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雅克·阿塔利(Jacques Attali)向外邦人传递的信息:“主权主权”是反犹太主义,犹太穆斯林联盟必须将其关闭
雅克·阿塔利(Jacques Attali)。 图片来源:Wikimedia Commons

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有些人似乎表现出反犹太人的刻板印象。 如果伯纳德·亨利·莱维(Bernard-HenriLévy)体现了讽刺性的反胃至上主义犹太复国主义者,那么雅克·阿塔利(Jacques Attali)已成为反民族全球化主义者的典型代表。 法国公民民族主义者和反犹太复国主义者的网站 Égalité与和解 恰当地 总结阿塔利 作为“法国对社会民主犹太复国主义,软犹太复国主义或亲欧盟全球主义移民主义的化身,是法国沦丧者的悼词[法国大都会]。 向所有(南方)风和所有宗教敞开大门。”


“主权主义不过是反犹太主义的新名称。 受到威胁的犹太人和穆斯林必须团结起来,反对伟大替代者的幻想。”

因此,阿塔利(Attali)将争取国家和人民主权的斗争等同于美国和法国革命的基本原则,这是可以想象到的最恶劣的恶魔之一:对犹太人的历史悠久且完全非理性的仇恨。 因此,必须毫不逊色地提及外邦主权,因为任何提及通过大规模移民来替代欧洲人口的做法都应该反对。

就“主权主义”而言,这是非常了不起的(纪念主义)实际上只是公民民族主义的一种形式:它希望恢复法国民族国家的正式主权。 主权主义者通常对欧盟持批评态度,但通常向“同化”的非洲人和穆斯林开放。 在使法国爱国者分心于更基本和更具挑战性的问题:人口减少和欧洲原住民的替代问题上,认同主义者往往对主权至关重要或漠不关心。

阿塔利(Attali)是出生于阿尔及利亚的犹太人。 他对异教徒主权的攻击以及他呼吁建立犹太教-穆斯林同盟的呼声当然将是凯文·麦克唐纳教授(Kevin MacDonald)在其著名著作中所记录的举止的一个特别大胆的例子。 批判文化 系列。

Attali的推文宣扬了最近 他的文章 实际上,这有些微妙。 该文章没有对主权主义进行全面谴责,而是指出“经常”的主权仅仅是对穆斯林和非洲移民的反对的掩盖,这种反对是一种狗叫的形式。 这是真的。 也许这条推文是引起关注的巨魔。

阿塔利(Attali)写这本书的目的是批评批评移民或捍卫某种法国身份的犹太同胞。 其中包括ÉricZemmour,William Goldnadel和Alain Finkielkraut。 阿塔利写道:

特别是,它是悲伤地看到阿尔及利亚犹太人的后代忘记支持和保护他们的父母穆斯林阿尔及利亚人发挥的宏伟作用,在胜利的反犹主义在法国正确的,甚至更多的是在阿尔及利亚,在维希可怕的日子,在吉罗(Giraud)甚至戴高乐(De Gaulle)的领导下。

我们看到,甚至将整个职业生涯都投向反对希特勒主义的戴高乐也被抛在了车底下。 我不知道在此期间穆斯林对犹太人特别友善(耶路撒冷大穆夫提臭名昭著地支持希特勒和波斯尼亚穆斯林加入了Waffen-SS。) 的确,在吉罗德和戴高乐(De Gaulle)执政期间,维希(Vichy)的反犹太立法并未立即被废除。 解放.

阿塔利进一步指出,如果犹太人支持欧洲原住民反对非洲非穆斯林移民,“这将陷入那些希望将欧洲的悲惨冲突进口到欧洲的人的陷阱”。 当然,避免阿拉伯人/穆斯林与法国其他团体之间的种族宗教冲突的最简单,最好的方法就是 反对移民并维持法国的种族同质性。 民族文化身份是团结和社会和平的因素这一基本见解当然被以下人士所理解: 像亚里斯多德这样的古希腊思想家 并且由 美国开国元勋,但现在在西方国家已将其视为禁忌。

这篇文章充满了通常的比喻:“首先,[关于移民的]论述是错误的。 没有伊斯兰教或非洲入侵法国。” 他指出,每年非欧洲移民仅占总人口的0.5%。 当然,如果这种比率(自1960年代以来就已经大致实行)持续了一个世纪,仅此一项就足以将法国土著人口减少到少数。 更不用说第一代非穆斯林移民的出生率往往比当地人高得多。 现在, 非白人估计占法国出生的三分之一 而且该国可能会在2060年代成为大多数非白人。

因此,根据阿塔利(Attali)的承认,确实发生了法国本土人口的人口替代,这在我们历史上尚无先例。 甚至在罗马帝国陷落期间日耳曼部落所谓的“野蛮人入侵”的规模甚至都无法接近。

阿塔利认为,“其中99%(非洲穆斯林)完美地融入了国家。” 这显然是夸张的。 在不陷入细节的情况下,许多非裔穆斯林(尤其是马格里比斯人)可以成为社会中功能完善的成员,而移民在很大程度上都吸收了相当浅薄的现代“法国文化”,即法语,流行文化(rap ...),以及社会民主主义消费社会的现实。 但是,在法国的所有主要城市,甚至在村庄中,也都存在着重要的少数民族聚居区。

尽管缺乏相关统计数据在一定程度上掩盖了种族现实,但事实是,每个人都可以观察到法国社会沿着种族,种族和宗教路线的分层和分裂。 主流社会学家和顶级政治家(如果只是私下)对此进行了评论。 在最佳情况下,新 法国 黑勃朗峰 阿塔利(Atalli)如此赞扬的阿拉伯(黑白阿拉伯法国)将具有与巴西或什至在黎巴嫩最相似的种族种族现实。


伊斯兰教不是对法国的威胁。 它是八世纪以来的组成部分。 正是通过它以及犹太哲学家,希腊思想在第一个千年之交到达了法国。 犹太教,基督教和伊斯兰教齐心协力使愚昧主义取得胜利,这是世界上最富裕的时期。

对于阿塔利(Attali):“法国不能在一个通常难以忍受的历史中得到总结,而不是一个经常被批评的历史。 法国不能被接受 整块 并因此而受到崇敬。” 我从未听过阿塔里(Attali)对犹太历史和犹太人表达过类似的批评,尽管他对此话题作了详尽的论述。

此外:“[法国]决不能陷入‘伟大替代者’的幻想,记住她背负着一个入侵民族的名字,而且从她的起源开始,她就是无数民族的定居地,每个民族都在法国的领土上定居。法国人,无论他来自哪里,都是继承人。”法国是由一个充满活力的日耳曼部落——法兰克人,一个皈依基督教并与本土法国人融合的欧洲民族——在腐朽的罗马帝国的废墟上建立起来的,这当然不能成为彻底淹没在非洲伊斯兰浪潮之下的理由。 。

阿塔利将反对非洲伊斯兰移民视为法国缺乏“自信”的表现,让人想起“过去几个世纪的反意大利、反波兰、反亚美尼亚和反犹太主义意识形态”。他最后对术语进行了典型的重新定义,以适应当前形势的需要:“反犹太主义指的是对犹太人和穆斯林的敌意。”阿塔利甚至懒得去证明这一立场的合理性(阿拉伯人可能是闪米特人,但许多穆斯林不是,包括加勒比黑人皈依者米凯尔·哈蓬(Mickaël Harpon),他最近 刺伤四名警察 死于巴黎)。


雅克·阿塔利 (Jacques Attali) 是法国知识分子政治阶层的领军人物,曾在 1980 世纪 XNUMX 年代担任社会党总统弗朗索瓦·密特朗 (François Mitterrand) 的顾问。从那时起,他参与了各种银行业倡议,并不断主张法国对所有金融和移民运动开放。



忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. anon[818]• 免责声明 说:





  2. will of d 说:


    • 同意: Alfred
    • 回复: @barr
  3. khanji48 说:


  4. Richard B 说:

    “主权主义不过是反犹太主义的新名称。 受到威胁的犹太人和穆斯林必须团结起来,反对伟大替代者的幻想。”




    2019 年和 2020 年将作为我们不再听从犹太霸权公司并开始公开反抗的年份而载入史册。


  5. Vojkan 说:


    • 回复: @nyetnejdi
    , @Digital Samizdat
  6. barr 说:
    @will of d

    错误的论点和相当情绪化但显然不知情。 沙特很糟糕,土耳其也都得到了英美的生命支持。 沙特的创建完全是为了达到英国在 1920 年设想的目的,最终在 1928 年击败全国泛阿拉伯世俗势力。

    土耳其有着悠久的曲折历史,但从 1950 年到 2000 年,历史围绕着做美国想做的事。


    2011 年,土耳其对卷入利比亚不感兴趣。 阅读历史。 土耳其是被迫的,也得到了错误的信息。

    • 回复: @will of d
  7. 有一点是真的——美国和欧洲的民族主义是反犹太主义的,这是事实。我在一个民族主义基督教网站上呆了三个月,与人们交谈,我知道这些人的想法。这群民族主义群众是无知、仇恨和卑鄙的。他们没有一个人从头到尾读过《新约》,但他们都认为自己是基督徒。他们所有人都是骗子,其中大多数人只是卑鄙、无礼的人,一群乡巴佬种族主义者,他们甚至不了解自己的文化,但却讨厌所有其他文化,尤其是犹太文化。然而他们所有的外邦文化基础都是犹太教的:所有的书籍、所有的英雄、所有的圣人、所有的思想。


    不是一次也不是两次,但我多次提出要他们揭穿任何假的塔木德语录,并向他们展示真实的文本,无论多么晦涩。 我会找到的!

    他们中没有人有兴趣看看这些引文是否真实。 我想他们中的大多数人都知道他们是假的。 他们中的大多数人都知道他们来自哪里——基督教牧师和学者,比如迈克尔霍夫曼和其他人,每当我偶然发现其中一个虚假引文时,他们都来自某种虔诚的基督徒。 这意味着他或她是故意撒谎,因为他们面前都有源头,他们扭曲并以扭曲的形式呈现。 他们知道自己在做什么,那怎么是基督徒呢?


  8. Anon[455]• 免责声明 说:
    @Richard B

    不,2019-20 年并不是某些种群成熟的时期。

    • 回复: @Richard B
  9. @Richard B



    • 回复: @Richard B
    , @HilaireBelloc
  10. Abdullah 说:




  11. Richard B 说:
    @The Dark Night

    TUR 应该提供一个“愚蠢的评论!”回复。



  12. Richard B 说:





    不,2019-20 年并不是某些种群成熟的时期。




  13. David 说:



    • 同意: Ace
    • 回复: @Druid
    , @Miggle
    , @Miggle
  14. Talha 说:







    • 同意: Druid
    • 回复: @AnonStarter
    , @Robjil
    , @Abdullah
  15. anon[117]• 免责声明 说:


  16. Zumbuddi 说:



    • 哈哈: Digital Samizdat
  17. peterike 说:
    @The Dark Night



    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  18. nyetnejdi 说:


  19. will of d 说:


    • 回复: @anon
  20. Anonymous[300]• 免责声明 说:


    猜猜 Facebook 上什么算作“仇恨言论”?

  21. @Talha





    • 回复: @Talha
  22. anon[425]• 免责声明 说:
    @will of d




  23. will of d 说:


  24. Druid 说:
    @Richard B


    • 回复: @anon
  25. Druid 说:


  26. Talha 说:




    我确信这种情况会发生,我知道来自各个阿拉伯国家的人们对自己所说的话持谨慎态度,因为他们知道他们的熟人圈子里的人可能是 mukhabbarat(老实说,作为一个来自巴基斯坦的人,这需要适应 - 这个国家可能功能失调,但你几乎可以对政府说任何话),但你可以区分那些对自己的言论持谨慎态度的人和过度民族主义者之间的区别。


    • 回复: @AnonStarter
  27. anon[818]• 免责声明 说:


  28. Vetran 说:


    纪尧姆,你似乎忽视了摩洛哥的穆罕默德五世和突尼斯的蒙塞夫·贝,他们在二战期间反对维希的立法。 作为犹太臣民的保护者,他们阻止了数十万犹太人被驱逐到纳粹集中营。 现在阿什凯隆市有一个以穆罕默德五世命名的广场,他甚至在大屠杀纪念馆中也有他的一席之地。

  29. @The Dark Night



    我还读过一位心理学家的文章,他对这些引文感到不安,并决定使用合格的翻译并分析上下文来寻找自己。他的观点是尽可能同情的。他试图为许多引文辩解,说它们是写作时代的产物。但事实是,这些引文是正确的,它们可以在《塔木德》中找到,并且没有任何上下文可以原谅它们。他对一些拉比试图通过不诚实的伎俩否认此类引文的存在这一事实感到非常沮丧和不安(例如,有些引文用数字和字母给出了它们所在的位置,并且发生了这种情况)正确的字母是“b”,而引文显示的是“d”。然后拉比会说,在给出的地方找不到这样的引文,但这只是当你写和拉比知道这一点,他们只是试图欺骗(史蒂芬·布鲁姆(Stephen Bloom)的《波斯特维尔》(Postville)一书中有一个令人震惊的拉比试图欺骗以保护罪犯的案例(一本非常有趣的书,但不要与另一本书混淆)同名):波斯特维尔:美国中心地带的文化冲突。)

    此外,还有其他学者资料讨论了犹太人对非犹太人的仇恨,例如埃利奥特·霍洛维茨(Elliott Horowiz)关于普珥节的书:“鲁莽的仪式:普珥节和犹太暴力的遗产”(这是一本非常学术的书,其中有很多有关普珥节的理论讨论)神学,根本不适合休闲阅读)。

    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  30. 必须团结起来,反对伟大替代者的幻想。”





  31. Altai 说:




  32. @The Dark Night




    • 回复: @Bill Jones
  33. 正当我以为我的犹太疲劳不能再恶化的时候…………

    • 同意: Webster
  34. @silviosilver



    • 回复: @silviosilver
  35. @Vojkan


  36. @Abdullah


  37. @silviosilver

    “反犹太主义”曾经意味着对犹太人不利的事情。现在它只是意味着 凡是对外邦人有益的事.

    • 回复: @Ris_Eruwaedhiel
  38. @UncommonGround

    这是你们人们能做的最好的事情:首先,先说我是骗子。 你忘了引用我的谎言,伙计。 如果我是这样的骗子,那你们怎么从来没有人发现我在说谎?


    包括我在内,没有人说过《塔木德》是一本充满爱和普遍幸福的书。里面有很多暗页。有一些法规旨在在犹太人和其他人之间造成隔离,这可以被视为仇外行为。有些表情,可以被视为傲慢的一个例子,而这些态度是教法的产物,没有人否认。这个问题在犹太人中是众所周知和认可的。 《给我拉比的一封信》是犹太人就此写下的众多文章之一。


    说犹太人认为外邦人是牛,与希伯来语中牛和外邦人是同一个词和真实情况是有区别的,因为希伯来语中的“外邦人”与牛没有任何关系。 《塔木德》中从来没有提到外邦人是牛,或者类似牛的东西。有时外邦人会被比较来评估——但只是比较,并且有一个专门的讨论解释说,尽管有这样的比较,外邦人仍然是与犹太人相同的人。


    任何外邦人都可以成为犹太人。 一个聪明的外邦人可以成为拉比。 这一切都需要大约10年的时间。 没什么大不了的。 就像接受教育一样——就是这样。 犹太教不排斥外邦人,这证明并表明它不是种族主义者。

  39. @peterike

    犹太人是白人,“白人文化”就是犹太文化。 你需要回到学校学习那些你错过的古代历史课程。 散居在古希腊和古罗马的犹太人是西方最古老的民族之一,犹太人早在其他人之前就是欧洲人。 所有的欧洲文化都是以犹太文化为基础的。 你甚至不了解你的“白人文化”儿子。


  40. anarchyst 说:

    显然““黑暗骑士”以色列国防军第 8200 部队正在开展工作,目的是反驳有关“他的人民”的真相。

  41. @The Dark Night

    以色列沙哈克 犹太历史、犹太宗教——三千年的厚重

    ……除了对耶稣的一系列下流的性指控之外,《塔木德》还指出,他在地狱的惩罚是沉浸在沸腾的粪便中——这一说法并不是为了让《塔木德》受到虔诚的基督徒的喜爱。或者我们可以引用这样一条戒律:犹太人被要求烧毁他们手中的任何一本新约圣经,如果可能的话,要公开烧毁。 (这种做法不仅仍然有效,而且至今仍在实践中;因此,23 年 1980 月 XNUMX 日,在以色列宗教事务部资助的犹太宗教组织 Yad Le'akhim 的支持下,数百本新约圣经在耶路撒冷被公开焚烧并举行仪式。宗教。)


    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  42. @The Dark Night









    你说《塔木德》中有虚假的引述。我不在乎《塔木德》是否有虚假引述。事实是,有些人称《塔木德》中的一些引述是假引述,而实际上它们并不是假的。这就是我指的。我对我的主张给出了理由。不幸的是,我提到的其中一篇文本不再可用。另一段文字是“给我的拉比的信”。与你相反,作者纳夫塔利·泽利格曼(Naftali Zeligman)在其文本的最后部分“哈拉查的道德问题”中质疑了《塔木德》中的此类段落,其中有一个名为“非犹太人的地位”的小节。

    我不会与您讨论您现在介绍但我在评论中没有提及的一些特定引文。我所说的可以通过我在评论中提到的内容以及一些拉比在过去几年中关于非犹太人的言论得到普遍证实,甚至在以色列报纸上也可以找到,非犹太人是为了服务犹太人而被创造的,例如。 《以色列时报》援引奥瓦迪亚·约瑟夫的话:

    非犹太人的诞生只是为了服务我们。 如果没有这一点,他们在世界上就没有立足之地——只能为以色列人民服务。”

    “为什么需要外邦人? 他们会工作,他们会耕种,他们会收获。 我们会像阿芬迪一样坐着吃东西……这就是外邦人被创造出来的原因。”


    17 月 XNUMX 日,以色列两位首席拉比之一伊扎克·约瑟夫 (Yitzhak Yosef) 在每周布道中称黑人为“猴子”,在希伯来语中相当于“N”一词。

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @The Dark Night
  43. will of d 说:
    @The Dark Night





    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  44. teotoon 说:

    犹太人是白人,“白人文化”就是犹太文化。 你需要回到学校学习那些你错过的古代历史课程。 散居在古希腊和古罗马的犹太人是西方最古老的民族之一,犹太人早在其他人之前就是欧洲人。 所有的欧洲文化都是以犹太文化为基础的。 你甚至不了解你的“白人文化”儿子。

    欧洲白是闪族/雅弗族。 阿什肯纳兹所谓的犹太人是雅弗人;他们与以东人联合在一起,而以东人没有参与对雅各的应许。 混入假犹太人的还有未被赶出并通婚的迦南人和耶布斯人,以及与犹太人一起回来的八千巴比伦人的后裔; 神称他为一筐坏无花果。

    至于你,你不明白雅各分为两个民族:以色列家和犹大家; 犹太人是以东(https://freedomfromdelusion.blogspot.com/2015/09/israel-is-edom-deception.html)。 使用正确的术语。

    以色列家族变成了西梅里安人、斯基泰人、古希腊人、特洛伊人、古罗马人、帕提亚人,他们争夺埃米尔的东部地区,甚至统治耶路撒冷几年(智者从西北向东旅行,跟随某明星); 他们成为哥特部落并迁移到西北欧并成为这些国家。 这些只是以色列家族所组成的国家中的一小部分。 当以色列家族还在核心小组时,他们协助摧毁了巴比伦,他们聚集了剩余的犹太俘虏,并将他们带到了欧洲。

    • 回复: @teotoon
  45. teotoon 说:

    犹太王族谢拉部落在出埃及之前离开了埃及,最终到达伊比利亚半岛、爱尔兰,然后是苏格兰。 然后苏格兰-爱尔兰人移民到美洲,到南部各州。耶路撒冷陷落后,耶利米带着犹大国王的女儿前往爱尔兰,她嫁给了谢拉家族的王子:大卫家族的王权继续存在。

    约瑟家成为长子,玛拿西和以法莲成为应许的继承人。 玛拿西在美国被撒旦犹太教堂搞砸了; 以法莲在英国和英联邦也被假犹太人搞砸了。

    美国学校没有教授这些内容。 这是被禁止的历史。 对这段历史的了解是锡安博学的长老们以多样性和多元文化主义瞄准美国和欧洲的以色列人的原因:如果真正的以色列人(以色列和犹大一起)被毁灭,就不可能有一个真正恢复的以色列。

  46. Talha 说:


    我确实记得读过那篇关于 Mondowiess 的文章——非常有趣。

    “美国犹太社区曾经牢固的党派联盟和影响力的分裂或粉碎,将加速一个更深层次、更重要的人口趋势,这个趋势已经酝酿了几十年:犹太人的消失。据报道,目前非正统美国犹太人的通婚率约为 72%,不祥之兆……”
    “大多数美国犹太人如何适应他们的信仰缺失?雅各布·诺伊斯纳(Jacob Neusner)很早以前就总结过:以色列国成为新的神,大屠杀成为新的礼拜仪式。拉比·诺伊斯纳警告说,犹太教向政治化形式的转变不会代代相传。


    另外,我发现这是一本有趣的读物。针对四个神学/教义问题对不同教派的许多拉比进行的调查。然而它有点过时了——从 1966 年开始——所以它可以使用更新(从那时起发生了很多事情):


  47. @Commentator Mike



    • 回复: @silviosilver
  48. @UncommonGround





  49. @will of d



    • 回复: @Anon
  50. Nalca 说:
    @The Dark Night

    犹太人来自犹太地区,该地区位于 亚太地区,因此它们是亚洲血统。 (顺便说一句,阿拉伯人也是如此)






    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  51. @The Dark Night



    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  52. @Kolya Krassotkin




  53. @The Dark Night


    但基督徒 ,那恭喜你, 更好的。你可能没有注意到,但基督徒已经不遗余力地弥补过去的罪行。犹太人很难承认一桩不法行为,更不用说采取任何措施来弥补了。 (称之为“犹太人的脆弱性。”)

  54. @silviosilver






    • 回复: @silviosilver
  55. @Nalca





  56. @silviosilver

    什么? “基督徒已经竭尽全力来弥补过去的罪行。”这看起来像一本儿童读物的书名。你在说什么?



    • 回复: @silviosilver
  57. @The Dark Night




    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  58. @Digital Samizdat

    约瑟夫·索布兰(Joseph Sobran)写道,曾经,反犹太主义者是憎恨犹太人的人,但现在是犹太人憎恨的人。


    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
  59. @The Dark Night


    我想知道如果有人在 1940 年对欧洲犹太人说了同样的话,你会怎么想。


  60. @The Dark Night

    所以基督徒已经做到了 没什么 是为了弥补二战以来的过错吗?什么都没有?哈哈。我喜欢它。请继续这样。你所说的每一句话都在为我辩护。

    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  61. @silviosilver


    • 巨魔: Kolya Krassotkin
    • 回复: @Robjil
    , @Whitewolf
  62. Vetran 说:

    Durocher?,嗯…… Monégasque peut être?
    不管怎样,很高兴你在 UNZ 评论中带来了一些法国风格(以及 Saker)。
    话虽如此,请确保在批评阿塔利时你不会落入泽穆尔的陷阱。 它们是同一枚硬币的两个面……

  63. Reg Cæsar 说:


    穆罕默德(Mohammedans) ,那恭喜你, 侵略者。询问任何科普特人。 (远离听得见的地方。)

    • 回复: @Talha
  64. 犹太人不是白人。





  65. Talha 说:
    @Reg Cæsar




    • 回复: @Robjil
  66. 哇。 《暗夜》正在火热进行中。一定有一些特殊的无酵饼。在过去,你可能会因为这样做而陷入真正的麻烦。现在,没那么多了。尽管如此,人们还是在互联网上大声疾呼,所以事情就是这样。



    • 回复: @Alden
  67. wayfarer 说:


  68. @The Dark Night


    你不必等到怀蒂成为少数派才能看到你的未来。 Detoilet恭候您的到来。

  69. 正如这个害虫所表明的那样,反犹太主义不仅是合理的,而且是完全必要的。

  70. 嗯,这是一个砍掉你的头来突出你的鼻子的好例子。


  71. Parfois1 说:
    @The Dark Night



  72. @silviosilver

    尽管存在种种缺陷,基督教仍要求其信徒遵守道德普遍性,犹太人和其他非基督徒可以从中受益,而犹太教则不然。基督徒被告知“爱人如己”甚至延伸到那些信仰之外的人。相比之下,伟大的迈蒙尼德说,“爱你的邻居如同你自己”意味着你要爱你的犹太人同胞。 (第二种情况可以说是可以接受的,但是,很明显,如何以第一种方式应用该格言可能会使非团体成员受益,而以第二种方式应用该格言甚至不是有意的。)



  73. @The Dark Night


  74. Robjil 说:
    @The Dark Night

    自 12 年 23 月 1913 日以来,基督徒一直无法控制。






    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  75. Robjil 说:


    希腊人在地中海和黑海地区的各个海域都有殖民地。自公元前 776 年以来,奥运会一直是全希腊人的运动会。来自北非、小亚细亚、意大利、西西里岛、希腊群岛、希腊大陆和黑海地区的希腊人每四年齐聚一堂参加奥运会。古希腊人认为自己就像池塘里的青蛙,因为他们分散在地中海和黑海的水道上。


    在罗马崛起之前,古希腊人从未在政治上统一过,但他们在地中海沿岸成功地发展和维持了一种共同的文化,“就像池塘边的青蛙一样”(Plato Phaedo 109b)。现代学者们努力解释古希腊人如何能够在宗教、语言和身份上拥有如此牢固的联系,尽管他们的祖国是独立的城邦,并且与地中海沿岸的其他古代民族进行了大规模的迁徙和通婚。布朗认为,水手和旅行者的宗教体系帮助古希腊人发展和维持了他们在地中海周围的共同文化。对航海神的崇拜在古希腊及其殖民地周围从一个港口传播到另一个港口,并传播到外国城市,但这种海上宗教和“在酒色的大海上”的崇拜传播在今天并没有得到很好的理解。来源非常分散。然而,将这些证据重新整合起来,揭示了一个持久而灵活的旅行仪式和信仰网络,这些仪式和信仰以意想不到的、紧密的方式将古希腊人联系在一起,即使是相距遥远且没有政治纽带。

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @nebulafox
  76. 布拉班蒂安:“埃马纽埃尔·马克龙的奥巴马式迅速崛起是由法国深层政府的犹太领导人乔治·索罗斯同盟者和犹太复国主义者雅克赞助和培养的
    阿塔利。 ”

  77. Robjil 说:






    如果 MSM 实现了他们的“愿望”,那么整个非洲、拉丁美洲和亚洲较贫穷的地区都将空无一人。


    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Mishima Zaibatsu
  78. @The Dark Night

    “乡巴佬”历史学家塔西佗将犹太人称为被众神憎恨的民族。他们认为我们(罗马人)认为神圣的一切都是亵渎的,反之亦然。他们的做法卑鄙邪恶,靠着自己的堕落而盛行?他们是最容易贪欲的民族。虽然他们不会与外邦人同眠,但他们之间却无所不能(nihil inlicitum)。那些越轨的人蔑视诸神,抛弃自己的国家,蔑视自己的父母、兄弟姐妹和孩子。犹太仪式是肮脏和荒谬的。到处都是犹太人

    基督教使徒保罗谈到他的犹太人同胞时说,“他们不讨上帝喜悦,且与众人相悖”(帖撒罗尼迦前书 1:2),耶稣说这些犹太人属于“撒但会堂”(启 15:2)他们的父亲从一开始就是魔鬼和谋杀者(约翰福音 9:8)。这是基督教犹太人对他们的犹太人同胞的判决……而不是“乡巴佬”的判决。犹太人仍然不肯悔改,人们也逐渐意识到他们的欺骗和背信弃义。


    PS 塔木德是对非犹太人、基督徒和耶稣的贬义。先知撒迦利亚警告说,犹太人将在示拿(巴比伦)建立邪恶的基地,果然,他们在那里用“人类的传统”(正如耶稣所说)取代了《托拉》。虽然尝试不错,但人们看穿了哈斯布拉巨魔。请参阅我的网站和博客了解基督教的阐述。

    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  79. 在世界各地(美国、法国、英国),犹太人都在与人民进行“内部”战争。他们拥有改变人民的一切手段:金钱和华尔街、学术界、传播、艺术/好莱坞、政府行政/立法/司法部门、编辑/新闻实体、硅谷和研究中心、中央情报局、联邦调查局、国家安全局等等,如果犹太人不解除武装,未来的时代对整个人类来说将是可怕的。

    • 回复: @Jake
  80. 非常同意这篇文章。西方应该效仿以色列的光辉榜样,拆除字面上和隐喻上的贫民窟围墙,并且必须停止以民族主义的反犹太主义方式行事。外邦人感到羞耻,为什么他们不能像以色列对待闪米特巴勒斯坦人那样对待闪米特人?犹太人热爱他们的闪族同胞。他们爱死他们了。



    • 哈哈: geokat62
  81. Jake 说:

    阿塔利的梦想是许多维多利亚时代的英国 WASP 精英都会拥抱的梦想。到那时,文化中的哲学犹太主义已经变成了双头。其中一派仍然支持犹太人(直接牺牲了绝大多数白人的利益),而另一派则支持阿拉伯人/伊斯兰教徒。 WASP 精英国际主义的伟大梦想是将这两个闪米特人聚集在一起。



  82. Desert Fox 说:



  83. Jake 说:



    是什么让这一切成为可能?宗教改革,即对基督和基督教世界的反叛,最可怕的是,它导致了基于犹太化异端的 WASP 文化的形成,它建立了世界历史上最大、最富有的帝国,从而将犹太化传播到全球。



  84. @The Dark Night





  85. Marcus 说:

    TJB:阿尔及利亚犹太人是法国统治(甚至美洲国家组织)的巨大支持者,然后移居法国并恶毒地攻击东道国的生存权(这个家伙,德里达等)。也有一些例外,比如 Zemmour

    • 回复: @buzzwar
  86. Pheasant 说:
    @The Dark Night



  87. Pheasant 说:
    @The Dark Night



  88. Talha 说:

    我们的男同性恋者吹捧源源不断的移民也是好事。人们为什么要背井离乡? MSM从来不看那方面。



  89. Incitatus 说:


    是的,当阿卜杜勒·拉赫曼·加菲奇 (Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi) 带着 25,000 名导师抵达法国执行教学任务时。查理·马特尔和阿基坦公爵尤德斯被证明是值得学习的学生。 “Bataille de Poitiers 732”确实是一次和平的文化交流,有点像现代智力问答节目,应该重新命名为“Émission de quiz de Poitiers 732”。



    “神武!” (“Dieu le veut!”)[“上帝愿意!”]
    -马恩河畔沙蒂永 (Eudes de Châtillon-sur-Marne)(奥东·德·拉热里 (Odon de Lagery),教皇乌尔班二世 (Urbain II))1095 克莱蒙

    Royaume de Jérusalem 持续了 88 年。对于大多数参与者来说,结果不太好,但没关系。




    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Alden
  90. Talha 说:




    • 回复: @nebulafox
    , @Seraphim
  91. Alden 说:
    @The Dark Night







    • 回复: @the grand wazoo
  92. Talha 说:

    是的,当阿卜杜勒·拉赫曼·加菲奇 (Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi) 带着 25,000 名导师抵达法国执行教学任务时。查理·马特尔和阿基坦公爵尤德斯被证明是值得学习的学生。 “Bataille de Poitiers 732”确实是一次和平的文化交流


    雅克·阿塔利(Jacques Attali)是无耻、自私的修正主义胡言乱语的代表。



    • 回复: @Incitatus
  93. @secondElijah


    “我知道那些自称是犹太人的人的亵渎,但实际上他们不是犹太人,而是撒旦的会堂。” – 启示录 2:9





    塔木德是贬低外邦人的吗?这是新约。耶稣说:“先让孩子吃饱,因为拿孩子的饼丢给狗是不合适的。” ——马可福音 7:27

    • 回复: @secondElijah
  94. @Ris_Eruwaedhiel




    • 回复: @Alden
    , @anonymous
  95. Alden 说:


    为什么不在突尼斯和摩洛哥杀掉他们呢? 为什么要把它们一路运到北欧呢? 为什么要为他们烦恼呢? 邪恶的纳粹集中在法国犹太人定居者还是突尼斯本土摩洛哥人? 米兹拉希犹太人?

    我读过很多关于二战犹太人的考验、痛苦和磨难的犹太复国主义宣传。 从未听说过纳粹计划消灭摩洛哥犹太人的邪恶计划。

    完全没有要打架的意思。 只是我从来没有听说过,很难相信纳粹和维希会把犹太人一路送到欧洲北部,而不是直接在突尼斯和摩洛哥屠杀。

    请原谅我的愤世嫉俗。 十几岁的时候,我就想知道邪恶的纳粹如何利用饥饿至 80 磅的人的脂肪来制作肥皂。

    • 回复: @utu
    , @Vetran
  96. @Kolya Krassotkin


  97. Agent76 说:

    10年2019月XNUMX日犹太教,犹太复国主义和Neturei Karta

    20年2016月XNUMX日,在纽约州蒙西市采访拉比·莫西·多夫·贝克(Rabbi Moshe Dov Beck)。

    28 年 2018 月 XNUMX 日 记录以色列成为法西斯国家



  98. Alden 说:





    一些穆斯林和犹太人对女性有严格的着装要求。基督徒遵循该国的习俗和流行时尚。只有一些犹太教派要求已婚妇女戴假发。而且不仅仅是任何假发。深棕色全长下巴长度,不短一英寸或长一英寸,涂层 5 至 8 K,来自 Rabbis 价格过高的假发店。

    老实说,我看不出自公元 620 年伊斯兰教以来,基督徒、犹太人和穆斯林在任何事情上达成了一致,更不用说与蒙昧主义作斗争了。是神秘的意思还是隐藏的意思?还是神秘不易发现?

    大概出生于 1950 世纪 XNUMX 年代的阿尔及利亚。独立后,他的家人与其他法属阿尔及利亚人一起被驱逐出境。受到官方世俗宗教天主教法国国家的欢迎。



    • 回复: @Incitatus
  99. nebulafox 说:

    Vae victis,国际海事组织。如果罗马人和波斯人不想失去他们的帝国,那么在黑死病导致人口崩溃、阿拉伯社会发生彻底转变的情况下发动灾难性的战争并不是最明智的想法。





  100. Alden 说:
    @The Dark Night

    石篱笆和其他一些欧洲纪念碑比金字塔古老得多。 3,500 年前,凯尔特人就使用了机械收割机。它在罗马占领期间消失,直到 1840 年代在美国伊利诺伊州才再次出现。世界上最古老的人类居住地是苏格兰奥克尼群岛。它比现在的土耳其和印度的那些要古老得多



    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  101. neutral 说:
    @The Dark Night


    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  102. nebulafox 说:


    至于安纳托利亚,直到中世纪,它仍然是希腊人统治的地方。就伤亡率而言,曼齐克特本身对罗马军队来说并不是阿德里安堡或雅尔穆克式的屠杀。真正注定拜占庭灭亡的是所发生的事情 *后* 曼齐克特。如果阿尔普·阿尔斯兰赌的是让第欧根尼不受干扰地回去会给罗马带来更多的痛苦——内战时期!——而不是杀死他,那么这就是马基雅维利天才的一击。


    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Talha
  103. Alden 说:


    DK 早餐可能吃培根和鸡蛋,午餐吃芝士汉堡,晚餐吃虾或螃蟹。一些激进的犹太捍卫者。

  104. Talha 说:

    Vae victis,国际海事组织。





    的确。如果你读过有关第一次接触的著作,你会发现许多基督徒并不认为它是一种完全外来的宗教,而是许多人称其为以实玛利派异端。有些人称他们为 Hagarenes(夏甲的后裔)——所以它并不像佛教或万物有灵论那样陌生。





    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Alden
    , @nebulafox
  105. Sid00 说:


  106. Wally 说:
    @The Dark Night




    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  107. melpol 说:


    • 回复: @Alden
  108. Alden 说:


    • 回复: @melpol
  109. “犹太复国主义者将此视为真正的全有或全无的演习……”

    当萨布罗斯基博士谈论 9/11 建筑拆除事件时,他的观点适用于他们的所有阴谋。

    • 同意: Robjil
  110. Alden 说:

    检查时间表。罗马帝国于公元 400 年代末结束。直到公元1100年左右,土耳其人才到达欧洲和安纳托利亚。 500年的差距。又过了几百年才到达希腊和巴尔干地区。

    罗马人和土耳其人从未相遇,因为土耳其人位于罗马帝国最东部前哨以东约 2,000 英里处。


    波斯从未屈服于土耳其人。它是唯一一个与土耳其接壤且从未被土耳其人征服的国家。波斯人鄙视土耳其人,并将其视为原始的野蛮游牧民族。伊斯兰教的不同教派互相鄙视,就像 1500 年代的加尔文主义者和天主教徒一样


    你在读什么样的历史?我想我最好离开这篇文章。在我读过的所有 UNZ 主题中,这一主题的历史错误评论最多。希腊罗马与土耳其人发生战争,当时的时代相距数百年、数千英里。


    • 回复: @nebulafox
    , @Talha
  111. @Robjil

    如果 MSM 实现了他们的“愿望”,那么整个非洲、拉丁美洲和亚洲较贫穷的地区都将空无一人。



  112. Alden 说:


    • 回复: @Talha
  113. Whitewolf 说:
    @The Dark Night


    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  114. Alden 说:

    即使在过去 40 年的极端伊斯兰政府统治下,波斯仍然有一个庞大、重要且备受尊敬的琐罗亚斯德教社区。

    • 回复: @Talha
  115. melpol 说:

    有证据表明,有攻击性行为的人(例如犯有暴力犯罪的囚犯)的睾丸激素水平较高。 …睾酮激活大脑皮层下区域以产生攻击性,而皮质醇和血清素与睾酮拮抗以减少其影响

  116. Talha 说:




    “吞并亚美尼亚对拜占庭人来说是一场战略灾难......亚美尼亚历史学家瓦尔达佩·阿里斯塔克斯·拉斯蒂维特奇 (Vardapet Aristakes Lastivertc'i) 流着泪讲述道:“在这些日子里,拜占庭军队连续四次进入亚美尼亚土地,直到他们通过刀剑、火和俘虏使整个国家变得无人居住。”……也不可能。拜占庭人依靠亚美尼亚人的支持。阿尼垮台后,君士坦丁的首要行动之一就是煽动清洗亚美尼亚教会的一性论神职人员。为了逃离战争和迫害,大规模逃亡开始了,其中包括拜占庭人赖以驻守边境要塞的亚美尼亚军队。许多人现在在其他地方寻求财富,“一些在波斯,一些在希腊,一些在格鲁吉亚。”[11]一些亚美尼亚军队加入了塞尔柱军队,他们现在开始袭击亚美尼亚边境。




  117. Corvinus 说:



  118. Durocher,你又乱写了。你实际上在法国做什么?你认识玛丽娜·勒庞吗?你在和黄背心抗议者交谈吗?


  119. nebulafox 说:




    >确实。如果你读过有关第一次接触的著作,你会发现许多基督徒并不认为它是一种完全外来的宗教,而是许多人称其为以实玛利派异端。有些人称他们为 Hagarenes(夏甲的后裔)——所以它并不像佛教或万物有灵论那样陌生。








    • 回复: @Talha
  120. @Alden


    • 回复: @Alden
  121. Talha 说:



    有些人意识到,伊斯兰教之后波斯在世界范围内的影响力远远超过了伊斯兰教之前的地区影响力。波斯人伊玛目安萨里 (ra) 的著作从塞内加尔传到马来西亚,伊玛目阿布·哈尼法 (ra) 的法学派(同为波斯人)在穆斯林世界拥有最多的追随者。在伊斯兰教通过暂停她和希腊罗马世界之间的竞争而平息了他们之后,我不会谈论她对科学、天文学、医学等领域的贡献。





  122. @anon



  123. @Kolya Krassotkin





  124. Talha 说:








    • 哈哈: AnonStarter
    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  125. nebulafox 说:



  126. nebulafox 说:

    >罗马帝国于公元 400 年代末结束。直到公元1100年左右,土耳其人才到达欧洲和安纳托利亚。 500年的差距。又过了几百年才到达希腊和巴尔干地区。罗马人和土耳其人从未相遇,因为土耳其人位于罗马帝国最东部前哨以东约 2,000 英里处。

    最后一位罗马皇帝是一位真正的领袖,他以唯一正确的方式死去,见证了最后的结局:在 1453 年新罗马最终陷落的最后一刻,率领部下奋战,战死沙场。西方人可以对那个拿着可怜的养老金的害怕的十几岁男孩,或者文盲弗兰克做出任何他们想要的说法。 🙂



    • 回复: @nebulafox
    , @Alden
    , @Alden
  127. @Whitewolf


    • 回复: @Robjil
  128. @Wally


    • 回复: @wally
  129. Talha 说:



    加兹纳维德人是十世纪接管波斯的马穆鲁克土耳其人。甚至后来的“波斯”王朝,如卡扎尔王朝,也起源于土库曼斯坦。土耳其人曾多次入侵波斯,但他们始终被波斯化。沙阿·伊斯梅尔(Shah Ismail)——极其重要的萨法维帝国的创始人——实际上是库尔德人和高加索混血儿,只会说波斯语。



  130. nebulafox 说:



    话虽如此,但还有一些重要的遗留问题——比如帝国办公室是一个 *办公室*如果——如果能够幸存下来,所有西方思想的根源的古典希腊化传统将在君士坦丁堡保持活力,并在西方消失了许多个世纪,而拜占庭人总是称自己为罗马人。从法律上讲——罗马人如果不是一丝不苟的律法主义者,那又算什么呢?——他们是:这是一条不间断的继承链。值得注意的是,就伊斯兰世界而言,拜占庭人也总是被简单地称为罗马人,无需进一步区分。

  131. [[阿塔利将争取国家和人民主权的斗争..等同于..对犹太人的仇恨]]



    耶利米书:46:28。 耶和华我的仆人雅各阿,不要惧怕。 因为我与你同在。


  132. wally 说:
    @The Dark Night

    – 请定义 反犹太主义 我们。

    – 另外,请具体解释为什么犹太人在历史上被赶出这么多地方。

  133. @Talha





    北美伊斯兰信托基金(北美伊斯兰协会的控股公司)拥有的清真寺依靠沙特的资金来维持运转。领导层在定期干预小团体方面做得很好 dhikr的 并举起手来 杜阿 仪式祈祷后,如果该祈祷恰好是在清真寺严格规定的时间之外进行的。


    • 回复: @Talha
  134. @Talha




    沉默之塔距离亚兹德市中心和琐罗亚斯德教寺庙不远,那里的永恒之火已经保持了 1500 多年。


    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Kolya Krassotkin
  135. 犹太人被驱逐出基督教国家。所以问牧师,他更清楚。问问你的牧师。他肯定会抽出时间向他的信徒解释为什么善良的基督徒多次将数百万人驱逐出家园。当你们谈论这个话题时,别忘了向他询问有关穆斯林的事情。

    • 回复: @Nalca
  136. Robjil 说:
    @The Dark Night

    自 12 年 23 月 1913 日美联储成立以来,西方世界一直被犹太人控制。




    第三次世界大战 - 九个十一假旗的七国毁灭正在进行中。他们认为这会像前两年一样持续五年。但事实并非如此。

    奥尔德斯·赫胥黎 (Aldous Huxley) 在 1962 年伯克利演讲中谈到了达尔文孙子的著作《下一个百万年》。在这本书中,人类被认为是野生物种。我首先以为赫胥黎在谈论他的祖父查尔斯·达尔文。我查了《下一个百万年》这本书。它是由他的孙子查尔斯·高尔顿·达尔文于 1952 年撰写的。


    亨利·马科 (Henry Makow) 对这本书进行了评论。他认为这本书是新世界秩序的蓝图。


    达尔文的孙子查尔斯·高尔顿·达尔文(Charles Galton Darwin,1887-1962)所著的《下一个百万年》一书被认为是新世界秩序的蓝图。
    您可以从 scribd 下载它(http://www.scribd.com/doc/23619812/The-Next-Million-Years-by-Charles-Galton-Darwin-1953).


    在大多数科幻小说或电影中,来自另一个星球的外星人通常要求与人类的“领导人”交谈。我们的领导者 MSM 为我们提供了这样的线索:领导者以这种洞察力来统治我们。


    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  137. buzzwar 说:

    关于穆斯林在维希政府期间帮助犹太人,阿塔利显然是在暗示 “在法国本土反犹太主义胜利的可怕日子里,阿尔及利亚穆斯林在支持和保护他们的父母方面发挥了作用.......
    人们想知道为什么纪尧姆·杜罗谢尔提到耶路撒冷的穆夫提,因为他不是阿尔及利亚人而是巴勒斯坦人。他可能没有帮助犹太人,因为当时在巴勒斯坦没有追捕犹太人。然而,在法国,众所周知的事实是,巴黎清真寺院长(Recteur de la mosquée de Paris),名叫西·卡杜尔·班加布里特(Si Kaddour Benghabrit),为数百名犹太人提供了由法国政府颁发给他们的穆斯林行政证书,从而拯救了数百名犹太人。清真寺的工作人员,以逃避逮捕和驱逐出境。

    • 回复: @Marcus
  138. Talha 说:

    感谢 S2C 提供的信息,非常感谢。




  139. renfro 说:
    @The Dark Night



    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  140. Talha 说:

    我知道 NAIT,但不知道沙特的角度。



    有趣的是,我最近在推特上向我认识的穆斯林提出了一个问题,即沙特阿拉伯及其政策对伊斯兰教和乌玛来说是积极的还是消极的。只是一个简单的问题,我没有引导他们走向任何方向。我得到的结果是 125 票左右:

    净正值 – 13%
    净负数 – 70%
    持平 – 17%



    • 回复: @AnonStarter
  141. Incitatus 说:


    没有我想要的那么多时间在 UR 上,但很高兴你还在发帖。

    雅克·阿塔利(Jacques Attali)是无耻、自私的修正主义胡言乱语的代表。



    • 回复: @Talha
  142. Nalca 说:
    @The Dark Night


    – 高利贷
    – 侮辱基督教和基督徒(当然是在基督教国家)
    – 农民子女的牺牲。


    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  143. Talha 说:


    绝对地。阿拉伯人实际上非常残忍。如果他们在战争中没有受到伊斯兰行为规则的约束,那么很容易就会发生像蒙古人那样的大屠杀。作为异教徒阿拉伯人如何对待战败者的一个例子;一个世纪前,拉赫米德国王蒙迪尔三世(代表波斯人)对叙利亚进行了大规模的征战。他摧毁了整个城镇,并带回了 400 名修女,并烧毁了这些修女,献给了乌扎。不漂亮。
















    • 回复: @Seraphim
  144. buzzwar 说:


    • 回复: @Marcus
  145. @Talha

    /我知道 NAIT,但不知道沙特角度。/

    多年来一直如此。 ISNA 的前身是 MSA,虽然最初是独立的,但在相当长的一段时间内是由沙特资金培育的。

    不确定自从我上次与 ISNA 社区打交道以来它发生了多大变化,尽管领导层似乎对任何可能被视为“异常”的伊斯兰教表现高度敏感。我并不是说他们没有权利随心所欲地经营清真寺,但这种敏感性不会让许多认真的穆斯林留在他们的圈子里,无论如何,这可能是他们的意图。



    美国穆斯林最好建立更独立、本地化的清真寺和宗教学校,以便更立即、更有效地满足他们所服务的各个社区的需求。几年前我离开了备受瞩目的 NAIT 清真寺,但从未找到返回的理由。

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Abdullah
  146. Talha 说:









    • 回复: @Incitatus
  147. @Alden

    所有犹太人都应该问镜子但从来没有这样做的问题是:为什么“我们”犹太人被这么多不同的国家驱逐了 120 多次?

  148. Marcus 说:


    • 回复: @buzzwar
  149. “……雅克·阿塔利已经成为反民族全球主义者的典型代表……”


  150. Marcus 说:


  151. @renfro




  152. Talha 说:

    是的——我记得他们在 1990 世纪 XNUMX 年代很盛行。我第一次听说他们是通过一位非裔美国伊玛目,他警告我们不要从他们那里拿任何钱,并始终确保钱是在当地筹集的。拥有一座朴素但独立的清真寺比在拥有一座宏伟而奢华的清真寺时受某些外部(可能是外国)组织的要求要好。我注意到他们在某些人群中的影响力比其他人群要小——印巴孟加拉人群(至少在伊利诺伊州周围)似乎不受他们的干扰。




  153. @Robjil




  154. Incitatus 说:







    “一些穆斯林和犹太人对女性有严格的着装要求。基督徒遵循该国的习俗和流行时尚。只有一些犹太教派要求已婚妇女戴假发。而且不仅仅是任何假发。深棕色全长下巴长度,不短一英寸或长一英寸,涂层 5 到 8 K,来自 Rabbis 价格过高的假发店。”


    直接(作为前居民)了解沙特阿拉伯的朴素着装。他们在 125° 的高温下穿着黑色长袍(尤其是带有开眼缝的凶险兜帽),这有点过头了,但这只是我的意见。如此打扮,他们实际上很吓人。建议人们四处寻找看护者(男性亲属),最好不要交谈。神圣的后宫。经常被我的阳光烘烤。去搞清楚!

    从利雅得飞往 1970 年代至 1990 年代的塞浦路斯或希腊群岛,宾果游戏,英国空姐占领了赤裸上身的海滩!男性青少年的一级天堂;冯内古特行星时间扭曲对所有其他人来说都是如此。上帝保佑希腊人!还有英国空姐!而且,无论如何,沙特人!



    雅克·阿塔利 (Jacques Attali) 是黑衣人吗?我想我错过了,但是(上帝保佑维基百科)你是对的。很有意思。






  155. @Nalca



  156. @neutral


    • 回复: @Poco
  157. utu 说:

    “请原谅我的愤世嫉俗。” – 你落后了。而且还不够愤世嫉俗。如果有钱可赚,那么将获得大屠杀幸存者的官方地位。

    首先,德国向阿尔及利亚 25,000 名大屠杀幸存者提供赔偿

  158. Anon[554]• 免责声明 说:





    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  159. @Jake


    是什么让这一切成为可能?宗教改革,即对基督和基督教世界的反叛,最可怕的是,它导致了基于犹太化异端的 WASP 文化的形成,它建立了世界历史上最大、最富有的帝国,从而将犹太化传播到全球。

  160. @Jake




    • 同意: Miro23
  161. buzzwar 说:


  162. @nebulafox

    不过,这并不是没有发生的事情。如果足够的考古学证实那个时期的瘟疫具有毁灭性,足以改变历史,那么我们现在就需要为任何疾病事件做好准备。我们还没有准备好。事实上恰恰相反:我们所有的系统都促进货物和人员的自由流动。我也不认为我们是唯一意识到这一点的人。我强烈怀疑,尽管有 SARS 和其他警告,但没有进行任何改革,也没有计划进行任何改革,以防 tptb 行使这一选择。

  163. @Anon


    E·迈克尔·琼斯 (E Michael Jones) 与犹太教徒迈克尔·布朗 (Michael Brown) 进行了一场激烈的较量。
    他们对犹太人的本质存在强烈分歧,琼斯坚持他的“逻各斯”论点,而布朗则坚持认为“一些犹太人是试图成为好人的人” 根据他们的宗教信仰, 他们不应该与“所有犹太人/拒绝逻各斯”混为一谈。



    恕我直言,吉拉德·阿兹蒙(Gilad Atzmon)所反对的犹太人,也许琼斯所描述的那些“杀死基督”的人,根本不是宗教人士,甚至不是部落主义者或种族:他们是,正如犹太复国主义肯定是的, 政治 运动。






    • 回复: @Anon
    , @bjondo
    , @Wizard of Oz
  164. Abdullah 说:

    美国穆斯林最好建立更独立、本地化的清真寺和宗教学校,以便更立即、更有效地满足他们所服务的各个社区的需求。我几年前就离开了备受瞩目的 NAIT 清真寺,但一直没有找到回来的理由。



    • 回复: @Miro23
  165. Anon[290]• 免责声明 说:
    @The Dark Night





    除了腐蚀性哲学、理论(可以说是腐蚀性)心理学和理论物理学之外,它们的贡献并不多。特别是通过比较重量。他们的唯物主义神学甚至完全是非原创的,它是伊朗(雅利安)二合一一神论的混合体,其历史可以追溯到比波斯、苏美尔(非闪米特)异教和古希腊造物主崇拜更早的欧洲历史。 / 科技神。


    您显然对您的主题一无所知。 徒步旅行。

    有一件事是真的——美国和欧洲的民族主义是反犹太主义的,这是事实。 我在一个民族主义基督教网站上呆了三个月,与人们交谈,我知道这些人的想法。



    由于其固有的敌对政治性质,犹太人没有与生俱来的权利在他们的国家之外生活,他们将不可避免地寻求削弱他们的东道国。 完全拒绝他们是道德的。

    这些基督徒钦佩尼采,但憎恨犹太人,因为他们被告知犹太人在塔木德中写道他们是优等种族,外邦人对他们来说是“牛”。 多么奇怪,这些想法是相同的,但在尼采的情况下,他们喜欢它们,而在犹太人的情况下,他们讨厌它们,因为这些想法突然变得不道德。

    主要区别在于,没有广泛的、现存的欧洲神学要求毁灭所有其他国家。 在犹太教中有。





    您不是在比较平行的意图或行动,而是试图将犹太帝国主义者与欧洲民族主义者进行比较,就像他们是同一只动物一样。 相反,除非欧洲人写出一种宗教,认为所有非欧洲人最终都会像犹太人对所有非犹太人一样被种族灭绝,否则你就是在欺骗。

    犹太人或犹太人的支持者无法成功地对任何犹太人毁灭的目标进行伪善。 伪善是犹太人的第一语言。

    不是一次也不是两次,但我多次提出要他们揭穿任何假的塔木德语录,并向他们展示真实的文本,无论多么晦涩。 我会找到的!

    我们可以在 塞法利亚网站 审视犹太人所写的种族灭绝、帝国主义、民族毁灭、虚伪、奴隶制的目标和手段。尽管如此,我还是喜欢《佐哈尔》和《塔木德》。它大大简化了。


    • 回复: @Adelaar
    , @The Dark Night
  166. Anon[360]• 免责声明 说:













  167. Art 说:

    “主权主义不过是反犹太主义的新名称。 受到威胁的犹太人和穆斯林必须团结起来,反对伟大替代者的幻想。”




    • 同意: Ilyana_Rozumova, Iris
    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  168. Catiline 说:


  169. 一个巴掌拍不响。 为什么外邦人如此愚蠢是犹太人的问题? 谁更糟,是骗子还是贪婪的 rube,他们一直认为他会白白得到一些东西。 很多人说傻话。 为什么要听呢?

    • 回复: @silviosilver
    , @Adelaar
  170. Poco 说:
    @The Dark Night


    • 回复: @RadicalCenter
  171. @Honesthughgrant



  172. @The Dark Night

    猫从袋子里出来了。 世界不是围绕着你转的。


    教会确实让任何人“蒙在鼓里”。 这是对中世纪时代完全无知的看法,甚至不再得到犹太学者的支持。

    • 回复: @Adelaar
  173. Harbinger 说:
    @The Dark Night

    不是一次也不是两次,但我多次提出要他们揭穿任何假的塔木德语录,并向他们展示真实的文本,无论多么晦涩。 我会找到的!


    E 迈克尔·琼斯 (E Michael Jones) 和迈克尔·霍夫曼 (Michael Hoffman) 都撰写了大量有关塔木德的文章。我相信霍夫曼的《犹太教发现》一书花了他大约 10 年的时间来研究和写作。
    YT 上有一些采访以色列拉比的视频,他们宣扬塔木德对非犹太人的看法。



    • 同意: anarchyst
    • 回复: @The Dark Night
    , @tac
  174. @The Dark Night



  175. @anon



  176. bjondo 说:



    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  177. 基督教绝不是最具破坏性的宗教,伊斯兰教也不是。当你比较两者所造成的损失时,与他们对世界做出的贡献相比,它们显得相形见绌。









    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Seraphim
  178. 塔木德教是邪恶的。塔木德教徒注定会在审判日被扔进火湖。

  179. Incitatus 说:





    振作起来。 1971 年 XNUMX 月,我带着七年(大学资格)德语“技能”横渡布伦纳河。说出(思考)我的文章,理解他们的答复,提交,退房(毫不奇怪)。很棒的人,不会说他们很热情。也许这就是一种美德?谁知道?

    瑞士历史? 16世纪的Primo雇佣兵。弗朗索瓦 我依赖他们。今天的梵蒂冈也是如此(瑞士警卫——有些人穿着米开朗基罗的服装;其他人,谁想知道呢?)。


    在巴黎有终生的朋友。上世纪 90 年代,与我的法国表兄弟(大多数住在巴黎和里昂以外;399 年分居 2020 年)进行了第一次家庭团聚。很棒的人。他们比我更了解法国历史。也就是说,怀疑他们会陷入这种垃圾之中。只是一个猜测。


    我的侄女博士学位(鸟类学)与瑞典同行有联系。瑞典人看起来相当阴郁,但这也许是 BBC 侦探剧太多了。我会让她教育我。


    • 回复: @Talha
  180. @Art

    但我已经为自己指出,这有问题。 即使将在美国国家中作为外国麻烦制造者的极少数犹太人(如亚当希夫、纳德勒、佩洛西等)消灭,也不会奏效。 这是行不通的,因为这些会立即被拉比委员会和更糟糕的犹太人所取代。

    • 回复: @Adelaar
  181. 虽然有人指责犹太人。另一个则指责基督徒。另一位则指责穆斯林。


    ps 民族国家的毁灭就是这样发生的。

  182. Talha 说:





  183. Talha 说:


    同意。坚定的战士,高度尊重自己的自主权,并愿意让任何不这么想的人付出高昂的代价。还有巧克力。 😁









  184. @SolontoCroesus

    对于一个正派、明智的犹太人来说,他在 20 世纪英语国家和德国西北部的其他一些国家的哲学/意识形态/政治立场如何?



    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  185. @silviosilver


  186. @SolontoCroesus

    我喜欢波斯人。我永远不会将他们视为敌人。我期待着有一天我们能够再次与他们建立开放的友谊,就像 40 年前那样。


    • 同意: Bookish1
  187. Miro23 说:



  188. Seraphim 说:


    • 回复: @Talha
    , @nebulafox
  189. Seraphim 说:


    还有很多你不知道的事情(你对 Al-Hallaj 不太了解,是吗?)。您什么时候决定真正了解希腊罗马(希腊化)历史(以及基督教)?并停止重复伊斯兰神话制造和受害者学的谈话要点(你认为这会取代犹太受害者学吗?他们不会允许你)和喋喋不休地谈论拉希顿军队?

    • 回复: @Talha
  190. @The Dark Night

    您需要查看我发布的网站链接。它对启示录有完整的阐述。你显然不明白启示录和第四福音之间的联系。约翰福音中“犹太人”一词出现了 71 次,因为它代表公会 (70) 和大祭司。因此,犹太人被用来指代腐败的犹太领导层。你错过了约翰福音 8 章和创世记 20-22 章之间的联系。

    约翰福音第八章的背景是指控他生来就犯了奸淫,这就是为什么他们把一个被指控通奸的女人拖到他面前。有太多东西你不明白,我什至不知道从哪里开始。我只想说,耶稣说,如果他们是亚伯拉罕的子孙,他们就会做亚伯拉罕的“事”。亚伯拉罕做了什么?我们得知他遵守了全部律法(创 8:26)。现在你告诉我,在律法传给摩西之前的 5 年里,亚伯拉罕是如何遵守律法的?


    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  191. Bill Jones 说:
    @Oscar Peterson



  192. Seraphim 说:

    犹太人能够统治中国的想法是如此荒谬,以至于你根本笑不出来。但至少对我来说,它唤起了一个关于老鼠的轶事,它吹嘘自己会*** 大象。他问大象:“我想……你”。大象同意了,但过程中刮起了一阵风,老鼠被打飞了,嘴里嘟囔着:“该死,她从我的房间里溜走了。”***!

  193. @Wizard of Oz



    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  194. @bjondo


    首先,我将永远感谢 E 迈克尔·琼斯 (E Michael Jones) 揭露和解释了主要是犹太人和“犹太化”新教徒强加给美国人,尤其是天主教徒的社会工程机制。


    但对于琼斯和布朗之间的分歧,我认为琼斯缺乏灵活性,并且错过了一个机会来阐明犹太人,尤其是犹太复国主义者, 寻求政治权力。 犹太“圣经”的大部分内容都是关于获取权力和对他人进行控制。这不是关于成为一个更好的人,过上更富裕的生活,而是更多关于政治问题:房地产经纪人耶和华。犹太教是关于披着宗教伪装的谁负责。

  195. Adelaar 说:




  196. Talha 说:


  197. Adelaar 说:

    即使将在美国国家中作为外国麻烦制造者的极少数犹太人(如亚当希夫、纳德勒、佩洛西等)消灭,也不会奏效。 这是行不通的,因为这些会立即被拉比委员会和更糟糕的犹太人所取代。


  198. Talha 说:

    你对 Al-Hallaj 不太了解,是吗?




    • 回复: @Seraphim
  199. Adelaar 说:

    LMHeckingAO 诚实休格兰特问道:


    至少他的精神病是诚实的。 当然,为什么其他相信自然的白痴会成为欺骗者的问题?
    那么,它肯定会成为你的问题。 再次。 这是第 110 次。

  200. Adelaar 说:

    即使! 整个论点似乎是:



  201. 俄罗斯、中国、匈牙利。其他一些国家正在走向独裁。

  202. @SolontoCroesus


    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  203. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:


    该议定书是对一本法语小册子的解释。马基雅维利与孟德斯鸠的地狱对话。它于 1864 年出版。议定书的文本是马基雅维利在那本小册子中的言论的释义。检查并确认大约需要30分钟。文字是网上的。现在就做,而不是再写一个无知的评论。



    • 回复: @Robjil
    , @Alden
    , @Seraphim
    , @Harbinger
  204. anonymous[422]• 免责声明 说:
    @The Dark Night

    首先,到公元前500年,希腊人认为欧罗巴(Europe)是指以希腊为东端的整个大陆。肯定有非希腊欧洲人看到了整个雅典卫城,无论是作为商人、入侵者、奴隶还是雇佣兵。罗马人确实做到了,凯尔特人于公元前 278 年攻击希腊,并在同一时期定居安纳托利亚并成为埃及的雇佣兵。


    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  205. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:







  206. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:




    • 回复: @Alden
  207. @Wizard of Oz



  208. Robjil 说:
    @The Dark Night


    9点11分是以色列第一人完成的。他们将其归咎于穆斯林,并无休止地妖魔化穆斯林文化。 9点11分是我们的“新闻”不“自由”的最大线索。控制隐瞒9·11等重大“事件”的实施者,对群众进行洗脑。

    如果穆斯林首先加入以色列,他们就是在愚弄自己。 9点11分和以色列先行者的这份“和平条约”被愚弄了两次。

    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  209. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:




    上帝的律法不会改变。它们是自然写成的。 “亚伯拉罕听从了我的声音”,这意味着他不需要摩西来了解律法。

    • 回复: @Flint Clint
  210. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:




    • 回复: @secondElijah
  211. Alden 说:


    • 回复: @nebulafox
    , @Seraphim
  212. Alden 说:
    @The Dark Night


    • 回复: @Talha
  213. 阿塔利从未对犹太复国主义形式的犹太民族主义和以色列日常的残暴政策表现出任何真正的反对或震惊。


    • 回复: @Miro23
  214. @The Dark Night


    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  215. Alden 说:
    @The Dark Night

    我读了 1890 年代版本的协议。第四项协议是“我们将确保敌人只任命无能和不适合政府职位的人,以便到时候我们可以轻松征服他们”


    他们称之为普通法。但这确实是司法至上。 1804 年马伯里诉麦迪逊案,再到最新的变性人胡言乱语,美国是一个由法官统治的国家,他们可以而且确实在制定法律时制定法律。


    然后我知道这些协议是犹太人接管一个国家的计划的大纲。他们花了大约 55 年时间,从 1910 年到 1964 年。他们不是通过选民和当选立法者投票选出的法律,而是通过服从犹太原告律师的每一项命令的终身任职法官来做到这一点。

    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  216. Alden 说:


  217. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:


  218. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:





    • 回复: @Robjil
    , @Alden
  219. AaronB 说:
    @The Dark Night









    • 巨魔: utu, Iris
    • 回复: @Art
    , @anon
  220. Talha 说:



    • 回复: @Alden
  221. teddy 说:

    让以色列成为犹太人、穆斯林、非洲人的担忧在哪里? 不,所有其他西方国家都必须与第三世界融合,而以色列则正式宣布自己是一个只属于犹太人的民族国家。
    当然,这些美国人民的优秀公仆并不比美国更关心以色列的安全。 他们有吗?

    • 回复: @Robjil
    , @Miro23
  222. Robjil 说:
    @The Dark Night


    耶和华的六大狂热、六支军队(六家公司)拥有我们 MSM 百分之九的股份。



    六家公司拥有美国 90% 的新闻媒体公司。



    新闻集团、迪士尼、维亚康姆、时代华纳、哥伦比亚广播公司和康卡斯特拥有 90 亿美国人赖以获取新闻和娱乐的 277% 的电视台、广播电台、电影、杂志和报纸。

    2015 年初,一张描述六家媒体公司所有权链的信息图在社交媒体上疯传,新闻和娱乐媒体公司的整合引起了人们的关注。

    该信息图基本上是准确的,但有点过时了。它将通用电气列为 NBC、焦点专题、康卡斯特和环球影业的所有者,但通用电气在 2013 年将其媒体控股出售给康卡斯特。这意味着康卡斯特已取代通用电气,成为控制 90% 媒体的六家公司之一。

    过去 30 年来,媒体整合一直在快速发展。 1983年,50家公司拥有美国90%的媒体。在此期间,国会和联邦通信委员会在很大程度上放松了对媒体行业的管制。 12 年,一家公司可以拥有的电视台数量从 1985 个跃升至 XNUMX 个。联邦通信委员会还停止执行公平原则,取消了对非娱乐节目最低数量的要求,并取消了对非娱乐节目的广告数量的限制。可以在一小时内播出。这些变化使企业更容易、更有利地拥有更多媒体资产。

    1996 年,克林顿总统签署了《电信法》,取消了 40 个电台的所有权上限,导致广播行业迅速整合。 2004 年上诉法院的一项裁决还推翻了更多的媒体所有权规定。

  223. teddy 说:
    @The Dark Night

    我们可以放弃“反犹太主义”这个词吗?这个词现在已经是一个无意义的词了? DNA 证明只有 2-3% 的以色列犹太人与古代中东人民有任何联系。 犹太人是选择加入部落的欧洲白人。
    当您使用“乡巴佬”这样的术语时,您期望得到什么回报? 蔑视会滋生蔑视。

  224. Robjil 说:



    南希·佩洛西:如果这座首都倒塌,剩下的一件事就是我们对援助的承诺——我什至不称其为援助——我们与以色列的合作。 这是我们的根本。

  225. teddy 说:
    @The Dark Night

    请。 以色列最近正式宣布它是犹太人的民族国家,这意味着它现在是地球上种族主义最严重的国家。

  226. @The Dark Night




    以赛亚书 29:10-15 10 因为耶和华将沉睡的灵倾注在你们身上,使你们闭眼;又遮蔽了先知、你们的官长和先见。 11一切的异象对你来说就像一本密封的书上的文字,人们把这本书交给有学问的人,说,请读这本书:他说,我不能; 12 这书被交给没有学问的人,说,请你读这本书。他说,我是没有学问的。 13 所以主说,这百姓虽然用口亲近我,用嘴唇尊敬我,心却远离我,他们对我的敬畏是受人的教训所教导的。 14 所以,看哪,我要在这人民中行一件奇妙的事,甚至是一件奇妙的事,一件奇事:因为他们智者的智慧必灭亡,他们聪明人的聪明必被隐藏。 15 祸哉,那些极力向耶和华隐藏自己计谋、在暗中行事、说、谁看见我们的人有祸了。谁认识我们?


  227. Anon[713]• 免责声明 说:
    @The Dark Night

    我们在西方已经达到了反向纳粹意识形态,就像纳粹侵占耶稣并说他是雅利安人一样,犹太人现在正在做同样的事情,侵占欧洲的所有成就,如果他们最终声称犹太人也是雅利安人,我不会感到惊讶。 ,荒谬但真实​​,我在这个方向上看到了一些线索,表明与卡安人有某种共同的祖先。哈哈


    – 复兴的开始得益于自13世纪以来比赞廷帝国的逐渐毁灭,以及东正教僧侣和贵族的大规模移民到意大利,带来了数以千计的希腊罗马时代的经典书籍和艺术品。

    另一个大谎言是,古老的教会在 11 世纪建立了第一所大学,并教授万民法或罗马万民法,这是欧洲各地捍卫新兴国家反对帝国权利的人所需要的。教会、三艺——语法、修辞、辩证法或逻辑的预备艺术——以及四艺:算术、几何、音乐和天文学是第一批大学向学生教授的科目之一。



  228. @The Dark Night

    我们不必理解它。正如凯文·麦克唐纳(Kevin MacDonald)所证明的那样,你所需要做的就是直接引用犹太人自己的解释。像这样:



    但问题是——犹太律师和他们的文本异化是无关紧要的。我们有迈克尔·霍夫曼(Michael Hoffmann)和阿里尔·托夫(Ariel Toaff)以及许多其他犹太叛教者,他们可以为我们确认含义——以及各种翻译和我们自己撒谎的眼睛。



    “欧洲的犹太人注定要失败,因为他们在过去 70 年里一直在破坏欧洲民族主义并支持欧洲人口结构的转变。考虑到他们在本世纪中叶经历的德国民族主义,这一策略是可以理解的,但目光短浅,其长期失败是绝对不可避免的。现在这一点已经比较明显了;从本杰明·内塔尼亚胡到萨米·戈兹兰,每个人都得出结论,现在是大陆犹太人返回以色列家园的时候了。虽然英国的犹太人还没有完全达到这一点,但我预计他们很快就会达到这一点。英国人长期以来对他们中间的犹太人抱有温和的不满,但他们根本不像最近数以百万计的波兰和穆斯林移民那样讨厌他们。”



    在这一点上不太明显的是,美国的犹太人似乎同样注定要失败,因为他们的精英在过去 50 年里一直在破坏美国民族主义并支持美国人口结构的转变,错误地认为这将是“好的”。为了犹太人”。由于经历了日耳曼民族主义,少数犹太人精英感到受到欧洲民族主义的威胁,他们非常努力地消除进入壁垒,这些壁垒保护他们的人民免受那些比法国人和美国人更恨他们的人的伤害。事实上,他们中的一些人仍然在这样做;另一些人则继续这样做。考虑一下发表在《国家杂志》上的这篇文章——我在上面链接了它。


    “即使对于墨西哥人和中国人等对犹太人没有任何反对意见的移民来说,人口权衡对犹太人来说也是一种负面影响,因为与其他欧洲国家不同,新移民完全不受大屠杀的影响。几十年来,行为不端的犹太人一直试图躲藏起来。忘掉格林斯潘、伯南克和耶伦吧,就连犹太骗子伯尼·麦道夫(Bernie Madoff)的批评者也被反诽谤联盟的阿贝·福克斯曼宣布为“反犹太主义者”。 ”。







    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  229. @The Dark Night







    这是 1882 年提出的案例,它实际上与今天的犹太人议程几乎一模一样。几乎一个字,一个字:


    “致受犹太教威胁的基督教国家政府和人民的宣言”:德累斯顿第一届反犹太大会(11 年 12 月 1882 日至 XNUMX 日)

    让我们看一下 1882 年的犹太财经媒体综合体:



    这个经济和金融金字塔的顶端是罗斯柴尔德“王朝”,它已经变成了财政困难国家的银行家。如果没有它的同意,当今发动战争几乎是不可能的。如果战争最终爆发,那么这对于这个“王朝”来说只是一个很好的机会,可以在已有的基础上再增加数十亿美元,并将越来越多的欧洲人民的资本资产集中到“王朝”手中。 ”和犹太种族,甚至利用他们的民族灾难。 ”

    是的 – 这与 2019 年完全相同





    “在许多国家,犹太人掺假了 [共济会] 小屋系统,剥夺了它的本质,并将其降级为最危险和最有效的犹太人权力工具之一。”

    是的,这也检查出来了。 1882 年提出的每一项主张在 2019 年都更加一致和准确,并且可能与公元前 3000 年的祖先相同。






    阻止萨吉。你们撒谎、重构、三角测量、警告和资格越多,你看起来就越糟糕。它没有起作用。这是行不通的。犹太人需要在 180 年前改变他们所有的政策,否则他们将创造出无法抗拒的条件。

    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  230. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:
    @Flint Clint





    • 回复: @Flint Clint
    , @Alden
  231. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:
    @Flint Clint


    关于移民,我认为在健康的范围内,这对大多数人来说都是好事,我还在联合国网站上读到了 2002 年左右的一份报告,简而言之,如果没有移民,欧洲市场应该在未来 30 年左右的时间内消失,由于人口老龄化。说到这里,没有人会关心这些民族主义的说教。没有钱——没有蜂蜜。

    • 回复: @Flint Clint
  232. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:




    • 回复: @Flint Clint
  233. @The Dark Night







    犹太人也不是基督徒。你比本·夏皮罗(Ben Shapiro)更可悲,试图培养这种荒谬的、绝对弱智的和侮辱性的“犹太基督教”。


















    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  234. @The Dark Night


    但它确实非常好,甚至随着人口的增长而繁荣发展,直到犹太人口工程师在 1960 年代和 1970 年代出现并造成破坏。在每一个西方国家。

    我读过阿里尔·托夫 (Ariel Toaff) 的书,以色列·沙哈克 (Israel Shahak) 是犹太人。





    你当然这么认为。你可能认为当前的事态还不是一个“健康的边际”——美国现在构成了人类历史上规模最大、速度最快的人口流动。好吧,它最多还剩 15 年左右。



    好吧——如果你继续认为我们会看看会发生什么。即使是温和而胆怯的乔纳森·海特(Jonathan Haidt)也了解比赛的动态。白痴。

    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  235. @The Dark Night





    罗恩·乌兹(Ron Unz)列出了数十位已从公众意识中消失的高级公共知识分子。还有多少呢?







    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  236. nebulafox 说:


    他们是一种与弗拉米尼努斯和他的拉丁语异教徒截然不同的文化结构,并且不受过去的束缚吗?当然。但你也可能会说,今天的美国之所以不是美国,不仅仅是因为它的种族和社会结构与 1700 年代截然不同,在很大程度上与我们的过去无关。但他们将这种文化称为“希腊罗马”文化是有原因的:无论是在交流上,还是在现实中,即使在罗马统一的鼎盛时期,东西方帝国也存在差异。在另一个极端,在拜占庭历史的很长一段时间里,罗马国家的骨架仍然在基本方面幸存下来。


    你根本不认为拜占庭是罗马:因此,你不相信土耳其人与罗马人有接触。我愿意。我认为,与我们所认识的古典希腊罗马古代的任何事物的重大突破是随着与萨珊王朝波斯的最后一场大战以及随后伊斯兰教的崛起而出现的,但这并不意味着罗马不再是罗马,原因与我所说的相同。不要认为罗马帝国的终结只是因为罗马本身不再是其中的一部分。罗马在帝国本身的地位在图密善时期开始下降,戴克里先时期则完全无关紧要,但很少有人说罗马帝国于公元 284 年灭亡。 (尽管如此,你可以很好地证明,正如我之前提到的,每个人想象中的“罗马”并不是从 3 世纪诞生的。这些区别很有趣,因为你可以通过他们的选择了解很多关于这个人的信息。 )


    • 同意: Talha
    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Alden
  237. nebulafox 说:



    (注:我不是在谈论叙利亚、埃及、美索不达米亚等国家。一方面,这些国家直到征服几个世纪后才成为阿拉伯国家,另一方面,它们是 *非常* 作为文明的摇篮,财富和值得拥有——而从提格拉特-皮勒塞尔三世到莫里斯和库斯罗二世的权力正是这样做的。)


  238. Seraphim 说:
    @The Dark Night

    如果这是对任何事物的释义,那么最好的候选者就是赫尔曼·戈德舍 (Herman Goedsche) 的《比亚里茨》一书的“在布拉格的犹太公墓”一章。 1848 年革命(以及法国大革命)之后(之前和之后)激增的革命阴谋。他是一位保守派,拥护俄罗斯,认为俄罗斯是反对英国自由主义及其变种资本主义、革命社会主义和穆斯林野蛮行为的堡垒。

    另一个影响力更大的候选研究是“当地和世界犹太兄弟会”(1868)和“卡哈之书:犹太生活研究材料”(1869)。犹太皈依者雅各布·布拉夫曼在俄罗斯出版,作为解决俄罗斯“犹太人问题”的材料。他引起了法国阿道夫·克雷米厄 (Adolphe Crémieux) 创立的“以色列宇宙联盟”的关注(克雷米厄是最高级别的共济会会员 - 33 级)*。对于布拉夫曼来说,这是“卡哈尔的卡哈尔”,作为国际犹太阴谋的一部分,控制了其他卡哈尔。这些书和布拉夫曼立即成为恶意诽谤运动的目标,否认档案文件的真实性,有倾向性的“扭曲解释”,质疑布拉夫曼和俄罗斯政府的动机(当然是反犹太主义、偏执主义) 。

    *阿道夫·克雷米厄被怀疑是莫里斯·乔利小册子的作者,这无疑是一个讽刺!不管怎样,直到 1921 年才有人听说过这本小册子。

    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  239. Anon[713]• 免责声明 说:




    • 回复: @Talha
    , @nebulafox
  240. Seraphim 说:


  241. Talha 说:



  242. Talha 说:



    大家好,请忽略 Muzzie 巨魔 Talha 所说的一切,因为所有这些都是一堆 taqiyyah 谎言!


    • 回复: @Seraphim
  243. @anon



    没有任何入侵是必要的。你可以去研究伊拉克的石油,你会发现它对西方没有任何好处。所以这个理由就被搁置了。 9/11 事件中,除了布什政府和以色列政府的恐怖分子之外,没有恐怖分子袭击美国人,英国和沙特也参与其中。



    • 同意: Robjil
  244. @secondElijah


    当亚伯拉罕服从牺牲儿子的命令时,他遵守了整个律法(甚至在颁布之前)。它说,由于他对圣约的信仰,上帝“算为公义”(创22:15),并且通过亚伯拉罕的后裔(=弥赛亚),万国都将得到祝福。这意味着外邦人也得到祝福……这也意味着《托拉》也属于我们。犹太人搞砸了! (笑)因为你们的不妥协、固执和不服从,神已经转向外邦人了。

    罗马书 9:25 正如他在《何西阿书》中所说:“那些不是我子民的,我要称他们为‘我的子民’;那些不为我所爱的,我要称他们为‘亲爱的’。”


  245. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:

    就在几个小时前,我在这个主题中发布了它。查找评论 225。我选择了《议定书》和《对话》中的几段引文,以表明这些小册子是同一件事。

    • 回复: @Alden
  246. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:
    @Flint Clint



    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
    , @Flint Clint
  247. anarchyst 说:


    犹太人谋杀耶稣基督时就拒绝了盟约。 他们与上帝的约于那时是“无效的”。






    犹太教是一个孤立的信仰体系,它规避外来者,禁止宗教化,促进至高无上的地位,使所有外邦人(非犹太人)沦为具有灵魂的牲畜亚人类地位,仅用于犹太人的进步和利益。 实际上,犹太人塔木德(Talmud)仍然宽容和鼓励(goyim的)奴隶制。




    基督徒怎样才能拥有与犹太人相同的价值观? 谴责并背叛了基督教的创始人耶稣基督并呼吁处决他的人(当然是其他人通过犹太人的方式)吗?

    这绝对没有任何意义。 犹太人不尊重基督教,也没有尊重耶稣基督或他的母亲玛丽,他们在伊斯兰教中都被尊为先知,但犹太人随口吐口水,并在通过任何形式的基督徒或基督教教会时都这样做。以色列。 他们不尊重基督徒或任何其他宗教。

    现在是时候对犹太游说团体、美国政府领导人以及不诚实、贪图金钱的福音派基督教领袖进行点名了,他们误导美国贫穷的年轻人参军,并相信他们通过与以色列作战是在为上帝和基督教做一些事情。 ,蒙羞并被捕并因叛国罪受审。

    • 同意: Kolya Krassotkin
  248. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:
    @Flint Clint



  249. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:
    @Flint Clint



    • 回复: @Flint Clint
  250. Miro23 说:
    @Oscar Peterson





    这是标准程序,就像争取自由和独立的民族反应一样。然而,以色列的异常之处在于,它是在帝国时代结束(1918 年 - 第一次世界大战结束)很久之后才出现的。从这个视角来看,二战时期的德国和日本分别向东欧和亚洲进军帝国,也是反常的(很快就失败了)。

  251. Miro23 说:


    当然,这些美国人民的优秀公仆并不比美国更关心以色列的安全。 他们有吗?


  252. @The Dark Night


    苏珊娜·赫舍尔(Susannah Heschel)

    耶稣是纳粹吗?第三帝国时期,德国新教神学家在种族主义的推动下,利用传统的基督教反犹太主义,将耶稣重新定义为雅利安人,将基督教重新定义为与犹太教交战的宗教。 1939年,这些神学家成立了“研究和消除犹太人对德国宗教生活影响”研究所。




    在我看来赫歇尔 雅利安耶稣 这是一本关于犹太人策划一场摧毁德国的战争的真实动机的最重要的书——它是关于宗教至上的。

    我部分同意无政府主义者@#255:“将犹太教与基督教联系起来是犹太人用来“巩固”他们对“以色列土地”和圣约的主张的一个聪明伎俩。 。 ”。

    拉比肯·斯皮罗 (Ken Spiro) 是众多视频拉比中的一员,他们宣称上帝选择犹太人来领导世界,“又踢又叫”,过着合乎道德的生活(不用理会那些恋童癖者——这只是如果他们是天主教徒那就糟糕了——当他摧毁所多玛时,上帝很困惑——侵犯了同性恋者的权利)。


  253. Talha 说:





  254. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:



    • 回复: @nebulafox
  255. Harbinger 说:
    @The Dark Night

    首先,正如其他人所说,《议定书》是马基雅维利的改造的信念已经被彻底揭穿。以下是犹太人亨利·马科 (Henry Makow) 就这个问题的说法:


    有两部《塔木德》——巴比伦《塔木德》和耶路撒冷《塔木德》。 《耶路撒冷》是网络版,《巴比伦》则禁止非犹太人阅读,违者处死。


    • 回复: @Harbinger
    , @The Dark Night
  256. wayfarer 说:


  257. Art 说:





    ps 可怜的小犹太人 AaronB – 他小时候受到长辈的智力虐待和创伤。现在他是一个终生的哈斯巴拉僵尸。

  258. Harbinger 说:

    我还想指出,犹太人正在庆祝赎罪日。科尔·尼德雷 (Kol Nidrei) 的祈祷是在开始时说的。来自 继亨利·马科 (Henry Makow) 文章(关于迈克尔·霍夫曼)之后

    事实上,Kol Nidrei 是一个仪式,:
    1. 您在来年将做出的所有伪证以及

    2. 您在来年将签署和违反的所有合同,以及


    令人厌恶的是,这是犹太人至上主义的缩影。一方面,我们有“不可作假见证陷害邻舍”的诫命,另一方面,《Kol Nidrei》中也有上述诫命。但是,当《塔木德》明确地将非犹太人视为没有灵魂的野兽,按照他们的形象创造出来服务时,那么这条诫命就不再归属于他们,而只归属于犹太人同胞。

    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  259. nebulafox 说:

    围攻失败造成的财政和人力灾难确实意味着717年后很长一段时间内不会有新的舰队驶向君士坦丁堡,但这并不意味着阿拉伯人一定被排除在外 *曾经* 如果他们选择的话,再试一次。拜占庭人有能力让入侵者付出难以置信的代价,但他们几乎无法阻止阿拉伯人完全尝试这种行为。失去叙利亚和埃及后,拜占庭不再有资源来威慑超级大国:更具军事头脑的皇帝(君士坦斯二世、利奥三世、君士坦丁五世)的改革围绕着这种防御现实展开。如果阿拔斯王朝的哈里发分裂成一个多极的伊斯兰世界,马其顿人后来的重新征服就不会发生。


    • 回复: @anon
  260. nebulafox 说:
    @The Dark Night



    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  261. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:












    • 回复: @Harbinger
  262. 我曾经听说过关于犹太移民的一句话:“没有太多”。的确。

  263. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:



  264. Harbinger 说:
    @The Dark Night






    有人躺在这里,Sagi。要么是犹太人在撒谎,要么是霍夫曼在撒谎。考虑到犹太人在历史上以欺骗而闻名;考虑到 Kol Nidre 祈祷允许犹太人在法庭上作伪证、破坏合同并违背来年的所有承诺,那么我不想必须声明,但所有人都清楚谁是骗子,不是吗?


    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  265. 我希望罗马人的方法少一些务实,多一些经验主义。公元 70 年可能是决定性的。

  266. anarchyst 说:

    教会没有坚持天主教价值观,而是“犹太化”和“新教化”,这对其不利。事实上,天主教会甚至禁止了“旧做法”,直到 SSPX 和其他传统天主教运动的强烈反对才得以加强。

  267. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:












    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @Harbinger
  268. Alden 说:



    公元 650 年,阿拉伯穆斯林的第一次入侵占领了中东和北非地区的一半拜占庭帝国,或者你所说的罗马帝国,无论你怎么称呼它。

  269. Alden 说:


  270. Alden 说:

    恶心。据说罗马人、中国人、意大利人、印度人、其他民族的盘子和碗的底部都带有色情图片。菜品摆得满满当当。当客人吃完食物并曝光照片时,他们开了一个大玩笑。 。


    • 哈哈: Talha
    • 回复: @Seraphim
  271. @The Dark Night









    • 回复: @Daniel Rich
    , @The Dark Night
  272. Alden 说:
    @The Dark Night

    我读过的 1890 年代的协议中没有像您在协议中发布的内容那样的内容。这是一本旧书,存放在大学图书馆上锁的禁书区。

    我必须预约并携带博士执照和当前的公用事业账单作为地址证明。当然还有登录;姓名 dob dr 许可证 # 地址和电话号码。


    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  273. Alden 说:
    @The Dark Night



  274. @The Dark Night



    Unz 在此网站上再次表明,常春藤盟校中的犹太人代表是 1000% 获得国家功绩奖的犹太人。

    西奥多·比尔 (Theodore Beale) 抹杀了平均智商为 115 的古怪概念。所以是的,确实如此。














  275. @The Dark Night


    就好像他们在攻击你时总是在某种秘密的呼喊中一样 竞争.

  276. Alden 说:
    @The Dark Night

    您没有在主要研究图书馆阅读过印刷版,对吗?您只需谷歌搜索、剪切并粘贴即可。我不记得我读到的 1890 年代出版的关于新闻界的任何内容

    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  277. @The Dark Night



    我知道,许多人尊重犹太人,并认为他们目前的生活方式是一种令人尊敬的生活方式。这就是为什么我赶紧把这个致命的观点连根拔起、撕掉的原因。我说过,犹太教堂并不比剧院好多少,而且我还提出了一位先知来为我作见证。当然,犹太人并不比他们的先知更值得信仰。 “你有一个妓女般的眉毛;你之前就变得无耻了。”妓女安顿的地方就是妓院。但犹太教堂不仅是妓院和剧院;它还是一座教堂。它也是强盗的巢穴和野兽的住处。耶利米说:“你的房子对我来说已成为鬣狗的巢穴”。他不是简单地说“野兽”,而是“肮脏的野兽”,并再次说:“我已经放弃了我的房子,我放弃了我的遗产”。但当神离弃一个民族时,还有什么拯救的希望呢?当神放弃一个地方时,那个地方就成为鬼魔的住处。




  278. Alden 说:
    @The Dark Night





  279. Seraphim 说:


    • 回复: @Talha
  280. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:

    你真可笑。不是我。你、迈克尔·霍夫曼和 H. 马科——三只小猪,正在谈论狼。

    “在赎罪日,人们会背诵臭名昭著的 Kol Nidrei 祈祷文,几乎总是向公众解释为一种祈求上帝宽恕过去一年中违反的誓言、违反的合同和未兑现的承诺的神圣仪式。问题是,那张虔诚的图画是假的。” ——迈克尔·霍夫曼


    他接着说道:“事实上,Kol Nidrei 是一个仪式,你在来年所做的所有伪证、你在来年将签署和违反的所有合同、以及你在来年将违背的所有承诺就得到了赦免,没有因此受到天罚。”

    事情是这样的:“所有的誓言、禁令、誓言和奉献”——不是合同或承诺——“所有这些都被撤销、放弃、取消、无效,不生效,不生效。 ”



    但让我们回到迈克尔·霍夫曼。 “关于 Kol Nidrei 仪式的《塔木德》律法如下:凡希望在这一年中许下的任何誓言均无效的,可以在年初起立并宣布:‘我在未来许下的每一个誓言都将有效。无效的。' – Nedarim 23b”


    但迈克尔·霍夫曼继续说道:“这符合《塔木德》的教训,即上帝奖励聪明的说谎者,”他提到了卡拉 51a。这是这篇论文,它的名字叫Hallah。他的拼写显示了他的学识,以及他引用了一个不存在也不可能存在的短语——整篇论文都是关于制作仪式面包,称为白面包。他就是这样撒谎的。


    我什至不需要撒太多谎就能做到这一点,因为基督徒确实向牧师忏悔,然后牧师“宽恕”了他们的罪孽。所以基督徒可以再次犯罪并再次认罪。 “父亲,请原谅我,我是一个色情成瘾者。”

  281. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:


  282. Talha 说:

    That too. What else would anyone expect?

  283. Seraphim 说:

    No one refers to the Byzantines as Romans, except the… ‘Byzantines’!
    They called themselves ‘Ῥωμαῖοι/Romaioi’, citizens of the Βασιλεία τῶν Ῥωμαίων/Basileia tōn Rhōmaiōn=the Empire of the Romans.

  284. @The Dark Night


    1) It’s not ‘Christians’ it’s Catholics only.






    Confession is about truth – absent a truthful confession it is of no effect. Grace is only confirmed by comprehensiveness, sincereity, and fidelity to penance. Grace can at any time be withdrawn for repeat offenders who treat the confessional cynically.

    The Jewish chicken ceremony is about lies – lying to yourself that you can no sin with impunity because the chicken did it.

    Confession actually has a secular utility, apart from it’s sacramental effects. It is a form of literal and psychological exorcism via human contact.

    Confession actually requires serious effort and inconvenience and discipline. Putting future sins in a Chicken is about relinquishing all pretensions of discipline. ‘The Chicken did it Jesus’.



    Even confessional penance itself has to be unified with love of God or it is imperfect and ineffectual. And they used to be serious. I’ll freely admit today it’s often nominal. But the same principals apply nonetheless. And very serious sins have extra aspects from the Catechism where penance may in fact require admission and self-surrender to civil authorities.

    It sounds as though as long as you spin the chicken correctly the nature of the future wrongs being sanitised in the present doesn’t matter.




    The Jew would spin around his chicken and say “Chicken, this year I am going to sex traffic 500 girls from the Balkans and take them to a Jeffrey Epstein child-rape party, thank-you, Chicken, for doing this for me, mwah”.

    You could not even attempt to argue that confession is anything like this ‘Kol Nidrei’.

  285. anon[137]• 免责声明 说:

    absolutely false the only reason european nationalism have take this dark colours is because all of you have made a positive european natinalism imposible and made europeans the scapegoat of everything wrong happening in this world.

    europeans nationalists(the sane one at least)love our own people more than we hate jews or other ethnicities but sometimes the hate is overhelming toward the ones that bann any natural afection toward our people and culture.

    and this another good one masking your insane will to power as a candid and overprotective teacher that only want the best for their students.

    if you love a bird dont cut her wings for his own savety he wont be a bird anymore.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  286. Seraphim 说:

    ‘Kama-Sutra’ anyone? Khanjuraho? ‘Lazzat Un Nisa(Arabic: لذّتُ النّسا‎ The Pleasure of Woman) – in Urdu? ‘The Perfumed Garden of Sensual Delight’ (Arabic: الروض العاطر في نزهة الخاطر‎ Al-rawḍ al-ʿāṭir fī nuzhaẗ al-ḫāṭir)?

  287. tac 说:

    such as the many blatant lies written about the holocaust, Jews have lied about. The Jew has managed, in one fell swoop to turn a lie into a truth because if you believe in something, so much, then it can be true.

    It is much worst than you think. These lies are compounded published and reinforced by many layers of propaganda. It truly takes some hard work to break through the many layers of deceit.

    In a nutshell, just about everything we were lead to believe from the past (especially wars), is either a fabrication, omission, embellishment, or an outright lie!

    I’ve provided many links here, and hopefully some have examined them and then came to their own conclusions. Here are just some (video links):






    ADOLF HITLER AND THE GERMAN PEOPLE (extended version of previous video):






    • 回复: @Harbinger
  288. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:

    英文译本于 1919 年出版。我可以在 1903 年的俄文版本中找到相同的引文。


    议定书 1:“那么,我要从我们自己和非犹太人这两个角度阐述我们的制度。必须指出的是,具有坏本性的人比好人多,因此治理他们的最佳结果是通过暴力和恐怖,而不是通过学术讨论。






    • 回复: @anon
    , @Alden
  289. Seraphim 说:

    The ‘Aryan’ Jesus is the flip side of Jesus the ‘Jew’. He was neither ‘Aryan’, nor ‘Jew’:
    “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. 19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. 20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? 21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. 22 For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom: But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness; 24 But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God. 25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men” (1 Corinthians 1:18-25).

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  290. anon[137]• 免责声明 说:

    the extermination of the entire elite muslim army that controlled all the muslim world made the control of the provinces imposible once it was gone the caliphate broke in mil peaces making any attempt to conquer bizantines imposible ;in fact only 150 years after the siege of constantinople bizantines started making territorial gains in their eastern frontier .
    like i said after the massacre of 717 not only didnt reclaim bizantines but no other region either due to the devastating lose and posterior fragmentation they suffered.

    i dont know why are you trying to deny the evident ,are you iranian?

  291. anon[137]• 免责声明 说:
    @The Dark Night


  292. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:
    @Flint Clint



    说到鸡——这是一个神奇的仪式。它没有什么好处,也不是犹太人的。但人们这样做,西班牙系犹太人这样做,其他一些人也这样做,因为他们是在他们曾经居住的国家学到的。比如摩洛哥。有很多人做这样的事情。然而,这种仪式不是犹太人的。 Kol Nidrei 是,但它不包括鸡。

    因此,当犹太人唱《Kol Nidrei》时,他是在与上帝交谈,而不是像基督徒那样与人交谈。一个人怎么能赦免另一个人的罪呢?这种想法是亵渎的,考虑到牧师的道德和精神状况,我们从报纸和电视上了解到这一点,我认为忏悔的想法是邪恶的:良心省察是好的,但要宽恕一个人所犯的罪成为神。你无法通过人与神交谈。理解?


    Kol Nidrei 并不能让你摆脱罪孽。忏悔创造了一种幻觉。 Kol Nidrei 每年可以背诵一次。一年内可以进行多次忏悔。这样,导致悔改的内疚感和羞耻感就被根除,一个人就只剩下自己的罪孽,没有悔意了。这导致他的精神堕落和失明。



    • 回复: @Flint Clint
    , @Alden
  293. geokat62 说:
    @The Dark Night


    我之前在 UR 上发表过评论:


    这是给我最喜欢的 PEAbrain 和他的同伴们的。


    它的名字叫《塔木德》第 1 部分。它是由一位犹太妇女制作的,她相信耶书亚是真正的弥赛亚。

    现在,ADL、SPLC 和其他组织正忙着让人们相信,“愚蠢的非犹太人”是仇恨者,他们犯有白人至上主义罪,因为他们希望以欧洲人占多数来保护他们的欧洲和源自欧洲的家园。好吧,这位令人难以置信的女士违反了禁止女性阅读《塔木德》来揭露真正的至上主义是什么样子的戒律。这些人正在准备恢复第三圣殿,以根据七项诺亚德法则统治愚蠢的非犹太人……没有比这更霸道的了! ......他们居然厚颜无耻地指责我们仇恨和至上主义?谈论投影。

    以下是 pt1 中一些最相关的摘录:

    @ 1917
    如果你读《塔木德》……我就违反了《塔木德》的戒律,因为我是一个女人,而且我敢于研究它。现在,当然,我没有学习全部 6,000 页,但我浏览了很多英文页面,这实际上是淡化了《塔木德》……因为如果你用……希伯来语阅读,他们不喜欢与世界分享那一页真正的翻译是因为 你会被吓坏的。所以他们用很少的英语来淡化它,所以听起来并没有那么糟糕,你知道吗?


    在以色列,有一个由本杰明·内塔尼亚胡直接资助的组织。本杰明·内塔尼亚胡向一个名为 Yav la'chaim 的组织支付了大量金钱和薪水,该组织只有一个目的……寻找相信耶稣是弥赛亚的犹太人。当他们发现他们时,他们就会骚扰他们。好的?所以,想象一下,记住本杰明内塔尼亚胡也告诉你,你是他的朋友。我们需要来自美国的基督徒。真的吗?真是个伪君子。他是什么意思?他需要你的钱和你的支持。所以,你派你的男孩和女孩去打他的战争。这就是他的意思……并不是说他是你的朋友。事实上,有人听他说美国的基督徒是有用的白痴。然后他会利用你直到他可以为止,然后一旦你不再有用,他们就会抛弃你。这就是事实…… 我来这里是为了告诉你真相...



    这是第 2 部分的链接:


    所以,我对 PEAbrain 的挑战是,在观看这两个视频时,不要相信他和他的偷窥者正在被他们这些有用的白痴玩弄。

    • 回复: @anonymous
    , @The Dark Night
  294. Harbinger 说:
    @The Dark Night

    Firstly that the Protocols were a forgery of Maurice Joly’s 《马基雅维利与孟德斯鸠的地狱对话》 (1864)。

    Now, the problem we have here is that not only are the Protocols NOT a plagiaraization of Marice Joly’s book, but most of what the Protocols have stated have come into effect, proving they are very true.
    至于巴比伦塔木德,我已经去了 塞法利亚塔木德在线 在各种搜索中,我没有发现霍夫曼和其他人对《塔木德》的描述。不过,这个版本有没有可能改动很大呢?有没有可能成千上万的萨亚尼姆人每小时都在努力改变其中写的大部分仇恨评论?当然,而且绝大多数都是如此。


    If I ever do a search on something ‘anti Jewish’, in this case the protocols, I’ll come up with pages of searches that call it out being a lie, by various Jewish organisations and of course Jewish owned western media. I’ll find the same with the Talmud and with the holocaust. This is blatant search engine manipulation which has the desired effect of deceiving those doing the searching. It deceives them because they’ll automatically think: “well, there’s lots of websites which denounce it as lies and anti Semitism, many of those are main stream media sites and from professors of renowned education institutions so they must be telling the truth”.

    Take the latest scandal, here in the UK, of Tommy Robinson, who took thousands worth of donations, to make an exposé on the grooming gangs of Rotherham and corruption within the media and when people gathered to see this, instead of what they expected on Rotherham, they saw the words ‘Shalom’ and a documentary of anti Semitism in the UK, about some old man, now dead, who’d faced persecution. Oh vey…..
    Again, forget about the rape, torture and murder of the thousands of young, female, gentiles and the subsequent suffering of their families. Jewish suffering is more important, one Jewish man’s suffering trumps the rape and murder of thousands of non Jewish women.


    The biggest problem I have with the Jews is that there are so many lies, of the Jews that Jews continue to promote as truths, when the inevitability is the truth will come out and their lives will be in jeopardy. It is vital, for example, that the powers that be, continue to promote the Protocols as a Lie, because the bottom line is, were it to come out, worldwide, that the Jews, seek to destroy the non Jewish world, murdering 95% of the world’s population, how do you think the world’s Jewish people will fair against a very, very angry non Jewish mob, totalling in their billions?
    犹太人的生活将意味着愚蠢地蹲下。犹太人的所有谎言都会被揭穿,Zyklon B 和烤箱将再次出现,只是这一次他们将使用 Zyklon B 和烤箱来消灭犹太人的世界。

    I will finish simply by stating that there is a colossal difference in the mindset of the non Jew, compared to the Jew. Wrongs that have been committed by non Jews, against whomever, the perpetrators are hunted down and brought to justice. On the contrary, those Jews who have committed many wrongs against non Jews are not just ignored, but protected when their wrongs are come to light. It is this, justice, which distinguishes the non Jew from the Jew. The Jew will always rally to protect the member of their tribe, from being exposed for their wrongdoing. You only hear of their crimes, when they’re dead.

    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  295. anonymous[299]• 免责声明 说:

    Haven’t seen Adam Green’s KnowMoreNews lately.
    Is he still active?

    • 回复: @geokat62
  296. geokat62 说:

    Is he still active?

    Yes, his YT channel is still up.

    He posted this video 3 days ago:

  297. @Flint Clint

    ChuckOrloski posted a video of Bruce Springsteen performing Tom Joad. I hadn’t known much about Springsteen, so when I got back from seeing the HD transmission of Zeffirelli’s Turandot (live from the Met!)

    I did some research — Springsteen is a very interesting guy; his early Dancing in the Dark was sexual energy squared — Bless me father, for I -

    About 40 years later he performed for what looked like half of London — not a sexual display that time, but the crowd was wild and knew every word:
    “I look in the mirror, wanna change my clothes, my hair, my face” -
    In his early version, he tapped teen-age angst, I think, and the older London crowd remembered that someone understood the difficulty of growing up.
    Then, in the London performance, he danced with his mother, “The Boss.”

    In biographical sketches Springsteen says he’s not a practicing Catholic but still Catholic in a fundamental way — when you’re raised Catholic you can never really “get shed of it,” as they used to say down home. I get that.

    He also said that after living in California for some years he moved back home to New Jersey.
    He’s been married to the home-town girl whose been part of his musical work & his life for 30+ years.
    The importance of roots and Belonging.

    About that Confession thing — and to anarchyst: Agree, Vatican II was next best, or worst, thing to a schism; Vatican II Catholicism is meaningless to me. It’s hollow. I don’t know if Confession is the same as it was pre-Vat II, but at that time, it was not a Get Out of Jail free card, as Saggy Pants suggests in #288. Confession had several essential parts:
    - Confess sins (develop an awareness of the ways in which you are not living up to your full humanity)

    - pen悔 — esp. if you have wronged others: try to make up for it, even if it’s just an acknowledgement To Them that you recognize that you have harmed them & regret it.

    - 悔改 — “think again”– become your own best therapist
    Took the car in for oil-change the other day — last slot on the schedule, so the mechanic had been on the job for 7 or 8 hours. He was enormously upbeat! I asked him how he managed to be so cheerful after a long day. He said he used to have a negative attitude, then he thought about it and decided it made no sense to be negative, it made him a better person to be positive. So he 作出的决定 to be positive. He changed his life.
    Confession — as said above, me & organized Catholicism haven’t been on good terms, but I get the oil changed every couple months, and I’ll go back to that mechanic every time I can. He’s an inspiration.

    - Amend life — occasionally, just every so often, amending one’s life is not a once-n-done deal, it’s the work of a lifetime to uproot bad habits and become more fully human — more completely what god intended you to become.

    PS Chuck, you are far too generous — S2C knows so little about music but I’m enjoying learning and love the spectacle and the Italian-ness of opera.
    Heh — Turandot by Puccini — the story is Persian, transformed by Italian librettists into a Chinese setting performed (in yesterday’s version) by Azerbaijani Yusif Eyvazov singing the male lead.

    • 同意: Iris
    • 回复: @Flint Clint
  298. Vetran 说:

    好问题。 法国犹太人也是如此。 从后勤的角度来看,如果在法国当场杀死他们会更有效,为什么要把他们驱逐到德国或东欧呢?
    我不太熟悉 Irving/Faurisson & Co 的作品,但可以假设犹太人被驱逐出境的营地是劳改营(Arbeit Mach Frei,有人吗?),以养活纳粹 MIC,这当然是非常需要的。劳工/奴隶。
    The Haaretz article from @utu indicates that Vichy’s rulings were implemented at least in Algeria (as a French 部门 它的地位与摩洛哥和突尼斯的保护国君主国不同),尽管它提到了迫害,但没有提到驱逐出境。
    But as @utu points out, if there is money to be made…

    • 回复: @Iris
    , @anarchyst
  299. AaronB 说:

    Well, if you visit Jewish nationalist sites there just isn’t this hatred of other peoples, hispsnics, blacks, etc. It is mostly focused on how awesome Jews are, with maybe an occasional dig at the violence and animal like behavior of contemporary Arabs, and maybe a dig at the Germans of fifty years ago. Sure, there’s lots of nutty talk about how superior Jews are, and some bashing of Arabs because they are in a war, etc.

    Similarly, I’ve spoken with various Asian and Hispanic nationalists, and sure, they go on about how superior they are, etc, and maybe bash mildly other peoples.

    But even in this site, white nationalists are preoccupied with intense hatred of everyone else in a way that no one else is. Nazi Germany did not spring out of thin air – it was just a clearer than average form of typical European white nationalism.

    And this is a serious problem.

    Now I am not one of those who think that since white nationalism has always taken a uniquely virulent form it should be outlawed. But it definitely needs correction by more mature and balanced races.

    • 哈哈: Iris
    • 回复: @anon
    , @Harbinger
  300. Iris 说:

    我不太熟悉 Irving/Faurisson & Co 的作品


    What he set to do, and managed to achieve very successfully in his works, was proving that the “gas chambers” could not have existed as we are told they did, as there was no such facilities available in the “extermination camps2, and that they could not have operated the way we are told they did.

    What he convincingly put into question is the alleged, systematic, Nazi genocidal policy of “final solution”.

    Robert Faurisson was very much influenced by Paul Rassinier, the “father of French revisionists”. A Resistant, Paul Rassinier was arrested, terribly tortured and deported to Birkenau, then Dora.
    He authored a harrowing memoir of his imprisonment in the concentration camps, “雅典之歌“, in quality far above the hogwash produced by con artists such as Elie Wiesel. Far from showing any “Nazi specific evil”, his story proves that evil was in everybody, including some fellow inmates. His memoir is a powerful pro-freedom, anti-war plea.


    Jews in the camp are only randomly mentioned in his memoir, and not because of any particular treatment inflicted upon them. When his book was published in 1950’s, when war memories were still fresh, this controversial opinion did not raise any protestations, proving that the “Holocaust” narrative came to life only much later.

    • 回复: @Vetran
  301. Re. the very first sentence: maybe it’s not an act.

  302. anarchyst 说:



    自战争结束以来,所有德国营地的文件都存储在Bad Aralson。 红十字会/ ITS是负责在Bad Aralson控制这些记录的机构。


    1985 年,也就是战后 40 年,查尔斯·贝德曼博士是红十字会/ITS 的负责人,贝德曼被传唤在 Zundel 审判中为检方作证。 贝德曼作证说,截至 31 年 1983 月 373,468 日,在特别登记处和其他各种登记处登记的死亡总数为 XNUMX。

    没有一个文件概述任何针对犹太人或其他人的灭绝计划。 实际上,著名的犹太复国主义者与德国政府合作,并在德国政府的最高层制定了将犹太人转移到当时称为巴勒斯坦的计划。 绝没有关于灭绝的记载或记录。


    如果一个国家一心要进行种族灭绝,它为什么要保留记录? 为什么要在数百(如果不是数千)英里外建造带有卫生设施、住房、医疗、娱乐和其他辅助设施的营地? 如果不经历这些麻烦,直接“消灭”它们不是更容易吗? 如果目标是消灭,他们为什么要利用有限的能源花费大量精力进行后勤运输呢?


    在整个犹太大屠杀交易中,有一件大事。 犹太复国主义者与德国政府达成协议是为了让德国犹太人的生活不舒服,这已经不是什么秘密了。

    事实上,犹太复国主义领导人首先提出所有犹太人都佩戴黄色的大卫之星臂章,以便于识别。 德国犹太人首先认为自己是德国人,并没有移民的愿望。

    自6,000,000年代以来,与1800万人口一起建立家园是犹太复国主义者的梦想。 从1800年代开始,一天中的许多期刊都吹捧着“六百万”的数字。

    有什么比使德国社会的困境(犹太人)困难的更好的方法来鼓励移民到异国? 关于所谓的犹太大屠杀的真相已经揭晓。 。 。

    由于一个人的尸体火化需要数小时,大屠杀推动者声称的时间量在物理上、科学上和统计上都是不可能的。 他们的说法也没有考虑到火葬场维修等所需的“停机时间”。此外,没有与“六百万”甚至“一百万”的说法相称的大规模墓地。

    犹太人禁止挖掘声称的可能的墓地。 为什么?? 因为他们不存在。

    甚至还禁止使用探地雷达搜索墓地。 为什么??


    所谓的犹太人大屠杀已经变成了事实上的宗教,不允许偏离正统。 事实上,在大多数欧洲国家,对犹太人大屠杀真相的独立调查是严格禁止的,否则将面临罚款和监禁。


    在大屠杀审判中使用的一个有问题的司法“技巧”是“司法通知”,其中真相不能被用作辩护或进入袋鼠法庭的证据,这些法庭起诉那些敢于调查这一历史事件的人。 司法通知一旦针对被告提出,就不允许引入不符合“普遍接受的信仰”的关于“大屠杀”的证据,即使证据表明大屠杀的谎言和捏造很容易被揭穿。 大屠杀推动者的一个问题——为什么有法律将寻求真相定为犯罪? 你有什么好怕的呢??

    当有关这一历史事件的真相浮出水面时,它将改变世界对那些将这一事件用作不断捐赠的摇钱树的人的看法。 . . 没有像 SHOAH 业务这样的业务。 犹太复国主义者在这一事件中的同谋被小心地掩盖了。

    当今审查制度的一个很好的例子是那些敢于质疑官方犹太大屠杀正统观念的人的命运。 大多数欧洲国家都将任何偏离官方犹太大屠杀故事的想法定为犯罪。 为什么?? 事实上,当涉及到所有大屠杀时,真相并不能为一切辩护。

    Ask指出二战研究员David Irving,为避免受到惩罚,他被迫撤回TRUTH。

    大屠杀的最新受害者是 Ursula Haverbeck、Monika Schaefer 和 Sylvia Stolz,她们是年迈的祖母,因错误思想被起诉并在德国被判处最高安全级别的监狱。

    如果人们只知道(在被选中的人中)策划犹太人大屠杀的计划,就会发生大规模的屠杀。 你看,为了迫使犹太国家建立,犹太人大屠杀是必要的。 在这种情况下,ENDS 证明了 MEANS 的合理性。 人类历史上发生过许多惨无人道的大屠杀,但犹太人的大屠杀是唯一一次重要的。 。 。

    有趣的是,在二战期间或之后从未使用过大屠杀一词来表示大规模灭绝,只是在 2 年代才开始流行,当时人们注意到可以分配错误的内疚并获得赔偿。


    为了确保犹太人大屠杀幸存者的持续供应,犹太人在他们的子孙后代身上纹上了他们的 ATM(哎呀,我是说营地号码)。 此外,犹太心理学家提出了一个新概念,即疾病-大屠杀移情综合症。 你看,犹太大屠杀幸存者的子孙都感染了这种疾病,也应该被视为大屠杀幸存者,有资格获得大屠杀赔偿。 根据这些犹太精神病学家的说法,即使是无关的人也可能“感染”这种只有犹太人才有的“疾病”。


    这满足了犹太复国主义的计划,即迫使世界上的犹太人成为以色列的祖国,同时迫使德国犹太人移民到巴勒斯坦。 有趣的是,德国对犹太企业的抵制持续了一天,而犹太抵制(实际上是对德国的犹太宣战)始于1933年,一直持续到第二次世界大战的总和。

    别忘了,当1933年“世界犹太人”对德国宣战时,犹太人西奥多·考夫曼(Theodore N. Kaufman)撰写了一本书“德国必灭亡”,提倡彻底摧毁和灭绝德国,人民和文化,以及从世界时间表和历史中删除。

    过去 6 年来,犹太复国主义者一直预测犹太人会拥有家园,同时也预测在同样的时间内将有 XNUMX 万人遭受大屠杀。 战争期间,国际红十字会可以完全进入所有难民营,但没有报告任何一起灭绝或大规模谋杀的事件。

    关于那个(犹太怪胎秀)大屠杀表演场所奥斯威辛,所谓的毒气室的设计存在工程上的不一致。 门不是气密设计; 尸体是不可能找回的,而且在所谓的毒气发生后,房间也无法通风。 有一个与任何东西都没有连接的气室烟囱。 从工程的角度来看,这些都是非常严重的错误,会导致这些所谓的毒气室的操作员死亡。 由于德国人是优秀的工程师,因此很难观察到这些营地目前存在的明显工程错误。

    美国执行专家弗雷德·勒赫特(Fred Leuchter)前往奥斯威辛集中营,秘密地从所谓的毒气室获得了样本,对其进行了测试并发表了他的结果。 除一个样本外,所有样本中均不存在普鲁士蓝(铁氰化物),这证明不存在气室。 从一个用于消毒衣物的房间中获取一个阳性样本。 实际上,假定的气室的烟囱没有连接任何东西。

    勒赫特先生因其职业和个人品格被暗杀部落而对真相的搜寻获得了奖励。 他失去了他所有的联邦和州合同,并因马萨诸塞州一项晦涩难懂的法律而被起诉,原因是该法律无执照即从事工程,而该法律在此之前或之后从未被用于斗殴。 。 在他的报告发表后,他被以色列“深州”类型(mossad)骚扰,他成功地“走出去”。

    毫无疑问,第二次世界大战后,苏联人试图为宣传目的建立死亡集中营。 是的,有极端的剥夺和痛苦?许多人丧生。 死亡的主要原因是斑疹伤寒。 由于盟军炸弹摧毁了大多数基础设施,斑疹伤寒处于流行水平。 这就是造成大量人类死亡的原因。 。 不要放气。


    据说白天是寻找真相的最佳消毒剂 不幸的是,这句话并不适用于大屠杀的所有事情。 似乎有那些害怕真相的“大屠杀推动者”。 因此,对那些敢于质疑这一历史事件各个方面的人进行起诉和监禁。

    如果你敢的话,我敦促所有大屠杀信徒亲自检查这些事情。 你不会喜欢你发现的

    • 同意: tac, Cloak And Dagger
  303. @The Dark Night

    I don’t protect my ilk.

    Homosexual pedophile Priests in the Catholic Church shuold be beheaded. Bella Dodd’s ‘Heart of Darkness’ shows how far the Catholic Church has been sabotaged. By ‘Hellenic Jews’. Like our current fake Pope.

    It wasn’t a long idiotic comment. It was a good comment 🙂

    You’re just raising a classic Protestant trope. The Priest is merely a conduit for God, in exactly the same way as an exorcist, without becoming God. If you cannot be the recipient of confession, you cannot be the recipient of exorcism. But as we know the latter is false so is the former.



    Well I can understand that the Chicken acts as a conduit or a proxy – but it doesn’t change the other ethical and moral problems of unbounded prospective absolution.

    It’s quite the opposite. The inconvenience and obligation of confession makes it an enaction of many virtues.


    Confession confers grace. Examination of conscience develops conscience. I would have thought that transferring conscience to another entity would actually inhibit and reduce conscience. As it’s designed to do.

    I would have thought it’s the opposite. The requirement to conduct interior examination leads to a development of remorse – the first sorrowful mystery of the rosary is the agony in the garden, and it’s grace is precisely ‘sorrow for sin’.


    The non-Christian just has a thorough misunderstanding of the body-soul dichotomy and of the virtue of mortification. That generally is the cause of the reference to ‘burnings’. If you’re referring to the inquisition, the number is 5,000, not 5 million etc. And heresy is real.




    犹太人对Tikkun Olam的负担有自己的想法,但他们对维持恩典状态的负担没有概念。


    But confession is the opposite of removing worry. Do you have any conception of how difficult it is to sit in front of someone you know quite well who knows everyone you know and tell him that you’ve committed vile and shameful acts?

    The shame of it and embarassment burns. Because it is a presage of what will happen in final judgmeent – when everyone will be forced to atone before the eyes of all of heaven and earth for their actions and choices.

    And think about the logic of what you say. If having to appear before the heavenly tribunal in Confession is somehow expulcatory, and do it again and again and again every time you commit even one mortal sin, otherwise you can’t receive communion, what is putting all the sins of the future in a chicken before you know what they are? And there are all manner of caveats to receiving full forgiveness that Catholics have forgotten, or we would like to forget.


    Christians don’t reflexively blame Jews – the past 70 years in the Church in the West has been one of praising Jews and Judaizing Christianity. Alsmot every Protestant church now is just a degnerate form of Tikkun Olam as fake Good Samartanism. The Church has also been infected by Jewish ‘intersectionality’ and ‘relgious studies’ instead of studying our own faith we only learn about it relative to other faiths.


    Justice is coming Sagi. You haven’t even seen a Christian west. But Christian Nationalism is the only viable form of western culture – and it’s going to be returning with a vengeance, after a period of decline. We too have our prophecies. Everything the Jews do in their arrogance and their venality is merely a part of a larger plan. You are our existential test.

    And Judaism too has been sabotaged, that’s always to be kept in mind.


  304. @SolontoCroesus

    Bruce (((Springsteen))) is as Catholic as Rabbi Herschel.


    Bruce came out in support of gay marriage.


    Bruce Jew (((Springsteen))) performed for Obama and supported abortion.

    He’s a fake Christian.

    It’s not possible to be Catholic and to support gay marriage or abortion, or Obama lol.

    You have to judge people by what they do, not what they say.

    Springsteen has consistently abjured catholicsm. I mean I don’t know, maybe he’ll come around.

    But the above is pretty bad.

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  305. @Flint Clint

    I don’t think that Jesus died on the cross in a protest against abortion. or even gay marriage.

    I think those things are wrong, even sinful in the Catholic sense of sin — but forgiveness and redemption is what Jesus’s death on the cross promised: if you are willing to take up your cross, to endure the suffering of this life, to make profound betrayals as did Peter but still endure, still strive, you can redeem your life — your life is never beyond redemption.

    Politically, I think the stupidest thing Roman Catholics can do is plant their flag on the hill of abortion. Is that what Roman Catholicism is all about — ProLife that means anti abortion?
    Spending trillions of taxpayer dollars to kill millions of innocent people in far away lands — no problem, just repeat after me, Abortion is killing babies!

    War is killing babies too, and with less justification and more immoral complicity than most abortions. — No, change that: there is very little moral consideration when Americans pay taxes that end up killing unknown persons in vast numbers by high-tech means in far-away places for no discernible reason.

    Has Pro Life created such a solid moral platform for Catholics that they have the moral clout to counteract the inroads of ADL – SPLC – and the gazillion Jewish organizations that are debasing American culture with American taxpayer dollars?
    I don’t think so: I think the Church has squandered its moral dominance — a tragedy, since imo the Roman Catholic institution is the only organization with the international presence, numbers, and (should be) moral gravity to counteract zionism.

    The anti-abortion/pro-life platform is the gift that keeps on giving to Jews — what good has it done for Catholics?

    I was a great admirer of Cardinal Bernardin and his Seamless Garment of Life: he included in his “Pro-Life” stance opposition to war, to death penalty, AND to abortion. That made sense to me.
    Of course, Bernardin had to be taken down — even E Michael Jones attacks him.

    As for Springsteen’s politics — as stated above, I really didn’t know much about him or paid much attention; ChuckOrloski mentioned one of his songs, I listened, did a bare minimum internet search. I was impressed that he is devoted to his mother.
    (I see that on another thread Chuck & others are criticizing Bruce for having said, “I should go to Israel.” Wait and see. So far, the referenced situation says more about how Jews do things than about Springsteen.)

    That Springsteen’s mother is Italian might explain something about his stance on abortion. You may or may not know this, but Italians might be more disdainful of Catholic hierarchy preachments than any other group of Catholics — certainly moreso than Irish clergy, who dominate American hierarchy.
    Maurizio Viroli offered some insight into this Italian characteristic in an interview with Brian Lamb about Machiavelli. Lamb, whose own mother is a devout Indiana evangelical, was aghast that Machiavelli used salty language and engaged in numerous extra-marital affairs. “Isn’t that against the teachings of the Church?” said Lamb (or something like that).
    First of all, replied Viroli, Machiavelli hated*** the Church / hierarchy — the Borgias, in his day = a cesspool of debauchery and corruption, and they were not Italian.

    Second, Italians gave themselves permission to live their own spiritual – religious lives and make their own moral decisions. My Mother’s friends would think/say: “You no play the game, you no make the rules.” Italians should not be confused with Puritans. I don’t know how “Italian” Bruce’s mother was, but she, and therefore he, may have been influenced by a similar mindset.

    I’m not defending Springsteen — he’s an interesting artist, had his ups and downs, seems to have made a lot of money, and seems to have at least some sense of sharing the limelight he attracts. I hope he summons the gumption to resist being cornered into going to Israel.

    ***Machiavelli hated the Vatican / Catholic hierarchy, but was a deeply committed Christian: he always had a copy of Dante’s Divine Comedy close at hand, and was equally conversant with the Latin Christian scholars as with the Hebrew – Christian scriptures. https://press.princeton.edu/books/paperback/9780691154497/machiavellis-god

    To many readers of The Prince, Machiavelli appears to be deeply un-Christian or even anti-Christian, a cynic who thinks rulers should use religion only to keep their subjects in check. But in Machiavelli’s God, Maurizio Viroli, one of the world’s leading authorities on Machiavelli, argues that Machiavelli, far from opposing Christianity, thought it was crucial to republican social and political renewal — but that first it needed to be renewed itself. And without understanding this, Viroli contends, it is impossible to comprehend Machiavelli’s thought.

    • 回复: @Flint Clint
    , @Flint Clint
  306. anon[592]• 免责声明 说:

    organized jewry and the jewish owned media is an european hate machine doing your dirty work dedicating 24h/d to denigrate european history culture and our race itself more or less like happened in weimar era in germany denigrating german culture and people as worthless until german people said ENOUGHT.

    the best example of the two extreme worldview nazism and zionism cant be more different
    nazism was all about of protecting germans and improving ourself to an ubermench status but also recognizing the positive aspects of other civilizations like islam or the milenial history of japan and chinese ,the hate toward jews was more than justified .

    zionism or judaism in its current form is all about degrading everyone to the lowest common denominator with their creeppy obssesion trying to mix everyone with blacks so they can rule unopossed in a world in ruins.

    nazims obsesion was to create the ubermench and lead the world to the stars judaism obsesion is to create the untermench and slave the world perpetually

    creation ,love ,honour,family,leading instead of slaving ,improving ,new horizons AGAINST slavery,destruction ,hate,earthly ambitions ,double morals.

    • 回复: @Robjil
  307. Harbinger 说:

    “But even in this site, white nationalists are preoccupied with intense hatred of everyone else in a way that no one else is. Nazi Germany did not spring out of thin air – it was just a clearer than average form of typical European white nationalism.”

    This promotes the utter insanity, blatant lies and hysteria of Jews.

    Before WW2, there WAS no nationalism.
    Everyone, was a nationalist. You didn’t need any identity politics to confirm your beliefs and promote traditions and cultures that were thousands of years old. It was the JEW who brought in identity politics with the granting of citizenship, to non Europeans, in European people’s lands and nations, allowing them to effectively become OF that nation and thus KILL the very concept of nation.

    Nationalism has been around for tens of thousands of years. It is simply the desire to protect one’s country and people and if we go back, into history we can see that Jews, were very much nationalists, in their wars against Rome. The Celtic people, the Germanic, the Italian, Slavic, Greek, Mesopotamian….and so on, all were virulent nationalists because that was all they knew – their way of life, their history, their traditions and culture.

    And what is the ‘white nationalism’ you attack? It’s a natural rebellion of the Jewish created destruction of their lands through mass immigration, promotion of depravity, creation of legislation that effectively hamstrings any indigenous fightback of the colonisation and subsequent destruction of their lands.
    That is what white nationalism essentially is. It’s being ‘Jew wise’.

    We would not have the problems we have in this world if Jewish bankers had not brought about the wars that have crippled the peoples of the west.
    We would not have the problem with Jewish bankers, had the Jewish people kept them in check. They didn’t because the bankers were merely promoting Jewish ideology of a world of their own and the destruction of the world’s peoples. The ethos of Judaism is a world for Jews and no one else.

    White people HAVE ALWAYS kept the wrongdoers, in their society in check through law. Jews do not do this. They protect their tribe, hence why we only ever hear of Jewish wrongdoing AFTER they’re dead. However, in the case of Harvey Winestein, they’ll occasionally throw one of their own to the wolves in order to promote an agenda that will have a much larger impact on the goyim – #MeToo.

    White nationalists DO NOT have an intense hatred for other peoples as you wrongly state. We have a love for our own and wish to protect our own, as all peoples in this world are. You, as a Jew, are simply irate that we won’t just lie down and die.

    You know that your people, with every second that passes, are simply digging a hole for yourself, that once you fall in, you’ll never get out of again.
    You will bring about your own demise. The internet will expose your lies and your utter hatred for the world’s non Jewish community and you will be punished, nay, eradicated for your crimes against the world’s population. You will move from a desire to have this world all to yourself to begging to be allowed to exist within it. And when that happens, I can’t see any quarter being given. Your silence, as a Jewish community, to remain silent when wealthy Jews commit crime after crime exposes your complicity.

    • 回复: @AaronB
    , @Daniel Rich
  308. Robjil 说:

    In WWII, Germany was surrounded by two giant Zion genocidal crazies attacking her.

    In ZUS, we had Theodore N. Kaufman, a German Jew, who was calling for the genocide of the German people for being German.


    Only in Zion ruled lands would such a book be published or talked about as good. Mad Albright would be alright with this. Amelak, Purim and Seven Nations genocide culture is what it is.

    This March 1941 book-written by a New Jersey Jewish-German émigré-caused a storm in Germany and America with its open advocacy of the physical extermination of all Germans and Germany itself. This was to be achieved through a process of mass sterilization, and the physical dismemberment of that country. Arguing that Nazism was in fact just another expression of militant Germanism, the author said that the Germans would never change and the only way to end the ongoing struggle was to end Germany and the German people. Because of Kaufman’s claimed links to the policy advisors of the American president, Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels used the book to help encourage Germans to fight to the last.

    A lot of the book came true after the war.

    Ironically, significant sections of Kaufman’s book, despite being dismissed as the work of a loner, came true. At least 12 million Germans were expelled from their land following the end of the war, and their deportation became the single largest transfer of any population in modern European history, and one-third of German territory was ethnically cleansed of Germans and permanently seized. Although the sterilization plan was never implemented, the collapse in the German birth rate, predicted by the author, has occurred, and even this part of the plan seems set to become reality. As the author wrote: “Of course, after complete sterilization, there will cease to be a birth rate in Germany. At the normal death rate of 2 per cent per annum, German life will diminish at the rate of 1,500,000 yearly. Accordingly, in the span of two generations that which cost millions of lives and centuries of useless effort, namely, the elimination of Germanism and its carriers, will have been an accomplished fact.”

    This is what the main paper of Zion ruled US thought about the plan.


    On the other side of Germany. Zion ruled Soviet Union had similar plans.


    Ihya Ehrenberg, the Soviet Propagandists, Jewish, had very similar plans. Here is an example of his “writings” in his propaganda pamphlets.

    In one leaflet headlined “Kill,” Ehrenburg incited Soviet soldiers to treat Germans as sub-human. The final paragraph concludes: [2]
    “德国人不是人类。 从现在开始,德语这个词就意味着要使用最可怕的誓言。 从现在开始,德语一词立即使我们震惊。 我们不会再说了。 我们不会感到兴奋。 我们将杀死。 如果您每天没有杀死至少一个德国人,那您就浪费了一天……如果您不能用子弹杀死您的德国人,请用刺刀杀死他。 如果您前方的战线平静,或者正在等待战斗,请同时杀死一名德国人。 如果您让德国人还活着,德国人将绞死一名俄罗斯人并强奸一名俄罗斯妇女。 如果您杀死一个德国人,就杀死另一个德国人-对我们来说,没有什么比一堆德国尸体更有趣的了。 不算天数,不算公里。 仅计算被您杀死的德国人数量。 杀死德国人-这是您祖母的要求。 杀死德国人-这是您孩子的祈祷。 杀死德国人-这是您祖国的大声要求。 千万不要错过。 不要让它通过。 杀。”

    Ehrenberg’s Tanakh style of writings spurred on the cruelty done by Soviet soldiers to the German people after the war.


  309. @SolontoCroesus

    Just because Springstein can get redemption doesn’t mean he’s currently not a fake Catholic. He is a fake Catholic. He’s using his prominence for evil. Therefore he is evil.

    It’s not about what is good for the Jews. It’s about what is truth. There is no gay mirage. We’ve aborted entire generations of Europeans on the pyre. And more homosex and more abortion is a bad thing, not a good thing. The Church was strongest just pre-Vatican II, when it looked like there was going to be a Catholic century.

    Now Jews LARPing as Catholics call for open borders and more anal sex – they are going to be cast out, not the other way around.

    The Church still has moral dominance – it just needs a non-homosexual mafia clergy. Which unfortunately, the Jewish/freemasons have embedded. Like Kennedy, they just murdered John Paul I.

    Italians are always the Italians. They could disdain the Borgias. But it doesn’t change the fundamental tenets on abortion. If Italy wants to survive, they are going to have to have children. End of story. Principles exist for a reason.

    Unfortunately it’s getting hard to argue down people who want non-Christian and non-European abortion.

    And it’s abuot ‘renewal’ and ‘The Spirit of Vatican II’. It’s about returning Catholicicm to actually being Catholicism.

    Here’s a hint – Catholicism precludes mass immigration if it causes harm to natives. So Podsta da Molesta and all his coven of Jews pretending to be Catholics sacrificing infants are heretics.

    Catholicism is not about ‘forgiveness’ but justice. This imbecile Good Samaritanism is a Jewish invention.

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  310. AaronB 说:



    You guys for the time being simply can’t be trusted with power.

    I’m not saying that you won’t ever be able to be trusted, but for the time being – no.

    The rest of the world has every right to be concerned about you guys, and to limit your nationalism. The best of the whites – the smartest and most moral – understand this well.

    Look at this site – there are a handful of Jews here, but none of them express hatred towards other groups like what is expressed towards Jews, Hispanics, and blacks by the white nationalists here. Not even close.

    I’m an Israel supporter and Jewish nationalist – you will never hear me talking about blacks, Hispanics, or whites with hatred. I even am sympathetic towards Arabs, who are trying to destroy my country.

    There are a few Muslims here who are mildly anti-Semitic and anti-Western, but again none of them express insane, intemperate hatred of the kind you white nationalists do regularly. The only genocidal, insane Muslim anti-Semite on this site is Kevin Barrett – a white convert, predictably.

    So whites have had a problem with intemperate hatred for some time now, and you don’t seem able to do nationalism without hatred of everyone else.

    Since you can’t play nice, you need to have your toys taken away from you for a while, and you have to sit in the corner. No one is ready yet to trust you yet. And again, the best whites understand that white nationalism is uniquely problematic in a way that Zionism, for instance, isn’t – centred as it is on one peace of land and defensive in nature, without hating everyone.

    Now, one hopes that the madness of the past 500 years that whites are suffering from, is winding down – and you will once again be able to have your toys. Believe me, we want you to be rehabilitated.

    But you’re not there yet, and your addiction to immoral ideologies like Darwinism and the Enlightenment shows no sign, yet, of abating.



  311. @Flint Clint

    也许萨吉·哈拉里(Sagi Harari)会好心地解释一下,当塔木德人必须求助于教堂来实践他们的仪式时,为什么要在被钉十字架的人物身上盖上一张床单?

    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  312. @SolontoCroesus

    What Catholics are spending trillions of dollars fomenting wars in the Middle East? That would be the Jews. Catholics don’t get access to their funds. It just gets stolen. Like US Taxpayer money.

    And Cardinal Bernadin was a flaming Homosexual who used Church funds to procure himself boi-pussy.


    Anything that degenerate has to say is of zero value. If he said he was against abortion, it’s only because the men he was having sex with as a Cardinal couldn’t give birth and inconvenience him.

    It’s unreal. Warhammer 40k is right. The Chaos gods are everywhere. Hopefully in future there will be a ‘real’ inquisition, a real one, that actually ‘does’ purge heresy and corruption.

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  313. @The Dark Night





    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  314. @Flint Clint

    Go for it, Flint.
    It’s workin’ out swell for Roman Catholicism so far.

    btw, Springsteen’s public is not about being Catholic — as far as I know he does not claim to represent Catholic. He just says that his thinking/song writing are influenced by his early Catholicism. I raised the point of Bruce’s ‘Catholicism’ only to say it is much like my own, not that that matters to anybody but me and the people I care about.

    Unlike many of the clergy, I haven’t seen reports that he’s a pedophile, a homo, a promoter of homo, or an adulterer. Don’t know much about how he handles his extraordinary wealth. No known links to Epstein, afaik. Not a slave trader, sex trafficker, dope head. His 3 children (first 2 born out of wedlock) are adults and seem to be leading productive lives, out of his orb.
    One Catholic principle that still influences me (from time to time) is Judge not lest you be judged. I’m not in a position to judge Springsteen, and it wouldn’t make a difference anyhow.

    I do make judgments and hold strong opinions about how US government conducts its affairs because I am directly implicated in those actions. I try to make those judgments known in situations where it might make a difference. (But not often or loudly enough: in that regard, I am almost as gutless as most of the Catholic hierarchy.)

    The same is not the case re Roman Catholicism: it does not speak for me nor do I feel compelled to be bound by its strictures nor even to be shamed by its actions — I’m not a participant. period.

    PS. Flint Clint wrote: “Hopefully in future there will be a ‘real’ inquisition, a real one, that actually ‘does’ purge heresy and corruption.”
    Lucky me. I’m so old I won’t burn, I’ll spontaneously dissolve into a pile of dust. (think of it as pre-soap)

    • 回复: @Flint Clint
  315. @AaronB

    Except the problem that you have with this theory Aaron is that Jews rule the West – certainly in the United States. How do we know this? Aside from almost total Jewish monopoly, lets go back to that anti-BDS law. You have said you think it goes ‘too far’. But your compatriots don’t. They are cheerfully enforcing it. What you are seeing in the West is the failure of JEWISH governance, not gentile governance.

    What you are seeing are the consequences of Jewish Enlightenment.

    You are also engaging in the usual, classic, boring, perpetual inversion.

    Whites have in fact been guilty of the opposite of what you proclaim – a pathological altruism.

    A pathological altruism, generosity and self-abnegation, gleefuly inculated by Jewish media and Jewish intellectuals.

    You reverse causality and reverse victimisation.

    Whites are rejecting Darwinism – because it’s scientifically invalidated by Gene mutation theory.

    Whites are also rejecting the Enlightenment – that is precisely why are you are seeing a white nationalism that rejects the false ideas of equality and a brotherhood of man. You apparently don’t know what the Enlightenment is and was. You say whites are bad because of the Enlightenment, yet it is the Enlightenment that allows Jewish station in the West! Idiocy.

    You are nobodies’ brother.

    You talk about hatred, and then casually allude to the replacement of entire contintental populations and profess that people native to a country are not fit to rule it.

    Your descriptions and attributions of hatred are as false and facile and flacid as those by the Anti-Defamation League, or the Southern Povery Law Centre, or B’nai B’rith. It literally means anyone or anything that you don’t like.

    You talk of temperance in reference to tone. But your tone is far worse.

    White people are the only people in the history of the world, ever, ever, ever to voluntarily relinquish power and population to competing nations out of a sense of brotherhood and altruism and guilt for alleged historical wrongdoing.

    What you are seeing today is the realisation that this altruism is entirely unreciprocated and there is no brotherhood. Only greedy, lying, deeply hostile nations professing simultaneous superiority and victimhood.

    Europe’s population is not going to massively change. The Nationalist wave hasn’t really even started yet. We’ve had almost 80 years of Jewish hegemony within Liberal Democracy. We’ve had about 2 years of Nationalism.
    It’s absolutely hilarious to listen to Jews talk about Darwinism, when the argument for total stranglehold of Jewish nepotism in the United States is a social darwinist argument based on a false value for Jewish average IQ.

    And you personify that false IQ myth. You say white people need to relinquish the Enlightenment, and that’s the cause of their travails? Here is the ethos of the Enlightenment according to Jewapedia.

    “The Enlightenment included a range of ideas centered on reason as the primary source of knowledge and advanced ideals such as liberty, progress, toleration, fraternity, constitutional government and separation of church and state.[5][6] In France, the central doctrines of the Enlightenment philosophers were individual liberty and religious tolerance, in opposition to an absolute monarchy and the fixed dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church”

    Who benefits from the Enlightenment most? Jews. Cosmopolitan international cliques’ benefit. Because they claim the culture of toleration, even as they engage relentlessly in the culture of critique – as you have here. Jews have proven they are totally unfit for rule. Christian Europe lasted over a thousand years. The Jewish post war Pax Americana is going to fail well before 100 years.

    And what do you decry white people for? Rejecting the thing you tell them to reject. Nationalism IS a rejection of the Englightenment.

    So as all Jews, you stake out both sides of the argument. If the White rejects the Enlightenment he is a Nazi. If he claims it, he is a decadent. Congratulations.

    It’s very refreshing however to have you openly state dual loyalties, treason and racial animus on behalf of Jews in the West. The casual way you say it, belying your obvious lack of reasoning skills makes it more chilling then the most vulgar of intemperate calumnies you refer to, but cannot quote.

    As Jews, you ruthlessly clamp down on speech in the public square – and then you affect a pathetic, fake, and ludicrous ‘wounding’ from language online. You cry out as you strike.

    It’s amazing. Cliche is real. Caricature is real. You are an exemplar, congratulations.

    • 回复: @geokat62
  316. @Flint Clint

    What Catholics are spending trillions of dollars fomenting wars in the Middle East? That would be the Jews.

    Yes, you blockhead, “that would be Jews” who are spending trillions of US dollars killing Jews’ enemies in the ME.
    (Just as it was Jews who incited WWI prolongation and WWII — got Christians to kill their Christian brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, in Germany, for benefit of Jews.)

    It would be the Roman Catholic Church that has the heft and global reach to speak out forcefully against Jewish wars if so many RCs did not have their heads up their anuses — and I’m not talking about the homos — and summoned some courage to challenge the actual enemy — those Jews you mentioned.


    • 回复: @Flint Clint
  317. @Harbinger

    Perhaps it’s good to know the origin of words.

    When a partisan crawled underneath the open window of a room where German officers had their usual Friday evening get-together, on a dreary, cold and damp fall night in the middle of WWII, he [over] heard one of them say, “..nah, Sie…” before the speaker shut the window closed.

    Had our dapper partisan been able to hear the rest of the sentence, he would not have his unfortunate mistake [although, given the circumstances he’s forgiven] and heard this instead: “…nah, Sie sind ja ganz verrückt! […nah, you are crazy!].”

    Now we’re stuck with his phonetic interpretation ‘Nazi.’

    As an aside, it’s a word individuals of a tribal persuasion [love to] keep very much alive [even decades after the facts].

    I don’t think AH would slap Hess on the back and say, “Stop pulling my leg, you old nazi, you!” [but I could be wrong…]

    免责声明: I wasn’t there when any of this happened.

  318. @AaronB


    Lol ‘Zionism is defensive in nature’ – Defensive? Ah yes, the defensive colonisation of the Palestinians. They are the aggressors for existing in their native land. You my friend, are the neo-Palestinians. You are neo-palestinians.

    Zionism is defensive? On this website are the annals of endless Zionist offensive against the good, the beautiful and the true for the purposes of false Zionist narratives.

    And European nationalism which is no different in kind to Jewish nationalism is somehow offensive?

    Israel is defensive? The constant demand for war with Iran, the Greater-Israel colonisation project, the illegal settlements etc, all ‘defensive’?


    Whites pay for the rest of the world, by and large excepting the IQ elite from China and India in particular, that reside in the West.

    We have paid a very heavy price, and have to fight to even have it acknowledged.

    Lol, you are sitting astride a false history.

    I’ve linked to that Lebo Sagi scores of stories from prominent Jews decrying the loss of Jewish influence on both sides of politics (in relative terms) in the UK and the US. The Jewish stranglehold will no doubt remain a while yet, but it’s lessening.

    There is no such thing as ‘white nationalism’. There is German nationalism, there is Irish nationalism, there is American nationalism, there is English nationalism.

    And Jewish nationalism is the by far the most problematic of nationalisms of all.

    As we have seen, Jewish nationalism was behind the ‘problematic’ European nationalism of the twentieth century.

    It’s good to see your hatred and animosity out in the open.

    It’s actually hilarious.

    You’re probably too dumb, but I suggest you go and read fellow Israeli Martin Van Creveld. Have a look at his theses and then compare them to the results of Jewish policy in the West. Then tell me some more about how it’s whites who have created the conditions for what comes next.

    You live in a dreamland of opposites. Those ‘best of white people’ are an ever shrinking minority being purged from both political sets. Because they are men like John McCain, pedophile, compromised, bought and paid for scum and nobody likes them.

  319. @SolontoCroesus

    That’s fine. The protestant sects like the Southern Baptists and the Presbyterians are already having Lesbian orgies in the Pews.

    But I’m not here to engage in within-Christian fighting. We’re all on the same side.

    I just dismissed Springsteen because of his actions. It’s fine if you don’t. Just don’t call yourself a Christian. Being a Christian actually means something beyond preferences.

  320. @SolontoCroesus

    Catholics are fighting an internecine warfare to do precisely that – up to the point of Schism. Almost.

    Catholicism is in the same state as the West generally, fighting to survive against Jewish deep state and infiltration.

    It’s the evangelicals who are pigmen believing false theology sending shekels to the Jewish war machine, not Catholics.

    Our current false Pope is a crypto-Jew, as well as being a homosexual and a communist. He is constrained by the jurisprudence of the Church, but it is difficult when your institutions have been successfully subverted. I suggest you read Bella Dodd’s ‘Heart of Darkeness’ in which she confirms that Senator Eugene McCarthy, one of the greatest politicians in American history, not only was right about everyone and everything, he was massively understating the scale of the problem.

  321. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:
    @Daniel Rich


    这与生意无关。你发誓,就像禁食的誓言一样。当你改变主意时,你会等待赎罪日,同时仍然遵守这个誓言,当它到来时,你会背诵 Kol Nidrei 祈祷文。在此之后,你就摆脱了那个誓言。

    • 回复: @Daniel Rich
  322. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:
    @Daniel Rich


    • 回复: @Daniel Rich
    , @Daniel Rich
  323. Bookish1 说:

    You dont talk about blacks and Hispanics with hatred because they are not a threat to jews. You may not talk about whites with hatred but other jews surely do. But in the first place who the hell are you to preach to whites about what their place in this world is?

  324. @The Dark Night

    And how does that work in the music ‘industry?’

    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  325. @Flint Clint

    Yes, we are on the same side, but pulllease don’t presume to characterize the quality or lack of same of my “christianity” or lack of same.

    I’ve read some of Dodd & thought I might have commented on her so I checked the archive — didn’t find Bella Dodd, but did come across a statement by Germar Rudolf that I’ve been looking for for quite awhile: Rudolf said that there needs to be some way to protest against the government that is not mediated by the government.



    Here’s what Rudolf said that Youtube censored (ironic, huh?)

    “I’m interested in pursuing human rights – civil rights cases. . . . Governments are the main perpetrators of civil rights violations. If you put the main perpetrator in charge of defining what civil rights are, it’s a joke to begin with. So you take the perpetrator’s definition of what civil rights are as your guiding line, you’re not ever going to go anywhere.
    所有这些民权组织。 。 。 被错误地操纵。
    . . . If a civil rights organization treads on a government’s toes, you have to fear retaliation . . .
    We need a civil rights organization that doesn’t start with civil rights definitions made by governments. Civil rights must be defended against governments.”

    Fuggedabout “ProLife.”
    The people who terminated Rudolf’s account, THEY are the enemy that it is necessary to speak out against and to remove from US culture.

    • 回复: @Flint Clint
  326. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:



    • 回复: @Flint Clint
    , @Robjil
  327. @SolontoCroesus

    Yes that’s interesting.

    And I agree that social conservatism can be used as a red herring.

    But it is important. Abortion, gay mirage, euthanasia have all sapped the will of the West. All are the product of the post-Christian.

    Yes I will refrain.

    It sounds like what your man is talking about are militias.

  328. @The Dark Night


    Aaron is saying the West needs to relinquish the Enlightenment – then he attacks western nationalism which is precisely that as hatred.

    As you say, the best thing for Jews ever has been the Enlightenment. Aaron is correct that it has sapped the west’s understanding of itself.


    Aaron said that western Europeans can’t be trusted to govern themselves, and need to be replaced by a new race. But he doesn’t hate… I dont’ want to replace Jews in Israel. Any rhetoric to that effect is just to demonstrate the silliness of pretending Zionism is any different to American nationalism.

    沙吉 我为我有时对你尖刻的语气道歉。

    I agree with you – if I was Jewish, I would be doing my utmost to protect the Enlightenment. And the core foundational value of it was universalism, and that is what whites are seeing break down. It’s very obvious that there is an effort to uniquely subvert and demoralise the west, and I suppose now China can be added for it’s refusal to take a new diaspora migraiton.

    Whites would love nothing more then to ally with Jews to preserve the Enlightenment. But you seem intent, as Aaron said, on euphemistic ‘cultural renewal’, for reasons unknown.

    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  329. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:
    @Flint Clint



    以色列约有 20,000 名弥赛亚犹太人,全世界约有 350,000 名。

    • 回复: @Flint Clint
  330. @The Dark Night

    Okay I didn’t know about the Nazoreans.

    I didn’t say he was a European invention – just that his teachings formed the basis of what was a European religion. The fact he was Jewish doesn’t mean his material constitutes a Jewish religion. .


    So why do Jews insist that they must engage in ‘cultural renewal’. I mean isn’t the United States and Europe pre the great migration pretty much a heaven for Jews? Huge wealth, power, influence, prosperity and freedom. I don’t understand why Jews would want to replace that with some kind of chaotic Islamo-Afri-Asian-amalgam of anti-semites.

  331. anon[592]• 免责声明 说:
    @Flint Clint

    righfully expulsed 109 times and the echoes of hitler are still present

  332. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:



    首先,她所说的关于基督徒的内容,在《塔木德》中是关于偶像崇拜者的。由于基督徒在公元 300 年左右在教堂里安装了偶像,因此有关偶像崇拜的规则也适用于他们,但这些规则不是为基督徒制定的。更重要的是,这些规则并非起源于塔木德。圣经禁止偶像。当基督徒想起这一点时,他们似乎会变得盲目:“你们不可制造偶像或雕像来向它下拜:因为我是主。”


    然后,她列出了可怕的塔木德教义的常见清单,这些教义取自反犹太小册子,例如“即使是最好的非犹太人也应该被杀死”,而这句话翻译为“最好的外邦人 - 在战争时杀死他”和指的是有关国家之间战争的规则,但塔木德中没有。



    • 回复: @geokat62
  333. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:

    请阅读本页第 296 条评论。你至少应该承认《锡安议定书》有点像《地狱对话》。

    H. Makow 不是犹太人,他是基督徒,大屠杀不是谎言,而是宗教观念。看来你今晚太蠢了。我需要一点智力,儿子。

    这里 是《宋西诺塔木德》,并且 相关信息 是原来的。我保证这些都是完整版。

    • 回复: @Harbinger
  334. Seraphim 说:
    @Flint Clint

    Nazarenes or Ebionites were a ‘Judeo-Christian’ messianic sect counterfeiting Christ’s message:
    “In the 4th century, Jerome also refers to Nazarenes as those “who accept Messiah in such a way that they do not cease to observe the old Law.” In his Epistle 75, to Augustine, he said:
    ‘What shall I say of the Ebionites who pretend to be Christians? To-day there still exists among the Jews in all the synagogues of the East a heresy which is called that of the Minæans, and which is still condemned by the Pharisees; [its followers] are ordinarily called ‘Nasarenes’; they believe that Christ, the son of God, was born of the Virgin Mary, and they hold him to be the one who suffered under Pontius Pilate and ascended to heaven, and in whom we also believe. But while they pretend to be both Jews and Christians, they are neither”.

    Islam is an offshoot of the Nazarenes.

  335. Abdullah 说:
    @Flint Clint

    Mr. Clint, im no catholic nor do I live in the West. I did study at the university of Southampton at the start of the century. Even then, it became clear to me that the future “religion” of the west will become sexual depravity backed by state power so I returned back to my muslim majority country, which to be honest is no Norway but is no Somalia either.

    A lot of muslim countries are solidly middle income and to be honest, a lot more livable than most central american and sub saharan states like el salvador or the Dominican republic etc. But the right wing Jew wants to destroy all that and flood the survivors into your nations yet the hare brained evangelicals cheer on.

    Secondly, why can’t Catholics stand WITH those muslims who are standing up to the LGBT lobby for many months now?? All I see are gay bishops and even supposedly straight ones cheering on this depravity? Why can’t they at least stand behind those Muslims who are standing at the front?? Have your folks become that cowardly?? There was a time muslim parents preferred to send their children to catholic schools in the abscence of muslim schools back in the early 2000. But it looks like itll be of no use now


    • 回复: @Flint Clint
  336. Abdullah 说:
    @Oscar Peterson

    Well thanks mr peterson. It was the untainted truth as far as im concerned.

    Nothing more nothing less

  337. Abdullah 说:

    Assalaamualaikum bro. Agreed. I studied at the university of Southampton at the turn off the century.

    Visited stockholm in the summer of 03. Was shocked to witness a nudist march in one of the suburbs in the name of “freedom”. That was enough for me to call it quits. No wonder those people won’t have much of a future. I feel sorry for the children specially.

    Swedes are generally very good people although they feel a bit weird and give out those psychedelic vibe. However if channeled properly, it can be great on a spiritual way.

    喜欢 Free Introduction masjid in Stockholm. Its completely administered by a Local imam and has a very local Swedish vibe. Many local converts gather here. I visited this place a few times in 04 and this should be a good model for Islam in Sweden. The government must encourage more local converts to take up leadership position in the community which Presently is not the case I presume, at least from afar.

    A wholly local Islamic flavor must take roots in the community without those idiosyncrasies of the local culture but keeping the local ethos. This tends to make it stronger.

    And it is also more resistant to outside corruption coming from places like Riyadh etc

    Anyways, it is nice to talk to a fellow brother here who has the right harmony of deen and wordly rationalism. Hopefully, i might learn something from you

    Waalaikum salaam

    • 回复: @Abdullah
    , @Cloak And Dagger
  338. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:
    @Daniel Rich


    “如果一个人向主发誓,或发誓以束缚他的灵魂;他不可食言,必遵行他口中所出的一切话。” – 民数记 30:2

    这意味着永远遵守誓言,但实际上有时会导致违背誓言。为了避免这种情况,Kol Nidre 被引入。

  339. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:
    @Daniel Rich


  340. @The Dark Night


    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  341. @Seraphim

    Both Seraphim w/ tedious bible verse haranguing (lordy lordy I am glad I was not raised Protestant eevangelikal. I wonder if they memorize Yellow Pages, The One Book?) and Saggy Pants w/ kewpie doll on the brain get it wrong:

    The point is not whether Jesus is Aryan or not, it’s about the right of a people, the German people, to define their own religious / spiritual beliefs.

    Heschel the zionist Jewish supremacist says . לא

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  342. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:
    @Flint Clint


    其次,欧洲的大多数犹太人都是普通人。工作、抵押贷款。他们都不希望给自己的祖国欧洲带来麻烦。一些犹太复国主义者支持来自穆斯林国家的移民,希望这能让犹太人遣返。但正如我之前所说,这些政策 经济。看看那个页面。

    • 回复: @Flint Clint
  343. “数百年来对犹太人的完全非理性的仇恨。”


    • 回复: @anarchyst
  344. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:
    @Flint Clint



    • 回复: @Flint Clint
  345. @Richard B

    “2019 年和 2020 年将载入史册,因为我们不再听从犹太霸权公司的言论,而是开始公开反抗它。”


    • 回复: @Richard B
  346. Robjil 说:
    @The Dark Night



    Zio MSM 像疯狂的飞猴一样飞来飞去,就像绿野仙踪的故事一样,攻击任何谈论 Zio 狂热的人。

    911年的日期是Elul 23:鸽子第二次被送出,并带着橄榄叶返回。

    After this “dove” stuff, Seven Nations to Destroy from Tanakh/Old Testament Deut. 7.1-2

    普珥节战争在该地区非常盛行,就像公元前 500 年的锡安一样。

    911-1991 年伊拉克战争于普珥节结束前十八年



    好啦,六人已经被击倒了。在犹太命理学中,六代表人。第七个正在等待。我们的 Zio MSM 想要伊朗,第七个。

    This is Endarkenment in all its unglory. This is just a bit about it in recent years. Douglas Reed’s The Controversy of Zion goes all back to WWI. Britian and the US were under Zio since then. Laurent Guyenot’s From Yahweh to Zion takes the history of Zion mania all the way to the BC times.

  347. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:
    @Daniel Rich



  348. Abdullah 说:

    I think that link got corrupted

    It is ayesha.se . This is a masjid run by an old Swedish convert.

    • 回复: @Abdullah
  349. geokat62 说:
    @Flint Clint

    Bravo, Flint Clint!

    You have singlehandedly dismantled AaronB and his specious “Enlightenment” arguments in this extraordinary comment.


    Who benefits from the Enlightenment most? Jews. Cosmopolitan international cliques’ benefit. Because they claim the culture of toleration, even as they engage relentlessly in the culture of critique…


  350. anarchyst 说:
    @Irish Savant

    The term “hatred” is used by jews themselves to demonize those of us who (dare to) question jewish practices and motivations.

    I would suggest that those of us who question and point out aberrations of jewish behavior use the term “aware” to define our disdain for jewish behavior and practices.

    不是 “hatred” 但是 “awareness”.

    The “goyim” know…

    • 同意: Robjil
  351. anarchyst 说:
    @Flint Clint


    尽管反映了犹太人对耶稣基督和基督教的仇恨,但为了反映我们所生活的“年龄”以及促进犹太人为耶稣基督被钉十字架和死而赦免,许多天主教仪式和教义被丢弃或改变。到今天为止。 事实是,犹太人DID使罗马人钉死耶稣基督,而DID对他的受难和死亡承担全部责任。 就像今天一样,他们让其他人(庞蒂斯·彼拉多)为他们做“肮脏的工作”……

    在大众中放弃使用拉丁语破坏了其普遍性。 在梵蒂冈二世之前,人们可以在罗马天主教世界的任何地方参加弥撒,并了解弥撒的含义。

    总体上,禁止庆祝三叉戟弥撒(除非获得特别教会许可)使许多天主教徒远离了新摩登弥撒和新教堂。 大胆的勒夫弗勒大主教和圣庇护十世协会推翻了“反对梵蒂冈二世”的行列,并重新合法化了梵蒂冈二世以前的三叉戟弥撒和其他天主教仪式的庆祝活动。


    天主教可以改善自身的领域之一是独身主义,而不是教会教条或教义。 为了防止教会财产被牧师和主教的亲戚和亲属继承,中世纪实行了独身统治。 独身是基于纯粹的财务考虑,仅此而已。 有趣的是,convert依天主教的主教(英国人)牧师可以将家人带到教堂,而罗马天主教神父被拒绝结婚。



  352. Richard B 说:
    @Irish Savant



    Oh, I’m not optimistic at all. Hopeful, maybe, but not optimistic.

    I don’t mean we’ll stop listening literally. We can’t, for the reason you correctly stated, they control just about every source of information and propaganda.

    No, I meant we’ll people will stop listening to them in the way they used to.


    Also, just to be clear, when I say “we” I’m referring to a critical mass.

    Because that’s all we need. It’s a myth that we need everyone to wake up.


    We’re definitely moving in that direction. Otherwise JSI wouldn’t be cracking down as hard as they are. They certainly see people waking up and view it as a threat.

    But whether we’re able to do anything substantial is anyone’s guess.

    不管怎样,2019/2020 年将是一个转折点。

  353. Abdullah 说:

    Sorry for ust another broken link. This time I will get it right 🙂

    链接是 http://aysha.se . If possible do check it out. Your wife is of Swedish extraction isn’t she?? She could help you with the language 🙂


    • 回复: @Talha
  354. geokat62 说:
    @Flint Clint

    I don’t understand why Jews would want to replace that with some kind of chaotic Islamo-Afri-Asian-amalgam of anti-semites.

    When the AJC commissioned leading members of the Frankfurt School to contribute to their Studies in Prejudice series, they were intent on eradicating antisemitism in America. He wrote to his parents lamenting that signs of antisemitism could be found even in America.

    So, to more directly answer your question, Organized Jewry concludes early on that if something wasn’t done to alter the course of history, another pogrom was in the offing in America. They could almost hear the hoof-steps of Cossacks galloping across the American plains.

    With this always at the back of their minds, Organized Jewry worked diligently to change the immigration laws to make them more non-restrictionist. After suffering a major setback in 1924, they redoubled their efforts until they achieved the success they longed for with the passage of Hart-Cellar in 1965.

    What they’ve achieved in America, they’ve also managed to achieve in most other Western countries (see Barbara Lerner Spectre video for their plans for Europe).

    The grand vision? I believe it can be discerned by the work that Chabad Lubavitch has been undertaking over the past several decades. It’s to fulfill end-times prophecy – i.e., to rule over all the goyim who are commanded to follow the 7 Noahide Laws.

    This was not to be disclosed too early in the process, but thanks to the internet, a few woke goyim have caught on and the race is on to see which side will prevail in this epic battle between Jewry and goyim.

    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @geokat62
  355. geokat62 说:
    @The Dark Night


    真真假假。 《塔木德》是否规定,如果基督徒不放弃对基督是摩赛亚的信仰,他们将因崇拜偶像而受到斩首的惩罚?

  356. geokat62 说:

    *He… in the second second sentence of the first paragraph refers to Theodor Adorno, author of the Authoritarian Personality.

  357. geokat62 说:

    [Adorno] wrote to his parents lamenting that signs of antisemitism could be found even in America.

    Thanks to the Jewish daily 向前, I am able to furnish this excerpt from Adorno’s letter to his parents in 1940:

    “Fascism in Germany, which is inseparable from anti-Semitism, is no psychological anomaly of the German national character. It is a universal tendency …The conditions for it – and I mean all of them, not only the economic but also the mass psychological ones – are at least as present [in America] as in Germany…and the barbaric semi-civilization of this country will spawn forms no less terrible than those in Germany.”


  358. geokat62 说:


    The far left, far right, and Muslims are all Anti-Semites, and the Jew is innocent thus cannot be criticized. That is the takeaway of this video.

  359. Talha 说:


    Thanks for the link – that is awesome mashaAllah – If i get a chance to visit again, I will try to swing by that masjid inshaAllah.

    Swedes are generally very good people

    Agreed – they are really cool people. I’m pretty impressed by them and they are quite friendly. But yeah, their whole sexual liberation thing is way off-track. It didn’t used to be like that. At the turn of the last century, they still used to dress like this:

    There is a historical museum where they show traditional pre-modern Swedish life:

    A wholly local Islamic flavor must take roots in the community without those idiosyncrasies of the local culture but keeping the local ethos. This tends to make it stronger. And it is also more resistant to outside corruption coming from places like Riyadh etc.


    A lot of muslim countries are solidly middle income and to be honest

    I’ve always thought this to be a reflection of the Qur’anic paradigm that “We have made you a middle/medium/balanced nation…” (2:143)

    I can see why you left the West – truth be told, most Muslims that are very eager to be here should not be. I remember that a shaykh was once asked by someone; “I am thinking of leaving the West and going back to a Muslim country.”

    And he said something along the lines of; “The people we need here are exactly those that know about the dangers of living here and are not enamored enough to lose their faith.”

    It requires a bit of steely resolve, as Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad stated (a combo of tawakkul – trust in Allah – and ignoring the critics):

    But, honestly, many people come to respect that – even if they disagree or oppose you:

    本篇 (islam4europeans.com) is a very interesting site that has a lot of great articles about how to go about creating a healthy and vibrant European Muslim community with its own distinct cultural characteristics and engaging with the Ummah at large:

    We are in need of your dua.


    • 回复: @Flint Clint
  360. @Talha

    You guys are smart.

    Muslim women are going to become feminist. I’ve already had a number of muslim girlfriends, and they approached me.

    The best thing for Muslims to do is retreat back to their own ways of life in their own countries. Or soon it will be Muslim women getting married to each other and becoming transexual etc.

    • 回复: @Talha
  361. @The Dark Night


    But it’s actually good because it elicits responses.

    The problem for the Jews is that nobody else thinks it’s trolling. Because it’s coming to fruition. Basic sarcasm is easy to observe.


    The only thing I will say is that it’s not just Jews, but also the Freemasonic movement which has been moved within organized Jewry.

    Our Lady prophesised that Freemasonry was to overthrow all convention in the 50’s and 60’s in Sweden in 1610, over 150 years before Freemasonry was established in Bavaria.

  362. @Abdullah

    Yeah I know. I know.

    What has happened to Catholicism is what will happen to Islam just much much faster if muslims stay in the West.

    Just remember, the Unz review noted that ALL of the ‘Catholics’ in so called ‘Catholic groups’ are called Shekelberg and Bronfman, and CoinStein.

    You guys will end up the same. You think it won’t be possible. It will happen. Your top men will be assimilated into the Freemasonic movement, and slowly Islam will liberalise, then very fast. Your top men will ‘look’ Muslim, then you will notice aberrations in their family lines. But you will be able to do nothing.

    Even if you ended up having mass conversions in the West, the contemporary West’s liberalism will exert enormous pressure.

    Remember, Catholics in Britain have been obliterated since the time of Elizabeth I. The last time there was a proper Catholic insurrection in Britain, it was by the IRA, and the IRA is considered to Al Queda.

    But I think the next generation of Catholics who have seen what is occuring will be much more amenable to joining Muslims against the Globohomo Jewry.

    There are some hard embittered Catholics coming down the line, and ‘Judeo-Christianity’ is going to be set aside.

    But just remember – what I said to ‘Aaron’ applies equally to muslims.

    The nationalist wave in the West hasn’t even begun. It’s about 2 years old.

    The soft western men you see about you will become hard once the conditions change sufficiently. And they are going to change – the debt burden and the dollar reserve currency are going to fail. Muslims are uniformly a net economic burden in the West, maintained only by debt that can never be paid.

    Christianity hasn’t been reembraced only because of the Freemasonic Jewish suppression – but that relies on the current economic conditions.

    When the western middle-class finally can’t access it’s bread and circuses and soma and orgy porgy, I wouldn’t want to be a muslim in the West.

    I know it sounds ridiculous at this juncture. But it’s coming.

    Jews are not going to be able to protect Muslims from Europeans for much longer. They know they are going to lose political influence in both the UK and the United States.

    It’s difficult. There is a lot to admire in Islam and it’s arguably preferable to Jewish rule. But in the end, Europe is Christian, Greco-Roman, European peoples.

    Muslims have an effective monopoly on violence protected and abetted by the State. But that will change as I said once the economic conditions finally change sufficiently.

    I’d be wary of the Socialist left whites as well. They embrace Islam only to undermine what they regard as competition to their power. If they take power, expect Muslims to be treated like Uigyhers (sorry for spelling) in China.

    • 回复: @steinbergfeldwitzcohen
  363. @The Dark Night

    I know Sagi. I know Jesus was Jewish. But his religion in the form of his teachings was totally rejected by the Jews. So that is why I insist that the religion of Christ is ‘not’ a Jewish religion for the obvious and elementary reason that Jews refuse to practice it!

    Christianity became a European religion despite it’s Jewish antecedence by virtue of it simply being practiced almost exclusively by Europeans.

    That’s the basis upon which to call something Christian or non-Christian.

    Otherwise we’d have to call almost all of the Middle-East including most of Saudi Arabia ‘Christian’, because almost all of it used to be Christian and under the Byzantine empire.

    But obviously the people in the Islamic world don’t practice Christianity, and thus they are not Christian but are muslim.

    No one rejects the roots. But Christianity is profoundly non-Jewish, for all of the reasons that I’ve linked to where Jews note the distinctions very insistently!

    I know Jews have regular pursuits. But that is like saying the same of the Jews in the United States. And sure, they have mortgages. They also happen to have an almost total hegemony on the United States private and public sectors – and it’s very similar in Europe.





    ‘Jews and Muslims are natural allies against White people’.

    Most whites still don’t even know there is a conflict. White people in the United Kingdom are almost certainly going to die off, as the Jewish hold in the UK is even more intensive then the United States, and the anti-speech laws are vicious.

    It’s entirely possible that white people are simply ended. That’s entirely possible. Or not. We will see.

    But if Jews are the natural allies of muslims in Europe and Britain that’s problematic.

    Whites simply want to exist. I would have thought Jews would prefer to live with whites then Muslims. But apparently that is mistaken? There isn’t the slightest chance of a new Holocaust from white people. It would never happen. The only reason that white people are evincing the slightest degree of self-interest is because of the open Jewish-Muslim alliance against them and the sheer scale and sharpness of what is being done to them.

  364. Talha 说:
    @Flint Clint

    Muslim women are going to become feminist.

    Some are, some are not. Feminism is a gateway to apostasy. The most feminist ones out of our people become ex-Muslim – and then go hyper-poz and live their lives complaining about the patriarchy and will likely become genetic dead-ends making more room for the rest for us.

    But then we get plenty of women coming into Islam that are tired of the gifts of feminism (my wife is from a very liberal family from Berkeley) and want to live out traditional lives. Honestly, we get the better part of the exchange; feminists leave and traditional women come in.

    I’ve already had a number of muslim girlfriends, and they approached me.

    Sure – curious though, any of them that wore hijab? To be honest, it’s not that we are not getting hit like others (when a virus is going around, it’s tough not to get sick), we’re just not being hit as hard as others on certain issues – sexual permissiveness being one of them.

    The best thing for Muslims to do is retreat back to their own ways of life in their own countries.

    Totally agree that this is the case for a good number of Muslims that are here. If they cannot control themselves in an environment where they have these kinds of freedoms and temptations, it is better for their spiritual health and afterlife that they leave and go to an environment where the social norms will better keep them in check. Material prosperity and “muh freedomz” are not worth spiritual compromise.

    Or soon it will be Muslim women getting married to each other and becoming transexual etc.



    • 回复: @Flint Clint
    , @Flint Clint
  365. @Talha

    Yes I know you get the post-feminists. As a Christian, that hurts, but I acknowledge it.

    Yeah Hijab on, then it comes off. Don’t underestimate women. Women are women. They are easily capable of degeneracy then they just put the Hijab back on. And yes I know it’s fornication thus I’ve stopped doing it, in part because it’s so incredibly easy.

    Once a generation or two of Muslim women receive a College education – you are screwed. They were college educated.

    In a multi-cultural society there will always be enough non-Muslims willing to enforce their ‘rights’ against you. That’s the lesson of whites in the UK, except in reverse. It will be fascinating to see how you guys go.


    Look at this – US Muslims are more in toleration of homosexuality then evangelicals!

    To my shame, Catholics are in favour of homosexuality at 66%. We have been so totally pozzed it’s embarrassing. Catholics in the US are an abject joke. That’s why I drifted off briefly, but unfortunately traditional Catholicism is the truth of the world.

    Notice also how Pew reports that Muslims are in favour of increasing immigration and large socialist government – that destroys the ‘tabula rasa’ theory of interchangeable labour posited by cuckservatives and progressives. Very clear political differences modulated by race & religion.


    Gay Imam is going to open a gay mosque in Australia.

    I wouldn’t count on Muslims opposing LGBTQ for long.

    Your gays are going to make gayness the mark of quality and advancement in Islam exactly the same as occured in the West.

    It sucks, because Muslims are often delightful individually, the same as Jews. But in the end, there will have to be separation.



    Muslim parents will get squashed just like Christian parents.

    Yayha abu Zhakaria overserved 80% of muslims in the West are on welfare. You will do what you are told, because you are reliant upon the government.

    • 回复: @Talha
  366. @Flint Clint

    Just wait till the affluence of debt driven currencies end.
    The Banks are having problems settling their accounts BETWEEN each other in the overnight rebalancing act they have to perform due to the Debt load.
    The USD is currently circulating at a 5:1 debt ratio. There’s $1 circulating for every $5 in debt. This can’t and won’t continue. Because it is so difficult to actually get gold and silver in hand, for smaller players, palladium and rhodium are being driven up at rates of 3-5x prior values.
    It’s all ending. The race to the bottom is over. We are at it.
    Former Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney, now at the Bank of England, just talked about moving to a global currency. Why? The Western Fiat Currencies are going to Fall. When this happens they will try to con us into signing on to a new currency to roll it all into a massive world debt currency. The bankers don’t want to take a haircut they want more saps to cover their idiocy and greed.
    Deutsche RE has been palletizing cash and Gold and storing it. The Russians, Chinese and anyone else with a brain have back stopped with gold.
    When the West goes down everything will change. The massive bubbles of Jewish lies, PC Culture-Cultural Marxism and other crap will all flow down the drain.
    It will be very, very ugly.
    This is when I get worried that certain people will try to precipitate war to ‘steal’ their way out of 100 years of insanity.

    • 回复: @Flint Clint
  367. @Talha


    Here is why Islam is going to fail in Europe and the United States – it’s going to become an economic question more then just a cultural/racial/religious question. And I say this as someone who in disgust at modern Christianity actually had an earnest look at conversion to Islam, with multiple male relatives now living in Muslim countries married to Muslim women.

    80% of Muslims in Germany are on welfare.

    80% of Muslims in Denmark are on welfare.

    Only 19% of Muslims in the United Kingdom have a full time job.


    It’s better in Australia, but Muslims still represent a net liability paid for by non-Muslims due to having the lowest labour force participation rate in the country.

    It’s the economics that mean it isn’t going to work.


    I mean look at Lebo Muslims. It’s ridiculous. One in six apparently are permanently disabled?

    Lebos get ‘the wife pension’ some retarded socialist gibs party at FIFTEEN x the rate of the general population?

    And look at the rate of people getting parenting payments – I notice that China despite their huge IQ’s we’re constantly told about rank foremost in getting the parenting payment gibs, and then it’s Lebanon and fricken Iraq.

    There can’t be hardly any Iraqis’ in Australia, yet there they are, ranking highly on the gibs. And we know due to the lowest labour force participation rate the outgoings outweigh incomings.

    And look at the Lebanese – more then 10% get a carers payment for adults with retarded children.

    So it’s not binary. It’s not Jew rule or Muslim rule. Jews destroy culture but Muslims destroy economies.

    When it finally comes down to a choice for whites between their pension of the Muslims breeding check, they’re going to choose to eat.

    As someone who has to care about money I couldn’t in good conscience join a demographic that is so economically dependent on others.

    Australia is a best case scenario as well, as the Muslim population is relatively low, and one of the most assimilated in the world, with the most tolerance and long-standing presence. And it’s still an economic disaster.

    In Europe proper it’s simply a nuclear bomb. All these children being born and everyone else paying for it. It can’t possibly last – and it won’t last.


    Far from Muslims paying for German Boomer pensions, they’re going to ‘cost’ upwards of $1.5trillion for the privilege of their presence. That’s just the current influx. Continuing immigration will increase that depedency ratio.

    And that doesn’t even include the fraud. Where people like Anjem Choudary say committing theft and fraud is just taking the Jizya.

    It’s not going to work. As I said – all of this nonsense is the product of economic plenty. When the contraction which is inevitable hits, the Aarons and Muhammads of this world are going to face a new reality where all the softness becomes hard.

    But until that day, brotherhood and goodwill.
    And th

    • 回复: @Talha
  368. Talha 说:
    @Flint Clint

    Women are women. They are easily capable of degeneracy then they just put the Hijab back on.

    There is no doubt that women can succumb to these types of things. This is the loss of patriarchy at work here; men – like fathers – are supposed to guard their daughters from the predations of young, horny males. Unfortunately, this had broken down in this society. Sending women off to college alone is asking for it; they make stupid and hasty decisions and actually believe that men are honest. Fathers know better.

    I wouldn’t count on Muslims opposing LGBTQ for long.

    I would actually. Here is the issue – that gay person is trying to open one gay mosque in Australia. You can probably count these on your hand. As a person recently observed; the organizations certainly are in the hands of SJW activist Muslims – that is for sure, but where the rubber meets the road on a daily basis – the brick and mortar mosques, they have surprisingly little market share. The mosques are well in the hands of “the Uncles”.

    Your gays are going to make gayness the mark of quality and advancement in Islam exactly the same as occured in the West.

    And this is where the fight is right now. The traditionalists are already striking back. Thus far I’m actually pleased with things at this juncture. Could it be better? Of course, but then again, we are not near where others are.

    Muslim parents will get squashed just like Christian parents.

    They actually made a pretty good showing in the UK against this stuff and got the schools to back down by pulling their children out of school.

    At this point, massive resources into privatization of our schools is the next serious step we have to make. We have to seriously learn from the missteps other communities have made before us.

    Yayha abu Zhakaria overserved 80% of muslims in the West are on welfare. You will do what you are told, because you are reliant upon the government.

    I think this may be true of the Muslims in Europe, but not in the US – it’s a different dynamic.

    It really is going to be an interesting decade to see which way things will go. If it does start to get really bad, religious Muslims may start heading back overseas.

    Of course, this is all what concerns immigrant Muslims. As far as converts are concerned, consistently I have seen them much more confident and solid in their religious convictions. Likely because they don’t have an inferiority complex nor are they trying to act like they fit in.


  369. @steinbergfeldwitzcohen

    No one is going to fight more Jew wars.

    The US diversity military and LGBTQI military isn’t actually capable of fighting one.


    The US has lost all 5 of its former monopolies:

    1. Monopoly on nuclear weapons
    2. Limited geographic accessibility by enemies
    3. Dominant industrial infrastructure
    4. High-average-IQ European population
    5. High-trust, high-moral Christian society


    “The combination of a 10-point loss in the average US IQ with the systematic diversion of its best minds to irrelevant financial scams and other trivial activities means that the USA is now both less-populous and less capable than China and less capable than Russia. That does not mean the USA is devoid of military advantages, after all, it still possesses a legacy military that is larger and better-funded and more technologically advanced than any military in history, but the rot has now gone from being institutional and societal to infrastructural.”

    And this phenomneon is due to the influence on the Jews & the left. Obama purged more then 50 senior officers and replaced them with traitors. Trump might have saved the US military – but it is still just a vehicle for max theft of taxpayer dollars.

    William S Lind and Martin Van Creveld are the scions of military strategy today, and a must-read.

    But here is the thing.

    No white person is going to fight a Jew war anymore. It isn’t going to happen. And now any draft would include women – so women have skin in the game and won’t allow it either.

    And if anyone wants to pretend Jews don’t dominate the US military – have a look at what the Air Force has to say:


    Literally everything said in that retarded screed is nonsensical. If Native Americans had not been a separate nation, they wouldn’t spoken fricken Navajo. The bombing campaign was worthless with German production increasing during it. Women and Nogs had zero to do with Cold War tech achivements, and had women been flying in earnest a lot more then 38 WASPS would have died.

    It’s really interesting how the US bombers who bombed the Monastery of Monte Casino were ‘666’ Squadron – the Red Devils. Jews have always been prominent in the US Airforce.

    And non-whites are too dumb to actually be able to sustain a war of any length against any kind of sophistication.

    That’s precisely why the Neocons, cuckservatives and Hillary Clintons and Ben Shapiro’s of this world are demanding war incessantly because they know in a few short years the US military won’t even be capable of waging war. Even as they degrade it’s capabilities knowingly.


    There are nearly 20,000 transgenders in the US military. But we need far more. Muah!

    If they try and start a war where white people have to die to save other nations who hate them, it isn’t going to happen.

  370. Talha 说:
    @Flint Clint

    It’s the economics that mean it isn’t going to work.

    I agree with this position here – ultimately, one can only serve one master. The one who provides calls the shots.

    When it finally comes down to a choice for whites between their pension of the Muslims breeding check, they’re going to choose to eat.

    Agree here too. One wonders, do the elite in charge know that the gig will be up so that they are bringing in more people as quickly as they can so that when a crisis happens they will be able to divide-and-conquer?

    One thing I know is that, making places like Lebanon and Iraq unlivable is not going to help the situation. People don’t want to voluntarily go back to places that have been destabilized by war.

    Where people like Anjem Choudary say committing theft and fraud is just taking the Jizya.

    That dude is a massive liability to our community and the UK in general – have they put him away yet?

    It’s not going to work. As I said – all of this nonsense is the product of economic plenty.



    • 回复: @Flint Clint
    , @Iris
  371. @Abdullah

    A wholly local Islamic flavor must take roots in the community without those idiosyncrasies of the local culture but keeping the local ethos. This tends to make it stronger.

    I have nothing against muslims or your culture, but why would it be okay for you to usurp the local culture and replace it with yours? It can only breed resentment, no?

    • 回复: @Talha
  372. @Talha

    Honestly I’m not a vulgar racist.

    I have a relative who lives in the Emirates who converted and is doing very well.

    There is something about the descendents of Mesopotamia and the fertile crescent and old Araby, the best of them. A certain grace and civilization. I can understand the point of view of Liberals who only ever interact with the highest echelons of Islam. But that of course, isn’t the true Islam, being Cosmopolitan.

    Christianity is going to continue to fade. Our Lady prophesised it. It will get so bad that even the sacrament of communion will become unavailable, as a crisis in the Clergy and persecution of Priests leads to the end of grace required for consecrations. That has been foretold.

    Everything that avails the West is the result of sin, and it will continue to get worse, and worse again.

    The four consequences of sin will continue to manifest. The first being the denuding of the sensibilities. I imagine Muslims new to the West observe a certain deadening and denuding of the senses. A lack of vitality in Europeans. That’s due to our sin.

    But what was also foretold after a period of great disaster, tragedy and destruction is a Catholic renewal that will burn away everything that came before. Who knows that that will mean, but we can see the trajectory now as the Church is best by crisis after crisis and Europe has lost it’s soul.

    Christians will become like the Númenóreans in vast swathes of what used to be Christendom. Tolkein I think understood well the overall dynamics of the Fall. That’s why Lord of the Rings speaks so acutely to the soul of all western men. It’s the story of the metaphysics of the western world.

    It may well be that all the churches of Rome become Mosques. We will see.

    I just have a sentimental attachment to any underdog, and far from being privileged, I think I can see who is now the global underdog.

    Islam is beautiful in many ways, but Salman Rushdie did identify some core flaws.



    • 回复: @Seraphim
  373. Iris 说:

    That dude is a massive liability to our community and the UK in general – have they put him away yet?

    Anjem Choudary is a widely known MI5/Zionist asset. Just like his counterpart Tommy Robinson.

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Flint Clint
  374. Talha 说:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    He’s talking about the part of local culture that is at odds with someone taking on the religion; for instance getting drunk and screwing strangers on Friday nights.

    Good parts of local culture should be kept and not replaced.


    • 回复: @Cloak And Dagger
  375. Talha 说:



  376. @Iris

    The point is taken.


    NOP Research: 62% of British Muslims do not believe in the protection of free speech;
    Only 3% adopt a “consistently pro-freedom of speech line”

    ICM Poll: 58% of British Muslims believe insulting Islam should result in criminal prosecution

    Pew Global (2006): Only 7% of British Muslims think of themselves as British first (81% say ‘Muslim’ rather than ‘Briton’)

    Policy Exchange (2006): 31% Muslims in Britain identify more with Muslims in other countries than with non-Muslim Brits.

    BBC (2007) 74% of young Muslims prefer women wear the veil (compared to 28% of those over 55).

    Die Welt (2012): 46% of Muslims in Germany hope there will eventually be more Muslims than Christians in Germany.

    Ipsos MORI: Muslims are 3 times as likely as Christians to believe that their religion is the only way.

    Pew Research (2011): Muslim-Americans four times more likely to say that women should not work outside the home.

    Pew Research (2007): 26% of Muslim-Americans want to be distinct (43% support assimilation)

    Pew Research (2011): 20% of Muslim-Americans want to be distinct (56% support assimilation)

    Pew Research (2011): 49% of Muslim-Americans say they are “Muslim first” (26% American first)

    Pew Research (2011): 21% of Muslim-Americans say there is a fair to great amount of support for Islamic extremism in their community.

    ICM Poll: 11% of British Muslims find violence for political ends acceptable

    Wenzel Strategies (2012): 58% of Muslim-Americans believe criticism of Islam or Muhammad is not protected free speech under the First Amendment.
    45% believe mockers of Islam should face criminal charges (38% said they should not).
    12% of Muslim-Americans believe blaspheming Islam should be punishable by death.
    43% of Muslim-Americans believe people of other faiths have no right to evangelize Muslims.
    32% of Muslims in America believe that Sharia should be the supreme law of the land.


    Pew Research (2013): “At least half’ of Muslims surveyed believed polygamy is morally acceptable.
    “Muslims in most countries surveyed say that a wife should always obey her husband.” (including 93% in Indonesia and 65% in Turkey).
    Only 32% of Muslims in Indonesia say a woman should have the right to divorce her husband (22% in Egypt, 26% in Pakistan and 60% in Russia).

    Die Presse (2013): 1 in 3 Muslims in Austria say it is not possible to be a European and a Muslim. 22% oppose democracy

    WZB Berlin Social Science Center: 45% of Muslims in Europe say Jews cannot be trusted.

    Vancouver Sun (2015): 42% of Canadian Muslims agree that Islam is “irreconcilable” with the West.
    Anti-Defamation League (2015): 55% of Muslims in Europe are anti-Semitic – approximately three times higher than Europeans in general.

    Middle East Forum (2015): Muslims comprise less than 1% of the population in the United States but 9% of prison inmates.

    There is just screeds of this kind of social science data, even though it’s actively suppressed. Even if Islam is generally right about the nature of women, it’s not right in it’s response to it (polygamy) which is the most societally corrosive form of socio-sexual ordering.

    Anjem Choudary probably is a Jewish asset. But it doesn’t change the incompatibilities. I could do another metre of them.

    (2016) 33% of Belgian Muslims “don’t like Western culture.” 59% would condemn the marriage if their child chose a non-Muslim partner.



    Pew Research (2013): Only 57% of Muslims worldwide disapprove of al-Qaeda. Only 51% disapprove of the Taliban. 13% support both groups and 1 in 4 refuse to say.

    BBC 电台(2015 年):45% 的英国穆斯林认为,宣扬针对西方的暴力的神职人员代表了“主流伊斯兰教”。

    You are only going to see a continued hardening of attitudes from whites as the pathology of these perceptions in the Muslim community continue to play out.

    Anyway I’ll stop thread domming.

    But ultimately the West is not for Jews, nor Muslims. It never has been, and never will be, and if current trajectories don’t change, and the wrong approach continues to be taken of attempting to censor, suppress, oppress, and persecute, there will be some unprecedented and wild things happening in the next 25 years.


  377. @Talha

    Good parts of local culture should be kept and not replaced.

    With all due respect, Talha, and an absence of xenophobia on my part, I think it would be presumptuous of a foreigner to Sweden to place themselves in a position to pass judgment on the goodness or badness of a local culture that they are a guest of. There is nothing to prevent said judge from enjoying their culture in their own country of origin, but to try to change the culture of another country that they are a guest of, seems inherently wrong and divisive.

    While realizing that most immigration is motivated by economics (or zio wars), the only form of successful immigration to any country is assimilation into the host culture*. Zionist jews coming to this country and telling us to open our borders and become diverse, is probably a major cause for the tension that is fomenting in this nation. If assimilation is not desirable for the immigrant, I think the only reasonable venue for them is to return to their own culture. A woman who marries you knowing who you are and then immediately tries to change you into who she wants you to be, is seldom a recipe for a good marriage.

    There are many beautiful things about Islam, and I have learnt about many of them from you. I still reserve the right to protect the culture I have regardless.

    * When the rate of immigration exceeds the rate of cultural assimilation, problems occur.

    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @Talha
  378. Seraphim 说:
    @Flint Clint

    The Christ Himself prophesied that Christianity will fade:
    “Shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? 8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?”
    The ‘poor white people’ signed their death warrant long time ago, when they renounced their faith in Christ and His Church and started worshiping the false gods of Judaism, Islam, Communism, even ‘whiteness’, blaspheming against the Holy Ghost.

    But “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom… But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him… Whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God: 9 But he that denieth me before men shall be denied before the angels of God. 10 And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven”.

  379. Harbinger 说:
    @The Dark Night

    This is the problem here. Again, as previously stated a truth is anything a Jew wants to believe it as, regardless that it’s a blatant falsehood.

    他接着说道:“事实上,Kol Nidrei 是一个仪式,你在来年所做的所有伪证、你在来年将签署和违反的所有合同、以及你在来年将违背的所有承诺就得到了赦免,没有因此受到天罚。”

    事情是这样的:“所有的誓言、禁令、誓言和奉献”——不是合同或承诺——“所有这些都被撤销、放弃、取消、无效,不生效,不生效。 ”

    You somehow seem to believe that an oath IS NOT a contract or promise. It is.I’m frankly amazed that you could even contemplate believing that somehow THEY AREN’T! It was for this very reason, that Jews were never allowed to testify in a court of law in Britain, because the recital of the Kol Niedre made ALL oaths of the following year invalid, meaning perjury was permitted in a non Jewish court of law. I shouldn’t have to remind you that everyone, who stands up, as witness, in a court of law (common law and legal law here in the UK) does so under ‘oath’. That oath essentially means they are making a LAWFULLY BINDING 口头合同 与法院 诺言 说实话。



  380. geokat62 说:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    Zionist jews coming to this country and telling us to open our borders and become diverse, is 大概 a major cause for the tension that is fomenting in this nation.


    • 回复: @Cloak And Dagger
  381. Talha 说:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    an absence of xenophobia on my part …I think it would be presumptuous of a foreigner to Sweden to place themselves in a position to pass judgment on the goodness or badness of a local culture that they are a guest of.

    You’ve always been respectful and nice to engage with, my friend. I appreciate this quite a bit.

    And I Completely agree – that’s why opinion should not be the judge but the sacred law; it passes judgment on what is good or not. Otherwise it’s just one persons opinion over another or one cultural preference over another. Somalis or Afghans should NOT be trying to turn Sweden into Somalia or Afghanistan – which is why I do not support mass immigration.

    to try to change the culture of another country that they are a guest of, seems inherently wrong and divisive.

    Not sure why. If people within that same culture can change it and criticize it, why not someone who has come from the outside? Now, if it was made clear to immigrants that they are coming into country X and are expected to leave their religious and cultural preferences behind and completely be absorbed into the native culture, then I can respect that. And honestly, you would only get Muslims immigrating that are fully on board to apostate and become fully assimilated and any that don’t would be found guilty of violating terms of admission. The problem is that none of this is being explicitly stated and if it assumed, then this is bad policy. Not too late to change it though; anything can be done via democratic means, even demands that Muslims fully assimilate to pozz culture or be sent home. All it takes is numbers.

    Like you stated about the analogy with the marriage, there is always divorce as a legal option when things get unbearable.

    When the rate of immigration exceeds the rate of cultural assimilation, problems occur.

    I agree. I am fully for Muslim integration and 100% against assimilation. I’m really not sure what benefits there are to fully assimilating into a culture that is currently in the state of many Western nations to be honest. I certainly don’t see any advantage to seeing my daughter swap out hijab and instead come back home nightly from her university in short skirts and the phone numbers of many young men I’ve never met on her phone – as with some of her female friends in high school.

    I’m also willing to be sent back if this is not acceptable to the host population – all I need are the official orders from the proper governmental authorities.


    • 回复: @Cloak And Dagger
    , @Harbinger
  382. @geokat62


    I try my best to not be absolute in my assertions, and sometimes I even succeed!

    • 哈哈: Talha
  383. Harbinger 说:
    @The Dark Night

    您认为该议定书抄袭了莫里斯·乔利 (Maurice Joly) 的 《马基雅维利与孟德斯鸠的地狱对话》 (1864)
    Again, this has been thoroughly debunked, but it’s something you will not accept. You either do not accept it, because you are a troll who is deliberately promoting the lie as a truth in order to further deceive the non Jew about their goals for world domination or you are simply, as a Jew, defending the Jews from attack, from the evil anti Semites.

    来自 以下关于锡安议定书的网站 很方便地被归类为反犹太主义,因为所有来源都揭露了犹太人的谎言:

    AHM Ramsay 船长在他的经典作品中记录道, 无名之战: “According to a letter published in “Plain English” (由北不列颠出版公司出版、已故阿尔弗雷德·道格拉斯勋爵编辑的每周评论)3 年 1921 月 XNUMX 日:-

    “The Learned Elders have been in existence for a much longer period than they have perhaps suspected. My friend, Mr. L. D. van Valckert, of Amsterdam, has recently sent me a letter containing two extracts from the Synagogue at Mulheim. The volume in which they are contained was lost at some period during the Napoleonic Wars, and has recently come into Mr. van Valckert’s possession. It is written in German, and contains extracts of letters sent and received by the authorities of the Mulheim Synagogue. The first entry he sends me is of a letter received:-


    来自 OC(即奥利弗·克伦威尔),埃比尼泽·普拉特 (Ebenezer Pratt) 着。

    “In return for financial support will advocate admission of Jews to England: This however impossible while Charles living.

    Charles cannot be executed without trial, adequate grounds for which do not at present exist. Therefore advise that Charles be assassinated, but will have nothing to do with arrangements for procuring an assassin, though willing to help in his escape.”


    12th July,1647。

    E. Pratt 致 OC。

    “Will grant financial aid as soon as Charles removed and Jews admitted. Assassination too dangerous. Charles shall be given opportunity to escape: His recapture will make trial and execution possible. The support will be liberal, but useless to discuss terms until trial commences.”

    Captain Ramsay quotes Isaac Disraeli, father of Benjamin, Earl of Beaconsfield, Britain’s first Jewish Prime Minister, in his two volume “Life of Charles I”发表在1851: “The English Revolution under Charles I was unlike any preceding one . . . From that time and event we contemplate in our history the phases of revolution.” 还有很多类似的事情可以遵循,特别是在法国。 1897 年,关于这些神秘事件的另一条重要线索落入外邦人手中,即《锡安长老议定书》。

    在那份文件中,我们读到了这句非凡的话: “Remember the French Revolution, the secrets of its preparation are well known to us for it was entirely the work of our hands.” (See Protocol No. III, XIV). In 1865 a certain Jewish Rabbi named Rzeichorn delivered a speech at Prague. It is a very accurate summary of many aspects of the Protocols which would come to light several decades later and was published eleven years later by Sir John Radcliff, who was assassinated shortly afterwards, giving testimony to the powers of the secret organisation of inner elite Jewry even then. The presumption is strong that the Protocols were issued, or reissued, at the First Zionist Congress held at Basle in 1897 under the presidency of the Father of Modern Zionism, the late Theodore Herzl. There has been recently published a volume of Herzl’s “Diaries,” a translation of some passages which appeared in the JEWISH CHRONICLE of July 14, 1922. Herzl gives an account of his first visit to England in 1895, and his conversation with Colonel Goldsmid, a Jew brought up as a Christian, an officer in the English Army, and at heart a Jew Nationalist all the time. Goldsmid suggested to Herzl that the best way of expropriating the English aristocracy, and so destroying their power to protect the people of England against Jew domination, was to put excessive taxes on the land. Herzl thought this an excellent idea, and it is now to be found definitely embodied in Protocol VI!

    The above extract from Herzl’s DIARY is an extremely significant bit of evidence bearing on the existence of the Jew World Plot and authenticity of the Protocols, but any reader of intelligence will be able from his own knowledge of recent history and from his own experience to confirm the genuineness of every line of them, and it is in the light of this LIVING comment that all readers are invited to study Mr. Marsden’s translation of this terribly inhuman document.

    Here is what Dr. Ehrenpreis, Chief Rabbi of Sweden, said in 1924, concerning the Protocols: “Long have I been well acquainted with the contents of the Protocols, indeed for many years before they were ever published in the Christian press. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were in point of fact not the original Protocols at all, but a compressed extract of the same. Of the 70 Elders of Zion, in the matter of origin and of the existence of the original Protocols, there are only ten men in the entire world who know.

    I participated with Dr. Herzl in the first Zionist Congress which was held in Basle in 1897. Herzl was the most prominent figure at the Jewish World Congress. Herzl foresaw, twenty years before we experienced them, the revolution which brought the Great War, and he prepared us for that which was to happen. He foresaw the splitting up of Turkey, that England would obtain control of Palestine. We may expect important developments in the world.”

    And here is another very significant circumstance. The present successor of Herzl, as leader of the Zionist movement, Dr. Weizmann, quoted one of these sayings at the send-off banquet given to Chief Rabbi Hertz on October 6, 1920. The Chief Rabbi was on the point of leaving for HIS Empire tour of H.R.H., the Prince of Wales. And this is the “saying” of the Sages which Dr. Weizmann quoted: “A beneficent protection which God has instituted in the life of the Jew is that He has dispersed him all over the world.” (《犹太卫报》,8 年 1920 月 XNUMX 日。)


    “God has granted to us, His Chosen People, the gift of dispersion, and from this, which appears to all eyes to be our weakness, has come forth all our strength, which has now brought us to the threshold of sovereignty over all the world.”

    这些段落之间的显着对应证明了几件事。这证明了博学长老的存在。这证明魏茨曼博士对它们了如指掌。这证明了渴望 “National Home” in Palestine is only camouflage and an infinitesimal part of the Jew’s real object. It proves that the Jews of the world have no intention of settling in Palestine or any separate country, and that their annual prayer that they may all meet “Next Year in Jerusalem” 只是他们特有的虚构的一部分。它还表明犹太人现在是世界的威胁,雅利安种族将不得不将他们永久移出欧洲。

    The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are CLEARLY the Zionist agenda (Jewish) for the creation of Greater Israel (Oden Yinnon Plan) and the subjugation of the world’s peoples, under the control of Jews, through a one world government and banking system (Rothschild). Why would Jews, quote a Dialogue between 马基雅维利和孟德斯鸠?

    总而言之,Sagi Harari 非常简单。强大的犹太人制定了协议,命令乔利写下他的废话作为后备计划 “what happens when the protocols fall into the goyim’s hands?”

    I think you’ll find that Henry Makow clearly identifies as a Jew and not as a Christian, believing that Christ is NOT the messiah. He also promotes the holocaust and the German extermination plan, which is a lie, although he does believe the numbers have been greatly exaggerated.

    As for your links to talmuds, well, I’ll pass thank you. I don’t believe them, simply because the Jew lets the non Jew see one version, while making sure they never see the other. Were it the case that the talmud was not offensive or ‘stated’ too much, there wouldn’t be strict instructions to kill non Jews who happen to divulge themselves into its content.

    Look Sagi, I’m really getting weary of this stupid game of back and forth with you.
    You’re a Jew. The very makeup of a Jew is deceit.

    I will finish simply by stating that although at your poor attempts of patronising, you have been quite a respectful opponent. However, you’re simply going to have to accept that it isn’t a case of Goyim -1 Jew -0 but Goyim -4 Jew-0 in this debate.
    Let’s just leave it as it stands. There’s really no point in flogging your dead horse of a debate.

    • 回复: @Alden
  384. Harbinger 说:

    I have done extensive research into the 6million lie.
    And the other day, it just dawned on me and I just shook my head. When I was a little boy, growing up, one of the most popular shows, here in the UK (and I should also imagine in the USA) in the 70’s was ‘The Six Million Dollar Man’ with Lee Majors. Blatant programming to keep the 6 million lie alive. Not the $5 million or the $7 million man but the six. And this has continued, throughout the last 40+ years of TV since then, with constant referencing to Hitler, the Third Reich, the holocaust in films and TV shows.

    What was it again that Goebels stated about constantly repeating the lie over and over again?

  385. Harbinger 说:

    This reply just takes the biscuit doesn’t it?

    “Look at this site – there are a handful of Jews here, but none of them express hatred towards other groups like what is expressed towards Jews, Hispanics, and blacks by the white nationalists here. Not even close.

    I’m an Israel supporter and Jewish nationalist – you will never hear me talking about blacks, Hispanics, or whites with hatred. I even am sympathetic towards Arabs, who are trying to destroy my country.=

    Seriously? I mean seriously?
    The Dark Knight/Sagi Harari was entertaining. You’re just an imbecile. I’ll let others waste their time on you. I have enough already.

  386. @Talha

    You’ve always been respectful and nice to engage with, my friend. I appreciate this quite a bit.

    As have you, and earned much respect by employing that even when debating the many trolls that frequent this blog, irrespective of the duplicity and inanity of their posts. It is a trait that I much admire in you.

    that’s why opinion should not be the judge but the sacred law; it passes judgment on what is good or not.

    I think we are in the realm of ethics rather than law – which can never be watertight enough.

    which is why I do not support mass immigration.

    We agree, because mass immigration is the bane of rapid assimilation.

    to try to change the culture of another country that they are a guest of, seems inherently wrong and divisive.

    Not sure why. If people within that same culture can change it and criticize it, why not someone who has come from the outside?

    This would be in the realm of courtesy, if not of ethics. If I should become destitute, and you invited me to live in your home as a guest out of the goodness of your heart, I would not be presumptuous enough to believe that you had given me the right to instruct your daughter on whether she should wear a hijab or not, whereas you would be completely in your right to have that conversation with her. Your rights do not automatically transfer to me in your house, unless you explicitly confer them on me.

    Now, if it was made clear to immigrants that they are coming into country X and are expected to leave their religious and cultural preferences behind and completely be absorbed into the native culture, then I can respect that.

    Now we are back to the realm of law. Had you neglected to mention on inviting me to your home that I should never debate the wearing of a hijab with your daughter, would that be a reasonable assumption on my part that I should do so? Isn’t that the essence of a culture that certain practices are or are not permissible within it? I would assume that Islam has constraints on what you are allowed to do when you are a guest in another’s home.

    And honestly, you would only get Muslims immigrating that are fully on board to apostate and become fully assimilated and any that don’t would be found guilty of violating terms of admission.The problem is that none of this is being explicitly stated and if it assumed, then this is bad policy.

    I agree that it is bad policy and we have many of those and we don’t enforce the good policies either. You are on solid ground legally, but am I comfortable inserting myself into your home, knowing that you have established a modus vivendi for your daughter, and choosing to ignore that because you were not explicit?

    Not too late to change it though; anything can be done via democratic means, even demands that Muslims fully assimilate to pozz culture or be sent home. All it takes is numbers.

    You have stated that before and that is again back in the realm of laws. It now becomes incumbent as my host in your home to expel me. However, if I wanted to stay in your home and have an amicable relationship with you, particularly since you were so kind to let me do so in my hour of need, should laws be the authority to do the right thing, or should ethics prevail to guide my behavior?

    Like you stated about the analogy with the marriage, there is always divorce as a legal option when things get unbearable.

    Of course, that is the nuclear option. Basically, it dissolves a relationship that should never have happened in the first place. What explicit laws would have prevented me from marrying someone who is incompatible with me? If the woman knew before marrying me that I liked to live a certain way, and married me anyway, with the intent to change me, it is legal, but is it ethical?

    I certainly don’t see any advantage to seeing my daughter swap out hijab and instead come back home nightly from her university in short skirts and the phone numbers of many young men I’ve never met on her phone – as with some of her female friends in high school.

    That is your right. You came here at an early age so this doesn’t apply to you, but suppose you were to come here today, knowing that people disapproved of your daughter wearing a hijab (btw, I don’t at all), would you come?

    I’m also willing to be sent back if this is not acceptable to the host population – all I need are the official orders from the proper governmental authorities.

    I hope nobody ever sends you back since you are an asset to this nation, but we are back to the realm of law. With my earlier assertion that no laws are ever watertight, what ethical considerations should a host country demand of its immigrants?

    • 回复: @anon
    , @Talha
    , @Talha
  387. Harbinger 说:

    “I agree. I am fully for Muslim integration and 100% against assimilation. I’m really not sure what benefits there are to fully assimilating into a culture that is currently in the state of many Western nations to be honest. I certainly don’t see any advantage to seeing my daughter swap out hijab and instead come back home nightly from her university in short skirts and the phone numbers of many young men I’ve never met on her phone – as with some of her female friends in high school.”

    But the question simply is, how can one, not of that nation, history, culture, traditions and racial continuity expect and be expected to assimilate?
    How can you be expected to give up your culture completely and become ‘one of us’ when not only is it wrong to do so, but more so, becoming part of something you do not belong to?
    On the other hand, how can we be expected to accept cultural and traditional practices of immigrants, outwith our European heritage, which shares much common ground?

    I will speak of Islam here, as you are a Muslim, but I, of course, do not wish to attack it in any way, shape or form.
    For example, the consuming of pork has been part of the UK for thousands of years. It is a traditional dish and very much part of our culture. It is forbidden to eat in Islam and not long ago we had the madness of Muslim staff refusing to handle pork products in supermarkets and taking them to court.
    Already we are at loggerheads. This in itself proves that you cannot integrate into one aspect of our culture as not only would it be wrong for you to enforce your cultural beliefs on pork on us, but vice versa.
    Then, for example, we can take halal and the ritual slaughter of animals in Islam (Kosher in Judaism) which specifically goes against our humane slaughter of animals and animal rights laws.

    It is an impossibility to integrate peoples who do not share common culture and racial ancestry. Muslims do not. ‘X’ amount of years under British rule in India does not make you part of our culture, nor racial ancestry.

    And this, Talha, is the very reason WHY they brought in Muslim immigrants into the UK, first from Uganda in 1969 and then later on from Pakistan and Bangladesh. And in that time you have become one of the largest minorities in the capital city of the UK and the largest demographic in Britain’s second largest city of Birmingham.
    This is about creating conflict, war and bloodshed. It distracts people from attacking those behind the problems – Jewish bankers (Rothschild) and British Israel (Saxe-coburg-Gotha family/House of Windsor).

    I also fully agree with you that if you ‘could’ integrate, why would you want to in today’s, current, decadent west?

    The agenda was quite simple:

    1. Bring in mass immigration. Destroy the only British people, the indigenous, by granting citizenship and passports to immigrants and their offspring.

    2. Destroy all cultures and traditions of the British through mass immigration and debasement of culture through TV, MSM, Music and film industries.

    3. Cultural Marxist programming through Academia and the msm.

    4. Bring about civil war.

    5. Also debase the immigrant population who will then go back to their nations and infect the indigenous with the disease they picked up in the west.

    6. All at the time, the creation of Greater Israel and the mass movement of Jews out of the west into Israel. They couldn’t chase them out through two world wars, so instead they brought back the age old Christian and Muslim conflict and brought it straight from the middle east into the western civilization, giving Jews no choice but to flee.

    7. The world, by this time is all fighting with one another and Israel is busy setting up world government and its world banking system.

    Integration is impossible. You were never meant to. You were the previous avant garde of the New World Order to bring about warfare. Now it’s the feminists, the homosexuals and the transgenders who have taken over the mantle, all the while as immigration continues to pour in.

    There will always be the religious zealots. Anjem Choudary is a controlled MI5 asset, itself a traitorous organisation whose soul jobs are to spy on the British public and protect the Rothschilds and monarchy, while working in tandem with Mossad, the CIA, FBI and NSA, amongst other organisations in Europe and the west doing precisely the same.
    There is so much deceit, so much corruption, so much debasement and decadence in the UK and the rest of the west that the only thing which will cure it is the utter obliteration of it which I can’t foresee happening until one hell of a lot of bloodshed.

  388. 哈哈。 美国是一个撒旦国家吗? 美国是一个保护以色列的撒旦国家吗? 或者以色列是一个撒旦国家? 它的旗帜上确实有一颗恶魔之星雷姆芬 (Remphan)。

  389. anon[592]• 免责声明 说:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    they are not europeans and thus not asimilable ,sorry to say it but middle eatern character dont armonize well with europeans .

    its that simple

  390. @AaronB

    I would like to give you and some other Jewish apologists the benefit of the doubt but then according to Gerard Menuhin, a Jew himself:

    Jewish huckstering is most obviously apparent in its frenzied compulsion to uphold the “holocaust” myth, whose exposure would not only refute the Jews’ claim to Palestine and to endless financial reparations and atonement for harm not done to them, it would also deliver Jews and their minions to the fury of a world deceived and victimized for centuries by their lies and conspiracies. Such wrath could only be assuaged by the actual extinction of Jewry—or “Jewry,” whichever applies.

    I myself am not a Holocaust denier nor a Nazi apologist but looking through Menuhin’s book 说真话,羞辱魔鬼 I can’t see anything there that UR’s regular Wally would disagree with. Now I’m not saying I fully agree with Menuhin and many others who have reached similar conclusions, but they have researched the evidence and concluded that it points in a certain direction and decided to come out with it in public despite all the disadvantages this exposure could bring to them. But you and some others quickly turn to just attacking blindly white nationalists when some Jews are also presenting the same arguments. As Gerard Menuhin concludes:

    In sum, from birth, humankind has two adversaries, an internal and an external one. The internal one consists of our weaknesses, arguably, those qualities that make us human. The external one consists of those who prey on these weaknesses: Jews. They prey on our benevolence and on our desires. They can do this with detachment because they have, by their own volition, and their own devolution, removed themselves from humanity.

    So is this anti-semitism? Or just humanism?

    • 回复: @Harbinger
  391. Alden 说:
    @The Dark Night

    我唯一的兴趣是平权行动。我在美国最伟大的图书馆之一的禁书区找到了 1890 年代的版本。

  392. Alden 说:
    @The Dark Night


  393. Alden 说:

    French historian Abbe Barruel who observed the French Revolution was of the opinion that the revolution was a Jewish plot. He was there.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  394. Harbinger 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    “I myself am not a Holocaust denier nor a Nazi apologist……”

    If the west, nay, the world is going to have any chance, whatsoever, of combating against the institution of a one world government and banking system, it MUST start dismantling the many lies that have been created during the last century.
    Therefore the mindset that you promote HAS to be utterly destroyed, not through oppression and force, but simply through truthful education.

    Firstly, there was no holocaust of Jews, that is, there was no ‘whole burnt offerings’ (sacrifice) of Jews to anyone. Jews, who happened to have been cremated in Auschwitz, were so due to death by typhus and starvation, as a direct result of allied bombing of supply lines into the camps. Others also died through natural causes and most certainly executed for, well, being the communists they were and wishing to destroy the German state. There was, however, most certainly a holocaust of non Jews – Dresden (along with other German cities), Hiroshima and Nagasaki where people WERE deliberately burned alive.

    Secondly, there was no extermination order and thus a deliberate targeting of Jews in WW2, by the Third Reich. There most certainly were thousands upon thousands of Jews, wishing to destroy Germany and thus instantly committing treason and subject to execution, as would be the charge in any nation in this world.

    Thirdly, if one does their research, one will easily find that there is absolutely nothing to apologise Germany for, for all they were doing was simply defending themselves from the attack on them by other countries – UK, France and the USA (amongst others). These countries declared war upon Germany. “But Germany invaded Poland” is the usual ignorant reply of the indoctrinated westerner, failing to understand that the west allied with communist Russia, also currently invading Poland at the same time and worse, already responsible for the murder of millions of Russians. Russia, of course, was under the control of the Jew, currently having gone through a Jewish genocide of non Jews, most notably the Holodomor of 1932, conveniently erased from history lessons. WW2 started for one, simple, reason – Hitler overthrew the control of the Rothschild bank over the German people, bringing in government backed notes and ending interest.

    Your stance is the ‘fence sitter’. You like to sit in a comfortable place, promoting your argument without your opposition having the ammunition to attack you as a racist, hater, nazi and anti Semite but in essence agreeing with much of your opponent’s rhetoric.

    The battle against totalitarianism will not be one by fence sitters.
    You’re going to have to make a conscious decision of where you stand in this war for the freedom of the human race. You’re simply going to have to ask yourself – “Do I wish to understand and live the uncomfortable truth, or continue with the comfortable lie and in effect ally with the assassins?”

    Lastly, even if it were true (although it never will be because it’s a blatant lie) that 6 million Jews were ‘exterminated’ by the Germans – so what? How many people died in WW2? Last time I checked there were over 100 million people. The aftermath of WW2; the allied atrocities on Germans is horrific, again conveniently left out of history education in schools, a curriculum completely under the control of Jews!
    WW2, as planned, has become a shrine to faux Jewish suffering. The murder of the 6 million takes preference over the 100 million+ non Jews who perished. It is a religion of Holocaustianity, that the west ignorantly worships, because people are too lazy to pull their heads from their posteriors and educate themselves on the truth.

    • 同意: Robjil
    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
    , @Bookish1
  395. Respecting a nation’s sovereignty ought to mean that a nation can protect not only its own borders and rights within its borders for self-determination, but also that it should be free to expose and prevent another nation or a group of international tribal money moguls from coming into your nation and using vast heaps of foreign capital to take over your financial system and buy up banks, the media, major industry, rail systems, and key politicians like they did in the US after the US civil war. Now they own and control pretty well everything 用于控制, even most universities and the food industry. They tried to do the same in Russia after 1992 but when Putin came along he kicked the foreign billionaire carpetbaggers and bankster agents out. That is why both the hard-line and the more duplicitous so-called “moderate” Zionists are the main opponents to any true sovereignty of any nation except, of course, for Israel.

  396. @Harbinger


    We’ve been through all these arguments with various people here on UR so many times before and what you wrote is precisely as Gerard Menuhin writes in his book about telling the truth. Still I am not that convinced and it doesn’t matter to me as I can oppose Jewish domination and crimes regardless of whether they were themselves victims in the past or not. I wasn’t there, I know the truth is the first casualty of war, and that there was propaganda all around. Nevertheless, I am not prepared to reverse it all and accept the converse of the generally accepted view as being the actual truth. What applies to me is what you wrote towards the end (minus “(although it never will be because it’s a blatant lie)”??):

    Lastly, even if it were true (although it never will be because it’s a blatant lie) that 6 million Jews were ‘exterminated’ by the Germans – so what?

    • 回复: @Harbinger
    , @Zumbuddi
  397. Bookish1 说:

    Agree. Your post is proof that the truth has finally come out.

  398. Harbinger 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    I am not going to go around and around in circles on this. I have debated this topic, so many times and laid it to rest, with simple truths and maths, to debunk the lies of the Jews and their shabbos goy, traitors in politics.
    There was no holocaust of Jews, not just in the very definition OF holocaust, but in a deliberate genocide of Jews. We are led to believe that Jews were deliberately targeted for extermination – genocide (which again is a complete lie) but what of those people who actually were targeted for genocide, the German peoples? Why for example are we not taught, in history of Theodore Kaufman’s book ‘德国必须灭亡‘?If ever you wanted proof for the deliberate genocide of a people, this is it, but again, it never even enters debate and if it does, instead of attacking Kaufman for his views, the individual who brought him up his for his ‘anti Semitism’.

    Jews were murdered in WW2. There’s absolutely NO DENYING that happened, but FAR, FAR, FAR more non Jews were murdered and yet Jews still take preference in persecution and suffering?

    People like you NEED to understand that by holding the views that you do, you are perpetuating the lies and therefore moving one step forwards and two back in your desire to expose lies and promoted the truth.
    You first have to understand WHAT holocaust means and it DOESN’T mean a genocide of people whatsoever. The Jew is incredibly efficient at twisting words and giving them knew meanings in order to enforce their agendas upon the non Jews.
    Secondly you have to realise that Germany was under attack from within and then from without. They were attacked, by the west, themselves fooled into doing so, for trying to rid themselves of a deadly parasite that was seeking THEIR genocide!

    Finally you will NEVER, oppose Jewish domination if you continue to believe in their lies as truths (holocaust). The Jew is not a victim. He’s a bully, a domineering hater of non Jews, who cries persecution after he/she’s just attacked someone. Victim status and persecution is simply the Jew’s definition of people fighting back against their oppression upon them.

  399. Zumbuddi 说:
    @Commentator Mike


    No room for fence-sitting

    “Because you are lukewarm I will vomit you out of my mouth.”

    • 不同意: Zumbuddi
    • 回复: @Zumbuddi
  400. AaronB 说:

    Well, I think that’s an excellent idea that should be developed on this site. I am sure Ron would be enthusiastic.

    I have said before that one should go through a list of every negative development in the West – and for non-Westerners, whatever is bad in their society – and discover that it is really the Jews.

    This site is basically for that purpose. Its to give you guys an outlet.

    To me, it is quite obvious the French Revolution was a Jewish plot. Unless, of course, you like it, in which case its suppression was a Jewish plot.

    • 回复: @Miggle
    , @Bookish1
  401. Zumbuddi 说:

    Reply was intended for Harbinger, #404, #408.

  402. Miggle 说:



    Is there a centuries-old hatred of Jews? Yes, over centuries there have been incidents in which people responded with hatred of … something. Was it hatred of Jews? Or were those guilty of certain actions, actions that were hated, too often Jews? Or is this the name given to the reverse, merely Jewish hatred, centuries-old aggressive hatred because things happened to Jews that happened to everyone, hatred that itself lasts for centuries?

    The Chmielnitsky rebellion, Cossacks and peasants killing many Jews. The most notorious example pre-WW2. Even, for Leon Uris in his 出埃及记 (1958) the most notorious persecution of Jews in all history. (He also writes in another place in that book of “the dance of the six million”. I don’t know what he meant by that.)

    Were those Jews killed because they were Jews? The rebels overran at least one Jewish city (town) and left the inhabitants unharmed.

    Were the Jews killed even a high proportion of those killed in that rebellion?

    “wholly irrational”? There are cases of irrationality on the part of humans. Have been for centuries. But I’d like to see a few examples of wholly irrational hatred of Jews, of Jews because they were Jews, were guilty of that only.

    This Durocher is at this point looking stupid to me.

  403. Miggle 说:

    The destruction of the Second Temple. Was that the result of wholly irrational hatred of Jews by Romans?

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  404. Miggle 说:

    To me, it is quite obvious the French Revolution was a Jewish plot.

    Wherever there is social turmoil and destabilization, a disproportionately high number of Jews jumps into it. If it was true of the French Revolution, as it was true of the Russian Revolution, it does not follow that they were in essence Jewish plots. It may simply be that Jews like such turmoil among the Gentiles. Woke? Woke what?

    • 回复: @Miggle
  405. Bookish1 说:

    I was always suspicious that jews might have been behind the French revolution because there were so many parallels with that jewish bolshevik revolution. And with napoleon’s wars killing hundreds of thousands of young European men it seemed to fit right in for what jews have always planned for us. I read that the alpine genetic strain of the aryan race went extinct during those wars.

    • 回复: @Alden
  406. @Poco

    Gotta disagree. I worked for Satan’s Asshole, and his name was not Israel. He did vacation there, though.

  407. @anarchyst

    Wholeheartedly agree with you about the need for the church to abolish their foolish and odd celibacy requirement for clergy.

    They could also get rid of “THE Pope”, the office itself and most certainly the current occupant.

    • 回复: @Miggle
  408. Miggle 说:


    Wherever there is social turmoil and destabilization, a disproportionately high number of Jews jumps into it. If it was true of the French Revolution, as it was true of the Russian Revolution, it does not follow that they were in essence Jewish plots. It may simply be that Jews like such turmoil among the Gentiles. Woke? Woke what?

    Now I’m apologizing. It might be true. But some at least among the Jews jump in because they are concerned for the welfare of the many. I’m thinking of Trotsky, who I think was a good guy, within his limits, not concerned with creating turmoil among the Gentiles, but with assisting the poorer members of society to avoid being impoverished even more by the predatory rich. Same with Rosa Luxemburg, and no doubt other Marxist Jews.

    • 回复: @Flint Clint
  409. Seraphim 说:

    It was the result of the wholly irrational hatred of Jews against Christians. There is agreement among the ancient sources that the killing of James called the Brother of the Lord, the first bishop of the Christian Church in Jerusalem, for ‘breaking the Law’ in preaching Jesus Christ, was a principal cause of the Judaean War which led to the destruction of the Temple, viewed as divine retribution for the killing and profanation of the Temple.

  410. Seraphim 说:

    It is rather the ‘freedom’ to choose between the right belief and the wrong belief. Germans chose the wrong belief: “alleyn durch den glawben”.
    They are not an exception, of course: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables”.

  411. Talha 说:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    You and Harbinger made some important points which I will address when I get some time.


  412. Miggle 说:

    Wholeheartedly agree with you about the need for the church to abolish their foolish and odd celibacy requirement for clergy.

    They could also get rid of “THE Pope”, the office itself and most certainly the current occupant.

    I haven’t been following the thread and don’t know what particular issue you have with the current Pope.

    But people have been saying for 800 years what you just said, your latter point. The Romanist church, sect, had a pretense at counter-reform of 1554, their Council of Trent, which only made the Pope more powerful, and they also then made it their top priority to indoctrinate little children, a Jewish idea picked up by the founder of the Jesuits, Ignatius Loyola: control the children to control the parents through the children. Everywhere they are they have their own primary schools, by them for them.

    As for the celibacy, isn’t it just about giving the priest private access to every member of the family?

    So don’t be too hopeful. The Papacy is ALL about power and money. Think of the very word “catholic”, which means universal. One sect of (claimed) Christianity split off from the Orthodox Church in 1054 yet insists that it, exclusively, is the universal church, the church. By definition (theirs) there are no Christians other than them.

    I am even doubtful that their own laity are members of their church. I read somewhere that, according to them, the Church by definition consists of the Roman Pope and his subordinate hierarchy, and no-one else. That way, it is Universal.

    Foolish and odd, you say? They have a mountain of foolish and odd superstitions. They are all artificial, all about making the priests important. And the Pope more so. According to the New Testament, somewhere, a Christian who commits a sin must (?) should (?) confess that sin to another Christian. But they’ve invented the “sacrament” of the “Confessional” with the restriction that confession can only be made to one of their priests, making the priests very important. (But requiring that celibacy.) And then there is their “Mass”, already totally debunked as a fraud by the Paris Placards of 1534. It depends on the foolish and odd superstition that a priest but only a priest has the magical power to turn a piece of bread onto the body of Jesus, so Jesus can be re-sacrificed to God in the mouth of anyone who participates in the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. These invented superstitions are all about power.

    As for “THE Pope”, there were others. I read somewhere (can’t find it now) that in (from memory, approximately) AD 300 the Pope of Carthage wrote a letter to the Pope of Rome informing him that, in Africa, Latin was the language of the Church, and advising him that the Roman Church ought to drop Greek and make Latin its language.

    But, because it is all about power, eventually, of course, there was only one Pope, and it would be heresy to suggest otherwise.

    So, good luck with your idea, not novel, of getting rid of the office of Pope.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
    , @Flint Clint
  413. Seraphim 说:

    Talking about Christianity without the Christ won’t led you anywhere. It precludes any understanding of what Christianity is, the Church instituted by the Christ in which he dwells continuously (the Orthodox Church).
    The ‘sacraments’ of the Church have been instituted by the Christ. This is what the NT speaks all along, not just ‘somewhere’ that we don’t know even where.
    The sacrament (mysterion/taina) of confession is actually the sacrament of Penance and ‘forgiveness of sins’ (the original sense of ‘sin’ is transgression, failure) that only God and the persons to whom God gave this power (the priests, that is) can forgive. The penitent ‘confess’ his sins and his intentions to repent (metanoia – to change his mind, his ways) to God asking forgiveness and the priest prays: “May God Who pardoned David through Nathan the Prophet when he confessed his sins, Who pardoned Peter who wept bitterly for his denial, the Harlot who wept at His feet, the Publican and the Prodigal, forgive you all things, through me a sinner, both in this world and in the world to come, and set you uncondemned before His terrible Judgment Seat. Now, having no further care for the sins which you have confessed, depart in peace”. And the priest gives the penitent a ‘canon’ (prayers, good deeds, charities) to follow apportionate with the gravity of the sin, before he can participate in the ‘Mystery of mysteries’, the Eucharist.
    It is true that the ‘conspiracy’ of the Roman Popes and Frankish kings had twisted and perverted the real meaning of the Christian ‘doctrine’ (including its social and political aspects) and ‘sacraments’ to serve their worldly power. But the Protestant revolution replacing the ‘idolatrization’ of the ‘Body of Christ’ with the idolatrization of the printed word (the “Bible”), far from being a ‘return’ to the original Church, only carried further and developed the heresies of Papacy to their logical consequence (albeit unintended), open apostasy.
    Nobody asked where the money to print ‘Bibles’, pamphlets, placards and pay the propagandists came from.

  414. Alden 说:

    Get to a university library and find Abbe Barruel. His books are on shelves full of books corroborating his view. It was a big interest of mine at one time.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  415. @Richard B

    And by the way, weren’t Jews trying to convince us not that long ago that the entire Muslim world was antisemitic


    and for that reason the American government had a moral obligation to bomb it into oblivion?

    2019 年和 2020 年将作为我们不再听从犹太霸权公司并开始公开反抗的年份而载入史册。

    Probably should have started listening earlier.

  416. Seraphim 说:

    Abbe Barruel is on line. Free.

  417. @Miggle


    圣餐以最后的晚餐为蓝本,并与受难有关。 宿主确实具有基督的身体和血液的属性。

    唯独神父有权力变质的原因是因为圣秩将他们与创立教会的基督本人联系起来。 为什么只有牧师可以驱魔和赦免。 它是通过使徒继承。



    Lol, your gay ugly protestant churches where some tranny person of colour wearing a sash pretending to be a Priest pats you on the shoulder and says ‘you’re cool’ is completely worthless.

    “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18

    除非你在墙外的圣彼得和圣保罗,否则你无法真正理解这一继承的威严。 成为天主教徒就是在善恶之战中以宇宙的真实状态为中心。


    对据称见证奇迹的献身宿主进行的 DNA 测试具有非常罕见的 AB+ 血型。

    Not every host has this character, of course, but it hints at the idea of the forms – some take on their true form in rare circumstances. It amazes me midwits who claim to be smartie Pantsches can’t reconcile theology with the philosphy of Plato and even Aristotle. Nothing in the Church falls outside the realm of reasoning except at the very margins.

    The Orthodox Church is interesting. I trust Father Chad Rippeger who observes that it’s rites are simply incomplete.

    The Catholic Church today is extremely flawed – primarily because since Vatican II it has become increasingly Jewish and Protestant, there is little of Catholicism left. But what is left is still by the far the most compelling construction of reality I’ve yet found.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
    , @Miggle
  418. @Miggle

    Except he was acting on behalf of the money powers. Lev Bronstein was an agent of the Schiffs, and the Wardaus, and the Sassoons, and Rothschilds, and many others. There is never a concern for the ‘welfare’ of the many. That is not possible. Tikkun Olam is about subjugating the world and reengineering it to Jewish benefit.

    • 同意: Alden
  419. Seraphim 说:
    @Flint Clint

    With all due respect for Fr. Ripperger, but he is wrong in regards to the ‘incompleteness’ of the rites of the Orthodox Church. As a matter of fact the Latin rites are ‘incomplete’.
    The most glaring example is precisely the Eucharist. The complete (i.e. ‘perfect’) rite is like that: the faithful bring to the altar the ‘gifts’: the ‘daily’ bread (i.e. leavened) prepared by them and the wine as a sacrifice of thanksgiving, peace and praise in memory of the Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. The priest offers the gifts on behalf of the faithful and prays that the Holy Ghost descends upon them and transform them into the Body and Blood of the Christ (this is the ἐπίκλησις “invocation” or “calling down from on high”). Then the offerings are consumed by the priest and the offertants under ‘both species’, bread and wine, as the Christ enjoined at the Last Supper (‘drink of this ye all’). The Latins took out the leaven from the bread which is no more brought by the faithful, but prepared separately, diminished the role of ‘epiclesis’, forbade the wine to the faithful.
    Even the ‘Catechism of the Catholic Church’ obliquely recognizes its ‘incompleteness’:
    “1390 Since Christ is sacramentally present under each of the species, communion under the species of bread alone makes it possible to receive all the fruit of Eucharistic grace. For pastoral reasons this manner of receiving communion has been legitimately established as the most common form in the Latin rite. But “the sign of communion is more complete when given under both kinds, since in that form the sign of the Eucharistic meal appears more clearly. This is the usual form of receiving communion in the Eastern rites”.

    Another example is the Baptism. The complete rite is: triple immersion (that is what ‘baptismos’ means) followed immediately by Chrismation, the “seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit” (in Greek: Σφραγὶς δωρεᾶς Πνεύματος Ἁγίου) and Communion. The Latins replaced the immersion by sprinkling and delayed the Chrismation and Communion.

  420. ATBOTL 说:

    “Attali ascribes opposition to Afro-Islamic immigration as a sign of a lack of French “self-confidence”…”

    This is the same line that neocons and globalist conservatives in the US use. Unfortunately, this concept that caring too much about third world immigration is some kind of “anti-American” pessimism does resonate with many grassroots conservatives here. That was the sentiment among many of the majority of conservatives who rejected Pat Buchanan back in the 90’s and supported Bush and Dole and Bush instead. Those people didn’t necessarily consciously support open borders, but speaking against open borders somehow made them angry at the person doing it. It was felt as rocking the boat by these types.

    I saw conservatives in real life react this way to anti-immigration sentiment in that era. Many older “boomer” conservatives, now in their 60’s and 70’s, still think this way, but many have also changed. I have seen the ones who changed discus how this “mandatory optimism” mentality played into their delusions on immigration.

    Evangelical Protestants in particular tend to think like this.

  421. @anarchyst

    事实是,犹太人DID使罗马人将耶稣基督钉在十字架上,而DID对他的受难和死亡负全部责任。 就像今天的情况一样,他们让其他人(庞蒂斯·彼拉多)为他们做“肮脏的工作”……

    Well, saving ungrateful heathen humanity from eternal hellfire and damnation is indeed hard “dirty work” but, hey, somebody’s gotta do it.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  422. Seraphim 说:
    @Reality Cheque

    But that wouldn’t save ‘them’. Did ‘they’ offer one of their own as a sacrifice for the salvation of mankind out of their love for the ‘heathen humanity’? Or did ‘they’ kill him in “the same way they persecuted the prophets which were before you”? On false charges of sedition and rebellion against the Emperor.

    “Woe unto you! for ye build the sepulchres of the prophets, and your fathers killed them. 48 Truly ye bear witness that ye allow the deeds of your fathers: for they indeed killed them, and ye build their sepulchres. 49 Because of this, the Wisdom of God said, ‘I will send them prophets and apostles; some of them they will kill and others they will persecute.’ 50As a result, this generation* will be charged with the blood of all the prophets that has been shed since the foundation of the world, 51from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, who was killed between the altar and the sanctuary. Yes, I tell you, all of it will be charged to this generation*.…

    *τῆς γενεᾶς ταύτης (the meaning of γενεά, ᾶς, ἡ, is race, family, generation).

  423. @Ris_Eruwaedhiel

    Yeah. I’m familiar with the Sobran quote. I was just riffing on it a bit.

  424. Bookish1 说:

    True that jews got the Roman’s to crucify christ and it is the biggest proof that jesus was not a jew. Jews would never turn over one of their own to gentiles to be crucified and it wouldn’t matter what that jew did. Jewish prisoners in Americas prison system are considered to be captives by jews.

  425. Kiel 说:

    ““Sovereignism” Is Anti-Semitism & a Jewish-Muslim Alliance Must Shut It Down”

    When he says ‘Muslim’, is he including the Cryptos in The House of Suad?

  426. Talha 说:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    My friend, I realized that a had still not responded to your post. You’ll have to forgive me, but perhaps this subject will come up again elsewhere and we can continue where we left off. Again, I ask for your pardon.

    I hope you and family have a good Thanksgiving!


  427. Miggle 说:
    @Flint Clint

    圣餐以最后的晚餐为蓝本,并与受难有关。 宿主确实具有基督的身体和血液的属性。

    耶稣擘饼说:“这是我的身体为你而碎。 这样做是为了纪念我。”
    然后他没有摔倒在地板上,桌子上的其他人都在他的血中直到脚踝。 这 is 我的身体意味着 表示 我的身体。 当他擘开那块面包时,那块面包就 不能 转化为祂的身体。 甚至 He 不能那样做,坐在盘子里准备吃的碎片。 在这里,我们看到,为了权力的利益,否认绝对明显的事情。


    唯独神父有权力变质的原因是因为圣秩将他们与创立教会的基督本人联系起来。 为什么只有牧师可以驱魔和赦免。 它是通过使徒继承。

    这里有点无知,被洗脑的狂热。 漂亮的措辞,“神圣的命令”,巧妙地发明了欺骗的意图。 和“单独的牧师”? 好把戏! 漂亮的大写P! 天主教会最著名的事情是它声称(尽管一些关于西蒙巴乔纳斯绰号洛克的口头技巧)牧师有权宽恕罪孽,然后以金钱为代价出售对罪孽的宽恕。

    还有“孤独”? 圣经在哪里支持“单独的祭司”? 相反,耶稣说:“不要叫人为父亲,因为你们只有一位在天上的父亲。”


    我很受宠若惊,像你这样的人称我为白痴,愚蠢。 我几乎不希望有更强有力的相反证据。

    阅读 1534 年的巴黎标语牌。在很大程度上基于希伯来人的书信,他们最终证明弥撒是一种骗局,一切都是为了让 RC 牧师成为“牺牲者”,因此,特别的是,当 牺牲是,曾经,“一劳永逸”。

    打破面包 纪念 一个人是不杀那个人的。 想象面包已经成为实质,实际上是一个人,而那个人正在被打破,这是……有点傻。

  428. Bert 说:
    @Kolya Krassotkin

    In contrast to the explicit Christian dictum to love one’s neighbor, tikkun olam is typical Jewish sophistry. Tikkun olam is so vague as to allow any action benefitting Jews to be mischaracterized as universally beneficial and morally necessary. The dismantling of traditional American culture during the past 100 years provides one example after another of the Jews arguing from their mandate of tikkun olam, while achieving results that benefit themselves. The Culture of Critique documents this history.



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