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该剧讲述的是詹姆斯·斯塔格(James Stagg)的故事,他全面负责预测诺曼底登陆的天气。他有四天的时间提供建议,并且面对的是一位成功的美国预报员,这位预报员已经得到了最高统帅德怀特·艾森豪威尔的倾听。

想到任何戏剧都是基于天气预报,主要道具是北大西洋的气压图,所有的动作都在一个陈设稀疏的房间里进行,少数道具是天气记录仪器,你可能会感到害怕。当然,有一个关于艾克与他的汽车司机凯·萨默斯比(Kay Summersby)的关系的浪漫故事,凯·萨默斯比也是他的情人和普通治疗师,但这是一部关于传播科学的困难的戏剧。






斯塔格认为,我们现在所说的这股急流将在预定的 5 月 6 日 D 日将大西洋风暴拉至英吉利海峡。美国人认为,从亚速尔群岛快速向北移动的好天气将会获胜,而急流在总体情况中无关紧要。经过疯狂的讨论后,入侵被推迟了,可能要推迟几周,这可能会带来致命的军事影响,因为出其不意的因素就会消失,欺骗计划也会变得毫无用处,因为潮汐有利的可行日子很少。斯塔格认为风暴会暂停一天,因此艾森豪威尔赌了一把,入侵发生在第二天,即 1944 年 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日。



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  1. dearieme 说:

    How well did they do the accents? Did Ike speak as a midwesterner, Stagg as a Scot?

    How about heights? I don’t know how tall Stagg was but his son Peter was like a ruddy lighthouse. Did Stagg tower over the other fellows in real life? Could it have mattered? David Haig, a fine actor, doesn’t tower.

    (You may see what I am alluding to.)

    Anyway, it may be stating the bloody obvious, but it was an extraordinary stroke of luck that Ike was available to be Supreme Commander and Montgomery to be commander of all land forces. Even more remarkable was that these two were appointed to those two posts.

    It’s a bit like Einstein being perfectly equipped to be a theoretical physicist. Ike, a general who had never seen action, was the perfect choice for his job. Monty, in spite of his appalling vanity, was the ideal, cautious, professional master of detail to plan the landings.

    And to this list of successful appointments we should perhaps add Stagg. Fair enough: good things come in threes.

    • 回复: @Sean
  2. res 说:


    有关诺曼底登陆日天气预报的更多信息: https://medium.com/@wwnorton/the-weather-on-d-day-85ea0491a14f


    Lettau 有信心——而且是正确的——4 月 5 日、6 日和 7 日将会有 4 级风。因此,不可能有入侵。德国人没有发现的是,盟军认为 XNUMX 号部队就足够了。






    很好的配合。你认为心理测量学家愿意睁开眼睛并了解情况会增加多少价值? 停止 听《白板学院》吗?

    • 回复: @Dieter Kief
    , @James Thompson
  3. @res

    “Nice tie in. How much value do you think psychometricians would add over just being willing to open their eyes and stop listening to the blank slate academy?”

    Ehh – James Thompson might be musing here about a government that is asking the psychometricians (= those really knowing what’s up in this field) for advice, no?

    “Lettau was confident—and right—that there would be a force 4 wind on June 5, 6, and 7. Ergo, there could be no invasion. What the Germans failed to find out was that the Allies thought force 4 was just fine.”

    – There might (might!) even have been some German military 希望 to be defeated (Hitler’ s order to destroy Paris did not go down too well with some of them (that’s why Paris did survive, as far as I know).

    I know of one Reinhard Lettau, a literary scientist, friend of Herbert Marcuse and at his time (70ies mostly) well known German-American essayist (“Täglicher Faschismus” – “Everday Fascism”) and critic of the American engagement in Vietnam. I always wondered, what had made him so mad and unforgiving and narrow and – triumphant marxist… – – – – Now I might want to look up who his father was…

  4. m___ 说:

    Will a government ever ask psychometricians for advice,

    Large chunk data analysis, done by software running on computer hardware, already should have it’s day in court many times over. Google (Alphabet, Smith whatever) has it’s seat at Deep State and White House decision making. Seen the outcome, there could be a little ambitious Jew hiding in the server closet.

  5. Sean 说:

    Anyway, it may be stating the bloody obvious, but it was an extraordinary stroke of luck that Ike was available to be Supreme Commander and Montgomery to be commander of all land forces.

    Eisenhower said consulting Bernard Baruch about his career was the wisest thing he ever did. Montgomery was Alan Brooke ‘s protoge

    Eisenhower and Montgomery were competent, but the overwhelming superiority of the forces they commanded makes it foolish to assume there were not quite a few others who would have done an equally good job. How they would have coped with fighting against the odds, under which conservative safety first generalship could not possibly succeed is anyone’s guess. For example Bernard Montgomery insisted on having a good night’s sleep, Rommel pushed himself to the limit, and beyond. Horses for courses, although Montgomery’s caution perhaps made him a rarer horse than he should have been and in that sense he was a find.

  6. polistra 说:

    Pollsters ARE psychometricians. Same testing methods, same statistical methods. Only the title is different.

  7. 笑。

    Given the value and the role tat weather has played in the chimes of historical military and strategic events —

    a play on the subject is unique and well chosen in my view.


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