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“科学家曾经声称智商(IQ)水平是遗传的。这意味着人类无法控制自己的脑力;这是由他们的基因决定的。然而,最近的研究表明,智商分数与基因几乎没有联系。它们也可能非常不稳定,随着时间的推移,会发生巨大的变化,最多可达 20 个点。”

忽略纯粹的无知,真正引起我注意的是“波动性高达 20 个点”的说法。没有给出任何参考,但在 1970 世纪 2012 年代这已经是一个流行的论点。在其他论坛上,我发现引用了一篇 XNUMX 年的论文来支持这一说法,所以这似乎值得一看。

Sue Ramsden、Fiona M. Richardson、Goulven Josse、Michael SC Thomas、Caroline Ellis、Clare Shakeshaft、Mohamed L. Seghier 和 Cathy J. Price。 (2012) 青少年大脑中言语和非言语智力的变化。 doi:10.1038/nature10514


他们对 33 名 14 岁的青少年进行了测试,并在 18 岁时再次对他们进行了韦克斯勒智商测试和 MRI 测试。 33 名青少年很难很好地代表青少年的总体情况。据推测,核磁共振扫描的费用限制了数量,因此作者试图确保他们选择的人代表正常范围。同样的技术经常被使用,例如在检查时间研究的早期,当时的测试过程非常耗时。小的、人为具有代表性的样本当时受到了批评,现在也可以受到批评,但它们只是一个开始,尽管它们更适合确定相关性是否存在,而不是作为正常变异性的衡量标准。

第一次测试时样本平均值为 112 (13.9),第二次测试时样本平均值为 113 (14.0),总体智商提高了 1 点。作者称之为“测试点之间的紧密相关性 (r = 0.79)”。

我们的样本中的广泛能力得到了确认,如下:FSIQ 在时间 77 的范围内为 135 至 1,在时间 87 的范围为 143 至 2,在时间 112 和 113 的平均值分别为 1 和 2,并且在时间 0.79 和时间 0.001 之间具有紧密的相关性。测试点(r = XNUMX;P < XNUMX)。


然而,韦克斯勒 6 个月内的重测相关性通常约为 0.9,因此报告的相关性很紧密,但还不够紧密。青春期是一个变化的时期(尽管可能没有童年时期那么多),所以有些事情正在发生。

作者说: 随着时间的推移,强相关性掩盖了相当大的个体差异;例如,相关系数为 0.7(这对于语言智商来说并不罕见)仍然无法解释超过 50% 的变异。

你可以说我挑剔,但他们应该说“强相关性包括个体差异,因为只有完美的相关性个体差异才会消失”。没有什么是隐藏的。所有分数都有助于相关统计,甚至是异常值。厄尔·亨特指责一些研究人员只做律师而不做学术,这就是他们的伎俩:如果你想强调智商还可以,就用相关系数;如果你想强调智商还可以,就用相关系数;如果你想强调智商是垃圾,那就用你能找到的差异最大的一个例子。同样的伎俩也适用于收养和智商:倾向于基因的评论家坦白地透露,收养多年后,黑人孩子的智商与黑人血统父母的相关性比与白人养父母的相关性更强;倾向于环保的评论家诚实地透露,当白人父母收养黑人孩子时,他们的智商会提高。环保主义者支持黑人儿童在 7 岁时表现出的智商提高,因为这是一个巨大的进步。他们不太愿意透露,到了 17 岁时,收益本应变得更大(富裕的中产阶级白人父母需要更多的时间向黑人收养者传授智力刺激和良好的餐桌礼仪),但收益却减少了,虽然还没有完全迷失。

这些选择性的表述非常类似于“度量转换错觉”,在这种错觉中,你可以通过说出全国人口中有多少患者来使一种罕见的疾病看起来很常见。最好给出所有疾病的每 100,000 人的比率,以便有真正的可比性。



结果表明,言语智商的变化与左侧运动皮层由言语发音激活的区域灰质密度(和体积)的变化呈正相关。相反,表现智商的变化与小脑前部(第四小叶)的灰质密度呈正相关,而小脑前部灰质密度与手的运动相关。将结构变化与 WISC 和 WAIS 评估中常见的九个 VIQ 和 PIQ 子测试分数的变化相关联的事后测试发现,VIQ 索引结构的神经标记为所有 VIQ 测量所共享,并且PIQ 索引构造对于四个 PIQ 度量中的三个是通用的。这表明我们的 VIQ 和 PIQ 标记索引的技能并非特定于各个子测试。在 VIQ、PIQ 或 FSIQ 的全脑结构分析中,没有其他灰质或白质效应达到显着水平。


具体来说,第 66 时刻的 VIQ 方差的 2% 是由第 1 时刻的 VIQ 引起的,另外 20% 是由左侧运动言语区域灰质密度的变化引起的,其余 14% 则未被考虑。同样,第 35 时刻的 PIQ 方差的 2% 是由第 1 时刻的 PIQ 引起的,其中 13% 是由小脑前部灰质密度的变化引起的,剩下 52% 的方差未被解释。未来的研究也许能够通过使用更大样本的类似方法或其他测量结构或功能连通性的方法来解释更多受试者之间的变异性。

这个结果对记者的吸引力在于它使用了最小和最大分数差异统计,这给人一种变异性夸大的印象。即使从表面上看这项研究,智商分数之间的平均差异也恰好是 1 分。变化分数的标准差为 9 分,即 0.6 sd。为了给作者应得的,他们正在寻找差异,并希望将它们与大脑变化联系起来。这一次,这些不同的分数可以通过一些真实数据来解释,而不仅仅是对误差项的猜测。

However, the journalist has taken a phenomenon caused by the developing brains of 33 adolescents and then used the minimum and maximum changes of outliers to disparage intelligence testing.

What do test-retest score look like across the whole lifespan?

伊恩·J·迪瑞Caroline E. Brett Predicting and retrodicting intelligence between childhood and old age in the 6-Day Sample of the Scottish Mental Survey 1947 房源搜索 50卷,2015年1月至9月,第XNUMX–XNUMX页


In studies of cognitive ageing it is useful and important to know how stable are the individual differences in cognitive ability from childhood to older age, and also to be able to estimate (retrodict) prior cognitive ability differences from those in older age. Here we contribute to these aims with new data from a follow-up study of the 6-Day Sample of the Scottish Mental Survey of 1947 (original N = 1208). The sample had cognitive, educational, social, and occupational data collected almost annually from age 11 to 27 years. Whereas previous long-term follow-up studies of the Scottish mental surveys are based upon group-administered cognitive tests at a mean age of 11 years, the present sample each had an individually-administered revised Binet test. We traced them for vital status in older age, and some agreed to take several mental tests at age 77 years (N = 131). The National Adult Reading Test at age 77 correlated .72 with the Terman–Merrill revision of the Binet Test at age 11. Adding the Moray House Test No. 12 score from age 11 and educational information took the multiple R to .81 between youth and older age. The equivalent multiple R for fluid general intelligence was .57. When the NART from age 77 was the independent variable (retrodictor) along with educational attainment, the multiple R with the Terman–Merrill IQ at age 11 was .75. No previous studies of the stability of intelligence from childhood to old age, or of the power of the NART to retrodict prior intelligence, have had individually-administered IQ data from youth. About two-thirds, at least, of the variation in verbal ability in old age can be captured by cognitive and educational information from youth. Non-verbal ability is less well predicted. A short test of pronunciation—the NART—and brief educational information can capture well over half of the variation in IQ scores obtained 66 years earlier.

In sum, IQ scores hold up well. Steady as she goes. The score you get at 11 will be very similar to the ones you get at 77. Similar, but probably not identical. You could go out and hunt for a couple of people who have lost and gained the most IQ points just for the perverse pleasure of it, but why concentrate on the biggest discrepancy you can find for one individual when you can give the results for all individuals in one summary statistic: the correlation coefficient? If the latter is too difficult, why not get a ruler and a sharp pencil and try drawing the best line through a scatter-plot?

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  1. dearieme 说:

    When I write a comment, and then try to edit it, your software seems to misbehave. I am using the Safari browser on a Mac.

  2. Sorry about that. I find that if you Preview, then there is a problem, but if you change it yourself and then press Publish it usually works

    • 回复: @dearieme
  3. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    The study is interesting, but far from complete. A larger study needs to be conducted in which the longitudinal gathering of IQ scores is accompanied by an investigation of what occurred in the lives of participants between their first and second tests, to discover what possible factors can be identified. Lots of things happen to children between the age of 14 and 17. Family break-up is known to have a big effect on adolescent's academic performance, motivation and mood. Some children start drinking and taking drugs at around that time. Illness is also a potential factor. Physiological tests should be conducted and a health history should be collected. Fourteen is also the age at which children are streamed into "foundation" and "gcse" streams, and choose subjects which may involve a lot of either mathematical reasoning, or verbal reasoning, or neither. Testosterone levels should be measured, as these are changing during adolescence, and have been observed to affect IQ. Another variable that should be measured is height. Perhaps those who experienced a rise or fall in IQ simultaneously experienced a rise in "height quotient" (i.e., they grew faster or slower than their age peers). This could point to relative lateness or earliness of adolescence as a factor. Intense study, or the lack of it, for a couple of years, in subjects where grades correlate with IQ scores, ought to have some effect on test performance, though findings in the literature indicate that these effects are likely to after a while. Therefore, to complete the study, there should be another follow-up a few years later, in which the participants are tested again to discover to what extent, if at all, the changes are stable. Again, potentially interesting factors and correlates should be looked at, such as whether and what sort of higher or further education, and what sort of career, has been pursued in the intervening time.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @James Thompson
  4. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    I mean, "foundation" and "higher" GCSE streams.

  5. this "% of variation explained" business came up in your blog. Men Hu wrote an excellent blogpost a while back on r-squared versus r on the statistic of interest, arguing that it is actually the latter and not the former that is of interest to the research worker, because the straightforward correlation coefficient maps in a linear and easily understandable manner to real-world effects, whereas the r-squared does not. It's well worth reading and includes a particularly good quote from Hunter and Schmidt http://humanvarieties.org/2014/03/31/what-does-it-mean-to-have-a-low-r-squared-a-warning-about-misleading-interpretation/

  6. @Anonymous

    I agree that these would be very important additional variables. I suppose the authors could say that the brain changes they have revealed are the most important things to have measured. On you final point, I agree that measuring them a few years later would be salutary. Perhaps that is intended and is underway.

  7. Dear Andrew, Ouch. I admit I have generally fallen for the R2 argument, whilst at the same time knowing that if you show the data as frequencies in, say quintiles, then they are obviously very impressive, as Charles Murray did in the Bell Curve. I will look at all this again. I found one quote I liked, and copy it out here to check whether it was the one you had in mind: In fact, a validity coefficient of .40 has 40% of the practical value to an employer of a validity coefficient of 1.00 — perfect validity (Schmidt & Hunter, 1998; Schmidt, Hunter, McKenzie, & Muldrow, 1979).

  8. dearieme 说:
    @James Thompson

    It's when I'm trying to edit a raw comment, not in preview, that I get the difficulty.

  9. Meng Hu 说:


    关于智商变化,有一项研究值得经常引用,但我很少看到(除了 Nathan Brody 和 Arthur Jensen 撰写的文章)。

    TE 莫菲特、A. 卡斯皮、AR 哈克尼斯和宾夕法尼亚州席尔瓦 (1993)。智力表现变化的自然历史:谁改变了?多少?有意义吗?儿童心理学和精神病学杂志,34(4), 455-506。

    以下是 Brody (1993) 对 Moffitt (2007) 的总结:

    原则上,与教育剥夺或教育干预相关的环境变化可能会导致智商的累积变化。数据并不支持这一结果。相反,上述结果表明,从长远来看,环境中相对剧烈的变化对一般智力的影响微乎其微,尽管它们可能会产生很大的短期影响。这些结果与智商稳定性的证据相结合,表明常见的环境变化不会对认知能力产生持久的影响——g是一种相对有弹性的特征,其短期扰动伴随着其表型表现恢复到正常状态的趋势。持久稳定的价值,最初表现在幼儿期或婴儿期。 Moffitt、Caspi、Harkness 和 Silva (1993) 报告的智商变化纵向分析结果支持了这一结论,他们对具有代表性的儿童样本进行了韦克斯勒儿童智力量表 (WISC) 测试。 7、9、11 和 13 岁。他们获得了 74 到 84 之间的重测相关性,并得出结论,对于样本中近 90% 的儿童来说,这一时期的智商变化很小,可归因于测量的随机误差。他们还发现了一部分儿童在这一时期的智商变化较大。他们确定了 37 种可能与智商变化相关的不同环境指标,包括社会经济地位、家庭组成的变化以及视力受损或围产期问题等生物学影响。他们发现这组环境变量与智商的变化无关。


    布罗迪,N.(2007)。 g 的遗传力和法理网络。在 MJ Roberts(主编)中,整合思维:高级认知中的一般领域与特定领域过程(第 427-448 页)。英国霍夫:心理学出版社。


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