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对于关注中国科技进步的人,或者无论如何对我来说,有几件事很突出。 一是步履蹒跚。 其次,它的数量似乎旨在使中国在技术上独立于西方并使美国摆脱北京的支持。 第三,明显的计算重点。 它看起来像智能设计,与美国通过特殊利益进行的竞争性争夺利润不同,希望这可能会在不经意间使整个国家受益。


正如我之前提到的,中国突然成为超级计算机的世界领导者。 同样在高速铁路方面,在其经济上统一欧洲和亚洲的计划中具有战略重要性。 对太阳能的大量投资可以改善其对来自波斯湾的石油的依赖,该地区容易受到美国海军的封锁。 然后有 东风21D 末端制导弹道导弹,专门用于在中国视为其本土水域的航母杀手。 这份清单可能会很长。

在美国的大部分地区,中国人被认为“无法创新”,创造力被认为是白人独有的。 更薄的冰可能从未被踩过。

中国人很聪明。 他们当然有能力进行高水平的工程和科学研究。 (例如。, 北京基因组研究所) 富有想象力的工程和发明之间的界限是模糊的。 请注意,中国可能带来的工程师人数是美国的 XNUMX 倍,尽管他们远远低于这一数字,但可能是新世界的开始的两倍。

北京致力于造福中国,迅速增强其技术工业影响力,而华盛顿则在武器上疯狂花钱。 它正试图将军事解决方案应用于商业问题。 美国在经济、政治、文化上崩溃,但拥有最好的轰炸机。


第一步,不久前,“中国激活 世界上最长的超安全量子通信网络……”北京到上海。

量子通信基于纠缠光子的行为。 所说的行为显然是不可能的,但显然没有人告诉光子,所以他们还是做了。 (除非全世界的物理学家都在吸Drano。这种可能性值得考虑。如果有兴趣, 量子纠缠。 也 量子密钥分发。) 重点是,如果有人试图拦截传输,那就很明显了。 一个弱点是每六十英里就需要中继器,这会降低安全性。


第二步: 中国 发射世界上第一颗量子卫星。 完成固定电话后,他们转向轨道实验。

第三步,宾果! “中国刚刚在量子太空竞赛中领先”

这是一个大问题,我从 亚洲时报:


该研究由潘建伟领导,发表于 科学 杂志成功展示了将纠缠光子分布在从太空到地球前所未有的距离的能力,为尖端、超安全通信的实际应用打开了大门。

前所未有的距离是1200公里。 北京可能会被视为试图建立针对 NSA 的全球通信安全,并最终建立针对米德堡的整个互联网证据。 无论是将其视为工程开发还是创新,似乎都没有太大区别。


中文 太阳能飞机在 65,000 英尺高空飞行”

它显然可以在空中停留数月。 与它有关的故事表明,其目的可能是对国家进行长期监视,即间谍活动。 无论如何,这是一个巧妙的技术把戏,尤其是那些无法创新的人。

然后我们有,从 Phys.org,


这里的重点不是中国在太空上领先于美国——它不是——而是它正在快速发展。 工程,工程,工程。 不屑一顾的美国人指出,美国在 1969 年登月,而中国正在捎带美国技术。 真的。 和无关。



量子雷达是纠缠光子的另一个应用。 该链接提供了半技术概述。 重要的一点是,原则上它允许探测隐形飞机。

中国人声称,他们现在可以在 62 英里外探测到隐形飞机,精度足以计算火控解决方案。 这意味着检测范围略有重叠的雷达站,比如相距一百英里,可以很容易地检测到来袭的飞机,并有足够的时间将它们击落。

如果这份报告属实,对美国空军来说可能是毁灭性的。 据我所知,迄今为止,中国对技术成果的声明是准确的。

空军在隐身方面投入了非常非常大的资金。 在轰炸机中,如果被发现,非常昂贵的 B2 和计划中更加昂贵的 B21 就是死肉。 在战斗机中,F22 和 F35 破产者——我的意思是闪电 II——如果被发现就会失去它们的主要卖点。 特别是 F35 在性能上做出了妥协以使其隐身,如果被发现,它只是一架马马虎虎的战斗机。

下一个:“输入 敏捷龙: 中国在小型反应堆中看到了核能的未来”

“SMR(小型模块化反应堆)的容量不到 300 兆瓦 (MW)——足以为大约 200,000 万户家庭供电——相比之下,标准反应堆的容量至少为 1 吉瓦 (GW)……”

“中国的目标是到 200 年将国内核电装机容量从 2030 月底的 35 吉瓦提高到 XNUMX 吉瓦,但其雄心是全球性的。”

如果您想为偏远城市供电,而又不想过度使用标准工厂或不以长输电线为代价,那么小型反应堆(比公共汽车大一点)非常重要。 中国并不是唯一一个致力于微型核武器(或本专栏中提到的任何其他事物)的国家,但它现在可以与大男孩一起玩了。 再次,小型反应堆是进入主要技术领域的突然入口。 注意“全球野心”。 路透社的一篇文章 描述了“一项雄心勃勃的计划,旨在夺取对全球核市场的控制权。” 计划和做不是一回事,但如果我是一个核市场,我会不安。

无论出于何种原因,美国媒体都很少报道中国的技术进步。 无知? 傲慢? 难道这只是美国认为世界其他地方不重要的倾向吗? 也许一点点关注是个好主意。 源源不断的进步来自中央王国。 在某些领域,中国人领先世界。 在另一些情况下,他们落后但不多,并且有所收获。 可能很重要。 特别是如果他们学会了创新。

(从重新发布 弗雷德对一切 经作者或代表的许可)
• 类别: 经济学, 对外政策 •标签: 美国媒体, 美国军事, 中国 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. Sunbeam 说:


    On a personal level I’ve never really gotten the whole Chinese can’t innovate thing.


  2. I have suspected that stealth has been a boondoggle for some time to fund members of the defense industry, and has limited utility against any of the other rival military powers. Nonetheless, it still serves its essential purpose of making certain people very rich as they use the latest high tech to decimate fearsome goat-riding desert warriors.

    That said, China usually has Something In Mind, which has its upsides and downsides. The upsides is at times, surprisingly cohesive and effective results that give the sense that hey, someone actually thought this through. The downside is that expensive basic research often gets nixed because it didn’t seem like its part of the plan.

    • 同意: Dan Hayes
    • 回复: @Joe Wong
    , @Stan d Mute
  3. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    On a related note, China just launched its most advanced warship yet.


  4. songbird 说:

    China has a large built in problem: the Communist Party will not give up power. They still control large sectors of the economy. Not to mention, their rhetoric discourages the transfer of technology. These more or less all sound like government projects. The quantum stuff is unverified, the rest all based on outside ideas.

    That’s not to say they don’t also have huge advantages. There’s no racial spoils system. Minus political and social nepotism, it is a lot closer to a meritocracy. That alone should scare the hell out of the West.

  5. dearieme 说:

    “Heavy investment in solar power”: do they plan to get rid of their smog first?

    • 回复: @Joe Wong
  6. It would be a better article if Fred would stop with the strawman stuff. “So and so (unnamed) says this…now watch me courageously knock it down!” Not very courageous. No one says the Chinese aren’t smart, or industrious. His articles on Mexico being a killing field are much better. Oh wait, he hasn’t written those yet.

    • 巨魔: CK
  7. @songbird

    There are advantages to control by the Communist Party, though. Blocking foreign social media, for example, allowed local social media to rise in a kind of “protected swamp” where eventually they evolved to have unique characteristics of their own; many of Facebook’s recent features such as ordering Uber and money sending actually were copied from Chinese social media equivalents.

    Although not universal, digital products such as Facebook, Twitter & Google basically turned into unparalleled monopolies thanks to the nonexistent replication cost of data and bulk advantages. Uber, too, though it still has Lyft to compete against – to some extent. So, while I wasn’t originally a believer, it really does seem that creating a protected environment allows for unique products, and not necessarily worse ones.

    • 回复: @Stan d Mute
  8. dearieme 说:

    They have another advantage. Anything new they develop might stay their own. Anything new the US develops, China will soon have.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  9. TheJester 说:

    The clique: America is ruled by lawyers and China is ruled by engineers.

    The outcome? QED

  10. willem1 说:

    Ask Tibet or Sinjiang if there is any racial spoils system. Non-Han portions of the population are definitely disadvantaged in dealing with the center.

    • 回复: @Daniel Chieh
  11. @willem1


    For candidates of minor ethnic groups in Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Qinghai and Jilin, their Literature score consists of an easier Chinese Literature test and an optional subject on Tibetan, Mongolian, Uyghur and Korean Literature, each counting for 75 points….

    …this regionally preferential policy does provide subsidies to minority students from under-developed regions that enjoy limited educational resources, such as Tibet and Xinjiang.

    China is not an ethnostate. It tolerates more ethnic nationalism than Western countries, and hasn’t been afflicted with ethnic masochism, but at the end of the day, its a large local empire with a number of disparate populations that it needs to handle more or less amicably.

    • 回复: @DB Cooper
    , @Bayan
  12. Japanese have long proved they are adept at micro-innovations.
    And Chinese seem to be same.

    But most macro-innovations still come from the West.

    • 回复: @The Alarmist
    , @Rdm
  13. When I was in grade school way back in the 1930s I attended a public school that had nine Roman Catholic nuns as teachers. Probably could not happen today with the ACLU and all but since the community was primarily Roman Catholic it was allowed. The nuns were excellent teachers, well-grounded in their fields, and strict disciplinarians. If one of the boys got too far out of hand it was a simple matter to call in the male principal who seemed only too willing to wield a large wooden paddle. A nun who taught Latin made the prediction that one day in the future the “yellow race” would rule the world. Is it possible she had inside information from the Man upstairs? I will not live long enough to see that happen but the possibilities exist that there is nothing to stop China from becoming the strongest nation militarily, and when that occurs, political power will go along with it.

  14. AaronB 说:

    I don’t doubt the Chinese can be as inventive as Westerners if they’re willing to become equally materialistic. The idea that Asians cannot innovate was always a reflection of Western unease over their own materialism.

    The world is in an interesting phase now – the West is (finally) fed up with wealth and power, and is ready (soon, I hope), to enter into a spiritual phase, although its not quite there yet, and still very confused and lost.

    Asia today cares only for wealth and power – with each passing year, I am more disgusted with Asia and see less reason to return.

    I’m sure the Chinese will become the dominant power for the next 250 years or so, because they want it so much more than anyone else.

    Eastern wisdom will be held in cold storage in the West against the time when the Chinese are ready for it again. (you can thank us later)

    And the wheel of time will complete another round, and end where it began.

    A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

    Its hot outside in sunny California, and its time for a cold beer.

    • 回复: @Daniel Chieh
  15. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    China’s “intelligent design,” like any state-sponsored intelligent design, cuts both ways. When America was incorporated, China had about 50% of the world’s GDP.

    But the Ming Dynasty had to have a go at full autarchy (does that count as stupid design?), which was followed by Mao Zedong’s heroically stupid design. China only recovered over the past 40 years or so and, on a per capita basis, is nowhere near catching up. Overall, America’s competitive scrabbling has a better if much shorter record.

    • 回复: @5371
  16. @AaronB

    What a way to think about it, and how very tragic. And so indeed do those who seek to gain the world lose their own souls.

    I do hope that it is, in the end, a cycle.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  17. Randal 说:

    On a personal level I’ve never really gotten the whole Chinese can’t innovate thing.

    It’s easily understandable, imo, especially since the exact same kind of thing was being said about the Japanese back in the mid-C20th, for exactly the same reasons. When you have fallen a long way behind, as the rest of the world had done in relation to the European (and European offshoot, such as the US) societies following the industrial revolution and its consequences and ramifications, the quickest way to catch up is to copy and improve, not to innovate.

    In other words, it’s an entirely understandable misunderstanding by citizens of European/US societies that, when they see a fast catching up society that competes with them by copying and not wasting much time trying to compete on innovation, they reassure themselves by saying “it’s all right, they aren’t really any threat because, look, they can’t innovate like we can”….

    Which isn’t, of course, to say that there might not be actual differences from one culture or race to another in the ability to innovate. Just that such differences are not established by observing a society concentrating on copying during the catchup period.

  18. 这只是:“根据日本科学技术振兴机构的数据,中国现在在八个核心科学领域中的四个领域成为最具影响力的国家,与美国并列

    该机构选取了每个领域引用最多的前 10% 的研究,并确定了来自美国、英国、德国、法国、中国或日本的作者数量。中国在计算机科学、数学、材料科学与工程领域排名第一。

    另一方面,美国在物理学、环境与地球科学、基础生命科学和临床医学方面处于领先地位。中国在物理学领域也正在迅速追赶,美国长期以来在该领域占据主导地位。它花费超过 6 亿美元建造世界上最大的粒子加速器,这可能使其处于粒子物理学的最前沿。


    • 回复: @DB Cooper
  19. Anon • 免责声明 说:
    @Simply Simon

    Instead of becoming the strongest militarily, it seems their plan is to become the most successful economically, with enough military power to defend itself.

    Perhaps the Han are, on average, more robotic than most humans (smarter and tougher), so they’ll take over for a while until the real robots show up.

    • 回复: @Quartermaster
  20. anon • 免责声明 说:

    I’m pretty close to the quantum radar stuff, and I have to call BS on it. Not going to go into much detail, but at least on our side it’s been the standard MIC boondoggle…

    • 回复: @John Jeremiah Smith
  21. AaronB 说:
    @Daniel Chieh

    Yes, I’m finding it increasingly impossible to ignore the tragic dimension of life. But accepting it is curiously liberating, and there is also hope beyond history. After all history is only foam on the water’s surface.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  22. DB Cooper 说:
    @Daniel Chieh

    “It tolerates more ethnic nationalism than Western countries, and hasn’t been afflicted with ethnic masochism,…”

    The word ‘tolerates’ is pretty misleading because it implies there are undesirables that needs to be accommodate. Ethnic oppression is not really a ‘thing’ in China culturally and historically and this is the reason why disparate ethnic groups lives side by side amicably throughout the ages.

    • 回复: @Daniel Chieh
  23. DB Cooper 说:
    @Godfree Roberts

    “It is spending more than $6 billion to build the world’s largest particle accelerator, which could put it at the forefront of particle physics’.”


  24. Oldeguy 说:

    典型的弗雷德:优秀的文章,写得非常好,挑战自满和懒惰、过时的刻板印象。 再次非常感谢弗雷德。

    • 回复: @Santoculto
  25. @DB Cooper

    Well, then there is the Uyghur people who like to amicably stab people.

    • 回复: @Michelle
  26. When people accept that the earth is flat, then all that bull about meteorites hitting the earth, etc. will be a laughbable matter.


    • 同意: Truth
  27. @Simply Simon

    “A nun who taught Latin made the prediction that one day in the future the “yellow race” would rule the world.”

    My dear Simply Simon, I suspect your nun teacher had taken to heart Nostradamus’s prediction that in the third millennium the Orient would become the dominant world power.

  28. China is not only leaping ahead of the West in technology; she is also leaping ahead in the arts. See

    This is a short piece by Huo Zun, played by Yung An on the erhu.

  29. @TheJester

    China is ruled by communist bureaucrats. The Engineers work for the party.

    • 回复: @Yeah
    , @Che Guava
  30. @Anon

    What many in the US fail to understand is military power follows economic power. Great Britain has declined as their economy declined, and the US is following the same pattern.

  31. Most of the quoted examples are cool enough but don’t really constitute ground-breaking innovation as such.

    The best measure of current scientific productivity that I have yet to come across Nature index.

    (Nobel Prizes lag 30-50 years and might not be very objective; total numbers of papers published don’t adjust for quality).


    China is currently at around 40% of the US level, which is already very respectable, especially considering that China has yet to come close to converging in GDP per capita and overall development, but still plenty to go considering the 4x population differential.

    However, 127mn Japan – which has been fully developed for more than a generation – is still considerably lower than 65mn UK and 82mn Germany. Can say the same for South Korea wrt Australia and Switzerland (8mn!).

    The Anglo-Germanic nations seem to have some extra factor that makes them perform significantly better on science than mere population, average IQ, and GDP per capita would indicate.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @ThreeCranes
  32. Santoculto 说:

    在美国的大部分地区,中国人被认为“无法创新”,创造力被认为是白人独有的。 更薄的冰可能从未被踩过。

    You jump to strawman too quickly. Most people, seems, say that ”chineses”, specially current chineses, seems less prone to ”be” innovative OR to have a robust creative classes, specially because their superlative numbers, a 1,3 billion people, a pacific ocean of individuals, and by now the level of inovation of chineses don’t appear to be gigantic. If the distribution of creativity levels is the same for all races of the same or similar IQ levels, so specially because chinese demography, this sameness-innovation-levels must be happening.

    If chinese is innovative as swiss people, so instead 6 million people and, whatever, ”3% of highly creative people”, you will have 1,3 billion people and the same %…

    Other situation is that chineses still have a large number of younger people, different than the west. In terms of big creativity, ”they” appear to be less than ”those” on the west.

  33. Santoculto 说:

    典型的弗雷德:优秀的文章,写得非常好,挑战自满和懒惰、过时的刻板印象。 再次非常感谢弗雷德。

    The problem is not fundamentally the ”stupid” but the brightly stupid, this people is soooooooo common….

    Because higher the intelligence, higher the complexity, higher the probability to something go wrong, so eugenics specially for ”bright” people via ”selective decantation” must be required, extremely required…. because….

  34. Santoculto 说:

    As I have mentioned before, China 不知从哪里冒出 to become the world leader in supercomputers.

    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  35. Santoculto 说:

    Especially if they learn to innovate.

    Intuition is not learnable.

  36. Truth 说:

    France is ruled by engineers too; how’s that working out?

  37. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    America has those same problems.

    China has the communist party that refuses to give up power and America has the deep state that wont give up power.

    The communist party controls large swaths of the economy, just like our deep state does.

    The differences here are by and large trivial.

  38. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    中国人无法创新模因很大程度上是白人 HBD 用来让自己感觉更好的模因。要点是,白人的首要地位是得到保证的,因为中国人需要等待白人创新一些东西,这样他们就可以制造廉价的仿制品。


    • 同意: John Jeremiah Smith
  39. @Simply Simon




    • 回复: @Pachyderm Pachyderma
  40. @anon

    我非常接近量子雷达的东西,我不得不称其为BS。不会透露太多细节,但至少在我们这边,这是标准的 MIC 的无用功……

    哈哈。早在 80 年代,我就与一些为 gubmint 开发反导弹系统的工程师联系过(没有真正的理由)。他们无情地批评了这个想法——“这是不可能的。” “他们只是在坏事之后投入大量资金。” “也许是激光,但哪里有这种威力的激光呢?” “用 3 马赫的导弹击中 4 马赫的导弹? - 决不。”

    等等等等 所以,嘿,“量子”专家!你们的关系很好。

  41. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    I think its funny that white people are trying to claim innovation as a “white trait”.

    Most of the innovation that whites try to claim credit for are really innovations from Jews. Jews can claim innovation as a jewish trait. I can see that. The rest of the white people, no.

    • 回复: @MarkinLA
    , @Hippopotamusdrome
  42. Santoculto 说:

    No. That is what has happened and is what we have reported. Most hbds and even whites nationalists accept that ” the Japanese ” have been very creative.

    Moreover, to say that ” the white race is more creative, I am white, so I am more creative ”, in fact it consists of a mixture of stupidity and insecurity.

    This type of narrative: ” the Chinese do not know how to innovate. ” ” Whites are more creative, ” It needs to be better detailed, because most of the time we’re not talking about groups [chineses/chinese people], but individuals [highly creative dude or duda].

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  43. MarkinLA 说:

    These supercomputer designs are just massively parallel arrays of relatively insignificant microprocessors. The Chinese developed their own microprocessor when they weren’t allowed to use Pentium cores.

    Anybody could build such designs. That is why there is no longer the desire to build the fastest computer like there was 20 years ago. The real issue with these computers is the software that can break a problem into parallel processing streams.

    • 回复: @5371
    , @Rdm
  44. “Chinese Solar-Powered Plane Flies at 65,000 feet”

    It apparently could stay aloft for months. … In any event, it is a neat technological trick, especially from people who can’t innovate.

    Sorry, not innovative. Already have solar planes two years ago:

    Solar plane makes history after completing round-the-world trip
    Solar Impulse 2 has completed the first round-the-world flight by a solar-powered aeroplane
    2015 年 XNUMX 月
    Piccard and Borschberg, both Swiss

  45. MarkinLA 说:

    Total BS. Jews are well represented in the sciences and do punch above their weight but claiming MOST of the innovations that came out of Europe and the US were from Jews is ridiculous.

    • 回复: @Pachyderm Pachyderma
  46. From the National Interest: “The World’s New Leader in Super Deadly Hypersonic Weapons: China?”

    There is a confusion here, it seems (which is not surprising with The National Interest) China is NOT any leader in hyper-sonic weapons. So called gliders, which fly in the stratosphere (and space) as any physical body flying there are hyper-sonic by definition. Several nations have R&D programs in that, in US it went under the aegis of a Prompt Global Strike. Just to clarify. Now, same goes to DF-21 which is a ballistic missile with terminal guidance, an old Soviet 1960s program which was cancelled (correctly) due to emergence of the cruise missiles–this is where it all becomes interesting. Real hyper-sonic weapons which do matter and which are actual weapons are low flying (sea skimmers) anti-shipping (and land-attack) missiles with speeds in excess of M=5. Such missiles are, being tested as I type it, Russian M=7+ Zirkon (3M22) or already being used almost M=5 X-31(32)–these ARE game changers, since are impossible to intercept. Same goes to a latest version of Russo-Indian (based on P-800 Onyx) M=5+ Brahmos missile. Obviously, very many TNI “experts” do not know the difference and bundle together not only two very different technologies but completely different tactical and operational concepts.

    So, here is the deal, with all due respect to Chinese: China is nowhere near in real hyper-sonic weapons’ development to Russia, in fact–not in the same universe. Maneuvering hyper-sonic sea-skimmers for now are available only to Russia (and India). I reiterate–anything ballistic (or space-stratospheric) is hyper-sonic by definition and is decades away from 可靠 attack of the moving targets. Yes, Chines learn but they also continue to copy a lot–be it their space program, literally transplanted in its most important parts from Ukraine and Russia in early 1990s, to getting their hands on latest aerospace (both military and commercial) technology. Observe all, how the whole fuss about Chinese COMAC C919 fizzled out–one (maiden) flight, nice paint but largely outdated design and materials with LEAP (not-Chinese) engines. It is not easy to be on the cutting edge (or cusp) in fields that matter. Yes, Chinese learn and copy (everyone does this–USSR literally cloned B-29 into TU-4 bomber) but at some point key technologies have to start breath and walk on their own with national designer and engineering schools–so far very few signs of that in China. It is not easy and Chine is yet to complete her journey into the technological elite. Proof? Look who designs COMAC C929 and why Chinese are buying SU-35s and S-400s like crazy.

    P.S. Ask Russian Navy how two Russian anti-diversionary cutters blew their engines in a single day, during their acceptance ceremony. You may have guessed it–the power plants were Chinese-made.

    • 回复: @5371
    , @Sergey Krieger
  47. Clyde 说:

    Chinese are definitely more coherent and focused on their military spending and their high tech militarily spending, than America. They are not blowing money left and right to placate various Senators and Representatives and defense corporations. They are spending more efficiently towards their military objectives. So watch out! And their anti-aircraft carrier missiles are similar to cheap anti-tank rockets obliterating armor and nullifying the advantage armor once gave.

    If you can take out of action a ten billion dollar aircraft carrier with a five million dollar missile you are doing great.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  48. 中国人确实想出了八十亿种方法来欺骗人民。如果这都不算创新,那什么才算呢?

  49. Rich 说:

    I suppose you have a point, but the bigger problem is that the ethnicity that rules America doesn’t care about its majority of citizens. These people are waking up to this and will soon be bailing out. Affirmative action and nepotism will destroy the US and those who are on top now, will find that without US support, the country they thought would take them in, will no longer exist. The Anglo-Saxons gave their country away, in the future, they won’t be remembered.

  50. Si1ver1ock 说:


    。 。 。它最好的机器的速度比美国最好的机器快五倍。而且,它首先是通过纯中国制造的芯片实现了这些速度。



  51. neutral 说:


  52. http://voxday.blogspot.com/2017/06/the-cost-of-black-america.html

    China vs US makes interesting comparison.

    China: old ancient civilization.

    US: new young civilization(though, to be sure, an extension of old Europe).

    China: All Asian

    US: Used to be overwhelmingly white but will turn minority white.

    China: Had lots and lots of people for very long time.

    US: Went from low population to big population in very short time.

    China: Long stagnation.

    US: Explosive rise.

    China: Still unapologetically nationalist and ruled by Chinese.

    US: Apologetic about Negroes and ‘past racism’ and now ruled by globalists.

    At any rate, China should think itself very lucky that it doesn’t have a huge black population.

    Indeed, even backward non-black nations should assure themselves when things are bad… “At least we don’t have Negroes.”

    • 回复: @Pachyderm Pachyderma
  53. @Si1ver1ock




  54. 5371 说:

    “World GDP” is a concept with very little meaning at any time.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  55. 5371 说:

    Sour grapes, pure and simple.

    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  56. 5371 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    If Russia really did share with India a technology she alone possessed, whoever signed off on that deal should be in jail.

  57. 弗雷德,你忘了提到中国的一项极其重要的优势,那就是放松管制。 与西方企业相比,中国企业的运营具有优势,因为中国政府对商人可以做什么和不能做什么的限制要少得多。

    示例:在我工作的工业设施中,最近在取水口中发现了一只海龟。 它被捕食者(可能是鲨鱼)撕碎,然后最终到达了我们的环保人员发现它的地方。 整个环境官僚机构立即就此事参加了 DefCon-1。 我们花了很多钱请了很多非常昂贵的人来调查这样的情况,并写了很多非常昂贵的报告,向反美官僚机构解释说,这只海龟在到达我们的取水口之前就被鲨鱼吃了一半。

    有人真的相信 Chicom 强迫他们的行业做这样的愚蠢事情吗?

    示例 2:您可以在中国的沃尔玛柜台购买任何您能说出的药品。那里的药品价格过高的问题立即被美国人发明但后来不再相信的东西解决了:自由。



  58. @Priss Factor

    “But most macro-innovations still come from the West.”

    Yeah, but how many of those come from the asian students who populate our research institutes?

  59. “I’ll believe China has reached first world status when you can drink the water.”

    It’s not their problem your soft Western belly can’t take their water.

    • 回复: @jim jones
    , @Joe Wong
  60. MarkinLA 说:

    They have been working on fusion reactors since I was an undergrad. The first physics class I took was from a professor that showed us his work on plasmas as that was where the current research was for developing a fusion reactor. There was probably little coverage because it has been around for so long with so little progress.

    China’s supercomputers are massively parallel designs of relatively insignificant microprocessors – anybody could build a seemingly fast computer that way. That is why you no longer have those headlines you had 20 years ago or so where it was announced that Japan had the fastest computer and a few months later, the US did, then Japan. Nobody cares anymore.

    • 回复: @Si1ver1ock
    , @Joe Wong
    , @DB Cooper
  61. MarkinLA 说:

    Not sour grapes just reality and some knowledge about what is really going on. If having the “fastest” computer was important, the NSA and any agency needing computing power like nuclear weapons research would have banks of them.

    The NSA is capable of grabbing every electronic communication in the world and searching it for key words and phrases, all without one of these Chinese supercomputers. The US nuclear weapons developers do all their development in computer simulations and no longer detonate any bombs, all without these Chinese supercomputers.

    Google it yourself. All the latest “fastest” computers are massively parallel designs – even ours. There is nothing special about arraying hundreds of Pentium cores together and sharing a large common memory. This architecture has been around since I was in grad school over 30 years ago.

    Decades ago there was this back and forth between the US and Japan where about every 6 months somebody would announce the fastest computer, usually based on billions of floating point operations per second it could do. However, that doesn’t tell you anything about solving real world problems and the software back then for turning a problem into parallel processing streams was not well developed.

    • 回复: @5371
  62. MarkinLA 说:

    The reason why playing catchup seems so amazing is that when you are catching up there is one direction to go – where everybody else has already been. All the alternatives have been discarded as failures or less efficient. You don’t have to waste your time deciding whether it is better to utilize wing warping (like birds do and was originally done by the Wrights) or put ailerons (like every modern aircraft does) on your wing to control flight.

    Once you get to the head of the list it becomes tougher as now you have to go down the blind alleys just like everybody else tryin to make a breakthrough.

    • 回复: @Ivan
  63. @5371

    The guy who signed off on giving away the Indian number system to the West for nothing and on which the whole scientific shebang is built on has been languishing in a local psychiatric ward for now over a millennium and has no chance of getting paroled anytime soon.

  64. @Priss Factor

    It’s your obsession with the “Negro” that has given the backdoor entry to China with which your master is going to put you in a disadvantageous position for a foreseeable future. There is still time to modify your compulsive behavior and redeem your future generations… what say you?

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
  65. @Father O'Hara

    Oy vey! Who would have thunk the Donald is a member of the Tribe… I could swear he loves his bacon!

  66. @John Jeremiah Smith

    A nun once told me she wanted to join the circus but instead she ended up in the Church…

  67. @The Alarmist

    Judging by Nobel Prizes and Computer Awards, not many.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  68. @MarkinLA

    You have misunderstood the masked one… he clearly meant the Christian Science and its progenitor, Jesus, the Jew!

  69. jim jones 说:
    @The Alarmist

    We had some Chinese move into our street in Windsor, they were astounded when I told them you could drink the tap water:

    • 回复: @Rob McX
    , @Joe Wong
    , @NoseytheDuke
  70. Andrei Martyanov [AKA“ SmoothieX12”] 说: • 您的网站

    India historically was a major customer of Soviet/Russian technology (both commercial and military) and appearance of Russo-Indian Joint Venture Brahmos at at the time-1998- was a good decision considering the fact of continuing looting and destruction of Russia by Yeltsin accomplices. By establishing this JV Russia de facto financed (or, financially outsourced) a continuation of the strategically important and cutting edge program, thus preserving a decisive technological and operational advantage Russia possesses in naval battle. Obviously, technology sharing was inevitable. At the time it was a good decision. Should it have been today, yes, I doubt anyone would go for JV and technology sharing to such a degree. Yet, there is a tangible strategic benefit for Russia (and India) by giving India additional power balancing weight in the region since both Indian Navy and Air Force have a very wide use for Brahmos missiles both in anti-shipping and land-attack configuration. In the end, Indian versions have shorter ranges than Russian ones.

  71. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    High speed train technology they got from Germany on a silver platter.

    What exactly is ‘new’ we can point to that China has come up with on it’s own?

    • 回复: @Yeah
  72. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Anatoly Karlin

    “The Anglo-Germanic nations seem to have some extra factor that makes them perform significantly better”

    One word: Capitalism

  73. Yeah 说:

    Yeah Quartermaster, you are so right! But remember, the US is ruled by corporate bureaucrats who are so much better, aren’t they?

  74. Yeah 说:

    @ 匿名的

    At the time of this famous handover of the technology on a silver platter, was there a massive roll of drums and other musical fanfare. Were you invited to the ceremony?

  75. Kenya and Saudi Arabia are very capitalistic. So is Pakistan–all three are by no means developed nations by any substantive metric.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @phil
  76. Si1ver1ock 说:

    “Nobody cares anymore.”

    Pretty obviously not true or the US wouldn’t have sanctioned them.

    They are extremely useful if you know how to use them.

    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  77. Ron Unz 说:

    One hundred years ago, China was near the absolute depth of its poverty and backwardness, but E.A. Ross, one of America’s greatest early sociologists, had some very acute observations on the Chinese:

    It is rash, therefore, to take the observed sterility of the Celestial mind during the period of intercourse with the West as proof of race deficiency. Chinese culture is undergoing a breaking-up process which will release powerful individualities from the spell of the past and of numbers, and stimulate them to high personal achievement. In the Malay States, where the Chinese escape the lifeless atmosphere and the confining social organization of their own land, their ingenuity is already such that unprejudiced white men have come to regard them as our intellectual peers. Civil engineers will tell you that in a score or two of years, after bright Chinese youth have had access to schools of technology equal to those of the West, there will be no place in the engineering and technical work of the Far East for the high-priced white expert.

    * * *

    对于有四十三名作为教育者,传教士和外交官的人,他们有很好的机会学习中国思想的“感觉”,我提出了一个问题:“您发现黄种人的智力是否与黄种人的智力相同?白色种族?” 除了五个人以外,所有其他人都回答“是”,而一位传教士,大学校长和法令顾问的经验丰富的黑人同志让我喘不过气来:“我们大多数人在这里度过了XNUMX年或以上的时光,都感到黄色。种族是正常的人类类型,而白人是“运动”。”


  78. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Priss Factor

    You mean the institution that is from the west and even gave Obama a Nobel prize?

    Sure there is no bias there I am sure.

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
  79. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @The Grate Deign


    Also, in America, don’t drink the tap water.

  80. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    None of those countries are capitalistic lol.

    Saudi Arabia? Really?

    I think the commenter was talking about free market capitalism. Free trade and minimal regulations. I think you are talking about consumerism.

  81. @Anonymous

    Jews can claim innovation as a jewish trait

    And they kept their innovation in dormancy until after they immigrated to Europe and intermarried with Europeans and attended Universities built by Europeans.

  82. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Actually, the uncreative meme is something that whites have always pushed. Even in this thread you will see it. A small minority is whites will give credit to Japan, but usually with caveats so as to not lose fave to the yellow man.

    To me, this makes perfect sense.

    Whites used to be very productive, but have since decided that education and hard work is passe.

    So whites have a lot of anxiety when the game that worked so well with blacks and Latinos does not work with Asians.

    • 回复: @Santoculto
  83. @The Grate Deign

    You are operating a machine at the factory where you work. The factory is on the coast and water pipes lead to the sea. You turn the machine on and a sea turtle is sucked into one of the pipes and becomes stuck. It flaps its flippers trying to get loose but it can’t. The EPA wants to mandate expensive anti-turtle mechanisms be fitted in all ocean facing pipes, but you’re not helping. Why is that?

  84. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    In 1957, Robert Carl Cohen became the first American allowed to shoot film in the People’s Republic of China. His work became part of an American television documentary, “Inside Red China.” He shoots a sequel in China more than half a century later.




  85. “Chinese Solar-Powered Plane Flies at 65,000 feet”

    It apparently could stay aloft for months. The stories dealing with it suggest that the purpose might be long-term surveillance of countries, meaning spying. In any event, it is a neat technological trick, especially from people who can’t innovate.

    This has been done by Americans for decades. It’s another copied technology.

    Repeat: This is not innovation.

  86. Bayan 说:
    @Daniel Chieh


    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Anonymous
  87. @Anonymous


    You know as well as I that Nobel Peace aint worth crap.

    • 回复: @Rdm
    , @Anonymous
  88. 5371 说:

    So if someone published it, that’s all the information you need to endorse its value?

  89. 5371 说:

    So overnight in 2013 when the US lost its place at the top of this list, the capability coincidentally also went from all-important to worthless at the same moment? Do you even keep yourself informed at 500强网站?
    A little thought will tell you that while software is always important, so is raw power, and more attention to software is a consequence of improvement in hardware speed becoming harder to achieve, not the other way round.
    [If having the “fastest” computer was important, the NSA and any agency needing computing power like nuclear weapons research would have banks of them.]
    This reminds me of the conversations I used to have in elementary school, where everybody’s dad was simultaneously the strongest.

    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  90. ” The Chinese assert that they can now detect stealth aircraft at 62 miles with enough accuracy to compute a fire-control solution ”

    MH370 had on board two groups of Chinese technicians on making planes invisible to radar.
    The Dutch chairman of the pilot’s association said it on tv, media never published it.

    After the murder of Bin Laden Pakistan allowed Chinese technicians to examine the wreck of a USA helicopter that was equipped with a system to make it invisible to radar.
    The USA obviously did not trust it Pakistani allies, when they went to murder an old man near a Pakistani army basis.

    Then there is the assertion that a Russian plane disabled all systems aboard one of the newest USA navy ships in the Black Sea.
    Russia claims to have such a system.

    Already years ago it was asserted that the USA fired two missiles towards Syria, from Spain, intercepted above the E Mediterranean.
    USA and Israel asserted it was an excercise.

    Is it possible that Trump’s efforts to make peace with Russia are not just based on economical considerations, but also on backward military technology ?

    As to Chinese technology, they invented gunpowder, and a seismograph.
    There exists a western multi volume description of ancient Chinese technologies.
    Cannot now remember the name of the historian.

    As to entanglement, Dutch engineers at Delft University are trying to build an entanglement computer.

  91. @Clyde

    There indeed seems to be no defence against Chinese Silkworm anti ship missiles.
    They fly at Mach 3 or 4 at wave top height.
    It is asserted that Iran, Cuba and Venezuela have them too.

  92. @The Alarmist

    Indeed, PISA studies show that the best education now is in SE Asia.
    Already in the 70ties USA education was a laugh.
    But also W Europe is lagging behind.
    蒂洛·萨拉津(Thilo Sarrazin),2010年慕尼黑,“德国沙夫基地(Deutschland schafft sich ab),威斯康星州土地(Aufs Spiel setzen)”
    克里斯托弗·拉施(Christopher Lasch),《自恋的文化,期望值不断下降的美国生活》,1979年,1980年,伦敦

  93. Anonymous [AKA "FingersCrossed"] 说:

    hope beyond history.

    Words to jerk a tear or two from a tri-coned eye.

    If sheer desire is enough to get me through the veil of wha? I’ll see you two on the other side.

  94. Ivan 说:

    You seem to be one of the few here who actually know what they are talking about. Another example of Chicom boosterism is that they have the world’s largest radio telescope. But by large all the theories and instruments and I.expect groundbreaking observations were made decades ago by the Americans and Europeans in places such as Jodrell Bank and Areceibo.

    The Americans (and for that matter the Soviets had they had enough time) put man on the moon within a decade. The Chicoms had decades to copy the Americans yet have not managed a lunar orbit.

    I am a small time engineer myself with some pretensions and I.can tell the difference between a picayune patent that is a variant on diamond polishing and something as fundamental as information theory.

    • 回复: @The Alarmist
  95. Forgot when Mao’s Great Leap Forward destroyed Chinese agricultural land.
    But it is no more than decades ago.
    Now Porsche’s best export land in China, and the first Chinese built airliner is flying, as do Chinese fighter jets.
    If Silkworm missiles function I do not know, but as far as I know the USA never provoked China into using one.
    Chinese satellites do fly, no doubt about it.
    So I would be prudent about doubting Chinese developments.

  96. @Ivan

    Yeah, but I don’t need to rely on my aerospace engineering degree to observe that the West, particularly the nation that put men on the moon nearly half a century ago, haven’t ventured with people outside near-Earth orbit since then, and it is possible that the Chicoms might get there before we do again by relying on our technology. They don’t need to innovate as much as they merely need to take it to a higher purpose. If the next big asteroid hits in the near future, the next century may indeed be the Chinese Century.

  97. Santoculto 说:

    I don’t understand the last part.

    Don’t worry, the people on the ”middle empire” think exactly the same.

    East asian”s” also have their ”memes” against other populations.

    By now greatest discoveries and inventions has been if not directly by ”white people” [individuals] at least has been improved. In terms of BIG-C, white”s” are in upper hand if compared with any other population.

    It’s very simple, if chinese alone have a huge demographic advantage and the same creativity levels or % of highly creative people, capable to have genius insights, so… it’s a question of time.

    But you know japanese”s” already have showed some great, avg and middle innovations.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  98. Miro23 说:

    中国人无法创新模因很大程度上是白人 HBD 用来让自己感觉更好的模因。要点是,白人的首要地位是得到保证的,因为中国人需要等待白人创新一些东西,这样他们就可以制造廉价的仿制品。

    I remember that the received wisdom in the U.K. of the 1970’s was that the Japanese would never be capable of building cars to the British standard – they would never understand the subtleties of the technology – and this was in the age of British Leyland.

    • 回复: @MarkinLA
    , @Ivan
  99. MarkinLA 说:

    You do realize that any job that can be done on a massively parallel processor can also be done on a bank of network linked computers, that is why it isn’t important. Also, you never hear much about it in the tech publications any more. Nobody is doing significant research on building them.

    Your desktop machine how has what 4-8 Pentium cores so it too is a parallel processor. The problem is the operating system making use of more than one or two of them at any given time.

  100. MarkinLA 说:

    You actually believe there is any rhyme or reason to US sanctions? They are political grandstanding that does nothing. If the Chinese really needed Pentiums their secret services would have obtained a roomful of them. They probably reverse engineered Pentiums anyway when they decided to build their own microprocessor. Building their own microprocessor core is no big deal today.

    Microelectronics have come so far that anybody can make custom ICs – including microprocessors. The parts are all available in files that can easily be added to your overall design. The company I worked at built it’s own microprocessor core with specialized computing circuits and other data processing chips specifically designed for pacemakers and implantable cardio Defibrillators.

    • 回复: @Si1ver1ock
  101. MarkinLA 说:
    @The Alarmist

    The moon landing was a political stunt and there is no technology for supporting life on the moon. It’s only use would be an expensive arms race. We probably made an agreement with the USSR that we both would not go down that path.

    We can’t even fly a mission to Mars and probably won’t see one in our liftime given the distance and logistics needed to do it in any realistic time frame. Does anybody see assembling a rocket in orbit so it can travel much faster than rockets leaving from Earth do now as a viable solution?

  102. MarkinLA 说:

    Japanese would never be capable of building cars to the British standard

    And the Brits were right. Nobody built cars as bad as British Leyland.

    • 哈哈: Rob McX
    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  103. Rdm 说:

    If someone brings up “CCP” and “Power” in Technological Innovation in their comments, I take them as donkey braying in Retardiville.

  104. Rdm 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Priss, you got this time wrong.

    There’s no Macro Innovation. Show me some examples. There’s only Foreign Policy that will guide “micro” innovation for State Interest.

    • 回复: @Santoculto
  105. Ivan 说:
    @The Alarmist

    Chicoms 无疑有很多聪明人,但他们在突破性创新的游戏中落后了。 太糟糕了,白人已经挖掘了所有这些,并把填补小数位的工作留给了其他人。 永远不会有像牛顿或安培这样以亚洲人命名的重要单位。 没有像拉格朗日这样的基本数学创新,没有像珠穆朗玛峰这样的山峰。 没有哪群小说家可以与欧洲的伟人相提并论。 没有巴赫级别的作曲家。 等等等等。只有一个世界,白人不仅弄清楚了关于它的一切,而且还确定了观察或研究一切的方式。

  106. BenKenobi 说:


  107. Santoculto 说:

    Macro-innovation = example, electricity.

    Prove you that macro-innovations don’t exist.

    • 回复: @Rdm
  108. Ivan 说:

    The UK of the 60s and 70s was done in by the unions. But even in its decline during those years, UK engineers made more than their fair share of innovations.

  109. Rdm 说:

    Electricity is Macro Innovation? Where in the world are you studying your physics?

    That’s my last comment. I don’t follow yours because most of the time I’ve seen your comments are confusing and jumbled up.

    • 回复: @Santoculto
  110. AaronB 说:

    Probably true, but doesn’t that kind of undermine the importance of these discoveries? If it was largely a matter of who bothered to focus their attention on these subjects first, and not about unique abilities possessed by no one else, as European propaganda would have it…

    Kind of shows how silly this whole competition is….if there is a limited amount to discover, and it is mostly about who gets there first, it really doesn’t sound so glorious…

    I do think you are right, though, that European accomplishments and discoveries are a result of being the first people to begin focusing extensively on the physical world, while everyone else thought the material world isn’t that important…

    • 回复: @The Alarmist
  111. Si1ver1ock 说:

    It’s wasn’t Pentiums. It was Knights Landing Xeon Phi(s). I set up a system to dev some software for it which you basically have to get straight from Intel–the development software I mean. It started out as a co-processor, but now it can actually boot a system. It’s called a SoC (System on a Chip). Which means that you have to cross a barrier from Windows into Linux in order to get to the cores or dev it on a Linux box using Eclipse.

    I was thinking about trying to swap out the Linux kernel on the Xeon Phi and replace it with a hacked version of embedded Windows.

    This is called a many core architecture and it is pushing things like deep machine learning and big data. It has 60 or more cores with each core able to run 4 threads and expanded number of floating point registers and . . . well you get the picture.

    I guess you are a physicist, but it seems strange. Most physicist I know of can’t get their hands on enough cores. I don’t know anybody who thinks processor design is dead. More like it is just getting started.

    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  112. Santoculto 说:

    It’s complicated have patience with certain ”people”…

    Prove your personal opinion or stop to behave like a drama queen retardx.

    I will not explain what ”macro” and in combination with ”innovation” mean…

  113. Rdm 说:

    You should stop reproducing yourself then.

    Since copulation was done thousands of years ago, there’s no desire to spice up the sex life with victoria secret.

    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  114. Knotnull 说:


    Paul MacReady 很久以前就为 AeroVironment 做到了这一点; 1980 年。当我得知它们已经在美国的上空飞过时,我不会感到惊讶。但话又说回来,它可以被认为是一项非常具有颠覆性的技术。互联网服务、监控、GPS 增强、蜂窝、天气、广播、中继器等,全部 24/7。


  115. @The Alarmist

    and it is possible that the Chicoms might get there before we do again by relying on our technology.

    Possible? Yes. Probable? I don’t know and if you didn’t notice–Chinese space program is a clone of he Soviet one. even space ships, even space suites are totally identical to earlier Russian ones. A treasure trove of space technology China got for herself was overwhelmingly courtesy of immediate post-Soviet chaos when literally plane loads of technical documentation were taken out of former USSR by Chinese. American share of this technology transfer is rather small in comparison.

    If the next big asteroid hits in the near future, the next century may indeed be the Chinese Century.

    This is a rather dubious statement–what if this asteroid “lands” in main land China (God forbids), whose century would it be then?

    • 哈哈: Sergey Krieger
    • 回复: @The Alarmist
    , @Ivan
  116. Rdm 说:
    @Priss Factor

    You mean the Nobel Prize in Medicine awarded to Ronald Ross back in 1901?

    The guy traveled to India, found Malaria and Mosquito.
    The guy came back to UK, found no Malaria and no mosquito.

    Propounded the interrelationship between Malaria and Mosquito and won a Nobel Prize?

    There is a strong correlation between eating raw Sushi and developing gastric cancers in later years. That’s why there are more gastric cancer patients in Japan and Korea.

    But no one wins a Nobel Prize for that.

  117. Rob McX 说:
    @jim jones

    Surely they didn’t think the Queen had to brew her Earl Grey with dodgy water?

  118. The small modular nuclear power plants is a big deal. So are the rest of the Gen IV fission technologies (Thorium MSR, high temo reactors, etc.) that the Chinese are working on.

    It is rumored (whether is real or not is debatable) that the Chinese have successfully tested and are developing the EMDrive that has been talked about the last couple of years.

    Of course the Chinese can innovate.

  119. @AaronB

    It’s not who is first that matters … it is who does what, or more importantly continues to do what, with the technology at hand. The West pulled back because “compassion” dictated we stop reaching for the stars and, instead, to do something for the poor wretches who will always be in the lower half of the bell curve.

    Rather than continuing to operate on the principle that a rising tide lifts all boats, the West has decided to firmly anchor itself to the sea-bed with little or no play in the chain.

    • 回复: @AaronB
    , @Ivan
  120. AaronB 说:
    @The Alarmist

    I think the West “pulled back” back because the dream of power eventually loses its luster. The world regularly goes through periods of weariness and exhaustion with the search for power.

    This is well illustrated in the career of empires, who all “decline” in a strikingly smilar time-frame – about 300 years. That seems to be what it takes for humans to discover – yet again – that power does not satisfy.

    The Chinese, now resurgent, will “decline” in about 300 years as well. The Jews, who began their great power-career about 200 years ago, have some time left, but not much. (Ron Unz is already documenting their decline)

    Europeans are in a pre-Buddhistic phase – perhaps true Christianity will be practiced in Europe for the first time, soon.

    That is, if Europe can move past its hedonistic phase. Hedonism is the phase right after the collapse of the power-dream, and before the advent of a new spirituality.

    I used to think Asia caught the “Western disease” – but I now think Asia has to, like Europe, undergo the experience of possessing power on a great scale, before they can see it for the illusion that it is.

  121. 任何中国创新的解决方案之一就是进口。例如,向任何就业不足、失意、贫困的美国工程师、科学家等提供2万美元的免税工作7年,让他们移居中国一段时间。

    10,000 名工程师 * 2 万是 20 亿美元……一个月的贸易赤字相当于美元。


  122. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:




  123. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Priss Factor


    Neither are the rest of the prizes.

  124. You can count me among those who agree with the broad statement that “China cannot innovate,” but that’s because I use an essentialist definition of innovation. As a matter of fact, the West does not innovate anymore either.

    Technological results of any kind belong only to the superficial history of science. The difference between a windmill and a jet engine, or between a supercomputer and an abacus, is a difference of degree not a difference of kind. If you can grasp one, you can (eventually) grasp the other. When one civilization has jet engines and another one has only windmills, that matters a lot to the outcome of any real-world conflict between the two; but in terms of innovation properly so called, it is nothing to the point.

    The only real innovation (which is by no means a good thing, as most here tend to assume) is a change in outlook that makes the world appear to be a fundamentally different place than it was before. The West of today is fundamentally incapable of further cultural development, and China has already been in that condition for centuries.

  125. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    White people, in their quest at world domination, have formulas they use to control other population groups both within America and outside of it.

    A lot of whites, especially white HBDers, are concerned about Asians because what worked to oppress the brown and black people won’t be effective aganist the yellows.

    If the Chinese have memes against others doesn’t really matter to me, as they are not trying to control the world like white people are.

    As far as accomplishments go, technological advancement is exponential. White people had the advantage in the last age, but they will lose it in this one due to their arrogance. And that is what so much of the vitriol coming from the HBD crowd is about. Anxiety and fear about what everyone can see coming.

    Remeber, the Chinese and Indians had much more advanced civilizations while whites were very primitive. And a significant amount of white accomplishment comes from Jews, not regular whites like you.

    • 回复: @Che Guava
    , @Santoculto
  126. Sean 说:

    People said similar things about the USSR. China is not not ahead; they buy in their capital goods, often from Germany. The real threat is sheer economies of scale, which China is being allowed to bring to bear.

    Heavy investment in solar power offers to ameliorate its dependence on oil from the Persian Gulf, vulnerable to blockage by the US Navy.

    特朗普是 给予 them cheap fracked energy from the high tech US. Why?Eamonn Finglton predicted this would happen

    https://www.unz.com/efingleton/north-korea-why-trump-should-kims-feet-to-the-fire/It is fair to say that all the more important East Asian nations have a vested interest in exaggerating the North Korean threat. The more terrifying North Korea is made to appear, the more desperately Washington will seek out advice and help from China, Japan, and South Korea. That tends to ensure that trade talks with these mercantilist nations are consigned to the backburner.

    Moreover at times of tension, Pentagon officials inevitably take charge. As the East Asians have gleefully realized for generations, the Pentagon is a remarkably soft touch on trade, and in return for the merest hortatory support for its military objectives will pull the rug from under the most carefully conceived plans drawn up elsewhere in Washington to get East Asia to open up.

    Fingleton’s analysis is was present, as confirmed by the Financial Times report. https://www.ft.com/content/9a5ee6b8-36c0-11e7-bce4-9023f8c0fd2e?mhq5j=e1

    克林顿的劳工部长罗伯特·赖希(Robert Reich)在1991年的著作《国家工作》中描述了逐步全球化。 “将没有国家产品或技术,没有国家公司,没有国家产业。 不再有国民经济。 至少随着我们对这个概念的理解。”

    那个 is what China has in mind–for the US at least. Crucially, the recent trade agreement granted the Chinese the right to have their investments in the US treated like anyone else’s. Sticking with what works, China yet again dangled the prospect of their good offices with North Korea (psuedo crisis) as a wedge to drive a coach and horses through Trumps plan to get an equitable arrangement from China. Irwin Stelzer said Trump “got rolled”.

    In fairness, every US administration is duped by so solly Chinese indirect military pressure through cats paw Kim. China has been granted cheap energy from the US and, via their strategic investment in America cutting, edge technology as well. China is nemesis, taking the whole world down.

    • 回复: @denk
  127. Anonymous [AKA "mdoliner"] 说:

    People thought the Chinese couldn’t innovate because of their cultural roots in Confucianism. It is all about respect for the elders and performing the rites. It is a system geared for long term stability in very definite forms. It was probably Marxism, the very opposite, that allowed the Chinese to free themselves from this cultural growth. So, as much as Americans would hate to admit it, Marxism is proving more dynamic than capitalism. Whether it is good for the Chinese to make themselves into Californians remains to be seen.

    • 回复: @Ivan
  128. jocko 说:


    • 回复: @Ivan
  129. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Whites have already figured out everything there is to know about the world.

    So much so that they have decided to use this knowledge to doom themselves by importing the third world and copy everything blacks do.

    lol. What an enlightened race you have there.

    • 回复: @Ivan
  130. Che Guava 说:

    Dear QM,

    You will find that most of the top Commie bureaucrats in China being qualified engineers is the normal situation for a long time now, at least thirty years.

    Personally, I think it is a better idea than a mix of lawyers and graduates in bullshit studies running the place.

    • 同意: Andrei Martyanov
    • 回复: @Sergey Krieger
  131. Che Guava 说:

    Your comment is laughably poor and confused.

    Enjoy your diversity studies or black victimology studies, jewish trolling or whatever crap you are into.

    I would add troll, but the site has a time limit on the buttons, back to sleeping for me, after one to Fred.

  132. @Sunbeam


  133. Che Guava 说:

    Fred, interesting article

    China is piggybacking of American technology

    No, they are piggybacking off USSR and Russian technology, as is the USA in terms of long-term human spaceflight.

    • 回复: @Hippopotamusdrome
  134. As I have mentioned before, China came out of nowhere to become the world leader in supercomputers. Also in high-speed rail, of strategic importance in its plan to united Europe and Asia economically.

    Their supercomputers use Western designed chips. Their highspeed rail also relies on Western and Japanese technology. Their Maglev is designed and built by Siemens. The only other nation to market Maglev is Japan.

  135. Santoculto 说:

    White people are being slowly eliminated [ and it’s is accelerating] by their own elites. Before try to control the world, they need re-learn to control themselves but…

    Western elites: JEWS, whites and yes, east asians, mixed race, etc… this people really are trying to control the world.


    WHITE PEOPLE are evil,

    and even jews are humble and wise angels***

    Two explanations for that, your vomit above:

    – you’re very stupid

    – you’re a evil troll.

    I’m not white nor regular, period.

    Based on your demonstration of complete lack of reality, you’re describing yourself.

  136. Logan 说:

    “For whatever reasons, the American media do not much cover technological advance in China. Ignorance? Arrogance? Is it just the American tendency to regard the rest of the world as unimportant?”


    Reminds me of the way America so vastly misunderestimated the Japanese in the decade leading up to Pearl Harbor. They were those funny little people with the slant eyes and the buck teeth. Nobody to take seriously as a competitor, much less a threat.

    Till December 7, of course.

    Now, as it turned out the Japanese misunderestimated us even worse than we did them.

    I also found it interesting that Reed didn’t address the long history of Chinese invention. While sometimes exaggerated to some extent, it’s still a fact that prior to, perhaps, 1500 most of the really big inventions and perhaps a proportionate amount of all inventions came originally from China. Gunpowder, compass, stirrups, paper, printing, etc.

    About that time it appears, for some obscure reason, that China more or less stopped innovating, not only relative to the West, which was just beginning its takeoff, but also absolutely.

    So maybe they are now past whatever it is caused the hiatus and are ready to become as inventive as they once were.

  137. @Andrei Martyanov

    Point being, the future may belong to those who are off-planet in a sustainable way if, or more appropriately, when an extinction-size asteroid slams into any place on earth.

  138. Erebus 说:

    I have occasion to get into these “innovation” discussions quite often in a professional context. A corollary to this one are discussions about design, and specifically about Industrial Design. One may be surprised by how many Chinese designers and engineers are at least vaguely aware of this shortcoming.

    Anyway, I think I learned something valuable the day one of them summed it all up in one sentence: “Our culture and education is all about 怎么样做?, and never about 为什么?“。

  139. @Andrei Martyanov

    Low flying at hypersonic speed objects have to deal with denser air friction. Meteorites burn while entering atmosphere. There is obviously some serious sopro mat, other materials and probably even more serious tech is involved. Even Gagarin space ship can be considered hypersonic but it was flying at those speeds up there were atmosphere resistance is fraction of what it is down here. People are very eager to jump on Chinese bandwagon.

    • 同意: Andrei Martyanov
  140. Ivan 说:
    @The Alarmist

    The Chinese have well near completed the division of labor and the Taylorisation of work begun centuries ago. They are no doubt very good in this. But among the things that results in is the complete devaluation of industrial work. Along with this quality control issues will ensure that robots will take over all work when the processes have been broken down to such little pieces. As Karl Marx would have said their success sows the seed of their own superseding. Turbo capitalism at work. I have worked on factory floors and automation machines. The stage to full automation is preceded by armies of young women and housewives feeding endless assembly lines with trays and pressing on buttons. That may be one of the reasons the West does not innovate. Who the hell wants to be a minion of the machines that was the lot of their grandparents.

  141. @Che Guava

    My father in law is visiting us now from Russia. We had a talk regarding how could Andropov promote that moron Gorbachov and he being senior engineer since Soviet times told me that in his opinion Andropov being KGB man, he had no clue about industrial and economic issues and Gorbachov youth and energy impressed him. Meanwhile Gorbachov being a fool and busy body had lots of stupid ideas which he peddled but could not start trying until he became General Secretary. Chinese learned two lessons : do not let top cadres to sit up there too long and have them changed regularly and second is to have competent folk up there. Now, I am a bit worried about Putin background and the way there is no systematic approach to pick leadership and I do not mean election…

    • 回复: @DB Cooper
    , @Che Guava
  142. Ivan 说:

    Chinese laboured under the wrong physics. Matteo Ricci had to teach them that the world was round. Same thing in every field of fundamental science they touched. The West did everything not just because they were first, but more importantly their great devotion to and unflinching search for the truth. I don’t see anything comparable among other cultures.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  143. Ivan 说:

    Marx was a great student of the Industrial Revolution. Reading him probably does more for development than is given credit for.

  144. Ivan 说:

    I am an Indian who generally does not share my countrymen’s inferiority complexes.

  145. Ivan 说:

    嗯,他有正确的美德。 200,000 个处理器无数次地挖掘数据或计算机翼周围气流的流体动力学只是锦上添花。通过纸、铅笔、智力、一本好的教科书、Excel 或 Matlab 等程序,以及最重要的是知道它到底是什么,从这种类型的计算中获得的许多所谓的见解要容易得多。关于。

  146. Ivan 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    Many of the senior Communists Jiang Xemin for example trained in the old Soviet Union as engineers. They knew better than to denigrate the scientific and technological achievements of the Soviet Union. So in sum, heavy industry and engineering from the Soviet Union. Factory Automation from the Japanese. Cutting edge semiconductor optics computing science from the Americans. Only the Germans seem to have been smart enough to keep their secrets.

  147. another “i wanna suck Chinese cock” article.

    How many people do you work with In China Fred?

    So I guess Communism …or at least China communism where profits don’t matter is the better system.

    China is printing Yuan like there is no tomorrow and going around the world and buying it up at $1,000,000 over asking and no one seems to care

  148. Joe Wong 说:
    @Daniel Chieh

    The author has underestimated the Ignorance and Arrogance of the American, the American not only regard the rest of the world as unimportant, they also want to define what others can think and cannot think, the American hubris and stupidity are without bound.

  149. Joe Wong 说:

    German was most productive in innovation and prosperity under the Nazi, it proves you have a mindset belonging to the past, stalled in the old days of colonialism and constrained by the zero-sum Cold War mentality.

  150. Joe Wong 说:
    @jim jones

    The author is fear mongering and crying wolf is coming, there is nothing for the Americans need to worry about Chinese. The American is doing great, just keep doing what the American is doing, carry on.

  151. Michelle 说:
    @Daniel Chieh


  152. DB Cooper 说:
    @Sergey Krieger

    “Now, I am a bit worried about Putin background and the way there is no systematic approach to pick leadership and I do not mean election…”

    There is a systemic approach to pick Russia leadership that traces all the way to the beginning of the Soviet Union to the current leader Putin. The first leader is Stalin who had a full hair. His successor was Khrushchev who was bald and was succeeded by Brezhnev who had a full hair and was succeeded by Andropov who was bald and was succeeded by Chernenko who had a full hair and was succeeded by Gorbachev who is bald and is succeeded by Yeltsin who has a full hair and is succeeded by Putin who is bald and is succeeded by Medvedev who has a full hair and is succeeded by Putin again who is bald.

    I am sure the next Russian leader has a full hair. I thought you know this already.

    • 回复: @The Scalpel
  153. Ace 说:

    Having “something in mind” sound good but early Chinese five year plans had that component to a certain degree too. Results heavy handed and wasteful.

    There’s no reason to discount Chinese capabilities but the Communist Party is a drag and what they have in mind isn’t blessed by divine approval. To what extent U.S. innovation is degraded by recent deformation and over-regulation I don’t know but the seeming anarchy of free markets has proved to be an amazing way of stimulating innovation.

    China has its own deformations and major industries are owned by party insiders. Not a rock solid foundation. Too, tougher trade terms — long overdue — would remove some of the glitz from Chinese remarkable progress, as would keeping them from stealing or extorting intellectual property. I could seem like a killer industrialist if money sluiced into my pockets due to aberrations baked into the cake of unequal trade arrangements.

    The environmental and public health damage in China is immense and it’s anything but certain that China doesn’t have massive spending, debt, and capital misallocation problems of its own.

    Their undoubted engineering prowess also happens to be due to the U.S. being so stupid as to allow China to flood our best universities with their students and crowd out future American engineers.

  154. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    The West is devoted to the unflinching search for the truth?

    Funny if you actually believe this. I think you have been watching to many movies.

    • 回复: @ivan
  155. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    White HBDers used to hype creativity as the thing that defined the greatness of whites.

    But, with the exception of Jews, whites aren’t even all that creative. Blacks are much more creative than whites, and I don’t see much difference in creativity levels between whites and other races like Latinos or arabs.

    So, because this position was not defensible, whites tare trying to claim innovation as the killer white advantage. But this is hard to prove too. In America it is likely that scientific achievements, even if a white person wins an award for it, will have contributions from other races.

    Also, true innovation will only come from a very small fraction of a populace. So it’s not like there are tons of white people innovating out there.

    • 回复: @Santoculto
    , @Ace
  156. denk 说:

    There is only one world and the whites have not only figured out everything about it but also determined the manner in which everything will be seen or studied.


    YOu know I’ve been dying to know why,
    for all of three hundred years this super race hasnt figured out how to beat swords into phoughshares !

    The Chinese have done that centuries ago !

    • 回复: @Ivan
  157. @jim jones

    Much of the water delivery infrastructure in the UK has now been privatised so the fact that the water is still drinkable is possibly an oversight. Meanwhile, The Royal Sponger herself has nothing but Malvern water for her own consumption.

    There were some people in the USA, Flint MI for instance, who thought their tap water was drinkable. Alas, due to other priorities, such as the need to fund wars in the Middle East ‘necessary’ cutbacks were made that resulted in the water being toxic after all. How very sad!

    • 回复: @anarchyst
  158. @Logan

    It was the Royal Navy that helped Japan’s advancement with aircraft carriers and the Royal Air Force that sent British pilots to teach them how to take off and land on carriers. What are friends for after all?

    • 回复: @Logan
  159. @Michelle

    The Uyghur could simply be like the Hui, who are also Muslim, and stop stabbing people. China has a number of minorities, and most of them manage without feeling the need to murder the rest of the Han. The Uyghur pathology is not particularly unique; its more of the usual issue with Islamic enclaves being unusually violent. And any “invasion” was the occupation of the land by Chinese forces for over four hundred years ago; similar to American invasion of the continent, the population would have been obviously far worse off in terms of modern development. A quick comparison with Kazakhstan, etc would confirm it.

    As far as intra-China goes, the Chinese are not in any real sense united so the entire notion of the Chinese people being united to benefit other Chinese beyond the most vague is more than slightly silly. For a variety of reasons, China is highly decentralized with powerful provincial governments and a population that heavily identifies with their province and this stretches into the governance. Precise micromanagement mostly ended up with Mao. The average Shanghai-nese identifies with Shanghai heavily, before any Han identity, and would compete against those with Yunnan identity.

    Not one would really care about the Uyghurs being different if they weren’t consistently violent both on a micro and macro level, really.

    • 回复: @Escher
  160. 中国是创新的。他们使用宠物(猫和狗)作为蛋白质来源。

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @denk
  161. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    So they’re smart. They can clearly see the 多元文化 协助自杀发生在白人国家。犹太人这次确实玩得太过了。

    A homogeneous population is an advantage. Accepting a small number of smart strangers – who can properly dissolve in a generation or two – is fine, but anything else is dangerous.

  162. Medvedev 说:

    Alas, due to other priorities, such as the need to fund wars in the Middle East ‘necessary’ cutbacks were made that resulted in the water being toxic after all.

    Whoa, what does the War in the Middle East has to do with tap water in Flint MI?

    Your comment is total BS. You know who’s to blame? Locals, local authorities, local mayor and local water agency. Unless you expect that it’s ok to live on welfare and expect State and Government to pay for local city expenses. Flint’s mayor and local authorities brought it onto themselves.

  163. @Hippopotamusdrome

    工业设施已经在从海洋取水的管道系统上安装了海龟和鱼类保护装置。 然而,已经被掠食者吃掉一半的动物非常虚弱,即使有这些保护措施也不足以防止它们被困住。

    我的观点并不是说我们应该取消所有环境保护措施。 但美国环保局的规定现在如此繁琐,以至于所涉及的成本正在扼杀一个又一个美国工业。

  164. Joe Wong 说:
    @The Alarmist

    The American falling behind in academy is the result of drinking water containing too much invisible lead and other industrial components, this is a scientific report, not a video like the phantom WMD in Iraq.

  165. Joe Wong 说:

    So R&D achievements are fab, not about inventions and innovations? All these Chinese-can’t-invent is fab talk of the uneducated red neck colonialists?

    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  166. Joe Wong 说:

    They aimed to get rid of smog before the American get rid of fake news.

  167. Agent76 说:

    Apr 15, 2017 China: They’re coming for our jobs! Army of robots sorts 200,000 parcels a day – w/o a coffee break

    Once Chinese delivery service has found a mesmerising high-tech way to reduce on labour and maximise on efficiency, putting scores of robots to work to sort over 200,000 parcels and packages a day.

    16年2017月XNUMX日 中国向世界拓展丝绸之路



  168. Santoculto 说:

    You’re the same abonymous *

    You contradict yourself at the end of your comment.

    Blacks are no more creative than whites. Maybe especially to music, but it’s just foolish to think like that, it’s a “Jewish-media way” of thinking, if ever white artists of different types are popping around. In terms of diversity of music genre, white artists has been near to invencible.

    You have recognized the obvious: creativity is a rarity in any population.

    However, so far, the greatest discoveries and inventions of man, it seems, have come from the white man.

    Jewish creativity seems to be primarily to control and destroy the population. What they call “negative creativity.” Then you will have to agree that thanks to the Jews the whites have launched into the Atlantic Ocean, and they started with the trans-oceanic traffic of black slaves, they became Christians [a misogynist, homophobic and racist religion], they destroyed themselves twice. Second war], destroyed their green zones, enslaved their working classes and polluted the air with the industrial revolution.

    And since super-creative jewies has take the power on oxident…

    anti-whiteism and endless wars on middle east has been the rule.

    Thanks jews

    But this is hard to prove too

    Must be psychotic to deny it.

    In America it is likely that scientific achievements, even if a white person wins an award for it, will have contributions from other races.

    You’re a virulent anti-white.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  169. @Sunbeam


  170. @Daniel Chieh

    And the famous “NASA spin off effect” doesn’t necessarily work in a top down rigid order like the Chinese have. Ditto for US research university “tech transfer”. The Chinese need to (and perhaps have to judge from their results in some areas) encourage more of the intuitive chaos that yields the really major innovations so often.

  171. @Logan

    Roosevelt, with Kimmel, made sure that the essential three aircraft carriers were on excercise, when the Japanese navy hit Pearl Harbour.

  172. @Daniel Chieh

    The internet was specifically designed to behave as you describe and apps are simply working within that ecosystem. Going viral is the whole point. You cannot kill the thing because of the replication. So the Chinese government national firewall has created speciation in biological terms to continue the metaphor. But on more conceptual level, they copied the idea of a social network online from us and adapted it. We copied the Facebook/Uber utility and adapted it. What’s the difference? When they develop from scratch something like DARPA and CERN did (or The West did) independently (quantum entanglement won’t count – it’s ours too) then we may legitimately fear them.

    • 回复: @Daniel Chieh
  173. @MarkinLA

    GB did not have four lane highways, and the British tax system of taxing cars on fiscal hp, calculated on the cylinder bore, led to long stroke engines, great for British country lanes, but detroying engines on motorways.
    GB cars were sold in the colonies, where simple construction, such as rigid rear axles, and maintenance by the owner, was important.
    As a result, German and French cars were technically far superior.
    The engine for the Rover 100 in 1960, overhead inlet valve, and side exhaust, was an innovation at the end of the 50ties.

  174. @Stan d Mute

    I’m not interested in e-dicking about “who should fear who.” I do think that allowing protected swamps to exist to permit speciation can be a good thing; just like Australia’s isolation allowed for increased biodiversity.

    Monopolistic dominance by a single entity that utilizes its first-mover advantage would seem to encourage stagnation and further creates a globalization of a single culture.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  175. Che Guava 说:
    @Sergey Krieger


    It is an interesting post. I also am unable to believe how much of a fool was Gorbachev.

    Perhaps the most telling thing was that he ended up to advertising Louis Vitton’ and similar made-in-China ‘luxury’ brands.

    • 回复: @Sergey Krieger
  176. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Daniel Chieh

    further creates a globalization of a single culture.

    An anti-culture, to be exact. You’re right to reject it even on an instinctual level.

  177. @Ivan

    Too bad the whites had mined all of it and left for others the job of filling the decimal places.

    Exactly what Albert A Michelson said in 1884:

    “… it seems probable that most of the grand underlying principles have been firmly established … An eminent physicist remarked that the future truths of physical science are to be looked for in the sixth place of decimals.”

    And how right he was.

    • 回复: @Ivan
  178. Ron Unz 说:

    Here’s a somewhat off-topic but very amusing historical detail that I just discovered and thought I might pass along…

    Apparently, in the decades following the Civil War, Gen. Nathan Bedford Forest, founder of the KKK, became a rather enthusiastic advocate of large-scale Chinese immigration, considering them quite agreeable workers, and hoping that if they arrived in sufficient numbers they might partially displace the more problematical blacks of his own Southern homeland…

    • 回复: @DB Cooper
  179. DB Cooper 说:
    @Ron Unz

    Interesting. Can you give the source? Thanks.

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
  180. @Che Guava

    There is certain theories that he was recruited by CIA or some other Western intelligence, but I think it is all hogwash. People basically cannot believe they were led by moron which make majority, well morons. The top was completely rotten otherwise this guy would have ended arrested and in prison after 1-2 years or he would ahve never made it up there due to lack of qualification and abilities. . Perestroika Uskorenie, what perestroika, what uskorenie? Just perestroika and just uskorenie. Put chili up one assss this will obviously help one run faster but what results. Basically he had lots of ideas but zero plans how to implement thos enot to mention almost all of thsoe ideas were stupid ones. Again, my father in law told me he was responsible for building factories in Ural region around Yekaterinburg / Sverdlovsk at those times to rise beef and for milk. One beef raising factory included everything from kindergarten for small calves, to sanatoriums, plofiractiriums for 16 000 heads where they would have been cared form the birth to the meat stages. Milk factories. Meaning is, things were coming along gradually and wihtout much advertising… Imagine USSR just doing things slowly gradually and aptiently without rocking the boat…
    It was before Gorby arrived with his moronic ideas. Soon all was abandoned and stays abandoned even now. He says he is driving by often to see all that work still standing there partly destroyed by elements partly by humans. There was a lot of panic while USSR was in trouble only in one regard. Rotten fish head, morons in charge.
    There is Russian saying which amply describes that situation:” Fool is more dangerous than enemy”. Especially in such great numbers and all the scum arising.

    • 回复: @Che Guava
  181. phil 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    The “degree of capitalism” of a country is most commonly measured via the “economic freedom” index of the Fraser Institute, which assesses each country on a scale from 1 to 10. Hong Kong is typically rated 1st in the world. Kenya is rated 71st, Saudi Arabia is rated 85th, and Pakistan is rated 133rd. Economic freedom is much touted by libertarians as a driver of economic growth. It certainly helps to explain the economic differences between South and North Korea and the economic legacy of communism in other parts of the world. But average IQ or the IQ of the Top 5% now seems like a more important factor for economic development, which is not to say that economic freedom is irrelevant.

  182. Ron Unz 说:
    @DB Cooper

    I’ll admit it was just a very brief half-sentence factual mention that stuck in my mind because I found it so amusing, and I certainly didn’t bother to check the original sources.

    However, it was by a reputable scholar in a book published by The Harvard University Press, so I assume it’s probably more-or-less correct: Eric Kaufmann, The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America, 2004. You should probably discount some of the adjectives I added in my description.

  183. Logan 说:

    The Japanese were world leaders in naval aviation, building the world’s first purpose-built carrier. When WWII came around they had a carrier fleet roughly the same size as US and UK. However, it was probably more effective overall.

    • 回复: @NoseytheDuke
  184. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Blacks are definately more creative than whites. It isn’t even close once you subtract Jews from the white race who themselves are probably the most creative.

    Whites, once you correct for jewish influence, are not that impressive especially when you take into consideration how much free time whites have relative to other groups.

    Also, whites may have the invention advantage right now. But just a few hundred years ago China and India had much more advanced cultures than white countries had. It took looting the new world and dividing and conquering China and India to seize the top spot. Good for your people, but your kind is also slipping.

    And no, I don’t hate white people. Quit being so hysterical. Just because people are honest about what whites are doing does not mean I hate whites.

    • 回复: @Santoculto
  185. @Logan

    Yes, the British simply welded a flight deck on top of an existing ship but it served to train both British and Japanese pilots to take off and land on carriers.

  186. Ivan 说:

    Well there is that. Yes I know, quantum theory is an advance (but again among the leading founders no Asian to be seen). Relativity: something to it but mostly smoke and mirrors based on mathematical ambiguities. All about a hundred years ago. But they still have not come up with a perpetual motion machine . This is as good as in gets since we seem to be hitting some hard physical limits.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  187. ivan 说:

    You can do your small bit for the truth by getting a handle yourself.

  188. Ivan 说:

    ploughshares or mulberry trees seem to be the preferred way of Chinese expansionism. First send in the soldiers, then peasants to feed them as all good Chinese emperors know. Funny that with bitcoin mining all the rage, all the ‘useless’ rivers in Tibet are getting dammed for hydel power to feed the ravenous bitcoin processors. denk my friend you guys are really good at this.

    • 回复: @denk
  189. Santoculto 说:

    Waste of time reply a walking dead brain.

  190. MarkinLA 说:

    Well I wasn’t exactly clear in my point and it took awhile for a better answer to pop into my head.

    This isn’t a significant advance in computer architecture design – not like when the first parallel processors first came out and were challenging the fastest machines of the day like the Crays which needed a lot of brainpower to get speed increase due to the limitations of technology while the parallel processors were so much cheaper to build.

    Just adding more or faster cores is not pushing the envelope like what is going on in trying to build a quantum computer. This is why I am not impressed.

    This is like all these Chinese projects Fred is crowing about. It is just more of the same established technology that is accessible to anybody. This is like the Chinese building a supercar to compete with McLaren, Bugatti, and Ferrari – it is something anybody with enough money can do. The use of carbon fiber, turbo and supercharging, and specialized microelectronics are every day things now.

    Yes, the Chinese are catching up fast and nobody should believe that the Chinese cannot innovate or that we don’t have to worry about future Chinese technological advances. But I would be no more impressed with these examples than if they came from France or Mexico.

    • 回复: @Si1ver1ock
  191. Che Guava 说:
    @Sergey Krieger

    I am an outsider, but from there, to agreeing with you. I was startled to see a JCP poster last week, first in many years to have the real Communist propaganda flavour, I must take a photo before it is disappearing, it is also a good design.

    The slogan is ‘protect the ninth article of the constitution’, which is the peace clause.

    Nice poster.

    I also was thinking that the USSR was always improving, stupid star Gorbachev threw it away and condemned many people to living hell soon after, then even worse after idiot drunkard Yeltsin arrived, he openly allowed Jewish people to steal just about everything.

    • 回复: @Sergey Krieger
  192. MarkinLA 说:

    If you build a massively parallel processor and most of the cores aren’t doing anything, what have you got?

  193. @Michelle

    如果华裔美国人不能让他们周围的地区受益,那么为什么来自世界各地的美国人想要搬到中国人居住的地方,为什么来自世界各地的年轻美国人想要搬到旧金山,多年来不仅仅是经济如此? ,为什么开发商要在唐人街周围建房,并以高价将中国人拒之门外。

    • 回复: @Ace
  194. MarkinLA 说:

    Most of the Chinese inventions prior to 1500 died in China and had very little to do with their reinvention in the west or even future Chinese dynasties. The Chinese in the Qin dynasty were capable of making things with replicable metal parts, That capability died with that dynasty and it wasn’t redone until Eli Whitney’s gun locks.



  195. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    You sound like black people.

    Black people will say that blacks invented all music. The music white people play has its origin in what black people started. Etc etc

    All white people did was copy what a brotha did etc etc. There was no innovation.

  196. Anonymous [AKA "paul walker the albino"] 说:
    @Paul Walker - Most beautiful man ever...


  197. MarkinLA 说:
    @Joe Wong

    I never said Chinese can’t invent so I don’t know what your point is. All I said was that utilizing present every day technology and making minor advances is nothing to write home about.

    When the Chinese (or anybody for that matter) actually produce more energy that can be harnessed than it consumes in a controlled continuous fusion reaction, let me know.

  198. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Who cares if the Uigers have a beef with the Chinese, you think blacks don’t have a beef with whites?

    How has the world benefited from the invasion of whites across much of the world?

    Pro Tip. The world hasn’t benefitted. In fact the world has suffered a great deal due to your kinds interference.

  199. @Che Guava

    I remember things very well. Things were not bad at all. Our life was getting better even since 60’s. What we got is actually massive destabilization on all levels. The guy behaved like elephant in China shop… It is difficult to imagine how he, Yeltsin, Yakovlev and such managed to get that high. People lacking any serious abilities and faculties. My personal opinion is that there were no checks and balances for top guy. Nobody could imagine this but Krushev was the first bell.

    • 回复: @Che Guava
  200. Ace 说:

    What were the contributions from other races to the work of Watson and Crick? Alexander Fleming? Jonas Salk? James Watt? Robert Noyce?

    Were those guys from those other races there in the lab late at night? I want to know how this works so that individual accomplishment is diluted by some claim of diffuse and peripheral contributions.

    Black did build the pyramids. I’ll grant you that.

  201. Ace 说:
    @basque britis are brothers of louisiana french

    Chinese and whites want to live in S.F. because it’s an amazing place. Whites couldn’t care less whether there are Chinese in S.F. What a bizarre idea.

    Ditto wanting to build around Chinatown. It’s because it’s prime real estate. Sheesh.

  202. denk 说:
    @Paul Walker - Most beautiful man ever...



    一些穆尔卡人为了取乐而杀狗,就像他们在迪戈加西亚岛所做的那样,比例可能约为 10%。

    一些 murkkans 出于乐趣而杀害人类,可能是这样的,40% ?

    Exhibit one, Highway of Death…Iraq

    ‘ The nice, god-fearing, wholesome American GIs, soon to be welcomed as heroes at home, had a ball … “we toasted him” … “we hit the jackpot” … “a turkey shoot” … “This morning was bumper-to-bumper. It was the road to Daytona Beach at spring break … and spring break’s over.”

    当游骑兵号航母上的扩音器一次又一次地响起罗西尼的《独行侠》激动人心的主题曲《威廉退尔序曲》时,一支又一支的打击部队带着导弹、反坦克和杀伤人员石眼集束炸弹起飞。 ,爆炸成致命的穿甲炸弹雨;陆基 B-52 轰炸机携带 1000 磅炸弹加入。 ……“用不了太多天,他们就会一无所有。” ……”在桶里射鱼”……“基本上只是坐鸭” ...“没有什么比这更好的了。这是您见过的最大型的国庆节表演,而且 to see those tanks just ‘boom,’ and more stuff just keeps spewing out of them … they just become white hot. It’s wonderful.=

    放下的狗/猫越来越令人厌烦,尝试一些更有创意的东西。 !

  203. denk 说:

    I see you never answer my question !
    It isnt actually rocket science innit ?

    Once a war pig, always a war pig.

    Alternate form,
    A leopard never chanes its spots.

  204. denk 说:

    Hey babe,

    那些是 Hans/Huis people chopped up by Washington sponsored UIghurs. ‘freedom fighters’ [2009 riots]

    The perpetrators were rounded up and duly tried in court, they got what they wished for , sent to claim their seventy virgins .

    murkkans who cry no fair trial [原文]should tell that to the terrorists ‘suspects’ in Afpak, etc, summarily executed by hellfires missiles .


    傲慢 !


    • 回复: @Michelle
  205. Escher 说:
    @Daniel Chieh

    Maybe that’s why the government encourages occasional outbursts of jingoism, usually involving smashing of foreign owned stores and automobiles.

    • 回复: @Daniel Chieh
  206. @Anatoly Karlin

    I believe that Anglo-Germans just plain enjoy making stuff. Of course when you make stuff, it fails. And then you try to figure out why and come up with a principle that you can hang onto, carry forth into the future to apply to your next attempt; so there’s this positive feedback cycle between practice and theory. Those who are physically and mentally equipped to do this thrive.

    Most inventors (Watt, Bell, Diesel) were hand’s on guys. Early Physics researchers as well (Maxwell, Faraday, Milliken) designed and built their own apparatuses. Even with computer modeling, discovery and invention are still hands on affairs.

  207. Si1ver1ock 说:

    I think you are wrong. What we are about to witness is the emergence of Super Engineering, which I have been anticipating for about 2o years now.

    Unfortunately, it is now more likely to happen in China with America playing catch-up.

    Back in my college days I was writing programming homework assignments on my own while the Asian kids were cooperating in small groups writing programs. Which I thought was unfair, basically cheating. But that is their culture. The programs got written and they all passed.

    Some people have called this Wheat Culture vs Rice Culture. Or the ability of Asians to cooperate vs the propensity of European culture to favor competition (war).

  208. @Escher

    I agree with your assessment with one reservation; I think the government tries to go a touch lighter – jingoism without violence, but its hard to control the fires you set.

  209. Che Guava 说:
    @Sergey Krieger

    As in alarm bell? I have studied the history much more closely than most, especially post Great Patriotic War relations among Warsaw Pact, China, Albania, Yugoslavia, people forget that there was much politics beyond Mao’s ambition to be the successor to Stalin.

    I have met many people from Russia, former Yugoslavia, even Poland, who were saying much the same as you.

    Have not met any Chinese people with similar ideas, except in terms of national independence and to approaching fascism in some cases. My closest neighbour and a good friend is Chinese, when we were talking about family, his parents both died unusually young, he never knew his grandparents, I have not been in a situation to asking directly, but I suspect that his grandparents, at least, were probably victims of the ‘Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution’.

    A very nice person.

    On the other hand, I have a friend from Taiwan whose father fought for our Imperial Army, she still carries his photo in uniform in her purse, all of the time.

    Too busy at work to write it in Russian Cyrillic, am learning more letters, will be able to, with errors, after summer holiday, but you must know of Kin Dza Dza?


    Would appreciate to hearing your opinion.

  210. anarchyst 说:

    …Not true about Flint water…
    The problem with Flint water was caused by local politicians who were in a hurry to detach from the Detroit water system and connect to the (not completed) Karegnandi water authority. Waiting for completion of the parallel pipeline being installed (next to the already in-place Detroit system), the “powers that be” decided to draw water from the Flint river, which was polluted since the 1930s–not a good idea. This premature disconnection from the Detroit system and drawing water from the polluted Flint river is what caused Flint’s water problems. In addition, the city’s “financial manager” refused to allocate $50.00 per day for anti-leaching chemicals that, when added to the water, would have prevent the lead leaching problem altogether.
    The problem was a result of democrat party politics and political ineptness…ALL of the politicians involved were democrats…

  211. denk 说:

    In fairness, every US administration is duped by so solly Chinese indirect military pressure through cats paw Kim. China has been granted cheap energy from the US and, via their strategic investment in America cutting, edge technology as well. China is nemesis, taking the whole world down.

    That Chinese cats paw Kim canard again,
    even after all the expose’ ,
    quoting that moron Fingleton no less !

    Why dont you go back to your Harry Potter , kid , this is an adult forum

  212. anon • 免责声明 说:

    Astonishing what people think they know about Chinese economics, manufacturing, and engineering when they have no direct exposure to it. Before retiring I worked as an engineer for a US company that marketed primarily Chinese products. What a daily battle against imminent chaos! Most people just don’t understand how much Chinese “innovation” is Western technology filtered through their cultural objectives. Any technology they have that actually works was produced by foreign businesses set up in their country for economic reasons, and like the Japanese, they are catching on, but at a much slower rate than their neighbors.

    Fred really doesn’t have the inside story of China. This article is more wind than fact.

  213. @The Grate Deign

    海龟的故事让我想起了 《银翼杀手》沃伊特-坎普夫测试,但我忘了发布链接。 我不擅长幽默。

  214. @The Grate Deign

    海龟的故事让我想起了 《银翼杀手》沃伊特-坎普夫测试,但我忘了发布链接。 我不擅长幽默。

  215. @Hippopotamusdrome

    Because you are a replicant. You kill the administrator of the exam and proceed to seek more life.

    • 哈哈: Talha
  216. Lin 说:

    Not hi-tech related but interesting:
    China has been the world’s biggest piano maker and consumer nation for a while. Two phenominas I want to point out:
    1)Playing musical instruments particularly piano is excellent motor skill exercise for children and positive correlation between math skill and playing instrument has been established.
    2)The average Chinese don’t consider listening to ‘western classical music’ as ‘westernisation’ as such. As much a Chinese patriot myself, I usually only listen to western classical music. Its through listening to music of Tchaikovsky and Stravinsky, I came to admire the cultural achievement of Russia.
    Odette is immortal.

    Chinese made violins are also getting quite good(Actually old news). Unless one wants to buy a very expensive Italian antique, Chinese hand crafted violins are very good buys even to concert violinists.



    • 回复: @Atoms4Peace
  217. DB Cooper 说:

    Talking about fusion China has achieved another milestone in fusion research. So there is indeed progress.

  218. Nexus321 说:

    The US has ‘hidden’ elites that control and manage things for their benefit – they have power.

    The Chinese don’t bother with the circus, illusion and cost of democracy. You should note that the vast majority of the tech that underpins US technology companies largely came from government funded research. The US has lost the ability to maintain it’s ‘competitiveness’ in spite of spending up to $500Billion a year on R&D/Innovation.

  219. edgeslider 说:

    Let the Chinese leap frog and lead. We’ll just build on their research and copy their tech. You go China!

  220. Not sure that the Chinese are less innovative than anyone else. Perhaps being extremely poor during the last few centuries and having to worry about putting food on the table had a lot to do with that.

    Societal expectations also play a huge part.
    So put together the largest society in the world and add the incredibly competitive situation vis a vis education and you are probably looking at the winner. The fact that their political system is much more cohesive than Western systems doesn’t hurt either.

    The problem I have with China is that just like Great Britain and the States and the whole hordes of races, cultures and religions which ruled before them they begin to look like they are building an exclusive Empire.

    It would be fantastic if one leader (like Xi Jin Ping) decided to try to improve the entire world instead of just improving China. China first of course, but after that instead of being exploitative and expansionist and putting the screws to the poorer or less developed regions of the world, why not help them with advanced education, technology, medicine and mine clearing.
    Do that and China will become the most popular civilization in history. Overnight. Paradigm shift.
    I wouldn’t recommend bringing in millions of possibly disruptive people as we can see how poorly that has worked out for many countries in Europe.

    • 回复: @Atoms4Peace
  221. @Atoms4Peace

    It’s not just China. Once one country starts to bring peace and prosperity to other countries instead of exploiting them, other leading countries will have no choice but to follow.

  222. @Lin

    By way of comment I saw a tv program where a world famous musician went to China about ten years ago. And some of the Chinese students he was ‘teaching’ actually played much better than he did.
    The one I remember was a teenage boy, and the maestro put him down saying he needed more practice or something. The kid just looked at him and didn’t say a word, but anyone who was listening could hear who was the better player.
    You can go on youtube and find many incredible Chinese musicians.

    Not saying they are better at blues harmonica as there are some white and colored geniuses in that genre which China will find very difficult indeed to better 🙂

    Not saying we should practice ‘war by harmonica’ but it would be a hell of a lot more peaceful than the usual ways of war.

    • 回复: @Atoms4Peace
  223. @Atoms4Peace

    You can probably imagine it better than I can.
    Two nuclear powered aircraft carriers come up against each other in the South China Sea, stop nose to nose and each gets their best harmonica player to stand on the bow to contest the battle. Winner decided by world vote – that’s the war.



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