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梅尼 (Menie) 的迈克尔·伍德利 (Michael Woodley) 大部分时间都在打理他的祖传庄园,在古宅铺着亚麻布的镶板房间里踱来踱去,在高耸的石头壁炉前暖手,思考贵族制度的崩溃、当代创新的匮乏以及国民智力可悲且持续的下滑。现在,他给我寄来了一位赤脚跑步者和他最新的手稿,我在秋天的薄雾笼罩纳德山谷时读过它,然后写下了这份答复,让这个可怜的顽童带回给他的主人。

年轻的伍德利断言,我们不仅会在手推车中下地狱,而且我们这样做的速度他可以准确地预测(每十年 1.23 IQ 点),由两种不良效应组成:繁殖力比亮种更高(39),而父亲年龄的增加也增加了有害突变的发生率(84)。


我们的智力到底有多脆弱?估计由于选择和突变积累而导致的一般智力损失。梅尼 (Menie) 的迈克尔·A·伍德利 (Michael A. Woodley)。人格与个体差异75(2015)80–84


通用智能是解决进化上新颖的和领域通用适应性问题的适应,即在整个进化过程中以不规则而非可预测的方式发生的问题,并且这些问题很复杂,需要招募和协调大量专门的机制来解决它们(吉尔里,2005 年;麦克唐纳,2013 年)。

有人认为,表现出微小影响的有害突变会在群体内积累——在显着抑制适应性之前在基因组中持续存在很长一段时间,从而导致一般智力(g)和其他潜在突变敏感特征的个体差异,例如健康和外表吸引力(Miller,2000a、b;Penke、Denissen 和 Miller,2007)。

Breeder 方程(Fisher,1929)经常用于此类研究:

R ¼ S _ h2

在这个方程中,S 构成了作用于 IQ 的选择压力的大小,该压力转化为表型变化(即假设没有生物回归均值或完美遗传力的情况下,一代人中性状发生变化的程度)。 h2代表智商的加性遗传力。这两项的乘积为我们提供了对选择的预期反应,或 R,就智商而言,它被缩放为“基因型智商”的变化,或者一定水平智商的潜在遗传潜力应下降的程度每一代(Lynn,2011)。

Woodley 对美国和英国的 9 项研究进行了荟萃分析(只是为了文化相似性),以估计这种基因缺陷对遗传性 g 的影响。这意味着十年间可遗传性 g 下降了 0.385 个百分点。

也许可以粗略地估计突变积累对 g 的影响。 Kong 等人的研究非常适合此目的。 (2012)其中对后代的从头突变数量进行了计数,并将其与父亲的年龄相关联。孔等人。在 97 个冰岛亲子三人组样本中发现两者之间存在很强的线性关系 (r = .78)。他们估计,父亲年龄每增加 2.01 岁,后代的新生突变数量平均会增加 35 个。 2012 岁时,即家族一代(Kong 等,70),父亲所生的后代平均有 XNUMX 个新突变。利用这一估计,可以确定新生突变的增加和智商下降之间的关系,作为父亲年龄的函数。


由于选择而导致的可遗传 g 损失的荟萃分析总体估计(在第 2 节中估计为每十年 q = 39 点)可以与突变累积的预期损失相结合,估计为每十年 84 点。由于后者的估计是使用结构方程模型得出的,因此误差得到了控制,因此突变累积造成的损失在可靠性和有效性方面与选择造成的荟萃分析损失是对称的。

因此,选择和突变积累损失的总和(即总体基因缺陷损失)是每十年1.23点可遗传g,或每个家族世代4.31点。如果将由于突变累积(父亲年龄效应;即每十年 95–.1.53 个点)而导致的下降估计值的 14% 置信区间推广到两个估计值的总和,则将产生范围从 1.92 到 53 的上限下降值和下限下降值。每十年 6.72 分,或每个家庭一代 1.86 至 XNUMX 分。

对于 g 下降幅度与此处声称的数量相同这一发现的一个潜在反对意见源于弗林效应,该效应与智商每十年平均增加 2009 点有关(Flynn,2010)。然而,弗林效应在最具遗传性和 g 负载的 IQ 子测试中最不明显(Rushton & Jensen, 2013; te Nijenhuis & van der Flier, 2014),这表明长期 IQ 增益发生在遗传性较低和狭窄的能力水平上,而不是 g。然而,选择效应和突变负荷对智商的影响在 g 负荷最多的子测试中更为明显(Peach 等人,2005 年;Prokosch、Yeo 和 Miller,2013 年;Woodley 和 Meisenberg,2013 年)。在此基础上,基因缺陷效应和弗林效应可能同时发生——基因缺陷降低了可遗传g的水平,而各种环境改善通过对非g方差的影响同时提高了狭隘的能力。该假设被称为共现模型(Woodley & Figueredo,XNUMX)。

因此,大量使用化肥(环境改善)会产生立竿见影的效果,使我们的智商提高 3 分,而种子质量的不明显且隐蔽的恶化(突变和生育力差异)则使我们的智商下降 1.2 分。所有的船都在富裕的浪潮中崛起,但有些船却漏水了。


因此,在回复年轻的伍德利时,我一直意识到这种严峻的计算可能会让敏感的灵魂感到沮丧,所以我在火上又放了一根木头,并向他发送了沃尔特·萨维奇·兰多(Walter Savage Landor)的欢快而令人振奋的话语:


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  1. Gordo 说:

    Is he controlling for that big demographic change in the West that we don't talk about?

  2. 伍德利在最后一段评论道:

    最后,必须指出的是,这里产生的下降估计可能低估了现代西方国家人口水平上 g 的实际下降,因为涉及移民群体的替代移民过程将产生额外的贡献(Coleman,2002)来自平均 g 水平较低和总生育率较高的人群。 Nyborg (2012) 估计,在丹麦,替代性移民可能会导致智商每十年下降 29 分(这相当于遗传性 g 下降 28 分)。假设美国和英国出现平行趋势,这将导致十年间下降进一步增加至每十年 1.51 个百分点。


    • 回复: @Emil O. W. Kirkegaard
  3. Yes, Woodley covers this in his last paragraph, but I dropped that because it is the importation of another population, so a different though bigger effect.

    Finally, it must be noted that the decline estimate generated
    here likely underestimates the actual decline in g at the population
    level in modern Western countries, as there will be an additional
    contribution stemming from the process of replacement migration
    (Coleman, 2002) involving immigrant groups sourced from populations
    exhibiting lower average levels of g and higher rates of total
    fertility. Nyborg (2012) estimates that in Denmark, replacement
    migration may be reducing IQ by .29 points per decade (this corresponds
    to a heritable g decline of .28 points). Assuming parallel
    trends in the US and UK, this would entail a further increase in
    the decadal decline to 1.51 points per decade.

  4. 父亲年龄增加的影响是复杂的:
    举例来说,每 30 年父系中有 20 个新突变,母系有 0 个突变。如果我们将 T0 时刻的突变负载定义为 G0 代为零,那么在 T+40 时刻,女性可以选择她孩子的父亲——要么是 40 岁的 G0 代男性(平均有 60 个新点突变),要么是 20 G1代男性(平均有30个新点突变)。但与 G1 相比(大约 0),G30 代平均已经具有更高的突变负载。
    年轻父亲对人口的主要好处来自于这样一个事实:年轻男性的表型更能代表其精子的基因型(仅相差 30 个突变,而年长男性则有 60 个突变)。因此,选择(无论是性选择还是环境选择)都更加准确。

  5. 谢谢你,詹姆斯。我最近想知道随机突变的问题,它几乎总是对任何有问题的特征产生有害影响。即使是原地踏步,也至少需要一些小的平衡选择。


  6. Dear Mark, As you say at the end, a number gives us something to argue about, and to refine our measures. It is relatively small when compared to the Flynn Effect, which is still continuing in many countries, but it may be more insidious.

  7. @Mark Graybill


    这实际上是一个相当严重的指控,在本研究的背景下很容易被反驳。查看荟萃分析中每项研究所应用的修正。其中一项修正涉及在 3.5 个十年的研究中采用统一的保守世代长度,与基于较短世代长度假设的估计相比,这减少了预期的年代际损失。另一项重大修正涉及将三个估计值的幅度降低近 50%,以修正 IQ 之间的方法差异*同胞关系和智商*完成生育率相关性。在某些情况下,这些修正累积起来对下降估计造成了相当大的影响。

    如果我有意将估计值向上倾斜,我可能会设计出一个理由,将采用 IQ*完成生育率相关性的六项研究向上调整 50%。我也可能决定缩短代际长度(例如 25 年)。偏差意味着一致性。


    突变累积造成的损失基于父亲年龄对后代 g 影响的真实估计,此时使用结构方程模型(来自 Arslan 等人,2014)控制父母 g 和教育水平,以及父亲年龄的真实估计对后代突变负荷的影响(来自 Kong 等人,2012)。

    当然,这些参数的大小是有争议的,因此我将估计值明确描述为“粗略”,并使用来自父亲年龄效应的 95% CI 来限制总下降估计值。然而,未来的荟萃分析研究可以对此提供更多启示。

    归根结底,如果我的效果比某些人希望的要大,我也无能为力。无论如何,我并没有打算表明下降估计值与基于 SRT 反弗林效应数据的估计值一致。然而,他们所做的仍然暗示了每十年> 1 点损失索赔的收敛性和法理有效性。


  8. pyrrhus 说: • 您的网站

    Strangely, that's almost exactly the decline rate I have found by analyzing 5 decades of declining SAT scores in the US, about 1.2 points per decade….

  9. is that allowing for any re-norming or significant changes in pass rates?

    • 回复: @pyrrhus
    , @pyrrhus


    • 回复: @Anonymous
  11. pyrrhus 说: • 您的网站
    @James Thompson

    Yes, you have to take the reforming into account, but I didn't attempt to quantify more subtle dumbings down of the test, such as a little easier math questions, so my estimate is on the conservative side.

  12. pyrrhus 说: • 您的网站

    I would add that if there is a Flynn effect in the US, it has not been visible in the results of more than 50 years of standardized testing of school children.

  13. pyrrhus 说: • 您的网站
    @James Thompson

    That's "renorming", despite the idiot computer program.

  14. Interesting. Then, where have the intelligence test constructors messed up: normative samples, pass rates, errors in scaled score calculations or what? Rindermann and I assumed there had been some NAEP changes showing Flynn effects. What is your take on that?

    • 回复: @pyrrhus
    , @pyrrhus
  15. Taymas 说: • 您的网站

    Pre-modern, within the Hajnal Line, paternal age effect must have been similar yet we can assume mutational load was negative across generations, correct? Yet much of the culling was environmental (my understanding is that communicable disease must have a large non-shared-environment component), and much selection on hereditary traits may have been on traits with little demonstrated or intuitive relation to load, eg conscientiousness or novel-disease-resistance (probably related via general immune strength but only weakly). So I'm not sold on the Woodley/Charlton model positing huge differences between the pre-modern and modern selection effects limiting load accumulation, because I don't see how the pre-modern could have acted particularly strongly against load to begin with. I'm clearly missing something.

    I'm not fully convinced on the SRT study, either, so the confluence doesn't hold weight yet (esp given the confidence interval on b). Dividing the stdev change in SRT by SRT's g-loading means you're assuming mono-causality, which is yet unproven, no? What about testosterone or physical fitness? I told a neuro-optometry researcher about the SRT study and she was skeptical, something to do with a modern dearth of peripheral vision stimuli; I've yet to follow-up because I'm deficient in follow-up quotient (wink on the acronym). I should note that my prior is actually fully in agreement with a post-Victorian IQ decline; if I'm misunderstanding something I apologize.

    Fascinating topic and I'm glad such sharp minds on working on it, thank you!

  16. Taymas 说: • 您的网站


    -If mutation rate per generation = 2 * Paternal age, and a generation can be treated as the paternal age for mutations given the paternal bias, isn't the mutation rate just 2/yr, regardless of paternal age pattern?

    -Isn't there evidence the mutation rate is considerably lower ?


  17. pyrrhus 说: • 您的网站
    @James Thompson

    I just looked at the 2012 NAEP, which finds progress both absolute and in closing racial "gaps" since 1971 except at the 17 year old level, where it finds stasis. No one actually familiar with school children believes any of that, but it would be impolitic to say so.
    I would point out that the SAT (and I assume the ACT) is a high security, proctored exam.SAT Exams have been cancelled recently in Korea because of security leaks. The NAEP is administered locally. School districts in every large city in the USA have been caught systematically enhancing the scores of
    their students, especially minority students. If scores get too low in the US, the district may be taken over and/or administrators lose their jobs.There are criminal charges pending against administrators and teachers in Atlanta for wholesale alteration of test booklets. In sum, the NAEP data has to be regarded as systematically corrupt.(I strongly suspect that these tests have also been dumbed down, but don't have any data) If these tests were administered by a neutral third party like the SAT College Board, they would show the same, or more probably a worse decline than the SAT itself.
    Many college teachers have commented on the declining quality of incoming students and their preparation, which corroborates these facts.

  18. pyrrhus 说: • 您的网站
    @James Thompson

    O/T –I had the impression that the Flynn effect showed up principally on the matrix tests, which are seldom seen in the US…..

  19. NickG 说:

    Somehow the style and tone of this piece brings to mind 狮子狮鹫.

  20. Anonymous [AKA "Give up"] 说:
    @Emil O. W. Kirkegaard

    No, Nyborg is way too optimistic, given what has happend in the last 3-4 years. You’re too short for this ride.


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