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奴隶制对于那些比较擅长的家伙有一些好处。 殖民制度是奴隶制的第二要务,它也吸引了那些知道如何将自己置于萨伊比族人以下和普通人之上的人们的吸引力。 香港起义是想成为黑人的黑人的叛变,他们觉得他们与当地人之间的鸿沟正在迅速消失。 曾经有一位香港居民站在悲惨的内地苦难之上。 他会说英语,他有智能的设备,他在触手中占有一席之地,从大陆吸收了财富,而其中的一些财富却粘在了满头大汗的手上。 但是现在,与上海人或北京人相比,他没有任何优势。 红色中国的大城市里财富急剧膨胀。 中国人穿得好,出国旅行,与西方打交道不需要香港调解。 北京向香港提供了相当数量的[相对]平等。 他们将一无所获,但缩小的差距不仅是不可避免的,而且也是可取的。

但是,香港一直是中国的帝国桥头堡。 它的人民是西方在针对中国的每桩犯罪中的同谋,而不是愿意的伙伴,首先是倾倒鸦片并吸走了中国的财富。 数以百万计的鸦片上瘾者,被毁的家庭和家庭几乎摧毁了这个中东王国,他们每个人都促进了香港的繁荣。 整个中国的血液,汗水和劳动为该岛提供了丰富的食物。 香港是第一个条约港口,也是最后一个返回本国的港口。 它的民众没有被彻底排毒。 他们并没有为新生活做好思想上的准备。

毛主席对买办城市,由于与帝国主义敌人的合作而繁荣的城市和人民怀有强烈的怀疑。 他用共产主义和爱国主义的教育清洗了他们。 顽强的买办被派去帮助遥远村庄的农民,以便与人民重新建立联系。 毛泽东的继任者坚信中国民族主义是一种普遍的补救办法。 他们以为香港,澳门和台湾的中国人会在殖民锁失败后加入他们的行列。 这是过于乐观的评估。 帝国主义的军队没有放弃他们以前的房屋奴隶,而当他们需要动员他们对抗独立的中国时,他们知道了要寻找的地方。

他们的时代到来时,中美之间的贸易冲突升温。 西方又名深部国家的秘密政府得出的结论是,中国的靴子太大了。 对为沃尔玛客户制造便宜的小工具不满意。 它正在生产与美国商品竞争的最先进的设备,更糟糕的是,它们的设备不可用于NSA监视。 中国公司华为受到攻击; 在火车上遵循制裁和海关职责。 当人民币在压力下放松时,中国人被指控操纵其货币。 这是一个有力的指控:当日本在1990年代遭到西方的攻击并且日元如预期的那样放宽时,这一主张迫使东京维持日元的高位并使日本陷入长达XNUMX年的低迷期。 但是中国并没有退缩。

然后,至高无上的力量释放了其行之有效的武器:他们转向在中国煽动动荡,并在媒体上给了它很大的空间。 起初,他们扮演维吾尔伊斯兰主义者的命运,但收效甚微。 维吾尔族并不多,在传统地区甚至不占多数。 他们在中国的影响力是有限的。 尽管西方自由媒体的头条新闻宣称,成千上万的维吾尔族人被关押在集中营中,但影响是零。 没有哪个重要的穆斯林国家承担起这个事业。

天安门周年纪念日来临(六月初),顺利进行。 有充分的理由:中国人一直都知道所谓的“猛砍”是一个神话,我们现在一定要感谢出版了相关的 美国大使馆电缆 由Wikileaks提供。 没有成千上万的学生被坦克压扁。 很少有人因参战而丧生,但中国回避了苏联的辛酸命运。 在中国,这一事件几乎被人们遗忘了。 一些参与者向西方听众讲述了他们的经历,但是理想的动荡并没有实现。

然后是时候到香港了。 它是中国的自治区。 它没有被重新教育; 有足够多的人记得殖民奴隶制的美好时光。 叛乱的实际火花,即计划中的引渡条约,极其微弱。 在过去的十年中,香港成为内地罪犯的避难所,因为香港与美国和英国有引渡条约,但与大陆没有引渡条约。 必须对此进行补救。

[引渡条约在斯诺登案中发挥了重要作用。 一位前中情局间谍爱德华·斯诺登决定向全世界揭示我们所有人都是美国国家安全局监视对象的程度。 他选择了 监护人 报纸上的他的启示,可能是因为维基解密的先例。 当他接受采访时 监护人 在香港,他的身份已被揭露。 美国引渡请求即将到来。 中国当局告诉斯诺登,他们将不得不将他送入美国监狱,以进行酷刑和死亡。 引渡条约使他们无可奈何。 只有朱利安·阿桑奇(Julian Assange)勇敢的助手莎拉·哈里森(Sarah Harrison)的快速步法阻止了这一严峻的结局,并将斯诺登送往安全的莫斯科。


尽管香港当局有义务引渡斯诺登,但他们没有也不能引渡来自大陆的众多罪犯。 面对日益紧张的局势,这是一个明显的错误,必须立即纠正。 然后,西方沉睡的特工醒来并激活了他们的网络。 他们拥有的资金几乎是无限的,不仅来自西方国家,还来自并非特别贫民窟并且害怕引渡的罪犯。 示威活动开始后,西方媒体对他们进行了最大程度的报道,放大并鼓励了叛乱分子。

重要报纸上的数百篇文章,主要故事和社论为香港造反派欢呼和鼓舞。 人民战争即将来临,对 “纽约时报” 今天。 一个令人惊讶的事实(也就是说,如果您是刚从火星来的人):同一份报纸及其众多姐妹根本没有关注真正的人民战争在法国肆虐,在那儿,吉列斯·贾内斯(Gilets Jaunes)继续为反对紧缩而战斗了11周,实行马克龙政权。 在法国,有2,500人丧生,XNUMX人受伤,但是西方媒体对GJ反犹太主义只是含糊不清。 确实没有什么新鲜的。 相同的媒体没有注意到 一百万人示范 反对美国发动的伊拉克战争,对占领华尔街一无所知,无视反对美国战争和干预的抗议活动。 如果十万在纽约行军的人的目的与真实政府的愿望不一致,那么他们将得不到任何保障。 或者,将向莫斯科的12名人口中的XNUMX名抗议者展示,作为向暴君弗拉德发起挑战的人民的声音。

媒体以其独特的方式实现了使我们保持知情的目的。 如果主流媒体报道某事,那通常是谎言。 但是如果媒体保持沉默,您可以打赌这很重要,并且不鼓励您学习它。 在民众抗议的情况下尤其如此。 你怎么知道他们在说谎? –他们的嘴唇在动。

最大的谎言是将香港叛乱分子称为“民主联盟”。 这些人希望恢复殖民统治,由他们严格但公正的,斗鸡眼的霸主统治。 这可能是一个坏主意,但不是民主。 第二大谎言是“再次使香港成为英国”的口号。

香港从来不是英国的一部分。 这是从来没有提供过的,所以它不能再变成那样了。 即使是最冒险和最容易发生差异的英国政治家,也不会在遥远的领土上使XNUMX万中国人拥有充分的权利,而英国公民却是不完全但真正的英国民主国家的成员。 香港是一个殖民地; 这就是游行者渴望实现的再次成为香港殖民地的目的。

考虑到所有这些差异,莫斯科的演示者也是如此。 莫斯科抗议者梦见俄罗斯被北约军队占领,而不是民主。 他们相信,亲西方的,受过教育的,富有创业精神的人,将以买办费的形式来形成买办阶层并繁荣起来。 仁慈的是,他们并不富裕:1991年至2000年间,俄罗斯人已经试图在良性的西方占领下生活,当时国际货币基金组织(IMF)指示其财务状况,而哈佛大学的美国顾问则负责管理国家机构。 聪明无情的犹太人喜欢 比尔·布劳德,鲍里斯·别列佐夫斯基(Boris Berezovsky),罗曼​​·阿布拉莫维奇(Roman Abramovich)发了大财,但俄罗斯沦陷了,人民沦为贫困。

没有多少俄罗斯人想回到咆哮的九十年代,但有些人愿意。 对于大多数人来说,阻止这个有抱负的少数人实现自己的愿望是一个问题。 那些无法接受的人会像年轻的先生一样逃到以色列 Yablonsky 在被警察拘留了两个晚上后,他发现了自己的犹太血统。 他因与镇上的一座教堂的激烈战斗而入狱。

中国人也将理清他们对香港的苦难。 如果政府不承诺将其反制限于无痛,无血腥的措施,那么就可以做到。 只有对痛苦和血腥镇压的真实和迫在眉睫的威胁才能使这种措施变得不必要。 同样地,只有无交易退欧的迫在眉睫的威胁才能使欧盟领导人固执的头脑中产生某种意义。 一个尚未准备使用武力的国家必将失败,就像亚努科维奇在2014年领导的乌克兰国家一样。如果统治者过于拥挤以至于无法制止叛乱,该国将流血并破坏国家。

我们可以代表买办者来区分一个真实的人的兴起和外国启发的干预。 第一个将被静音,第二个将被《纽约时报》美化。 就这么简单。

我不会为中国过多担心。 中国领导人知道如何应对天安门,他们知道如何应对少数民族动乱,没有不必要的残忍,没有犹豫和pre断。 当美国试图 派遣其军舰到香港,但断然拒绝了他们的这种快感。 他们会克服。

您可以在这里阅读有关中国的以色列沙米尔 https://www.unz.com/ishamir/yeti-riots/

可以在以下位置到达以色列沙米尔 [电子邮件保护]

本文最初发表于 Unz评论

• 类别: 对外政策 •标签: 美国媒体, 中国, 香港 
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  1. 由于“唠叨”而点击文章。












    • 回复: @Corvinus
    , @Moi
  2. 中国应该打开通往香港的大门。 派出10万爱国大陆中国人在香港街头游行,标语如下 “打倒全球同族帝国主义的买办走狗”。

    • 回复: @Fergus
  3. [引渡条约在斯诺登案中发挥了重要作用。 一位前中央情报局间谍爱德华·斯诺登决定向世界揭示我们所有人都是国家安全局监视的对象。 他之所以选择《卫报》是因为他的爆料,可能是因为维基解密的先例。 当他在香港接受《卫报》延长采访时,他的身份已经暴露。 美国引渡请求的到来迫在眉睫。 中国当局告诉斯诺登,他们必须把他送到美国监狱,折磨致死; 引渡条约让他们在他的案件中别无选择。 只有朱利安·阿桑奇勇敢的助手莎拉·哈里森的快速步法阻止了这场残酷的结局,并将斯诺登送到了安全的莫斯科。]


    斯诺登:“使用 tor”


    当然,Intercept 使用 tor,wikileaks 使用 tor,而 tor 是由美国国防部开发的(哎呀!)用于幽灵:


    认为 Tor 有效吗? 好吧,如果你是 FBI 的话(至少从 2012 年开始)




    • 回复: @Brabantian
    , @Republic
    , @Anon
  4. 中国应该在香港问题上制造“克什米尔”。完全向所有中国人开放。让中国人去那里游行反对香港势利者和想成为白人的人。





    西方一些人抱怨中国的社会信用体系,我同意这很糟糕,但我们这里也遇到了同样的事情。问问劳拉·卢默和贾里德·泰勒。 1/4的公司不会因为支持特朗普而雇用员工。此外,与犹太精英所说的持不同政见的美国人相比,中国对社会信用不良的人的称呼比较温和:“可悲的人”、“白人至上主义败类”、“白人垃圾”、“新纳粹”等。这一切都非常讽刺,因为全球主义犹太人是新纳粹分子,他们为以色列散布战争,摧毁了数百万人的生命。

  5. peterAUS 说:

    更多作者登上“北京好” 演出.

  6. Ronnie 说:

    最近在天安门事件前后,我在电视上看到了班农。 他说天安门事件有75,000万人丧生。 这告诉你他缺乏老练或可信度。 1989 年我是北京协和医学院的客座教授,我一直认为死伤人数被大大夸大了。 多年来,我向北京的许多教授和学生征求意见。 其中许多人当时在当地医院工作。 平均而言,对我的反应是 300-500 人死伤。 我从来没有任何理由质疑这个估计。 维基解密备忘录证实了这一点。

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
    , @Exile
    , @anonymous
    , @denk
  7. Ron Unz 说:

    最近在天安门事件前后,我在电视上看到了班农。 他说天安门事件有75,000万人丧生。 这告诉你他缺乏老练或可信度。

    事实上,我们MSM的不诚实或无能是 *非常* 比你想象的还要伟大。



    在这种情况下,很难相信大多数对这个主题感兴趣的 MSM 记者并没有很好地了解真相,而且我注意到他们通常非常谨慎地选择措辞以避免彻头彻尾的谎言,但仍然暗示着一些完全不真实的东西。不正确。我认为班农等无知的煽动者会极大地夸大这些隐含的谎言。

    令人惊讶的是,在 CJR 录取之后的二十多年里,我们的 MSM 仍然继续宣扬这个“弥天大谎”。

    众所周知,在北京其他地方的城市暴力骚乱中,包括一些中国军人在内的大量人员伤亡。 我认为当时中国政府声称的官方死亡人数大约是 300 人,这对我来说似乎很合理。

    • 同意: Pater
  8. 很少有美国人知道美帝国主义在中国的历史,包括长江巡逻、鸦片贸易和通商口岸。

    • 同意: GMC
    • 回复: @Declane
    , @Skeptikal
  9. Brabantian 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West


    “爱德华·斯诺登”当然首先“泄露”给了中央情报局的《华盛顿邮报》,实际上是泄露给了布什副总统迪克·切尼的传记作者巴特·盖尔曼,然后深州意识到这太愚蠢了,所以他们转向了罗斯柴尔德雇员和前同性恋色情作品——卖家格伦·格林沃尔德(Glenn Greenwald),《卫报》“hairystuds”的前老板,这是一家情报机构的抹布,几乎所有内容都撒了谎




    – 阿桑奇狂热地支持以色列、反巴勒斯坦、反 9-11 真相


    – 兹比格涅夫·布热津斯基 (Zbigniew Brzezinski) 于 29 年 2010 月 XNUMX 日,美国公共电视台 PBS News Hour,承认阿桑奇是情报人员

    – 阿桑奇没有取消平台,银行为朱利安等传输谢克尔

    – 阿桑奇和斯诺登通过中央情报局出名 – 军情六处媒体、纽约时报、英国卫报,他们对真正的持不同政见者从来不感兴趣

    – 阿桑奇与罗斯柴尔德共享律师,罗斯柴尔德的嫂子发布了阿桑奇保释金,阿桑奇也与索罗斯有联系

    – 信任阿桑奇的人已经死了,Peter W Smith,Seth Rich;其他人被监禁

    – 不知道阿桑奇和斯诺登帮助压制和杀害了多少持不同政见者,他们两人都是信任举报人的“老鼠陷阱”

    –阿桑奇帮助罗斯柴尔德家族摧毁了竞争对手银行朱利叶斯·贝尔(Julius Baer)

    – 阿桑奇和斯诺登不会提及美国弗吉尼亚联邦法官的贿赂文件,这些文件阻止了其他引渡,但这些文件将使他们的引渡变得不可能


    – “住在厄瓜多尔大使馆” – “现在在贝尔马什监狱” – 很容易伪造,阿桑奇进出军情五处、军情六处、警察根据国家安全命令拍摄照片

    – 阿桑奇和斯诺登使真正的持不同政见者失去合法性,因为人们说,“维基解密 – 纽约时报 – 英国卫报会报道它,如果这是真的”

  10. getaclue 说:

    所以,如果我没看错这篇文章——共产主义中国太棒了——那六千五百万毛泽东和他的“领导人”,呃,基本上是呃,被谋杀了呢?让我们听听他们对伟大的中国“领导人”有何评价?哦,是的,我们不能杀了他们……这是沙米尔先生的引言吗?:“我不会为中国担心太多。中国领导人知道如何处理天安门事件,知道如何处理少数民族骚乱,没有不必要的残忍,也没有犹豫和搪塞。”是的,他们确实知道历史上“如何处理少数民族骚乱”——65,000,000、65,000具尸体是真正的“交易”——没有“不必要的残忍”? (我最近还读到了对法轮功学员的性酷刑——残酷的轮奸和使用刑具——这是最近发生的,很好,现在发生了我读到——这也是处理“少数民族骚乱”的方法吗——我们欢呼吗?中国也这么做吗?这里也没有“不必要的残酷行为”?我的意思是你可以指出,是的,他在工作中肯定存在一些针对香港的殖民主义强烈反对,而不是赞扬中国在“处理与香港问题”方面有多么伟大。少数派”我想,无论如何,这对我来说会更好一些…… https://www.heritage.org/asia/commentary/the-legacy-mao-zedong-mass-murder

    • 巨魔: Parfois1
    • 回复: @Exile
    , @Jason Liu
    , @Anonymous
    , @TT
  11. 西方一些人抱怨中国的社会信用体系,我同意这很糟糕,但我们这里也遇到了同样的事情。


    • 哈哈: Digital Samizdat
    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
  12. Exile 说:

    Bannon 是最新一代渗透和看门机器人 Populator 2.0。


    Yarzony 的后继原型 NatConner 2.1 在平板上崩溃了。

    就像电影系列一样,他们将在 3.0 版本中使用 thot-bot。

    • 哈哈: Ron Unz
  13. Exile 说:





    • 回复: @getaclue
  14. Daemon 说:


    • 回复: @anonymous
    , @Ash Williams
  15. ​美国不再关心人权。这是关于退化的需求。

  16. Paw 说:

    从 Austr 购买的一个电网。 政府。 /实际上卖得很便宜/,花费 3 万,730 年后价值 2018 亿美元。XNUMX 年。当然,电价飞涨,
    俄罗斯没有寡头赚到钱。 他们把一切都放在了金盘子里……
    选定的犹太人群体/大约 30 人/参加了拍卖/没有其他人入场/,所有最富有的工业对象、矿山、油田等都给了他们,银行借给了这些非常便宜的购买品。 ......一夜之间,他们都拥有价值数十亿美元的资产。
    爱泼斯坦,从儿童教师到百万美元,然后是数亿美元,一夜暴富/Stearn Bear/ ?..

    • 同意: Alfred
    • 回复: @Rev. Spooner
  17. Dutch Boy 说:

    对实际香港人的采访表明,他们反对引渡的主要理由是,香港居民将受到人民法院的管辖,而不是受外国恶魔所有法律陷阱(无罪推定、证据规则)的英国式香港法院的管辖。 ,没有道听途说,没有秘密审判,没有匿名指控者——所有这些foldolol)。

    • 回复: @The Alarmist
    , @Rollmop
    , @Cratylus
  18. Talha 说:



  19. getaclue 说:

    报告估计,中国医院每年有 60,000 至 100,000 个器官被移植。”——在你们居住的世界里,这两位著名的人权活动家一定也在为“Heritage.Org”工作吗?华盛顿邮报对情况的分析怎么样?——华盛顿邮报在 2001 年发表了一篇关于法轮功囚犯转化过程的报道:
    在北京西部的一个派出所,欧阳被脱光衣服并审问了五个小时。 “如果我回答错误,也就是说,如果我没有说‘是’,他们就会用电警棍电击我,”他说。

    每天早上,他有五分钟的时间吃饭和大小便。 “如果我没能成功,我就会穿上裤子,”他说。 “他们也为此感到震惊。”




    “我承受的压力过去和现在都令人难以置信,”他说。 “在过去的两年里,我亲眼目睹了人类所能做出的最糟糕的事情。我们确实是地球上最糟糕的动物。”[98]”——国际特赦组织也参与了“Heritage.org”计划,欺骗你们的世界观中中国对持不同政见者所使用的酷刑——因为他们有一些完全相反的调查结果也到你的“事实陈述”——但你可以去看看你自己和成千上万的其他人一起进行的运动,这表明你要么一无所知,要么更糟……当谈到撒谎的宣传者时,不要看得太远,不要’不要寻找“Heritage.org”——北京确实有一面镜子,不是吗?看看那里。

    • 回复: @Parfois1
  20. Corvinus 说:











  21. Corvinus 说:
    @Ron Unz

    该事件并非骗局。活动不仅发生在广场上,还发生在随后的周边地区。消息人士称,“中国政府估计死亡人数超过 300 人。西方的估计要高一些。许多受害者在广场以西约一英里的长安街(长安街)上被士兵枪杀,在城市其他地方也发生了零星的冲突,应该补充的是,一些士兵被殴打或被殴打。被愤怒的工人烧死了。”

    记者承认,大部分死亡事件发生在北京西部的广场外。出席抗议活动的中国学者吴仁华写道,政府对这一问题的讨论是转移注意力,目的是推卸责任、展示仁慈。 “确实,装备齐全的军队屠杀广场内还是广场外的和平普通民众都没有什么区别。根本不值得进行这样的讨论。”

    • 回复: @Thirdeye
  22. Jason Liu 说:

    中国不是名义上的共产主义国家。 大纪元是法轮功捏造事实的喉舌。 我不支持毛泽东,但他今天无关紧要。

    • 回复: @getaclue
  23. Jason Liu 说:

    你列出的原因可能会激励一些抗议者,但它不能对这么多人负责。 这里有一个本土问题,中国忽视它是愚蠢的。


    1. 声望损失 – 无关紧要,他们会习惯的

    2.殖民怀旧 – 死路一条,容易被嘲笑

    3. 住房/经济问题 – 可以通过补贴和监管来管理,但香港将不得不放弃一些自主权

    4. 区域部落主义/仇外心理 – 易于管理,并非香港独有

    5.美国干预 – 危险但可以通过更好的公关和软实力来管理

    6. 真正相信自由民主 – 非常危险,会造成类似于西方国家的衰落

    • 回复: @Realist
  24. Half-Jap 说:


  25. Half-Jap 说:


  26. 该死的以色列,这是一篇很棒的文章。你一针见血地解释了为什么香港的麻烦制造者是一群被帝国主义列强利用的有用的白痴。这些混蛋确实是黑鬼,是那种会站在遥远的外国势力一边而不是自己同胞的人。向您致敬,好先生,感谢您清晰的思路。

    • 回复: @Alfred
  27. Anon[105]• 免责声明 说:


    现在似乎是个好时机,拿出你收藏的 BBC 视频,对你深恶痛绝的邪恶共产主义叙事提出质疑,不能让人们开始相信整个大屠杀都是编造的。

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  28. Anonymous[105]• 免责声明 说:



    • 回复: @getaclue
  29. @Commentator Mike


  30. Realist 说:
    @Jason Liu



  31. xvart 说:




  32. @Ron Unz

    令人惊讶的是,在 CJR 录取之后的二十多年里,我们的 MSM 仍然继续宣扬这个“弥天大谎”。

    不,这并不令人惊讶。你今晚的作业是重读第五章 美国的铁幕 😉

    • 回复: @Richard B
  33. @Dutch Boy



    • 回复: @Dutch Boy
    , @Parfois1
  34. getaclue 说:
    @Jason Liu




    该计划预计到 2020 年在全国范围内全面实施,目前已经在全国数百万人中进行试点。该计划将是强制性的。”那么这不是共产党的社会控制吗?这在你的世界观中是好的吗?不,谢谢。

    • 回复: @Escher
  35. getaclue 说:


    “自1999年以来,法轮功练习者一直是中国政府侵略性且经常是暴力镇压的目标,这是对中国领导人认为其活动威胁到中国共产党控制的个人和组织更广泛收紧控制的一个方面。过去两年,全国范围内的公民自由状况恶化,不同群体——政治异见人士、外国学者、劳工组织者、在官方庇护之外崇拜的宗教信徒、西藏和新疆的活动人士、互联网用户、学者和编辑,他们的信息挑战了美国的权威。党的路线等面临新的限制和滥用。对法轮功的镇压既是更大趋势的征兆,也因其本身的意义而意义重大,因为当局大力铲除该组织并对其成员进行“再教育”……”联合国也和大纪元一起参与此事吗?法轮功也掌管联合国?: https://www.refworld.org/docid/45cb148e2.html

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  36. peterAUS 说:

    1. 那个 APC 中被燃烧弹的人是谁?
    2. 从国安人员手中拿走的武器怎么了?
    3. 前进纵队与抗议者的对抗中是谁打响了第一枪?当然,为什么呢?

  37. Anonymous[105]• 免责声明 说:



    • 回复: @getaclue
  38. Parfois1 说:


  39. Parfois1 说:
    @The Alarmist



  40. Escher 说:

    中国共产党人(只是名义上的,正如刘杰伦已经评论过的)不是圣人,但我认为他们不太可能摘取人体器官。证据在哪里,或者是在 1991 年伊拉克军队刺杀科威特婴儿的同一录像带上吗?

    • 回复: @getaclue
  41. 我不敢相信我刚刚读到这些抗议者应该像他们一样被镇压!现在是1984年吗? 1960 年代美国前奴隶的抗议活动是否应该被镇压?也许。


  42. getaclue 说:

    “证据在哪里?”独立法庭根据证据确定是的——他们正在这样做。独立的加拿大人权研究人员也得出了我在此引用的相同结论。研究一下——这确实没有争议。考虑到中国共产党人和世界各地的共产党人的残暴行为,以及他们在上个世纪杀害的两亿人,他们的辩护者现在在美国和其他地方如此普遍——尤其是在 UNZ 博客上,那里的人们显然受过更多的教育。是的,在中国,你拥有比以前更多的“经济”权利,这在共产主义的肮脏集体主义靴子下是不存在的——除此之外,尽管你在共产党之外没有任何人权,也没有什么“亲爱的领袖”类型所规定的,随着他们正在实施的社会信用体系(谷歌帮助/ing?毫无疑问将其带到这里,因为他们目前的审查制度是一次演习......)他们所做的并且将会少得多。以下是关于独立法庭调查结果的一篇文章: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jun/17/china-is-harvesting-organs-from-detainees-uk-tribunal-concludes

    • 回复: @Biff
  43. getaclue 说:

    有趣的是,这不是我所说的——你说我对大纪元“坚决否认”——如果你读了我的评论,这完全是胡说八道。我说过,《大纪元时报》之外也有同样的信息——我向联合国展示了同样的信息!由于某种原因你错过了?接下来你会说我是法轮功小动物之一…… (实际上,我认为所有瑜伽都是恶魔般的,但人们应该自由地实践任何宗教等——成为撒旦主义的失败者或其他什么——他们希望不受国家——共产主义或其他——的引导……)。我也不太关心《大纪元时报》,但发现他们在反对 MSM 每天向我们倾注的左翼/共产主义宣传的压倒性攻击方面显得有些微不足道……(今天 NBC 称“异性恋不起作用”宣传一次)同性恋行为的荣耀再次成为反对西方文明/基督教/正常的文化马克思主义宣传的一部分……)

    因此,MSM 讨厌大纪元,因为他们声称自己“支持”特朗普,所以他们开始“调查”谁是“幕后黑手”——说任何对总统有利的话都是罪过,因为 MSM 24/7 讨厌他,并且撒谎。有时候,当不批评“异性恋”时,但这没关系,因为他们是MSM?同样的诽谤也被用来针对《华盛顿时报》,因为文在寅的钱在其中,但事实是,报道是可靠的,而不是这些天的种族主义纽约史莱姆斯……。与《大纪元时报》一样,因为它不像左派 MSM 那样完全是左派宣传 24/7,他们讨厌它并诽谤它是谁在“幕后”——我明白当你提出几乎所有犹太人都是“幕后”的问题时MSM 处于权力/影响力的位置(我什至读到一位“业内”高调的犹太人也承认这一点……)这不是要做/说的事情——这当然是反犹太主义的!——事实就是大纪元所报道的报道已经被证实,如果你看看的话,还存在比这更糟糕的情况。

    即使 ChiCom 现在拥有一些不错的“经济”花哨,也不要再净化共产主义了——它仍然是上个世纪杀死 200,000,000 亿人的意识形态。让我们看看独立法庭对 ChiCom 和法轮功的看法——摘取器官,这是 ChiCom 的另一项好处……:

    • 回复: @Anon
  44. nsa 说:

    Hongee Kongee complodors 希望hebrel tlibe 出现在lun evelything 中,就像在gleat amelika 中一样,有很多带有大plick play spolts 的neglos 和相同的灯光,为plick licker 像在gleat amelika 中一样,而evely city gay plide palade 中则像在amelika 中一样。 Fleedom 和 velly plospelity 以及很多逃离的东西,比如 amelika 和 glaat blitain,并且不再有很多的 commie luler velly bad。

    • 回复: @Patricus
    , @Parfois1
  45. @Brabantian


  46. TT 说:
















    30-45 万是众多来源和书籍中经常报道的数字。这些新闻中的数字是这样计算的:


    我们还包括朝鲜战争、解放西藏、1962年印度战争中丧生的人数,以及修建铁路、隧道和桥梁时的无数牺牲。正如你所要求的,杀死 78 万人是很容易的。



    根据1959-1961年间印度死亡人数为:450亿*22.5‰*3 = 30.3万






    660亿*10‰*3 = 19.8万

    因此,经过减法,饥荒期间非自然死亡的人数为 35.7 万人 – 19.8 万人 = 15.9 万人。这大致是中国政府报告的官方数据。

    是的,三年内仍有 15 万人可能死于饥饿。这相当于每年 1 人中就有 120 人死亡,就像另一个人死于流感一样,您可能没有注意到。




    • 回复: @Alden
  47. Anon[367]• 免责声明 说:



    NBC 新闻报道称,大纪元上个月改变了在 Facebook 上的支出,似乎是为了混淆其与价值约 2 万美元的广告的联系,这些广告宣传总统及其政敌的阴谋论。

    即使 ChiCom 现在拥有一些不错的“经济”花哨,也不要再净化共产主义了——它仍然是上个世纪杀死 200,000,000 亿人的意识形态。

    Chicomm 一个世纪杀死了 200 亿人?哇,中国人有多厉害,能在竹帘后面做出只有你知道的事。

    美国人付出了巨大的努力才自豪地实现了 100M 里程碑,他们在 93% 的时间里使用了自建国以来的每一种大规模杀伤性武器(在数百万印第安人的尸体上完成的)进行无休止的残暴战争。

    美国投下的炸弹比整个二战使用的炸弹还要多,在朝鲜、越南、柬埔寨、老挝投下的炸弹造成数百万人死亡。屠杀数百万人以殖民菲律宾。在中央情报局-苏哈霍印度尼西亚大屠杀中屠杀了数百万人,以清除共产主义者。花费 15 年时间屠杀 1 万伊拉克人……广岛核弹,向越南、柬埔寨、老挝倾倒数百万升橙剂……一战、二战……


    • 回复: @dimples
  48. Anon[367]• 免责声明 说:






    ZUS 已开始清除并关闭 FB、推特、谷歌等亲中俄说真话的人。




    • 回复: @Goldie
  49. 香港是一个殖民地;这就是游行者所渴望的,让香港再次成为殖民地。



  50. peterAUS 说:

    最新的,显然是来自The Mouth(索伦……):



    有人认为一旦他们“压制”当地警察部队 东西 还有其他人会加入战斗吗?



  51. Chinaman 说:

    一个不准备使用武力的国家必然会失败,就像 2014 年亚努科维奇领导下的乌克兰国家一样。如果统治者过于娇气而无法阻止叛乱,那么就会流血,国家就会被毁灭。





    • 回复: @Parbes
    , @Mark Hunter
  52. Parbes 说:



    • 回复: @Chinaman
  53. Wally 说:



    • 回复: @onebornfree
  54. Biff 说:



    • 回复: @getaclue
  55. stevecel 说:

    看,你们必须明白,中国人想要任何形式的稳定规则,因为这适合他们的性策略。你们必须记住,中国数百年都是由满族统治的,即使满洲候选人敲响了警钟,你们中受教育程度较低的人也可能根本没有听说过满族。并不是说共产党好,也不是民主不好,中国人只是想像自古以来那样,继续繁衍、互相挤压。对于意识形态之类的琐碎争吵对他们来说并不值得。在第二次世界大战中,外部性因素阻碍了日本人获得作为中国新王朝统治者的应有地位,但如果你对日本人有所了解,无论如何,他们都无法理解。这就解释了所谓的大陆情绪——对于岛民来说,香港不像台湾那样是一个真正的岛屿,就像痘痘与脸上的距离一样。他们感到了压力,所以宁愿召集他们的旧统治者或任何可以让他们免于与 1.5 亿人口直接竞争的人。从像白人“种族”这样的全球少数群体的角度来看,这是令人钦佩的,但最终是徒劳的。

    对于 ZOG 或者无论你怎么称呼它们,香港是传播病毒的便利地点。发烧已经治愈了塔克拉玛干,但如果共产党的免疫系统受到损害,那又是一个等待爆发的地方。


  56. Richard B 说:
    @The Alarmist


    TUR 图书馆必读之一。

  57. Richard B 说:





  58. sally 说:
    @Priss Factor

    我同意:开发并发布一个ICON标签..找到一些案例将ICON标签嵌入公众的头脑中..并提出一个案例或。注意:有些图标标签是“好人图标标签”,有些是“坏人图标标签”GGIL 或 BGIL。您可以使用一组不同的标签 Correct-GIL 或 lie-GIL 或 irrelevant-GIL。甚至阶段也可以是图标:我们人民,你对总统的投票,……然后以与著名足球运动员或歌手的名字相同的方式使用它们,或者 50 年前科或性变态者或其他什么的……或者作为指向的指针X-GIL 或作为 X-GIL 预期既定值的参考 众所周知,标签在改变或防止改变大多数人方面比 X 的真相更重要。

    IMO,Icon 是一种成熟的精神控制技术。该技术的使用大多是隐藏的。
    考虑一下包括 Icon Google 和 Icon NYT 在内的 MSM,他们已经多次展示了具有改变思想的 ICON 技术的工作知识专业知识。

    如果我们这些可悲的人要以有意义、有效和及时的方式回应错误、蓄意、误导性、欺骗性的宣传,我们必须首先了解 MSM 和其他人如何利用 Icon 技术来对付我们,以促进错误、蓄意、误导、欺骗或压制举报人。在解决问题之前,必须先了解问题。

  59. TKK 说:


    再看微观层面。我姐姐在成都教英语。 Google、Gmail、You Tube、What's App 和 Facebook 在中国均被屏蔽。

    您必须先下载 VPN,然后才能使用这些网站。

    中国网上的一切都是通过微信完成的。 *一切*。从视频通话到支付水电费再到银行业务。微信受到党的严密监控,这是一个公开的笑话。这是你的社会信用评分的核心——微信数据。




    • 同意: Bardon Kaldian
  60. 大多数评论都是愚蠢的(就像文章一样)。诚然,西方玩家肯定在很大程度上煽动了这种情况。确实,许多(大多数?)抗议者都是暴力且令人讨厌的;诚然,中国的国家认同规划者希望逐步将所有大陆(不仅是他们)汉人统一在一个统治之下,担心未来会出现分裂。


    古希腊的好公民从他们的两个同胞斯佩蒂亚斯和布利斯抵制绝对权力诱惑的决心中汲取了力量。在前往苏扎的途中,斯巴达使节遇到了一位波斯高级官员海达尔内斯,海达尔内斯表示愿意让他们在自己的祖国变得强大,只要他们愿意臣服于他的专制主人——伟大的国王。为了希腊的利益——也为了所有自由人的利益——希罗多德保留了他们的答案。 “海达尼斯,”他们说,“你是一位片面的顾问。你已经经历了一半的事情;但另一半超出了你的知识范围。你了解奴隶的生活;但是,如果你从未尝过自由的滋味,你就无法判断它是否甜蜜。啊!如果你知道什么是自由,你就会命令我们为之而战,而不仅仅是用长矛。但带着战斧。”

    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
  61. dimples 说:

    我认为他的意思是“共产党,即世界上所有的共产党,在 200 世纪杀死了 20 亿人,而不是美国杀死了 200 亿人。”

    • 同意: getaclue
  62. Anonymous[837]• 免责声明 说:

    我们可以代表买办者来区分一个真实的人的兴起和外国启发的干预。 第一个将被静音,第二个将被《纽约时报》美化。 就这么简单。


  63. @Chinaman



    • 回复: @Dutch Boy
    , @getaclue
  64. 感谢上帝,普京总统知道要区分他所信任的政治技术专家的冷静评估和这些人——我不知道该怎么称呼他们——在 2014 年 XNUMX 月那致命的几周里发出的噪音。正如他们大声敦促他那样,军队进入基辅。转眼间,五年过去了。西方政治格局发生了翻天覆地的变化。就连美国有线电视新闻网都忘记了邪恶的俄罗斯)))感谢上帝,普京先生是一位坚定而精明的政治和民族特征读者,他亲自负责设定这个务实的中国“……”联盟的基调、范围、限制和持续时间---- 而不是这些沙米尔或猎隼。我们甚至不要讨论什么是中国、什么是东亚、这是什么、那是什么——浪费时间。坐下来欣赏表演。

  65. Paul 说:


  66. Aspnaz 说:


    北京利用恐惧来控制中国人。他们的工具箱里没有任何其他工具:香港是一个问题,因为——尽管作者无知——中国现在比以往任何时候都更加依赖香港在金融界的地位。否则中国早就对抗议者开枪了。事实上,中国现在就像头灯下的鹿:1 月 XNUMX 日中国国庆节即将到来,他们需要在此之前停止抗议活动(否则中国会丢面子),但又不能破坏美元的流通,但他们不这样做知识!我理解作者的废话:他把自己对世界的理解强加在香港当地人身上,这是经典的“每个人都以同样的方式思考、以同样的方式行事,所以香港抗议者也做同样的事情”的傻瓜智慧。哦,好吧,如果它很有趣,谁在乎呢。这当然没有教育意义:难道他不知道所有抗议者都在抗议他们失去了一些东西,并且已经到了他们会抗议的地步。称他们为黑鬼会给你带来额外的点击量,但我对香港一无所知,你可能会写关于黄背心的文章。

    • 回复: @Parsnipitous
    , @Goldie
  67. George 说:





    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @onebornfree
    , @Anon
  68. @peterAUS

    六年前,当斯诺登的胡言乱语和迈丹的胡言乱语首次爆发时,我很困惑为什么普京先生一直对所有这些“俄罗斯民族主义者”冷漠,并让所有重要的工作远离他们。他对西方的挑衅立场在言辞上不是很相似吗?现在我明白了!!人们甚至更愿意站在RFKP俄罗斯通讯党的僵硬恐龙一边,——甚至祖加诺夫也更了解俄罗斯的真正利益所在,或者如何解读他们来自北京的新同志,等等,等等。 。

  69. 大多数抗议者看起来都不超过三十岁,所以我严重怀疑他们还记得过去的美好时光。此外,我想我可以代表大多数美国人在这件事上说:“仍然不在乎。”你知道,深层政府可能用其同质全球主义过度发挥了作用,由于所有可爱的移民,我们大多数人更担心金钱和犯罪。再加上美国低俗的教育使香港成为成龙电影的取景地,甚至这个概念也已经过时了。世界上的工具最好开始意识到美国正在向厕所滑下去有多远,并开始更明智地选择他们的资助者。

  70. Paul 说:


    • 回复: @Crow
  71. Aspnaz 说:

    由于鸦片贸易,所有香港抗议者都应该得到他们应得的东西吗?我敢打赌作者也认为所有白人都应该因为奴隶制而受到压迫? SJW对香港的看法是什么?

    • 回复: @Parsnipitous
  72. Jake 说:


    这就是 WASP 帝国、盎格鲁犹太复国主义帝国提供自由的方式。

    把你的钱寄给 VDARE,这样它就可以召唤更多的 WASP 帝国——WASP 和犹太精英将尽可能多地吸引非白人来填充这个帝国,以便永远粉碎白人垃圾,以便更多的犹太人成为多民族的人。亿万富翁。我们都喜欢说英语,这是二战以来国际犹太人的语言。

    • 回复: @Parsnipitous
  73. @Wally


    是的,但显然要到 2047 年:


    “……香港是英国的殖民地,由英国君主政体任命的总督统治,从 156 年起(除了二战期间日本占领的四年),直到 1841 年回归香港为止 1997 年。中国主权。中国同意接受《中英联合声明》中规定的一些条件,例如香港回归前起草和通过“小宪法”基本法。香港基本法确保香港作为中国的特别行政区保留五十年的资本主义经济制度和自己的货币(港元)、法律制度、立法制度以及人民的权利和自由50年。 目前的安排将于 2047 年到期,允许香港在许多国际环境中以“中国香港”的名义作为自己的实体运作......”

    请参见: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_country,_two_systems

    “有趣”的是[除非我不知何故错过了],这篇写得非常糟糕的文章以及[至少]线程中的前 56 条评论完全忽略了这个重要的细节。


    • 回复: @Wally
  74. TKK 说:

    令人惊讶和麻烦的是,文章和评论都没有承认香港在 2047 年之前具有特殊地位,而整个风波都是实时围绕引渡法进行的。





    该网站如此偏向边缘化、反西方的宣传,以至于其报道几乎完全错误 *现实*.

  75. onebornfree说: “是的,但显然要到 2047 年”

    到那时,希望中国目前完全令人厌恶的、反自由市场的、凶残的共产主义制度将彻底崩溃(出于经济原因,它不可避免地必须崩溃),就像苏联之前所做的那样,就像美国所做的那样如果它的居民坚持沿着完全相同的道路走得更远 — — 而它(美国)已经走了至少 100 年了,它自己也会这么做。


  76. @George

    李小龙于 46 年前去世。


  77. @TKK

    TKK说:“令人惊讶和麻烦的是,文章和评论都没有承认香港在 2047 年之前享有特殊地位,而且整个风波都是实时围绕引渡法进行的。”




    • 哈哈: TKK
  78. Rurik 说:
    @Priss Factor



    Drudge 现在的头条新闻(红色):



  79. 读这篇文章(英语政治语言废话)让我感到恶心,我这样做只是为了从工作中休息一下。事实上,当我不用中文思考时,我会改用俄语,我鼓励其他人也这样做。



    我认为中国应该将其国际语言从英语改为俄语,这将有助于遏制英语世界的影响力。无论如何,英语是一种鸡肋的语言,俄语漂亮得多。 Israel Shamir,很高兴看到您的俄语作品集。


    • 回复: @Israel Shamir
  80. 从迄今为止的评论中,我注意到这里常见的犹太复国主义者、亲犹太人、亲以色列的成员(PeterAUS、Corvinus、Bardon Kaldian、TKK)也恰好都是恶毒的反华分子。


    • 同意: Parfois1
    • 回复: @TKK
    , @Beefcake the Mighty
  81. Declane 说:
    @Carlton Meyer




  82. Republic 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West


  83. @George

    乔治 说: “中国可能会也可能不会通过中央计划实现经济工业化……”.



    诸如卡尔·门格尔(CarlMenger)之类的人(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Menger ] 和路德维希·冯·米塞斯 (https://mises.org/library/human-action-0 ] 彻底瓦解/摧毁了马克思、希特勒、列宁、毛泽东等人所拥护的经济中央计划的论点(可悲的是,所有 1900 年后的美国政府,包括特朗普)。

    然而,不幸的是,正如乔治·桑塔亚纳(George Santayana)所说:“那些记不起过去的人注定要重蹈覆辙。” – 因为白痴永远不会学习,并且总是被新的不诚实的政客所欺骗,他们不劳而获地宣传“所有人的民主”等等。


    “社会过去是,过去一直是,永远是通过精英统治,暴徒执行,统一或不统一,由故意的无知和愚蠢所维护的政治力量体系对多数人进行剥削和压迫的结构。该系统所压迫的绝大多数人中。” 理查德·摩根(Richard K. Morgan)

    “知识分子、科学家和技术专家所采纳的观点是,由于他们可以从上方看到整个社会,由于他们能够以更清晰和更具体的方式理解其运作方式,并且由于他们了解自然资源的广阔领域,他们可以并且应该计划和规划人类的未来。 这种信念是一种精神错乱。” 乔恩·拉波波特






    都是为了财富,就坐在那里,准备被大陆的共产党窃取,进一步丰富权力金字塔最顶端的人,以拯救自己[ 不能 普通的中国男人或女人]免遭彻底的金融毁灭,这即将到来——速度很快!


  84. 沙米尔先生,既然你如此慷慨地使用令人厌恶的词“黑鬼”,你的下一篇文章应该以犹太人的诽谤为特色,比如 kike 或 heeb。


  85. “香港抗议者反抗中共控制的警察的惊人镜头



    • 回复: @Seraphim
  86. Rurik 说:

    我们可以代表买办者来区分一个真实的人的兴起和外国启发的干预。 第一个将被静音,第二个将被《纽约时报》美化。 就这么简单。








    正如你提到的,对于 一些突出的事情(例如基于谎言的一系列侵略战争、明显的叛国暴行以及各种战争罪、民主党全国委员会腐败、共和党腐败等等令人作呕的事情),人们必须倾听 蟋蟀, 他们以雷鸣般的声音谈论这些事情,却又沉默不语。




  87. Wally 说:


    – 该协议并未赋予香港完全的独立和主权。
    – 该协议不允许骚乱者从事破坏性、扰乱性、暴力行为。
    – 该协议要求香港政府维持秩序,而迄今为止他们还没有这样做。
    – 因此该协议已被香港政府违反并宣布无效。


    • 同意: Beefcake the Mighty
    • 回复: @Corvinus
  88. getaclue 说:


    • 回复: @FB
    , @denk
  89. @Bardon Kaldian


    令人悲伤和讽刺的是,Unz 的许多评论者都贬低 STEM 以外的任何学科的研究,认为这是徒劳的浪费时间,也是二流思想的标志。需要对希腊人进行研究,以告知和武装欧洲人反对闪米特主/奴隶道德的思想。

    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @Anonymous
  90. 我很快就放弃了阅读这篇文章,这篇文章是关于沙米尔可能有意见的事情——至少适合在港口流通期间站立一段时间——但他在知识或经验上没有权威。当他大肆渲染今天的香港人一定是那些早期逃离共产主义中国的人的后裔,因为150多年前香港在英国统治下人口很少时所发生的事情时,我放弃了。



  91. 只有思想堕落的人才会认为中国大陆应该对香港伸出肮脏的凶手。造成这种情况的原因太多了,如果你想不出任何一个,那么你除了成为一个无用的食客之外,就没有能力做任何事了。

    • 回复: @Chinaman
    , @Anounder
  92. Rurik 说:
    @Greg Bacon


    你知道吗 为什么 你讨厌这个词吗?


    Nigger 简单来说就是黑人的意思。在南方,“房屋黑奴”只是指在房屋里工作的黑人奴隶,而不是田地奴隶。这个词本身是中性的,就像“Negro”或“尼日利亚”一样,它来自拉丁语“nigreos”,而西班牙语中的“negro”=黑色。





    我厌恶那种渗透并贬低我们社会的双重思想和政治正确性。如果黑鬼就是黑鬼,那么 对工资盗窃 所以。黑人这样做,通过建议不允许白人,你的意思是所有白人都有一种内疚感,这禁止他们使用某些描述性词语。我说他妈的。我会整天说黑桃,黑桃, 如果是这样的话。

    • 同意: bruce county
    • 回复: @Half-Jap
  93. 笑。








    • 回复: @Rurik
  94. Rollmop 说:
    @Dutch Boy

    那样的话,那些人就会被误导。引渡法案是对现行立法的修订,自1997年以来一直有效运作。 *前* 移交到中国。事实上,根据该立法将中国添加为“规定地点”是基于对中国采取的预防措施比已适用于该立法已涵盖的其他国家更为严格的预防措施。


  95. ANON[117]• 免责声明 说:



  96. Rurik 说:



    还有罗马、拜占庭和我们历史上的集体神话、神话和传奇,以及如此丰富、自豪和光荣的遗产,今天几乎没有西方人知道。 (例如,它不在电视上,所以除非它写在金·卡戴珊的屁股上,否则很少有人知道)。






    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
  97. 莫斯科抗议者梦想俄罗斯被北约军队占领,而不是民主。他们相信,他们亲西方、受过教育、有企业家精神,将形成买办阶级,并以牺牲民众利益为代价实现繁荣。幸运的是,它们并不多:俄罗斯人已经尝试过在温和的环境下生活 西方占领 1991 年至 2000 年间,国际货币基金组织指导其财政和 美国顾问 来自哈佛大学的人负责管理国家机器。像比尔·布劳德、鲍里斯·别列佐夫斯基、罗曼·阿布拉莫维奇这样聪明而冷酷的犹太人发了财,但俄罗斯却被毁了,人民陷入了贫困。


  98. Che Guava 说:



    “智能设备”的先驱是日本的 NTT,该公司开始在 25 键电话上包含一种 Java 脚本形式。简单游戏和逻辑游戏(“密室逃脱”类型就是从那时开始的)就是从那时开始的。

    制造商不想打破不同产品类别之间的障碍(游戏掌机,尽管我更喜欢专用的任天堂游戏而不是任何“智能”手机垃圾,除了一些几何或其他数学益智游戏、相机、手机、小型计算机等)。 )。

    我们在日本的制造商(特别是夏普,拥有优秀但难以连接的 Zaurus),以及欧洲的几家制造商(特别是 Psion/Tektronics 产品,故意避开它)。当然,他们后来的产品在某种程度上是可连接的,但不是很好。


  99. annamaria 说:





    目前,嫌疑人可以被移交给与香港有引渡协议的 20 个国家之一。可以移交的 46 项罪行包括谋杀、黑客、走私和逃税,以及欺诈、腐败和洗钱等 15 项企业犯罪。

    “现行安排将于 2047 年到期,允许香港在许多国际环境中以‘中国香港’的名义作为自己的实体发挥作用。” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_country,_two_systems

    一名年轻孕妇被谋杀。凶手因为法律漏洞决定躲藏在香港。 – 中国不属于“与香港有引渡协议的20个国家”。

    你站在哪一边,“TKK?” ——猜猜站在“进步派”和“人道主义”干涉主义者一边,他们给世界带来了辐射塞尔维亚(散布着贫铀)、曾经繁荣的利比亚的奴隶市场、叙利亚残害和被谋杀的儿童以及内战在犹太化的乌克兰。

    • 回复: @TKK
  100. Rurik 说:





    相反你是 笑!


    他说 黑鬼, 但你却笑了!

  101. @Corvinus



    可以移交的 46 项罪行包括谋杀、黑客、走私和逃税,以及欺诈、腐败和洗钱等 15 项企业犯罪。



  102. sarz 说:
    @Priss Factor



  103. Alfred 说:
    @Vedic Hyperborean




    • 哈哈: Malla
  104. @Paw

    没有人可以质疑你所说的话。 比尔鲍德是一个杀人犯,一个小偷和一个躲避聚光灯的罪犯。 他的精神兄弟是我们自己的杰弗里·爱泼斯坦。

  105. TKK 说:



    然而,我读了太多索尔仁尼琴和中国遣返的朝鲜难民(实际难民)的报道。 保证 当他们跨过鸭绿江假装共产主义是彩虹和闪闪发光的纸杯蛋糕时,他们遭受了酷刑和死亡。



    您是否意识到这个网站只能通过中国的 VPN 访问?

    你是否如此愚蠢,以至于没有意识到你的大嘴潜鸟阴谋论只会被你的狗、家人或厨房的墙壁听到? (如果所说的狗没有被绑架和吃掉的话)



  106. TKK 说:




    • 回复: @Parfois1
  107. “那如果你对‘n’这个词感到如此震惊,那你为什么要咯咯地笑、大笑、出洋相呢?” 。 .'?









  108. 嗯:硅谷正在建立中国式的社会信用体系


    “自 2014 年开始实施的社会信用体系是一项正在进行中的工作,可能会在明年发展成为适用于所有中国公民的单一全国性积分体系,类似于金融信用评分。它的目的是惩罚违法行为,包括加入或支持法轮功或藏传佛教、未能偿还债务、过度玩电子游戏、批评政府、逾期付款、未能清扫商店或房屋前的人行道、在火车上吸烟或大声播放音乐、乱穿马路以及其他被中国政府视为非法或不可接受的行为。”






  109. Dutch Boy 说:
    @Mark Hunter


  110. Anon[424]• 免责声明 说:


  111. Paul 说:


  112. @gmachine1729

    您可以在 Facebook、RT Russian 和 Zavtra 上阅读我的俄语版。欢迎!

  113. annamaria 说:




    英国金融家布劳德曾是后苏联时期俄罗斯人脉广泛的投资者,但在被指控犯有金融犯罪后,成为该国法律的逃犯。然而,在西方,他最出名的是俄罗斯会计师谢尔盖·马格尼茨基(Sergei Magnitsky)的雇主,谢尔盖·马格尼茨基在接受与布劳德案有关的调查时在警方拘留期间死亡。马格尼茨基之死成为国际丑闻,布劳德指责俄罗斯官员杀害了他。

    俄罗斯检察官周一声称,马格尼茨基和其他几名熟悉布劳德在俄罗斯非法活动的人可能已被他的命令杀害。 他们说,俄罗斯已经对布劳德提起了新的刑事诉讼,莫斯科将要求将他引渡为涉嫌参与洗钱的国际犯罪企业的头目。



  114. Crow 说:

    香港是一个海盗国家,犯罪分子藏匿他们的不义之财。 中国应该让他们就范并没收这些香港财富。

    • 回复: @frankie p
  115. Crow 说:


  116. Chinaman 说:





  117. d dan 说:



    2. 如果是为了自由,为什么他们要挥舞英国或美国国旗?他们为什么想成为英国的一部分?难道他们不知道香港目前比英国或美国享有更多的自由吗? (例如温顺宽容的警察、最低的所得税税率、更少的囚犯人口、没有政治正确性废话等)

    3. 如果是关于引渡法,为什么也没有抗议与美国或英国的引渡协议?难道他们不知道美国有很多域外法律和压迫性法律吗? (例如,尝试在香港设立一家公司与伊朗进行贸易,你可能会被拘留,又名华为首席财务官)。

    4. 难道他们不知道只有在香港也被视为犯罪的情况下才能进行引渡吗?



    • 同意: Biff, annamaria
    • 回复: @Thirdeye
  118. Chinaman 说:
    @Slave Nation


    等不及中国接管,但香港人将在 2047 年之前摧毁香港。

    现在的中国政府与毛泽东领导下的政府不同。不存在完美的政治制度。英国人在150年的统治中从未给过我们一丝自由,视我们如粪土。 1960世纪10年代以后世界上最凶残的政府是美国人,我直接和间接算了15-XNUMX万。

  119. Thirdeye 说:

    “确实,装备齐全的军队屠杀广场内还是广场外的和平普通民众都没有什么区别。 根本不值得进行这样的讨论。”

    它使世界变得不同。 广场上的情况众所周知。 士兵与分散的示威者之间的对抗情况并不为人所知。 如果将流血事件与聚集在广场上的和平示威者的形象联系起来,很容易将其解释为军队无端的暴力。 从BLM骚乱的经验来看,骚乱通常不会发生在官方示威活动中,而是发生在官方示威活动中。 当自选的团体聚集在外围开始烧杀抢掠时,就会发生这种情况。 毫无疑问,北京街头挤满了对示威被驱散感到愤怒的年轻人,他们试图通过与当局的对抗来发泄愤怒。

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  120. Cortes 说:
    @Greg Bacon

    Heeb(我更常看到它是“Hebe”)很可能是希伯来语的一个贬义词,但 kike 有什么问题呢?它只是指许多哈西德派犹太人所戴的小卷发。看




    • 回复: @Patricus
  121. peterAUS 说:




    难的。 高效的。

    • 回复: @Thirdeye
    , @annamaria
  122. Anon[424]• 免责声明 说:




  123. Paul 说:


  124. Patricus 说:

    我在其他地方读到“Kike”一词来自意第绪语单词 kikel(拼写?),意思是圆圈。当文盲从欧洲来到美国时,基督徒在自己的名字上签上“X”。不识字的犹太人则在名字上签上一个圆圈,以区别于基督徒。 X也是基督的古老象征。埃利斯岛的员工会说“这是另一艘满是 kikels 的船”,后来简称为 kikes。直到后来几年,它才被认为是一种种族歧视


  125. Thirdeye 说:
    @d dan

    香港民众的不满更多的是经济上的而非政治上的,而且更多的是香港特有的情况而不是整个中国的情况。 香港的实体经济(增值商品和服务)陷入停滞,而内地的实体经济却突飞猛进。 这改变了香港和内地人的相对经济实力。 香港经历了资产泡沫,部分原因是为了香港精英的利益而操纵的土地政策,以及富裕的内地人的涌入,他们在房地产市场上挤压了当地人。 当地人陷入房产拥有率低、债务高、租金上涨的境地。

    与引起不满的现实情况相比,政治要求是不连贯、不合逻辑的。 他们对内地人能够利用在香港以外产生的财富建立自己的地位感到不满,有时甚至采取有问题的做法,但他们对引渡法案的反对却支持维持现状,使香港对寻求中国法律避难所的内地人有吸引力。 这些抗议活动最能表达的是一种没有针对性的愤怒,其中很大一部分是针对大陆人和讲普通话的人。 但这种愤怒的真正根源是当地的经济政策。

    • 回复: @d dan
  126. Thirdeye 说:

    关于参与小规模冲突的解放军部队的战术敏锐性和纪律性,存在许多悬而未决的问题。 这可能是 1968 年芝加哥的实弹情景。 但无论哪种情况,这都与西方媒体报道的中国政府决定杀死一群示威者以给他们一个教训的说法相去甚远。

    一件被忽视的事情是,在局势平静下来后,中共悄悄地对天安门起义的许多要求做出了让步。 当然,他们不会这样展示它们,因为那样会丢面子。

  127. peterAUS 说:




    也许 可以尝试:示威者的阶级/社会阶层/立场。


  128. FB 说: • 您的网站




    • 回复: @getaclue
  129. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:


    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  130. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:
    @Ron Unz

    事实上,我们MSM的不诚实或无能是 *非常* 比你想象的还要伟大。



    • 回复: @annamaria
  131. Anonymous[422]• 免责声明 说:

    令人悲伤和讽刺的是,Unz 的许多评论者都贬低 STEM 以外的任何学科的研究,认为这是徒劳的浪费时间,也是二流思想的标志。



  132. frankie p 说:

    是的,但他们应该用这笔财富为香港的100个姓氏建立经济适用房项目。 他们需要采取罗宾汉式的方法来应对这种情况,考虑到年轻抗议者面临的主要问题是经济问题:经济繁荣衰退的前景和永远没有机会拥有房屋的前景。 上周在香港报纸上刊登广告呼吁不要使用暴力的寡头亿万富翁李启新可以看到不祥之兆。 中国应该剥夺他和他的寡头同僚——他们都是通过英国设立的受监管行业赚钱的——不义之财,并与边缘人群分享。 赢得人心。

  133. DB Cooper 说:




  134. Anon[205]• 免责声明 说:


    你不知道你在说什么。中国当局在香港的影响力很小。香港人可以为所欲为。他们让房地产大亨为所欲为,把自己搞砸了。他们有一些重塑经济的机会,但并没有因为这些富有的混蛋的反对而失败。我想说,99%的香港统治精英及其家人都持有外国护照。他们中的大多数人并不关心香港的长期健康。他们只想赚尽可能多的钱,然后在 50 年协议结束之前滚蛋。


    • 回复: @Anon
  135. Anon[267]• 免责声明 说:



  136. d dan 说:




  137. Anon[233]• 免责声明 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West

    认为 Tor 有效吗? 好吧,如果你是 FBI 的话(至少从 2012 年开始)



    接线 文章谈论的是以前称为 Tor Hidden Services 的东西,现在称为 Tor Onion Services。 这与用于电子邮件或网络使用的 Tor(Tor 浏览器捆绑包)无关,这是安全的。

    如果您不使用共享服务器,即使 Tor Onion Services 也是安全的。 丝绸之路使用了它,并且只有在 FBI 使用正常的调查技术发现这个人的名字时才被关闭。

    Tor Onion Services 在共享环境中不安全的原因是另一个客户可以使用有问题的 Web 应用软件,并且可能会在错误消息中返回 IP 地址。 您不希望其他人在您的 Tor Onion 服务服务器上。

    一旦 FBI 知道 IP 地址,他们就知道机器的物理位置,他们可以通过传票为主机服务,他们的技术人员可以直接检查服务器的内容,而 Tor 没有,也从未打算这样做,阻止。 服务器本身没有加密或任何东西。

  138. @Ghan-buri-Ghan

    搞定了。如果你想了解美国和中国之间现在正在发生什么,你只需问:有组织的犹太人想要什么?从大局来看,他们正在转向印度,因为他们目前的东道主美国已经精疲力尽(并且越来越缺乏为以色列的战争分配资源的内部政治意愿)。出于多种原因,他们很可能将印度视为下一站。 (种姓制度、与穆斯林的冲突、以及对中国的民族自卑情结都可以被奉承/操纵)。因此,有必要开始骚扰和软化中国,以此作为煽动未来冲突的手段。

  139. @Greg Bacon


  140. Weblurker 说:
    @Ron Unz


    FWIW,英国大使估计约有 10,000 人死亡。


    • 哈哈: Ron Unz
  141. gutta percha [又名“ gp”] 说:




  142. Anonymous[292]• 免责声明 说:


    • 回复: @Ghan-buri-Ghan
  143. Yee 说:


    “你知道这个网站只能通过中国的 VPN 访问吗?”





    Gillian Bolsover,牛津大学牛津互联网研究助理
    研究所,菲利普·霍华德 (Philip Howard) 教授兼研究主任

    在 Twitter 上发现了支持中国国家自动化的证据。
    Twitter 上的自动化与反华国家有关

  144. @Farrakhan.DDuke.AliceWalker.AllAgree




  145. Yee 说:




    • 回复: @Chinaman
  146. Yee 说:

    DB Cooper,

    “走上街头的人都是失败者。但如此大规模的抗议活动甚至可能发生,这表明这些人是在一个默许这种行为的宽松环境中活动的。中共掌权的那段时光,是很多在国共内战期间从大陆逃到香港的香港人(或他们的孩子)的记忆中的。 ”


    • 回复: @DB Cooper
    , @DB Cooper
  147. getaclue 说:

    福布斯白痴! (除了白痴或共产党的宣传员以外,任何人都可以找到大量资料……)北京的天气怎么样?: https://www.forbes.com/sites/zakdoffman/2019/06/18/china-killing-prisoners-to-harvest-organs-for-transplant-tribunal-finds/#17c5720353d4

    • 回复: @Herald
  148. getaclue 说:
    @Priss Factor

    你的言论完全是垃圾:“与……相比,中国对社会信用不良的人的称呼是温和的。” ——完全是胡说八道——在中国,你不能以不良信用评分乘坐飞机或公共交通工具,你实际上就变成了一个非人,在美国的名字是腐烂的,但现在不在那个球场了(不是那个)左派/共产主义者/谷歌人不希望这个系统在这里,他们显然希望……),不要成为共产主义的辩护者——没有哪个系统谋杀了更多无辜的人(上个世纪有 200,000,000 亿人),如果给定条件,也不会这样做。无论何时何地再次有机会……

  149. niteranger 说:
    @Ron Unz



  150. DB Cooper 说:



  151. Alden 说:


  152. DB Cooper 说:





  153. @TKK



    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Republic
  154. 走狗 说:


  155. 我不相信任何不再要求半直接民主的民众抗议。代表已被证明是精英的马戏团,而HK只是这个体系中的另一个棋子。

    我说让中国就独立进行公投,然后一旦他们获得自由,就解释说,它是帝国罪行的同谋,根本无法进入中国市场。关闭边境,让他们自生自灭。当大门紧闭的时候,帝国就不需要进入中国的大门了。 50-100年后,犯罪分子将离开去寻找更好的牧场,人民将乞求以“一国一制”的条件重新团结。

  156. @Aspnaz

    “抗议者正在抗议他们失去了一些东西”,没错:他们的(被认为的)特权、生活水平以及上帝赋予的 FB 权利。沙米尔提出的所有观点。他还解释了为什么与黄背心的比较是错误的——比较 MSM 的待遇。

  157. @Aspnaz


  158. @Jake



  159. @TKK


    • 哈哈: TKK
  160. @Anonymous



    • 回复: @Anonymous
  161. @anonymous_from_SEA

    《Unz Review》没有被屏蔽也是有道理的。毕竟,它在中国几乎没有影响力,但可以让中国政府了解一些阅读文章或发表评论的公民。

    • 回复: @Republic
  162. Parfois1 说:



  163. annamaria 说:

    “不过,问题仍然存在:为什么在‘射击杀人’政策中使用实弹?”其实也没有必要进行自卫。 ……很难想象抗议者会对他们构成任何真正的威胁。”

    — 在这个论坛上,您被称为以色列的坚定捍卫者。为什么你从来没有注意到以色列人迄今为止一直在以色列占领的领土上实行“枪杀”政策?


  164. Republic 说:

    Unz在中国境内没有被封锁。刚刚在 Websitepulse 上进行了测试。,ok,时间为 8/27/19 1210 gmt


  165. Republic 说:
    @Wizard of Oz



    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  166. Parfois1 说:




  167. Yee 说:

    DB Cooper,






    • 回复: @DB Cooper
  168. YEE


    • 回复: @d dan
  169. annamaria 说:


  170. @Parfois1

    Parfois1 说: “……他被束缚了。他被雇主抢劫了,雇主将雇主和工人之间不平等合同所获得的利润据为己有。”


    这种令人厌恶的意识形态是[希望] 究竟 香港人民最终要反对的就是这种共产主义的狂热宣传。


    许多年长的人已经非常清楚,当/如果香港被共产主义/博格帝国完全同化时,等待着他们和年轻一代的恐怖是什么;他们之前都在还可以的时候逃离了那些恐怖,去了香港和台湾这样的地方,因为他们已经知道, 通过直接经验 那时的大陆,70多年前毛泽东掌权时,如果他们再呆下去,会发生什么。



    这一切最可悲的是,许多抗议者似乎真诚地相信美国是一个自由之地,我们仍然拥有言论自由权、持有和携带武器的权利[而且我不只是在谈论枪支此处],或美国宪法前 10 项修正案中列出的任何其他权利。


    天啊,我多么讨厌所有的共产党 到处.



    • 回复: @redmudhooch
    , @Parfois1
  171. Yee 说:

    杰夫·斯特里克(Jeff Stryker),

    “美国与香港从来没有任何关系。那是英国殖民地。 ”



  172. @Parfois1

    我以为 TKK 多次写信说他是一名律师。如果这涉及到工作,我想这取决于你如何定义工作。我认为他只是在表达团结。我认为他有时确实对作为该制度受害者的客户表示同情。

    • 回复: @Parfois1
  173. d dan 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    “美国与香港从来没有任何关系。 ”


  174. denk 说:



    GUardian [原文如此]、福布斯 [原文如此]、法庭 [原文如此]
    , '独立加纳克人力资源研究员 [OMFG] 收费 中国啊啊啊啊啊……


    你应该证实这些 指责 , 白痴,

    在哪儿 证据 ?

  175. Chinaman 说:


    老实说,这两种方式的结果对西方的地缘政治和人民来说都是无关紧要的。 这怎么能比美国的大规模枪击和枪支管制或巴勒斯坦的人道主义危机更重要呢? 到目前为止,甚至没有人死亡。

    不用说天安门 2 坦克冲压人肉馅饼的想法已经抓住了这里评论者的想象力,我相信,在潜意识里,人们已经等不及这一奇观了。 没有什么比看着中国人自相残杀更能让白人满意的了。 我想我们都同意,这绝对比简单地向中国投下核弹更具发自内心和视觉上的吸引力。

    这就是美国人的反常本性,每天都在暴力和破坏中长大。 人们需要他们的修复。

    共产主义者明白这一点,也明白为什么他们会拒绝让白人享受这种快乐。 不会有坦克,也没有干预。 民意会改变,这些暴徒会失去支持,港府可以采取更果断的行动。 在有人意识到政府是认真的之后,人们会恢复理智。

    美国将继续煽动和煽风点火,但香港不是像叙利亚或乌克兰那样的烂摊子。 我相信,如果香港在燃烧,美国也会和我们一起燃烧。

    • 回复: @Frankie P
  176. Chinaman 说:






  177. anonymous[308]• 免责声明 说:


  178. anonymous[308]• 免责声明 说:

    最近在天安门事件前后,我在电视上看到了班农。 他说天安门事件有75,000万人丧生。



  179. @Anonymous





    • 回复: @Corvinus
  180. Corvinus 说:









    • 回复: @denk
  181. Anounder 说:
    @Slave Nation

    嘿 Amerimutt/Lolbertarian/Woke Imperialist。 同性恋婚姻怎么样?

  182. Corvinus 说:

    “从迄今为止的评论中,我注意到这里常见的犹太复国主义者、亲犹太人、亲以色列的成员(PeterAUS、Corvinus、Bardon Kaldian、TKK)也恰好都是恶毒的反华分子。”











  183. Skeptikal 说:
    @Priss Factor



  184. Skeptikal 说:
    @Carlton Meyer


    参见“殖民地加尔各答的崛起见证了与中国鸦片贸易的兴起。英国统治将鸦片变成了全球商品,于1773年建立了对印度鸦片销售的垄断,积极促进鸦片出口,无视中国禁毒法,并打了两场战争以打开中国市场。 [31]巴格达迪犹太商人主导了鸦片贸易,从英国当局拍卖的大部分鸦片箱都由巴格达迪犹太商人出口到中国,他们与马尔瓦里和帕西商人竞争贸易。 [31]沙逊家族最终控制了印度 70% 的鸦片贸易。[2]


  185. @Republic


  186. 我真的希望 unz.com 不会在文章标题中使用 N 字词。这对某些人来说具有煽动性,并将进一步增加当权者因“仇恨言论”而关闭这个优秀网站的理由。停下来吧。

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  187. @Rurik






    • 回复: @Rurik
  188. Chinaman 说:





    我的母亲70多岁了,年轻时曾在中国“再教育”营里,经历过文化大革命。她从来没有机会去上学。我们是富有的地主,我的家人在中国的财产和土地被剥夺了。我的祖父被红卫兵公开羞辱和殴打。 1960世纪XNUMX年代,她游过深港海峡逃到香港。她差点被淹死。 WTF你们白人对CCP的了解超出你们的想象吗???

    她几乎有充分的理由憎恨中共,但她看到了政府如何从错误中汲取教训,如何在800年里让40亿人摆脱贫困,她惊讶于年轻时离开的家乡如何发展,也惊讶于她如何从自己的错误中吸取教训,如何让XNUMX亿人摆脱贫困。生活质量提高。 (你们的政府在那段时间除了杀害大量无辜的穆斯林之外还做了什么。)


    除了你在 MSM 上看到的以外,你是否真的与人们交谈过?在我采访过的数百名不同社会经济阶层的人中,80% 的人不支持抗议活动。 90%的人只想继续他们的生活。我们是务实的人,而不是空想家。这些抗议正在损害我们的生计和我们作为城市的声誉。不管你怎么想,公众舆论很久以前就已经转变了。

    个人自由和对个人财产的保护被写入西方民主国家的宪法,但我发现很难将所有这些言论与通过个人税非自愿地剥夺我超过 50% 的劳动成果相调和。税收就是奴隶制,就这样。香港的统一税率为 15%,并且没有全球税。这就是为什么十万逃税的美国人在香港充当第五纵队并发酵骚乱。




  189. 竖起大拇指

    还在等待你的《红色佐格》第 2 部分,沙米尔先生……

  190. @onebornfree


  191. “房子 n . 。 。 ”



    “我们不再需要这样的东西了。 ”


    在我看来,中国人对此还不够。 。 。

    • 回复: @Ber
  192. Parfois1 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    谢谢。 TKK 表示站在肯塔基州矿工一边。鉴于上下文,我认为他是冒充的,因此我产生了怀疑。


    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  193. Parfois1 说:




  194. Half-Jap 说:


    • 回复: @Astuteobservor II
    , @Rurik
  195. Frankie P 说:

    简单。 让他们把注意力集中在香港温和的警察身上,这样他们就不会注意到法国警察,他们经常用橡皮子弹打死 12 名黄背心抗议者并打伤 2,500 名抗议者。

  196. @Parfois1



    有趣的评论和值得更多辩论的事情。肯定会改变。随着西方的去工业化,传统的工人阶级正在消失,中产阶级也节节败退。流氓无产阶级似乎正在增长,在正式就业人员中,有无数的临时工、兼职工、临时工等,而这些都是一个阶级所不具备的。我想说,现在世界上大多数工人阶级都在中华人民共和国,但他们在多大程度上意识到自己的地位,尽管他们在这个正式的共产主义国家充分接触了经典马克思主义,以及这会产生什么影响,这是值得怀疑的。我不知道经典马克思主义分析是否适用于当前的全球形势。需要研究一些东西,也许需要开发新的革命意识形态和战略,而不是宣扬同样的旧教条。那些仍然声称自己是马克思主义者的人,比如媒体宠儿斯拉沃伊·齐泽克,并没有提供任何创新的、相关的、合理的或具体的东西。或者 RU 自己的安德烈·维切克 (Andre Vitchek)。就像另类右翼的领军人物一样,他们找到了一种谋生方式,迎合社会中真正渴望变革的一小部分人。还有更多的事情......因为他们正在将他们的追随者军事化,在街上互相对抗,而不是对付那些管理事物的人,尽管他们的言辞......这符合谁的利益?我自己不是一个知识分子重量级人物,无法提出这样的、但必要的、深刻的想法,但我能分辨出我什么时候被人胡说八道,违背了我自己和人民的利益。然后,纳粹党试图弥合这一差距,但他们能招募和影响多少人呢?

  197. Ber 说:


  198. annamaria 说:


  199. @Chinaman










    • 不同意: d dan
  200. “中国大规模拘禁维吾尔人是‘现代文化灭绝’:


    “在中国西部,记者、前囚犯和美国政府所说的‘集中营’——或者中国政府所说的‘职业培训中心’网络不断扩大。据信,这些地区居住着 1 至 3 万人,可能相当于新疆省穆斯林人口的四分之一。







    • 回复: @denk
    , @denk
  201. @Corvinus



    • 回复: @Corvinus
  202. @Half-Jap

    我个人用及膝长裤和及膝 T 恤来区分黑人和真正的黑人。它运作得很好。

  203. @TKK


  204. Rurik 说:






    (相信我,那些迷人的杯子确实是 黑奴.)

    就在这时,一些星巴克爱哭鬼、雪花、SJW 会因为你使用了这个描述性的词而尖叫着该死的谋杀(同时非常小心地掩盖) 为什么 那些黑鬼应该被称为黑鬼)。

  205. @onebornfree

    onebornfree说: “你们俩现在能做的最好的事情就是在事情真正发生之前离开香港。但作为被洗脑的傻瓜,他们认为“这次会有所不同”,你可能不会。所以,在我看来,你们俩都完全配得上你们的命运。”

    如果你既天真又被洗脑,认为因为你支持中共,你就可以免遭同样天真的年轻抗议者的命运,那么你就特别应得的命运;我也强烈鼓励他们:“在事情真正发生之前”“滚蛋”香港,事实上,现在,“采取任何必要的手段”[即“合法”或“非法” ,例如。贿赂,伪造文件等],在为时已晚之前,而不是留下来为“自由”或“民主”或他们都幻想的其他东西而战。

    不会有任何怜悯。 “如果你想要一幅未来的图景,想象一下一只靴子永远踩在人脸上。”乔治·奥威尔《1984》 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984


    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  206. annamaria 说:

    根据“onebornfree”(?)的说法,NED 和其他“民主斗士”不会做错事。

  207. Rurik 说:










  208. @onebornfree

    至少我们很快就会知道你的预测是否正确。或者可能不是。如果无论发生什么,一批人说没有发生任何重大事件,或者可能进行了一些必要的再教育,而另一批人则声称 x – xx,xxxs 被杀害、监禁、折磨、送往集中营。我真的不在乎,因为无论谁在任何争端中获胜,都会有中国人,无论有多少人消失……好吧,剩下的人会绰绰有余。但我不希望更多的流亡者、难民、移民到其他地方。我们应该更多地担心靴子踩在我们头上,这将来自同一来源,促使那些香港孩子去做不可能的事情,打倒中华人民共和国。

    • 回复: @Parfois1
  209. Chinaman 说:






    “在任何时间和历史上的任何时刻,在每个国家和文化中,都有 20-49% 的人对政府不满意并希望政权更迭。另外51%的人也不满意,但他们会出于对意识形态对手(种族、宗教、社会经济路线)的怨恨,本能地支持现有政权,即使他们不明白争论或大惊小怪的原因是什么。在这个星球上行走过的人类中,95-99% 的人在去世时对自己的治理方式不满意,除非他们将自己的意志强加于他人,或者属于收入分配的前 5%。


    有人曾调侃道:“在民主美国,政党变了,政策不变;而在共产主义中国,政党不变,政策变了。”对中国来说重要的是真正的进步、登月和GDP增长。不存在完美的政治制度 实用主义和两害相权取其轻才是我们需要应对的。 ”

    顺便说一句,我的 Kindle 上有《1984》,当我听到五角大楼谈论“通过力量实现和平”时,它让我想起“战争就是和平”。当我听到“美国民主”时,它让我想起“自由就是奴隶制”……



    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  210. Corvinus 说:
    @Astuteobservor II





    • 回复: @Astuteobservor II
  211. “真正的广告是为了让洗的衣服真正干净。因此,一名黑人被放入他们品牌的洗衣机/肥皂中,结果他变得更白——意味着更干净。”




  212. denk 说:


    燃烧瓶、砖头、火灾、袭击警察、洗劫法院和警察局……如果你有的话 科琼斯 !



    • 同意: Beefcake the Mighty
    • 回复: @Corvinus
  213. 中国人 说: “……在民主美国,政党会改变,但政策不会改变,而在共产主义中国,政党不会改变,但政策会改变。”



    中国人 说: “对中国来说重要的是真正的进步、登月和 GDP 增长。 ”



    中国人 说: “顺便说一句,我的 Kindle 上有《1984》,当我听到五角大楼谈论“通过力量实现和平”时,它让我想起了“战争就是和平”。当我听到“美国民主”时,它让我想起“自由就是奴隶制”……=


    中国人 说: “当我读到你的帖子时......它让我想起了“无知就是力量”。我不知道这里是谁被洗脑了。”

    好吧,如果你的 Kindle 上有《1984》,我建议你要么实际阅读它[如果你还没有],要么非常仔细地重新阅读它[如果你已经“阅读”过它],因为显然, if 事实上你确实读过它,但并没有留下太多印象。





    • 回复: @Chinaman
    , @denk
  214. denk 说:



  215. denk 说:

    HK 的麻烦,,,,……三个字母的词……
    它的 沃格斯 !

    现在有充分证据表明,英美是香港事件的幕后黑手。当香港大律师公会加入抗议活动时,西方声称连律师都支持抗议活动,试图为人民伸张正义。但该协会的领导者要么都是英国律师,要么是伦敦律师事务所的成员,例如 吉米 陈先生是所谓“人权民权阵线”的负责人,该组织成立于 2002 年,其目标是让香港脱离中国,例如 凯文 林是另一家伦敦律师事务所的合伙人,以及 Steve (史蒂夫) 郭和 阿尔文 反华公民党成员杨先生将于下周与美国官员会面。郭先生在其他访问中呼吁香港独立,其中一些访问是由美国国家安全委员会赞助的,并呼吁美国援引其《香港政策法案》,该法案除其他外,授权美国总统发布命令中止其香港政策。在贸易事务上将香港视为一个单独的领土。此举的影响将损害中国的整体贸易,因为其大部分收入来自香港。如果总统认为香港“不够自治,不足以证明其与中国分开对待”,则可以援引该法案。


  216. Corvinus 说:










    “在我采访过的数百名不同社会经济阶层的人中,80% 的人不支持抗议活动。 90%的人只想继续他们的生活。”





    也许。 再说一次,也许不是。

    • 回复: @Chinaman
    , @Malla
  217. Chinaman 说:






    事物之所以会变成这样,原因有很多。世界是一个复杂的地方,你不能天真地归因于因果关系(因为我妈妈认为中共让 800 亿人摆脱了贫困……这不是事实)对 1984 年进行精神自慰并不能帮助你了解真正的情况世界。


  218. Chinaman 说:




    我的母亲是一位谦虚务实的女士,没有受过多少正规教育,所以我们不能将她与像您这样一位有远见、开明的自由斗士相比较,她自慰地想着用键盘解放 1.4 亿中国人。


    • 同意: Ron Unz
    • 回复: @d dan
    , @onebornfree
    , @Corvinus
  219. d dan 说:




    • 同意: Chinaman
    • 回复: @Corvinus
  220. @Chinaman

    中国人 说: “中国拥有世界上最具活力的资本主义经济,共产党员是中国最富有的人。”

    你所描述的是共产主义,而不是资本主义。共产主义是一种旨在窃取国家财富并将其全部转移给内部精英的制度——巧合的是,这正是你所承认的中国的情况。 🙂 .



    “如果人们理解社会主义不是“分享财富”计划,而是实际上是巩固和控制财富的一种方法,那么超级富翁提倡社会主义的看似悖论根本就不会成为悖论。 相反,它变得合乎逻辑,甚至是寻求权力的完美工具。 共产主义,或者更确切地说是社会主义,不是被压倒群众的运动,而是经济精英的运动。” 来自:“没人敢称之为阴谋”-加里·艾伦

    弗雷德里克·巴斯蒂亚(Frederic Bastiat)




    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @Biff
  221. Malla 说:



    • 回复: @Corvinus
  222. 北京镇压香港的工具箱:




    其他措施也在使用中。香港现任行政长官林郑月娥周二向新闻界发表声明,暗示她可以援引殖民时代的法律,赋予自己授权逮捕、关闭电信、审查媒体、扣押财产以及修改或颁布法律的权力。如果该城市陷入紧急状态。换句话说,林郑月娥不准备让香港人民权衡他们的要求,而是准备削减香港与中共统治下的中国大陆不同的许多品质——相对自由的新闻、不受审查的互联网、对个人财产的保护,以及其他权利……”: 北京镇压香港的工具箱:

    除此之外: “中国大陆潜入香港抗议活动——支持事业。”:


  223. Corvinus 说:








    “像你这样开明的自由斗士,自慰地想着用键盘解放 1.4 亿中国人。”



    • 回复: @Chinaman
  224. Corvinus 说:





    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @Malla
    , @annamaria
  225. Corvinus 说:
    @d dan


  226. Corvinus 说:



    历史学家阿瑟·M·施莱辛格(Arthur M. Schlesinger)写道:“大规模暴力在导致独立战争的事件的每一个重大转折点上都发挥了主导作用。暴徒恐吓邮票代理商,阻碍《汤森税收法案》的执行,并引发了“波士顿大屠杀”。


    • 回复: @denk
  227. annamaria 说:






    在乌克兰,政府被美国国务院和当地自称为新纳粹分子(Banderites)帮助的犹太阴谋集团夺取。四百万乌克兰人(占人口的 10%)逃离美国建立的政权。





    • 回复: @Malla
  228. Igor Bundy 说:

    我的想法很长一段时间反映了这篇文章。 所以很高兴看到其他人将它们付诸文字。 虽然我的尊重对别人来说毫无价值,但它是我待人接物的标准。 许多人认为金钱可以买到尊重,而且在很大程度上确实如此。 除了少数赢得尊重而不是买来的尊重。

  229. @Chinaman

    2000年,当我被邀请在美国发表演讲时,我说“我感谢上帝让美国将世界从民主中拯救出来”。作为一名澳大利亚人,我指的是这样一个事实:如果像澳大利亚那样几乎每个人都投票的话,像澳大利亚这样的民主国家将永远无法采取如此有利于中国经济发展的政策 — — 这对澳大利亚大多数不应得的好运至关重要。 (我将美国描述为“受精英政治调和、在法律框架内并以民主言辞调味的财阀政治”。我想你可能会同意)。但是,即使没有像在香港那样生活在边缘,我也开始担心中国的巨大力量将被如何使用。令人不寒而栗的是,一名无害的华裔澳大利亚人在访问中国时可能会被关押7个月,无法与家人或律师见面,接受审讯,然后受到(仍然模糊的)间谍指控。请注意,澳大利亚人永远不应该被引渡到美国——另一个并非完全不同的主题。还有一些加拿大人被捕只是为了向加拿大施加压力......如果我们听到习主席向中国人民发表讲话,表达中国真正的伟大和尊严,平静地指出,是时候停止抱怨百年屈辱,伟大中国人民的尊严要求了,那我们就放心了。他们没有歪曲过去,但是,如果深入而诚实地思考的话,请考虑一下500年和1000年前的领先文明是如何直到20世纪才达到全世界现在所渴望的现代性的。相反,我们必须将近 1.3 亿人视为与约 330 亿美国人一样无知的民族主义者……

    • 回复: @d dan
    , @Chinaman
  230. Biff 说:



  231. Malla 说:
    @Priss Factor





  232. Biff 说:

    你所描述的是共产主义,而不是资本主义。共产主义是一种旨在窃取国家财富并将其全部转移给内部精英的制度——巧合的是,这正是你所承认的中国的情况。 🙂 .


    暗示: 财富集中、内部精英、裙带关系


  233. Seraphim 说:

    认为中国对香港“绝望”并且其经济正在“崩溃”的想法是彻头彻尾的荒谬(中国人生活得越来越好,变得越来越富有和满足;你不会冒着被挥舞着“自由”的枪射击的风险) ')。

  234. Anonymous[158]• 免责声明 说:
    @Commentator Mike



    剩下的 38% 是谩骂者,62% 是稻草人,这是当人们想要回复他们不喜欢阅读的内容(可能是因为他们同意它)但又真的不知道该回复什么时的标准分布。

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  235. annamaria 说:

    科维努斯是一位骑着白马的正义骑手,他需要上下文。这里是: https://www.rt.com/uk/467538-psychological-torture-pilger-assange-prison/

    • 回复: @annamaria
  236. annamaria 说:


    超过一个 许多当地人使用了一切可以使用的手段来反对一位亿万富翁将小镇和里奥内格罗大部分地区变成他个人领地的努力。这场斗争已经看到 大规模示威 在埃尔博尔松 (El Bolsón) 与[犹太]英国亿万富翁乔·刘易斯 (Joe Lewis) 对抗,其中一些活动吸引了多达 15,000 名参与者——几乎占该镇总人口的 80%。

    据福布斯估计,刘易斯的身价为 5.2 亿美元,他在西方最出名的是拥有英国托特纳姆热刺足球俱乐部、他在巴哈马和佛罗里达州的庞大豪华庄园和高尔夫度​​假村,以及拥有包括 Puma 运动服和 Vans 鞋在内的知名品牌。

    自 1990 世纪 XNUMX 年代中期以来,刘易斯一直在巴塔哥尼亚建立一个帝国,成为埃尔博尔松以北大片地产的所有者,其中包括该镇几乎所有的水资源储备以及附近农场的水资源。 Mallín Ahogado 社区,以及 Pampa Energía 背后的事实上的电力公司,该公司控制着阿根廷大部分电力生产。 ……

    首先,根据阿根廷法律,以国家安全为由,禁止向外国公民出售刘易斯自 1996 年以来拥有的财产……

    其次,它违反了自 1969 年以来的一项当地法律,该法律将任何个人(阿根廷公民或外国人)可拥有的最大土地面积限制为约 70 公顷(约 172 英亩)。

    第三,它违反了 1994 年通过的省级法律,该法律创建了一个名为 Río Azul Lago Escondido 自然保护区的自然保护区……

    这个故事胜过了香港的“有机”颜色革命。阿根廷人民一直在抗议犹太复国主义者掠夺阿根廷土地 !

    为什么据称热爱自由的男同性恋者对巴塔哥尼亚真正的民主发展完全保持沉默? ——因为犹太复国主义者再次想要其他民族的土地,并且注意到这将是反犹太主义的。人的尊严该死。


    超过一个 许多当地人使用了一切可以利用的手段来反对一位[犹太复国主义者]亿万富翁将这座城镇和里奥内格罗大部分地区变成他自己的私人领地的努力。这场斗争在埃尔博尔森 (El Bolsón) 爆发了针对英国亿万富翁乔·刘易斯 (Joe Lewis) 的大规模示威活动,其中一些活动吸引了多达 15,000 名参与者——几乎占该镇总人口的 80%。

  237. annamaria 说:


    根据前法国情报官员、后来成为记者的蒂埃里·梅桑 (Thierry Meyssan) 的研究,乔·刘易斯 (Joe Lewis)(巴塔哥尼亚原始土地上富有的犹太复国主义者占屋者)每年都会邀请数千名以色列国防军 (IDF) 士兵来到他的领土。

    “自马岛战争以来,以色列军队一直在巴塔哥尼亚为其士兵组织‘度假营’。现在每年有 8,000 到 10,000 人来到乔·刘易斯的土地上度过两周。”



    以下是巴塔哥尼亚未来加沙犹太人区的最初迹象:“刘易斯的主唱范迪特默表示:“我们将用温彻斯特手中的武器来保卫私有财产;如果需要的话,用血”。 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Lewis_(British_businessman)

    • 回复: @Malla
  238. @Anonymous



    并继续经历所有其他美国战争,包括伊拉克、阿富汗等,并且不要忘记添加美军在小格林纳达杀死的任何人。现在,是什么让美国佬有权利在世界各地飞行和航行,想杀谁就杀谁?据估计,自二战以来,波尔布特杀死了 1.5 至 2 万人,而美国则杀死了 20 万人。我确信波尔布特有他杀死这么多人的理由,就像美国人有自己的理由在其他国家的土地上成为大规模杀人犯一样。

  239. denk 说:





    • 回复: @Corvinus
  240. denk 说:

    谢谢你的提醒,所以 理由网 又是另一回事 控制的反对派。 😉

  241. denk 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty


  242. d dan 说:
    @Wizard of Oz



    奇怪的是,您是否觉得华为首席财务官孟晚舟被捕“令人不寒而栗”? 《美国陷阱》作者弗雷德里克·皮耶鲁奇被捕怎么样?


  243. @Priss Factor


  244. Chinaman 说:

    像你这样开明的自由斗士,自慰地想着用键盘解放 1.4 亿中国人。”


    显然,你在公共场合的精神自慰不仅引起了一群困惑的中国人的注意,也引起了我们的主持人罗恩·乌兹的注意,他的出现使我们的讨论感到荣幸。不幸的是,我的母亲虽然不是一个正经的人,但也不会那么赞同你的公开表演。请保留你的幼稚想法,下次使用爱情娃娃。你可以购买它们 Alibaba.com



    • 回复: @Corvinus
  245. @d dan








    • 回复: @annamaria
  246. Chinaman 说:
    @Wizard of Oz


    “我认为我们必须掌控中国人并对他们进行监管。我相信,随着文明国家变得更加强大,它们会变得更加残酷,世界终有一天会不耐烦地忍受随时武装自己并威胁文明国家的野蛮大国的存在。我相信中国的最终分裂——我的意思是最终的。我希望我们今天不必这样做。雅利安人的股票一定会取得胜利。” - 温斯顿·丘吉尔



    • 同意: Malla
    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  247. annamaria 说:
    @Astuteobservor II

    虚假旗帜和前进中的民主™ https://www.voltairenet.org/article207320.html


  248. Malla 说:


  249. Malla 说:


  250. 开始了。对于香港人民来说,这很可能是一件大事的开始,而且非常糟糕,因为计划在下周六举行非常大规模的[现在是非法的]抗议活动。据报道,自周四[100]早上起,数百辆坦克、数千名士兵开始进入香港,进行所谓的“正常的、进出的部队轮换”。 [是的,没错🙁]:



    周四凌晨目击者报道了此次行动后,官方通讯社新华社发布了一篇报道,称中国人民解放军驻香港部队正在按计划进行轮换,这是“年度例行公事” ”。


    官方媒体报道指出,在2017年和2018年的前两次轮换中,部队和装备的数量没有变化。今年的报告没有包含这一细节。据估计,边境两侧的驻军人数在 8,000 至 10,000 人之间。




    • 回复: @Chinaman
  251. @d dan



    一个真正强大、难以施加压力的政府所做的事情本质上更令人不寒而栗,因为对个人免受难以忍受的情况的保护很少。连中国的康拉德·布莱克(Conrad Black)也被关在度假营之类的地方吗?尽管如此,引渡必须算作美国的罪行,与极权主义者的预期相当……

    • 回复: @d dan
  252. 中国人民解放军进入香港:


  253. @Chinaman


    我从未见过丘吉尔的名言。但自从约翰·德比郡向我介绍以来,我经常重新引用达尔文的表弟弗朗西斯·高尔顿爵士 1864 年 19 月写给《泰晤士报》的信,信的标题是“中国人的非洲”。我期待着澳大利亚的中国移民(尤其是但不仅限于)侨民,即使他们不是进入中国顶尖大学的顶尖知识分子,以加强当今管理良好和繁荣的澳大利亚。虽然1世纪蓬勃发展的盎格鲁-凯尔特移民的后代不可避免地会包括许多对亚洲移民及其问题怀有怨恨的反对者,但我对在移民有利的情况下可以维持的稳定和繁荣持谦虚的乐观态度。国民智商高,勤奋,不狂热地信仰宗教。尽管印度人的数量几乎相等(大约一百万),但他们并不像中国人那么富裕,但我认为他们大多是婆罗门或其他不愚蠢的人,这抵消了中国人过度影响力的任何趋势。如果幸运的话,澳大利亚将成为一个成功的自由资本主义现代福利国家,种族无关紧要。对于大多数受过教育的上层阶级来说这不是问题,所以我看到相对暗淡的事物不太重要并不重要。令人有点担忧的是,澳大利亚的教育系统最近在某些措施上表现不佳。我不确定原因或是否重要。

    • 哈哈: Malla
    • 回复: @Malla
  254. 线索显示中国在香港“轮换驻军”是为大陆入侵做准备


    正如我们之前报道的那样,虽然《人民日报》和其他官方媒体表示,这是中国人民解放军驻香港部队第 22 次年度例行轮换的一部分——考虑到解放军驻港部队的驻军数量,这是一项通常意义重大的后勤壮举。边境两侧分别有 8,000 人和 10,000 名士兵——有明显的令人震惊的迹象,中国军队正在专门为防暴和镇压行动做准备。 ……”

    “……官方媒体镜头似乎显示 WJ-03B 6X6 防暴轮式装甲车(WZ901 装甲车的变型或升级版)驶入香港。




  255. Malla 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    如果幸运的话,澳大利亚将成为一个成功的自由资本主义现代福利国家 种族无关紧要的地方。


  256. Chinaman 说:

    这个周末是我女儿的 8 岁生日,我们将在我从亿万富翁朋友那里借来的一艘游艇上庆祝。我很期待,希望天气会好。我一点也不担心坦克和人​​肉饼的前景。






    • 回复: @onebornfree
  257. Corvinus 说:


  258. Corvinus 说:


  259. @Chinaman



    • 回复: @denk
    , @Goldie
  260. Justsaying 说:


  261. denk 说:



    据美国政府、WARsj、GUardian 称,中共正在押注 1-3 万维吾尔人被关进集中营。

    UNZ 居民 无政府主义者 所有政府发誓, 叔叔骗局!

    “据 Zerohedge 报道,中国已准备好派出暴徒、坦克等等”

    我们已经知道 0hedge 是 控制的反对派。
    这不是你的梦遗吗……TAM2, 真正的交易 ?

    • 回复: @Onebornfree
  262. d dan 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    1. 我对你原来的帖子的反对是你自动假设中国政府正在肆意逮捕无辜者(澳大利亚华人和两名加拿大人)。像大多数西方人一样,你甚至没有了解案件的细节就草率下结论。

    2. 另一个例子是最近英国领事馆一名雇员因卖淫被捕而引起的愤怒。它表明西方的反应几乎就像巴甫洛夫的狗一样。即使真相大白后,西方仍然死不悔改,比如有的(如彭博社、纽约时报)暗示该员工可能是被陷害的。加拿大驻香港领事馆甚至建议员工不要前往内地。中国人立即看到了西方完全没有注意到的搞笑讽刺——加拿大人公开承认他们的雇员有嫖娼倾向,因此担心他们可能被逮捕吗?

    3. 你的说法:“一个真正强大、难以施加压力的政府所做的事情本质上更令人不寒而栗……”揭示了另一种肤浅的观点:





    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  263. denk 说:


    另类媒体充斥着像你这样的 SP,强制执行 尊重评论的规则……



    照照镜子 混蛋。
    帝国插座傀儡伪装成某种“进步派”,有人把恶心的袋子递给我。 !

  264. Fergus 说:
    @Priss Factor

    北京应该简单地提出用所有那些华尔街的走狗去美国换取忠实支持他们在北京的主人的优秀同志。 两国都将受益,尤其是所有将亲眼目睹天堂的 Antifa 民众,一旦中国人意识到洋基队向他们倾倒的癌渣,他们无疑将亲身体验。

  265. annamaria 说:

    “香港和美国大胆参与与中国的“破坏稳定战争”:” https://www.globalresearch.ca/hong-kong-and-the-audacity-of-the-u-s-part-of-a-destabilization-war-with-china/5687191

    法国黄背心知道他们在为什么而战。香港抗议者中的大多数人以反对国家、反对北京的虚假借口追随少数领导人。诚然,许多抗议者都是亲西方人士,他们唱着美国国歌,挥舞着英国国旗——前殖民主义者的旗帜。 ……


    ……22 岁的学生、2014 年雨伞革命的西方英雄黄之锋 (Joshua Wong),接受了美国国务院 / NED / CIA 的计划和资助的培训。他是当前抗议运动的主要参与者。黄是当地媒体大亨黎智英的亲历者,黎智英在 2014 年的雨伞革命中花费了数百万美元。

    这位寡头广泛使用他的资金来资助抗议领袖和抗议团体。他还创建了自己的国家党,具有明显的仇外色彩。 ……黎智英与特朗普政府关系非常密切,并与他的许多抗议领导人、美国驻香港特使、国家安全顾问约翰·博尔顿以及其他美国官员会面。 8月XNUMX日,黎智英先生在白宫会见美国副总统彭斯。


    2014 年对于奥巴马/克林顿政府的政权更迭者来说当然是胜利的一年(参见乌克兰)。美国政府公然干涉中国事务,中国和俄罗斯不会忽视。
    大约 40 周以来,法国人一直在努力学习“人权”、“民主”以及民众之声对“西方民主国家领导人”的价值。与欧盟/美国一样,法国也是银行家所有。

  266. @denk

    您是否将这 3 句话中的任何/全部归因于我?如果是这样,那么您只是经常出现在该网站的无价值、寄生、反自由、反资本主义的骗子的又一个光辉例子。和其他的共产主义败类一起在地狱里腐烂吧,你这个撒谎的狗屎。


    • 回复: @Chinaman
    , @denk
  267. Chinaman 说:



    • 回复: @onebornfree
  268. Smith 说:

    “对于白人来说,没有什么比看着中国人互相残杀更令人满足的了。 ”
    “我将第一个站在坦克上,挥舞着中国国旗,用我的解放军的呼吸唱着中国国歌,为像你和科维努斯这样挡在我们面前的“自由”战士做人肉饼。 ”



    • 回复: @Chinaman
  269. Chinaman 说:


    “我将第一个站在坦克上,挥舞着中国国旗,用我的解放军的呼吸唱着中国国歌,为像你和科维努斯这样挡在我们面前的“自由”战士做人肉饼。 ”





    您可能会感兴趣,有传言称支持独立的抗议者不是中国人,而是在英国人离开之前加入香港公民的越南船民的后裔。 (或者您可能已经知道这一点)。显然,这些人在香港有300,000万,他们与美国保持着联系。支持独立阵营中声音最大的人之一是约书亚·王(Joshua Wang),他显然是越南裔。



    • 回复: @Smith
  270. Cratylus 说:
    @Dutch Boy


  271. Smith 说:



    这是全世界越南人和中国人都可以同意的一件事,即 Chicom 政府应该阻止那些不存在的事情发生。只要香港人为真正正确的事情而努力奋斗,无论他们受到多少中央情报局/克格勃/俄罗斯联邦安全局/摩萨德/犹太人/穆罕默德/越南的指控,他们都会获胜。

  272. Parfois1 说:
    @Commentator Mike


    明智的话。这里持续不断的煽动活动一定是精心策划和资助的混淆计划的产物,旨在混淆事物和思想——这是另一种转移,使不那么隐藏的权力能够继续他们邪恶的掠夺和社会退化政策——zio ——新自由主义联盟踩在我们的头上,他们的愚蠢的步兵被“自由”、“民主”和类似的空洞口号迷惑——尤其是那些认为自己生来“自由”的人。真是一派胡言。

  273. @d dan


    然后,虽然你的 3b 是正确的,但我不同意事情如此简单,尽管我不是保护义务的狂热爱好者。尝试思考一项原则的全部含义,该原则允许你说“外人不应对中国境内发生的问题发表任何言论”。如果你把它推向极端。


    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
    , @d dan
    , @Biff
  274. JHW 说:







  275. Chinaman 说:




    这些来自我的个人收藏,是你永远不会从 MSM 那里看到的真相。

    这是 Unz 的特色菜。







    【反送中清场首度开枪 |荃湾 |案发经过:荃湾众安街大鸿辉中心外,一名抗议者(片头白衣黑背囊)突然高称“得一部警车”,然后号召多名抗议者,破坏事件正在进行离开现场的警车。警车停下,两名警员落车后「落单」并走至沙咀道的十字路口。其中有警员擎枪,现场传出最少一支枪声响。------- -------【新闻资料库·分类天下事】https://wp.me/PaaypJ-Aw7⬇️更多内容尽在⬇️新传网➜https://www.symedialab.com/IG ➜ http://bit.ly/symligYouTube ➜ http://bit.ly/symlyt

    发布者 Symedialab新传网 于 25 年 2019 月 XNUMX 日(星期日)




    • 回复: @Smith
  276. Smith 说:




    • 同意: Malla
    • 回复: @Ber
    , @Israel Shamir
  277. Ber 说:


    • 回复: @annamaria
  278. Smith 说:



    • 回复: @Chinaman
  279. denk 说:










    • 回复: @Smith
  280. Smith 说:



    美国犹太人 = 坏人。
    Israeljew = 坏。
    伊朗犹太人 = 坏。


  281. denk 说:

    联合蛇, 5 %, 3 ?

    • 回复: @Smith
  282. Smith 说:



    • 回复: @denk
  283. denk 说:

    忘记 ((()))

  284. annamaria 说:


    与此同时,美国的利益已经被以色列的利益所掩盖。美国政府中的以色列优先派甚至不掩饰他们的忠诚,而是要求为叙利亚的塔克菲里提供更多支持,以拯救以色列项目: https://www.moonofalabama.org/2019/08/syrian-rebels-feel-left-behind-burn-traitor-erdogans-picture.html#comments


    詹姆斯·杰弗里(19 年 2019 月 XNUMX 日):


    ……我们的 B 计划是与俄罗斯人合作,逐步通过政治进程,直至联合国监督的全国选举,建立一个实际上像正常国家(ZUSA 的附庸)一样行事的政府,以换取外国军队的妥协解决方案从伊朗人撤军开始……[ZUSA 显然希望俄罗斯人也撤军]。

    这就是我们正在讨论的计划。在那之前,我们正在尽一切努力加大压力:军事压力仅仅因为美国军队与我们同在。 当地盟友 [狂热的圣战分子]…

    有经济压力,对叙利亚有非常广泛的制裁......我们还成功阻止了任何重建援助 [以确保更多的叙利亚儿童死亡——杰弗里在这里将另一位凶残的犹太复国主义者M.奥尔布赖特引向这个政权或该政权的任何地区[从什么时候叙利亚是“政权”而沙特人是美国“民主”最好的朋友? ”]控制直到我们看到政治进程并且它正在发挥作用[以满足犹太国家的利益]。


    詹姆斯·富兰克林·杰弗里在一个保守的犹太家庭长大 https://www.revolvy.com/page/James-Franklin-Jeffrey

    • 回复: @annamaria
  285. annamaria 说:


    以色列支持叙利亚的反阿萨德部队,以色列官员表示,他们更希望瓦哈比派接管该国,而不是阿萨德总统继续掌权。 ……

    2013 年 2015 月,时任以色列驻华盛顿大使迈克尔·奥伦 (Michael Oren) 在接受《耶路撒冷邮报》采访时表示:“我们一直希望巴沙尔·阿萨德下台,我们总是更喜欢不受伊朗支持的坏人,而不是伊朗支持的坏人。”得到伊朗支持的坏人”。以色列甚至向与叙利亚政府作战的基地组织分子提供援助。 《华尔街日报》XNUMX年XNUMX月报道称,以色列为在战斗中受伤的基地组织恐怖分子提供了医疗救治。

    难怪詹姆斯·富兰克林·杰弗里吹嘘美国成功阻止了叙利亚的任何重建援助。他将亲手谋杀每一个叙利亚儿童,以实现他的以色列统治该地区的梦想。 https://aspensecurityforum.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/The-Role-of-the-U.S.pdf
    简而言之,9/11 对于犹太国家和以色列优先者来说是一件好事。

  286. 中方将如何应对香港抗议活动?



    “Hong Kong Police Fire Live Rounds To Quell Protesters As Chaos Rules Streets”

    Hong Kong Protesters Use Umbrellas, Lasers, and Respirators to Evade Surveillance and Tear Gas

    China Escalates Hong Kong Conflict By Detaining Consulate Staffer


    • 回复: @Chinaman
  287. Smith 说:

    Crisis in America is Russia’s fault (CNN’s talking point).
    Crisis in China & Russia are America’s fault (RT’s talking point).

    Pigs becoming like humans, they will never stop blaming the others for their own problems.

    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @Felix Keverich
  288. denk 说:

    I’ve wasted too much time with corvinanus,
    onebornfreak as it is, go play with yourself sonny.

    • 回复: @Smith
  289. @Chinaman

    You’ve won and will win, nothing , you brainwashed, murderous young fool. Go stand on a tank,and make a nice easy target for some enterprising HK individual-please.

    If that wish of mine doesn’t pan out, I can rest assured that, sooner or later you and other pro-commie anti-human naive fools like yourself will doubtless be disappeared/liquidated in the first couple of internal commie purges that will occur, sooner or later [they always have,they always will], when your so-called “friends”/higher ups decide that you haven’t been sucking Xi’s[or whomevers] dick quite hard enough.

    Either way, I look forward to it, so good riddance.

    No regards,onebornfree

  290. Smith 说:

    Go play with Winnie the Pooh, he misses ya.

    I am here to destroy your narrative.

  291. annamaria 说:


    You also need to check what country has been doing regime changing in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Caucasus region, South America… Otherwise, according to your gospel, the coup d’etat in Ukraine (currently ruled by opportunistic Jews and Banderites) and “we came, we saw, he died” in Libya (currently featuring a slave market) had happened by immaculate conception.

    • 回复: @Smith
  292. @Smith

    There is no crisis in Russia per se, but we do have a Western sponsored protest/opposition movement. You can tell it’s Western-sponsored, because their agenda has nothing to do with what normal Russians want, but has everything to with what State Department wants from Russia.

  293. denk 说:

    If not for Ben here, I’d have written off the
    [[[family]]] wholesale !


    Dont confuse it with ((())) !

  294. Chinaman 说:


    In HK’s case, the rioters started each and every one of the violent clashes after being warned several times. The police have a protocol to follow and have shown restraint in many case.

    if people don’t violate the law, I am sure the police would rather do nothing.


    • 回复: @Smith
  295. getaclue 说:
    @Mark Hunter

    Read some of the comments here–they seem to love them some Mao–like the NYSlimes loves it some Joe Stalin even today years after their ace Reporter declared he didn’t commit any Mass Murders contrary to all those millions of dead bodies …. I read this book some time ago and found it well documented. I recommend it to anyone loving or clueless as to Mao and what he was really like and what he did. https://www.librarycat.org/lib/michael.cox120/item/123006730

    After reading it, and the photos etc., how anyone could praise Mao or the ChiCom “system”, even with the new “financial incentives” package, is beyond me. You would have to be an idiot or seriously brainwashed. The sad part is we are seeing the same “system” imported into the USA by useful idiots after years of infiltration of the Government, Education, and “Entertainment” by Communists. The Soviet KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov predicted this all would happen decades ago (he helped do it so he knew what was up!) and he was of course right. Look around.

    • 回复: @Ber
  296. aristotle 说:



    • 回复: @d dan
  297. Hong King Kong

    “….Sending in troops would hurt China’s economy something real bad, because it would mean the end of the Hong Kong trade hub (corporations, banks, rich people would leave). And most of the population understand the now-or-never notion. I read somewhere that though 92% of the people are ‘Chinese’, only 11% call themselves that.


    The vast majority ‘identifies’ as Hong Kongers. And (perceived) freedom is a big part of that. Many of those Hong Kongers are young and highly educated, salaries are high (finance sector), they can travel freely, study abroad. Those who are older are often the parents of these young people, who’ve worked very hard to give their kids these options.

    There have been -and will be again- protests from groups of doctors, lawyers, finance professionals, you name it. They don’t want to run the risk of being picked off the streets by mainland Chinese soldiers OR by Hong Kong police forces instructed by Beijing.

    When/If things get down to the wire, Hong Kongers will prove very much to be an immovable force. They have too much to lose not to be. They have, in their own view, everything to lose (which some people would translate as nothing to lose, but meaning the same). And they’re up against a Politburo that reacts to them like it’s never left the early 1900s.

    This does not bode well for anyone, and if g-d forbid it comes down to serious fighting in the streets, it will bode ill for the entire world. Not only China depends on Hong Kong for much of its trade, the US and EU do, too, for their trade with China, from which they procure much of what is sold in their stores.

    High time for everyone to sit down and talk. If there’s still time. The mass protest scheduled for tomorrow, August 31, may have been ‘officially’ called off, but there’s no proof Hong Kongers will stay home because of that. There IS proof of more military movements just across the Hong Kong border in Shenzhen, however.

    Pre-emptively arresting and releasing a pair of 22-year-old kids may not do the job anymore for Beijing. But the Communist Party CCP thinks they cannot possibly lose. They may be wrong. 1.3 billion people is a mighty potential force, but it’s not always only about numbers. Sometimes it’s about now or never……:



  298. Smith 说:




    • 回复: @annamaria
  299. Smith 说:


    政权更迭也是如此,不仅美国这么做。事实上,你用它作为借口,就像 CNN 所做的那样。



    • 回复: @annamaria
  300. “操共产党”,一名香港抗议者在视频结尾说道。



  301. d dan 说:

    “Hong Kong should have autonomy….” – Hong Kong already has autonomy, and it is also one of the most free place in the world, enjoying more freedom than even UK and US. It is enjoying more freedom than its 150 years of UK rule. Funny that nobody in the west care about Hong Kong in that 150 years. So you want Chinese to believe you guys suddenly support and care about Hong Kong? Save me your crocodile tears.

    Being a communist sympathizer is irrelevant here. I, like many other people, don’t like communism, and yet we support what Hong Kong and Chinese government are doing. Disgusting support of the west to those violent rioters are pushing fence-sitters like me to start believing that communism might be the right way to go for the future.

    • 回复: @Smith
    , @onebornfree
  302. The Hollow Promise Of A Statist Economy:

    “……Without market-determined prices for goods and services, including market-determined interest rates, discovered through free exchange, it is impossible to establish prices that reflect actual conditions.

    Without prices that are grounded in reality, the production and consumption relationship becomes distorted. In the absence of the natural corrective mechanism of market-determined prices, oversupply and scarcity conditions extend out to absurdity.

    Unfortunately, the young socialists are uninterested in these truths. Not when the goal of hard work and paying one’s way in life has been reduced to a game for suckers. Not when apathy and a life on the dole is filled with such hollow promise.”



  303. Chinaman 说:

    These violent delights will have violent ends.

    你来 乌兹网 for the below…not MSM

    Give you keyboard freedom fighters what this is really about.

    Not some BS propaganda fake news from Onebornfree or his ilk.

    Protestors chasing police




    • 回复: @Smith
  304. romar 说:


  305. d dan 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    1. “Thank you for taking the trouble to write that reply” – the pleasure is both ways.

    2, “wouldn’t you want your family member to be arbitrarily arreated in Malaysia or Bhutan rather than China?” – First, you have to measure that against the CHANCE of being ARBITRARILY arrested. What makes you think that you have greater chance of being arbitrarily arrested in China? Just because it is more powerful? Second, it also depends on the charges. In some Muslim countries for example, the punishment for theft is chopping off your hand. I certainly prefer to be arrested for theft in China, in this case.

    3, “Try thinking through the full implications of a principle which allows you to say “outsiders should not have any say about issues that are happening within Chinese border.” if you take that to the literal extreme.” – That is essentially the principle of national sovereignty, isn’t it. Of course, if you want to talk about extreme cases (e.g. humanity disasters, genocide, etc), then all international rules can break down and have exceptions, but you have to agree that China is far, far from those extremes. So no, I still believe STRONGLY that foreigners and foreign government should not have any say about Chinese domestic affairs. They should not interfere in Hong Kong, which they are doing right now.

    4. “But at least money for lawyers can buy some protection from departures from the rule of law in the US ” – I am not sure this is much consolation for most people of ordinary mean – geez, should I choose to go to jail for 3 years or should I pay the lawyer with all my retirement saving? Again, you deviate from the core issue: shouldn’t you be more concerned about the likelihood and the degree of departures from the rule of law in each country?

    5. I believe your fear of China is overblown, caused by your lack of knowledge of Chinese justice system and years of exposure to western propaganda. People in the west also think they invented all concepts of modern social and political instruments – which is totally nonsense. For example, China has a very long and strong tradition of rule of law. For example, the legalism (法家) relied heavily on the rule of law over 2000 years ago to initiate a spectacular rise of Qin in a famous chapter of Chinese history. Successive dynasties (e.g Tang, Song, Yuen, Ming, Qing) all have compiled very complete and detail laws for the nation that we can study today. Recently, I watched a movie where Justice Bao Zheng was advising the Song Emperor it is inappropriate to inquire about a corruption case involving the royal family while the investigation was on-going. This is what we called separation of power – even for the Emperor – over 800 years ago.

    6. Finally, if none of what I say soothe your fear, please be assured there are many intelligent and courageous minds among the 1.4 billion people, and they too will demand fair justice from Chinese government.

    Thank you for the conversation, and I have learned a lot from you.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  306. @d dan

    Thank you. And again apologies that I cannot be more considered and comprehensive.

    The example you gave of the warning or advice to the Emperor is an impressive testimony to the level and character of civilisation but I recall reading that Chinese rule of law meant rule by laws which might have meant that you knew what you were going to be hit with but has a critically different connotation to the rule of law concept which implies that no one is above the law, that it will not be arbitrarily determined by, or its interpretation and application determined by, the current rulers, and that there will be procedural fairness (e.g. a chance to know the charges/issues and to put one’s case fully) and independent judiciary. I actually found Google receptive to the question “What is the difference between rule of law and rule by law?”.

    I have no doubt that many dedicated educated mandarins were very proud of the number of laws they had drafted in the era of Legalism!

    Now that the US seems to have calmed down enough to have given up in renditions and torture so that even the President would not have much chance of having someone arbitrarily locked up to put pressure on another country I would be most apprehensive about China nabbing me and holding me without access to lawyers or family for months before trial by a far from independent judge. Mind you I sympathised with Julian Assange’s distrust of the Swedish system of justice where he was liable to be held for questioning without a lawyer, but, except in Assange’s rather special case Sweden is not powerful enough – or as harsh in its punishments – as China. India? Well it would be nice to know that the courts had time for your case some time in the next 5 years! But in India you would find independent lawyers to act confidently before independent judges so, again, not so chilling.

    As for what are the domestic affairs one shouldn’t presume to interfere with, that can hardly apply to the way one’s fellow citizens or foreign investors are treated.

    • 回复: @d dan
  307. Smith 说:
    @d dan

    Save me your crocodike tears of crying about cops being beaten up by “rioters” with bats lol

  308. Smith 说:

    Will you be there to protect the poor defenseless cops who dindu nuffin?

    You should be shipped to France to protect the poor cops over there.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  309. Biff 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    But at least money for lawyers can buy some protection from departures from the rule of law in the US which appears not to be true in China

    Every cell block in GITMO is having a giggle fest at your joke.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  310. @d dan

    丹(Dan dan)说: “…Disgusting support of the west to those violent rioters are pushing fence-sitters like me to start believing that communism might be the right way to go for the future.”

    Delusions of Grandeur: Socialism Is A Fool’s Errand

    “It’s hard enough to plan and manage one’s own individual life, is it not? It’s foolish to think you can even plan the life of another single individual…You can’t!”


  311. Chinaman 说:


    Blowback. This is what happens when you stand with HK molotov throwing protestors. Heart -warming.

    I stand with 10m undocumented immigrants against the evil and Racist American regime. I support the Mexican’s claim on Californian and Texas was stolen from them.

    Get a taste of your own medicine, hypocrites.

    • 回复: @Smith
  312. Smith 说:

    An unarmed old drunk who manages to tie up 10 chinese in armor and shield, CIA indeed.

  313. Smith 说:

    If you like them, take them!

    The chinaman shows his true face! Send all the chinese, mexican and african and jews and arabs to Shanghai and Beijing.

    China is not racist, China can take them.

    • 回复: @onebornfree
  314. @Smith

    Brexit is good, so you misunderstand me.

    • 回复: @Smith
  315. annamaria 说:

    “If the police does not want to be beaten up, they should stop oppressing the people.”

    — Do you understand what you have written? What exactly is so oppressive about an intent to punish a murderer? https://thegrayzone.com/2019/08/17/hong-kong-protest-washington-nativism-violence/



    In 2014, Ukrainian policemen were murdered by the so-called “revolutionaries” who happened to be mercenaries paid by the US State Dept. Since then, Ukraine ceased to be an independent country and became an impoverished and divided colony ruled by zionists and NATO/US.

    The “oppressed” in Hong Kong (who obviously have no problems with setting free the murderer of a pregnant girl) have been led by Fifth Column financed and encouraged by the US State Department.

    Among the most central influencers of the demonstrations is a local tycoon named Jimmy Lai. … Days earlier, Lai was in Washington, coordinating with hardline members of Trump’s national security team, including John Bolton. His ties to Washington run deep — and so do those of the front-line protest leaders.



    Another “cookie revolution” led by the virtuous CIA.
    The CIA in Kiev in 2014: https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2014/04/15/ukraine-secret-recipe-brennan-kiev/
    Five years later: “IMF ranks Ukraine as Europe’s poorest country:” https://www.intellinews.com/imf-ranks-ukraine-as-europe-s-poorest-country-150301/
    “The war in Ukraine is more devastating than you know:” https://beta.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2018/04/09/the-war-in-ukraine-is-more-devastating-than-you-know/
    Nuland the cookie maker: https://consortiumnews.com/2015/07/13/the-mess-that-nuland-made/

    香港与 21(二十一)个国家签订了引渡条约。与中国签订引渡条约有何问题?

    • 同意: Chinaman
    • 回复: @Smith
  316. annamaria 说:

    Could you be more specific about the “dissidents” and their sponsors?

  317. annamaria 说:

    Mr/Ms Smith, have you noticed that MSM is silent about Gilets Jaunes but very vocal about “freedom fighters” in Hong Kong?

    Have you ever heard that leaders of Gilets Jaunes traveled to DC to discuss and coordinated their activities with Bolton and other ziocons? No? — You need to think about that before making your dirty comparison between the democratic movement in France and the Fifth Column-organized operation in Hong Kong.

    “The yellow vests movement or yellow jackets movement is a populist, grassroots revolutionary political movement for 经济正义 that began in France in October 2018.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_vests_movement

    “The 2019 Hong Kong anti-extradition bill protests are a series of demonstrations in Hong Kong and solidarity protests in other cities which began with the aim of withdrawing an extradition bill proposed by the Hong Kong government” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Hong_Kong_anti-extradition_bill_protests

    This extradition bill would make the murderer of a young pregnant woman face justice.

    • 回复: @Smith
  318. @Biff


    I did indicate somewhere that I was taking the era of special renditions as over but I had forgotten those legacy prisoners. I am surprised that no one has taken a shot at me over the Australian government’s effective illegal immigrant/boat people deterrent program of keeping them at offshore destinations like Manus Island or Nauru but at least I could reply that they can leave and go home (fare paid) any time and yhat, thanks to bolshie [imagime the unavailable emoji here] lawyers and medics many are getting special treatment.

  319. Smith 说:




    And I check RT, the East ZOG’s MSM, and they cover the Yellow Vests every weeks, so it is a lie to say the MSM does not cover the Yellow Vests.

    黄背心和香港运动并肩而行,都是草根,都取得了一定的成功,只是香港的抗议更受欢迎,争取更严肃的事业(香港逃犯vs高油价)在 YV)。

    • 回复: @Rollmop
    , @annamaria
  320. Smith 说:

    And I am a vietnamese male!

    if you want justice, leave it to the local people. It is funny for a Hong Konger to face “real” justice in Beijing!

  321. U.S.Reporter Sits Down With Mainstream Hong Kong Journo To Discuss ChiCom Threat:


  322. Rollmop 说:

    如果您不明白某些内容,也许您不应该发表评论。引渡法案将允许引渡 *台湾* 以及澳门和中国。凶手会被送往台湾,而不是中华人民共和国。

    • 回复: @Smith
  323. Smith 说:



    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @Anon
    , @Rollmop
  324. annamaria 说:

    “The Yellow Vest and HK movement stand by together…”

    Could you show some integrity? There is the obvious difference between HK movement controlled from abroad and the homegrown Yellow Vest movement.

    So here is a repost of my question to you:
    Have you ever heard that leaders of the Yellow Vest movement traveled to Washington, DC, to discuss and coordinate their activities with Bolton and other ziocons?

    Why is it so difficult for you to answer this question? Perhaps because Jimmy Lai and his retinue have been too tightly connected to the US State Dept. and the NED? The NED is known as a school for subversive activities such as regime-changing in non-vassal states. You seemingly do believe that the US friendship with the apartheid state of Israel and murderous Saudi despots is a sure sign of the US support for democracy.

    And who told you that RT belongs to western MSM? RT has been harassed in both EU and US. The supposedly democracy-loving western governments (and western MSM) prefer to hush-hush the truly democratic movement in France.

  325. annamaria 说:

    You mean, the murderer of the pregnant woman is a “labeled” criminal and needs your protection?

  326. Anon[134]• 免责声明 说:

    means any labeled criminals can be shipped to Beijing, and not just this murderer.

    No, it doesn’t. Read the fucking bill. It has been posted even on this site a numerous times.

    • 回复: @Smith
    , @Seraphim
  327. Smith 说:

    Please show the obvious differences between the Yellow Vest and the Hong Kong protests?
    Both protest against government malpractices.
    Both get beaten up by cops.Both fight back violently if need be.
    Both are grassroots movements formed by people.
    Both fight for so-called democracy.
    Both got leaders arrested while the protest still goes on (Trump tweets to support the Yellow Vest AND the HK protests too.).
    Both stand together against their government.

    It’s you who is divided between East ZOG vs West ZOG who makes a difference.

    Who’s “Jimmy Lai and his retinue”? The so-called “leader” that does not control or has any say in the movement, the exact same thing as various “leaders” of the Yellow Vest?

    And for your information, CNN is also harassed in Russia and China, does that mean CNN is not the MSM? Make no mistake, RT is a Moscow-funded piece, and they are as MSM as they get, just on the different side of the ZOG.

    Also, the Hong Kongers don’t care about the murderer, they care about being labeled criminals by Beijing, the bill does not exist to extract said one murderer, it applies to every HKer who gets labeled as a criminal.

    Your lies will not stand here, chicom yid.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  328. Smith 说:

    The Yellow Vest supports Hong Kong!

    The Hong Konger supports the Yellow Vest!

    The West ZOG will call you FSB Russian trolls.

    The East ZOG will you call you CIA zionists.

    But two people! The same struggle against BOTH the commies who run France and China.
    Be scared, yids, be very scared for the truth rings hard in your brain.

  329. Smith 说:

    >To differentiate case-based surrender arrangements (to be defined as “special surrender arrangements” in the proposal) from general long-term surrender arrangements;
    >To stipulate that special surrender arrangements will be applicable to Hong Kong and any place outside Hong Kong, and they will only be considered if there are no applicable long-term surrender arrangements;

    The chicom yid lies while he kvetches about the poor cops.

  330. Smith 说:

    Another lie by East ZOG shill!

    The Hong Kong protest is about protecting RICH people.

    1. The extradiction bill does not say that only rich people will be extradicted to China (it does not define rich or poor, just criminal or case).
    2. Rich people make an U-Turn AND SUPPORT the bill:

    Yes, the Hong Kongers want to protect RICH people so much that RICH people want Hong Kongers to be extradited to Beijing! What hilarity, what BOLD FACE LIE!

    Let the truth rings. Let the chicom smell fear.

  331. annamaria 说:


    Jimmy Lai and other (younger) acknowledged leaders of the Hong Kong movement have been in contact with the US State Department and the NED. These are well-known facts.

    You are correct that RT (Russian MSM) has been the source of information about the Yellow Vests movement – to the chagrin of western MSM. Western MSM prefers to make noises about the events in Hong Kong but avoids to do any analysis of the Yellow Vests movement. The Yellow Vests have been demonized by western MSM controlled by the western governments — you are welcome to correct either part of this statement.

    The Yellow Vests manifests the democratic movement of French people.

    The Hong Kong movement is the CIA-controlled operation that mimics other regime-changing operations conducted with the help of the US State Dept and NED.

    By the way, where have you learned the word “yid?” — In Israel or Ukraine?

    • 回复: @Smith
  332. Smith 说:

    Jimmy Lai AND ANY other random chinese is not a leader of the Hong Kong protest, much like all the “leaders” of the Yellow Vests that are arrested and probed for Russian connection. BOTH of them are leaderless movements. This is a well-known fact.

    Also, for your information:
    RT, East ZOG MSM, covers Yellow Vest and demonizes Hong Kong protest and accuse them as CIA.
    CNN, West ZOG MSM, covers Hong Kong protest and demonizes Yellow Vest protest and accuse them as FSB/Russian.
    Both outlets claim to be pro-democracy.

    Conclusion: Both outlets are the same propaganda shit while both protest movements that they demonize are grown from the people and both movements stand together.

    And I learn the word yid on the internet, same for the word chicom, thank you very much, my chicom yid!

    • 回复: @Ber
  333. DB Cooper 说:

    “Oh, wake up… These people are waving US and UK flags, not KMT flags. KMT has long ceased to matter in anything anymore. Just give them up, please.”

    Yes I know. There are always people doing the more radical things in order to provoke. What I am talking about is the big environment. I am not saying the West does not have a hand on it. I would be surprised if it doesn’t exploit these anti-CCP sentiment in Hong Kong.

    KMT has a long history of presence in Hong Kong. As late as in the 1980s during the Double Tenth anniversary you can see a sea of Chinese flags, the ‘Blue Sky White Sun all is Red flag’ in some of the busiest district of Hong Kong. Some of the older residential areas in Hong Kong were traditionally stronghold of KMT and you can see the ROC flags all year round. This of course no longer existed anymore but the political orientation of the people won’t change just because the flags weren’t there. It just become latent.

    The pro KMT sentiments of the Chinese diaspora (including Hong Kong and Taiwan) are especially strong among the older generations. Watch this clip of Nobel Laureate physicist Samuel Ting. His sentiment are pretty representative among his generations. People who have this view and weren’t discreet about it in the mainland were of course have long been killed in the many past political campaigns.

    By the way lets change course a bit and imagine God forbid these Hong Kong protesters succeed to usurp the political order and become ruler of China and in order to show gratitude to the West’s support they concede Tibet independence because the West always want to carve Tibet out of China just like Russia were instrumental in outer Mongolia’s independence. Imagine how pissed you would be. Well the CCP were at one time young and radical and this is exactly what Mao did to outer Mongolia. But the people in mainland are conditioned by the CCP to be ok with it. Many people actually blame it on the KMT, which is ridiculous. By the way I could not help but think when Samuel Ting said the first thing a new dynasty would do is to rewrite history is a subtle dig on CCP’s historic revisionism.

  334. Beijinger 说:

    Glad to see a Vietnamese buying the BS of west MSM and find the truth of the universe.
    With such people growing in its country, it’s foreseeable that one day Vietnam people will stand up for whatever reasons to protest against their corrupted Chicom government and fight against their violent policeman, the good wishing support from White house and the news cover will stand at your side and bring honor and justice to you.
    Or, it could be even better as it seems to go that such people become top leaders in Vietnam government and lead to another glorification of democracy and freedom success for human being.
    Cheers and all the sincere wishes to your country and your people since you on the correct direction!
    As a Chinese, unlike @Chinaman, I gave up communication with those great insightful human minds who know the truth of universe and speak of nonsense BS.
    Effective communication won’t be made without good intension.
    Also, it’s not our duty to let others know us and understand us. One day your child will learn our language to know us in return as we have done that for decades.

    • 回复: @Smith
    , @Chinaman
  335. Seraphim 说:

    When someone talks repeatedly (and it is not a typo) about ‘extradiction’ instead of extradition, it means that he does not know what he is talking about from the start.

  336. Smith 说:

    Ah yes, the real Peking gives us his delightful opinion! Listen and believe people, for if we don’t buy the BS from Peking, that means we buy the BS from the West!

    If you aren’t pro communism, you are pro democracy! Never mind that communism ADVOCATES democracy!

    Good luck to you too, my Peking friend, it’s not the first or last time you would have a revolt from southern China!

    He made a typo, thus disregard whatever he says, such wonderful argument technique!

  337. Ber 说:

    The thing about leaderless protests is like a ship without rudder and the protesters will not have a united voice. Do the Hong Kong protesters have a common voice?

    • 回复: @Smith
  338. Hardly anyone here seems to want to consider the [to me] perfectly reasonable idea that the violent protestors are being paid to initiate violence by the CCP and related . The same applies to the HK police.

    “Nah, not possible ! The Chinese state is good! -its the CIA ” , they all crow, in perpetual unison 🙂 .

    Once brainwashed by the state [China, or US, or elsewhere] , always brainwashed by the state.


    “Burn With Us” – Protesters Clash With Riot Police At Hong Kong Airport Amid Surge Of Violence:

    “Following one of the most violent days of unrest since the anti-extradition bill protests began three months ago, Hong Kongers again ignored police orders to stay home on Sunday and gathered at Hong Kong International Airport.

    Though Sunday’s demonstration was smaller than Saturday’s, police once again escalated their violent tactics, at one point seeming to indiscriminately beat down young people traveling on the city’s public transit on suspicion that they might be traveling to join the protest……………………Protesters also spray painted “burn with us” and “8.31, 7.21” on walls of Tung Chung MTR. The latter refers to indiscriminate attack in Yuen Long on July 21, and police alleged attacks over protesters and civilians in railway stations………

    …………..In a truly bizarre incident that appeared to confirm reports of local thugs working with Beijing to scare off protesters, a man in a white shirt was reportedly seen chasing protesters with a long knife, though nobody was reported injured and police said they hadn’t received any reports, according to a local English-language blog.

    Videos shared on social media Sunday only added to the outrage, as they showed police in helmets and gas masks beating pedestrians and riders inside a train in Prince Edward station.

    Graphic footage from Sat night shows how #HongKong police stormed Prince Edward MTR station, beating people and making arrests on the platform and train……………”:


    “Chinese media warns ‘end is coming’ for Hong Kong protesters…”


  339. @Smith

    Notice that “Chinaman” apparently lives in HK and likes to fondle his “Kindle” while hanging out on his billionaire friends boat ,who, assuming he’s not a “protected” CCP insider, and assuming he has any practical commonsense left, already knows “which side his bread is buttered on”, and is already planning to sail out of HK for less turbulent waters, if he hasn’t already done so, before the shit really hits the fan, and, post commie takeover, the internal purges begin.


    • 回复: @Chinaman
    , @Smith
  340. 如果那些暴徒真的勇敢的话,他们会袭击解放军驻香港部队。



  341. @eah

    So ,”therefor” China should completely overrun HK, right now, right?


    • 回复: @denk
  342. denk 说:

    I Thought IM already done with this thread, ugh, the onebornfreak asshole is still spewing his bile..

    ‘What are you trying to insinuate here? That I support the policies of the US government, the Pentagon et al? Or that I’m CIA, as some other twerp here, like a trained seal, reflexively assumes?

    Didnt I already prove it….

    Anyone who still swears by the unitedsnake and its presstitudes can only be…
    An idiot or a sock puppet.

    选择你的毒药 混蛋.

  343. denk 说:


    IN USUK, the protestors would’ve been shot
    down like rats by now.

    • 回复: @Smith
  344. Chinaman 说:

    Yes, the discussion have degenerated to the point it is just a waste of time, I don’t even know what we are arguing about anymore. It is indeed impossible to have a rational discussion when both side can’t establish basic facts that they can agree on.

    The opinions expressed here is a reflection of the problems in HK, everyone just choose their own anecdotes or well-chosen examples to confirm their preconceived biases ( confirmation bias) instead of trying to try to argue from both sides and looking at the totality of the evidence. This is lowest form of debate and it is a futile exercise.

    All the problems in the world can be fundamentally attributed to human being’s tendencies to see matters in black and white, right and wrong, in group and outgroup and instinctively assuming one is on the side of the angel and the other side is evil and subhuman.

    The protestors and police, America and China…all believe they are fighting for a just cause. This is when might becomes right.

  345. Chinaman 说:

    I don’t plan to “bug out” at all since I am confident that these riots will burn out soon.

    All the government needs to do is to impose a curfew and or declare a state of emergency in which no one can wear masks or hide their identity.

    If you looked at all the vile and irresponsible comments on Unz ( including mine sometimes), we can agree that anonymity brings out the worse of all of us. It is easy to lose your humanity if we don’t have to take responsibility for our actions. These riots will stop tomorrow if it becomes illegal for someone to hide their face in public and they can get arrested just for that.

    My cousin is one of the “violent” protestor on the frontlines, he is an unemployed heavy metal vocalist and he doesn’t care about the politics or the extradition bill. It is in his blood to be hate authority and to hate the government and the police. This protest have been fun for him and his anti-social friends.

    He is hiding in Taiwan now, probably from assaulting cops or something. He have got baton marks on his arm, Explain why we need an extradition bill. Haha. I told him not to come back.

    People who don’t know what is going on should just shut up…

    • 回复: @Erebus
    , @Seraphim
  346. Chinaman 说:

    This was never about the extradition bill. Anyone who still think that is a fucking idiot.

    It is as inane as people who believe “ we need to invade Iraq because they have WMD. “

    This was not supposed to be about the police but this is the focal point now. No one expected this.

    The whole thing have already went off script which is why you already see fictions and splits In the protestors camp.

    Someone’s got to do it.

    I will make the bold prediction that the riots and protest will completely end by Oct 1st b4 national day.

    HK will be in complete lockdown.

    • 回复: @Smith
  347. Smith 说:

    Yes they do, like the Yellow Vest, it’s about giving Hong Kong autonomy, and that means cancellation entirely of the extradition bill.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  348. Smith 说:

    >protest about extradition bill
    >it’s not about the extradition bill
    Chicom shill is getting restless.

    What is next? Yellow Vest does not know what they want, are all idiots and should go home and enjoy higher gas prices and a falling welfare state?

    Nothing is going here, citizen, disperse and go home!

  349. Smith 说:

    Yeah, like last time with any riot/protest in UK/US where cars are burned, trash bins were overturned and shops were vandalized, yet the police did not even fire a shot.


    • 回复: @denk
  350. Smith 说:


    *protest in any western country*
    Chicom yid: look, my children, look at how chaotic and evil the West is for oppressing their own minorities, so racist! Look at how great and peaceful China is!
    *protest in Hong Kong*
    Chicom yid: Oh my god shut it down! CIA US state dept rich people useful idiots! hope our cops beat them, I hope tanks roll over them, I hope their children children speak OUR language.

    Have a taste of your own medicine, chicom!

    • 回复: @denk
  351. Smith 说:

    Well, Chicomman and Peking Duck definitely sound like paid CCP posters trying to damage control, considering their tones and their visible hatred of cantonese.

    • 回复: @denk
  352. Erebus 说:

    People who don’t know what is going on should just shut up…

    They may or may not know what’s going on, but a few are here to derail rational, fact-based discussion and bog it down with inanities.

    Insofar as you’re arguing with them, they’ve succeeded.

    • 回复: @Smith
    , @Chinaman
  353. Smith 说:

    Fact-based rational discussion like how HK is a CIA coup despite this is a Beijing talking point with no proof or whatsoever, while the Yellow Vest is totally different despite both having the same characteristics?

    I would LOVE to have the facts here.

  354. Seraphim 说:

    I was stranded for four days in Hong Kong en route to Shanghai because of the typhoon Lekima and then by the closure of HK airport. What I noticed was that generally people seemed annoyed by the circus (not to say anything about the travelers cut short in their businesses).

    • 回复: @Smith
    , @Chinaman
  355. Rollmop 说:




  356. Erebus 说:

    Recently, the 2015 propaganda film 着火的冬天:乌克兰争取自由的斗争 about Maidan was screened at half a dozen locations around Hong Kong. It was an obvious attempt to move the protests to a new, more violent level. The same script, same financiers, producers and directors, a few new actors and a new locale is playing out in HK. The upcoming movie’s working title is doubtless Summer on Fire: Hong Kong’s Fight for Freedom. It should be out next year, unless the protests collapse.

    At the end of the day, both Maidan and HK are all about leveraging legitimate local grievances into a regime change operation. In both cases, the underlying grievance revolves around being ruled by obscenely wealthy local oligarchs who manipulate the civil, social and political structures to their benefit at the expense of the people. The job of the regime changers is to divert the people’s anger away from its source, the oligarchs, and towards the govt.

    The Chinese watched the Russians play out the clock on Maidan, and they’ve taken a page from the Russian playbook. HK’s oligarchs will be allowed to fall into irrelevance, if not poverty, and HK with them.

    Countries and Empires fail when their elites fail. Both Ukraine’s and HK’s have failed.

    Like most Ukrainians, most HK’ers can’t move, so the situation will be allowed to freeze and slowly deteriorate. HK, of course, has much more to lose than the Ukraine, but it’s been on the way to losing it for the last decade. Just as it was for Moscow, the best strategy for the big boys in Beijing is to wait a decade or two until they come ’round cap-in-hand and ask for a hand in getting out of the hole they fell into.

    • 回复: @Ber
  357. Smith 说:


    Bear with it, man, the people’s well-beings are more important than your business.


    Again, the amendment is about allowing special extradition to China, Taiwan and Macau, which is not like before. People PROTEST that, because they don’t want to be shipped to China where Hong Konger political dissidents are ill-treated or silenced.

    香港存在引渡到其他国家的事实并不意味着香港人希望被引渡到中国进行袋鼠正义(香港政府与香港政府串通一气,因为中国实际上拥有并控制着香港,这与俄罗斯、美国、英国甚至津巴布韦不同) )。


    • 回复: @Seraphim
    , @Rollmop
  358. Smith 说:

    Hey bro, you miss out the possible screening of ANOTHER film, Winter on Fire: Yellow Vest’s fight for Freedom, unless the protests collapse.

    At the end of the day, both Maidan and Yellow Vest are all about leveraging legitimate local grievances into a regime change operation. In both cases, the underlying grievance revolves around being ruled by obscenely wealthy local oligarchs who manipulate the civil, social and political structures to their benefit at the expense of the people. The job of the regime changers is to divert the people’s anger away from its source, the oligarchs, and towards the govt.

    The French watched the Russians play out the clock on Maidan, and they’ve taken a page from the Russian playbook. France’s oligarchs will be allowed to fall into irrelevance, if not poverty, and France with them.

    Countries and Empires fail when their elites fail. Both Ukraine’s and France’s have failed.

    Like most Ukrainians, most Yellow Vests can’t move, so the situation will be allowed to freeze and slowly deteriorate. Yellow Vest, of course, has much more to lose than the Ukraine, but it’s been on the way to losing it for the last decade. Just as it was for Moscow, the best strategy for the big boys in Paris is to wait a decade or two until they come ’round cap-in-hand and ask for a hand in getting out of the hole they fell into.

    Does this mean Yellow Vest is CIA-backed as well? Or is it FSB-backed?

    • 回复: @Erebus
  359. Seraphim 说:

    You seem not to understand that HK is part of China. The people of HK were annoyed by the antics of the umbrella bearers.

  360. Rollmop 说:



  361. Chinaman 说:

    Sorry, I can’t resist to feed a troll like Smith or onebornfree once in awhile. He is more obedient and endearing than Pavlov’s dogs.

  362. Smith 说:

    一国两制。香港和中国之间的协议将于 2047 年终止,而不是现在。不,大多数香港人都对香港警察用水枪殴打他们感到恼火。



    And you can repeat Hong Kong is a part of China over and over again, if HKer don’t want to be extradited to China, that means they DON’T want to be extradited to China.


    • 回复: @Chinaman
    , @Rollmop
  363. Chinaman 说:

    Public opinion have turned long ago. The problem is that the black shirt are the loudest and get the most media attention. I am too lazy and lethargic except to type and vent here. It really hasn’t affected me, the expats or the rich, I think the violence and the barbarism last week have breached the bottom line for most people, including the demagogues who already feel the mood is shifting and distancing themselves from the violence. It always end this way. People wake up from the madness and ask why are they destroying their own homes.

  364. Chinaman 说:

    一国两制。香港和中国之间的协议将于 2047 年终止,而不是现在。不,大多数香港人都对香港警察用水枪殴打他们感到恼火。

    Oh, please…most people of HK will be annoyed by your pontification when you can’t even get your facts straight. It is a joint DECLARATION between HK and Britain, dumbass, not an agreement between HK and China.

    Please come and stand with HK so we can all beat the fucking Vietcong out of you, we are quite good at that.

    • 回复: @Smith
  365. Rollmop 说:






  366. Smith 说:

    Oh so, the Chicom admits it’s NOT going to honor the agreement then?

    And I don’t remember Hong Konger beating any Vietcong, if anything, the Vietcong gives you chicom a bloody nose in 1979.
    @ Rollmop

    You aren’t talking reality, you are talking about might makes right, I agree with that but at least we aren’t pretending to be debating laws anymore.

  367. Smith 说:

    Oh wow, look at those CIAnigger kids in Hong Kong school.

    Rollmop might be careful with his might makes right approach else he makes a PR crisis with Big Brother. And no, I’m not liberal nor a democrat, I’m a nationalist, and I support the cantonese cause.

    • 回复: @denk
  368. Erebus 说:

    Does this mean Yellow Vest is CIA-backed as well?

    It ain’t so simple.

    I’ve heard through the usual channels that the Yellow Vests are backed by the Vatican, who of course is but a tool of one of the Bulgarian intelligence networks, though nobody seems to know which one.

    I should note that I see unmistakeable signs of The Armenian’s, and possibly The Turk’s hand in there as well. As they never work together, or with the Bulgarians, it’s possible that the Pope is playing his own game.

    Wheels within wheels, “Smith”. Wheels within wheels…

    • 回复: @Smith
  369. Smith 说:

    If only we focus on what they are protesting about and fighting for, instead of looking up on which hands of the devil backing them eh?

    • 回复: @Erebus
  370. Ben Franklin once famously said : “..those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

    I think I can improve on that quote by a US founding father :

    “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little [imagined] temporary safety via their government will lose ALL liberty , and will achieve NO safety. ”


  371. denk 说:


    *protest in any western country*
    Chicom yid: look, my children, look at how chaotic and evil the West is for oppressing their own minorities, so racist!

    Nancy Pelosi ,
    ‘ Hong Kong demonstrations were “a beautiful sight to behold”


    ‘Its rude not to return a compliment’

    Chinese spokeswoman Hua Chunying…
    ‘I wish for many such ‘beautiful sight’ in the USA’

    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @Seraphim
  372. denk 说:

    Dunno which case you’r referring to,
    anyway, those are kindergarten stuff compared to the HK violence…

    murikkanos should try storming the congress, police stations, shut down the airport, paralysis the subway, assault police in fukus, I doubt they’d live to tell their tale here

  373. denk 说:

    I come here to get away from the MSM B.S.

    YOur pal onebornfreak come here to saturate bomb us with all those MSM bile, what a 反常 !

    • 同意: annamaria
    • 回复: @denk
  374. Erebus 说:

    If only we focus on what they are protesting about and fighting for…

    It’s become easy to tell when what may have started as a real protest about real grievances has been hijacked and morphs into something else…

    – If/When the protestors original grievance(s) are answered, and the protestors escalate their demands to un-addressable levels such as would cause the govt having to either break their own laws or to resign/abdicate.
    – If/When the govt refuses to, or can’t answer the new set of demands, we see the emergence of new “recruits” who incite and/or initiate violence and destruction, usually without articulating any coherent demands at all.
    – If/When that fails to provoke the govt into violent pacification, we see the emergence of the professionals who turn the violence deadly for the purpose of getting the govt to act. Hong Kong ain’t there yet, but it certainly won’t surprise me if it winds up there.

    Concurrent to the protest’s move into its un-addressable demands stage, the West’s Mighty Wurlitzer fires up, flooding everybody’s worldview with vague platitudes about “freedom” & “self-determination”, “peaceful” protestors and ridiculously exaggerated estimates of the number of participants as well as of the support they may enjoy in the general population. All of this is accompanied by exactly zero depth of coverage and analysis into the original grievances or how the govt addressed them.
    One need only to notice the difference in the coverage between HK and the Yellow Vests to know which is the real protest.

    We’ve seen similar programs unfold in Syria, Libya, Ukraine, and now Hong Kong. This has been recognized and explicated in numerous geo-political strategy papers by both the perpetrating and some of the defending countries. In fact, a couple of years ago the Russian Foreign Ministry ran a well attended clinic for likely-to-be-targeted govts on how to recognize and defend against this menace.

    Beijing apparently learned their lessons, but if the protests move from violence to deadly violence we’ll see one of two scenarios, or both…
    – The closure and banning of all foreign “NGOs”, especially the political just as Russia did, and/or
    – Chinese SF snipers taking out the most egregiously violent of the protestors, cowing the rest.

    • 回复: @Smith
    , @Chinaman
  375. annamaria 说:

    “like the Yellow Vest, it’s about giving Hong Kong autonomy…’
    — What “autonomy” the Yellow Vests are fighting for?
    If there were a French scoundrel who murdered his pregnant (pregnant!) girlfriend, the French would march en masse to punish the scoundrel. The Hong-Kongers, on the other hand, have been marching to protect the murderer. Marching under the Union Jack and American Star-Spangled Banner. Don’t’ the US evangelicals like the marching!

    • 回复: @Smith
  376. d dan 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    “Chinese rule of law meant rule by laws…” – I am not a lawyer, but my superficial understanding of some cases in Chinese history indicates that there were at least some emphasis on “rule of laws” too.

    “Now that the US seems to have calmed down enough to have given up in renditions and torture so that even the President would not have much chance of having someone arbitrarily locked up to put pressure on another country” – I think you are way too optimistic in this regard. Besides the Guantanamo Bay that the other poster mentioned, I consider the detainment of Huawei CFO very arbitrary. And you likely are unaware of the many cases of wrongful prosecution, dismissal, discrimination, etc of American Chinese that have happened in the last few years in US?

    “Sweden is not powerful enough – or as harsh in its punishments – as China. ” – you keep on bemoaning that Chinese government is too powerful for your comfort, but you should know that a government is powerful only if it has the support of its people, right? Currently, there is no better way for rallying support for Chinese government than the constant overt and covert interference, criticism and pressure on China through Hong Kong protests, through Taiwan, through containment, through trade war, through tech war (Huawei, etc), through cultural war (e.g. Kiron Skinner’s “clash of civilization”)… Yes, western politicians, media and many Internet posters are doing their best to helping Chinese government to become very powerful.

    • 回复: @Erebus

    “Monitors how often students look up, whether they’re listening or not.

    A university in China has installed facial recognition cameras in classrooms that monitor students’ behavior such as nodding off or playing with their cellphones.

    China Pharmaceutical University in Nanjing, East China’s Jiangsu Province, is piloting the system in two classrooms and eventually plans to install it in every classroom.

    “The system can access every student’s personal information and monitor their behavior in class such as nodding off and playing with their mobile phones,” reports Global Times.

    The cameras can also record truancy, whether students are listening or not, how often they look up and down, and whether they leave early.

    Students complain the system is an invasion of their privacy, but school officials insist the cameras are necessary to encourage discipline…..”:



    • 回复: @Seraphim
  378. Ber 说:

    “…the underlying grievance revolves around being ruled by obscenely wealthy local oligarchs who manipulate the civil, social and political structures to their benefit…”

    It would seem to look that way. This would mean that most of the lawmakers in HK are in the pockets of the local oligarchs.

    No wonder there are 37,000 NGOs (mainly foreign funded) allowed to operate in HK. i.e. One NGO serving around 200 citizens – not even government representatives can match that kind of service.

    If there are, say 3 personnel per NGO, it would mean a staggering 100,000 plus personnel on the paychecks of the pipe piper who can call for their support for whatever agenda the piper deems fit. So there is no need for leadership at the local level.

    • 同意: Erebus, annamaria
    • 回复: @Smith
  379. Seraphim 说:

    Americans have fits when they hear about “the fundamental Chicano nationalist goal of reclaiming Aztlán” as “the rightful homeland of the Chicanos”! The ‘right of secession’ is applicable to everybody except the Americans.

    • 回复: @Smith
    , @denk
  380. Smith 说:

    Yeah, all of these apply to the Yellow Vest as well.

    1. Yellow Vest asked for lower gas right, that’s their main protest at first, and they got it, similar to how the extradition bill got “suspended”.

    2. Yellow started out very violently with many vandalizing act, beating up cops and destroying of public properties.

    3. Yellow mellows out as the gov adopts the wait and freeze tactics.

    All of these are the same for HK protests, the only big difference is some protesters waving US flags, but that can be explained away by the demanding of the 2nd amendment, not US intervention.

    This is not the same as what happens in the Arab spring and Venezuela which had defection from the military.

  381. Smith 说:

    The Yellow Vest marches for autonomy from NATO/EU and the abolition of Macron government.

    And nobody in Hong Kong is marching for that murderer, the law doesn’t EXIST just to jail that murder. Keep engaging in that fake news.


    Yeah, man, I kinda wish there’s such a big protest in the US demanding freedom from the shitty US government or local government such as California or New York. Texas secession here we come.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  382. Smith 说:

    Wut? So you are saying Texas recession is not a popular movement? ONLY the feds are against it.

    Aztlan is not even a secession, it’s colonization and invasion since it’s backed by the foreign mexicans.

  383. Erebus 说:
    @d dan

    Yes, western politicians, media and many Internet posters are doing their best to helping Chinese government to become very powerful.

    Actually, they quite likely know not what they do, but that’s a valid point. The Chinese govt’s domestic position has been helped immeasurably by the West’s antics.

    However, I’d assume that the West’s antics are primarily intended to hurt the Chinese govt internationally and with the Western public. They’ve surely recognized by now that it’s untouchable domestically. Those countries that attended the Russian clinic on Hybrid War may understand what’s going on, but I’m not sure how well others do, much less their publics.

  384. Seraphim 说:

    Facial recognition technology is an American invention, ahem. They worked hard to develop it.

    • 回复: @Smith
    , @onebornfree
  385. Chinaman 说:

    I agree. This is why the government is not backing off. It’s a catch 22 situation. Appeasement in this case will only lead to more unrealistic demands such as independence. It is a downward spiral that ultimately descend into anarchy.

    The focal point of the protest have already shifted to police brutality rather than the bill or even democracy. The absurdity of the whole situation is that the real and legitimate greivances, which are actually all economic in nature and which the government can actually address , such as, land policies and youth unemployment are not even on the agenda. the simplest thing for the government can do is to provide housing subsidies like section 8 In the US for low income families and young. This would almost immediately make 80% of the people happy. Hker are a practical people.

    The British have left behind an entrenched bureaucracy which is still stuck in the colonial imperialist mindset which have never care much for the local populace. It is functioning like a zombie after its British master left. This government structure and the one country 2 system have evolved to serve the oligarch’s interest and is actually at the core of the problem. Contrary to what people believe, a Chinese takeover of HK world actually break this intransigence and improve the wealth distribution. How? Giving a deadline for the real estate oligarchs to developed their land and upon that deadline, their land lease will be voided. 70% of the land in HK is undeveloped and they did not to so to keep prices high. A weak government and even a democratic one can never summon or gather the political will to do this….but an authoritarian state like China can.

    It is predictable that these protestors don’t understand economics and are actually fighting against the solution.

    • 回复: @Erebus
  386. Erebus 说:

    Question for d dan, denk, Chinaman and anyone else who can contribute…

    What do you make of reports that mainlanders have been spotted amongst the protestors in fairly large numbers? I find this quite puzzling.

    • 回复: @Chinaman
    , @denk
  387. Chinaman 说:

    What is this ? Are you trying to inform the commenters on the situation in HK via MSM ?

    Trying to brainwash A HKer, a bunch of Chinese and some informed white people?

    You will have better luck somewhere else.

  388. Chinaman 说:

    Nah…I saw a crowd just yesterday chanting their slogans. You can pick up the accent immediately.

    It would be very easy to pick out a group of mainlander even if they didn’t speak. Their demeanour and their appearance are quite distinct from the locals. Well, even if they masked and I’m black, I guess you can still spot the diamond watch and balenciaga sneakers or Gucci loafers which HKer can’t afford. Haha

    If they did open their mouth, we will hear them from afar…There would have been fights immediately if they mingled with the rioters. That’s probably what happened at the airport.

  389. denk 说:


    google makes it so easy for morons like
    onebornfreak, just enter uIghur, Tibet,
    Hong Kong, credit system…..you get pages after page of unverified 收费表, which morons like the freak present as ‘proof’.

    btw, one of his charge sheet has already been debunked in MOA.

  390. denk 说:

    So the Texans want out eh ….
    aint holding my breath !

    There aint no more fire left in murikkano’s belly, all stuffed with junk food.

    They wont succeed cuz there aint no
    gawd damned murikkano embassy in


  391. Smith 说:

    Aksually, MOST lawmakers follow instructions from Beijing. For example, Carrier Lam:

    The local oligarchs are also pro-Beijing since Beijing has more money than Hong Kong.
    2. Rich people make an U-Turn AND SUPPORT the bill:

    It is funnier when pro-Beijing sources blame the oligarchs for the protest since the oligarchs are now pro-extradition bill (they have enough money and power to go out of Hong Kong if they want, the bill matters jack shit to them).

    • 回复: @Ber
  392. Smith 说:

    So China is once again stealing American technology to use on its own people!

    Wow, and China is the enemy of the US? Say it ain’t so!

  393. denk 说:

    How come we never heard about
    Puerto Rico independent movement these days ?

    Cuz Puerto Rico 自由战士 ‘terrarists’ are either dead
    or in jail !


  394. denk 说:

    Dont have much info on that score.

    Too many distractions, too little time 🙁

  395. Smith 说:

    It turns out that it’s not an echo chamber and mainlanders also have beef with Beijing, just like the various protests going inside mainland China.

    But I’m pretty sure all is fine in the eastern front, and it’s just CIA agents buzzing off.

  396. Erebus 说:

    Agree wholeheartedly with all points, but especially with:

    This government structure and the one country 2 system have evolved to serve the oligarch’s interest and is actually at the core of the problem.

    HK’s elites, political and financial/economic let the people of HK down.

    3 decades ago, HK was making a LOT of money representing the Pearl River Delta to the world. That gravy train of easy money ground to a halt approx a decade ago as China went direct, and today HK finds itself with its nose pressed against the glass, watching an ascendant Shenzhen from a few hundred meters away.

    Much of the world recognized what China would become. Ironically, HK didn’t. Neither HK’s leadership, nor its people redefined themselves for a new role.

    Anyhow, when students & graduates of 1st class universities, carrying a daunting debt load desperately want opportunity, but find themselves working at a Fortress or Park ‘n Shop, sharing a 40sqM apartment with 3 friends, and with no visible future, there’s bound to be trouble.

    The question is whether HK’s elites understand the problem, and whether they have the political will to fix it. If they don’t, HK will return to its roots. If that happens, 2047 can’t come soon enough.

    • 回复: @Chinaman
  397. Smith 说:


    Good news! Good news! The bill is formally withdrawn! The protesters can at least claim a victory and that Beijing has bent the knees.

    Now we await the fallout/silencing. Good luck to the brave protesters!

    • 回复: @Erebus
    , @onebornfree
  398. Wael Ahmad 说:


    • 回复: @Smith
  399. Ber 说:

    Carrie Lam not allowed to resign is another nonsensical propaganda attempt. Carrie Lam had already clarified her firm stance to stay in office.

    With great wealth comes great crimes, so the saying goes. There are bound to be some criminal tycoons in HKG that will fear extradition. Same with other criminals in the world who will also have a vested interest to keep HKG an oligarch crime haven. They too will fear extradition.

  400. Erebus 说:

    Great! Now one can murder, rape, rob and defraud in China, Taiwan, and several other Asian countries, then hightail it to HK to enjoy guaranteed immunity.

    There can surely be no greater freedom.

    • 回复: @Smith
    , @d dan
    , @Chinaman
  401. @Smith

    I wouldn’t get your hopes up. Even if true, most likely, the Chi-com filth will, at some time in the near future [ 6 months? A year?] , pull a false-flag psyop in HK that will give them the “justified” excuse they need to fully re-absorb HK ahead of 2047, because the mainland economy is going down the shithole right now,so they need to prop themselves up [at least temporarily]. via the direct theft of HK’s resources. And Taiwan will be next in line


    • 回复: @Smith
  402. Smith 说:
    @Wael Ahmad



  403. @Seraphim

    Well, duh! I already knew that 🙂 .

    Commie China is a major global government/ New World Order test site – the exact same social credit system [largely based on facial recognition ] is going to be implemented nationwide in the US, in fact, its already started [in case you didn’t know ]:

    Evil tech giants planning China-style “social score” rollout across America; red-flagged people to be denied access to restaurants and public events:

    “…..In 2014, the Communist government implemented what it calls a “social credit system,” which is designed to ‘score’ citizens’ behavior. According to the government, the objective beyond the nationwide system, which is driven in large part by technology and surveillance, is to “allow the trustworthy to roam everywhere under heaven while making it hard for the discredited to take a single step.”

    And who are “the discredited?” Anyone who doesn’t conform to China’s authoritarian rule — and rules.

    While the social credit system remains a work in progress, it’s expected that by next year it will have evolved into a “single, nationwide point system for all Chinese citizens, akin to a financial credit score,” Fast Company reports.

    The scores will be used to take punitive — or worse — actions against citizens who don’t pay their debts, who belong to or take part in religious observances like Tibetan Buddhism, who smoke or play loud music while on trains, who fail to sweep the sidewalks in front of businesses or homes, or any number of other behaviors the government has deemed counterproductive to society.

    The website notes that punishments can range from minor to severe, such as banning travel outside………Now for the really bad news: That system is already under development in the United States and, in fact, in many ways it’s already being implemented……:”



    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  404. annamaria 说:

    You are indeed a skilled hasbarist. The fluidity of your writing styles is quite obvious.
    The funny thing is, you enjoy too much your cleverness and this self-enjoyment betrays you.

    • 回复: @Smith
  405. Smith 说:

    Yeah, yeah, more accusation! Just like the CIA in Hong Kong! It’s always accusation but never proof.

    I have been called many names here for speaking the truthes and my opinions, so much for “alternative views”. Sorry, hon, but this is not a safe space.

    • 回复: @denk
  406. Smith 说:

    Yeah, there is still jail in Hong Kong. Nice try.

    It’s funny Erebus think the extradition is not a legit grievance, UNTIL Hong Konger decide not to extradite to China.

    @ Ber
    Carrie Lam affirms that AFTER the tape has come out, who knew what how Beijing handled her?

    Meanwhile, all the big oligarchs in China (HK included) can already migrate to America without problem, there’s NO reason to assume they have any reason to fear extradition to China at all, and there are cases where China just simply naps a guy in HK and that’s it, no need for any bill.

    • 回复: @Erebus
  407. Smith 说:

    I mean, the kids in HK already see the boots from China. I’m glad that this protest is mostly youngsters, it means the newest generation already sees how China is gonna treat them, before 2047 even happens.

    Either ways, I don’t think China is going to risk a hot conflict in HK, out for PR reason, they want their BRI scam to still be going on after all.

  408. Erebus 说:

    It’s funny Erebus think the extradition is not a legit grievance, UNTIL Hong Konger decide not to extradite to China.

    If Hong Kong extradites to the US and UK, where the hope of a fair trial is almost whimsical (ask Assange & Irving) why would they refuse to extradite to TW, PH, CN, etc?
    – Do you think that murderers such as the HK-er who murdered his pregnant girlfriend in TW, or PH drug gangsters/terrorists/human traffickers, or corrupt Chinese should be immune to prosecution, because they managed to escape to HK?
    – Is that what the HK protestors think is synonymous with “freedom”?
    – Is immunity for international criminals what they’re fighting for?

    Frankly, I doubt it, but if “extradition is a legit grievance” like it seems to be in your alleged brain, HK is heading straight back to what it was. Or 更坏.

  409. China Unloads Troops & Cargo Into Hong Kong From Giant Ship Amidst Rumors of Crackdown:

    “A huge Chinese cargo ship has unloaded troops and vehicles into Hong Kong amidst rumors of a military crackdown on protesters.

    “The ship in question, Chang Da Long, is a 140.5m-long vehicle carrier,” reports Shephard Media. “It arrived at Stonecutters Island at 17:36 on 28 August and, after unloading its cargo, departed by 23:19. In total, the 19,864t vessel was berthed at the PLA naval base for 5.5h.”

    Authorities claim that the ship is part of the routine annual rotation of PLA troops and equipment PLA Hong Kong Garrison. However, while road convoys are a regular sight, “the presence of a conscripted civilian cargo vessel has never been observed before,” according to the report…”

    “……Chinese state media news channel CCTV broadcast images of hundreds of troops disembarking the vessel as well as Dongfeng EQ2050 4×4 tactical vehicles driving along the naval base quay.

    “Should President Xi Jinping decide enough is enough and that the communist party’s military must take over from Hong Kong’s beleaguered police, such a hidden force could be mobilised to strike hard and decisively,” according to the report.

    Experts suggest that if Beijing is to impose a brutal crackdown, it will occur before October 1st, which is the 70th anniversary of the founding of Communist China.”:



  410. denk 说:

    Yeah, yeah, more accusation! Just like the CIA in Hong Kong! It’s always accusation but never proof.

    NED aka CIA sponsorship of HK opposition has been an open secret.
    YOu must be the only one who miss it.

    • 回复: @Smith
  411. d dan 说:

    “Great! Now one can murder, rape, rob and defraud in China, Taiwan, and several other Asian countries, then hightail it to HK to enjoy guaranteed immunity.”

    Very sad day indeed for Hong Kong and the world. Carrie Lam is too weak for the post.

  412. denk 说:

    To see how stupid onebornfreak is,


    ‘In western China, there’s a growing network of what journalists, former inmates, and the U.S. government are calling “concentration camps”

    The presstitudes, alleged former inmates and uncle
    scam….the three amigoes that’s responsible for
    the top 100 hoax of the century. !


  413. Chinaman 说:

    The joke is that Hker should celebrate the withdrawal of the bill by murdering Joshua Wong, Jimmy Lai and all the democrats in Taiwan ( given how often they travel there) and coming back to HK like heros with impunity

    Given how hard they thought for it, these freedom fighters should be the first beneficiaries of the bill’s withdrawal. Everyone is happy.

    • 回复: @Smith
  414. Chinaman 说:

    Yes, it is sad and the sense of hopelessness and desperation is what drove a lot of these kids on the street. HK have bore the full brunt of the labour arbitrage because it shares a border with China. The whole economy have been hollowed out to specialised in finance and tourism.

    I just can’t see how they can save HK by destroy it. How democracy and freedom can save HK from its economic destiny.

    We will find out soon since the Chinese tourists ain’t coming anymore. The knock on effects to the economy will be brutal.

  415. @onebornfree

    Commie China is a major global government/ New World Order test site

    Quite possible. It would be great if there were a global revolution against NWO but Chinks who wave British and US flags while protesting against their own government aren’t part of it. At least the yellow vests wave the French tricolor and not foreign flags. This surely distinguishes the traitors from the patriots for those who think these two movements have much in common.

    • 回复: @Smith
  416. Smith 说:

    Faulty logic. The fact you can’t expect a fair trial in the US, UK doesn’t mean you can expect a fair trial in TH, PH and China. Doubt me? Assange cannot get political asylum in Beijing.

    – No, and there is jail in Hong Kong, the murderers can be jailed there, but instead you want to extradite them to China jail, what for? Isn’t Hong Kong’s jail a part of China’s jail?
    – Yes, they are, because they are Hong Kongers, and Hong Kong has their own jail and legal system, at least until 2047.
    – No? They are fighting for their own autonomy.

    Yeah, I think you have a problem with strawman and bad argument and the filmsy case of US/UK = bad thus Beijing = GOOD.

    Open secret thus you must have proof of it? Provide it then?

    • 回复: @Erebus
  417. Smith 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    Oh please, you realize the Hong Kongers also wave the Hong Kong colonial flags right?

    This is like saying waving the Confederate flags are traitors. You are falling for Beijing’s talking point.

  418. Smith 说:

    I don’t agree with J. Wong, J. Lai and the democrats in Taiwan, but you sound quite mad there, chicomman.

  419. Smith 说:

    Also, for ALL information. The Yellow Vest also adapted a modified American flag as their symbolic flag.

    Does this mean Yellow Vests are traitors and are CIA-backed?

    Beijing’s narrative is FALLING, and hard.

    People, keep posting and dismantling Beijing’s talking points, they are so easy to do so since all of their points boil down to:
    – extradition to US/UK = BAD, extradition to China = GOOD, never mind BOTH are bad, proof: Assange COULD not have gotten political asylum in Beijing nor the China embassy in Britain.
    – muh US flags/UK flags = traitors, never mind the Yellow Vests movement who is supported here ALSO brandish (modified) US flag.
    – muh CIA is backing HK protesters, despite NO PROOF OF SUCH CASE. Their smoking gun Jimmy Jai has retired from politics and has no hands in the current protests.

    Then you will get to case like Chicomman, who whines about “violence and barbarism” from the protesters, but instantly advocates for murdering people when the bill’s withdrawn. Shit’s wack, THERE are paid Beijing shills here meant to muddy the discussion who advocates for conformity in one hand and purge in the other.

    • 回复: @Chinaman
    , @Seraphim
  420. Erebus 说:


    Error. Yours is the faulty logic.

    – Given that US/UK/etc, are no more fair than CN/TW/PH/etc, and…
    – Given that HK has an extradition treaty with US/UK/etc and can and has extradited its citizens to those countries for crimes they committed there, and…
    – Given that some of those countries (eg: Canada) can and have extradited their citizens to CN for crimes committed there (except that Cdn law prohibits extradition if the penalties for the crime in question include execution)
    – There can be no legitimate reason for HK to deny extradition to CN/TW/PH.

    Simply really.

    Had you actually read the proposed law, or at least read about it, you’d know that the categories of crimes that qualified for extradition were closely defined, and every one of those crimes are also crimes under HK law. Ergo, there is simply no legitimate argument one can posit in objection.

    … there is jail in Hong Kong, the murderers can be jailed there…


    HK courts, like courts everywhere (except the US) do not claim jurisdiction outside their borders. Very simply, there are no legal means by which a crime committed in a foreign land can be brought to trial except by treaty.

    Put another way, murder is murder in HK only if it is committed in HK, or in a country with whom it is treaty bound to so recognize it. If it happened in TW, then as far as the HK courts are concerned, no crime was committed. Had he murdered his pregnant girlfriend in the US/UK/CA/etc, HK would be treaty bound to recognize the crime and extradite, but as far as the HK legal system is concerned, TW/CN/PH/etc are free fire zones.


    • 回复: @Smith
  421. Smith 说:

    No, there IS a legitimate reason to deny extradition to China, especially when the way current FOO bill allows extradition to China/Taiwan AS SPECIAL SURRENDER, and the document for Extradition can be admitted WITHOUT FURTHER PROOF, while the document AGAINST it cannot be.

    Most of the bill’s shortcomings can be found here:

    And I can prove without a single doubt that this has nothing to do with the murderer in Taiwan case: the government of Taiwan has repeatedly tried to negotiate with the government of Hong Kong to solve this case, but again, the government of Hong Kong refuses to respond to Taiwanese help, but instead just try to force this FOO bill. So what’s this? It’s Beijing forcing the pro-China HK government to go through the Bill, using the murder as an excuse, never mind that the crime happens in Taiwan, NOT China!

    I have gotten it, and I have always gotten it. It’s you who try to obfuscate the problem with Beijing’s forcing through this bill.

  422. Smith 说:

    And to put it to rest:

    Taiwan has come out and say they will not ask for the murderer in that case, because Taiwan doesn’t want to risk potential extradition to China.

    So yeah, a Hong Konger criminal committed a crime in Taiwan, is now gonna be solved by Beijing I guess because neither sides want this sorry ass excuse as precedent for shipping people to China.

    Law and Order! Law and Order!

  423. Chinaman 说:

    It Oh, come on…where is your sense of humour? I said It is a joke that is circulating around HK. I didn’t make it up but I thought it is quite funny and logical, don’t you ?

    That was what started all this and it is always best to give ppl a taste of their own medicine.

    Should we all meet up in Taiwan?

    • 回复: @Smith
  424. Smith 说:

    That’s the second time you say it’s a prank bro! I would have a laugh if it isn’t the goddamn line towed by Beijing shills, and no, I don’t think even J. Wong and his pussy brigade advocates killing the Beijing elites (but I support it!).

    And nah, Taiwan doesn’t need anymore Beijing shill.

  425. Seraphim 说:

    It is the flag of Bretagne (Brittany):
    “It is called the Gwenn-ha-du, pronounced [ɡwɛnaˈdyː], which means white and black in Breton. It is also unofficially used in the département of Loire-Atlantique although this now belongs to the Pays de la Loire and not to the région of Brittany, as the territory of Loire-Atlantique is historically part of the province of Brittany. Nantes (Naoned), its préfecture, was once one of the two capital cities of Brittany. The flag was created in 1923 by Morvan Marchal… The nine horizontal stripes represent the traditional dioceses of Brittany into which the duchy was divided historically. The five black stripes represent the French or Gallo speaking dioceses of Dol, Nantes, Rennes, Saint-Malo and Saint-Brieuc; the four white stripes represent the Breton speaking dioceses of Trégor, Léon, Cornouaille and Vannes. The ermine canton recalls the arms of the Duchy of Brittany.
    The flag first came to notice by a wider public at the Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes in Paris in 1925. It was adopted by various cultural and nationalist groups through the 1920s and 1930s. However, its association with nationalist and separatist groups during the Second World War brought suspicions of collaboration on the flag. A revival of interest in the flag took place in the 1960s. Since then, it has mostly lost an association with separatism in the mind of the public and become a widely accepted symbol for all Brittany and Bretons. The older ermine field flag and black cross continue to be rarely used, though, by some individuals and groups.
    In blazons, the flag is Sable, four bars Argent; the canton ermine. Traditionally, coats of arms could be displayed as a rectangular banner, as well as on a shield”.
    Its display by the Yellow Vests means only that their bearers were from Bretagne.

    • 回复: @Smith
  426. Chinaman 说:

    Since we have so much disinformation and fake news in the comments. As a HKer, I feel obligated to set the record straight. Below is from a HKer’s perspective and not some BS from MSM:

    Please MUST READ to better understand the Black Shirts。 I have and do believe there are so many underlying issues in this RIOTING。They have been heavily Sedated by DRUGS and easily freely available women。 Poisoned with deep hatred by these syndicates Blinding their senses…….. UNDERCOVER IN HONG KONG: BEHIND BLACKSHIRT LINES

    Why are so many young Hong Kongers so angry? Why do they hate China so much — despite HK under Beijing’s sovereignty being visibly freer and more democratic than it ever was under the British? What makes their frontline rioters so violent, in zombie-like fashion? What really motivates them?

    The following account is circulating in various online platforms. It is purportedly by someone who joined the blackshirts for two months and observed them close-up. The observations seem to tally with other assessments, direct and indirect.

    After two months of undercover contact, I was able to fathom some of the blackshirts’ thinking. It had been hard for me to gain admission into their ranks and get accepted. But after shouting some slogans with them and badmouthing the government, I passed the test and became a blackshirt. Even so, I discovered surprising things after I began to understand the mentality of the rioters.

    {Most of the young blackshirts look moderate, with some sporting innocent smiles. How could such people have mustered the courage to play the dangerous adult sport of street rioting? It turns out that the blackshirts have a great need to be recognized by others. Without the riots, they wouldn’t have made one another’s acquaintance.} They would have spent their adolescence as home-bound boys and girls. Working long hours, their parents neglected family communication. But after joining the rioters’ corps, these homely youngsters received much “peer” recognition.

    Their extreme need for such approval isn’t something the pro-establishment camp understands. Having passed their youth, establishmentarians carefully weigh consequences before taking action.

    As for the kids, they encourage and care for each other. The guys soon become comrades in arms, while guys and girls become lovers. Some young women offer themselves freely, especially to those who fought the police so valiantly on the front lines. Previously girl-shy young men now find themselves embraced, even by well-born, well-to-do women they wouldn’t have dreamed of approaching. 《Fame, sex and peer recognition are powerful spurs to ever more heroic exertions on the battlefield. At the start of each riot, groups of three to five pep-talk one another. Core members can enjoy “drug treatment.” Organizers hand out drugs said to numb the nerves, the better to withstand blows from police batons.》

    I often ask them about their political goals. But apart from shouting slogans about the “five demands” and other issues, they seldom discuss political issues. This applies even to their iconic “double universal suffrage” (chief executive and legislature) and “anti-extradition to China.” At first I thought it strange: blackshirts who are sacrificing themselves to politics being reluctant to discuss politics. Rather, their conversations most often center on racist comments about new immigrants and other Chinese mainlanders. For example, their supposedly uncivilized behavior, and how the newcomers “robbed” local resources.

    Only after nearly two months’ association with the blackshirts did I grasp a second reason for their rioting. They want recognition from the world at large.

    They believe that Hong Kong people be differentiate themselves from Chinese mainlanders. They are especially concerned about how the world views Hong Kongers. They do not wish to be “degraded” by others within a single sovereign framework. It may sound ridiculous, but underlying these kids’ drive for Hong Kong independence is a deep concern about … face. Of course, the fuse must be lit for the explosive to go off. And the extradition bill provided the fuse that was lit by the instigators behind the scenes.

    Sadly, in raising the stakes so high, these face-conscious youngsters were lethally abetted by the rise of social-media platforms. On Facebook is so much distortion and incitement to hatred against the Chinese people, as well as endless disinformation. Well-known anti-China writers unconscionably spread their black propaganda. This generation of young Hong Kongers has been hard-brainwashed to become Nazis. Such notions as compassion and diversity are swept aside. Their hearts are full of hatred, the kind that breaches the bottom lines of human nature. If these brainwashed youngsters had the power to wage war against the Chinese mainland, they would kill unblinkingly, like the Japanese aggressors of old.

    I came across another “coincidence” about the blackshirt rioters. Many of their frontline warriors were surnamed Nguyen. It’s well known that there are hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese and their descendants in Hong Kong. [Formerly from anti-communist South Vietnam, they had come to Hong Kong as refugees in the late 1970s. Nguyen is a common Vietnamese surname]. As it happened, the first to clamor for “Hong Kong independence” had come from their ranks. They indeed were not Chinese. Together with other They came to regard themselves as Hong Kongers (Hong Kongese) and not Hong Kong Chinese.

    It dawned on me that the biggest spark for war is not political disputes but racial or ethnic hatred. Hitler incited the Germans to hate the Jews, then rose to power in Germany and waged war against Europe. The Japanese labeled the Chinese the “Sick Man of East Asia” to launch aggression against China. Trump incited racial hatred and successfully became president of the United States. Conflicts too have been fueled in Europe, the Middle East and Africa by the incitement of ethnic animosities. Seizing on this point, anti-China forces in Hong Kong have incessantly demonized and incited hatred towards the Chinese among local youth for their own political ends.

    My hearts sinks further with every paragraph I write. Political disputes can be resolved through the search for common ground. But ethnic hatred is hard to eradicate, as it’s like poison seeping into the brain. Only when the disease is identified can proper medicine be prescribed. I have glimpsed the affliction, but have no idea what the right medicine is. I hope we can work together to find a cure for the hatred infecting our young people, before it is too late.

    • 回复: @Smith
    , @Smith
    , @Commentator Mike
  427. Smith 说:

    Most of protesters are peaceful, with only the violent ones being possibly agent provocateurs or too passionate.

    And nobody hate the chinese except the Beijing government.

    The idea of this persecution complex where Hong Konger hate chinese is nonsensical, they just hate their city being invaded by mainlanders and their autonomy being slowly chipped away (which are TRUE FACTS).

    And still blaming the dastardly vietnamese, are we?

    • 回复: @Chinaman
  428. Smith 说:

    Consider myself corrected. I admit I didn’t know this.

  429. “The verdict is in: Hong Kong chief executive Carrie Lam’s attempt to pacify furious pro-democracy protesters by fully withdrawing the extradition bill that inspired the at-times-violent protests hasn’t worked. Protesters took to the streets Wednesday night (local time) shortly after Lam withdrew the bill, and more rallies are scheduled for this weekend, including another sit-in at Hong Kong International Airport, which – if the recent past is any guide – will likely turn violent.

    An editorial in the Communist Party-controlled China Daily (via Reuters) warned that protesters have “no excuse” to continue the violent rallies after the “olive branch” from Beijing. And adding to the confusion surrounding the situation, the home of media tycoon Jimmy Lai was attacked early Thursday by two masked men who hurled firebombs before speeding off on a motorbike…….”

    “…..Protesters have insisted that the government must meet all five of their demands. The four others are: retraction of the word “riot” to describe protests, release of all 1,100+ demonstrators who have been arrested, an independent inquiry into perceived police brutality and the right for Hong Kong people to choose their own leaders….”:

    Masked Men Firebomb Home Of Hong Kong Media Tycoon:


  430. Smith 说:

    Man, this wall of text is hilarious when I read it carefully.

    Top text: How dare the young Hong Konger rally up together, both boys and girls, how dare they unite to fight against an invaders that want to replace their culture and ethnicity (the mainlanders), that’s racist, that’s ethnic hatred, that’s so bad dude. Muh Hitler, muh japs, muh Trump….

    Bottom text: Actually, look at these south Vietnamese though, they are the ones causing problems, he he he.

    Chicomman, I wouldn’t wish to have you as an ally if SHTF, you would be the first one crying about how pitiable and sympathetic the enemies are while criticizing your own force.

    When the fuck will you book a flight to America and leave China and Hong Kong the fuck alone?

  431. @Chinaman

    And one of the two most ardent supporters of the Hong Kong black shirts on UR, a Mr. Smith, claims to be a Vietnamese. Coincidence? If a clampdown happens, let’s see if these Viet troublemakers and ringleaders will be singled out for the harshest treatment. The authorities have had sufficient time to gather intelligence on any such fake Hong Kongers descended from former refugees and asylum seekers ungrateful for having been granted sanctuary in the city and who would now drag others down with themselves. Maybe they will be made to pay for this and not get away lightly. We’ll see soon enough, although the western MSM will put its own anti-PR China spin whatever happens.

    • 回复: @d dan
    , @Chinaman
  432. The Chinese economy, [aka”the Chinese Miracle”] is currently in free-fall, and may well fully collapse in the near future. [i.e. 1 to 10years].

    This might well be the primary reason why it is now “grasping at straws”[ such as the complete takeover of the the Hong Kong economy], well before the agreed on 2047 takeover date, in order to try to keep the Chi-Coms totalitarian dictatorial power structure afloat for a little longer, and to try to stave off the inevitable complete collapse of the Chinese economy, which must/will happen if China continues on its present [hard-core Communist], anti-free market, anti- human agenda of total control of its population under the “guidance”of the mad/idiot communist and murderous dictator Xi and his sycophantic enablers.

    The only way to reverse this coming complete collapse of the Chinese economy is for the Chinese government to fully revert to [at the very least!] , the slightly more free-market economic policies of Deng Xiaoping : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deng_Xioping .


    The “Chinese miracle” directly instigated via the economic reforms and policies of Deng Xiaoping are a perfect demonstration of this principle [ i.e. more economic and personal freedom brings about a wealthier society] .


    Since the demise of Xiaoping, China has [idiotically]reverted to the exact same economic policies that he had previously largely eliminated; idiotic [i.e hard-core communist]policies which had, prior to Xiaoping, previously mired China in economic poverty and stagnation for many years.


    The return [under Xi] of anti-freedom, hard-core communist, pre-Xiaoping economic policies means that China is currently living on borrowed time and must collapse at some point in time, and probably quite soon.

    事实:The more that the power mad commies at the top react to this ongoing collapse via even more top-down, centralized control measures, [i.e. “doubling down”] the faster, and the worse that economic collapse will be.

    Since power-mad megalomaniacs like Xi and his ilk are incapable of learning either through education, history, or via direct experience, I expect the collapse of the “Chinese miracle” to continue unabated, and for it to actually accelerate, as the mainland Chinese communist economic illiterates running the show literally double down on their highly destructive policies of even less economic freedom and even more control of the Chinese population.

    Many people in Hong Kong probably already know and understand at least part of this [above] ; if not, at the very least, many seem to intuitively understand that a Chinese takeover of Hong Kong ensures far less freedom for everyone living there.

    That [i.e. less freedom for everyone in Hong Kong], is ultimately what this is all about, as far as I can see.

    The Stefan Molyneux video below explains in more detail exactly why totalitarian, top down economic planning will 时刻 fail to bring about a higher standard of living for the “average Joe” , and why such systems always collapse, to the direct detriment of “the average Joe”, whether that “Joe” is Chinese, Russian, German, British, French, American,Vietnamese, or whatever :

    “Problems In China”:


  433. d dan 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    It is quite obvious that “Smith” is not a typical reader in the west. Consider the followings:

    1. The speed that he replies to others.
    2. The amounts of info (fake or otherwise) he can garner.
    3. The enthusiasm he has shown in this topic.

    Yes, Internet is full of trash, and it is not difficult to notice them.

    • 同意: Commentator Mike, annamaria
    • 回复: @annamaria
  434. denk 说:

    Oh wow, look at those CIAnigger kids in Hong Kong school.

    YOu aint that daft ?

    These are the classic ‘蜂拥而至的‘ exploited and used by MI6/CIA in various color rev since that TAM destabilization.

    Guess what did they learn in class rooms about their own country?

    A sample from text book vetted [sic] by the occupy central ring leaders….

    *China is a dictatorship that threatens world peace..[sic].

    China military expenditure is rising sharply , its lack of transparency pose a threat to world peace. [sic]

    China has border disputes with all of its neighbors, this might lead to war one day [sic]


    its a virtual 复制和粘贴 job from the fukus bullhorn…!
    so This is how they brainwashed three gen of HK kids.

    is it any wonder they have become the vanguard of these protests ?

    • 回复: @Smith
  435. Smith 说:

    Yeah man, these kids are brainwashed?

    Me, I ain’t brainwashed, I know everything, after all, I trust China’s MSM 100% and everything else is literally CIA.

    And the border disputes things are literally true, and neither MSM of either sides (East or West) condemn it.

    @ Commentator Mike & d dan
    What’s next? Invading Vietnam to put down the nefarious vietnamese posting on the internet?

    After all, being knowledgeable about politics IS a sin in Unz, a supposed alternative site, lawl.

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  436. @Smith

    No Mr. Smith. If China attacked Vietnam I’d side with Viets, and if there were to be a Chinese fifth column in such a case I’d expect the Viets to come down hard on them. Hong Kong is China’s internal affair.

    • 回复: @Smith
  437. annamaria 说:
    @d dan

    If you read several posts of the alleged “Vietnamese Smith,” you would immediately notice stylistic variations that cancel the ethnic pretense. Moreover, the “Vietnamese Smith” enjoys showing his/her cleverness at pretending to be Asian.
    It is not clear what makes him/her play the dishonest game. But it is quite possible that the ADL et al’ vicious hatred of UnzReview has been transduced into a paid littering on this forum.

    • 回复: @d dan
  438. Chinaman 说:

    I am a HKer. I was born and bred here. I speak the language. My friends and family are HKer. I witness the protests everyday and is affected by it.

    The riots happens 15 minutes from my home.

    I meet protestors and anti protestors everyday

    My cousin is one of the violent rioters currently hiding in Taiwan!

    Then, you, one of the descendants of boat people we kindly took in and a bunch of white guys who might have never step foot in HK…profess to know more about the protest than I DO and try to EXPLAIN to me what the protest is about ?

    It is a sign of the times and the madness of world we live in.

  439. Chinaman 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    I am a bit skeptical of the Boat people narrative but there are many individual groups in the protestors with the only thing uniting them being the five demands so it is logical that these Vietnamese fifth column would identify with the far right separatist, independence movement.

    Few HKer would say “I am not Chinese”. That would be a total denial of their roots and identity and a false statement. But it would make sense in the Boat people’s case since they are really not Chinese!

  440. Smith 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    Oh okay, you see the problem comes when China invades Vietnam using the excuse of protecting their own 5th collumn/expats/ethnic chinese currently in Vietnam, the same excuse Russia used in Crimea.

    And to be clear, Hong Kong is Hong Kong’s own affair since they are an autonomous region, the problem comes when Beijing tries to influence Hong Kong.

    And as of the protest today on 6 September 2019, I think the protesters should call a quit. China already backs down and the protesters have already gained legitimacy. To continue with further unrealistic demands (such as abolishing the police, which might be psyop from China agent provocateurs) will severly damage the reputation of the protesters.

    Now it is time to re-organize, arm up and become/join legitimate political forces, not causing troubles on the street and losing the legitimacy/victory they have gained.

    I wash my hand off this protest as of today. It should only flare up again if the bill is still not withdrawn in 9 September 2019.

    Good luck to Hong Kong and its brave people.


    I am still waiting for the proof that I am not vietnamese. Are you gonna bark all days?

  441. Smith 说:

    Your anecdotes are cute but reality shows the MAJORITY of protesters are peaceful, with violent incidents being minor and overblown (mostly physical beating, no cop or mainlander supporter has died), in fact, I have seen more cops beating people than the reverse in video footages, and the cops are always better equipped.

    And no, I’m not the descendant of the vietnamese living in Hong Kong, I’m born in Vietnam and have stayed here all my life.

    Chinese are boat people too, in fact, there are many chinese in Vietnam, from ancient times to now as expat workers/slaves of Chinese contractors. And vietnamese are in fact very worried of this, because China can use them as excuses to invade Vietnam.

    I assure you, Vietnam has more chinese than Hong Kong having vietnamese, you are blaming freaking vietnamese for a Beijing’s problem.

    • 回复: @DB Cooper
    , @Erebus
  442. d dan 说:

    Whether Smith is of Vietnamese ethnic is NOT important. The more important point being that he is likely a paid employee of some group. Notice he is calling the protesters to stand down now – which is consistent with the interest (i.e. to kill the bill) of many foreign groups.

    • 同意: annamaria
    • 回复: @Smith
  443. Smith 说:
    @d dan

    Yeah, man, it has nothing to do with the fact that the bill is proven to be bullshit and is built on a false premise (muh murderer in Taiwan, which Taiwan police contacted HK govt for special solution but got ignored in favor of a Beijing-backed bill).

    It’s a proven legit grievance, unlike stuff like abolishing the police, which is straight down Beijing’s talking point to smear the protesters.

  444. Smith 说:

    Can Chicomman, denk, d dan explain the behaviours of those police?

    Turns out they are actually really violent, much more than the protesters.

    Brutal beating on 31/08/2019: https://www(dot)reddit(dot)com/r/HongKong/comments/d0pi1h/reupload_of_the_alleged_murder_on_3108/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x

    Police straight out planting evidence on perp already downed: https://www(dot)reddit(dot)com/r/HongKong/comments/d0avcf/hong_kong_police_plant_evidence_to_citizen_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x

    The Pro-Beijing protesters seem to be even more clueless than the protesters: https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=UkRpJ5UCN40&fbcl

    Yeah, it’s leddit but whatever.

    People here whine about how there’s too much media exposure on this protest by western media, but I don’t see those clips played on CNN 24/7.

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
    , @Erebus
  445. @Smith


    And would those cops be any less violent if they were trained by US, French, or Israeli police? Anyway I think they were trained by the Brits and not PR China.

    OK, we all have our pet loves and hates here but why are you as a Viet living in Vietnam so concerned about this situation in Hong Kong? Or Russia’s annexation of Crimea, or did I get it wrong and you never actually expressed any misgivings about that – I can’t quite remember who wrote what in so many comments I go through? Perhaps you are trying to stand up for certain principles and fair enough, but I can’t see that Vietnamese authorities would react any differently if they were faced with a similar mass protest, especially if it was being supported, if not even instigated, by US.

    • 回复: @Smith
  446. Erebus 说:

    It’s a proven legit grievance…

    So, does that mean that an extradition treaty with China/Taiwan/Macao/etc that follows similar principles to those HK has with US/UK/etc would be acceptable to the protestors?

  447. Smith 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    Yeah, the point is that they are violent, regardless of where they come from, HK China,, Israel, US, Germany, France. I don’t make excuses for cops beating little kids.

    And yeah, if vietnamese authorities were beating up vietnamese protesters against China, I would be having the same comments, because it’s the same dumb shit. Cops need to be pointed out where they have stepped out of line.

    Either ways, Beijing talking point is there is western media bias against China, YET the actual clips of Hong Kong cops being super violent/doing illegal shit to protesters are not shown 24/7 in CNN, that means something is up. It seems BOTH the east and west cover their shit in HK.


    I don’t know, I can’t read mind thousand kilometers away, but I don’t think either Hong Kong or Taiwan want to risk it. This is the equivalence of “necessity of gun laws because someone did a mass shooting”in America, it’s going to be deeply unpopular no matter you try to make it similar to laws in other countries.

    • 回复: @Erebus
  448. DB Cooper 说:

    FYI Vietnam is occupying several Chinese islands in the SCS as we speak. You should be grateful that China is Vietnam’s neighbors and not other countries.

  449. Erebus 说:

    … I can’t read mind thousand kilometers away…

    In aggregate, your comments suggest that you can.

    Leaving that aside, would it constitute a “legitimate grievance” in your view if they didn’t?

    • 回复: @Smith
  450. Smith 说:

    Can you tell which islands?

    On my side, China is occupying and militarizing multiple islands of Vietnam and the maritime territory of Vietnam.

    And we have HISTORICAL claims to these islands: https://www.quora.com/Are-Vietnam%E2%80%99s-bases-to-claim-islands-in-South-China-Sea-reliable



    And in my opinion, if the people don’t want it, then that’s it. China should look into themselves on why HKer and Taiwanese don’t want a treaty with them.

    But the impression of mainlanders abroad show that everything we need to know, mainlanders are very thuggish.

    • 回复: @Erebus
  451. Erebus 说:

    I’m not the descendant of the vietnamese living in Hong Kong, I’m born in Vietnam and have stayed here all my life.

    Well, except for that 2.5 yr stint in Miami, right Justin? I guess that’s how you mastered your uncannily American English, by talking to Brazilians.

    How, one wonders, did a Vietcong come to be working for a Brazilian co. in Miami and develop such an uncanny opinion of both Americans and Brazilians. And why, one wonders, did such an exceptional fellow go back to VN. Perhaps he found a calling in explaining Americans (and Brazilians) to the Vietnamese.

    By the way, how’s that little boy Dylan of yours doing nowadays? He’s gotta be 13 now. Is he still in the States? Perhaps with your mom?

    Methinks you’re a liar, Mr. Smith.

    • 回复: @Smith
  452. Erebus 说:

    Can you tell which islands?

    You’ve misplaced this reply. I never mentioned any islands.


    By telling us in so much detail what the 暴徒 want, without having been anywhere near any of them.

    And in my opinion, if the people don’t want it, then that’s it.

    You’ve misunderstood my query. I wanted to know your opinion on the 合法 of a bill that allowed extradition to TW/CN/MO on the same terms & conditions as the US/UK/etc, whatever the people of HK/TW/MO felt about it. IOW, is what’s good for the goose also good for the gander?

    China should look into themselves on why HKer and Taiwanese don’t want a treaty with them.

    They need not look long. 90% (rhetorically speaking) of the reason is that they’ve been propagandized into thinking so by their grotesquely corrupt elites who’re deathly afraid of being tried in CN for their crimes.

    Knowing both HK & TW (not MO) quite well, I’d say virtually none of the ordinary people have a clue or care about what extradition actually means in real life. In HK, the ordinary man in the street thinks the riots are all about the economy and prospects for young people.

    BTW, all of the TW businessmen I’ve had the conversation with think that re-unification with China is both inevitable and desirable. Primarily because the CN govts are seen as much less corrupt and capricious than TW. I haven’t had the conversation with HK businessmen, though I spend much more time there than TW, so can’t comment on HK. Of course, in HK’s case re-unification is inevitable regardless of what the elites and people think, so there’s not much to talk about.

    • 回复: @Smith
  453. @Daemon

    You’re fucking hilarious Chen. Don’t ever change.

    FYI, you really should have killed this guy when you had the chance:

    Published on: October 26th, 2018 • Duration: 56 minutes

    Kyle Bass sits down with infamous Chinese businessman Guo Wengui, also known as known as “Miles Kwok,” to hear a series of shocking accusations and predictions revolving around the Chinese government. Kwok provides his perception of the backstory behind several recent high-profile news items, and touches on the Chinese government’s management of the economy. He also unfurls an alarming forecast about Alibaba co-founder Jack Ma. Filmed on October 5, 2018 at an undisclosed location.


  454. Smith 说:

    So what’s this? Because I can speak English well, I’m now a brazillian?

    Also that Justin “Smith” is not me, Smith is not a uncommon name.

    • 回复: @Erebus
  455. Smith 说:

    I was asking D.B Cooper, wrong quoting.

    Anyway, first off.
    The HK’s protest is well-covered by independent Hong Kongers, their demands have been solidified and have been repeated many times to avoid infiltration from CCP.

    Second, it doesn’t matter if the law is the same as the UK/US, it depends on if the people i.e. Hong Kongers WANT it or not. China is not the same country as UK/US, and Hong Konger and Taiwan don’t like China. China should look into WHY the people don’t like China instead of blaming CIA every times like with the US and the russians.

    Third, it doesn’t matter if EVERY BUSINESS MEN in Hong Kong and Taiwan want re-integration. Business men are country sellers, if you follow their every whims, you would end up selling everything you have. The only side you should follow is Nationalists, so for Hong Kong, Hong Kong nationalist and no one else. Also, keep repeating that lie, the business men in HK support extradition in China!

    • 回复: @Erebus
  456. Erebus 说:

    Also that Justin “Smith” is not me…

    Ah, but on this site each commentor’s Pseudonym is linked to a distinct email address.

    Ergo, “(Justin) Smith” must have registered the same email address you type in every time you post. 2 people with the same name and email address seems like a coincidence too many, no?

    I, and most others here would call that “being caught in a lie”.

    • 同意: d dan
  457. Erebus 说:


    You may be right about there being 2 (or more) “Smiths”. The sloganeering replies by the one posting further above were reasonably coherent in syntax and grammatical structure, if not in logic.

    The “Smith” that wrote these last two lacks that coherence and exhibits an unusually low level of reading comprehension as witnessed by the gaping discontinuities between the original query and his response.

    My working hypothesis is that there’s in fact several “Smiths” sharing a walkup somewhere in NT, promoting the State Dept’s agenda for HK to the best of their varied abilities. The “Smiths” are one of hundreds of such tag-teams the US funds in HK and around the world, wherever regime disruption/change is seen as geo-politically advantageous.

    It goes without saying that, to the extent that they try their luck in forums such as UR, they’re collectively wasting the US taxpayer’s money.

    • 回复: @Smith
    , @Commentator Mike
    , @d dan
  458. Smith 说:

    So we are all Smith, like in the Matrix?

    And no, I don’t think the Justin “Smith” has the same email address as me, you can ask Unz for that.

    Anyway, this wild goose chase is entertaining especially when you use it to attack me because you have run out of rational argument.

    • 回复: @Erebus
  459. @Erebus

    Oh sod these Smiths. Here another bigmouth strikes again.

  460. d dan 说:

    Good detective work, Erebus. He thinks he is helping US, but is actually wasting our tax money.

  461. Erebus 说:

    So we are all Smith, like in the Matrix?

    Sorta, but I doubt any of you have the Matrix’ Smiths’ athletic prowess.

    And no, I don’t think the Justin “Smith” has the same email address as me, you can ask Unz for that.

    I’d get more useful information if your handlers told you how they hacked the original Smith’s email address off the Unz site.

    Anyway, this wild goose chase is entertaining…

    You were plainly showing signs of overwork, so I thought you needed the diversion. Anyway, glad you liked it.

    Go home. Get some sleep. This gig is over.

  462. Beijinger 说:

    MSM from China, if you care, I just checked my ‘China gvt censored for sure’ cell phone to find the most recent HK related news (Beijing time 20190910 18:00) I can receive and translate the titles and most like comments to you. (comments in bracket; separated by semicolon)

    1. US media ask Carrie Lam‘bill withdrawn but protest goes on?’ Carrie Lam respond directly.
    (conversations with public should be made, but no conversation with the rioters; for the separatist, no matter whatever you do, they just find new excuses; support HK Chief Executive, support HK police, HK peace and recovery soon )

    2. After reveal the true face of HK separatists, a HK tea restaurant owner received threatening conversation.
    (thumbs up for such honorable man; still too less ; that’s the kind of people HK need, also an embarrassment to those silent ones)

    3. Twice caught, twice released, Huang Zhifeng is not a subject of HK jurisdiction?
    (India judger in HK, no surprise; Qianli the Indian should cleaned out from HK judiciary; rioter should be punished and Law should be abide and enforced; such people should not be bailed )

    4. The tea restaurant owner speaks again, not frightened by the threats received after he revealed that some consortium support separatist .
    (I support this Mr to join the HK parliament; HKer is responsible of HK stability; support his restaurant; )
    5. Internal and external collusions to mess up HK, Carrie Lam don’t concede, she just send the 1st strong warning.
    (iron hand in need, support Carrie Lam; cut the knots with a sharp knife; Carrie Lam, be strong;)
    6. HK students in mainland: ‘mainlander is enthusiastic and magnanimous’
    (magnanimous also has its limit, HK is China, study in Beijing is not study abroad, sad for the brainwashed HK students; mainlander is magnanimous to HKer, HKer is not magnanimous to mainlanders )
    7. ‘Young losers’messed up, HK pays! 50% guests scared and run away, reality is slap in the face.
    (anyhow HK don’t pay state taxes; service is important industry for HK, can’t bare it to continue such chaos, HK decline and surpass by Guangzhou in sight; if HKer don’t love HK, there is not much mainlander can do; check out the neighbor Macau, it’s great, just visited there, nice place, great people, clean street. )


    8. Key: HK police get the report! How long can the eye burst woman’s ‘secret’been kept.
    (separatist in med system, how permeated! Looks like most separatist is still hided, should take them all; HK, disappointment; HK police, my admirations for your weakness/forbearance; police should sue that woman of her malicious accusations, she damaged the police reputation, hospital should public the report; ignore the eye, this woman is heart blind)
    (I worried for that woman, but now I know she is a separatist, such an end for her, what a relief for me; can’t escape the karma, separatist should think twice before the bad doings; )

    9. Rioters threaten a‘HK 911’to‘kill those who don’t speak proper Cantonese’
    (They run out of cash, make some noise/actions to get paid; even many HKer don’t speak proper Cantonese; US at their back, they are terrorist, US support terrorist; terrorist must be perished during sprout phases, HK police hit out )

    10. Tourists decline to 40%, HK Disneyland become land of no body. HK people speak out in CCTV News.
    (finally HK Disneyland complains, just close down; it’s ok, just a time matter for HK to become tier 3 city of China; When I visit there, as mainlander, feels like they own me something wtf when I pay them as a consumer, now no more visiting, they complain… I have no memory or what? I’d rather visit Macao; for months, some HK people kept silence, but there is a saying: not one snowflake is innocent when there is snow slide)

    11. Ta Kung Pao: HK hired many foreigner judgers, these people have ‘political loyalty issues’.
    (people not born in HK, should not be HK judger; Chinese SAR, in the hands of foreigners, should be changed to Chinese; decolonization , urgent! Such poison should be removed, otherwise there will be no peace in HK in the future.)

    12. ‘hate the police’education start with the kids? Angry parents expose.
    (thumb up for those parents in HK; horrific, is that the education in HK?; finally some rational parents; this is also a warning bell for us, patriotism education should start with the kid. Moral, intellectual, physics, aesthetics and labor education, moral is No. 1, we went wrong to position intellectual in first place. If the kids don’t love their own country, what good comes out of such education?)

    13. Man in Tianshuiwei yell: ’I am Chinese HK citizen’against the rioters. Listen what he says.
    (thumb up for HK people have sense of justice, brave man; HK people already organized themselves against the rioters; this is truly man, discriminate between right and wrong, insist in justice and believe in justice never absent )

    14. ‘For HK, I should do this.’ two women speak out at UN, regardless of slanders.
    (beautiful woman, even more beautiful minds; Admirations; salute to the brave ones.)
    15. Local HK girl, give up HK University to Shanghai Fudan University:‘ I see different world.’
    (Anywho passed the exam to Fudan, that’s some badass students, just image the atmosphere there for study; HK don’t recognize the mainland collage education, so what for that after graduate?; HK education should also use mandarin, no English only, that’s why youngster don’t know their country, they don’t even know the language, how to know the country?)

    16. Speakwoman in Ministry of Foreign Affair: Germany minister of foreign affair is contact Huang Zhifeng, what for?
    (German minister of foreign affair is just the same level of Huang Zhifeng ; Merkel just visited China, German is not sincere at all; To the Germans, business is business, politic is polic.)

    17. Questions to ask to the black vest HKer: Are you Chinese? Do you love China? Do you wish any good for China?
    (HK gvt should do something with their education, kid should know their own country; HK check the double citizenship; they sold their souls for some personal gains; black vest don’t recognize themselves as Chinese at all, just see those flags they hold; Playing the piano to bulls.)

    • 回复: @Chinaman
    , @d dan
  463. Smith 说:

    Meanwhile, in Hong Kong:

    Mainlanders posing as HKers to smash stuff, finally confirmed the theory of CCP shills chimping out:

    These are the pieces of shit who’ve been removing and destroying the flowers at Prince Edward Station

    Remember the time by Chicomman when he says HK girls were offering sex for protesters freely? Confirmed fake news promoted by ta da, a Beijing shill politician in HK: https://www(dot)reddit(dot)com/r/HongKong/comments/d23tgr/probeijing_politician_fanny_law_urged_to_quit/

    (maybe that’s where Chicomman got his info from?)

    “Off-duty” HK police got provided with baton (for what? LOL I guess it’s time for protesters to carry bats to defend themselves), CCP state media make up a false flag i.e. 9/11 to smear protesters: https://www(dot)reddit(dot)com/r/HongKong/comments/d27e9p/what_happened_on_10919_in_hong_kong/

    Carrie Lam SAD at the MTR “vandalism” (likely caused by her own gang of cops), but never visited any injured citizen: https://www(dot)reddit(dot)com/r/HongKong/comments/d1rmqu/oh_ms_carrie_lam_treats_mtr_ticket_machines_with/

    HK govt is already trying to ban VPN: https://www(dot)reddit(dot)com/r/HongKong/comments/d27dq6/as_protesters_march_on_private_internet_access/

    Is it me or the protests are still going strong despite the pressure from the CCP and many fake news being made up? Anyway, good luck HK!

  464. Chinaman 说:

    I think one of the questions future historians will ask 50 years from now is why didn’t HKer overthrow the British colonial government during 150 of imperial rule but revolted against its motherland. They will be perplexed since objective living conditions and economic well being of even the lowest strata in HK is much better off now than what he had to endure under colonial rule. What drove these people to beg to be enslaved again?

    is it that economic development is associated with political discontent? Is a full tummy the devil’s workshop ?

    I think it is income disparity and relative poverty that is the issue here. Everyone was poor under the British and people saw opportunity to improve their lives. Nowadays, most Hker suffers from the house nigger syndrome and income disparity has gone to unsustainable levels.

    It is sad that none of the 5 demands actually address these root causes. What about asking for housing subsidies or more public housing? The whole discussion still revolve some stupid trivial matter like police brutality, CCP hatred or some amorphous ideals such as freedom and democracy. ( the kind of thing Smith talks about) It is so childish and not constructive. No one is focus on the real issues. The protestors could have used the opportunity to ask for something concrete instead to settle ideological differences which can never resolved. This is the lunacy of current situation.

    At the end, they won’t get their demands or any economic concessions, it will all be futile.

    • 回复: @Smith
  465. Smith 说:

    We will talk about the economy once the situation calms down, because the protesters’s care more about autonomy than economy.

    And the reason the HKers did not rebel or want to rebel against British rule is because British rule was better than mainland rule, and now the current autonomy is still better than whatever is going on in the mainland.

    And I talk about freedom, but never democracy, I detest democracy.

  466. Chinaman 说:

    10. Tourists decline to 40%, HK Disneyland become land of no body. HK people speak out in CCTV News.
    (finally HK Disneyland complains, just close down; it’s ok, just a time matter for HK to become tier 3 city of China; When I visit there, as mainlander, feels like they own me something wtf when I pay them as a consumer, now no more visiting, they complain… I have no memory or what? I’d rather visit Macao; for months, some HK people kept silence, but there is a saying: not one snowflake is innocent when there is snow slide)

    I was at Disneyland last weekend with kids, honestly, it was a much better experience without the tourists. Less wait, more “civilised”. It is unsustainable at this rate of course, they will shut down if tourism don’t recover,

    Streets are less crowded and it feels like HK 20 years ago. HK have been operating over its limit for a long time and it actually feel good now… 10 million ( including mobile population) on a small island and peninsula is too much. I think a lot of Hker are quietly breathing a sign of relief the tourists are gone and they have yet to feel the impact of the economy. 80% of the income goes to the top 50 families anyway.

    It is xenophobia and I totally understand where it is coming from.

    Next, we just need to get rid of the white dude and brown people here too. Still too many of these tax evading parasites here. If we can do without mainlanders, we can do without these fifth column scums.

    In a sense, we are refusing to become Pattaya. Not being waiters and concierge to the world

    • 回复: @Erebus
  467. d dan 说:

    I think it is time for Carrie to use the emergency power to start arresting the big instigators that are behind the scene. 引蛇出洞 has been waited for too long because the big culprits are starting to retreat now.

    • 同意: Erebus
    • 回复: @Erebus
  468. Erebus 说:

    Next, we just need to get rid of the white dude and brown people here too. Still too many of these tax evading parasites here. If we can do without mainlanders, we can do without these fifth column scums.

    I’m not sure I like HK’s chances without the mainland.

    Unlike Singapore, HK failed to create a real role for itself. It made noises about becoming “Asia’s World City”, but HK’s economy remained all about tourism and F.I.R.E., and neither can provide a real, resilient economy. Both are themselves parasitic on the real wealth being created elsewhere and so are subject to trends and events over which it has no control. If the host dies or inoculates itself, the parasite dies. To the extent HK isolates itself from real wealth creation, and fails to create its own, it will watch its future become increasingly dimmer.

    Be careful what you wish for. Pattaya may look good to HK-ers in a few decades.

    • 回复: @Chinaman
    , @Chinaman
  469. Erebus 说:
    @d dan

    And while she’s at it, she should ban a few 1000 of the “NGO” front organizations as well. That’s where enemy snakes hide in plain sight.

  470. Chinaman 说:

    I stood at Time Square in Causeway Bay today and watch thousands of people sing this HK anthem.

    It was hard not to be moved by the emotions and revolutionary fervor.

    It is crazy since I don’t even support them. At least singing is better than destroying our own home.

    I love HK so I know what they are trying to defend even though Democracy and independence are not the solutions to their problems.

    Anyway, enjoy this song. Proud to be a HK Chinese.

  471. Chinaman 说:

    As a born and bred HKer, I understand their struggle.

    They are saying they are willing to sacrifice our economy ( not really theirs) to defend our unique identity as HKer. They don’t want to be assimilated into China.

    Every Chinese commenting here comes from different region with its own dialect and culture. We can all relate to the the desire to defend our unique identity and not forced to be, for example, Hebei farmers.

    I think the whole movement is gaining momentum andIt shows no signs of abating. It is dragging everyone into it like a snowball.

    It will not end well as you said…it will be be worst than pattaya. May be like Poland when it defy Hilter in WW2.

    It is too late to stop the Wheel of History now. I hope everyone will remember HK at its best. HK was a beacon of light in the nightsky and shone brightly for all Chinese!

    • 回复: @Erebus
  472. Seraphim 说:

    Waving American flags is not like waving a red rag to the bull? Deliberate provocation to force a Tiananmen 2.0? Are not the HKers turning off the ‘beacon of light’?

  473. Erebus 说:

    They are saying they are willing to sacrifice our economy ( not really theirs) to defend our unique identity as HKer. They don’t want to be assimilated into China.

    There is no push to integrate them into China in the sense that they’re encouraged to “become Hebei farmers”. In the first place, the Hebei farmers would have none of it and tell them to go home.

    They are Cantonese, and it is an accident of history that they live next door to a largely Cantonese province with a largely Cantonese mother tongue and a Cantonese kitchen instead of wholly integrated into it since time immemorial.

    Shamir’s title hits the nail on the head. HK-ers reject their Cantonese speaking Guangdong cousins with almost as much vehemence and disdain as they reject Hebei farmers. Like the comprador classes in India, HK-ers seem to view themselves as superior 因为 they were colonized by non-Chinese. It’s a very strange phenomena, but perhaps this article better catches the real reasons behind HK’s socio-political issues. Social chauvinism has metathesized into political action, and if allowed to play out can take HK backwards while an ocean of Chinese next door move forwards. HK has to re-write that script in a positive direction, or it’ll go all the way to the bottom waving the superiority flag like the Ukrainian social chauvinists have taken Ukraine in denial of their Russian roots.

    I hope everyone will remember HK at its best. HK was a beacon of light in the nightsky and shone brightly for all Chinese!

    It shone brightly for some of us Westerners as well. No longer with the clarity it once did, but still still casts an oddly mysterious light that Singapore (for instance) can’t match. How long, one wonders, before the mystery turns into misery? Not soon, I hope.

    • 回复: @Chinaman
    , @Malla
  474. Chinaman 说:

    ike the comprador classes in India, HK-ers seem to view themselves as superior because they were colonized by non-Chinese. It’s a very strange phenomena

    You hit the nail on the head with this one. It is a bit like dogs that are well-trained by the British looking down on this feral but free brethren. But I can definitely say this house nigger syndrome is the minority, at most 5-10% of the population which represents the most disaffected crazies.

    No self-respecting person, whether Chinese or not, would beg to be enslaved.

    This kind of cultural chauvinism or superiority complex is ingrained and has genetic roots. it is none but the well documented in- group out-group phenomena. The expression “Chinese are a hand of loose sand.” reflects the fact that Han is not as homogenous as most think and there is a large genetic diversity along the North-south, East West axis. The Beijinger despises the Hebei farmers. The Shanghainese thinks all other Chinese are beneath them. This extends to the individual level of course.

    I have moved beyond that a long time ago of course (my wife is a Suzhou mainlander, my mum is Cantonese, my dad is Singaporean) but as a HKer, I do feel this unique identity (which is quite distinct from Canton) is worth preserving and should be cherished. Not its shameful colonial past but the vibrant local culture that has given us Bruce Lee and Yip Man. Most mainlanders older than 30 grew up on HK movies and soap pop. I think every Chinese will agree with me that we shouldn’t just let that fade away into the oblivion… for economic reasons or in the name of “progress”…

    Singapore never had anything like that, the British not only colonize the land but their minds too. it is the most destructive form of colonization. Singaporean culture is no different from western culture today.

    The economic and cultural “encroachment” from the North is real which is why there is so much pushback. I am a realist and I just see it as natural development but many in HK resents it. I don’t think it is wanting to go back under the British ( I will fight tooth and nail against that ) but defending the last vestige of the HK that was the Pearl of the East.

    • 回复: @Erebus
  475. d dan 说:

    “HK-ers reject their Cantonese speaking Guangdong cousins with almost as much vehemence and disdain as they reject Hebei farmers.”

    Almost the same situation as Taiwaneses who reject the Fujian people. So sad and political.

  476. Erebus 说:

    Thanks for all your observations and comments Mr. 中国人,和先生。 as well. Through them I learned a few things and gained perspectives I wouldn’t have otherwise.

    HK, which I’ve visited literally 100s of times over the last 3 decades, came to its crossroads in the ’90s and seemed to stop there. It failed to go one way or the other and drifted, so chosing to define itself in the negative, by what it wasn’t rather than by what it was, or more importantly by what it could/should be.

    Again, I’m reminded of the Ukraine’s “nationalists” who can’t think of a better definition for their nation than as “not Russian”. In both cases, I blame the elites. They are normally the ones to define the nation, and both defined their nations as cash cows. As long as they could be milked, who needs a national vision?

    After reading your comments, I’m actually more hopeful than before. HK-ers apparently sense that this is the real issue. They want a vision of a HK that looks after their interests and has a place in the world, and leadership they can get behind to work towards it. Alas, they (& I) don’t see a Lee Kuan Yew, or a Putin, who understands the social/political/economic/cultural boundary conditions within which he must work and knows how & where he can stretch them. The ultimate irony may come in the form of an LKY/Putin sent by Beijing to MHKGA. HK-ers certainly seem to know that Carrie Lam and her predecessors ain’t it, and I’m sure Beijing knows it too.

    HK-ers are nothing if not pragmatic, so maybe they’ll accept him/her if he acts quickly to ram through solutions to the most egregious economic issues. The first of these is surely to call the oligarchs in and tell them straight that the game has changed, and lays out the new rules with a polite “Them’s the rules. Abide, or fuck off”. Much like Putin did in Russia. Ordinary people notice things like that, and as soon as they realize the new guy’s for real, they’ll get behind him however loud the local petty politicians and posers howl.

    Again, thanks for the exchange.

  477. Malla 说:

    Like the comprador classes in India, HK-ers seem to view themselves as superior because they were colonized by non-Chinese

    What? That is some dumb rubbish.

  478. Goldie 说:

    China doesn’t need Hong Kong as a financial centre anymore. They have Shenzhen and Shanghai on the mainland.

  479. Goldie 说:

    True about the censorship, the video you provided, says Youtube account now closed. Yeah sure, more likely censored.

  480. Goldie 说:

    What a disgusting thing to say. Chinaman’s post are very informative. Like he said he is a Hong Konger, married to a mainlander, and his mother from the mainland originally, having swam across the river from Shenzhen to Hong Kong. What Chinaman has to say is of value and another side of the China Hong Kong story we all should listen to. I respect Chinaman’s mother’s opinion more than yours, she reminds me of my Grandmother, not highly educated, however she had a lot of wisdom. You show a lack of respect for her story, her truth.

    Check yourself will you.



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