a “she”? You do good by defending your girlfriend, you super smart and gallant boy.

  17. I guess the “shima” is taken from “Hiroshima” so renaming Beirut “Beirutshima” in the title is saying it was a nuclear attack.


    Unless I’ve misread this, no such radioactivity has been detected.

  18. @jsinton

    “Hezbollah” means as much as “IRA”, “ISIS”, “BLM”, “Greta Thunderbird” CIA.

    Nobody cares about Israel or its inhabitants. Don’t hide State Crimes against humanity behind innocent civilians, Israelis in this case.

    • 同意: Alternate History
    • 巨魔: Fran Taubman
    • 回复: @Alternate History
    , @vot tak
  19. A.K.Patal 说:

    我认为以色列的巨魔比你写的这些垃圾要聪明得多。 但显然我错了!

    • 回复: @ariadna
  20. @A123

    原始文化从不吃他们图腾动物的肉。 任何熟悉塔木德主义者的人都非常清楚他们整个动物的身份。

  21. 我想知道中国是否可以利用和扩建叙利亚海港塔尔特斯来重建黎巴嫩,避免海法从灾难中受益。有一条高速公路从塔尔特直达黎巴嫩。俄罗斯和中国都将能够使用俄罗斯S300或S400防空导弹保卫该港口免受以色列的袭击。当然,两国都应该忽视美国对叙利亚的制裁。对此有什么想法吗?

    • 同意: Emily
  22. utu 说:

    Who was behind Texas City disaster?

    “A mid-morning fire started on board the French-registered vessel SS Grandcamp (docked in the port) and detonated her cargo of about 2,300 tons (about 2,100 metric tons) of ammonium nitrate. This started a chain reaction of fires and explosions in other ships and nearby oil-storage facilities, ultimately killing at least 581 people, including all but one member of the Texas City fire department.”


    • 回复: @Alfred
  23. @Colin Wright


    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  24. @jsinton


    • 回复: @jsinton
    , @Anonymouse
  25. @Yukon Jack

    Mr Poopy Pants the next “Middle Eastern” dictator, with BFF Saudi.



  26. @Tommy Thompson

    Why would Israel need to use a nuclear anything to destroy the port when there was 2750 tons of ammonium nitrate already there which just needed to be detonated (with a conventional high explosive munition)?

    • 同意: Emily
    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
    , @Alfred
    , @L.K
  27. Ozymandias 说:



  28. But I’m sure its all just circumstantial 😉 😉

    22/06/2020 UNIFIL: Israeli breaches of Lebanese sovereignty could renew hostilities

    “On Sunday, IDF aircraft were spotted as far north as the Beirut area”


  29. @Colin Wright

    “‘Who benefits?’ is not a sufficient proof of anything.”

    Yes it is; especially when the terrorist state of Israel is implicated. In fact it’s a very high standard of proof compared to that which the U.S. “government” generally uses (e.g. absurd bare assertions) as a pretext to attack and invade countries, overthrow governments, etc.

    • 同意: Herald
  30. Smith 说:

    I would just say I’m convinced by the cause of Hezbollah and Iran, they are the only honorable actors in a region of opportunistic wolves, and I would support them if given an opportunity.

    I guess the first thing to do is try limiting the consumption of Israeli products.

    I also think the most important part is the avoidance of Israeli gravitating towards China or Russia, where they believe that China and/or Russia will keep to them alive, if anything as a trade partner, when they should be wiped out or incorporated in a Palestine state where “jews” live together with palestines.

    • 同意: Moi, Alternate History
  31. @Yukon Jack

    OK Yukon. I’ve come around to your suggestion that it was an attack from the usual suspects (for the reasons which I’ll outline later on today on the 初始 我们讨论过这个问题)但要声明:

    “There’s a theory circulating around the internet that Bibi is trying to start WW3 to stop his corruption trial”

    … is really a bit of a stretch.

    IOW, it wouldn’t require WWIII to stop his corruption trial.

    There’s much more at stake than just ol’ man Rothschild’s hired help, Nuttyahoo, who, like all of his frontmen, are utterly dispensable.



    • 回复: @Yukon Jack
  32. JNDillard 说:


  33. @Tommy Thompson

    They’re still investigating the possibility of foreign involvement via bomb or missile.

  34. Jane 说:


  35. Many people in Beirut heard military jets roaming the skies just before the horrific explosions which featured a mushroom cloud of a type never seen is this war soaked country, and since Lebanon has no military jets, these could only be Israeli jets as Israel is the only power in the world that constantly violates Lebanese airspace. All people felt the 4.3 seismic vibration before they could hear the explosions which means that the speed of the seismic vibration exceeded the speed of sound.

    Too early to know with a fair degree of assurance the origin of the trigger that inflicted the worst human disaster in Lebanon’s history for the past 100 years. But we can say with a fair degree of confidence that the Israelis along with their puppet/ master state the United States of Amerika are the prime suspects in this criminal enterprise. Try as they may, the Resistance and the Lebanese people will not bow down to any pressure from those who are intent at effacing the problem of the half a million Palestinian refugees in Lebanon or those Israeli nuts who are dreaming of Greater Israel. What we can say for sure is, if Israeli guilt would be proven beyond reasonable doubt, Israel will have to pay for full reparations or face dire consequences from the Lebanese people who have lost everything and have very little to lose ( maybe they will be inspired by the biblical Samson option). And BTW, no amount of false sympathies like the shocking display of the Lebanese flag on the municipal building in Tel Aviv will fool anyone in Lebanon, for the Lebanese have gotten used to crocodile tears from the worst criminal pariah state in the Middle East and its Western backers.

    Here it important to note an event that happened in the mid nineties when a Lebanese deputy named Elie Ferzly was bent on opening a tunnel between the western coast of Lebanon and its eastern Bekaa valley thereby bypassing the strenuous road through the mountains which could have been be a boon to the transit industry transporting material from port of Beirut to the Middle Eastern heartland; lo and behold, he was summoned to a meeting with the Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri and House Speaker Nabih Berri in the presence of regent Mr. American Ambassador to Lebanon who categorically stated his objection to the project as long as Israel had not signed a peace treaty with its neighbours namely Syria and Iraq. Here Mr. American Ambassador ( either Crocker or Hambley) was keen on protecting the would be status of Haifa Port as the prime port of the Eastern Mediterranean.

    For anyone keen on seeing who is behind the tragedy of this shameful criminal act of nuclear attack on Lebanon please connect with this link:

    • 谢谢: Alfred
    • 回复: @Emily
    , @Hiram of Tyre
  36. @jsinton

    Yes, you go back to sleep, but keep the snoring to a minimum, there’s a good sheep. Anyone who combats Jews in the Middle East is a valiant freedom fighter by default.

  37. Magylson 说:

    如果大以色列作为一项政策是正确的,他们为什么要归还西奈半岛? 我认为无人机镜头是爆炸前 4 天的。

    • 回复: @Alfred
  38. GMC 说:

    很棒的文章!肥料的故事听起来也很可疑。谁有能力在国际港口的仓库里储存6年的粪便?尝试将您的帆船存放 6 年。 = 12 到 20,000 美元,更不用说一个大约 100,000 美元的仓库 + 用来存放你的狗屎。哈哈,你看着犹太人和美国人开始购买贝鲁特港的土地。中国人在叙利亚过得更好——就在俄罗斯塔尔图斯港旁边。玉米粉尘确实上升得很快——这是一次多用途轰炸,出租车有他们的号码。

    • 同意: HarvardSqEddy
    • 回复: @GMC
  39. @Yukon Jack



    我的评论属于黎巴嫩事务的内幕,因此遭到审查。 You Tube 上的这两个链接揭示了很多信息。得出你自己的结论。

    • 回复: @Joe Levantine
  40. animalogic 说:
    @Kevin Barrett

    “Not the slimmest of evidence to say who actually did it”?! I think you missed the whole point of this spot-on analysis.”
    I don’t think he did miss “the whole point”. The point was to demonstrate motivation, which it does 100%.
    The author actually admits that he’s not interested in finding actual US/Israeli fingerprints on this crime:
    “This article is not concerned with establishing whodunit and whatnot forensics gathered in slo-mo. It is already clear to all discerning minds who exactly benefits from the false flag attack on the Beirut Port. This article is concerned with the geostrategic why’s and wherefores of the terrorist attack against the Lebanon, and concerned especially with the target itself and the timing.”

    So, no, although we know that IF it wasn’t a pure accident, we do know the likely suspects. BUT we cant say for sure it was NOT an accident.
    Although if Pheasant is correct when he says “I saw one Israeli general boasting on twitter that they detonated the port.” then that is VERY interesting.
    Personally i would be overjoyed if all this can all be sheeted home to Israel….

    • 同意: Daniel Rich
  41. animalogic 说:
    @Tommy Thompson

    “which VT has put considerable effort into demonstrating it as an Israeli nuclear missile strike.”
    OK – fine: can you link to any official radioactivity readings from the Port site ? Until then, its mere speculation.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Tommy Thompson
  42. 正如第一张海报所指出的,“马歇尔法”有点危险。 和海报,电视节目 《戒严法》。

  43. Emily 说:

    It is being covered up by the world’s completely jewish owned media.
    Meanwhile more potential killing by Israel is coming as they are determined to steal Lebanon’s water from the Litani.

    • 回复: @Herald
  44. 关于这个主题,这不是一篇很好的文章。

    当然,人们可以假设以色列是幕后黑手,然后在没有证明这一假设的情况下,进一步推测。 如果这是一次恐怖袭击而不是意外,那么以色列确实是最有可能的嫌疑人。

    但随后推测美国也参与其中以阻挠中国在贝鲁特港的计划作为其“一带一路”倡议的一部分,这太过分了。 首先,贝鲁特港是 不能 摧毁了。 炸弹坑只摧毁了一个码头的一小部分。 火山口的其余部分都在水中。 水中的洞根本就不是洞。 其余的,只有建筑物被摧毁。 它们可以重建。 这最多需要一年时间。 与此同时,船舶仍可停靠在其他码头。

    假设美国(或以色列)对黎巴嫩政府拥有如此大的权力,以至于它可以禁止它重建贝鲁特港,这是一种自我挫败的论点。 如果他们对黎巴嫩有如此大的权力,那么他们可以首先禁止它参与中国的“一带一路”倡议,而不需要恐怖袭击。 非常不可能。

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  45. @Svevlad


    France is too busy in Africa and escorting migrants to the UK, and on top of it is losing control of its own cities. In any case, this is easily prevented by the Lebanese government inviting Russian Aerospace Forces to extend their Latakia umbrella over Beirut and then some. The destruction of the port figuatively gives Lebanon cause to seek any safe harbour in a storm.

    • 回复: @paranoid goy
  46. dearieme 说:

    The nuclear attack argument: so what are the Geiger counter readings? Where are the isotope measurements? They’d be conclusive.

    Put otherwise: baloney!

  47. Emily 说:

    Seems to regard Hezbollah as valiant freedom fighters against the evil Joos.

    The writer is correct.
    Hezbollah also has massive christian support in Lebanon.
    And 10,000 plus plus! Syrian christians owe their lives to that organization.

    • 同意: ariadna, Alfred, Patagonia Man, Iris
    • 回复: @jsinton
  48. Robjil 说:

    Broad daylight attacks are a common tactic of Zionists. 9 11 was on a sunny day in September. JFK was assassinated in the middle of a warm,sunny day in Texas on 11.22.63. Violent attacks on civilians in the middle of nice sunny day, creates massive fear within people’s perception of their control of their lives. It is like a fist suddenly coming down from the sky. It is like Yahweh of the Tanakh. I guess that is who that they are copying. Yahweh liked attacking civilians. Most Jewish holidays are related to attacks on “enemies” of Yahweh and his “Chosen” people.


    Here is an article that sums up this viewpoint.

    MOSSAD executed this attack as a HUGE warning to Hezbollah not to threaten Israel with the hundreds of missiles that have been installed over years located not very far from Tel Aviv. See: IDF Tweet: “Locations where attempts are being made to establish missile conversion infrastructure”

    These attacks were also an outright threat directed at Iran. If Israel is so reckless to blow up Beirut IN BROAD DAYLIGHT, they would be equally brash to carry out a similar black op in Tehran. In point of fact, Iran has been the target of several suspicious fires and explosions over the past month. Each of them has PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s fingerprints all over them. Israel has been waging an unrelenting asymmetric terrorist war against Iran ever since President Trump took office.

    Netanyahu is the Zio-Anglo-American Axis point man in the Middle East right now. In fact, he has been indicted for three separate cases with the explicit purpose of coercing him to launch a full-scale attack on Iran. But first Netanyahu’s hidden masters want him to neutralize Hezbollah in Lebanon; hence, the world has just witnessed this horrendous terrorist attack … against innocents who have nothing to do with Israel’s enemies.

    Zionism attacks civilians. It is how it works. It did the same in WWII with fire-bombing civilians in German, French and Italian cities. Japan got the same with the extra two nuke civilian bombings. Ever since 12. 23.1913 Zionist love attacking civilians. It is their game plane.

    The global Zionist network is the control center for this world-wide terror to create Greater Israel.

    Bottom Line: This type of terrorist operation is how the Zionist leaders of Israel always victimize innocent men, women and children to compel a targeted nation-state to give into their odious and/or insane demands. (Remember 9/11!) However, it is never the people of Israel who are behind these never-ending atrocities; rather, it ‘s the Neocon Zionists who are strategically positioned throughout the Zio-Anglo-American Axis. These perennial terrorists will stop at nothing until their cataclysmic Greater Israel project is completed.

    • 同意: Druid
    • 谢谢: SolontoCroesus
    • 回复: @Daniel Rich
  49. vot tak 说:

    “Also, the Beirut Port is a well-established and crucial lifeline to Lebanon’s daily energy and sustenance needs, therefore destroying it renders the Lebanese government vulnerable and open to a practical siege of all its economic and political decision-making: a virtual colonization of political Lebanon by its more affluent enemy and neighbor.”


    Lebanon’s Tripoli port ready to temporarily replace Port of Beirut after deadly blasts


    “Lebanon’s Port of Tripoli said Thursday that it is ready to temporarily replace the Port of Beirut which was devastated by two powerful explosions on Tuesday.


    “The port has witnessed during the past years the expansion work by Chinese companies, and it has received the largest ships from China, carrying a big number of containers,” he said.

    中国港湾对的黎波里港进行了修复,以准备接收各种类型的大型船舶,同时建造了一个集装箱泊位,配备了先进的中国起重机,每天可起吊和运输超过700个集装箱,每年可起运480,000万个集装箱。 。


    The port of Tripoli is expected to play a vital role in Syria’s reconstruction as it is the only sea port connecting Lebanon with the outside world.”

    黎巴嫩将拥有两个主要港口,而不是现在的一个。 如果建造其他的,可能会更多。

    • 谢谢: Patagonia Man
    • 回复: @Daniel Rich
    , @Sparrow
  50. @GeeBee



    Good to see you on Unz Forum, Taxi. Through your Live from Lebanon reporting at Plato’s Guns you have earned respect and credibility. Your presence on Unz adds exposes your credible analyses to an international audience.


    Now well-developed, these muscles are coalescing on Iron Man Ron’s international platform.


  51. anon[238]• 免责声明 说:

    There is a video circulating showing that the Beyrouth explosion type was clearly similar to some bombing seen in Syria.

    It was therefore very probably a false flag operation.
    The question remains about which player did it: Zio-nazis, moricans, popovs, surrendering-monkeys, others?


  52. @Taxi

    将一个国家称为“她”是旧式英语。 更现代的风格是将一个国家称为“它”,但两者都是正确的。

    • 同意: Patagonia Man
    • 谢谢: HarvardSqEddy
    • 回复: @anon
  53. @Harold Smith

    Informative comment by “Leith” on Pat Lang’s blog, implying that the ammonium nitrate may, indeed, have exploded but it was not the type of AN designed to produce the massive destruction that occurred. That is, something else produced Beirutshima effect.


    Although I’d need more evidence before believing that the AN was destined for Fábrica de Explosivos de Moçambique. That rumor seems to have started because of the FEM abbreviation on the bags of AN.


    But FEM printed on shipments like that typically mean that the material was handled per the safety and regulatory recommendations of the Fédération Européenne de la Manutention, also known as the European Materials Handling Federation.

    the bags are clearly labelled High Density Ammonium Nitrate (also known as HDAN). HDAN is manufactured to be a dry fertilizer product. It is different from Low Density Ammonium Nitrate (LDAN), which is the grade used primarily in explosive applications for quarrying and mining:


    • 回复: @Harold Smith
  54. @Joe Levantine

    Enjoy the show. Honest analysis by American observers.

  55. @Taxi

    Learn English, Taxi.

    It’s and old custom to call ships, sheilas and states: she.

    • 回复: @Taxi
    , @anon
  56. @Franklin Ryckaert


    James Jeffrey’s reason for living is to block Syria’s ability to rebuild itself; Trump seems to be going along with that malevolent agenda.


    嗯,我们还没有完成与欧盟同事的讨论,但我们对欧盟长期以来对阿萨德政权实施严厉制裁的记录感到非常满意。 我们很高兴欧盟坚持反对欧盟国家或其他国家向该政权提供重建援助,否则他们将面临欧盟制裁的风险。 我们也对欧盟支持人道主义援助的记录感到非常非常满意。 这是我们所做的一个很大的不同。 人道主义援助,即使是对政权地区的援助,都是重要和必要的,但重建援助基本上重建阿萨德摧毁的叙利亚,这对我们来说是一条红线,对欧盟来说仍然是一条红线。


    不是难以置信的类似排练 外交 不会转而反对黎巴嫩。

    • 谢谢: Robjil
  57. jsinton 说:

    Hezbollah has their own sins to answer for. Who assassinated all the Lebanese MPs in the 2000’s? That’s how they got power. They sell captigon in Syria, hashish in Europe. That’s how they make money. Shades of grey. No good guys here.

    • 回复: @Emily
    , @Iris
  58. jsinton 说:
    @Majority of One

    If they used a nuke, it would be easily detectable since it would leave plenty of radiation to measure. Unless you can show radiation then it’s tin foil hat.

  59. GMC 说:

    中国已开始在克里米亚建设一个深水港,并正在就租赁乌克兰产粮区多达150,000万公顷的土地进行谈判。谁拥有今天的面包篮和乌克兰_NWO 公司。将这一事实添加到出租车文章中,我们可以轻松了解世界上的恐怖分子是谁。

  60. Emily 说:
    @Joe Levantine

    Very convincing especially about 9 mins in.
    Any other links?

    • 回复: @Joe Levantine
  61. @The Alarmist

    France is too busy in Africa and escorting migrants to the UK, and on top of it is losing control of its own cities.

    You really think they are expending much on ‘regaining control’ of their cities? Escorting immigrants and protecting mafias is mostly police work anyway, there remains plenty of ‘capacity’ for ‘peacekeeping’. There are always more funds available for genocide against twerps who think they own the mineral riches under their feet. Lovely new oil field they discovered off the coast the other day, remember?

  62. 这确实看起来很可疑,但我们不应该很快陷入阴谋论。更多信息将在接下来的几周甚至几个月内曝光。对这起悲剧的调查甚至还没有开始。我保留稍后的意见。

    • 回复: @Moi
  63. Moi 说:

    A Zio nut-job and former Israeli Knesset member came right out and said we Jews did it. There is a video of him saying so on Youtube.

    • 谢谢: Pheasant
  64. @Emily

    See the link in comment 41. Thanks

    • 回复: @Emily
  65. Moi 说:
    @Colin Wright

    The straight-shootin’ Ahmadnejad was right when he said the Jewish State will vanish from the pages of history. Pray that day comes soon with this latest tragedy that greatly benefits the JS.

  66. Alfred 说:

    Thank you for a logical explanation about what is really going on. Veterans Today has some proof of the nuclear bomb.

    If 9/11 happened today, Facebook would ban the planes and insist the buildings were still standing

    Breathtaking: Case Closed, Infrared Video Reveals Details of Israeli Nuclear Missile (6 missile videos/3 of them new)

    These photos and videos are by different people from different angles. Case closed.


  67. Alfred 说:
    @Harold Smith

    when there was 2750 tons of ammonium nitrate already there which just needed to be detonated

    The firework factory did not exist. The ammonium nitrate was an entry in a ledger. The sacks probably contained sand. The customer in Africa does not exist. The Russian businessman living in Cyprus is a stooge. The ship he bought was unfit for purpose. It only needed to get as far as Beirut.

    No one can afford to store any cargo for 6 years at the centre of a busy port. That is total nonsense. The silos are there so that the ships don’t have to wait for trucks to remove their cargo of grain.

    Let’s be a little practical and stop believing all the nonsense in the media.

    For decades, the MSM been lying to Australians about global warming. They even built a giant unused desalination plant in Victoria at great cost. They closed coal-fired power stations and tried to replace them with expensive and useless windmills and solar cells.

    Liawenee in Tasmania’s Central Highlands breaks record for coldest temperature in island state

    People are so dumb, I am glad I am no longer young.

    • 谢谢: ariadna
    • 回复: @GeeBee
    , @A123
    , @Harold Smith
  68. Moi 说:

    Maybe years and maybe never. Do we have the lowdown on who killed JFK and 9/11…?

  69. Emily 说:


  70. Emily 说:
    @Joe Levantine

    Thanks but have to pass.
    Never have and never will do Facebook……
    Your original link was great, however.

    • 回复: @sally
  71. GeeBee 说:

    No one can afford to store any cargo for 6 years at the centre of a busy port. That is total nonsense. The silos are there so that the ships don’t have to wait for trucks to remove their cargo of grain.

    As I understand it, the AN was impounded by the Lebanese government, having been confiscated (presumably for some customs infraction). The state would not be liable to pay storage fees to its own authority.

    It is important that we get all our facts straight before we can make a case of Israeli involvement (as I’m sure we shall).

  72. Anonymous[831]• 免责声明 说:

    Sorry, animalogic, but Israeli nuke is by far the most plausible explanation and at a minimum the best working hypothesis at this time. Waving it away as “mere speculation” won’t work, although it does suggest anything you have to say be viewed as Israeli disinformation attempting to poison the well of honest investigation.

    • 回复: @Herald
    , @animalogic
  73. A123 说:



    Iranian al’Hezbollah kept the NH4-NO3 on hand for bomb material. (1)

    黎巴嫩海关署前毒品管制局长约瑟夫·斯卡夫上校 (Joseph Skaf) 在 2014 年写了一封信,警告称去年在贝鲁特港从一艘俄罗斯拥有的船上查获的 2,750 吨硝酸铵货物“高度危险”并对公共安全构成威胁。”

    2017 年,斯卡夫在多云的情况下死亡,而他警告的货物显然在周二被引爆,造成一百多人死亡,并摧毁了城市的相当一部分。

    Nasrallah had Col. Skaf assassinated to make sure that the NH4-NO3 stayed available for terrorism. Over several years, Iranian al’Hezbollah quashed at least 6 [SIX] separate attempts to get the hazardous cargo out of Beruit.

    Apparently, Nasrallah is too dim to realize that the material degrades over time when exposed to the environment (salt, water, heat…) As Nasrallah is 100% responsible, we need a new name for the event:

    纳斯拉岛 or 纳斯鲁拉岛 — The destruction of Beirut by Iranian al’Hezbollah.



    (1) https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2020/08/07/lebanon-revisits-mystery-death-colonel-after-urging-removal-combustibles-port-beirut/

    • 回复: @Majority of One
    , @Emily
  74. ariadna 说:

    Don’t pay any attention to Kevin Barrett who is jealous because he sees you as a competitor in the genre. I, for one, appreciate your sarcasm. The “not the slimmest” touch was genius.

  75. @Svevlad

    How will France take over Lebanon?

    Last time they (and we) tried exercising power there, they got 58 French paratroopers blown up (along with our embassy and a good chunk of a USMC battalion.)

    Lebanon is certainly in deep trouble, and there may be hidden hands involved in its financial/economic meltdown (beyond the corruption and incompetence of its ruling class.)

    But as Syria has shown, “taking over” an Arab country is not easy. The Arabs are incompetent at running a functional modern state and at conducting conventional warfare. But they have a talent for running off those who want to “take over” those same dysfunctional states.

    France can’t handle ISIS in FranceAfrique. Hell, they could barely handle the Yellow Vests. How are they going to take over?

    I do see a BRI opportunity for China once the smoke clears however, though the Chinese are very cautious in the Middle East.

  76. @Emily


    • 回复: @Curmudgeon
  77. Pheasant 说:
    @Colin Wright

    Its on Whitney webb’s twitter somewhere it has been retweeted alot.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  78. Desert Fox 说:

    Israel is a terrorist state and is supported and funded by these zionist controlled terrorist states , the ZUSS and ZBritain and ZFrance and their ZNATO, these terrorists are determined to destroy the middle east for Israels greater Israel agenda.

    • 回复: @Patagonia Man
  79. Taxi 说:
    @Ann Nonny Mouse

    Get back to me when you learn wit.

    • 哈哈: 36 ulster
    • 回复: @Ann Nonny Mouse
  80. hotrod31 说:

    由于缺乏国际正义或问责制,佐格显然变得更加胆大妄为。 他们现在清楚地感觉到他们可以为所欲为,没有任何后果。 也许杰弗里爱泼斯坦的罪证已被用来确保任何有能力或能力质疑野蛮行为的合理性的人都受到警告,以免他们被“出局”。 朱利安·阿桑奇和斯诺登等有能力揭露任何渎职行为的人已经被有效地压制住了。 这对每个人来说都变得极其危险,无论是佐格的后裔还是外邦人。 因此,这些混蛋越早被起诉,对世界其他人越有利。

  81. Herald 说:

    If it was a nuke, then it’s a new kind of nuke, that is flash free. Of course, there should be radiation readings to back up the nuke theory. Hopefully time will tell.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  82. Herald 说:


    • 同意: Majority of One, Druid
  83. anon[421]• 免责声明 说:



    Come to me over the water Peter
    Walk on the waves of the stormy sea
    I know your boat is frail and fragile
    But believe in me
    When faith doesnt weaken
    See the sea sleeps in the palm of my hand
    He who believes will never be wanting for
    For anything
    My people called out from the burning
    I turned a rock to a bubbling stream
    He who believes will never be wanting for
    For anything

    Composed by Catholic Sister, Miriam Therese Winter.

  84. Yukon Jack 说:
    @Patagonia Man

    I’m not here to convince anyone of anything, but I do know one thing, the official narrative by the MSM is usually a cover story, a lie, obfuscation of who really did it. On 911 they said Muslims did it, well when we discovered building 7 came down by controlled demolition we could rule out Muslims.

    因此,在这起犯罪事件中,我们看到了比比在联合国举着标有确切目标区域的海报板的照片。巧合? Bibi E. Coyote 举着目标地图是相当可怕的。

    • 回复: @Majority of One
    , @cassandra
  85. @SolontoCroesus

    I would have to disagree. On the contrary, whether it was high density AN fertilizer or low density (porous) AN for ANFO explosives – wouldn’t matter very much in this case, since it was not mixed with a liquid fuel. And to the extent it would matter, the fertilizer grade AN might have a higher VoD in this case because of its higher bulk density.

  86. @Alfred

    Sorry but your bare assertions carry no more weight than those proffered by anyone else.

  87. @A123


    有一种犹太人甚至给正派的犹太人带来坏名声。难怪希特勒的外祖父很可能是罗斯柴尔德犯罪集团维也纳分支的头目,他对所有犹太人都出轨了。你能想象人的内心冲突吗?有些人根本就没有羞耻感,这里我指的不是 Schicklgruber 女士的孙子。

    • 同意: Patagonia Man, Druid
    • 回复: @A123
  88. 昨晚,我对整个情况写了一篇“心声”,尤其是对《出租车》的赞扬,迄今为止,这是对整个悲伤、遗憾的情况最有说服力的评论。在此之前,我写了三篇我认为很重要的回复。在我花了很多时间写论文后,屏幕上出现了一条消息,坚持认为我发布太多、太快的内容违反了一些神秘的人工智能命题。截至今天早上,我的长篇大论中也许有 3 篇还没有重新出现。因此,我对这种中断甚至这些努力的瓦解感到非常沮丧。

    因此,我请 Ron Unz 重新考虑发布政策,特别是涉及最严重的地缘政治事件的政策。忍受我在网络空间的努力消失(除了在像乌鳢一样监视这个网站的国家窥探组织内部)不仅是对个人的打击,而且有效地消除了某些权力、公国和统治者不愿接受的观点。与寻求解决方案和分享见解的国际受众广泛分享。

    我向 Unz 先生提出的问题是,此事是否存在外部干预的可能性,或者他是否应该考虑一项政策/协议并不适合所有潜在的可能性。

    • 回复: @GeeBee
    , @Majority of One
    , @Taxi
  89. @animalogic

    Veterans Today news site has run a series of articles providing documentation and research that I would say now almost conclusively prove that (1) one or more missiles hit the port, and (2) the explosion was of a nuclear nature.

    Even t clearly undoctored videos of the missiles impacting the site are provided by VT. They also have provided analysis from nuclear experts on the damage radius, explosive clouds, type of explosion pressure waves confirming these are the radiation levels of the explosion detected in Italy by the IAEA.

    VT, whatever one says about some of their political positions, is doing their homework on this event which is of prime importance to our human history on this planet. Unfortunately, few want to read and accept their professionally based findings as the current false narratives ciculating on the MSM seem more appealing to keep us all arguing in order to let the culprits flee the crime scene.


    I mentioned above the million dollar question that I have: as to why the Leb Govt is mostly though not totally, putting aside this missile/nuclear narrative to blame itself instead for a really phony Ammonium Nitrate accident? Real chemical experts have largely debunked that scenario. The Leb resistance group Hezbollah is also totally ducking the issue and not even discussing the obvious information that is widely available from mobile phone videos in Lebanon confirming the missile strike and the nuclear type explosion. My earlier discussion can be found in comment no. 4 above.
    The question now, has the ME and the world been changed by this Beirutshima style event and where are we going???

    • 回复: @A123
    , @sally
    , @animalogic
  90. @Yukon Jack


    • 同意: Patagonia Man
  91. A123 说:
    @Majority of One


    I am a Christian, so you must be talking about you self… Let me Fix That For You:

    多数票 这种支持犹太人的纳斯鲁拉甚至给正派的犹太人带来了坏名声。



    • 回复: @anon
  92. Curmudgeon 说:
    @Colin Wright

    ‘Who benefits?’ is not a sufficient proof of anything.

    Tell that to all of the people who have been prime suspects in deaths because they “benefited” from a spouse having an insurance policy.

  93. A123 说:
    @Tommy Thompson

    the explosion was of a nuclear nature.

    After both Fukashima and Chernobyl, world wide networks with radiation monitoring equipment tracked the plume. Over Russian objections, they even tracked and reported on the much smaller Skyfall incident (1).

    Too many individuals and organizations have the ability to monitor nuclear radiation. The NASRALLAH-SHIMA blast was not a nuke.


    (1) https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/oct/20/skyfall-nuclear-cruise-missile-explosion-covered-r/

    • 不同意: Tommy Thompson
  94. Anon[292]• 免责声明 说:

    another example of why the state of Israel needs to be done away with and the lands restored to the rightful people, the palastinians….Israel and jews in general, are the most vicious terrorists on the planet. Even to attacking a non threatening US Navy ship of which LBJ covered it up along with Adm John McCane….another traitor evil American….the jews of Israel yearly rip off the american tax payer by more than 10 Billion…..yea….Billion dollars while our citizens own needs go without….

    get rid of that place. Now:

  95. DrCiber 说:

    奥卡姆剃刀人。 最简单的解释几乎无一例外都是正确的解释。 在这种情况下,只有一个词:疏忽。
    作者错综复杂的 1700 字的国际阴谋和阴谋,还是一个笨拙的中东官僚机构在港口官员和一个不会从棉花糖中知道硝酸铵的自满的司法机构之间摸索了 7 年?

  96. GeeBee 说:
    @Majority of One

    Control & ‘C’. I always do it before pressing ‘Post’

  97. “Who benefits” almost always explains everything.

  98. @Majority of One

    @Gee Bee:感谢您的考虑。我的 75 岁硬盘在处理软件问题方面有一个陡峭的学习曲线。 C

  99. @DrCiber


    • 回复: @Mario Partisan
  100. GeeBee 说:

    With respect, William of Ockham (I used to live near that Surrey village!) would prefer the missile. Far simpler than the concatenation of circumstances that apparently saw nearly three thousand tons of fertilizer unaccountably stored for so long right in the geo-strategically crucially important port, then a ship that just happened to be laden with fireworks sailed in and just happened to catch fire, and it just happened to be close enough to the building containing fertilizer to cause the stored nitrate to go up in a fashion that just happened to resemble a tactical nuke…

    • 回复: @Emily
  101. anon[234]• 免责声明 说:

    I agree! regardless of who did what.. or did not do anything.. to have what is the equivalent to a nuclear bomb in the heart of your city just like that is quite insane

  102. @Pheasant

    ‘Its on Whitney webb’s twitter somewhere it has been retweeted alot.’

    谢谢。 这是我在那里能找到的最接近的:


    一名高级国防官员告诉 Yisrael Hayom,甘茨在周四与以色列国防军参谋长中将 Aviv Kochavi 和其他总参谋部成员会面时发布了准备此类回应的命令。

    Tensions have rapidly escalated between Israel and the terrorist organization since the death of Hezbollah terrorist Ali Kamel Mohsen Jawad, along with two other terrorists, during an airstrike on Damascus International Airport earlier this month…’

    Is that what you’re referring to?

    • 回复: @4justice
  103. Emily 说:

    Political Garbage.
    You should be embarrassed…
    You won’t get paid for that load of nonsense.

  104. from A123 No. 97:

    After both Fukashima and Chernobyl, world wide networks with radiation monitoring equipment tracked the plume. Over Russian objections, they even tracked and reported on the much smaller Skyfall incident ….
    Too many individuals and organizations have the ability to monitor nuclear radiation. The NASRALLAH-SHIMA blast was not a nuke. (1)

    from Tommy Thompson No. 93:

    Even t clearly undoctored videos of the missiles impacting the site are provided by VT. They also have provided analysis from nuclear experts on the damage radius, explosive clouds, type of explosion pressure waves confirming these are the radiation levels of the explosion detected in Italy by the IAEA.

    Check on the VT pic in their articles showing the IAEA monitors in Italy for the first blast wave of radiation, whatever type it was makes no difference, it was event related. Case closed.

    • 回复: @L.K
  105. Emily 说:

    Excellent resume.
    Seems you can add – the wrong sort of nitrate that doesn’t actually explode the same…..

  106. @A123


    在我看来,他听起来非常精明、通情达理,而且一点也不咄咄逼人。 他可以接受阿桑奇直接质疑他的有神论,这表明他是一个知识分子的穆斯林。

    You complain about Taqiyya – and that is a fault within Islam – but damming the whole for the failure of a part, that is unreasonable.





    Most times you can blame violence on the aggressor, but when it is completely avoidable by one’s own planning.. Well, then the fool deserves a lot of blame!

    • 回复: @A123
    , @anon
  107. I think it’s perfectly possible Israel would do something like this; it would be exactly the combination of viciousness, amorality, and short-sighted ‘cleverness’ that characterizes their behavior.

    On the other hand, there’s no particular proof, and the government of Lebanon is perfectly capable of being slovenly and incompetent enough to let a huge stock of ammonium nitrate sit unattended in the middle of the port until something happened.

    Israel isn’t necessarily behind 所有 the bad things that happen within a thousand miles of her. Some of them would occur even if Israel wasn’t there.

    I’d be happy to see evidence appear that pins the blame firmly on Israel — but that evidence has yet to appear.

  108. cassandra 说:
    @Ann Nonny Mouse


    非常好的一点!至少我认为是这样的:你是否有某种理由认为辐射会被埋葬?我认为现在 VT 这一理论的支持者会与该地区拥有辐射计数器的人有联系,愿意进行检查,特别是如果结果为阴性,则报告他们的发现。


  109. Alfred 说:

    This started a chain reaction of fires and explosions in other ships and nearby oil-storage facilities, ultimately killing at least 581 people, including all but one member of the Texas City fire department

    Thank you for confirming that it was not one giant blast. And that there were oil storage tanks nearby to fuel the putative oxidising agent ammonium nitrate.

    Is there any proof whatsoever other than some invoices that are 6 years old that there was indeed any ammonium nitrate in that locality?

    Do you still go along with the fable that there was a fireworks factory no less in the port?

    The reality is that the Israelis fired a classic missile that missed the warehouse. Photos clearly show the initial blaze away from the warehouse. This was followed up by a nuclear-tipped missile. Plenty of videos and photos from different angles and different cameras. They correspond.

    Source: Israel Planned the Nuke Attack on Beirut Years in Advance, Exactly How they Did it

    • 同意: Tommy Thompson
    • 回复: @A123
    , @utu
  110. Alfred 说:


    因为这让埃及摆脱了困境。 他们还利用英国穆斯林兄弟会的走狗暗杀了安瓦尔·萨达特总统。 他们杀了他,因为当埃及军队越过苏伊士运河时,他把以色列人打得一塌糊涂。

    当然,从那时起,以色列的邻国就学会了如何战斗。 现在,真主党只需说,它将为叙利亚一名战士的死亡报仇,让整个以色列军队动员起来进入戈兰。 上周以色列人非常害怕,他们开始互相轰炸。 这就是他们在贝鲁特投下核弹的原因。

    在以色列 - 黎巴嫩边界发生了什么 - 没有发生什么?

  111. A123 说:

    Do you still go along with the fable that there was a fireworks factory no less in the port?

    The white flashes from 0:02-0:10 are clearly munitions or fireworks.

    Even more obvious here:

    The Taqiyya Trolls trying to blame Israel for NASRALLAH-SHIMA are failing miserably. Everyone knows that Iranian al’Hezbollah is 100% responsible for the carnage.


    • 巨魔: Alfred, Druid
  112. cassandra 说:
    @Colin Wright



    • 谢谢: Colin Wright
    • 回复: @Druid
  113. Jmaie 说:

    Beirut Port: a much needed gateway port and bridge into Europe for China, which represents an absolutely intolerable equation for the US’s hegemony in Europe.

    Tens of thousands of containers arrive daily at European ports, having originated in China. Perhaps I am misunderstanding your point?

  114. sally 说:
    @Tommy Thompson

    Can one tract neutrons after a neutron bomb has been detonated?

    If, so, how is it done? What kind of instrument will detect the neutron that has been
    merged back into the atom?

    Neutron bombs are different? I think . but does it really matter that one more spot in the world has been destroyed by a few people who want to control everything?

    • 谢谢: Tommy Thompson
    • 回复: @Curmudgeon
  115. sally 说:

    Faceogle is democracy hazzard. Use duckduckgo and yippy for privacy and better search results.

    • 回复: @Emily
  116. @A123



  117. @A123


    破坏你的两个场景的东西。 任何额外的细节可能(也可能不会)使
    因为他/她要么是该案件的一部分,要么从 100%
    非常公开和常规的是虚假信息流 - 被各种消化

    • 回复: @Geowhizz
  118. anon[292]• 免责声明 说:

    Certainly seems negligence was there. For sure though, none of us can be certain…..if that word covers this situation. What is known, Israel needs to be silenced once and for all……since the state of Israel was founded it has done nothing but kill,kill,kill vi violent terrorist attacks upon whom ever it deems it willllllllllll….
    Get rid of the most evil parasite of a country and people, on earth. N O W….

  119. utu 说:

    “Plenty of videos and photos from different angles and different cameras.” – Yes, there are plenty of videos form different angles but only one video shows some flying object. It is possible that the video is fake. Just like the pict of Netanyahu holding map of Beirut harbor turned out to be fake. Even Thierry Meyssan backed off from his claims.

    On the night of 6 August 2020, we posted an article by Thierry Meyssan titled “Israel destroys East Beirut with a new weapon”. To illustrate our point, we included a video showing a missile striking the alleged Hezbollah warehouse in the port of Beirut.

    This video, whose origin we acknowledged that we didn’t know, turned out to be a fabrication made from CNN footage.

    Moreover, Benjamin Netanyahu’s photo is not the correct one.

    • 回复: @Kapyong
    , @Alfred
  120. Taxi 说:
    @Majority of One

    I invite you to my blog to post your worthy ideas: platosguns.com

    • 回复: @L.K
    , @Mario Partisan
  121. @Taxi

    So israel is a “she”? You do good by defending your girlfriend, you super smart and gallant boy.


    Spot on! His hatred of Islam is well known.

    Gallant Boy Quote: If we are going to arrange the Abrahamic triad of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam into two contrasted camps, they should be ‘Christianity’ and ‘Judeo-Islam.’




    P.S. Excellent article! Keep up the good work!

  122. This article is complete nonsense.

    Despite the fact that both Israel and the US would gain by the destruction of Beirut’s major port, the author offers no concrete evidence to charge both of these nations with the crime. Instead, he attempts to “connect the dots” through speculation and Geo-strategic assumptions, which may or may not be true as the author provides little evidence to support such assumptions with the exception that it will prevent the spread of Chinese influence in the area, which it will not as the Chinese will simply rebuild the port with additional defensive mechanisms.

    The US and Israel do not scare China as one is militarily incompetent, while the other doesn’t have enough of a military to make a difference to Chinese formidable forces and technologies.

    The author finally makes the assumption that the US is preparing for war with China. With the monies thrown at the US military and the constant saber rattling towards China these days, such an assumption could be a legitimate concern for authors writing on the matter.

    However, anyone who has kept a close eye on US military developments and the host of issues that US Forces suffer under understands that the US will never be able to take on China militarily successfully. And this is known both in the civilian analyst establishment as well as within the Pentagon itself.

    Though I enjoy he Unz Review’s many, diverse articles, I also find that many of the publications here are compiled of nothing more than gross speculation connecting a seemingly swathe of coincidental events and agendas to support the assumptions that come out of such speculation.

    No matter what the US wants it is not in a position to go to war with China and with present trends, never will be. What we have here instead is a bunch of loudmouthed politicians making all types of noise, which has very little effect on sophisticated thinking leaders around the world.

    The United States, with all its potential should have still been a primary economic powerhouse in today’s world but it has lost it all simply due to the outlandish greed, hubris, and incompetence of its politicians and business leaders. Nations in such dire straits do not go to war unless they want to commit suicide. I do not believe the US has reached that point just yet….

    • 回复: @Harold Smith
  123. anon[173]• 免责声明 说:


    Israel is aware of the nuclear sites ,the general nature of the protection of the sites and specific people involved in maintenance .

    Israel can bribe, can blackmail, and cause a similar explosions .

    America needs to move those sites where the American Zionist live.

  124. Geowhizz 说:

    同意。 声学特征(高频加载的声波报告)和凝结云对称性都表明爆炸是瞬间引爆的。 2.7 kt 的 AN 极不可能在没有援助的情况下像炸弹一样爆炸。 通常的嫌疑人比比皆是。

    • 同意: Harold Smith
    • 回复: @AB_Anonymous
  125. @Majority of One

    ‘What would it take to compel you–some Zionist goon smashing you in the face because you stated quite clearly, “I loathe Israel”?’

    The irony is that this wouldn’t in fact do anything to demonstrate that the explosion in Beirut had been caused by Israel.

    Look: half-assed conspiracy theories are a dime a dozen. For any given potential actor a, and any given catastrophic event b, there’s someone somewhere who thinks a caused b. How many different parties killed President Kennedy? They can’t 所有 已经做到了。


    以色列的犯罪活动是一个目标丰富的环境。 我可以继续 网页 — and have — demonstrating Israel certainly or almost certainly had a hand in an endless array of criminal acts — from the assassination of Folke Bernadotte in 1948 to foreknowledge of the 9/11 attack in 2001 to the innocent Palestinian woman Israeli soldiers shot and killed the day before yesterday.

    为什么要胡说八道? 如果您坚持可以提供确凿证据支持的指控,那么您对以色列的指控就会更有力。

    • 回复: @Old Jew
  126. cassandra 说:
    @Yukon Jack

    我去你的网站看了一下,发现你已经删除了你的一个视频。只是想知道您是否考虑过创建一个 bitchute 帐户。

  127. @Steve Naidamast

    “No matter what the US wants it is not in a position to go to war with China and with present trends, never will be. What we have here instead is a bunch of loudmouthed politicians making all types of noise, which has very little effect on sophisticated thinking leaders around the world.”

    Unfortunately, evil people – and evil governments run by evil people – do what they do because they’re evil, not because their acts make any kind of “sense.” In fact evil people have a habit of destroying themselves (and often everything around them), because they can’t help themselves. So just because the U.S. (“government”) may not be “in a position to go to war with China” doesn’t mean it won’t start a war with China.

    • 回复: @Steve Naidamast
  128. @Taxi

    Okay. I’m trying. By the way, you’re fairly witty. Thanks for the article.

    • 回复: @Taxi
  129. 36 ulster 说:

    It looks like Les Libanais are thoroughly pissed, but not at (((The Usual Suspect))). They’re in a full-throated rage against their “government.” Some even urged Macron to annex their tormented land–perhaps unaware of the chaos in France (or maybe they are but they don’t care). Not so much nostalgia but anemoia, since I doubt whether there are many living Lebanese who experienced firsthand the inter-war, post Sykes-Picot Lebanon.

    • 回复: @Robjil
  130. L.K 说:
    @Harold Smith

    Why would Israel need to use a nuclear anything to destroy the port when there was 2750 tons of ammonium nitrate already there which just needed to be detonated (with a conventional high explosive munition)?


    Sometimes the OBVIOUS needs to be stated explicitly.

    It reminds me of 9-11, of the disinformation re the use of mini nukes…


    这篇题为“太机密而不能发表:布什核盗版暴露——俄罗斯打开关于 9/11 核子和以色列核扩散的文件”的文章包含许多明显的错误,因为它推动了使用核弹摧毁双子塔的想法。
    The obvious purpose of the Gordon Duff article is to try to deny the presence and role of thermite (super-thermite in particular) in the destruction of the towers.

    • 回复: @Iris
  131. @Majority of One


    它支持 VT 文章附带的图表。


    • 谢谢: Alfred
    • 回复: @Majority of One
  132. Rick Wiles and Team at TruNews replay video of Trump telling reporters that “the generals say they think it was an attack.”


    MSM first criticized, then swallowed that news, so TruNews played clip of Trump meeting with US generals as the replacement for retiring Air Force Gen. Goldfein, the first Jewish general to serve as the chief of staff of USAF. Goldfein had been “bypassed by Trump” to be the president’s top military advisor.

    TruNews discussed a 2019 article from Times of Israel that quoted Goldfein, in Israel standing beside Israeli president Rivlin, saying, “We [US military] will always stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel.”
    The occasion was Israel’s test-flight of the US F35.

    In 2018, Haaretz reported that Goldfein was “under consideration by Netanyahu to be the leader of the Israeli defense force.”

    While the photo of Goldfein in Trump’s office on Aug. 6 captured a grim-visaged USAF general, in the latter two photos the thin line of Goldfein’s lips formed a far happier smile.

    @44 min, TruNews shows the clip of Netanyahu at United Nations highlighting the same warehouse that was exploded.

    @55 min., Wiles and team discuss the development and use of a 定向能武器, noting that Defense News reported that Israel had achieved a “tactical laser breakthrough,” — it developed a “solid state laser source capable of producing a coherent beam” that can be used from a “platform in the sky . . . a plane.”

    US Representative Ted Liu introduced H.R.6725 that “authorized the DoD to carry out research and development on a joint basis with Israel to establish directed energy capabilities that address threats to US or Israel.”

    At the 1:00 mark, a 2015 recording is played of the destruction of a car in a desert in Iraq, presumably by a 定向能武器. The TruNews team calls the audience’s attention to the quick flash of light that precedes the explosion.

    • 谢谢: Tommy Thompson, ChuckOrloski
    • 回复: @Desert Fox
    , @utu
  133. L.K 说:
    @Tommy Thompson

    VT as in Veterans Today?

    It is disinformation.

  134. jsinton 说:

    While Hezbollah does have some Christian allies, Aoun for example, the fact remains that most Lebanese who are not Shi’ite regard Hezbollah as evil terrorist that should all be executed. Shiites are the majority population, thus why they win elections and control the government. Sunni and Christians see Hezbollah as the death of Lebanon, and I don’t see much reason to doubt that view. Careful observers don’t see black and white, only infinite shades of grey. God will sort them out one day.

    • 巨魔: L.K, vot tak
    • 回复: @Ann Nonny Mouse
  135. L.K 说:

    Thanks for your articles, Taxi.


  136. Curmudgeon 说:
    @Oscar Peterson

    Yes, and that includes the current President and former head of the military, Michel Aoun, who was forced out of Lebanon by Syria, which had entered the Beqaa Valley to stop the sectarian slaughters, and refused to leave. Aoun is a nationalist, and understands that the Hezbollah militia is part of Lebanon’s defense force against Israeli invasions. Even Robert Fisk, who detested Hezbollah recognized that.

  137. cassandra 说:

    奥卡姆剃刀人。 最简单的解释几乎无一例外都是正确的解释。 在这种情况下,只有一个词:疏忽。


    • 回复: @Patagonia Man
    , @Jmaie
    , @Kapyong
  138. A123 说:
    @Ilya G Poimandres

    你听过纳斯鲁拉说话吗? 在我看来,他听起来非常精明、通情达理,而且一点也不咄咄逼人。

    Do not be suckered in by his staged “nice guy” media bits. G. W. Bush also did not sound agressive. How aggressive was W?

    你不必相信我。 黎巴嫩的基督徒鄙视纳斯鲁拉对黎巴嫩造成的破坏。 没有伊朗的钱来支撑他,门面正在崩溃。 黎巴嫩人民将纳斯鲁拉挂在雕像上。

    纳斯鲁拉是一个敌人众多的怪物,他需要恐惧和贿赂才能生存。 钱已经用完了,恐惧正在消退。 除非他跳过这个国家,否则他到年底的机会非常渺茫。


    • 巨魔: vot tak
    • 回复: @anon
    , @Franklin Ryckaert
  139. Curmudgeon 说:

    Neutron bombs are higher “deadly” radiation (as if some radiation isn’t deadly) and lower physical damage to buildings. I believe it would be easier to track, as radiation poisoning would already be setting in.

  140. In answer to Sally at comment 119 good question raised:

    “Can one tract neutrons after a neutron bomb has been detonated?”

    There are always atomic sub particles given off that go into the atmosphere during any atomic chain reaction, fission or fusion, and this what intergovernmental agencies do, they monitor the air / atmosphere for signs that some one has done a a nuclear misdeed.

    VT’s article contain a graph of the event readings of radiation levels after the Beirut event. if it was not Beirut?

    In fact at comment No 137 Mario Partisan above has included the radiation event readings picked by the IAEA.

    • 谢谢: Mario Partisan
    • 回复: @Kapyong
  141. @Desert Fox

    To which we can add to your list, Fox:

    1. The Vatican – which suffered a coup d’état in 1958 with the death of Pius XII; and more recently
    2. the UN Secretary-General’s office which has been appropriated by the US State Department, better known as Zio-Central

    … as well as many other NGO’s foremost amongst them Human Rights Watch, etc, etc

  142. @Harold Smith

    Though I agree with you I prefer not to use the nebulous term of “evil”. I much prefer, “shitty Human beings”…

    In any event, I did say that unless the US (nations in such dire straights) wants to commit suicide, it will not commit to any such war…

    • 回复: @Harold Smith
  143. schrub 说:

    FYI Ammonium nitrate only becomes highly explosive only with the addition of 6% fuel oil. Otherwise, its most common use is as a safe, everyday fertilizer.

    Something is rather fishy about this explosion. The question here should also be, who else would have had prior knowledge about the load of ammonium nitrate stored on this stalled ship for such a long period besides the port authorities?

    Who? Bibi Netanyahu for absolutely sure. He has always been ESPECIALLY interested in any ship arriving in Beirut that might potentially be delivering weapons to Hezbollah. He would be PARTICULARLY interested in any ship docking in Beirut with such a huge load of potentially explosive ammonium nitrate.

    In fact, Bibi probably knows the exact contents of every ship docking in Beirut right down to its final sheet of toilet paper. This huge amount of ammonium nitrate would have been of great interest to him at least because of his fear of what Israel’s enemies might use it for if they got in their hands (which, very conveniently they didn’t).

    The ammonium nitrate used in the explosion originally arrived on the ship seven years ago whereupon the Lebanese government then mysteriously charged the owner of the ship with an enormous fee (penalty?) that he was unable to pay thereby preventing the ship’s departure. How utterly convenient for Bibi.

    Once the ship was, in effect, permanently docked in Beirut, it (along with its contents) it would have almost immediately come under strict but well hidden Israeli security provided by either Israeli agents or, more likely, paid for Lebanese or arab mercenaries). The Israelis weren’t about to let the untrustworthy and Hezbollah friendly Lebanese government ever guard such a valuable and dangerous cargo. Once the Israelis had secured this cargo to their own satisfaction it gave them the defacto possession of a major offensive weapon just sitting there waiting to be used if Lebanon were to get a little too uppity.

    The high Mossad level honchos in Tel Aviv must have been having wet dreams for all seven years now about the potential use of this massive load of ammonium nitrate. These dreams probably started even before the ship’s original arrival in Beirut.

    Among the things that should be investigated is why was the ship was allowed to occupy a valuable and apparently unpaid berth for such a long period of time (seven years). Was Israel or the USA paying for the berth secretly.

    Usually ships considered derelict and abandoned are relatively quickly sold off along off along with any cargo to repay fees and accruing penalties demanded by greedy bureaucrat and to regain the valuable occupied berth. Somehow, this common procedure wasn’t followed in this case even though the Lebanese government had been, in addition, repeatedly warned over this same long period about the potential use of ship’s contents by terrorists. Who exactly stalled the normal procedures?

    Why would Israel have allowed the ship’s cargo along with its potential threat to remain in place for seven years even after it had already secured the ammonium nitrate cargo to its own very high, almost paranoid, security requirements. Maybe this was done unless because Israel had decided it might be willing to use them on the Lebanese in the future. This also means that Israel itself was most likely a major factor in the ship’s original and mysterious seizure.

    If the Israeli was merely worried about the existence of the ammonium nitrate threatening its own existence it could have bought the cargo from the chronically cash strapped Lebanese government to prevent it falling into its enemies’ hands Or, more likely the US government would have been pressured to pay the Lebanese handsomely for the it, whereupon it would either have either been shipped to Israel or free or simply disposed of by dumping it harmlessly far at sea where it would have quickly dissolved.

    Yet no such sale along with a the accompanying removal or disposal took place. Why?

    No, the ammonium nitrate was kept in place over the years for its future offensive use which eventually came to pass.

    I can imagine that rather recentl,y mysterious tanker trucks carrying the required fuel oil suddenly started rolling up to where the ammonium nitrate was then being stored whereupon they discharged their their fuel oil contents into it. These loads continued right up to the point where the required 6% figure mixture was achieved.

    Then, bang! Apparently the Lebanese had finally become just too much of a problem. They then suddenly became the recipient of a little Old Testament retribution.

    Would Israel be willing to do something this outrageous. Of course. It is Israel after all, Just ask any Palestinian this question.

    Let’s see if the chemical investigation of the explosion site reveals the mysterious appearance of an abnormally large amount of fuel oil residue being present. If any honest report (as rare as they are) does, in fact, mention the appearance of the fuel oil, you-know-who was the culprit.

    • 回复: @Harold Smith
  144. @Emily

    可悲的是艾米丽,自 2005 年法国-沙特-黎巴嫩总理拉菲克·哈里里被暗杀以来,黎巴嫩已经建立了傀儡政府,并且

    截至 2020 年 XNUMX 月,他的儿子、法国、沙特、黎巴嫩亿万富翁萨阿德·哈里里(以及他的房地产亿万富翁兄弟)一度宣布辞去黎巴嫩总理职务 沙特。

    You’re quite right, Hezbollah along with their Iranian and Syrian 盟友 正在寻求捍卫黎巴嫩作为一个自由和独立的主权国家。

    That’s why sensible Lebanese people who don’t want to see their country become a staging post for more Israeli attacks to achieve the ultimate goal of Eretz Y’israel (aka the Greater Israel Project) would vote for Hezbollah.


  145. @cassandra


    尽管造成这场灾难的一个重要原因是黎巴嫩某些港口官员的严重疏忽,但 定时 这暴露了它,卡桑德拉。

    下周,联合国设立的黎巴嫩问题特别法庭 (STL) 将就 2005 年黎巴嫩总理拉菲克·哈里里 (Rafic Hariri) 遇刺事件进行报告。

    The zionist entity had previously accused Hezbollah of the crime (“accuse your enemy of that which you are most guilty”), but whatever determination the STL now makes will be swamped by the devastation, tragic deaths of the Lebanese people and the seething anger they have for years of neglect/betrayal by their political leadership.


    • 回复: @cassandra
  146. Desert Fox 说:

    新闻网 is one of the best sites that tells the truth about Israel and the zionists, and in regards to DEWs, in regards to 911, drjudywood.com网站 wheredidthetowergo.com tells how Israel and the ZUS did 911.

    • 谢谢: SolontoCroesus
    • 回复: @Sparkon
  147. Jmaie 说:

    奥卡姆剃刀人。 最简单的解释几乎无一例外都是正确的解释。 在这种情况下,只有一个词:疏忽。


    Occam’s razor says neither. A simple explanation which fits all relevant data is preferred because it’s more likely to be 可证明的 纠正。

    不仅仅是语义上的差异,尤其是在这种情况下。我们有视频(据称是肯定的)显示储存肥料附近似乎有烟花燃放。够简单的。另一方面,我们有 VT 报告的辐射峰值,但似乎世界上每个机构都拒绝报告。

    And that VT missile imagery is absurd – “infrared” pictures showing:
    – the missile tail fins in sharp contrast (?!?) but nothing from the exhaust
    – if the exhaust was completely spent (with zero residual gas) then the missile would be in free fall (meaning a hyperbolic trajectory) and yet there was no change in decent angle despite the varying heights at which it was (allegedly) photographed
    – identically strong heat signatures from the person in the foreground to the cart in the background
    – same heat signature from the cart’s driver and wheels
    – the person in the foreground giving off the same amount of heat from ankle to head

    And yet we have folks certain that Israel dropped a nuke because “they benefit” seemingly constitutes evidence of guilt.

    • 谢谢: A123
    • 回复: @A123
    , @Majority of One
  148. @Taxi

    Why don’t you instead answer Colin Wright’s Q? Just because event A benefits X doesn’t mean X caused A.

    After all YOU benefitted from this event too, because you could thus blame Israel once again in a public forum (your favourite thing to do). Therefore maybe YOU committed this act.

    Your article is just the usual anti-Israel stuff. Zero evidence of anything.

    How does Syria NOT benefit from chaos in Lebanon?
    How does Iran NOT benefit from chaos in Lebanon?

    What evidence is there that Syria or Turkey DID NOT cause the explosion?

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @Druid
  149. @Steve Naidamast

    “Though I agree with you I prefer not to use the nebulous term of ‘evil.’ I much prefer, ‘shitty Human beings’…”

    I know lots of people don’t like the word “evil” (and its connotations) but I see it as the best way to describe certain irrational aspects of human behavior; behavioral aspects for which there is no satisfactory “worldly” explanation, IMO. (Note that people can also do irrational “good” things like risking their lives to pull a stranger from a burning car; throwing themselves on top of a hand grenade to save their fellow soldiers, etc.).

    “In any event, I did say that unless the US (nations in such dire straights) wants to commit suicide, it will not commit to any such war…

    Not to nitpick, but the meaning of terms is important here. If the “US” starts another self-destructive war, it likely won’t be the choice of the “nation” (i.e. it won’t be by popular demand), but most likely because some madmen manipulated another madman in a high political office into it.

  150. @schrub

    “FYI Ammonium nitrate only becomes highly explosive only with the addition of 6% fuel oil. Otherwise, its most common use is as a safe, everyday fertilizer.”

    That’s incorrect. As the robust historical record proves, pure ammonium nitrate can be detonated, albeit not as easily as when mixed with a fuel.


  151. utu 说:

    “@44 min, TruNews shows the clip of Netanyahu at United Nations highlighting the same warehouse that was exploded.”

    This is a fake video somebody prepared and many like TrueNews or VoltaireNet were deceived by. Actually this might be a very clever approach to discredit ‘conspiracy theorists’ by feeding them fakes supporting their desired narrative.

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  152. A123 说:

    另一方面,我们有 VT 报告的辐射峰值,但似乎世界上每个机构都拒绝报告。

    One of the graphics in this chain is from https://radmon.org/index.php which is a crowd sharing service. They got one low level (yellow) warning and no red alerts. The yellow warning was from Station #22 in Sicily, hundreds of miles away.

    在我撰写本文时,苏格兰的 50 号站有黄色警告,而西西里岛的 22 号站则为绿色。这也是贝鲁特的吗?我有点怀疑。



    • 回复: @Majority of One
  153. Robjil 说:
    @36 ulster

    Better yet for Russia, China and Iran to annex Lebanon, at least they are partly free of Zion.

    France is a total Zion puppet now. It could be no help to Lebanon now.

    It would be funny to hear all the Zionists screeching in our “free” press if one of these three took over Lebanon now.

    • 回复: @Iris
  154. Iris 说:

    Who assassinated all the Lebanese MPs in the 2000’s?

    It is Isreal and the US who murdered PM Rafiq Hariri.

    Hariri’s head of security was bribed to change the PM’s route. Upon return from Parliament, he made the PM’s convoy pass by a route closer to the seafront, where his car was hit by a missile sent from an Israeli frigate at sea.

    In a 2014 book ” النفاق الأميرك” (American Hypocrisy), the story was revealed by political analyst Amran Adham, who got the details from retired CIA officer John Perkins.


    • 谢谢: Hiram of Tyre
    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
    , @Hiram of Tyre
  155. anon[460]• 免责声明 说:
    @Franklin Ryckaert

    将一个国家称为“她”是旧式英语。 更现代的风格是将一个国家称为“它”,但两者都是正确的。


    Yeah, except that your jew cunt pseuodostate in jew occupied Palestine isn’t “a country”, so you and your fellow jew-loving race-baiting shabbos goy faggot “Colin Wright”, can go suffocate on a jew’s half-dick.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @Fran Taubman
  156. jsinton 说:
    @Kevin Barrett

    He’s right. There’s no evidence. The “JOOS” did it is an interesting theory at this point. The Lebanese kleptocracy stored 2,750 tons of ammonia nitrate in unsafe conditions for 7 years in the heart of the city. Anyone that knows Lebanon knows it’s a mafioso state, controlled by different mafia factions. The Lebanese government said a welder went out there to patch holes with a welding torch and later someone saw smoke. That was the initial story. Even Hezbollah said “wait and see”. This article is all 1+1=3 and simply assumes the “JOOS” did it, without any sort of hard evidence. I’m waiting for the evidence, why don’t you before you shoot your mouth off?

    • 同意: Colin Wright
    • 回复: @Robjil
  157. 真主党所关心的只是花费精力来对抗和击败以色列。



    I am lying here after a completely exhausting day working looking at my dogs thinking they could write a more intelligent article then this. Don’t look at the spooks inside Lebanon. Look at Israel. No Lebanon is a mess all by it’s lonesome sectarian self, and you guessed it everyone hates Nasrallah (who sleeps in a different bunker every night with his black turban)and Hezbollah, a government within a government supported by an outside government (Iran) what is wrong with that? Gosh I cannot imagine.


    • 巨魔: L.K
  158. anon[460]• 免责声明 说:
    @Ann Nonny Mouse

    Learn English, Taxi.

    It’s and old custom to call ships, sheilas and states: she.

    Grow a fucking brain, Ann Nonny Mouse.

    The jew terror regime in jew occupied Palestine isn’t a legitimate “state” and never will be.

  159. @Mario Partisan


  160. @A123


    • 哈哈: A123
    • 回复: @A123
  161. Sparkon 说:
    @Desert Fox

    So why didn’t the Israelis just use their death ray DEW to destroy the warehouse and ignite the AN? Or even shoot the works, and melt Beirut with the darn thing? In your mind, and Dr. Wood’s, ZOG took down the Twin Towers with their space beam, so a warehouse should be a a piece of cake for those guys with that kind of power at their disposal.

    Seriously, the purported missile videos are fake, while other still frames probably show a bird, like the red circled object in Alfred’s #114.

    It is a likely disinformation tactic to flood the market with bogus conspiracy theories to hide or obscure the real conspiracies, in the same way that chaff hides a target from radar by overwhelming the system with spurious signals. The signal gets lost in the noise, and the Israelis can call upon their “Jew under every rock” defense.

    So far, the massive explosion in Beirut looks to me like a terrible accident, probably a classical Cluster Flunk subsection of Murphy’s Law, where a dire conjunction of malfeasance, incompetence, and stupid errors results in a tragic disaster.

    Nevertheless, at this stage, until we learn more, sabotage cannot be ruled out.

  162. anon[173]• 免责声明 说:

    Jews created terrorist groups who terrorized Lebanon in 70s and early 80s . Using this excuse, Israel attacked Lebanon . Jews always wanted multi confessional states in Lebanon, The Jews even tried to assassinate American envoy in Lebanon .

    Christian always respected and supported Shia resistance .

    Nasser Olivetti a Lebanese Christian and reporter of CNN was fired for writing fondly about the Shia leader Fadallah .

    Jews are confused at home . Without American money and help, it would have broken apart along conservative,reform,orthodox, secular, Sheperdic Ashkenzi lines by this time. But it will . Just the way it had in the past .

  163. Robjil 说:

    Well, we are all in dark about this.

    Why? The powers ruling us never admit that they did wrong ever.

    The invasion of Iran was wrong.

    The destruction of Libya was wrong.

    The support for Isis by US, Israel, Turkey and others was wrong.

    The support for Al-Nusra, an Al-Qaeda derivative, by Israel and the US was wrong.

    This insane, irrational behavior by the powers ruling us started on 12.23.1913.

    Before that time we had the Belle Epoque, were allowed to freely question our rulers.


  164. Iris 说:

    The WTC complex was destroyed at the basement level: this fact should be carefully reflected upon by anybody wishing to express an educated opinion, as no thermite can ever achieve such effect. Only underground nuclear weapons can.

    The 3d image of the WTC ruins, generated in late September 2001 using LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology, undisputedly show negative altitudes (holes) where the Twin Towers used to stand, and where rubble should have piled up if the buildings had come down by conventional controlled demolition.

    Both thermite and nuclear weapons were used to destroy the WTC, each to achieve a different purpose.


    • 不同意: L.K
  165. A123 说:
    @Majority of One






    One of the graphics in this chain is from https://radmon.org/index.php which is a crowd sharing service. They got one low level (yellow) warning and no red alerts. The yellow warning was from Station #22 in Sicily, hundreds of miles away.

    在我撰写本文时,苏格兰的 50 号站有黄色警告,而西西里岛的 22 号站则为绿色。这也是贝鲁特的吗?我有点怀疑。


    If you believe it is a nuke, provide a link to multiple, independent, *严肃的* sources tracking the massive, obvious, fallout dispersal. This is a very easy ask, as the jet stream would have carried radioactive fallout to Damascus, Baghdad, and possibly Tehran by now.

    Of course — You cannot do so — Because 你是一个被证实的骗子。


    • 回复: @Majority of One
  166. @Mahomet A Mahomet

    ‘Why don’t you instead answer Colin Wright’s Q? Just because event A benefits X doesn’t mean X caused A.

    After all YOU benefitted from this event too, because you could thus blame Israel once again in a public forum (your favourite thing to do). Therefore maybe YOU committed this act.

    Your article is just the usual anti-Israel stuff. Zero evidence of anything.

    How does Syria NOT benefit from chaos in Lebanon?
    How does Iran NOT benefit from chaos in Lebanon?

    What evidence is there that Syria or Turkey DID NOT cause the explosion?’

    This post demonstrates why it’s best to stick to accusations against Israel that can be solidly substantiated.

    There are plenty of such accusations. It’s a target-rich environment. There’s no need to play around with this sort of thing. It just weakens the general case against Israel.

    …maybe I’m being kind of goal-oriented here. To me, the truth of the Beirut explosion is kind of secondary; it can’t be ascertained, so forget it. The point is to get rid of Israel — or at least secure a divorce from her for the US.

    What furthers that goal is good. What slows progress is bad. Pending 固体 evidence of Israel’s complicity, forget about the Beirut explosion. The time, energy, and credibility is better expended elsewhere.

    • 同意: MrVoid
  167. @anon

    ‘…so you and your fellow jew-loving race-baiting shabbos goy faggot “Colin Wright”, can go suffocate on a jew’s half-dick.’

    Lol (and I only post that when I really do laugh).

    Your insult is so far off base it’s actually funny. Try visiting my site. Try combing through my posts. Ask Fran. Just last week I was an ‘antisemite’ and now I’m a ‘shabbos goy.’

    What’s a feller to do?

    I’d still punch you in the nose for your remarks if the opportunity presented itself — but nevertheless, it is funny.

  168. Behavior patterns + Occam’s Razor + “Cui bono” → Israel

  169. anon[772]• 免责声明 说:

    I am a Christian, so you must be talking about you self…


    No one’s buying your absurd jew taqiyya here, Shlomo Ben-Jew Cunt.

    Go sell your delusional zio jew shit on breitbart or elderofzioyon.


  170. A welder set off the AN just like a cigarette burnt down Notre Dame Cathedral.

    • 回复: @Robjil
  171. anon[352]• 免责声明 说:
    @Ilya G Poimandres

    You complain about Taqiyya – and that is a fault within Islam – but damming the whole for the failure of a part, that is unreasonable.

    The reason why Satan-worshiping jew freaks like Shlomo Ben-Jew Cunt always “complain about Taqiyya”, is because they’re projecting their own Talmudic jew deception, which is the very core of their Satanic jew cult, onto others.

  172. @Iris

    Oh Iris,

    Is there anything Israel and the Jews have not done. Don’t you crack yourself up with guess who did it? 9/11, every war, Covid, Beirut?

    • 回复: @Iris
  173. @anon

    Niki, Niki, Niki. Big Iranian/ American lawyer letting your ID out. Shame, shame. JUJU cut.

    • 回复: @Art
  174. @Tommy Thompson

    “…this Hiroshima style event…”

    Having stood at both ground zeroes in/of Hiroshima and Nagasaki [in which, respectively, 70,000 and 90,000 people died instantly] I can’t agree with labeling this explosion as such an event on an ‘equal’ level, as both cities were hit by 2 different A-bombs and it is still unclear what happened in Beirut exactly.

    Whatever happened in Beirut, and all those innocent lies taken with it, stands on its own 2 feet – the ‘Beirut Port Explosion “。

  175. Anonymous[276]• 免责声明 说:

    Of course, there should be radiation readings to back up the nuke theory.

    It’s absolutely clear cut. Background radiation readings are so far below ground zero readings from even the smallest possible nuclear explosion, that one minute with a geiger counter will be sufficient to confirm/refute this theory.

    Until I see videos of radiation detectors registering serious increases, then this theory can go in the bin, along with that absurd 9/11 mini nuke hoax.

    • 回复: @Herald
  176. Art 说:

    The world will never be told if Israel did this bombing. That knowledge would force Hezbollah into retaliation, and a war would ensue that could involve the US and Russia. Nobody wants that. The US, Russia, Lebanon, Israel, Iran, Syria, Turkey, and Jordan all fear a war.

    Only the worldwide Big Jew hawks want a war – long term they want southern Lebanon – and are willing to sacrifice a lot of Little Jews to do it.

    Looks like the EU Jew central bankers have Macron of France, working on starting a color war in Lebanon. Their goal is to divide and push Hezbollah out of political power.

    p.s. First I know nothing, but in IMHO there was too much of a space and time separation between the two explosions for there to be a causal connection.

    • 谢谢: Iris
  177. Kapyong 说:

    “Just like the pict of Netanyahu holding map of Beirut harbor turned out to be fake.”

    Netanyahu holding a (faked) sign is an common internet meme – no-one should fall for that any more.

  178. Robjil 说:

    We are not allowed to question our rulers these days or even to look at evidence. That is the way the world is since 12.23.1913.

    Look at the what some Zionists thought about the Notre Dame fire.


    A prominent religious-Zionist rabbi known for his extremist views suggested on Wednesday that the fire that gutted the famed Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris earlier this week may have been divine retribution for the mass-burning of Talmud volumes by French Catholic priests in the city eight centuries earlier.

    Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, the rabbi of the Beit El settlement and head of the Ateret Yerushalayim yeshiva, said that Jews should not commit arson against churches, but also that there was no duty to be saddened by the fire, which gutted the famed 12th-century cathedral.

    Look at what “happened” the exact same day. Something is fishy about both these events. Yet in our “free” press we can not investigate all this. Just like this explosion in Beirut. The powers that be do not allow us to talk about them, notice them or question them. It is a strange world that we have been living in the past hundred and some years.

    The world watched as the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris burned, due to a disastrous inferno that nearly crippled the 850-year-old church. Nearly 3,000 miles away, the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem also dealt with an apparently accidental fire of its own.

    The al-Aqsa fire received much less attention in the news, but the burning of this 984-year-old mosque draws our attention to two of the important sites in Christendom and the Islamic world. While the fires are indeed unfortunate, they provide an opportunity for Christians and Muslims to reflect upon their common humanity and assist each other in the repairing of sacred spaces.

    • 谢谢: SeekerofthePresence
  179. Fool 说:


  180. @Taxi


    对于您和本网站上的其他所有人,请转至我的评论#137,并将第一张图片复制到您各自的设备上。如果您访问该网站,请下载 7 天的 CSV 文件。


    正如有人在 radmon 网站上观察到的那样:


    该站素以稳定着称,故障时间与黎巴嫩爆炸直接“重合”? 更不用说暖流急流可能会携带颗粒物从黎巴嫩飞往意大利。

    为什么我们这么快就假设“哦,我们可靠的仪器突然出现故障”? 并不是说这种事永远不会发生,但这确实是一个非常奇怪的时机。


    我很好奇这个站的历史数据现在已经被“替换”了。如果它出现故障,他们如何神奇地获得 4 月 XNUMX 日的“正确”数据?


    第二位评论者对故障与贝鲁特爆炸“同时发生”的观察提出质疑,以支持故障的想法。他链接到网站上的一张图片,该图片显示第一个 CPM 峰值出现在 2:14 左右。 VT 的图像也显示了这一点。现在,美国政府地震数据显示(主要)爆炸发生在 UTC/GMT 06:15,这与哥伦比亚广播公司 (CBS) 的一篇文章将事件发生在当地时间下午 08:6/09:18 相吻合。黎巴嫩目前采用东欧夏令时间 (GMT+09)。但是,如果确实发生了故障,那么奇怪的是,故障正好发生在爆炸前一小时。是什么赋予了?如果黎巴嫩和西西里岛都采用夏令时,那么碰巧黎巴嫩比西西里岛早一小时,但如果西西里岛数据是 UTC/GMT,则这应该不重要。

    但即便如此,我下载的 CSV 文件也无法确认评论者的 14:06 时间。相反,第一个峰值发生在 14 点 51 分,距大爆炸仅 17 分钟。并且“故障”持续了几天。


    请记住,DJT 在新闻发布会上报道说,他的将军们告诉他,这可能是一次“袭击”。

    • 回复: @A123
  181. @Robjil

    It is like a fist suddenly coming down from the sky.

    To me it’s always been more like a sucker-punch. The thing you didn’t see coming. Anything coming down from the sky would be visible for miles and one would have ample time to act accordingly, no?

  182. Kapyong 说:

    “Occam said simplest, not the most simplistic.”

    原始 Razor 通常是这样给出的:
    “entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem”

    “entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity”

    The key verb is “不相乘” – don’t multiply entities, or don’t add extra things – i.e. to 隔断 whatever is not needed. That’s why it’s called Occam’s Razor and not Occam’s Chooser or Occam’s Decider.

    “Cut off everything unnecessary.”

    • 谢谢: gay troll
    • 回复: @Majority of One
  183. Iris 说:

    France is a total Zion puppet now. It could be no help to Lebanon now.

    The role played by President Macron in the unfolding Lebanon tragedy screams of choregraphed Zionist foul play.

    First, Macron flew to Beyrouth, allegedly to support the people but actually only adding fuel to the fire by immediately demanding an international inquiry into the causes of the “explosion”.
    Such demand de facto by-passes the sovereignty of the Lebanese state

    He has now gone further in protecting Israel and discarding its possible involvement. The Elysee presidential palace has just stated that France deems that “enough objective elements” are gathered to believe that the double explosion that ravaged the port of Beirut was of “偶然” origin.

    Such “beliefs” are in contradiction with the statements made by Lebanese President Michel Aoun, who rejected the request for an international investigation by his French counterpart, and said on Friday that the cause of the explosion had not yet been determined and that the possibility of external intervention could not be ruled out at this stage. “There is the possibility of outside interference such as a missile, a bomb or some other means,” said President Aoun.

    During a discussion with journalists, Michel Aoun recalled asking the French president Emmanuel Macron the day before to provide him with satellite images of the scene of the explosion, which Mr Macron had promised him. “If France does not send these images, we will ask other states in order to find out whether this was an external aggression or the consequences of negligence“他说。


    President Macron is acting as Israel’s delivery boy. His actions are objectively achieving the following:
    (1) swiftly and forcibly take the attention off a possible Israeli involvement
    (2) do so by a vile, veiled blackmail with regard to much needed reconstruction aid (France is setting up an international re-construction conference).
    (3) stir a fraction of the Lebanese people against their government to further undermine Lebanese sovereignty and defence capabilities.
    (4) give credibility to Hezbollah’s alleged “criminal negligence”. Zionist social media’s crystal ball was again in action, and informed straight after the explosion that the Shia militia weapon storage had caused the explosion.

    • 同意: SolontoCroesus, vot tak
    • 谢谢: Robjil
    • 回复: @Patagonia Man
  184. @vot tak

    …capable of lifting and transporting more than 700 containers per day or 480,000 containers per year.

    = 700 365 255,500

    480,000:365 = 1,315

    OK. It’s just math, but numbers do have to add up, don’t they…?

  185. Kapyong 说:
    @Tommy Thompson

    “There are always atomic sub particles given off that go into the atmosphere during any atomic chain reaction, fission or fusion, and this what intergovernmental agencies do, they monitor the air / atmosphere for signs that some one has done a a nuclear misdeed.”

    What about spent neutron radiation then ?
    Where do they end up ?
    (Because neutrons run out of velocity fairly quickly, right?)
    Is there a small quantity of free neutrons just floating around ?
    How on earth would you detect such neutrons ?

  186. Iris 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Try to reply to a rational argument by a contradictory rational argument, if you wish to prove your opponents wrong.

    Pulling your sempiternal “anti-Semitism” trump card just does no do it.

    Israel did 9/11 and killed 3000 innocent Americans in cold blood.

    • 哈哈: Fran Taubman
    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  187. vot tak 说:

    Well, well, well, the zionazi-gays break cover:

    ‘Lebanese people have suffered too much’: US encourages ‘peaceful’ regime change as protests rage in blast-ravaged Beirut


    The article itself is zionazi-gay promoting crap.

    The pieces are all falling into place as if by magic. It’s clear the Lebanon “maidan” was set up well in advance of the explosion. The tactics being employed are the same, even including cops being shot at. All zionazi, inc. forgot was the mutant handing out cookies.

    One story I’ve read is what started it all was a guy doing some welding on the warehouse the a.n. was stored in. If true, then the question is who ordered that welding to be done? Is it one of the people the government arrested soon after the explosion?

  188. Art 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    So Frannie — aren’t you jealous – the Little Jew men have all the fun.

    Palestinian Woman Dies after Being Shot during Israeli Army Raid


    A Palestinian woman died after being shot on Friday by Israeli soldiers during a raid in the West Bank city of Jenin.

    The Health Ministry confirmed that Dalia Samudi, 23, succumbed to her critical wounds after being hit by live bullets that penetrated her chest, liver and pancreas. She was taken to the hospital, where she was later pronounced dead.


    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  189. A123 说:
    @Mario Partisan


    — The Sicily station is hundreds of miles away and measured yellow, warning, low levels of radiation.
    — Much closer stations, including those in Turkey, stayed green = no unusual radiation.



    — The kinetic event cracked flooring. The low radiation count was basement Radon escaping into the lab area.
    — The kinetic event caused the measuring device to fall on the ground. The result was from a broken (or at least impact de-calibrated) device.


    Leave science to the scientists….


    • 回复: @Biff
  190. @Geowhizz


  191. Taxi hire Iris to sleuth this. Iris figured out that there were no planes that ran into the twin towers, that it was a controlled explosion nuclear no less from within the building that the Jews detonated.

    So here in Lebanon the Jews did a plane!!! into a building full of explosives, would that have not been the simplest of simple to detonate that building with an inside explosive, who would unload a traceable missile into that mess. LOL. You cannot make this stuff up, what they accuse the Jews of doing. Yeah the bombed the port, when all anyone had to do was light a match in the street.

    I am starting to think I am a genius next to clowns posting on this site. look look at the video of with the red x that is a bomb!!

  192. Biff 说:

    Didn’t look like a cornball fertilizer explosion to me.

  193. @Robjil

    Topple monuments,
    Erase history,
    Frame national heritage as racism,
    Label questions as hate-speech,
    Doctor police and news reports,
    Slash police departments,
    Encourage violent protest,
    Reconstruct the language,
    Forbid grammar and history teaching,
    Fire those who teach students to think,
    Censor conservative voices and websites,
    Destroy the nuclear family,
    Make people depend on state money,
    Focus the national will on war,
    Distract people with sports and entertainment,
    Prohibit congregation in churches,
    Open borders,
    Spend the national treasury without limit,


    This is how you demolish the old order and turn the State into God.

    • 同意: Robjil, ChuckOrloski
  194. 正如我一直在思考这个事件,它的原因和结果...... 我一直在回顾这个事实..为什么这堆硝酸铵会被当作潜在的炸弹来腐烂多年? 我唯一合乎逻辑的结论是,它一直在为真主党提供武器,他们做出了致命的错误估计,认为以色列永远不会袭击它,因为它位于充满活力的城市和基督教区的中心。

    正如文章所预示的那样,我怀疑这背后是以色列/美国/南非的一些组合。 我厌恶假犹太人的至上主义议程,并要求他们为亚美尼亚种族灭绝的策划者负责(年轻的土耳其人是唐梅,赫茨尔促成了种族灭绝,为他重新安置罗斯柴尔德犹太复国主义者的邪恶梦想打开了大门——阅读 Sabbathai Zevi /Jacob Frank巴勒斯坦,无论是哪种现代亚玛力人妨碍了他们)。 然而,假设你的粉末是干的,因为它在一个人口稠密的港口,而忽视至上主义种族的无情是彻头彻尾的愚蠢。

    坦率地说(双关语),如果我是一个无情的坦率的犹太复国主义者; 我也会做同样的事情来消灭我的敌人。 你被将死了,唯一的愤怒将是替代新闻的读者和婊子们。

    • 巨魔: vot tak
  195. Iris 说:

    Posting this for information purposes; please take with caution as video evidence can be faked and should not be trusted unless its chain of custody has been ascertained.

    Arab alternative media reports that Lebanese Army intelligence sources have leaked that preliminary information would indicate the explosion that occurred in Ward 12 of Beirut’s harbour was of deliberate origin.


    A drone-like craft would have been seen dropping an object on the warehouse about five minutes before the first explosion.

    The following videos would show a missile-like weapon causing the second explosion.

    • 回复: @Jmaie
    , @Daniel Rich
  196. @Iris

    No dispute they did Lebanon Lol. Did they fly planes in or did the building blow up by detonation. You know it all.

  197. Notsofast 说:

    ….I came, i saw, i declared martial law, im this marshall in the city…

  198. @Kapyong


  199. Iris 说:

    Reports in Arab alternative media seem to indicate that the Beirut harbour explosions are part of a carefully devised attack plan on Lebanon.

    The Office of the Middle East Commissioner of the International Commission on Human Rights and the Special Envoy of the International Council in Geneva, Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said, who is Lebanese, announced that they had received two letters regarding Beirut port bombings from the Commission’s legal department in Geneva, lawyer Farah Diba, asking the Lebanese state to open an international investigation into the incident in view of the conflicting reports reached with the Commission.

    On a separate note, the Commissioner’s Office added that preliminary information received through their regional office indicates that the first explosion was caused by an Israeli “Gabriel” anti-ship missile, and the second explosion by an Israeli “Dalilah” missile fired from an F16 jet.
    The Commissioner’s office informed that this information, alongside video evidence, was sent to the UN higher authorities.


    • 谢谢: Robjil, ChuckOrloski, Daniel Rich
    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  200. @jsinton

    That makes no sense to me. Hizballah has 保存 Lebanon! Twice!

    It is totally stupid to see it as the death of Lebanon. It has been the 生活 of Lebanon.

  201. 弗兰妮:很抱歉告诉大家这个坏消息,但这件事可能会成为压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草。犹太统治搬起石头砸自己的脚。就连他们的傀儡男孩马卡罗尼,法国傀儡政权的主要推动者,也曾短暂前往贝鲁特,并遭到奥恩总统的丛林袭击,奥恩总统的名字是米歇尔——这是一个非常法国化的绰号。


  202. @Art

    Oh Art I liked the video of me singing in the subway sans makeup.

    • 回复: @anon
  203. @Iris

    Arab alternative media. LOL. what is that. The Jews did it. They rerun the same clip. Arab alternative media is a cartoon clip they play over and over.

  204. R.C. 说:

    I look at this as a very well done cui bono article.learn much more than we already have.
    I’ve already reached my reasonable conclusion based upon what facts are out there now, before Team FUKUSraHell has been able to more fully censor them, am disgusted, and, for what little it’s worth, apologize to Beirut, Lebanon, to the extent I didn’t previously do something more drastic than hit keystrokes.

    • 同意: Daniel Rich
  205. Gman2 说:

    We are still recovering from the fall of the Ottoman Empire (Sykes-Picot).

  206. @Iris

    You’re quite right, Iris.

    Macron is an ex-Rothschild banker

    David de Rothschild on Brexit, banking and his old protégé Macron (在付费墙后面)



  207. animalogic 说:

    “Waving it away as “mere speculation” won’t work, although it does suggest anything you have to say be viewed as Israeli disinformation attempting to poison the well of honest investigation”
    “Mere speculation” was based on the contents of this article, which openly admitted it was not trying to find evidence of the a actual wrong doing.
    For myself, I believe your view that I am an Israeli troll because of my “disinformation” & “poison[ing]” the “well of honest investigation” is gross hyperbole.

  208. Notwithstanding that one of the reasons that led to this disaster is the total negligence of some Beirut port officials, there were clearly events in the port:

    1. the (deliberately lit) fire and minor explosions, smoke from which was used as a cover for:
    2. the device that triggered the shockwave that destroyed the city and the mushroom cloud.

    Not unlike 9/11 – two planes hit 2 buildings but 3 buildings collapse on the day (if WTC 7 was wired – they were 全部产品 wired) – and 20 years down the track, people still argue over whether there were planes, or CGI or nuclear blasts – we may never know 确定无疑 what device was used.

    The point to remember is the Anglo-Zionists (including the ZOGs of France & the US, aka FUKUS) have been getting away with these kinds of operations for centuries …

    “That these deception operations are little known or publicly debated is a mark of their success. Though covert operations often produce spectacular results, one of their essential qualities is that the 起源 of the events remain secret – that the historical credit or blame falls on the innocent, on people acting independently, or even better, on mere chance. The very fact that a covert operation is known to have been run by an intelligence agency marks it as a significant failure.” – Desperate Deception, British Covert Operations in the United States 1939-1944, Thomas E Mahl


    22/06/2020 UNIFIL: Israeli breaches of Lebanese sovereignty could renew hostilities
    “On Sunday, IDF aircraft were spotted as far north as the Beirut area.”

    … and that 4 US Navy reconnaissance planes were sighted near Beirut at the time of the blasts is also worthy of remark:

    “Some radar images of unusual patrols and reconnaissance operations of four US Navy spy planes on the Lebanon-Syria coastline were released after the powerful explosion in the port of Beirut.”

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  209. Biff 说:

    Leave science to the scientists….

    We wish you would.

    • 哈哈: Daniel Rich
    • 回复: @A123
  210. animalogic 说:
    @Tommy Thompson

    Thank you very much for providing the link to the very important & challenging article in VT.
    It certainly goes some way towards pinning responsibility to Israel. Whether it is “conclusive” I’m not sure. Two issues are vital: the missile footage & the radiation & explosive cloud evidence — technical evidence I am willing but not confident to interpret….
    As for the ammonia nitrate (AN) issue — what I heard was, the AN was actually removed from a freighter sometime in 2014 because the ship & contents were grossly unsafe. From there, from a mixture of negligence, corruption & general governmental dysfunction the AN has been left at the Port. Government & administrators have tried to shift responsibility for the AN like an extended game of “hot potato”. Is t his true ? Given how incompetent & corrupt the Leb’ Gov’ is, it does sound plausible — (altho, its a bit surprising that some administrator simply didn’t sell it, under the counter…it must have been worth something….)

  211. GazaPlanet 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Israel ran out of munitions pretty quickly in 2006 and demanded US re-supply. Jews know destroying the military targets is a hopeless task. So they are opting for strategic targets. Pre-emptively.

    • 同意: Patagonia Man
  212. GazaPlanet 说:

    Jews blowing things up all over the place and then they whine, whine, whine about people suspecting them. There’s a price to be paid for being an international pariah state, there’s a price to be paid for being a byword for atrocities and terrorism, there’s a price to be paid for being the enemies of mankind.

  213. @A123


    那张图很明显 照相购物. 纳斯鲁拉照片轮廓上的白线表明了这一点。
    真主党将黎巴嫩从以色列的占领和袭击中拯救出来。 因此,它受到包括基督徒在内的所有黎巴嫩人的广泛尊重。 你还没有原谅他们在 2006 年战胜以色列人吗?

    • 同意: Ann Nonny Mouse
    • 回复: @A123
  214. Posted earlier in No. 4 above:

    I suspect that since a nuclear strike, a mini at that, is such a game changer, there is absolutely nothing that Hezbollah can do about that, therefore they went into denial mode, in order to maintain their military deterrent standing with the Lebanese public. Israel is coming out more and more in the open in its willingness to destroy its neighbors in plain sight. If you cannot do anything about it, the least that should be done is to speak out and truthfully about the event. That might further demoralize the Lebanese public, but they are fairly demoralized anyhow.

    It might just start to galvanize world opinion to get serious about curbing WMD that is controlled by the ‘out of control’ lunatic fringe of this planet. The truth, however painful, may be the best remedy left for ME and world peace

    Where is the serious discussion on how to curb WMD that is now being used openly on a major world metropolis and if no international outcry is sure to become common place with more 适马 type events?

  215. anon[117]• 免责声明 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Oh Art I liked the video of me singing in the subway sans makeup.


    Oh, Khazar judensau, I liked the video of you having another one of your jew meltdowns on a bus in California 太好了 多得多:


    insane jewess says “serve the jews or die” on California bus

    @ 0:03她正在责骂公交车司机,并说“你就像疾病”

    @ 0:13驾驶员停下公共汽车,犹太人对他说:“你想要什么(即非犹太人)? 想要什么呢?” ……一位乘客说“他是司机”……犹太小姐回答:“他是个好人!”

    @ 0:39 犹太人对一位乘客说:“你的笑容会变成血。 愿你的笑容变成鲜血[重复几次]”

    @ 1:01 — 1:14犹太人说:“我在叫Mashiach(希伯来弥赛亚)杀了你。 服务犹太人或死。 我是Rebbe竞选活动的一部分,我永远都不想让弥赛亚永远为您服务。 我希望你被彻底抛弃,我希望你成为奴隶。”

    @ 1:16 开始:犹太人咆哮并宣称,“我是犹太人,我杀了你智障纳粹的每一个 mikvah”(接着是一些希伯来语的吟唱或诅咒)“我所做的每一个 mikvah 都会杀死你纳粹......我杀死的每一个纳粹都是一切为了犹太人。”

    @ 1:44 心烦意乱的犹太人对一位女乘客说(看不见),“现在闭上你讨厌的嘴或吮吸公鸡。 你吸了你这个粗糙的女孩多少鸡巴? 你吸那公鸡? 把它放在你的喉咙里,女孩,你到处都得精液,你这个小家伙,你这个纳粹小女孩,你很淘气,你很淘气……”

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  216. Alfred 说:

    Even Thierry Meyssan backed off from his claims

    He did not back off from his claim that Israel is responsible. He changed his mind about some photos – that is all. Please stop trying to twist what Thierry Meyssan has written.

    It has now been removed from the article. It could have been left out altogether since it was not necessary. We apologize to our readers for this illustrational misstep.

    Correction and clarification

    The reality is that the Israelis, especially Netanyahu, never apologise for any of their deliberate lies.

    • 回复: @Daniel Rich
  217. Ivan 说:

    这场灾难完全归真主党所有,无论他们和这里的同伴如何试图用犹太闪电的说法来回避。 2750 吨。 硝酸铵与数吨烟花一起作为更大爆炸的引物的事件是等待发生的灾难。 不幸的是,对于 Taxi 和 Escobar 之类的公司来说,有太多关于港口官员坚持不懈地恳求当局移除硝酸铵六年的信息。

    OK we can say the Lebanese government is weak and ineffectual but nothing goes on in the port without Hizballah knowing about. For Nasrallah who struts around as a Patriot giving global analysis on Soon, this in any normal country is a hanging offence. But the mullah types are the darlings of the “resistance”.


    要了解自己可以做什么烟花,请查看以下内容。 将其作为港口中硝酸铵数量的无意引爆,我们有历史上最大的常规爆炸。

    • 同意: A123
    • 巨魔: GazaPlanet, Alfred
  218. A news line on France 24 writes that Lebanese officials said the bomb crater was 43 meters deep.

    What could make that, such a deep crater???? Firecrackers? chemicals like Ammonium Nitrate?? Certainly not. Case closed.

    World politicians are focused on providing band aids to Lebanon rather than dealing with this very grave challenge to all of humanity..

    • 同意: Alfred
    • 回复: @TheTrumanShow
  219. anonymous[130]• 免责声明 说:


    The Blood of Innocents is on the hands of Whitevil Imperialists and Zionists… for far too long.

    愿全能者的愤怒临到他们患病的灵魂。 对这种毫不掩饰的邪恶的低级辩护者(像你一样)也被诅咒了。

    愿你的报偿早日到来。 阿门。

  220. A123 说:

    Leave science to the scientists….

    We wish you would.

    As I am a scientist, I will continue to provide the science.

    I appreciate your endorsement.


    • 巨魔: gay troll
  221. Insouciant 说:

    Ivan sounds like she took her talking points from David Wurmser, one of the major and outspoken proponents of Iraq war, and Israeli apologist extraordinaire.


    Jews fleece American taxpayers; live off stolen goods; use their free time to write more Jew propaganda to involve Americans in more wars for Israel.

  222. A123 说:
    @Franklin Ryckaert

    那张照片很明显是PS过的。 纳斯鲁拉照片轮廓上的白线表明了这一点。


    真主党将黎巴嫩从以色列的占领和袭击中拯救出来。 因此,它受到包括基督徒在内的所有黎巴嫩人的广泛尊重。

    ROTFL… No one but a paid Taqiyya Troll would post something that absurd.


    Iranian al’Hezbollah lead to the Jihadi occupation of Lebanon by Iran. Iranian al’Hezbollah war criminals are therefore widely despised and hated by all Lebanese, including Christians.

    Nasrallah’s use of Lebanese children as human shields makes him one of the most cowardly and despicable creatures Satan has ever placed on the planet. If he does not crawl back to his master in Iran, Nasrallah will face justice at the hands of Lebanese parents who lost their kids due to his misdeeds.


    • 回复: @Franklin Ryckaert
  223. denk 说:

    Guess who’s behind 福库斯希马?

    • 回复: @A123
    , @dogbumbreath
  224. A123 说:



    No guessing is required. It was caused by Iranian al’Hezbollah.


    • 回复: @anon
    , @denk
    , @Ann Nonny Mouse
  225. @A123

    基督教歌手在 2013 年音乐会上向真主党致敬:

    真主党保护基督徒免受 ISIS 和 FSA 恐怖团伙的侵害:

    • 谢谢: Alfred
    • 回复: @A123
  226. anon[158]• 免责声明 说:

    Do you mean NASRALLAH-SHIMA?

    No guessing is required. It was caused by Iranian al’Hezbollah.



    Nah, jew, (s)he means CUNTJEW-SHIMA.

    No guessing is required. It was caused by zionazi jew squatters in jew occupied Palestine or their shabbos goyim in Washington and will be their doom.


  227. A123 说:
    @Franklin Ryckaert


    Nasrallah threatens to kill the child of a Christian parent, and then has that parent speak to the media. Guess what that parents says to save their child’s life?

    Intentionally misrepresenting Nasrallah’s extortion will bring you to damnation. Repent and express Contrition before it is too late.


    • 回复: @Derer
  228. Jmaie 说:

    The following videos would show a missile-like weapon causing the second explosion.

    The infrared camera version of this missile strike posted on Veterans Today showed no exhaust heat whereas this one shows an active exhaust. So which one is fabricated?

  229. denk 说:

    Never heard of FUKUSHIMA disaster
    in Jp, 2011 ?

    Message hidden in plain sight,


    fukushima, drill,earthquake, tsunami, nrc

    It is not a coincidence at all that there was a drill taking place that was basically following the blueprint of the real-life events on 3/11 in Japan, even though the drill was mainly in the US. Just like it was the case during 9/11 (USA), 7/7 (UK), the Boston “bombings” in 2013 and on several other occasions – popularly referred to as false flag events – the US NRC drill of March 11, 2011, allowed the perpetrators to successfully control the flow of information. That’s one of the most important purposes of such a coinciding exercise without alarming the persons and employees involved, although, as the excerpts show, some employees of the NRC did contact scientists outside of the NRC information sphere which is why e-mails were sent to urge everyone to stick to the script and follow the one-stop-shop guidelines and orders. It was only in a later phase that the drill went from exercise to real-life, when the news got out and the real 3/11 events were too obvious and too explicit to further deny or try to hide. It was in a similar way that 7/7 went from drill to real-life.

    tHE link is dead, here’s the full text
    without the pics and graphics.


    2015 年 4 月 14 日

    This report on Fukushima was coming anyway, I was working on it in the past days and was planning to publish it soon but now that both the establishment and “alternative” media have decided to give Fukushima a new round of fear mongering and right out lies I figured I might as well publish the report today.

    Aside from several aspects and details that were already known or assumed by many regarding 3/11 there is additional data and info included now in this new report that puts a definite end to the official story and the false claims and fraudulent science concerning the earthquakes, seaquakes and the radiation.

    What’s the most important now is that everyone should read this report very carefully and take notes. Copy it entirely and republish it on your own website or blog and forward it to all media outlets, both mainstream and alternative. As far as I am concerned this report is conclusive and I suppose many former skeptics will find it very hard from now on to honestly continue their denial that “conspiracy theorists” were right all along.

    As a side note, your support and donations are required and very much appreciated at this moment and will contribute to maintaining the Truth Sector website and further establishing a credible (3/11) truth movement.


    THE 3/11 REPORT



    2015 年 4 月 8 日

    First of all, before going into other details, it has to be made clear that any news outlet, be it mainstream or alternative, that publishes anything at all about Fukushima and thereby refers to the “9.0 magnitude” earthquake is already marked as largely incompetent and anti-truth and I don’t care how many followers the so-called biggest alternative news websites have because THEY literally take the lead in derailing any honest attempts to give a much needed momentum to a “3/11 truth movement.”

    Thousands of people already know it – I admit – but nevertheless I will once again make it beyond clear that no such thing happened on March 11, 2011, that there was no 9.0 earthquake or ‘seaquake’ that triggered the tsunami in Japan on 3/11 of that year, something(s) did trigger the tsunami indeed but not a 9.0 quake. This fact has to be addressed once and for all and the official narrative has to be, as a result, “improved” in accordance with the information provided in this report. Those who don’t alter or update their positions on the matter are after reading this report deliberate disinfo agents and saboteurs. And from now on anyone still claiming that the official story is a proven accurate account of what took place on March 11, 2011, in Japan and the following days, months and years really will be regarded and remembered as a complete idiot for the rest of their entire lives.

    There are various ways of actually proving that the official story is false. Anyone who is willing to pay attention and is willing to be honest to themselves should accept the invitation to help and build a true 3/11 movement.

    1.1. The Map Used by Yoshiharu Shumuta, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Civil Engineering Lab

    Although their 2011 report on “damage of electric power facilities in Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc.“ is somewhat distorted, only due to the fact that the USGS is responsible for forcing false Fukushima data upon the world, the Yoshiharu Shumuta report does provide a very revealing map that I have already used many times before on my other websites.

    This is that map and it is used 4 times in their report:

    miyagi, fukushima, 3/11 truth, japan, nuclear attacks, tsunami, earthquake

    For the right perspective, the following again as I have been using it for the last couple of years, before I recently obtained the additional information and data that is now included in this new and conclusive report:

    miyagi, fukushima, 3/11 truth, japan, nuclear attacks, tsunami, earthquake

    Now, again, as you can see in the above and next map, the strongest earthquakes of that day were BEFORE the tsunami and were on land. This is extremely important and you will see why further down the report and especially in section 7.

    miyagi, fukushima, 3/11 truth, japan, nuclear attacks, tsunami, earthquake

    Besides, the USGS is well aware of that since it is shown in their own report of March 24, 2011, and to get rid of any confusion that may still be present I will tell you this also: measuring station MYG-004 is located in……… the MIYAGI PREFECTURE! MYG-004, according to the USGS, registered an approximate peak ground motion acceleration (PGA) of 3 g and a pseudo spectral acceleration (SA) of up to 12.9 g. (!!??)

    miyagi, fukushima, 3/11 truth, japan, nuclear attacks, tsunami, earthquake

    Above map by the University of Tsukuba

    Ironic as it is (I know!), of all the measuring stations available that day in Japan, MYG-004 is (still) used by the USGS as the holy grail to prove that that measuring station right there is THE evidence for the triggering of the 3/11 tsunami by a seaquake. (????!!!) The absurdity and the scientific incompetence with this is of course off the charts, let me tell you, and anyone including all the “leading” scientists and what not who refer to this USGS report as the cornerstone for their “modeling” and for their “weighing in” on the subject is an extraordinary fool and an overpaid propagandist working for the Department of Truth of the United Nations Mafia Syndicate!

    Throw a stone in the water and try to detect a single wave that will travel towards your stone’s point of impact in the water. You can’t, of course, since that is simply impossible. Any child at kindergarten level knows this. But according to the USGS and anyone who parrots official narratives, and that unfortunately includes the most popular alternative websites out there, the very opposite seems to be true – at least that’s what it appears like. To them science and the laws of nature and physics are of no importance. When you throw a rock in the water, according to USGS “scientists,” the ring-shaped waves (comparable to the shock waves of an earthquake) that such an event causes will travel towards the impact zone or the epicenter – based on their use of MYG-004 that is, from my point of view. Now, if you think that that is ludicrous then you are very right. It is!

    However, there is another way, just as simple, to prove that the USGS, the US NRC, and for that matter the entire US government, have been and are still deliberately lying to you when it concerns the earthquakes of 3/11 in Japan.

    As is obvious, the nearest measuring station for the seaquake of 3/11 was MYG-011. For that station the USGS doesn’t even use or provide the respective data that was and still is available even though that station is from many perspectives the most crucial location when a seaquake of 9.0 magnitude is to be proven and documented.

    There is an obvious reason why MYG-011 was and is avoided by the USGS and all its parrots. MYG-011 registered a seismic intensity of only 5.63, which is perfectly in line and to be expected when a magnitude 7.0 occurred in the Miyagi prefecture – BEFORE the tsunami-triggering events two minutes later – which is perfectly documented in section 7 further down this report.

    As for MYG-004, that station registered a seismic intensity of 6.67 and that also perfectly corroborates the 7.0 earthquake from that day in Miyagi, Japan because MYG-004 is/was located there.

    In fact, there is not a single piece of evidence or data that anyone can put forward to even try to prove that there was a 9.0 seaquake or earthquake on 3/11. I challenge anyone in the world any time to prove me wrong. Go ahead, send me what you got, I beg you to do so, please!

    Aside from all this there is also evidence that the USGS, in order to match the false 9.0 seaquake data with their own scales, has manipulated their own modified mercalli scale and that is still staring us all in the face because it is still on their own website, four years after the facts.

    Here you see the USGS its modified mercalli scale, as is still used on their own official website:

    magnitude, seismic intensity, fukushima, 3/11 truth, japan, nuclear attacks, tsunami, earthquake

    Compare that to what a real modified mercalli scale looks like and should be, as documented by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources:

    magnitude, seismic intensity, fukushima, 3/11 truth, japan, nuclear attacks, tsunami, earthquake

    As documented by the Kansas Geological Survey:


    As documented by the Michigan Technological University:


    And still, there was a tsunami but the earthquake in Miyagi, the 7.0 that happened first (up to 2 minutes earlier), couldn’t have caused it, that is obvious. So where is the data for the seaquake? All we truly have so far is the University of Tsukuba their reading for MYG-011 and that in no way indicates anything for a magnitude 9.0 seaquake off the coast of Japan. Except for that MYG-011 data and the false USGS ShakeCast notification we have nothing substantial (update: see section 7 for more information). Therefore, the only acceptable decision to make here is to base all investigations and studies on the Japanese data only, especially coming from the university of Tsukuba and Kyoto as you will see later on in section 7. All USGS data should be dismissed or only be used to document their incompetence and deliberate deception. All the fraudulent participants have been exposed as such through this Truth Sector report.

    1.2. Witness Account: “Japan Earthquake My Experience March 11, 2011”

    The following video was uploaded to Youtube on March 11, 2011. It documents a real-life witness account for 3/11, no media outlet or news agency was involved here, it contains pure, unfiltered and uncensored expressions.


    影片连结: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhvq4-g2v6Q

    My gosh … OK … We just experienced a 7. earthquake … it’s the first earthquake I’ve ever experienced … the biggest in my whole entire life … there was a 7.0 in Miyagi … it went on for like 3 or 4 minutes … everyone’s OK, everyone’s seems fine now …

    The video’s description states:

    **Disclaimer: I understand this is no laughing matter, and I am not laughing because I find the situation funny. The beginning footage is right after the earthquake happened and this is my initial reaction while leaving the building I was in. We had no idea at the time, of the terrible destruction that was occurring in Miyagi prefecture, Sendai area and now Fukushima Prefecture. What seemed like laughter was simply the expression of fear combined with relief. We were simply happy to have survived a terrifying experience. Thank you for understanding.

    Footage from earlier today in Chiba, Japan.

    The magnitude 8.9 earthquake that struck Japan was a very terrifying experience to go through, even living outside of Miyagi Prefecture. I have never experienced anything like what I experienced today. The scariest moments of my life. After evacuating the building and once reaching the parking lot you could see cracks in the ground where water was coming flowing out of. I have made it back to Tokyo safe and have contacted all of my family members and friends. I am very thankful they are all safe. Thank you very much for all of your love, support, and messages. Our hearts go out to Miyagi Prefecture and all who have suffered from this terrifying earthquake.

    The best part about this video is that it clearly shows that on that day in Japan it was originally all about Miyagi and its 7.0 earthquake. Only after the witness in the video had seen or heard the fabricated news, inspired by the USGS’ fraudulent science, claiming that there had been a 8.9/9.0 earthquake did she talk about that. That’s pretty clear and revealing if you ask me.

    1.3. Witness Account: “Japan Earthquake: Danger of Nuclear Disaster After Fukushima Plant Failure?

    The following is an interview by RT with Dr. Robert Jacobs (Hiroshima Peace Institute) on March 11, 2011. According to Robert Jacobs, who was in Hiroshima, Japan, when the 7.0 earthquake happened, he didn’t feel the earthquake nor did he know about it. He only found out about it when his friends called him on the phone to ask if he was alright.

    影片连结: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWmjRG3m6Dw

    备份副本 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TSyjZD-XDc

    Yes I am in Hiroshima it’s quite far from Tokyo … we didn’t feel the earthquake at all. It was actually friends and family and colleagues calling us to ask if we were OK. … even this far away where no tremors were felt at all the emotional tremors are very strong.

    The RT interview is particularly interesting because it clearly shows that at this stage false data and the scripted 9.0 narrative had deliberately been injected, by the USGS and the US NRC, and the whole media frenzy was now as a result (as intended) shifted towards Fukushima, sending the initial reports and the truth about Miyagi and the epicenter there into the still existing memory hole because evidence about the 7.0 can hardly be found and then only in Japan as far as I know.

    Not only is Robert Jacobs his statement strange when one is to assume that the official story is a factual account, it’s also completely impossible IF the earthquake was indeed a magnitude 9.0 event because such a magnitude should have been felt across at least a thousand kilometers/miles, thus certainly in Hiroshima too where he was at the time. But since the first and most important epicenter – BEFORE the tsunami-triggering events that came 2 minutes later – was in Miyagi and since the magnitude was only 7.0 there his witness account proves to be very correct and confirms on its turn indeed the previous witness account too. Jacobs’ statements corroborate perfectly what had really happened on 3/11 and on its own it already shreds the official “scientific” narratives, even though he was/is not aware of it and that’s exactly why such witness accounts are imperative when the truth needs to be exposed by a 3/11 truth movement.

    The 1.2 witness account accurately establishes and confirms that in Japan a 7.0 earthquake in Miyagi, on land, was announced. There is at this point not a single indication that would suggest that a tsunami was coming since the earthquake was on land. Thus, there was no need for the Japanese government to send out tsunami warnings. If the 7.0 was a seaquake then the witness account would obviously say so and indicate that and the Japanese government would have sent out tsunami warnings then and not later. Locals would then have stated that there was a 7.0 seaquake off the coast off Japan and as a result a tsunami may be coming. Those locals would then not simply state that there was an earthquake in Miyagi. That is what it boils down to here.

    2. 海啸

    I’m sure that the point has been made by now that no 9.0 earthquake or seaquake occurred in or near Japan on March 11, 2011, and yet we have all seen the destructive tsunami that washed away entire communities along the shores and more inland.

    As the tsunami approached and eventually reached land we all also could witness that practically every building and structure was still standing in perfect condition, except for small damages which is to be expected when an earthquake of magnitude 7.0 occurs. An 8.9 or 9.0 (which is 100 times more intense than a 7.0 when the magnitude is considered) would literally entirely take down everything in the first 250 to 500 km and those numbers are very conservative because a 9.0 magnitude is to be noticed and experienced several 1000 km away from the epicenter.

    In the following videos there is not even a single indication that an earthquake even happened, let alone a magnitude 9.0. Japan’s buildings are engineered to outlive 7.0 earthquakes and that’s exactly what they did on 3/11! Don’t fall for the “the sea absorbed the shock waves” excuse because that’s on par with the USGS their deception, lies and incompetence. On top of that, the 7.0 occurred on land and two minutes BEFORE the separate tsunami-triggering events. Section 7 focuses on this specifically.

    March 11, 2011, Tsunami Smashing Town in Japan but NO 8.9-9.0 Earthquake Damage


    Japan’s March 11, 2011, Tsunami, and Train but NO 9.0 Earthquake Damage


    Driver Films Japan’s March 11, 2011, Tsunami but NO 9.0 Earthquake Damage


    First Moments of March 11, 2011, Tsunami in Japan but NO 9.0 Earthquake Damage


    Video of Tsunami (Man-made Quake) 人工地震 (NO Earthquake Damage, Japan March 11, 2011)


    The tsunami was real, for sure. The 9.0 quake was not, also for sure. So where did this tsunami come from then?

    Did a natural seaquake cause it? That’s possible, yes. But why does everything prove that it was not a 9.0? Why the lies and deception? If there was a natural seaquake that triggered this flood then where is the supporting data for it? How strong was that seaquake? What was the magnitude and what was the seismic intensity? (update: see section 7 for more information)

    As long as we are officially not provided with this information we are left to speculate. And people have speculated, as you very well know. Who can blame them anyway?! When the USGS, the US NRC and the UN lie to us, who can we turn to but ourselves?

    So what’s the speculation so far?

    On May 13, 2011, a study was published that allegedly documents the “atmosphere-ionosphere response” in relation to the earthquake activity of March 11, 2011, and the days before and after. According to this study “transient atmospheric” anomalies, “a rapid increase of emitted infrared radiation,” “an increase and variation in electron density,” “an abnormal TEC variation” and “a large increase in electron concentration” were detected prior to the tsunami.

    atmosphere-ionosphere-311Time series of daytime anomalous OLR observed from NOAA/AVHRR (06.30LT equatorial crossing time) March 1 – March 12, 2011. Tectonic plate boundaries are indicated with red lines and major faults by brown ones and earthquake location by black stars. Red circle show the spatial location of abnormal OLR anomalies. – D. Ouzounov
    tec-311Differential TEC Map of March 8, 2011 at 15.5LT – D. Ouzounov
    The researchers claim that they “found a positive correlation between the atmospheric and ionospheric anomalies” and the seismic activity of 3/11.

    In more simpler terms, this means that according to this study the ionosphere and atmosphere over Japan and the region where the tsunami originated reacted to certain influences preceding all the quakes of that day and the tsunami and the forces that triggered it. The researchers do not confirm that earthquakes by themselves naturally alter the ionosphere or atmosphere, they only speculate that that may be the case. More research is obviously required.

    As a result of the publication of the aforementioned study others have tried to link these anomalies in the ionosphere and atmosphere to HAARP-like installations that, according to them, triggered the seaquake deliberately. (update: see section 7 for more information)

    This may seem farfetched and completely science fiction for many people but the fact is that technology for triggering earthquakes is far from secret or impossible. It was in 1997 that former US Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen mentioned in a military briefing at the Sam Nunn Policy Forum (University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia) that “engaging … in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves” is real. That was in 1997, more than a decade before 2011. If it wasn’t secret or impossible back then then it certainly isn’t now as well.

    When seismic activity influences the atmosphere and ionosphere, can that also be reversed? Can the atmosphere and ionosphere influence seismic activity? If not, why not? And if it can, can HAARP-like installations be deployed for this?

    In 2010 Russian reports claimed that the Haiti earthquake (10km focal depth) was caused on purpose by the US military. “It is more than likely that the U.S. Navy had full knowledge of the catastrophic damage that this test earthquake could potentially have on Haiti,” wrote Pravda.

    On March 20, 2012, an earthquake “simulation” in Mexico suddenly went live when a real earthquake occurred at the exact same day and at the exact same time as the planned simulation in Chiapas. Dutchsinse pointed out then that indeed the earthquake happened at 12.02 local time that day, merely two minutes after the simulation was planned to take off at 12.00 that same noon.

    On February 13, 2015, the USGS and Reuters reported on a 6.8 earthquake in Klintsy, Russia, with a focal depth of….. 10 km. 20 minutes later, though, that report was retracted and it was now claimed that that earthquake was “mislocated” by the USGS sensors and that it simply never happened, there was no quake. Really? Who are they trying to fool here? How reliable is the USGS then really?

    Others speculate that the tsunami was triggered by “tsunami bombs” or (nuclear) explosives that were dropped on the seafloor prior to the 3/11 events. Also this may seem farfetched or outrageously impossible for most people but when we look at what one nuclear explosion can do to the water in the sea then it is not hard to imagine what can happen when several specifically designed devices are being used in a sequence or line. (update: see section 7 for more information)

    It should also be noted that such devices may also be used to simply trigger a shift in the tectonic plates, thus, the explosives not necessarily causing a tsunami on their own. In such case the devices would stimulate the plates which then as a result could possibly create substantial tidal waves.

    In the following video of the 1958 Umbrella explosion you can hear Pat Bradley describe how the waves, of which the 3rd was the biggest, reached the island he was on as he was filming the event. I certainly admit that the waves are hardly comparable to what happened in Japan but then again, this 1958 test was not intended to cause a tsunami and this test was more than 50 years before 3/11 in 2011. Weapons have drastically advanced since 1958 and when civilians, like myself, can imagine tsunami-triggering weaponry then the US military complex already has them for decades given that they are at least 30 years ahead of what is known to the public.

    Wahoo and Umbrella – Filmmaker Recounts Nuclear Test


    Try to visualize a series of specifically designed nukes going off under water at once or in a predetermined sequence, off the coast of Japan. It needs little imagination that such modern devices would certainly be powerful enough to create a huge flood, especially when they are designed to do so, 50+ years after Umbrella.

    In fact, the tsunami bomb experiments by the US and New Zealand indicate that indeed a single device would likely not be sufficient enough but when large quantities are placed in line destructive waves can be triggered. And also here, these tests were back in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s. Given that 3/11 was in 2011, I’d say tsunami bombs are very possible and certainly exist.


    Ever since the start of 3/11 the Fukushima radiation fear mongering by both mainstream and so-called alternative media outlets was and is still off the charts. It is extremely irresponsible to engage in such activity and it proves that most players of the two media blocks aren’t really concerned about publishing the truth.

    One can endlessly debate about the radiation coming from the Fukushima nuclear power facilities and one can endlessly engage in spreading false information and fabricated graphics, merely to attract website visitors and to persuade the public opinion into believing that Fukushima is a global health hazard and that nuclear power is evil (even though nuclear power is in many ways a representation of progress, freedom and free energy), but in the end what that debate can be reduced to, from my point of view, is a single chart.

    That single chart, data for radiation measurements, by itself takes down the entire radiation debate and exposes all sides of that debate that preach about how Fukushima is allegedly destroying the planet and making people sick and die in the US. Such claims are laughable, really.

    Again, in order to document the truth, the facts and nothing but that we need data from Japan, provided by Japan. Any other data – especially coming from the USGS, the US NRC, the US government, the UN and its “specialized agencies,” Greenpeace and the WWF – cannot be trusted and is deceptive at best.

    3.1 Environmental Radiation Levels in Tokyo/Day

    The chart for the “Tokyo Environmental Radiation Dose Study (都内の環境放射線量調査1日単位の測定結果)” is actually one of the best points of reference that one can deploy and refer to when shredding the entire Fukushima radiation debate and the accompanying psyops because it documents the radiation measurements results from all the way back to March 1, 2011, to the present day.

    Below I have published the chart as I obtained it on April 2, 2015. Compare for yourself the values of April 2, 2015, with those from March 11, 2011, and the following days and with the values of March 1, 2011.

    There is only one conclusion according to the data provided by this Japanese chart.

    The days of and following the explosions at Fukushima an increase can be noticed in the environmental radiation levels in Tokyo, this is to be expected (here is the archived version of April 5, 2011). However, as the days went on and the days became weeks, the weeks became months and the months became years, the environmental radiation levels in Tokyo dropped back all the way to the normal levels as they existed on March 1 of 2011 and the time before that date. This is also to be expected since the worst was already over. The sabotage had happened and the peak emissions of radiation coming from Fukushima had been reached, this was evidently caused by the explosions. After that there was and is not much left that could or can still radiate to the levels of the days following the Fukushima explosions. It’s gone, it exploded and the remains can be found all over the Daiichi site.

    Therefore, it has been proven through this chart that Fukushima radiation is a health hazard to the people who live in that specific region. Beyond that, and especially in the USA, no one will die or get sick from the Fuku radiation, it is physically impossible. Anyone who claims the opposite is a liar.

    The report continues below this chart.

    (Environmental radiation levels in Tokyo / day)
    線量率(dose rate)
    (マイクログレイ/時間)(microgray per hour)
    (Measurement date) 最大値
    (max) 最小値
    (min) 平均値
    2015-04-02 0.0368 0.0297 0.0327
    2015-04-01 0.0402 0.0305 0.0339
    2015-03-31 0.0358 0.0300 0.0328
    2015-03-30 0.0365 0.0295 0.0330
    2015-03-29 0.0365 0.0298 0.0332
    2015-03-28 0.0363 0.0302 0.0333
    2015-03-27 0.0370 0.0298 0.0330
    2015-03-26 0.0360 0.0294 0.0326
    2015-03-25 0.0355 0.0299 0.0327
    2015-03-24 0.0364 0.0300 0.0329
    2015-03-23 0.0367 0.0298 0.0331
    2015-03-22 0.0387 0.0301 0.0333
    2015-03-21 0.0363 0.0296 0.0328
    2015-03-20 0.0360 0.0301 0.0328
    2015-03-19 0.0431 0.0303 0.0339
    2015-03-18 0.0367 0.0303 0.0330
    2015-03-17 0.0376 0.0300 0.0333
    2015-03-16 0.0402 0.0304 0.0340
    2015-03-15 0.0359 0.0295 0.0328
    2015-03-14 0.0362 0.0297 0.0330
    2015-03-13 0.0359 0.0302 0.0329
    2015-03-12 0.0365 0.0299 0.0330
    2015-03-11 0.0364 0.0304 0.0334
    2015-03-10 0.0450 0.0309 0.0345
    2015-03-09 0.0415 0.0297 0.0342
    2015-03-08 0.0375 0.0303 0.0334
    2015-03-07 0.0392 0.0298 0.0340
    2015-03-06 0.0374 0.0300 0.0331
    2015-03-05 0.0362 0.0298 0.0333
    2015-03-04 0.0463 0.0306 0.0349
    2015-03-03 0.0369 0.0301 0.0336
    2015-03-02 0.0364 0.0302 0.0333
    2015-03-01 0.0469 0.0304 0.0359
    2015-02-28 0.0362 0.0297 0.0329
    2015-02-27 0.0371 0.0307 0.0337
    2015-02-26 0.0465 0.0306 0.0362
    2015-02-25 0.0364 0.0303 0.0333
    2015-02-24 0.0361 0.0301 0.0332
    2015-02-23 0.0439 0.0308 0.0342
    2015-02-22 0.0368 0.0296 0.0330
    2015-02-21 0.0378 0.0290 0.0325
    2015-02-20 0.0355 0.0291 0.0325
    2015-02-19 0.0356 0.0297 0.0327
    2015-02-18 0.0401 0.0303 0.0340
    2015-02-17 0.0430 0.0304 0.0337
    2015-02-16 0.0362 0.0296 0.0328
    2015-02-15 0.0375 0.0301 0.0334
    2015-02-14 0.0366 0.0298 0.0331
    2015-02-13 0.0374 0.0305 0.0337
    2015-02-12 0.0370 0.0306 0.0338
    2015-02-11 0.0365 0.0304 0.0335
    2015-02-10 0.0364 0.0303 0.0335
    2015-02-09 0.0364 0.0305 0.0335
    2015-02-08 0.0437 0.0298 0.0339
    2015-02-07 0.0414 0.0297 0.0333
    2015-02-06 0.0364 0.0299 0.0330
    2015-02-05 0.0393 0.0299 0.0342
    2015-02-04 0.0366 0.0298 0.0329
    2015-02-03 0.0360 0.0297 0.0328
    2015-02-02 0.0357 0.0299 0.0329
    2015-02-01 0.0368 0.0298 0.0328
    2015-01-31 0.0365 0.0304 0.0333
    2015-01-30 0.0415 0.0307 0.0349
    2015-01-29 0.0356 0.0297 0.0327
    2015-01-28 0.0554 0.0301 0.0345
    2015-01-27 0.0439 0.0309 0.0352
    2015-01-26 0.0370 0.0304 0.0335
    2015-01-25 0.0366 0.0301 0.0334
    2015-01-24 0.0361 0.0298 0.0329
    2015-01-23 0.0515 0.0300 0.0352
    2015-01-22 0.0422 0.0307 0.0348
    2015-01-21 0.0399 0.0302 0.0340
    2015-01-20 0.0367 0.0305 0.0336
    2015-01-19 0.0369 0.0303 0.0335
    2015-01-18 0.0359 0.0303 0.0329
    2015-01-17 0.0371 0.0306 0.0335
    2015-01-16 0.0369 0.0304 0.0332
    2015-01-15 0.0421 0.0308 0.0355
    2015-01-14 0.0366 0.0305 0.0333
    2015-01-13 0.0359 0.0302 0.0329
    2015-01-12 0.0371 0.0298 0.0331
    2015-01-11 0.0373 0.0303 0.0335
    2015-01-10 0.0364 0.0301 0.0331
    2015-01-09 0.0363 0.0289 0.0332
    2015-01-08 0.0372 0.0307 0.0335
    2015-01-07 0.0363 0.0306 0.0334
    2015-01-06 0.0427 0.0307 0.0342
    2015-01-05 0.0378 0.0303 0.0339
    2015-01-04 0.0372 0.0308 0.0338
    2015-01-03 0.0368 0.0305 0.0333
    2015-01-02 0.0372 0.0307 0.0341
    2015-01-01 0.0380 0.0308 0.0341
    2014-12-31 0.0388 0.0307 0.0340
    2014-12-30 0.0384 0.0309 0.0342
    2014-12-29 0.0443 0.0307 0.0354
    2014-12-28 0.0379 0.0308 0.0338
    2014-12-27 0.0362 0.0298 0.0331
    2014-12-26 0.0371 0.0298 0.0337
    2014-12-25 0.0371 0.0305 0.0336
    2014-12-24 0.0383 0.0308 0.0338
    2014-12-23 0.0365 0.0301 0.0332
    2014-12-22 0.0382 0.0302 0.0336
    2014-12-21 0.0363 0.0296 0.0334
    2014-12-20 0.0429 0.0313 0.0349
    2014-12-19 0.0365 0.0303 0.0332
    2014-12-18 0.0366 0.0307 0.0336
    2014-12-17 0.0364 0.0304 0.0332
    2014-12-16 0.0424 0.0306 0.0349
    2014-12-15 0.0375 0.0306 0.0340
    2014-12-14 0.0377 0.0310 0.0340
    2014-12-13 0.0375 0.0304 0.0339
    2014-12-12 0.0395 0.0314 0.0346
    2014-12-11 0.0396 0.0294 0.0338
    2014-12-10 0.0359 0.0299 0.0331
    2014-12-09 0.0378 0.0301 0.0342
    2014-12-08 0.0370 0.0307 0.0340
    2014-12-07 0.0370 0.0301 0.0339
    2014-12-06 0.0370 0.0304 0.0341
    2014-12-05 0.0366 0.0305 0.0338
    2014-12-04 0.0440 0.0302 0.0346
    2014-12-03 0.0364 0.0304 0.0331
    2014-12-02 0.0368 0.0306 0.0335
    2014-12-01 0.0495 0.0308 0.0358
    2014-11-30 0.0375 0.0302 0.0334
    2014-11-29 0.0447 0.0308 0.0347
    2014-11-28 0.0372 0.0310 0.0339
    2014-11-27 0.0439 0.0304 0.0336
    2014-11-26 0.0531 0.0317 0.0430
    2014-11-25 0.0469 0.0315 0.0370
    2014-11-24 0.0370 0.0307 0.0338
    2014-11-23 0.0392 0.0308 0.0341
    2014-11-22 0.0377 0.0309 0.0341
    2014-11-21 0.0374 0.0303 0.0338
    2014-11-20 0.0410 0.0311 0.0346
    2014-11-19 0.0360 0.0300 0.0331
    2014-11-18 0.0374 0.0302 0.0335
    2014-11-17 0.0375 0.0311 0.0342
    2014-11-16 0.0366 0.0303 0.0333
    2014-11-15 0.0371 0.0300 0.0337
    2014-11-14 0.0370 0.0308 0.0335
    2014-11-13 0.0394 0.0306 0.0341
    2014-11-12 0.0418 0.0308 0.0343
    2014-11-11 0.0376 0.0311 0.0341
    2014-11-10 0.0373 0.0307 0.0338
    2014-11-09 0.0378 0.0308 0.0339
    2014-11-08 0.0370 0.0314 0.0340
    2014-11-07 0.0373 0.0303 0.0336
    2014-11-06 0.0371 0.0306 0.0339
    2014-11-05 0.0370 0.0301 0.0338
    2014-11-04 0.0371 0.0306 0.0336
    2014-11-03 0.0374 0.0313 0.0340
    2014-11-02 0.0363 0.0302 0.0334
    2014-11-01 0.0393 0.0313 0.0349
    2014-10-31 0.0371 0.0301 0.0340
    2014-10-30 0.0369 0.0311 0.0336
    2014-10-29 0.0366 0.0304 0.0333
    2014-10-28 0.0364 0.0298 0.0333
    2014-10-27 0.0368 0.0310 0.0338
    2014-10-26 0.0370 0.0303 0.0337
    2014-10-25 0.0369 0.0298 0.0337
    2014-10-24 0.0376 0.0306 0.0334
    2014-10-23 0.0423 0.0308 0.0347
    2014-10-22 0.0432 0.0314 0.0364
    2014-10-21 0.0386 0.0307 0.0338
    2014-10-20 0.0369 0.0308 0.0339
    2014-10-19 0.0371 0.0303 0.0338
    2014-10-18 0.0375 0.0303 0.0335
    2014-10-17 0.0368 0.0307 0.0335
    2014-10-16 0.0372 0.0303 0.0333
    2014-10-15 0.0425 0.0298 0.0341
    2014-10-14 0.0410 0.0301 0.0339
    2014-10-13 0.0424 0.0306 0.0347
    2014-10-12 0.0366 0.0303 0.0334
    2014-10-11 0.0369 0.0310 0.0337
    2014-10-10 0.0368 0.0304 0.0333
    2014-10-09 0.0368 0.0305 0.0332
    2014-10-08 0.0367 0.0300 0.0330
    2014-10-07 0.0362 0.0297 0.0330
    2014-10-06 0.0509 0.0303 0.0368
    2014-10-05 0.0472 0.0318 0.0385
    2014-10-04 0.0367 0.0307 0.0338
    2014-10-03 0.0368 0.0296 0.0333
    2014-10-02 0.0371 0.0306 0.0339
    2014-10-01 0.0404 0.0311 0.0343
    2014-09-30 0.0371 0.0308 0.0339
    2014-09-29 0.0375 0.0309 0.0338
    2014-09-28 0.0364 0.0303 0.0335
    2014-09-27 0.0363 0.0304 0.0332
    2014-09-26 0.0369 0.0305 0.0337
    2014-09-25 0.0401 0.0301 0.0340
    2014-09-24 0.0375 0.0305 0.0338
    2014-09-23 0.0368 0.0299 0.0337
    2014-09-22 0.0368 0.0308 0.0338
    2014-09-21 0.0374 0.0309 0.0340
    2014-09-20 0.0369 0.0313 0.0339
    2014-09-19 0.0373 0.0310 0.0338
    2014-09-18 0.0368 0.0310 0.0337
    2014-09-17 0.0369 0.0309 0.0336
    2014-09-16 0.0369 0.0302 0.0337
    2014-09-15 0.0365 0.0302 0.0335
    2014-09-14 0.0367 0.0308 0.0337
    2014-09-13 0.0365 0.0313 0.0339
    2014-09-12 0.0368 0.0304 0.0338
    2014-09-11 0.0417 0.0306 0.0341
    2014-09-10 0.0459 0.0302 0.0343
    2014-09-09 0.0403 0.0310 0.0344
    2014-09-08 0.0392 0.0314 0.0341
    2014-09-07 0.0433 0.0311 0.0346
    2014-09-06 0.0421 0.0308 0.0343
    2014-09-05 0.0369 0.0304 0.0333
    2014-09-04 0.0362 0.0303 0.0331
    2014-09-03 0.0362 0.0303 0.0331
    2014-09-02 0.0362 0.0301 0.0333
    2014-09-01 0.0432 0.0307 0.0349
    2014-08-31 0.0363 0.0298 0.0331
    2014-08-30 0.0424 0.0304 0.0340
    2014-08-29 0.0371 0.0303 0.0336
    2014-08-28 0.0385 0.0309 0.0340
    2014-08-27 0.0379 0.0305 0.0340
    2014-08-26 0.0373 0.0303 0.0340
    2014-08-25 0.0377 0.0311 0.0340
    2014-08-24 0.0368 0.0302 0.0335
    2014-08-23 0.0372 0.0298 0.0334
    2014-08-22 0.0371 0.0303 0.0335
    2014-08-21 0.0368 0.0302 0.0337
    2014-08-20 0.0371 0.0304 0.0336
    2014-08-19 0.0365 0.0300 0.0332
    2014-08-18 0.0367 0.0302 0.0334
    2014-08-17 0.0362 0.0306 0.0333
    2014-08-16 0.0381 0.0303 0.0335
    2014-08-15 0.0358 0.0294 0.0332
    2014-08-14 0.0425 0.0313 0.0348
    2014-08-13 0.0366 0.0306 0.0337
    2014-08-12 0.0371 0.0307 0.0336
    2014-08-11 0.0361 0.0302 0.0333
    2014-08-10 0.0371 0.0305 0.0336
    2014-08-09 0.0366 0.0307 0.0334
    2014-08-08 0.0360 0.0304 0.0332
    2014-08-07 0.0360 0.0306 0.0332
    2014-08-06 0.0367 0.0296 0.0332
    2014-08-05 0.0356 0.0303 0.0332
    2014-08-04 0.0361 0.0301 0.0332
    2014-08-03 0.0372 0.0307 0.0337
    2014-08-02 0.0373 0.0307 0.0337
    2014-08-01 0.0405 0.0305 0.0336
    2014-07-31 0.0371 0.0304 0.0334
    2014-07-30 0.0369 0.0304 0.0336
    2014-07-29 0.0369 0.0303 0.0338
    2014-07-28 0.0373 0.0306 0.0339
    2014-07-27 0.0398 0.0311 0.0343
    2014-07-26 0.0373 0.0309 0.0339
    2014-07-25 0.0371 0.0311 0.0341
    2014-07-24 0.0486 0.0317 0.0355
    2014-07-23 0.0378 0.0315 0.0344
    2014-07-22 0.0368 0.0309 0.0338
    2014-07-21 0.0369 0.0302 0.0336
    2014-07-20 0.0491 0.0309 0.0349
    2014-07-19 0.0395 0.0307 0.0340
    2014-07-18 0.0436 0.0302 0.0342
    2014-07-17 0.0387 0.0307 0.0341
    2014-07-16 0.0384 0.0309 0.0342
    2014-07-15 0.0375 0.0315 0.0345
    2014-07-14 0.0372 0.0317 0.0344
    2014-07-13 0.0385 0.0314 0.0341
    2014-07-12 0.0371 0.0308 0.0340
    2014-07-11 0.0401 0.0309 0.0344
    2014-07-10 0.0367 0.0306 0.0336
    2014-07-09 0.0424 0.0314 0.0348
    2014-07-08 0.0370 0.0304 0.0339
    2014-07-07 0.0398 0.0309 0.0345
    2014-07-06 0.0371 0.0308 0.0335
    2014-07-05 0.0382 0.0303 0.0340
    2014-07-04 0.0391 0.0310 0.0345
    2014-07-03 0.0395 0.0305 0.0342
    2014-07-02 0.0365 0.0308 0.0337
    2014-07-01 0.0367 0.0308 0.0338
    2014-06-30 0.0362 0.0302 0.0332
    2014-06-29 0.0464 0.0304 0.0352
    2014-06-28 0.0388 0.0304 0.0339
    2014-06-27 0.0366 0.0305 0.0334
    2014-06-26 0.0366 0.0308 0.0337
    2014-06-25 0.0397 0.0312 0.0342
    2014-06-24 0.0476 0.0308 0.0351
    2014-06-23 0.0371 0.0305 0.0340
    2014-06-22 0.0428 0.0306 0.0346
    2014-06-21 0.0374 0.0301 0.0337
    2014-06-20 0.0364 0.0303 0.0336
    2014-06-19 0.0370 0.0306 0.0336
    2014-06-18 0.0374 0.0308 0.0340
    2014-06-17 0.0372 0.0310 0.0342
    2014-06-16 0.0376 0.0314 0.0343
    2014-06-15 0.0373 0.0309 0.0339
    2014-06-14 0.0381 0.0312 0.0341
    2014-06-13 0.0397 0.0308 0.0343
    2014-06-12 0.0384 0.0304 0.0343
    2014-06-11 0.0392 0.0303 0.0341
    2014-06-10 0.0382 0.0302 0.0335
    2014-06-09 0.0410 0.0305 0.0340
    2014-06-08 0.0398 0.0310 0.0345
    2014-06-07 0.0428 0.0324 0.0362
    2014-06-06 0.0418 0.0309 0.0354
    2014-06-05 0.0388 0.0306 0.0342
    2014-06-04 0.0368 0.0305 0.0338
    2014-06-03 0.0382 0.0305 0.0340
    2014-06-02 0.0372 0.0314 0.0343
    2014-06-01 0.0382 0.0313 0.0346
    2014-05-31 0.0387 0.0311 0.0341
    2014-05-30 0.0380 0.0312 0.0342
    2014-05-29 0.0385 0.0313 0.0341
    2014-05-28 0.0368 0.0306 0.0340
    2014-05-27 0.0447 0.0302 0.0351
    2014-05-26 0.0442 0.0307 0.0348
    2014-05-25 0.0373 0.0304 0.0341
    2014-05-24 0.0377 0.0308 0.0339
    2014-05-23 0.0363 0.0307 0.0335
    2014-05-22 0.0405 0.0314 0.0346
    2014-05-21 0.0453 0.0313 0.0369
    2014-05-20 0.0387 0.0314 0.0343
    2014-05-19 0.0376 0.0312 0.0341
    2014-05-18 0.0371 0.0315 0.0342
    2014-05-17 0.0372 0.0314 0.0343
    2014-05-16 0.0374 0.0317 0.0345
    2014-05-15 0.0403 0.0315 0.0350
    2014-05-14 0.0394 0.0314 0.0344
    2014-05-13 0.0392 0.0307 0.0345
    2014-05-12 0.0384 0.0301 0.0339
    2014-05-11 0.0370 0.0310 0.0340
    2014-05-10 0.0379 0.0307 0.0340
    2014-05-09 0.0385 0.0311 0.0342
    2014-05-08 0.0371 0.0307 0.0338
    2014-05-07 0.0370 0.0306 0.0341
    2014-05-06 0.0386 0.0310 0.0341
    2014-05-05 0.0367 0.0310 0.0337
    2014-05-04 0.0365 0.0298 0.0337
    2014-05-03 0.0378 0.0317 0.0345
    2014-05-02 0.0370 0.0314 0.0340
    2014-05-01 0.0378 0.0307 0.0340
    2014-04-30 0.0391 0.0306 0.0348
    2014-04-29 0.0376 0.0303 0.0340
    2014-04-28 0.0367 0.0306 0.0336
    2014-04-27 0.0368 0.0312 0.0336
    2014-04-26 0.0374 0.0308 0.0340
    2014-04-25 0.0373 0.0308 0.0340
    2014-04-24 0.0370 0.0309 0.0340
    2014-04-23 0.0389 0.0313 0.0343
    2014-04-22 0.0394 0.0312 0.0346
    2014-04-21 0.0390 0.0306 0.0345
    2014-04-20 0.0369 0.0301 0.0334
    2014-04-19 0.0374 0.0305 0.0337
    2014-04-18 0.0386 0.0313 0.0341
    2014-04-17 0.0373 0.0311 0.0339
    2014-04-16 0.0371 0.0314 0.0343
    2014-04-15 0.0373 0.0313 0.0339
    2014-04-14 0.0368 0.0309 0.0337
    2014-04-13 0.0372 0.0309 0.0339
    2014-04-12 0.0375 0.0304 0.0336
    2014-04-11 0.0365 0.0304 0.0334
    2014-04-10 0.0379 0.0309 0.0340
    2014-04-09 0.0374 0.0308 0.0341
    2014-04-08 0.0376 0.0314 0.0344
    2014-04-07 0.0373 0.0309 0.0339
    2014-04-06 0.0448 0.0311 0.0354
    2014-04-05 0.0380 0.0310 0.0340
    2014-04-04 0.0428 0.0314 0.0351
    2014-04-03 0.0414 0.0311 0.0358
    2014-04-02 0.0369 0.0308 0.0341
    2014-04-01 0.0369 0.0308 0.0339
    2014-03-31 0.0370 0.0310 0.0340
    2014-03-30 0.0436 0.0308 0.0355
    2014-03-29 0.0368 0.0310 0.0341
    2014-03-28 0.0382 0.0311 0.0345
    2014-03-27 0.0434 0.0314 0.0353
    2014-03-26 0.0391 0.0310 0.0343
    2014-03-25 0.0385 0.0312 0.0343
    2014-03-24 0.0370 0.0313 0.0340
    2014-03-23 0.0376 0.0306 0.0340
    2014-03-22 0.0366 0.0307 0.0338
    2014-03-21 0.0375 0.0307 0.0341
    2014-03-20 0.0452 0.0305 0.0363
    2014-03-19 0.0370 0.0310 0.0340
    2014-03-18 0.0371 0.0312 0.0342
    2014-03-17 0.0372 0.0316 0.0342
    2014-03-16 0.0371 0.0315 0.0344
    2014-03-15 0.0370 0.0303 0.0338
    2014-03-14 0.0372 0.0306 0.0338
    2014-03-13 0.0472 0.0313 0.0356
    2014-03-12 0.0383 0.0312 0.0345
    2014-03-11 0.0379 0.0309 0.0339
    2014-03-10 0.0372 0.0307 0.0340
    2014-03-09 0.0387 0.0307 0.0339
    2014-03-08 0.0375 0.0314 0.0343
    2014-03-07 0.0442 0.0307 0.0347
    2014-03-06 0.0369 0.0308 0.0339
    2014-03-05 0.0433 0.0323 0.0362
    2014-03-04 0.0377 0.0311 0.0341
    2014-03-03 0.0410 0.0312 0.0347
    2014-03-02 0.0487 0.0325 0.0393
    2014-03-01 0.0437 0.0317 0.0356
    2014-02-28 0.0441 0.0312 0.0355
    2014-02-27 0.0439 0.0319 0.0356
    2014-02-26 0.0377 0.0315 0.0345
    2014-02-25 0.0375 0.0317 0.0346
    2014-02-24 0.0385 0.0310 0.0339
    2014-02-23 0.0369 0.0307 0.0340
    2014-02-22 0.0371 0.0305 0.0338
    2014-02-21 0.0371 0.0306 0.0343
    2014-02-20 0.0370 0.0311 0.0340
    2014-02-19 0.0367 0.0304 0.0338
    2014-02-18 0.0370 0.0311 0.0336
    2014-02-17 0.0371 0.0309 0.0339
    2014-02-16 0.0363 0.0292 0.0328
    2014-02-15 0.0398 0.0287 0.0332
    2014-02-14 0.0416 0.0313 0.0360
    2014-02-13 0.0370 0.0309 0.0342
    2014-02-12 0.0378 0.0310 0.0340
    2014-02-11 0.0373 0.0312 0.0339
    2014-02-10 0.0379 0.0313 0.0338
    2014-02-09 0.0362 0.0297 0.0330
    2014-02-08 0.0422 0.0316 0.0361
    2014-02-07 0.0370 0.0311 0.0340
    2014-02-06 0.0367 0.0312 0.0340
    2014-02-05 0.0369 0.0301 0.0340
    2014-02-04 0.0485 0.0318 0.0373
    2014-02-03 0.0413 0.0325 0.0358
    2014-02-02 0.0389 0.0322 0.0352
    2014-02-01 0.0381 0.0309 0.0345
    2014-01-31 0.0378 0.0312 0.0345
    2014-01-30 0.0402 0.0315 0.0348
    2014-01-29 0.0375 0.0314 0.0345
    2014-01-28 0.0381 0.0315 0.0347
    2014-01-27 0.0378 0.0313 0.0339
    2014-01-26 0.0396 0.0313 0.0351
    2014-01-25 0.0406 0.0321 0.0358
    2014-01-24 0.0391 0.0319 0.0349
    2014-01-23 0.0374 0.0315 0.0347
    2014-01-22 0.0472 0.0317 0.0355
    2014-01-21 0.0420 0.0316 0.0354
    2014-01-20 0.0377 0.0316 0.0344
    2014-01-19 0.0379 0.0310 0.0344
    2014-01-18 0.0381 0.0321 0.0349
    2014-01-17 0.0382 0.0321 0.0349
    2014-01-16 0.0376 0.0309 0.0347
    2014-01-15 0.0377 0.0314 0.0345
    2014-01-14 0.0375 0.0308 0.0340
    2014-01-13 0.0380 0.0314 0.0344
    2014-01-12 0.0391 0.0320 0.0349
    2014-01-11 0.0407 0.0315 0.0349
    2014-01-10 0.0367 0.0307 0.0340
    2014-01-09 0.0453 0.0319 0.0357
    2014-01-08 0.0450 0.0327 0.0364
    2014-01-07 0.0371 0.0309 0.0342
    2014-01-06 0.0386 0.0316 0.0344
    2014-01-05 0.0371 0.0308 0.0341
    2014-01-04 0.0403 0.0317 0.0353
    2014-01-03 0.0371 0.0317 0.0346
    2014-01-02 0.0383 0.0311 0.0347
    2014-01-01 0.0377 0.0319 0.0348
    2013-12-31 0.0406 0.0320 0.0352
    2013-12-30 0.0400 0.0320 0.0350
    2013-12-29 0.0399 0.0315 0.0348
    2013-12-28 0.0390 0.0316 0.0349
    2013-12-27 0.0407 0.0326 0.0357
    2013-12-26 0.0390 0.0322 0.0353
    2013-12-25 0.0376 0.0309 0.0343
    2013-12-24 0.0376 0.0319 0.0347
    2013-12-23 0.0389 0.0316 0.0346
    2013-12-22 0.0373 0.0309 0.0343
    2013-12-21 0.0398 0.0316 0.0352
    2013-12-20 0.0473 0.0314 0.0361
    2013-12-19 0.0408 0.0324 0.0355
    2013-12-18 0.0409 0.0321 0.0356
    2013-12-17 0.0374 0.0312 0.0344
    2013-12-16 0.0371 0.0314 0.0344
    2013-12-15 0.0383 0.0316 0.0349
    2013-12-14 0.0372 0.0318 0.0346
    2013-12-13 0.0383 0.0318 0.0349
    2013-12-12 0.0391 0.0320 0.0348
    2013-12-11 0.0376 0.0315 0.0347
    2013-12-10 0.0478 0.0319 0.0361
    2013-12-09 0.0384 0.0313 0.0349
    2013-12-08 0.0384 0.0315 0.0345
    2013-12-07 0.0393 0.0321 0.0350
    2013-12-06 0.0405 0.0325 0.0356
    2013-12-05 0.0391 0.0322 0.0353
    2013-12-04 0.0380 0.0307 0.0350
    2013-12-03 0.0396 0.0319 0.0351
    2013-12-02 0.0405 0.0323 0.0355
    2013-12-01 0.0408 0.0327 0.0357
    2013-11-30 0.0395 0.0321 0.0351
    2013-11-29 0.0384 0.0320 0.0349
    2013-11-28 0.0380 0.0315 0.0348
    2013-11-27 0.0374 0.0311 0.0345
    2013-11-26 0.0391 0.0315 0.0350
    2013-11-25 0.0416 0.0317 0.0353
    2013-11-24 0.0398 0.0321 0.0352
    2013-11-23 0.0380 0.0309 0.0348
    2013-11-22 0.0400 0.0324 0.0355
    2013-11-21 0.0389 0.0322 0.0352
    2013-11-20 0.0385 0.0322 0.0351
    2013-11-19 0.0379 0.0313 0.0350
    2013-11-18 0.0404 0.0326 0.0356
    2013-11-17 0.0403 0.0321 0.0354
    2013-11-16 0.0398 0.0314 0.0350
    2013-11-15 0.0410 0.0317 0.0356
    2013-11-14 0.0383 0.0313 0.0349
    2013-11-13 0.0380 0.0316 0.0347
    2013-11-12 0.0382 0.0319 0.0348
    2013-11-11 0.0438 0.0323 0.0357
    2013-11-10 0.0387 0.0321 0.0350
    2013-11-09 0.0387 0.0321 0.0351
    2013-11-08 0.0389 0.0322 0.0351
    2013-11-07 0.0443 0.0325 0.0365
    2013-11-06 0.0395 0.0315 0.0353
    2013-11-05 0.0397 0.0321 0.0351
    2013-11-04 0.0434 0.0322 0.0364
    2013-11-03 0.0399 0.0325 0.0356
    2013-11-02 0.0403 0.0324 0.0355
    2013-11-01 0.0381 0.0321 0.0350
    2013-10-31 0.0392 0.0321 0.0350
    2013-10-30 0.0376 0.0316 0.0348
    2013-10-29 0.0429 0.0320 0.0355
    2013-10-28 0.0379 0.0319 0.0346
    2013-10-27 0.0383 0.0313 0.0349
    2013-10-26 0.0434 0.0326 0.0367
    2013-10-25 0.0388 0.0323 0.0353
    2013-10-24 0.0390 0.0319 0.0348
    2013-10-23 0.0381 0.0315 0.0342
    2013-10-22 0.0373 0.0315 0.0341
    2013-10-21 0.0370 0.0311 0.0344
    2013-10-20 0.0416 0.0317 0.0359
    2013-10-19 0.0391 0.0309 0.0347
    2013-10-18 0.0379 0.0315 0.0344
    2013-10-17 0.0376 0.0309 0.0345
    2013-10-16 0.0455 0.0312 0.0365
    2013-10-15 0.0458 0.0327 0.0370
    2013-10-14 0.0381 0.0315 0.0349
    2013-10-13 0.0383 0.0319 0.0349
    2013-10-12 0.0392 0.0317 0.0351
    2013-10-11 0.0387 0.0315 0.0347
    2013-10-10 0.0396 0.0322 0.0351
    2013-10-09 0.0391 0.0312 0.0344
    2013-10-08 0.0377 0.0315 0.0344
    2013-10-07 0.0383 0.0312 0.0345
    2013-10-06 0.0390 0.0316 0.0347
    2013-10-05 0.0456 0.0325 0.0375
    2013-10-04 0.0432 0.0322 0.0356
    2013-10-03 0.0392 0.0316 0.0353
    2013-10-02 0.0428 0.0325 0.0362
    2013-10-01 0.0388 0.0318 0.0351
    2013-09-30 0.0373 0.0320 0.0346
    2013-09-29 0.0378 0.0312 0.0346
    2013-09-28 0.0381 0.0315 0.0348
    2013-09-27 0.0388 0.0314 0.0347
    2013-09-26 0.0449 0.0317 0.0356
    2013-09-25 0.0448 0.0320 0.0365
    2013-09-24 0.0416 0.0315 0.0354
    2013-09-23 0.0391 0.0318 0.0349
    2013-09-22 0.0397 0.0322 0.0353
    2013-09-21 0.0397 0.0315 0.0351
    2013-09-20 0.0390 0.0316 0.0350
    2013-09-19 0.0408 0.0320 0.0353
    2013-09-18 0.0381 0.0312 0.0350
    2013-09-17 0.0384 0.0315 0.0347
    2013-09-16 0.0401 0.0316 0.0351
    2013-09-15 0.0382 0.0313 0.0347
    2013-09-14 0.0375 0.0318 0.0348
    2013-09-13 0.0384 0.0318 0.0349
    2013-09-12 0.0388 0.0315 0.0350
    2013-09-11 0.0394 0.0307 0.0350
    2013-09-10 0.0387 0.0319 0.0349
    2013-09-09 0.0383 0.0322 0.0350
    2013-09-08 0.0514 0.0323 0.0368
    2013-09-07 0.0395 0.0319 0.0351
    2013-09-06 0.0395 0.0318 0.0350
    2013-09-05 0.0394 0.0318 0.0349
    2013-09-04 0.0383 0.0318 0.0348
    2013-09-03 0.0378 0.0311 0.0346
    2013-09-02 0.0381 0.0322 0.0349
    2013-09-01 0.0384 0.0315 0.0348
    2013-08-31 0.0391 0.0313 0.0351
    2013-08-30 0.0385 0.0324 0.0353
    2013-08-29 0.0394 0.0325 0.0355
    2013-08-28 0.0393 0.0313 0.0352
    2013-08-27 0.0515 0.0317 0.0373
    2013-08-26 0.0465 0.0326 0.0359
    2013-08-25 0.0428 0.0325 0.0361
    2013-08-24 0.0402 0.0325 0.0357
    2013-08-23 0.0448 0.0324 0.0358
    2013-08-22 0.0382 0.0320 0.0350
    2013-08-21 0.0484 0.0317 0.0360
    2013-08-20 0.0381 0.0322 0.0347
    2013-08-19 0.0378 0.0319 0.0348
    2013-08-18 0.0385 0.0320 0.0349
    2013-08-17 0.0395 0.0322 0.0349
    2013-08-16 0.0375 0.0324 0.0350
    2013-08-15 0.0395 0.0318 0.0353
    2013-08-14 0.0389 0.0327 0.0354
    2013-08-13 0.0457 0.0326 0.0358
    2013-08-12 0.0553 0.0333 0.0368
    2013-08-11 0.0429 0.0328 0.0364
    2013-08-10 0.0391 0.0333 0.0359
    2013-08-09 0.0395 0.0326 0.0359
    2013-08-08 0.0394 0.0323 0.0356
    2013-08-07 0.0404 0.0325 0.0354
    2013-08-06 0.0405 0.0322 0.0350
    2013-08-05 0.0388 0.0320 0.0350
    2013-08-04 0.0390 0.0322 0.0348
    2013-08-03 0.0379 0.0317 0.0348
    2013-08-02 0.0385 0.0313 0.0346
    2013-08-01 0.0411 0.0324 0.0354
    2013-07-31 0.0391 0.0323 0.0350
    2013-07-30 0.0392 0.0323 0.0355
    2013-07-29 0.0441 0.0322 0.0362
    2013-07-28 0.0406 0.0321 0.0355
    2013-07-27 0.0497 0.0320 0.0364
    2013-07-26 0.0378 0.0322 0.0349
    2013-07-25 0.0373 0.0321 0.0350
    2013-07-23 0.0492 0.0407 0.0453
    2013-07-22 0.0532 0.0402 0.0451
    2013-07-21 0.0491 0.0391 0.0446
    2013-07-20 0.0488 0.0395 0.0445
    2013-07-19 0.0494 0.0390 0.0447
    2013-07-18 0.0519 0.0403 0.0451
    2013-07-17 0.0589 0.0396 0.0464
    2013-07-16 0.0501 0.0398 0.0445
    2013-07-15 0.0503 0.0396 0.0448
    2013-07-14 0.0640 0.0390 0.0463
    2013-07-13 0.0508 0.0400 0.0452
    2013-07-12 0.0511 0.0406 0.0451
    2013-07-11 0.0516 0.0406 0.0452
    2013-07-10 0.0498 0.0403 0.0452
    2013-07-09 0.0492 0.0401 0.0449
    2013-07-08 0.0533 0.0396 0.0452
    2013-07-07 0.0512 0.0393 0.0447
    2013-07-06 0.0491 0.0400 0.0444
    2013-07-05 0.0527 0.0395 0.0449
    2013-07-04 0.0498 0.0398 0.0446
    2013-07-03 0.0490 0.0396 0.0445
    2013-07-02 0.0497 0.0393 0.0444
    2013-07-01 0.0499 0.0394 0.0444
    2013-06-30 0.0500 0.0392 0.0444
    2013-06-29 0.0498 0.0395 0.0445
    2013-06-28 0.0499 0.0387 0.0444
    2013-06-27 0.0534 0.0393 0.0451
    2013-06-26 0.0557 0.0402 0.0473
    2013-06-25 0.0626 0.0403 0.0462
    2013-06-24 0.0510 0.0407 0.0453
    2013-06-23 0.0528 0.0408 0.0455
    2013-06-22 0.0512 0.0395 0.0456
    2013-06-21 0.0549 0.0410 0.0470
    2013-06-20 0.0543 0.0408 0.0474
    2013-06-19 0.0523 0.0397 0.0451
    2013-06-18 0.0501 0.0404 0.0451
    2013-06-17 0.0505 0.0395 0.0449
    2013-06-16 0.0538 0.0405 0.0465
    2013-06-15 0.0507 0.0398 0.0445
    2013-06-14 0.0498 0.0396 0.0449
    2013-06-13 0.0510 0.0396 0.0454
    2013-06-12 0.0521 0.0404 0.0450
    2013-06-11 0.0518 0.0400 0.0450
    2013-06-10 0.0498 0.0402 0.0449
    2013-06-09 0.0505 0.0392 0.0452
    2013-06-08 0.0504 0.0405 0.0451
    2013-06-07 0.0490 0.0402 0.0446
    2013-06-06 0.0501 0.0399 0.0446
    2013-06-05 0.0498 0.0401 0.0448
    2013-06-04 0.0505 0.0403 0.0450
    2013-06-03 0.0494 0.0404 0.0448
    2013-06-02 0.0495 0.0399 0.0445
    2013-06-01 0.0500 0.0401 0.0450
    2013-05-31 0.0510 0.0408 0.0453
    2013-05-30 0.0516 0.0404 0.0449
    2013-05-29 0.0494 0.0401 0.0445
    2013-05-28 0.0496 0.0395 0.0444
    2013-05-27 0.0498 0.0394 0.0445
    2013-05-26 0.0492 0.0403 0.0448
    2013-05-25 0.0496 0.0392 0.0447
    2013-05-24 0.0509 0.0398 0.0452
    2013-05-23 0.0513 0.0408 0.0454
    2013-05-22 0.0506 0.0384 0.0449
    2013-05-21 0.0512 0.0399 0.0451
    2013-05-20 0.0508 0.0408 0.0457
    2013-05-19 0.0522 0.0396 0.0449
    2013-05-18 0.0498 0.0400 0.0448
    2013-05-17 0.0498 0.0397 0.0445
    2013-05-16 0.0593 0.0404 0.0467
    2013-05-15 0.0511 0.0399 0.0447
    2013-05-14 0.0499 0.0399 0.0451
    2013-05-13 0.0496 0.0406 0.0447
    2013-05-12 0.0537 0.0395 0.0455
    2013-05-11 0.0561 0.0409 0.0474
    2013-05-10 0.0511 0.0401 0.0459
    2013-05-09 0.0504 0.0398 0.0450
    2013-05-08 0.0500 0.0403 0.0446
    2013-05-07 0.0491 0.0403 0.0445
    2013-05-06 0.0511 0.0409 0.0454
    2013-05-05 0.0500 0.0398 0.0449
    2013-05-04 0.0499 0.0395 0.0448
    2013-05-03 0.0520 0.0394 0.0447
    2013-05-02 0.0500 0.0396 0.0447
    2013-05-01 0.0534 0.0391 0.0462
    2013-04-30 0.0508 0.0410 0.0451
    2013-04-29 0.0504 0.0393 0.0449
    2013-04-28 0.0498 0.0399 0.0448
    2013-04-27 0.0499 0.0406 0.0450
    2013-04-26 0.0509 0.0399 0.0451
    2013-04-25 0.0541 0.0395 0.0451
    2013-04-24 0.0525 0.0400 0.0454
    2013-04-23 0.0496 0.0403 0.0446
    2013-04-22 0.0487 0.0391 0.0443
    2013-04-21 0.0580 0.0396 0.0476
    2013-04-20 0.0528 0.0406 0.0457
    2013-04-19 0.0498 0.0403 0.0446
    2013-04-18 0.0510 0.0396 0.0448
    2013-04-17 0.0501 0.0405 0.0448
    2013-04-16 0.0510 0.0401 0.0448
    2013-04-15 0.0497 0.0409 0.0450
    2013-04-14 0.0513 0.0399 0.0449
    2013-04-13 0.0493 0.0403 0.0448
    2013-04-12 0.0499 0.0393 0.0451
    2013-04-11 0.0568 0.0391 0.0459
    2013-04-10 0.0511 0.0399 0.0450
    2013-04-09 0.0500 0.0405 0.0450
    2013-04-08 0.0500 0.0400 0.0449
    2013-04-07 0.0576 0.0408 0.0459
    2013-04-06 0.0585 0.0395 0.0465
    2013-04-05 0.0501 0.0400 0.0448
    2013-04-04 0.0496 0.0392 0.0446
    2013-04-03 0.0591 0.0406 0.0492
    2013-04-02 0.0594 0.0430 0.0505
    2013-04-01 0.0495 0.0397 0.0451
    2013-03-31 0.0533 0.0400 0.0453
    2013-03-30 0.0493 0.0407 0.0451
    2013-03-29 0.0512 0.0404 0.0452
    2013-03-28 0.0498 0.0409 0.0450
    2013-03-27 0.0529 0.0405 0.0457
    2013-03-26 0.0495 0.0404 0.0447
    2013-03-25 0.0574 0.0407 0.0465
    2013-03-24 0.0496 0.0405 0.0452
    2013-03-23 0.0502 0.0402 0.0452
    2013-03-22 0.0514 0.0409 0.0454
    2013-03-21 0.0508 0.0402 0.0450
    2013-03-20 0.0545 0.0406 0.0459
    2013-03-19 0.0536 0.0407 0.0457
    2013-03-18 0.0513 0.0405 0.0451
    2013-03-17 0.0503 0.0409 0.0451
    2013-03-16 0.0507 0.0404 0.0456
    2013-03-15 0.0505 0.0403 0.0449
    2013-03-14 0.0661 0.0407 0.0481
    2013-03-13 0.0558 0.0402 0.0454
    2013-03-12 0.0501 0.0394 0.0453
    2013-03-11 0.0499 0.0404 0.0448
    2013-03-10 0.0513 0.0405 0.0455
    2013-03-09 0.0502 0.0409 0.0456
    2013-03-08 0.0501 0.0401 0.0456
    2013-03-07 0.0513 0.0411 0.0455
    2013-03-06 0.0504 0.0408 0.0455
    2013-03-05 0.0515 0.0402 0.0454
    2013-03-04 0.0516 0.0405 0.0453
    2013-03-03 0.0495 0.0406 0.0453
    2013-03-02 0.0514 0.0398 0.0459
    2013-03-01 0.0599 0.0407 0.0462
    2013-02-28 0.0512 0.0398 0.0455
    2013-02-27 0.0526 0.0402 0.0460
    2013-02-26 0.0506 0.0401 0.0448
    2013-02-25 0.0501 0.0407 0.0448
    2013-02-24 0.0516 0.0409 0.0454
    2013-02-23 0.0505 0.0392 0.0452
    2013-02-22 0.0503 0.0409 0.0456
    2013-02-21 0.0504 0.0405 0.0454
    2013-02-20 0.0501 0.0405 0.0453
    2013-02-19 0.0666 0.0412 0.0474
    2013-02-18 0.0515 0.0414 0.0462
    2013-02-17 0.0500 0.0407 0.0449
    2013-02-16 0.0513 0.0406 0.0453
    2013-02-15 0.0536 0.0410 0.0463
    2013-02-14 0.0500 0.0405 0.0450
    2013-02-13 0.0563 0.0399 0.0463
    2013-02-12 0.0517 0.0405 0.0451
    2013-02-11 0.0503 0.0404 0.0457
    2013-02-10 0.0506 0.0402 0.0458
    2013-02-09 0.0510 0.0408 0.0453
    2013-02-08 0.0513 0.0406 0.0456
    2013-02-07 0.0501 0.0410 0.0454
    2013-02-06 0.0575 0.0406 0.0478
    2013-02-05 0.0509 0.0412 0.0455
    2013-02-04 0.0522 0.0409 0.0460
    2013-02-03 0.0516 0.0416 0.0457
    2013-02-02 0.0506 0.0409 0.0455
    2013-02-01 0.0530 0.0404 0.0460
    2013-01-31 0.0504 0.0406 0.0453
    2013-01-30 0.0505 0.0407 0.0458
    2013-01-29 0.0534 0.0413 0.0455
    2013-01-28 0.0513 0.0406 0.0458
    2013-01-27 0.0518 0.0417 0.0460
    2013-01-26 0.0506 0.0404 0.0455
    2013-01-25 0.0506 0.0406 0.0455
    2013-01-24 0.0508 0.0395 0.0454
    2013-01-23 0.0510 0.0403 0.0451
    2013-01-22 0.0526 0.0406 0.0454
    2013-01-21 0.0490 0.0384 0.0428
    2013-01-20 0.0481 0.0381 0.0426
    2013-01-19 0.0478 0.0378 0.0425
    2013-01-18 0.0469 0.0378 0.0419
    2013-01-17 0.0477 0.0367 0.0418
    2013-01-16 0.0456 0.0363 0.0404
    2013-01-15 0.0433 0.0340 0.0379
    2013-01-14 0.0646 0.0340 0.0498
    2013-01-13 0.0523 0.0415 0.0464
    2013-01-12 0.0520 0.0419 0.0462
    2013-01-11 0.0515 0.0414 0.0458
    2013-01-10 0.0517 0.0412 0.0459
    2013-01-09 0.0507 0.0417 0.0461
    2013-01-08 0.0515 0.0418 0.0463
    2013-01-07 0.0511 0.0415 0.0457
    2013-01-06 0.0516 0.0414 0.0461
    2013-01-05 0.0508 0.0407 0.0456
    2013-01-04 0.0509 0.0395 0.0455
    2013-01-03 0.0508 0.0410 0.0458
    2013-01-02 0.0506 0.0406 0.0458
    2013-01-01 0.0514 0.0403 0.0458
    2012-12-31 0.0527 0.0416 0.0465
    2012-12-30 0.0590 0.0404 0.0482
    2012-12-29 0.0522 0.0406 0.0457
    2012-12-28 0.0549 0.0419 0.0476
    2012-12-27 0.0520 0.0402 0.0457
    2012-12-26 0.0508 0.0416 0.0461
    2012-12-25 0.0516 0.0419 0.0462
    2012-12-24 0.0514 0.0409 0.0461
    2012-12-23 0.0510 0.0410 0.0459
    2012-12-22 0.0588 0.0416 0.0482
    2012-12-21 0.0510 0.0412 0.0460
    2012-12-20 0.0523 0.0415 0.0459
    2012-12-19 0.0516 0.0409 0.0459
    2012-12-18 0.0518 0.0412 0.0466
    2012-12-17 0.0548 0.0418 0.0470
    2012-12-16 0.0614 0.0411 0.0473
    2012-12-15 0.0553 0.0418 0.0475
    2012-12-14 0.0515 0.0415 0.0463
    2012-12-13 0.0519 0.0407 0.0460
    2012-12-12 0.0516 0.0415 0.0464
    2012-12-11 0.0520 0.0421 0.0468
    2012-12-10 0.0520 0.0425 0.0468
    2012-12-09 0.0513 0.0410 0.0464
    2012-12-08 0.0516 0.0409 0.0465
    2012-12-07 0.0516 0.0412 0.0461
    2012-12-06 0.0509 0.0414 0.0460
    2012-12-05 0.0514 0.0414 0.0461
    2012-12-04 0.0551 0.0416 0.0465
    2012-12-03 0.0521 0.0417 0.0466
    2012-12-02 0.0545 0.0410 0.0463
    2012-12-01 0.0555 0.0424 0.0473
    2012-11-30 0.0524 0.0426 0.0472
    2012-11-29 0.0583 0.0430 0.0480
    2012-11-28 0.0526 0.0412 0.0465
    2012-11-27 0.0518 0.0413 0.0464
    2012-11-26 0.0608 0.0420 0.0490
    2012-11-25 0.0501 0.0418 0.0462
    2012-11-24 0.0531 0.0412 0.0465
    2012-11-23 0.0592 0.0425 0.0482
    2012-11-22 0.0533 0.0416 0.0471
    2012-11-21 0.0516 0.0418 0.0464
    2012-11-20 0.0537 0.0418 0.0470
    2012-11-19 0.0531 0.0415 0.0464
    2012-11-18 0.0517 0.0411 0.0464
    2012-11-17 0.0678 0.0427 0.0501
    2012-11-16 0.0504 0.0408 0.0460
    2012-11-15 0.0527 0.0421 0.0471
    2012-11-14 0.0510 0.0416 0.0466
    2012-11-13 0.0541 0.0415 0.0469
    2012-11-12 0.0532 0.0414 0.0466
    2012-11-11 0.0553 0.0418 0.0476
    2012-11-10 0.0507 0.0418 0.0461
    2012-11-09 0.0514 0.0405 0.0466
    2012-11-08 0.0520 0.0414 0.0472
    2012-11-07 0.0524 0.0421 0.0470
    2012-11-06 0.0595 0.0415 0.0492
    2012-11-05 0.0524 0.0426 0.0475
    2012-11-04 0.0513 0.0416 0.0464
    2012-11-03 0.0515 0.0420 0.0465
    2012-11-02 0.0524 0.0421 0.0468
    2012-11-01 0.0523 0.0426 0.0475
    2012-10-31 0.0537 0.0430 0.0474
    2012-10-30 0.0538 0.0419 0.0473
    2012-10-29 0.0638 0.0423 0.0484
    2012-10-28 0.0604 0.0414 0.0489
    2012-10-27 0.0527 0.0422 0.0469
    2012-10-26 0.0526 0.0421 0.0470
    2012-10-25 0.0523 0.0422 0.0468
    2012-10-24 0.0516 0.0411 0.0464
    2012-10-23 0.0691 0.0420 0.0487
    2012-10-22 0.0530 0.0421 0.0472
    2012-10-21 0.0541 0.0424 0.0472
    2012-10-20 0.0529 0.0410 0.0468
    2012-10-19 0.0609 0.0424 0.0484
    2012-10-18 0.0579 0.0425 0.0488
    2012-10-17 0.0554 0.0427 0.0481
    2012-10-16 0.0522 0.0413 0.0469
    2012-10-15 0.0534 0.0430 0.0473
    2012-10-14 0.0524 0.0422 0.0476
    2012-10-13 0.0521 0.0420 0.0469
    2012-10-12 0.0517 0.0413 0.0468
    2012-10-11 0.0509 0.0412 0.0464
    2012-10-10 0.0521 0.0424 0.0465
    2012-10-09 0.0523 0.0419 0.0467
    2012-10-08 0.0529 0.0424 0.0467
    2012-10-07 0.0563 0.0426 0.0482
    2012-10-06 0.0541 0.0424 0.0470
    2012-10-05 0.0515 0.0415 0.0466
    2012-10-04 0.0684 0.0411 0.0479
    2012-10-03 0.0567 0.0411 0.0482
    2012-10-02 0.0520 0.0426 0.0469
    2012-10-01 0.0517 0.0414 0.0470
    2012-09-30 0.0535 0.0423 0.0475
    2012-09-29 0.0530 0.0432 0.0474
    2012-09-28 0.0525 0.0422 0.0467
    2012-09-27 0.0534 0.0417 0.0466
    2012-09-26 0.0519 0.0423 0.0468
    2012-09-25 0.0585 0.0408 0.0475
    2012-09-24 0.0559 0.0419 0.0474
    2012-09-23 0.0605 0.0457 0.0530
    2012-09-22 0.0559 0.0422 0.0474
    2012-09-21 0.0534 0.0425 0.0476
    2012-09-20 0.0522 0.0424 0.0472
    2012-09-19 0.0515 0.0416 0.0463
    2012-09-18 0.0515 0.0424 0.0464
    2012-09-17 0.0509 0.0409 0.0463
    2012-09-16 0.0517 0.0413 0.0467
    2012-09-15 0.0522 0.0413 0.0467
    2012-09-14 0.0529 0.0424 0.0471
    2012-09-13 0.0524 0.0428 0.0473
    2012-09-12 0.0529 0.0425 0.0471
    2012-09-11 0.0517 0.0417 0.0466
    2012-09-10 0.0519 0.0419 0.0465
    2012-09-09 0.0521 0.0415 0.0465
    2012-09-08 0.0608 0.0416 0.0475
    2012-09-07 0.0533 0.0430 0.0480
    2012-09-06 0.0583 0.0438 0.0492
    2012-09-05 0.0534 0.0434 0.0484
    2012-09-04 0.0528 0.0428 0.0480
    2012-09-03 0.0531 0.0426 0.0480
    2012-09-02 0.0529 0.0427 0.0480
    2012-09-01 0.0523 0.0431 0.0479
    2012-08-31 0.0533 0.0429 0.0479
    2012-08-30 0.0545 0.0428 0.0484
    2012-08-29 0.0539 0.0432 0.0481
    2012-08-28 0.0526 0.0432 0.0480
    2012-08-27 0.0537 0.0426 0.0481
    2012-08-26 0.0529 0.0427 0.0479
    2012-08-25 0.0533 0.0429 0.0479
    2012-08-24 0.0540 0.0428 0.0480
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    2012-08-22 0.0529 0.0434 0.0478
    2012-08-21 0.0533 0.0436 0.0480
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    2012-08-19 0.0532 0.0431 0.0479
    2012-08-18 0.0546 0.0428 0.0484
    2012-08-17 0.0526 0.0432 0.0484
    2012-08-16 0.0528 0.0429 0.0480
    2012-08-15 0.0526 0.0426 0.0482
    2012-08-14 0.0562 0.0430 0.0488
    2012-08-13 0.0540 0.0435 0.0483
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    2012-08-11 0.0537 0.0423 0.0483
    2012-08-10 0.0537 0.0435 0.0483
    2012-08-09 0.0561 0.0423 0.0484
    2012-08-08 0.0532 0.0431 0.0483
    2012-08-07 0.0568 0.0435 0.0488
    2012-08-06 0.0526 0.0414 0.0481
    2012-08-05 0.0529 0.0429 0.0479
    2012-08-04 0.0531 0.0433 0.0478
    2012-08-03 0.0534 0.0433 0.0480
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    2012-08-01 0.0541 0.0419 0.0482
    2012-07-31 0.0536 0.0430 0.0479
    2012-07-30 0.0526 0.0433 0.0480
    2012-07-29 0.0538 0.0433 0.0483
    2012-07-28 0.0537 0.0437 0.0484
    2012-07-27 0.0557 0.0440 0.0490
    2012-07-26 0.0556 0.0444 0.0495
    2012-07-25 0.0545 0.0440 0.0491
    2012-07-24 0.0532 0.0432 0.0483
    2012-07-23 0.0527 0.0417 0.0480
    2012-07-22 0.0525 0.0431 0.0477
    2012-07-21 0.0567 0.0423 0.0484
    2012-07-20 0.0539 0.0432 0.0480
    2012-07-19 0.0552 0.0441 0.0485
    2012-07-18 0.0559 0.0421 0.0485
    2012-07-17 0.0526 0.0430 0.0480
    2012-07-16 0.0529 0.0436 0.0478
    2012-07-15 0.0534 0.0428 0.0479
    2012-07-14 0.0626 0.0435 0.0502
    2012-07-13 0.0616 0.0435 0.0495
    2012-07-12 0.0633 0.0435 0.0490
    2012-07-11 0.0535 0.0431 0.0483
    2012-07-10 0.0535 0.0435 0.0483
    2012-07-09 0.0532 0.0436 0.0481
    2012-07-08 0.0594 0.0432 0.0497
    2012-07-07 0.0653 0.0452 0.0514
    2012-07-06 0.0658 0.0447 0.0506
    2012-07-05 0.0546 0.0442 0.0491
    2012-07-04 0.0546 0.0432 0.0490
    2012-07-03 0.0575 0.0435 0.0493
    2012-07-02 0.0542 0.0441 0.0485
    2012-07-01 0.0564 0.0427 0.0491
    2012-06-30 0.0526 0.0428 0.0482
    2012-06-29 0.0535 0.0434 0.0482
    2012-06-28 0.0532 0.0431 0.0482
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    2012-06-26 0.0531 0.0431 0.0480
    2012-06-25 0.0534 0.0417 0.0478
    2012-06-24 0.0536 0.0433 0.0484
    2012-06-23 0.0544 0.0438 0.0485
    2012-06-22 0.0587 0.0438 0.0497
    2012-06-21 0.0542 0.0442 0.0485
    2012-06-20 0.0543 0.0434 0.0488
    2012-06-19 0.0562 0.0445 0.0491
    2012-06-18 0.0548 0.0440 0.0489
    2012-06-17 0.0550 0.0439 0.0490
    2012-06-16 0.0540 0.0421 0.0487
    2012-06-15 0.0531 0.0437 0.0482
    2012-06-14 0.0540 0.0435 0.0482
    2012-06-13 0.0542 0.0432 0.0484
    2012-06-12 0.0581 0.0439 0.0499
    2012-06-11 0.0534 0.0435 0.0486
    2012-06-10 0.0539 0.0440 0.0486
    2012-06-09 0.0591 0.0433 0.0505
    2012-06-08 0.0549 0.0436 0.0489
    2012-06-07 0.0543 0.0442 0.0484
    2012-06-06 0.0563 0.0437 0.0492
    2012-06-05 0.0540 0.0425 0.0483
    2012-06-04 0.0539 0.0442 0.0487
    2012-06-03 0.0534 0.0431 0.0486
    2012-06-02 0.0546 0.0442 0.0492
    2012-06-01 0.0577 0.0438 0.0493
    2012-05-31 0.0536 0.0440 0.0487
    2012-05-30 0.0551 0.0443 0.0490
    2012-05-29 0.0537 0.0437 0.0487
    2012-05-28 0.0609 0.0445 0.0495
    2012-05-27 0.0534 0.0440 0.0491
    2012-05-26 0.0545 0.0455 0.0492
    2012-05-25 0.0594 0.0451 0.0499
    2012-05-24 0.0547 0.0438 0.0489
    2012-05-23 0.0539 0.0444 0.0485
    2012-05-22 0.0612 0.0446 0.0511
    2012-05-21 0.0556 0.0433 0.0490
    2012-05-20 0.0552 0.0438 0.0490
    2012-05-19 0.0541 0.0445 0.0490
    2012-05-18 0.0597 0.0437 0.0501
    2012-05-17 0.0548 0.0434 0.0495
    2012-05-16 0.0541 0.0440 0.0492
    2012-05-15 0.0572 0.0438 0.0501
    2012-05-14 0.0535 0.0436 0.0491
    2012-05-13 0.0549 0.0443 0.0487
    2012-05-12 0.0537 0.0439 0.0487
    2012-05-11 0.0539 0.0443 0.0488
    2012-05-10 0.0609 0.0447 0.0501
    2012-05-09 0.0647 0.0447 0.0505
    2012-05-08 0.0546 0.0444 0.0493
    2012-05-07 0.0536 0.0446 0.0492
    2012-05-06 0.0569 0.0452 0.0497
    2012-05-05 0.0546 0.0444 0.0492
    2012-05-04 0.0654 0.0453 0.0513
    2012-05-03 0.0749 0.0454 0.0562
    2012-05-02 0.0569 0.0443 0.0501
    2012-05-01 0.0533 0.0441 0.0488
    2012-04-30 0.0536 0.0439 0.0490
    2012-04-29 0.0559 0.0450 0.0496
    2012-04-28 0.0551 0.0441 0.0496
    2012-04-27 0.0588 0.0466 0.0523
    2012-04-26 0.0554 0.0450 0.0500
    2012-04-25 0.0548 0.0450 0.0494
    2012-04-24 0.0547 0.0446 0.0496
    2012-04-23 0.0580 0.0441 0.0502
    2012-04-22 0.0570 0.0451 0.0494
    2012-04-21 0.0552 0.0443 0.0486
    2012-04-20 0.0535 0.0442 0.0487
    2012-04-19 0.0542 0.0438 0.0488
    2012-04-18 0.0542 0.0446 0.0492
    2012-04-17 0.0585 0.0448 0.0499
    2012-04-16 0.0551 0.0440 0.0491
    2012-04-15 0.0541 0.0446 0.0493
    2012-04-14 0.0648 0.0462 0.0550
    2012-04-13 0.0600 0.0456 0.0504
    2012-04-12 0.0545 0.0450 0.0497
    2012-04-11 0.0571 0.0450 0.0503
    2012-04-10 0.0553 0.0444 0.0497
    2012-04-09 0.0544 0.0445 0.0498
    2012-04-08 0.0545 0.0444 0.0496
    2012-04-07 0.0545 0.0445 0.0496
    2012-04-06 0.0601 0.0443 0.0505
    2012-04-05 0.0557 0.0450 0.0499
    2012-04-04 0.0557 0.0440 0.0497
    2012-04-03 0.0654 0.0448 0.0514
    2012-04-02 0.0544 0.0447 0.0497
    2012-04-01 0.0551 0.0450 0.0496
    2012-03-31 0.0625 0.0447 0.0510
    2012-03-30 0.0549 0.0446 0.0498
    2012-03-29 0.0548 0.0449 0.0498
    2012-03-28 0.0609 0.0462 0.0506
    2012-03-27 0.0608 0.0456 0.0501
    2012-03-26 0.0564 0.0452 0.0501
    2012-03-25 0.0561 0.0456 0.0502
    2012-03-24 0.0620 0.0448 0.0516
    2012-03-23 0.0635 0.0443 0.0525
    2012-03-22 0.0554 0.0455 0.0504
    2012-03-21 0.0546 0.0446 0.0496
    2012-03-20 0.0555 0.0444 0.0498
    2012-03-19 0.0551 0.0440 0.0495
    2012-03-18 0.0565 0.0440 0.0505
    2012-03-17 0.0610 0.0456 0.0523
    2012-03-16 0.0555 0.0451 0.0500
    2012-03-15 0.0565 0.0450 0.0502
    2012-03-14 0.0547 0.0451 0.0500
    2012-03-13 0.0557 0.0454 0.0500
    2012-03-12 0.0560 0.0450 0.0503
    2012-03-11 0.0549 0.0447 0.0497
    2012-03-10 0.0654 0.0450 0.0535
    2012-03-09 0.0637 0.0470 0.0560
    2012-03-08 0.0560 0.0454 0.0503
    2012-03-07 0.0571 0.0453 0.0504
    2012-03-06 0.0583 0.0457 0.0509
    2012-03-05 0.0666 0.0463 0.0552
    2012-03-04 0.0555 0.0458 0.0503
    2012-03-03 0.0567 0.0456 0.0506
    2012-03-02 0.0598 0.0463 0.0522
    2012-03-01 0.0557 0.0435 0.0497
    2012-02-29 0.0594 0.0421 0.0503
    2012-02-28 0.0561 0.0444 0.0500
    2012-02-27 0.0576 0.0459 0.0505
    2012-02-26 0.0545 0.0455 0.0502
    2012-02-25 0.0649 0.0458 0.0533
    2012-02-24 0.0563 0.0453 0.0504
    2012-02-23 0.0621 0.0457 0.0530
    2012-02-22 0.0555 0.0456 0.0503
    2012-02-21 0.0555 0.0456 0.0509
    2012-02-20 0.0576 0.0460 0.0508
    2012-02-19 0.0563 0.0459 0.0503
    2012-02-18 0.0597 0.0450 0.0507
    2012-02-17 0.0654 0.0460 0.0523
    2012-02-16 0.0570 0.0452 0.0507
    2012-02-15 0.0569 0.0465 0.0512
    2012-02-14 0.0628 0.0461 0.0529
    2012-02-13 0.0555 0.0442 0.0504
    2012-02-12 0.0557 0.0459 0.0506
    2012-02-11 0.0551 0.0460 0.0506
    2012-02-10 0.0570 0.0456 0.0508
    2012-02-09 0.0555 0.0456 0.0505
    2012-02-08 0.0592 0.0452 0.0515
    2012-02-07 0.0647 0.0473 0.0543
    2012-02-06 0.0606 0.0468 0.0522
    2012-02-05 0.0560 0.0466 0.0507
    2012-02-04 0.0591 0.0451 0.0515
    2012-02-03 0.0575 0.0457 0.0513
    2012-02-02 0.0571 0.0464 0.0512
    2012-02-01 0.0561 0.0463 0.0510
    2012-01-31 0.0574 0.0452 0.0512
    2012-01-30 0.0561 0.0463 0.0508
    2012-01-29 0.0565 0.0457 0.0507
    2012-01-28 0.0570 0.0464 0.0510
    2012-01-27 0.0563 0.0464 0.0513
    2012-01-26 0.0565 0.0454 0.0510
    2012-01-25 0.0573 0.0465 0.0510
    2012-01-24 0.0843 0.0450 0.0506
    2012-01-23 0.0926 0.0474 0.0599
    2012-01-22 0.0581 0.0464 0.0511
    2012-01-21 0.0589 0.0461 0.0520
    2012-01-20 0.0583 0.0462 0.0528
    2012-01-19 0.0576 0.0467 0.0519
    2012-01-18 0.0548 0.0480 0.0515
    2012-01-17 0.0550 0.0475 0.0510
    2012-01-16 0.0548 0.0481 0.0514
    2012-01-15 0.0558 0.0483 0.0519
    2012-01-14 0.0555 0.0485 0.0517
    2012-01-13 0.0566 0.0486 0.0524
    2012-01-12 0.0550 0.0478 0.0516
    2012-01-11 0.0572 0.0488 0.0529
    2012-01-10 0.0574 0.0489 0.0525
    2012-01-09 0.0560 0.0484 0.0523
    2012-01-08 0.0557 0.0482 0.0519
    2012-01-07 0.0564 0.0486 0.0521
    2012-01-06 0.0558 0.0489 0.0522
    2012-01-05 0.0572 0.0478 0.0523
    2012-01-04 0.0576 0.0483 0.0529
    2012-01-03 0.0559 0.0482 0.0523
    2012-01-02 0.0578 0.0493 0.0532
    2012-01-01 0.0565 0.0490 0.0528
    2011-12-31 0.0558 0.0482 0.0522
    2011-12-30 0.0569 0.0486 0.0525
    2011-12-29 0.0559 0.0491 0.0527
    2011-12-28 0.0552 0.0484 0.0519
    2011-12-27 0.0559 0.0478 0.0522
    2011-12-26 0.0565 0.0491 0.0526
    2011-12-25 0.0564 0.0486 0.0529
    2011-12-24 0.0570 0.0487 0.0527
    2011-12-23 0.0571 0.0493 0.0528
    2011-12-22 0.0581 0.0500 0.0538
    2011-12-21 0.0569 0.0494 0.0532
    2011-12-20 0.0558 0.0489 0.0527
    2011-12-19 0.0635 0.0493 0.0529
    2011-12-18 0.0567 0.0492 0.0529
    2011-12-17 0.0567 0.0489 0.0526
    2011-12-16 0.0570 0.0492 0.0529
    2011-12-15 0.0578 0.0496 0.0532
    2011-12-14 0.0605 0.0494 0.0535
    2011-12-13 0.0567 0.0496 0.0528
    2011-12-12 0.0568 0.0492 0.0530
    2011-12-11 0.0573 0.0492 0.0530
    2011-12-10 0.0567 0.0492 0.0527
    2011-12-09 0.0690 0.0492 0.0555
    2011-12-08 0.0649 0.0500 0.0550
    2011-12-07 0.0566 0.0485 0.0527
    2011-12-06 0.0631 0.0485 0.0536
    2011-12-05 0.0566 0.0491 0.0528
    2011-12-04 0.0565 0.0488 0.0524
    2011-12-03 0.0660 0.0486 0.0562
    2011-12-02 0.0603 0.0490 0.0538
    2011-12-01 0.0635 0.0499 0.0559
    2011-11-30 0.0585 0.0496 0.0539
    2011-11-29 0.0584 0.0508 0.0546
    2011-11-28 0.0583 0.0507 0.0544
    2011-11-27 0.0578 0.0502 0.0536
    2011-11-26 0.0568 0.0489 0.0526
    2011-11-25 0.0565 0.0493 0.0528
    2011-11-24 0.0576 0.0491 0.0534
    2011-11-23 0.0576 0.0500 0.0534
    2011-11-22 0.0586 0.0489 0.0533
    2011-11-21 0.0592 0.0508 0.0546
    2011-11-20 0.0590 0.0513 0.0552
    2011-11-19 0.0646 0.0514 0.0577
    2011-11-18 0.0589 0.0507 0.0548
    2011-11-17 0.0589 0.0501 0.0544
    2011-11-16 0.0577 0.0506 0.0543
    2011-11-15 0.0648 0.0496 0.0551
    2011-11-14 0.0663 0.0514 0.0560
    2011-11-13 0.0590 0.0515 0.0547
    2011-11-12 0.0584 0.0509 0.0546
    2011-11-11 0.0646 0.0509 0.0576
    2011-11-10 0.0599 0.0516 0.0550
    2011-11-09 0.0584 0.0500 0.0546
    2011-11-08 0.0609 0.0509 0.0549
    2011-11-07 0.0600 0.0512 0.0550
    2011-11-06 0.0617 0.0524 0.0565
    2011-11-05 0.0593 0.0517 0.0556
    2011-11-04 0.0605 0.0513 0.0556
    2011-11-03 0.0596 0.0525 0.0559
    2011-11-02 0.0593 0.0512 0.0549
    2011-11-01 0.0584 0.0509 0.0547
    2011-10-31 0.0598 0.0513 0.0554
    2011-10-30 0.0592 0.0510 0.0552
    2011-10-29 0.0593 0.0509 0.0551
    2011-10-28 0.0602 0.0508 0.0549
    2011-10-27 0.0586 0.0507 0.0547
    2011-10-26 0.0583 0.0503 0.0548
    2011-10-25 0.0591 0.0505 0.0549
    2011-10-24 0.0583 0.0486 0.0546
    2011-10-23 0.0589 0.0512 0.0545
    2011-10-22 0.0613 0.0510 0.0558
    2011-10-21 0.0597 0.0520 0.0554
    2011-10-20 0.0590 0.0513 0.0552
    2011-10-19 0.0586 0.0486 0.0550
    2011-10-18 0.0593 0.0479 0.0553
    2011-10-17 0.0596 0.0515 0.0557
    2011-10-16 0.0588 0.0512 0.0550
    2011-10-15 0.0583 0.0503 0.0548
    2011-10-14 0.0608 0.0506 0.0558
    2011-10-13 0.0603 0.0526 0.0560
    2011-10-12 0.0595 0.0516 0.0556
    2011-10-11 0.0600 0.0518 0.0558
    2011-10-10 0.0607 0.0516 0.0556
    2011-10-09 0.0614 0.0516 0.0559
    2011-10-08 0.0592 0.0516 0.0554
    2011-10-07 0.0607 0.0518 0.0555
    2011-10-06 0.0646 0.0505 0.0558
    2011-10-05 0.0715 0.0520 0.0603
    2011-10-04 0.0594 0.0513 0.0553
    2011-10-03 0.0592 0.0514 0.0552
    2011-10-02 0.0593 0.0509 0.0553
    2011-10-01 0.0599 0.0525 0.0560
    2011-09-30 0.0600 0.0513 0.0558
    2011-09-29 0.0603 0.0516 0.0556
    2011-09-28 0.0599 0.0510 0.0554
    2011-09-27 0.0600 0.0520 0.0555
    2011-09-26 0.0600 0.0518 0.0558
    2011-09-25 0.0593 0.0518 0.0552
    2011-09-24 0.0599 0.0513 0.0553
    2011-09-23 0.0593 0.0512 0.0551
    2011-09-22 0.0651 0.0521 0.0561
    2011-09-21 0.0868 0.0524 0.0610
    2011-09-20 0.0649 0.0527 0.0574
    2011-09-19 0.0610 0.0508 0.0559
    2011-09-18 0.0596 0.0510 0.0552
    2011-09-17 0.0593 0.0515 0.0549
    2011-09-16 0.0589 0.0513 0.0552
    2011-09-15 0.0595 0.0515 0.0553
    2011-09-14 0.0604 0.0517 0.0555
    2011-09-13 0.0595 0.0514 0.0554
    2011-09-12 0.0603 0.0516 0.0553
    2011-09-11 0.0600 0.0506 0.0554
    2011-09-10 0.0614 0.0520 0.0558
    2011-09-09 0.0600 0.0515 0.0559
    2011-09-08 0.0610 0.0522 0.0565
    2011-09-07 0.0602 0.0520 0.0561
    2011-09-06 0.0621 0.0522 0.0565
    2011-09-05 0.0608 0.0515 0.0556
    2011-09-04 0.0585 0.0513 0.0553
    2011-09-03 0.0596 0.0511 0.0554
    2011-09-02 0.0591 0.0516 0.0554
    2011-09-01 0.0596 0.0518 0.0554
    2011-08-31 0.0602 0.0520 0.0558
    2011-08-30 0.0598 0.0516 0.0559
    2011-08-29 0.0597 0.0513 0.0558
    2011-08-28 0.0603 0.0516 0.0558
    2011-08-27 0.0602 0.0522 0.0557
    2011-08-26 0.0646 0.0525 0.0575
    2011-08-25 0.0592 0.0520 0.0557
    2011-08-24 0.0602 0.0516 0.0559
    2011-08-23 0.0607 0.0525 0.0565
    2011-08-22 0.0693 0.0528 0.0590
    2011-08-21 0.0696 0.0518 0.0589
    2011-08-20 0.0605 0.0518 0.0565
    2011-08-19 0.0865 0.0533 0.0630
    2011-08-18 0.0621 0.0540 0.0574
    2011-08-17 0.0614 0.0534 0.0576
    2011-08-16 0.0618 0.0540 0.0576
    2011-08-15 0.0614 0.0532 0.0570
    2011-08-14 0.0617 0.0533 0.0572
    2011-08-13 0.0616 0.0535 0.0572
    2011-08-12 0.0612 0.0537 0.0575
    2011-08-11 0.0617 0.0537 0.0574
    2011-08-10 0.0614 0.0527 0.0571
    2011-08-09 0.0608 0.0527 0.0570
    2011-08-08 0.0616 0.0523 0.0568
    2011-08-07 0.0661 0.0534 0.0582
    2011-08-06 0.0612 0.0528 0.0569
    2011-08-05 0.0601 0.0528 0.0564
    2011-08-04 0.0605 0.0524 0.0565
    2011-08-03 0.0642 0.0528 0.0573
    2011-08-02 0.0609 0.0506 0.0567
    2011-08-01 0.0606 0.0527 0.0568
    2011-07-31 0.0610 0.0534 0.0570
    2011-07-30 0.0735 0.0535 0.0594
    2011-07-29 0.0697 0.0551 0.0599
    2011-07-28 0.0645 0.0551 0.0589
    2011-07-27 0.0621 0.0536 0.0579
    2011-07-26 0.0617 0.0533 0.0574
    2011-07-25 0.0613 0.0518 0.0574
    2011-07-24 0.0612 0.0528 0.0575
    2011-07-23 0.0619 0.0536 0.0573
    2011-07-22 0.0611 0.0529 0.0571
    2011-07-21 0.0621 0.0534 0.0574
    2011-07-20 0.0617 0.0540 0.0574
    2011-07-19 0.0614 0.0536 0.0572
    2011-07-18 0.0614 0.0542 0.0574
    2011-07-17 0.0611 0.0529 0.0574
    2011-07-16 0.0614 0.0540 0.0575
    2011-07-15 0.0615 0.0537 0.0576
    2011-07-14 0.0615 0.0531 0.0575
    2011-07-13 0.0614 0.0523 0.0574
    2011-07-12 0.0614 0.0530 0.0573
    2011-07-11 0.0619 0.0530 0.0576
    2011-07-10 0.0624 0.0534 0.0579
    2011-07-09 0.0627 0.0535 0.0581
    2011-07-08 0.0649 0.0547 0.0586
    2011-07-07 0.0640 0.0544 0.0587
    2011-07-06 0.0639 0.0551 0.0589
    2011-07-05 0.0680 0.0548 0.0598
    2011-07-04 0.0626 0.0548 0.0585
    2011-07-03 0.0628 0.0548 0.0585
    2011-07-02 0.0618 0.0541 0.0581
    2011-07-01 0.0635 0.0550 0.0590
    2011-06-30 0.0653 0.0544 0.0591
    2011-06-29 0.0624 0.0544 0.0587
    2011-06-28 0.0628 0.0543 0.0586
    2011-06-27 0.0620 0.0548 0.0584
    2011-06-26 0.103 0.0549 0.0588
    2011-06-25 0.0633 0.0548 0.0586
    2011-06-24 0.0631 0.0546 0.0583
    2011-06-23 0.0632 0.0548 0.0589
    2011-06-22 0.0638 0.0548 0.0592
    2011-06-21 0.0624 0.0539 0.0586
    2011-06-20 0.0628 0.0544 0.0585
    2011-06-19 0.0621 0.0544 0.0585
    2011-06-18 0.0661 0.0542 0.0591
    2011-06-17 0.0680 0.0547 0.0608
    2011-06-16 0.0653 0.0546 0.0596
    2011-06-15 0.0628 0.0542 0.0589
    2011-06-14 0.0631 0.0546 0.0591
    2011-06-13 0.0664 0.0561 0.0601
    2011-06-12 0.0635 0.0554 0.0595
    2011-06-11 0.0731 0.0558 0.0615
    2011-06-10 0.0644 0.0514 0.0595
    2011-06-09 0.0632 0.0556 0.0592
    2011-06-08 0.0645 0.0541 0.0597
    2011-06-07 0.0642 0.0520 0.0595
    2011-06-06 0.0672 0.0560 0.0600
    2011-06-05 0.0753 0.0566 0.0614
    2011-06-04 0.0638 0.0565 0.0600
    2011-06-03 0.0644 0.0562 0.0597
    2011-06-02 0.0666 0.0566 0.0604
    2011-06-01 0.0632 0.0530 0.0594
    2011-05-31 0.0635 0.0558 0.0596
    2011-05-30 0.0659 0.0565 0.0609
    2011-05-29 0.0660 0.0578 0.0616
    2011-05-28 0.0689 0.0572 0.0629
    2011-05-27 0.0671 0.0551 0.0612
    2011-05-26 0.0656 0.0569 0.0610
    2011-05-25 0.0659 0.0573 0.0612
    2011-05-24 0.0679 0.0569 0.0623
    2011-05-23 0.0666 0.0569 0.0620
    2011-05-22 0.0742 0.0583 0.0632
    2011-05-21 0.0673 0.0589 0.0625
    2011-05-20 0.0668 0.0577 0.0624
    2011-05-19 0.0663 0.0587 0.0628
    2011-05-18 0.0669 0.0579 0.0627
    2011-05-17 0.0722 0.0598 0.0637
    2011-05-16 0.0671 0.0595 0.0630
    2011-05-15 0.0677 0.0598 0.0633
    2011-05-14 0.0676 0.0590 0.0636
    2011-05-13 0.0676 0.0586 0.0635
    2011-05-12 0.0698 0.0590 0.0647
    2011-05-11 0.0729 0.0624 0.0678
    2011-05-10 0.0709 0.0614 0.0660
    2011-05-09 0.0695 0.0614 0.0654
    2011-05-08 0.0694 0.0614 0.0653
    2011-05-07 0.0704 0.0613 0.0655
    2011-05-06 0.0700 0.0614 0.0652
    2011-05-05 0.0696 0.0616 0.0654
    2011-05-04 0.0695 0.0620 0.0656
    2011-05-03 0.0762 0.0638 0.0683
    2011-05-02 0.0715 0.0633 0.0674
    2011-05-01 0.0742 0.0631 0.0678
    2011-04-30 0.0725 0.0638 0.0677
    2011-04-29 0.0731 0.0637 0.0677
    2011-04-28 0.0742 0.0645 0.0688
    2011-04-27 0.0739 0.0645 0.0693
    2011-04-26 0.0732 0.0653 0.0694
    2011-04-25 0.0742 0.0628 0.0697
    2011-04-24 0.0750 0.0652 0.0701
    2011-04-23 0.0769 0.0671 0.0714
    2011-04-22 0.0764 0.0683 0.0722
    2011-04-21 0.0772 0.0681 0.0723
    2011-04-20 0.0781 0.0676 0.0728
    2011-04-19 0.0874 0.0693 0.0754
    2011-04-18 0.0795 0.0712 0.0752
    2011-04-17 0.0800 0.0704 0.0753
    2011-04-16 0.0808 0.0722 0.0761
    2011-04-15 0.0816 0.0720 0.0767
    2011-04-14 0.0829 0.0736 0.0776
    2011-04-13 0.0820 0.0732 0.0777
    2011-04-12 0.0844 0.0732 0.0777
    2011-04-11 0.0961 0.0776 0.0837
    2011-04-10 0.0878 0.0783 0.0827
    2011-04-09 0.0882 0.0799 0.0839
    2011-04-08 0.0894 0.0788 0.0848
    2011-04-07 0.0912 0.0807 0.0861
    2011-04-06 0.0920 0.0823 0.0873
    2011-04-05 0.0940 0.0820 0.0884
    2011-04-04 0.0935 0.0846 0.0895
    2011-04-03 0.0957 0.0853 0.0908
    2011-04-02 0.0994 0.0884 0.0947
    2011-04-01 0.103 0.0912 0.0971
    2011-03-31 0.109 0.0949 0.100
    2011-03-30 0.113 0.0974 0.104
    2011-03-29 0.114 0.101 0.107
    2011-03-28 0.117 0.104 0.111
    2011-03-27 0.122 0.108 0.116
    2011-03-26 0.130 0.114 0.122
    2011-03-25 0.138 0.122 0.130
    2011-03-24 0.144 0.129 0.137
    2011-03-23 0.158 0.137 0.146
    2011-03-22 0.166 0.123 0.137
    2011-03-21 0.147 0.0470 0.0969
    2011-03-20 0.0524 0.0405 0.0457
    2011-03-19 0.0503 0.0426 0.0467
    2011-03-18 0.0530 0.0443 0.0484
    2011-03-17 0.0562 0.0460 0.0511
    2011-03-16 0.161 0.0499 0.0719
    2011-03-15 0.809 0.0318 0.109
    2011-03-14 0.0377 0.0304 0.0341
    2011-03-13 0.0383 0.0314 0.0343
    2011-03-12 0.0384 0.0305 0.0342
    2011-03-11 0.0376 0.0308 0.0341
    2011-03-10 0.0372 0.0307 0.0338
    2011-03-09 0.0379 0.0311 0.0343
    2011-03-08 0.0388 0.0312 0.0343
    2011-03-07 0.0440 0.0308 0.0366
    2011-03-06 0.0377 0.0308 0.0343
    2011-03-05 0.0374 0.0304 0.0339
    2011-03-04 0.0375 0.0310 0.0339
    2011-03-03 0.0377 0.0304 0.0340
    2011-03-02 0.0419 0.0311 0.0344
    2011-03-01 0.0461 0.0313 0.0368

    Obviously there is a reason why most people have not seen this chart before, there is a reason why the mainstream and most of the alternative media outlets will not present you and refuse to discuss this chart, there is a reason why the United Nations, the EU, the US, Greenpeace and the WWF remain silent on the results that this chart provides.

    This chart, all alone, brings down the entire Fukushima radiation charade and fear mongering that has been existing ever since 3/11 of 2011.

    Ask yourself. What in the world is keeping those listed above from revealing the facts? What is their common goal?

    For sure it is not to inform the people, for sure it is not to bring forward and defend the truth about 3/11.

    How alternative is most of the alternative media really after witnessing the Tokyo Environmental Radiation Dose Study and the environmental radiation levels in Tokyo?

    When you feel duped at this point, even by your favorite alternative media outlet, I understand. There’s no need to be ashamed about it when you recognize and accept the facts for what they are, which is why I wrote this report, so you can expose the truth too and get even with those who conned you for several years already.

    3.2. But What About the Contaminated Seawater?

    Indeed. What about that?

    Asking this question is just as imperative but when doing so we immediately find ourselves in the realm of conspiracy theories and conspiracy facts. Nevertheless, we have to address this.

    First, lets go back to the earthquake/seaquake issue. As proven and documented earlier in this report, there was no 9.0 magnitude earthquake or seaquake in or near Japan on March 11, 2011, because if there was then at least station MYG-011, of all the measuring stations, would have registered data that can support such theory. It didn’t, however, nor did the Kyoto University and on top of that the USGS and all other “leading bodies” and organizations refuse to even consider the available MYG-011 data that does very much exist.

    So. Why is the truth about the 3/11 earthquakes being covered up? What purpose does that serve anyway? Who benefits from this deception? And again, I beg you to send me any real and factual data that confirms that there was a 9.0 magnitude earthquake/seaquake on March 11 in Japan. And no, the USGS their distorted garbage is not considered evidence!

    As long as the masses don’t address this question and as long as both media blocks refuse to discuss this, the whole Fukushima truth dossier is going nowhere and I am convinced that that is precisely what is aimed at.

    Nevertheless. What, then, triggered the 3/11 tsunami? Tell me that!

    If it was a natural seaquake then why the deliberate distortion of data and evidence by Western “scientists” and politicians on the highest levels of national and global governance? Tell me that!

    As you can see, it’s going nowhere when we ask such questions. All the controlling powers in the international community and the press would rather die than to address the issue. And they will when they do!

    It is therefore that only one explanation is left, as controversial as it is.

    Given the high-level secrecy, the deception and the willful misinformation campaigns – as this report has shown – that shroud the 3/11 truth dossier one is left to conclude that the 3/11 tsunami was not a natural event at all, that the 3/11 tsunami in Japan was triggered on purpose by a power that is in the possession of technology capable of deliberately causing a tsunami. And again, I beg you to send me any real and factual data that confirms there was a 9.0 magnitude seaquake on March 11 of 2011 in Japan.

    So. Who is responsible for the deception? Who has forced false narratives upon the world in relation to 3/11?

    The USGS, the US NRC – thus, the US government – the EU, the UN, Greenpeace, the WWF and so on and so forth.

    Who of those would most likely be in the possession of a technology that can trigger tsunamis and who would in such case certainly want to keep that secret by falsifying earthquake data? Well yes, the US government.

    If not, then it is very easy for the US government to step forward and admit that indeed the USGS has been lying all along. Since no such move by the US government or its allies has been witnessed it is fair to conclude that they all prefer the distortion and deception rather than the truth coming out. That’s pretty much a hallmark of the US government and its allies, I know.

    Thus, we can either speculate on the kind of technology that can trigger tsunamis (which we ultimately should) or we can start with acknowledging that indeed, yes, the deception is real and no 9.0 earthquake/seaquake happened on March 11, 2011. Once we reach that stage in the international community things will quickly unravel from there on their own since many will want to save their own faces by exposing the secrets of others. That is practically guaranteed.

    So. What about the contaminated seawater?

    Well, first get the answer to why the truth about the 7.0-magnitude earthquake in Miyagi is being covered up. That will automatically lead to the correct answer for the question that addresses the contaminated seawater.

    Until then, I will for myself conclude that nuclear explosions caused the 3/11 tsunami and from that we can understandably witness an increase in radiation in the seawater. (update: see section 7 for more information)

    Does Fukushima currently still dump contaminated water in its neighboring seawater? Possibly yes. Does this make people sick in the US. I’d say NO! Is it the radiation coming from the nuclear-triggered tsunami then that has reached US shores? I’d say yes, aside from the own pollution and nuclear waste and leaks in the US itself which is huge.

    As for the radiation from during and after the explosions at the Fukushima nuclear facilities, this cannot make anyone sick in the US because the Tokyo readings, as mentioned earlier, prove that.

    Therefore, who is it that the US Navy sailors (USS Ronald Reagan) should be suing and claiming damages from instead of Japan and TEPCO? Their own US government, their own US military leaders, the Israeli MAGNA BSP, the Israeli government and the United Nations.

    4. Fukushima Nuclear Power Facilities

    4.1. IVA & VGB PowerTech

    When we want to address this massive aspect of 3/11 then there’s no other way to approach the Fukushima nuclear power facilities and their destruction than through the established truth and facts about the 7.0 Miyagi earthquake of March 11, 2011. Any other approach is doomed to fail. That’s exactly why so far the 3/11 truth movement, if there even is such a movement at all, is where it is.

    Through this, we need to identify what particularly is suspicious about the surrounding events that have resulted in the destruction of those facilities.

    One such suspicious but documented event is the explosion at Daiichi’s nuclear reactor number 4.

    Both the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) and the German VGB PowerTech e.V. found it particularly odd that an explosion could even occur in that reactor because that reactor was out of service and undergoing maintenance, there were no fuel rods in the part of the reactor where the explosion happened.

    The original study in which IVA and VGB PowerTech e.V. raised that question was first published here: iva.se/Documents/3%20Fukushima-300dpi.pdf. That link, however, is no longer available and now leads to a 404 page. The report may have been deleted from or relocated on the IVA website but there is an Archive.org version available here: web.archive.org/web/20121018153203/http://iva.se/Documents/3%20Fukushima-300dpi.pdf. Also VGB PowerTech has a copy available on their site at: vgb.org/vgbmultimedia/News/Fukushimav15VGB.pdf.

    In any event, I have a copy of the two original documents from back then, dated April 15 (VGB) and May 7 (IVA), 2011. Should it be necessary I will upload them to the Truth Sector website.

    In those documents VGB PowerTech published these images, the accompanying note and illustration in red are theirs not mine:

    2011 年 4 月 15 日

    reactor 4, fukushima, 3/11 truth, japan, nuclear attacks, tsunami, earthquake

    2011 年 5 月 7 日

    reactor 4, fukushima, 3/11 truth, japan, nuclear attacks, tsunami, earthquake

    Why they switched from the clear photo in their April 15 report to the less revealing photo in their May 7 report, I don’t know. Maybe because the gaping hole in the April 15 version is too obvious? Anyway, I have both versions and I urge you to save a copy for yourself as well.

    So indeed. How was it possible that reactor 4 exploded in the way it did? What did explode there anyway? For sure it weren’t the fuel rods!

    Besides, reactor 4, 5 and 6 were not operating since they were under maintenance, that tidbit is even accepted as fact in mainstream circles.

    Now, before you go through the VGB PowerTech reports it must be noted that also they base their earthquake/seaquake information on the proven-to-be-distorted data from the USGS and its psyops and war partners. This is true for practically all available data and many “studies” and reports specifically state that their results are either based on the USGS and JPL data or have been “improved” to better match the USGS its set of data. That is pretty revealing to me! So again, when it comes to specific data for 3/11, and certainly regarding the earthquakes and radiation, the Japanese data must be considered far superior.

    What VGB PowerTech also forgets to take into account in their reports is Stuxnet, even though Siemens has admitted that the US-Israeli Stuxnet targets their SCADA and PCS7 systems.

    4.2. MAGNA BSP

    The Israeli Homeland Security front company MAGNA BSP [1, 2, 3] was prior to and during the time of the 3/11 events, and likely ever since since they have extended contracts with the Japanese, in charge of the security at the Fukushima nuclear power plants. In articles by the Jerusalem Post and Haaretz that was also confirmed in 2011.

    MAGNA BSP was/is able to gain remote access to its computer systems in the Fukushima facilities. This, officially to supervise the security of the Fukushima power plant, also through the use of OWL cameras that allegedly “can also identify radioactive clouds.”

    “The Arava-based Magna BSP company, which specializes in producing and installing stereoscopic sensory and thermal imaging cameras, had been contracted to place cameras around one of the plant’s six cores – the core that has been experiencing explosions and overheating,” wrote the Jerusalem Post.

    Which core exactly was/is that? Is it the one of reactor number 4 that IVA and VGB PowerTech have drawn attention to? Is it reactor 3, that produced a “mushroom cloud” after exploding (which indicates a nuclear explosion and not a hydrogen explosion)?

    I have tried hard to find any information about whether or not MAGNA BSP’s security data for the Fukushima facilities has already been used in any official criminal investigation concerning 3/11. So far nothing seems to be pointing in that direction. This is very worrying because reactors 3 and 4 exploded in a highly suspicious manner that certainly validates the initiation of a criminal investigation into those particular events. Therefore, everything has to be investigated thoroughly, including MAGNA BSP and its remote access to Fukushima.

    Has MAGNA BSP been investigated? What were the results? If not. Why not?

    owl, magna bsp, israel, fukushima, 3/11 truth, japan, nuclear attacks, tsunami, earthquake

    After all. If their OWL system is so great and reliable as they claim it is, then why is it that not a single report or investigation can be found that bases its content on MAGNA BSP data and findings? That data is of extreme importance (especially in a criminal investigation), more so since the OWL system and cameras can allegedly detect radioactive clouds too. Instead, we have to be satisfied with ENE and their fraudulent radiation reporting.

    As long as the official information concerning Daiichi’s nuclear reactors number 3 and 4 remains as is, ever since March 11-15 of 2011, there’s no other choice for any sane person than to conclude that something very sinister happened at and in those reactors. The first thing that comes to mind, for me, is deliberate sabotage because the theory of a possible hydrogen explosion has already been proven to be wrong, many times over.

    Add to this the proven fact that there was no 9.0 earthquake/seaquake on March 11, 2011, and indeed sabotage doesn’t seem to be that farfetched at all. When they epically deceive about the earthquake, why would they be telling us the truth about reactors 3 and 4? And I’m not talking about TEPCO!


    On October 5, 2010, the Yomiuri Shimbun published an article, “New cybervirus found in Japan / Stuxnet designed to attack off-line servers via USB memory sticks,” that described how the Stuxnet virus was detected in Japan and Iran. In Iran the virus had already reached the Bushehr nuclear power plant. In 2010 it was not known that Stuxnet would also arrive in Fukushima. That would become very clear in 2011 and the following years though.

    “The virus is designed to target a German-made program often used in systems managing water, gas and oil pipelines.” That program or system would be Siemens’ SCADA, also according to INFOSEC.

    In 2013 it came out that also in Russia the US-Israeli Stuxnet virus had found access to nuclear facilities, even Haaretz wrote about the dangers that the US-Israeli creation can bring along, especially in nuclear facilities.

    Later, on March 4, 2014, I reported about the failing thermometers and water treatment systems at Fukushima and I documented how also that was caused by the Stuxnet virus:

    The same Stuxnet is also responsible for sabotaging the thermometers in the nuclear reactors that continue to fail, like it is the case in unit 2, falsely blamed on workers who “cripple” the instruments. Thermometers like in Fukushima are operated through/linked to the SCADA control systems which are still infected with Stuxnet, this means that also the thermometers are exposed to the Stuxnet infection.

    The decontamination system for contaminated water at Fukushima was co-developed by AREVA and Veolia Water in “a record-two months“ after the eco-terror and the nuclear attacks occurred. According to Veolia Water data their “state-of-the-art online control of waste water systems” work with and supplement SCADA control systems:

    “The operation and reporting of STAR Control® are based on Internet technology and a graphic user interface is accessed by network browser on LAN, ADSL or similar networks.”
    I have seen several attempts over the years to downplay or even deny Stuxnet’s involvement in the Fukushima events of 2011 and beyond but it is Siemens themselves that admit that their SCADA and PCS7 systems are the target of Stuxnet, as can be confirmed on their own website [2]. They know that Stuxnet has basically two programmed functions, one to sabotage hardware and installations and one to deceive the controllers in the control rooms of the facilities under attack by giving them false readings.

    One infection is more than enough because other infrastructure linked to the point of infection leads to everything being infected. That is also why there were explosions in the Fukushima reactors and why things got out of control, not only in reactors 3 and 4 as you well know. If one reactor was infected then certainly all others were or are too. It is therefore that the employees of TEPCO cannot be held responsible, they were more than likely unaware that they had been sabotaged by foreign hostile software and I am convinced they had no idea what was unfolding, given that Stuxnet gave them normal readings for all reactor buildings of the Daiichi plant. It is therefore that also the earthquakes and the tsunami cannot be blamed for the failure at Fukushima. If anything makes this obvious and crystal clear then it is certainly the presence and nature of Stuxnet.

    The computer program also secretly recorded what normal operations at the nuclear plant looked like, then played those readings back to plant operators, like a pre-recorded security tape in a bank heist, so that it would appear that everything was operating normally – New York Times, January 15, 2011

    In that same New York Times article it is basically admitted that the US and Israel are the creators of Stuxnet and that the program has an extensive history of which even Siemens is a part, although I seriously doubt they would have wanted Fukushima to be taken down of course.

    In early 2008 the German company Siemens cooperated with one of the United States’ premier national laboratories, in Idaho, to identify the vulnerabilities of computer controllers that the company sells to operate industrial machinery around the world — and that American intelligence agencies have identified as key equipment in Iran’s enrichment facilities. Siemens says that program was part of routine efforts to secure its products against cyber attacks. Nonetheless, it gave the Idaho National Laboratory — which is part of the Energy Department, responsible for America’s nuclear arms — the chance to identify well-hidden holes in the Siemens systems that were exploited the next year by Stuxnet. … In a statement on Friday, the Idaho National Laboratory confirmed that it formed a partnership with Siemens but said it was one of many with manufacturers to identify cyber vulnerabilities. It argued that the report did not detail specific flaws that attackers could exploit. But it also said it could not comment on the laboratory’s classified missions, leaving unanswered the question of whether it passed what it learned about the Siemens systems to other parts of the nation’s intelligence apparatus.
    Obviously that data on those vulnerabilities was obtained by Israeli agents working for the “Dimona complex in the Negev desert.”

    Thus, also here we need to ask the question: Has there a criminal investigation been initiated? And more specifically: Into the effects of Stuxnet and the Israeli government its involvement? Who is to be held responsible for 1) the destruction caused by that virus when we know that the US and Israel have created it and 2) for introducing it into Fukushima’s nuclear power plant? That same criminal investigation should of course also address the highly suspicious explosions at reactors 3 and 4 and the sabotaging of earthquake/seaquake data.

    5. NRC: “Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Drill”

    On 3/11 of 2011 the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) was conducting an exercise for the exact events as they unfolded that day. This can be confirmed with multiple internal NRC documents that mention this “drill.”

    Like I said before, there’s isn’t much that is known about this exercise and likely the document we could obtain was never to be released but got through somehow.

    The FOIA that resulted in the release of 596 pages was from the start never meant to reveal much. For example, it was written in NRC e-mail communications that NRC employees had to “limit the impact of the AP FOIA while still complying with the request.” This is a clear indication that also the US NRC is deeply involved in the deception surrounding 3/11.

    As the misinformation campaign was being rolled out it was suggested and made effective that a “media guru” was to be responsible for the one-stop-shop concerning Fukushima and related information. NRC Employees were strongly urged to not contact random geologists, geophysicists, hydrologists or anyone they knew who could provide answers. This certainly suggests that the information was intensely being controlled and that no damaging info was allowed outside of the NRC and other US government circles.

    nrc, official narrative, fukushima, media guru

    nrc, official narrative, fukushima

    It was never the US NRC’s intention to adequately inform the public. It was their intention to provide cover for the US government, the USGS and their crimes and deception.

    nrc, official narrative, fukushima

    Which is why I am very surprised that traces can be found of the 3/11 drill at the NRC and cooperating US agencies, the following is one such excerpt:

    fukushima, drill,earthquake, tsunami, nrc

    It is not a coincidence at all that there was a drill taking place that was basically following the blueprint of the real-life events on 3/11 in Japan, even though the drill was mainly in the US. Just like it was the case during 9/11 (USA), 7/7 (UK), the Boston “bombings” in 2013 and on several other occasions – popularly referred to as false flag events – the US NRC drill of March 11, 2011, allowed the perpetrators to successfully control the flow of information. That’s one of the most important purposes of such a coinciding exercise without alarming the persons and employees involved, although, as the excerpts show, some employees of the NRC did contact scientists outside of the NRC information sphere which is why e-mails were sent to urge everyone to stick to the script and follow the one-stop-shop guidelines and orders. It was only in a later phase that the drill went from exercise to real-life, when the news got out and the real 3/11 events were too obvious and too explicit to further deny or try to hide. It was in a similar way that 7/7 went from drill to real-life.

    Apparently, those who deliberately orchestrate such events, like 3/11, are in favor of always using drills simultaneously. It puts them practically in full control of the flow of information and they have everyone in the desired positions, ready to close the ranks at any time. Unfortunately for those same perpetrators their use of these coinciding drills have by now also provided independent investigators with a way of detecting the obvious hallmark, a hallmark that exposes the true nature of what actually took place. That it all was planned in advance: the earthquakes, the explosions at reactors 3 and 4, the tsunami and the misinformation campaigns.

    6. ShakeCast

    One crucial yet simple method that was applied by the USGS and the IAEA, on March 11 of 2011, in order to successfully fool and deceive the entire international community, was the use of ShakeCast. Through this application the USGS was able to send out its deceptive, distorting and fraudulent earthquake data for a 8.9-9.0 magnitude seaquake.

    us, nrc, iaea, shakecast

    The USGS is in full control of the data and information that is being sent through ShakeCast and that is why all establishment sources have blindly copied and accepted what they received through ShakeCast on March 11, 2011.

    This is why in the west, the US and Europe, no data is available on the actual 3/11 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Miyagi. It is also why Japanese data and news broadcasts are distorted and why scientists who had different readings and results through other venues eventually decided to make their data match that of the USGS, simply by “improving” their own data. That is how you deceive the whole world, with a simple application called ShakeCast.

    The value of this program was demonstrated in March 2011 when IAEA and NRC staff received automatic notification of a major earthquake off the coast of Japan. – US NRC

    The USGS, through ShakeCast, sent their 3/11 data for the fantasized 9.0 seaquake to at least 31 countries, by far enough to establish a false narrative. By the time anyone would notice that the USGS data was fake it was already too late because the media had already printed, broadcasted and put online their articles and reports claiming that which never happened at all. (update: see section 7 for more information)

    It was not the first time that the USGS and its partners in crime were caught deceiving the world though.

    On December 26, 2004, an earthquake of 6.6 on the Richter scale occurred near Aceh in Northern Indonesia, which triggered the Sumatra tsunami, but the US immediately reclassified the event as a 9.0 magnitude earthquake, cowardly leaving the Indonesian authorities look incompetent. Why the reclassification was so desperately needed seems to become quite obvious now and the parallels with 3/11 are certainly there and already on the surface it seems that both events have more in common than the public is led to believe.

    Aside from this we certainly must regard the reclassification of a 6.6 in Indonesia and a 7.0 in Japan to a 9.0/9.1 as being suspicious from every possible angle. A reclassification from a 6.6 to a 7.0 or a 7.0 to a 7.5 is not uncommon but going from a 7.0 to a 9.0 that is very uncommon and even impossible given Japan’s long history with earthquakes. The Japanese are very qualified in both measuring and handling earthquakes, it is part of their culture, it’s what they know. To then have the USGS come in and impose the 9.0 narrative gives it all away, that indeed sabotage and blackmailing are at play here.

    A 9.0 is 100 times more intense (magnitude/shaking) than a 7.0 it is also about a 1000 times stronger (released energy) than a 7.0. The USGS knows this very well of course and they cannot change that fact nor the science but they trust that the public will eat anything it is being fed and most people do anyway. As the 3/11 documentation shows we have not witnessed anything close to 100 times more intensity and a 1000 times more energy being released compared to a 7.0 earthquake. (see section 7 for updates)

    7. More 3/11 Earthquake Data and Evidence from Japan

    I’ve added this section as another special update for this report because the data provided herein really documents how the Japanese originally registered the seismic activity on March 11, 2011. It also proves why we have to regard their data far superior and certainly more reliable than the USGS’ although the Japanese data is also distorted by now due to the USGS, which makes it all the more complicated to explain the actual facts.

    I strongly suggest that you observe and save the following Japanese early warning report for March 11, 2011:


    It is clear that no 9.0 earthquake occurred nor has such been reported then by the Japanese. As you can see the 7.0 that was announced on TV, radio and via SMS is here likely listed as a 6.8 or 7.2 magnitude earthquake (number 3 and 4), perfectly within the margins for later reclassification (6.8/7.0 to 7.2). The highlighted item (number 4) indicates that at this stage the earthquake alerts were sent out to the public, at about 31 seconds after the quake was registered.

    What this chart also documents and leaves no doubt about is that this 7.0 came BEFORE the later registered and listed 8.0 and 8.1 seaquakes (the tsunami bombs/nuclear explosions/…), further proving that the seaquakes were triggered AFTER the 7.0. The USGS does not even list that specific 7.0 of that day in Miyagi, for obvious reasons of course. Nor does the USGS list any other earthquake that occurred within this 2-minute time frame. They simply reject the data and replace it with a 9.0 earthquake, I call that FRAUD. And even if one would argue that the 8.0 and 8.1s, when converted, would result in at least one 9.0, the USGS data would still be wrong and false because officially it is by now assumed that the alleged 9.0 Mw equals a Mj 8.4. There is no way around the facts and there’s no way to credibly defend the USGS data. All 15 quakes occurred at 1o km focal depth in a matter of 2 minutes, you won’t find that info at the USGS’ publicly available data or in the press. Their 9.0 allegedly occurred at 29-30 km, which is a lie and they know it very well.

    I am aware that the coordinates in that chart refer to a location off the coast of Japan and not on land. However, this is likely the closest that we can get to the truth and actual earthquake data, when we use the above Japanese early warning report, unless locals can provide us with screenshots, recordings or other additional evidence. Remember that all official studies and records have been “improved,” as admitted, to match the data from the USGS. Besides, the witness accounts and the Tsukuba data already confirm and support the proven fact that Miyagi was the epicenter BEFORE there was even a local perception of there being tsunami-triggering seaquakes, which came up to two minutes after the 7.0 in Miyagi, at a time when the USGS had already injected distorting news and data – rendering the news broadcasts completely corrupted.

    In short, the official narrative of a 9.0 earthquake having occurred at 14.46 local time is a big lie, the Kyoto chart proves this very clearly! And the deliberately triggered Haiti quake of 2010, which I referred to earlier, also occurred at 10km focal depth! That pretty much says it all!

    The EEW system did not work for aftershocks during the first 3 hours after the main shock, since many earthquakes were occurring simultaneously, causing problems for the system. – Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University

    We should not take this chart, the data it provides and the statement by the Kyoto University too lightly because it appears that the data and statement seem to support the HAARP-like interference, as many have suggested and speculated about. Many earthquakes occurring – of sizable magnitudes and all at 10 km focal depth – within seconds from each other for two minutes appears to be very suspicious in this case given that the ionosphere over Japan was practically in overdrive and given that minutes later a tsunami was about to be triggered.

    According to an Asahi article dated October 13, 2011, “six earthquakes coincided and created the magnitude-9.0 mega-quake on March 11.”

    Lets move on to the next Japanese data regarding the quakes…

    The following is a Tenki.jp report from March 11, 2011, and it points to a 7.9 seaquake on that day at 14.46 local time, NOT to a 9.0. This 7.9 Tenki.jp value likely indicates the force that was registered when the tsunami was triggered on purpose at 10km focal depth.


    On September 15, 2011, the Japanese National Institute of Polar Research published a report in which they used data that was registered by the Japanese Showa (Syowa) Station in Antarctica and in which they drew parallels between the 2004 Sumatra earthquake, the 2010 Chile earthquake and the earthquake of March 11, 2011 in Japan.

    For the 3/11 earthquake the NIPR provides this graphic that, according to them, shows the gravitational acceleration during the seismic event(s).

    The sudden spike is by many regarded as a signature of artificial earthquakes and is from that perspective similar to nuclear explosions. Natural events normally build up gradually.

    311-polarisA graphic provided by the Norwegian Mapping Authority confirms the above NIPR graphic:


    In a very interesting way the following video presents the “sonification” of the tsunami-triggering seismic event. The creators claim that data from the measuring stations in Matsushiro, Erimo and Yuzhno Sakhalinsk were used for their project.

    Sonification of Tohoku Earthquake / Sendai Coast, Japan, 2011/03/11


    Compare the deliberate tsunami-triggering event with the graphic for the seismic activity of the announced 7.0 earthquake in Miyagi that occurred 2 minutes BEFORE the alleged 9.0, the difference is very explicit. The graphic was provided by Science Zero and it really exposes the artificial nature of the supposed 9.0 magnitude earthquake. And that same Science Zero episode (which was “shelved” according to Japanese sources… hmmm I wonder why?!) also perfectly shows you what a 7.0 actually looks like, the damage and the shaking you see there is really consistent with a 7.0 earthquake. A 9.0 would have been a hundred times worse, on average. Try to visualize that!

    7.0 earthquake in Miyagi, Japan: March 11, 2011, 14.46 local time (tsunami triggered at 14.48!).


    Japan and its people were intentionally taken by surprise that day, this can be concluded from the fact that the Japanese were off-guard when the tsunami arrived since nothing seemed to indicate that such an event was coming their way and they certainly have sufficient knowledge and expertise on the matter. At this point a perfect situation was created for the perpetrators to sabotage and distort the flow of data and information and the media reports, which they did by all means! Also proving that it was all planned in advance by the US and Israeli war criminals and eco-terrorists. There can be no doubt about that and the media, the governments and the UN not showing you this damning information also proves that fact.

    8. Criminal Investigation

    This should be the ultimate goal of a 3/11 truth movement, a criminal investigation of the facts, although I know that any venue or agency that accepts this task will ultimately be blackmailed, infiltrated and forced to fail. Investigating TEPCO is one thing but limiting it to this will, however, never result in the truth being exposed nor justice being served. And if no centralized criminal investigation can be launched by any nation or agency then this is exactly why a 3/11 truth movement needs to be established, close its ranks and accept this task.

    Instead of investigating TEPCO, although I understand this point of view, we have to investigate and expose those who are responsible for the deception, the sabotage, the explosions, the distorted earthquake data and the radiation fear mongering.

    For starters, we should investigate and bring to justice the USGS, the US NRC, the US government, MAGNA BSP, the Israeli government, the United Nations and their specialized agencies that are involved, such as the IAEA. It are these institutions and corporate persons that are to be blamed and to be found guilty, at least based on the data and facts presented in this and other reports about Fukushima’s 3/11.

    As long as we do not organize ourselves with those specific goals in mind the truth about Miyagi and Fukushima will continue to slip further away in the memory hole and eventually future generations will be educated about 3/11 as if it all was just a big accident, with TEPCO taking the blame for everything. All the while there is a truckload of evidence staring us in our faces that screams that the US government and Israeli elements are willingly involved in the deception and in the destruction of Fukushima and eventually Japan.

    I find it very hard to believe that no credible and hardcore international 3/11 truth movement can be established that is willing to go the distance and stand toe-to-toe with pure evil and darkness, with those who are deliberately destroying nation after nation on this planet. Even though in the 9/11 truth movement there are unfortunate internal confrontations, partially to be blamed on COINTELPRO initiatives and partially on more innocent clashes of different opinions, at least the established, recognized and accepted notion exists that 9/11 (2001) was an inside job. For what it’s worth.

    In contrast, with 3/11 we currently have no substantial “movement” of any kind, we have individual initiatives that hardly cooperate at all, we have those who claim to have broken the story first [1, 2, 3] and nevertheless certainly deserve all the credit for it, we have those who run anti-nuclear propaganda and at the same time despicably claim to be representing the 3/11 truth, we have those who are mere useful idiots [1, 2, 3], pure green-religion-inspired 3/11 derailers and the infamous gatekeepers who are themselves responsible for the 3/11 war crimes, eco-terror, industrial sabotage and the surrounding deception.

    The ones responsible for 3/11 aren’t that different from those who are to blame for 9/11, 7/7 and for willingly destabilizing the Middle East through ISIS psyops and you know it!

    How do we expect to be successful with 3/11 when we fail to unite around the 3/11 facts?

    A 3/11 truth movement? I’m all for it but only when the real truth is being chased by us and is used as our weapon, starting with the recognition and acceptance that 3/11 was caused on purpose and no 9.0 earthquake happened. The ball is in your court!

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    3/11 REPORT, EDITION 2015: Where is the 3/11 Truth Movement?

    EXPOSED: NASA WEATHER MAP CONFIRMS 2 KINDS OF GEOENGINEERING IN THE USA: The following report is being heavily censored to prevent the world from finding out what has caused the official death of the man-made-CO2 scam that is being preached by the United Nations and their green religion apparatchiks. Download it and spread it far and wide. This report has literally terminated the IPCC and the man-made-CO2 global warming climate change fraud on Friday the 13th of March, 2015. The evidence is in the official maps provided by NASA and the Weather Channel. SPREAD THIS MAN-MADE-CO2-SCAM BUSTING REPORT AROUND THE ENTIRE GLOBE, NAIL THE BASTARDS WITH IT!

    Read the update and get the PDF file for distribution!

    THE 2014 EBOLA REPORT: I have contacted the UN, the Lancet, establishment press and their reporters and even governments. None have so far accepted the challenge to discuss or debunk the Truth Sector ebola report.

    THE COPENHAGEN PSYOP: Prosthetic legs and curtains

    CANADIAN PARLIAMENT SHOOTING: A false flag exposed

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    • 回复: @A123
  230. L.K 说:

    “Ivan” = yet another Zionist Troll!

    So many of them on this thread as was to be expected…

    • 同意: Iris, ChuckOrloski
  231. Derer 说:
    @Tommy Thompson

    Infact there is no other article on this Hiroshima style event.

    Expand your horizon and do not watch/read fake news morons only. I can give you list.

  232. Anonymouse 说:
    @Majority of One

    一个人怎么会厌恶一个远方的国家呢?也许住在那里的人可能会厌恶它。但这个厌恶者从未访问过以色列。那里的生活现实似乎是西方国家的典型。想想在海滩上跳舞的同性恋者。或者穿着黑衣的拉比每天向上帝祈祷 3 次。


    • 回复: @Robjil
  233. @anon

    Rabbi-Mo Ben Saulman. Aka Nik Lawman. Been kicked off of Social media more then anyone that is why he needs to post Jew cunt under Anon.
    JU JU Cunt Niki.

    • 回复: @anon
  234. Derer 说:

    Wherever there is mass murder in the Middle East, there you find the Israeli fingerprint.

    You missed the headlines. perhaps because of tunnel vision “decease”.

    • 回复: @A123
  235. 出租车请阅读《华尔街日报》一篇令人信服的文章。







    周二,消防队员聚集在贝鲁特主要港口,扑灭从 12 号仓库窗户喷出的火焰和烟雾,起火原因仍不清楚。当空气中回响着轻微的爆裂声时,他们用锤子和钳子撬开了装有硝酸铵的钢门。
    消防队员到达后近 15 分钟,他们就陷入了历史上最大的非核爆炸之一。它把尸体、树木和汽车抛向空中,造成 150 多人死亡、5,000 多人受伤,贝鲁特港口和大部分商业区被夷为平地。

    该船抵达贝鲁特后不久就开始了货物提案。根据法庭文件,时任海关局长查菲克·梅尔希 (Chafic Merhi) 向紧急事务法院请求允许再出口或销售硝酸铵。

  236. A123 说:

    Sorry. You used it :

    — Without context.
    — Non-standard capitalization.

    Are you suggesting that Nasrallah is responsible for Fukushima in addition to NASRALLAH-SHIMA?

    Ayatollah Khameni does have a duty under Jihad to exterminate the non-Muslilm Infidels of Japan. So there is inherent plausibility to your suggestion.

    Is the death cult Iranian al’Hezbollah tied to the death cult Aum Shinrikyo?

    It would make sense if you could prove it. Islam and Aum Shinrikyo share near identical values, so it would be unsurprising to find that they are an Islamic front group.


  237. Derer 说:

    Isn’t your real name Ivan Yiddishov?

  238. denk 说:

    detective 101
    WHO ?
    什么时候 ?
    怎么样 ?

    Detective advanced…
    Who has the motive,
    Who’s the benefits,
    Who’s has the track record,


    • 同意: Patagonia Man
    • 回复: @A123
  239. Robjil 说:

    It is the Top people in Israel, the US, Britain and France that are the problem. There are lots of good little people in all those nations.

    Top people of those nations are led by wild Zion crazies.

    Elliot Abrams is a good example of a Wild Zion crazy.


    Following the resignation Thursday of State Department Iran envoy Brian Hook, President Donald Trump named as his replacement current special representative for Venezuela Elliott Abrams, a notorious warmonger and supporter of Latin American death squads who was convicted in 1991 of withholding information from Congress during the Iran-Contra scandal.

  240. A123 说:

    You missed the headlines. perhaps because of tunnel vision “decease”.

    Let me Fix The Headline For You:

    Wherever there is mass murder in the Middle East, there you find the Muslim fingerprints.

    Another key fix is:

    For any crime in the Middle East, always assume Islam is guilty until they are proved innocent.

    This is proven out 99%+ of the time.


  241. A123 说:

    Detective advanced…

    Who has the motive, Nasrallah would have gained munitions
    Who benefits, Nasrallah would have benefited by having more weapons
    Who has the means, Nasrallah had the people on the ground
    Who has the track record, Nasrallah has a track record extreme violence

    Add the question, “Who is profoundly incompetent“? And, you will reach the inevitable truth. …

    Iranian al’Hezbollah accidentally created the NASRALLAH-SHIMA blast.


    • 巨魔: vot tak
    • 回复: @Taxi
  242. @denk


    常见的嫌疑人……当然。 处理福岛的安保公司是一家以色列公司; 麦格纳 BSP。 从 Magna BSP 的安全镜头来看,福岛爆炸的形状与核弹实验相同……这不会发生在导致核反应堆熔化的地震期间。

    • 回复: @denk
  243. denk 说:

    所以在这种情况下,它的 FUKUSI ?

  244. @Fran Taubman

    弗兰妮:你被自创的嗜血战神耶和华“选中”——愿他淹死在一桶燃烧的粪便中——正像铜号一样向我们大声喊叫:“只要一抽动,整个黎巴嫩南部就会变成一片瓦砾” 。你嗜血的尖叫声与你部落战神的声音遥相呼应。

  245. @Fran Taubman

    引用鲁珀特·默多克(Rupert Murdoch)——根据他的母单位拥有的华尔街小便池,遵守正统拉比“法律”的犹太人,是那些被他们自己创造的部落战神耶和华“选择”的人使用的另一个常见伎俩——愿他淹死在燃烧的群众中排泄物——一个完全自我参照的不合逻辑的循环。

    • 同意: Patagonia Man
    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
    , @Patagonia Man
  246. GazaPlanet 说:

    “Mysterious” massive explosions are the Zionist specialty. How much longer? No more presumption of innocence for the perennial terrorists. Of course, the global media still enables them to keep up the facade, but even that isn’t so effectual when they openly gloat about it.

  247. TGD 说:

    Whatever the streak in the sky was in Yukon Jack’s video, that massive explosion followed immediately. A nuclear tipped projectile could have easily caused it but there have been no reports of increased radiation. The video could have also been altered with the Photoshop app readily available to anyone.



  248. @Robjil

    “…retribution for the mass-burning of Talmud volumes by French Catholic priests in the city eight centuries earlier设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

    That makes the deity of retribution a bit if a ‘slow burner’ doesn’t it…?

    • 哈哈: Larchmonter420
    • 回复: @Robjil
  249. @Majority of One

    默多克不是犹太人,你绝望地迷失在 谁是犹太人。 你所有疯狂的错误都围绕着JU JU的欲望。罗斯柴尔德家族不再是一个银行王朝,也不再是通过婚姻而成为犹太人。多么遗憾寻找另一个阴谋集团。如果你想看到所有的邪恶,你需要近距离亲眼目睹中东穆斯林的混乱局面和真主党的毒品贩运。现场不是犹太人。

  250. @Iris


    What missile and where…?

    It took longer for Photoshop to open properly than it took to remove anything related to a 导弹.

    There’s this saying [from Down Under], “Only believe half of what you see and nothing of what you hear.”

  251. @Alfred

    What city and where….?



    • 回复: @vot tak
  252. @Colin Wright

    Right. IsraHell always happens to be the beneficiary when things go “kablooey”. If you knew the permutations and combinations of these occurrences, you would make the analogy of your mother’s house. Astrophysicists know the existence of Black Holes from the problems they cause around them, and, the black hole of the ME is no different.

    • 同意: GazaPlanet
  253. @Sya Beerens

    Jews and their proxies and trolls would like to deflect the benefit they derived from the Beirut massacre by jumping on the Hizbollah. If the jews are so driven snow pure. Why did they waste no time denying any responsibility? This is their MO. Wherever there is a conflagration in the ME, it’s a pretty safe bet that the Terrorists in the rogue country of IsraHell is there somewhere behind layers of plausible or implausible deniability.

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  254. @Ann Nonny Mouse

    I guess the “shima” is taken from “Hiroshima” so renaming Beirut “Beirutshima” in the title is saying it was a nuclear attack.

    This is a linguistic device called a “portmanteau word”. In this case, this device is being used as a rhetorical device to signify its 相似 to the terror of Hiroshima and not to suggest it being “identical” to. Taxi is a writer and does have some licence.

  255. Robjil 说:
    @Daniel Rich

    It was only possible to come to pass because of Wolfowitz’s doctrine of Zion Full Spectrum Dominance.

    No French official before this time would have allowed it to happen. Notre Dame was the centerpiece of Paris for centuries.

    Zion Full Spectrum Dominance is at its highest peak in our time, thus it happened in 2019 like it was nothing.

    • 谢谢: GazaPlanet
  256. vot tak 说:
    @Daniel Rich

    Obviously no missile, no direct energy or lasers or aliens or crisis actors. If this disaster wasn’t unscripted, and I’m leaning against that view now, it was old fashioned zionazian falseflagging by whatever means available that would mask the source.

    BTW, I owe you an apology regarding what you wrote regarding larchmonter at sakers a few years ago (larchmoster) when a moderator there. I should of stood off and let it go. I was “green” about that site then and thought it legitimate.

    • 回复: @Daniel Rich
  257. vot tak 说:
    @Sya Beerens

    Is this guardianista shite relevant to anything, shlomo? You things rate along with neocons among what can be considered human.

  258. @vot tak

    @ vot tak,

    It takes quite some effort to remain open-minded instead of being hurled around by one’s emotions. I fail oftentimes myself, yet always give it a try first [and foremost].

    And the past is the past [aka, ‘Water under the bridge’], but it takes a man with cojones to admit to [perceived] mistakes. That’s appreciated.

    As to imagery, I alter pictures every day, so I’m very skeptical when it comes to the ‘seeing is believing’ gambit, hence my willingness to remain ‘open-minded’ until I’m convinced I’ve stumbled upon irrefutable evidence [or simply follow my gut-feelings, whatever comes/happens first].

  259. Old Jew 说:
    @Colin Wright



    “……为什么要胡说八道? 如果您坚持可以提供确凿证据支持的指控,您的案子……会更有力。”


    我从不发表关于 Oswiecim 的 Zyklon 气体的意见。



  260. @Patagonia Man

    Not unlike 9/11 – two planes hit 2 buildings but 3 buildings collapse on the day (if WTC 7 was wired – they were ALL wired) – and 20 years down the track, people still argue over whether there were planes, or CGI or nuclear blasts – we may never know with certainty what device was used.

    If in 20 years 他们have trouble figuring who did Lebanon they can always ask you and Iris. You keep it straight.

  261. @Alternate History

    Where d’Jew go where is he?. Oh there he went you missed d’ Jew. All the ME and it is all d’Jew. What a bunch of morons must live there. D’Jew D’jew. Go find D’Jew.
    Don’t you all just crack yourselves up with this conspiracy stuff. Missile!!, building 7 the towers!!, nuclear detonated blast planted in 1967. K’boom. Syria, all D’Jew.

  262. aandrews 说:

    New York Times Jew David Brooks: Republicans Must Stop “Seeing Themselves as the Party of White People”
    2020 年 8 月 9 日


    With the presidential election in sight, Jews are starting to salivate over the prospect of a post-Trump Republican party. The New York Times has an article on the subject, written by Jew David Brooks (who once admitted that Jews had taken over America, whose son served in the Israeli Defense Force and who sometimes affects to be a Christian convert).

    Brooks writes for the :

    The intellectual future of conservatism will be wrestled over at a series of forums at the Center for Social, Cultural and Constitutional Studies at the American Enterprise Institute that are being organized by Yuval Levin, a scholar there. Right now, the various factions are exchanging sarcastic one-liners on Twitter. Levin is bringing the players together. “People should be talking to each other, not about each other,” he told me.

    So the debate on the intellectual future of American “conservatism” will be presided over by an Israeli Jew (Levin was born in Haifa).


    None of this works unless Republicans can deracialize their appeal — by which I mean they must stop pandering to the racists in the party and stop presenting themselves and seeing themselves as the party of white people — and wage a class struggle between diverse workers in their coalition and the highly educated coastal manager and professional class in the Democratic coalition.


    • 谢谢: Patagonia Man
  263. @Ivan

    Yes Ivan,

    … we’ll all just ignore US General Wesley Clark’s 2003 admission of the US’s plans to attack “seven countries in 5 years” – Lebanon being one of them,

    … and we’ll all just ignore that a Russian jew Grechuskin, (now living in Cyprus, 230kms away and from which the blast was heard) who owned the ship carrying the AN, abandoned it in 2013:

    … and we’ll all just ignore that at least as early as 22 JUNE, IDF aircraft were spotted as far north as the Beirut area:

    … and we’ll all just ignore that 4 USN reconnaissance planes were sighted near Beirut at the time of the blasts: https://en.mehrnews.com/news/161888/Possibility-of-US-sabotage-in-Beirut-explosion

    … we’ll all just ignore the zionist entity’s boast they got in first – explaining why they did it in this “耶路撒冷邮报” 文章:

    Nasrallah threatens to blow up Israel with same chemicals as Beirut blast

    … and we’ll all just ignore that:

    Lebanon’s President says the explosion may have been caused by [quote] “outside interference”

    … and we’ll all just ignore the fact that the UN Special Tribunal for Lebanon (why not the International Criminal Court?) was set to hand down its ruling on the 2005 assassination of Lebanese PM Rafic Hariri, this week,

    … and we’ll all just ignore the fact why ex-Rothschild bankster and errand boy Emmanuel Macron was the 1st foreign leader to visit Lebanon (why not the UN Secretary General?):

    David de Rothschild on Brexit, banking and his old protégé Macron

    This attack has zionist-jew paw prints all over it.

    … and this attack puts 每周 资本 每周 country around the world on notice – that – just like 9/11 – the zionist entity can destroy a city of any country it targets with impunity.

    • 同意: Daniel Rich
  264. @Majority of One

    @Majority of One – heads up!

    Ignore Fran – all she ever does it regurgitate C.A.M.E.R.A.’s talking point, ad nauseum. We can’t get any sense out of the woman because of her obvious mendacity – she even manages to delude herself!

    鲁珀特·默多克 (Rupert Murdoch) 是一位出生于澳大利亚的美国犹太复国主义者,也是福克斯有线电视频道、新闻集团以及之前被迪士尼收购的 21 世纪福克斯频道的所有者。

    他的母亲是犹太人伊丽莎白·默多克 (Elisabeth Murdoch),她于 1928 年与父亲基思 (Keith) 结婚,并在他于 1952 年去世时继承了他的大部分财产。

    “Jewishness” is matrilineal – it passes down the mother’s line.


  265. @Fran Taubman

    Seriously Fran – another one of C.A.M.E.R.A’s talking points?

    No self respecting person would wipe their ass with the WSJ – owned by Australian-born American zionist Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp, via its subsidiary Dow Jones & Co.

    Shalom! 😂😂😂

  266. @Tommy Thompson

    “What could make that, such a deep crater????”

    The assassination of Rafik Hariri produced a similarly inexplicable crater directly beneath his vehicle, whose cause, despite significant international efforts, has not yet been accounted for.


    • 同意: Hiram of Tyre
  267. Taxi 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Crazy jew, evidently you think gentiles are either stupid or shekelable – no third option.

    Asking me to read the talmudy WSJ is like me asking you to go read the koran.


    • 同意: Daniel Rich
    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  268. Taxi 说:

    So every time you use the word ‘Hezbollah’ you get a shekel for it? Wow you must be a billionaire by now.

    • 哈哈: A123
    • 回复: @A123
  269. Druid 说:
    @Mahomet A Mahomet

    You use a very bad fake name to defend Israel, zio

    • 同意: Patagonia Man
  270. Druid 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Fran Tubwoman couldn’t take it anymore. Had to chime in like a true b. She and A123 are probably on an Israeli beach holding each other!

  271. @Joe Levantine

    Thank you kindly for sharing that video. A drone firing a missile would be reminiscent of the false-flag killing of Hariri.

    “Revelations on Rafik Hariri’s assassination”

  272. @Iris

    Changing Hariri’s route (which was closely monitored by Israeli drones) to ensure a more precise hit from the frigate at sea makes sense.

    Thierry Meyssan on the other hand postulated that the technology used that day was only available to Germany then. It was maybe a coincidence that the corrupt STL prosecutor who resigned was also German. And so was the pro-Israeli newspaper (Der Spiegel) that spread the rumor to revive the case against Hezbollah when all (evidence, etc) failed.

    “Revelations on Rafik Hariri’s assassination”

  273. @Fran Taubman

    “If they wanted to”… Seems you have a short memory. As a major aim of the 2006 war, Israel claimed they would destroy the threat of Hezbollah for good. Since then, Hezbollah have successfully assisted Syria in their battle against terrorists and not a single IDF soldier has stepped foot in Lebanon.
    What Israel hasn’t done tells us far more than what you or your Zionist fan club friends claim they can do.
    Hezbollah didn’t need to kill Hariri or kill his son, they can beat him at the ballot box. Hariri’s (senior) death had no positive effect for Hezbollah.
    Nasrallah isn’t in a bunker, he just doesn’t send a telegram to Mossad every night telling them where he is. He certainly isn’t frightened of death, unlike the Israeli cowards who sat mannequins in military vehicles a few months ago.

    • 同意: Taxi, L.K
  274. A123 说:



    请继续你绝望的挣扎。 你越来越尖锐和戏剧化的胡言乱语为 UR 读者提供了喜剧效果。

    We are not laughing with you… We are laughing at you…


  275. anon[423]• 免责声明 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Rabbi-Mo Ben Saulman. Aka Nik Lawman. Been kicked off of Social media more then anyone that is why he needs to post Jew cunt under Anon.
    JU JU Cunt Niki.

    Nah, you stupid barking jew cunt, the reason “why he needs to post Jew cunt under Anon” is because you ,那恭喜你,, 其实, a stupid barking jew cunt.

  276. Iris 说:



    你们为保护精神病态以色列的集体努力是其与贝鲁特爆炸事件牵连的又一证据。 感谢您的确认。

    • 同意: 4justice, Patagonia Man
    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  277. @A123

    Who are ‘we’? You are clearly in the minority here and your constant Israeli cheer leading is nothing other than a minor distraction. You remind me of a lunatic that used to plague the Craig Murray website – but he did amuse readers occasionally.

    • 同意: AnonStarter
  278. Taxi 说:

    I’d like to see you laughing when tel aviv is ovened.

    • 回复: @A123
  279. @utu

    SolontoCroesus wrote: @44 min, TruNews shows the clip of Netanyahu at United Nations highlighting the same warehouse that was exploded.

    Utu responded: This is a fake video somebody prepared

    No, it is not a “fake video.”

    SolontoCroesus went too far in identifying the building as “the same warehouse that was exploded,”
    but in a Sept., 2018 speech at UN, Netanyahu 做了 discuss and demonstrate surveillance photos of three buildings that Bibi alleged were sites where Hezbollah was developing missiles.
    See here, @16.39 min on the Israel TV i24 video:


    Bibi says: “So I have a message for Hezbollah today: Israel knows . . . what you’re doing; Israel knows where you are doing it; and Israel will not let you get away with it.” [Applause]

    Around 44 min, TruNews displayed IDF Tweets from the time of Bibi’s UN speech that included photos of the Hezbollah sites that Netanyahu showed in that UN speech

    The three buildings Bibi identified are closer to Beirut airport than the building that contained the AN.
    The fact that Bibi identified three Hezbollah-linked buildings different from- but near to- the AN warehouse lends credibility to Richard Silverstein’s argument that Israel did, indeed, attack Hezbollah sites
    and that the mission escalated when that attack detonated a much larger-than-intended explosion at the AN warehouse that devastated so much of Beirut.

    David Wurmser’s attempt to destroy Silverstein’s claims were predictable and pathetic.

    • 谢谢: Iris
    • 回复: @utu
  280. A123 说:

    I’d like to see you laughing when tel aviv is ovened.

    Nice of you to admit that your Islam embraces genocide as an aspirational goal.

    Now shout Satan is Greater, Allah Ahkbar, Satan is Greater.

    The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit will protect those who have faith in God. I do not fear your False Prophet, The Anti-Christ Muhammad of Paedophilia, who raped Aisha when she was nine.

    Your threats, like the rest of your writing, are so unhinged as to be comical to all of us who believe in God. You and you fellow Satanists are only digging the hole of your damnation deeper.


    • 回复: @anon
    , @Taxi
    , @Taxi
  281. anon[413]• 免责声明 说:



    Who the fuck is/are “We”, jewboy?

    continue entertaining us with your 绝望 jew flailing and your 妄想 jew projection, jewboy. Your increasingly shrill and histrionic jew gibbering is providing much needed comic relief to UR readers during the COVID-19 lockdown.

    SHALOM! 😂😂😂

  282. Richard B 说:

    I saw one Israeli general boasting

    If they’re talking they’re boasting, and lying.

    Talking, Boasting and Lying go together with these guys like Falafel, Hummus and Tahini sauce.

    it is the US who greatly benefits as well as Tel Aviv.

    Well, what’s the difference?

  283. anon[124]• 免责声明 说:

    Nice of you to admit that your Islam embraces genocide as an aspirational goal.

    Now shout Satan is Greater, Allah Ahkbar, Satan is Greater.


    Nice of you to admit your rabid Islamophobia, jewboy.

    Now pray to your lord Satan, jewboy, so your jew son of god, blessed be he, can stick his little jew dick in his wife and sister’s holy hole and become “One” with his Shekhinah, the jew daughter of god.

    The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit will protect those who have faith in God. I do not fear your False Prophet, The Anti-Christ Muhammad of Paedophilia, who raped Aisha when she was nine.

    No one’s buying your transparent talmudic taqqiya, jewboy. Your lord Satan has a special room ready for you, in hell, where you will be immersed in boiling excrement for all eternity.

    Your threats, like the rest of your writing, are so unhinged as to be comical to all of us who believe in God. You and you fellow Satanists are only digging the hole of your damnation deeper.

    This was the jew estimate nearly five years ago:

    Israel raises Hezbollah rocket estimate to 150,000

    New assessments suggest the Lebanese terror group is ramping up efforts to acquire weapons


    Keep digging the jew hole of your jew damnation deeper, little Satan-worshiping jewboy.

    SHALOM 😇

  284. Taxi 说:

    My “islam” lol! Nice hallucination, loser.

    Like I said, the synagogue of satan is in Hezbollah’s crosshairs. Beirutshima hasn’t changed this FACT one bit. Terrorist tel aviv will be popping like popcorn.

    Shalom shekel-licker 🙂

  285. Taxi 说:

    I’ll remind you that Jesus was a Palestinian. Only jews and fake christians will deny this biblical fact.

    And ffs stop it with your preposterous ‘royal we’. You only represent your poxed-up arse.

    Jesus loves Palestine, his homeland.

    Peace motherfucker, peace upon you 🙂

    • 同意: Daniel Rich
    • 谢谢: Iris
    • 回复: @A123
    , @gay troll
  286. @Jmaie

    最近,我对 VT 网站非常怀疑,因为它是特种人员的一个有限的聚会场所,他们的目的是通过超越顶部并让整个运动看起来很荒谬来抹黑抵抗运动。在与 Ian Haigh 和 Gordon Duff 的谈话中,我意识到这群人有点可疑。我担心那里目前可能存在的隶属关系。

    不用说,“选中”的特工123就是为了这件事。塔木德教徒以串联和团队的方式工作。 Sayanim 和 Hasbara 类型在此类网站上激增,就像死狗身上的蛆一样。

    • 同意: Taxi, Patagonia Man
    • 谢谢: Daniel Rich
  287. @A123

    Talmudi$ts are notorious for totally twisting the truth and turning it on its head. This particular sand-flea even has the chutzpah to call me a liar, which totally proves my point. Pretzels may have been a German development, but when the devil is in the details, truth can be twisted into amazing configurations.

    The most galling of chutzpahfication is this pretzelmeister’s tongue passing through the cheek and into the left earlobe via desecration of the gentile word “peace”, when the underlying meaning indicates “Shalom” which is yet another twist, with the inherent meaning peace amongst all the “chosen” tribes and peoples. Period.

    • 哈哈: A123, Fran Taubman
  288. ld 说:
    @Colin Wright

    I believe this is the Webb Tweet
    ‘An IDF source tells Richard Silverstein that Israel’s military caused the Beirut blast, but had not intended to ignite the ammonium’


  289. Herald 说:

    I tend to your view, but will keep an open mind for now.

  290. 4justice 说:
    @Colin Wright

    像大多数犹太复国主义者一样,你颠倒了真相。 以色列是一个恐怖国家,建立在恐怖之上,靠恐怖维持,真主党是一个自卫组织。

    • 同意: Larchmonter420
  291. … this attack puts 每周 资本 每周 country around the world on notice – the zionist entity (as directed by the City of London) can destroy a city of any country its targeted – with 有罪不罚!

    Surely its time now, after this latest atrocity against a civilian population, to 所有 come together and agree that the 一种 verse that has been poisoning world history for the last 5780 years is:

    “On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram and said, “To your descendants I give this land, from the wadi of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates.” – Genesis 15:18 (NIV)

    … in spite of 17 other biblical references to the promised land being “between Dan and Beersheba”.

  292. A123 说:


    I’ll remind you that Jesus was a Palestinian Jew. Only Muslims and their Dhimmi slaves will deny this biblical fact.

    Jesus loves Jewish Palestine, his 0% Muslim homeland.

    All Palestinian Jews and Palestinian Christians yearn for the day when non-Palestinian Muslim colonizers end their occupation and return home. It will be a great day for Palestine when no square inch of Christian and Jewish land is contaminated by the Satanic, non-native, Muslim Death Cult.

    In the name of GOD, I proudly bring you this message on behalf of ALL JEWS and ALL CHRISTIANS.

    AMEN 😇

    • 回复: @vot tak
    , @Hiram of Tyre
    , @Taxi
  293. vot tak 说:

    You seriously think your nonsense wont be seen as substantiation that israel/zionazi-(very)gays were responsible? The more you queens spam, the more obvious you were responsible. You things are bottom rung aspies.

  294. @Taxi

    Asking me to read the talmudy WSJ is like me asking you to go read the koran.

    First I would not mind reading the Koran, I like it, it is the 3rd edition of Judaism. If you all were not so nuts we could find common ground.

    I really do not understand from you Mother f****ckers, is when we present facts to you they are Talmudic toilet paper. You post total fantasy horseshit that I would not even use for TP and OMG there it is the facts as you know them are the only facts. Suddenly they are the truth. You post is ludicrous.

    You know as well as anyone that Hezbollah could be behind this no question. The truth will come out. But for all your hatred of Israel and the Jews, it is still the only normal place to live overthrew and people aren’t stupid they want to live a normal life just like everyone else. Life just ain’t normal in Lebanon. Not fro a second. No fault of the Jews. People want normalcy, and I bet a million dollars some day Lebanon will become normal without Hezbollah and the Shia bullshit in Iran and will return to a normal democratic country and become friends with Israel.

    I am a US citizen living in Shelter Island NY, not Tel Aviv. You see how fucked up your facts are?

    • 回复: @Iris
    , @Taxi
  295. @Iris

    犹太人也杀了哈里里!!! 是的,曾经射击过轰炸是以色列/摩萨德工作的虚假标志。 晚上睡觉不笑自己吗? 你看布尔温克尔和洛基以及邪恶的鲍里斯和娜塔莎吗? 又名摩萨德。 他们是一切的幕后推手。

    • 回复: @anon
  296. utu 说:

    SolontoCroesus went too far in identifying the building as “the same warehouse that was exploded”. – Thank you. Netanyahu was pointing to three sites that were four miles away from the warehouse that exploded. SolontoCroesus is easy to fool as he strives to fulfill his confirmation bias w/o sufficient error checks.

    • 回复: @Iris
  297. Iris 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    You know as well as anyone that Hezbollah could be behind this no question.

    This is what Zionists’ harlots, such as smackhead Walid Jumblatt, Saudi foreign minister Faysal Bin Farhan, and even President Trump, have seen in their magic crystal ball as soon as the bombing happened, and have profusely communicated to the public ever since.

    Harlots are not credible; you and the 123 A*****e are wasting your time.

    • 同意: Patagonia Man
  298. @A123

    Putting the “Jesus was a Jew” argument aside for a moment, today’s Jewry has nothing to do with the original Jews of Palestine.


    “The Outline of History: Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind”, H. G. Wells

    Today’s Judaism has its roots in Pharisaism (despised by Jesus):


    “Yahvism and Other Discourses”, Rabbi Adolph Moses in collaboration with Rabbi H.G. Enlow,

    法西斯主义变成了塔木德主义,塔尔木德主义变成了中世纪拉比主义,中世纪拉比主义变成了现代拉比主义。 但是贯穿这些名字的变化。 。 。 古代法利赛人的精神永存,没有改变。 。 。 从巴勒斯坦到巴比伦; 从巴比伦到北非,意大利,西班牙,法国和德国; 从这些国家到​​波兰,俄罗斯以及整个东欧,古老的法利沙主义一直在徘徊。 。 。 证明了法西斯主义作为宗教运动的持久重要性。”

    “The Pharisees, The Sociological Background of Their Faith, Rabbi Louis Finkelstein

    Lastly, and if as you claim Jews and Christians are united in Palestine, I don’t understand why the Jewish Zionists attacked and captured more then 80 Christians towns/villages (among the hundreds of Muslim towns/villages) in the last months of the British Mandate of Palestine and/or why Israel has discriminated the Christians of the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem – resulting in their exodus since 1948.

  299. gay troll 说:

    Jesus Christ was a literary device.

    Jesus is the Greek translation of Joshua, the savior who led the Hebrews out of the wilderness and into Canaan. The earliest known copy of the Hebrew scriptures (the Septuagint) was rendered in Greek, and every time it mentions Joshua, it is written as Jesus. Thus Jesus was a hugely significant name 250 years before Anno Domini.

    As for Christ, it is not a name but a title for a king or chosen one. It is probably cognate with the Egyptian “Krst” which denotes a mummified king. It literally means “anointed one” because mummies were preserved with oils and resins. Christ is used in the Septuagunt dozens of times as a translation for messiah (anointed one).

    The authors of the NT used the Septuagint as one basis for their composition. This is why Jesus Christ so conspicuously fulfills Jewish prophecies. It is also why his name was chosen. Jesus/Joshua is a name that means “salvation of Yah”. Jewish historian Josephus writes that there were many Jews named Jesus in 1st century Judea. Even the Gospels say Christ was held with another prisoner named Jesus Barabbas, which means “Salvation of Yah, Son of the Father”.

    Jesus Christ is not attested to by any historian or observer of his age. In fact the canonical Gospels are not referenced in the literary record until the 130’s CE, which coincides with the defeat of the last Jewish leader Bar Kokhba in the Jews’ war against Rome. Jesus Christ may have began his career as a Gnostic phantom, but with Rome’s final victory over Judea, Jesus Christ was inserted into a historical narrative that just so happens to “predict” the desolation of Jerusalem and the Temple by Titus.

    • 同意: Kapyong
    • 回复: @Taxi
  300. Iris 说:

    Netanyahu was pointing to three sites that were four miles away from the warehouse that exploded.

    This RT talkshow was about the possible foreign hand in the Beirut bombing. It featured three seasoned political analysts, all Lebanese.

    At 27:30, the gentlemen with a red shirt, Dr Nazih Al Khiyat, a representative of the Future movement, stated that Netanyahu presented maps at the UN assembly alleging that they represented locations for the assembly or the storage of missiles, and that one of the locations was of the harbour warehouses were the bombing occurred.


    SolontoCroesus is correct. And the commenters here pushing for the “Hezbollah weapon storage” narrative are parrotting Netanyahu, which is their job.

    • 回复: @anon
  301. 理查德·西尔弗斯坦(Richard Silverstein)是这方面的一个很好的资料来源。



    • 不同意: Taxi, Patagonia Man
    • 巨魔: Larchmonter420
    • 回复: @L.K
    , @anon
  302. anon[437]• 免责声明 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    And the Jews killed Hariri as well !!!

    Yes, you senile barking jew cunt.

    Yes ever shooting ever bombing is a false flag Israel/Mosad Job.

    Yes, you senile barking jew cunt.

    Do you not laugh yourself to sleep at night?

    Yes, you senile barking jew cunt.

    Do you watch Bullwinkle and Rocky and the evil Boris and Natasha.

    Yes, you senile barking jew cunt.

    AKA the Mossad.

    Yes, you senile barking jew cunt.

    They are behind everything.

    Yes, you senile barking jew cunt.

  303. Taxi 说:

    Lol the same device of “let me fix that for you” puerile stupidity you’re dragging all over the boards. No smarts , no imagination, no light in eye. Sign of godless zombie sucking on synagogue of satan cock.

    Thank god you are small in number and your days are numbered.

    No, Jesus doesn’t love you, he loves Palestine, his homeland where you cheer the mass murder of children, little jewish wahabi terrorist that you are.

    Now go fix your silly toupee and collect your shekels from Netanyahu’s crack.

    Shalom x infinity 🙂

  304. Taxi 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    You can live in Bora Bora but your black heart lives in Apartheid israel. The whole world knows that tel aviv is the global center for terrorism and usury.

    You know nothing about either Lebanon or Hezbollah past your brainwash. And that’s no surprise as jews are the most brainwashed people in the world. Sad cattle.

    I suggest Germany redirect its israel reparations straight to Beirut for all the wars and mass murders the jews of israel have inflicted on its beautiful people.

    Oh and btw, brace yourself, Hezbolah will retaliate. BIG!

    Now fuck off with your lies and your holocaust begging bowl.

    Despicable wannabe victim!

    • 同意: L.K
    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  305. Taxi 说:
    @gay troll

    Thank you. I have read this posit before. Very plausible. But I think here we can separate historic proof of Jesus from the ‘message’ in his name – and his message of peace is valid and embraceable.

  306. Robjil 说:

    This event in Beirut happened on the Jewish Valentine’s day.


    Why are Jewish holidays, numbers or holidays in general connected to these events? Moshe Feiglin, a former Knesset Member, connected this event in Beirut to Tu Ba’Av, the Jewish Valentine’s day

    前以色列议会议员、社交媒体影响者摩西·费林 (Moshe Feiglin) 将周二发生在贝鲁特的灾难性爆炸与犹太爱情节日:情人节 15 日联系起来。

    The 15th of Av began at sundown on Tuesday night and continues until sundown on Wednesday night. It is a special holiday that symbolizes love. We correct the hatred when we rise above it and thus attain the great love.

    在密西拿的口头传统中,记载说,Tu B'Av 是耶路撒冷的年轻妇女穿着白衣到果园和葡萄园唱歌的日子。年轻人会和他们一起选择新娘。这些是描绘 Tu B'Av 假期的图像。

    This glee over the bombing sounds familiar to the Netanyahu’s glee over 9 11 as “good for Israel”.

    Quoting the Mishna of Raban Gamliel, Feiglin wrote “There have never been better days for Israel than the 15th of Av and Yom Kippur.”

    He then said that the explosion in Beirut was the realization of this passage since Israel enjoyed a “spectacular pyrotechnic display in the Beirut Port.”

    This Feiglin says it was like an atomic bomb. I wonder why he said that?

    He also added that the effect of the blast’s devastation was that of a miniature atomic bomb. Feiglin went on to criticize Israel’s hasty pull-out from Lebanon blaming the move for enabling Beirut’s ability to stock so many deadly weapons meant for Israel.

    “But for now, today is the 15th of Av and it is a day of joy. Thank you very much to God and all of the geniuses and heroes that organized this amazing celebration to mark the Day of Love” he concluded.

    • 谢谢: Iris
  307. L.K 说:
    @Colin Wright

    理查德·西尔弗斯坦(Richard Silverstein)是这方面的一个很好的资料来源。

    No, he is NOT.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  308. anon[408]• 免责声明 说:
    @Colin Wright

    理查德·西尔弗斯坦(Richard Silverstein)是这方面的一个很好的资料来源。

    那么, are a good little jew-worshiping shabbos goy.

    …keep up the the good work, shabbos wigger.

  309. The author is correct in assuming that the leveling of Beirut’s port is advantageous to whoever is chosen to rebuild it. It’s almost always better to begin work with a clean piece of paper. I also suspect China has more to offer, as the US system can’t compete with the Chinese state. It hasn’t the cash, and the singularity of resource. Of course there’s the possibility that a Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates, or maybe the World Bank, will step forward to finance Lebanon’s latest infrastructure project, but that’s unlikely. This is a complicated job that few can handle alone. Also, it’s time for Lebanon to develop it’s off shore oil. Will it be allowed to? Probably not, as Israel will object. Speaking of Israel, when will the UN step up and sanction Israel for the crimes it commits? Never, is my guess. The poor Jews, so persecuted, can murder and maim with impunity, and in the name of survival, and fighting anti-semitism, they will continue. The world locks down because of a virus, because our leaders care about our health. But, mass murder is ok, no problem. Ironic, isn’t it?

    • 回复: @Patagonia Man
  310. cassandra 说:
    @Patagonia Man


    我的观点是:在决定它们是否真正相关之前,解释至少需要考虑操作因素,当然,这可能是其中之一。乍一看,我没有看到逊尼派参与其中,但他们将是袋子里的人,在贝鲁特爆炸事件中找到他们的指纹就像在 BLM 示威中抓住索罗斯一样。但是,如果您认为我遗漏了什么,请继续;提出你的理由,我会听。


    这里的航海、财务和仓储情况在各个方面都不同寻常,而且有充足的动力。房间里的大象是伊朗支持的真主党和以色列之间的致命对抗。对地中海东部的全面控制,无论是石油通道(以色列)还是贸易(中国与美国)都是另一回事。当然,资产操纵之后的秃鹫收购(例如德意志银行在 911 事件之前买入美国航空股票或西尔弗斯坦的保险单)都需要认真考虑(不一定是确认)

    如果不把这些可能性视为“阴谋论”,就等于忘记了美国,尤其是以色列,经常被举报人、甚至是他们自己的吹牛所揭穿。 (我不应该忽视沙特阿拉伯的逊尼派王子MBS。)虽然评估各种可能性的可能性并激发想法的“思想实验”是最好的科学领域一项受人尊敬的活动,但我们的真理部在政治事务中禁止这样做。

    • 同意: Patagonia Man
  311. @L.K

    ‘No, he is NOT.’


    I don’t even like the guy, but he does seem to be reasonably careful about what claims he makes, and he does seem to have reliable sources of information.

  312. @Taxi

    You can live in Bora Bora but your black heart lives in Apartheid israel. The whole world knows that tel aviv is the global center for terrorism and usur

    Comments like this are why Muslim nations are such losers. You live a pretend fantasy world where you believe Jewish conspiracies are pulling the strings controlling Muslims destiny by blowing things up. Look in the mirror and think Kaboom in your mind. You are the reason for your own failures not the Jews or Christians or Capitalist or Usury. Look at your self and the corruption behind Muslim governments. Beyond comprehension.

    You have no facts but photoshopped drawings with red circles. Nothing. I hope Hezbollah will retaliate, and you will see the full force of Israel, and their secret technology and weapons. How many technology patents in the Islamic world ? More technology happens in Israel in one day then the Islamic world in years.

    Who is rioting in the streets of Beirut? Not Jews. People want Hezbollah gone. Look at the way the Lebanese treat their Palestinian population. They live in sewer ridden ghettos.

  313. @the grand wazoo

    “Speaking of Israel, when will the UN step up and sanction Israel for the crimes it commits? Never, is my guess.”


    You forget that the UN was established as a Rothschild/Rockefeller project – that’s why its in the “Empire State” of New York and not a neutral country, like say Switzerland, for example.

    The UN Secretary General’s office has been appropriated by the US State Department (aka Zio-Central) under threat of defunding from the US – same as Trump’s threats to the WHO.

    Even the UNSG’s spokesperson Stephane Dujarric, is from State.

    So just like:-

    – The Vatican (after 1958),
    – the International Monetary Fund (IMF),
    – the World Bank,
    – the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) – the banksters’ bank HQ’d in Basel, Switz., (remember where the 1st World Zionist Congress was held in 1897?)

    the City of London’s Zio’s (aka Anglo-Zionists) have got all their main players in position in the most important of the pivotal global institutions – just like the A-Z’s did before WWI – to start both WWI & II – where 17,000,000 (est.) and 55,000,000 – 60,000,000(est.) people were killed, respectively.

    • 谢谢: Hiram of Tyre
  314. Taxi 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    What is it with jews and christian-zios who immediately think that critics of israel and the talmud MUST ALWAYS be muslim? LOL! Get a freaking grip little brainwashed cog! Have you not noticed how wahabi muslims like saudi arabia and bahrain are permanently sucking israel cock with relish? Obviously this news of the jewish-wahabi love affair has never hit your ear lobe despite it being mega news for some time now.

    You are such an unhinged bore! The hezbollah has already SMASHED israel TWICE on the battlefield and the third coming time will be the last war coward israel ever fights. If the idf can truly take on the Hezb it would have done so years ago. The whole world saw with their own eyes the cowardice of the jewish army at Avivim and recently right before jewish terrorists blew up Beirut Port when the whole of terrorist israel was petrified of Hezbollah’s retaliation – which is still coming btw.

    Man! You are so brainwashed and mistaken about Hezb popularity in Lebanon lol! The paid protestors are Antifa youth, a couple of hundred of them just vandalizing and saying whatever the American embassy in Beirut tells them to say on behalf of tel aviv. But please do stay in ignorance – I insist lol! Your shock and awe is a-coming!

    Your stupidity will be the cause of your future heart attack.

  315. @Fran Taubman

    Look at the way the Lebanese treat their Palestinian population. They live in sewer ridden ghettos.


    Do you want Palestinians to give up the right of return?

    Is Gaza a better ghetto?

    Seems like once again you light is being sucked out. Have some human emotions for those who suffer in this tragedy. Fran let your light shine through, again!

    Blessed be HaShem (Bless be the Name)!

    Mohamed (A Shia Muslim).

  316. @Fran Taubman

    看看你自己和穆斯林政府背后的腐败。 超出理解范围。


    1. 到目前为止,还没有司法部官员被捕。据大众媒体(包括阿拉伯媒体)报道,球在他们的球场上。他们选择不回应,所以他们是第一线的罪魁祸首。我可能是错的,司法部官员已经被捕,而我并不知道。另外,为什么记者错过了这一点。到目前为止,《记者》提出的问题和书面解释只有“意外或以色列”,没有新闻(尖锐的问题)。

    2. 我一生中从未见过哈桑·纳斯鲁拉说谎。 他出来说这是一场意外吗? 如果他这样做了,那我一定错过了。


    • 回复: @pq
  317. pq 说:

    Ruptly 有纳斯鲁拉的演讲视频。 据错误报道,他说这不是一次意外,或者以色列没有这样做。 他说的是a)真主党接下来一段时间的当务之急是应对灾难:组织献血等。b)事件需要调查c)每个人都需要承担责任,确保调查顺利如果他们希望黎巴嫩继续存在,他们就是诚实的。 他谈到,在人道主义灾难的最直接问题得到解决之前,每个人都试图从混乱中获利。

    • 谢谢: Larchmonter420
    • 回复: @Iris
  318. Iris 说:



    He reminded that this area of the Beirut port was known to be under control of other (rival) Lebanese factions, so could not have been used by Hezbollah. He also ironically added that Hezbollah had a better knowledge of Haifa’s harbour than of the Beirut explosion epicentre.

    • 同意: Hiram of Tyre, Patagonia Man
    • 回复: @Larchmonter420
  319. Sparrow 说:
    @vot tak

    黎巴嫩最好自己进行建设、重建和内部建设。 这里的每个人都很中国豪。 共产主义还没有袭击你们的世界……但即将袭击列布。 很快就会成为 LebaNone。 的黎波里将被称为Chopstickoli。 除了黎巴嫩人之外,任何人都不应优先于黎巴嫩……不是西方,也不是东方。 我因共产主义的兴起而关闭。 所有渴望它的人都会收获它。 资本主义是共产主义的另一种形式……它们都需要消失。 需要提醒吗? 现在只要去美国当地的沃尔玛唐人街超市……看看进入和购物有多困难。 同样的犹太人/中国人的暴政现在正在席卷澳大利亚。 对于那些认为中国和以色列不是盟友的人来说,你们错了。 那些认为俄罗斯不是以色列盟友的人是错误的。 列布因对金钱的绝望而堕落,但不是因对主权的绝望而堕落。 也许他们可以铲除腐败分子。 就像美国需要被淘汰一样。 只有到那时,我们中的任何人才能摆脱占领巴勒斯坦的病态怪物及其暴政。 他们无法利用的一件事是……一个以真理、透明和崇高思想为基础的政府。 伊斯兰堡拥有这一切。 真主党万岁

  320. @Taxi

    Oy vey Taxi you are killing me. All ad hominem attacks. Hard to present a coherent argument.

    critics of israel and the talmud MUST ALWAYS be muslim? LOL! Get a freaking grip little brainwashed cog! Have you not noticed how wahabi muslims like saudi arabia and bahrain are permanently sucking israel cock with relish?

    Because most of the critics are Muslims. The last war with Hezbollah was a draw, and Nasrallah said in retrospect he would have never have started it with the kidnapping of the Israeli soldier. Israel sussed out the tunnels of Hezbollah’s from Lebanon to Israel illegally, and closed them shut. I am not worried about a showdown with Hezbollah, and no one in Israel is. Hezbollah is really Iran Lebanon is a subsidiary of Iran, and the Lebanese hate it. The government did not quit because of Antifa. Antifa is insignificant. Lebanon is a failing country economically and politically. Change is in the air, and regardless of your incendiary comments, people want change. Hezbollah does not look good right now. It is not a wining group, people were angry about it’s involvement in Syria. Israel is a solid country, Lebanon is not.

    Back at you with if Hezbollah thought they could take out Israel they would have done it already. Taking out Israel will entail the destruction of Lebanon. Are you just flat out stupid not to know that?

    • 回复: @Hiram of Tyre
    , @Taxi
  321. @Taxi

    Man! You are so brainwashed and mistaken about Hezb popularity in Lebanon lol!

    Salam Sweet Sister Taxi,

    I don’t know if you remember me or not, but on your site I once wrote, God bless MBS as he is a good man and posted it under my name Mohamed.

    I have been on this site for a very long time, under multiple handles. When I first joined, I made the claim that USA, Russia, China, KSA, Iran, Syria so forth are in cahoots to rid Israel for the benefit of all mankind. I first said this on Saker’s site, when Russia without firing a shot took over Crimea, basically I said that Obama gave Crimea to Putin on a Silver Platter. Everyone, thought being a foreigner I don’t know the meaning of cahoots.

    When I first appeared on this site, everyone was shocked that how can I be a Shia and believe as such. So, everyone tried to run me off including Ron Unz. But especially a Muslim from majority group came after me with a vengeance when I said, Prophet never married a child and this woman who narrates this hadith is signing her own songs. Quran in complete chapter 66 calls this woman a liar and destined for hell. I am sure that you know Arabic very well and you should read chapter 66 in Arabic in the real Quran, and not the translated, which is really transliterated and not consider a Quran by Muslims.

    How I know? I watch Mass Media for body languages, especially when they are caught off guard by the camera. And, more importantly the majority Muslims have agreed with minority Muslims, that the events and history of Islam described by minority is true and correct. I know several languages, and I see these changes are implemented slowly but surely. Islam is being United and Ummah is becoming One.

    Netanyahu knows he is in pickle, but being haughty and arrogant he cannot sallow that he has been chumped. He is very, very desperate and very, very dangerous at this stage. In Islam, Iblis is jinn created by fire and Adam a inns (human) created by dust. So, when Allah asked Iblis to prostrate to Adam, he refused. God asked him why? He said I am created from fire, where Adam is created from mud. God told Iblis you are haughty and arrogant.

    Below is very short video of 2005 regarding body language. It is less then 4 minutes. There are tons like it!


    • 回复: @Taxi
  322. Taking out Israel will entail the destruction of Lebanon. Are you just flat out stupid not to know that?


    If I were you, I won’t be gloating!

    Before Israel is taken out, it nukes has to be taken out first.

    Don’t worry the FAKE Covid-19 will destroy Israel’s economy. And then, everything is a piece of cake!

    FAKE Covid-19 is not going away for at least for 2 years, until Israel’s economy is fully destroyed!



  323. @Iris



    Sayyid and not Sheikh. I am sure being a Muslim, you know the difference. The Sayyid, like Sayyid Khomeini, Sayyid Khamenei, Sayyid Sistani are all Arabs and descend of Prophet Mohammad (saws) through his daughter Fatima (as) and his first cousin Imam Ali (as).

    Sayyids as scholars wear black turbans, and the Sheikhs as scholars wear white turbans, however the shape of turban is same! And, the Shia scholars are recognized by their turban, being a particular shape either black or white!

    See the turban, the color and the shape of Ali Khamenei : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Khamenei



  324. LOL! Appropriate Title – hehehe

    Dr. Bibi and Mr. Netanyahu

    Benjamin Netanyahu has shown during his tenure as prime minister, and increasingly so in recent months, that there is no trick in the book, no scare tactic, deception or deceit that he will not use in order to save his own skin and hold on to power, regardless of the cost to Israelis and the country.

    After his indictment for bribery, fraud and breach of trust, the prospect of a criminal trial and maybe even a jail sentence are the motive for his political machinations.

    Ideology and the national interest are gone from his considerations.

    But there is a long list of people who have been lied to and mislead by Netanyahu, among them world leaders, Israeli politicians and even close allies.

    Political agreements are often broken despite having some judicial oversight. It is unlikely that Netanyahu’s attempts to escape his commitment to a unity government would be halted by court intervention.

    But Netanyahu’s deception is not only limited to such agreements. It has always been his modus operandi.


  325. @Fran Taubman

    The last war with Hezbollah was a draw […]

    Both the Mossad and Shin-Bet directors attested otherwise:

    战争结束后,在与总理奥尔默特会晤期间,摩萨德酋长梅尔·德甘(Meir Degan)和新押金负责人尤瓦尔·迪金(Yuval Diskin)的讲话更加具有启发性。 这两个人都明确地告诉奥尔默特:“战争是一场全国性的灾难,以色列遭受了严重打击。


    […] and Nasrallah said in retrospect he would have never have started it with the kidnapping of the Israeli soldier.

    The war of 2006 was planned and waged by Israel under Ehud Olmert as early as January with preparations in March. This was attested by diplomatic leaks as well as Olmert’s testimony to the Winograd Committee. The IDF soldiers served as casus belli to enable Israel’s assault.

    The war was supposed to last a few days. Israel believed that Hezbollah would be decimated but weeks/months later, Israel did not reach a single one of its military objectives. Israel even ran out of ammo in the first week or so and had to call ask the US for more.

    Nasrallah did not apologize for starting the war but he apologized to Lebanon saying that if he knew the capture of the soldiers would have led to such war, he would not have ordered it.

    • 同意: Larchmonter420, Taxi, L.K
    • 谢谢: Iris
  326. @Hiram of Tyre

    Mazel Tov to the UAE and Israel for the peace treaty, exchange of diplomats, travel and business relationships. May all the other Arab nations follow, and people like Taxi and the other Jew hating Jihadist on this UR will see how regressive their policy of taking out Israel is. The world has moved on, taking out Israel is passe, Palestinian demands are yesteryear, so is Hezbollah. In 2 years Hezbollah will not exist. People want peace and prosperity, acceptance of Israeli is the key ingredient.

  327. @Hiram of Tyre

    Destroying Hezbollah was the military goal of the IDF, anything less would be seen as a failure. So the word catastrophe has no meaning. Israel decided that the price for taking out Hezbollah was too great. The IDF chiefs were disorganized and poorly run and the war was a failure in achieving its goals. But make no mistake Hezbollah did not win, there was tremendous damage and death to Hezbollah and the region, and the Lebanese were not happy. If you think Hezbollah won that battle by surviving you are delusional. Hezbollah got a big bloody nose, and will hesitate to pursue defeat of Israel alone. If there is a Shia resistance with Iran leading the way with Hezbollah to defeat Israel you are talking about WW3 and everyone with a brain knows it. Israel has massive destructive forces both off shore in secret submarines amongst the most advance in the world, and bombing capacities that can knock out the entire electrical grid of a country without killing anyone. You would have to be naive to think that a country as advanced as Israel (which shares technology like missile defense with the US and other Western countries) does not have way more sophisticate defensive and offensive capabilities that would make the Shia Hezbollah bombs look primitive. That is the facts no matter how much Taxi and the other Jew hatting Jihadist think they can defeat Israel. However corrupt Netanyahu is (he is) is nothing compared to the corruption of the Islamic countries are. Lebanon is full of grifters who siphon billions from the national grid, same with Syria, Turkey, Iran etc. No one wants to take Israel out. No one with a brain. Making peace with Israel and the Jews is the only hope for a normal life in the ME. Destroying Israel is an outdated Islamic fission and Pan Arabic nationalist tool that died, with the inability for Islamic countries to advance their populations economically. The Pan Arabic desire to eliminate Israel and free it for the Palestinians failed. Most of the world gets it, the rest will follow.

    • 回复: @Hiram of Tyre
  328. @Hiram of Tyre

    The war of 2006 was planned and waged by Israel under Ehud Olmert as early as January with preparations in March. This was attested by diplomatic leaks as well as Olmert’s testimony to the Winograd Committee. The IDF soldiers served as casus belli to enable Israel’s assault.


    Excellent! For this failure Ehud Olmert was later fried and thrown in the prison!

    Nasrallah did not apologize for starting the war but he apologized to Lebanon saying that if he knew the capture of the soldiers would have led to such war, he would not have ordered it.

    Man of Honor!



    • 谢谢: Hiram of Tyre
  329. @Fran Taubman

    Mazel Tov to the UAE and Israel for the peace treaty, exchange of diplomats, travel and business relationships.

    Congratulations Fran!

    Netanyahu just pulled a rabbit out of his hat.



  330. @Fran Taubman

    Mazel Tov to the UAE and Israel for the peace treaty, exchange of diplomats, travel and business relationships. May all the other Arab nations follow, and people like Taxi and the other Jew hating Jihadist on this UR will see how regressive their policy of taking out Israel is. The world has moved on, taking out Israel is passe, Palestinian demands are yesteryear, so is Hezbollah. In 2 years Hezbollah will not exist. People want peace and prosperity, acceptance of Israeli is the key ingredient.

    I don’t know what the UAE-Israel “Peace Deal” has anything to with my comment but I suspect that it’s due to having nothing else to say.

    Since you brought it up: Wahhabis and Zionsits were never enemies, never at war to make a “Peace” deal. It is merely the public and official statement of what was behind the curtains for decades. Both the Gufg monarchy puppet states and Israel are the creation of the same European Zionists.

    As far as peace, prosperity and the acceptance of the Zionsit go: Israel and those who support it have continuously played the victim when it has been them who have attacked others since 1937. Following the Peel Commission, Zionist Jews realize they won’t have the entirety of Palestine and so, they set in motion an unofficial plan to forcibly remove all non-Jews from Palestine. It was done in waging a decade-long terror campaign on Palestinian civilians, infrastructures, the British Army, etc. It was so bad the British Army couldn’t contain them. Ben-Gurion had even met with British industrialists to follow up on the progress in the early 1940s. Paradoxically, the same British industrialists were being the two world wars and the targeting/killing of Jews (known as the “Holocaust”) to enable the creation of Israel. In the last months of the British Mandate of Palestine, the same Zionist Jews attacked several hundred Palestinian towns and villages (80+ of them were Christian) prior to self-declaring independence. In 1956, Israel, with the support of Britain and France, attacked and captured the Egyptian Sinai. Eisenhower intervened – both France and England left but Israel did not. It was only through a tedious process involving major incentives that Israel agreed to do so. It should be noted that Israel destroyed everything on its way out. In 1967, Israel attacked Egypt, Syria, Jordan and the West Bank to steal lands it couldn’t in 1948 and 1956. Israel officials admitted there was never a danger of annihilation and that it was cooked up to justify the theft of lands. Israel had even sent diplomats to Washington to make sure that the US would not intervene like it did in 1956. With JFK out of the way, it was not an issue. The Israeli Minister of Defense then also admitted that it was Israel who had attacked Syria in the Golan Heights for decades prior to 1967. All of it was blamed in the western mainstream media on those who were attacked. I’ll skip a couple of decades of similar actions against others to 1982 when Israel invaded and occupied the South of Lebanon for nearly two decade in the hope to epilate their thieving feat of the Syrian Golan Heights. Hezbollah came to be as a result of Israel’s action in Lebanon and here you are again victimizing yourself. In 2006, same thing, Israel planned the war as early as January with preparations in March and waged it in the Summer. The capture of the three IDF soldiers at the border post served as casus belli, which Hezbollah fell for. The goal was to destroy Hezbollah and establish a buffer zone up to the Litani river with NATO troops.

    • 同意: Patagonia Man
    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
    , @Malla
  331. @Fran Taubman

    Destroying Hezbollah was the military goal of the IDF, anything less would be seen as a failure. So the word catastrophe has no meaning. Israel decided that the price for taking out Hezbollah was too great. The IDF chiefs were disorganized and poorly run and the war was a failure in achieving its goals. But make no mistake Hezbollah did not win, there was tremendous damage and death to Hezbollah and the region, and the Lebanese were not happy. If you think Hezbollah won that battle by surviving you are delusional. Hezbollah got a big bloody nose, and will hesitate to pursue defeat of Israel alone. If there is a Shia resistance with Iran leading the way with Hezbollah to defeat Israel you are talking about WW3 and everyone with a brain knows it. Israel has massive destructive forces both off shore in secret submarines amongst the most advance in the world, and bombing capacities that can knock out the entire electrical grid of a country without killing anyone. You would have to be naive to think that a country as advanced as Israel (which shares technology like missile defense with the US and other Western countries) does not have way more sophisticate defensive and offensive capabilities that would make the Shia Hezbollah bombs look primitive. That is the facts no matter how much Taxi and the other Jew hatting Jihadist think they can defeat Israel. However corrupt Netanyahu is (he is) is nothing compared to the corruption of the Islamic countries are. Lebanon is full of grifters who siphon billions from the national grid, same with Syria, Turkey, Iran etc. No one wants to take Israel out. No one with a brain. Making peace with Israel and the Jews is the only hope for a normal life in the ME. Destroying Israel is an outdated Islamic fission and Pan Arabic nationalist tool that died, with the inability for Islamic countries to advance their populations economically. The Pan Arabic desire to eliminate Israel and free it for the Palestinians failed. Most of the world gets it, the rest will follow.

    I see. Both the directors of the Mossad and the Shin-Bet called the outcome of the war of 2006 a “catastrophe” for Israel but according to you, it had no meaning. Dully noted.

    I never claimed Hezbollah won in 2006. It did not need to win since it not undertake any action for that aim. Hezbollah merely pushed the invader back and succeeded in that. Israel on the other hand, waged a war and could not reach a single one of its military objectives. See it as you may.

    You need to be pragmatic, less emotional and acknowledge the harm you have to others. You have invaded, attacked, stolen lands, tried to erase the culture of others, killed and lied for decades. When called out, you squeal.

    The rest of your comment is chest pumping where you have gone off-tangents to basically vent out fumes. You’ll excuse me for not reciprocating a similar inferiority complex grossly masked by a superior one.

    • 谢谢: Patagonia Man
    • 回复: @Patagonia Man
  332. @Hiram of Tyre

    You must be so scared of the facts to write this crap. “The History” visa vie your side starting with the Peel commission. Lol lol.
    History I know better on one finger then your entire hand. Like I said your position is old and worn out. Producing nothing but failed states. Enjoy your monotonous and boring ideology while it lasts. It will soon disappear. Making Israel the culprit of Arab victimology is yesterday’s news.

    • 回复: @anon
    , @Hiram of Tyre
  333. Taxi 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    LOL you and your ongoing preposterous dismissal of the FACTS. Naaah I ain’t bothering with your jew-cog narrative. Let me here repeat that jews are the most brainwashed people on the planet. Every word they say about themselves and about their victorious enemies is a predictable lie. Waste of time to talk to dull lunatics like you, but your passive-aggressive attitude needs slamming from head to tail. Consider yourself thusly spanked by a ten foot pole – it’s just too disgusting to touch your lying coward skin close up.

    See you at Avivim, asshole loser!

  334. Taxi 说:

    Thank you. I don’t exactly remember your comment but I have seen your name around the comment boards for sure.

    The falsification of history is a massive project that jews and their agents are eyeball-deep in. And what the stupid jews don’t realize is that indeed the truth can be buried, but it’s impossible for any mortal to out and out kill it. Simply impossible to kill the truth.

  335. @Hiram of Tyre

    Two concise, excellent summaries Hiram.



    • 谢谢: Hiram of Tyre
  336. @Taxi

    The falsification of history is a massive project that jews and their agents are eyeball-deep in. And what the stupid jews don’t realize is that indeed the truth can be buried, but it’s impossible for any mortal to out and out kill it. Simply impossible to kill the truth.


    You nailed it! While the body of the Prophet (saws) was still warn and not buried yet, Islam was hijacked. Thereon, it ensued civil wars between Muslims’ groups. Shia don’t recognize the Caliphs and from fifth Caliph onward, the Caliphate become Kingdom. Muslims become insensitive towards these wars and the son of fifth Caliph, the sixth Caliph butchered all the family of the Prophet (saws) and paraded the women without hijab in the bazaars of Syria. The Prophet’s grandson Imam Hussein (as) was murdered with all the males. And, his granddaughter Bibi Zianab (as) was paraded with all the females in the bazaars of Syria. She is buried in Syria.

    The Caliphs spread Islam by sword, and they put a knife in the backs of Christians, and forgot the kindness done to them by the Cristian King who gave protection to the early adherents of the Prophet. The second Caliph Omar had a Jewish adviser who converted to Islam. The Prophet had kicked out all the Jews from all over Arabia. The The Byzantine Empire had kicked out the Jews from Palestine too, but Omar when he captured Palestine by sword based on the advice of this adviser brought back the Jews to Palestine. The rest is history, but The majority Muslims praise Omar’s move.

    Pakistan is a hot basin of Wahhabism and very fanatic in their religious view. Here in Pakistan, most of the history is being corrected, thus being in forefront. Of course, other places too, and this process is deliberately very slow but going on for the last 15 years. One day, no doubt the Holocaust history be correct too, but the process will be deliberately slow too, if you catch my drift.

    Fran is very happy about the one sided deal between Netanyahu and UAE to normalize relations. UAE has everything they want, so what they got from this deal? Nothing, Zilch, Nada! Some have suggested UAE are scared of Israel with impunity. They are wrong, what I posted on this forum, “Excellent some meat is thrown at the rabid dog, instead of just bones!” The 29 standing ovations have gone through Netanyahu’s head and he is full of hot air. Day by day he is becoming more and more arrogant and haughty and Israel’s days are numbered.

    I think we are going to see fourth election in Israel in the last two years without stable government and more insecurity for Israel. Covid-19 is going to be a death nail for Israel. Things are not free, they have quid pro quo and the masters have already told Israel either you are with us or with China. And, your Covid-19 cases in the early stages were very few and this makes you a suspect. Pompeo was personally there to deliver this message and after that Israel’s Covid-19 cases skyrocketed.



  337. @Taxi

    The falsification of history is a massive project that jews and their agents are eyeball-deep in.

    The hadith that four women are guaranteed Heaven. They are Bibi Fatima (daughter of the Prophet), Bibi Khadijah (first wife of the Prophet), Bibi Mariam (mother of Prince of Peace Jesus) and Bibi Asiya (the adoptive mother of Moses). This hadith is accepted by all Muslims without any qualms, being trusted truest of true hadith. The hadith goes on to say that Bibi Fatima is the leaders of all women in the heaven, thus signifying her status being highest and purest to all those women who came before and after her. It is a very famous hadith.

    Another famous hadith is accepted by all Muslims, that the Prophet said, whoever hurt Fatima, hurt me. Whoever hurt me, hurt Allah. Thus anyone who hurts Fatima, hurts Allah.

    It is known that Fatima died within six months of Prophet’s death. What is buried in the history are the following two things:
    1. Fatima was denied her inheritance.
    2. And, the circumstance surrounding her death. Why she was killed!

    After 1500 years, these two things are coming out in open in the light of the above two hadiths. Also. her husband Ali was murdered, her son Hassan was murdered, her son Hessian along with the male family members were butchered, war crimes committed. Her daughter Zainab with the female members were paraded naked heads without hijab in the bazaars of Syria.

    So, lots of questions are being asked now openly, without fear of retributions.

  338. Today’s New: Another quid pro quo demanded by the Masters:


    Israel opened the tender to build its 5G network on August 4, the day before US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the expansion of the Clean Network initiative.

    Israel and the US are close to signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that would mean Israel commits to not using Chinese equipment in building its 5G networks, a US government source said on Thursday night.

    Israel is close to joining the US State Department’s “Clean Network,” announced earlier this month, which seeks to protect national assets and individual privacy “from aggressive intrusions by malign actors, such as the Chinese Communist Party,” the State Department’s website reads.


    There is no free lunch, though at times it seems so!

  339. anon[306]• 免责声明 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    History I know better on one finger then your entire hand. Like I said your position is old and worn out. Producing nothing but failed states. Enjoy your monotonous and boring ideology while it lasts. It will soon disappear. Making Israel the culprit of Arab victimology is yesterday’s news.

    You know, judensau, it’s better if you stick your one jew finger then your entire jew hand in your worn out old jew cunt and queef dixie. Like I said, your jew position, like your jew cunt, is old and worn out. Producing nothing but jew queef, after jew queef, after jew queef. Enjoy your monotonous and boring zio-jew victimhood-nationalism and belligerent little jew regime in jew-occupied Palestine while it lasts. It will 所有 soon disappear. Hostile jew squatters playing poor persecuted jew victims in the Levant is going to be yesterday’s news.

    Translation provided by “MEMRI”, the “non-partisan, independent research institute”—😂😂😂:

    We have enough missiles to send “israel” back to the Stone Age

    • 回复: @A123
  340. Israel is not going to be part of Silk Route built by China. Lebanon port like all other ports on the Silk Route will be built by China with China’s money. After the Covid-19 the future is very bright, with negative income taxes in most countries, including both USA and China, due to heavy automation in industries.

    Immigration will be stopped in the USA and EU. Tons of foreigners are leaving GCC, mostly Indians as the future for Indians is very bright especially after opening the Silk Route. Imagine, Dubai, UAE has about 10 million population of approximately 600,000 Dubai citizens. They are going back under the disguise of Covid-19. Why Dubai needs so many people? Who are benefiting from it? So, the economics of GCC definitively will shrink but the benefits from Silk Route will out do them.

    The future is bright for all of us, who want to be part of it. However, those who are bent on expansion and no peace, the future is bleak for them!

    First thing is to be done is to eliminate its’ weapons of mass destruction. Beirut port destruction will help tremendously in this, with the country being responsible will be under embargo by the world for a long, long time!

    • 同意: Hiram of Tyre
  341. A123 说:

    The translation is accurate, but the statement is a lie.

    We have enough missiles to send “Israel” back to the Stone Age

    Iranian al’Hezbollah has tens of thousands of highly inaccurate, unguided Katyusha pattern rockets.

    — Most will fall on unoccupied areas.
    — Some will fall short landing on Christians and Druze further alienating them from Iran’s proxy.
    — The few hundred that fly towards an occupied area will be engaged and largely destroyed by Iron Dome.

    Precision guides missiles are expensive and Iran was only willing to provide a limited supply. These would also be engaged and largely destroyed by Iron Dome.

    If Iranian al’Hezbollah launched a mass, unprovoked first strike against Israel:

    — Israeli civilians would take casualties. Some small % of rockets and missiles will get through.
    — The world will turn on Iranian al’Hezbollah for senseless attacks aimed at civilians.
    — Little damage would be done to Israeli military capabilites.

    At that point, having been handed total advantage, Israel would:

    — Show that they are the victim, totally undermining the Shia-stinian occupation of Gaza, Judea, and Samaria.
    — Begin precision retaliation air strikes against Iranian al’Hezbollah.
    — Help the Christians and Druze of Lebanon escape violent Shia oppression.

    Nasrallah is broke and out of options. The explosion of Iranian al’Hezbollah Warehouse #12 has left him with no obvious path forward.


    • 回复: @anon
  342. @Fran Taubman

    You must be so scared of the facts to write this crap. “The History” visa vie your side starting with the Peel commission. Lol lol.
    History I know better on one finger then your entire hand. Like I said your position is old and worn out. Producing nothing but failed states. Enjoy your monotonous and boring ideology while it lasts. It will soon disappear. Making Israel the culprit of Arab victimology is yesterday’s news.

    I don’t know where you read me write “crap” when I stated verifiable content. You are either honestly ignorant about it or not interesting in hearing it.

    You claim to know history on one finger yet, you seem oblivious to the centuries-long Western meddling in the region through their colonial enterprises. Anyone who sought to take the region out of its stagnation was destroyed. One primary example was Egyptian leader, Mohamed Ali, who had made allies throughout the region and was moving forward in modernizing the region with Western technologies. The British Empire waged a war on him and ended his ambition. Supporting Islamic fundamentalism for decades was also an important tool of the British Empire as it allowed them to keep the region backwards economically and culturally.

    Not sure if it’s a reading comprehension issue or emotions kicking in again but I did not blame Israel for the failure of others. The culprit are the European Zionists who carved the Middle East to control it. Israel is their creation and so are the Gulf monarchies. Anyone who is not aligned with them has suffered. The same applied to Israel for a short period of time when Pinchas Sapir sought peace with the surrounding countries to build mutually beneficial economies. He was discarded. My Lebanon (I am, for the record, half Maronite, half Orthodox) was beacon of light in the region up until the same European Zionists decided to split it under Kissinger’s policies between Israel (to grant them Lebanon’s fresh water) and Syria (to make up for the Golan Heights Israel). It led to the bloody civil war. And while it is still a beautiful country, it has not reach its potential due to continuous internal, regional and international interference – the incident at the port of Beirut is examplary.

    • 同意: Patagonia Man
  343. christine 说:




  344. Smith 说:

    So what is Taxi’s opinion on the new UAE-Israel’s deal?

    What is the implication behind it? We know Turkey is against it, but Turkey is the ME’s new police man, set by US against Russia and Egypt and the arabs, yet now it stands with Iran against Israel?

    We know Iran’s cause is true, but what is Turkey’s role here?

    There is some high level of chess play or obfuscation involved.

  345. Robjil 说:

    No one “hates” any one.



    The problem with the Top people of our time, at least since 12.23. 1913 is that they can’t be noticed, named or talked about.



  346. anon[111]• 免责声明 说:

    Close enough. It seems that this has been planned over long time. There was one VT story which actually made sense: that an intelligence agency arranged for the shipment and used its contacts to draw out the legal process of disposal. Abandoned cargo DOES end up in legal limbo. So the back and forth he said she said between judges and customs and port is a plausible scenario to demonstrate “corruption, negligence” etc.
    By showing the airport at the UN, Netanyahu then says, look we said airport not port therefore it’s not us.
    What is strange that Michel Aoun would suddenly be sent notice of this cargo this July. It’s not normal to involve heads of state in fertilizer shipment disposal. There’s plenty of combustible material in a port. I am sure there was a plan B accident scenario if someone had got rid of the AN.

  347. @christine



    With a name like Christine, I don’t think you are a Jew, but surely you work for the Snake!

  348. @Smith

    What is the implication behind it? We know Turkey is against it, but Turkey is the ME’s new police man, set by US against Russia and Egypt and the arabs, yet now it stands with Iran against Israel?


    All countries including USA, Russia, China, EU, Iran, Turkey, KSA, UAE are in cahoots to get rid of Israel. So, you see all countries are constantly playing changing loyalties against each others to keep Israel in constant confusion. What did UAE get in return for throwing a bone to Netanyahu to keep the rabid dog in confusion. Nothing, Zilch, Nada!

    Netanyahu and Israel are both arrogant and haughty like Satan. He is so full of hot air, especially the 29 standing ovations have gone through his head. Only a small prick….



  349. @Hiram of Tyre

    He was discarded. My Lebanon (I am, for the record, half Maronite, half Orthodox) was beacon of light in the region up until the same European Zionists decided to split it under Kissinger’s policies between Israel (to grant them Lebanon’s fresh water) and Syria (to make up for the Golan Heights Israel).


    Very true! The very first time I visited Beirut was in 1972 on my way to USA. Beirut in those days used to be called, the “Paris” of Middle East. I think more than Paris, as I saw and heard almost all Lebanese speaking Arabic, French and English. I only spoke Arabic and English. Beautiful cafes’ on the sidewalks, very serene and nice people.

    It led to the bloody civil war. And while it is still a beautiful country, it has not reach its potential due to continuous internal, regional and international interference – the incident at the port of Beirut is exemplary.

    When I went back about 18 years ago, I saw war torn and ravaged country, buildings half standing and so forth. Big craters in the roads. And, Syrian solders maintaining the peace, which I resented it at that time.

    Allah to protect you and your loved ones. Maybe, I am freaking out everyone by using the word Allah to protect half Maronite, half Orthodox . They lack the knowledge of Arabic. The Arabic Bible uses Allah for God.



    • 谢谢: Hiram of Tyre
  350. christine 说:



    梦只是按照它预先确定的路线进行,而我们这些知道的精神大师很少,可以看到梦的路线绝对是朝着爱情的方向流动,而你提到的 1913 年对于更大的图景,因为美联储是在玛雅转变预言 100 年 21 月 12 日……12 年之后的几天、几周和几个月前恰好 2013 年前成立的。



    • 回复: @Robjil
    , @Patagonia Man
  351. Robjil 说:




    I don’t think destruction is the answer.

    锡安 MSM 为贝尔福号创造了第一次世界大战的条件。


    自 09 年 11 月 2001 日以来,它一直在尝试同样的事情。在犹太历上,该日期是 12 23 5761。Elul(12 月)23 年 Elul 5761 天。讽刺的是,12 23 再次被用来表示第二个锡安 MSM 世纪的开始。

    忽略锡安 MSM,我们的星球在短时间内恢复的条件是可能的。

    • 同意: Patagonia Man
  352. @Smith

    There is some high level of chess play or obfuscation involved.

    What ya say:




    根据纳斯鲁拉的翻译,他在演讲中对贝鲁特爆炸的发生方式提出了两种解释,一种是疏忽,另一种是蓄意破坏,其中有人可能会过来“用小型炸药引爆爆炸”。黎巴嫩和真主党分析师 David A. Daoud。



    • 谢谢: Robjil, Patagonia Man
  353. anon[377]• 免责声明 说:

    The translation is accurate, but the statement is a lie.

    We have enough missiles to send “Israel” back to the Stone Age

    Iranian al’Hezbollah has tens of thousands of highly inaccurate, unguided Katyusha pattern rockets.

    犹太人 A新加坡国立大学123, with these juicy jew farts you’re really spoiling us. 😂😂😂

    Targeting jew squatter scum, Iran’s ‘Suitcase’ GPS Kits Turn Hezbollah Rockets Into Guided Missiles

    Military sources say Iran is refitting thousands of ‘dumb’ rockets in Syria and Lebanon so it can zero in on targets the length and breadth of jew-occupied Palestine.

    In interviews with The Daily Beast, senior jew military officers outlined new details about Iran’s plans to turn a vast arsenal of relatively dumb rockets in Syria and Lebanon into a deadly array of precision-guided missiles. The key, according to the zio-jew cunt squatters, is a Global Positioning System (GPS) “kit” the size of small roll-aboard luggage.


    Now stick Free Introduction in your jew anus and jew fart Dixie for us:

    How Hezbollah was able to win the 2006 war vs Israel

    Hezbollah video shows targets marked for retaliation in jew-occupied Palestine

    Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement has released a video showing that its precision-guided missiles can hit targets anywhere in jew-occupied Palestine.

    The video, circulated on social media Sunday, showed coordinates of strategic jew positions that are within the range of Hezbollah’s missiles, with remarks of Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah playing in the background.

    “Today, we can not only hit the city of Tel Aviv but also, if God wills it and with His help, we can hit very precise targets within Tel Aviv and anywhere in occupied Palestine,” Nasrallah can be heard as saying.

    The video concluded with the statement “Whatever you do to block the way — it’s already over and done with.”

    https://www.presstv.com/Detail/2020/06/22/627989/Hezbollah-video-threatens-jew cunts

    But those joordinates though.


  354. @Fran Taubman

    Yeah blame it all on the Zionist LOL.

    Glad it makes you laugh; but Zionist does not necessarily equate to “Jewish” if that is what irks you. I would expect someone who claims to know history on one finger to know this.

    • 同意: Patagonia Man
    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  355. @Fran Taubman


    I don’t understand the relevance; but I never said it was. For what it’s worth, ancient “Hebrew” — which is oddly not mentioned in the Torah — was a dialect of the Canaanite language. Which begs the question: why would the alleged invading “Hebrews” adopt the language of the alleged invaded (Canaanites).

    The same goes for the ancient “Hebrew” script/alphabet, it was in reality Canaanite-Phoenician. The invention of the “Paleo-Hebrew” terminology in the 1950s by Yiddish linguist, Solomon Binbaum was coined to suit the newly intently “Jewish” identity and the creation of the Zionist State. Paradoxically, Birnbaum knew and acknowledged that the ancient “Hebrew” alphabet was Canaanite-Phoenician but he found it unsuitable to name it as such. Why let facts in the way of a good story after all. The current “Hebrew” alphabet derives from the Imperial Aramaic.

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  356. @christine

    You said: “Haters of Israel and all things Jewish …”

    Calling out lies (i.e. propaganda) in national or political discussion – doesn’t make anyone a hater.

    Calling for justice in national foreign and defense policies doesn’t make anyone a hater.

    ‘Why?’ I hear you ask.

    Because from Truth comes justice – and from justice comes peace!

    … and we cannot get to the latter, without at first, ascertaining the former.

    • 同意: Hiram of Tyre
  357. @christine

    “The dream is simply following its pre-determined course and those of us very few masters of spirit in the know …” [emphasis mine]

    Legit question: Are you claiming you’ve tapped into a higher level of Consciousness than everyone (or almost everyone else) living on the planet?

    If so, the implication of your statement: “There is no need to fret … as it is all under unseen and non-animal control” is, what’s happening on Earth is in the Divine Plan.



    因为你的信念 完全 removes the action of human agency, or free will, from the equation of life here on Earth – and our understanding of it.

  358. christine 说:

    但这根本不是我的“信仰”,这是我的“事实知识”,但我不希望你开始掌握一些隐藏的秘密,在这样的论坛上我不打算再深入了细节,完全没有冒犯的意思,但对我来说,你就像一个非常年幼的孩子,有很多关于“生活”的东西需要学习,孩子甚至不需要试图强烈反对任何他不知道的事情,不是吗? 。


    • 回复: @Patagonia Man
  359. christine 说:




    • 回复: @Patagonia Man
  360. christine 说:

    如果自我是虚幻的(事实也是如此),那么“我们的自由意志”就理所当然地并不比劳拉·克劳馥在 Play Station 中的冒险中的自由意志更真实。

  361. @christine

    如果自我是虚幻的(事实也是如此),那么“我们的自由意志”就理所当然地并不比劳拉·克劳馥在 Play Station 中的冒险中的自由意志更真实。


    Basically, the belief is that God and everything is One in Existence. Ibn Arabi (1165-1240) is a Sufi, even though the Sufi are Sunni, their theology is very close to Shia. His theory about Wahdat al-Wujud (One in Existence) is accepted by Shia scholars like Ruhullah Sayyid Khomeini but the Shia differ from ibn Arabi. According to ibn Arabi God is in every existence (everyone and everything), is rejected by Shia. The Shia belief is that the the existence (everyone and everything) is in GOD. The Shia are called, Irfani. Irfan basically literally means, ‘knowledge, awareness, wisdom’, is gnosis. According to Quran, God is Rabb (Rabbi as the “i” means “my”)!

    Rabb means, Nurturer, Sustainer, Nourishes and therefore we are all in God being One in Existence. Muslims believe that God is the Creator of everything, both Good and Evil, and they reject Dualism. The Shia believe that God has no body, no shape, no form, no spirit, and no name (no Proper Noun) but a noun, “God”. No space nor time as everywhere as for God is “now” and no body means it doesn’t occupy “space”. Quran is very clear, God Plans and satan plans, and God is the best of planner. For God “now” means he is constantly planing irregardless of our planing. And, God keeps on creating, and the Creation becomes bigger and bigger according to Quran.

    The Sunni believe in predestination and the Shia believe in limited freewill, because Quran mentions, “Heaven and Hell”. The limited freewill means, God Will is above our will, and any time our will is overridden by God’s Will, we are then not responsible for our actions as our will was overridden by the Will of God. A good example, is the Tree, which didn’t have any significance and was an excuse to put Adam on earth at an appropriate time. Why? Because before the Creation of Adam, God had plans to put him on earth, so Adam didn’t commit any sin or blasphemy.

    In conclusion, everything we see is Creation. Even Quran according to Shia. The Creator cannot be creation, meaning human form and so forth. As emotions are creation too, therefore God doesn’t love or hate. If God is controlled by emotions, then He is no longer God.

  362. @christine

    如果自我是虚幻的(事实也是如此),那么“我们的自由意志”就理所当然地并不比劳拉·克劳馥在 Play Station 中的冒险中的自由意志更真实。





  363. Malla 说:
    @Hiram of Tyre

    Since you brought it up: Wahhabis and Zionsits were never enemies, never at war to make a “Peace” deal. It is merely the public and official statement of what was behind the curtains for decades. Both the Gufg monarchy puppet states and Israel are the creation of the same European Zionists.

    100% 同意。

  364. Taxi 说:

    Thank you, Smith.

    Turkey pays but lip-service to the Palestine cause. Turkey has long had non-stop security and trade deals going on with klepto-terrorist tel aviv. Turkey was very quick to recognize israel’s statehood because they share an ideology of hate for Arabs and both also share a racist, expansionist colonialist mindset.

    I wouldn’t bet my farm on Erdogan’s sincerity. His only interest in modern Iran is they share the same Kurdish threat. The history of the relationship between Turkey and Iran is just like the history of the relationship between Turkey and Russia: one of much bloodshed.

    • 回复: @Robjil
  365. christine 说:




    • 回复: @Larchmonter420
  366. Robjil 说:


    Turkey was quick to supply Israel for help for the Corona event. Turkey was Israel’s seventh export destination in 2019.

    Turkey is supplying personal protective equipment to Israel, including surgical masks, overalls and sterile gloves to help the country fight the coronavirus outbreak, Bloomberg reported Thursday.

    Despite the souring of ties, trade — with the exception of military sales — between the two former strategic allies has remained robust. Turkey was Israel’s No.7 export destination in 2019.

    Turkey funds ISIS (Israel Secret Intelligence Service) in many places. This article talks about Turkey’s funding of ISIS in India. Why does Turkey fund this extreme pro-Israel group? And in so many nations – Syria, Libya India, and where else?


    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has allocated huge funds to the Turkish intelligence to radicalize Indian Muslims with the help of preachers recruited from surrendered ISIS cadres.

    According to an Indian security report, Turkey has been sponsoring ISIS and its affiliates in Syria, similar to what Pakistan has been doing with IS-KP in Afghanistan. Such proxies have eliminated independent voices on the ground in Pakistan and Afghanistan, while at the same time, denying their involvement.

    • 谢谢: Iris
    • 回复: @Iris
  367. Iris 说:

    A decade ago, Turkey had already, from memory, 44 military agreements signed with Israel.

    At about the same time, a completely random break-in at the home of a Lybian-Irish “radical islamist” called Mahdi Harati revealed that this “hero” of the 2011 colonial attack on Lybia was a US asset.

    Former Tripoli Brigade leader Mahdi al-Harati outed as US asset


    Mahdi al-Harati , a Dublin-based Libyan who has been prominent at IAWM and ISPC demos for a number of years ,was outed as a CIA asset by the Sunday World last week after his home was robbed and a large quantity of CIA cash stolen from a cupboard there.


    But before becoming a NATO “hero” and even mayor of Tripoli, Harati produced a great example of Turko-Israeli-Wahabi cooperation.

    He embarked aboard the Gaza flotilla that was attacked by Israeli air force. While the deck was being raided by the Israeli, Harati designated to them a number of Turkish militants, members of the AKP political party but opponents to Erdogan, and the Israeli took great care to kill them first.

    After that, Erdogan of course cried out his crocodile tears and produced his usual anti-Israel farcical theatrics, but he got what he wanted: a nice example of Turko-Israeli cooperation.

    • 谢谢: Robjil
  368. @christine

    You said: “but I wouldn’t expect you to begin to grasp some of the hidden secrets”

    So what you’re claiming is that 有能力知道。

    Sorry, but that’s making a 特别 claim that’s:
    – egotistical, and
    – no-one else can substantiate.

    并且没有问我 关于我自己、你的问题 假定 that I’m not in a position to know.

    Pretty presumptuous, don’t you think?

    Also, you said: “on a forum like this”.

    为什么要声称这就是一切 预定 (which, as I pointed out ignores the action of human agency) on a forum like this – if you cannot go into details?

    I did say that my question was “legit”. I was genuinely curious as to how you, or anyone for that matter, could make that claim, when we all know we all have free will.

    As for the rest of your diatribe, I notice that you don’t answer my question as to free will vs determinism – but you do agree with “calling out lies”.


    I haven’t – and by far the vast majority of contributors on this site do not – call for the “total destruction of a capital city.”


  369. @christine

    Sorry, I didn’t see your subsequent reply.

    My question was: “Are you claiming you’ve tapped into a higher level of Consciousness than everyone (or almost everyone else) living on the planet?”

    You said: “And in answer to your question.Yes.”

    It’s funny (as in strange) that you should mention Buddha. When you go to Buddhist meditation centers – its the 一种 person who walks around claiming that they’ve “come to Enlightenment” – is the 一种 person that the other attendees know hasn’t come to Enlightenment. For the obvious reason, that if they had, they wouldn’t have to go around telling other people about it.

    Further, given your obvious disrespectful / invalidating “you are just like a very young child that has much to learn about ‘life’” – that’s psychological projection, i.e., its you who are still coming from the ego.

    Lastly, if there is no “self” (I think you mean no 自我, its the ego that’s 虚幻)谁写了这个评论?



    And no offense meant: you’re as much trapped in the ego, as the rest of us – if you weren’t you wouldn’t have to make 特别 为自己索赔。


    • 同意: Larchmonter420
    • 回复: @christine
  370. @Hiram of Tyre

    Glad it makes you laugh; but Zionist does not necessarily equate to “Jewish” if that is what irks you. I would expect someone who claims to know history on one finger to know this.

    True and then true, but to Jew haters the entire Zionist vs. Jewish separation is nothing but a fig leaf. Jew haters hate Zionist and Jews. It is the way Cosmic Jew hatred works. Just ask them. The Jew haters who are into conspiracies.

    • 回复: @Hiram of Tyre
  371. @Hiram of Tyre

    This is nuts. We have had the same language, prayer book and Torah scrolls since we left Israel after the Roman conquest. There is new Jews. Who cares what it derives from. We never claimed to invent an alphabet.


    Hebrew language, Semitic language of the Northern Central (also called Northwestern) group; it is closely related to Phoenician and Moabite, with which it is often placed by scholars in a Canaanite subgroup. Spoken in ancient times in Palestine, Hebrew was supplanted by the western dialect of Aramaic beginning about the 3rd century BC; the language continued to be used as a liturgical and literary language, however. It was revived as a spoken language in the 19th and 20th centuries and is the official language of Israel.

    So you think there exist new Jews and old Jews. Jews have been celebrating the holiday of Passover since the 5th century BC. The same one that Jesus celebrated during his last supper. It is celebrated with the same passover Haggadah every where in the world. The exact same book, in the exact same language since for 2800 years. The same.

    The same goes for the ancient “Hebrew” script/alphabet, it was in reality Canaanite-Phoenician. The invention of the “Paleo-Hebrew” terminology in the 1950s by Yiddish linguist, Solomon Binbaum was coined to suit the newly intently “Jewish” identity and the creation of the Zionist State.

    You are really a clown, and completely clueless of the duration and history of Judaism, its history and liturgy.
    Maybe start with the dead sea scrolls, get your brain cells flowing.

    • 回复: @Hiram of Tyre
  372. @Fran Taubman

    True and then true, but to Jew haters the entire Zionist vs. Jewish separation is nothing but a fig leaf. Jew haters hate Zionist and Jews. It is the way Cosmic Jew hatred works. Just ask them. The Jew haters who are into conspiracies.

    I tend to stay away from such Hegelian ruse. While Jewish hatred is nothing new, it was amped up in and around WW2 to serve the agenda of the ruling class. Both sides are being played.

  373. @Fran Taubman

    This is nuts. We have had the same language, prayer book and Torah scrolls since we left Israel after the Roman conquest. There is new Jews. Who cares what it derives from. We never claimed to invent an alphabet.


    I don’t know what is nuts. In comment no.355, you wrote “Hebrew is not a colonial language.” (still not sure why you brought that up). In response, I only added factual/verifiable content highlighting the ambiguity of what “Hebrew” really was. If you wish to take it a little further, I recommend the following short article from the Bar-Ilan University in Israel:

    Did the Patriarchs Speak Hebrew?

    So you think there exist new Jews and old Jews. Jews have been celebrating the holiday of Passover since the 5th century BC. The same one that Jesus celebrated during his last supper. It is celebrated with the same passover Haggadah every where in the world. The exact same book, in the exact same language since for 2800 years. The same.

    No, that is not what I think. It is you who wrote above “There is new Jews”; and so, you obviously imply that were were old ones too. Regardless, there is no old or new Jews. As H. G. Wells stated in his 历史的大纲: “The main part of Jewry never was in Judea and had never come out of Judea.” Virtually every Jewish person today descends from people who adopted/converted to Judaism. In its earlier stages, Judaism was highly proselytizing; hence why you had Mongolians Jews, black African Jews, Indian Jews, etc. In the case of the (Phoenician) Carthaginians, they adopted Judaism after the fall of Carthage and became the Sephardic Jews.

    The monotheistic cult of Judaism was brought in Canaan by Persia as it took control of the land in the 5th century BCE. Hence why the Passover holiday has been celebrated ever since. The “Yehudim” (a.k.a. “Jews”) designation appearing, also, in the Achaemenid period, again the 5th century BCE, wasn’t coincidental.

    You are really a clown, and completely clueless of the duration and history of Judaism, its history and liturgy.
    Maybe start with the dead sea scrolls, get your brain cells flowing.

    Resorting to childish ad hominem may make you feel better and/or cover up your (likely honest) historical ignorance; but I did not insult you to merit such remark. Regardless, no, I am not clueless. While I never claimed to be an expert of Judaism, the more I read your comments, the more I realize how little you actually know aside from the cookie-cutter, mythical, version of Judaic religious history fed to Jews and everyone else. The Dead Sea Scrolls is not the start to investigate and understand the matter, it’s merely an earliest amalgam of the myths perpetuated to date. Knowing that the ancient Israelite religion was not the same as ancient Judaism, as practiced from the Achaemenid Persian period onward, and certainly not the Judaism of the Rabbis of the Middle Ages and later is how one would get closer to the truth. Otherwise and more specifically, today’s Judaism has its roots in Pharisaism:


    法西斯主义变成了塔木德主义,塔尔木德主义变成了中世纪拉比主义,中世纪拉比主义变成了现代拉比主义。 但是贯穿这些名字的变化。 。 。 古代法利赛人的精神永存,没有改变。 。 。 从巴勒斯坦到巴比伦; 从巴比伦到北非,意大利,西班牙,法国和德国; 从这些国家到​​波兰,俄罗斯以及整个东欧,古老的法利沙主义一直在徘徊。 。 。 证明了法西斯主义作为宗教运动的持久重要性。”
    — Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, “The Pharisees, The Sociological Background of Their Faith

    • 回复: @Larchmonter420
  374. christine 说:
    @Patagonia Man







  375. @Hiram of Tyre

    Did the Patriarchs Speak Hebrew?

    Hebrew Language:

    I had a lot of discussion with Fran about Hebrew language being non-existence both in written form and spoken form. The Semitic languages were very week during the times of Prince of Peace (Jesus) and for this reason the New Testament is in Koine Greek. Jesus verbal discourse with his disciples was in Aramaic. You know that Quran is written in Classical Quranic Arabic, and this Arabic is taught to the Arabic linguistic students in both Colleges and Universities. About 90% or more the Arab population doesn’t know how to write in Quranic Classical Arabic. So, the TaNaKh (Old Testament) was written from Classical Quranic Arabic from 12 century to 14 century. Fran finally agreed that this is true and gave a link for 10 century.

    已知最早的希伯来语圣经是 10 世纪的 Allepo Codex。



    The biggest problem in the world is TaNaKh (Old Testament), which gives the Jews power over all the Christians. What boggles the mind, how can Jesus recognized that the TaNaKh (Old Testament) as TRUE Word of God, especially when it didn’t exist in written form during his time.

    The monotheistic cult of Judaism was brought in Canaan by Persia as it took control of the land in the 5th century BCE. Hence why the Passover holiday has been celebrated ever since.

    Cow Worshipers,

    Very true, the Jews are Cow Worshipers like Hindus. TaNaKh (Old Testament) gives one example for their Cow Worshiping in reference to “Golden Calf”. Quran gives two examples of Cow Worshiping in reference to “Golden Calf” and in Chapter 2 of Quran which is appropriately called, “Cow or Heifer”. And, don’t forget for the return of Mashiach, Israel is breeding a special Red Heifer.

    • 回复: @Hiram of Tyre
  376. @christine


    It boggles my mind why did your reference the Cow Worshipers over Persia. It is well know that India was part of Persia. Sanskrit is originally Persian language, from which we get Greek and Roman languages. Persians are the Aryan race. The Zoroastrianism or Mazdayasna is the oldest religion in Persia and they are considered by Muslims as “Family of The Book” Hinduism has borrowed much from Zoroastrianism (Mazdayasna) and the New Improved Buddhism is about 1500 years old.


    你声称你已经透过viel看清楚了,这是事实, “If self is illusory(and its a fact that it is)”。在穆斯林中,什叶派是最有精神的。在逊尼派中,苏菲派是最精神化的,因为他们认为 Ahlul Bayt(先知、法蒂玛、阿里、哈桑和侯赛因)是宗教领袖,而哈里发只是政治领袖。什叶派或其学者都没有声称虚幻的自我是一个事实,但它是伊斯兰教(逊尼派和什叶派)的理论之一。苏菲派有两种,一种像普通穆斯林一样,进行祈祷、斋戒等。而其他人则如同陷入幻觉的旋转苦行僧!


  377. @Larchmonter420

    Hebrew Language:

    I had a lot of discussion with Fran about Hebrew language being non-existence both in written form and spoken form. The Semitic languages were very week during the times of Prince of Peace (Jesus) and for this reason the New Testament is in Koine Greek. Jesus verbal discourse with his disciples was in Aramaic. You know that Quran is written in Classical Quranic Arabic, and this Arabic is taught to the Arabic linguistic students in both Colleges and Universities. About 90% or more the Arab population doesn’t know how to write in Quranic Classical Arabic. So, the TaNaKh (Old Testament) was written from Classical Quranic Arabic from 12 century to 14 century. Fran finally agreed that this is true and gave a link for 10 century.

    Thank you for the added information.

    The biggest problem in the world is TaNaKh (Old Testament), which gives the Jews power over all the Christians. What boggles the mind, how can Jesus recognized that the TaNaKh (Old Testament) as TRUE Word of God, especially when it didn’t exist in written form during his time.

    Mind boggling indeed and that, because it was fabricated after Jesus’ time to serve the agenda of some. In the same way, Jesus was not a Judean (or a “Jew) but a Galilean. Equally in the same way, his real birthplace was the Bethlehem of Galilee and not the one of Judea. Yes, there were/are two distinct Bethlehem. The are too many holes and discrepancies with Jesus in relation to the “Jewish” narrative. Unfortunately, facts were net in the way of a good story. Karim El-Koussa, in his 腓尼基人耶稣 uncovers them. So did Aviram Oshi.



    Cow Worshipers,

    Very true, the Jews are Cow Worshipers like Hindus. TaNaKh (Old Testament) gives one example for their Cow Worshiping in reference to “Golden Calf”. Quran gives two examples of Cow Worshiping in reference to “Golden Calf” and in Chapter 2 of Quran which is appropriately called, “Cow or Heifer”. And, don’t forget for the return of Mashiach, Israel is breeding a special Red Heifer.

    I am not sure how to interpret this part of your comment. Are you suggesting cow worship was brought in Canaan by Persia? If so and to the best of my knowledge, such practice existed in Canaan before Persia took control of the land.

    • 回复: @Larchmonter420
  378. christine 说:





  379. @Hiram of Tyre

    I am not sure how to interpret this part of your comment. Are you suggesting cow worship was brought in Canaan by Persia? If so and to the best of my knowledge, such practice existed in Canaan before Persia took control of the land.

    I was agreeing with you that the concept of Monotheism was Persian, most probably the Zoroastrianism (Mazdayasna) or earlier. The Jews were Cow Worshipers to begin. As per TaNaKh (Old Testament) when the Jewish slaves escaped under the leadership of Moses from Egypt, as soon as Moses left them alone and left Aaron in charge, they built a “Golden Calf”. It is suggested in Islam the Calf was made out of sand, and the sun light made it look “Golden” Or, the slave must be filthy rich. Also, it takes lots of fire to melt all that Gold and then mold it in a Calf shape.

    The second chapter of the Quran is called, “Al-Baqarah (Arabic: البقرة‎, “The Heifer” or “The Cow”) is the second and longest chapter (sūrah) of the Quran. It consists of 286 verses (āyāt), 6,201 words and 25,500 letters.” In this chapter there is a story of the same slaves who came out with Moses, paying a cattle farmer to raise them a “special Cow for Worship”. God told Moses and when he confronted them, they started to toy with Moses. So God reluctantly made them to slaughter this Heifer, so it won’t be available to them for Worship:

    And [recall] when Moses said to his people, “Indeed, Allah commands you to slaughter a cow.” They said, “Do you take us in ridicule?” He said, “I seek refuge in Allah from being among the ignorant.”

    They said, “Call upon your Lord to make clear to us what it is.” [Moses] said, “[ Allah ] says, ‘It is a cow which is neither old nor virgin, but median between that,’ so do what you are commanded.”

    They said, “Call upon your Lord to show us what is her color.” He said, “He says, ‘It is a yellow cow, bright in color – pleasing to the observers.’ ”

    They said, “Call upon your Lord to make clear to us what it is. Indeed, [all] cows look alike to us. And indeed we, if Allah wills, will be guided.”

    He said, “He says, ‘It is a cow neither trained to plow the earth nor to irrigate the field, one free from fault with no spot upon her.’ ” They said, “Now you have come with the truth.” So they slaughtered her, but they could hardly do it.

    And [recall] when you slew a man and disputed over it, but Allah was to bring out that which you were concealing.

    So, We said, “Strike the slain man with part of it.” Thus does Allah bring the dead to life, and He shows you His signs that you might reason.

    https://quran.com/2 Chapter 2, verses 67 to 73

  380. @christine




    Don’t knock down mushrooms. especially on independence, 4th July 1975. Good stuff. Unfortunately USA Government started to put things in cow feed to curtail the growth of Magic Mushrooms.


    As I said, the New Improved Buddhism is a branch of Hinduism. Been in Thailand and couldn’t believe it is a den for whores, lesbians and gays, full of Americans men and women looking for good times.


  381. @christine









  382. christine 说:


    昨天的加州死亡谷是我在 Al jarerra 1(13) F 和 54.4 C (5+4+4=13) 上读到的,这是自 1931 年以来这个(梦想)球体上最热的一天(31 是 13 的反映)。

    我们中极少数“了解 2013 年”的人明白这根本不是巧合,并认为这是关于 2012 年末玛雅转变预言 2013 年之后的隐藏信息,因为出于一个“更明显”的原因,13 具有爱的含义以及古代卡巴拉中的合一。死亡谷中太阳的热量也有其 pi 3.1…………



    • 回复: @Robjil
    , @Larchmonter420
  383. christine 说:


  384. Robjil 说:

    Interesting that you mentioned the Kabbalah. Here is quote from the Sepher Yetzirah”, the oldest Kabbala treatise. It mentions that not nine or eleven is the Sephirot, it is ten. Looking at that concept, one could see why Israel picked the date for 9 11. Also, the reason for using the numbers 9 11 for the action of that day instead of what was attacked – NYC and Washington D. C. Pearl Harbor day was named after the place and not the number.


    4.不可言喻的Sephiroth的数目为十,十而不是九,十而不是十一。 学习这种智慧,明智地理解它,研究这些数字,并从中汲取知识,以纯粹的方式修复设计,然后将其传递给坐在宝座上的造物主。

    以下是有关 Sepher Yetzirat 的更多信息。


    《Sepher Yetzirah》或《形成之书》也许是现存最古老的卡巴拉哲学拉比专着。近年来,人们对希伯来卡巴拉以及与之相关的思想和教义模式表现出了极大的兴趣,这促使我从希伯来语原文中翻译了这篇文章,并将其与中世纪权威的拉丁语版本进行了校对。 ;我还出版了《卡巴拉简介》,可能对学生有用。

    • 谢谢: Larchmonter420
  385. @christine



    For this reason you will find that all religions are same at the very top. Even Hinduism is Monotheism at the top. God is not exclusive to anyone or anyone’s property. We are all God’s Property!


  386. 爱,嗯,这是梦想即将到来的过程,永远是预先确定的。

    God is beyond Time and Space and for God, Time and Space doesn’t exists. This is scientifically proved with the New Big Bang theory. No, the theory is not proven, what is proven that Time and Space doesn’t exists and it is an illusion! You can Google the Roger Penrose’s interview on BBC.

    For God, everywhere is now as Time doesn’t exists. Quran says, “God Plans and satan plans. God is the Best of Planner”. So, the per-determinate course keeps on changing as we are now speaking.

    1. 因此,当我们所爱的人病重时,我们会为他们祈祷。
    2. 因此,我们有天堂的赏赐和地狱的惩罚。
    3. 更重要的是,告诉那些失去亲人的黎巴嫩家庭,以及那些因为失去财产而突然流落街头的人们,这并不重要。看看他们是否回复你。

    • 回复: @christine
  387. @Robjil

    Generally speaking people of the Jewish culture 知道 their symbolism (and especially the implication of that for the destruction of The Temple – not once, but twice).

    We can predict when events are going to occur around the world – as the (solar) Gregorian calendar 9th month of September (in some years) corresponds with the (lunar) Hebrew calendar month of Elul (from the Akkadian word for “harvest”). From their POV it is a ‘harvest’ – usually of human souls &/or gigantic windfalls of $$$.

    In addition, there are yearly cycles, e.g. the ‘jubilee’ of 49 years. But thats a another story.

    That being said, there are additional reasons for tagging the September 11th WTC controlled demolitions using the 日期 – and not the place.

    Specifically w.r.t the WTC event, 911 – is the emergency phone number in the US. That means every time Americans call the emergency phone number it is 锚定 in their psyche, aka cellular memory. Cunning, huh?

    Generally, if we think in terms of Roman numerals used in the West,
    – the number 9 (September being the 9th month) represents endings, and
    – the number 1 (by summing the 2 digits of the ’10′ for October: 1 + 0 = 1) represents beginnings,
    and we need an ending of one cycle at ‘9’ to begin a new cycle starting at ‘1’

    So, this explains why most, if not all, of the major stockmarket crashes occur in the September (or at least, the October) of particular years which coincide with the Hebrew month of Elul (harvest):

    – 1929’s Wall Street crash,
    – 1987’s Black Monday, and
    – 2008’s Global Financial Crisis (looting ~$20trillion, i.e. $20,000,000,000,000 from the rest of the world)

    why major wars, e.g. WWII, break out in the 9th month of the Gregorian Calendar year.

    • 同意: Robjil
    • 谢谢: Hiram of Tyre
    • 回复: @Robjil
  388. @Robjil

    Now a few words on another fave tactic of the Cabal: 预测性编程:

    No doubt as you’re already aware, there were many, many instances of what is called Predictive Programming before the WTC event – too many to list, but just to name a few:


    - 在 终结者 电影,
    – the animated cartoon TV series, 辛普森,
    – the science fiction drama TV series X档案
    – the cable TV movie 孤独的枪手 with the same plot, specifically named the airports and times the planes were hijacked from etc, etc

    为了 调和 the American people to look for 号码。
    在案件 X档案 which aired from 1993 – 2002, the use of Predictive Programming was even more subtle. The two numbers used repetitively throughout the series: ’10’ and ’13’ – in that order – were either side of ‘9’ and ’11’ – the ’13’ being the next prime no. after ’11’.

    Chris Carter, the producer, later claimed that the 2 numbers used were his birthday in the US dating format: mm/dd/yyyy. True, but that doesn’t explain why numbers were used at all.

    Unrelated to Predictive Programming, if you watch the doco 纽约 (which regularly airs on the anniversary of the WTC) we can see:

    – why that particular site in Lower Manhattan, was chosen,
    – how the site was wrangled from the New York Port Authority, and
    – why that particular construction design was selected from the many construction designs (given the panoramic view to have the view interrupted by steel beams was counter-intuitive, as was remarked on at the time).

    So, knowing what we know now, its easy to see from the site selection and building design that the WTC complex was 特制 for such an event to take place causing lasting maximum psychological impact – and how far in advance was the planning of the US’s wars for the zionist entity against the Arab/Muslim nations of:
    – A’stan,
    – Iraq,
    – Somalia,
    – Sudan,
    - 利比亚,
    – Syria,
    – Lebanon, and imminently,
    – Iran.


    • 同意: Robjil
  389. christine 说:



    如果在未来几年中,8 亿人中的“大多数人”都了解 2013 年以及我在这里继续讨论的玛雅转变时间 2013 年,那么这会对你说关于预先决定的“我所知道的”是什么?



  390. christine 说:

    也许犹太复国主义者确实在 11/9 中使用了这样的数字,但如果他们以任何方式使用,并不会让卡巴拉腐败。


  391. @christine


    Kudos to, “Everything is set in stone in this dream world (and always was) and anyone that doesn’t know this to be fact just 缺乏我的经验和理解“。

    我以为它必须做《魔法蘑菇》很多年,但它似乎不止于此。可能跟喝酒的关系比较大 “Cows Urine” 也很长很长一段时间!

    I don’t think Magic Mushrooms mix very well with Cow Urine. The combination is very, very lethal.

  392. Robjil 说:
    @Patagonia Man


    Here are some quotes from Moshe Feiglin, former Knesset Member and social media influencer. The Beirut blast happened on the Jewish Valentine’s Day of Tu Ba’Av, the 15th of Av. Feiglin mentions the timing of events during Jewish holidays. It is “good” for Israel.

    Quoting the Mishna of Raban Gamliel, Feiglin wrote “There have never been better days for Israel than the 15th of Av and Yom Kippur.”

    You are correct about the timing around or near Sept. for many of the major Zion stirred up wars. Feiglin mentions this same timing, these two Jewish holidays are around August and September every year. WWI started on July 28, nearly August, WWII started on Sept. 1 and WWIII, 9 11, started on Sept. 11.

    Here Feiglin prsctically admits that Israel did the deed.

    “But for now, today is the 15th of Av and it is a day of joy. Thank you very much to God and all of the geniuses and heroes that organized this amazing celebration to mark the Day of Love” he concluded.

    • 谢谢: Patagonia Man
    • 回复: @Patagonia Man
  393. Here Feiglin prsctically admits that Israel did the deed.

    They are not humans, but Snakes in humans’ form as their Father is a SNAKE.

    • 同意: Robjil
  394. @christine



  395. christine 说:





  396. @Robjil

    Not even subtle …

    While others here argue over ‘the how’, see ‘the why’: what the Beirut bomb blast was all about:

    18 AUG UNIFIL hands down ruling indicting 1 member of the resistance movement Hezbollah*

    19年XNUMX月 Israel files grievance against Hezbollah as UNSC retools UNIFIL

    “Israel and the US are campaigning for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon’s mandate to be revised, empowering the force to 喷射 Hezbollah from south Lebanon.” [emphasis mine]


    * Btw, the Resistance to zionist expansionism, Hezbollah has 13 seats in the Lebanese Parliament.

    • 谢谢: Robjil
  397. christine 说:

    1(13) F 的温度打破了 10 年 7 月 19 日 (13) 记录的同一个加利福尼亚山谷的记录,也是邪恶的美联储在同一个国家成立的那一年。


    我不想知道 10 年 7 月 1913 日是否是(星期日)日,但 16 年 8 月 2020 日却是。

    2020 年这一值得反思的年份也反映在 1.3(13) 和 pi 3.1 中。

    2013 年“将”在未来成为人类历史上最重要的一年,玛雅人在 2012 年底的转变预言是正确的。

    13 黎巴嫩真主党议员。请看图。

    • 回复: @Larchmonter420
  398. christine 说:

    意思是,(13)0 F,这是自 19(13) 以来的最高温度,即 134 F。

  399. @christine

    13 黎巴嫩真主党议员。请看图。


  400. christine 说:

    哈哈!...获得一个教育分隔符,并停止相信西方“星期五 13”类型的好莱坞废话。

    • 回复: @Larchmonter420
  401. anon[234]• 免责声明 说:



    ever since I as kid I understood that Israel and the Jews are executive, creative and initiatory. the Jews have had their experience of life and developed their point of view of life, have made their collective choice in life..i.e is they know what they want period, and have always been about carrying through that choice…PERIOD!.




    Israel is not afraid to act on such a level at all. they don’t care. they have evolved such control on the world they can nuke Lebanon and get away with it. and for sure there was not a single Lebanese, not one who had any idea at all that Israel would nuke them. not one!

    right there is the world of difference in that unequal fight. and from listening to Nasrallah post Beruitshima he sound and reads the same..nothing has changed in his intellect, speech – what he says. Nazrallah/Hezbollah were whipped before and they are even more whipped now. they are afraid to do to Israel what Israel does to them all the time. all Islam the same way

    now it may be over in fact that silly unequal fight because the Muslims must be prepared to hit Isreal as hard as Israel hits, no warning simply hit back or in attack….front running the game not catching up from behind. all catching ensures is a loss



    why aren’t the Muslim countries a cohesive unit opposed to the west… which which is an organized unit opposed to Islam?

    the global organization that is used to sanction, prohibit, isolate the world..the UN and it’s agencies, World Bank, IMF etc etc could have all been disrupted by organized Islam. and now with the rise of the Chinese and Russians we might already have had a world with seriously declined western interest and control

    but Islam is corrupt to its core, divisible to a fault and at each others throats instead or organized, collective and single purposed at their enemy’s throat, giving the world a chance n the process.


    there is only one way the world, the human species can survive from here on in…rather out! and that is Jewish dominated Brave New World or 1984-like form of social control. anything else means that the Jews have lost and have been disciplined by the world. what would such disciplining of the Jews mean to he Jews?

    that’s the million dollar question right there!


    then go down the line..Soros, Gates, Netanyahu..on and on and on? all those who make the Zionist decisions, lead the Jews. not one can escape a death sentence in any of, and all courts of human judgement. so don’t they know that? why would they lose then?


    and of course the only way to protect themselves in perpetuity from losing social power to the rest of humanity, or to any individual powerful group of humanity, is to incapacitate everyone else, the entire human species of all non-Jews in ways that render them permanently unable to challenge Jewish power… to make all of of the rest of the human species stupid them, to de-evolve us, take us backwards as a species..


    I am sure that the entire planet is already rigged to eliminate the entire human species if the Jews are going to lose their power, their drive to make a Brave New world stopped in it’s tracks!


    I was sitting here thinking of what they Jews would do in the face of Hezbollah/Nasrallah threat to harm Israel for what Israel had done to some of their top men. Israel is not the USA in the killing of Soleimani and Iranian revenge for that crime, I thought. they are going to attack not sit and take attack. they cant afford to do that. and wow! have they acted…and what they have done is perfectly Israel and the Jews





    nationalism is a good way for the world to go..every country developing according to its conditions and needs. if the Chinese are committed to such point of view in practice they are carded for a struggle with the Jews..a struggle that would be going on now, already. but the Chinese work well with the Jews everywhere..in Israel, with the USA as dominant as they are in the USA… in global business/capitalism etc. how can that turn out if the Chinese are true nationalists?


    • 回复: @Taxi
  402. Taxi 说:

    I guess you’ve never read about Hezbollah crushing the Einstein jewish army TWICE on the battlefield, as reported in the jewish press as well as the global media. And I guess you’ve not read about israel’s current hysteria while they wait hezbollah’s retaliation. FACT is that hezbollah is the ONLY Arab group that has publicly humiliated the klepto terrorist wannabe semites of tel aviv. This of course shits all over your stupid theory of jewish supremacy.

    Must be nice for you to live under a rock with a zio drip attached intravenously to your fat freaky brains.

    • 谢谢: Larchmonter420
  403. Iris 说:

    And I guess you’ve not read about Israel’s current hysteria while they wait Hezbollah’s retaliation.

    I don’t think that Hezbollah will retaliate on the short term. I hope to be wrong, but I think that your coining of the word “Beirutshima” was very apt as Beirut was indeed hit with a thermonuclear weapon.

    Thierry Meyssan, possibly briefed by his known French intelligence contacts, immediately alluded to a new kind of weapon being used against Lebanon.

    This new weapon would be a “clean”, radioactivity-free, pure fusion bomb.
    Conventional fusion/H bombs required to be first triggered by a fission/A bomb, which then leaves the unmissable radioactive signature in the aftermath. But a revolutionary technological breakthrough was accidentally made and announced in 2006, whereby physicists at the Los Alamos Sandia Laboratories succeeded in initiating a “clean” fusion reaction thanks to a plasma cordon.

    This breakthrough lead to the USA re-defining its nuclear armament strategy. See the article below, from the original LA Times report (under paywall):

    Although it carefully swerves around the core subject, it clearly states at the end:

    去年,美国顶级核武器管理人员在洛斯阿拉莫斯挤满了高度安全的礼堂,肘部到肘部,并戴上 3D 眼镜观看机密模拟 新的氢弹.

    The breakthrough has been very quickly hushed and its immense importance covered up, with all scientific communications and rare questions channeled through to an Israel-based physicist.

    So in summary, “clean”, “green” undetectable thermonuclear weapons, dialed-down at will, with no radioactive signature, only seismic effects, have been developed for the last 14 years by American scientists under Israeli control.

    It is certain that very advanced nations, the Russians in particular, have by now understood what really happened in Beirut and briefed their regional allies. And of course, these people are not demented like the Israeli psychopaths; they will not lightly retaliate knowing that the scum they are facing are using thermonuclear weapons against civilians.

    Israel knows that Hezbollah knows, which is why they are taunting them and bombed them two days ago.

  404. @christine

    哈哈!...获得一个教育分隔符,并停止相信西方“星期五 13”类型的好莱坞废话。


    Jefferson Airplane – White Rabbit (HQ)



    • 回复: @christine
  405. @Taxi

    Must be nice for you to live under a rock with a zio drip attached intravenously to your fat freaky brains.



    Good news, the Wahhabism including the founder and father Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab are being sanitized by rewriting the history. Below is the list of his children, yesterday’s edit of Wikipedia had some more children.

    Today’s Edit : Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Al-Wahhab had six sons; Hussain, Abdullah, Hassan, Ali and Ibrahim and Abdul-Aziz who died in his youth.

    Yesterday’s Edit : Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Al-Wahhab children; Ali (first), Hassan, Hussain, Ibrahim,
    Abdullah, Ali (second), Fatimah, Abdul Aziz


    Quran 3:61, Wahhabi translation : Sahih International
    Then whoever argues with you about it after [this] knowledge has come to you – say, “Come, let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, then supplicate earnestly [together] and invoke the curse of Allah upon the liars [among us]设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

    I believe today’s edit will stay as it is now being quoted by most Sunni Scholars. In the above verse, the Prophet took four person along with him. Thus, a total of five person’s who are called, “Ahlul Bayt – Family of the House”. These five are : Prophet Mohammad, his daughter Fatima, his first cousin Ali (whose is Fatima’s husband) and their two sons, Hassan and Hussain. Now compare his children names with the names of Ahlul Bayt. Below is the main Shia site which calls, Mohammad ibn Abdul Wahhab as Shaykh .


    Israel should now shudder in her pants as Islam is being United and the Ummah is becoming One!



    • 回复: @Larchmonter420
  406. @Taxi

    FACT is that hezbollah is the ONLY Arab group that has publicly humiliated the klepto terrorist wannabe semites of tel aviv. This of course shits all over your stupid theory of jewish supremacy.


    The following five terms used by the minority Muslims and the majority Muslims, by Muslim themselves against each other are very derogatory. I know ISIS is the creation of KSA and USA, but I believe that ISIS is godsend which made each and every Muslim an infidel who rejected the Caliphate of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi . Basically, he threw the concept and belief in Caliphate under the bus.

    Rafidia : This term is used against the minority Muslims, which means Rejecters (Rufuseniks). It is the majority belief that each and every Caliphate including the Caliphate Dynasties and Muslim Kings such as KSA are appointed by the Will of Allah, due to the belief in Predestination. And, anyone who Rejects the Will of Allah is infidel, therefore everyone in minority is an infidel. Minority believe in Freewill and they reject this charge. Thanks to ISIS, now every Muslim is an infidel as everybody rejected the Caliphate of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

    Now the majority is changing and they consider the very first Rafidia is the so called, “child bride” of the Prophet who rejected the Caliphate of Ali, and made war against him, which is called “The War of Camel”.

    Nasibi : is an Islamic term among Shia and Sunni Muslims for someone who hates Ali, Ahlul Bayt and their followers. Mostly the Wahhabis are considered Nasibi, but there is a change coming among them.

    雅兹迪 : Those who consider the sixth Caliph Yazeed was on right by committing war crimes against the grandchildren of the Prophet. Mostly the Wahhabis are considered Yazeedi and it is worse than Nasibi, but there is a change coming among them.

    Ghulut : Those Shia and Sufi who commit Ghulut by erasing the fine line between Allah and Ahlul Bayt thus approaching infidelity. Here Mohammad bin Abdul Wahhab was right but his methods were wrong.

    Nusayri : Those Shia groups like Alawites and Ismailis who consider Ali as God. The main stream Shia whose belief is God has no body, no shape, no form, no image, no spirit used to call them infidels. But Khomeini issued a fatwa against calling them infidels as his belief was they can be persuaded to change rather than isolating them. He was right as there is a change coming among those Muslims.

    Thus, Ummah is becoming One and being United. Amen!



  407. christine 说:

    感谢您与迷幻摇滚穆罕默德的音乐“之旅”,但对于我虚幻的生活,我无法理解它与我对 13 号星期五完全荒谬的恐惧的评论有什么联系?


    玛雅“13”Baktun 由 5125 年组成(5+1+2+5=13)。

    这从来都不是关于 2012 年的事,但自从虚幻时间一开始,它就一直是关于 2013 年的事。


    • 回复: @Larchmonter420
  408. @Larchmonter420

    Now compare his children names with the names of Ahlul Bayt.


    You will not find any of his children named after Abu Bakr (first Caliph), Omar (second Caliph), Osman (third Caliph).

    Or after the Prophet’s so called, “most beloved” and so called, “child bride” Aisha.



    • 哈哈: Larchmonter420
    • 回复: @Larchmonter420
  409. @christine


    LOL… Just wanted to take you down the rabbit hole, oops memory lane.





    • 回复: @christine
  410. @Larchmonter420

    You will not find any of his children named after Abu Bakr (first Caliph), Omar (second Caliph), Osman (third Caliph).

    Or after the Prophet’s so called, “most beloved” and so called, “child bride” Aisha.


    Mohammad bin Abdul Wahhab children names are only Fatima, Ali, Hassan, and Hussain, the lucky Ahlul Bayt, the founder and father of Wahhabism, Mohammad bin Abdul Wahhab used to so despise them, so he named his children after them. LOL…

    Beware NutnYahoo, the Ummah is becoming One and United. Chump, if you think yourself to be a fox, the Arabs have out foxed you. You are so full of hot air and the 29 standing ovations have gone through your head, thinking the USA President and USA Brass and the Complete USA Congress have sold themselves to you and are traitors and disloyal to their own country. NutnYahoo have your head examined as you have been chumped by USA too.

    Yes, Mahmoud Abbas never wanted peace with Israel, as Khomeini said, 70 years is a page in the history of mankind!

    Bush Jr. removed the 2 enemies of Iran, at the North of Iran, Saddam Hussein and at the South of Iran, the Taliban. Don’t hold your breath for USA to have war with Iran!



  411. christine 说:




    哦,那是不可能的,因为“绝对确定”,大约 8 亿人将了解 2013 年我们很少知道的事情……

    ...... .13

    • 回复: @Larchmonter420


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