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如果从字面上理解“shithole”,海地确实受到粪便挑战,我无耻地偷东西 Free Introduction 摘自约翰·德比郡 (John Derbyshire) 的专栏 Unz评论:

NPR:“去年耶稣受难日的一场暴雨淹没了一个城市的街道和小巷。 太子港 附近有 3 英尺未经处理的污水。”

如果不相信,请尝试 点击此处。








那些很少旅行的人有时会认为发达国家以外的世界就像海地一样。它不是。尽管纽约的酒瓶金发女郎们一直在谈论“第三世界的地狱”,但“第三世界”——无论到底是什么——几乎没有符合这个描述。 (包含布宜诺斯艾利斯和太阳城的短语需要靠墙站起来并因欺诈而被枪决。)


这是一种常见的模式。尼泊尔很穷。然而,在喜马拉雅山海拔 12,000 英尺以上的偏远村庄,只有经过数天的艰苦步行或骑着坚韧的小马才能到达,你会发现文明的行为。人们彬彬有礼,每个人都受到照顾,像粗鲁的美国度假小屋一样干净整洁,保持卫生,孩子们养育得很好。在被遗弃的孙女测试中,他们会得 A。唯一造成的损害是你要花数年时间试图告诉孩子为什么她不能拥有自己的牦牛。

另一个可能成为粪坑的候选国是索马里,它还只是一个国家。当我在那里时,没有任何政府的迹象。那里的许多人住在野外的荆棘丛小屋里,上面覆盖着纸板或布。我曾经目睹过这样的荒谬景象:一名国务院官员开着吉普车进入丛林,载着我,与困惑的游牧民族谈判道路建设权,他们不拥有这些权利,但很乐意接受付款。通过对比, 爱丽丝梦游仙境 看起来残酷现实。

不管出于什么原因,特朗普最严重的漏洞都在非洲。出于种族原因,媒体忽视了同类相食的盛行,以及白化病患者因其身体部位的神奇力量而遭到追捕和杀害的事实。 (严肃极了。 洛杉矶时报: “在非洲部分地区,白化病患者遭到猎杀,以获取他们的身体部位。最新受害者:一名 9 岁男孩。”)




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  1. 里德先生真是太棒了!特朗普可能使用了不谨慎和不外交的语言,但像海地这样的地方属于丹丁地狱的下层。海地也遭受过虐待(几十年来,法国要求对废除奴隶制和财产损失进行赔偿,使该国精疲力尽),但他们似乎完全没有能力发展任何形式的体面的公民社会。

    • 回复: @Corvinus
    , @Twodees Partain
  2. fnn 说:

    DHS Sec. Nielsen not happy with repetitive and stupid questions:

    In her replies to Leahy and Senate Minority Leader Dick Durbin, D-Ill., Nielsen said she never heard those comments.

    “There was, I apologize, I don’t remember a specific word,” she said in her exchange with Durbin. “What I was struck with — the general profanity that was used in the room by almost everyone.”

    “Did you hear me use profanity?” Durbin asked. When Nielsen said she did not, Durbin then asked if she heard Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., use profane language.

    “I did hear tough language from Senator Graham … he used tough language. He was impassioned,” she said.

    • 回复: @Bill Jones
  3. willem1 说:

    Fred–great article as usual. However:

    “I once spent a week in the slums of Cite Soleil, in Port au Prince with the US Army. It was godawful. Huts of corrugated iron, “streets” of packed dirt, actually paths maybe two feet wide between them, no sewerage, no electricity. No medical care or, so I was told, education. The impression was of an occupied garbage dump…There were no guns, so the denizens went at each other with machetes, leading to missing limbs and exposed brains. Law enforcement did not exist….”

    Personal experience this old is not often enough relevant to today’s conditions to be worth mentioning. For every such “third world” place that was a dump 30-40years ago and still is today, there is another that is miraculously transformed. During my US Navy time back in the 70s, I saw a lot of coastal Asia, and the standard of living often shocked me, a kid who grew up in middle-class suburban Chicago. Revisiting some of these cities today is equally shocking, but for a different reason–the transformation over the intervening years has been nothing short of amazing.


  4. Is it only the usual schadenfreudian gotcha pile-on? The if-A-then-B response to stimulus of a press corps with the freedom of thought I associate with a FORTRAN statement?


    I can recognize these as rhetorical questions, but can’t resist answering. Consider it a form of applause.

  5. Escher 说:

    I don’t know if Haiti is much different since Mr. Reed last visited.

    • 同意: Colin Wright
    • 回复: @Carroll Price
  6. fnn 说:

    There was no military presence in Haiti between 1934 and 1994. So Fred is referring to events of 1994 or later. You just can’t find any news of any major positive changes in Haiti since 1994.

    • 回复: @utu
    , @Colin Wright
  7. Despite coming from a country a tenth as rich as Mexico, Haitian ancestry households in the US have a median income 10k USD higher than Mexican-Americans – and 3k higher than Nepali-Americans. Based on that it would seem a lot less insane to integrate them into American society vs the tens of millions of Central Americans in-country.



    25 年前,当居民们欢快地互相砍杀时,谁能预料到这一点呢?

    与此同时,索马里的摩加迪沙正在经历房地产繁荣,该国正在从 90 年代的混乱中恢复过来。中国去年在那里修建了一个机场,索马里海域有大量碳氢化合物等待开采。这是土耳其在那里提供援助和投资的结果。昨天,困惑的游牧民族的同胞与土耳其签署了一项贸易协定,旨在将每年的贸易额提高到 200 亿美元。七年前是6m。



    很少有挪威人愿意移民到美国。他们有一个富裕的国家,免费的医疗保健,有5周的假期,工作​​日是730到330个工作日。哪个正常人会用这些来交换来美国?你们都应该考虑搬到欧洲,而不是让你们的税收在未来几十年里养活 45 万拉丁裔及其后代。

  8. Figures Fred Reed would write this. Picking on Haiti is now part of the Official Narrative being used to make Mexico appear better, which it really isn’t, by much. Both countries still suffer cholera outbreaks, which is the true definition of living in a shithole.

    • 回复: @Realist
    , @CraigAustin
  9. Truth 说:
    @Ali Choudhury

    Despite coming from a country a tenth as rich as Mexico, Haitian ancestry households in the US have a median income 10k USD higher than Mexican-Americans – and 3k higher than Nepali-Americans.


  10. Realist 说:

    “They have nothing in common with Americans–not language, schooling, religion, morals, familiarity with civilization, European heritage or, it would seem, intelligence.”

    Above all intelligence.

  11. Realist 说:

    Mexico is considerably higher, on the totem pole, than Haiti

  12. Renoman 说:

    The voice of reason as usual, GO FRED!

  13. Forget my children … I know which I want to go to school with.

    BTW, doesn’t a FORTRAN IF-THEN require an END IF?

  14. I wish to put a stop to all of this shithole yammering by all of you extremist retardates.

    The proper term (per Peace Corps staff witch doctors) is “fecalized environment”.


    • 哈哈: Carroll Price
  15. wasn’t it because of usa haiti became a shithole? I distinctly remember reading something about how usa forced some kind of business/trade policy that killed haiti’s economy.


  16. anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Astuteobservor II

    wasn’t it because of usa haiti became a shithole?



    One more example of the breathtaking evil of America.

    • 回复: @Wally
  17. turtle 说:

    Here is the way “African-Americans” “solve” problems:

    Civility, or one might truly say, civilization, IS a “racist construct.”

    Yes, I know, that is a “racist” comment.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  18. Tom57 说:

    弗雷德,我喜欢你,我认为你很棒。 我什至买了你的一本书,并没有失望。 你错误地认为来自加勒比和非洲的移民会像非裔美国人一样成长。 任何愿意探究的人都知道,与本土诺恩黑人相比,非本土黑人的犯罪率要低得多,成就要高得多。 事实上,这一令人费解的事实对任何人来说都不方便。 像查尔斯·默里这样的傻瓜不喜欢提及这个事实,因为这与他们对种族和智商的奇怪痴迷相矛盾。 原住民黑人不喜欢谈论它,因为这与他们对种族主义的抱怨相矛盾。
    Just to give you one example of how leftists try to deal with this puzzling fact: https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=https://www.google.de/&httpsredir=1&article=1181&context=jgi
    他们不能。 我无法在这里写整篇文章,但请考虑一下,我研究过海地,去过那里,并且确实认为您对在那里度过的一周的观察是可信的。 我不敢相信的是你曾经走过美国的贫民窟。 因为情况更糟。 不是经济上的,而是犯罪方面的。 请这样做。
    关于海地,我认为它与爱尔兰非常相似。 爱尔兰早已不复存在。 一个有很多孩子的地方。 一个没有发展的地方。 腐败的精英在同样腐败的教士基础的帮助下压低了人民。 请阅读弗兰克·麦考特的《安吉拉的骨灰》。
    与海地一样的贫困、同样的绝望。 也有犯罪行为,但就像海地那样,而不是美国的贫民窟。
    海地有一个很大的优势。 又和爱尔兰一样。 他们摆脱了殖民领主(种植园主),建立了一个小土地所有者社会。 这并没有给他们带来幸福,因为他们的前霸主成功地扼杀了他们的发展尝试。 但他们成功地获得了一种至今仍为美国前奴隶所无法获得的尊严。
    最后弗雷德:我知道你是一个思想开放的人。 请相信这些话是诚实地说出来的。 我不是一个空想家。 这些是我的真实观察。

  19. Corvinus 说:
    @Adolf Verloc

    “Haiti has had its share of mistreatment (the French demand for reparation for abolition of slavery and lost property drained the country for decades,) but they seem utterly incapable of evolving any sort of decent civil society.”


    Now, just for S+G’s, what are your metrics for “decent civil society”? Why?

  20. Corvinus 说:


    让 Fred 来给假新闻风格做一个虚假的比较吧。一般来说,一个人看到一张描绘部落团体正在进行宗教仪式和迷人的金发女郎的照片时,自然会说“是的,我想要我国家的这位年轻女士”。但为了得到准确的表述,需要有两张照片,其中描绘了两个相貌相似的男人/两个女人,一张来自塞内加尔,一张来自挪威。即使在这种情况下,人们也必须考虑到重大偏见,因为人们可能只会发现自己种族或族裔群体中的男人/女人是理想的。最后,这仅代表个人意见。





    • 同意: Anon-og
  21. @willem1


  22. The bankers and generals run this country, so why should we care whom they decide to admit? I don’t see any concern about the origin of all this wealth. It’s not that Americans live well, we don’t. Nevertheless, our miserable lives require vast amounts of energy and resources to sustain. Since our ruling class can’t let go of the mid 20th-century business model, we’ll have to take the refugees along with the stolen loot.

    • 回复: @Toby Keith
  23. The Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite statistic (composite index) of life expectancy, education, and per capita income indicators, which are used to rank countries into four tiers of human development. A country scores higher HDI when the lifespan is higher, the education level is higher, and the GDP per capita is higher. The HDI was developed by Pakistani economist, Mahbub ul Haq, for the UNDP.[1][2]


    In recent years, the top nation was:

    The year represents when the report was published. In parentheses is the year for which the index was calculated.

    2017 (2015): Norway
    2015 (2014): Norway
    2014 (2013): Norway
    2013 (2012): Norway
    2011 (2011): Norway
    2010 (2010): Norway
    2009 (2007): Norway
    2008 (2006): Iceland

    So President Trump suggested that Americans (ranked #10) would benefit by favoring immigrants from a #1 ranked nation. Who could object to this reasoning?

    • 回复: @hyperbola
  24. llloyd 说: • 您的网站

    I note the only Unz reports on Haiti are about the slums in its capital. They do sound dreadful, consequence of third world over population. But outside the capital, in let us say a fishing village in Haiti, most people are doing ok. Haiti courageously overthrew its French cruel slave owners. Unlike others I could name, they didn’t spend the next century whingeing about it and hunting down their former masters. Indeed they even agreed to pay an indemnity to their former masters. They should have told them to get f””””. But being Christians even their own version, they tried to make amends. Non French whites continued to live in Haiti and assimilated. That makes them less a shit hole, more like a moral lesson.

  25. You’re just resentful that your genes would soon disappear in competition with those of muscular men who can dance without biting their bottom lip. The one in the back even appears to be the intellectual in the group.

    Just be glad you’ve already bred, Reed.

  26. Wally 说:

    How is Haiti “still paying the price”?

    Did France give them IQs in the 60s?

    And why haven’t you volunteered to help them?

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  27. Wally 说:

    You’ve provided yet another example of shithole building codes.

    Certainly then, you’ve volunteered to help Haiti.

    And how much of your income do you donate to Haiti & other ‘shitholes’?

  28. renfro 说:

    …..but they seem utterly incapable of evolving any sort of decent civil society.”

    Oh I think they could evolve just fine in the right conditions—their problem is the same as many countries—-they cant rid themselves of dictators who steal the money and suck the country dry.

    A little history helps in understanding what happened to Haiti


    BTW…80% of Haiti is catholic .

    In the mean while I am tired of the largest shithole I have seen lately ..the 狗屎洞 that is in Fred’s head.

    I agree with much of the criticism of some black nations and the black culture faults that cause it….. ……. Fred’s constant vomiting up of his hypocritical and cesspool excrement covered racism is too much for my sense of fairness.

    • 回复: @Dave Bowman
  29. To what extent does Orange City fit into Iowa ?
    It consists of very religous Dutch, seems a copy of the Dutch bible belt small towns, where shops are not allowed to open on a few Sundays, as is customary all over the Netherlands.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  30. Wally 说:
    @Ali Choudhury

    As for Ali Choudhury’s cited one world government WEF – World Economic Forum, and it’s laughable claims about Rwanda here:
    this is another example of the absurd propaganda by them:

    World Economic Forum: President Trump Paris Decision Increases the Threat of a Global Environmental Collapse

  31. Alfred 说:

    Haiti is a good deal worse than it was when Graham Greene wrote his famous novel about it – “the Comedians”

    He also wrote another excellent book about another place that was also far better off 80 years ago – Liberia. This travel book is “Journey Without Maps”

    The fact that similar people inhabit both sides of the Pond is no coincidence IMHO.

  32. Santoculto 说:

    Jewies can be described as a international or borderless shitholes?? I remember the movie International Jew where showed eastern Jews were often neglected about hygiene habits…

  33. Santoculto 说:

    Are there barbadian immigrants loving in USA??? Would be interesting to analyze their standard living there or in Great Bitchrain.

    Living… Ai ai ai

  34. Biff 说:


    One should keep in mind that Haiti is a western construct entirely – top to bottom. The natives were wiped out five hundred years ago.

  35. JessicaR 说:



    来到美国的尼日利亚伊博人通常都取得了很高的成就。他们的孩子在 SAT 考试中取得优异成绩,被常春藤盟校录取,并成为职业球员。


  36. It seems a poor standard to import people on the basis of what “they could be” as opposed to what ” they are”.

    • 回复: @Wally
  37. n230099 说:

    “‘你听到我说脏话了吗?’ 杜宾问道”

    看着“turban-durbin”变得沮丧和暴躁是很美味的。 显然他不明白,很多人认为从他那张纯洁的小嘴里说出的一切都是亵渎的。

  38. Santoculto 说:

    Western way of life is not a only-one respectable way to live. The question is not to ”still” live in the jungle but always the stupidity//lunacy for example ”hunt” and kill albino people because ”religion”.

    In the end it’s a very bad news that many africans have adopting too expensive, faillable western way of life.

  39. @miss marple






  40. Anon • 免责声明 说:


    That’s because the hypocrisy exists only in your imagination, a bizarre and unexplored barbarous territory .

  41. hvlee 说:


  42. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    I wonder if Fred knows why he was in Haiti with the US Army.

    • 回复: @Carroll Price
  43. @Bragadocious


  44. 文章中的一些让我感到好奇的地方:

    1. 提及部分肢解的个人(双关语),但没有提及肇事方,即美国赞助的 FRAPH 和随员。

    2. 对海地目前的局势大为不满——确实是一个屎坑——而对自 29 年 2004 月 1999 日以来美国/加拿大/法国/联合国对海地的持续占领完全保持沉默。标准的熵输出,在通过警察培训的支持下,已知的、在阿里斯蒂德领导下被起诉并于 2004 年被拒绝进入加拿大的前海地国民军恋童癖者。自 XNUMX 年以来,皇家骑警一直在将这些比索培训为警察。


    3. 对海地的实际谋杀率保持沉默,该比率从恋童占领前的每年 7/100k 上升到占领期间的每年 10/100k 以上——尽管可以合理地提出额外的谋杀是社会性谋杀还是仅仅是登记错误的谋杀的问题由占领当局。

    也就是说,在凯文·皮纳 (Kevin Pina) 的《海地不为人知的故事》中,占领当局大约两年后发布了其中一名谋杀受害者的标签,上面刻有超过一万的数字。假设按顺序编号,每年的死亡人数将超过 10/500k;根据泊松原理,标准差为每年 100/7k,这使得恋童癖职业下谋杀率的明显增长相形见绌。

    4. 评论中的电脑小丑崇拜种族灭绝狂人卡加梅——卡加梅前盟友埃里克·哈基兹马纳估计2年有1994万胡图族被RPA杀害,而600年图西族只有1991万,也就是说大部分种族灭绝是图西族杀害胡图族。美国对卢旺达的干预始于1年1990月1994日或之前。在此之前,卢旺达是一个体面的国家,图西族虽然是前封建贵族,但过着舒适的生活。卡加梅还派遣他的暴徒在联合国的支持下协助海地的恋童占领。自5年以来,卡加梅在刚果金沙萨又杀害了10-XNUMX万人。



    • 同意: Anon-og
  45. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Fruit of the loom pays Haitian’s over $7 a day. In Vietnam the slaves are typically paid about .26 per hour. Sounds like US is playing the Asians off the Blacks the way they usually do.

  46. OBEE 说:

    我不会用弗兰克·麦考特作为任何事情的指南,更不用说四五十年代的爱尔兰了。 他的书是一本小说,小说。 利默里克的爱尔兰贫民窟比纽约等地的爱尔兰贫民窟要穷,但在某一方面却大同小异:你嘲笑的教会和爱尔兰国家都在努力教育孩子们——虽然经常很严厉,但大多是有效的。 麦考特就是那些因为一位牧师告诉他不要在忏悔中殴打他的肉而感到愤怒的人之一。 世界上到处都是他们。

  47. wj 说:
    @Ali Choudhury

    40 percent of Indian citizens have no toileting facilities other than the street. Let’s bring more of those here.

    • 回复: @Ali Choudhury
  48. Anonymous [AKA "WhiteRacistsAreStupid"] 说:


    ‘We steal your resources illegally, but you are not good enough to be among us legally’

    White Racists…do you see the stupidity here? This is why you are occupied despite all your superior genes and guns. This is why Zionism is winning…cuz at least it promotes equality and universality.

    • 回复: @Toby Keith
  49. @Corvinus

    I don’t usually reply to your endless BS arguments, but I got here from Renfro, as the kids say on youtube. But this??

    Mistreatment? No, try barbarism at the hands of Europeans. Haitians are still paying the price.

    Yeah, there was lots of barbarism, all over the world, and I’ve read that the French treatment of those slaves was nothing like the fairly good treatment blacks got in the South (US). Still, that was > 200 years ago! If people can’t get their shit(hole) together in 200 years, they are NEVER gonna.

    Hey, maybe my house is a bit of a mess due to the barbarism during the Roman times, but I tend to think it’s more because the wife has been studying hard, and I do the outside stuff. No, I didn’t blame it on the Romans when I had to install my own new sewer line either, I blamed it on the tampons (they are ALWAYS the last straw when roots have about clogged up the line already.

    Not having a shithole of a place to live is a just a matter of getting off one’s ass and getting the work done. Haitians don’t do that.

    You’ve got a lot of nerve coming on here with your shitholier-than-thou attitude and telling us the Hatians are still the Europeans’ problem.

    Apollo 12 lunar landing and the furthest any nation in the world has ever come from being a shithole.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
    , @Jim bob Lassiter
  50. WJ 说:

    In reality, these fellows are probably preferable to the ever growing number of Africans living in the continent’s ghastly, horrible mega-cities. They are expanding rapidly, especially in East Africa , from Angola to Senegal and Ghana and they are truly terrifying in their filth, crime and violence.

    • 回复: @Jackalizer
  51. Very good article, Mr. Reed. I get sick of your defense of all things Mexican, though I completely agree with you that it is not a full shithole. Would you not admit there are parts that are? Yes, I’d agree that the US has lots, but it’s almost exclusively inner city ghettos, while Mexico has large very poor areas, and others big regions controlled by the Narcos.

    I’ve been told even by missionaries that have spend their own money and time and feel a stake in it, that Haiti is just plain un-fixable – no, they didn’t use the world shithole, but I’m sure they’d have nodded if I did.

  52. @jilles dykstra

    Well, just for starters, the religious Dutch in one city in Iowa:

    a) don’t adhere to a religion that preaches blowing up infidels and other stuff

    b) are people one could feel completely safe around and even not have to be wary with the little ones.

    c) don’t mooch off of the taxpayers, via the welfare system, WIC, SSID, Medicaid, EE-Credit, ad infinitum.

    d) add value to the community via maintenance of their abodes and the holding down of productive jobs.

    e) do not hold rallies for “religious Dutch rights”

    f) are not open on Sunday, just like most stores weren’t on ANY Sunday till afternoon in the South until 25 years ago or less. OMG!


    • 回复: @Anonymous
  53. @Biff

    One should keep in mind that Haiti is a western construct entirely – top to bottom.

    Absolutely, Biff …

    That is, if by “western” you mean western Africa. Yes, I’m pretty sure most of them came from the western portion of Africa, but there may have been some Easterners too.

  54. @Wally

    Man, I love NGOs, they are so realistic and their ratings are so meaningful.

  55. @Wally

    The clickbaity headline disappoints. Below is what the Davos men actually said.

    °In the run-up to the US president’s speech to its annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, next week, the WEF avoided mentioning Trump by name but said “nation-state unilateralism” would make it harder to tackle global warming and ecological damage.°

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  56. 里德先生平时是一位极其通情达理的人,但这次他确实没有抓住重点。我们的国家元首如此可怕地提及海地,是因为一百多年来,正是我们的税款通过入侵、占领、禁运、国家政变而辛勤工作,摧毁了海地。海地人民为他们不幸的国家带来秩序的一切企图,只是将其视为一个掠夺之地。然后用令人厌恶的、卑鄙的侮辱来折磨这些我们无休止的掠夺和忽视的受害者,这是无知、傲慢和傲慢的最低点。在一个又一个国家,我们故意制造破坏和混乱,然后当然将他们的生活质量低下归咎于幸存者。

  57. @wj


    By the math here 1 Indian household is roughly equivalent to 1 Norwegian plus 1 Mexican. President Trump’s skill based immigration plan would likely bring a lot more Asians into the country vs Nordics. They have the brains, the hunger and the desire to live in a country with a better environment and more temperate weather.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Toby Keith
  58. @Adolf Verloc

    “Trump may have used incautious and undiplomatic language,”

    Or, he may not have. Considering the sources claiming he did, it’s doubtful that he said any such thing. Those who claim he said “shitholes are serial liars in need of rude handling.

    • 回复: @prusmc
    , @MarkinLA
  59. @willem1

    No, willem1, if anything Haiti is worse now than it was 30-40 years ago, with the possible exception that you mighthave been hacked to death or tortured by tontons macoutes back then. Might want to leave this section in.

  60. @Astuteobservor II

    Haiti was shithole as far back as the days when there was no interference from the USA. In 1791, there wasn’t even much of a US Navy or State Department. If you want to place blame outside Haiti for what Haiti has always been since those days, blame the French.

    The French established Haiti as a hellhole for African slaves,in order to gain riches via sugar plantations, then allowed it to become a shithole once those slaves overthrew their masters. If you find the article, post a link to it.

  61. Dr. X 说:

    How can anyone, unaided by the better grades of mushroom, expect people from such Trumpian–yes, hell holes–to fit into Iowa? They have nothing in common with Americans–not language, schooling, religion, morals, familiarity with civilization, European heritage or, it would seem, intelligence.

    I’ll tell you how. The Jewish power brokers (e.g., Schumer) do everything the can to subdivide, adulterate, and sow chaos among the goyim, while retaining strict racial purity, tight borders, and uniculturalism for Israel.

    The reason is that the Tribe can maintain a tight grip when they are unified and everyone else is divided.

    Always ask… 崔非呢?

  62. prusmc 说:
    @Twodees Partain

    I understand that there were five (5) people in the room. Three refute what Durban says and Lindsey Graham neither confirms nor refutes it. Apparently, he either is confused or has a memoty lapse.

    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  63. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    Iowa is entirely dependent on Pentagon socialism. Endless handouts of defense department welfare and entitlements.

    Midwest evangelicals view the world as a fairy tale of two extremes thus vast swaths of flyover country are the ‘go-to’ hicks of empire – management, production, hyper-patriotism and opiates – a more magnificent spectacle of a shithole.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
    , @Alden
  64. @willem1

    During my US Navy time back in the 70s, I saw a lot of coastal Asia, and the standard of living often shocked me, a kid who grew up in middle-class suburban Chicago. Revisiting some of these cities today is equally shocking, but for a different reason–the transformation over the intervening years has been nothing short of amazing.

    Sorry, but this is hardly comprehensible. Much of Asia is the cradle of civilization covered with temporary dirt.

    Haiti, on the other hand, along with Subsaharan Africa & most blacks inhabited Caribbean, is the example of impeccable shitholerry, now & then. And forever.

  65. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:



    • 同意: TonyVodvarka
    • 回复: @Alden
  66. Talha 说:

    If you want to improve their lives, an impulse I commend, do it in Haiti.

    This should be etched in stone with gold.

    If there is improvement, then it will be an improvement that will be in jive with and as per their local culture allows. There is little hope we will be seeing atom smashers being built in Haiti in the foreseeable future but that does not preclude things like reasonable plumbing and electricity and a rise in the overall healthcare.

    You may not want them inhabiting your town, but there’s no reason not to want well for them where they are at. I like Mr. Reed’s attitude on this.


  67. @Ali Choudhury

    … but said “nation-state unilateralism” would make it harder to tackle global warming and ecological damage.”

    I believe you that the headline was “Trumped up” (get it, haha), but it’s the same BS – gotta agree with Wally on the gist of it.

    I’m just wondering whether these NGO’s and Davos Men understand that a shithole is a shithole, no matter whether it was created by indigenous population having no ability to create a civilization along with a population that gets too large for the land, or whether it’s from importing way too many people from shithole countries. Do they know that shitholes, as a hole ;-}, are not really the best thing for Mother Gaia? I’m sure most of them know that the Global Climate Disruption(TM) deal is complete nonsense, so there’s no need to tackle anything there.

    Without a lot of foreigners, America cleaned up pretty damn good, by 1980 or so. I would imagine if people have a notion that they have a stake in the land (blood/soil) for their progency, they will make a much better effort to keep their countries shithole-free, were they able based on ability (unlike the Haitians).

  68. @Anonymous

    Iowa is entirely dependent on Pentagon socialism. Endless handouts of defense department welfare and entitlements.

    Yes, that is explained by all the corn. You do know that Iowa is one big-ass cornfield, don’t you?

    Is corn some kind of new stealth material for super-projectiles the Pentagon is all a gog-gog about? I have not been privy to anything with my low security clearance categorization.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Twodees Partain
  69. Wally 说:
    @Rhett Hardwick

    And what they could be is what they are.

    The neo-Marxists tell us that these savages are a ‘plus’ for The West in spite of them not being a plus for Haiti / Africa.

    ‘Plus’ then = equals voting for Democrats/Leftists

  70. Talha 说:
    @Ali Choudhury

    Mogadishu in Somalia meanwhile is experiencing a housing boom while the country recovers from the chaos of the 90s.

    This is right, the private-sector economy is doing fairly well – there aren’t crazy government bureaucracies getting in the way. I have read multiple articles where Somalis are even movign back to Somalia:


    Hopefully, if they can get they extremist violence down even more, things will be even better. This seems to be a very good development for everyone including their host countries. If Somalia is stable, then European countries will not think it is so bad if they send certain people back for misbehaving.


    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  71. Talha 说:

    The interventions into Haiti’s politics from outsiders also cannot be dismissed. It’s like pointing at Iraq now and mentioning the open sewage in the streets but forgetting we bombed the hell out of their water treatment and energy plants. You make some good points.


  72. Incitatus 说:



    也许可以招募成就斐然的安德斯·贝林·布雷维克 (Anders Behring Breivik)。 77人死亡、319人受伤,不容小觑!他出身于路德宗,现在追随奥丁并警告女权主义、伊斯兰教和“文化马克思主义”是“文化自杀”。致力于“民族民族主义”的“反圣战分子”、共济会成员和圣殿骑士。听起来有点熟?他甚至在审判开始时就授予了希特勒勋章!


    如果得到积极评估,他将在十 (10) 年“预防性拘留”后被释放。每死亡一个残酷的48天监禁!只需 PlayStation 2 即可提高运动技能!

    So keep Anders in mind. One thing’s for sure – he’s not from Haiti. He’d find plenty of friends – just as white and high IQ – here at Unz. Maybe he could write articles and host a blog. The NRA could even hire him as a spokesperson!

    • 回复: @Toby Keith
    , @Talha
  73. Rurik 说:

    No chance exists of integrating such people into the United States. It is insane to try. If you want to improve their lives, an impulse I commend, do it in Haiti

    Much the same could be said of most Third World nations, but I have seen and do know Haitians that have assimilated nicely.

    And indeed, they’re often far more pleasant than the ‘chip on the shoulder’ generation of angry and militant (and hyper-racist) American-born and Hollywood-bred blacks, who feel that whitey owes them everything.

    As for helping them, what they need is birth control, but between the white American liberals who always want more and more blacks and browns, (even as Africa stares at a looming demographic catastrophe) and white American Christians, (who know that every sperm is sacred), none seem to be forthwith.

    Haiti, more than anything else is a microcosm of the disaster of blind, mindless human breeding, that all peoples of the (especially emerging Third) world seem to be engaged in with a vengeance. Or, failing that, (the West is) importing super-breeders from the Third World to guarantee the kinds of inevitable problems you’ll have when you over-burden your 有限 ecosystems and living space out of 无穷 greed, stupidity, and tribalism.

  74. @Talha

    “It’s like pointing at Iraq now and mentioning the open sewage in the streets but forgetting we bombed the hell out of their water treatment and energy plants.”

    Talha, your comparison does not hold. Before that illegal, immoral war, the Iraqis were indeed able to build and maintain those water treatment and energy treatment plants, and it’s precisely the American bombing you mentioned that destroyed them (with horrendous consequences, most especially for children). The Haitians on the other hand have never been able to build anything of the kind, or even maintain that which was built for them by others.

  75. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    Ammunition too. The magic of the surburbs is that this type of thing has been hidden. The magic of grade school social studies is ‘bauxite over here, corn over there, here’s the white house and the capitol, with American flag poles’

    Once the Mob’s interloping ceases to turn other countries into intolerable hell holes fences will need to be erected at the border with the arrows pointing the other way. Then the traveling shoe will be on the other foot.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
    , @Alden
  76. SMK 说: • 您的网站

    Does “racism” and the legacy of slavery that was abolished in 1804 in a hideous orgy of mass-murder, and the ghosts of all the French men, women, children, toddlers, and infants who were slaughtered, tortured, raped, gang-raped, and mutilated well over 200 years ago by negro slaves, magically explain why the average IQ of Haitian is 67 and why Haiti is a hell-hole and the worst nation in the Western Hemisphere, Africa in the Caribbean?

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  77. Talha 说:

    Hey fredyetagain,

    Talha, your comparison does not hold.

    Not completely – as you point out the locals have to take responsibility for their own dysfunctions and pathologies.

    I don’t know if you’ve come across the fairly short (sometimes comical) read “The CIA’s Greatest Hits”:

    “Before that could begin, however, the Haitian military had to be further strengthened. CIA money began flowing to Haiti, which had already seen US aid double during the Reagan years. The CIA set up an anti-narcotics service called-appropriately-SIN (“national intelligence service”). As one CIA man admitted, SIN used its millions in CIA subsidies mainly to suppress popular movements by means of torture and assassination. Far from combating drugs, many SIN officers engage in the drug trade themselves.
    In 1990, elections were finally allowed. Haitians stunned the US by rejecting the candidate we preferred in favor of a left-wing Catholic priest, Jean Bertrand Aristide. The Bush administration could scarcely conceal its joy when Haiti’s US-trained military deposed Aristide eight months later.”

    But it is obvious the CIA was instrumental in keeping the Duvalier regime in place and the army and the dreaded “Tonton Macoutes” (who kept people in line with machetes) funded all in the name of fighting Communism:
    Promoting Polyarchy: Globalization, US Intervention, and Hegemony (Cambridge Univ)
    Our hands are not clean – we helped prop up a murderous, drug-dealing military regime – but is that really news to anyone given our conduct in South America?

    Can we at least say that Haiti was never simply left to its own devices?


    • 回复: @Talha
  78. OBEE 说:

    又一想,麦考特一家从纽约搬回了利默里克。 显然,他们有第一手资料,知道利默里克的粪坑比纽约的粪坑更好。

    最后,在刑法废除后的 25 年内,爱尔兰天主教徒建立了都柏林大学学院,并在爱尔兰各地保留了令人印象深刻的学院群。 我不知道如何断言爱尔兰共和国在任何方面都可以与海地或索马里相媲美。

    • 同意: RadicalCenter
    • 回复: @Tom57
  79. Corvinus 说:

    “How is Haiti “still paying the price”?”


    “Did France give them IQs in the 60s?”

    IQ is genetic and environmental.

    “And why haven’t you volunteered to help them?”

    Been there, done that. How about yourself? Are you ready to give back to the world that you live in?

    • 回复: @Wally
  80. Corvinus 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    “Yeah, there was lots of barbarism, all over the world, and I’ve read that the French treatment of those slaves was nothing like the fairly good treatment blacks got in the South (US).”

    Fake News Story. The treatment of slaves in the South was generally poor, considering that their ancestors had been ripped from their homeland, put in chains, and forced to work at gunpoint to till the soil to make someone else rich.

    “Still, that was > 200 years ago! If people can’t get their shit(hole) together in 200 years, they are NEVER gonna.”

    You truly are ignorant.


    “You’ve got a lot of nerve coming on here with your shitholier-than-thou attitude and telling us the Hatians are still the Europeans’ problem.”

    The problems that Haiti endures today is the result of European colonization AND long-standing political and economic instability.

  81. @Anonymous

    Things will get real once the financial bubble of stupidity we are in pops. There are still lots of good decent Americans that may be able to set things on the right course then.

  82. Talha 说:

    Oops, the link to the book didn’t go through:
    Promoting Polyarchy: Globalization, US Intervention, and Hegemony (Cambridge Univ)

    Read a couple pages from the sub-chapter “From Duvalier to Aristide: the aborted transition to polyarchy”

  83. Corvinus 说:

    “Does “racism” and the legacy of slavery that was abolished in 1804 in a hideous orgy of mass-murder, and the ghosts of all the French men, women, children, toddlers, and infants who were slaughtered, tortured, raped, gang-raped, and mutilated well over 200 years ago by negro slaves…”

    The French brought it upon themselves. Did you expect the Haitians to ask nicely for their freedom?

    “magically explain why the average IQ of Haitian is 67 and why Haiti is a hell-hole and the worst nation in the Western Hemisphere, Africa in the Caribbean?”

    You, as well, are truly ignorant.


  84. Tom57 说:

    你读过弗兰克·麦考特的书吗? 赤贫、饥饿? 他们只是搬回来一段时间然后留在美国?
    五十年代有多少人在爱尔兰大学学习? 哪个百分比可以忽略不计? 所有完成的人都离开了。
    And mentality wise: I lived in Galway at the beginning of the eighties and there were 7 public clocks. I counted them. And none showed the right time. Ireland was still mentally recovering from the penal laws. I remember the jokes about the Irish being told in England. I remember how they were considered a criminal, stupid underclass that couldn´t control its impulses. They sold “Irish” cups in curio shops in England An Irish cup was a cup with the handle inside.
    我仍然看到了相似之处。 非常小的土地所有者砍伐了那里的每一棵树。 梅奥公司几乎完全被剥光。 感觉国家是陌生的。 无法遏制自由农民的无政府主义倾向。 但好的方面是,一个终于解放了自己的民族的自豪感。

    • 回复: @OBEE
  85. Bill Jones 说:

    There are many mysteries in life.

    Among them are why anybody talks to the like of Insane McCain or Little Linda Graham or why any country allows any Israeli, Zionist or known Jew to land on their territory.

    These would seem to be just common sense rules, no?

  86. 海地聚会的画面是他们罪恶本性的精神奴役的实际表现,使他们沉迷于巫毒、巫术和恶魔崇拜。撒旦是这个世界的“神”,因为“罪对任何人来说都是一种耻辱”,所以这些人就陷入了所有负面后果的泥沼中。如果他们斥责他们的假偶像,那么神就能与他们同工。无论有多少金钱或援助,都无法解决他们内部的缺陷。


  87. MarkinLA 说:


  88. renfro 说:
    @Astuteobservor II


    Source: Library of Congress

    Before the arrival of Europeans, Arawak (also known as Taino) and Carib Indians inhabited the island of Hispaniola. Although researchers debate the total pre-Columbian population (estimates range from 60,000 to 600,000), the detrimental impact of colonization is well documented. Disease and brutal labor practices nearly annihilated the Indian population within 50 years of Columbus’s arrival.

    Spain ceded the western third of the island of Hispaniola to France in 1697. French authorities quelled the island’s buccaneer activity and focused on agricultural growth. Soon, French adventurers began to settle the colony, turning the French portion of the island, renamed Saint- Domingue, into a coffee- and sugar-producing juggernaut. By the 1780s, nearly 40 percent of all the sugar imported by Britain and France and 60 percent of the world’s coffee came from the small colony. For a brief time, Saint-Domingue annually produced more exportable wealth than all of continental North America.


    As the indigenous population dwindled, African slave labor became vital to Saint-Domingue’s economic development. Slaves arrived by the tens of thousands as coffee and sugar production boomed. Under French colonial rule, nearly 800,000 slaves arrived from Africa, accounting for a third of the entire Atlantic slave trade. Many died from disease and the harsh conditions of the sugar and coffee plantations. Statistics show that there was a complete turnover in the slave population every 20 years. Despite these losses, by 1789 slaves outnumbered the free population four-to-one⎯452,000 slaves in a population of 520,000.

    During the latter eighteenth century, the fabric of Saint-Domingue’s hierarchical society began to unravel. Slaves abandoned the plantations in increasing numbers, establishing runaway slave (maroon) communities in remote areas of the colony. The more militant maroon communities posed a threat to the plantations, subjecting them to constant harassment and facilitating slave revolts and mass escapes. Meanwhile, free blacks and mulattoes sought full citizenship and property rights— including the right to own slaves—and arable land for farming. During the 1790s, the dissolution of the Bourbon dynasty by the French Revolution and France’s embrace of an egalitarian ethos emboldened Saint-Domingue’s free people of color to press for their rights. In 1790 the National Assembly in Paris granted suffrage to landed and tax-paying free blacks. When the white planter-dominated colonial assembly refused to comply, Saint-Domingue became engulfed in violence. The breakdown in civil order prompted numerous slave revolts as well as Spanish and British military intervention. The conflict revolved around a struggle for control of the colony between French republican forces and Creole royalists backed by Spain and Britain. Both sides recruited indigenous armies of black slaves, free blacks, and mulattoes.

    Emancipation and Independence In 1791 Toussaint Louverture emerged as a commander within the rebel army of black slaves led by Georges Biassou and Jean-François. Louverture, an educated former slave who had studied the military campaigns of Julius Caesar, provided the forceful leadership and organizational ability that had been lacking in previous uprisings. Louverture initially allied with Spain in its efforts to capture northern Saint-Domingue but switched his allegiance to France in 1794 when Paris declared the abolition of slavery. He eventually rose to become the commander in chief of all republican forces in Saint-Domingue. From this position, Louverture once again rebelled against the French and attempted to create an autonomous state free of European influence. After deposing the French commissioner, he captured the Spanish port of Santo Domingo in 1800, giving him control of the entire island of Hispaniola.

    In October 1801, a break in the Napoleonic Wars enabled France to dispatch a new expedition against Louverture. The rebel general was eventually compelled to surrender to the French after his two top commanders, Jean-Jacques Dessalines and Henry Christophe, switched their allegiance to the French. However, the truce between black Creole and French forces was short- lived. In the summer of 1802, Dessalines, Christophe, and the mulatto general Alexandre Pétion joined forces and launched a new campaign to expel the French. By late 1803, French losses from yellow fever, malaria, and combat exceeded 52,000. The resumption of war in Europe compelled France to withdraw in November 1803. After 300 years of colonial rule, the new nation of Haiti was declared an independent republic. It was only the second nation in the Americas to gain its independence and the first modern state governed by people of African descent.

    During the early years of independence, Haiti’s cohesion, autonomy, and finances remained precarious. The new “black republic” was diplomatically and economically isolated and faced a continuing threat of foreign intervention. France did not recognize Haitian independence and sought to establish a protectorate over its former colony. The plantation system—the engine of the Haitian economy—lay in ruins after years of warfare. Despite the egalitarianism of the new revolutionary regime, Haitian society remained hierarchical, with deep disparities in wealth between the mixed-race mulatto freedmen and newly emancipated blacks. Following the departure of most of the French Creoles, the mulatto minority took their place as the new elite within Haitian society. Rural laborers resisted efforts by mulatto landowners to rebuild sugar plantations, preferring instead to work the land independently.

    Upon independence in 1804, Louverture’s lieutenant, Dessalines, became Haiti’s first head of state. An autocrat who ruled mainly through force, Dessalines declared himself Emperor Jacques I. His despotic rule, which the mulatto elite resisted, ended with his assassination in October 1806.

    Partition Following the death of Dessalines, a bitter power struggle developed between two of the surviving leaders of the independence movement, Henry Christophe and Alexandre Pétion. A constitutional scheme whereby Christophe and Pétion would jointly govern the country quickly fell apart, leading to a territorial partition that lasted from 1811 to 1820.

    Reunification and Annexation of Santo Domingo In 1820, following the deaths of both Christophe and Pétion, forces from the southern half of Haiti led by General Jean-Pierre Boyer, a mulatto, invaded the north and reunited the country. During his two decades as president, Boyer vigorously defended Haitian sovereignty through a combination of military confrontation and negotiation with the European powers. In 1822 Boyer invaded Santo Domingo, expelling the Spanish and imposing a 22-year occupation of the neighboring nation. Toward the end of his tenure, Boyer negotiated a payment to France of 150 million francs (later reduced to 60 million francs) as indemnity for the loss of the colony. In exchange, France recognized the Republic of Haiti and restored trade relations. Although the indemnity helped secure Haiti’s political independence, it imposed a crushing economic burden that weighed heavily on future generations. Boyer held office until his overthrow in 1843 by a conspiracy of reformist mulattoes. In February 1844, a band of Dominican nationalists took the opportunity of Boyer’s ouster to attack the Haitian garrison in Santo Domingo and declare an independent Dominican Republic.

    Presidential Rule Throughout the nineteenth century, Haiti’s political institutions were subject to the whims of the Haitian head of state. Successive presidents drafted and abolished the nation’s constitutions at will, treating the documents as their own personal charters. The Haitian republic itself was suspended from 1849 to 1859 during the rule of “Emperor” Faustin I. Economic stagnation plagued the country, as governments repeatedly subdivided agricultural lands, causing yields to plummet. The indemnity to France also dragged down Haiti’s struggling economy. Political solutions rarely overcame the deep-seated hostility between blacks and mulattoes. Elite mulattoes, for the most part, either held the presidency or managed to install puppet black presidents who served their interests.

    Coups and assassinations became commonplace. One president died when the presidential palace was blown up, another was hacked to pieces by an angry mob, and a third was poisoned. In the midst of this political chaos, only three Haitian presidents enjoyed relatively stable and effective tenures. General Nicholas Geffrard (1859−67), during a generally peaceful and progressive administration, succeeded in gaining recognition for Haiti from the United States in 1862. Louis Lysius Félicité Salomon (1879−88) implemented populist reforms and established a national bank, telegraph system, and rural school system. Florvil Hyppolite (1889−96) created the Ministry of Public Works, which built much-needed bridges, docks, and public buildings throughout the country.

    U.S. Occupation, 1915−34 During most of the nineteenth century, the United States maintained a distant relationship with Haiti. The U.S. government withheld recognition of Haiti until 1862, when wartime necessity compelled it to establish cordial relations with the strategic Caribbean nation. During the early twentieth century, Haiti’s chronic political instability, its precarious finances, and the threat of European encroachment provoked numerous brief interventions by the U.S. Navy. In July 1915, civil unrest surrounding the assassination of President Vilbrun Guillaume Sam provided a pretext for intervention. U.S. Marines were dispatched to Haiti, ostensibly to protect U.S. financial interests and citizens. Rather than withdrawing after a show of “gunboat diplomacy,” as had previously been the case, the U.S. military came to stay in 1915. Marines seized control of the country, disbanding the Haitian military and installing Phillippe Sudre Dartiguenave, a mulatto, as president (1915−22). In 1916 the United States expanded its occupation to the entire island of Hispaniola when it intervened in the neighboring Dominican Republic. During its nearly two-decade occupation, the United States amended the Haitian constitution, stabilized the economy, and made improvements in infrastructure. U.S. Marines also trained a new Haitian National Guard (Garde d’Haïti), a security unit that harassed and even killed opponents of the occupation.

    New Independence In 1930 the United States allowed Haiti to resume free elections. The president-elect, Sténio Vincent (1930−41), was a former senator with populist tendencies, and his election set Haiti on the path to reestablishing its autonomy. Vincent engaged in an ambitious program of infrastructure improvement, while insisting that the U.S. Marines end their active occupation. As a show of nationalism, he delivered his state addresses in Creole, rather than in French. Like many of his predecessors, however, Vincent also resorted to using the presidency to increase his own wealth and power. In 1935 he pushed through the Haitian Congress a new constitution that allowed the president to disband the legislature and reorganize the judiciary. Ultimately, Vincent succeeded in reestablishing Haiti’s independence, but he also strengthened the country’s legacy of dictatorial leadership.

    After the ineffective administration of Élie Lescot (1941−45), which installed mulattoes in virtually every post of the government, black voters turned out en masse and elected a sympathetic National Assembly. Additionally, after years of mulatto rule, the 1946 presidential election, often referred to as the Revolution of 1946, was contested by three black candidates. Dumarsais Estimé (1946−50) won the election, garnering especially strong support from the emerging middle class of blacks in the northern region of the country. Colonel Paul Magloire followed Estimé in 1950 and held the presidency for six corrupt, if stable, years.

    The Duvalier Era François Duvalier (1957−71) won a suspiciously large victory in the presidential election of 1957. Duvalier came from a modest black family in Port-au-Prince. His platform consisted of pro-black nationalism, strong support from the military, and state acceptance of the voodoo religion. The army disqualified Duvalier’s most popular rival, Daniel Fignolé, and likely tampered with ballots. Amidst the controversy, Duvalier officially assumed the presidency in 1957, backed by a majority in both houses of the legislature. As a candidate for office, Duvalier had been known as “Papa Doc” because of his paternalistic concern for poor and sick Haitians. During his 14-year reign, however, Duvalier focused more on controlling his people than caring for them. His dictatorial methods were harsh even by Haiti’s standards. In 1961 he discarded the bicameral legislature in favor of a unicameral one and then secured for himself the title of president for life. In order to control the military, Duvalier frequently shuffled the leadership, bringing young black soldiers to command positions until they too became threatening to the administration. Duvalier also created the Presidential Guard and the Volunteers for National Security (Volontaires de la Sécurité Nationale⎯VSN), or makout as they were known, for the express purpose of averting attempted coups. The VSN functioned as a secret paramilitary group, using blackmail and terror to control Haiti’s citizenry. Largely through his brutal tactics, Duvalier held the presidency until his natural death in 1971. His son, Jean-Claude (1971−86), assumed leadership of Haiti at the age of 19. After initially deferring to his ambitious mother, Jean-Claude, referred to as “Baby Doc,” adopted many of his father’s leadership tactics. He lived lavishly, siphoning off funds from the governmentally controlled tobacco industry, while Haiti descended further into poverty. The administration relied heavily on intimidation to maintain power. A visit from Pope John Paul II on March 9, 1983, saw the pope echoing the people’s cries for improved access to food, water, education, and employment. It proved to be the beginning of the end for Jean-Claude. On February 7, 1986, Haitian citizens revolted against the corruption-rife administration. Threatened by rioting crowds and pressured by the United States, Duvalier gave up the presidency and went into exile in France.

    Jean-Bertrand Aristide and the Struggle for Democracy Duvalier had hastily named a National Council of Government (Conseil National de Gouvernement⎯CNG) to serve as an interim government. Although the CNG initially dismantled some vestiges of the Duvalier era, it too eventually slipped into the mode of repressive governance. Brigadier General Prosper Avril assumed the presidency in September 1988 and governed for two tumultuous years before a wave of assassinations and widespread public protests led to his resignation in March 1990. Following Avril’s departure, an independent Permanent Electoral Council announced a presidential election for December 16, 1990.

    Despite widespread violence, Haiti’s presidential election of December 1990 proved to be a landmark event. International observers declared the election to be free and fair. Outspoken anti- Duvalierist and former Roman Catholic priest Jean-Bertrand Aristide won a landslide victory with 67 percent of the vote. A fiery populist who elicited fanatical support from the poorest sectors of Haitian society, Aristide pledged to rid Haiti of the ethnic, racial, and economic hierarchy that had defined the country. He became a polarizing figure opposed by much of the country’s elite and the armed forces. During his first months in office, Aristide circumscribed the military’s power by establishing a separate presidential security force, closing military facilities, and reducing the armed forces budget. He also antagonized the economic elite by collecting back taxes and by appearing to endorse violence against his opponents. After only seven months in office, Aristide was ousted by a military coup on September 29, 1991. A junta led by Brigadier General Raoul Cédras seized control of the government. The military government engaged in systematic repression of dissidents and Aristide supporters, including numerous extrajudicial killings. In the midst of severe repression and a worsening of already dire economic conditions, tens of thousands of Haitians attempted to flee to Florida by boat. The U.S. Coast Guard rescued more than 40,000 Haitians at sea during 1991 and 1992. Thousands more may have perished at sea. The United States condemned the coup and pledged to see Aristide restored to office. Additionally, the United Nations (UN) Security Council refused to recognize Haiti’s new leaders and imposed multilateral economic sanctions.

    In mid-1994, after two and a half years of economic sanctions, the UN Security Council approved the deployment of a multinational force to restore civilian authority in Haiti. With a United States-led military invasion looming, the junta agreed to step down in return for amnesty for themselves and the rest of the army. On September 9, 1994, U.S. troops entered Haiti unopposed, restoring Aristide to office. Aristide’s principal achievement during the remainder of his term was the abolition of the Haitian army and its replacement by the United States-trained Haitian National Police.

    Political Chaos In 1995 Aristide completed his term, and Haiti had its first transition between two democratically elected presidents. Constitutionally barred from a consecutive term, Aristide picked his political ally and former prime minister, René Préval, as his successor. Préval’s tenure was characterized by partisan rancor and executive-legislative deadlock. Elections in 1997 for one-third of the Senate and communal assemblies were plagued with allegations of fraud and were not certified by international observers. During a prolonged constitutional crisis, the Préval government was unable to organize a second round of local and parliamentary elections due in late 1998. In January 1999, Préval dismissed legislators whose terms had expired—the entire Chamber of Deputies and all but nine members of the Senate—and governed by presidential decree. When legislative, local, and municipal elections were finally held in May 2000, Aristide and Préval reportedly pressed the Provisional Electoral Council to exclude nearly a quarter of the votes cast, using a formula that violated two articles of Haiti’s constitution. In the summer of 2000, in response to credible evidence of government corruption, election fraud, and widespread human rights violations, Haiti’s foreign donors suspended all development assistance. The presidential election held in November 2000 was boycotted by the opposition and the Organization of American States (OAS) observer mission, which considered the results to be heavily tainted by fraud. So low was confidence in Haiti’s government that only 5 to 15 percent of the electorate is believed to have voted. The disputed election returned Aristide to office by a wide margin.

    Aristide’s second tenure as president (2001–4) saw an intensification of political violence, an economic recession, and a breakdown of government institutions and the rule of law. Haiti’s economy experienced a sharp recession following the cutoff of foreign aid. Beginning in 2001, real gross domestic product (GDP) growth turned negative—a trend that would continue for the next three years. Political violence intensified as pro- and anti-Aristide militants battled in the streets. In December 2001, 30 armed men attempted to seize the National Palace in an apparent coup attempt. The government blamed former army officers for the failed raid. In retaliation, throughout 2002 and 2003 the government orchestrated attacks on opposition demonstrations by police and government-supported gangs known as chimères. In turn, the opposition Democratic Convergence alliance called for Aristide’s removal and announced plans for a transitional government. In March 2003, a high-level joint delegation of the OAS and Caribbean Community and Common Market (Caricom) presented specific demands to President Aristide to restore public security and create the confidence necessary to move toward elections. However, little in the way of progress was achieved. In January 2004, during celebrations of the Haitian bicentennial, crowds frustrated by the government’s ineffectiveness rioted in the city of Cap Haïtien. The rioting quickly spread across the country, escalating into a full-scale rebellion when former members of the armed forces, the police, and gang members joined the fray. By late February 2004, armed rebels demanding Aristide’s ouster controlled many of the country’s towns and were closing in on the capital of Port au Prince. Unable to quell the rebellion, and facing an imminent threat to his safety, Aristide resigned the presidency in late February and was airlifted out of the country by U.S. armed forces. Boniface Alexandre, president of Haiti’s Supreme Court, assumed the presidency in accordance with the constitution.

    Responding to an emerging humanitarian crisis, a United States-led Multilateral Interim Force made up of troops from the United States, Canada, France, and Chile, was dispatched to secure Haiti’s ports and restore the flow of food and medical supplies into the country. In April 2004, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1542, creating the UN Stability Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). The Stability Mission was authorized at 6,700 troops and 1,622 civilian police. Brazil contributed the largest contingent of troops to MINUSTAH.

    During 2004 and 2005, MINUSTAH and the interim Haitian government struggled to restore law and order and lay the groundwork for national elections. After several postponements, the first round of elections for president and the National Assembly took place on February 7, 2006. Turnout was estimated at approximately 60 percent of registered voters. Former President Préval won the presidential contest with 51.15 percent of the vote. The election was marred by controversy when the Electoral Council posted partial results indicating that Préval had not won a majority of the votes cast. However, following demonstrations in Haiti and expressions of concern by the international community, the Electoral Council reversed its decision to count large numbers of blank ballots and declared Préval the first-round winner.

    In the spring of 2006, Haiti’s future under a second Préval administration remained uncertain. The new administration faced numerous challenges, including the need to rein in endemic criminality and gang violence, restore public services, and foster economic growth and poverty reduction. Whether Haiti’s current generation of political leaders would be able to negotiate in good faith and reach political solutions to national problems remained to be seen.

  89. MarkinLA 说:


    Exactly what was there to pillage from Haiti? Should we have invaded based on our pathological fear of communism – NO we should have left the place alone, even when a natural disaster struck and let them sort it out themselves. Do you really think left to their own devices Haiti would be anything other than a shithole?

  90. MarkinLA 说:
    @Twodees Partain

    I wish Trump had told the pearl-clutchers – Yes I said shithole. What about Haiti isn’t a shithole?

    Trump needs to completely destroy the Overton Window.

    • 回复: @Carroll Price
  91. MarkinLA 说:

    Send every Somalian back to Somalia – win, win.

    • 回复: @Talha
  92. MarkinLA 说:

    Yes, if like in that article, they see “racism” everywhere. I wonder what “ism” they will start seeing once they get to Africa?

    • 回复: @Jackalizer
  93. OBEE 说:

    我不仅读过麦考特的书,而且还亲自认识他。 他把他的父亲描绘成一个彻头彻尾的醉汉,让家庭陷入贫困。 不完全准确的是,这名男子喝酒,但在英国的一家军火工厂工作,但偶尔也养家糊口。 如果你相信乔伊斯的这段情节解释了他的移民,那就解释了为什么你会接受他作为可靠的向导。


    树木。 你确实知道有一场饥荒,这场饥荒造成的死亡人数比内战双方克钦独立军的死亡人数加起来还要多XNUMX万人。 因此,每一寸可用土地都得到利用的想法不应让您感到惊讶。 顺便说一句,有多少爱尔兰树木没有被用来建造皇家海军?

    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Tom57
  94. @Achmed E. Newman

    Amen Brother Achmed– One need only compare the photos of the White South African squatter camps on the edges of the garbage dump to what you see all over Haiti.

  95. Talha 说:

    Sure – contact your Congressman or Senator to get this started – and also ask them not to follow it up with another “Black Hawk Down” invasion. Let people be and trade with them in mutually beneficial commerce – they don’t send their young men here and we don’t send our (heavily-armed) young men there. Win, win – 100%


    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  96. “It is not clear why Norwegians would leave their ordered and civilized country for the social chaos, racial violence, and degraded culture of America … ”

    I would advise all foreign White people to steer clear of the U.S. In another generation or two, thanks to the POC psychological warfare specialists in culture and academia, and White masochists in government and business, this country will be a Black and Brown ghetto built on top of the bones of what was a Western nation.

    The African Hitler will be an American. He’ll be wearing John Boyega’s devil mask.

    • 回复: @Bill Jones
  97. MarkinLA 说:



  98. pyrrhus 说:

    In some sections of the great and famous city of Singapore, people are still sh*ting in the streets. ‘Nuff said…..

    • 回复: @Carroll Price
    , @PiltdownMan
  99. Talha 说:

    Bro, we stormed those beaches in 1992 cameras were rolling:

    The Rwandan genocide happened in 1994.

    What you are saying does not compute. Look, even without US Blacks involved in the decision; can we admit the US has been doing imperial nonsense around the world? I mean, Blacks were nowhere near decision-making places and we were helping oust governments we didn’t like.

    I like the US and my fellow citizens, but Uncle Sam has an imperial crack-habit that predates Civil Rights.


    • 回复: @MarkinLA
    , @utu
  100. republic 说:

    里德娶了一位犹太裔墨西哥妇女,这似乎可以解释他支持墨西哥非法移民到美国的立场。他 2016 年 9 月有关 11-XNUMX 的文章表明了他真正的忠诚所在

    • 回复: @Linda Green
  101. MarkinLA 说:

    I have been against all of our interventions with the sole exception of being duped in the first Iraq war. I only gave it tepid support because I thought that Hussein might invade Saudi Arabia and trigger an Israeli response ending in a big cluster-F in the ME. Yes, I agree that we are sticking our noses into places we don’t belong.

    However, our imperial overreach is not entirely disconnected from our domestic policies. We went into Kosovo partly based on all the “genocide” garbage put out by the Jewish influenced media. I may have the timeline wrong but I do remember all the crap in the media about how “nobody cares because it is blacks being killed” that was pushing the Bush administration to “do something” that got us into Somalia.

  102. anno nimus 说:

    man you are suffering from white man’s burden fatigue. I say, get off the golf course, roll up your sleeves and get down to the business of helping your fellow man. you will go to your grave knowing that you made a positive difference. remember that yesterday’s savage (you) is today’s civilised and today’s savage might become tomorrow’s who knows what? the only certainty in life is that nothing is certain.

  103. @republic


    • 回复: @r
  104. Jackalizer 说:

    Perhaps you should ask your African-American friends, acquaintances, neighbors & colleagues about their experiences with racism.

  105. @Johan Meyer

    一个简单的算术错误——我使用了 1 万人口,而不是 10 个人;当时的实际数字是 7 万,每年每 71 万人中就有 100 人被谋杀,标准差为每年每 1 万人中 100 人,或者说当局将谋杀率的三个标准差加到总人口谋杀率中。

  106. Bill Jones 说:

    I see there there are still morons who believe the crap on Wiki.

  107. Bill Jones 说:

    I moved from London to New York, The other choice was Zurich. The guys in Singapore were becoming interested.


  108. @MarkinLA



    FWIW,不干预的幻想是僵尸。克里斯·布莱克(Chris Black)和罗宾·菲尔波特(Robin Philpot)等人已经对它的证据进行了破解。




    尽管资源匮乏,卢旺达军队仍多次试图阻止对图西族的报复性杀戮。卢旺达参谋长甚至向乌干达人提出自己作为人质,以换取停火,以便军队能够制止报复性杀戮。美国赞助的 (b)乌干达人拒绝了。



  109. @prusmc

    Maybe Miss Lindsey is about ready to back away from his little hissy fit he threw after the meeting. He could come out tomorrow and call Durbin a liar and I would still despise his ass, though.

  110. @Achmed E. Newman

    Wait a minute, here. What does corn have to do with holes, anyway? Nevermind. I get it now.

  111. @MarkinLA

    Bush the First was on a high aftet the Gulf War and figured Somalia would be a piece of cake. Clinton was left to deal with it afterwards and did not have much luck.

  112. @MarkinLA

    “Remember, we went there because US blacks were whining that the US did nothing in Rwanda”

    Not exactly. Most black Americans didn’t know then and don’t know now what was/is happening in Somalia, and probably few gave/give a shit. BTW, black Americans despise African immigrants and the feeling is mutual.

    American combat troops were sent there so that GHW Bush could posture, preen, and jack off in secret over the military action. If GHW ever cared what black people whined about, he has never given any indication of it. The combat troops were sent after military logistical personnel and equipment had been assigned to transport food and medicines to Somalia as part of a UN initiative.

    There is plenty of documentation about the original mission, and the resulting mission creep. US presidents seem to love having the UN use the US military as a humanitarian aid organization, probably because it can easily lead to a president using the US military for its actual designed purpose, that of a war making force.

  113. Wally 说:

    “How is Haiti “STILL paying the price”?”

    And I can give you a link to a brief history of US independence.
    Yet we have done rather nicely since.
    Haiti? They never will because they have negro Haitians.
    They were better off under the French, obviously so.
    Of course the only reason that negros got to Haiti was because back Africans sold them.

    IOW, they’re stupid because of their genes and their environment. You proved my point.

    You lie. You have never volunteered to help shithole Haiti.

    I never took anything, no need to give back.


    • 回复: @Che Guava
  114. 7.62mm 说:


    • 回复: @Che Guava
    , @Che Guava
  115. Anonymous [AKA "Cheguw"] 说:


    • 巨魔: Twodees Partain
    • 回复: @Toby Keith
  116. If today’s social engineers would figure out why Black Africa remains the hell-hole it’s been for the past 5,0000+ years, fixing Haiti would be child’s play.

    • 回复: @Wyatt Pendleton
  117. 我记得在八十年代读过一篇关于巴布亚新几内亚反政府抗议活动的故事。 照片中,一群穿着各种部落装备的人站在皮卡车后面,指着路上的一个大洞。 他们抱怨政府干涉部落事务,却没有解决问题。 他们让我想起了我的同胞。

  118. @pyrrhus

    As they are in Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.

  119. @Ali Choudhury

    After examining immigration standards required for becoming a citizen of Norway, few white Americans would qualify, and probably no blacks.

  120. @Corvinus

    …depicting a tribal group performing a religious ceremony and an attractive blonde will naturally say “Yes, I want the young lady in my country”.

    Do you honestly believe that the average American black, upon comparing the two pictures, would not choose the young lady over the head-hunters? Blacks are often accused of being dumb, but few would be dumb enough to choose the head-hunters. – least I hope so

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  121. @Tom57

    There’s truth in what you say. Conversing and dealing with the average black from Jamaica is enough to make you wonder if they are not from an entirely different specie than American blacks. You have to experience it to believe.

  122. @miss marple

    Too funny. The most hilarious post I’ve ever read.

  123. @Biff

    Interestingly enough what might be decedents of the original natives of the island of Hispaniola can be found in Santo Domingo which shares the other half of the same island and when compared to Haiti is a virtual Garden of Eden. Same island, same climate, same everything except Haiti is inhabited by blacks while Santo Domingo is inhabited by people of Hispanic origin. What gives?

    • 回复: @Rurik
  124. renfro 说:
    @Bill Jones

    I see there there are still morons who believe the crap on Wiki


    Are you referring to me or to the actual morons who do use Wiki ?

    This history of Haiti is from the US Library of Congress.

    You’ve heard of it perhaps or at least heard of libraries.

    • 回复: @Che Guava
  125. MBlanc46 说:

    When he’s not banging on about his beloved Mexicans, Mr Reed is admirably clear-sighted.

  126. @JessicaR

    在某种程度上确实如此,但如果白人从地球上消失,非洲将在不到 20 年的时间里恢复到居住在泥屋里的裸体黑人猎头者的土地。

  127. @Anonymous

    Probably not. Most American soldiers who ended up in Europe during WW 1 & 2, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq have no idea why they were ever there. I’ll never forget the puzzled look that came over the face of a retired Army friend of mine upon being asked why he was in Vietnam 20 years earlier. Followed by the rather embarrassing admission that he’d really never thought much about it, but assumed he was there to “give them people some freedom, or something.” Pitiful to say the least, but not at all unusual.

    • 回复: @Simply Simon
  128. @Johan Meyer


    • 回复: @Johan Meyer
  129. utu 说:

    I remember watching it. It was so funny. The combat ready troops were approaching the coast to establish the beach head and there cameras from all networks were already waiting for them as a welcoming committee.

    • 回复: @Talha
  130. @MarkinLA

    Yes, assuming he really did say it (and even if he didn’t) why don’t they ever learn that the best defense is always a strong offense. Attempting to disprove negatives is always a loosing strategy that ends with loses increasing with every denial.

  131. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Ali Choudhury

    The majority of Indians H1B are scam artists with fake degrees. Also a lot of them work as IT project managers and testers. These are not professions that require exceptional skills.

    Indians in America on average are not exceptional.

  132. @Bill Jones

    Wiki is no different from other sources of information in that you have to be knowledgeable enough about a wide range of subjects to separate wheat from the chaff. After reaching that point, bullshit becomes as obvious as a turd floating in a punchbowl.

  133. Talha 说:

    Yeah, I was just a teenager and I remember watching it – even at that age it looked so contrived and silly with the reporters at the beach. They tried to make it look like D-Day or something. Fail.


  134. Alden 说:

    You are thinking not of Iowa but about a 75 square mile of Nebraska centered around Omaha, SAC headquarters,
    Offut and other Air Force bases.

    Right across the river from Western Iowa but a different state.

  135. Alden 说:


  136. Alden 说:


    爱尔兰人不仅被禁止打猎,而且还被禁止捕鱼。 湖泊和河流都有武装部队把守。

  137. Tom57 说:

    很有意思。 弗兰克·麦考特书中的哪一部分取自乔伊斯?
    Regarding Ireland I do believe that there is a lot that resonates with the experience of colonized people of colour. At least that is my view from having lived there at the beginning of the Eighties. Namely: as the normal way of asserting masculinity by advancing in society was barred for so long ambitions of the ones that staid were directed towards “instant masculinity” (ie.assertion of physical prowess) the arts and the priesthood. Never met a more musical people nor a people were tall tales were in higher regard.
    The Irish (at least the ones that staid) contributed an absolutely disproportionate amount to world literature. I would also argue that American blacks contributed disproportionally to American culture. Whatever the world regards as “American” music is based on the music of former slaves. I would even argue that the literature of American blacks is much more interesting than the bland middle class bullshit being taught in creative writing classes. Not for me John Updike, Philip Roth and Harold Brodkey. I think Baldwin, Wright and Chester Himes are much more powerful authours. By the way also Faulkner who is part of a very different tradition.
    最后,完全偏离主题,我认为南方诚实的种族主义比东海岸的自由主义伪善要好得多。 如果种族分歧能够得到弥合的话,那也将从南方开始。

    • 回复: @OBEE
  138. @Carroll Price


    • 回复: @Corvinus
    , @Truth
  139. Corvinus 说:
    @Carroll Price

    “Do you honestly believe that the average American black, upon comparing the two pictures, would not choose the young lady over the head-hunters?”

    First, it’s a completely biased comparison meant to lead the viewing audience to a desired conclusion.

    Second, the group depicted are not “head-hunters”, but an African tribal group.

    “Africa would, in less than 20 years, revert back to a land populated by naked black head-hunters dwelling in mud huts.”

    Exactly why you give we members of the white race a bad name with your complete ignorance. Take a rudimentary history course on African culture and get back to us.

    • 回复: @Bill Jones
  140. Corvinus 说:
    @Wyatt Pendleton

    “Black Africa is a hell hole because of all the rank devil worship.”

    对你来说那将是假新闻。大约 45% 的非洲人口是基督徒。

    “Rather simple, their god is a foul selfish murdering monster, so will his followers emulate. If they turned to Christ and followed Him then God would remove the curse of Canaan from them.”

    So what specifically has led you to believe that God has cursed Africa? Certain Bible passages? Sermons from your local preacher? Do tell…

  141. Che Guava 说:

    Nice one, Wally. I was having the same thought.

  142. Che Guava 说:


  143. Che Guava 说:

    Well, it was clearly a copy-and-paste. I was able to see that it was not from Wiki, but since you were not citing your source, Bill is entirely forgivable for his error.

    If citing long quotes from an external source, YOU MIGHT THINK OF STATiNG THE SOURCE or just include a link.


    • 回复: @Astuteobservor II
    , @renfro
  144. Rurik 说:
    @Carroll Price

    decedents of the original natives of the island of Hispaniola can be found in Santo Domingo which shares the other half of the same island


    Not to split hairs but Santo Domingo is the capital city of Dominican Republic, which is the name of the country sharing the island of Hispaniola with Haiti.

    inhabited by people of Hispanic origin.

    the current inhabitants are basically a mix between European whites with African blacks and others. There are blacks and whites there too, with a mix of just about everything else you can imagine. When the Spanish arrived in the 15th century, there were basically ‘Amerindians’ there, (that had been busy slaughtering each other, just as they were doing everywhere else on the continents). Now they’re gone and they’ve been replaced with all kinds.

    Hispaniola has a fascinating history going back to the 真实 加勒比海盗。

    It is a beautiful country, but it also does have issues with crushing poverty, small time crime and universal corruption. I’ve been there several times, and I love the place for it’s natural beauty and charms, but it’s going down hill I have to say. The latest in this formerly free and easy nation was being charged for a seatbelt! violation. And then having the car impounded until a corrupt official would come and get his bribe. Lots of shit like that.

    But yes, the country is beautiful, the coasts are magnificent, and the people are charming and eager to make friends. It can be very nice in some parts where it’s still quite rustic, but you have to get used to the local ways. ( little motorcycles everywhere)

    Haiti on the other hand was a French slave colony. It used to be called the Jewel of the Caribbean for it’s spectacular natural beauty. Then the black slaves instituted a revolt and slaughtered (or worse) all the whites / French. Since then it has descended into a dystopian hell on earth. Today its a wreck, but I hear there are some forward steps, and that Port Au Prince has OK areas, but I’ve never been to that side of the island. Never had a desire to go.

    They have a strong border between the nations and I’ve heard they’ll shoot the Haitians if they catch them coming across. The differences between the natural beauty of the two nations is stark, as the Haitians have overpopulated their side into a mud pit, while the Dominicans still have tones of lush vegetation and beauty.

    • 回复: @Carroll Price
  145. @Rurik

    Thanks for correcting parts of my comment and for the additional information.

  146. OBEE 说:


    我知道你不喜欢爱尔兰。 我的祖父也没有。 他所知道的一切都是从经历过饥荒的老人那里得知的。

    关于爱尔兰的贫困:直到上世纪初,在我的家乡,爱尔兰人都住在三一教堂拥有的棚屋里,院子里勉强有一个冷水龙头和一个terlit。 码头工人的工资是 10 美元,每 XNUMX 个小时轮班一次,他必须尽可能长时间地工作(每小时多加 XNUMX 美分),直到船熄火。 只有在有船的日子里,码头老板才会从形状中挑选他。 最近的一位评论员称其为最接近奴隶制但没有真正奴隶的事情。 当然,重要的是,下村和戈尔韦一样赤贫,而且剥削和犯罪活动可能也更多。 教权主义是我的人民最不担心的。 最近举办的一场名为“(慈善机构)姐妹如何驯服纽约黑帮”的展览并非没有道理。

    最后是海地。 我曾经听一位传教士牧师——一个对贫困并不陌生的纽菲人——形容海地是一个男人永远没有一毛钱给孩子买可乐的地方。 绝不。

    无可争议美国音乐的黑人创作。 托尼·帕斯特和内德·哈里根会同意这一点。 但有一小部分阿巴拉契亚音乐是证明这一规则的例外。

  147. r 说:
    @Linda Green




  148. Truth 说:
    @Wyatt Pendleton

    I wouldn’t say that you are right, but you are…well… on the right track.

  149. @OBEE

    Except for Jazz that’s obviously of African origin, Folk, Rock, and Country Music have little if any connection to the jungle. While Country, Bluegrass and Folk all trace their origins to Scotland and Ireland. Sure, a few Rock stars with no talent do a decent job of mimicking African witch doctors dancing around fires, but that’s as close as Rock comes to any connection with the Dark Continent. As to Jazz, it sounds like nothing more than a roomful of kids beating on empty pots and pans – at random.

    • 回复: @Truth
  150. @renfro

    hot damn, so not just the 70s trade policy/meddling but this has been going on for more than 2 centuries, getting closer to 3 now.

    • 回复: @Dave Bowman
  151. @Bill Jones


    Source: Library of Congress

    I mean, I don’t think renfro can make it any better when this is the start/header of his comment.

    and wiki have sources, you can check them out. ones without sources you can question but still not wholly dismiss. if you do, that says alot about you, not the wiki.

  152. @Che Guava


    the very start of his comment.


    Source: Library of Congress

    so, who is the idiot? :)))

    • 回复: @Che Guava
  153. Bill Jones 说:

    “Take a rudimentary history course on African culture ”

    Just as soon as they get some.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  154. Bill Jones 说:


    • 同意: Dan Hayes
  155. renfro 说:
    @Che Guava

    Cant you little ignorant punks who do nothing here but babble trash look up anything for yourselves?

    Here you go stupid.


  156. Tom57 说:

    Thanks a lot for that interesting conversation. I agree with your comment about the music from Appalachia. About Joyce: I see the light. About Ireland: actually love(d) the place. Especially the tall tales and the fact that you could never quite trust anything anybody ever said. People who see no way to better themselves in the here and now take a flight to fancy. The most Irish book: “At swim two birds”And I love poetry and the greatest poet of all time is Yeats.

    • 回复: @OBEE
  157. @Carroll Price

    I believe every GI knew why he was in a certain country like Germany, Korea, Vietnam,etc., it was because he was ordered to go. After he arrived however, he was very likely to question the need to be there, especially during all the stupid wars following WWII. Our initial purpose in Vietnam was honorable enough, to save the South Vietnamese from being conquered by the communists. But as history shows things got so incredibly screwed up by our illustrious leaders at the time the tragic result was thousands, perhaps millions of needless deaths on both sides. There was an exodus from South Vietnam by all the people who could do so, and demoralized military veterans on our side who still after all these years have the bitter taste of defeat in their mouths.

  158. @pyrrhus

    In some sections of the great and famous city of Singapore, people are still sh*ting in the streets. ‘Nuff said…..

    This is a ludicrous assertion to anyone who actually knows Singapore.

  159. @Carroll Price

    我感谢您承认您对人权委员会的支持如此狂热,以至于您甚至无法承认自 29 年 2004 月 XNUMX 日以来美国/加拿大/法国的持续占领包括人权委员会担任国务卿的数年,因此是头号战犯。

  160. OBEE 说:

    汤姆,同意叶芝的观点。 尝试托马斯·弗拉纳根的三部曲《法国之年》、《时间的租户》等。 关于饥荒最好的书是奥弗莱厄蒂的《饥荒》。


    • 回复: @Dan Hayes
  161. Easy test! I’ve just returned from Norway and saw the blackamoors dance around the fire. The pretty blond lady I also saw but she was in Hungary.

  162. KenH 说:

    Fortunately for Trump he didn’t criticize Mexico or Mexicans so Fred wasn’t triggered by Trump’s alleged “shithole” remark and we weren’t treated to the usual pro-mestizo screed coupled with heart rending stories of “Rosa” and pictures of pretty mestiza females to shame and guilt trip white people who don’t want their nation to become Mexio.

    • 回复: @Carroll Price
  163. @Truth

    ..and Black History tells you that a Black man invented the cotton gin. And that before White man destroyed it, Africa was filled with gleaming cities that put any in the West to shame. And of course there’s plenty of ignorant uneducated people to believe it. Prior to contact with the white man the nearest thing Africans had to a musical instrument were hollow logs on which to beat, and gourds with two strings strung across them.

  164. Corvinus 说:
    @Bill Jones

    “Just as soon as they get some.”

    Of course Africa had culture and civilizations. Do you want to know more, citizen, or do you enjoy being ignorant?

    • 哈哈: Che Guava
  165. @KenH

    If Fred had an inferiority complex resulting from Leftist propaganda he would have taken the remark as referring to Mexico.

  166. @Che Guava

    see, the thing is, this is the UNZ. you cannot edit any comment past the first 5 mins. those lines were there. the only excuse I can accept is that you misread, maybe.

    • 回复: @renfro
  167. renfro 说:
    @Astuteobservor II

    Thanks for the effort to correct this guy.

    I answered him in no 161 and even gave him the link to the Library of Congress source


    Which he didn’t acknowledge of course….lol

    He’s just ignored it and doubled down on his stupidity.

  168. renfro 说:
    @Che Guava

    Hey stupid….I answered you in no 161 …. there is no cure for you so move on punk…..even a monkey can learn from repetition… unlike you obviously.


    Cant you little ignorant punks who do nothing here but babble trash look up anything for yourselves?

    Here you go stupid…


  169. Well Mr. Reed has some points but it is very complex. Many years ago I lived a few weeks with the Masaii in Tanzania. He is absolutely right , they kind of stick out on Manhatten, red scarves, elongated necks, teacup big holes in the ears, they were a welcoming and courteous people, ignorant, not uncivilized, but ignorant on many things, but definitely with structure and values to their society. It was an education beyond.
    I am terribly upset when here in Sweden I see people degrade themselves by just littering or not being civil to others.Simple values like those are in fact what defines society.

  170. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    The real problem is women in places like Norway have Jungle Fever and want to have sex with black men from sh**holes nations.

    It’s the European women who welcome African invaders in EU.

    Also, cucky white men worship blacks as studs and athletes and their ‘may the best man win’ means that inferior white men should relinquish their women to black men who are superior because they can beat up white guys.

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Corvinus
  171. Dan Hayes 说:


    As you earlier stated, Frank McCourt’s 安吉拉的灰烬 从很多方面来说都是虚构的作品。

    I disagree with your assertion that Frank was “a good guy” although I respect it since you personally knew him.

    回到 灰烬. There have been several articles chronicling deficiencies in its narrative. Off-hand here’s one of them. McCourt claimed abject poverty for himself in Limerick. Whereas there are photographs of a very well-nourished McCourt decked out in the blazer of a posh Limerick school.

    出于自我仇恨,一些爱尔兰人让犹太人蒙羞。 弗兰克·麦考特就是其中之一。 他还制作了一个包裹,鞭打他的祖国和出生地。

    As an example of Frank on steroids, I give you his brother Malachy. When last heard of Malachy was bloviating on WBAI, New York’s premier left-wing radio station.

  172. OBEE 说:


    艺术是一个讲述真理的谎言。 问题是安吉拉的骨灰的谎言是否说出了更大的真相。 我自己永远无法克服第一个也是最大的谎言:每个爱尔兰天主教徒的童年都是悲惨的。 这个谎言显然是不真实的,它不可能是为真理服务的。 另一方面,孩子们的韧性和幽默感对这本书的救赎起了很大作用。

    弗兰克从这本书中赚钱了吗? 是的。 他这么做是背叛了爱尔兰人吗? 不超过乔伊斯。

    小马拉奇也不合我的口味。 但每一个小马拉奇都有一个阿尔菲和一个迈克尔。

    最后,在我向汤姆提到了一些书之后,我试图想出一本在探索某些黑暗方面远远超过安吉拉的书。 在这方面,我推荐布莱恩·摩尔(Brian Moore)的《朱莉娅·赫恩的孤独激情》(The Lonely Passion of Julia Hearn)。 感谢您的评论。

    • 回复: @Dan Hayes
  173. Dan Hayes 说:


    感谢您的谨慎回应,这是 UR 网站的特色。

    And I will read Brian Moore’s book.

    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  174. @renfro

    their problem is the same as many countries—-they cant rid themselves of dictators who steal the money and suck the country dry.

    But… ummm… White countries HAVE, you see.

    So why hasn’t Haiti – or dozens of other (Black) holes ?

    Ahhh… Yes… Of course. Whites know how to build a civilisation. Blacks don’t.

    So let’s try that again: It’s all about RACE, stupid..!

  175. @Astuteobservor II

    The thing about Time is, it kind of… goes a long way back.

    Or have you actually been believing the politically-correct, SJW White-hating racist propaganda horseshit, that Whites are responsible for every single evil thing that ever happened on earth – and especially to every Black ?

    • 回复: @Astuteobservor II
  176. @TonyVodvarka


    1) “For over a hundred years, it has been our tax money hard at work, through invasions, occupations, embargoes, coupes d’etat, that destroyed any and all attempts of the Haitian people to bring order to their hapless country, regarding it only as a place of pillage”

    2) “our never-ending plundering and neglect”

    America may have comprehensively fucked half the middle east to hell – at the SOLE behest of the Jewish psycopaths who call the shots for Israel from the Washington lobby groups – but there is not a shred of evidence that the USA has in any way at any time been involved in the various Black disasters of Haiti. If you want to blame anyone – other than 300 years of non-working, non-achieving, non-caring Blacks themselves – then blame the (entirely Black and Jewish) slave-masters who created Haiti as a festering hellhole of misery, death and demonic evil in the first place.

  177. @Dave Bowman

    I believe every african american is responsible for their own well being. they are americans = more advantageous than every single new immigrant. if first generation immigrants can take care of themselves, why native born AA cannot? especially given affirmative action for the last 30 years or so.

    but we are talking about haiti, not native born blacks right?

  178. Anonymous [AKA "shocknawe"] 说:

    A very hypocritical defense. The orange buffon is calling countries shitholes at the exact same time his diplomats are grovelling to them to look out for terrorists set to attack us. I’m sure they’ll increase their vigilance, now. LOL The comment wasn’t necessary. It was stooopid. That it was true is an even dumber excuse. Conservatives need to quit ‘doubling down’ on dumb. Don’t like the Libs? Well, excusing politicians’ stupidity will give them the advantage.

    • 回复: @Steve Gittelson
  179. Toby Keith 说:


  180. Toby Keith 说:
    @Ali Choudhury


  181. Toby Keith 说:


  182. Toby Keith 说:


    • 回复: @Corvinus
  183. Toby Keith 说:
    @Low Voltage


  184. Toby Keith 说:
    @Astuteobservor II

    任何时候、任何地点存在的每一个黑人占多数的社会都是一个粪坑。 “白人殖民剥削”是犹太人的煽动性叙事。

  185. Toby Keith 说:


  186. Toby Keith 说:



  187. Toby Keith 说:
    @Ali Choudhury



  188. Toby Keith 说:

    还是因为俄罗斯没有全国步枪协会而屠杀了 50 万斯拉夫人的犹太政委?

  189. Toby Keith 说:

    那么控制美国 150 年、每时每刻都在操纵黑人对抗白人的犹太至上主义者呢?


    • 回复: @Truth
  190. Talha 说:

    he now follows Odin

    I thought you were joking so I looked that up…(face palm).

    I wonder if the neo-pagan equivalent of CAIR put out a press release stating not all neo-pagans are like this and that neo-paganism means “peace”.


    Hmmm…do they know this? Like did they issue him a member card? My how their standards have dropped since the Crusades. I guess the next step is opening up membership to Satanists?


    • 回复: @Che Guava
    , @Incitatus
  191. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    They also seem to willingly taking it in the Hershey Highway, as long as the penetrator is dark meat.

    • 回复: @Talha
  192. Che Guava 说:

    Talha, that post to which you reply is insane, not to implying that your reply to it is.

  193. Che Guava 说:



  194. Talha 说:

    This seems like a compromise White Nationalists could agree to since there is no progeny.

    Maybe they can come out with public service announcements:
    If you’re going to have sex with a Black man, do your race the courtesy to take it in the back side.

    Or more direct:
    Sodomy; the fatherland demands it!

    And it can have one of those really cool throwback propaganda themes to it (“Of course I can!”):

    Everybody’s happy! You’re welcome.


    • 回复: @Truth
  195. Truth 说:

    I just spit my coffee on the phone.

    But it is logical!

    • 回复: @Talha
  196. Incitatus 说:

    “I thought you were joking…”

    Wish I was. Breivik may well be an Unz regular:

    “…convinced he was a warrior in a “low intensity civil war” and had been chosen to save his people…believed himself to be the “knight Justiciar grand master”…Six hours before the attacks, Breivik posted a picture of himself as a Knight Templar…the purpose of the attack was to save Norway and Western Europe from a Muslim takeover…the Labour Party had to “pay the price” for “letting down Norway and the Norwegian people.”


    Immanent peril, conspiracies, scapegoats. Those evil [Muslims, Jews, Haitians, Africans – take your pick]. Familiar laments at Unz. Is it dangerous?

    Check out Breivik’s manifesto (great sleep aid):

    His video (also a great sleep aid):
    ‘2083 – European Declaration of Independence by Knights Templar Anders Behring Breivik.flv’

    Appears to be a self-appointed (neo?) Templar. L’Ordre was tried at Cathédrale St-Maurice de Vienne Oct 1311 – Apr 1312 (Philippe le Bel and Clément V needed cash). The last genuine members – accused of heresy and more sordid behavior – were burned to death in 1314. Seven hundred years ago.

    Is Breivik an isolated case of Templar-envy? Judge for yourself:

    Onward Christian soldiers, Marching as to war
    “my grandfather was a VIP in the Knights Templers”
    “if the Christian church ever remembers that there were men in their ranks in ages past, and not the homo-immigrant-Zionist/shekel-suckers that make up “Christian” leadership today…perhaps like these Russian Orthodox types:”
    “then I suspect that there’s something that might just stir in the dormant blood of Europa, and awaken the noble soul of our ancestors…”


    “you know I was always taught that the crusaders were mean and irrational…
    until I was able to see Zionism in action, and ISIS in action, and realized that those proud and noble Christian knights were simply leaving their homes and families and marching thousands of miles away to drive Satan out from the holy land, and restore honor and grace to Jerusalem.”


    Rurik at his best. Seems Gramps (a banker) was a “VIP” in an ersatz-neo-Temple. Asked if he wore chain mail at home, or just on special occasions (e.g. infidels in the neighborhood). No answer. Wonder what other passions Rurik shares with Breivik.


    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Talha
  197. Truth 说:
    @Toby Keith

    You’re saying you’re not a white supremacist?

  198. Talha 说:


    Those evil [Muslims, Jews, Haitians, Africans – take your pick]. Familiar laments at Unz. Is it dangerous?

    Yeah – there is a way to handle the immigration debate without going overboard. Haitians, Africans, Afghans, etc. – you name it…obviously many want to come to the West. Nothing evil about it, they just want greener pastures, can you blame them? It’s the job of the government to secure the borders. And if they aren’t doing so, we’re supposed to vote in people who do. Rinse, repeat, etc.

    Actually Breivik really fits a lot of the profile of the lone-wolf terrorist guys that claim fealty to ISIS right before they go ballistic. Loners, off the grid, radicalizing online in their mom’s basement. I believe Breivik lived with his mom.

    The last genuine members – accused of heresy and more sordid behavior – were burned to death in 1314.

    That’s what I recall as well, though I wasn’t sure of the century. But hey, these things have a way of popping back up, trust me. We still haven’t gotten rid of the Khawarij strain – they were routed and officially dispersed about 14 centuries ago. Cut off one head of the hydra and it comes back several hundred years later in a new form.

    As far as the Crusaders in toto – well, that’s a very difficult one to pin down. Some were quite sincere and had valid concerns – what with the Seljuks cutting off pilgrimage to the Holy Land and the Fatimid ruler (the possibly-mad Hakim Amr Billah) razing the Church of the Holy Sepulcher to the ground. But their actions on the ground were quite varied. Some of them were noble and acted as such – as even recorded by the Muslims. And others…they seemed a despicable lot, fighting for spoils among themselves, butchering even local Orthodox Christians – eventually even sacking and pillaging Constantinople.

    I don’t agree with many things with the people I engage with on UNZ, but I heed the words of Prof. Joseph Lumbard:
    “If you don’t actively engage real thinkers or figures of opposing views, your blind spots and predilections become prejudices or phobias.”


    • 回复: @Incitatus
  199. Talha 说:

    I actually thought this gentleman (an immigrant to Sweden – ha!) actually had one of the best, sensible approaches to the subject with any need to throw insults or whatever. He simply breaks it down from a logical, rational approach:

    By the way, he has one righteous beard – wow – superb!

  200. Incitatus 说:


    “there is a way to handle the immigration debate without going overboard.”

    Agree. For many at Unz it’s not really about immigration. It’s about power and nihilism. Immigration, race, religion, origins, IQ are fulcrums that can enlist followers. Just add conspiracy and mix.

    Assisted living employs quite a few immigrants from Haiti, Africa and the like. Most very competent and compassionate in my experience. Travel and life abroad dispels a lot of xenophobia. Sometimes think Unzers live in mom’s basement and play video games when they’re not blogging.

    “As far as the Crusaders in toto – well, that’s a very difficult one to pin down. Some were quite sincere and had valid concerns… their actions on the ground were quite varied…they seemed a despicable lot”

    I’d say standards of the times were despicable. Nobody on any side looks very good. Richard I d’Angleterre butchered prisoners in cold blood, Saladin did the same (Templars and Hospitallers). To say little of the Nizari Ismailis, equal opportunity murderers.

    Anna Comnène’s ‘Alexiad’ is a fascinating portrait of the First Crusade. Describes Franks as barbarians – especially Bohémond de Taranto, who she seems to admire (lust?). Doesn’t stress the ‘civilized’ continuous Byzantine intrigue, frequent coups, and typical blinding of pretenders (Norwich: Byzantium, three volumes).

    Her father Alexis, after all, made the 911 call to Urban II and started the whole mess. Hakim Amr Billah’s destruction of the Holy Sepulcher was a dog-whistle for enlisting crusaders, but it happened 86 years prior to Clermont.

    “If you don’t actively engage real thinkers or figures of opposing views, your blind spots and predilections become prejudices or phobias.”

    Wise council.


    • 回复: @Talha
  201. Corvinus 说:
    @Toby Keith

    “No mention of average IQ, a racial characteristic.”


    “No mention of susceptibility to Jewish racial agitation against Whites.”

    Except Jews are not “racially agitated” when it comes to race. You are peddling Fake News.

    “White colonial exploitation” is a Jewish agit-prop narrative.”

    No, white colonial exploitation of the 1500’s and onward is a European “invade the world, invite the world” philosophy.

    “These are not refugees. They are genocidal replacements for the Whites who built America.”

    Actually, Europeans and African slaves helped to build the Thirteen Colonies. America was then built by different groups of people–white, non-white, European, non-European.


  202. Corvinus 说:

    “The real problem is women in places like Norway have Jungle Fever and want to have sex with black men from sh**holes nations.”


    “Also, cucky white men worship blacks as studs and athletes and their ‘may the best man win’ means that inferior white men should relinquish their women to black men who are superior because they can beat up white guys.”

    No, not “cucky white men”, just men who enjoy athletics and competition.

  203. Talha 说:

    I’m just doing my part to help promote racial harmony and reduce conflict.

    The campaign can have a catchy phrase:
    Nice and tight if it’s White,
    In the back if it’s Black

    Again – you’re welcome.


  204. @willem1

    Well, those cities are filled with Asians of one sort or another. Haiti? Not so much.

  205. WG 说:

    More proof that magic dirt does not work and you cannot change people that quickly just by transporting them out of their “S#$@hole.”

  206. Talha 说:


    Travel and life abroad dispels a lot of xenophobia.

    This is quite true. I recently read something by an American who traveled alone through Malawi (I believe he was a Christian missionary). He described that, despite brutal and abject poverty in certain areas, people were very kind and generous and went out of their way to make him (a White guy) feel welcome. He described a scene when a bus he was on broke down and all the passengers waited for it to be fixed and milled around in an adhoc picnic, sharing stories and food. I think he and one other person were the only non-natives.

    Nobody on any side looks very good.

    Not by our current international post-WW2 standards. Killing or execution of male prisoners on the battlefield was pretty universal. The other option was usually slavery or ransom (if you came from a wealthy enough family). If you were particularly fortunate and the victor was generous, you might be freed on the spot and left to wander back home (sans weapons and armor, of course). Even the great European hero, Charlemagne, put a bunch of recalcitrant captive heathen men to the sword if I recall – two thousand or so.

    Though I’m glad we don’t do that now, I really wonder if we would have found it so appalling in those days. Now massacres of unarmed women and children, yeah – that’s pretty disgusting.

    Anna Comnène’s ‘Alexiad’ is a fascinating portrait of the First Crusade. Describes Franks as barbarians

    I have read a couple of works on the Crusades – I have a book on it looking at things from a fairly neutral military perspective (tactics, weapons, training, etc.), but it seems you have read far more. One interesting article someone posted on another thread was about an incident after the siege of Ma’arra where some Crusaders cannibalized the Muslim dead (they were led by that same Bohemond, thus I guess the barbaric description fits, eh?):

    Always interesting engaging with you – I learn new things.


    • 回复: @Incitatus
  207. @Dan Hayes

    Good catch on the school photo. That’s something I had never read before. McCourt’s books were always too bleak for me to get into, so I’m not enough of a reader of his work to have become a critic. In my own Irish roots, the most recent immigrant arrived here in the 18th century, so my own feeling of kinship to Irish experience has always been faint.

    • 同意: Dan Hayes
  208. Anonymous [AKA "Mark Prent"] 说:

    “Mr. Trump’s comment regarding his preference for immigrants from Norway instead of “shithole countries” such as Haiti engendered among the commentariat a great squealing.

    I cannot fathom this.”

    Really? Then Fred is either dumber than a rock or plainly disingenuous. Words have consequences and the president’s use of gutter language in a public forum is clearly damaging and unworthy of the respect of any civilized person.

    • 回复: @Steve Gittelson
  209. @Anonymous




  210. @Anonymous


    说什么?哪个公共论坛发布了所谓的“shithole”评论?据我所知,没有一个。是的,德宾确实在 teevee 新闻上喋喋不休。



  211. Incitatus 说:


    “…despite brutal and abject poverty in certain areas, people were very kind and generous and went out of their way to make him (a White guy) feel welcome…”

    My experience as well. Especially Bahrain, Jordan and Syria in the early 70s.

    Stepping back, hospitality in initial contact is customary in many (most?) cultures and religions. Benefit of the doubt and reciprocity? Common in early French exploration of America. Champlain on Lake Huron in 1615 (five years before the Mayflower). Louis Jolliet and six men in two canoes on the Mississippi to the Arkansas River in 1673. Cordial receptions with most tribes, thought vastly outnumbered. Suppose much depends on attitude (the Spanish tended to arrive with hundreds of soldiers and a conversion-by-force attitude). Their descriptions of Native Nations are fascinating.

    “…the siege of Ma’arra”

    Indeed, one of many nadirs. If I recall correctly, Raymond de St-Gilles (comte de Toulouse) was primarily involved. Bohémond was busy consolidating his victory (3 Jun 1098) as prince d’Antioche. Raymond, at loose ends, was trying to find/take his own domain (eventually Tripoli). Baudouin de Boulogne (Geoffroi de Bouiillon’s younger brother, future Baudouin I de Jérusalem) already had Édessa. The race for conquest and spoils.

    Just finished Lee’s ‘God’s Wolf’, a new book on Renaud de Châtillon. Dispels some myths. He was very creative in raising funds (from wealthy Patriarch Aimery de Limoges and Byzantine Cyprus). Guess they didn’t have Payday Lending back then. Saladin’s hatred of him has long been established. Likely for more than Renaud’s brutality (commonplace). Saladin’s defeat at Montgisard (1177) and Renaud’s Read Sea raids (threatening Hajis and Holy Places) seem more logical. Renaud, though 67, was too dangerous to leave alive.

    “Always interesting engaging with you – I learn new things.”

    Feel the same with your posts.


    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Talha
  212. Talha 说:


    Stepping back, hospitality in initial contact is customary in many (most?) cultures and religions.

    I agree here, though there are (of course) exceptions to the rule, like the aboriginal Sentinelese in India. Though maybe that stems from a prior experience where they allowed a stranger to come in and some foreign disease wiped out half their population or something.

    Common in early French exploration of America…Cordial receptions with most tribes, thought vastly outnumbered. Suppose much depends on attitude (the Spanish tended to arrive with hundreds of soldiers and a conversion-by-force attitude).

    Yes, I remember reading that the French traders and many initial European settlers like them seemed to have amicable relations (generally) and a mutually beneficial relationship.

    The Spanish, as you pointed out came with soldiers, and you know how they are – when you have a hammer in your hand, everything looks like a nail. It is in the nature of how you would expect them to approach things.

    Renaud’s Read Sea raids (threatening Hajis and Holy Places) seem more logical

    This one was one of the straws that broke the camel’s back along with treacherous breaking of a truce and subsequent plundering of a caravan. If I recall, it was on both of these occasions that Saladin (ra) promised to kill the man by his own hands (which he fulfilled). Battles were one thing, but raiding unarmed caravans of religious pilgrims was just vile. He also gave no quarter to the men involved in those raids, they were executed when caught.


  213. Talha 说:

    Stepping back, hospitality in initial contact is customary in many (most?) cultures and religions. Benefit of the doubt and reciprocity?

    Came across this today – a Japanese movie was made about how they rescued the crew of a sunken Ottoman navy ship and how the Turks returned the favor almost 100 years later:

    Really cool when you come across things like this; sometimes we focus way too much on the negative.


    • 回复: @Incitatus
  214. Incitatus 说:


    Thanks. Nice way to start the day. You’re right – we focus too much on differences, not enough on what we share. Life in a reality TV world? Best we pull the plug from time to time.


  215. hyperbola 说:
    @Carlton Meyer

    Norway also has its problems. Perhaps their #1 rating reflects their conformity with the globalists?

    Norway’s Link to Clinton Foundation & Obama — Corruption to Create World War III

    Corruption cloud settles over Norway

    Corruption Behind the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize

  216. @Johan Meyer

    Liberia had white administrators for a century and was orderly, prosperous n peaceful. In the 1970s rule was passed with great ceremony to black administrators. Just a few years later civil war broke out followed by coups, massacres, n finally Charles Taylor who spread the destruction to Sierra Leone n Guinea. The fighting did not stop until the UN finally intervened. One of the worst warlords is still in the government just waiting for “self rule” to return so he can resume his former activities.


  217. @fnn

    ‘…You just can’t find any news of any major positive changes in Haiti since 1994…’

    I can’t think of any positive change in Haiti before 1994, either. It seems improbable that the country has invariably and continuously gone downhill since the dawn of time, but maybe it has.



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