俄罗斯、中国、伊朗……还有沙特阿拉伯? • 23米 ▶

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在周五 构造规模的地缘政治板块可能已经明显转移 伊朗和沙特阿拉伯这两个中东最重要的国家和昔日的宿敌宣布,在与北京的中国高级官员进行了漫长的一轮谈判后,他们已经恢复了外交关系。

早在 1945 年,富兰克林·罗斯福总统 与伊本·沙特在一艘美国巡洋舰上相遇,我们与盛产石油的沙特阿拉伯的重要联盟应运而生。

尽管在 1973 年石油禁运期间和 9/11 袭击之后有时会受到压力,但这种关系仍然是我们在阿拉伯世界最重要的关系,它对石油美元的崛起和我们自己的美元作为世界储备货币的地位负责. 随着美国的工业基础已经沦为其曾经的全球主导地位的影子,而我们的国家又被可怕的年度预算赤字和累积的债务所困扰,我们国家的繁荣和目前的生活水平可能在很大程度上取决于维持这种地位。

与此同时,自 1979 年伊斯兰革命以来的四十年里,该地区没有哪个国家比伊朗更成为美国敌视的对象。 就在 2020 年 2021 月,我们暗杀了伊朗最伟大的军事指挥官卡西姆·苏莱曼尼将军,他曾被认为是 XNUMX 年选举中可能的总统候选人。

在这场明显的外交革命背后显然有许多长期因素,特别是包括中国的经济崛起及其作为中东石油主要购买者的地位。 十多年前,我描述了这些强大的趋势,这些趋势现在已经为全世界所熟知。

然而,我认为我们自己国家的巨大傲慢,以及我们多年来越来越多地虐待和伤害我们自己的盟友和附庸的程度肯定是一个巨大的促成因素。 过度依赖不诚实宣传的力量的一个问题是,即使在您欺骗的大多数预定目标已经停止这样做之后,您自己仍可能继续相信它。

XNUMX 月下旬,一系列大规模水下爆炸严重损坏了俄罗斯-德国北溪管道,这可能是欧洲最重要的民用能源基础设施,在欧洲正遭受几代人以来最严重的能源危机之际,这是一个特别具有破坏性的打击。

这些深水拆除的巨大规模和极端困难导致德国调查人员 迅速申报 一个国家行为者可能对此负责。 然而奇怪的是,这一重大事件在美国主流媒体上的报道却很少。 在简要引用匿名政府官员的话后 谁荒谬地建议 当俄罗斯人摧毁了他们自己的管道时,我们的媒体立即对这个故事失去了兴趣,这个故事很快就消失了,几乎没有任何后续行动或调查。 一场巨大的环境灾难似乎没有引起媒体对通常一触即发的环保主义者大军的兴趣。

这种奇怪的缺乏好奇心和由此产生的沉默的明显原因是肇事者的可能身份,这具有严重的政治影响。 美国高层领导人多次公开威胁这些管道,并为它们的成功摧毁而欢欣鼓舞,因此我们自己的国家似乎极有可能在非法袭击中发挥了核心作用,这是世界历史上和平时期工业恐怖主义最严重的例子之一。 如果足够多的欧洲人开始怀疑他们的美国盟友已经摧毁了对德国和欧洲大陆其他地区至关重要的能源基础设施,我们的北约联盟将受到毁灭性打击,并可能走上解体之路。

美国最强大的国际武器之一是它对全球新闻生态系统的压倒性控制,很快就对媒体实施了全面的沉默,导致这一重大事件迅速从公众意识中消失。 当 Jeffrey Sachs 教授等人提到可能发生的事情时 彭博电视, 他很快就被从空中拉了下来.


但我怀疑这种盲目性是否适用于世界各地的政治领导人,他们当然明白可能发生的事情。 如果美国鲁莽而犯罪的政府肆意摧毁其最亲密的北约盟国的重要民用基础设施,并可能使欧洲经济陷入瘫痪,那么怎么能相信它会尊重其他国家的生命和财产呢? 沙特阿拉伯和许多其他重要国家的领导人肯定开始问自己这样的问题。

一个月前,所有疑虑都烟消云散了,因为美国攻击德国能源基础设施的确切细节在西摩·赫什 (Seymour Hersh) 的一则重磅炸弹揭露中被揭露,他曾作为美国最著名的调查记者之一度过了半个世纪。

尽管赫什的故事遭到主流媒体的全面抵制,但在 24 小时内,全世界有超过 XNUMX 万人在网上阅读了它 亚组. 他随后对艾米古德曼的采访 现在民主! 在 Youtube 上被观看了超过 XNUMX 万次,其他各种采访增加了数十万次额外的观看次数。

赫什的揭露促使俄罗斯召集联合国安理会特别会议讨论管道袭击事件,这吸引了萨克斯教授和前中央情报局分析师雷麦戈文的重要证词。 这些发展最终迫使 “华盛顿邮报”勉强提及 Hersh 的重磅炸弹在首次出版数周后终于打破了主流媒体的封锁。


2021 年底,在新闻发布会上,约瑟夫·拜登总统公开威胁要拆除管道时,肖尔茨一直站在旁边,因此德国选民可能会在威胁实施后合理地怀疑他们自己的领导人是同谋。 注意力必须转移到不同的方向。

上周,肖尔茨进行了一次突然的计划外旅行,在华盛顿与拜登私下会面,几天后故事突然出现在 “纽约时报” 和德国的 时代周报 每周 将管道袭击归咎于一群未指明的亲乌克兰激进分子。 这些文章引用了匿名的政府消息来源,其中大部分细节既含糊又可笑。

在深水中部署一吨威力巨大的军用炸药显然是一项非常具有挑战性的隐蔽行动,需要高度专业化的潜水设备和技术精湛的爆破专家,但 根据德国消息来源 它是由少数不知名的活动家在一艘租来的帆船上进行的,这完全是荒谬的。 这 报道更加含糊,甚至更具说服力,指出神秘的乌克兰激进分子是罪魁祸首,并且只承认在第 26 段中对其前明星记者之一赫什进行了非常详细的揭露。 很快就讨论了德国声称的基于帆船的攻击 “华尔街日报”虽然 持怀疑态度的记者强调 在如此有限的情况下进行如此重大的海底行动将是多么困难。

一个在博客上写博客的德国人 阿拉巴马州的月亮 网站从一开始就密切关注管道攻击。 他 合理描述 这些突如其来的匿名媒体报道只是构成了新闻界的笑话,旨在掩盖赫什已经提供的关于攻击的非常详细的描述,并可能转移人们对普利策奖获得者可能计划发布的一些后续报道的注意力。

主办方 灰区 播客展示了据称在大规模军事袭击中使用的帆船的照片,并嘲笑了我国政府编造的荒谬的掩盖故事。


几天后,赫什接受了中国电视台的采访,他解释了自己的个人信息来源。 半个世纪前,许多在越南服役的年轻士兵对他诚实的战争报道印象深刻,在随后的几十年里,一些人在我们的军事和情报机构中地位很高。 这些人向美国宪法宣誓,而不是向任何一位美国总统宣誓,他们中的许多人对拜登政府决定摧毁欧洲能源管道的愚蠢行为感到震惊,并向赫什提供了他发表的详细说明。

在那次采访中,赫什可以理解地嘲笑了这样一种荒谬的说法,即一艘帆船上的一群神秘的乌克兰活动家本可以进行任何像破坏北溪管道这样明显大规模和复杂的行动。 他的中国对话者反对说有一个历史先例,这似乎让这位记者感到困惑,直到她解释说她指的是 9/11 袭击,正式归咎于一小群伊斯兰狂热分子。 根据他的回忆录, 赫什似乎是一个非常传统的思想家 在所有这些有争议的话题上,生活在西方主流媒体的泡沫中,他可能从未质疑过 9/11 的官方叙述,也没有考虑过与管道袭击的明显类比。 但他的采访者的态度表明,对 9/11 实际发生的事情的深刻怀疑可能在中国和大多数非西方世界普遍存在。

就在 XNUMX 周年纪念日之前,我发表了对那些开创性事件的长篇复述,我会把它推荐给那些如此感兴趣的人。


我怀疑大多数世界领导人对乌克兰激进分子在租来的帆船上的故事表示完全不相信,他们震惊的不是西方政府及其屈从的媒体会撒谎,而是他们的谎言是如此荒谬。 因此,拜登政府不仅非法摧毁了其欧洲附庸国的关键能源管道,而且显然没有努力准备一个貌似可信的掩护故事来掩饰其犯罪袭击。 哪个有独立思想的国家领导人会愿意与一个如此傲慢无能的霸权国家结盟? 美国政府已经证明了其战略思想的彻底破产,这正是我们在一个衰败帝国的后期可能会看到的情况。



我们自己的网站很小,浏览量破十万的也就十几篇。 但几乎整整一年前,就在乌克兰战争爆发之前,迈克惠特尼发表了一篇题为 “乌克兰的危机与乌克兰无关。 这是关于德国的,” 认为迫在眉睫的冲突的主要动机是美国破坏德国和俄罗斯之间日益增长的经济联系的努力,北溪管道是这方面最重要的例子。 强有力的德俄合作对两国都非常有利,但可能会大大削弱美国在欧洲的影响力,因此我们正在煽动一场战争来阻止这种欧亚一体化,尽管结果可能是乌克兰的毁灭以及德国和俄罗斯的严重经济损失.

这篇文章迅速吸引了大量全球读者,目前浏览量已接近百万,其中大部分流量来自印度次大陆的 WhatsApp 用户。 假设这些人中的许多人至少看了一眼内容,他们对美国政策的看法可能会变得更加现实,认识到我们的政府正在无情地使其欧洲附庸国陷入贫困以维持自己的权力,这些国家的民选领导人经常背叛了他们声称要服务的公民的利益。 来自其他西方互联网来源的这种相反观点在世界范围内的传播可能会越来越削弱好莱坞和 CNN 长期提倡的不诚实叙述。

大多数轻信的西方人可能无法接受任何事实信息的真实性,除非它得到了他们自己的主流媒体的认可,但世界各地的其他人可能有不同的看法。 去年,西方全球媒体将俄罗斯的乌克兰战争描绘成一场无端的、无端的赤裸裸的侵略行为,展开了我记忆中最激烈的宣传攻势,并将俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京妖魔化到前所未有的程度。 普京迅速谴责这些袭击来自 “谎言帝国” 但人们普遍预计它们会导致俄罗斯在国际上孤立,从而导致严重的经济压力。

然而,现实却完全不同。 尽管美国人和其他西方人显然吸收了大部分这种宣传,但在其他地方的影响却微乎其微,尽管我们施加了相反的巨大压力,但仍有 60-70% 的世界人口居住在与俄罗斯保持良好关系的国家。 所以在某些方面,实际上是美国和其他西方国家变得孤立了。 实际上, 中国工业产值 比美国和欧盟的总和还多,我们反复无常和越来越挑衅的行为使中国比以往任何时候都更接近俄罗斯。 我有 六个月前强调了这些趋势, 从那以后它们变得更加明显。

与此同时,多年来美国对许多其他大国的傲慢和压迫行为已经产生了对俄罗斯的强烈支持。 据新闻报道,伊朗人向俄罗斯人提供了大量先进的无人机,这些无人机已被有效部署以对付乌克兰人。 自第二次世界大战以来,我们与沙特阿拉伯的联盟一直是我们中东政策的关键,但 沙特人现在一再站在俄罗斯人一边 在石油生产问题上,不顾国会的报复威胁,完全无视美国的要求。 土耳其拥有北约最大的军队,但它 与俄罗斯密切合作 关于天然气运输。 印度也在关键问题上向俄罗斯靠拢,无视我们对俄罗斯石油实施的制裁。 除了我们的政治附庸国,大多数世界大国似乎都站在俄罗斯一边。

自第二次世界大战以来,美国主导全球的核心支柱之一就是美元作为世界储备货币的地位以及我们对国际银行体系的相关控制。 直到最近,我们一直表现出中立和行政的角色,但我们越来越多地开始将这种权力武器化,利用我们的立场来惩罚那些我们不喜欢的国家,这自然会迫使其他国家寻求替代方案。 也许世界可以容忍我们冻结委内瑞拉或阿富汗等相对较小国家的金融资产,但我们没收俄罗斯 300 亿美元的外汇储备显然打破了平衡,主要国家越来越多地寻求将交易从美元转移到其他国家。我们控制的银行网络。 尽管欧盟经济下滑导致欧元相应下跌,并默认推高美元,但我们继续保持货币霸权的长期前景似乎并不乐观。 鉴于我们可怕的预算和贸易赤字,逃离美元可能很容易使美国经济崩溃。

乌克兰战争爆发后不久,著名历史学家阿尔弗雷德·麦考伊 (Alfred McCoy) 认为,我们正在见证新世界秩序的地缘政治诞生,该秩序围绕将主宰欧亚大陆的俄中联盟而建立。

尽管可能只有一小部分西方人还知道美国摧毁了欧洲的能源管道,但世界上许多其他人并不那么无知,甚至更重要的事情也可能如此。 如上所述,中国主流广播记者对 9/11 袭击事件的看法显然与美国媒体普遍呈现的看法截然不同,我认为全球 Covid 疫情也是如此。


包括超过 XNUMX 万美国人在内的 XNUMX 万人死于这一全球流行病,数十亿人的生活被打乱。 正如北溪管道袭击事件的基本事实很快表明美国可能负有责任一样,新冠疫情的爆发也是如此。 近三年来,我一直在发表一系列长篇文章,指出强有力的、或许是压倒性的证据表明,这场全球灾难是美国对中国(和伊朗)发动的拙劣的生物战袭击的反击的结果,这是一种可能性 完全无法想象 对美国政治阶层的任何人。

在他无数次的采访中,有几次赫什开玩笑说,他冗长的揭露只是为了解释显而易见的事情,只是提供了一些几乎立即显而易见的事情的确切细节,我认为 Covid 流行病也是如此. 对于那些希望了解俄罗斯、伊朗和中国官员为何提出这些指控的人,我会推荐我的长篇系列文章,这些文章也包含在一本可免费下载的电子书中。

  • Covid/生物战系列
    罗恩·恩兹• Unz评论 • 2020 年 2021 月至 60,000 年 XNUMX 月 • XNUMX 字

十二个月以来,我一直在定期宣传我的几个播客采访,这些采访有效地总结了关键信息,并且可以在 Rumble 上找到。 但由于 Youtube 使用更广泛,我现在也将它们上传到一个新创建的 Youtube 频道:

凯文·巴雷特(Kevin Barrett), FFWN • 16 年 2022 月 15 日 • XNUMXm

地缘政治与帝国 • 1 年 2022 月 75 日 • XNUMXm • SoundCloud 音频

红冰电视 • 3 年 2022 月 130 日 • XNUMXm


忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. 这是相关主题中的一个有趣的真相炸弹:

    根据哈里·埃尔默·巴恩斯 (Harry Elmer Barnes) 的说法,罗斯福计划通过实施大规模驱逐计划并阻止以色列人在巴勒斯坦定居,将他的犹太顾问背叛给伊本·沙特国王。 然后罗斯福神秘地死了……

  2. I wo der whether you are getting a bit over excited. After looking down yout article at so many of the usual suspects I have put off reading it but, FGS, I already know that it is just a resumption of diplomatic relations that existed previously during periods of Saudi Iranian enmity. Why would Saudi Arabia actually want to maintain a situation where they had no embassy in Iran – nowhere to hide Israeli agents safely when they are doing a job on Iran’s nuclear facilities for both countries – just to exercise a little imagination. Then again what about the Saudis being pleased to involve China because it should give them a bit more leverage over America. That’s just a start.

    • 回复: @col from OZ
  3. @Unz Fanboy 1

    Crap. There was absolutely nothing mysterious about FDR’s death.

    • 回复: @sally
    , @mulga mumblebrain
  4. nsa 说:

    出国旅游的美国人几乎没有意识到,无论你走到哪里,当地人都会往你的食物里吐口水。 法国人甚至给它起了个名字……“牧场酱”。

    • 哈哈: Zarathustra
  5. Petermx 说:

    China liberated the Middle East from the US, plans to host Summit of Persian Gulf countries, Iran.

    • 谢谢: Zane
    • 回复: @ariadna
  6. Petermx 说:
    @Unz Fanboy 1


    • 谢谢: JimDandy
    • 回复: @Brás Cubas
  7. Thanks to Ron for the article.

    Fascinating to watch affairs unfold.

    • 回复: @Derer
  8. I suspect this is the “Suez Crisis” for the American empire.


    In 1956, the dying British empire invaded Egypt to seize control of the Suez canal. It had become weak after two major, senseless World Wars, and became mired in an unwinnable war in Egypt that other major powers denounced and most British citizens opposed. The pound collapsed, its government was replaced, and the British army went home as the empire formally died.

  9. The hosts of the Grayzone podcast showed photos of the sailboat allegedly used in the massive military attack and ridiculed the absurd cover-story that our government had concocted.

    Mention of the Grayzone site reminded me of a story I saw there yesterday.

    ‘Rigorous’ Maidan massacre exposé suppressed by top academic journal

    A peer-reviewed paper initially approved and praised by a prestigious academic journal was suddenly rescinded without explanation. Its author, one of the world’s top scholars on Ukraine-related issues, had marshaled overwhelming evidence to conclude Maidan protesters were killed by pro-coup snipers.

    The author may still hope to publish his paper in a Journal, but it would be a coup for your site here if you could either print or promptly reprint it.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Wizard of Oz
  10. G wiltek 说:

    它正在发生。 美国即将沉没,连同它的盟友和它的货币。 石油美元。

    • 回复: @Old Brown Fool
  11. Fr33man 说:

    Clearly, the debilitating and disorienting sense of widespread confusion and unreality resulting from the manufactured absurdities of the Western mainstream media’s deliberately convoluted and nonsensical controlling narratives is the whole point. For, how do the powerful keep their secrets? They run you dizzy by piling falsehood on top of falsehood, until you can’t tell a lie from the truth anymore. But this endless process of obfuscating the truth also includes the limited hang-outs of alt-media icons Jeffrey Sachs and Seymour Hersh, the work of these two privileged, well-connected Jews in defining the limits of acceptable dissent for those on the margins is also integral to the entire operation.

  12. Sachs?
    Is that that Jaffa David Sachs, that Jewish scum of Jewish „Sustainable Development“ and the fight to destroy Europe and white people in general? Is that that scum who corroberates with the Jewnighted Nations Sexcretary Analtonio Guterrors on sustaining the Jews’ Development Goals, „a set of 17 global goals“ and held the same position under Ban Ki-Moon and was brought in by Kofi Annan (with Jew cunt Wallenberg). What crimes committed Suxx with Gates in Africa?
    Jaffa David, Sly Horse & Cons and what is wrong when unchecked audacity explains to the world what it should believe (to advantage the Jew and his evil agenda).
    The Jews always play both sides; here the destroyers and the righteousness of „sustainers“.
    They have vital infrastructure destroyed and turn araound and investigate who did it.
    The bastards should have their cuck mouth sewn up and spend the rest of their cuck lives in a chain-gang cleaning toilettes in order to return some real „sustainable development“ for all their crimes against humanity.
    Jeffrey Sachs – what a creep!
    Go and do for once some honest work in your cuck life, you scum of the earth!

  13. Chebyshev 说:

    尽管在 1973 年石油禁运期间和 9/11 袭击之后有时会受到压力,但这种关系仍然是我们在阿拉伯世界最重要的关系,它对石油美元的崛起和我们自己的美元作为世界储备货币的地位负责. 随着美国的工业基础已经沦为其曾经的全球主导地位的影子,而我们的国家又被可怕的年度预算赤字和累积的债务所困扰,我们国家的繁荣和目前的生活水平可能在很大程度上取决于维持这种地位。

    The Saudis are important because if they don’t ramp up oil production, then China’s rising demand for oil will drive up energy costs.

    Our national leadership’s desire to maintain American hegemony, in part via NATO expansion deep into Eurasia, has expedited the ending of that hegemony. The end of unchallenged American dominance could lead to a lower standard of living for the average American, unless we tax and redistribute the income of the top 1%.

    Our own website is a small one, and only about a dozen of our articles have ever broken 100,000 views.

    I’m very curious as to which articles comprise the top 12 by total views.

  14. 出于对创建和维护互联网上最好网站的人的应有尊重,我承认自己感到失望:期待对新的伊朗/沙特阿拉伯协议进行博学和精明的分析,而美国最大的竞争对手却将其纳入公共领域。是的,我认为这很有趣,但在没有进一步证据的情况下,也被这个网站上的评论者揭穿了。

    • 同意: Son of a Jedi, meamjojo
  15. Jim Yost 说:


    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
  16. nos2 说:





    • 哈哈: meamjojo
    • 回复: @Fumanchu
  17. 这种和解可能是真诚的,也可能不是,但真正的愿望是在公共舞台上实现这种和解,以表明不需要或不希望美国参与,并提升中国作为一个成熟和审慎行为体的优势和能力。完全无视好战的美国新保守主义“政治家”,他们的外交政策目标实际上是以色列的目标。

  18. nos2 说:


    • 回复: @Anonymous
  19. 一位著名的西方政治家确实质疑 911 的叙述/封面故事。 让我们记住意大利前总统弗朗切斯科科西加说 晚邮报 “911 袭击事件”是由中央情报局和摩萨德策划的,这是全球情报机构的常识。

    另一位意大利政客、五星运动 (M5S) 议员保罗·贝尔尼尼 (Paolo Bernini) 在袭击事件 12 周年之际在议会发表讲话时表示,该事件的官方版本“从各个角度都被证明是错误的”。 他加了:


    “我们可能永远不会知道真相,但这绝对与主流媒体讲述的故事完全不同。 在这种情况下,你可以说你所知道的一切都是假的,正如美国人所说的那样,‘这是一项内部工作’,”




    西方媒体几乎不报道诚实政客的此类言论。 当然还有更多人知道真相但拒绝说出来。

    • 同意: Iris, KA, skrik, ariadna, Joe Levantine
    • 谢谢: Chuck Orloski, dogbumbreath
    • 哈哈: Wizard of Oz
    • 回复: @barr
    , @Patrick McNally
  20. Robbs 说:

    I said it before and I’ll say it again. Hersh is a plant and the deep state needs to sever ties with Zelensky. Maybe Hersh didn’t care about 9/11 because everyone was on board. If you watch closely you can see the strands slowly come apart on the thick rope the US attached to sinking Ukraine.

    Woodward was a CIA plant. Hersh wounded Nixon and Woodward took him out. Maybe we can expect to see Woodward come out with all the dirt on Biden to make him do a Johnson. If so then you’ll know how the game is really played.

    • 哈哈: Ann Nonny Mouse
  21. JR Foley 说:

    Hersh, Sachs, McGovern and Unz are where things are at and no doubt others will see the Light. Amtrak Joe stated openly that “Nord Stream must go” and Victoria Nuland “rejoiced” when the explosions happened –the mainline USA news silent on the W5 but Canada is solidly in line with the narrative spun on the most recent line –7 Ukrainians dove down and done the demolition–a scene from “Flipper” sponsored by 7Up—Justin Trudeau –you just might be “next” if you get my drift.
    First, they ( DC) came for Zylenskky –then they came for Olaf Scholz —then they came for –the Land North of the 49th..??

  22. HeebHunter 说:

    The extermination of the despicable angloid race is ever nearer. Soon the jews will lose the last of their lackeys and we can then deal a final solution to them. God is in control.

  23. Biden,Blinken @Bloben,the Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight(or do anything right).
    Reckless,misguided,inept and just plain,damned stupid.By the time they get run out of town the US will be fortunate to have any friends or allies left.

    • 同意: Zarathustra
    • 回复: @Sir Launcelot Canning
  24. Henry Kissinger famously said “it may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal.” Zelensky and other chauvinistic Ukrainians are learning that the hard way. MBS has done some dumb (not to mention evil) things, but at least he’s smart enough to see which way the global winds are blowing.

    • 回复: @Decoy
  25. meamjojo 说:

    “On Friday geopolitical plates of tectonic scale may have visibly shifted as Iran and Saudi Arabia, two of the most important countries in the Middle East and erstwhile bitter adversaries, announced that they had reestablished diplomatic relations after a lengthy round of negotiations held with top Chinese officials in Beijing.”

    Very good! Maybe Iran and SA will now stop ripping Yemen to pieces. Perhaps both countries will even pay to rebuild Yemen. Although I understand that Iran is in deep shit economically, so may not be capable of contributing.

  26. Blissex 说:



  27. meamjojo 说:

    You can keep flogging Hersh’s POV but a year from now, the vast majority of people will answer to the question of “Do you know who Seymour Hersh is” with a blank state and the question of “who?”

    If someone asks me, I will surely reply: “You mean the guy who was totally wrong about who blew up the pipeline?”.

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  28. YesXorNo 说:


    干得好,您关于一系列主题的精彩媒体报道集。我特别喜欢你对赫什在 CGN 采访中的讨论,赫什在其中解释了为什么他有消息来源。发现 9/11 参考资料做得很好。我完全同意你的观点,即美国所接受的这种说法是一堆谎言,世界上大多数其他国家也明白这一点。北溪的故事也与此相呼应。尽管美国媒体试图掩盖此事,而美国政权(行政部门)否认,但全世界都了解这个故事。


  29. the relationship remained our most important in the Arab World, being responsible for the rise of the Petrodollar and the maintenance of our own greenback as the world’s reserve currency.

    And the suppression of nuclear power plants, in favour of the oil-fired variety.

    Naturally, “renewable” “energy” does nothing about total CO2 emissions and thus doesn’t threaten Saudi revenue streams. All those rare earth metals have to be trucked long distances, especially in places where trains are de-facto banned.

    The house of Saud must be headed by politically savvy operators or they would get overthrown. (Same way the Kims can’t be as crazy as we’re told.) Because it’s a monarchy they can just openly make decisions.
    America is very obviously a power on decline, and was frankly a bad roommate even when she wasn’t. By contrast, Putin and Xi, while hardly pure saints, are at least grownups and don’t throw periodic religion-themed tantrums. Further, because America is not a monarchy, they can’t openly persecute the Saudis, at least not in the short term. It would be too obvious – the wrong folks would be able to tell who was responsible for making the decision. America will probably make some homophobia noises or whatever, but that’s all.

    The worst they they can do is…allow nuclear power again. I saw some mutterings about a ‘new’ nuclear technology, which suggests that American leaders were aware of the impending Saudi move for months now.
    And, like, oh noes. Not that.

    (P.S. Pity the Canadians for having to live right next door to the little shits. Imagine how they would feel if America was constantly banging on about how softwood lumber is the tool of the devil.)

  30. anon[287]• 免责声明 说:

    Well, America is basically self sufficient in “fossil fuels” (another ridiculous neologism like “nuclear family”) so it’s not the worst idea for Saudi to be somebody else’s problem. Will be interesting to see what Turkey does next.

    “14 Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.
    17 And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.
    18 By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.”

    – 启示录 9:14-18,圣经,KJV

    • 谢谢: Zarathustra
  31. Petermx 说:


    “I think it’s going to lead to widespread conservative movements politically. The one thing we did after WW II that was fantastic was we rebuilt Europe into a modern democratic society, plural society”

    罗恩·恩兹(Ron Unz):

    “One of America’s most powerful international weapons is its overwhelming control over the global news ecosystem, and a complete blanket of media silence was soon enforced, causing that huge event to quickly fade from public consciousness.”

    I think Seymour Hersh maybe had Germany especially in mind when he said that, and considering the WW II narrative created by the victorious allies, with Jews playing a huge role—possibly the biggest role—in creating the mainstream narrative, that might sound perfectly reasonable to most people, but that is because the vanquished countries (namely Germany) have been portrayed as being the most barbarous nation in the history of the world and the victorious nations as representing everything that is good and moral. This, of course, is as far from the truth as one could get, but since Germany had no say in this narrative, that’s the result. In Europe, they have strict censorship laws that keep the lies of the mainstream narrative in place.

    This has resulted in Germany having a weakling like Scholz as its leader, someone that reports to foreigners as to what his responsibilities are, not to the German people. Today’s media in Germany is a farce, with liars as big as those in America and Britain. That is probably because those two countries created Germany’s media after World War II with strict censorship and by selecting people who would create a media for Germany that the victors liked.

    The fact that Europe did more than anyone else in the last 500 or 1,000 years to create modern civilization and that it allows Americans (often Jews) to have such a huge position in Europe and Europe’s own media is further evidence that Europe is under occupation and not just military occupation.

    虽然可以理解为什么某些人可能会喜欢这笔大交易,但对于被占领的人民来说,这并不是一笔好交易。 我期待看到未来几年会发生什么,尤其是未来十二个月。

    • 同意: HdC, skrik, ariadna, Joe Levantine
    • 回复: @anon
    , @Joe Levantine
  32. 罗恩

    真正的问题。 为什么俄罗斯炸毁北溪是荒谬的?

    您的网站公开假定 9/11 是内部工作(我倾向于),为什么俄罗斯也不能这样做?

    NS1 had been shut off for months, NS2 has never operated. Putin was pushing hard that “Russia is under attack by NATO” and in the middle of announcing a partial mobilisation for another 350,000 soldiers for his war with Ukraine. It’s far less absurd than you think, if I’d been in his position I would have done it. It’s incredibly cheap for the capital he gets for the home crowd.

    俄罗斯写了一本关于 glowie ops 的书,相比之下让中央情报局看起来像娘娘腔。

    I’ve read Hersh’s article, he may accidentally be right on who did it, but his theory itself has holes wide enough a semi trailer could fit through it. Remember, until he posted his article Russia claimed they had proof that the UK did it.

    Unlike a lot of people on this site I don’t claim to know who did it (noone here does, they’re just siding with their biases) but to dismiss any possibility that they did is ludicrous

    • 同意: Wizard of Oz
    • 哈哈: YetAnotherAnon
    • 回复: @Rich
    , @Ron Unz
    , @anon
    , @Wokechoke
  33. 如果美国变得野蛮,以色列还会落后吗?

  34. Ron Unz 2006 年关于中国崛起的文章很有先见之明。今天我们看到这些预测正在展开。这就是历史的规律:帝国兴盛,帝国衰落。就像近一个世纪前美国超越英国一样,美国也将被超越。两次世界大战都是为了争夺全球主导地位而进行的:第三次世界大战也将如此。没有一个衰落的霸权看到了自己的命运,因为它别无选择,只能相信自己的“不诚实的宣传”。

    • 回复: @Olivier1973
  35. 字迹在墙上。 美帝国将崩溃。 这只是什么时候的问题。 多极集团的双赢政治终将获胜。 任何不这么认为的人都是神志不清。 美国人和欧洲人不应该哀叹。 当帝国崩溃时,我们普通劳动人民应该夺回自己的权力并重建社会,这时我们才能开始与多极世界真诚合作。 然而,要做到这一点,大多数沼泽怪物都需要绞尽脑汁。 这是留给大家的一个小笑话。 华盛顿特区和怀疑论者坦克有什么相似之处? 在这两种情况下,粪便都会上升到顶部。

    • 同意: PUTINFAN
    • 回复: @Anonymous
  36. Twinkie 说:

    Back when I used to do investigations overseas prior to the Iraq War, one particular case involved delving into the Bin Laden family (not Osama, but his kin who were in good standing in the KSA).

    In retrospect, we invaded the wrong country in 2003. There are days when I think we should have toppled the duplicitous House of Saud (and their cronies in the U.S. while at it). But I suppose the aftermath of such a drastic move would have been an utter chaos in the global petroleum market and may have led to unknown, unexpected consequences. One can only fantasize.

  37. Wild Man 说:

    Quoting from your article:

    “A few days ago, Prof. Sachs was interviewed by a podcaster in Germany, and he was absolutely scathing in his description of the total irrationality and recklessness of the Neocon-dominated American government.”

    That is at least the second time, recently, you have referred to the globalist dominated American government, as the Neocon dominated American government. But the Neocon element is only one feature of the overall globalizing influence over American culture and politics, as you yourself have alluded to (also quoting from the article):

    “After briefly quoting anonymous government officials who absurdly suggested that the Russians had destroyed their own pipelines, our press immediately lost interest in the story, which soon disappeared with almost no follow-up or investigation. A gigantic environmental disaster seemed to draw negligible media interest from the legions of normally hair-trigger environmentalists.

    The obvious reason for this strange lack of curiosity and the resulting blanket of silence was the likely identity of the perpetrators, which had grave political implications.”

    The “normally hair-trigger environmentalists”, generally, are informed by leftist themes – no? But why the heck would leftists wish to take league with neocons, though? It’s because leftism and neoconism are two faces of the same thing – no? Which is best described as ‘globalism’ – no?

  38. cohen 说:

    看来 Ron Unz 已任命自己为 Jeferry Sachs 的无薪公关经理,又名“教授”,标志性的“举报人”,以及使用字母机构提供的内部信息的受控反对派。 正如有人曾经写过关于杰夫的文章。 一个“重新包装的工具/傻瓜”

    中国和伊朗的交易与杰弗里有什么关系罗恩的文章充满了他的“客户”的公关 . 我错误地预期了对全球、中东和中亚的影响。

    如果有人能引用杰弗里对窃取叙利亚石油、以色列杀害美国公民和美国记者的评论,无论是正面的还是负面的,或者他吹响了在适合宣传时使用的虚假和选择性违反联合国行为的口哨。 这些是我们的举报人 Jeffery 的禁果(他与联合国委员会有联系,应该知道很多违规行为)。

    或者,也许是与人为灾难有关的未来技术。 大约五年前,我遇到了一个在华盛顿特区一家餐饮服务公司工作的“阴谋家”。 他的话是,在其中一家豪华酒店中,举行了一天的会议,讨论在选定地点(与天气有关)可能会下大雨的方法。 “服务员”遇到一位年长的与会者,询问有关人工降雨的问题。 老先生告诉孩子,这不仅仅是他们在会议上谈论的(意译)。

    杰弗瑞确实是一位经济学教授,或者他可能是个聪明人。 但这并不意味着他有资格担任一家杂志发起的名为 Covid Commission 的联合委员会的主席。 该委员会的资金当然来自洛克菲勒家族和“博士”的慷慨赠款。 比尔·盖茨 (Bill Gates) 在医学杂志上发表了多篇论文,尤其是在“自然”杂志上,这些论文经常提到功能的获得、北卡罗来纳州的蝙蝠研究、福奇博士的资助等等。

    叶利钦和可能是政府如何在世界上失败/解雇经济学家。 波兰可能是专家或病毒学主题,尤其是当 covid 研究是由调查团队的非合格成员完成时,例如 sd 一些具有生物学背景的工程师、经济学家、前总统,并让这个成为图书管理员。 委员会的信誉就这样消失了。 所以不要对未来的人为灾难感到惊讶。

    根据 Ron Unz 的旧文章(如果我没记错的话),纽约时报称 Jeffery 为标志性的告密者。 从来不理解“标志性部分”。 一份报纸,也就是政府的宣传机器,随意选择杰弗瑞·萨克斯 (Jeffery Sacks) 作为偶像

    . 在我的时代,可持续性意味着通过消耗你生产的东西同时破坏环境来改善环境。 每个人都关注气候变化,在过去美好的日子里曾经是全球变暖,而几乎没有提到水污染、固体废物、噪音污染和有毒化学品。

    是的,有气候变化,但处理它的方式是错误的,而且是奸商。 碳排放交易,您可以通过从没有或最小污染产生能力的欠发达国家的交易所购买信贷,使挪威的污染超过您的配额。 这是哈佛大学和其他著名经济机构的经济学教授开发的骗局。 我记得是拉里·萨默,杰弗里·萨克斯的朋友 他的名言是“贫穷的国家有能力吸收更多的污染”. 哇和大哇。 如果有人想记住来自新泽西州的一艘装满垃圾的驳船? 去不同的国家以一定的价格将负荷倾倒在贫穷国家的土地上,“因为他们有更多的能力吸收垃圾”。 不知道那艘驳船发生了什么事。 哪个国家最终承担了责任。

    现在,以改善环境为幌子的新政或 2030 年议程将涵盖生活的方方面面。 矿产、水、土地、山脉、蓝色经济、你的个人活动、一切都被数字化、环境安全区(你在某些区域只旅行几个小时)或者你可以购买信用以在这些区域停留更长时间(开玩笑),债务可持续性、教育可持续性等。杰弗里·萨克斯 (Jeffery Sachs) 作为一名经济学家,非常适合此类恶作剧。

    我感谢互联网的出现,现在有如此多的信息、错误信息和虚假信息可供使用,整理起来既是一项挑战,也是一项耗时的工作。 但是,嘿,参与和参与是我们的责任,而不是在智力上懒惰并相信纽约时报、华盛顿堆肥和其他媒体。 这取决于我们。

    • 回复: @Folkvangr
  39. MGB 说:

    Begrudgingly mention, not drudgingly.

  40. A very nice précis by our esteemed host, but the piece would have been more complete if, in addition to Saudi Arabia, our host had mentioned MEXICO.

    Mexico is applying to join BRICS. Bye bye Monroe Doctrine.

    AMLO has had it up to the back teeth with the sabre-rattling from the US government and has decided to throw in his country’s lot with a bloc that shows signs of being more likely to be trustworthy.

    Meanwhile, in the US there is still a substantial proportion of the population who believes that
     ▪️ Bakhmut is of “largely symbolic” important (i.e., not tactical or strategic); and
     ▪️ the Fed bailout of SVB is not a bailout and thereis no risk of contagion.

    If I lived in “flyover country” in the US, and was a relgious sort… I would be on my knees every night, praying to the Sky Maniac for a hailstorm of daggers to hit Washington and New York.

    lol… I made a funny – hailstorm: град (Grad); dagger: Кинжал (Khinzal)

    Weirdly: one of my life’s ambitions was to learn to be comfortably reading Cyrillic. Thanks to American geopolitical imbecility, it’s been woth my time to really immerse myself in it.

    Enjoy your Monday bank-runs, America.

    • 回复: @dogbumbreath
    , @Odyssey
  41. 罗恩说:

    ” These individuals swore an oath to the American Constitution rather than to any particular American president…”

    The very heart of the matter. The fulcrum. The hinge.

    “In ancient Roman religion and myth, Janus…is the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways,…passages, frames, and endings. He is usually depicted as having two faces. The month of January is named for Janus (Ianuarius).

    Janus presided over the beginning and ending of conflict, and hence war and peace. The gates of a building in Rome named after him (not a temple, as it is often called, but an open enclosure with gates at each end) were opened in time of war, and closed to mark the arrival of peace. As a god of transitions, he had functions pertaining to birth and to journeys and exchange…” Wiki

    Once the process begins, things can go either way.

  42. 忘了说…

    我还没有读过纽约时报的文章——即使是看美国主要报纸的“横幅”也会让我有点恶心。 图中显示的标题提到了一个“亲乌克兰团体”。

    是不是 拜登政府 到“亲乌克兰集团“?

    所以纽约时报至少没有出现在头条新闻中。 小小的怜悯之类的。


    • 谢谢: PUTINFAN
  43. Vito Klein 说:

    I can’t blame the world for hating us. Will they be able to make the distinction between ZOG and the Western peoples themselves when they finally unite to destroy us? I’m not hopeful, since so many of us can’t seem to make that distinction ourselves. Yet another negative consequence of failing to name the Jew.


    • 同意: Iris
  44. Anon[413]• 免责声明 说:

    I suppose that proves the French reputation as cowards is well deserved……..

  45. Anonymous[415]• 免责声明 说:



    • 同意: Deadbeat
  46. @nsa

    美国人是笑柄。 小丑、傻瓜、火鸡和小丑。

  47. A123 说: • 您的网站

    On Friday geopolitical plates of tectonic scale may have visibly shifted as Iran and Saudi Arabia, two of the most important countries in the Middle East and erstwhile bitter adversaries, announced that they had reestablished diplomatic relations after a lengthy round of negotiations held with top Chinese officials in Beijing.

    Two countries that were inches away from war are now slightly less warlike with each other. That is not much of a realignment.

    Not-The-President Biden slighted the Saudi royal family several months ago. As a response that shows contempt for Droolin’ Joe and his offspring it is well measured.

    China needs more oil than either exporter can provide alone. Certainly it was in their interest to avoid issues with tanker movements through the Persian Gulf.

    Moves away from war are always welcome. However, this is a tiny step, no more.


    • 同意: Wizard of Oz
    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  48. bj0311 说:


    我也是,在穿制服 XNUMX 年后,我现在发现我是一名相信我的誓言的国内恐怖分子。

    • 回复: @Patriot420
  49. @meamjojo

    Why don’t you ask Twinkie to reveal who and how blew up the pipeline. Twinkle claims that crowdfunded intelligence with satellite and geopositioning data can count every single tank destroyed and identify who it belonged to so revealing who blew up the pipeline should be no problem for them. Come on, get those crowdfunded intelligence agents to tell the truth, Twinkie.

  50. @A123

    Russia has diplomatic relations with all those countries funding the war against it and arming its Ukrainian enemy, so I suppose Saudi Arabia and Iran establishing diplomatic relations is no big deal. But, on the other hand, it could be a big deal. We just have to see how it develops further. For example, will Saudi Arabia buy Russian weapons? Will peace be established in Yemen? Will Saudi Arabia join BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)?

    • 回复: @A123
  51. (…) the magnitude of this historical event (…)

    The English language has some very amusing idiosyncrasies:

    Historic describes something momentous or important in history.
    Historical simply describes something that belongs to an earlier period of history.

    ( 从 https://www.grammarly.com/blog/historic-historical/)
    So, you should have used “historic” instead of “historical”.

    • 哈哈: Emil Nikola Richard
  52. 如果你一直拒绝接受现实,就永远不会一针见血,对吧。 俄罗斯/中国政权正在与他们的恐怖分子 USEUNATO 集团合作伙伴一起编排解构二战后的秩序,让位给同样狗屎的更新版本。 这就是他们密切协调以应对捏造的 COVID-2 全球流行病危机以及他们立即推出虚假和无效的所谓“疫苗”背后的原因,这些疫苗只是为了使企业政治制度免受任何强制销售的责任,并向群众注入他们的蛇油操,所有这些废话都用税收支付,再加上有效地创造了一个国家认可的全球主义“疫苗”和社会控制黑手党。


  53. Saba 说:

    犹太复国主义宣传者大部分时间都隐藏着犹太黑手党的手来愚弄公众。 沙特阿拉伯只是一个殖民地,其“领导人”是仆人,他们的工作是资助犹太复国主义和帝国主义在该地区的恐怖主义,并派她的孩子为穆斯林的敌人、美国和以色列的地缘政治利益而战。 这张照片被送进厕所了。 如果不与广大穆斯林社区协商,沙特就无法与人类的敌人以色列合作。 这一事态发展将假“亚伯拉罕协议”扔进了垃圾桶,并发出了一个强烈的信息:阿拉伯穆斯林不会为种族隔离犯罪实体献血或捐钱。 现在是黑手党回到他们原来的地方的时候了。 犹太复国主义骗子读到了以下内容:
    沙特阿拉伯拒绝向参加联合国活动的以色列代表团发放签证。 关于 KSA 与特拉维夫正常化的流言蜚语到此为止。
    12 月 32 日,来自被占领巴勒斯坦北部加利利 Kfar Kama 村的以色列代表团被沙特阿拉伯拒签,无法参加联合国在沙特阿拉伯举行的旅游活动。 据美国媒体彭博社报道,这个被占领的村庄是联合国选为“顶级乡村旅游目的地……因其文化和自然资产”的 XNUMX 个地点之一。

    2022年13月,一名以色列记者赴沙特参加地区会议,因潜入严禁非穆斯林进入的圣城麦加而引发广泛批评和谴责。 有人看到这位记者自拍,并在以色列第 XNUMX 频道的一篇报道中指出了地点和地标。 不久之后,该国拘留了帮助他潜入的沙特国民。

    • 回复: @Bill Jones
  54. Rich 说:
    @Shitposter_in Chief

    Russia blowing up Nordstream would be like a boxer getting in the ring and punching himself in the face. Nordstream would eventually bring the Russians a lot of money and influence in Europe, blowing it up has made Western Europe a hostage to the US, now. It’s the same idiotic propaganda as when the Western media was saying the Russians were bombing the nuclear power plant in Zaporozhe while they had military possession of it. And people believed the Russians were firing on their own troops stationed in the nuclear power plant. Just realize that anything the US government says is a lie, and you’ll be much closer to the truth on any issue.

  55. sally 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    也许您可以概述导致 FDR 时间可疑死亡的事件?

    杜鲁门要求美国(和石油公司)拥有所有海底和内陆 20 英里的土地。

  56. anonymous[139]• 免责声明 说:

    The US has arrogantly overplayed its hand, treating everyone including supposed allies as mere vassals. The US had it all and threw it away. It was never a real country anyway despite trying to create the illusion of being one but has been just an economic empire, an ex-colony with a bunch of disparate people thrown in that grew quickly under fortuitous circumstances.
    The purpose of the great American lie machine is to keep its population bamboozled and on board with whatever their rulers deem to be important to the upper one percent. Outside of the English speaking sphere nobody falls for this tripe. We’re talking about billions of people who are developing and can no longer be threatened and coerced by the US who has taken on the role of a world vandal. Reality has a weight of its own and all the propaganda fairy tales and spin can’t in the end change that.

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  57. nsa 说:

    应该重新审视和深入研究哈尔福德·麦金德的思想。 旧的英国帝国主义者将地理视为命运,将世界岛(欧亚大陆-非洲)视为掠夺岛屿帝国的巨大战利品。 在过去的 120 年里,一切都没有改变,一波又一波的岛屿帝国(英国人、日本人、美国佬等)仍在试图攻击和控制世界岛及其庞大的人口(6 亿)、丰富的自然资源和广阔的土地面积……。不成功。 最新的岛屿掠夺者是洋基队 globohomoschlomos,他们的大本营是北美岛屿。 他们唯一真正的入侵是征服了居住在地中海以北世界岛西部半岛的可悲的欧洲人……当可悲的欧洲人最终醒来并反抗他们的 globohomoschlomo 吸鸡巴精英时,他们很快就会迷失。 请注意,世界岛的欧亚部分现在被核大国包围和保护,这些核大国具有明显的非全球同源文化,完全反对悬挂着令人作呕的彩虹肛门旗帜的吮吸鸡巴的堕落掠夺洋基岛帝国……..核武装正统俄罗斯西边是拥有核武器的印度教印度,东边是拥有核武器的中国,北边是北极。 堕落野蛮的全球人正在走上现在干涸的不列颠岛国帝国的道路……根本没有机会控制世界岛。

  58. Sean 说:

    It is simply not true that the Americans or other Western countries’ officials were loudly saying/ implying that Russia had blown up the NordStream pipelines. Sweden asserted they knew who was responsible, but declined to clarify. It has now become obvious why the West did not react to the destruction of NordStream by condemning a putative/ probable Russian attack, or even that sabotage by ‘whoever it was’ . The reason they did not react much more strongly is they knew all along it was Ukraine not Russia.

    • 回复: @Rich
    , @YetAnotherAnon
  59. @Rich

    And USA blowing up the twin towers wasn’t?

    The pipelines weren’t in operation and Putin the pussy gets to complain that the whole world is out to get him (again).

    The US Government lies. The Russian government lies more

    • 回复: @Joe Levantine
  60. @anonymous

    Continental European countries, non-English speaking ones, are even less restrained than US in their support of the Ukraine. Look at France wanting to send planes even though US is saying that it doesn’t want to. Germany is sending more tanks than USA. East Europeans have given all their Soviet era weapons to the Ukraine. All of Western and East European countries, with the exception of Hungary and Serbia, are now extremely anti-Russian and pro-war. You can’t just blame all this on USA. If the Europeans are mere puppets then they’re most willing and enthusiastic puppets. If the EU were to say it wanted to trade with Russia so as to keep prices down and industrial productivity up, what could the US do to it? The EU could have excellent relations with Russia and PR China, refuse to partake in any sanctions, and it would prosper, but obviously it is just as hateful and irrational as the US and does not care if their countries suffer as long as they think they can somehow hurt Russia. There is no separating US and EU, they’re in this together.

    • 同意: Avery
    • 回复: @skrik
  61. @Zachary Smith

    What’s his problem publishing without the modest fee he might get from an academic journal?.Would the expectation of future citations be an adequate explanation?

  62. @Kratoklastes

    Mexico is applying to join BRICS. Bye bye Monroe Doctrine.

    AMLO has had it up to the back teeth with the sabre-rattling from the US government and has decided to throw in his country’s lot with a bloc that shows signs of being more likely to be trustworthy.

    Big problem with Mexico is Presidents can only sit for 1 term (6 years) by constitution. AMLO steps away in 2024. No coup necessary. If one president goes against Imperialist narrative, it’s only short term. IMO, it’s servitude by design.

  63. p38ace 说:

    Like most Americans, I was shock by the Saudi reaction to 9/11. I expected the families of the 9/11 hijackers to be rounded up and beheaded. Not one family member was beheaded. We never realize the Saudis were so weak. If they are afraid of eliminating apostates to Islam, which is a simple task, then they are useless. FDR picked the wrong people to control our oil resources in Arabia.
    I say, give the Saudis to China. They deserve the pain.

    • 同意: meamjojo
  64. @nsa

    Mackinder had some good ideas, but his big mistake was the notion that Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Belarus) was a “geographical pivot” that would give control of the World Island. 120 years later, the list of entities that have held Eastern Europe but failed to conquer the Old World is: Tsarist Russia, the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and Ukraine itself. The idea is bunk.

  65. @Petermx

    You might want to take a look at “The Strange Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt”, by Emanuel Josephson. It’s viewable online. (I don’t know whether it is the source for our friend’s assertions, though. I’d have to read it to be sure.)
    (click on ‘Full View’)
    Here’s a related web article:

    • 谢谢: Petermx
  66. Anonymous[183]• 免责声明 说:

    Used to be, CIA’s greatest secret fear was revolution in Saudi. But now Langley fucked up so bad they got something even worse: Peace. Solidarity. Regional collective security in conformity with Chapter 8. Self-determination with the formal support of a nuclear-armed, economically predominant P-5 great power backed by the Group in Defense of the UN Charter.

    Turns out you can really galvanize the world if you commit sneak attacks with banned biological weapons, systematic and widespread medical experimentation under ulterior constrain and coercion, macro-scale sabotage, aggression by sending of armed bands and irregulars, systematic and widespread torture, war propaganda, and foreign intervention in breach of the absolute sanctified rule of law A/RES/20/2131. It’s clear now there is nothing CIA won’t do. They will end life on earth if they’re not stopped.

    Fortunately, Marlowe is like Redjac in Star Trek, scaring everybody to death until Kirk ran laughing gas through the ship’s HVAC and everybody got baked and Redjac turned out to be this frail little bald shnook and everybody’s laughing at him, pushing him around.

    For 60 years the world has known that the US command structure, CIA, is a criminal enterprise and hostis humani generis. They’ve methodically built doctrinal, legal, institutional, and technical means of stopping CIA criminality. CIA impunity has been the defining condition of contemporary history, and now it’s over. This transition is a process. The endgame is either general war – or we drag those fuckers out of Langley and string em up.

    Lose sight of the big picture here and you will be shitting blood in a refugee camp, or running around with your skin sloughed off and your eyeballs popped, or at best, dead.

    • 回复: @HeebHunter
  67. Desert Fox 说:

    The zionist regime that controls America is a terrorist, criminal kabal and has had control over the ZUS since 1913 when the zionist bankers saddled their privately owned FED aka central bank and their IRS and then came wars and debt and deaths all for the benefit of the zionist banking kabal and their MIC aka military industrial complex.

    Iran and Saudi Arabia see the hand writing on the wall, Russia is defeating ZNATO and the ZUS in the Ukraine and are seeing the emperor has no clothes aka the ZUS and ZNATO are impotent against a real world class power in Russia and they are hedging their bets and no longer fear an impotent ZUS.

    China is under zionist control and all talk aka propaganda about a ZUS war with ZChina is all a diversionary smoke screen, I won’t believe a war will happen until ZUS companies exit ZChina, until then , it is all a diversion.

    Russia is not Iraq or Libya or Syria, where Israels and the ZUS attack on the WTC on 911 was blamed on the muslims to give the ZUS the excuse to destroy the middle east for Israel, Russia is a world class power and is stripping anyone of any illusions about the strength of Russia’s military.

    Russia has revealed for all the world to see, what a bully zionist controlled country the ZUS is.

  68. Ennui 说:

    Do you think MBS represents a less bad faction of the royals whether because of inclination or incompetence? His relatives that he locked up are scoundrels, and Khashoggi was a P.O.S. who flirted with Islamists back in the day.

    I’d rather have MBS in power than bin Talal.

    • 回复: @Twinkie
  69. @24th Alabama

    Biden,Blinken @Bloben

    This was also the intro to a Def Leppard song in the Eighties.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  70. HeebHunter 说:

    Peace will be achieved on the last angloid and jew corpse.

  71. Some details of the Iran KSA rapprochement are significant, as is the event itself.

    Iran has acknowledged the support of Iraq in facilitating the agreement. This makes the Yankee departure from their so-called Green Zone more likely, perhaps more imminent. Iraq has been shamefully abused by USA.

    The second facilitator was a surprise to me anyway. Oman, which in the recent past has been more or less a client State of England.

    Rather like UAE (“Trucial States”) also, which has just declared an end to arms purchases from Israel. Lord Balfour prob turning in his grave.

    It does seem to be unravelling…

    Currently govt exchange Iran- Oman in progress.


    • 谢谢: Iris
  72. FifthDim 说:


  73. nsa 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    同意。 麦金德世界观中的心脏地带(现在的东欧)部分是征服世界岛的关键,这是典型的英国人自私自利的胡说八道。

  74. @Vito Klein

    I remember during the Cold War my fellow Americans hating all “Russians.” Then I asked them, “Don’t you think that most citizens of the U.S.S.R. are victims of it rather than our enemies?”

  75. Ron Unz 说:
    @Shitposter_in Chief

    真正的问题。 为什么俄罗斯炸毁北溪是荒谬的?

    您的网站公开假定 9/11 是内部工作(我倾向于),为什么俄罗斯也不能这样做?

    实际上,我非常怀疑关于 9/11 袭击的广泛传播的“内部工作”理论。 我认为这是完全荒谬的,可能是为了将注意力从可能的罪魁祸首转移开,甚至让 9/11 Truthers 看起来很荒谬。 您可能想阅读我自己对该主题的分析:


    同样,俄罗斯或普京摧毁自己的管道绝对没有意义。 相反,一长串美国高层领导人一直威胁要拆除管道,并在事情发生时表示非常满意。 一位波兰高级政治人物感谢美国摧毁了他们。 与此同时,这个故事从美国男男性接触者那里完全消失了,有点奇怪,因为它把其他一切都归咎于俄罗斯。

    赫什指出,拜登可以委托他的情报机构确定是谁摧毁了管道。 他没有的原因是因为每个人都知道是谁干的。

    • 同意: Colin Wright
    • 谢谢: James of Africa
  76. Jim H 说:

    ‘In some respects, it is America and the rest of the West that has actually become isolated.’ — Ron Unz

    ‘FOG IN CHANNEL, CONTINENT CUT OFF,’ as a possibly apocryphal 1940s British headline put it.

    Now pokey America has donned the mantle of heedless, know-nothing insularity.

    • 哈哈: Notsofast
  77. Ron Unz 说:

    In retrospect, we invaded the wrong country in 2003. There are days when I think we should have toppled the duplicitous House of Saud (and their cronies in the U.S. while at it).

    Ha, ha, ha. You certainly sound like someone who spent the Iraq War period working very closely with the Neocons…

    • 回复: @Twinkie
  78. Fumanchu 说:


    • 回复: @nos2
  79. barr 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    WTC 1993 提供了一条线索。 炭疽病发作也是如此。

    塞勒姆在他不知情的情况下得到了真正的炸弹而不是假炸弹(纽约时报)。 有线人,有处理人员和高层的“虚假轰炸”政策。

  80. barr 说:

    这是不可能的。俄罗斯没有压制国内的纷争。 俄罗斯没有对德国或波兰发起进攻。 俄罗斯并没有开始退出与美国的接触。它没有扔掉大使馆。 它没有停止要求与乌克兰谈判。它没有停止要求解除制裁以使天然气流向欧洲。 事件发生后 4 小时内,俄罗斯没有开始指责任何人。 俄罗斯国防部长没有说,“很难得到好的案例。 需要迅速行动”,“近期目标需要——大规模——扫除一切,相关的和无关的。”( https://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/feb/24/freedomofinformation.september11).

    最重要的是,俄罗斯没有用生物武器杀死自己的公民。 既没有颁布爱国者法案,也没有增加监视。

    • 回复: @KA
  81. Bill Jones 说:

    6 weeks ago, I saw this coming.
    Comment over at Sailer.back in January.

    2022 年的大事件不是普京终于受够了 ziocon 狗屎,而是习近平访问南非

    回想一下,就在拜登(或者所谓的拜登)几周前,他抵达利雅得乞求更多的石油,从机场叫了一辆优步,然后受到了一个拳头的欢迎。 在他被告知空手回家之前,其他几个角色参加了他两个小时的会议,没有任何注意事项。
    然而,习近平的飞机由沙特喷气式飞机护航——我想我数了七次,降落时受到了一声炮响和一队飞机飞过,天空涂上了中国国旗的颜色。 沙特国王去机场迎接他; 国王是一个拄着拐杖走路的年老体弱的人,不是 MBS。 为期三天的访问描绘了世界能源的未来、石油人民币的未来和美元的死亡。

    习近平受到了他的欢迎,因为沙特正在与中国建立伙伴关系。 中国处理国际事务的方法是双赢的,这与美国的 Because We Said So 形成鲜明对比。
    在这些项目中,许多项目之一是让该国远离石油生产。 沙特阿拉伯拥有太阳能和碳氢化合物形式的能源,因此兆瓦级的耗电服务器农场(和比特币矿工)非常适合。 当然,多余的热量将用于沙特需要的海水淡化厂。 所以这是三赢——沙特、中国和混蛋绿党。
    我敢肯定,MBS 主要关心的是避免被华盛顿污秽分子谋杀。 (我一直认为 DC 棒球队应该这样称呼)。

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  82. Rich 说:

    You think the ragtag Ukrainian navy was able to blow up Nordstream? I don’t know, I guess that might have been possible, except that’s what the Biden administration said. As soon as they came out with that, it obviously wasn’t the Ukrainians.

  83. @Sean

    “It has now become obvious why the West did not react to the destruction of NordStream by condemning a putative/ probable Russian attack, or even that sabotage by ‘whoever it was’ . The reason they did not react much more strongly is they knew all along it was Ukraine not Russia.”

    Or maybe because they knew all along it was the US with maybe a Brit or two as well?

    • 回复: @Sean
  84. Bill Jones 说:

    根本问题很简单。 几十年来,帝国外交政策一直掌握在青铜时代的死亡崇拜手中。
    (ht 兹曼)

    • 同意: Iris
  85. @James N. Kennett

    In Mackinder’s time it may have been bunk because you could move things and people a lot quicker by sea. Now there are I understand pretty good rail links with more in the pipeline.

  86. 这是一篇写得很好、发人深省的文章。其中的一个关键点(如果我理解正确的话)是,总体而言,美国人比其他国家的许多人更少了解世界上真正发生的事情(就美国的活动而言)。这似乎是可信的。赫什在中国的采访很能说明问题。赫什先生是一位顶级记者。他的视野怎么会被其他知情人士认为显而易见的事情(关于 9/11)所蒙蔽?嗯。关于选择性意识:Unz 先生也是顶尖水平,可以说是包括 Hersh 先生在内的班级中的佼佼者。但很长一段时间以来,我一直想知道他的视野怎么可能仍然笼罩在其他人看来显而易见的事情上——实验性基因治疗注射(残暴地?)强加给我们的风险(危险)。阿西姆·马尔霍特拉博士是庸医吗?是麦卡洛博士吗?科尔博士?马龙博士? (或数以千计的其他高素质医生?)惠特尼先生是“阴谋论者”吗? VAERS 数据是幻觉吗?成千上万的年轻运动员是否死于火星袭击?


    • 谢谢: Arthur MacBride
  87. bjondo [又名“蠕虫蛇脑”] 说:

    In retrospect, we invaded the wrong country in 2003. There are days when I think we should have toppled the duplicitous House of Saud (and their cronies in the U.S. while at it).

    This is Israeli, YidCon BS.

    The right country would have been Yidrael.


    • 回复: @Twinkie
  88. Brosi 说:

    One can only fantasize.

    LOL. Twinkie the liar’s fantasies. They all involve back channel shock and awe invasions by Pup Ravage.

  89. @Ron Unz

    Hersh also stated that they used an extremely complex plan using normal Navy divers, instead of SOCOM to avoid alerting the gang of 8, because of secrecy concerns (ludicrous, they’re all neocons), but apparently a random Polish politician was in the loop?

    Who’s to say that Biden hasn’t tasked his intelligence agencies to find out who did it? You know they keep a lot of stuff secret and DON’T brief the world on their findings.

    Thanks for your link BTW, here’s a freebie not many people know about

    • 谢谢: Colin Wright
    • 回复: @Avery
    , @Ron Unz
  90. Anonymous[199]• 免责声明 说:
    @Bill Jones

    The United States has a population of around 350 million; China has a population more than 3 times that. The Chinese have 300,000 people (at least) with an IQ of 160 or higher; the Jewnited States has maybe 10,000 with an IQ of 160 or above. Even when adjusting for population, geniuses are to be found much more often in the Chinese Han population than in the American one. China is now the workshop of the world, and has a world-class military ally in Russia. If the Jews start killing Chinese civilians as they have Iranian ones, then you are going to finally see the swift and severe punishment the Israelis have been begging for since before Joe Biden petted his first underage victim. That said, I do think the Jews will try to cut a deal with China, and likely already have. My hope is that the Chinese understand Jew duplicity and never let them near the levers of power in any institution China and the non-ZOG world control. If they pivot to you, it is because they wish to control you and, ultimately, destroy you. China must learn from the US example, and must be willing to listen to the Russians as it relates to the Jews. Everywhere they go, the people suffer.

    • 回复: @24th Alabama
  91. @Carlton Meyer

    The British didn’t have 20 000 hydrogen bombs.

    • 回复: @Avery
  92. @Jim Yost

    There is a possibility George Bush 2 is Aleister Crowley’s grandson. P < .5 but Barb sure did look like the beast.


    • 回复: @Kim Jong Il
  93. Wild Man 说:

    With this now in the works (i.e. – Xi Jinping as potential peace-maker):


    , ….. maybe Putin has, behind the scenes, been working on that angle, all a long, and that is why Paul Craig Roberts is confused by Putin’s reticence towards scaling the war up quicker, …. perhaps Xi Jinping does not want that. If Putin is now claiming (for at least the past year) that the west has no value as arbiter of anything, on the geopolitical scene (hampered by too much scoring-on-own-goal), …. then who remains as potential grand arbiter?

    Maybe our prayers are being answered (to avert war war 3). Let’s see what happens.

  94. @James N. Kennett


  95. @Emil Nikola Richard


    • 哈哈: Emil Nikola Richard
  96. Avery 说:
    @Shitposter_in Chief

    { but apparently a random Polish politician was in the loop?}

    Where did you get the idea that the Polish politician was, quote, “in the loop”, or that Ron intimated anything of the sort.

    你不一定要 ‘in the loop’ 成为:

    1. A Polish politican with a visceral hatred of Russians (yes, I know, it’s redundant).


    2. A jointly owned Russian-German gas pipeline misteriously blows up.

    3. There is nothing — zero, zilch — Russia would gain by causing itself $10s of billions in damages to a pipeline that brings in Western hard currency to her treasury.

    4. If Russia wanted to cause economic harm to Germany and EU, Russia could simply turn the gas off at the source. Little known factoid: the source of the natural gas is deep inside Russia, not in EU.

    5. There is NO known instance whereby Russia has abrogated its commercial contracts for political considerations. Russia fullfills its existing contract obligtions even to unfriendly nations.

    And you don’t have to be ‘in the loop’:

    6. To reach the reasonable, logical conclusion that when Victoria Nuland and President Biden openly promise to stop NS2 by any means, then US/NATO are the most likely suspects, and to celebrate, if you are Polish politican filled with irrational, visceral hatred of Russia.

  97. Avery 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    No country is known to possess 20,000枚氢弹.

    US and Russia have ~6,000 warheads, mostly tactical.
    The entire world has an estiamted ~12,000 warheads, mostly tactical.

    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
  98. “”””Twenty million people including well over a million Americans have died from this global epidemic “””

    Twenty million killed by covid???? Why does unz always accept “official” numbers.

    Maybe 200,000.

  99. Sean 说:

    Or maybe because they knew all along it was the US with maybe a Brit or two as well?

    So why didn’t they loudly proclaim it had been Russia, instead of waiting a long time and them blaming Ukraine, which is being promoted in the West as the heroic, of all countries?

  100. This is a result of being on the wrong side.

    Basically, for us Europeans it is that we detest Russian imperialist predatory behavior in Ukraine & see it as the remake of Hitler’s obsession with 栖息地 & Sudetenland.

    The only solution is that the aggressor (Germans, Russians) be kicked out. For Ukrainians it is the heroic struggle for re-birth of their nation. For those who are close to them & who see it clearly, from Baltic states on – there can be no compromise here. Russians must be kicked out & their behavior in international relations changed.

    As far as America goes- it is, finally, on the right side (whichever her motives).

    And as history and culture go- Russians have screwed themselves royally. They do not belong in company with China, Iran or Saudi Arabia- completely alien cultures & mentalities that have nothing to do with the historical West, where Russia belongs.

    But- talking to people who have no sense of justice, no sense of history, no knowledge of culture…is a waste of time.

    • 巨魔: Rurik
    • 回复: @Levtraro
  101. Anonymous[178]• 免责声明 说:

    Poor Twinkie in 79 re the duplicitous House of Saud.

    If you think of the WTC demolition as a contract, the Saudis were subs. Their tasking included staffing “terrorists” (goons whose job is to run around, drop breadcrumbs, and look menacing.) Israel supplied some of those too, notably one of the duplicate Attas. Richard Blee at CIA ran them.


    Saudis also carried out a key technical task: crippling the emergency hijacking procedures by which FAA alerts DoD. An actual registered Saudi terrorist did that job. MITRE ran that work with a cutout firm called P-Tech.


    By contrast, Israel was the prime contractor, responsible for the all-important demolition work.

    But the contracting officer was CIA DO. No foreign organization had the precise control to coordinate exercises, botch interceptions, and protect VIPs.


  102. nos2 说:


    • 回复: @Fumanchu
  103. cohen 说:

    Jeffery Sachs 的另一个欺诈或日光抢劫是他在电视上的露面和他的叛逆行为。 节目主持人在 Jeferry 的尖叫声中断开了他的麦克风,使他成为“有未来议程的叛逆者”。 如果 Jeff 这么糟糕,那么他们到底为什么要一遍又一遍地邀请他并与他断开联系。 看到奥斯卡提名的假戏,我很失望。 最佳假动作. 一个纯粹的马戏团使他的形象成为现实的对立面。

    杰弗瑞应该被问及他的举报热情,这种热情只围绕选定的政治话题。 他为什么不谈论制药业、美联储储备银行(毕竟这个话题他应该比 Covid 或管道爆炸更了解)、联合国腐败、世界银行在环境领域毫无价值的项目。

    有趣的是,世界银行环境银行的环境标准是从EPA环保指南或标准中复制过来的,并贴上了世界银行的标志。 我不是在开玩笑。

    在一次会议上,世界银行的一位项目经理不断吹嘘银行花费了数十亿美元。 我问吹牛者他是否可以说出一个在环境领域成功完成的项目? 任何人都可以猜到答案。

    让我们不要忘记对博士学位持有者的这种迷恋。 他们不会自动成为他们没有任何线索的主题的专家。 拥有经济学学位的 Jeffery 通常会在简历上吹嘘自己是 Covid 委员会主席,请问萨克斯先生那些妄想的粉丝们? 如果拥有音乐、神学或古代语言博士学位的人适合担任联邦通信 (NSA) 的负责人,他们会作何感想。 他们肯定有博士学位。

    这是一个真实的故事。 全世界所有的博士和教授,在最大的环境灾难中都无法控制输油管道的泄漏(墨西哥湾的地平线灾难)。 它是由来自俄亥俄州的一名水管工解决的。 没有大张旗鼓。 没有电影或书籍。 我可以在那个我有兴趣看素描的人身上找到任何东西。

    • 回复: @Folkvangr
  104. 如果这只是一个开始,中国真的可以在美国破坏的情况下实现这一目标,这真的是一个巨大的开始。

  105. 俄罗斯反白人政策的另一个例子:


    Italy blames surge in migration on Russia’s Wagner group

    ROME, March 13 (Reuters) – The Italian government on Monday said Russian mercenary group Wagner was behind a surge in migrant boats trying to cross the central Mediterranean as part of Moscow’s strategy to retaliate against countries supporting Ukraine.

    “I think it is now safe to say that the exponential increase in the migratory phenomenon departing from African shores is also, to a not insignificant extent, part of a clear strategy of hybrid warfare that the Wagner division is implementing, using its considerable weight in some African countries,” Defence Minister Guido Crosetto said in a statement.

    内政部数据显示,今年迄今已有约 20,000 人抵达意大利,而 6,100 年同期为 2022 人,移民问题正在给右翼政府带来压力。

    • 同意: TKK
    • 哈哈: Arthur MacBride
    • 巨魔: Rurik
    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  106. Ron Unz 说:
    @Shitposter_in Chief

    Thanks for your link BTW, here’s a freebie not many people know about

    Sure, I heard about the Mexican Parliament incident at the time it happened and I certainly included it in my 9/11 articles. But thanks for the very comprehensive Wikispooks link, which I’d never previously looked at.

    Hersh also stated that they used an extremely complex plan using normal Navy divers, instead of SOCOM to avoid alerting the gang of 8, because of secrecy concerns (ludicrous, they’re all neocons), but apparently a random Polish politician was in the loop?

    Radek Sikorski obviously wasn’t personally briefed on the secret attack, it’s just that he’s married to a leading Neocon journalist and travels in those circles, so he and everyone he knows simply assumed that America had destroyed the pipelines.

    When Jeffrey Sachs was talking to a top MSM journalist he’d known for 40 years, he was told “Of course America destroyed the pipelines—who else could have possibly done it?” Meanwhile, the man’s own newspaper was accusing the Russians.

    It’s obviously possible that the Russians or the Ukrainians did it. In his interviews, Hersh has joked that it might have actually been the Somalis or the Nepalese. But 99% of knowledgeable people immediately assumed the Americans had played a central role.

    Depending upon your interest level, you might want to read a couple of my articles on the topic:



    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  107. Levtraro 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    Basically, for us Europeans …

    Lol, so you represent all Europeans? Are you Josep ‘racist-gardener’ Borell?


    Try again, starting with such a stupid opening sentence is a don’t-read-further sign.

    Just present your opinion as yours, don’t speak for other people.

    • 回复: @Bardon Kaldian
  108. Agent76 说:


    介绍性说明:中国文件《美国霸权及其危险》于 20 年 2023 月 XNUMX 日刚刚出版。




  109. Fumanchu 说:

    从你的回答我就知道你是犹太人。总是攻击或诽谤这个人,永远不要真正辩论这个问题或提出任何相关的内容。像你这样的人如何看待犹太人目前的统治是很滑稽的,这恰恰是因为基督教的衰落而发生的,以此作为他们 2000 年阴谋论的证据。

    • 回复: @nos2
  110. ariadna 说:

    He’s right: looks like the US “can’t do squat about it.” Can’t win from losing on all fronts.

  111. Again we recommend that a sincere U.S. President (if one ever appears) award Mr. Unz with the Medal of Freedom for meritorious service to the nation and Mankind.

    • 同意: Iris
  112. Anonymous[207]• 免责声明 说:

    Great interview of Seymour Hersh by the very astute and articulate Chinese lady. (I think her English was even better than his.) Sadly, Mr. Hersh, like most paleo-liberals dating back to the Vietnam war, such Noam Chomsky and Chris Hedges, insists upon mercilessly blaming Putin in entirety for the hellacious ongoing war in Ukraine when anyone without the obligatory demonisation of Donald Trump should know, if they have the capacity for logic and reason, that Barack Obama and his minion Joe Biden precipitated the entire sequence of hostile events leading to the war with the initiation of the Maidan Coup under the auspices of the bipartisan Neocon lunatics. Moreover, the ultimate clear provocation for Putin to move his troops across the border was the 200,000 Ukie soldiers, recruited, trained, equipped and paid by the US and its Nato vassals ready to pounce upon the break-away Donbas oblasts in what had long ago become a Ukrainian civil war and which had already claimed the lives of 14,000 ethnic Russians by means of Ukrainian genocide. Sorry, Mr. Hersh, though I applaud the rest of your latest corpus of work relating to Russia, Ukraine, Germany and the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, your making Putin the ultimate cause of this great evil simply shows how refractory entire generations of Americans, raised to hate everything to do with Russia and its leaders, remain when it comes to assigning the proper blame for all the wars blighting this planet.

    I also detect significant bias in your prima facia condemnation of all things Trump. I will agree with anyone who says that Trump, being the first and only non-politician to ever be elected to the office of the presidency, was a failed president. This was mostly due to the fact that he had no connections and no allies in the political arena or in the military, he was attacked by all sides from the moment of his election, and those receiving high appointments acted only to develop their own political careers. The Republican party offered tepid support while the Dems sandbagged him with charges of treason and Russian collusion. These slanders were supposed to defeat him in the election after mass media and the corporate world vigorously pushed his candidacy in the primaries because they all expected him to lose biggly to Killary in the main event. I’m sure even the Donald was surprised that he won. His demise was supposed to inhere in the extreme racism he was accused of throughout the campaign which started as soon as he opined that the illegal immigration of various criminal types should be better controlled with, among other policies, the construction of a border fence. That rap was supposed to be golden for the Democrats who prefer totally open borders and even the voting franchise for illegal migrants. It presumably guaranteed victory for Killary and utter cancellation for Mr. Trump in American society. That theory did not prevail in the first election vs Ms. Clinton, but did so with bells on in the second against the near comatose Joe Biden of whom even Barack Obama spoke disparagingly during the campaign. Mr. Hersh was clearly well-conditioned in his long-term, simply dismissive and knee-jerk, bias against Trump, though he admittedly could have constructed very valid objections to his candidacy and performance in office. I’ve gotta say, that going on the long-term record in a fifty-year long career in politics, Joe Biden has hands down the worst record imaginable. He’s been a chronic liar, warmonger and abuser of office for personal (and family) gain. He’s not very knowledgeable, articulate, or judicious in the policies or people he supports. As his old boss Obama said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.”

    So, come on, Mr. Hersh. You still got game as a journalist, rightfully gutting the Biden administration for its bellicose moves against its own allies in its favorite war against Russia and Putin, but let’s try for greater accuracy and consistency in the entire bigger picture instead of clinging to your obsolete knee-jerk propaganda points left over from the Cold War. Look, if I can change my perceptions of political reality, so can you. I voted for Slick Willie and Obomber twice, before I saw what lying hypocrites they and their party were. Hell, I voted for Hubert Humphrey and George McGovern. Never again. They are fully committed to the same *结果* as the GOP. They just tell different lies to get your votes, and collude with the traitors on the other side of the aisle once ensconced in power. At age 85, you supposedly have 10 more years of accumulated wisdom that do I. Trump and Putin are NOT the cause of all these problems and you should know this. Stop parroting Dem talking points, especially when they come from the likes of Killary and fools like Wassermann-Schultz.

  113. anonymous[249]• 免责声明 说:
    @Unz Fanboy 1

    WHAT my checking/savings accounts are empty???? zero balances? where is my money? IN ISRAEL…?? Jews did it again..

  114. nos2 说:

    是的,我是一个大犹太人。如果欧洲不是基督教,犹太人的权力将为零,当你将罗马与中世纪欧洲进行比较时,你可以清楚地观察到这一事实,在整个中世纪欧洲历史中,犹太人总是获得和失去权力,但更强调他们获得的权力最终掌控了一切。当你审视历史趋势时,认为犹太人只是因为基督徒变得不那么基督徒而获得权力的想法是荒谬的。 Christcucks 崇拜一位名叫巴力 (Baal) 的犹太卡纳异教神,他们称其为基督或 3 合 1 组合包!

    • 回复: @Fumanchu
  115. Folkvangr 说:

    Just like his buddy Bernie, Jeffrey talks a lot about ending poverty, but I have never heard him talk about sealing our southern border. I think he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, just like all his fellow communist scum.

    • 巨魔: Olivier1973
  116. Rurik 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    and here’s a map that shows the whole world, of which Rothschild’s fiefdom (your map) is but a part

    here’s an almost duplicate map that shows recognition of Palestine


    here’s another map that shows ((NATO)) nations. (NATO is the belligerent organization that bombed the snot out of Libya, for instance, and will bomb any nation that looks cross-eyed at Israel).

    all these maps that show the West as a consolidated block, are what we call (((The Unilateral Power))), or the Empire of Lies, or ZOG, and other quaint descriptions.

    And it is a distinction of national shame to belong to it. It means your nation has no sovereignty, and is but a vassal state of the West’s ((Central Banks)), that call all the shots in their vassal states.

    The reality, is that those people have been conquered and enslaved. They are currently all being invaded by armies of hostile foreigners, who’re given perks and other benefits that are denied the indigenous citizens – who’re slated for replacement and to be blended out of existence. Genocide, in other words.

    So belonging to the highlighted nations of those maps, are nothing to brag about. Just the opposite, as they also generally show the nations with transgender five-year olds, and radical feminists and other blessings of ZOG enslavement.

    • 回复: @Bardon Kaldian
  117. Bill Jones 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    And the next topic is:


    Good to see you doing your part.
    Serfdom Now!
    Serfdom Forever!

    • 同意: YetAnotherAnon
    • 回复: @Bardon Kaldian
  118. @Bardon Kaldian

    LOL. Now you have revealed yourself as a peddler of lies and misinformation by regurgitating what other liars and misinformers say. But even if it were true, why isn’t Italy defending itself from these African invaders? Oh no, instead Italy wants to defend UkroZioNazis from the Wagner group while picking up these Africans and bringing them into Italy.

    • 同意: ariadna
    • 回复: @Bardon Kaldian
  119. @Ron Unz


    Ukies 做到了。

  120. @Bardon Kaldian

    Who cares? Those countries in blue are rapidly becoming the New Third World while Russia and China will be leading the soon to be former Third World. And you’re welcome to the worst trash and scum from the asylums, jails, and streets of that soon to be former Third World cleansing itself of its rapists, murderers and other assorted criminals by sending them to you to be welcomed by your women, homos and liberals while your Nazis go to die in the Ukraine. Russia never wanted this, but you did and you got it.

  121. This message is for anyone who reads my posts.

    Ron Keeva Unz writes:

    Over a decade ago, I had described these powerful trends, which have now become obvious to the entire world.”

    Ron Keeva Unz does not miss a chance to take credit for anything significant that takes place on earth!

    On earth, Ron Keeva Unz probably ranks second to opportunistic fame-seeker (aka so-called “Clandestine Journalist”) Seymour Myron Hersh in taking credits for any significant geo-political event.

  122. @Rurik

    Shitholers united.

    India, China, Russia, Islamistan, Africa…. pile of garbage, terrorism, tyranny & obscurantism.

    • 巨魔: Olivier1973
    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @Ennui
  123. cohen 说:

    有没有人关注查克·舒默 (Chuck Schumer) 对银行挤兑的打算?



  124. Dr. Doom 说:

    你们都生活在“有趣的时代”。 整个世界都在改变。


    哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈! 失败者。 失败者……
    现在,白人正在重新发现民族团结。 再见锡安猪。

    MBS 和石油酋长正在走向强马。

    尽管 Gungas 不想拉屎西方 CEO 队伍的舒适巢穴。

    整个 Zion Shit 三明治比热咖啡中的廉价甜甜圈更容易崩溃。
    北约无法支持乌克兰。 山姆大叔眼睁睁看着自己的财务被烧毁。

    结果仍然很好。 白人需要站起来。

    3% 是专用革命成功的神奇数字。
    100,000 名白人需要在华盛顿游行,并切断电源。

    地狱。 没有 EBT 的 24 小时,那些该死的肮脏的猿猴将变成 1000 只黑猩猩!

    六到十天后。 只是清理并扫除混乱。


    给星星。 空间站、月球基地、火星殖民地……

  125. KA 说:

    那种反应——很难得到一个好的案例——至少,911 是上帝赐予的机会去做一些以前不可能做的事情,但大部分都处于计划阶段。最坏的情况是,它告诉 Rumsfiled 和他的同事们在 cabjnet 知道 911 会发生,正在等待它,他的团队已经计划如何利用它来发挥自己的优势。

    • 回复: @Bill Jones
  126. PUTINFAN 说:
    @Vito Klein

    我想你会被原谅,就像德国人被原谅一样。 但你必须在超音速、战术核武器、刽子手和电网的破坏中幸存下来。


  127. PUTINFAN 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    感谢您发布关于您和您的祖先的书。 你是作家吗? 你认为它是传记还是自传?

    • 回复: @Bardon Kaldian
    , @Odyssey
  128. anon[168]• 免责声明 说:

    不,欧洲在创造先进文明方面做得最多,尤其是在美国成立之后。 也是叙事的一部分。 例如,印刷机在东亚已有数百年历史,远早于古腾堡。 与天花接种相同。 地球上没有人像欧洲大陆人那样高估自己。 要烧毁这个地方,美国需要做的就是离开。

    “18 骄傲在败坏之前,狂心在跌倒之前。”



    • 不同意: Petermx
    • 巨魔: Malla, ariadna
    • 回复: @Petermx
    , @Malla
  129. anon[168]• 免责声明 说:
    @Shitposter_in Chief

    The Hersh story is full of holes and the MSM narrative is ludicrous. Apparently one of the four pipelines was totally undamaged.

  130. TKK 说:

    Listening to Ron’s outstanding reading of his important article leaves me with the following question:

    Is the Western media’s refusal to cover this act of terrorism by America against a supposed NATO ally due to:

    – being captured completely by the Biden Administration and an “approved” list of events or

    – have Western journalists lost any interest in covering world events that are not salacious or sensational, akin to gossip?

    • 回复: @Astuteobservor II
  131. @Zachary Smith

    There seem to be a lot of flabby souled academics in C Canada (OK I can give you examples at least as bad from 1970s and my first great judicial mentor and friend nurtured his conte.pt from time immemorial).

    Try this if you think the protesters were shot by their own side.


  132. Rurik 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    Shitholers united.

    India, China, Russia, Islamistan, Africa…. pile of garbage, terrorism, tyranny & obscurantism.


    under More tag for too many photos


    it’s Paris and London that are inviting Africans (and Arabs and Pakistanis and others..) to replace their citizens, and creating massive shitholes where once pleasant and civilized people lived.

    Whereas China and Russia and others are ascendant, and respect their heritage and cultures, while the Rothschild’s shithole nations squat and take a steaming shit on their cultures and heritage and people, as ‘evil and racist and homophobic’.

    The streets of Moscow don’t have Africans shitting on the sidewalks, and accosting all the Russian women who’re brave or unlucky enough to walk by.

    just looking at the women walking in Moscow, reminded me of those Mary Tyler Moore shows at the beginning, when she was so happy to be in Minneapolis

    It’s Europe and North America that are transforming into shitholes as I write this.

    Minneapolis today under ZOG’s stewardship

  133. Malla 说:


    我认为麦金德谈到欧亚大陆而不是非洲。 非洲从哪里来?

    在过去的 120 年里,一切都没有改变,一波又一波的岛屿帝国(英国人、日本人、美国佬等)仍在试图攻击和控制世界岛及其庞大的人口(6 亿)、丰富的自然资源和广阔的土地面积……。不成功。

    废话。 大英帝国与控制任何世界岛屿无关,而只是欧洲内部竞争的结果。 日本在某种程度上也是如此。 日本在二战期间的扩张是受到共产主义的威胁和中国的煽动以及后来美国的制裁所推动的。

    • 回复: @rushed boob job
  134. Seraphim 说:

    Let’s remind that there are exactly 100 years since the definitive edition of Oswald Spengler’s ”Der Untergang des Abendlandes/The Downfall of the Occident”, published in English in 1926 as ‘The Decline of the West”, and his predictions came true.
    Namely, that the West was in its “evening”, similar to the late Roman Empire, and approaching its eventual decline despite its seeming power and braggadocio. The ‘Western world’, or the ‘Faustian Civilization’, was ending and the final season, the “winter”, was being witnessed. ‘Western Man’ compared by Spengler with the Goethean Faust, was a proud but tragic figure because, while he strives and creates, he secretly knows the actual goal will never be reached, ”striving for the wind”, but ready to make a pact with the Devil for power, knowledge, or material gain. The ‘real’ Faust was irrevocably damned because he prefers human knowledge over divine knowledge.
    He saw the rise of the ‘East’ which would fill the vacuum left by the bursting of the ‘Faustian balloon’.

  135. harfang67 说:

    了不起的恩兹先生! 非常感谢。

    我们真的不知道该怎么办。 我们(北美)被迫使用生存行动。 加拿大还没有,但我们太小了。

    我不是专家,但为了将美国从那些经营(这里没有民主的人!) 西方世界的整个事情的国际银行家手中拯救出来,我们现在必须对那些权力基础不是金钱的国家采取积极主动的态度。 我认为我们正在与敌基督者作战,期间。 刚刚读了启示录。 这是一场值得为之牺牲的战斗。

  136. Kevpkick 说:

    Everybody knows it was Lee Harvey Oswald who blew up the pipelines, and he did it all by himself.

    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  137. Good post. Notice in the first picture a “Mercator Map” is used which distorts the actual size of the continents in favor of the Northern Hemisphere. This effectively makes the casual observer think an equal portion of the World is in favor of sanctioning Russia which is not true.

    Whereas in the second “Robinson Map”, the size of the continents are closer to reality (actual size) which allows the casual observer to see that a large portion of the Earth recognizes Palestine, which is true.

  138. Ennui 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    Remind me, what exactly did the lands of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth give the rest of us in terms of civilization and technology? I mean besides obscure ethnic conflicts, polka music, potato pastries, traumatized Ashkenazi immigrants, and embroidered blouses. Is the embroidery how your grandparents identified each group before the massacres or was it something else? “Hey guys, that shepherd has his sheep skin vest hanging off his LEFT shoulder, let’s go get him!”

    What you need is an inbred Hapsburg back in charge to tell you what to do (dead serious on this).

    • 回复: @Bardon Kaldian
  139. Odyssey 说:

    最简单和最简单的是塞尔维亚西里尔字母。 它是拼音的,每个声音代表一个字母。 没有双元音和其他展览。 它也比俄语西里尔字母更简单,后者有双元音 Ю (yu)、Я(ya)、Щ(sc)、ё(yo) 等。在塞尔维亚西里尔字母中,每个字母在每个单词中的发音相同,无论是否它在单词的开头、结尾或中间。

    Bernard Shaw planned to transform the English alphabet into a phonetic one modelled on the Serbian Cyrillic alphabet. English is unwieldy, even native speakers can’t read less used words without spelling or write a dictation without spelling. Many letters are pronounced in different ways, and you never know how they are pronounced in less used words.

    It takes a foreigner less than 5 minutes to learn Serbian Cyrillic, and immediately all texts in Serbian can be read without error. That’s why children already know all the letters at the age of three or four and can read simple words.

    比较工程。 柴可夫斯基的名字,或者,在德语中 - Tschaikowski,其中 4 个字母代表一个声音,在西里尔字母中只是“Ч”。 (我并不是说这就是为什么德国装甲旅是最笨的)。 塞尔维亚语中的英语“查尔斯”将是 – Чарлс。

    也许塞尔维亚语是欧洲最古老的语言,而温萨文字是世界上最古老的语言这一事实​​对前者有所贡献,但也许不是。 一路顺风!

    • 谢谢: Wizard of Oz, Levtraro
    • 回复: @Philip Owen
  140. @TKK


    宣传确实有效。 哈哈。

    • 同意: ariadna
    • 回复: @TKK
  141. Miro23 说:

    A half-century earlier many of the young GIs serving in Vietnam had been deeply impressed by his honest war reporting, and during the decades that followed some had risen very high within our military and intelligence establishments. 这些人向美国宪法宣誓,而不是向任何特定的美国总统宣誓, and many of them were appalled at the idiocy of the Biden Administration’s decision to destroy Europe’s energy pipelines, providing Hersh with the detailed account that he published.

    If anyone is going to prevent WW3 and return the US to sanity it’s these people.

  142. Fumanchu 说:


  143. Odyssey 说:

    你离真相不远了。 它是世界上唯一确定的种族灭绝团体的成员,该团体犯下了人类文明中前所未有的最骇人听闻的罪行和种族灭绝行为,其所有成员至今都在为这种种族灭绝辩护。 他们是少数几个 100% 毫无例外地支持乌克兰纳粹反对俄罗斯的团体之一。

    We currently lack a term to label this phenomenon. The situation in Ukraine is just a trigger, but that term should have a universal meaning. That’s why we asked a research question:

    “What do Nazis (classical and new age), Zionists, Satanists, fags, transvestites, frustrated, various mental, physical and social deviations (homo, globo, lesbo, psycho, trano, jojo, +,…), genocidal groups (only one has been identified, so far – Croats), members of small recently created puppet creations promoted to be banana-state/nations and morons (IQ<60) have in common to immediately, no questions asked – 100% of them (that is a KEY criterion) – without any reservations, side with the so-called ‘Ukies’ against the so-called ‘Russians’?

    • 同意: JR Foley
  144. “俄罗斯、中国、伊朗和……沙特阿拉伯?”

    “沙特阿拉伯”是“以色列”的代号吗? 随着多样性从内部慢慢吞噬美国,当以色列跳槽寻找一些新的最伟大盟友时,不要感到惊讶。

  145. Odyssey 说:

    Douglas Macgregor (in interview – 12/3/2023):

    “Back in 1995, the West decided to remove Milosevic from power and try to subjugate Serbia to NATO, and the Kosovo Albanians were only an instrument. In today’s conflict in Ukraine, a similar thing is happening, Ukrainians are also an instrument. In that conflict, Russia will win because for her it is a decisive battle and a fight for a just cause.

    *How do you observe the first NATO war in Europe today, from this time distance, the reckless bombing of Serbia and the FRY in 1999?

    – There have always been (many) alternatives to the use of that force, but the Clinton administration, which at the time was strongly supported by the Blair government on European soil, categorically rejected it. In retrospect of those events, it is not unreasonable to claim that the attempt to force Serbia to capitulate with bombs was, in many ways, a sort of dress rehearsal for what the Biden administration hoped would be Russia’s capitulation to the US and NATO, all in light of the conflict. in Ukraine.”

    • 同意: Miro23
    • 回复: @Odyssey
    , @Wokechoke
  146. A123 说: • 您的网站
    @Commentator Mike

    For example, will Saudi Arabia buy Russian weapons?

    If the Saudis want F35’s they are certain things they cannot buy. For example, S400 systems. Ask Turkey about this one.

    Beyond that some Russian gear might make sense. We have to wait for specifics.

    Will Saudi Arabia join BRICS

    Given South Africa’s deteriorating society is it now BRIC? Brazil does not cooperate with OPEC. BRIC is mostly a trade & economics organization and not solely focused on energy.

    It is possible. Call it 50/50.

    and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)?

    The SCO is primarily linked to CCP foreign investment or loans. Neither of these are of interest the Saudis. SCO also has political connotations that might scare off customers like Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea.

    One hates using a term like “impossible” so I will go for extremely unlikely.


  147. @Carlton Meyer

    French did have a foreign legion so Russians can have also.

  148. Decoy 说:
    @Kevin Barrett

    “but at least (MBS) is smart enough to see which way the global winds are blowing”

    A very simple statement about making life in general easier. Politicians are usually better than most people in determining which way the wind is blowing, but for some reason or another current day western world politicians can’t seem to grasp the obvious trend. Perhaps its the arrogance inherent in being part of a unipolar government that has had a 30 year reign. Like it or not the current direction of the global wind is not changing anytime soon.

  149. Ummmpph! 说:

    谢谢你,罗恩恩兹! 另一个优秀的作品。

  150. Agent76 说:

    Mar 13, 2023 Seymour Hersh In Conversation. On US Sabotage of Nord Stream Pipelines

    On March 6, Seymour “Sy” Hersh spoke about the Nord Stream explosion on September 26, 2022. He reveals in his substack how it was the result of Washington Administration authorizing C4 explosives be planted on the pipelines in June under the cover of a NATO exercise in the Baltic Sea, and then setting them off using a signal from a sonar buoy dropped on the surface. Hersh discusses the discussion of the sabotage at the UN, the decline of his brand of journalism in mainstream media and more!

    • 谢谢: JR Foley
    • 回复: @Sean
  151. PUTINFAN 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    我希望这个故事是真的。 去弗拉德弗拉德和 PMG-WAG。
    希望他们能尽快让 10,000,000 名撒哈拉以南的人进入 Eurpoe

    • 哈哈: Levtraro
    • 回复: @Bardon Kaldian
  152. Sarita 说:

    Look how crazy and sick Hoe Biden is: yesterday he was all sad in front of the tv cameras because banks are going broke, assuring people, you know serving the banker, helping them.
    Today, he’s sporting a nice smile as he announces the AUKUS deal of nuclear submarines.
    Anything that got to do with killing people all over the world the wasp and the Jews are happy.
    You’re an 80 years old man whose skin got cancer, why can’t you change the way of thinking before you go rot in hell? 🤔
    Waiting on the US to go broke and hit with a nice earthquake.

  153. China just put foot on US neck. How much pressure will be applied depends on US.

  154. @Wizard of Oz

    Honestly, Top Level-how would you know? Did Winnie Churchill tell you, himself, during one of your champagne breakfasts, so long ago?

    • 哈哈: Ann Nonny Mouse
  155. @Odyssey

    It was poorly worded. It should have said, if we did not totally decarbonise nearly all as fast as possible, or possibly all, of humanity, will die out in the decades to come, as the Earth’s climate destabilises more rapidly and to greater extremities than has been seen for at least fifty-five million years.
    That is more nearly correct, but what Greta and her ‘team’ do not grasp, of will not say, is that that ‘point of no return’ was actually passed some years ago, probably around 2000. Even if we totally decarbonised now, overnight, it is simply too late.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  156. 光荣的金砖国家!

    想象一下,如果中国设法促成俄罗斯联邦与 404 国之间的和平协议,华盛顿会多么恐怖……我听起来像某种嬉皮士。


    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  157. @Kevpkick

    Come on! Sirhan gave him a hand, and Mark Chapman too. The real ones-not the patsies sitting in prison.

  158. Anon[291]• 免责声明 说:

    SHOUT OUT TO UNIT 8200!!!

    By the way, how many of you pseudo-semites are vaxxed?

  159. @G wiltek

    美国统治阶级误判了中国统治阶级对中国人民的冷漠,就像美国统治阶级对美国人民一样; 事实证明这是错误的。 当制造外包时,美国就迷失了; 俄罗斯再次证明,工业对于任何想要管好自己的生意的国家来说都是绝对必要的。

    美国将再次崛起,可能再过 40 年,它会受到很大的动摇,规模和影响力会大大缩减,但对自身的认识会更加清晰。

    • 回复: @Kim Jong Il
  160. @Vito Klein

    难的; 通常失落国家的人民也会受到指责,即使他们无力阻止他们的政府; 还记得两次世界大战后德国人的待遇,或苏联解体后俄罗斯人的待遇吗? 逻辑是,“人们有责任密切关注以他们的名义所做的事情。”

  161. “…not only had the Biden Administration illegally destroyed the crucial energy pipelines of its European vassals, but it had apparently made no effort to even prepare a plausible cover-story to camouflage its criminal attacks.”

    There is an extremely common viewpoint that imagines that the puerile attempt to manufacture an alternative narrative is meant to be credible. It is not. Credibility has nothing to do with it; in fact credibility would be a significant drawback in what it is meant to be.

    Which is, a loyalty test.

    Remember the Skripal hoax? How credible was that? Yet the faithful fell over themselves in their haste to swallow that fairy story (or, for instance, the idea that there is no such thing as biological gender and that men can get pregnant). The same thing will happen here. The faithful need a line to tie themselves to; whether it makes sense or not is not just immaterial, the more nonsensical the better, because it will compel the faithful to tie themselves even more tightly to it.

    • 同意: ariadna
    • 回复: @Sean
  162. Malla 说:

    我在之前评论中的观点是,压制欧亚大陆是美国的政策,而不是大英帝国或日本帝国的政策。 美国对欧亚大陆的政策与英国对欧洲大陆的政策相似或更大版本,避免欧洲大国的崛起可能成为对不列颠群岛的威胁。 “欧洲权力”心态的整体平衡。
    美国已将这种心态带到了整个欧亚大陆。 它不喜欢任何可能挑战美国霸权的欧亚国家崛起。 老实说,美洲或非洲都没有可以挑战美国霸权的力量,这种潜在的力量只能来自欧亚大陆。 甚至在二战之前,美国的政策不仅是摧毁轴心国,即德国、意大利和日本,而且还要摧毁欧洲帝国,如英国、法国、荷兰、比利时、葡萄牙等帝国。 后来它把注意力转向了苏联,后来又转向了俄罗斯和中国。 穆里卡甚至通过广场协议阻止了 2 年代崛起的日本。

  163. TKK 说:
    @Astuteobservor II




    You are not smarter than anyone else – your snark is sophomoric and boring.

  164. @Anonymous

    IQ tests are useful and are somewhat accurate in predicting academic success and broadly coordinate with economic success, but do they measure creativity,the highest expression of human intelligence?
    The answer is a resounding “no.”

    Caucasians from Western Europe to India have created, invented or discovered virtually everything we have and know.This is factual,not racist and while it does seem that East Asians are beginning to make major advances, only time will tell.

    • 回复: @Olivier1973
    , @anon
  165. Petermx 说:

    The USA was a scientific backwater until around 1940. Germany alone had far more Nobel Prizes than the US until 1945 and a few years later. So did Great Britain. The US was nothing until some European scientists (many being Jewish) started arriving in the US in the 1930’s. Then, the US got another influx of German talent after the war that put the US on the moon. The US was nothing in science. It was probably the biggest manufacturer in the world with huge factories. Of course, it also benefited from unlimited natural resources. Germany had almost none.

    • 回复: @David B
  166. Malla 说:

    “18 骄傲在败坏之前,狂心在跌倒之前。”


    • 回复: @anon
  167. @PUTINFAN

    This shows psycho-mental profile of Russians’ backers.

    • 回复: @PUTINFAN
  168. @Ennui

    What kind of dumb question is it?

    Venice gave more to world civilization than the whole of Russia, and it can’t, due to that historical fact, behave in such a way to occupy other peoples’ lands & break post-WW2 order. Hitler’s Germany had, perhaps, contributed more to world civilization than any other country in the past 400 years & it doesn’t matter at all. These were wars of aggression & Germany needed to be defeated.

    • 回复: @Ennui
  169. Twinkie 说:
    @Ron Unz

    Ha, ha, ha. You certainly sound like someone who spent the Iraq War period working very closely with the Neocons…

    Yeah, keep repeating that falsehood, because you got nothing else.

    Ron “the Butcher” Unz


    For twenty years I’ve been saying that if we’d simply rounded up and summarily butchered all the Neocons together with their wives and children, we’d have a lot more peace and quiet in America. But nobody took my sensible advice, so here we are now…

    You clearly have some death camp commandant or Tovarish Zampolit fantasies.

  170. Twinkie 说:

    Do you think MBS represents a less bad faction of the royals whether because of inclination or incompetence? His relatives that he locked up are scoundrels, and Khashoggi was a P.O.S. who flirted with Islamists back in the day.

    I’d rather have MBS in power than bin Talal.

    I don’t have any insight into the inner-rivalries of the House of Saud.

    I do know that those MoFos are survivors. Many commenters here probably don’t even realize that they play the double-triple game a lot. For example, they have been negotiating with the Iranians while simultaneously negotiating with the Israelis (and the U.S.) about normalizing relations. That’s right, not only have the Saudis been in a secret (obviously temporary) alliance with the Israelis against Iran, they actually have been negotiating about establishing an official relationship (one of the hangups apparently was being provided a “civilian nuclear program” by the U.S. in return).

    I also know that the House of Saud is deeply enmeshed with the U.S. Deep State. Several of the important members of that family literally own mansions only a few miles from the CIA HQ. They don’t even hide it.

  171. Sean 说:
    @Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist

    Remember the Skripal poisoning hoax?

    And the Litvinenko one. Don’t forget the Yushchenko poisoning hoax. I could go on …

  172. Twinkie 说:

    The right country would have been Yidrael.

    No thanks to “invade & invite” for Israel, please. We don’t need more Falafel eateries.

    I don’t begrudge the Israelis for pursuing their national interests (even at our expense) – that’s what all sane countries do. Washington, D.C. being the imperial capital, there is lots of lobbying happening on behalf of many different countries as well as, gasp, foreign intelligence operations and industrial and technological espionage going on (people cry about the Chinese stealing tech, as they should, but don’t seem to realize that many of our “allies,” including the French have been engaging in industrial espionage in the U.S. for decades).

    That being the case, it’s on patriotic American officials and lawmakers to make sure our, American, interests are safeguarded, rather than pandering to foreign money and influence. And, yes, Americans should be patriotic to America first (as I often say, I respect the Israeli Jews for their patriotism toward their own country, I just wish our Jews were equally as patriotic to 我们的 国家)。

    Israel is not the problem. The problem is the pro-Israel lobby in the U.S. and its legion of supporters, including our elected officials, who slavishly pander to it.

    • 回复: @bjondo
  173. Odyssey 说:

    Douglas Macgregor (in an interview with a Serbian newspaper – 12/3/2023):

    Q: Is it possible for Russia to bow to the West?

    – Russia will prevail in the Ukrainian conflict because it holds a strategically high position. The Russian cause in this war is just. Besides, in the West, if I may say so, there is no appetite for war with official Moscow.

    Q: How do you see Europe after this conflict in the east?

    – It is difficult to imagine the survival of NATO and the European Union after the Ukrainian conflict. Technically speaking, the attempt to destroy the gas pipeline in northern Europe was an act of war against both Russia and Germany. The result is that, as the conflict progresses, it becomes increasingly apparent how deeply European strategic interests diverge from each other and from the United States.

  174. 所有国王的马和所有国王的人

  175. Sean 说:

    Did Ukraine use an IED planted by a woman to assassinate Dugina? Did Ukraine blow up the enormous Crimea bridge with single lorry driven by a non Ukrainian dupe?

    This was simple destruction, not something as technically demanding like rescuing the submariners of the Kursk. The NordStrean sabotage was just blowing up a pipeline in moderately deep sea while not under time constraints and no need for precision. Use of mammoth extra amount of explosives would go a long way to ensuring success.

    Has Wagner using ex cons with maximum one months training bested the most elite units of the Ukrainian armed forces defending well fortified positions? Though many thousands of the prisoner fighters have died, yes! If you do something in a overdetermined way you can make it work.

  176. Wokechoke 说:
    @Ron Unz

    Radek Sikorski is hardly a random Pole.

    As you pointed out he is married to Appelbaum. He’s also an Oxford grad. 50/50 he’s in the loop.

  177. @Petermx

    This what is called the perception deception. Sometimes I wonder if the much decried state of the press in Germany, under National Socialism, was freer than the press of today’s Germany.

    The litmus test for German awareness is the destruction of the Nord stream pipelines. One of Germany’s most post war worthy chancellors, Gerhard Schroeder, should act as the man of the hour and play a pivotal role at making Germany stand tall off her knees. The Biden administration’s act of treachery against a trusted Allie like Germany should finally kick the Germans out of their complacency. But it does look like things having to get much worse until Germans get the spine to escort the hegemon out the door and to reach out East for an economic and political alliance with the rising Asian powers.

    • 同意: Petermx
  178. @Ron Unz

    [实际上,我非常怀疑关于 9/11 袭击的广泛“内部工作”理论。]

    好吧,罗恩,我想知道你是否可以赞扬大卫艾克,我们没有人必须总是同意他的观点,但他有在世界上大多数人甚至可以感觉到之前就预测许多趋势的记录。 他的书“The Trigger”解释了整个 9/11 骗局的最细微细节。 这不仅仅是一项内部工作,而是一项由内而外的工作。

    我将从科学的角度解决这个问题,任何中等以上智力的工程师都可以说,三座建筑物自由落在其基础特征上的煎饼理论违背了人类几千年来所经历的物理规则。 XNUMX 名结构工程师签署了一封致美国当局的关于科学事实的信,但被置若罔闻。


    • 同意: skrik
  179. @Shitposter_in Chief

    Shitposter_in chief, Truth Vigilante once reprimanded you for living up to your nom de plume. It looks like his post went totally unleaded by you.

  180. @nsa

    好吧,国家安全局先生或不管你是谁。 所以你知道人们会往美国人吃的食物里吐口水,那是怎么回事,你有第一手资料吗?


  181. Bill Jones 说:

    .最坏的情况是,Rumsfiled 和他在 cabjnet 的同事知道 911 会发生,正在等待它,并且他的团队已经计划如何利用它来发挥优势。



  182. Levtraro 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    Posting pics? What are you? Josep “racist-gardener” Borell’s granddaughter? Write something interesting ffs and don’t start by stupidly claiming to represent us Europeans, just present your argument.

  183. “Our own website is a small one, and only about a dozen of our articles have ever broken 100,000 views. ”

    Yes, Unz has a core readership of 10,000 to 30,000 readers, who generate about 2 million views during one month.

    “The Crisis in Ukraine Is Not About Ukraine. It’s About Germany,” “This article quickly attracted enormous global readership and has now reached nearly a million views,”

    This article was typical clickbait conspiracy nonsense. Germany already is a US ally or vassal state. Of course the current war is about Ukraine and Russia.

    Hershovitz hasn’t provided any evidence supporting his claims. And US and German newspapers didn’t claim “pro-Ukrainian activists” did it “on a small yacht”. They said a “pro-Ukrainian group” (could be the CIA) did it and a yacht may have been involved (for whatever purpose).

    And let’s not even discuss the bioweapon nonsense. With the exception of care homes and morbidly obese people, the virus just wasn’t a big deal.

    Unz really has to step up his game if he wants to be taken seriously.

    • 同意: Wizard of Oz, Folkvangr
    • 不同意: Odyssey, Petermx
    • 回复: @Ron Unz
    , @Folkvangr
  184. @Twinkie

    In retrospect, we invaded the wrong country in 2003. There are days when I think we should have toppled the duplicitous House of Saud (and their cronies in the U.S. while at it).

    IIRC, there was speculation that cadet branches of the royals were involved in 9/11. The rumor is that the culprits were bumped off by the Saudi security services. Is there any truth to the scuttlebutt?

  185. skrik 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    There is no separating US and EU, they’re in this together

    Agreed, but are the EU citizens in it willingly – or forced via [vicious, filthily lying] propaganda? I ‘monitor’ [= occasionally listen to news broadcasts] of several ‘Western’ PFBCs [= publicly financed broadcasters], and I hardly ever hear Russia mentioned without some fake pejorative, like ‘aggressive invasion’ say, nor Ukraine mentioned without some non-credible positive purpose, like ‘defending democracy’ or ‘freeing illegally captured land,’ say. Despite Bernays’ ridiculous assertion [= “conscious and intelligent manipulation” etc.], no proper democracy may ever ‘justly’ function if its electorate is propagandised by vile lies. As a not so BTW, recall that most ‘Western’ so-called democracies went viciously tyrannical over Covid-19, without visible coordination, perhaps the anti-Russian propaganda is similarly covertly coordinated thus snaring EU into idiotic pro-Ukraine, anti-Russia hysteria? Note a big implication: The EU so-called ‘leaders’ are selling-out their citizens via this govt. approved propaganda, self-convicting themselves as traitors. rgds

    • 谢谢: Commentator Mike
  186. @Wizard of Oz

    Clearly you don’t know the back room deals that Ron alludes too. Combined they area unstoppable force.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  187. @col from OZ

    Which backroom deals are you referring to? At first I wondered whether you were making satirical reference to Ron’s wheeling and dealing but then I realised that you seemed to be believing that Ron had or might have real knowledge of backroom deals that mattered if your scared for your nation’s ultimate security and prosperity. Would you be so good as to spell out what backroom deals you are referring to and why you think they constitute an unstoppable force.

  188. @24th Alabama



    • 回复: @Malla
    , @24th Alabama
  189. anon[251]• 免责声明 说:

    我会说你的回答证明了我的观点。 除了你自己的同类,地球上没有你不会贬低的人。


    长期以来,美国比欧洲大陆更具创造力。 诺贝尔奖是高度政治化的,由欧洲大陆人授予,往往会非理性地偏袒欧洲大陆人。 电话、电报、飞机、铁路、铁船、轮船、潜艇等,仅举几例,都是美国在第一次世界大战前发明的,更不用说二战了。 当然,英国和德国自己想出了一些军事技术,例如坦克和喷气发动机,但是当喷气发动机投入使用时,美国正在研制原子弹,这显然是跨越式发展。 作为美国技术优势的一个例子,美国人在英国和法国失败的地方建造了巴拿马运河。 值得注意的是,与巴拿马运河不同,苏伊士运河是一条极其原始的运河,没有任何船闸(几个世纪前在中国发明)。 您认真对待欧洲技术更先进的想法这一事实进一步证明了欧洲的狂妄自大。

    • 哈哈: Petermx
    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Philip Owen
  190. bjondo [又名“蠕虫蛇脑”] 说:

    Israel is not the problem. The problem is the pro-Israel lobby

    Not sure how one separates Yid from Yid.

    More falafel eateries A-OK if not from the thieves
    who steal land, homes, history, and culture.


    Israel is the world’s problem.

  191. 锦绣

    随着西方经济体的崩溃,俄罗斯在 2022 年出现了一些粗略的统计数据。

    出口 591 亿美元.. 同比增长 19.9%。
    进口 259 亿美元..同比下降 12%。

    Repeat 在西方政府中运行 Monty Python。

    • 回复: @Jamali
  192. PUTINFAN 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    所以你也反对美国的 10,000,000 拉丁裔?

  193. PUTINFAN 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian


  194. A lesson in manners, in how to behave in public.
    Are western yob politicians embarrassed that this needs to be said ?

    Possibly you know the answer to that question.

    Short public statement by Lavrov.

    Russia, unlike West, never condescends to other nations — Lavrov


    • 回复: @Poupon Marx
  195. @Unz Fanboy 1

    Of all the mysterious deaths in the political history of America, FDR passing away after a lifetime of smoking unfiltered cigarettes (even after at least one heart attack) ain’t one of them.

    • 回复: @anon
  196. Jamali 说:
    @Arthur MacBride

    伊朗也一样。 根据摇篮:

    伊朗石油部长 Javad Owji 于 2015 月 2018 日表示,伊朗的石油出口已达到自特朗普政府退出 12 年核协议并于 XNUMX 年重新对德黑兰实施制裁以来的最高水平。
    据伊朗塔斯尼姆通讯社报道,与之前的 83 个月相比,伊朗在过去 12 个月期间出口了 12 万桶石油。

    因此,伊朗比两年前多出口了 190 亿桶石油,而天然气出口在过去 15 个月里增长了 12%。

    • 谢谢: Arthur MacBride
  197. Folkvangr 说:

    The BEST ever song about Russia, the best country in the world! Long live Russkiy Mir!

  198. anon[813]• 免责声明 说:
    @American Citizen

    Of all the mysterious deaths in the political history of America, FDR passing away after a lifetime of smoking unfiltered cigarettes (even after at least one heart attack) ain’t one of them.



    Prime suspect = Bernard Baruch

  199. Folkvangr 说:

    Russian savages tortured a Ukrainian marine, performed on him a brutal surgical operation without anesthesia and kept him in a concentration camp for months with other 800 captives. See for yourself what russkiy mir can do for you:

    • 回复: @Poupon Marx
    , @Derer
  200. Folkvangr 说:

    Russian officers kill own wounded soldiers rather than treat them say POWs

  201. @Arthur MacBride

    I found this observation shocking and extreme. And again and again, there is a Talmudic Traveler behind the endeavor, as a leader, enabler, instigator, etc. In this case the ambassador is a homosexual Jew who openly mocks and lectures the country he is assigned to.


    • 同意: Arthur MacBride
  202. Ennui 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    Nice non-sequitur, Bardon. You called other civilizations garbage pits. I asked, if they are garbage, what makes Eastern Europe so great by comparison?

    I listed your achievements, such as various pirogis, ethnic massacres/resentments with obscure origins, and colorful peasant blouses. Feel free to add.

    And I think having a firm (albeit imperfect) Imperial Hapsburg hand on the tiller kept you all in check.

  203. @Old Brown Fool

    犹太人将重建美国。 这将是一个没有跨性别主义、基督教恐怖主义和白人法西斯主义的新国家。

  204. medo 说:

    我经常来这里,我不接受在这个网站上发布的所有内容,也就是说,我在这里找到完全隐藏在美国的信息、讨论和事实,我不明白这是怎么被允许的,事实上我认为这是危险的, 令人惊讶的是这个网站存在......



  205. @Folkvangr

    Pathetic, clumsy, stupid, and inept Ukrainian (pardon the repetition). Genetically part of an inferior gene pool.

    Folk wanker. Sky Jewish owned news.

    One unsubstantiated video. The evidence of Ukraine torture and murder of Russian POWs is extensive and credible, as in rising to the level of accepted norms of evidence. You Ukrainian inferior lump of amorphous dung. Useless idiot.


    What about the wide spread reports of Ukie Nazis killing their own citizens for propaganda videos, non-compliance (as in resisting to be human shields for Ukie soldiers).

    And then there is Bucha. Objectively, all the evidence points to Azoz or other Nazi regiment clumsily killing civilians to frame Russians.

    As a Ukie, somewhere in you miserable life, you are going to be forced to admit you come from inferior stock, sub par culture, mores, morality, and decency. The entire pseudo-nation has spent decades groveling and begging to the International ZIO usurpers, either directly as oligarchs or as executives of large corporations. Who OWNS most of the land in Ukraine?

    Countering US and Ukie psyops:

    U.S. Military Intelligence Official Refutes ‘Russian Atrocities’ Claims

    Russian soldiers left the town Bucha in Ukraine on March 30. Two days later the Ukrainian Gestapo like SBU and men of the fascist Azov battalion moved in to find and remove ‘traitors’. On April 2/3 video was published that showed freshly killed men laying on the streets of Bucha. Several of them had white arm bands signaling to Russian forces to see them as friendlies.

    The ‘west’ and Ukrainian officials immediately called those dead the result of ‘Russian atrocities’.

    I had called it a provocation:

    The Bucha ‘Russian’ atrocities propaganda onslaught may have worked well in the ‘west’ but it lacks evidence that Russia had anything to do with it.

    The former Indian ambassador M.K. Bhadrakumar calls it an outright fake: …

    And a fake it was.

    Thankfully there are still some sane U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency officials and William Arkin is talking with them:

    Last Wednesday, Bucha Mayor Anatolii Fedoruk said that 320 people had been killed in the town of 37,000.
    “It is ugly,” a senior official with the Defense Intelligence Agency tells Newsweek. “But we forget that two peer competitors fought over Bucha for 36 days, and that the town was occupied, that Russian convoys and positions inside the town were attacked by the Ukrainians and vice versa, that ground combat was intense, that the town itself was literally fought over.”
    “I am not for a second excusing Russia’s war crimes, nor forgetting that Russia invaded the country,” says the DIA official. “But the number of actual deaths is hardly genocide. If Russia had that objective or was intentionally killing civilians, we’d see a lot more than less than .01 percent in places like Bucha.”

    320 of 37,000 is not .01 percent. But we do not know how many of those dead were Russian or Ukrainian soldiers. Some of the dead were so called ‘civilian defenders’ which were supposedly local civilians to whom the government had handed guns to ‘fight the Russians’. During a war a ‘civilian’ with a government issued gun shooting at enemy soldiers is a combatant, not a civilian.

    The DIA official continues:

    “Have the Russians been indiscriminate? Absolutely. But it shouldn’t too surprising. It’s part and parcel of the Russian way of war, lining up their artillery guns and letting loose,” the DIA official says. “But here in particular, in Bucha and the other towns around it—Irpin and Hostomel—there was intense ground fighting that involved almost 20 battalion tactical groups.”

    I doubt that there is really intentional ‘indiscriminate’ Russian artillery fire. The Russians have held back quite a lot and paid in blood for it.

    One should also note that the often shown mass graves in Bucha were not from recent actions but had been dug on March 10 after heavy fighting when Russian soldiers tried to enter the town:

    Maxar Technologies, which collects and publishes satellite imagery of Ukraine, said the first signs of excavation for a mass grave at the Church of St. Andrew and Pyervozvannoho All Saints were seen on March 10.

    “More recent coverage on March 31st shows the grave site with an approximately 45-foot-long trench in the southwestern section of the area near the church,” Maxar said.

    The DIA official clearly says the civilian casualties in Ukraine, which are quite low, get overplayed and that attributing them solely to Russia is wrong:

    On Monday, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said it had recorded 1,793 deaths and 2,439 injuries to civilians in all of Ukraine since the war began on February 24. U.S. intelligence believes that the true number is some five times greater, as previously reported by Newsweek.

    “It’s bad,” the DIA official says. “And I don’t want to say it’s not too bad. But I can’t help but stress that beyond the clamor, we are not seeing the war clearly. Where there has been intense ground fighting and a standoff between Ukrainian and Russian forces, the destruction is almost total. But in terms of actual damage in Kyiv or other cities outside the battle zone, and with regard to the number of civilian casualties overall, the evidence contradicts the dominant narrative.”
    The official says that it is dangerous to attribute one or even several graves and scenes of civilian disaster to Russian barbarism rather than just being realistic about the depredations of war.

    The official also worries that attributing the destructiveness only to Russian conduct, rather than to war itself, creates future dangers.

    “If we blame all the damage on Putin, as if he commanded it and that it is due solely to Russian war crimes, we are going to walk away from Ukraine with some illusion in our heads that modern warfare can be fought more cleanly, that the Ukraine war is an anomaly solely created by Russia’s behavior. This war is just demonstrating how destructive any war on this scale would be.”

    One should avoid to wage war whenever possible but it also important to end wars as quickly as possible:

    “Maybe it’s heartless to urge that we look at Ukraine with precision, without human emotion,” says the DIA official.

    “But for those who think tens of thousands have died and Russia is intentionally killing civilians and pursuing genocide, I say that’s even more of an argument to find a diplomatic solution to cease fighting. But nothing is going to happen in the coming days or weeks to change the reality on the battlefield. That’s why stopping the fighting should be our highest priority.”

    Unfortunately ending the war is not a priority for the U.S. nor the EU. Their leaders are drunk on the idea that the Ukraine defeated Russia around Kiev. They seem to believe that the Ukraine can defeat Russia everywhere.

    But the retreat from Kiev was ordered because the deceptive move towards it had fulfilled its purpose of keeping a large number of Ukrainian soldiers in place around Kiev while the Russian army opened the land corridor to Crimea.

    The Ukraine has no chance to defeat the Russian army no matter how many old tanks or airplanes the U.S. and EU countries move to it.

    Sending more weapons only prolongs the war and inevitably creates more military and civilian casualties on both sides.


    There it is, Rodentia. You know you are lying, and tried to serve up a turd soup to the readers here.

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  206. J 说: • 您的网站

    美国永远不会允许同等竞争对手的崛起。 对德俄管道的破坏仅表明美国愿意冒巨大的风险来阻止任何可能对其主导地位产生质疑的联盟的出现。 美国的疯狂愤怒对中国产生了降温作用,现在正在主动放缓自己的经济扩张。 自1950年以来,美国一直遵循MAD战略,即相互确保毁灭。 美国一次又一次地表明,为了有效地恐吓世界,它已经准备好走向自杀的极端。 阿亚图拉认为他们非常聪明……

  207. 锦绣

    A voice of civilisation is raised.
    It isn’t one from the “our shared values” west.

    Lavrov calls on UN, OSCE to demand Kiev cease persecution of Orthodox believers


  208. Malla 说:

    欧洲人完成了人类历史上数量最多的创新发明。 事实。





    LMFAO。 除了我不是欧洲人,我什至不是白人。

    • 回复: @anon
  209. Malla 说:

    事实上,所有人类群体都是种族主义者(而且永远都是),并且从一开始就进行掠夺和杀戮。 只要地球上还有人类,就会有掠夺和杀戮。 对于这一不幸的事实,人们无能为力。

  210. Russian jets have downed an American MQ 9 “Reaper” drone over Black Sea.
    It went down into water and sank.
    Their Navy searched for, found and recovered it.

    USA says it was on a “routine” flight.

    Outcome not yet clear, just happened this writing.

    • 回复: @skrik
  211. @Olivier1973

    “The strong do what they have to do and the weak accept what they must.”

    The only morality in the relations between nations is that each ought to act only in its own best interest.If it fails to do so its actions will cause irreparable harm to itself and others.The prime example of this is the U.S. support of Israel which has been an unmitigated catastrophe for the Mideast,if not the world.

    The second is the U.S. proxy war in the Ukraine which forced Russia to act in its best interest to prevent the establishment of a hostile State on its border.No major power would ever allow this to happen.

  212. Folkvangr 说:

    A year after invasion, Russian war crimes inflict death and ruin on Ukraine. Russian savages are destroying the jewel of Europe – Ukraine. They are committing genocide against its people, murdering infants, children, pregnant women, young men and elderly. Half of the Russian “army” consists of career criminals, murderers, convicted pedophiles, drug dealers, robbers, and marauders. Imagine the kind of human species on this website who support all this. Can you still call them HUMAN?

    • 回复: @Derer
    , @24th Alabama
  213. 令我印象深刻的是,北溪管道的爆炸和苏莱曼尼将军的卑鄙暗杀几乎同时提到。这两种行为都让我想起了一句历史名言:“这比犯罪更糟糕;这比犯罪更糟糕。”这是一个错误。”关于后者,请参见 https://dcdave.heresy.is/2020/01/12/trumps-crazy-drone-strike/。美国的此类行动牺牲了我们在世界上可能仅存的一点点道德权威。此类行动造成的长期损失显然超过了我们可能认为通过这些行动可以获得的任何短期收益。

    • 同意: LarryD3
  214. The American capacity for self-inflicted harm is unlimited.We are running out
    of body parts to be shot.

  215. Derer 说:

    Agree. Although I am disappointed for not quoting former Polish foreign minister Sikorski, an insider to clandestine operation: “Thank you USA”. Subsequently he deleted his tweet after being chastised for the leak.

  216. Derer 说:


    • 回复: @Folkvangr
  217. 德俄结盟此前曾扰乱世界。 第一次世界大战后,魏玛德国几乎没有市场,也几乎无法获得原材料。 对军事规模和训练也有严格限制。 苏联急需技术并拥有大量原材料。 拉帕洛条约建立了贸易和魏玛(!)德国进入苏联进行坦克和飞机开发和培训的途径。 这当然累积在他们对波兰的联合入侵中,英国和法国选择反对。 德俄联盟让世界付出了沉重的代价。


    沙特更有趣。 一方面,它向乌克兰提供 400 亿美元,以维持文职政府服务。 另一方面,它正在对金砖国家发出积极的声音,并以美元以外的方式出售石油。 吸引力在于俄罗斯。 为沙特提供机会的金砖国家是印度和中国。 廉价的俄罗斯石油正在取代印度大型炼油厂的沙特石油。 沙特的支出与沙特的收入比以前更加匹配。 他们不想因为货币操纵而被进一步封锁。 沙特与中国的关系也是如此。



    中国认为它需要一个不受美国海军控制的通往世界的出口。 因此,“一带一路”倡议和一些建立自己海军的姿态。 但是,伊朗受到制裁,现在俄罗斯也受到制裁。 因此,通过伊朗和巴基斯坦瓜多尔港的南行路线已被封锁。 巨额投资损失。 西行路线也已丢失。 只剩下中间走廊了。 这是由阿塞拜疆和格鲁吉亚控制的。 普京的冒险在这两个国家都造成了不稳定。

    习近平的不满表现在他对哈萨克斯坦的支持上。 普京对哈萨克斯坦的干预并不受欢迎。 俄罗斯军队来得快,去得也快。 哈萨克人正在直接罗马化他们的地图,很快他们的字母表也会罗马化。 他们为大饥荒的死者竖立了一座纪念碑。 死亡的哈萨克人比例高于乌克兰人。 他们喋喋不休地谈论 1950 年代核试验导致的辐射死亡等等。不仅仅是哈萨克人。 其他中亚人已经下定决心抱怨俄罗斯发出命令却空手而归。 俄罗斯在某种程度上与中国相当的假装已经消失。 “一带一路”倡议曾旨在与中国自 2011 年以来对乌克兰农业和港口设施的巨额投资联系起来。俄罗斯在克里米亚和顿巴斯的冒险早已摧毁了中国的这一计划。

    中国本身拒绝向俄罗斯提供军事装备。 例如,在 200 月,中国(和哈萨克斯坦)在俄罗斯军队库存丢失 1.5 万件后拒绝投标 15 万件冬季制服。 (直到现在,俄罗斯士兵才从朝鲜得到温暖的白色制服——正好赶上春天)。 更有针对性的是,XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日,由于唯一未完成的不平等条约,中国恢复使用目前被俄罗斯占领的外满洲城镇的中文名称。 (美国媒体对中国可能向俄罗斯提供援助的狂热是错误的或故意煽动的)。 习近平欠普京一年多的国事回访。 俄罗斯似乎在 XNUMX 月初就对他有所期待,但外长却带着和平计划来了。 习近平现在决定前来,但只是在访问期间与泽伦斯基(通过 Zoom?)进行了明确的讨论。

    这四人的潜在联盟看起来并不强大。 这将是非常具有交易性的,而且对中国的影响很大。 西方外交官可以通过认真对待中国对香料之路出海口和丝绸之路中间路线的担忧来打破这一切。

    Pepe Escobar 的粉丝不会同意。 艰难的。

  218. skrik 说:
    @Arthur MacBride

    Thanks; saw this on the local PFBC news this evening; R says they did not touch the drone.

    {14 Mar, 2023 18:46
    Russia comments on US drone crash in Black Sea
    No interceptor touched the American spy UAV that was approaching Crimea, Moscow has said }

    Of course, hardly a day goes by without zusa looking for trouble – anywhere, everywhere. Mind you, Black Sea is *无处* near zusa? rgds

    • 谢谢: Arthur MacBride
    • 回复: @skrik
  219. Derer 说:

    Hahaha, that photo is from Abu Ghraib, I know it by the coat-hanger…you desperate liar.

  220. @anon


    法国人可以拥有潜艇。 德国人的汽车。

    莱特兄弟实现了首次飞行并将其商业化,这要归功于看到演示失败但仍然支持它的美国陆军。 整个工业世界都落后了几个月。 法国的布莱里奥在很长一段时间内都是领导者。

    广岛的原子弹是英国设计的,可以肯定的是,美国的工业实力加速了它的诞生。 长崎是一个不同的,全美国的设计。

    是的。 美国陆军工程兵团意识到挖掘巴拿马运河(我的曾祖父从事过)是一项土方工程,而不是挖掘工程,因此修建了一条铁路来完成这项工程。

    • 谢谢: Wizard of Oz
  221. @Odyssey

    Щ 是 Tsch 的俄语西里尔字母。 Ч 在俄语西里尔字母中是 ch。 塞尔维亚语有很大不同吗?

    公元 540-600 年左右写的威尔士战争诗歌和摇篮曲在今天仍然可以理解。 因此,威尔士号称是欧洲除拉丁语外仍在使用的最古老的语言。 当时斯拉夫人甚至在塞尔维亚吗? 西里尔字母不是为保加利亚语发明的吗?

    • 回复: @Odyssey
  222. Odyssey 说:

    Maybe the following can explain some idiotic comments related to Ukraine. It doesn’t mean that all those commentators are morons (probably 50/50) but they are tasked with creating confusion and that’s why they went full-time and working round the clock.


    The New York Post: America is left without the ability to print dollars indefinitely

    Anti-Russian sanctions have forced many countries to give up the dollar, which is why Washington is losing the ability to project its power on the international stage, the American newspaper The NYP reported.
    Its columnist Jay Newman additionally warned both official Washington and compatriots:

    “Avoidance of the dollar will deal a severe blow to the position of the United States in the international arena.” The era of unlimited dollar printing may be coming to an end, leaving us without the ability to buy foreign goods cheaply.”

    The NYP indicated that more than 100 countries have not supported the anti-Russian measures of the West, which is why economic coalitions are emerging that use other currencies to sell goods.

    He especially emphasized: “It turned out that ours, as well as the claims of Western analysts that there is no alternative to the dollar, were illusory. Trade relations between countries that use national currencies lead to a decrease in the demand for the dollar and, as a result, its value. That’s why there will be a gradual increase in prices”.

    With a further decline in the position of the dollar, the New York paper concluded, the US will lose weight in the international arena, and risk finding itself in a “debt hole”.

  223. @Folkvangr


    All who had heartfelt concerns for the welfare of the Ukrainians urged them to remain neutral vis-a’-vis NATO and Russia, and stop the persecution (and killing) of ethnic Russians.Did the Ukrainians really want to provide the turf for an American-Russophobe war of revenge?


    • 同意: Decoy
    • 回复: @John Johnson
    , @Folkvangr
  224. Odyssey 说:
    @Philip Owen

    Except for Welsh lullabies, you got everything else wrong. I’ll assume the comment is in good faith. Russian Щ is read as SH-C(iao) – as in Polish word Solidarno-ŠĆ. Russian Ч and Serbian Ч are the same, only the Russian pronunciation is a little softer (since it is a younger language that evolved from Serbian, like all other Slavic languages).

    凯尔特人在去不列颠群岛之前曾在欧洲生活过。 直到第 13 届 cAC,他们与塞尔维亚人的名字相同,很少有人知道,直到 13 世纪被爱德华·朗山克(“勇敢的心”)禁止。 然而,一些塞尔维亚名字幸存下来(布鲁斯、达米安、达纳、卡门等)。

    The Serbian language has continuity since the Paleolithic to today and developed in Lepenski Vir and Vinča (Serbs are European aborigines). I hope you know that LV/Vinca was the cradle of European civilization, culture and language. Although this fact is under a virtual ban and falsified by the mainstream Western science, I hope you are aware of it. It would be a shame if someone didn’t know that.

    拉丁语是教会使用的人工语言,比塞尔维亚语年轻得多。 此外,许多拉丁语单词以及其他欧洲语言(例如英语)的单词也取自古代塞尔维亚语。 这种语言与吠陀经一起被雅利安人带到了印度,因此梵语和所有印度-伊朗语言都是从它演变而来的。

    忘记保加利亚人吧,他们是 95% 的塞尔维亚人,亚洲保加利亚人在 9 世纪来到这里并在那里被同化,他们接受了基督教和当地塞尔维亚人的语言,但强加了他们自己的名字。

    • 谢谢: dogbumbreath
    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  225. marylinm 说:

    所以波林出局了,中国进来了。波拉克人最终像往常一样像丑陋的新娘带着孩子一样落在后面。 我喜欢。

  226. @mulga mumblebrain

    My reliable knowledge of what the human affected climate is up to ends with my concluding that investing in a marina in Murmansk makes better sense than buying Bitcoin (though I wouldn’t mind some tulip bulbs for the near term). But you are a doomsayer so please evaluate this and give an analytical response


    And while I have scientific Mulga on air can I please learn what you can reliably affirm as an advocate for Ivermectin? I have just read a story sabotage an influencer who killed himself with ivermectin. To follow up I Googled and this is just a sample piece that I was linked to


    What fo you say,?

  227. @Poupon Marx

    Unfortunately ending the war is not a priority for the U.S. nor the EU. Their leaders are drunk on the idea that the Ukraine defeated Russia around Kiev.

    Yea I guess all those videos of burning tanks and dead Russians around Kiev were just a drunk man’s imagination.

    What happened to the 40 mile column of armor and supply trucks that was headed towards Kiev?

    Unfortunately for you this isn’t Russian State TV and we can play video of what happened.

    Watch this Russian tank column outside Kiev turn into a total clusterfuck and then retreat:

    Beautiful attack by the Ukrainians.

    Me thinks you need to turn off the internet for a while. You can’t process what happened last year let alone the present.

    • 回复: @Poupon Marx
  228. jsigur 说:

    当 Unz 提到一家“北京以外的中国电视台”时,我觉得奇怪的是,这位说一口流利英语的评论员似乎正在为西方观众准备这些材料。
    还有人觉得奇怪吗? Unz怎么能因为主持人是中国异议就说自己是中国电视台/?
    哦,宣传什么时候开始和结束。 很难就此达成集体协议,除了已知的骗子之外,该网站似乎正在战斗。 我们知道坏人都同意支持彼此的谎言,但发现抵抗的谎言才是我们真正的考验

    不管您是否同意 Seymour Hersh,他的采访都很糟糕。 如果他在,广大公众会迅速改变频道

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
    , @dogbumbreath
  229. @24th Alabama

    All who had heartfelt concerns for the welfare of the Ukrainians urged them to remain neutral vis-a’-vis NATO and Russia

    Ukraine wasn’t in the process of joining NATO. Zelensky was a no-name actor who defeated the pro-NATO candidate. The pro-Putin supporters incorrectly assume he was put in after the corrupt pro-Russian president was removed. Zelensky was elected in 2019 which was well after the Maidan revolution.

    Under American guidance Zelensky made terrible decisions.The Nation is wrecked and the loss of lives is horrific, more so because this tragedy could have been avoided.Had Zelensky been a real Ukrainian to start with, he would now be a traitor.He is instead just a warmongering,rat millionaire,ready to retire to Israel if he makes it out alive.

    You are saying he should have told the military to stand down, let in the Russians and then watch them dismantle the nation? Is that how he wouldn’t be a traitor? Letting a foreign country takeover?

    Polls show that he has the backing of the Ukrainian people so why don’t you explain what exactly he did wrong.

    If anyone is ready to make a run to Israel it is Putin’s Jewish private war commander. The latest rumor is that the Russian brass has intentionally setup a trap for him in Bakhmut:

    Maybe the pro-Putin bloggers will finally mention him if he is killed.

    • 回复: @24th Alabama
  230. Ron Unz 说:

    当 Unz 提到一家“北京以外的中国电视台”时,我觉得奇怪的是,这位说一口流利英语的评论员似乎正在为西方观众准备这些材料。
    还有人觉得奇怪吗? Unz怎么能因为主持人是中国异议就说自己是中国电视台/?

    You’re certainly a remarkably lazy individual. If you check, you’ll see that CGTN 是一家位于北京的中文外国新闻频道:


    • 回复: @Poupon Marx
  231. Seraphim 说:

    And that irrespective of the fact that the individual is lazy with English orthography. Chinese “dissent”?

  232. jsigur 说:

    说到 You Tube,在我看来,他们并没有像过去那样强制执行令人发指的仇恨言论限制。 我在很多视频中公开攻击犹太人,一次都没有受到谴责。 我的频道很小,但同样如此,与几年前相比,我现在删除视频的成本要低得多


    Unz 写道:“尽管我认为所有这些事实肯定已为大多数非西方国家的统治精英所熟知,但我认为它们也可能越来越多地影响到更广泛的受众,尽管美国对传统电子媒体进行了压制。”

    在那份声明中,Unz 提供了有意或无意的误导,所有领导人都清楚地知道真相,但只有我们的敌人觉得他们可以说出来。 我们的领导人不是温顺的美国人,他们参与了这场骗局,他们的主要工作是确保公众不会质疑“幕后黑手”的决定。

    他们的战略是国际范围的,他们不认为美国好,俄罗斯不好,他们有更大的结果,最终将我们所有人置于一项明确界定的行动之下。 他们很可能会发现有必要进行某种“第三次世界大战”,我敢肯定,如果是这样,将会在全世界创造适当的氛围,让这种情况发生

    • 回复: @dogbumbreath
    , @Wizard of Oz
  233. Ron Unz 说:
    @Step up your game

    Yes, Unz has a core readership of 10,000 to 30,000 readers, who generate about 2 million views during one month.

    I think that’s really quite a bit on the low side. According to SimilarWeb, the leading web traffic analyzer, we had 4.6 million pageviews in January, down from 5.6 million pageviews the previous couple of months. And we typically get around 60,000 visitors per day, so I’d guess our regular readership is somewhat higher than that.

    • 回复: @Step up the game
  234. @jsigur

    还有人觉得奇怪吗? Unz怎么能因为主持人是中国异议就说自己是中国电视台/?

    Ron already replied in Comment #243. I will add, many foreign countries have an “English speaking” channel partly or wholly funded by the State. Some examples are RT News (Russia), Al Jazeera (Qatar) and Deusche Welle (Germany) because English is, like it or not, a default Global language.

  235. @jsigur

    说到 You Tube,在我看来,他们并没有像过去那样强制执行令人发指的仇恨言论限制。

    YouTube censorship didn’t really begin until Covid. Prior you could pretty much say whatever. In 2020, any videos going against the authorized Covid “narrative” was scrubbed. Since that “big brother is watching you” act worked so well, YT began censoring other topics which went against narrative (i.e. Ukraine) and deleted peoples entire Channels it didn’t agree with.

    • 回复: @anon
    , @Ron Unz
  236. @jsigur

    既然 The Lobby 的某个人看过这样的视频并得出结论,可能会返回该网站的那种易受影响的人可能最好接受这种无害的 bloviating,因此你应该不会被 YouTube 禁止。

  237. Wokechoke 说:
    @Philip Owen


  238. anon[279]• 免责声明 说:
    @24th Alabama

    Incredibly ill-informed. Read “Science and Civilization in Ancient China” by the Anglo-Saxon Catholic Joseph Needham (since you don’t trust Jews, presumably) for a multi-volume exposition of all of the technologies China had before anyone else. For example, canal locks, gunpowder, the magnetic compass, paper, the Bessemer process (even this surprised me, frankly), natural gas drilling, etc. all invented in China. I’m not sure what was invented in India. My understanding is that India’s contributions have mostly been spiritual (I.e. rationalizing your own slavery).

    • 谢谢: Wizard of Oz, dogbumbreath
    • 回复: @Wokechoke
    , @24th Alabama
  239. anon[279]• 免责声明 说:

    你知道欧洲人不是性病吗? 有些人就是对事实无动于衷。 我知道印度人倾向于通过继承殖民包袱的玫瑰色镜头来看待西方,但不知道情况会这么糟糕。

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
  240. Wokechoke 说:

    Arabic numerals are understood to be Indian. Also they invented the Zero integer.

    • 回复: @bjondo
  241. Von Rho 说:

    你为中国辩护,那个只不过是小饰品制造商的怪物,表明你是尼克松时代在边缘地区建立工业区以打败苏联的计划的一部分。 当然,在 1980 年代,你们支持日本是美国的大恶魔。 我还敢打赌,当时你正在训练剑道和吃寿司,就像典型的美国犹太人一样“健康”。

  242. Malla 说:






    你想错了,印度人极端反西方,是地球上最反西方的人群之一。 我们从小就被教导要仇恨西方。 印第安人相信他们自己的种族和文明的优越性,并相信所有其他文明都从他们那里偷走了技术,所有其他文明都是由退化的印第安人创造的。 这包括中国-东亚文明、中东文明、西方/欧洲文明、美洲本土文明。 那里有大量印度教非洲中心主义类型的“我们是太空飞行员”文学作品,大多数印度人都相信它。

    这就是为什么我要说,与他们的成就和他们所建立的社会相比,西方人和日本艺术极其谦虚。 但其他人尽管失败了,但仍沉浸在骄傲和傲慢中。

  243. @nsa

    without geography you’re nowhere. so that being said – it’s always so funny to think about THAT island, and all THOSE ideologies that came from it. to think…a bunch of mooks that slimed their way out of the bog 400 years ago by backstabbing their closest neighbors, hellbent on world domination.

    “england is the shittiest island on the planet.” – rushed boob job

  244. Seraphim 说:
    @Philip Owen

    ‘Westies’ never realized that the Russo-Chinese ‘alliance’ began in 1996 with the “Shanghai Five” which grew into the “Shanghai Cooperation Organisation”. Wake up.

  245. chowfun 说:

    随着中国成功斡旋沙特阿拉伯和伊朗之间重建外交关系,中国现已确立了自己的全球领导地位,在经济、领土问题上进行斡旋,将受到其他实力较弱的小国的青睐。 、军事争端和/或联盟与有关各方建立更牢固的外交关系,从而篡夺美国曾经占据的主要地缘政治谈判者的角色。沙特与伊朗的这一外交突破比“如何”更重要的是“为什么”。为什么在这个时候建立这些外交关系?为什么其他国家会向中国求助以促进这种关系?难道是因为这是各国将采取的众多步骤中的第一步,这些国家现在认为必须建立某种形式的联盟,以共同保护免受危险的流氓超级大国利用其金融实力实施严厉的经济制裁反对那些不相信其任意执行的“基于规则的秩序”的人,该秩序通过国际非政府组织在外国利用其影响力煽动不和并推动“颜色革命”,利用其军事力量(直接或间接)作为棍棒进行打击其他可能选择建立自己的外交关系的国家可能不会得到西方的认可,并且最近刚刚对一个盟友实施了恐怖主义行为,炸毁了一个关键的能源基础设施。一些国家现在得出结论,美国确实对其持续生存构成更大的威胁,并且正在建立新的战略伙伴关系以应对这一威胁。

    • 回复: @Deep Thought
  246. @Malla

    the brits floated from their island all the way into the black sea just to stick themselves into a conflict between ottoman muslims invading russian territory. that was 1856 in crimea, an island within the eurasian world island. perhaps they were trying to control the eurasian land mass a few decades before mackinder’s 1904 notions.

    • 回复: @Philip Owen
  247. @Ron Unz

    similarweb shows 1.7M to 2M visits per months in the last three months: https://www.similarweb.com/website/unz.com/#traffic

    The 60,000 visitors per day include many return visitors. 2M views per month divided by 150 articles per month is about 15,000 readers per article on average. You could simply display the views per article to clarify the situation.

  248. @John Johnson

    Thank you for your prompt reply,even faster than a bank collapse in the US,but its only a figure of speech here whereas in the Ukraine the bank building actually collapses.

    To your point,Zelensky was well known because of his TV show but he did campaign as a “Peace with Russia”candidate.Maybe he was sincere,only he knows but at some point he clearly came under the control of those who wanted to provoke Russia into invading.Shelling of the ethnic Russians in the Donbas resumed on his watch,as did Russian warnings.

    NATO continued to arm and train the Ukrainian Army with only one possible enemy in mind.Ukraine became a de facto member of NATO,or a sacrificial lamb if you prefer.The collective Russian memory of invasions by Sweden,France and Germany goes back 500 years.For the Russians it was a matter of “never again,” a truly existential threat.

    A great power such as Russia will never allow a minor player to pose a threat on its border.Nor would the US or China put up with such nonsense.Peace can only be maintained when great powers respect the sphere of influence of one another.That is Realpolitik,the very essence of the balance of power doctrine.

    The US made a cruel calculation to “Fight to the last Ukrainian,”really a war crime in every sense of the term.Americans will bear the shame for this tragedy for generations.Every decent person mourns the loss of each Ukrainian and Russian life.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  249. skrik 说:

    Kremlin Blames US For Crashed Drone: ‘Flying With Transponders Off Towards Russian Border’
    Tuesday, Mar 14, 2023 – 07:10 PM

    Update(1510ET): After nearly two hours since the story first broke in international press, the Kremlin has issued its version of events concerning the US drone crash in the Black Sea Tuesday. The Russian Defense Ministry said nothing about the Pentagon’s allegations that a Russian Su-27 aircraft dumped fuel on the MQ-9 drone, but instead blamed the pair of Russian jets’ erratic maneuvering for the collision.

    “US drone MQ-9 fell into the Black Sea on Tuesday morning due to its own sharp maneuvering, Russian fighters did not come into contact with it and did not use weapons, the Russian Defense Ministry said,” according to Russian media. The statement is as follows [emphasis ours]:

    “As a result of sharp maneuvering around 09:30 Moscow time [06:30 GMT], unmanned aerial vehicle MQ-9 went into an uncontrolled flight with a loss of altitude and collided with the water surface. The Russian fighters did not use airborne weapons, did not come into contact with the unmanned aerial vehicle and returned safely to their home airfield” the ministry said.

    • 回复: @skrik
  250. hotcock 说:

    好一个罗恩。 我向你们致敬。 在美好的一天,你是西方最好的网站之一。 但是你需要揭露与美国灰色交易的外星人/外星人议程。 你可以这样做,罗恩,因为你是一位勇敢的记者和科学家。 你很容易拥有技能和能力。 我敦促你为我们的读者画出这整个他妈的噩梦拼图,通过新保守派、光明会等将外星人-ET 议程与几乎所有其他事物联系起来。 继续勇敢的船长。

  251. What is happening in Ukraine is actually Antichrists plan B.
    It does not working out as Antichrist intended. It seems to me that Antichrist is going back to plan A.
    Plan a is to use those Australian submarines to bring nuclear missiles to Odesa and Ukrainian Dogs will shoot them at Moskva.
    So Russia must take Port of Odesa or at least Thoroughly blockade it.
    Probably Russians know about this plan.

  252. @chowfun










    《去论坛路上发生的有趣的事》是一部 1962 年斯蒂芬·桑德海姆百老汇音乐剧,改编自普劳图斯(公元前 254-184 年)的罗马闹剧,并于 1966 年成为一部音乐电影。故事讲述的是罗马奴隶普塞多罗斯试图说服他的主人希罗赢得隔壁菲利亚的心,菲利亚答应为迈尔斯·格洛里奥斯当兵的故事,以此来赢得自由。


    该音乐剧曾多次重演,其中包括 2009 年在香港的粤语版。





    这与西方鼓吹民主与独裁、价值观和基于规则的秩序时的虚伪无关。虚伪并非西方独有。芝加哥大学教授约翰·米尔斯海默 (John Mearsheimer) 在 2019 年的文章《必然失败:自由国际秩序的兴衰》中指出了关键原因。












    安德鲁·盛(Andrew Shen)从亚洲角度撰写全球问题文章

  253. @24th Alabama

    The only reason Russia can maintain its pretensions to be a great power is that it has nuclear weapons. And you mistake as supposed provacation of Russia based on some fanciful ideas derived from history you think inspires Russians when, in fact, it is clear that the war is the product of Putin and a very few members of his inner circle. So, yes if you say ots OK for a delusional autocrat to represent “Russia” so that it is his views that count I can’t deny that that is your point of view. But I can’t accept that you won’t allow Ukrainians agency. It is they that are resisting the Russians in way which actually surprised the Americans who mostly believed in a quick victory for Russia.

    • 回复: @Zarathustra
  254. bjondo [又名“蠕虫蛇脑”] 说:

    Not positive, but Arabs use Indian numerals, West, others use Arab numerals.

    • 谢谢: Sarita
    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  255. skrik 说:

    Pushing on, two articles on MQ9 Reaper crash and NS1&2 destruction:

    1. Russia Warns the United States About Continued Support for Ukraine By Downing MQ9 Reaper
    14 March 2023 by Larry Johnson
    Don’t be confused. The alleged “collision” between a Russian SU-27 jet fighter and a U.S. Air Force MQ9 Reaper drone was not an accident. Russia was sending an unmistakable message to Washington and its NATO allies – Russian patience with NATO arming and prolonging the war in Ukraine is waning and Russia is prepared to act against targets that enable attacks on Russian forces in Ukraine.

    2. SCOTT RITTER: The Nord Stream-Andromeda Cover Up
    2023 年 3 月 14 日
    U.S. intelligence was too quick to leak information about the German investigation to The New York Times. It raises the distinct impression that the real culprit is nervous about the investigative work of Seymour Hersh.

    • 回复: @Arthur MacBride
  256. @John Johnson

    Yea I guess all those videos of burning tanks and dead Russians around Kiev were just a drunk man’s imagination.

    This and other Western media posts have as much credibility as the CIA-New York Time, or the FBI-Washington Post. If YOU believe these sources and consider them credible, tthen you are even stupider than I thought. But you probably believe that this will pass for authenticity here. Stupid. Many articles and commenters have outed these Western ZIO Pravdas.

    What happened to the 40 mile column of armor and supply trucks that was headed towards Kiev?

    Stupid II+, Johnson. This has been exposed and explained many, many times: here and on various sites or real experts-the kind with TIME AND GRADE.

    Johnstein, you might be a Canadian Ukraine in Western Canada. Ukrainians are expert and outstanding at picking potatoes. Generally uglier than most Caucasians, they also seem to have no resistance to exploitation by ZIO-Israel, and happily grovel and beg from crumbs of the oligarchs, who regard them as gerbils and reptiles. No popular movement against getting bent over and slammed with no grease. They seem infinitely programmable to carry out self harm and barbarities.
    I can think of no other Indo-European that makes a better door mat and septic tank.

    Maybe that explains your repetitive lies and glorification of a trash people and culture, backward, aimless, and obedient to the Talmudic Termites. You really are beyond disgust and repugnance, Johnstein.

    • 同意: Arthur MacBride
  257. @Wizard of Oz

    You are fanatical idiot. I do not mind that you are an idiot. But please stop being fanatical.

    • 同意: Seraphim
    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  258. @Philip Owen

    似乎美国刚刚宣布在菲律宾新建 4 个基地。 在中国已经感到走投无路之际,这似乎是对中国的不必要挑衅。 是时候放松一下并保持友好了,至少在一些细节上,而不是收紧。 告诉中国,美国对通过格鲁吉亚实施“一带一路”倡议持积极态度,无论如何,这是一条很容易控制的路线。

    • 回复: @ki
  259. @Zumbuddi

    恐怕要观察 30 年。 在与俄罗斯的贸易问题上,我在某种程度上是权威。 地缘政治或军事,不是那么多。

  260. @Ron Unz

    I can’t stop laughing. If a person is really stupid, they should be silent. One of my favorite neologisms is a “Hollowgram”, a take off ersatz crafted from the “Hologram” of Star Dreck”.

    I admire the deft use of understatement and irony. For whatever fortune, I am not good at it.

  261. @rushed boob job

    问题是捍卫通往印度的路线。 彼得大帝宣布征服印度是俄罗斯外交政策的目标。 1801年,亚历山大一世实际上发动了入侵。 物流非常糟糕,以至于它从未离开过俄罗斯。

    到 1854 年,俄罗斯试图通过入侵巴尔干半岛来夺取君士坦丁堡。 有了君士坦丁堡,俄罗斯就可以威胁通过波斯湾和红海通往印度的航线。 英国人希望阻止这一切。 塞瓦斯塔波尔是俄罗斯的海军基地,对补给和整个克里米亚都很重要,是从后方威胁俄罗斯军队的地方。 俄罗斯补给线发现很难到达克里米亚。 整支军队在冬季行军中损失惨重。

    这种情况在 1877/8 年重演,在俄罗斯人看到这座城市后,只有皇家海军出现在博斯普鲁斯海峡。 仅仅这些船只的出现就阻止了袭击,俄罗斯人被土耳其人过度扩张的补给线扫荡一空。

    • 谢谢: Wizard of Oz
    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  262. Anon[273]• 免责声明 说:

    Just because Osama, the self -proclaimed freedom fighter, opposed the Saudi regime and the US who allied with it, does not mean that all his siblings agreed with him. Ergo, just because his siblings had good relations with the Saudi regime, does not mean the Saudi regime was behind 9-11. Fact is, Osama and the Saudi regime were enemies, and the 9-11 families can’t accept that it was not a nation state that gave the Americans a taste of their own medicine,[we spent the whole 20th century dropping bombs on men ,women and children with impunity],but a rag tagged freedom fighting gang who opposed US military bases in their home land and out alliance with the Saudis which helped us win the cold war[ below market oil so Americans could drive huge gas guzzlers while the rest of the world had tiny cars].[lol]. And Osama opposed all ME dictators which benefited US or the soviets[Syria] but not the people .And fact is the US invaded Iraq fearing that Osama might topple the Saudi regime and Iraq being more secular ,not fundamentalist we could have our whore houses and bars for our troops] was seen as another ME oil rich country we could have military bases and another supply of oil for the 21st century to control the ME and the world with, if necessary.

  263. @anon

    你抓住我了! 将军。

    • 回复: @Lurker
  264. ki 说:
    @Philip Owen

    有趣的采取。 中国只能拭目以待,看看美国能浪费多少资源来控制那些不盈利的失败国家。 你知道美国制造的任何危机/狗屎,它的种族变化更多一点。 众所周知,白人不擅长解决种族问题。

  265. @skrik

    Thanks skrik .
    I also followed that story.

    US drone transponder turned off heading in straight line for Russian territory.

    Amazingly rash provocation near a war zone.
    Wherein USA is funding arming the anti Russia side …

    Looks like USA warming up Georgia and Moldova as more cannon fodder.
    If they are foolish enough to fall for it.
    Personally, despite their agents in those places, I doubt it.

    Airborne 101 still hiding in Romania.
    Try there and Bulgaria for more cannon fodder.

    The Ukraine sacrifice to Moloch nearly used up now.

    • 回复: @skrik
  266. Wokechoke 说:

    I understood that the Indians invented the notation.

  267. @Philip Owen

    有趣的分析。 让人想起第一次世界大战前。 1 年,英国获得在伊朗勘探石油的特许权。1901 年,伊朗成为第一个在波斯湾发现石油的国家。 1908年,英国以英波斯石油公司(APOC)1909%的股份控制了伊朗石油。 德国于 51 年开始修建柏林-巴格达(伊拉克)铁路,以延伸至波斯湾。 德国从奥斯曼帝国那里获得了在铁路线两侧 1903 公里长的地带勘探矿产和石油的权利(伊拉克处于奥斯曼统治之下)。 区域帝国(俄罗斯和奥斯曼帝国)在 40 世纪的战争后继续存在领土争端。 奥斯曼帝国连同德国在第一​​次世界大战中战败,柏林-巴格达铁路尚未完工。 第一次世界大战后奥斯曼帝国解体,英国和其他欧洲人获得了对伊拉克的勘探权。 第二次俄国革命始于 19 年(沙皇被谋杀,俄罗斯帝国崩溃)。


    • 谢谢: Philip Owen
  268. Folkvangr 说:

    Death to Russian fascist aggressors! Hang Putin high! The Russian empire is a rogue state that stole all its territories from its neighbors. The Russians can only claim Novgorod, Moscow and St. Petersburg as their own. Down with the Russian illegitimate state!

    • 同意: Wizard of Oz
  269. Anonymous[268]• 免责声明 说:
    @Sir Launcelot Canning

    Biden,Blinken @Bloben

    This was also the intro to a Def Leppard song in the Eighties.

    Rock of Ages?

  270. anon[750]• 免责声明 说:

    YouTube censorship didn’t really begin until Covid.

    That’s not true at all. A couple of the channels that I watched were censored way before that. They just talked about current world events and had an opinion that apparently Youtube didn’t like. IIRC, one of the videos was about HK riots/protests. At that time, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube censored a lot of HK protest materials that contradicted the US official narrative.

    • 谢谢: dogbumbreath
    • 回复: @dogbumbreath
  271. Lin 说:



    “皮鲁兹只要求一个简单的葬礼,中国皇帝批准了。 整个流亡朝廷都与中国皇帝一起出席。 中国皇帝握着佩罗兹颤抖的手。 皮鲁兹看着西方说:“我已经为我的祖国(波斯)做了我能做的,我没有后悔。” 然后,他望向东方说:“我感谢中国,我的新家园。” 然后他看着他的直系亲属和所有在场的波斯人说道:“贡献你的才华,献给皇帝。 我们不再是波斯人。 我们现在是中国人。” 然后,他平静地死去。 安葬前,一匹漂亮的骏马绕着棺材奔跑了33圈,因为这是他生前的战绩。 皮鲁兹是一位伟大的中国将军,也是一位忠诚于他的人民的伟大波斯王子。”



    • 回复: @Odyssey
  272. Ron Unz 说:

    YouTube censorship didn’t really begin until Covid. Prior you could pretty much say whatever.

    That’s really not correct. Censorship began right around the time of Trump’s election in 2016, and was initially restricted to videos and channels promoting the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory, a development that I found extremely suspicious at the time.

    You might want to read my lengthy article on the subject:


    • 谢谢: dogbumbreath
  273. @anon

    IIRC, one of the videos was about HK riots/protests.

    Youtube and the like have always censored videos with extreme violence especially when a viewer flags a video. Showing a person attacked and drawing blood or a person being set on fire would qualify….both happened during HK protests. Not sure if those videos would be allowed if there was a “viewer discretion” warning beforehand. For me, during and after Covid, even the comments section was censored. I have posted contrarian opinions and facts in videos and the comment never registers. The algorithm is so good even changing upper case/lower case, inserting symbols doesn’t evade.

    Disclaimer: My experience limited to videos I watch on YT.

    • 回复: @anon
  274. Wokechoke 说:
    @Philip Owen

    大约在克里米亚战争发生的同一时间,俄罗斯人正在向乌兹别克斯坦推进。 在“Flashman at the Charge”中,George McDonald Fraser 让 Flashman 在巴拉克拉瓦战役中被俘。 Flashman 在 Donbas 被拘留,并在他的逃跑企图中被重新抓获。 然后他被某位伊格纳季耶夫伯爵拖入俄罗斯对乌兹别克斯坦的进攻,军队希望在那里到达印度河流域夺取信德省。

    长话短说,Flashman 找到了一种方法来炸毁正在穿越咸海的俄罗斯人的补给船。

    俄罗斯此时的入侵显然是一个历史事件。 当地的乌兹别克人和塔吉克人进行了一场孤注一掷的后卫行动,并在码头发现了一些 Congreve 火箭瞄准火药船并点燃了它们。


    一个有趣的注意事项。 在美国内战期间,俄罗斯海军停靠在纽约和旧金山,以阻止英国和法国向林肯提供支持。 那是一支庞大的现代化舰队。

    • 回复: @Philip Owen
  275. Odyssey 说:


    来自中国兴建维吾尔自治区的长方形挂毯清楚地显示了萨珊波斯在设计和艺术品方面的影响。 挂毯上画的人的相貌是高加索人而不是亚洲人,这表明自几千年前原始印欧人(即吐火罗人)首次进入该地区以来,印欧人在该地区的存在就很强(图片来源:休斯顿)自然科学博物馆)。 然而,一些西方研究人员认为,上面描绘的人是希腊人。

    官方(西方)主流科学仍然掩盖了雅利安人的身份,尽管他们的遗传学、语言学、神话学、人类学和地名学是众所周知的。 雅利安人不仅来到了印度,还来到了中亚和东南亚的其他地区。 他们来到了西藏、中国和新疆。 他们比中国人早 2600 年来到新疆,比维吾尔人早 2800 年。 对于那些有兴趣学习的人,我可以转发来自西藏、中国和新疆的一千个塞尔维亚地名。

    • 回复: @Lin
    , @Von Rho
  276. @Zarathustra

    You are entitled to be carelessly wrong but since you have stuck your neck out so rashly I challenge you to look at my comment record and demonstrate that I am fanatical about ANYTHING. Apologies will be accepted though I fear that your own blindness (fanaticism) may get in the way of it.

    • 回复: @Zarathustra
  277. Lin 说:

    承认新疆原住民是 波斯语 人/演讲者,他们仍然在 10 人中的 1000 人那里。
    顺便说一句,如果有人阅读 花木兰谣......木兰是一位骆驼骑师,她称中国皇帝为“
    木兰的全名是 Fah Mulan……我怀疑“Fah”是“Farsi”的音译——波斯语或与波斯有关的语言
    正如我之前在其他帖子中所说,无论喜欢与否,种族混合总是会发生; 雅利安人 可能意味着以下任何一种:
    **它是伊朗人的古老词(顺便说一句,'波斯'更多地被希腊人/欧元使用; 伊朗 一直是伊朗人的土着词)。 伊朗 字面意思是 雅利安人的土地.
    **希特勒对白皮肤“超级男人”的叙述——尽管它在很大程度上被“声名狼藉”,但它确实获得了一定数量的追随者。 一些印度教民族主义者称他们的棕色皮肤为泰米尔人/德拉威人/澳大利亚人/印度河谷居民:“雅利安轨道 2”

    • 回复: @Odyssey
  278. Anonymous[117]• 免责声明 说:



    美国将苏联排除在北约之外(早在 1949 年),并将中国排除在国际空间站和跨太平洋伙伴关系之外。

    But, when it came to be their turn, China specifically invited the United States into the Belt and Road Initiative/New Silk Road. A normal leadership of a normal country would jump at the chance – think of all the jobs Americans would have plugging into such a massive project, spanning DECADES. Plus, the ability to influence the project from the inside, listened to by all other members.

    But of course, nothing is more radioactive to the ruling elites here than to have to work as equals to all of those hordes of non-Whites across the world. We snubbed China’s invite.

    Now, we seethe, and badmouth the BRI with our media and our so-called think-tanks. But it just rolls along, at a steady relentless pace, uplifting all of Eurasia, Africa and South America – without any participation from North America or Europe.

    That’s the Western ruling elite for you.

    • 同意: Arthur MacBride
    • 回复: @Deep Thought
  279. Odyssey 说:

    What you wrote agrees with my comment – the aborigines of Xinjiang were Aryans. It is true that Iran is the ‘land of Aryans’ who came there in the second wave (the first one went to India). The question is where did the Aryans come from?

    For a long time, a misleading term was used about the so-called ‘Indo-Iranian’ languages. Official science claims that these languages came from the border of Poland and Belarus by splitting off from the so-called ‘Balto-Slavic’ language(s). It would have been much clearer if the term Polish/Belarusian language(s) had been used instead of ‘In-Ir’. In any case, even the mainstream asserts indirectly (which can be concluded by common sense) that ‘Indo-Iranian’ and ‘Balto-Slavic’ (all are backdated terms that did not exist at the time of the separation) languages evolved from one common language.

    主流就此打住,并没有说这种共同语言并非起源于冰河时代无人居住的波兰,而是通过欧洲文明、文化和语言的摇篮长春花的人口迁徙而来的。 梵语(印度)和阿维斯坦语(伊朗)从该语言演变而来,第一部吠陀经、摩诃婆罗多和最古老的神话也是如此。

    • 回复: @anon
  280. Von Rho 说:

    塔克拉玛干绿洲描绘的战士都是金发碧眼的。 孔德指出,处于万物有灵阶段的人无法进行抽象思维。 因此,我们处于多神教阶段的雅利安人是将文化带到万物有灵论的中国的人。

    • 回复: @Odyssey
    , @mulga mumblebrain
  281. skrik 说:
    @Arthur MacBride

    .. and my thanks to you

    US drone transponder turned off heading in straight line for Russian territory.
    Amazingly rash provocation near a war zone.
    Wherein USA is funding arming the anti Russia side …
    Looks like USA warming up Georgia and Moldova as more cannon fodder

    Not just ‘transponder off,’ not just ‘heading for Russian territory’ but:

    [Russian] Aerospace Forces had recorded the flight of an American UAV over the Black Sea towards the Russian border and dispatched two interceptors to investigate. The ministry noted that the aircraft was flying with transponders turned off and in violation of the temporary air borders established around the ongoing military operation area in Ukraine

    Since as good as absolutely nothing in this context happens without conscious planning and command, I’d posit that zusa deliberately set out to provoke, and as Larry asserted, this time they provoked once too often, so Russia ‘planned and executed’ its response. As for Georgia and Moldova, we see zusa causing trouble everywhere they possibly can, ‘prime’ case = Iran, thereafter everywhere to aid the invading alien squatters illegally occupying historical Palestine, followed by anywhere else they think their psychotic chaos can make zusa’s perceived ‘enemies’ spit chips, or themselves some ‘filthy lucre,’ in their ‘rule the whole world’ mass-psychosis.

    An updated ‘classical’ quote [my update re original ‘me … priest’ in bold]:

    “Who will rid us of this turbulent & psychopathic rogue-regime?“


    • 谢谢: Arthur MacBride
    • 回复: @Patriot420
  282. @Commentator Mike

    > Francesco Cossiga 对 Corriere della Sera 说,“911 袭击事件”是由中央情报局和摩萨德策划的,这是全球情报机构的常识。

    他没有发表这样的声明。 他是在嘲笑意大利媒体中的一些声音,他们确实是这样说的。


    “From what I have been told tomorrow or the day after tomorrow the most powerful daily-magazine chain of our country should give proof, with an exceptional scoop …”

    他对 911 的实际看法是:


    “IN a few days marks the anniversary the attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon by the terrorists of the powerful movement of ‘Islamic Revenge’ Al Qaeda and the fall of a third kamikaze plane (intended for impact against the White House) …”

    • 谢谢: Wizard of Oz
  283. Patriot420 说:

    How so? In what way are regarded as a Terrorist? Did participate in Jan 6th? At Trump’s behest? If so, that means you were following Trump not the Constitution.

  284. Patriot420 说:

    “in violation of the temporary air borders”

    You mean the illegal air border not recognized by International Law?

    • 回复: @skrik
  285. skrik 说:

    Pot, meet kettle!

    not recognized by International Law

    What of zusa’s illegal occupation of Syria, say? [Only one of a myriad illegal actions.]

    More’s to the point, what of the invading alien squatters illegally occupying historical Palestine? [Certainly the most egregious of illegal actions.]

    You want to discuss ‘legal?’

    Russia’s SMO is *不是* illegal; it is based on Section 51 of the Charter, R2P concept. Since the 4 new oblasts have voted to join Russia [Section 2 of the Charter, IIRC], Russian forces are mostly within Russia (OK, some adjacent), but they are there *合法* to defend Russian citizens from the marauding depredations [dating from 2014, est. 14k+ innocent civilians murdered] by zusa/nato/EU-encouraged, sponsored and armed Ukrainian patsies, many of whom are ‘self-declared and self-labelled’ neonazis. Try this headline:

    “Drone incident confirms US involvement in Ukraine conflict – Russia”

    As if any competent person didn’t know, eh? But the ‘great unwashed’ as the so-called ‘leadership’ of zusa/nato/EU believe the filthily lying propaganda the corrupt&venal ‘Western’ MSM+PFBCs continue to catapult at us.

    Truth + justice = peace; zusa/nato/EU + IL & Ukraine do not qualify.

    • 回复: @skrik
  286. skrik 说:

    Stop press!


    “16 Mar, 2023 11:10
    Pentagon releases video of doomed drone chased by Russian jet”


    Here’s an image of an MQ-9 Reaper:Now I’d like someone to explain, how any flying-by aircraft could damage the propeller – without removing all or at least some part – of the tail? [Suggestion: Video fakery!] rgds

    • 回复: @skrik
  287. anon[314]• 免责声明 说:

    These theories didn’t really take off until the Brits needed to come up with a reason to show their Indian slave colony how they were “just like them.” As far as I can tell the British Raj flattered a lot of the Hindu into submission. Somehow the Hindu all think they are Indo-Europeans but this theory is not so popular among Arabs, who obviously more closely resemble Europeans (especially southern Europeans) than the Hindu do.

    A lot of scholars don’t believe in this “Indo-European” stuff. I don’t follow this line of thinking very closely… however I have heard Hal Doume mentioned as an authority on the subject with a very different point of view.

    Edit: After re-reading your comment I’m not sure if we disagree. Again, this is a field of study I’ve only tangentially been exposed to.

    • 回复: @Odyssey
  288. skrik 说:

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Atomics_MQ-9_Reaper :

    The Reaper has a 950-shaft-horsepower (712 kW) turboprop engine


    Hmmm; if it has a glide-ratio of 10:1, say, it needs 4,760 kg / 10 = 476kg thrust, from that 712kW (950HP) engine. That’s 很多 力量。

    One may imagine just how tough that propeller would have to be – but the zusa video ‘showed’ that one blade [of 4] was bent like a pretzel, by a passing su-27, which then returned [60km or so] to base and landed, undamaged? Must be some magic going on here…

    [Recall Newton; every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Sooo, what did that equal and opposite reaction do to the allegedly colliding su-27?]

    Well might one go “hmmm.”

    • 回复: @dogbumbreath
  289. @Anonymous

    European Space Agency says it has no plans to send astronauts to China’s Tiangong space station


    As if the Tiangong needs European Space Agency to make it operational.

  290. @Wokechoke

    我读过一些 Flashmans 和 Sharpes 但不是全部。 我错过了那个。 我假设个别事件大致基于实际事件。 在电影《斯大林格勒》中,一名纳粹军官称斯大林格勒是通往印度的门户。

    就我个人而言,我发现大草原上空空如也。 我无法想象蒙古人等人是如何用大部队越过它的。 由于根系在地下争夺水分,每一丛草丛都相距几厘米。 我可以很容易地看出那里的军队是如何耗尽补给的。 即使骑兵从河流前进到水坑,供应链也会遇到困难。

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  291. The Fun Hasn’t Started Until Some English Professor Persian Pipes Up From The Pistachio Gallery

  292. @Wizard of Oz

    Reread your own comment as hole. there is nothing but pathetic slandering.
    WW3 is now unavoidable. We will see who will have a last laugh.
    If we survive.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  293. Unconfirmed JFYI.

    Seems US official Peter Baker commented it would be difficult maybe impossible for them to recover Reaper drone from seabed.
    RF official Maria Zakharova advised him to contact NYT for phone of Ukrainians they said blew up Nord Stream pipeline… 😎

    Anyway, looks like recovery vessel en route from Crimea.

    Conflicting reports on the MQ9 surveillance drone, said to have advanced equipment. Fox News says no real problem if/when Russians study it, Guardian says major intelligence concerns for Washington.

    • 回复: @Zarathustra
  294. Ron Unz 说:


    They say they’ll refuse to sell their oil to any country that imposes a price cap on it. America and all its Western vassals have imposed price caps on Russian oil. Although that’s not covered by the Saudi threat, if they extended it to price-caps in general, all the Western economies would collapse.


    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Zarathustra
  295. @Ron Unz

    我认为你没有抓住重点。 沙特阿拉伯不想“在俄罗斯和中国的支持下”被西方掐住脖子。 他们的策略肯定要微妙得多。至少西方得到这样的信息:它不能认为沙特是理所当然的,最好在可能的情况下放纵它。 我敢打赌,华盛顿和耶路撒冷之间一定会打电话寻求保证,沙特并没有真正发出信号说它已经走到了尽头。

    • 同意: TBeholder
    • 回复: @TBeholder
  296. Odyssey 说:
    @Patrick McNally

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you. Have a couple pints of Guinness for us, too, will you?

    • 回复: @Patrick McNally
  297. Odyssey 说:
    @Von Rho

    我已经问过几次德国人和希腊人何时以及从哪里来到欧洲。 没有答案,也没有否认前者来自亚洲,后者来自中东。 有趣的是,他们俩都不知道欧洲当地人给他们起的名字的含义。 你的问题让我想起了关于中国人的同样问题。 中国人是什么时候从哪里来的?

  298. @Zarathustra

    Reread your own comment as hole [sic]

    Well of course your discourteous carelessness is again on full display but, even with the spelling corrected what you say makes no sense. Please spell it out if you are capable.

  299. Odyssey 说:

    Thanks for your contribution. It is one of those historical falsifications that reverberates to this day and has its practical political consequences. The term ‘Indo-European’ was coined. Before that it was called ‘Indo-Germanic’ until the balance of power shifted and the Anglo-Frenches demanded their piece of the action. The term is meaningless and without substance. At first it was used only for the administrative classification of languages, and then for the language of Yamnaya nomads from the Russian steppes, who were later also named – ‘Indo-Europeans’.

    The IE theory is incomplete and illogical and cannot explain the origin of language(s). They try to pretend that these ‘Indo-Europeans’ were Aryans who brought the language that became Sanskrit (and Avestan), although genetics has established that Aryans were not ‘Indo-European’ (Yamnaya) nomads, but Sanskrit (and other Indo languages) are still classified as ‘Indo-European languages’. Total nonsense.

  300. @Arthur MacBride

    CNN just said that Russians already recovered some parts. Soon Iranian will start the revers Engineering.

    • 谢谢: Arthur MacBride
  301. @skrik

    One may imagine just how tough that propeller would have to be – but the zusa video ‘showed’ that one blade [of 4] was bent like a pretzel, by a passing su-27, which then returned [60km or so] to base and landed, undamaged? Must be some magic going on here…

    Video, fuel dump, propeller, it’s Hollywood magic…..CGI. Don’t believe everything you see. Look what they could do 10 years ago:

  302. @Ron Unz

    Next step is inevitable. Saudis Iranians and Russians will create cartel and they will set the price of oil
    World wide.

    Oh God. How times fly. Just a while ago Iraq and Iran were fighting for buyers.

    Message to Wizard of OZ
    On top all You are DISHONEST Why you did not show the all sentence.
    Anyway. I am sorry. I will not be bothering you anymore.

    • 哈哈: Wizard of Oz
    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  303. anon[750]• 免责声明 说:

    Two US senators – Cruz and Hawley, went to HK to meet with the protesters.

    Twitter VP Colin Crowell met with the Hong Kong protest leaders(Joshua Wong and others) in the US.

    Facebook suspended the account of Clifton Ko, a well-known HK director and a Beijing sympathizer, for simply posted “I support the HK police”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clifton_Ko

    https://www.nytimes.com › 2019/08/19 › 技术 › h…
    19 年 2019 月 XNUMX 日——社交媒体公司删除了账户,并表示他们正在散布有关香港抗议活动的分裂信息。

    As for the YT channels that I watched, I don’t think they were censored for the reason you mentioned.

    Given what Twitter Files have exposed, we now know more about how the US government got involved with censorship and disinformation.

    Looking back, I am not surprised if the US government coordinated with YT, Twitter, Facebook, and Google. Why wouldn’t they try to control the narrative? It’s clear now that the US was behind the “color” revolution in HK.

    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  304. @anon

    I do wish that China would give that hideous compradore traitor, Joshua Wong, a proper sentence, say ten years.

  305. @Patrick McNally

    Obviously he was leaned on. Are you really so fatuously naive?

  306. @Von Rho

    傲慢无知。 萨珊帝国始于公元224年,当时中国已有几千年的文明和原始文明,其中包括四百年的中亚地区。
    The Sassanids followed the Parthians, Achmaenids, the Seleucids etc in Persia, and the whole region was influenced by cultures from the Indus Valley civilizations to Armenia, the Macedonians, Romans etc. The history of Eurasia is vast, much unknown, and to reduce it to ‘blonde White Man’ good, others imbeciles, is despicable.

    • 回复: @Lin
    , @Von Rho
  307. @Zarathustra

    Where were you educated? It seems that you had and have a problem with written English. I did in fact quote what I took to be the full first sentence because you put a full stop at the end. Thus

    Reread your own comment as hole. there is nothing but pathetic slandering.

    I confess to not having understood what an uncouth low grade person you are so I misread that first sentence but that does not help you in anyway to validate your second sentence which is plainly FALSE. Not only was there no slander in what I wrote, it was a challenge for you to justify your false allegation which you haven’t even tried to meet.

  308. Lin 说:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    谢谢; 因为我很少和情绪化的人争吵。 正如我所说,雅利安人可能指以下任何一种:
    **白皙皮肤“超人”的希特勒叙事– 尽管它在很大程度上已经“名誉扫地”,但它确实获得了一定数量的追随者……。
    ...... ..
    中亚雅利安人有一个问题:虽然他们有 “口头传统”, 书面语言来得晚了一点
    “……古波斯语主要出现在阿契美尼德时代(约公元前 600 年至公元前 300 年)的铭文、泥版和印章中。 ……古波斯语是最古老的印欧语言之一,有原始文本证明……”
    “……那个铭文是由公元 28 世纪统治帝国的第 3 代 Satavahana 统治者 Vijaya 发布的。”
    “..北京——考古学家说他们在中国东部发现了一些世界上已知最古老的原始文字,可追溯到 5,000 年前……”

    • 回复: @Von Rho
    , @Odyssey
  309. Von Rho 说:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    道家阴阳二元论是在波斯二元论(Ahura Mazda/Ahriman)的影响下创立的。 但作为万物有灵论者,中国人并没有将这种影响作为神,而是“原则”(在引号中,因为万物有灵论没有像多神论那样抽象)

  310. Von Rho 说:

    五千年? 妄想! 中国的文化是万物有灵的,所以他们永远无法创造出像多神教(中美洲、印度教、希腊罗马、波斯、赫梯文化)那样的文明,而是在外部影响下直接进入了文明阶段,即祆教波斯和佛教印度。 关于你提到的那些数据,C14并不精确,因为它需要用树木年轮进行校准,事实并非如此。 所有这些都类似于纳粹 Ahnenerbe 的考古“发现”。

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  311. TBeholder 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    唔。 既然他们不再害怕美国,沙特就可以更少克制地追求自己的利益……哦等等。 这是一个双刃剑的发展。 美国不能打他们,但也帮不了他们太多。 此外,如果对沙特阿拉伯的束缚减弱,对以色列的束缚也会减弱。
    因此,目前最明显的方向是赚钱而不激怒任何一个邻居。 当然不会让美国用手去打任何人。
    但他们真的会全面进攻土耳其并处处勒索这个急需帮助的“盟友”吗? 也许不会,取决于他们如何评价威胁。 不过,我不会打赌反对这一点。

    • 同意: Wizard of Oz
  312. Wokechoke 说:
    @Philip Owen

    Flashman at the Charge 从字面上讲是关于 1850 年代黑海和中亚的比赛。 如果您喜欢的话,YouTube 上有声读物。

    Flashman 设法出现在 The Thin Red Line、Alma and the Charge。

  313. @Von Rho


    • 回复: @Von Rho
  314. Odyssey 说:

    You don’t seem to know much more about all of this than Wikipedia. Sanskrit is not older than 2000BC and Avestan is much younger. So, where did proto-Sanskrit come from i.e. where did the Aryans come from? Where did the Rg Vedas originate and what does their name means? Where did the oral version of the Mahabharata originate? Buddhism came to China from India during the time of the Aryans.

    • 回复: @Lin
  315. @mulga mumblebrain

    BS. You have to start by proving he was intending a non satirical factual statement contrary to what he later, most plausibly, stated. You can’t.

    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  316. Von Rho 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    我建议您阅读奥古斯特·孔德 (Auguste Comte),他是有史以来最令人痛恨的哲学家。 人类经历了万物有灵论和抽象阶段。 第二种是先多神论,后一神论,允许更普遍的思想,导致形而上学阶段,打开通往积极阶段的道路。 神学阶段确保秩序而非进步。 形而上学是弄巧成拙的(正如我们现在所看到的,甚至在诺斯底右翼),所以它允许进步但不允许秩序。 实证主义想要秩序和进步。

    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  317. Von Rho 说:
    @Patrick McNally

    意大利不是一个严肃的国家。 意大利政客,甚至科学家、哲学家、作家等说什么都无所谓。

    • 回复: @Patrick McNally
  318. @Odyssey

    Tea is the beverage that I most often drink. The American Legion did have a corned beef and cabbage dinner for 10 dollars yesterday. Nowadays, are through the roof.


    • 哈哈: Odyssey
  319. @Patrick McNally

    What s brilliant Gotcha against the egregious MM.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  320. Folkvangr 说:
    @Step up your game

    Unz really has to step up his game if he wants to be taken seriously.

    Too late, unless he is insightful enough to throw off his sinking ship the ballast called “Larry Romanoff & Co.”

  321. Lin 说:

    – 如果它既庞大又古老,那么在确定它的出生地之前,“定义”最古老的“起源”可能会变得很繁琐
    一个很好的例子是印度教缺乏适当的前莫卧儿历史记录,第一个尝试在更广泛的泛次大陆范围内写作的历史学家是穆斯林学者 Alberuni,他伴随着穆斯林征服者国王。



  322. @Patrick McNally

    Patrick, it’s an old pilpul tactic, when some goy notices a Talmudic tract that urges killing the goyim, or some ‘Sage’ like Maimonides repeats the invective, to claim that they were just being sarcastic, or joking. When it is obvious that the MOSSAD did the job, and there is some slip of the tongue, the offending eminent person no doubt receives a message from the Kidon machine, and decides to go on living. You believe what you want to believe, and I’ll go on believing the truth. Look out from congratulations from Top Level.

    • 回复: @Patrick McNally
  323. @Von Rho

    孔德于 1857 年去世。您认为自从那些太平盛世以来,人类可能已经进步和进化了吗? 孔德是中国和印度文明的学生吗?

    • 回复: @anon
    , @Von Rho
  324. @Wizard of Oz

    Yes, Top Level, but the observation that the MOSSAD did it, and the intelligence agencies knew it was TRUE, whereas the ‘non-sarcastic’ garbage was probably made under duress. His ‘sarcastic’ words were the precise truth of the matter. That Western politicians and MSM vermin say that it was ‘sarcasm’ proves that it was not, because all they do is LIE.

  325. 锦绣

    Normalisation continues in Arab world.
    Following his visit to Moscow, Syrian Pres Bashar al Assad visits UAE.
    Interesting as UAE was considered a western ally.
    Like KSA, Oman.

    USA is officially “disappointed”.

    • 回复: @Arthur MacBride
  326. @Arthur MacBride

    There is also an Iran Iraq Security Cooperation meeting now.


    Excuse brief clip.
    Tried to copy headline and some detail but it went haywire.

  327. ” … San Diego’s Point Loma Naval Base on March 13, where the US imperium, backed up by a number of lickspittles from Australia and the United Kingdom, betrayed the cause of peace and announced to the world that war with China was not only a possibility but distinctly probable.

    Central to the project is a staggering outlay of A$368 billion for up to thirteen vessels over three decades …”

    Extract above from analysis of future war on China/allies.
    It’s amusing if you like dark humour.
    Or can’t believe that erm “statesmen” can be this foolish.
    There’s a pic of the three musketeers Biden, Sunak and Australian PM Albanese.
    Latter is expected to fork over the cash on behalf of grateful Oz citizens.
    Article describes this obvious simpleton as “lexically challenged” …

    It is understood that the Chinese will wait several decades for these buffoons to get their act together and make active atomic war on them.
    CIA MI6 has guaranteed this. Just can’t fail.


  328. This article’s main stars are three non-democratic countries. A renowned author had some ideas about this type of country and what to do about them in an article written in 2002.

    A more general, perhaps more powerful approach, is for the international community to agree on general, enforceable political standards. One such standard, which might conceivably win international consent, would be an “international term limit” on heads of government. The world community would agree that no individual should serve as the head of government (president, prime minister, or other equivalent position) for more than “X” years. International agencies such as the World Bank and the IMF would automatically stop making loans to countries where the head of government exceeds that limit.

    After some considerations displaying amazing foresight (e.g. “Even non-democracies such as modernized China could accept this rule, because it would apply to heads of government, not ruling parties.”), he closes the article in an optimistic note, stating that “it is possible that a clear international norm limiting time in power could spare the world from dictatorship and destabilization in the future.”

    • 谢谢: Wizard of Oz
    • 回复: @dogbumbreath
  329. anon[229]• 免责声明 说:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    Von Rho is just another boomer. There are too many boomers.

  330. @Brás Cubas



    • 回复: @Brás Cubas
  331. @mulga mumblebrain

    There’s no point in trying to debate what was going through Cossiga’s head. After awhile it becomes like the arguments over Larry Silverstein saying, “Pull it!” Was he really secretly revealing a conspiracy to blow up WTC 7 when he made that comment? Was he trying to rile up some silly 911truthers? Was it maybe just a casual, careless comment? There’s no real way of knowing what was going through his head. But as far as Cossiga’s comments go, it is clear that the statement of 2007 was sarcastically making fun of what another source in Italy was saying, while the statement of 2006 was simply presented as his view of what happened on 911.

    If people seriously think there was something behind his statement, then they should look up the daily that he was referencing:


    “From what I have been told tomorrow or the day after tomorrow the most powerful daily-magazine chain of our country should give proof, with an exceptional scoop …”

    It’s clear that he was making fun of the whole thing here, but he himself was not confessing to anything. He was simply commenting about what a newspaper was about to publish. No one had ever really bothered looking up the newspaper story, because it probably didn’t contain any new information beyond just things which 911truthers have said over and over (I said a lot of the same things myself back in 2003-5). But Cossiga’s sarcastic comment is not a new data-point for anything.

    • 同意: Wizard of Oz
    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  332. @dogbumbreath


    I guess that depends on what you mean by “changing one’s spots”. If you mean that he was once a hardened liberal and so will always be a liberal, I have my doubts. On the other hand, if you mean that he was an opportunist who fashioned his ideological viewpoint according to where the wind was blowing, and remains such an opportunist, then I think that’s a plausible assessment.

  333. joy 说:

    “公开反对战争的公众人物,例如记者菲尔·多纳休(Phil Donahue)或乡村音乐乐队迪克西小鸡(The Dixie Chicks)都受到审查,他们的职业生涯实际上被毁了。 ”



  334. @Patrick McNally

    ‘Riling up’ 9/11 truthers, in real time, before 911 truthers even existed??!! ‘Lucky’ Larry who did not attend breakfast in the Towers for the first time anyone could recall, just that day? ‘Lucky’ Larry who had a co-religionist ‘judge’ double his insurance payout?
    And the ‘official version’ of 911 is SO ludicrous, and the evidence of controlled demolition so huge that all you have left is to simply dismiss it with idiot expressions like ‘911 truthers’. Do you really have something against the truth?

  335. @mulga mumblebrain

    Note that Larry Silverstein reinsured the towers he had just bought as required by bankers but not WTC7. I’d wou had just bought WTC 2vand 2 which you knew had already been attacked with a terrorist bomb wouldn’t you have said yes to your insurance broker saying “and for just a small extra premium…”?


    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  336. anon[192]• 免责声明 说:

    I love MBS’ condition to Biden for Saudi Arabia to normalize relations with Israel: that SA be allowed to start a “civilian” nuclear program. Hahaha. Talk about a stroke of genius. I don’t expect he’ll hear back from JUSA anytime soon.

  337. @mulga mumblebrain

    What do you regard as the key reasons for believing there were controlled demolitions? And do you reject the possibility of half a million tons of building above floors where steel supports have been weakened by fire might cause the building to collapse?

    • 回复: @skrik
    , @mulga mumblebrain
  338. skrik 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    The wanker wozzer emulates King Canute and the tide: Canute set his throne by the sea shore and commanded the incoming tide to halt.

    The wanker wozzer commands: ‘No controlled demolitions’ – “steel supports have been weakened by fire might [eh? – might?] cause the building to collapse?”

    Poor fool, s/he/it simply can’t believe the widely accepted *事实* that yes, Virginia, there were controlled demolitions. Not just one but all three WTCs.

    1st ‘cab off the rank’ = a proof = WTC7. Pre-wiring could never have been done on that day, it takes weeks. But down it came all at once [NIST finally acknowledged ~2.5 seconds free fall], see any video.

    Tip: Follow the science, try seeing a psychiatrist?

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  339. @skrik

    FWIW I have long since pointed out that WTC 7 doesn’t fit the plan to make people think the major attackers were jihadist Arabs who hijacked planes. But you have to be one of the truthers who can hold more than one or two ideas in mind at the same time to consider that and see its possibly critical importance.

    • 回复: @skrik
  340. @Wizard of Oz

    Yes, of course. The fires could not have reached temperatures able to weaken the multitudinous steel columns (the towers were constructed with a great deal of redundancy in the structural support) , coated as they were in asbestos, another reason for the towers’ demolition (too dangerous and expensive to maintain). And there are a number of photos of girders cut through like butter at an angle, a sure sign of demolition using nanothermite. And the fall, straight down, at gravitational acceleration is a bit of a clue, too. A great job by those MOSSAD and IDF sappers. PS You do know that such buildings MUST be constructed as to be able to survive collisions by passenger airplanes, don’t you? Such things are possible, after all.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  341. @Wizard of Oz

    Silverstein, and our local Haganah hero Frank Lowy, insured the towers for massively more than their assessed value, just weeks before 9/11, when, contrary to invariable habit, neither Silverstein nor any of his family were having breakfast in the ‘Windows on the World Restaurant’. ‘Lucky’ Larry, indeed. The insurance sum was so vast it took twenty-five underwriters to accommodate it, so WTC 7 may have been a bridge too far.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  342. @Patrick McNally

    What? The nine billion dollar project (do you mean his prospective redevelopment of the site?)becomes valued at zilch, does it? Not an asset on Larry’s books? How so? The WTC complex had been valued at 1.2 billion in 2001, and insured for 1.5 billion, NOT 4.55 billion. And Silverstein put down only $14 MILLION of his own money to gain a 99 year lease on the Twin Towers and Buildings 4 and 5. Lucky indeed.

    • 回复: @Patrick McNally
  343. @mulga mumblebrain

    I haveconcocted scenarios that involve Silverstein in 9/11 without having the slightest idea about his real devotion to Israel or whether his typical reaction would have been “I thank anyone who sees me as a hero for Zion but I think I’ll pass”. Some try to make something out of the asbestos but, as you probably are aware, there just wasn’t enough of it which could have raised issues of cost of removal.

    Now you have just provided me with another pretty conclusive answer to any suggestion that it was a big insurance fraud on top of a political move. 25 insurance underwriters!! Nah, too risky to try on something which depends on getting an outsized insurance payout.

    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  344. @mulga mumblebrain

    Have you read or l stened to the long interview with the chief structural engineer for the original project? He didn’t try to suggest that it was anything but the fire weakening the structure that prevented his design being appropriate to defence against aircraft impact.

  345. skrik 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    one of the truthers who can hold more than one or two ideas in mind … its possibly critical importance


    Matey; you have a tic [most likely a myriad], but here specifically on “controlled demolitions.”

    noun: tic; plural noun: tics
    1. a habitual spasmodic contraction of the muscles, most often in the face.
    · an idiosyncratic and habitual feature of a person’s behaviour.

    You present as a controlled demolitions denier, using spurious assertions, in the face of facts:

    noun: denier; plural noun: deniers
    a person who denies something, especially someone who refuses to admit the truth of a concept or proposition that is supported by the majority of scientific or historical evidence.

    Then look up bigot:

    noun: bigot; plural noun: bigots
    a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

    The bigot wanker wozzer’s “particular group” here = controlled demolition supporting ‘truthers.’ Haw.

    Not so BTW; I’m not arguing with you, just pointing out pertinent facts. One simply cannot argue against untruths and/or illogic. Also, no point; you present as permanently ‘stuck in the mud’ of unjustified fantasy.

  346. To keeep it even simpler: how do you explain high level sophisticated plotters spoiling the story of Arab jihadist hijackers being to blame by arranging the controlled demolition of a building that no planes were ever going to hit or be thought to hit?

    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  347. TBeholder 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    你和你的稻草人为什么不找个房间呢? 或者至少回到幕后? 你是一个暴露狂吗?

    • 巨魔: Wizard of Oz
  348. @mulga mumblebrain

    Asset value only matters when one is selling an asset. Even then, the nominal asset value may prove irrelevant if one is under pressure to sell quickly. If an insurance plan evaluates an object to be insured, this does not mean that they are evaluating the costs of building a new replacement for the object once it has been destroyed. It simply means that the object as it exists at present has a certain value.

    Generally, insurance scams are most likely to occur when someone is looking to get out of a business. If you’ve been running a restaurant for 2 decades and decide to quit, it might be convenient to have the place go up in flames as you prepare to retire. But if you’re planning to stay in the restaurant business after the first place is destroyed, then the insurance may not really offer a benefit after one pays the cost of rebuilding a new restaurant.

    With regards to the WTC, the fact that the “plan to finance the project” was “estimated to cost more than $9 billion” means that “the total insurance payout to $4.55 billion” falls short of those costs. The shortfall will have to be gained from other sources, and the value of 9 billion will not bring any benefit until the estate is sold once more. At that point, the process of depreciation will very likely have reduced the value to something below 9 billion.

  349. meamjojo 说:

    Where’s Whitney? There isn’t any real Ukraine/Russia coverage on UNZ w/o him.

  350. Gatt 说:

    2018 年 2020 月 2 月 XNUMX 月,京津地铁系统上有数以万计的普通乘客因肺部感染而过早死亡,不仅仅是老年人,这与 XNUMX 年初最严重的新冠病毒一样,当时中国政治新闻封锁导致了每个人在地铁上都自愿戴上口罩,以避免地铁肺病,许多人在网上八卦怀疑某种医学实验或外国资助的生物武器袭击。这就是为什么几乎所有海外游客和休闲旅行在中国都要接受近两年的长期昂贵的隔离和检测,以阻止公民参与生物武器气雾剂分发。

    • 谢谢: Wizard of Oz
  351. @Wizard of Oz

    Think Talmudic. The Twin Towers have great symbolic value, and, as the Zionazis of the ‘Project for A New American Century’ observed, a ‘New Pearl Harbor’ would be required to get the American public ‘onside’ with their ambitions to destroy the Arab and Moslem Middle East to Israel’s benefit.
    The plotters KNEW that the corrupt sewer of the Western MSM would never dare question the official version of WTC 7, risible as it is, particularly if they got a whiff of the Zionazi involvement. Careers are hard to come by, particularly high-paying ones, these days.

    • 巨魔: Wizard of Oz
    • 回复: @Patrick McNally
  352. @Wizard of Oz

    Gee, he oversaw a project that was at risk of falling down due to fire!!?? What excellence in his profession! And the ONLY, still, steel-framed building ever to have done so. Built with ‘American Steel’ from Bethlehem if I recall correctly. In a city where large aircraft have hit tall buildings ie the Empire State Building. Give us a break, Top Level. You’re getting desperate. Obviously he was leaned on. P.S. What of all those brave firemen, who entered the buildings despite the imminent risk of collapse? Any recordings of them saying that we must get the fire out before they both collapse on us?

  353. @Wizard of Oz

    There was plenty of asbestos left in the Twin Towers. Of the dust cloud that blanketed several square miles of New York, four percent was found, straight after the demolition, to be asbestos. Enough to kill a lot of people over the decades. Stripping asbestos from buildings is insanely expensive-better bring ’em down, and let the suckers bear the costs. That’s ‘free enterprise’ at its best.

    • 回复: @Zarathustra
  354. @mulga mumblebrain

    > the ‘Project for A New American Century’ observed, a ‘New Pearl Harbor’ would be required to get the American public ‘onside’ with their ambitions to destroy the Arab and Moslem Middle East

    It did not say that:


    The relevant passages appear in Chapter V, CREATING TOMORROW’S DOMINANT FORCE, which starts off:

    “To preserve American military preeminence in the coming decades, the Department of Defense must move more aggressively to experiment with new technologies and operational concepts, and seek to exploit the emerging revolution in military affairs. Information technologies,in particular, are becoming more prevalent and significant components of modern military systems. These information technologies are having the same kind of transforming effects on military affairs as they are having in the larger world. The effects of this military transformation will have profound implications for how wars are fought, what kinds of weapons will dominate the battlefield and, inevitably, which nations enjoy military preeminence.

    “The United States enjoys every prospect of leading this transformation. Indeed, it was the improvements in capabilities acquired during the American defense buildup of the 1980s that hinted at and then confirmed, during Operation Desert Storm, that a revolution in military affairs was at hand.”
    — 第 50 页。

    Then on the following page it brings up that:

    “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor. Domestic politics and industrial policy will shape the pace and content of transformation as much as the requirements of current missions. A decision to suspend or terminate aircraft carrier production, as recommended by this report and as justified by the clear direction of military technology, will cause great upheaval.”
    — 同上,p. 51.

    So, the point is not about getting the public to go along with a war means of “a new Pearl Harbor.” The paper simply says that a transformation in military technology is difficult to work out without some military setback to measure it against. Aircraft-carriers came into vogue after Pearl Harbor as an adaptive response to the initial defeat. Since the PNAC was seeking to update military technology in line with computers, they noted that this will be a long process if there is no conflict to measure that process against.

    The effect of 911 was actually counter to all of the things which “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” had called for. Hijackings are not a high-tech form of attack. There’s no computerized missile system which can prevent a plane from being hijacked.

    • 同意: Wizard of Oz
    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  355. @mulga mumblebrain

    Floor was made this way.
    Corrugated steel sheets are bolted to beams and trusses. on those sheets are poured 5 inches of concrete. In order to decrease the load, into concrete is added 30 to 40 percent asbestos.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  356. @Wizard of Oz

    I did look into it a little bit and came to conclusion that you are both stupid. but I have to admit that he is more stupid than you.
    He claim s that the steel in the towers was covered with asbestos that is such an idiocy that I have not hear in my life. You are stupid because you did swallow it. Steel is primed with red oil primer paint and than there is finish paint which gives thicker coat. Actually the primer is put on already by supplier of the steel.
    Asbestos has similar property as a regular stone, and only friendly adhesive is cement

    Surprise Surprise……I was working more than one year for a asbestos processing company.
    We made Asbestos piping and fittings. Than Asbestos roof covering sheets.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawe were grinding asbestosore

  357. skrik 说:

    I did look into it a little bit and came to conclusion that you are both stupid. but I have to admit that he is more stupid than you.
    He claim s that the steel in the towers was covered with asbestos that is such an idiocy that I have not hear in my life

    You and the wanker wozzer compete for the title of utter idiot; each worse than the other.

    Search: “wtc floor trusses asbestos image”

    1st result:

    {World Trade Center Asbestos Spray-Applied Fireproofing
    https://www.flickr.com › photos › asbestos_pix
    wtc floor trusses asbestos image from http://www.flickr.com
    Blaze-Shield Type-D material (with asbestos) which was reportedly applied to the building’s structural core, lower floors’ trusses, beams, spandrels & exterior …}
    World Trade Center Asbestos Spray-Applied Fireproofing

    提示: “互联网的存在是为了摧毁不良信息。 再胡说八道已经不行了,……”
    [thnx to Kratoklastes]

  358. @Zarathustra

    You evidently didn’t learn how much asbestos was in the Twin Towers or where it was located.

  359. @Zarathustra

    “He claim s that the steel in the towers was covered with asbestos”

    According to this, that was true in some places at least:


    During construction of the World Trade Center in the late 1960s and early 1970s, developers commonly used asbestos in construction materials to make them stronger and heat resistant.

    A variety of asbestos-containing products were incorporated into both towers.

    For example, spray-on asbestos fireproofing material was applied to steel beams along the first 40 floors of the north tower. Amid construction, the builders discontinued using asbestos because stricter regulations on the mineral were expected in the near future.

  360. skrik 说:

    Next search: “wtc 9/11 confirmed asbestos dust”

    Kindly see this:

    {My colleagues and I thank Lange for his letter confirming our finding that asbestos was present in settled dust as well as in airborne samples obtained at Ground Zero, the site of the World Trade Center, and for his having agreed with us that this asbestos almost certainly represented an exposure hazard for workers. The asbestos that was detected in the dust at Ground Zero originated from asbestos that had been sprayed onto the steel skeleton of the Twin Towers as fireproofing when the structure was being built}


    {.. Although measurements were reported as task-length averages (TLA), it is likely that some personal samples (Lange 2004) exceeded the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration permissible exposure limit (PEL) of 0.1 fibers/cm3 well after the first few days of the event. For example, during 1 January 2002–11 February 2002 in the west area, the arithmetic mean exposure and an upper reported value (0.500 fibers/cm3-TLA) were above the PEL (Lange 2004)}

    Conclusion: Asbestos dust present around the WTC 9/11 controlled demolitions and that in significant measures. Perhaps before spouting bullshit, you’d better do some valid research, eh?

    • 回复: @Zarathustra
  361. @Patrick McNally

    You see, the PNAC was a Zionazi operation. Its leading lights, Perle et al were almost all Zionazi Jews, many former Trots and acolytes of the sinister Judaic supremacist, Leo Strauss. They wanted a much larger US military because they would make money from it, because it would be used, not for defence of the USA, but to terrorise humanity into abject obeisance, including ignoring Israel’s unending crimes against humanity, and for use in future Israeli wars of aggression, either through armaments gifted to Israel, or by the USA itself if Israel got into trouble.
    The MOSSAD et al pulled off 9/11 to initiate the GWOT, which was really a global war on Islam, ie Israel’s intended victims. The increased military expenditures flowed to the usual suspects, many Jews in the USA, and to Israel, which has built a huge cyber warfare capability since. The Israelis were fully on board, as in Abu Ghraib, where they, and US Jews like Martin Seligman, loaned the USA their expertise in torturing Moslems, gained through decades of torturing Palestinians and others. The use of dogs and sexual humiliation and shaming are old, tried and true, Israeli methods. I note, too, that you have left out the PNAC advocacy of bio-weapons, including ‘ethnically specific’ weapons, in which area Israel has great expertise after decades of collaboration with apartheid South Africa to that end.
    Moreover, the USA was already preparing for war on China, and on a Russia that proved, under Putin, non-compliant. After the prototype Colour Revolution in Beijing in 1989 failed, the USA had to plan for an eventual war on China, an imperative that only grew as China rose. Unfortunately, the USA blew its technological advantage through corruption and the stupefying of its higher education system, and now China is at least equal with the USA, and, to all intents and purposes, impregnable, which is causing cosmic rage in Washington.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Zarathustra
  362. @mulga mumblebrain

    Has this outed Mulga Mumblebrain as (normally) Ron Unz’s Mr. Hyde? Here of course a Mr. Hyde who has been weaned off his usual combination of speed and psychedelic drugs for a special occasion.

    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  363. @mulga mumblebrain

    PNAC main creator was Bill Kristol naturally a Jew.

  364. @skrik

    I do not consider that it is worth to go deeply into this. I have newer did claim that there was no asbestos. I do not need to go to any website. I do know a little bit about buildings.
    I only was objecting to somebody s claim that asbestos was used to fireproofing beams and trusses.
    that is total idiocy. Steel and asbestos have incomparable thermal coefficient of expansion.
    That means that asbestos would simply fall of after few days after spraying.

    Asbestos was used in the concrete and lots of it.
    Maybe you can find something if you Google Light concrete floorings.

  365. Folkvangr 说:

    我为你的父母感到难过。 要是他们知道你真的是个没有灵魂的怪胎就好了。

  366. Folkvangr 说:
    @24th Alabama

    你是一个狂妄自大的怪胎,声称只有你的感受才是真实的。 像往常一样愚蠢的评论。
    你对你敢在这里发布的主题有什么想法吗? 你知道顿巴斯的“自由战士”是谁吗? 吉尔金-斯特列科夫是谁? 2014年有多少单位和旅入侵乌克兰顿巴斯地区并挑起内战?

    • 回复: @Ennui
  367. Ennui 说:



    • 巨魔: Folkvangr
  368. @Wizard of Oz

    Garbage, Top Level-I doubled the dose!!! Just for you, and the other reactionaries, on the occasion of your coming out of the closet, and openly attacking the Voice referendum, in honour of your perennial ‘boong’-bashing instincts.

  369. Lurker 说:
    @24th Alabama


  370. Von Rho 说:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    是的,他确实如此,因为孔德是个博学多才。 例如,他预测了当前神经科学的多项发现。



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