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不久前,仅提及南非故意杀害白人,特别是国家的民间和商业农民,就被称为“种族主义者”。 “种族主义者!” 当候选人特朗普转推了一个相关的“白色种族灭绝”主题标签时,媒体集体感到不满。

仍然认为,以乞be信仰的方式屠杀这些白人几乎每天都是出于种族动机。 描述杀戮狂潮的最终目标真是可笑,现在已经是第三个十年了:种族清洗白人,自1600年代以来从社区耕种的南非耕种的南非。

感谢小慈悲:至少国际媒体的垄断终于报道了事实,例如前几天 安德烈(Andre)和莉迪亚(Lydia Saaiman), 70岁的伊丽莎白港被黑杀死。 (想象一下,直到你到期,他都会被斩碎。)

还是那个老人 博基·波特吉特 当他照看夸祖鲁-纳塔尔(KwaZulu-Natal)的小型股份时,他的命运也差不多。 Potgeiter在屠杀期间被屠杀 十月份的“黑色星期一”抗议, 这是一次全国性的示威,以结束大屠杀。 苏·霍华斯之死的事实也得到了国际报道。 这位64岁的制药公司高管遭受了数小时的酷刑 带有……喷灯.

自从执政党政治专制(民主)谈判以来,这种黑白杀人狂潮一直在持续。 in 我的祖国 南非人。 (学习关于 ”南非灾难的美国建筑师。“)但是,尽管最终公开了犯罪证据,但出于害怕冒犯罪犯的罪恶,这些憎恨罪行的动机只是含糊不清。

在南非,我们发现了一个犯罪阶层, 进入自由 1994年以后,那场激战激起了人们对白人的仇恨。


南非国家对白人困境的强烈冷漠并不存在。 目击者主导的眼镜蛇头ANC发出稳定的反白色毒液。 “这 事实上的 南非历史学家如是写道,情况是白人由于种族而受到明确的包围。进食人族的锅:从后种族隔离时代的南非给美国的教训“(2011)。


南非白人的身体,生存存在的脆弱性源于一系列历史悠久的历史遗迹,这些历史遗迹使他们处于独特的危险境地。 “白人少数族裔放弃了政治主导地位,以换取非种族宪法保障。” 通过放弃对国家机构的控制,白人放弃了对自己命运的掌握,将他们的生存生存归于一种政治体制中:自由民主制。



此外,为实现温和的和平而“投降而没有失败”,欧洲人由于在欧洲大陆的历史而特别且在这一政治体制内特别脆弱。 尽管进行了补救性的历史修正主义,但南非(及其太空计划和摩天大楼)并不是当前拆除它的人们的产物。 相反,它是英国和荷兰定居者及其后代的创造。

为了他们已经取得和获得的成就,以及南非种族隔离的原始罪行; 在美国,奴隶制是白人的嫉妒和种族仇恨的对象。

自由派,非裔美国人记者基思·里奇堡的观点在这里特别相关。 里奇堡(Richburg)认为,在黑暗大陆上,部落的忠诚胜过政治上的说服力,嫉妒心日盛。 他列举了图西族的命运。图西族是外籍尼罗河非洲人,在卢旺达和布隆迪占少数,是班图人的胡图族。

胡图族一直对高个子,气势磅attractive,富有吸引力的图西人(Tutsis)感到不满,他们自15世纪以来就断断续续地统治着它们。 当胡图斯用砍刀砍下1994年卢旺达种族大屠杀中近XNUMX万图西人的邻居时,他们在更深的层面上说,里奇堡说:“他们以自己的丑陋态度大幅削减,就好像摧毁了这件美丽的东西一样,他们永远无法真正实现的事情,将它永远从地球上移除。”

在南非的欧洲“定居者”(以及他们之前的津巴布韦和刚果)所实施的野蛮行为中,这种冲动的阴影还活着吗? 谁能肯定地说? 我所知道的很多:增强非洲政治多数的权能有助于而不是阻碍敌对群众对无助的少数族群进行精确报复的倾向。


像南非一样,美国是(西北)欧洲移民的产物。 不喜欢那些与他不同的人是人类的天性,尤其是当他们作为一个整体完成了他没有做到的事情时,就更是如此。

伊拉娜·默瑟(Ilana Mercer) 自1999年以来一直在撰写每周一次的古自由主义者专栏,并且是《 特朗普革命:唐纳德的创造性破坏被解构 (2016年XNUMX月)& 进食人族的锅:从种族隔离后的南非给美国的教训 (2011)。 跟着她 Twitter, Facebook & YouTube.

• 类别: 对外政策 •标签: 非洲, 阿非利卡, 布尔人, 南非 
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  1. gustafus 说:


    • 同意: dc.sunsets
    • 回复: @ILANA MERCER
    , @Jake
    , @LauraMR
    , @colin
  2. 为什么白人仍留在南非,除非他们无法变现资产移民?他们是否被一些真实的或想象中的敌人扣为人质?

  3. Corvinus 说:

    “Empowering political majorities in Africa has helped, not hindered, the propensity of hostile masses to exact revenge on helpless minorities.”

    The whites in South Africa are hardly helpless. Perhaps they ought to go back. Remember, their ancestors invented the Invade The World, Invite The World philosophy. It’s unfortunately a boomerang effect.



    “It would be a mistake to believe, as the American ruling Idiocracy preaches, that minorities in the US—soon to form a majority—will relinquish race and tribe as unifying principles, in favor of the US’s constitutional design.”


    “Like South Africa, America is a creation of (northwest) European settlers.”


    “And it is in Man’s nature to dislike those who are unlike him…”


    “…all the more so when they, as a group, have accomplished what he has not.”


  4. @Corvinus



  5. @Corvinus

    我的上帝,科维努斯,让人几乎不知道从哪里开始。你的一系列谎言和逃避让你配得上克林顿竞选团队——或者至少是 CNN 的职位。

  6. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Corvinus, your statement

    “However, it would appear that statistics indicate that violent crime in South Africa is down.”

    Then, from the very article you link, in supposed support of your claim says:

    “South Africa’s murder rate is steadily increasing” .


    “Murder has increased for a fifth consecutive year, said Gareth Newham, head of the institute’s justice and violence prevention division. Most of the victims are young men, also indicative of an increase in gang-related violence and the state’s struggle to curb it, especially in Cape Town. Murder remains the most reliable way of telling how a country is coping with crime “because most murders can be independently verified, there is a dead body that you can count,” he said.”

    Are you going to admit that you did not actually read the article, or am I going to have to write off your future comments as BS?



  7. Maj. Kong 说:


    Our elite don’t want them here, for the above reason, and for the deep desire to see them reduced to serfdom and then blurred from existence like the Redlegs of Barbados.

  8. Maj. Kong 说:


    • 同意: gustafus
  9. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Corvinus, you claim that “violent crime in South Africa” appears to be “down”, yet the article you cite says that murder has increased for a fifth consecutive year.

    OK, maybe you specifically meant a decreasing rate for overall violent crime, not just the rate for murder (not nearly as pertinent to Illiana’s article, but anyway…). In that case, the article you link to also says this:

    “There are crimes that South Africans are just unwilling to report because they believe it will lead nowhere. These include crimes such as “smash-and-grabs,” in which thieves break an unsuspecting driver’s window to snatch their cellphone or purse. Even more serious crimes, especially sexual offenses, are also rarely reported because of the associated trauma and stigma—and the low rate of convictions. What all of this shows is how South Africans have learned to live with crime as part of daily life.”

    Very misleading.

  10. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Oops, misspelled “Ilana”.

  11. Thomm 说:

    确实。 这就是为什么那些在 1992 年左右留下来的人没有采取行动进行自我保护的原因。


    • 回复: @dcite
  12. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:



    • 同意: joef
    • 回复: @HallParvey
    , @ANON
  13. ThaboZulu 说:

    I’m irked this Jewish b*tch called Africa her homeland. I hope farm murders continue until Boers go back to Holland where they came from.

  14. Jasper 说:



    多么令人难以置信的愚蠢言论。南非有超过 4.5 万白人,相当于新西兰、爱尔兰和克罗地亚等国家的人口数量。你认为把这些人全部转移到世界的另一边,让他们留下自己用血汗泪创造的一切,可行吗?





    (仅供参考,自种族隔离结束以来,已发生近 500,000 起谋杀案,这只是实际向警方报告的谋杀案: https://businesstech.co.za/news/lifestyle/178233/half-a-million-south-africans-murdered-since-1994/)

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  15. Jasper 说:
    @George Orwell


    我不认为“欧洲帝国”的傲慢让你烦恼,因为你可能很少反对从第三世界大规模移民到欧洲国家 决不要 殖民美洲、非洲、亚洲和/或大洋洲的任何部分,例如瑞士、芬兰、卢森堡和几乎整个东欧。


  16. Anon • 免责声明 说:
    @George Orwell

    Please elaborate on that “stolen wealth”. To make sense of what you assert I take you to mean that
    (a) various unspecified sometime colonies of European powers had wealth in some and what forms (effcient businesses, precious metals. slaves….???) that they could have now or would have been the source of extra wealth today if Europeans hadn’t deprived them of it;
    (b) that Europeans became rich from such despoliation and kept on getting richer therefrom without the natives of the colonised territories receiving anything ĺike significant compensating advantage.

    Can you substantiate that cause for resentment in even a few of the ex colonial cases? How do you factor in the vast increases in population, the end of slave trading and other limpacts on demography of the more advanced Europeans?

  17. unit472 说:

    The idea that there was vast wealth waiting to be stolen in North America, South Africa, Australia or anywhere else where Europeans settled seems to be a fantasy of darker skinned peoples. There was land and there were minerals of course but these resources were either unknown to the soot toned inhabitants or were beyond their ability to develop. Manhattan was only worth something as a port and to need a port one had to have ships capable of crossing the sea and cargoes for those ships to carry.

    Its worth noting I suppose that Spain, which did manage to plunder gold and gemstones from its colonial possessions, ended up the poorest of the colonial powers precisely because the pursuit of easy money neglected the long term development of agriculture and industry. Iron ore and coal may not have set off ‘gold rushes’ but they did, with the application of human ingenuity, create far more wealth than Columbian emeralds or any vein of gold.

    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
  18. “Like South Africa, America is a creation of (northwest) European settlers.”

    Not to worry: TPTB are working feverishly to ensure those pesky Northwestern Europeans will never again be in a position to unleash such chaos in the world.

  19. fnn 说:

    Based Jewish guy on Cville:

    • 回复: @anon
  20. Heros 说:

    White South Africa was the first western country destroyed by an invasion of very low intelligence Blacks looking for some civilization to plunder. This was at the behest of communist jews who hated the Boers.

    Note that the Boers were the first whites after the industrial revolution to suffer genocide at the hands of the jews who wanted control of their diamond and gold mines. Note also that the Boer War was the first time the jews used concentration camps to murder entire innocent white Boer families.

    Jay Lamprecht (a South African) discusses this material in depth on his blog: http://historyreviewed.com/

    • 回复: @Negrolphin Pool
    , @Jake
  21. Randal 说:



    The lesson of South Africa is there for all to see, and eventually it will be seen and understood by enough men, despite the efforts of left-liberal antiracist liars like yourself, rationalising your denial and suppression of the truth with your evil lie that it’s “necessary for the greater good”.

    And when that day comes, those few of you who aren’t busy pretending you never held the beliefs you now claim to hold will still be desperately blaming the victim, and claiming that if only whites had kept on apologising and submitting while the boot went onto on the other foot, whites would have been able to “use anti-discrimination laws to their advantage”.


    • 同意: Nico
    • 回复: @TTSSYF
    , @Jake
    , @dc.sunsets
    , @Corvinus
  22. Logan 说:
    @George Orwell


    The world outside Europe was peaceful and prosperous until Europeans came along and stole their wealth for themselves. So now those countries are poor.

    In actual fact it is a matter of considerable debate whether empire was a net loss or gain from a financial POV for the imperialist country.

    “Although these theories exercised a great deal of influence at the time, economic evidence does not bear them out. Economic expansion in Europe continued to be fueled mostly by trade and expansion within the developed world, not with new colonies. Key industries may very well have benefited from imperial holdings, but few countries could boast that their colonies as a whole provided a net profit to the national economy.”


    It is certainly a fact that whites did not “steal the wealth” of sub-Saharan Africans. There was no wealth to steal in this area.

    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
    , @Corvinus
  23. @Corvinus

    “Collectively, contact crimes, in which the perpetrator physically harms a victim—including murders, sexual assaults and robberies—are at their lowest rate since 2013-14. That number has been lowered by decreases in charges related to sexual violence (-4.3%), assault (with common assault down by -5.7% and grievous bodily harm down by -6.7%), but belies the increase in crimes such as murder and robbery.”

    If you believe that murder and robbery could rise, while violent crime in general goes down, I have a great deal for you on a slightly used bridge.

  24. @George Orwell

    A browner and more Muslim Europe would be a craphole.

    Democracies, with their emphasis on “equality” are particularly prone to envy.

    • 回复: @anonymous
    , @Ace
  25. Clyde 说:
    @George Orwell

    Retard—What colonies did Sweden and Norway have in black and Muslim territories?

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  26. 当扮演受害者时,你必须责怪施害者。每个无能的少数人都需要有人为自己的缺点负责。拥有能力、成功和帝国主义历史的白人是一个明显的目标。富裕而成功的远东国家保持低调,避免受到指责。阿拉伯人指责以色列,有色人种则指责白人造成了自己造成的灾难。

  27. 把忘恩负义的人送回他们来的地方。

  28. @George Orwell

    Right, the NYC skyline was literally built by on the backs of slave bodies. Likewise, the diamonds in South Africa were all stolen. All the white man had to do was trick a gullible Zulu shaman or two, walk a mile and a half towards the Earth’s core with a shopping cart and fill it up like a looter at Payless. And the Native Americans, living in a utopia of noble savagery and inter-tribal harmony, had deeds filed with their respective county clerks showing ownership of all the land in their possession, which was, likewise, subsequently 被盗.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
    , @dcite
  29. TTSSYF 说:


  30. TTSSYF 说:


  31. @Heros

    White South Africa was the first western country destroyed by an invasion of very low intelligence Blacks looking for some civilization to plunder

    Maybe the demographic catastrophe that led to the current plight of Boer farmers is not likely to repeat itself today or next week in Europe or the U.S. But with 4 billion desperate, starving Africans, made possible by the irreproachable wildlife management skills of Western do-gooder charities, a South Africa redux writ global starts looking a lot more plausible.

  32. Every incompetent minority needs someone to blame for their own shortcomings.

    What explains the need for majorities, both competent and incompetent, to blame others for their troubles?

    Yesterday’s majorities blamed commies and nazis. Protestants blamed Catholics and Catholics blamed Protestants. Large portions of each blamed Jews and Jews blamed them. Today they scapegoat Muslims and blacks.

    Note to author of the article.:

    Please quit trying to play the victim card. It’s laughable. And no, I didn’t bother to read your scribbling;the title alone was enough to nauseate me.

    • 回复: @Anon-og
  33. wayfarer 说:

    ” The Zionist Infestation of Africa: Zimbabwe to Uganda, Congo to Somalia and Beyond “

    来源: http://www.maskofzion.com/2012/04/zionist-infestation-of-africa-zimbabwe.html

  34. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    the blacks in south Africa came from the Middle of the continent. So when you say “send them back where they came from” I guess that’s where you mean.

  35. @Corvinus

    I was wondering when the cucks were going to show up; that was fast.

  36. StephenC 说:





    • 回复: @Glaivester
  37. In actual fact it is a matter of considerable debate whether empire was a net loss or gain from a financial POV for the imperialist country.

    Why debate it on the basis of country?

    Imperialism, like war, benefits 某些人, usually the most sociopathic, at the expense of multitudes of others, both at home and in the colonies. Sometimes the benefit, in a material sense, was minimal for the individual, but probably a net loss for most others. An example would be King Leopold’s private empire in the Congo. He benefitted minimally, his country probably not at all, while the African peoples suffered greatly

    In other instances no one benefitted whether one evaluates it on the basis of individuals or countries. For example, who benefitted from Mussolini’s dumbass, completely unprovoked “adventures” in East Africa? Or the utterly senseless Brit wholesale slaughter of Sudanese defenders?

    Who benefitted but a few goofy generals who could in a little more tinsel on their costumes?:

    Unhappily for Ethiopia this was the time when a certain Government considered that the European situation made it imperative at all costs to obtain the friendship of Italy. The price paid was the abandonment of Ethiopian independence to the greed of the Italian Government. This secret agreement, contrary to the obligations of the Covenant, has exerted a great influence over the course of events. Ethiopia and the whole world have suffered and are still suffering today its disastrous consequences.

    – Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, Appeal to the League of Nations, June 1936

    In a non-material sense everyone loses and we’re left whining about the results today, and probably for many more days as well.

    Now, let’s talk about Palestine…

    • 同意: Beefcake the Mighty
  38. wayfarer 说:

    Keep an eye on the 9/11 patsy Saudi Arabia, besides Iran, it’s also in the Zionist cross-hairs.

    来源: https://www.globalresearch.ca/greater-israel-the-zionist-plan-for-the-middle-east/5324815

    “Jews Behind NATO’s Rape of Libya”

    • 同意: jacques sheete
    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  39. 当然,非洲南部的欧洲殖民者的行为方式与他们在美洲的行为方式相同,尤其是在北美。
    In N America the Indian population nearly disappeared, through deliberate slaughter, such as the Sand Creek Massacre, and through European illnesses, these illnesses were in part unavoidable, in part deliberately brought to the Indians with blankets with bacteria.
    Having said this, when Zimbabwe still was Rhodesia, it was a prosperous country.
    South Africa could be a prosperous country, in time, if it was properly governed.
    Since there is black rule S Africa goes downhill, with slogans ‘a bullet for a Boer’.
    Mandela understood that the economy of the country depended on whites.
    That blacks in S Africa do not like the whites is understandable, yet, by driving the whites away, by what method, they will hurt themselves.

  40. @Voortrekker

    我的亲戚从 1955 年到 1985 年住在那里,他大约八年前去世了,但经常回去,喜欢南非的美丽,确实告诉我,许多白人喜欢离开,但在经济上无法做到这一点。

  41. @George Orwell


  42. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Christianity must be destroyed in preparation for the Jew Messiah, Moschiach. The war on whites is part of a Jewish plan/scheme to destroy Christianity. Antagonize a peaceful God loving people until they violently react, then guilt them in to forsaking Christ. Moschiach is on his way.

    • 回复: @anonymous
  43. HallParvey 说:


  44. @wayfarer

    Bro Nathaniel was on fire there! Good one.

    With all that going on, we have people here whining about how bad 其他类 是。

    Fuggedaboudit. Time we clean our own noses first. Or maybe we should just drain the swamp. Yeah; like that’s gonna happen.

    • 回复: @wayfarer
  45. @StephenC


    • 回复: @Jake
  46. @jilles dykstra


    Of course. But maybe not especially. The Portuguese and Spaniards have a lot to answer for all over America. Also, it wasn’t only the colonists, but the conquistadores who visited appalling atrocities on the people of the Americas. I

    I think the torturers at Abu Ghraib must’ve learned from the Spaniards, or at least their probable

    jyles, have you read this? It’s a classic and I’m sure you’ll find it informative.

    “Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee” by Dee Brown.

    “On March 8, the militiamen arrived at Gnadenhutten. Accusing the [innocent] American Indians of the attack on the Pennsylvania settlements, the soldiers rounded [ the unarmed Indians] up and placed the men and women in separate buildings in the abandoned village overnight. The militiamen then voted to [gruesomely and cold bloodedly] execute their captives the following morning. Informed of their impending deaths, the Christian Delawares spent the night praying and singing hymns. The next morning the soldiers took the Christian Delaware in pairs to a cabin and murdered them. ”


  47. theMann 说:

    “Like South Africa, America is a creation of (northwest) European settlers. And it is in Man’s nature to dislike those who are unlike him—all the more so when they, as a group, have accomplished what he has not.”

    And it is men’s nature to virulently hate those who are superior to them. The more inferior, the greater the hatred.

    What incredible insanity ever possessed so many millions of Whites, to start treating our inferiors as our equals, and blindly unaware that they would hate us all the more for it?

    • 回复: @Jake
    , @helena
  48. Jake 说:

    Ilana Mercer has been telling such ugly truths since she’s been over here. And that is the main reason I suspect that virtually all of the people who post on websites accusing her of being a white-hating Jew are paid to do so by Leftist organizations, perhaps only Jewish founded and/or run Leftist organizations.

  49. Jake 说:

    That answer is easy: post-Christendom Liberalism, which replaced traditional Christian morality.

  50. @Clyde

    Retard—What colonies did Sweden and Norway have in 黑色 and Muslim territories?

    Here you go. I’d be surprised if there were 不能 some black and or Muslims in the Africa where Sweden held colonies.

    In addition to extensive territory around and beyond the Baltic, Sweden possessed overseas colonies from 1638 to 1663, and from 1784 to 1878, mainly in North America and Africa, selling or losing its territory to the Netherlands, France, and Great Britain.

    Norway coouldn’t have had them until very late since it was subject to Sweden for quite a while.

    Norway’s quest for independence began on May 17, 1814, with the signing of a new Constitution. Yet, Norway’s forced union with Sweden, which began Jan. 14, 1814 (after 400 years of domination by Denmark), was to last until 1905 when Norway proclaimed, and secured, full independence. May 17, Norway’s Constitution Day, is often celebrated as an “independence day

  51. Anonymous [AKA "Alanna"] 说:

    “Like South Africa, America is a creation of (northwest) European settlers.”

    So South Africa and America are the creation of people who came from Europe and settled, but were not European settlers?

    You have the nerve to spout this self-contradictory mumbo jumbo, when we are talking about the slow genocide of an entire people? What kind of human being are you?

    Mr Corvinus Troll, please go away and die, so that you stop spreading your mindless hate.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  52. Jake 说:

    Yes, but the issue is WHY?

    Because Christendom was built and maintained by white people, meaning men.

    Leftism is another (like Manichaeanism, Islam, Catharism, Marxism) attempt to replace Christianity. Blacks and Asians became Christian from the beginning, but only whites, steeped in Hellenistic culture, built a true Christian civilization.

    That is the reason certain whites are not hated, even when they are assumed Christian. The Left does not hate the Episcopal Church, because it ordains women and marries gays. So the Left is fine with white men who are Episcopalian. Ditto all but a couple of Lutheran and other Anglican groups.

    • 回复: @Semper Fidelis
  53. @Negrolphin Pool

    Right, the NYC skyline was literally built by on 原文 the backs of slave bodies.

    Well maybe not on slave bodies, but on slave bones…

    A group of anthropologists from Howard University studied the area and found materials of West African traditions along with skeletal remains of over 400 men and women with evidence of bone lesions, muscle tears and spine fractures.
    It turns out, that area of Lower Manhattan bordered New Amsterdam’s “Common” and the only place that “free” and enslaved Africans were allowed to bury their dead during the 1600s until 1794.

    The African Burial Ground National Monument, New York, NY


  54. Jake 说:

    Whites in South Africa, like those in Rhodesia, were betrayed by England, which booted them from the Commonwealth, which over time dealt major blows economically and meant the eventual total isolation from the world that was demanded by the American WASP Elites.

  55. Jake 说:

    Are you that ignorant? Do you really think the Boer War was Israel versus the Boers?

    It was England destroying the Boers. It was the British Empire that used early concentrations camps to spread terror across Boer communities. It was WASP culture that decided to conquer the Boers and force them into serving the British Empire.

    Were some Jews involved? You bet. That was a given, because WASP culture was born of a Judaizing heresy: Anglo-Saxon Puritanism. WASP Elites have 时刻 allied with Jews to wage some type of war against white Christians the WASP Elites hate and/or fear because they know them to be more conservative (in terms of historic European Christian cultures) than they are.

    • 回复: @Heros
    , @Anon
    , @Semper Fidelis
  56. dc.sunsets 说:
    @George Orwell

    More straight line forecasting, the hallmark of small minds.

    Sooner or later those who are under assault will wake up. When that occurs you will discover that the people who invented the machine gun, the rotary cannon, mustard gas, weaponized biological pathogens and neutron bombs are of one race, and once awakened are more than capable of turning that unique ingenuity to systematically exterminating their adversaries.

    I laugh at those who think this contest is already over.

    • 回复: @anonymous
  57. wayfarer 说:
    @jacques sheete

    Probably the most compelling attribute about Brother Nathanael, is that he’s simply shinning a light on some verifiable truths. It really seems there are next to no holes in his NWO narratives. The dude’s a unique character, who’s effectively moving some fair-sized mountains.

    “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” – Buddha

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  58. TG 说:

    Many interesting points, but with respect, there is another major factor that you are forgetting.

    The current black South African government – like the white one before it – is using massive immigration from the rest of Africa to drive wages for working-class South African blacks ever lower. The protests at this abusive cheap-labor policy by South African blacks, against the excessive importation of blacks from other nations, has of course been largely unreported by the mass media, except for occasional accusations of ‘nativism’ against South African blacks.

    But when the populace is being crushed into poverty, the elites need an enemy to deflect the energy of all those hungry and angry young men. So in South Africa today it’s whites, in Mao’s China during the misery of the 1950’s it was counter-revolutionaries, in today’s Iran, it’s the Great Satan the USA, etc.etc.

    So sure, people tend to hate others who are different, and even more if these different people are more successful. But the elites love to fan these hatreds, and channel them towards visible but vulnerable minorities, to keep the pitchforks and torches away from their own palaces.

    Because some things are even more primal than race.

    • 回复: @pyrrhus
    , @jacques sheete
  59. dc.sunsets 说:

    Don’t bother replying to leftist self-haters. Theirs is a mental affliction, so you’re essentially arguing with a schizophrenic.

    我们所等待的只是让第一世界(所有国籍的)白人达到其自然逆转的 50 年错觉。

    It won’t matter if the USA is majority minority or if Europe is 15% African, there will still be ample numbers of high capability whites to invest their ingenuity into expelling those who are determined to harm them.

    Changes to collective moral calculus occur frequently throughout history. When whites embrace a belief that their children’s future depends on wiping out those who have had a history of attacking them (and oh boy do we already have that precondition), it won’t remotely be a fair fight.

    • 回复: @Mark Presco
    , @Corvinus
  60. J1234 说:

    I don’t know how, or if, it could be done, but white Americans need to send white SA’s guns and ammunition.

  61. woof 说:

    My grandfather once said that he had to take the kid down the street to the Doctor. I said how old is she. He said, “she is about 60 or 61.”


  62. Heros 说:

    “Are you that ignorant? Do you really think the Boer War was Israel versus the Boers?”

    An ad-hominem, a straw man and a non-sequitor in one line. Bravo.

    It was Rothschild and Oppenheimer who ended up stealing the mineral wealth and controlling the thriving western country the Boers had created from nothing. The English “Wasps”, which you seem to be obsessed about, had long been mere tools of the cabal run Bank of England, after Napoleon. Parallel to the Boer genocide in SA, the Sassoon’s were getting British goyim soldiers killed in the Opium wars in China, where they exported all the opium from their colonies in India. Then and now, goyim die all over the globe to advance the agenda of cabal control. Then and now goyim lives are ruined by drugs pushed by the same cartel.

    Speaking of ignorance, you would probably claim that the Dolchstoss was not primarily about Balfour, and that Balfour wasn’t the root cause of both world wars.

  63. pyrrhus 说:

    白人之所以留在南非,是因为他们拒绝并且继续拒绝承认现实,而且在许多情况下仍然是平等主义的混蛋。许多人,比如伟大的高尔夫球手加里·普莱尔和他的大家庭,继续欢迎和支持黑人势力,这最终将消灭他们并没收他们拥有的一切。几十年来,我一直向生活在南部非洲的白人指出这一点,但收效甚微。请记住,德国 3/4 的犹太人有数年时间才能离开,纳粹甚至向他们提供资金让他们离开,但他们还是留下来了。

    • 回复: @utu
  64. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    Aren’t the Boers mostly Calvinist?

  65. pyrrhus 说:

    Nothing new here. Africa is a tribal society in which the chiefs routinely sold their own people into slavery in return for trinkets. This is only a new version of that ancient practice.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  66. joef 说:

    This black-on-white murder spree has been ongoing since a dominant-party political dispensation (mobocracy) was “negotiated in my homeland for South Africans.


    This is obviously a similar racial condition in the USA. And afro americans appear 不能 to be retreating from this position, but advancing it. It does not matter that no one is a slave holder today (nor were their ancestors slave holders), or that most white ancestors immigrated to this nation after slavery was abolished, and these same immigrants started out poor. Afro animosity cannot be appeased, thus libs cannot pander enough to try to appease.

    I have commented in the past that it does not matter how we feel about the afros, because they are the primary aggressors… it matters how they feel about us, and how they act out on their hateful feelings… we can only respond to them. Despite liberal promises to the contrary, the last half century has gotten steadily worse in race relations with afros (and economically more expensive to support). MSM (especially NPR) obsesses repeatedly about the subject to no avail, race relations continue to deteriorate.

    The amount of American residents that afros kill daily (Asians/Hispanics/Whites/Blacks) aggregated over the last half century is truly 惊人的. And the only response of remorse we get from them is we must stop black on black crime, which implies that black on everyone else crime is okay. There is not any other category of people that kills as many as the afros themselves do.

    Furthermore, the accumulated welfare state, from local, to Federal levels, is our biggest expense (States and municipalities do not have national defense budgets). Thus, it is the largest contributor to our total govt debt levels, which afros being the biggest recipients of these entitlements. Add to that all the subprime credit loans constantly provided for afro appeasement, results in a total accumulated debt levels (public & private) that far exceeds our GDP, or M2 money supply.

    This is obviously an unsustainable problem, and the canaries in the coal mine are showing up in defaulted/bankrupted municipalities, and downrated bond rating with high credit default swaps for State governments. Even Republicans shy away from providing working families with tax cuts because of this. It is only a matter of time before this ponzi scheme not only slows the economy, but destroys it.

    This leads to a very unwelcome conclusion in the form of: racial balkanization + economic decline (national bankruptcy) = massive social unrest. Afros having the temperament of spoiled children, who refuse any accountability for their criminal antisocial/economic parasitical actions, will of course blame Whitey (which to afros means everyone else who is not Black), and the looting, arson, rioting, raping, and killing, will not just last a few days when this happens.

    So what can be done about it:
    >Afro americans refuse to reform themselves, instead just make further demands for 更多, and want no accountability for their criminal behavior.
    >Limo libs, who are mostly elites, or professional suburbanites, feel insulated from the consequences of directly dealing with them, and believe they are solving the problem by complaining that other Whites are racist (in their cocktail parties), and demand more sacrifices from us.
    >Leftist enjoy the fact that they can use afro americans as their political useful idiots in order to obtain their next communist revolution.
    > They both believe that they can control afros into believing that they are the good white people, not understanding that afros do not make such distinctions (especially when the welfare check stops).
    > Other liberals are panicked because they know it’s like a wolf by the ears situation, and they want to continuously postpone the inevitable by kicking the can down the road.

    Thus the above groups present enormous obstacles to a political solution. As is, afro americans are our biggest national problem, and all the obfuscations & denial won’t change this fact. So it comes down to what do we do when we no longer have the luxury to ignore it (like many suburbanites, living in cupcake land are doing now).

    By acknowledging this, the MSM/Academia will insist that you want to commit genocide; however many of us know what this is really about is preventing the afro initiated genocide from happening to the rest of us (non afros). We did 不能 ask for this situation, but eventually it will confront us, and we will then be forced to respond to it (what will you do then?). Lets hope that I am wrong (but I don’t think so).

  67. GourmetDan 说:
    @jacques sheete



    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  68. nickels 说:

    But South Africa wasn’t 真实 多元文化主义。

  69. @ThaboZulu

    Same goes for you kukamumgas in Europe and America.

    • 回复: @ThaboZulu
  70. @dc.sunsets

    同意。 由于非白人,尤其是黑人明显的过度种族主义,反种族主义的新宗教正在衰落。 这只是时间问题。

  71. Ron Unz 说:
    @jacques sheete

    “Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee” by Dee Brown…. The next morning the soldiers took the Christian Delaware in pairs to a cabin and murdered them. ”

    I’ll admit I haven’t read the book in question, nor have much expertise on the topic of the American Indian Wars. But my strong impression is that the whole notion of an Amerind “genocide” at the hands of American whites is basically just a modern PC hoax.

    It’s certainly true that whites and Amerinds fought numerous vicious wars over a couple of centuries, and these frequently involved brutal massacres (on both sides). But from the bits and pieces I’ve read here and there, I’ve gotten the impression that the body count of North American Amerinds killed, whether in battle or massacre, probably totaled somewhere in the tens of thousands over a 200+ year period. If so, then America has been experiencing an ongoing and vastly greater “urban crime genocide” for the last half century.

    But like I said, my historical knowledge in this topic is minimal, and I’d wonder whether some of the more erudite commenters could affirm or contradict my sense about the numbers.

  72. joef 说:
    @George Orwell

    You mean the European colonialism that provided farming, water supply, sewage treatment, electric grid, telephones, railroads, refrigeration, factories, hospitals, medicine, light bulbs, indoor plumbing, and other similar prosperity?? Oh, that must have been terrible… lol

  73. @Corvinus

    ‘South Africa is not America. America is not South Africa.’

    You’re right–American blacks are far worse.

    ‘One could hold an opinion that American minorities, as a majority, could make mischief for whites in the future. Perhaps. However, whites could use anti-discrimination laws to their advantage.’

    Yes, I suppose one could, if that is one pulled one’s head out of one’s ass to discern the fucking obvious. Mischief. Indeed. But yes, it’s probably highly likely that once the kukamunga’s take over they will fully uphold the Constitution–although one does wonder, what with the recent mischief being made, e.g. defacing of Jefferson, Washington and Lee statues, takeovers at several universities by a handful of kukamungas who are very, very loud and self assertive.

    ‘“Like South Africa, America is a creation of (northwest) European settlers.”
    No, they were the creation of people who happened to be from Europe.’

    This thought is, if possible, deeper than your opening comment: you know, America is not South Africa and all that.

  74. It is part of nature to fear and dislike the different. But there is another nature that longs for the different.

    Dogs and humans for instance. Dogs feel closer to humans than to other dogs. Dogs revere humans as superior. And many people have higher opinion of dogs than for humans. Dogs are seen as loyal and loving.

    Even among humans, there could be preference for the Other if the Other is seen as more just, more able, more fair, more attractive. Taiwanese are Chinese but they prefer American hegemony over the Pacific because they see fellow Chinese in the mainland as yellow barbarians.
    Many Zimbabweans wish for return of white rule because Mugabugabe and his black tribal thugs have been so vile.
    Most Arabs would rather go live in Germany than deal with their haggly-waggly kind.
    And some whites wax romantic about the Other as wiser or more spiritual or ‘cooler’. People tend to undervalue & take for granted what they got and overvalue & obsess about what others got.

    Many non-whites are drawn to white nations because they see whites as superior in every way. These non-whites get little or no justice from fellow non-whites who are superstitious, corrupt, brutal, and clannish. So, they want to go to America(or Canada or Australia) and live under white rule. Also, they find whites to be sexually more attractive.

    This may seem counter-intuitive because non-whites scream about ‘white racism’ and ‘white guilt’. One might think, “If they hate whites so much, why do they want to run from their own kind and live in white nations?”

    But it is precisely because they prefer whites and want to live in white nations that they use PC to lower white defenses against non-white immigration/colonization.
    And in a way, whites who welcome mass-colonization from Third World are practicing a kind of soft subconscious supremacism. They feel, “You darkies wanna leave your own inferior nations and cultures because you know that the white world and white people are better. You want to live in our superior world because you are incapable of creating anything so good in your own world.”

    Most non-white ‘immigrants’ are closet-white-supremacists. They want to run away from their own kind, own nations, and own cultures to start new lives and take on new identities under white rule. They prefer white nations(esp those created by Northern Europeans) to their own kind with long history and culture. Chinese, Hindus, and Arabs have long deep history, culture, and identity going back 1000s of years, but they are willing to give that all up just to have a chance to live with whites, have sex with whites, work for whites, and take o white names like ‘Heather’ and ‘Robert’.

    • 回复: @ThaboZulu
    , @anonymous
    , @Okechukwu
  75. @wayfarer

    The dude’s a unique character, who’s effectively moving some fair-sized mountains.

    I hope you’re correct.

    • 回复: @wayfarer
  76. 沃德·丘吉尔(Ward Churchill),“种族灭绝,大屠杀和否认的小事,1492年至今”,旧金山,1997年
    mentions an estimate of a 100 million.

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
  77. @TG

    But the elites love to fan these hatreds, and channel them towards visible but vulnerable minorities, to keep the pitchforks and torches away from their own palaces.

    And employing nauseatingly sappy, scribbling rabble-rousers to ignite and fan those flames is part of it.

  78. @pyrrhus

    Africa is a tribal society in which the chiefs routinely sold their own people into slavery in return for trinkets. This is only a new version of that ancient practice.

    Sounds like modern industrialized societies, or have you been reading Tolstoy lately?

    Modern wage slavery, debt slavery, tax slavery. Hey, what’s not to like?

    “But in reality the abolition of serfdom and of slavery was only the abolition of an obsolete form of slavery that had become unnecessary, and the substitution for it of a firmer form of slavery and one that holds a greater number of people in bondage.”


    一些错别字,但也可以做个简单的总结:托尔斯泰,《我们时代的奴隶制》,第8章,11年1900月XNUMX日 http://ebooks.gutenberg.us/WorldeBookLibrary.com/slaverytol.htm#1_0_7

    One wonders what system the tribal dealers had in place to brainwash the captives that it was all cool. We call it school.

  79. @jacques sheete

    No, but I do have
    斯坦·霍格(Stan Hoig),《沙溪大屠杀》,俄克拉荷马州,1961年,1982年
    罗纳德·赖特(Ronald Wright),《美洲被盗大陆,征服与抵抗》,1992年,伦敦
    John R. Cook, ‘The Border and the Buffalo, An untold story of the south western plains’, 1907, 1989, Austin, Texas,
    the deliberate extermination of the buffalo to make the Indian way of living impossible
    弗朗西斯·帕克曼(Francis Parkman),“俄勒冈足迹”,纽约,2002年,波士顿,1883年,1847年
    爱德华·斯派塞(Edward H. Spicer),“征服的周期,西班牙,墨西哥和西南美国的影响”,1533年-1960年,图森,1962年,1970年
    As Churchill stated ‘the higher civilisation has the better weapons’.

  80. Ron Unz 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    沃德·丘吉尔(Ward Churchill),“种族灭绝,大屠杀和否认的小事,1492年至今”,旧金山,1997年
    mentions an estimate of a 100 million.

    He sounds like an “academic holocaust-denier” to me. I suspect that the true number of Amerinds exterminated by whites in North America was at least six quintrillion…

  81. @GourmetDan


    虽然是真的。 另一个道德是永远不要相信 SoB。 尤其是当他们对你有权力时。

    Another one is that most of us are in no position to be pointing fingers., but I doubt that’ll sell.

  82. @Ron Unz

    But like I said, my historical knowledge in this topic is minimal, and I’d wonder whether some of the more erudite commenters could affirm or contradict my sense about the numbers.

    Numbers, schmumbers. It’s the 原则 参与其中。

  83. Rurik 说:
    @Ron Unz

    erudite commenters could affirm or contradict my sense about the numbers.

    Well Mr. Unz, I’m far, far from erudite, but I’ll chime in with one perspective for what it’s worth.

    I don’t think it’s about numbers per se. I think it’s more about an ancient and tribal way of life that was extinguished to make room for the white folks and 生活方式。

    Just as I wouldn’t characterize the blacks of Africa as having been genocided by the whites who carved Rhodesia and South Africa out of the jungle, even if many thousands or more were ultimately killed in the process. The festering wounds there are not about the hundreds of years old deaths, but rather about the presence of the whites on that continent and in their midst, reminding them of the vast chasm that divides these two races of peoples, just as the descendants of the Amerindians (on poverty stricken reservations) no doubt resent the white man’s presence in N. America, (as a reminder of what was lost, and their relative status today in the lands of their proud ancestors)

    in defense of the whites- the blacks and the Amerindians were hardly treating each other with kindness and compassion before the whites came. One only think of the human sacrifice practiced by the Incas and the Aztecs and Mayans. Or the notorious savagery of the Apache or Mohawk or Comanche. If the whites were to leave Africa tomorrow, who doubts but that the entire sub-Sahara would descend into tribal savagery and even perhaps cannibalism?

    But then again, look at how the white man exploits these lands and rapes them dry. Look at how pristine and beautiful the continents of N. America and Africa were for century after glorious century, until the white man came and wiped out the buffalo and fauna (both American and African) and built his concrete jungles of spiritual materialism and benumbing, infinite greed.

    Soon N. America and Africa will be barren and desolate of all wild life forms, to be replaced with bipedal farm animal$. As Ted Nugent wrote, the ‘the white man.. couldn’t see beyond his billfold’

    The long term solution to these intractable problems are separation and a respect of each people’s self-determination in their own lands. But the PTB today are bored, and like Michael Vick, only with humans instead of dogs, they get their thrills by cramming incompatible peoples into forced proximity with each other- like Roman ‘nobles’ watching the gladiators fight to the death for their petty amusements. And so separate and sovereign territories for the myriad tribes of the planet won’t be allowed to happen.

    Best to just go to Uruguay and watch the strife from a from a nice distance.

  84. neutral 说:


  85. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:

    S. Africa has massive deposits of gold, diamonds and uranium, so it’s a lot more like S. America than N. America. Of course, like S. America and N. America, it’s also ideal for agriculture.

  86. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:

    In actual fact it is a matter of considerable debate whether empire was a net loss or gain from a financial POV for the imperialist country.

    In most cases, it was a net loss for the country as a whole, and did very little to benefit poor Europeans. But as with today’s wars of ‘democracy promotion’ and ‘régime change,’ it greatly benefited a few, wealthy, connected individuals (think Cecil Rhodes).

    • 回复: @wayfarer
    , @Logan
  87. wayfarer 说:
    @jacques sheete

    … who’s effectively moving some fair-sized mountains of truth.

    “ On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  88. wayfarer 说:
    @Digital Samizdat

    But as with today’s wars of ‘democracy promotion’ and ‘régime change,’ it greatly benefited a few, wealthy, connected individuals (think Cecil Rhodes).

    由NM Rothschild&Sons资助, Rhodes 在接下来的 17 年中成功收购了金伯利地区所有较小的钻石开采业务。”

    来源: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecil_Rhodes
    来源: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N_M_Rothschild_%26_Sons

  89. Tiny Duck 说:

    Maybe if whites would show compassion and a willingness to share other people wouldn’t have to seek justice

    maybe if whites were the only group that didn’t vote overwhelmingly republican while all others voted liberal than people wouldn’t be angry

    • 巨魔: Beefcake the Mighty
  90. Realist 说:


    You and your father fought for anti-apartheid which when accomplished led to the current situation

    • 回复: @europeasant
  91. gT 说:

    My father always used to tell me about how he and my uncle used to ride their donkeys to school in the morning. They would be wearing their school uniform and school shoes and would chew bubble gum on the way to school (back then we owned shops as well as farms). Once the bubble gum was devoid of any flavour they would spit the bubble gum out onto the ground and then white kids wearing only flour sacks with holes cut in for the head and arms would rush to grab the discarded bubble gum from the ground to put it into their mouths so that they could also experience some of the flavour of the bubble gum.

    This is what the majority of Afrikaners were like before Apartheid. Apartheid took them from poor whites to modern, educated citizens while at the same time reducing non-whites to a destitute existence.

    Even the famous cattle of the Afrikaners, also called the Afrikaner also by the way, is just an indigenous breed stolen from the Khoikhoi (Hottentots), one of Southern Africa’s original inhabitants https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afrikaner_cattle

    The Bushmen / San are the original inhabitants of South Africa, the Whites and Blacks (Bantu) are just settlers here. The Whites arrived by sea onto the west coast and the Blacks migrated down the east coast.

    I therefor have to take with a heavy pinch of salt the story about the farm murders. It has often been observed that when a white person dies its a tragedy because a human being has lost his / her life, while when a non white kicks the bucket its not even a statistic. Methinks the crooks doth protest too much.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Anon
    , @Anonymous
  92. Logan 说:
    @Digital Samizdat

    Well, of course. But the comment I was responding to implied that imperialist nations became wealthy by plundering the wealth of those they colonized. Which is not at all what happened.

    As you say, individuals and companies profited greatly. Nabobs of the East India Company and Caribbean planters of the 18th century first among them.

    But England, France, Germany not so much.

    The early days of colonialism, primarily by Netherlands, Spain and Portugal there was a good deal of
    outright plundering that went on. Making the home countries indeed more wealthy overall. But at least in Spain and Portugal this was a highly two-edged sword, damaging the imperialist powers perhaps more than the conquered.

    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
  93. Logan 说:
    @Ron Unz

    相对少量的白人对印第安人的屠杀在记载中反复出现:Sand Creek、Washita、Wounded Knee、Gnadhutten 等。这是因为这些屠杀不同寻常的简单而明显的原因,以及当它们确实发生时大部分是由边防人员或民兵进行的,他们通常只不过是暴民,而不是美国政府的正规武装部队。尤其是边疆居民,往往和他们的战斗对象一样不文明。

    与此同时,大多数部落的常态都是暴行,这使得几乎所有对印第安人的白人屠杀看起来都像是一顿美味的户外午餐。例如,科曼奇人特别喜欢轮奸被俘的妇女 他们被折磨致死。





  94. Anon-og 说:
    @jacques sheete

    Note to author of the article.:
    Please quit trying to play the victim card. It’s laughable. And no, I didn’t bother to read your scribbling;the title alone was enough to nauseate me.

    Oh but how can she quit, she ultimately has a pro-Israel agenda here as is always the case with her, and the victim card is their favorite one to play.

    • 同意: jacques sheete
  95. I order you to please stop.
    You are scaring me to death.

    However I see this same behavior in my part of the world.
    It will end soon when we as a collective wake up.
    Keep the channels open.

  96. dcite 说:

    他们“允许”马来人在他们定居的马来西亚和其他东南亚地区杀死他们。 火上世界

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  97. Art 说:


    Clearly – in America it is the Jew control of the media.

    With Jews like Martin Baron running the Washington Post – white Christian America is doomed.

    Baron – is the lead anti-white matrix of news in America.

    • 回复: @Hank Rearden
  98. anon • 免责声明 说:

    shouldn’t these gasbags be flipping burgers?

  99. “The physical, existential vulnerability of white South Africans flows from a confluence of historical antecedents that have placed them in a uniquely precarious position. “The white minority surrendered political dominance in return for non-racial constitutional safeguards.” By forswearing control over the state apparatus, whites ceded mastery over their destiny, vesting their existential survival in a political dispensation: a liberal democracy”

    See, this is what happens when you don’t have a wall!

    USA, are you listening?

    Get the wall built. Right now!

    Manned by the USA Army.

    Even in this case, we the common man will man the forts when our land is in danger.

    BTW look at the demographics of Central and South America.

    I count about 560 million. What do you count?

    Letz get the wall built unless the same fate awaits us as South Africa.

    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
  100. dcite 说:
    @Negrolphin Pool

    每当有人告诉我黑人“建造”了城市,这听起来很荒谬。 19 世纪和 20 世纪初美国的城市化地区黑人很少,白人移民工人阶级人口众多。 1年辛辛那提3/1890的人是白人移民。爱尔兰移民在劳动就业中的死亡率特别高。 一位历史教授说,在战前南部,爱尔兰人更喜欢从事真正危险的工作,因为他们的供应源源不断,而且黑人的成本太高,不敢冒险。 上课的一位黑人同事把它传给了我。
    即使在 20 世纪后期,他们也不得不从意大利寻找建筑商来翻新巴尔的摩市中心的市长官邸。 我还记得人们害怕未来的市长都是黑人,精致的豪宅会逐渐被摧毁。 他们有过黑人收购的经验,但从来都不是好事。 我不知道今天是什么样子。
    然而,黑人的劳动力对于维护海湾地区的城市以及可能的其他南部城市至关重要。 显然,即使熟练的劳动力也与黑人或“混血儿”联系在一起,甚至像砌砖这样的技能也会表明某人的种族。 这并没有发生在海湾地区以外。 我认为法国/西班牙的影响与新奥尔良和海湾地区的态度有关。

  101. @Realist

    Maybe she has owned up to the error of her ways and of her tribes peoples ways. Itz never too late to learn.
    She sees a far greater threat to the planet as “The Threat of a …. ……”

    Itz never too late.

    • 回复: @Realist
  102. Like South Africa, America is a creation of (northwest) European settlers.

    Maybe study up on the Renaissance a bit, especially its precursors, and starting with the precursors and working your way through the Renaissance and how Europe, and NW Europe, got swept up in it, watch how that whole arc works itself out.

    Look more closely at the demographics than – it is obvious – you already have.

    Not that the basic statement is wrong – America is indeed the creation of NW European settlers, but the narrow causal sliver you want to walk away from with this leads to wide sweeping swaths of misery.

  103. LauraMR 说:








  104. Miro23 说:


    Some foolish Anglo Americans may believe this, the same as some foolish white South Africans did, but it’s an aspect of over-civilization. There’s too much trust. The reality is that they’ll be physically attacked and kicked out ,the same as in South Africa, which looks like the project of the US’s own ruling Jewish not-so-idiocracy.

    • 回复: @helena
  105. ANON • 免责声明 说:

    “all” is a dangerous word for credibility and tends to make forecasts of doom seem hysterical. Australia and New Zealand for example face nothing much worse than a drag on their upward spirals from careerist and SJW left of centre politicians pandering to the sense of entitlement of the unproductive.

    • 回复: @TTSSYF
  106. @dcite

    But they were diaspora Chinese from long before China became powerful again. In Africa there are increasing numbers of Chinese from today’s Communist about to be superpower.

  107. “It would be a mistake to believe, as the American ruling Idiocracy preaches, that minorities in the US—soon to form a majority—will relinquish race and tribe as unifying principles, in favor of the US’s constitutional design.

    Like South Africa, America is a creation of (northwest) European settlers. And it is in Man’s nature to dislike those who are unlike him—all the more so when they, as a group, have accomplished what he has not”

    This is some of your best stuff.

  108. I am unclear how to respond to this. Because the title is probably correct. Some people will always hate some other people for some reason – even for an artificial a benign as skin color.

    The reason that whites in South Africa are facing any dilemma at all is because they entered the country claiming that whiteness was the superior color and justified killing blacks as consequence. In typical European fashion they created an ethic they could not sustain. Instead of incorporating blacks into their schema they chose to keep them out and then proceeded to use that as cause for why they should be kept out. And that is the hypocrisy that supposedly ignorant blacks understood right away. One tact that the dominant society has down pat is using their errors as the fault of those complaining of foul play.

    So whites came in hating and now blame blacks for hating. White came in killing and now blame black for killing. Whites went in stealing and now blame blacks for stealing. I am not an advocate for stealing, hating, or killing. I cannot help but to recall a story I read when I was a kid — it was called the other foot. And along clear eyed look at history revels that black on the order of killing – especially to motive of skin color — have a good many millions to go before they dent the matter.

    I support Mr Trump, but anyone who thinks he would be Pres today if his skin color were a shade darker is living in a pink bubble fairy land. Why our Pres would be making comments about S. Africa is bizarre. Especially comments regarding color dynamics.

    This morning, I was beside myself with anger about what people do to others. I don’t understand trying to measure such behavior in terms of something as nonessential as skin color. I was once rear ended by a car and as I understand it the person to blame was me. And while the police report indicated otherwise, it is still claimed by interpretation of the data that it could still be my fault. Because there were no tire marks, it’s safe bet that someone was drinking and it wasn’t me. But no sobriety test were taken (I don’t drink). Statistical analysis requires a keen adherence to integrity in building the model and executing it’s parameters and then interpreting the results. The African societies before Europeans had their share of wars and human nastiness. But all of them also had laws of governance and civil order – some very complex. Unless you are inclined to get your history of the continent from Tarzan movies, one knows this. Goodness, even Tarzan movies managed to observe that reality, depending on what Tarzan movie one watched. Because of that tradition, I am confident that Africa will fare quite well in rebuilding from the mess left by whites as well as the messes they have all their own. Not pretending that South is not the creation of whites behaving superior soly on the basis of skin color — is to create a very inaccurate model of human relations and behavior in the region.

    Each of us has our foibles, but sometimes, constructs and events are the direct result and fault of others. But no one is to blame for failing to fulfill the promises made by the dominant society, except the dominant societies. Integrity means, that if we are in a business deal and I leave a folder n the table to get something, you don’t open that folder despite its vulnerable position. If you take that information an e it for your gain, the argument seems to be here that I am at fault for leaving the document on my table. Those dumb blacks didn’t know how valuable the diamonds were so we took them and we killed to ensure we could and that is their fault. It’s the fault of the tax payer and consumers that wall street engage in malpractice and then blames homeowners for the result. I have to tell you I am deeply disappointed that the current executive seems to have a ethical deficit in this arena.

    If the power structure creates a dog eat dog world, then it a very tough sell that it the supposed dogs fault, now that the dogs have turned on the trainers. If you have power and use that power to antagonize, unfairly disadvantage in the name of evolutionary superiority, you had better have a an accurate understanding of evolution. I think maybe whites have gotten it all wrong.

    Fortunately for me, I don’t buy into evolution —

    嗯。 。 。

    dare I say hyperbolic nonsense. Look people hate people. That is sadly a part of the human condition. The country has been around for some two thirty plus years, and in that time (in my lifetime), there has not been a year that goes by in which the evidence is pretty high that whites people (some white people) hate blacks.

    A commentary that does somersaults to acknowledge a very common human frailty that is as described a condition begging a question that need not be begged.

    Sure there are people that have animus towards another because of something as benign as hair color, though skin color is far more problematic because of the meanings that have been placed on it. One could effectively argue that mutual hatred is a kind of reciprocity. But of this I am sure, the level of violence visited on blacks by hatred exceeds the level of hatred based behavior visited on whites.

    If for no other reason it is impractical. I have heard more animus filled speech from the mouths of angry white women far more than angry black men during my years in professional and academic life.

    There is one difference, blacks to my knowledge are not couching their animus in legal jargon to disenfranchise whites . They are not advocating special tests or extra legal measures to prove citizenship (I favor voter ID). There’s no race to put into law, that whites should be barred from education, legal representation, housing, employment in private or public sectors . . .

    I lean heavily on the matter of faith. And I can admit to a certain level of bitterness. But thus far, it has not inhabited my being such that I would take any action to deny another citizen his right to what is guaranteed in the Constitution and beyond that fair play. But even a cursory look at the US makes it clear the dominant skin colored citizen cannot make that claim. And when whiteness failed, the majority in skin color turned to the billy club.

    There is not much in the way of evidence that black hatred, if it exists is a real threat to white society. For example, I doubt there’s much evidence that black police officers are using excessive force with whites merely because they are white. Despite the history of whites cratering human existence to defend their whiteness by all means of violence and accompanying rhetoric to justify it. By Even all accounts blacks remain relatively tolerant of white fragility on all fronts.

    Even the issue manufactured by white women, that of the marauding black man seeking to rape white flesh doesn’t bear out much in the way of significance. But it does highlight the level of paranoia to rest the fears of an incident which occurs less than .05% . It the same with crime stats, police officer homicide rate are up 47%, there’s a war on police. Not if one examines motive and the total number of officers slain (sadly) to the number of officers on duty nationally. One would think that confronting a criminal is the riskiest act an officers does. But if I recall, most officers are killed on duty a the result of traffic stops. I am not saying police work is not hazardous, it is. But the “war on cops” is not born out the numbers of the circumstances.

    Statistically, it is unlikely tat you will run into many of any black people who hate you because of your kin color, and less likely that if they do hate you you they will take some action against you. A more likely scenario is that you will fear some black person needlessly , run to some white male with a complaint of fear, said white male desirous to protect your whiteness will engage in all manner of tactics to see tat the black male get put in his place for simply ignoring your demand or telling you –“No.”

    And like attorney General Sessions has done, he will have done his duty to reinforce the time warn standard, that black, especially black men had better watch-out how they speak to white women. Maybe what many of you call hatred is actually the flight or fight defense of elf preservation.

    • 回复: @joef
  109. @europeasant

    I am all for building a wall for practical and symbolic seasons.

    But what happened in South Africa is the direct result of several hundred years of internally mismanaging human capital.

  110. Corvinus 说:
    @Bro Methylene

    “My God, Corvinus, one hardly knows where to begin.Your series of lies and evasions…”


    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  111. Corvinus 说:

    “What an incredibly dumb statement. There are over 4.5 million whites in South Africa, which is equivalent to the populations of countries like New Zealand, Ireland, and Croatia. Do you think it would be feasible to just move all those people to the other side of the world, and let them leave behind all of the things they created with their blood, sweat and tears?”

    I’m just using the same logic employed by the Alt Right, who believes that certain groups of American citizens are undesirable and ought to return back to their original homeland, even though they have made their positive mark on society.

    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
  112. Corvinus 说:

    “There is no going back for whites in South Africa, because they were betrayed by stupid, naïve or evil (depending how charitably you choose to interpret their actions and motives) left-liberal whites around the world.”

    Indeed, how dare those liberal whites and their black cronies insist that the shackles of apartheid be removed.

    “The lesson of South Africa is there for all to see, and eventually it will be seen and understood by enough men, despite the efforts of left-liberal antiracist liars like yourself, rationalising your denial and suppression of the truth with your evil lie that it’s “necessary for the greater good”.

    So having a racial caste system in place, with one group deemed superior and another group deemed other inferior, was “necessary for the greater good”?

    • 回复: @Miro23
  113. Corvinus 说:

    “You have the nerve to spout this self-contradictory mumbo jumbo, when we are talking about the slow genocide of an entire people? What kind of human being are you?”

    South Africans are not being genocided. Do you need a virtual brown paper bag for your hyperventilation?

  114. Corvinus 说:

    “It is certainly a fact that whites did not “steal the wealth” of sub-Saharan Africans. There was no wealth to steal in this area.”

    You are a fool. South Africa has been the world’s leader in diamond production and also produces 75% of the world’s platinum. In fact, mining in South Africa was once the driving force behind its economy. The continent was rich in palm oil, petroleum, copper, chromium…and gold. Only South America outstrips Africa’s contribution to the growth of the global bullion supply.

    • 回复: @Logan
    , @renfro
  115. Corvinus 说:

    “Changes to collective moral calculus occur frequently throughout history. When whites embrace a belief that their children’s future depends on wiping out those who have had a history of attacking them (and oh boy do we already have that precondition), it won’t remotely be a fair fight.”

    There you go again all Banneresque on us. You really believe this collective inner meatgrinder white rage that has been suppressed will appear out of thin air and turn “bad whites” and their non-white pets into sausage.


  116. Okechukwu 说:

    More black farm workers and farmers are killed than white ones.

    Don’t write nonsense.

    • 回复: @KenH
    , @Wally
  117. KenH 说:

    More black farm workers and farmers are killed than white ones.

    Cite your sources for this claim ooogaboooga man.

  118. @wayfarer


    I feel a need for a mountain of truth to somehow escape this dunghill of lies, theft and murder.

    • 回复: @helena
  119. whoever 说:
    @Ron Unz

    I’ll only make a brief comment about the Christian Delawares, since I am Brethren and my ancestors, both of European and American extraction, had some connection to these events. If you want to delve into first-hand accounts, or as near as we can get to that, of that era, the peoples and conflicts, may I suggest you start with Geschichte der Mission der Evangelischen Brüder unter den Indianern in Nordamerika. Although our people had been in British North America for generations by that time, we still wrote in German, but here is a contemporary English translation: History of the mission of the United Brethren among the Indians in North America.
    You may also find interesting A narrative of the mission of the United Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians : from its commencement, in the year 1740, to the close of the year 1808 ; comprising all the remarkable incidents which took place at their missionary stations during that period ; interspersed with anecdotes, historical facts, speeches of Indians, and other interesting matter.
    While much of the conflict of those days was between Indians and “whites,” a subset of the conflict was between the English and the Germans; the Germans got along well with the Indians, the English, aside from Quakers and similar, did not, nor did they like the Germans.
    I had thought to write a long comment, but I’ve changed my mind. Suffice it to say that the ancestor who led directly to me, after the horrors of the year of the bloody sevens and subsequent events, had had enough of the English and traveled west until he fetched up at the Rocky Mountains, where he and his descendants remained until the Mexican-American War and ensuing events led to three decades of disaster. While not that many of of that branch of my family’s ancestors were actually killed in fighting, half of all that population died of cholera in 1850, a disease hitherto unknown to them. Smallpox, chicken pox, scarlet fever, measles … all took their toll in subsequent years, as well. There were massacres, combats with militias and soldiers, killing and killing until the final, abject surrender of the pitiful remnants.
    Was it a premeditated genocide — or just what happens when two peoples fight for possession of the same land and the stronger wins? Does it matter? It was what it was.
    Had the victors, the white Americans, wanted to exterminate the pitiful survivors of the plains tribes, they could have done so with hardly any effort at all. But they didn’t do that. Instead, they extended a helping hand, and offered to welcome them into their civilization, placing images of plains Indians on their coinage, teaching their young boys and girls Indian ways, as in this once-popular book: Indian scout talks; a guide for Boy scouts and Campfire girls.
    We should not forget all the bad that happened in the struggle for this continent. America is fought-for land. But we should also remember the magnanimity of the victors.


    But my strong impression is that the whole notion of an Amerind “genocide” at the hands of American whites is basically just a modern PC hoax.

    Substitute “Jew” for “Amerind” and “German” for “American” in your statement: how does that make you feel? And do you care about arguing about absolute numbers of deaths or whether those who died perished from disease and starvation or were directly executed? Is not the very thought of contending about such things repulsive?

  120. joef 说:

    it is unlikely tat you will run into many of any black people who hate you because of your kin color, and less likely that if they do hate you you they will take some action against you

    I fear for you… you really do lack street smarts … please don’t repeatedly test your theoretical preferences in an urban ghetto setting, you may get hurt… seriously. You are obviously well read, but you profoundly lack real world experience (based on what you said). I hope you never have to learn the hard way that what you believe does not actually correspond with reality. I know to you I have no credibility because you dismiss any empirical experiences that are in conflict with your preferred theoretical readings, but your confirmation bias may someday put you at risk. Sincerely Good Luck.

    [Official crime stats alone obviously conflict with your above statement (yeah, I know you reject this, because you only accept the data you personally approve of, and all those crime victims from afro violence never actually existed… unfortunately for those victims, they do not know this)]. You don’t have to respond back, we both know that we do not agree (but my opinions are not the ones that will get us hurt… yours could).

    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
  121. @Corvinus

    As usual Corvinus, you lie.

    We are not demanding that America’s black population self deport to Africa.

    We are offering to pay them to go! We’ll throw in $10,000 per person if they will just get on a plane (ticket gratis) and leave us in peace!!!

    (And at that price it will be a bargain for us, taking into account how much we will spend supporting blacks for the duration of their lives here, the cost of their crime, the cost due to the erosion of our civil society their presence imposes upon us.)

    • 回复: @Corvinus
    , @joef
  122. Logan 说:

    How much gold and platinum was being mined in what is now South Africa when whites arrived? How many diamonds?

    Did whites “steal the wealth”that had been produced by Africans,or did they create wealth by developing resources the natives had been utterly unaware even existed?

    • 回复: @ThaboZulu
    , @Corvinus
  123. Corvinus 说:

    “We are offering to pay them to go! We’ll throw in $10,000 per person if they will just get on a plane (ticket gratis) and leave us in peace!!!”

    Who is this “we” other than yourself that has made this specific offer? Cite your sources.

    “And at that price it will be a bargain for us, taking into account how much we will spend supporting blacks for the duration of their lives here, the cost of their crime, the cost due to the erosion of our civil society their presence imposes upon us.”

    Actually, the erosion of our “civil society” is due to people of all races and ethnicities, you included.

  124. utu 说:

    Just remember, 3/4 of Jews in Germany had years to get out, and were even offered money to leave by the Nazis, but stayed anyway.

    Actually more than 2/3 left.

  125. renfro 说:

    ” You are a fool. South Africa has been the world’s leader in diamond production and also produces 75% of the world’s platinum.”>>>

    It is the South Africans who are the fools as the Jews have been raping and stealing their resources by bribing their politicians to give them rights diamond and mineral mining
    This is just one of the diamond mafia Jews, there are others.

    ‘Israel’s richest man and Israeli diamond vulture Beny Steinmetz— put up a pink diamond for sale with Sotheby’s. Beny is also a mafia style/Mossad connected plunderer of African nations ore mines—-also now under investigation by the US Justice Dept. and four other countries for fraud and corruption—also raided and tossed by the Swiss police.—also found by his latest plunder victim, the nation of Guinea to be guilty of fraud and corruption in the purchase of a ore mine.

    Sotheby’s has had to attach a new ‘risk factor’ report to its annual report about ‘third parties’ it is associated with—like Steinmetz.

    $83 million diamond default: Sotheby’s and Israeli war crimes
    周二,四月08 2014:12 17
    ‘’Last November, amid a fanfare of international publicity, Sotheby’s achieved a world record $83 million for a pink diamond auctioned in Geneva. Four months later, on February 27, Sotheby’s disclosed that they were forced to take the diamond, they then valued at $73 million, into their inventory when the consortium of investors led by Isaac Wolf, a New York diamond cutter, defaulted.
    There is a lot about this story that doesn’t add up; key questions remain unanswered leading to the suspicion of a cover-up.
    A brief, but significant new “Risk Factor” included in Sotheby’s Form 10-K Annual Report on February 27, 2014, may offer a clue to this turn of events. It warns: “Sotheby’s could be exposed to reputational harm as a result of wrongful actions by certain third parties. Sotheby’s is involved in various business arrangements and ventures with unaffiliated third parties. Wrongful actions by such parties could harm Sotheby’s brand and reputation.”
    Sotheby’s has not explained why they felt it necessary to include this previously unreported risk factor. According to numerous media reports Sotheby’s claimed the buyer of the pink diamond “couldn’t pay and defaulted”. Isaac Wolf has not given any interviews or responded publicly since the news broke at the end of February. When asked by JCK magazine why the diamond wasn’t sold to one of three under bidders, Sotheby’s “declined to comment”.

    Diamonds that are associated with gross human rights violations would not be a good “hedge against inflation and devaluation of currencies” which is what the investors sought. Wolf described the diamond, originally known as the Steinmetz Pink, as “a fantastic hedge”.
    It is likely that the inclusion of the previously unreported risk factor in Sotheby’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Form 10-K filing was spurred by information published in 2013 and detailed…………

    Geneva home of Beny Steinmetz, the billionaire diamond and natural-resources investor who is Israel’s richest person, was raided by Swiss police.

    The IDF supporting diamond king has had a reversal of fortune. He lost his ore mine–Guinea took it back– and Rio Tinto, one of the worlds 2 largest miners has secured the mining rights on a twenty-billion-dollar “investment” with Guinea at last getting their rightful share of the profits and with guess who as the partner with Rio?—-China!

    I just checked and the latest news is Steinmatz was arrested this past August


    On 14 August 2017, Steinmetz—along with David Granot, Tal Zilberstein, Doron Levy, and Asher Avidan—was arrested as part of a joint investigation by Israeli and Swiss anti-corruption officials over “allegations of largescale fraud, breach of trust, bribery, obstruction of justice and false registration of corporate documents” with the apparent purpose of money laundering

  126. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Apartheid was a big affirmative-action program for poor Afrikaners. Not just keeping the blacks down so they wouldn’t have to compete with them, but also pushing Boers into the middle/upper class professions traditionally dominated by English and Jews.

  127. helena 说:

    Apart from conspiracy it is also the case that ideology didn’t change even though technology did.

    Hence the continued urge to help people whose population is now than that of Europeans.

  128. helena 说:
    @jacques sheete

    On a train bound for Piza I met a man dressed in leather who said he was a physicist, and we began to talk. He said, ‘Inglesa, there are three things that only God can know – and they are definability, demonstrability 真相. True story, black leather, hot day. I have little idea what it means but who am I to argue with a physicist?

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  129. helena 说:

    That’s the irony of left-liberalism – they believe all people can be like left-libs aspire to be, ie magnanimous in all they do, say, and think. That makes the lib-left the ultimate supremacist. It’s Christianity gone mad; instead of contemplating conversion the idea is to befriend every religion/ethic culture on the other religion/culture’s terms.

  130. ThaboZulu 说:

    I support Boer genocide they are a white cancer on African soil. They must all be exterminated. I’m a native born Zulu by the way.

  131. ThaboZulu 说:

    They stole our land and we are taking it back the bloody way. Long may farm murders continue.

  132. Anonymous [AKA "Brenda"] 说:

    Unlike the author who has made such comments before (I wonder what her husband thinks.), I don’t find the Tutsis, or any other Africans “attractive.” They look exactly as their DNA suggests — primitive. From the cocoa-colored hybrid, Barack Obama, to the darkest of the Congolese, I personally find them quite unattractive.

    • 回复: @anonymous
  133. I’m waiting for the day when the author tells us whether goy hatred is permanent or not .

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  134. @whoever

    But we should also remember the magnanimity of the victors.

    How can anyone ever forget? We have it drilled into us 24/7 from cradle to grave, and while some of it is true. a lot of it is rubbish, and we should never forget that either. The hypocrisy and finger pointing are hideous not magnanimous.

    Is not the very thought of contending about such things repulsive?


    For me the point is that no one has clean hands so instead of pointing and blaming and rabble rousing, maybe we need to wash our own hands first.

  135. KaliX 说:


    “Like South Africa, America is a creation of (northwest) European settlers.”

    Then, to this, you argue:

    “No, they were the creation of people who happened to be from Europe.”

    Corvinus, your comment is hopelessly idiotic. But I guess you can’t even realize, how dumb it is.

    Then, you mention a link that, you say, shows a decrease in the crime rates for South Africa… when the article mentions a sharp INCREASE in criminality there. You didn’t even read the article!

    If you are a troll, you are a really bad one, and if you are sincere, poor you…

  136. Well, it is clear that Koos Van der Merwe was right all along, wasn’t he?

    It is time for the UK and the Netherlands to pay to bring home the descendents of British and Dutch heritage, or pay for them to emigrate to somewhere like Australia. All who wish to leave should be allowed, for humanitarian reasons to avoid being massacred. Then South Africa can figure out how to run their country without those they hate.

  137. @jacques sheete

    I think you’ll be awaiting quite a while for that.

  138. ?2073635?

    Like most liberals he is both stupid and dishonest. He also adds cuckoldry to the mix.

  139. @joef

    I cannot respond to comments that don’t reflect what I believe or have expressed.

    The only aspect of your comment that I can respond to is this.

    There is no “afro” demographic, as you defined the term, in a previous conversation. It does not exist. It does not exist in Africa and it does not exist in the US. I think it is safe to say a model predicated on a nonexistent demographic is fundamentally flawed in build, in application and result.

    • 回复: @joef
  140. TTSSYF 说:


  141. KenH 说:

    White S. Africans are the first white population that Jewish machinations might successfully murder wholesale. They could be the first domino to fall in the ongoing war against the very existence of Europeans whites on this planet.

    What worse is that the governments of white majority nations have shown no interest or concern for S. African whites and if they did it would quickly anger and enrage Jewish power brokers, deracinated, self hating goys, black supremacists and SJW’s of all stripes.

    White S. Africans may want to consider mass conversion to Islam as then hundreds and possibly thousands of fighters from across the Muslim world would pour into S. Africa to fight the ANC on their behalf. They won’t get any help from Christians or the pope, who wouldn’t want to be seen as helping former racist oppressors, or governments of any majority white nations, or the white hating U.N. It’s truly a pathetic state of affairs in the white world largely under Jewish management.

    After conversion the poorer whites could then easily enter Europe or America as Muslim refugees and get personally welcomed and hugged by Angela Merkel. Perhaps rape some women if they’re undersexed. After a period of time and after gaining citizenship they could then renounce Islam, but they would lose their privileges to rape with impunity.

    • 回复: @anonymous
  142. Corvinus 说:

    “How much gold and platinum was being mined in what is now South Africa when whites arrived? How many diamonds?”

    Diamonds were discovered in 1867 near the Vaal River in South Africa. Originally, blacks and whites worked separately on their own claims, but the British in the area gained control through large mining companies. In 1886, the largest deposit of gold-bearing owe was discovered. Again, the British secured control through their own corporations. How? Legislation passed restricted the liberty of blacks to own mining claims and trade their products. Local governments passed laws that limited the right of black Africans to own mining claims or to trade their products. Soon, blacks were designated to be the workers in the minds, rather than owner/operators and share in the profits.


    “Did whites “steal the wealth”that had been produced by Africans,or did they create wealth by developing resources the natives had been utterly unaware even existed?”

    Blacks were quite cognizant of the diamond and gold discoveries, as they desired to earn profits by their own inclusion in the businesses. However, whites prevented blacks from having the opportunity to compete in the marketplace.

    • 回复: @Logan
  143. gustafus 说:









    • 回复: @Corvinus
    , @Logan
    , @jacques sheete
  144. Corvinus 说:

    “We are offering to pay them to go! We’ll throw in $10,000 per person if they will just get on a plane (ticket gratis) and leave us in peace!!!”

    Who is this specific “we”? Are you a Daddy Warbucks who is opening up their wallet? Or, are there particular people in mind who are funding this endeavor? Please offer citations.

    “the cost due to the erosion of our civil society their presence imposes upon us.”

    Actually, our civil society has been eroded by ALL of us, not just one particular group of people.

    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
  145. Corvinus 说:

    Chilean wealth was achieved in large part by brute force. Pinochet was his Name-O. Perhaps you have modeled your own business acumen after his nefarious schemes, which included human rights violations, tax evasion, and embezzlement. If that be the case, you are no different than those “3rd world hordes charging the gates of Western Civilization”.


  146. Corvinus 说:

    “The notion that there was some sort of general and intentional genocide plan over a period of several centuries is comprehensively disproven by the fact that there are probably more Indians around now than ever. If we really did want to kill them all, what stopped us? Not their resistance.”

    Actually, it was proven about our nation’s genocidal policy toward Native Americans. All because they had land and resources we wanted.



  147. @helena

    …谁 说过 he was a physicist.

    There’s yer problem!

    People like that probably don’t even know what they’re talking about either. And the truth is, it doesn’t matter!


    Thanks for the story!

  148. True. Good thing we know the answer in any case!

  149. ThaboZulu 说:
    @daniel le mouche

    Showing your primitive unevolved mind. I dont care about blacks in Europe or America I’m only concerned about extirpating whites in Africa.

    • 回复: @daniel le mouche
  150. ThaboZulu 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Americans are delusional Zimbabweans don’t want whites back and I hope you disabuse yourself of that notion.

    • 回复: @Hank Rearden
  151. @Art

    美国白人基督教徒 is enthralled by Jewish fables of a fantastical afterlife, offered to those willing to hate their own blood (Luke 14:26, Matthew 19:27-30) and pledge allegiance to a foreign king (John 1:49) in a foreign capital city (Revelation 21:2). They willingly give American’s wealth to “our greatest ally,” as the (((Bible))) commands:

    “They were pleased to do it, and indeed they owe it to them. For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews’ spiritual blessings, 他们欠犹太人 与他们分享他们的物质祝福。” (罗马书15:27)

    Benedict Arnold wasn’t half the traitor that 美国白人基督教徒 is to their own blood and soil.

    “Jews first!” (Romans 1:16)

    美国白人基督教徒 brought a quick end to the 美国第一委员会 (1940-1941,) and sacrificed the nation’s blood and wealth to make the world safe for (((Communism))). Hey, Bible says “they owe it to the Jews.”

    • 回复: @Art
  152. Sollipsist 说:

    The spectacle of savagery was enjoyed by all the Roman people, regardless of wealth and class. In fact, there were fewer ways for upcoming politicians to gain the approving popularity of the poor masses than by spending lavishly on “the games” (although subsidizing the grain dole always helped). This would not have been a consistently winning public relations strategy if it had only been the rich and powerful that were titillated by contests of suffering and death.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  153. @Ron Unz

    In addition to the above mentioned books you might read:
    ⦁保罗·凯恩(Paul Kane),“美国印第安人中艺术家的流浪”,1859年,1996年,纽约
    ⦁ Walker D. Wyman,“只有草原和天空,早期达科他山脉的生活”,1954 年,俄克拉荷马大学
    ⦁ 玛格丽特·欧文·卡林顿 (Margaret Irvin Carrington),“阿布萨拉卡,乌鸦之家,一名军官妻子在平原上的经历”,1868 年,1983 年内布拉斯加大学
    ⦁ 威廉·巴特拉姆,编辑。 马克·范多伦,“威廉·巴特拉姆的旅行,北卡罗来纳州和南卡罗来纳州,乔治亚州,东佛罗里达州和西佛罗里达州,切诺基,马斯科古尔吉斯,查托斯”,1791 年,1955 年,纽约
    ⦁ Hugh L. Willoughby,“穿越大沼泽地,独木舟探索之旅”,1898 年、1992 年,佛罗里达州萨勒诺港
    How many Indians lived originally in what now is the USA, nobody will ever know for sure.
    You do not understand the title of the book, the denial mentioned is the holocaust of the Indians.

  154. 据我个人所知,许多南非荷兰人已移民到英联邦国家作为他们的第一选择,而美国作为他们的第二选择。

  155. joef 说:

    The MSM, governments (census), academia, and American Blacks themselves identify with African American (afro american… or afro for short) as a distinct demographic group, so you are actually conflicting with them, not me.

    Listen I do not want to get into anymore circular arguments… you believe in 最好 theory, and I believe in harsh reality… you seem to use statistical outliers as a refutation of any criticism against the afros (oh, Im sorry, African American). And you don’t seem to acknowledge that statistics can be manipulated for preferred outcomes (you seem to believe that your favorite research authors on the subject are above reproach, and have no hidden political agendas).

    I am sorry, I am not looking to insult you, I just can’t live in make believe fantasy island that you 似乎 to be promoting. Again when professed research conflicts with my own, and many others, personal empirical experience, I go with the experience… not a confirmation bias that is equivalent to saying touching a hot stove is okay. Be safe and good luck (based on your opinions, you will need it more than me).

    • 回复: @Art
    , @EliteCommInc.
  156. @Logan

    I see a persistent belief in fairy tales.
    There are two reasons for the almost complete disappearence of Indians from the present USA
    – the Indian immune system differs from the European one, Indians died from the bacteria and viruses the traders and colonists brought with them
    – the systematic driving west of the Indians, to areas where they could not live, killing them if they resisted to depart.
    There also was intentional infecting Indians with illnesses, such as smallpox, by giving them blankets from hospitals.
    At the first visit of Europeans to the what is now USA east coast, from Florida nothwards, the coast was inhabited.
    At the second visit European diseases had depopulated completely the coastal regions.
    That the USA violated all agreements with the Indians is beyond all doubt.

    • 回复: @Hank Rearden
    , @Logan
    , @gwynedd1
  157. joef 说:

    taking into account how much we will spend supporting blacks for the duration of their lives here, the cost of their crime, the cost due to the erosion of our civil society their presence imposes upon us

    a very accurate description of our current predicament (especially when we have so many libs living in denial, thus perpetuating it).

    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
  158. Fine with me. After WWII places like Czecho and Poland discovered they had a lot of Germans within their border who had proved to be more trouble than they were worth.

    The solution was to run them off and the dead bodies ran into the six figures, and this was after VE Day.

    Simply put, people will defend themselves and if a group is seen as responsible, then the group will have to go.

    This solution has proven very viable.

  159. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    (Imagine being chopped up until you expire.)

    Imagine being tied and dragged around behind a truck, until you expire.

    Imagine being hanged from the nearest tree, until you expire.

    Imagine being lynched, until you expire.

    Imagine being flogged, until your skin tears open.

    You racist joo scum!

  160. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    A browner and more Muslim Europe would be a craphole.

    Many of your pale-faced business Hos seem quite happy living and leeching off the rich gulf nations.

    Anyway, would Europe be any worse than the spiritually cursed pagan polytheist human worshipping decadent blackhole it is now?

    I don’t think so. 😀

  161. @jilles dykstra

    I too see a persistent belief in fairy tales, like the one anti-White zealot Ward Churchill concocted about super-villainous Whites who intentional infecting Indians with illnesses. Fact is…

    Churchill fabricated events that never occurred—namely the U.S. Army’s alleged distribution of smallpox infested blankets to the Mandan Indians in 1837.

    美军是否向印第安人分发天花毯子? 沃德·丘吉尔的种族灭绝修辞学中的捏造和伪造
    Ann Arbor, MI: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 2006

    Sure, many Injuns died of smallpox, but that’s because they attacked a hospital that was treating smallpox victims, thus giving themselves the disease.

    Indians allied with the French ignored the terms of a surrender worked out between the British and the French, broke into the garrison hospital and killed and scalped a number of patients, some of them suffering from smallpox. The blankets and clothing the Indians looted from the patients in the hospital and corpses in the cemetery, carried back to their villages, reportedly touched off a smallpox epidemic….The dreadful epidemic of 1837–38 and smallpox in general did not come to American Indians through any scheme of the U.S. Army. The only documented attempt to infect Indians with smallpox was the dirty work of Swiss mercenaries serving the British crown before the United States’ founding as a constitutional republic. American Indians did indeed succumb in huge numbers to smallpox, measles, tuberculosis and influenza, due to contact with whites, the Indians’ own feeble immune systems and malnutrition once rounded up and sequestered on the reservations. That was a cultural catastrophe, a heart-rending tragedy—but it was not premeditated genocide.

    Smallpox in the Blankets
    Wild West Magazine, 2012

    Ward Churchill is an anti-White liar. Don’t repeat his nonsense.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  162. Art 说:
    @Hank Rearden

    There are many different views of god. The Christian God and the Jew god are two different entities.

    The Christian God is god to the universe. He is forgiving and hopeful for all beings. Whereas the Jew god is a puny little mean unforgiving mendacious one-tribe god.

    With that said, there is no question, but that Judaism is baggage to Christianity.

    More and more Christians are turning away from the Old Testament mean cruel god of Judaism. (Jews too.)


  163. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Antagonize a peaceful God loving people

    My apologies for being pedantic, but in the context of said faith, you forgot to pluralise “God” there. You see, the devil, literally too in the context of said faith, is in the detail.

    And, peaceful?? Hahahahaha!! Get off those hallucinogens dude(tte).

    forsaking Christ

    The white racist, which means 最先进的 of the white race, will never attain spiritual peace. They will forsake Christ now, then forsake whatever heathen abomination their cursed ancestors cooked up in their fertile imaginations, flailing from one abomination to another, until the end of mankind.

    • 回复: @Hank Rearden
  164. Art 说:

    Listen I do not want to get into anymore circular arguments… you believe in preferable theory, and I believe in harsh reality…

    Clearly you do believe in a harsh reality. You harshly believe in your intellectual superiority – putting down others. You are proud to proclaim your supremacy.

    Telling people over and over that they are inferior – is harsh. It is hurtful – why insist on voicing your distain? Why do you need the one-upmanship?

    Jesus said, “to those with much – much is expected.” You claim much – but give harshness.


    • 回复: @joef
  165. @ThaboZulu

    If Zimbabweans don’t want whites back, then why does News24“华盛顿邮报” say they do want White farmers back? Fact is, the Bongo can’t grow anything in the Congo, at least without the White Devil showing them how. This is no surprise, since sub-Saharan black Africans are “at the borderline of mental retardation”.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  166. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    LOL! Only a truly deranged psychopath takes pride in the psychopathy of his kind.

    I laugh at those who think this contest is already over.

    The devil laughs at you. 😉

    We perceived lesser people do not doubt that your cursed kind has the desire and will to exterminate us all.

    • 回复: @Logan
  167. anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Much of what you say may be true, but the likes of you forget that whites are for the most part, Pagans, Polytheist, Human-Worshipping Spiritual-Losers.

    Finite Winners on the one side, and Infinite Losers on the other.

    People like you get to gloat, as you have so well articulated above, but I hear there will not be much gloating in Hell.

  168. “slavery in America”

    I’ve often wondered how slavery became a uniquely American thing……it’s as if it only existed in the United States and no where else in the history of the world. I’ve actually read an author who called the USA “the land of slavery”

    • 回复: @Logan
  169. @Corvinus

    “whites could use anti-discrimination laws to their advantage”

    that is surly a laugh out loud moment…….apparently you’ve not been paying attention only whites can be racists and discriminate….

  170. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    The long term solution to these intractable problems are separation and a respect of each people’s self-determination in their own lands


    By all means keep out those not like you, to any level you see fit, but keep your greedy psychopathic fucking hands off of others.

    It is so fucking simple! Really!

    But, will the cursed west follow such a strategy? 😉

    • 回复: @Rurik
  171. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Some people may be outwardly unattractive, and I don’t mean a certain kind of people in particular, but others are inwardly attractive.

    I have no idea if you are outwardly attractive, even though your name suggests a fugly redneck, but you kind is clearly inwardly unattractive.

  172. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    All this hyperbolic deceit (no surprises there) of “Muslim rape,” even as your cursed kind continues on with its decadent Rape\Ho culture, evidences of which pours in day after day.

    Just one of those examples;


    More than half British women sexually harassed at work but few report it: BBC poll
    BBC poll that consisted of more than 2,000 British adults found the majority of people said nothing when sexually assaulted, with 63 per cent of women and 79 per cent of men saying they had not reported the incident. Some women questioned in London said they were unlikely to make a formal complaint despite the viral #MeToo campaign.

    • 回复: @KenH
  173. Ace 说:

    Well, that was like turning over a rock.

  174. Ace 说:

    It already is and the police outdo themselves to grovel at the feet of their inferiors. Hmm. Make that “at the feet of their equals.”

  175. @Jake

    The Left does not hate the Episcopal Church, because it ordains women and marries gays. So the Left is fine with white men who are Episcopalian. Ditto all but a couple of Lutheran and other Anglican groups.

    The protestant church’s pandering to the left is the reason why we rarely attend church anymore. If they grow some balls, once again hold their grounds on gay marriage, stop being accessories to illegal immigration and Muslim refugee sponsorship, I will think about returning. As it is the Mormon church and the Catholic church are fighting to recruit hispanic illegals, the Lutheran church is in competition with the Catholic church to sponsor Muslim refugees. One Lutheran church in the area is even holding special weekly services in Mandarin, right here in America, WTF?!

    Our churches have all cucked out, religion is now a business in America, making money in the name of God. They’re in it for the money like everyone else.

  176. Logan 说:

    The comment to which I originally replied stated that European societies had become wealthy by plundering the existing wealth of native peoples.

    This did indeed sometimes happen, mostly by the Spanish and Portuguese, though in both those cases with very negative side effects for the plunderers.

    But the SA gold and diamond wealth were entirely different. The native were entirely unaware of the wealth beneath their feet till whites came in, discovered the deposits, and organized their extraction and marketing.

    Did the whites in question “take wealth away from” the natives? Nope, because they didn’t have any existing wealth to steal. They existed at most at a rather low-level Iron Age level.

    An analogy: My family owns acres in CO. But we don’t own the mineral rights. An oil company buys up those rights and discovers frackable shale under our farm. They drill, frack and extract a lot of valuable oil. My family is paid nothing.

    Did the oil company “steal our wealth?” No. We just didn’t share in wealth discovered and produced by others.

    Should blacks have been excluded from the right compete for wealth in SA? Of course not, though few of them probably would have been very successful. But there is a huge difference between not being given the opportunity to acquire new wealth and having existing wealth stolen from you.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  177. Logan 说:

    Yup. It existed always and everywhere, but somehow it became uniquely American.

  178. Logan 说:

    If white people have a confirmed desire and will to exterminate you all, what’s stopping us?

    Surely you are aware that white people, if united in this desire, could accomplish it relatively easily from a technical POV.

    Some considerable difficulty taking out China, to be sure, but a combined Russia/US first strike nuclear attack would no doubt be successful, perhaps with some losses to counterstrikes.

    We would also run into challenges determining “who is white?” in Latin America, Middle East and elsewhere.

    But it’s clear that the only thing preventing us from doing this is simply that few white people have any desire to do it.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  179. Logan 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    Why again exactly are they European diseases? Most if not all originated in Asia.

    Europeans of the time were (somewhat) resistant to these diseases because they were descended from ancestors who had survived repeated similar virgin field epidemics over the previous millenia. The Indians had the bad luck to be exposed in a very short timespan to the accumulated pathogens developed over thousands of years in the Old World .

    Europeans of the time had no idea how disease of this type spread, nor of how to prevent it. The germ theory of disease wasn’t really confirmed till the late 19th century and for the most part effective treatments didn’t come along till quite some time later.

    The spread of disease wasn’t the white man’s “fault.” The real cause was the merging of the Old and New World’s disease ecosystems. Exactly the same depopulation would have happened in the New World had it been the one more advanced technologically and hence had “discovered” Europe.

    Driving the Indians west wasn’t all that much of a problem for them. You can survive quite nicely on the Great Plains, and they did. Even Oklahoma isn’t too bad, with the eastern half not really all that different from their original homelands.

    That the treaties were shamefully broken by the US government I can’t argue against. One of the most disappointing discoveries of my life was a discussion of Jefferson’s Indian policies in a book about Lewis and Clark.

    T. Jefferson was cited extensively in his letters to various Indian agents negotiating treaties. He was entirely open about their being instructed to make treaties with the sole purpose of keeping the Indian quite for a few years until it became convenient to further dispossess them. IOW, the entire treaty process was not only eventually violated, it was conducted in bad faith from the beginning.

    This does not necessarily apply to every administration. Some (Washington, Adams, Grant) appear to have tried to deal justly and fairly with Indians, given the constraints they were under.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  180. @joef

    Living without fear is one of the four basic freedoms. A nation cursed by the presence of African blacks cannot live in peace and tranquility. Their presence imposes a tremendous logistical burden and takes a terrible psychological toll on the besieged population.

    Whenever a white American travels to a country that has an insignificant percentage of blacks, they are at first bewildered and then surprised by how pleasant life can be. They find themselves able to relax, to let their guard down. It comes as a revelation to an American white that life can be enjoyed; that there is such a thing as “the good life” this side of the grave and that all that is required to know this by experience is freedom from blacks.

    It’s so simple really. Blacks have the anti-Midas touch. Everything they touch turns to sh*t.

    • 回复: @joef
  181. 当然是。

    Because an occasional male hand on a pretty, well-exposed knee beneath a short skirt here and there, or a blushing, drunken invitation to a young adult lady to go to bed is ten times worse, more immoral and more illegal than the systematic, deliberate, organised gang-rape, beating, kidnap and trafficing for prostitution of hundreds of defenceless White schoolgirls across every town in northern England for the past 40 years by hundreds of vicious, White-hating racist Moslem sand-niggers, isn’t it ?

    You dumb left-liberal cultural marxist fuck.

  182. @Jake

    WASP Elites have always allied with Jews to wage some type of war against white Christians the WASP Elites hate and/or fear because they know them to be more conservative (in terms of historic European Christian cultures) than they are.

    WASP aristocracy in Europe are always aligned with the Jews because they are all indebted or in bed deep with the Rothschilds, who ran all their central banks and financed all the wars between the European nation states since the 1800s, getting themselves enormously wealthy in the process.


    From London in 1813 to 1815, Nathan Mayer Rothschild was instrumental in almost single-handedly financing the British war effort, organising the shipment of bullion to the Duke of Wellington’s armies across Europe, as well as arranging the payment of British financial subsidies to their continental allies. In 1815 alone, the Rothschilds provided £9.8 million (in 1815 currency, about £566 million, €717 million or US$869 million today, when using the retail price index, and £6.58 billion, €8,34 billion or US$10.1 billion when using average earnings) in subsidy loans to Britain’s continental allies.

    Cecil Rhodes, who founded the largest diamond company in the world in South Africa, De Beers, built the company with financing from the Rothschilds. Lionel Rothschild was the first practicing Jew to sit as a member of the British parliament. The British elite are in bed deep with the Jews because of the Rothschilds. Today the family owns 50% of “经济学家” magazine, not surprisingly it has become the biggest promoter of the open borders, mass immigration and globalist agenda.

    • 回复: @jbwilson24
  183. @Corvinus

    You got me, Corvinus. Nobody is ponying up the $10,000 to pay blacks to head back to Africa. But a fellow can dream, can’t he? I too “have a Dream”.

    By the way, the Jews in Israel 做了 give African “Jews” 5000 bucks to depart. (You might know they’d take my idea and cut it in half–being Jews and all, they’d drive a harder bargain. But hey, it worked!)

  184. @Ron Unz

    Ron, a bug recurs. I tried to email Hank Rearden’s succinct demolition job #169 but the CAPTCHA system again didn’t work. I.e. The needed CAPTCHA letters and/or numbers didn’t appear for copying.
    (I am using a phone app).
    BTW why is Hank Rearden’s comment surrounded by an orange/brown rectangle? Is that to show your personal approbation? If so, and anyway, Is there a function for finding all such celebrated comments?

  185. @anonymous

    And why shouldn’t we Whites forsake (((Jesus)))? Just like today’s degenerate, anti-White, leftist Jews, he taught that I have to hate and forsake my own blood and soil!

    “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” (Luke 14:26)

    “凡为我的名离弃房屋、弟兄、姊妹、父亲、母亲、妻子、儿女、土地的,必得百倍,承受永生。” (马太福音 19:29)

    Le happy afterlife merchant‘s animosity to a White man’s blood and soil is why this fellow noted the following:

    “基督教源于犹太人的根源,只有在这片土地上成长时才能理解,这是对任何道德,种族,特权道德的反动: the anti-Aryan religion par excellence. Christianity—the revaluation of all Aryan values, the victory of chandala values, the gospel preached to the poor and base, the general revolt of all the downtrodden, the wretched, the failures, the less favored, against ‘race:’ the undying chandala hatred is disguised as a religion of love.” -Friedrich Nietzsche (Twilight of the Idols)

  186. jbwilson24 说:
    @Semper Fidelis

    Yes, but it is deeper than that.

    Jews started interbreeding heavily with the English aristocracy during the industrial revolution. Sagging fortunes of noble families were oft revived by the happenstance marriage of a young Jewish woman to a son of the family. Check out the lineage of a lot of English nobles… it was so obvious that Americans were actually commenting on this back in the 1920s.

    The idea that there is a separation between the Jewish elite in England and the ‘WASP’ elite is not tenable giving the heavy interbreeding. It appears that Jews had the upper hand in the empire as well, given the crown jewels such as the south african diamond mines ended up in the hands of the latter.

    • 回复: @Anon
  187. Corvinus 说:

    “This did indeed sometimes happen, mostly by the Spanish and Portuguese, though in both those cases with very negative side effects for the plunderers.”

    It wasn’t “sometimes”, it was often. Furthermore, this plundering extended to the French, British, and Dutch.

    “But the SA gold and diamond wealth were entirely different. The native were entirely unaware of the wealth beneath their feet till whites came in, discovered the deposits, and organized their extraction and marketing.”

    No. The natives were acutely aware of its wealth, as my link clearly demonstrated. Why do you think the British passed laws to ensure that blacks would not be able to benefit from these riches themselves?

    “Did the whites in question “take wealth away from” the natives? Nope, because they didn’t have any existing wealth to steal.”

    The existing wealth was from the ground, you disingenuous twat. It laid there undiscovered. Once found out, the British, with their in-born greed, chose to freeze out the Africans. Furthermore, Africans historically had mined gold, so they clearly understood its value.

    “They existed at most at a rather low-level Iron Age level.”

    Assuming that advanced technology is the definitive trait of what constitutes “proper” civilization.

    “An analogy: My family owns acres in CO. But we don’t own the mineral rights. An oil company buys up those rights and discovers frackable shale under our farm. They drill, frack and extract a lot of valuable oil. My family is paid nothing.”

    Except that was not what happened in Africa. At first, white and blacks worked along the rivers where there had been a discovery in diamonds. They made their individual claims and drew up contracts stating that it was their property. Furthermore, the British were able to procure a “diamond zone” for themselves through political manipulation, leaving out the territorial considerations of the Orange Free State, the South African republic, and Tswana chiefs.

    “Of course not, though few of them probably would have been very successful.”

    You do not know that for certain. It wasn’t for the British to unilaterally make that decision.

    • 回复: @Logan
  188. Miro23 说:

    So having a racial caste system in place, with one group deemed superior and another group deemed other inferior, was “necessary for the greater good”?

    The problem is different races in the same country, and it’s a question of power.

    Historically, races have separated geographically, with for example the French in France and the Germans in Germany. The French have their own language and culture in France and the Germans have their own language and culture in Germany. There’s no illusion that French and German culture are the same.

    If different races happen to share the same country (usually an artificial sort of place) there’s always the question of power. In Belgium for example, about half the country are French speaking (and French culture) Walloons, and half are Dutch speaking (and Dutch culture) Flamands with something of a permanent cold war between them. If Belgium was entirely Walloon, the Walloons would be a lot happier, and if it was entirely Flemish, the Flemish would be a lot happier).

    Power needs to belong to the majority, and this is tricky in an evenly divided country like Belgium, They have to run an uncomfortable type of Democratic power-sharing. It would have been better for them to have a clear Walloon or Flemish majority, with the unquestioned dominant group under Democracy, respecting the rights and interests of the minority.

    The South African case was back to front.

    The majority are clearly Black Africans, and it is their country. The South African White settler minority happened to develop the country, and make it rich, at a time when Imperialism (inc. ideas of racial superiority – true or otherwise) was the fashion and quite acceptable, but still, they had no right to impose apartheid on the Blacks – although in the end it was Realpolitik – they knew that the Blacks couldn’t/wouldn’t run a Western style Democracy that would protect a rich White South African minority. They were right of course, and sadly they are now being chased out of Africa.

    The United States is a different situation.

    After the last spasms of Imperialism (the WW2 failure of the German Eastern, and Japanese Asian Imperialist projects) the US was left with a majority Anglo-European population with a legitimate right to power. The current problem, is that this right is being challenged by a rich and powerful Jewish minority, acting tribally, who themselves are only 2% of the population (with Democracy denying them power). The Jewish tribal solution is to get non-Democratic locks on power ,the same as the Whites did in South Africa, with the ideal being an institutionalized system of Apartheid (the Deplorables as the new Blacks) run by “Homeland Security”.

    It didn’t work in South Africa, and it probably isn’t going to work in the US, and if/when it fails, the critical question is going to be the attitude of Anglo-European Americans. Radical Jewish activists have led the movement for the mass immigration replacement of Whites, the demonization of Whites, the removal of Whites from positions of power in their own country, and the looting of the country to benefit Israel (plus the WMD and 9/11 deceptions).

    So will Jews eventually be chased out of the US (South African style), or will they return to being a minority under Democratic protection, with power corresponding to their 2% of the population. White Anglo-Europeans are not Black Africans , and they have a long Democratic tradition, so it’s an open question.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  189. EWM 说:

    由Rudyard Kipling







    • 回复: @Logan
    , @daniel le mouche
  190. Logan 说:

    Good luck with that. It’s worked out so well for Zimbabweans. As they have discovered, land of itself is simply not a source of wealth. It is a resource that, properly used, can produce wealth. The main effect of the “taking back”of land by Zimbabwean blacks has been a drastic drop in the wealth produced by that land. It seems that those who take it back capable of or much interested in the hard and intelligent work needed to make that land produce wealth.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  191. Logan 说:


    While studies vary, it appears the “average” Chilean is something like 60% “white” and 40% “native American.”


    That’s based on genetic studies, not self-identification.

    安第斯山脉另一侧的比例则截然不同,那里的血统通常 80% 是白人。



  192. Logan 说:

    “But the SA gold and diamond wealth were entirely different. The native were entirely unaware of the wealth beneath their feet till whites came in, discovered the deposits, and organized their extraction and marketing.”

    No. The natives were acutely aware of its wealth, as my link clearly demonstrated. Why do you think the British passed laws to ensure that blacks would not be able to benefit from these riches themselves?

    “till whites came in.” You are ignoring my actual words. The diamonds were discovered by whites. The blacks were utterly unaware of them before then. Same with the main gold fields. Your links are all about what happened after the resources were discovered, by whites.

    This is similar to the oil in the Middle East. The Arabs had been living above it for millenia, utterly unaware of its existence or value. Americans came in, discovered the oil and developed, produced and marketed it.

    Which group, Americans or Arabs, had a greater moral right to the wealth thus produced? I would contend those who found it.

    But we followed our own legal principles and allowed the locals to claim the wealth, primarily, for themselves, despite the fact that we had more than sufficient military power to keep it for outselves. This is not, BTW, how the natives would have behaved were the situation reversed.

    In Africa, till recently, the locals were frozen out of the wealth generated by their land. But their “right” to it is, again, part of our cultural baggage, not their’s.

    It wasn’t for the British to unilaterally make that decision.

    Why not? Does African society have some legal tradition whereby conquerors deny themselves the fruits of their conquest in order to be “fair” to the conquered? If you have examples of that, I’d love to see them.

    You can’t even see the ethnocentrism inherent in your argument. You are applying moral arguments pretty much unique to western civilization to denounce western civilization. Those moral arguments are not universals.

    • 回复: @Authenticjazzman
    , @Corvinus
  193. Logan 说:


    Kipling wrote no such thing. He wrote a poem called “The Beginnings,” in which the refrain is “When the English began to hate.”




  194. @gustafus


    …assuring us that white majority Chile exterminated pretty much all the troublesome indigenous…. no worries there.

    他提醒我们,智利的财富是仿照 芝加哥经济学院。





  195. @Hank Rearden

    If Zimbabweans don’t want whites back, then why does News24 and The Washington Post say they do want White farmers back?

    On what basis do you find those to be credible sources? Do all of them want all whites back?

  196. @Logan

    If white people have a confirmed desire and will to exterminate you all, what’s stopping us?

    Maybe we’re too busy killing off each other 集体 as, for example, in the world wars.

  197. @Logan

    You can survive quite nicely on the Great Plains…

    Yeh, if you like sagebrush or yer Pronghorn.

    Without herds of bison, or cheap oil and machinery, I’d like to see anyone survive there. Even today, with all the advantages, I’m amazed that people even live in the Western (short grass or no-grass prairie) Great Plains at least.

    • 回复: @Logan
    , @helena
  198. @Miro23


    The Jewish tribal solution is to get non-Democratic locks on power ,the same as the Whites did in South Africa, with the ideal being an institutionalized system of Apartheid (the Deplorables as the new Blacks) run by “Homeland Security”.

    And as I think you suggest, color doesn’t matter a bit. It’s not so much about color as who gets to play master and who plays slave.

    • 回复: @Miro23
  199. @Logan

    It is a resource that, properly used, can produce wealth.


    I bet the same claim could be made about “resources.” Now, get back to work. 😉

    • 回复: @Logan
  200. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:

    Right you are. And a similar thing happened in the South. Before the Civil War only a small minority of whites–about 25% of them–owned slaves, and about 80% of the slaves were owned by a mere 2% of the whites (the big plantation owners). Yet it is routinely alleged that all American whites everywhere–even in the states where slavery never existed, in fact, even in the states that did not yet exist when slavery was still practiced–are said to have somehow benefited from the peculiar institution (“white privilege”).

    The élites are very good at shifting blame, aren’t they!

  201. KenH 说:

    All this hyperbolic deceit (no surprises there) of “Muslim rape,” even as your cursed kind continues on with its decadent Rape\Ho culture, evidences of which pours in day after day.

    Muslim rape and sexual assault in the U.K and Europe is very real and you don’t have to look very far for evidence. But if you say it’s “hyperbolic deceit” then to be fair Abu Ghraib is hyperbolic deceit. You sound like a Muslim in denial which isn’t anything new.

    Concerning the rape/ho culture, you are terribly confused as I’m not black or Jewish. Blacks embrace and perpetuate that culture while Jews dominate the hardcore porn industry in America that cheapens and devalues women.

    More than half British women sexually harassed at work but few report it: BBC poll

    Fake news. And the BBC is an ultra liberal news organization. English men tend to be extremely restrained and gentlemanly towards their own women and women in general so if there is a harassment problem it’s likely being committed by third world men who have little concept of chivalry towards women.

    • 回复: @Semper Fidelis
  202. Miro23 说:
    @jacques sheete

    And as I think you suggest, color doesn’t matter a bit. It’s not so much about color as who gets to play master and who plays slave.

    Yes, I see it as a search for tribal power. Jewish promoted mass immigration, SJW activism, BLM, White Guilt, Affirmative Action, Counter-Culture, LGBT, destruction of national and Christian symbols WMD, War on Terror etc. etc. are just tools to weaken and confuse the only potential challenge (Anglo-European) to Jewish power in the United States.

    The proof, is that exactly the same promoters, push opposite policies for Israel: Only Jewish immigration, an explicitly Jewish state, prohibited Jewish/Gentile marriage, and with no interest whatsoever in Blacks, refugees or banning Jewish religious symbols . Also regular False Flag deceptions to trick the US into destroying Middle East countries neighbouring Israel, looking the other way with regard to the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, and an automatic veto on criticism of Israel at the UN.

  203. @whoever

    ‘the Germans got along well with the Indians, the English, aside from Quakers and similar, did not, nor did they like the Germans.’

    That says it all, to my mind. The English, to this day, deserve only contempt and disgust–i.e. all that they are capable of giving. Yo English fuckers, what’s your fucking problem?

  204. @ThaboZulu

    May your infinite relatives in Europe meet the same fate.

  205. @ThaboZulu

    Yes, Kookamunga, I’m sure you’d beat my primitive mind in a debate on any subject other than jungle dancing, rape, weapons, and general moronic violence.
    Got out the ol thesaurus and found yourself a big word, extirpater? Or did plain curvilinear thinking get you there? (My guess is it was rapshite combined with the endless negroid hate videos on youtube)

    • 回复: @ThaboZulu
  206. @EWM

    ‘They were not easily moved,
    They were icy — willing to wait’


  207. @Logan

    ” This is not , by the way, how the natives would have behaved were the situation reversed”

    Brilliant and rare observation, and in tune with the unspoken however implied rediculous leftist theory that had the Europeans been black and the Africans white, that all of the strife and bloodshed, plus slavery, would have never occured.


    • 同意: joef
  208. @KenH

    English men tend to be extremely restrained and gentlemanly towards their own women and women in general so if there is a harassment problem it’s likely being committed by third world men who have little concept of chivalry towards women.

    I’m afraid your concept of the British gentleman needs updating. Brits today are vastly different from the Brits of yore. I’m sure you’ve heard of the appalling child sex abuse cases at the BBC: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BBC_sexual_abuse_cases

    There’s not even a half way respectable paper in England, all British papers are like tabloids, with a giant nude centerfold everyday. Whatever the Jews did to corrupt America with their moral relativism and cultural Marxism since the 60s, multiply that by 10 and set it back 20 years. That’s how far gone the Brits are today in the hands of the hedonist Jews who’ve pretty much run their government, upper class, media and academia since the 1800s. The British aristocracy is every bit as depraved. The whole mess with Charles, Diana and Camilla Parker Bowles dragged the royal family to a new low. Prince Andrew and now Prince Harry’s partying and philandering are well documented in the tabloids.

    When I think of a British “gentleman” today I think of Simon Cowell, Ricky Gervais, Pierce Morgan, Gordon Ramsay, Jamie Oliver, David Beckham, Hugh Grant, Elton John…more loud mouth cocky degenerates than David Nivens. A British “Lady” today is more in the image of Victoria Beckham or Bridget Jones than Queen Elizabeth, who’ve been reduced to an old relic picked on daily by the British tabloids. British actor Ed Westwick has just been accused of raping 2 of his co-stars in US TV show Gossip Girl. Even James Bond the quintessential British gentleman has received an image update courtesy of beefy Daniel Craig. Every British drama today involves adultery, single parenthood or homosexuality, the Jewish/leftist moral depravity in full force.

    Brits today are a country of lost souls mired in colonial guilt, to the point where they no longer even fight back when their country is being taken over by Muslim rape gangs who target their teenage girls.

    The British civilization reached its apex in the Victorian era(1837-1901), when they largely adhered to the “Victorian Morality” of sexual restraint, low tolerance for crime and a strict social code of conduct. Then the two world wars occurred and all hell broke lose. A once proud people who gave the world the Industrial Revolution and governed 25% of the earth’s land mass are gradually reduced to a country full of depraved drunken hooligans thanks to leftist moral degeneracy and colonial guilt. This is what British teens are like today:

    • 回复: @KenH
  209. We ought to do a population swap with South Africa. There are 37 million blacks in the US today, and 4.5 million whites in South Africa. We send them all our blacks in exchange for all their whites. We will give the blacks $10,000 each as incentive, which will give us a one time cost of $370 billion. Sounds like a lot but that’s 37% of the $1 Trillion we spend on welfare 每年 between the federal, state and local governments.

    This way the blacks in either country no longer have to worry about mistreatment in the hands of racist whites. Everyone’s happy.

    • 回复: @helena
  210. Logan 说:
    @jacques sheete

    You bet. Human resources, like all others, are potential sources of wealth. Unless used properly, no wealth is produced.

  211. Logan 说:
    @jacques sheete

    Yeah, but at the time there huge herds of bison. So they survived quite nicely. In fact, during the 17th and 18th centuries many tribes migrated out onto the Plains from surrounding areas as horses and then firearms made a nomadic buffalo-hunting way of life attractive.

  212. chris m 说:


    令人遗憾的是,这篇文章的许多评论者都必须提及作者的宗教信仰(最新统计有 66 个)。



    我读到了 Bokkie Potgieter 的案例


    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  213. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    Blacks before whites came to South Africa were tribes living a hunter-gather existence. It was mingling with whites that made them more modern, educated, and advanced. Yes, Apartheid introduced a caste-based system, but blacks were nothing and had no wealth in any western economic sense before whites came, and everybody knows it. Even living under Apartheid advanced blacks beyond what they could achieve under their own efforts.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
    , @Logan
    , @gT
  214. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    Jews aren’t always doing so well these days. Without daddies arranging the marriages of their doltish offspring, they can end up in bad positions. For example:


  215. Corvinus 说:

    ““till whites came in.” You are ignoring my actual words. The diamonds were discovered by whites.”

    The story begins with a 15 year-old white boy who discovered a 21-carat diamond, which led to a diamond rush by whites AND blacks.

    “The blacks were utterly unaware of them before then. Same with the main gold fields.”

    Blacks were aware of gold deposits on their continent. See Mansa Musa. In South Africa, the mining camp that developed in 1886 as a result of a major discovery was primarily white, but there were black prospectors.

    “Your links are all about what happened after the resources were discovered, by whites.”

    Initially discovered by a white person, with subsequent discoveries and claims by both whites and blacks.

    “Which group, Americans or Arabs, had a greater moral right to the wealth thus produced? I would contend those who found it.”

    In the case of South Africa, the British set forth laws that denied blacks the opportunity to mine diamonds and gold if they found it on their own property. Furthermore, the natives had been taken over by force, against their own will, by outside influences, beginning in the 1870’s, and had no say regarding their political or economic future. It is similar to the American colonists who demanded that they be able to sell goods on their own without being subject to imperial control.

    In the case of the Middle East, there had been at least a modicum of respect in that there were concessions negotiated with the Persian government by the British to search for oil in its territory. There was no such arrangement in South Africa.

    “Which group, Americans or Arabs, had a greater moral right to the wealth thus produced? I would contend those who found it.”

    Had the deals been brought about in an equitable and transparent manner.

    “But we followed our own legal principles and allowed the locals to claim the wealth, primarily, for themselves…”

    That is patently false. Cecil Rhodes told the House of Assembly in Cape Town (1887) that “the native is to be treated as a child and denied the franchise. We must adopt a system of despotism in our relations with the barbarians of South Africa”. In less oratorical moments, he put it even more bluntly: “I prefer land to niggers.” He personally supervised the seizure of close to a million square miles of prime territory from its inhabitants, which included tracts that stored valuable mineral deposits. In 1896, his name was linked with the Jameson Raid, an illegal effort to annex territory held by the Boers, which was a primary factor for a war that began in 1899 and ended in 1902.

    “This is not, BTW, how the natives would have behaved were the situation reversed.”

    Indeed, the natives would have tried to keep what was considered to be their property from Europeans, but they lacked the maxim gun, so their efforts would have been for naught.

    “Does African society have some legal tradition whereby conquerors deny themselves the fruits of their conquest in order to be “fair” to the conquered?”

    You just stated that “we followed our own legal principles and allowed the locals to claim the wealth, primarily, for themselves.” Do you realize the disconnect here? Indeed, the Europeans jackbooted the Africans, took the wealth for themselves, and left in their wake a post-colonial mess.

    “You are applying moral arguments pretty much unique to western civilization to denounce western civilization. ”

    I am applying arguments that are based on universal moral standards.

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Logan
  216. Talha 说:


    Thanks for that info and the quotes. I had read up on Belgium in the Congo, which makes South Africa look mild, but was not aware of some of these things you are citing.

    It’s a really sad situation, I hope there are not White people oppressed in order to make “amends” for the past oppression of Blacks.

    Maybe a time for another reconciliation commission like they did after apartheid ended so they can figure out a just and equitable solution.


  217. @joef

    Laughing and laughing very hard. The definition you are providing is completely different than the one you posed in our discussion on the topic of athletes. The definition that you provide above is standard for those blacks living in the US.

    An contrary to the unique definition you proferred previously would no unique link to the population you attempted to note in Africa, I think it was central Africa. I would go dig it up, but it wouldn’t be worth the hassle. But applying this definition makes you entire previous advance which you insisted was based on personal and professional experience even lesser in value that the Occam’s razor gymnastics you pressed.

    A I said previously, if nothing else you are entertaining. Let me know when you decide which definition of “Afro” you will decide to settle on.

    • 回复: @joef
  218. ThaboZulu 说:
    @daniel le mouche

    Incoherent babble again. The farm murders will continue and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @daniel le mouche
  219. Logan 说:

    I think we’ve both expressed our opinions adequately.

    Readers are free to decide which makes more sense.


    • 回复: @Corvinus
  220. Corvinus 说:

    “I think we’ve both expressed our opinions adequately.”

    So just when it was getting interesting, you decide to run and cut bait.

    • 回复: @Talha
  221. Corvinus 说:

    “Blacks before whites came to South Africa were tribes living a hunter-gather existence.”

    Tribes created their own civilizations that from a technological standpoint was not as advanced as the Europeans.

    “It was mingling with whites that made them more modern, educated, and advanced.”

    Assuming that being “modern, educated, and advanced” like the European was THE standard. Perhaps tribal groups were content with living their own life rather than be subject to the European created “Invade The World, Invite The World” philosophy. But Pandora’s Box will never close now.

    “Yes, Apartheid introduced a caste-based system, but blacks were nothing”

    Again, from a Eurocentric point of view, but not from a Christian or humanity perspective.

    “and had no wealth in any western economic sense before whites came, and everybody knows it.”

    Seriously, either you are stupid or extremely ignorant.


    “Even living under Apartheid advanced blacks beyond what they could achieve under their own efforts.”

    So using YOUR own logic, today’s Neo Cons are well within their liberty to promote their agenda at your expense. After all, the inferior peoples out there need our help because they cannot possible achieve anything on their own.

    You are really dense, man.

  222. Corvinus 说:
    @Hank Rearden

    Ward Churchill is a liar about a particular event in American history. Adding this “anti-white” nonsense, however, undercuts your serious inquiry into this matter.

    Now, from your source was this nugget –> “The only documented attempt to infect Indians with smallpox was the dirty work of Swiss mercenaries serving the British crown before the United States’ founding as a constitutional republic.”

    Was it referencing to what happened at Fort Pitt and the reference made by William Trent? Because the source here makes no mention of the “dirty work of Swiss mercenaries”.


  223. Logan 说:

    Blacks before whites came to South Africa were tribes living a hunter-gather existence.


    The Bushmen were hunter-gatherers. But most South African natives were farmers and pastoralists. Even the Hottentots had large herds of domestic animals, though they grew no crops.

    Most blacks were at an early Iron Age level of technology, making iron/steel spearheads, axes, knives, etc.

    • 回复: @Anon
  224. The European created “Invade The World, Invite The World” philosophy stems from the divine mandate of the International Jew whom they worship.

    Therefore go and make disciples of all nations. (Matthew 29:19)

    To those with the mistaken notion that Europe isn’t Christian anymore, philosopher John Gray notes that liberal humanist values are merely a “hollowed-out version of a theistic myth.”

    There is neither male nor female, for ye are all one in Magical Freaqualism. (Galatians 3:28)

    Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in Zir sight.

  225. Rurik 说: • 您的网站

    if it had only been the rich and powerful that were titillated by contests of suffering and death.

    they set the tone

    the sheople will always be the sheople, no matter what region or tribe you’re speaking of

    we here at Unz are attempting a critique of the rich and powerful, so that someone holds a light up to their treachery and treason, evil and enormities

    hopefully as a way towards creating a better paradigm, and healing some of the enormous suffering that is caused directly by the evil and treachery of the rich and powerful, no?

    • 回复: @Sollipsist
  226. Rurik 说: • 您的网站

    The long term solution to these intractable problems are separation and a respect of each people’s self-determination in their own lands


    By all means keep out those not like you, to any level you see fit, but keep your greedy psychopathic fucking hands off of others.


    now, where do you want to draw the borders?

    you see the problem isn’t with rational people, but with the irrational elites who run globalism

    I’m sure you and I could agree that Europe should be allowed to say Europe, and Africa – Africa. Just as I’m sure we’d agree on most places. Perhaps divide the USA into regions where the blacks and whites and browns and reds and yellows could all have a region of their own, much like the “reds” (I don’t think that’s a pejorative is it?) have reservations that are 他们的。

    I’d be happy to give the blacks large swaths of the South, and I bet most whites would happily agree if they too could be given regions of 自己, perhaps in Appalachia or other, adjacent areas of the South. Just so long as they had 自己 and all trade and immigration was all consensual between all parties, as opposed to being imposed by the do-gooders in the fecal government. (agents of the Fiend)

    But the problem is the Fiend would never allow that. (think Catalonia right now, as the fiends in the Spanish government consider those people their perpetual slaves, unwilling serfs) It is (forced) proximity = diversity that = strife. And the Fiend verily thrives on strife, and hatred, and crime. That’s where it gets its spurious ‘authority’ (power) to dominate everyone, by creating enough strife and hatred and misery, that it can come in and tell everyone how much the Fiend’s goons are necessary to keep order.

    It’s a sad and tiresome strategy that goes back centuries.

    If we limited the conversation to say, the United States, would you be willing to grant white people a commiserate percentage of the land as their numbers represent today? Or would you insist that they all leave and hand over the land to the blacks and browns and yellows and reds, because whites are congenitally evil and should all return to Europe and stay there.

    Well, guess what… if it came down to that, I’d have to agree (not that they’re evil, obviously), but I’d rather see the whites of the planet all return to Europe and fortify its borders even if they had to give up Oceana and N. America and everywhere else, and let those people create whatever kind of societies suit them, so long as Europe and Russia and the historic lands of white folks could retain their respective character.

    But the Fiend would NEVER allow that. In million years, because the existence of white society, (Western civilization) with everything that means… – is the very thing that drives the Fiend (and all his armies of butt-hurt orcs and envious losers) insane with murderous hatred for the accomplishments and sublime beauty of white, Western civilization and its people. The Asians would tolerate it OK, because they too are quite capable, but the ((Fiend)) would grow apoplectic at such a development, and his head would explode.

    so in a way, the best defense for Western civilization, is a certain amount of offence, at least insofar as they demand to retain what they have today, even it they tell everyone else that they too are entitled to self-determination in their own lands.

    Britain for the British, Jamaica for Jamaicans’, and so forth. No?

    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @henry11
  227. Talha 说:

    Bro – to try to make reparations for the sins of others by sinning yourself – doesn’t make you right, it makes you sinful also.

    There has got to be a reasonable accommodation that can be reached. Show people that you have more humanity when you have power than they did over you. South Africa is a place that a lot of people around the world have looked to since the fall of apartheid for a different narrative. Your people have the ability to make that a reality and I know you have it in you.


    • 回复: @Rurik
  228. Talha 说:


    Let people disengage with honor. I’ve regretted it when I haven’t. It might be an ego boost, but that’s not what it’s about. You might lose a willing ear that may have been ready to hear you out.


  229. gT 说:

    There is an old tale which goes something like this ‘When the White man came, he had the bible and we had the land. Then the White man said; close your eyes, let us pray. And when we opened our eyes we had the bible and he had the land”. So was it worth while getting the bible (modernization, education and Christianity) while losing the land (gold, diamonds, etc).

    I cannot answer that, the benefits accruing to those who “shared”the bible seem to be unlimited and never ending. Surely the time period for benefits accruing on the patent for “sharing” the bible expired long time ago?

    And to go on with the theme of “spreading the word of God” gave unlimited and never ending benefits. That was in the past, these days there is a new gimmick. These days its spreading democracy which gives you unlimited and never ending benefits. Just look at the unlimited and never ending oil accruing to those who “spread democracy” to Libya and Iraq (and lets not mention the mega tons of gold both Gaddafi and Saddam had in their vaults).

  230. gwynedd1 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    So the Europeans gave blankets to the Indians?

    Don’t you find it strange that the Indians would accept gifts from their enemies? Perhaps you are suggesting that the relations were so good at the time that the ruse was so plausible? Do you have the historical reference for this act?

    The only historical record we have( historian Francis Parkman) was Indians suffering from small pox which was linked to looting the hospital after the siege of Fort William Henry.

    So you left out the element that the Indians were hostiles besieging the hospitals and it was infected loot extorted from the besieged.

  231. helena 说:
    @jacques sheete

    Yeh, if you like sagebrush or yer Pronghorn.

    Not recommended?

  232. Rurik 说: • 您的网站


    South Africa is a place that a lot of people around the world have looked to since the fall of apartheid

    we didn’t need to

    we had Zimbabwe for a clear view into their (African blacks, ((olgarchs)) who run globalism) intentions

    this is a website run by a lady living in Zimbabwe. She’s white but she doesn’t’ have a racist bone in her body.


    You can peruse her letters going back years to glimmer the tragedy

    here’s a doozy from her October letter

    And finally, the last item in October’s hot madness came in the form of the debacle about the WHO appointment of President Mugabe as a Goodwill Ambassador (of non communicable diseases).

    does the World Health Organization even know who Mugabe even is?! Have then even heard of Zimbabwe?

    the British government cares not one whit for these ethnic Brits, and of course the West will not give them refugee status, as that would pervert the narrative, so they languish, or worse.


    • 回复: @Talha
  233. helena 说:
    @Semper Fidelis

    Bottom line, would you settle for a swap the other way?

  234. Rurik 说: • 您的网站

    the ((Fiend)) would grow apoplectic at such a development, and his head would explode.


  235. Talha 说:


    That is why I am appealing to the core of the person – to that shared humanity. Unless you think someone is gone beyond any hope of reason and empathy.

    For me, the better approach is to say (especially because many of them are Christian); look, you’re better than this, you don’t need to sink to this level, you can conquer your lower-self and break this tragic cycle and I’m going to applaud and recognize your triumph over your lower-self and the naysayers when you do.

    That at least seems better than shouting at people and calling them animals and cursing them – how else do you think they’ll react?

    You already said, there is likely no help coming – so what options are left?


    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @daniel le mouche
  236. henry11 说:

    Those innocent savage indians, poor babies. If you believe that blankets with bacteria can kill people, you are a lost puppy.

  237. henry11 说:

    Man you sure like treating these brown people well. The indians would starve in ten days without taking from the white man’s taxes. Indians are not doing well, if you havent noticed. They drink like a fish and sleep in the street despite having a taxpayer funded home.

    Same thing with the blacks, and browns. They cannot survive in a competitive economy. If they gave up on freeloading, they could move to Kentucky, pool their money, and enjoy like at a slower pace on their own land. But they cant leave white people alone because they enjoy the finer things, and not working for them.

    They all need to go back home to Africa Asia and Latin America. There is only one group of people that are first world in this world, and they built America.

    Jamaicans for the Jamaicans? Enjoy the murder there. It would be interesting to see what happened, as chaos would explode with these new countries of black people, who had to return home to lower standards of living.

  238. Rurik 说: • 您的网站


    there is likely no help coming – so what options are left?

    Well, as I mentioned on another thread..


    Was it a mistake to divide the Raj into India and Pakistan?

    Should Catalonia be allowed to separate and live according to their wonts and local customs? Especially so long as they’re not trespassing on anyone else?

    Or does the desire of elites in far off places trump these people’s desire for self-determination?

    Why not let the whites have some territory for themselves? Or would the stark contrast between the ‘livability’ of those places, vis-a-vis the rest of Africa be too much for the black Africans to bear?

    One day the whites of S. Africa may decide they’ve had enough of the wholesale slaughter of their own, and fight back. What then? Do we go in and help the ANC crush their rebellion, on behalf of the recognized (if genocidally anti-white) government of S. Africa?

    There are difficult, if seemingly intractable problems with this issue, and for me, the only sound and fair and humane way to deal with it is by recognizing that 所有 people are entitled to self-determination in their own lands, and that any use of force of one tribe to impose itself over, or demand immigration into another people’s land, or to their property, is harmful and counter-productive to the greater harmony, peace, happiness and prosperity of all humankind.


    • 回复: @Talha
  239. Rurik 说:

    But they cant leave white people alone because they enjoy the finer things, and not working for them.


    it was whitey who created an entire dependent segment of society, and then pay them to breed more of the same.

    They all need to go back home to Africa Asia and Latin America. There is only one group of people that are first world in this world, and they built America.

    don’t forget, it was the greedy white man who bought the slaves, and now we suffer the sins of our fathers

    and as for who was first here, it was clearly the ‘Indians’, who were far, far better stewards of this continent than the white man has been.

    If anything, I wonder if we whites shouldn’t give it back to them, lest we kill off every last blade of grass and animal in the wild to sate our quite literally insatiable greed for more and more lucre.

    It is a terrible sin what we’re doing to this place, by overpopulating it and wiping out the natural fauna. What are you going to tell your grandchildren when they ask you were all the mountain lions and Florida panthers and Grizzly bears all went to?

    With the projected trajectory of shear human numbers, there won’t be any room left for the natural world that has thrived here for untold millenniums, until the white man got here with his bottomless pit of greed and infinite avarice.

    When the Rocky Mountains are barren of all but concrete tourist traps and mini-golf courses, will there be anything of significance that was lost to the coming generations to enjoy or wonder over?

    Jamaicans for the Jamaicans? Enjoy the murder there. It would be interesting to see what happened, as chaos would explode with these new countries of black people, who had to return home to lower standards of living.

    So long as they kept their numbers small enough, I doubt they could do too much damage, and then hunt and farm the lush lands and rich waters of the ocean off their coast. So long as they kept their numbers down. Haiti is a nice case in point for us all, when we mindlessly breed out of an insane and insatiable greed to fuel the wealthy elites who control nations.

    • 回复: @Miro23
  240. KenH 说:
    @Semper Fidelis

    恐怕你对英国绅士的观念需要更新了。今天的英国人与过去的英国人有很大不同。我相信你听说过 BBC 骇人听闻的儿童性虐待案件


    The anonymous poster included a linked article claiming there was an epidemic of sexual harassment in the British work place and insinuating that British (i.e., white) men were responsible. I assume he did this to deflect attention away from Muslim grooming gangs in the U.K. and the sharp increase in sexual assaults since Muslims “refugees” arrived in Europe.

    Widespread sexual harassment in the U.K. workplace is not happening or other left wing media outlets, especially CNN and MSNBC, would pounce on it. White men in the workplace generally are not very aggressive towards women. That doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of harassing behavior but it’s just not that common.

    Also, workplace sexual harassment has been defined down so far that it now includes formerly innocent behavior such as eye contact with a woman for three seconds, complimenting a female on her dress or telling a joke she finds unfunny. I know a guy who was accused of sexual harassment for momentarily placing his hand on a woman’s shoulder, so there’s a high probability that the “harassment” cited by the BBC would fall far short of what a reasonable and rational person would consider as harassment.

    • 回复: @Another Realist
  241. Talha 说:


    Was it a mistake to divide the Raj into India and Pakistan?

    Possibly – jury is still out on that one as far as I’m concerned.

    I don’t really know what the solution is – I do know that the current trajectory doesn’t look right. I hope we don’t have to keep splitting up countries into smaller and smaller pieces, but then again, I don’t want bloody civil wars either. Either way, if people can at least recognize and have some empathy for their fellow human beings, then whichever solution comes out, it will be arrived at in an easier way.


    • 回复: @Rurik
  242. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Whites build, blacks destroy. Everywhere in the world, in and out of Africa, there is not a single black built society that is even half way livable. Blacks are simply incapable of building a civilized society, period. Not only that, but they destroy what’s built. When large numbers of blacks move to a city, they ruin and destroy everything. Just look at Chicago south side, Baltimore, St. Louis, New Orleans…most of Mississippi.

    Browns are not far behind. From Latin America to South Asia to Southeast Asia(except Chinese dominant Singapore), browns are simply incapable of building any semblance of a modern society. All architecture in the brown dominant world were built by colonial powers a century ago. At least they haven’t destroyed them all like the blacks, but they haven’t built anything new either.

    Why? One simple reason, they can’t count. People who can’t do math can’t be engineers, computer programmers, architects, scientists, doctors and accountants. In the past these people could get by working in agriculture and some low end manufacturing. But everything is coming to a head now because we’ve entered the information age, where the ability to count matters more than ever. You need to be good at math and logic to be a programmer. Even manufacturing jobs require the ability to read and maneuver sophisticated machines.

    Browns and blacks are all out of sorts because the new economy has less and less room for them. At least the browns are willing to work hard, so they can still work in service and farm. The blacks are lazy, dumb and violent, just want to blame everybody for their failure, destroy everything built, and the Jews egg them on, helping them lay all the blame on whites.

    Jews and blacks, devious vindictive brains directing violence, the two most destructive forces among men. Together they will destroy the best civilization ever built, the western civilization.

  243. @KenH

    真的,你去哪儿了?自 60 世纪 XNUMX 年代以来,英国人一直通过詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)美化工作场所的花心和性骚扰。即使现在,布里吉特·琼斯有人吗?奥斯汀·鲍尔斯?法国人更惨。意大利人就是坑。你没有听到更多抱怨的唯一原因是因为它在他们的文化中根深蒂固。女人们期待着这一点。它是如此普遍,以至于他们甚至不知道从哪里开始。长期以来,开明的欧洲人一直将我们视为正经人/清教徒的后裔。

    • 回复: @KenH
  244. Miro23 说:

    And as for who was first here, it was clearly the ‘Indians’, who were far, far better stewards of this continent than the white man has been.

    It is a terrible sin what we’re doing to this place, by overpopulating it and wiping out the natural fauna. What are you going to tell your grandchildren when they ask you were all the mountain lions and Florida panthers and Grizzly bears all went to?

    This is an interesting comment, but these “first here” arguments don’t really lead anywhere.

    Over millennia land has changed hands between races/tribes and these races/tribes have themselves changed. For example, the British have a strong identity linked to the British Isles, but a closer look shows that a place that was mostly Old British (ethnic Welsh and Welsh speaking) when the Romans invaded, later became more Celtic (ethnic Irish and Irish/Gaelic speaking) in the north, and later ethnic Scandinavian Norwegian-Danish in the north-west with the Viking invasions (the Danelaw), and still later, English (German) speaking with the invasion and settlement of Saxons. This made a mostly Anglo-Saxon country that was then defeated by a French (Norman) invasion (1066 Battle of Hastings) giving England an ethnic French and French speaking upper class. And now, along with much of the West, it’s becoming a Liquorice Allsorts country.

    The historic way with races and land, has been that Might equals Right, and the Ancient Romans, for instance, didn’t feel any guilt about annual campaigns to dominate weaker neighbours and incorporate them, their land and wealth into a greater Empire – in fact it was required of Roman leaders – making a world of permanent racial conflict at the borders (but interestingly not within the Empire). Within the Empire plenty of incentives were offered to different tribes to make it worthwhile being loyal Roman subjects with opportunities and autonomy including Roman Citizenship.

    WW1 and WW2 were such a bad experience that the world now seems to have abandoned Imperialism, with the new default being mutual respect between different races, each having their own land as defined in 1945, which more or less works if international treaties and borders are respected.

    Residual Empires such as Stalin’s creation – the Soviet Union, have collapsed under the new policy of ethnic self-determination, and this in turn seems to have morphed into the unfortunate and failed idea of open borders combined with ethnic self-determination within countries (e.g. a United States made up of conflictive ethnic “rights” communities).

    As usual, a big mess, but I agree 100% with your comments on the Natural World which is probably the most important and perennially ignored issue.

    The Chinese and S/W Asian Indians are the current leaders in destroying the Natural World, and the American Indians wouldn’t have been any different if they had the numbers and technology (and even without these, they drove most N.American large mammals to extinction).

    • 回复: @Rurik
  245. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    And people are well justified in dealing cucks and traitors like yourself the treatment they deserve. Tick tock, asshole.

  246. @ThaboZulu

    No, they didn’t steal anything. They TOOK it. As in conquered your primitive Stone Age asses. Deal with it, loser.

  247. Rurik 说:


    Was it a mistake to divide the Raj into India and Pakistan?

    Possibly – jury is still out on that one as far as I’m concerned.

    that’s intriguing

    what was/is the alternative?

    (I confess I know very little about it all. Just that the Brits were there, and then when they left they decided to divide the place, presumably for reasons of stability, but then I really have no idea)


    • 回复: @Talha
  248. Rurik 说:

    This is an interesting comment, but these “first here” arguments don’t really lead anywhere.

    I know what you mean about how convoluted it all gets. As I understand it, white people were here thousands of years ago. There’s evidence of them in places like Peru, with white mummies. And then of course Kennewick man (who they’ve since pretended was an Amerindian, this stuff is soo sensitive)

    mutual respect between different races, each having their own land as defined in 1945,


    it was all a free-for-all until Nuremburg, when the world decided on International Law and certain covenants and principles (that were all curiously overlooked in Palestine)

    I believe that these covenants and principles have merit, if human-“kind” is going to avoid more horrific and catastrophic wars in the future.

    But then how is Israel supposed to steal the Golan Heights if there are recognized International Laws?!

    With regard to the rest of your post, I agree wholeheartedly. The ultimate sin of mankind is allowing his insatiable, literally infinite greed to cause him to wipe out the Natural World.

    It’s a sin of staggering proportions, not only for what he’s doing to species that he has zero understanding of, but also what he’s doing to future generations of humans, by raping the place clean of it’s most profoundly beautiful and sublime mysteries, so he can buy a bigger Gulfstream for his fat arse to fly around on, and impress other shitstains of human detritus who can’t see beyond their bank account.

    the most loathsome of all these shitstains (sorry, but it has to be said) are the board members of the Sierra Club, who took a check for $100,000,000.00 to never mention the cause of human over-population in N. America (immigration) as the death knell for all wild life and the natural ecology here.

    What are forests and pristine, unspoiled natural ecological wonders .. compared to a hundred million shekels?!

    (yea, the scumfuck who bribed them was yet another hatred-consumed Jew wanting to genocide whitey uber-alles)


    • 回复: @Miro23
  249. Talha 说:


    what was/is the alternative?

    Keeping it as one country.

    The Muslims is India seem to be doing fairly well and with the added population of Pakistani and Bangladesh Muslims, might even have more negotiating power in a democracy. Certainly the useless border wars (and the East/West Pakistan civil war) could have been avoided.

    And right now so much energy from both sides goes into military spending instead of uplifting their people.


    • 回复: @Anon
  250. @Rurik

    These farm animals of North America is what feeds the world. Revert 100 years and the entire world will starve to death.

  251. colin 说:


  252. @ThaboZulu

    You must make your mother proud. (That coherent enough for your ape skull?)

  253. @Talha

    ‘That at least seems better than shouting at people and calling them animals and cursing them – how else do you think they’ll react?’

    Did you see this man’s first comment? He deserves worse than just name calling. However, I can appreciate your high-minded approach to the murderous er, …guy.

    • 回复: @Talha
  254. Talha 说:
    @daniel le mouche


    I did see that – but asking the person to be self-reflective is worth a shot. Encouraging them to overcome their own lower-ego can’t hurt either. If it doesn’t work – what do you lose?


  255. Sollipsist 说:

    Is that what’s being attempted at Unz? I’m actually here for relief from the kind of sites that typically push the rich=evil narrative.

    The assertion that the Roman upper classes somehow coerced the urban poor into an appreciation for gladiatorial combat is difficult to accept. That seems to me to be like saying our poor only watch pro football (or horror movies, or whatever modern analogy you like) because the rich do. I can’t imagine how you’d make a case for that.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  256. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    Do you think if Jinnah had lived longer Pakistan (and Indo-Pak relations in general) might have been saner, or had too much damage already been done?

    • 回复: @Talha
  257. Talha 说:

    Not sure. I think the real breaking point were the wars, especially the Pakistani civil war where India intervened.

    Time might heal things if saner minds prevail. I mean think about the US/UK relationship now. At one time, the Brits burned down much of our capital city!!!

    Now look at us – they join us in burning down other capitals any time we ask; peas in a pod I tell ya’!


  258. Miro23 说:

    The most loathsome of all these shitstains (sorry, but it has to be said) are the board members of the Sierra Club, who took a check for $100,000,000.00 to never mention the cause of human over-population in N. America (immigration) as the death knell for all wild life and the natural ecology here.

    Nature is good at recovering if it is left alone, and complete food chains reestablish themselves surprisingly quickly. The classic example is probably the Chernobyl exclusion zone (after the nuclear accident).

    In a new study released Monday, Beasley says that the population of large mammals on the Belarus side has increased since the disaster. He was shocked by the number of animals he saw there in a five-week survey. Camera traps captured images of a bison, 21 boars, nine badgers, 26 gray wolves, 60 raccoon dogs (an Asian species also called a tanuki), and 10 red foxes. “It’s just incredible. You can’t go anywhere without seeing wolves,” he says.
    Animals Rule in Chernobyl: https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/04/060418-chernobyl-wildlife-thirty-year-anniversary-science/

    The “exclusion zone” means people being excluded, so less people = more nature (habitats & animals).

    It’s interesting that the population of the US from the 1860 census was 31 million and it is now 325 million (10x more), with a similar picture around the world. In economic national terms this is “growth” but in personal terms, it’s just a lot of pressure.

    My observation is that families with one child can be quite happy and functional, and if this, by some miracle, became the norm, the US could quickly head back to 31 million people, probably with increasingly automated manufacturing (that doesn’t need people anyway) providing a level and choice of goods that would be unimaginable for the citizens of 1860.

    And, combine this with localization (removing of Federal tax/spending/borrowing power and local Democratic decision making) and you’re surely looking at a more attractive and respectful world.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  259. @Voortrekker

    Whites have been pushed out of jobs in South Africa by extreme affirmative action policies. Many have been impoverished. The poor whites don’t leave because they can’t afford to.

    Boer farmers have a tie to their land that goes back centuries. So they really don’t want to leave a country that they consider to be theirs as much as a Pole considers Poland to be his country. This despite the shocking level of violent crime against them.

  260. @Corvinus

    The anti-white rhetoric in America is ratcheting up while whites are still a majority, it will only get worse when whites are a minority. Only a very foolish white person thinks the demographic transition will end well for whites.

  261. @SimpleHandle

    He’s a cuck, that’s what they do. They’ve taken the Christian injunction to turn the other cheek to mean, spread both cheeks (if you catch my drift).

  262. @Ron Unz


    Marshall Eakins, professor at Vanderbilt, produced “Conquest of the Americas” for The Teaching Company

    Eakins lectures cover all the Americas, and (iirc) argue for a very high body count.

    Now that you heightened focus on the topic, I’ll have to listen to the lectures again. As I recall, they were very well done, carefully argued, fully documented.

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Ron Unz
  263. Rurik 说:

    push the rich=evil narrative.

    where did you get that?

    I’ve never said anything’s wrong with being rich. Henry Ford was rich, Ross Perot is rich. But they’re hardly evil, quite the contrary.

    what I was (明显地) referring to are the elites. The ‘rich and powerful’ who set policy. Rothschild rich, not Donald Trump rich.

    The assertion that the Roman upper classes somehow coerced the urban poor into an appreciation for gladiatorial combat is difficult to accept

    that’s the second time in one post that your implying I said something I didn’t

    the elites don’t ‘coerce’ the masses into reprehensible behavior, Rather they lead them to it.

    The masses are fickle and subject to mob rule and other potentially harmful expressions of the demons in their id. What is best is to have a moral elite who lead the masses in ways that are beneficial and beneficent. But what we’re stuck with in the West is an elite who’re murderous, tribal psychopaths hell bent on OT wrath and vengeance in the world, who exhort the masses to slaughter and war.

    This is not good. This is regrettable, to say the least, and doing what we can to educate and prevent this kind of suffering and misery in the world is what spreading the truth is all about. K?

    So please, if you’re going to respond, do so by avoiding straw man augments and implying I said things that I didn’t.


    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
    , @Sollipsist
  264. Corvinus 说:

    “The anti-white rhetoric in America is ratcheting up while whites are still a majority, it will only get worse when whites are a minority.”


    “Only a very foolish white person thinks the demographic transition will end well for whites.”


  265. @Rurik

    mostly I think the Catholic world could have survived fairly well without St Augustine of Hippo, but he did write in one of his books that he realized he was addicted to “the games,” and that he would have to exert extra effort to stop it.

    He was quite a sinner — from Augie we get “fornication” — wild young Romans (And, presumably, Cartheginians, like Augie) would meet up under a Roman arch —


    In Latin, the term ni means arch or vault. In Ancient Rome, prostitutes waited for their customers out of the rain under vaulted ceilings, and fornix became a euphemism for brothels, and the Latin verb fornicare referred to a man visiting a brothel

    ergo, an -conservative can be both a sexual sinner and a Bible-belting Alabama judge.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  266. Rurik 说:

    Nature is good at recovering if it is left alone, and complete food chains reestablish themselves surprisingly quickly.

    how many dodo birds do you see around?

    how many Neanderthals or Mastodons?

    the folly of humanity at Fukushima might have been a epochal level catastrophe, wiping out untold species of marine life for perpetuity.

    (perpetuity is a long time ; )

    if humans, in their blind hubris, over-populate the planet (like they do on a smaller scale whenever their blind greed runs amok), and wipe out the natural fauna, it won’t simply be a matter of a small scale catastrophe like Chernobyl, where the surrounding wildlife can re-encroach, but rather something global and permanent that can not be reversed.

    Otherwise I wouldn’t really care so much. It’s 因为 it will be irreversible that I’m concerned.

    and more to the point is the trajectory. It isn’t that there are 300+ humans in the USA, and are causing massive and incalculable damage to the environment and habitat for the rest of creation. No. The problem is that these numbers are just the beginning, and the insatiable greed of the human animal is just that, 贪得无厌。 The PTB need constant growth or Americans won’t be able to service the interest on the debt. (Our purpose for existing ; ). So they demand constant growth, and for that they need an eternally growing mass of housing consumers.

    Look at the agenda of Club for Growth. The people there are next on the list of shitstains on the fabric of humanity – behind the Sierra Club.

    There is a black hole of greed in the human psyche that can never, ever be filled.

    Once they have a million, they absolutely need two million. Once they have a billion, they 必须 have two. They’re worse than crack heads when it comes to their addiction. The only thing more addictive than wealth for these cretins is power. And God help us all when it comes to sating the black hole of greed for power in some people.

    just consider.. how many species and life forms do you think Hillary Clinton would sacrifice for all eternity if she could replace Donald Trump as potus tomorrow?


    that’d be my guess

  267. Talha 说:


    Thanks much for the reference! People forget that there were multiple stages of conquest done in very different areas by very different people.

    The settlement of Canada was NOT like the Spanish conquest of Mesoamerica.


  268. Rurik 说:

    very interesting and informative S2C, thanks

    how different are ‘the games’ of yesterday to the ultra-violent movies of today?

    my gal and I were watching some vapid show on Netflix the other day, about some FBI guys going around interviewing serial killers, and the show starts off with a guy blowing his own head off with a shotgun. Very graphic. I doubt ‘the games’ had that much gore with bits of flesh flying around on a given day.

    I suspect the games were as much about the drama as the death and blood. The spirit of the tragic victims, and the way they treated death, both as a giver and receiver. Men wanted to die with honor, above all. They didn’t want to look like sniveling cowards for all Rome to witness.

    Today we have the blood and gore in high-definition, but if you ask a college grad what ‘honor’ means, they’d be hard-pressed to answer. It’s (honor) simply not part of our lexicon anymore.


  269. Ron Unz 说:

    Eakins lectures cover all the Americas, and (iirc) argue for a very high body count.

    I’ll be quite interested in hearing what he argued. But make sure you keep in mind the extremely important distinction between Amerinds in North America versus those in Meso- and South America.

    Everyone knows that the Aztec and Incan civilizations were fully urbanized and had enormous populations, so surely many, many millions of deaths South of the Rio Grande must have occurred, though nearly all of these were unintentionally due to Smallpox and other European diseases. But the standard view is that the North American Amerind tribes were quite primitive, often nomadic or hunter-gatherer, lacking any cities and therefore with negligible population-density. I wouldn’t be surprised if the total population ratios were something like 20-to-1 between the two regions.

    Activists often try to confuse people by blurring the distinction.

    Similarly, Texas and the other parts of Mexico that the U.S. conquered after the Mexican-American War had constituted close to half of Mexico’s land area but had contained only something like 1% of Mexico’s population.

  270. Sollipsist 说:

    You led by stating a purpose: a critique of the rich and powerful, with “evil” as a property belonging to them (twice, in less than 80 words). Is it really that far of a stretch to see this as an intentional characterization?

    Likewise, “they set the tone” says to me that you believe that without the rich, the poor would not have enjoyed blood sports. Perhaps “coercion” is too strong of a word, but saying “celebrities set the tone of fashion” is functionally equivalent to saying “celebrities coerce the adoption of fashionable trends.”

    The essential aspect is intent, which can only ever be inferred, and I maintain that your inference denies the simple observation that Romans, rich and poor alike, genuinely enjoyed blood sports. It was not a plot or a policy; it was a commonality. The Roman rich and poor were never closer than they were at the games. That’s why the Circus Maximus was in the valley between the Palatine and the Aventine – the symbolism followed the reality, not the other way around.

    I fully accept that I may have come to conclusions that you didn’t intend, but I didn’t put any words in your mouth. Ironically, it seems that we were both guilty of drawing an unwarranted ideological conclusion from a misreading of intent.

  271. Rurik 说:

    rich and powerful, with “evil” as a property belonging to them

    in my reply to Mr. Unz, I called them “the PTB”

    it was you that used the expression “rich and powerful” in this comment,


    and I just ran with your characterization.


    Likewise, “they set the tone” says to me that you believe that without the rich, the poor would not have enjoyed blood sports.


    it’s not “the rich”!

    I have zero problem with people getting or being rich. Wildly, magnificently rich. Hell, I wouldn’t mind being so myself.

    the poor would not have enjoyed blood sports.


    it's not that the poor would not have enjoyed blood sports, of course they do. It's visceral.

    They'd like Kim Kardashian's ass in their face apparently if you promoted it as celebrity ass

    The Roman rich and poor were never closer than they were at the games.

    not physically. The seating was very hierarchical based on status.

    Ironically, it seems that we were both guilty of drawing an unwarranted ideological conclusion from a misreading of intent.

    I’m happy with that, and it resolves this thing. I suppose it happens often with forums of this type.


  272. geokat62 说:


    I didn’t realize you were an anti-Zionist, Corvy.

  273. joef 说:

    Clearly you do believe in a harsh reality. You harshly believe in your intellectual superiority – putting down others. You are proud to proclaim your supremacy.

    Pointing an error/falsity does not make one superior, merely attempting to be accurate. Either I am correct and it is occurring, or I am not… and based on how many millions victims of afro violence & aggression, it is obviously occurring (over and over again for the last half century)… and I am actually defending those voiceless victims that politically correct crowd refuses to acknowledge, because they are inconvenient to polite conversation. By ignoring their stories, you are actually the harsh one, not me.

  274. joef 说:

    If you noticed, I usually start my comments using ”afro american” as the descriptor, then follow up later in the comment with “afro” for short (I guess I am lazy)… have to admit you also provide me with the same entertainment value… I actually admire the fact you are very well read, and very articulate. However (oh no here it comes), but people at your intellectual level sometimes have the ability to deceive yourselves with an impression of your own infallibility.

    I hope you never get hurt (physically), and I hope you do not have to learn things the hard way (like me, and others I know, who had too), where toughing up becomes a necessity, not an option, for personal survival… (I actually wished I was wrong, and that I never had to criticize an afro again; but I call it as I see it, especially when real consequences are involved). But you may find yourself in a situation that proves me correct, and maybe some of my experience, of what I told you, may save your skin someday (or may not).

    Be careful out there, because like the man who stares at the images in Plato’s cave, I believe you are well meaning, but slightly misinformed (doesn’t make you a bad person; but by following the acceptable contemporary academic thinking on the subject, it does make you unnecessarily vulnerable). Just because I recognize a wolf as potentially dangerous doesn’t mean I hate wolves; I just exercise prudent caution in their proximity (I refuse to be a victim without a fight).

  275. joef 说:

    Blacks have the anti-Midas touch

    Yes, that is an economic truism in many U.S municipalities where they are the majority population. It is usually blamed upon white flight as the cause of the municipal decline. However if afros were not the problem, then a city would remain thriving with or without Whites (we would be superfluous).

    Living without fear is one of the four basic freedoms. A nation cursed by the presence of African blacks cannot live in peace and tranquility. Their presence imposes a tremendous logistical burden and takes a terrible psychological toll on the besieged population.

    Unfortunately that is an 体验 that many people do not share, because:

    Either they are the millennial offspring of White flight refugees, who do not understand what their parents actually escaped from (the prosperity produces complacency), and the school system filled them with politically correct propaganda, and white guilt;

    Or they are elites, or limo libs, who are isolated in there country club atmosphere, never having to deal with it on a personal level, and are more than willing to sacrifice the rest of us on the alter of politically correct opinion;

    Or they are distracted suburbanites, who care more about being entertained, than their fellow countrymen who suffer at the hands of afro aggression;

    Or they are delusional libs who are full of self deception, denying reality, in order to prove how politically correct they are (even in my old city neighborhood, you had these wack jobs who were actually proud when they were victimized by an afro, and demanded the same from you);

    Or corporatist republicans (& neocons) who are more interested in protecting corporate profits, and obtaining cheap labor, than protecting the nation from afro destructive actions/behavior;

    And finally you have the leftist who actually want to see the rest of us suffer under afro aggression so they can attempt to obtain their communist nirvana.

    Due to the above, this problem will probably not be acknowledged until it is too late, and the damage is done (when the real chaos begins).

  276. KenH 说:
    @Another Realist

    真的,你去哪儿了?自 60 世纪 XNUMX 年代以来,英国人一直通过詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)美化工作场所的花心和性骚扰。

    You’re basing your beliefs on Hollywood movies? In James Bond and Austin Powers their paramours are very willing to be seduced and bedded by these men. If you think those movies glorify forcible rape and sexual harassment (real sexual harassment) then you’re seeing things that simply aren’t there.


  277. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    Perhaps if everyone just ignored Corvinus he would go away and go back to the Huffpost where he belongs. He is just here to troll folks.

  278. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    Kipling did write “The Norman and the Saxon” or some such thing which is good if mildly silly reading. And this poem reminds me of “When the English grow polite” which I may be misquoting.

    I don’t think Kipling saw much of a problem in projecting modern English traits on ancient peoples or even bees.

    There was also a good WWI poem which linked it to Bunyan. I think Kipling’s WWI poems and his Indian poems are probably his best work of any kind.

  279. Nico 说:

    Interestingly, as Tiny Duck has decreased in his capacity to amuse, Corvinus has become increasingly hilarious. Whether this is deliberate or desperation I can’t figure out.

  280. Anonymous [AKA "A South African"] 说:

    You are a totally ignorant individual. There are both black AND white farmers murdered. This year has averaged 3 murders on the farms a day. Farmers produce all the raw material for feeding the South African population. It is one of the most dangerous occupations in the world. Murder rate 154 per 100k. Normal murder rate in South Africa is 65 per 100k. We white people are forced to band together to protect ourselves, and we can NOT trust any person of color. That is a sad situation. The hatred on social media just grows by the day. Anyway, I have no interest in living in any other EU or Anglo nation.

  281. Okechukwu 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Many Zimbabweans wish for return of white rule because Mugabugabe and his black tribal thugs have been so vile.

    This is absurd. You can probably count on one hand the number of Zimbabweans that want “white rule” and they’re all in the mental institution.

    have sex with whites

    Haha. You people live in some kind of weird alternative reality.

  282. @Corvinus

    If you think you’re going to avoid the final cleansing because you’re a “good white” then you are as naive as any Jew in 1930s Germany who thought he’d be okay because he was a good German.

    I assure you that nearly every black is pro-black. Nearly every Asian is pro-his version of Asian. Nearly every Hispanic is pro-Hispanic. So you’re telling me that we’re filling up this country with anti-humanity people and somehow this will turn out well.

    • 回复: @Mark54
  283. Anon • 免责声明 说:
    @Ron Unz

    Speaking of which, is there any chance we can get a moratorium on Wally?

  284. Mark54 说:

    不会对白人进行“最后的清洗”。 战争是通过欺骗进行的。

  285. Anonymous [又名“ Mark86”] 说:


    在你的理论世界里,你的后代不会被允许继续以白人的身份存在; 无论是死亡还是异种繁殖。 因此,您的线路将不复存在。





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