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嗨,我是保罗·杰伊。欢迎来到分析新闻。感谢所有点击捐赠按钮的人。如果你还没有这样做,也许这次你可以这样做。如果您在 YouTube 或我们的网站上观看,请点击分享按钮并订阅,我们很快就会回来与迈克尔·赫德森联系。

2020 年底,美国家庭债务攀升至十四点六万亿美元,创下历史新高,抵押贷款债务首次突破 10 万亿美元。现在,美国的GDP只有21万亿左右。美国人欠下超过 1.71 万亿美元的学生贷款债务,分布在 44.7 万借款人身上。这比美国信用卡债务总额高出约 739 亿美元。虽然由于大流行而暂停了违约和付款,但我现在再次谈论学生债务,尽管拜登和民主党中的许多其他人做出了承诺,但目前还没有免除此类债务的计划。拜登在 CNN 市政厅表示,他不会按照参议员舒默和沃伦的敦促,通过行政行动免除 50 万美元债务,拜登表示,“我准备注销一万美元债务,但不会注销五万美元,因为我准备注销”。我认为我没有权力这样做。好吧,由 17 名州总检察长组成的小组呼吁拜登通过行政行动免除每个借款人五万美元的学生债务贷款,并声称根据《高等教育法》,他确实有权这样做。

另一方面,从2020年90月中旬开始,美联储启动了激进的量化宽松政策,其中包括购买公司债券。美联储购买了数十亿美元的企业债务,其中大部分来自苹果、AT&T、通用电气、福特、康卡斯特、微软等大约 XNUMX 家大公司,这些公司甚至可能不需要购买债务。因此,只要是大公司而不是学生,国家在免除债务方面的作用就相当不错。好吧,我承认美联储的政策比我概述的要复杂一些,但原则很明确。对于企业和银行来说,依靠政府纾困摆脱债务并不被认为是系统性风险。但政府免除家庭和学生债务对整个体系来说是一个危险。当然,它的意义远不止于此。该体系要求民众背负高额债务,企业和银行才能继续攫取巨额利润并吸纳亿万富翁阶层的财富。

现在迈克尔·哈德森(Michael Hudson)加入我们谈论债务。迈克尔是一位经济学家,堪萨斯城密苏里大学经济学教授,也是巴德学院利维经济研究所的研究员。他还是前华尔街分析师、政治顾问、评论员和记者。感谢您再次加入我们,迈克尔。

很高兴来到这里。关于你的引导,联邦存款保险公司总裁希拉·贝尔(Sheila Bair)最近在《华尔街日报》上撰文称,美联储的问题在于购买垃圾债券。正如她所说,这是购买一些无力偿还债务的大公司的债券。她正在批评他们。她指出,整个金融体系都依赖于债务,因为债务是银行的抵押品。银行的资产就是人民的债务。因此,自 2008 年以来,美联储的政策目标是通过降低利率来支持抵押贷款市场,从而以某种方式保持经济支付其最大的巨额债务(房地产债务)的能力。如果你支持抵押贷款,那么即使个人房主无力偿还债务,他们至少可以将其出售给有能力偿还债务的人或公司。因此,整个金融体系是一个建立在这些债务之上的金字塔。


好吧,想象一下,美联储可以简单地从政府那里购买所有学生债务,然后将其抹掉。美联储本可以消灭它。事实是,如果政府减记所有学生债务,现在不会花费政府一分钱。这不会花费银行一分钱,因为债务是欠政府的,而政府只会取消未来的收入来源。通过取消学生债务收入,他们会说债务是公共需求。债务是人们赖以生存的东西。这是一种基本需求,因此值得公开,就像在英国、中国和大多数其他发达国家一样。只有在美国,教育的起飞速度几乎接近这里的医疗保健和医疗保健的不平等。这就是美国与其他工业国家和中国的不同之处。由于沉重的债务和医疗保健以及其他经济体没有的所有其他费用,这正是美国无法摆脱过去 13 年经济衰退的原因,自2008年以来。



这是正确的。加拿大总是落后美国大约三年。这就是加拿大的看法。 1979 年,当我在加拿大国务院工作时,我们对加拿大人进行了测试问卷。您对未来有何看法?几乎所有加拿大人都认为他们的未来将与美国一样,但晚了三年。从那时起,这就成为首相的基本施政政策。



美联储的工作是确保经济为银行体系和债券持有人运行,而不是让银行体系和债券市场为经济运行。因此,我们生活在一个上下颠倒的经济中,一切都是为了维持债券持有人和银行的运转。问题在于,抵押贷款债务、学生贷款债务、个人债务、汽车贷款债务正在以指数级的高速度增长,而经济却没有以高速度增长。自2008年以来所有的经济增长都只是针对最富有的95%的人口。自2008年以来,95%的人口的GDP实际上已经萎缩。所以你现在正面临着非常尖锐的两极分化。所以我认为,如果你谈论债务问题,那么问题是,你是想维持顶层债权人和 XNUMX% 负债者之间的这种两极分化,还是想恢复人们通常认为的那种平等?民主的标志,至少是经济民主的标志?政府的选择是我们将维持两极分化。无论如何,债权人不会损失一分钱。债务人将遭受损失。




我看到了布鲁金斯学会的一项统计数据。现在,这已经有几年了,也许有五六年了,但当时美国私人手中扣除负债后的资产总额约为 98 万亿美元。并不是没有足够的财富,人们没有理由背负如此多的债务。正如你所说,这就是极化。稍微谈一下债务减免这个问题,因为您在债务和债务减免的历史方面做了很多工作。

有趣的是,人们认为如果人们不偿还债务,经济就会崩溃。但正如我们之前讨论过的,自 1984 年以来,我在哈佛大学成立了一个考古人类学小组,研究美索不达米亚的经济史。而三千年来,苏美尔、巴比伦、所有近东王国及其统治者,通常在登基时都会取消个人债务。不是企业债务,不是商人和贸易商的债务,而是个人债务。他们这样做是因为否则债务人就会陷入债权人的束缚。这意味着,如果你是一个靠土地养活自己的小农户,那么你就会拖欠税款,或者你因某种原因需要借款,你将不得不通过为债权人工作来偿还债务。好吧,那么你就不能从事建造围墙、挖掘灌溉沟渠和公共基础设施的徭役劳动。如果你欠债权人农作物盈余,那么你就无法缴纳税款。因此,数千年来每一位在近东登上王位的新统治者都将有一个干净的记录。他会说,好吧,我们正在消除积压的债务。汉谟拉比定律是他的一项干净的宣言,其中规定,如果出现疾病或农作物歉收,或者经济活动出现一些人们无力支付的中断,那么债务就不必偿还。得到报酬。

嗯,结果是恢复力。结果并不是经济崩溃。这似乎如此激进,以至于近一个世纪以来,亚述学家和经济历史学家表示,他们不可能取消债务,因为如果这样做,经济就会崩溃。好吧,事实是经济并没有崩溃,因为他们取消了债务。一旦消除了债权人阶层的债务,就阻止了独立金融寡头的发展。你可以让小农们像以前一样向宫殿支付他们的农作物。他们在自己的土地上工作,他们能够履行他们的徭役职责,他们在种植淡季所做的工作职责。因此,这些干净的石板不仅可以取消债务,还可以将被没收的财产归还给债权人,并将债务人从奴役中解放出来,即欠债权人的劳动。事实上,这是犹太教《利未记》第 25 章的禧年律法中逐字逐句借用的。因此,它甚至实际上已融入宗教中,但当耶稣出现并说他会在他的第一次世界中恢复干净的石板时,布道,你让罗马寡头统治接管了。罗马重写了整个法律,彻底改变了文明的进程,当然是西方文明,并表示所有的债务都必须偿还。不会有任何债务取消。我们不是在民主国家。嗯,五个世纪以来,从大约公元前六世纪的希腊,一直到罗马奥古斯都的共和国末期,人们都在敦促取消债务和重新分配土地。叛乱不断。在罗马,平民分裂,发生内战。希腊发生内战。希腊的民主始于被称为暴君的领导人,他们是改革者,他们驱逐了寡头政治,取消了债务并重新分配了土地。好吧,那不再做,结果是一个黑暗时代。






令人惊奇的是,没有人提出任何替代方案。没有人指出债务确实是一个问题。当然,如果你选修经济学课程,它不会出现在经济学课程中,也不会出现在政治讨论中。没有人可以与伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)谈论社会化医疗相媲美。没有人谈论债务社会化或减记债务,也没有人谈论债务正在使我们的经济增长陷入停滞这一事实。而且,由于人们必须在债务上花费大量资金,他们不仅无法购买自己生产的商品和服务,而且无法获得出口就业机会,因为他们的生活成本如此之高,因为他们必须还清那么多债务。







嗯,这是金融化所固有的,但不是资本主义所固有的。 1947 年德国的经济奇迹很可能是建立在取消债务的基础上的。除雇主欠雇员每月工资的债务外,所有国内债务均被取消。最少的银行账户除外。在德国,他们减记了债务,结果是,这使德国成为一个无债务经济体,并能够腾飞并成为欧洲占主导地位的工业强国,就像今天一样。



1920 世纪 30 年代,金融化程度很高。你在三十年代经历了一场大崩溃,抑郁症。但第二次世界大战刚结束,整个资本主义世界就开始金融化,并在 1980 世纪 XNUMX 年代像火箭一样腾飞。但那匹马已经离开谷仓了,不是吗?我认为你不会回到没有金融化的资本主义。从某种意义上说,我认为这是现代资本主义不可避免的。



这是一个不受监管的公用事业,因为正如比尔·布莱克所解释的,再次存在监管捕获。美国的问题是银行创建了美联储。美联储成立于 1913 年,旨在使银行业成为私营企业,而不是公共事业。非常明确地将货币创造、信贷和信贷规则的中心从华盛顿转移到华尔街、费城和波士顿,并分散其权力,让政府摆脱信贷和债务体系,让债权人疯狂经济。这就是他们所说的结果。他们甚至取消了当时财政部长的联邦储备委员会成员资格。这是一场新的阶级战争。这并不是马克思所警告的那种阶级战争。这是一场金融相对于其他经济部门的阶级战争。这是食利者经济的复兴,只不过20世纪和21世纪的食利者是债权人、银行家和金融机构,而不是地主。


好吧,现在,如果银行最大的市场是石油工业和采矿业,我不知道如何制定有意义的气候变化政策。他们打算保持这种状态。银行和金融部门的利益完全反对针对全球变暖或任何形式的社会或环境改革采取任何行动。这就是为什么当奥巴马总统推动跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TPP)、跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TPP)和与欧洲的跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TTIP)时,其中的一个要素就是私人港口。政府失去了针对任何外国投资者执行环境规则的权力。这样一来,整个世界就会变成雪佛龙与厄瓜多尔的对决。任何对污染或全球变暖实施环境规则的政府都可能被起诉要求赔偿,这样该公司就能赚到与继续污染和破坏环境时一样多的钱。这是奥巴马的一大推动力,希望最终能在美国民主中钉上一颗钉子。这在很大程度上就是他被选下台的原因,因为人们对企业反对政府、反对文明的虚伪和支持感到非常震惊。这就是 TPP 和 TTIP。

好吧,迈克尔,这只是谈话的开始。谢谢。对于那些想了解更多比尔·布莱克 (Bill Black) 的人,迈克尔曾多次提到过他,我刚刚开始发表一系列对比尔·布莱克 (Bill Black) 的采访,内容涉及美国金融欺诈的历史,从 80 年代的储蓄贷款危机开始,我们一直持续到今天。

我正在主持,当拉尔夫·纳德 (Ralph Nader) 写一篇关于花旗银行的研究报告时,大家都在我纽约的后院开会,从事欺诈工作的律师对纳德当时在花旗银行所做的事情感到非常失望,因为他们都意识到问题出在那时候还不算诈骗。这一切都是合法的。所以金融体系最糟糕的事情就是它是合法的。这不是欺诈。换句话说,用理查德·尼克松的话来说,当银行这样做时,这并不是欺诈。现在,显然,拉尔夫纳德随后转向了更多的改革,同时,由于监管的捕获,真正的欺诈已经发生。但真正的问题是金融体系本身的结构。即使没有欺诈,该体系也会走向经济两极分化、紧缩和灾难。

非常感谢,迈克尔。感谢您加入我们的 Analysis.news。请不要忘记捐赠按钮等等。我们很快就会再次见到你。

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• 类别: 经济学 •标签: 债务, 拜登, 学生债务 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. A123 说:

    Cancelling Student Debt while keeping programs that create that debt generates “Moral Hazard”. People would be encouraged to take out more debt than that cannot be repaid in anticipation of a future debt amnesty.

    结束所有联邦学生贷款计划消除了未来的风险。 大学将不得不恢复学生资助、奖学金等贷款前的模式。 杀死野兽 has been locked in, a rational discussion about Student Loan amnesty can be held. Without the burden of “Moral Hazard”, cancelling existing debt is much more likely to occur.


  2. RoatanBill 说:


    • 不同意: IronForge
  3. SafeNow 说:

    To avoid debt, I had my arms in the dining-hall pot sink for four years. This meant less time for study — like studying economics, so that I could better understand this great essay. Pot-sink people (nice metaphor, don’t you think?) like me would feel like dupes if debt were cancelled. (But I can give you a Pro Tip: Instead of scrubbing your pots, fill the sink with sudsy water, and let them soak. Walk away. Do something else. When you return, your task will be much easier.)

  4. Mark G. 说:

    我能理解为什么民主党会支持取消学生债务。 上大学的年轻人被灌输了觉醒的左翼主义,并变成了未来的民主党选民。 背着沉重的大学生债务负担的中年大学生给别人上了一课,这是一个多么糟糕的主意,获得毫无价值的学位并吓跑潜在的学生。

    Encouraging fewer people to go to college would be a good thing. They would no longer be indoctrinated with bad ideas, no longer get degrees that have little market value due to an overabundance of people with college degrees and could spend time getting vocational training that would lead to a job or just immediately go out and start working instead of wasting four years of their lives. There would be the additional benefit that many of the mostly liberal professors and swarms of college admin people would lose their jobs as college enrollments contracted. What’s the downside here? I don’t see it.

    It’s true we waste money in other ways like bailing out Wall Street but the solution to that is stop doing that too. Just because we do one stupid thing doesn’t make it a good idea to do another stupid thing. I do have a little sympathy for some of those suckered into taking out these loans. Some of them obviously weren’t very bright and were taken advantage of. If they can’t pay off the loans, the colleges who gave them the worthless degrees should be at least partially responsible for paying them off.

  5. ruralguy 说:
    @Mark G.

    You nailed it Mark G. In our egalitarian society, everyone wants the college experience, but only the top 10% or so of students have the cognitive skills to handle “real” advanced college learning. So, colleges offer worthless degrees and their worthless accompanying socialist indoctrination, to give them the illusion they are college students and equals to the professionals. This government pays heavily to maintain this illusion.

    Today’s participation-award all-A students want to believe they are special, but that illusion will not square with reality as they get older.

    • 同意: europeasant, GomezAdddams
  6. Aside from the references made to the climate change hoax by Paul Jay, who I haven’t seen on video for about 4 years–and I wish I saw more of him–and Michael Hudson, I again wish he was a stronger speaker on these issues. It would seem that what is he saying is that the United States is utterly doomed. I just don’t ever see him push for anything at all.

    It’s depressing but maybe that’s Hudson’s role. Nice closing music though.

    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
    , @Rubicon
  7. Biff 说:

    Great explanation of how money = debt and debt = money..

  8. dawg 说:

    政府可以取消学生债务,没人会抱怨吗? 几乎不。 除了我们数以百万计的人,他们在大学里努力工作,或者借钱还钱。 如果你打算免除 50 万美元的学生债务,那么每个曾经支付过大学账单的人都会得到 50 美元。

    • 回复: @Rosie
    , @FvS
  9. T.Rebon 说:


  10. Rosie 说:


    打哈欠。 令人厌烦的、反动的、原路返回的方法。 当然,除非你有富裕的父母,否则你的方式很糟糕。

  11. Rosie 说:

    Pot-sink people (nice metaphor, don’t you think?) like me would feel like dupes if debt were cancelled.

    By all means, let’s sacrifice tens of millions of young lives so that SafeNow doesn’t have to “feel like a dupe.”

    Nevermind the fact that it’s been decades since pot-scrubbing could make a dent in a semesters tuition.

    • 回复: @frontier
    , @Alden
  12. Rosie 说:

    政府可以取消学生债务,没人会抱怨吗? 几乎不。 除了我们数以百万计的人,他们在大学里努力工作,或者借钱还钱。 如果你打算免除 50 万美元的学生债务,那么每个曾经支付过大学账单的人都会得到 50 美元。

    如果您还清了 50K 的债务,那么您显然有能力这样做,对此您应该心存感激。


    对于所有人来说,可能有比 50K 更好的方法,但即使这样也比没有好很多。

    • 回复: @Thomasina
    , @SolontoCroesus
  13. Reg Cæsar 说:

    University education today is essentially fraud, the equivalent of high school a century ago. When is this going to be addressed? Loans are downstream, and a distraction.

    If you don’t qualify for a professional license within a year or two of being graduated [sic], perhaps you are due for a conversation with someone who hold a professional license!

    • 同意: ruralguy, GomezAdddams
  14. Thomasina 说:

    “If you paid off 50K in debt, then you obviously had the means to do so, for which you should be grateful.”

    Rosie, people should actually stop and “think” before taking out a loan. Actually stand back and think about it. They should formulate in their brains the thought: “I have to pay this loan back. How am I going to do this?”

    You don’t sign a contract, take the money, and then say, “Well, things didn’t work out, so there you go. But I’ll keep the degree, thank you very much.” Talk about entitled.

    How about working and saving up for your education first? I know someone who is doing this. Yes, your education is delayed, but in the end you don’t owe anybody anything. This extra time also allows the student to think long and hard about whether they want to attend at all; they discover how serious they are. They ask hard questions like: is it worth it? Am I university material?

    The problem occurred when the government backed these student loans. Prior to that, banks actually asked hard questions of the would-be students before handing out the loans. Most people attending university are not even university-material; they shouldn’t be there at all. They should have been rejected. But since the government is backing the loans, the banks have been handing out money like candy to these students.

    These students created “demand”, which pushed prices up into the stratosphere. They did it to themselves.

    I read somewhere that the average student loan is around $10,000.00. Most people can pay that back over a number of years. I understand they probably don’t want to, seeing that it got them nowhere, but nobody twisted their arm to make them take out a loan. It’s a good lesson for them: don’t bite off more than you can chew.

    • 回复: @Rosie
    , @Anonymous
    , @Johnny Johnny
  15. Franz 说:


    …it was Biden who was the head of the committee that rewrote the bankruptcy law to prevent student debt from being written off. It was Biden who locked in student debt.

    It was the Buy American and Jobs USA in the closing years of the last century who tried to get the country to pay full tuition for all levels of education. It was Biden’s job to torpedo it.

    No citizen ASKED the government for enforced education in the first place. Only busybodies and Horace Greeley. But since they force 12 years on everyone — why withhold the portion that matters, Level Three? It is obvious there is a national need to have educated people. Let the nation then pay for them.

    This would mean seriously stripping down institutions of higher learning from the PC peddlers they’ve become. Let’s have all education paid for, as grade school and high school already are, and get it over with.


  16. jsinton 说:

    哈德森先生,两个错误都是正确的。 你不能通过增加债务来解决太多的债务。 您可以在坏演员之间建立“公平”,仅此而已。 那我们还有债要还。 我说让系统崩溃,让上帝和正确的决定来解决它。

  17. Rosie 说:

    Thomasina, I’m afraid this post is uncharacteristically incoherent. You’re all over the place, here.



    这些学生创造了“需求”,将价格推高到了平流层。 他们对自己做了。

    在这里你承认价格因为联邦担保贷款而失控,然后你转身将高价归咎于学生自己。 没有学生应该为 10、20 或 30 年前学生的决定负责。 高房价是否也要归咎于购房者? 高昂的医疗费用应该归咎于患者吗?

    Speaking of health care, why are old people entitled to infinity free health care young people aren’t entitled to a free tertiary education?

    你关于太多人获得大学学位的观点是正确的,但这是劳动力市场运作的问题,解决这个问题必须是集体的,而不是个人的。 因为他们可以,雇主使用大学学位作为筛选工具。

    我在某处读到平均学生贷款约为 10,000.00 美元。

    I’m sorry but this is not a useful statistic, even if it happens to be true. It masks the horror stories of total ruin that will cripple them for the rest of their lives. It was long ago decided that this should not happen. That’s why we have bankruptcy laws. There is no reason at all why student loans shouldn’t be subject to this same procedure. I understand that this would cost the government money, because the government guarantees the loans, but then that raises the question of why students pay substantial interest on their loans, which are virtually risk-free for the lender.

    同样,正如我在原帖中所说,学生通常已经还了钱,然后还了一些。 至少,这些学生的债务应该被取消,除了贷款人的一小笔服务费,比如 5%,以补偿他们的最小风险。 事实上,出于多种原因,这可能是理想的解决方案,而且不太可能疏远那些自己还清贷款的人。



    • 回复: @Rosie
    , @Thomasina
    , @RobinG
  18. Rosie 说:

    Thomasina, another factor you have to take into account is the effect of the mass media on public perceptions about the value of a college degree.

    When our industrial base was shipped off to China, Americans were told that we were going to move up the value chain and do skilled jobs. Now, employers want to import foreigners for those jobs. They can’t very well say to Congress, “Yes, there are plenty of qualified Americans I can hire, but I prefer desperate Third-World indentured Servants. They’re more manageable.”

    So what do they do? They lie and say they can’t find any Americans. Politicians know they’re lying but take their money and do their bidding anyway. Their b!tches in the corporate media run cover by parroting their lies about a “tech shortage.” Naive young people, naturally, believe them. Next thing you know, you have an engineering grad with 200K in debt and no engineering job nor hope of ever finding one.

    Even if they do land a job in their field, the industry will chew them up and spit them out long before they’ve paid that money back.



    • 回复: @Thomasina
  19. Smith 说:


    A debt in fiat money is the same shit as a debt in gold.

    The problem is debt.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
    , @frontier
  20. Anonymous[277]• 免责声明 说:

    And that without a doubt is why China, will graduate a million to our paltry few thousand of engineers and tech, experts seeing their education is free. And people whine cry moan and bitch because China is the leading economic power in the world.

    • 同意: GomezAdddams
    • 回复: @Thomasina
  21. Biden won’t cancel student debt simply because he never intended to. HE IS A LIAR.

    • 同意: TKK
  22. RoatanBill 说:

    可用黄金数量有限制,但 凭空 法定货币。

    The relative scarcity of gold versus paper currency means that all projects can’t be funded just because some politician decides he needs to get reelected. Therefore the amount of debt that can be accommodated in the system is also limited. Any attempted increase in debt would trigger an increase in the prevailing interest rate and that too limits the overall amount of debt the society can tolerate.


    You should be ashamed of yourself for having attained adulthood without realizing how money, not currency, works. Gold is money. Dollars are currency. There’s a huge difference between them. I suggest you view the entire 金钱的隐藏秘密 迈克·马洛尼的系列作品。

    • 回复: @Smith
    , @MarkinLA
  23. Smith 说:

    If anything, the scarcity of gold makes it even a worse debt than fiat, since it is actually countable and enforceable, such a system means gold hoarder essentially dictates trade.



    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  24. 托马西娜@ 14

    ......人们实际上应该在贷款之前停下来“思考”。 其实退一步想想。 他们应该在头脑中形成这样的想法:“我必须偿还这笔贷款。 我要怎么做?”

    一般来说,这是一个很好的建议,但为教育目的提供的学生贷款是另一回事。 我对几个人的建议是,最重要的是尽你所能来接受高等教育。 担心毕业后你将如何偿还贷款,但不要让它阻止你实现你的教育目标。 将学生贷款视为简单的商业交易是错误的。 当公众的教育水平提高时,社会也会受益。 这不像贷款买跑车。

    • 回复: @Mark G.
    , @Thomasina
    , @Theone
  25. RoatanBill 说:

    以黄金或任何有形资产计价的债务违约并不比以货币计价的债务更具可执行性。 花在利润不足以偿还贷款的活动上的钱意味着钱没有了,充其量贷方可能会从破产中获得剩余的资金。 你从哪里想出这种废话?




    Money is the commonly agreed upon medium of exchange for the wants and needs of everyone. Yes, it is a convenience as opposed to barter. No one is placing money above anything. Money is the accounting system for trading to keep the population alive and thriving and as such it is important to have money that isn’t debased by the political and banker class.

    • 回复: @Smith
    , @showmethereal
  26. “席卷了几个世纪并且迟早要与之斗争的问题是人民与银行。”

    • 同意: Thomasina, TheTrumanShow
  27. Thomasina 说:

    “And people whine cry moan and bitch because China is the leading economic power in the world.”

    贪婪的美国跨国公司把中国的经济领先地位交给了他们,这些跨国公司进入中国使用廉价劳动力,没有环境控制。 中国精英欢迎他们,因为他们知道这样安排他们会变得一贫如洗。 皮条客和妓女都从中获利。

    中国还拥有利用其他国家已经掌握的现有知识和技术的巨大优势。 中国印了一大笔钱,要么把学生送到海外向大师学习,要么聘请大师在他们的大学任教。 当他们反驳热力学定律时给我打电话。

    The U.S. spends a large part of its budget on a ridiculous military. The same greedy people profit. If they were to redirect some of this money into the education system, that would be a good thing, although it probably wouldn’t help much because the jobs were offshored to China – on purpose – along with the technology. What’s the good of having engineers if they’re not needed?

    China has been U.S.-made. Call it the “foreign” affirmative action program.

    So, no, people don’t cry, moan and bitch because China has done something special. They cry, moan and bitch because the U.S. government handed the “something special” to China on a silver platter. Treason.

    • 回复: @showmethereal
  28. Mark G. 说:
    @Lawrence Miller


    你在这里犯的错误是你认为上学=教育。 通常现在在大学里发生的事情只是灌输我们的统治阶级希望每个人都相信的东西。 你会说纳粹德国或毛泽东时代的学校所教授的只是因为它发生在学校课堂上的教育吗? 为什么你认为我们对这里发生的事情免疫?

    As for the idea of going to college and worrying about paying for it later, that’s a bad idea. You first want to think about whether what you are getting is worth the time and money spent getting it. In addition to college not necessarily leading to you becoming a truly educated person, it also may not lead to the other reason people go to college, getting a better paying job. In many fields there are more graduates than job openings. This is the result of dumbing down the curriculum so more people can get degrees. People observed that college graduates make more money and then drew the conclusion that by giving more people degrees we will make them richer. You will usually find that the people who think printing up more college diplomas and passing them out will then cause their recipients to become richer are the same people who think that having the government print up more money and passing it out will make people richer.

    • 同意: Thomasina, europeasant
  29. @Rosie

    you don’t deserve a university education if you don’t have rich parents. It needs to become an elite institution again, preferably by banning women, Jews, and poor people — but especially poor women.

    As one of the few millennials that post here, the worst way to drag anything down is to let working class women near the levers of power or anywhere near knowledge. My generation has had to deal with this paradigm most acutely, and it’s why I found greener pastures in China with my advanced degree.

    • 回复: @Smith
    , @Rosie
    , @TKK
  30. @A123

    Typical Jew wants to shylock the goyim without the government as competition.

    • 同意: HeebHunter
    • 回复: @HeebHunter
  31. Thomasina 说:
    @Lawrence Miller


    And how is that working out now, Lawrence? Look at all the people who can’t find jobs in their “chosen” professions. I mean, if you’re going to become a doctor, yes, but a lot of the student debt was taken out pursuing courses that were never going to amount to anything and by students who never really thought it through. Heck, students in Computer Science are now being replaced by students from India because they’re cheaper.

    The amount of clipboard administrators in the higher education and health “industries” is way out of proportion to the boots on the ground teachers and doctors/nurses. Like another “clipboard administrator” adds anything! We do need more doctors, but the doctors themselves, being part of a union they like to call an “association”, don’t want more doctors because they want to keep the price up for their services. Supply and demand.

    The country has been gutted, fileted and offshored. What’s left has been financialized to garner maximum profits for the elites.

    Too many people took out loans for an education they’re probably never going to use and now – NOW – they have second thoughts. Too bad they didn’t have a “first” thought. They were ill-advised by parents who get their news from the MSM, parents who are asleep regarding what their government is doing to the country.

    On the advice of my family, I saved up and paid cash for my first car. They advised me that when you take out a loan, you’re really just renting the car, plus you end up paying two to three times the price of the car. Now that is good advice.

    所有这些教育贷款所做的一切都让一群管理人员变得富有,并将教育价格推向了高潮。 再次供求关系。 别玩他们的游戏了!

    • 回复: @HbutnotG
  32. Thomasina 说:

    But many of the people graduating high school (or for that matter “elementary school”) can’t even read, write or do simple math because the educational system has been so dumbed-down.

    A psychiatrist was describing what happened when he asked prison inmates to read. After struggling through reading the paragraph out loud, the psychiatrist then asked them to explain what they just read. They couldn’t. They were so focused on just sounding out the words that the meaning of what was said was completely lost.

    I think we need to get back to basics. I couldn’t believe the amount of PC stuff my children were taught in school and the amount of time it took away from their learning. I remember saying to my daughter, “Another assembly? When do you find time for learning?”

    It takes a lot for someone to learn how to read. I remember flash carding my children. I essentially taught them how to read! If I had left it up to the school system, they would have come out as idiots. That’s why I stepped up.

    Parents (and they’re starting to wake up) need to starting getting vocal about what’s happening in their schools. They need to demand that schools get back to basics and drop this PC nonsense. After all, they’re paying for this through THEIR tax dollars.

    And get rid of the kids that are disrupting the classrooms and throw it back on the parents, the very same parents who are constantly being bailed out of every bad decision they make in life. Push it back on their laps and tell THEM to step up.

    Such an entitled society, a culture that is eating itself. A culture that continues to put a Band-Aid on a severed artery.

    • 同意: RadicalCenter
    • 回复: @Franz
  33. Thomasina 说:

    Rosie – yes, we are being lied to. WMD, Russiagate, Covid, the last election; the list goes on. But it appears that people have to be stung before they wise up. They’ve just been stung.

    When everything is going along fine, people don’t pay attention. They can be surrounded with corruption, bribery, monopoly control and collusion between government and corporations (pharma, big tech, media, banking, etc.), but as long as THEY’RE okay, they don’t care what happens much to the country.

    If everybody just keeps getting bailed out, then the necessary pain and anger doesn’t materialize. This pain is necessary for change to occur. That’s the problem with the current society. They get bailed out, and then nothing changes until they need to get bailed out again.

    Yes, this is all coming from the government who have sold out the country. But it’s going to take pain and wise citizens to get rid of the whole lot of them. Wisdom is hard-fought. It has to be.

  34. Smith 说:

    A defaulted on debt denominated in gold or anything tangible is no more enforceable than it is in currency

    Yes it does, since the enforcers would take away all the gold or gold-backed currency from the indebted, leaving them nothing, they can’t even trade for food since food costs gold in this case.

    And that doesn’t into account interest/usury, which is fully compatible with the gold-standard, which can put you into a debt-slavery situation where you are forced to work to pay off your debt in gold.

    On the other hand, this means that gold-hoarding country will dictate trade and can destroy economies at will by adjusting the value of gold.

    Thus, it’s even more dangerous than having a government-printed fiat money where the people can use to trade as long as the government can print, no matter how much gold anyone owns.


    How? Assuming I get into a traffic accident, and I don’t have enough money, thus I must take a loan to save myself and get a surgery, the fact I’m spending/taking a loan isn’t evil, it’s the fact sooner or later the enforcers will come and ask for the money plus interests that I take in order to save my life is evil.

    No one is placing money above anything. Money is the accounting system for trading to keep the population alive and thriving and as such it is important to have money that isn’t debased by the political and banker class.

    You place it above people by making it scarce in the first place, when it isn’t supposed to be. The gold-standard system makes it so that gold-hoarders hold more power than anyone else.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  35. Smith 说:
    @Supply and Demand

    In China, education costs lesser money than the US, but it is harder to get into because it requires higher intelligence and dedication.

    This is why despite having more people than the US, the chinese are more educated than american.

    It seems you have learned nothing during your stay in China, and are still in mindset of worship of the “elites”.

  36. RoatanBill 说:

    I don’t know if your obtuse or trolling.

    When someone takes out a loan, it’s not to put it under their bed in either fiat or gold form. They take out the loan to spend it on a business venture, a car, a house, etc. The fiat or gold is spent and therefore no one can go to collect it. They can repossess a house or car, but something like business losses in a corporation are gone, irretrievable except for getting the assets, if there are any, of the business.

    which can put you into a debt-slavery situation where you are forced to work to pay off your debt in gold.

    There is no debt slavery any longer. People declare bankruptcy and a judge settles the issue. If the debtor has assets the court may seize them as part of the settlement and that is true for gold or fiat. There’s no difference.

    this means that gold-hoarding country will dictate trade and can destroy economies at will by adjusting the value of gold.

    Absolutely, and is as it should be. I expect China to eventually back their currency at least partially with gold since they already have gold as settlement in their oil markets.

    Your traffic accident word salad is hard to digest but I’ll give it a try. If you take out a loan for surgery, to gamble in Vegas, to do drugs, to party with women, etc, the money is gone and no one can get it back regardless if its gold or fiat. They may send you nasty letters and even try collections, but you can’t get something that no longer exists.

    gold-hoarders hold more power than anyone else.

    Gold hoarders, currency hoarders, rich people in general have the most power in the current system. The fact that it’s gold or oil or stock certificates or Federal Reserve Notes makes no difference.

    • 回复: @Smith
  37. Smith 说:

    They can repossess a house or car, but something like business losses in a corporation are gone, irretrievable except for getting the assets, if there are any, of the business.

    I don’t think the part they can’t retrieve the money/gold matter here, it’s the fact they can seize my shit and leave me in destitute (no money, no car, no house) that is the problem here. That’s why debt forgiven matter, not what the debt is made, gold or fiat.

    There is no debt slavery any longer. People declare bankruptcy and a judge settles the issue. If the debtor has assets the court may seize them as part of the settlement and that is true for gold or fiat. There’s no difference.

    Which again, leave you in destitute. Or you can delay the repossession, and work for your ass off to pay the debt, which means debt-slavery.

    Absolutely, and is as it should be. I expect China to eventually back their currency at least partially with gold since they already have gold as settlement in their oil markets.

    China is trying to hoard gold AND trying to make digital yuan at the same time, so they can pay for gold, oil, and precious materials with funny paper/bit of data.
    They are smart, and no, they won’t go back to the gold standard.

    If you take out a loan for surgery, to gamble in Vegas, to do drugs, to party with women, etc, the money is gone and no one can get it back regardless if its gold or fiat. They may send you nasty letters and even try collections, but you can’t get something that no longer exists.

    As you yourself said above, they can seize my house, my bike, my properties and leave me a homeless man. You think that’s OK?

    Gold hoarders, currency hoarders, rich people in general have the most power in the current system. The fact that it’s gold or oil or stock certificates or Federal Reserve Notes makes no difference.

    There’s a difference, with fiat you can trade regardless if you own gold-backed currency or not, thus means there’s more leeway than the gold standard.

    Fiat effectively gives a fighting chance to gold-starved country, thus it’s infinitely better than being servants of gold-hoaders.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  38. Rosie 说:
    @Supply and Demand


    与此同时,在地球上,工薪阶层的白人女性是最明智的选民。 当我们的基础设施在我们眼前崩溃时,犹太复国主义战争将使他们的儿子丧生并耗尽国家的财富,他们对犹太复国主义战争毫无用处。


    好的。 我们这里不需要你的那种。

  39. One idea that nearly all Americans would find acceptable would be for him to cancel part of the debt owed (up to $10,000) on accumulated interest. The Feds charge banks 1% but have charged students 4-7%. This would not cancel any debt based on money the student borrowed, just the interest charged. Many owe more in interest than the money they actually borrowed.

  40. TKK 说:

    There is a minuscule loophole to discharge student debt in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy – extraordinary hardship.

    为了说明这个负担是多么难以承担,我认识一位律师,他的客户在一场车祸中失去了双腿,双目失明,并有一个结肠造口袋。他为物理治疗本科生和硕士生提供的学校贷款约为 189 万美元。



    One terrible little detail the article left out was that several states: Montano and South Dakota- will suspend your driver’s license if you default on student loans.

    如果您违约,14 个州将暂停您的专业执照。如果您拖欠贷款,则吊销您的护士执照。我想你可以交付多米诺骨牌来偿还贷款。但在蒙大拿州却不然。他们会尽可能地削弱你。你可以在暴风雪中骑着自行车去 Family Dollar 偿还贷款。




    • 同意: Fred777
    • 谢谢: some_loon
    • 回复: @MarkinLA
    , @Rosie
  41. MarkinLA 说:




    只有当我们放弃这些控制时,我们才会看到一些危机,比如 1990 世纪 2008 年代的商业房地产崩溃或 1930 年的抵押贷款危机。从 XNUMX 世纪 XNUMX 年代开始,房地产业经历了数十年的无危机增长,因为银行和抵押贷款机构坚持的指导方针。

    • 同意: Thomasina
    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  42. Thomasina 说:

    Rosie – I always find expressing myself in writing a lot harder than in person.

    “These students created “demand”, which pushed prices up into the stratosphere. They did it to themselves.”

    I did not mean to imply that they did it intentionally. What I meant, and did not express well, is that most people just follow the herd of buffalo over the cliff. This is how the rich get richer: they create fear and they create demand. It’s a business plan. The first ones in do quite well, but the last ones in get hammered because by that time costs have risen and they can no longer work at Safeway while paying for their education like the previous students did.

    “Don’t worry, the jobs going to China will just be replaced with higher quality jobs.” Ross Perot warned about the “giant sucking sound” going south. Had he said “east”, he would have been bang on. Sir James Goldsmith tried to warn people too, along with others. They were ignored. The U.S. multinationals and the politicians are still laughing.

    They purposely under-report the true rate of inflation, claiming 2% instead of 8 to 10%. “I don’t care what numbers you use. Just make sure the dial reads ‘2%’.” Again, they’re laughing.

    The citizens are running on a treadmill, exhausted, while the elite are sipping champagne on some yacht moored off an island you and I have never heard of.

    The banks need to be split up and strict rules put in place, with jail-time for non-compliance. No more bailouts for them. The lying media need to be split up into a thousand pieces. Big Tech and other monopolies need to be crushed.

    And ordinary citizens have got to stop getting sucked into more and more debt. As I said the other day, when you’re in debt up to your eyeballs, you can’t open your mouth for fear of losing your livelihood. That’s a bad place to be. The herd needs to turn around and go the other way.

    • 同意: Rosie, Fred777
  43. MarkinLA 说:



    • 同意: europeasant
    • 回复: @Rosie
  44. TKK 说:
    @Supply and Demand

    You stated the pampered scions of liberal families who think blacks are sacred, safe and sane…who honor people’s pronouns and campaigned for Hilliary..who have never done a hard day’s work in their lives are smarter than a working class woman who stands on her feet all day at a chicken plant and then goes home, cooks and manages a home?




    DESERVE? I have a lot of problem with that word- deserve. People who were born on third base, whose only pedigree is that their mother bore a son…that’s what you base merit on?

    Again…who is that dumb?

    如果你是 到庄园出生,你不必跋涉到中国成为一个卑微的鬼佬。 哈!

    • 回复: @Supply and Demand
  45. 为什么拜登不会取消学生债务

    杀死一只为华尔街银行家下金蛋的鹅? 不太可能。

  46. IronForge 说:

    Rentier-Bankers, their FIRE+MIC+PetroUSD Vassals. Looting Nation-States from Within and Abroad…

  47. MarkinLA 说:



  48. Rosie 说:


    完全是胡说八道。 27 年,特朗普以 +2016 的优势赢得了非大学白人女性的支持,2020 年他也以同样的优势赢得了这些女性的支持。


  49. RobinG 说:

    ….why are old people entitled to infinity free health care….

    They’re not! [They aren’t given it, is what I’m saying. Not in this country, anyway.] Is that a myth going around in your circles? Something you should look into before tossing around such misinformation.

  50. Rosie 说:

    You could ride your bike to the Family Dollar in a swirling blizzard to pay back the loans.

    Uphill both ways.

    Golden parachutes for the architects of the losses. No one of these vultures went to prison. We paid their way to their yacht waiting on the Amalfi Coast and resumed lives of decadent luxury while us chumps paid the bill.

    The student loan racket is the most egregious and in-your-face instance of privatizing the gains and socializing the losses I have ever seen.

    I hope there is a special place in hell reserved for the judge that denied bankruptcy relief to that poor man.

  51. Dr. Doom 说:

    Kill the Federal Reserve and half the debts in the country simply disappear.
    The Rothschild House is built on debts.
    Any jubilee makes them shiver as the icy hands of death around their necks.

    Student debt is a ponzi scheme to finance the rotten universities.
    They are just Marxist training camps now.
    Cancelling student debts may end the entire scheme of Marxist universities.

    It would call into question the wisdom of going to these rotten institutions.
    It cannot even generate enough wages to pay for itself.
    That will be a sea change for the country…

  52. Franz 说:

    get rid of the kids that are disrupting the classrooms and throw it back on the parents

    I’d express that point a little differently: We need New Economic Zones where the drones (both parents and children) can find fulfillment outside ANY education system and just work subsistence on the land we confiscate from Bill Gates and the Federal Government. (I won’t detail what that might take.) It’s clear to me that diversity of life itself demands a complete overhaul of the path education has taken since Greeley studied the Prussian model and imported it to the states. It has never worked.

    “Slow lane” people can live apart from the technological world, while participating in the fruits of the system by simply selling fresh food, etc, to the outside and getting what they want in return, cell phones to reasonably well constructed housing. There’s obviously a ton of ways to get all this done — start by telling our political class what real diversity would amount to.

    The strain is entirely borne by people who just don’t need the extra expense of uneducated barbarians. As a basic start, allow “reparations” in the form of land and a boost to get started for anyone now on public relief. We’d have a subnation larger than entire European nations quite quickly, and the relief might inspire more programs of that sort. It’s a shot worth taking.

  53. @RoatanBill

    我对这个观点表示同情。 贵金属系统当然可以作为货币贬值的主要平衡器。 在历史上最大的经济繁荣时期,有一个国际黄金体系。 中产阶级自 1970 年左右开始被摧毁。 金本位制在那时结束并非巧合。

    同样的道理,说“所有这些债务问题”都会消失当然是夸大其词。 即使他们使用实际的金币和银币,那里也会出现重大债务问题以及通货膨胀和通货紧缩问题。 早在中世纪,纸质索赔就超过了实际的黄金商店。 即使在他们是金本位时,甚至在货币是硬币之前,部分准备金银行也是一回事。 (见阿姆斯特丹银行)

    毫无疑问,金属标准有它的用途。 但这并不像某些人认为的那样是灵丹妙药。 运行系统的人通常比系统本身更重要。 如果您的国家由 Juden Banksters 管理,无论有没有黄金,您都会遇到大麻烦。 如果你的国家由聪明、爱国、道德、勤奋的人管理,你不需要黄金来繁荣。

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  54. @Rosie

    公平地说,有 一些 反对犹太复国主义战争和两个腐败政党的体面白人妇女。 但他们是极少数。 一般来说,白人女性非常容易上当受骗,并且是这个星球上一些挥舞着旗帜的最大的人,非常愚蠢。 绝大多数支持任何一个主流政党,两者都完全被犹太复国主义银行家出卖。 在 9/11 摩萨德演出后,布什得到了白人的大力支持。 至于他们的“儿子”,白人的繁殖率远低于更替率。 同样,也有例外。 但总的来说,白人女性可能是所有群体中走得最远的。 杀害婴儿、变态、自杀、女权主义的恶魔接近标记。

    • 回复: @Rosie
  55. @A123

    Imagine the sheer gall of an unapologetic supporter of Zionazi child-butchery and racism pontificating on ‘moral hazard’. Just reading this troll’s shite is a moral and gastric hazard.

  56. @restless94110

    One perpetually wonders what moral, intellectual and psychological disease cause imbeciles to STILL decry anthropogenic climate destabilisation as a ‘hoax’ so late in the day. It goes way beyond Evil to some Stygian depths that sens shudders up the spine.

    • 回复: @Theone
    , @restless94110
  57. @Franz


    • 同意: Jazman, Franz
  58. Dumbo 说:

    I haven’t read the article which appears to be an interview transcript, but it’s quite clear that higher education in the US is hugely overvalued and they get money for nothing. It’s like a cartel. It’s not just student debt, a whole lot of universities should be cancelled, administrators and professors fired, the whole thing reduced to more logical proportions.

    Countries such as Germany have basically free or very cheap universities. But not everyone goes to college and there are other options of advancement.

    As for “Biden”, he’s a Wall Street stooge like all the others. It’s almost funny that Progs think that he will help students or struggling middle-class people or something.

  59. niteranger 说:
    @Mark G.




    • 同意: TheTrumanShow
  60. frontier 说:

    To avoid debt, I had my arms in the dining-hall pot sink for four years. This meant less time for study — like studying economics, so that I could better understand this great essay.

    This “essay” is as ignorant as they come. Washing dishes gives a lot more true knowledge than Hudson’s lies or those of modern economics – every popular econ theory is garbage peddled by fraudsters, eCON men, literally – a lot of them lie knowingly, like Hudson does.

    Hey Hudson, why don’t the cheating schools refund the tuition and the entire loans to the students who can’t find jobs? These schools wasted other peoples money for nothing, they should pay, not get richer – that’s the obvious market solution to this problem. Otherwise, “forgiveness” becomes a transfer of taxpayers hard-earned money to the communist educational establishment… of course, as member of it, that’s your real motivation…

    For example, Hudson is lying that “forgiving” student debt “wouldn’t cost the government a penny”, the government is a proxy for the taxpayers and it would cost them dearly – inflation would spike even more and it would surely go out of control. “Forgiving” debt is default, is printing money, is robbing the taxpayers via inflation. The Fed “buying” gov debt is banana republic inflationary counterfeiting, that’s the truth you aren’t going to learn in college. “Buying” non-marketable debt, aka “forgiveness”, is even worse, it’s totally unaccountable counterfeiting – it doesn’t show anywhere in the books and it doesn’t even give a phony promise to return anything.

    These days higher education is worthless, don’t waste your money on that pile of excrement, if you did and you’ve spent other peoples money to do it, ask your school for a refund to repay your debt. There’s only one true forgiveness – when the schools that cheated you out of your (borrowed) money, return it to you. With all of them being communist indoctrination centers, they’d also prove their bleeding hearts aren’t only for show.

  61. Smith 说:


    • 回复: @RadicalCenter
  62. Everything keeps coming back to demographics.

    Usurers and loansharks have a much more difficult time as the sole group of (((outsiders))) in monocultural nations.

    Monocultures vastly prefer investing in yoots who resemble themselves and will carry on language and traditions.

    In diverse s-holes it’s every race for itself, united only to prey on Whites.

  63. 让政府完全退出从学前班/幼儿园到大学的所有“教育”。


    “政府的一切都变成废话”林戈·斯塔尔(Ringo Starr)

    “政府是一种伪装成自己的疾病的疾病” Robert LeFevere

    “政府行不通”哈里·布朗(Harry Browne)


    • 巨魔: bayviking
  64. More free stuff for the free stuff crowd.

    I went to U when critical thinking was still offered.

    Thus it was worth my paying my own school debts.

  65. gotmituns 说:

    Most of these so-called students have no business in a college other than to possibly sweep and mop the floors. They should enter the skilled trades as apprentices and earn as they learn their trade, rather than sitting and wondering about how to get into Susie Rottencrotche’s draws for four years while at the same time piling up the stupid debt.

  66. frontier 说:

    The problem is debt.

    You got that backwards. The problem is 救助 and bad debt policies. The reason bank bailouts should’ve never happened is the reason student loans should not be bailed out. By your logic, we should give money to anyone for the asking, not as a loan, no obligation to return, no debt, right? Do you know what is going to happen next?

    Hudson proposes the same but he’s more subtle, by his logic, the taxpayers should bail out student debt because the Fed have bailed out the banks a few times. In other words, we should undertake every wrong action because once upon a time a mistake was made. Apparently, he is professor of economics in a top US university, nobody else is dumb enough to utter such nonsense.

    Actually bank bailouts are still ongoing. The Fed is giving to the banks $50 billion of taxpayer money 每个月. Instead of Hudson calling for the stop of Fed’s lunatic policies, he’s using them as a precedent to call for more lunacy…

    Lunacy is a mild word to use for what’s going on. At the moment, banks have $4 Trillion in reserves, it’s “high powered money” parked at the Fed earning 0.1% interest from the taxpayers – $4 Billion per year pure profit courtesy of US taxpayers. At the same time, the Fed is giving the banks $50 billion of taxpayer money every month in exchange for MBS of dubious value. Why? The banks are overflowing with reserves, why give them more? Because the taxpayers get banks’ worthless MBS while the banks get taxpayers’ real money and earn interest on it as a bonus…

    Hey Hudson, why don’t you address Fed’s lunacy instead of promoting more of it because “it’s already happened anyway”.

    • 回复: @Smith
    , @bayviking
  67. Iva 说:

    Lets not forget “The 2000 Global Report” written by the “think tanks” for president Jimmy Carter. It order to have a peace we have to create “modern age slavery”. Students debts are this modern age slavery. 

  68. gent 说:


  69. Iva 说:

    Obama signed that the US will give Israel 38 billions in aid over 10 years . Israel has a free higher education. It looks like the US cares more about Israeli citizens then its own.

  70. frontier 说:

    By all means, let’s sacrifice tens of millions of young lives so that SafeNow doesn’t have to “feel like a dupe.”

    Why do you want to “sacrifice tens of millions of young lives”, we should not sacrifice anybody, just ask them to pay off their debts. Immigration, both legal and illegal, is one of the reasons young graduates can’t find employment. Offshoring is another reason. Government red tape and over-regulation is a third reason. If you don’t want to sacrifice young people, and you shouldn’t, you must fight against the aforementioned government policies.

    I think, you mentioned elsewhere that a lot of that debt is interest, do you understand that a bailout would be paying the banks? I addition to paying the corrupt educational institutions, which, along with the banks, support offshoring, immigration, over-regulation and every other policy preventing their students from finding good paying jobs? Why are you asking the taxpayers to save the poor students when the money won’t go to them but to the most corrupt private institutions in the US – banks and education? Why should the taxpayers feed corruption? Can’t you address the guilty parties – banks and universities – and insist they forgive tuition and interest? At least? Why is everyone so sure the taxpayers owe a bailout to every corrupt schmuck out there?

  71. RoatanBill 说:

    I’ve tried to reason with you but I see that’s impossible. You’re a broken record that keeps repeating the same thing trying to say that there’s some kind of difference between gold as money and fiat as currency from the debt collection side. From that side there is no difference but you want to believe there is.

    There is a huge difference prior to the initiation of debt. With gold there would be fewer debts in total units outstanding. That’s because gold is limited and loans in gold or gold backed money would necessarily have gold available to lend before lending commences. In the current system, the banks invent the money for the loan at the time the loan is made; a complete, but legal fraud.

    Sound money is hated by gov’t because it limits their opportunities to buy votes and to murder people via war. I happen to think those things are ruining the country. My final word to you.

    • 同意: St-Germain
    • 回复: @Smith
    , @Johnny Johnny
    , @Realist
  72. 尽管我很欣赏迈克尔·哈德森 (Michael Hudson) 以及他对经济学的常识和人道主义方法,但我真的觉得他在通过某种国家方法解决“债务问题”方面错失良机。

    很长一段时间以来,我一直认为,经济的集中化是我们国家的核心问题。 只要我们保持所有问题的国有化,就不会发生任何结构上必要的事情。 人类事务发生在地方层面,并基于更本地化的群体动态。 美国企业实在是太大而笨拙,无法纠正结构性问题。 真正的“联邦主义”是唯一的答案。 我们必须恢复到更类似于被美国宪法取代的旧邦联条款的模式。 您可以将其称为分离主义想法或任何您喜欢的想法。 但这是人道和人道可能使我们的经济事务恢复到某种表面上的合理性的唯一解决方案。 不幸的是,“巴尔干化”名声不佳,因为它与帝国背道而驰。 但这是解决我们陷入困境的唯一现实解决方案。

    在这个时刻,我们的选择要么是生活在某种极权寡头的怪物中,要么通过将国家分裂为地理和种族亲和力安排来重新获得我们的自由。 请不要感到震惊! “平等”是一种幻想。 自由是真实的。

  73. Don’t worry all your money,WHITEYS money, is going to paying for low IQ black ghetto trash to get a free ride in college anyway,soooo,ooooga booooga

  74. RoatanBill 说:

    The value placed upon gold by the free market as a relatively scarce resource when compared to unlimited fiat is the piece of the puzzle you’re missing.

    With sound money the savings of people are valued to provide the funds for projects. They would earn interest on their funds appropriate to the risk they perceive. Today, there is no real risk assessment because the Fed has an unlimited tap of free flowing currency to backstop the banks and savers earn next to nothing. Projects that appear sound are funded at one rate and riskier projects at another. Asinine projects like sending a probe past Pluto to snap some pictures wouldn’t get funded at all. Wars and standing armies couldn’t exist as they currently do because of the drain it would place on the rest of the economy.

    A gold backed, oil backed, uranium backed, copper backed, etc money provides the braking mechanism gov’ts hate. The country ran with specie money prior to 1913 with several interruptions when fiat was tried and failed spectacularly. The bankers got the Fed Gov to go along with their scam in 1913 and the dollar has lost upwards of 98% of its value since then.

    The Treasury and Fed have gold on their books valued at $42.22 / ounce, a ridiculous figure, for an estimated 8,000 tons of gold that’s supposed to be in vaults. One of the proposals is to simply revalue gold at $50,000/ounce to once again provide a gold backed dollar but that proposal is just a scheme to continue the grift.

    所有国家的货币都是不必要的,其存在只是为了欺骗公众,让金融和政治阶层凌驾于我们之上。所有东西的价格都可以设置为 G:S:C,所以一辆典型的汽车成本为 945:50:0,这意味着 945 克黄金,50 克银,没有克铜。这些单位实际上可以是任何可以商定的单位。没有人会关心黄金是在美国、俄罗斯还是在火星上铸造的。

    这将消除货币套利,汇率,中央银行,并且意味着政府将脱离“货币”业务。 价格上涨将是市场力量,而不是某些银行集团的一时兴起。 中央银行的赤字支出将债务货币化将是不可能的。 战争的可能性较小,因为现在需要以现金G:S:C而不是稀薄的“货币”来支付战争。

    信用卡公司可以存储个人或公司拥有的所有金属,我们所有人都可以使用塑料作为便利,并可以选择随时提取我们的金属的任何部分。 不再需要部分准备金银行业务。

    • 同意: St-Germain
    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  75. RoatanBill 说:

    I was, of course, referring to an honestly run system. When the gold merchants created fraudulent gold receipts, that was the birth of today’s banking system. Yearning for such a scam seems seriously ill advised given what it’s turned out to be.

    The current system has two mechanisms for creating currency out of thin air. The Fed does it directly and in huge chunks while the banks do it more discretely with every loan they make as the funding for those loans IS the creation of those funds at the time of the loan. People are paying back currency that never existed along with interest that wasn’t created. That’s why the system is expansionary. The interest forces the creation of ever more currency to repay debts.

    • 回复: @stevennonemaker88
  76. Smith 说:

    I support bailing out the everyman.

    I don’t support bailing out the rich corporations and rich people.

    There seems to be some lunacy with americans where they suck off rich people, but the moment poor people want to be treated better, they start mouthing off about how they suck off the rich people so they shouldn’t treat the poor people better.

    NO, poor people i.e. working class need more leeways and rights than the rich fuckers because the rich fuckers are not a vulnerable exploited majority.

    • 回复: @frontier
  77. Great interview! I thought this cut to the punch:

    I know, it was Biden who was the head of the committee that rewrote the bankruptcy law to prevent student debt from being written off. It was Biden who locked in student debt.

  78. Smith 说:

    No, you are trying to deflect the point.

    Debt happens regardless of gold or fiat.

    Seizure of properties happen regardless of gold or fiat money.

    Seizure of properties by the rich from the poor is the bad thing here, forcing poor people to be indebted is the problem here, not the way you count money.

    Your gold standard will not help, but make things worse by giving more power to the gold-hoarders countries.

    • 回复: @Bro43rd
  79. Ross23 说:

    I’ve heard these days many girls become strippers to get through college.

    Many others go into the sex industry as cam girls stripping online for payment.

    The former if they have it (both body and mind set) end up earning much more than they ever would by graduating.

  80. broxton 说:

    Hope to read more Michael Hudson and Ellen Brown articles here on Unz. The argument is moral hazard, and yet no moral hazard when it comes to felony counts against the banks.

    Three Wall Street Mega Banks Have Admitted to a Combined Eight Felony Counts; But Don’t Expect the Word “Felony” to Come Up in Wednesday’s Senate Banking Hearing with their CEOs

  81. @SafeNow

    I dealt weed to get by in college.

  82. I wouldn’t fell so bad about student loan debt forgiveness if the “educated” debtors could read, understand and engage in an intelligent discussion of this article.

  83. Thim 说:

    Just eliminate the usury. Take each loan, cancel the fees and penalties and interest, and let them pay back what they borrowed. As I understand it, less than 20% of the debt is the cost of the tuition. The rest is usury, under various names.

    Under Moses debts were cancelled at the beginning of the seventh year. When the Rabbis came back from Babylon, the debt cancellation got cancelled.

  84. Tlotsi 说:


  85. Bill Jones 说:


    如果他们从 4(或 5 或 6)年的志愿教育中没有学到任何东西,那么决定和行动应该会产生后果。

    • 回复: @Smith
  86. Leo Den 说:



    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  87. @Thomasina

    无论如何,在中型城市,你可以通过 ubereats/doordash 等方式送餐,并且按照你自己的日程安排,每年赚取 10ka 美元的兼职没有问题,这是一个非常基本的低技能选择。很多很多移民都这样做,一些年轻的美国人……当然,这也有性别歧视,因为这些司机几乎 100% 都是男性。顺便说一句,其中一些公司还提供健康保险、主要大学的免费在线课程。

  88. Smith 说:
    @Bill Jones



    Imagine if the whole society is illiterate and can’t comprehend whatever you are writing, that’s a bigger problem than “the cost”, whatever it is.


    • 回复: @Bill Jones
    , @Thomasina
  89. Marckus 说:

    这是来自 Marckus 的第一手经验对当今学生的 scuttle BUTT。 比利鲍勃是一所好学校的硕士毕业生。 他长得帅,穿着昂贵的衣服,穿着整齐,在接受采访时说唱也很有说服力。 比利鲍勃会向你保证他是霍华德休斯、爱因斯坦、达尔文、巴菲特等人的转世。 他和 Keystone Cops、Mutt 和 Jeff 以及 Mickey 和 Goofy 一样有趣。

    但问题是比利有门把手的智商。 不是苛刻,但就他的专业资格而言,他他妈的毫无用处。

    任何人使用他的大师证书上的所有缎带、邮票、印章、花哨的签名和假金饰来擦拭他的屁股,都是在侮辱他肮脏的肛门。 比利太没用了,几周后他就被开除了。 他本应该跑去干活的。相反,他在昏迷状态下坐在轮椅上干活。 纯粹是因为沮丧而当场开枪。

    我对这个谜团的调查揭示了典型大学的以下常规,无论是精英、平庸还是彻头彻尾的悲惨。 我将在周五开始每周日历,因为它为本周剩余时间奠定了基础。


    星期五:为周末庆祝活动做准备。 派对到底在哪里,是否有足够的啤酒和杂草。 哪些母狗正在参加,他们会放出来。

    周六和周日:派对摇滚。 杂草、酒精、性、吸毒等,比萨饼和苏打水
    星期四:参加“学习”和“作业”。 这些年来,这些定义已经发生了变化。 今天这意味着做最少或他妈的所有不合标准的工作要交



    不承认的做法和政策如下:“学生无论是否提交作业,是否在课堂上睡觉,是否参加,他们都将获得“AAAAA”级并毕业。 我们不会冒着负面宣传、失业或批评的风险驱逐懒惰或笨蛋的蠢货。 这个机构的存在是为了赚钱,支付员工丰厚的薪水。 我们不是来培养优秀学生的。 建议工作人员相应地自我管理”

    现在 UR 的读者可能会说“马库斯,你他妈的到底是什么意思”

    - 因此,为了避免未来的学生债务,他们将不需要上大学
    - 他们可以申请任何他们想要的证书,支付费用,然后邮寄给他们
    - 建议公司在收发室开始所有新员工

    贸易和技术学校是另一回事,下次再讨论。 至于现有的学生债务,请将其视为用信用卡支付的假期。 “学生”享受了 5 年左右的放松,现在必须支付或面临不良信用评级。



    当然,我将是第一个承认这一切都不会发生的人,所以我们注定会有两件事,即永久性渗出的疮。 一个是大量愚蠢的毕业生,第二个是大量循环学生债务。

    • 回复: @dindunuffins
    , @anon
  90. Bro43rd 说:

    More keynesian crackpottery from mr hudson. He really needs to read some Mises. Every theory he produces is just a variation of mo mo mo government intervention. It’s akin to suggesting the alcoholic should reform himself by being a bartender.

    • 回复: @Marckus
    , @Mefobills
  91. @RoatanBill

    我喜欢 E. 迈克尔·琼斯 (E. Michael Jones) 写的有关经济学的文章。 《夏洛克的母羊和公羊》是我所见过的最简洁的经济学总结。



    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  92. It is kind of surprising Biden didn’t forgive the college debt of America’s educators, bureaucrats, bankers, healthcare professionals, and whatever else professional work that overcharges for relatively little net value to the few remaining producers. Sounds like they would all be Democrats. The other reason I don’t care about it is colleges are over priced, and sitting on huge endowments. The government has beem enabling their price gouging and speculative greed via taking over student loans. Does by any chance would debt forgiveness correct the university turn hedge fund problem? My guess is it would not.

  93. Z-man 说:

    Great video, a must listen, thanks. Canceling $50000 is easy to do and almost painless to the banksters. Do it!

  94. RoatanBill 说:
    @Leo Den

    Those students that got a job in their field of study as a result of their earning a degree should not have their debts cancelled. Those that got worthless degrees and can’t find a job in their bogus fields should have their debts cancelled.

    It’s not a one size fits all situation. An engineer, doctor, architect, etc that has actually developed a skill via education should pay for what he got. Those that were enticed to become worthless individuals in the gender racket, sociology, etc where there is no identifiable skill possible, should be relieved of their debts and the schools that issued their bogus degrees shut down with their administration and teachers jailed for fraud.

    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  95. Marckus 说:

    你是对的,你知道。 我永远被这些“专家”所吸引,他们写了一本 700 页的书,或者在这种情况下是 5300 字来分析我们的祖先会在 5 秒内解决的问题。


    如果我是总统,我会召开新闻发布会。 这就是我要说的。

    “我已经想到了这种学生债务情况。 这是我的想法。
    > 你必须自己付钱


    这现在是一个死问题。 我不接受任何问题。 谢谢女士们,先生们。”



    • 回复: @CelestiaQuesta
  96. Theone 说:


  97. @Marckus

    Billy must be black…Like this loser,who the majority of blacks think like,……Ohio State third-string quarterback Cardale Jones made his feelings about attending classes clear Friday on Twitter.

    “Why should we have to go to class if we came here to play FOOTBALL, we ain’t come to play SCHOOL classes are POINTLESS,” he wrote.

    我们Wuz Kangz 一个sheit! wherez da White wominzz at yo yo yo

    • 哈哈: CelestiaQuesta
    • 回复: @CelestiaQuesta
  98. Another thing that’s happened, at least in medicine, is that they have locked in a five or 6% interest rate for student loan borrowers, Independent of whatever the federal interest-rate happens to be. So even if the federal interest-rate were .002%, loan borrowers would still have to pay five or 6% on their loans, which are ballooning out of proportion even in professional schools. I think it’s obscene that they arbitrarily grant themselves the right to charge more for the student borrowers and exploiting them, the productive section of society, while only charging themselves the paltry federal interest-rate. It’s just a joke.

    At least for student loans, I think the answer must be to somehow cap or limit what the institutions are charging for tuition. If they are receiving federal money or federal money through student loans, they should be somehow limited in how high they can make tuition. They should have to justify any tuition raises by transparency into their institutions. The greater available money causes the schools to raise the tuition. It’s a simple supply and demand effect. There’s more money available so they raise the tuition to whatever students are able to pay. By definition students are young, inexperienced and uneducated people. The schools are taking advantage of an at risk group.

  99. RoatanBill 说:
    @Johnny Johnny

    国家货币的概念需要消失。整个世界都可以使用 G:S:C 作为测量单位,即 重量 金、银和铜。用人为创造的美元、日元、欧元来定价是问题的一部分,因为银行家和政客可以利用这些不必要的手段来充实自己。



    • 同意: Realist, St-Germain
    • 回复: @Emslander
  100. Theone 说:
    @Lawrence Miller


  101. aandrews 说:

    The Economy has Already Collapsed But the Government is Able to Prevent the Biggest Effects

    2021 年 5 月 25 日

    I’m increasingly starting to believe that inflation will not cause a visible economic collapse for several years.

    The economy already has actually collapsed, of course. But basically, the government has devised a can-kicking plan to make it not obvious that the economy has collapsed for some time.

    Jim Cramer is saying the same thing [CNBC].


    Right now, there is an insane plan at work: the government is going to continue printing money like crazy, but instead of that leading to inflation, all of that new money is going to be totally parked in worthless stocks and real estate debt.


    Hyperinflation can only happen when the money is in circulation. As long as the money is not circulating, and is instead parked in massively, ridiculously overvalued stocks and real estate assets, the inflation will never actually end up really being felt by the population.

    This is an infinity bubble strategy. I don’t think it can last for infinity, and I don’t think it is intended to last for infinity, but it can certainly last for several years.

  102. AKINDLE 说:

    In summary, injecting blacks on all levels into a perfectly good White educational system was a bad idea.

  103. anon[330]• 免责声明 说:

    I totally agree. Cancelling debt would make it unfair for the responsible people who took steps to avoid debt, like going to a cheaper school, and/or working through college to help pay for it. It would also reward the badly managed colleges so they can continue to charge high fees and offer little in terms of value, like the many private liberal arts colleges that seem to provide nothing but opportunities to party, do drugs and get indoctrinated to hate your parents and your own country. It’s also a slippery slope. Once you forgive student loan debt, what next? Credit card debt? Mortgage debt? Car loans?

    However I am sympathetic to the idea of sticking it to the bankers. We need much stronger usury laws like one that caps all private student loans at no more than 2 or 3%, and allow those who declare bankruptcy to get out of their student loan debt. Lower profitability will take away the banks’ incentive to make these usury loans to students, in turn making it harder for students to attend colleges they could not afford hence should not be attending. It would force the colleges to then trim their cost to make ends meet, get rid of all those wasteful grievance studies, varsity sports and excessive administrative cost.

    Of course, many colleges are now fleecing foreign students to cover the cost, and foreign students from Asia and Latin America keep coming because they see the degree as a stepping stone to immigrate to the US. So we need to end all OPT and H1B visas, or make them much more expensive to get, like $1 million per visa instead of the current lowly $2,500, so corporations only use them on true talents rather than just for cheap labor. Use the revenue generated to fund public universities so they are affordable to all.

    • 回复: @Alden
  104. Theone 说:

    他们确实创立并欺骗了 BLM 和其他“人”。我们需要少一些像你这样做出愚蠢决定、破坏家庭、财产等的混蛋,而需要更多像供应商这样至少不会打扰任何人的人。

    • 回复: @Rosie
    , @Alden
  105. profnasty 说:

    仅限 STEM!

    • 回复: @Franz
  106. bayviking 说:

    Good ol’ Michael Hudson bringing science and clarity to a subject riddled with class warfare based lies. It can be very profitable to lie for the ruling class. Its a trap most economists and politicians fall into.

  107. Didn’t the rush to get a University Education start when the Supreme Court found that the tests employers gave to incoming employees “discriminated” against certain groups. The companies then reverted to accepting a University Degree instead of their previous tests. Then everyone needed a University Degree to get a decent job. As with many other cases a remote decision by a court changed the education system and the economy completely.

  108. Bill Jones 说:


  109. anon[438]• 免责声明 说:

    Are there colleges that are truly “worth it” and people should pay any price to attend? There are some who argue that elite colleges like HYPSM are worth it esp. if you want a career in politics, law, management consulting or investment banking, but other than that, it’s hard to argue that there is a college that is worth any price to attend, like the girl who borrowed $150k to go to Northeastern University, I think that’s the kind of decision that should be avoided.

    But even for HYPSM, there is always graduate school, which is only two years and can often be self-funded through TA. Majority of unpaid debt came from students who borrowed to go to non-elite private universities(outside the top 5 or 10) and majored in something other than STEM(esp. CS or CE) or Economics/Business.

    If you think college is for 4 years of partying and pursuing whatever strikes your fancy, then you should go to a cheap in-state university, unless you have a rich daddy. No one should go into debt to attend any college. More and more colleges are offering inexpensive 1 to 2 year certificate programs in all kinds of fields from accounting to nursing to computer network security: https://www.lwtech.edu/academics/certificates/
    Hopefully these will take off and replace those wasteful private liberal arts colleges(including the Ivies) that teach no real skills, only partying and leftist indoctrination.

  110. Mefobills 说:

    Government backed the student loans and at the same time forbids students from declaring bankruptcy. Our Zionist president presided over the law change while in the Senate.

    So, during a student debt default, two things can happen:

    1) The government uses tax dollars (or deficit dollars, which is more public debt) to pay the private banker – to then make the debt instrument on the bank’s books whole.

    2) The student debt instrument passes to the Treasury. The Treasury buys the whole note, maybe not even at face value. This also makes the bank solvent, and form of welfare for the bank.

    If the debt instrument passes to the Treasury, they can simply rip it up (providing law change) , and then shit can it. The former student is now free of debt, and the government is not going to receive future income from a debt slave.

    From a moral standpoint, the answers are fairly clear. 1) The student debts can be released, which then allows students to engage in life. Already they are checking out, and not buying homes, not having kids. We are immigrating debt free low IQ third world people to supplant our abused home-grown population. This then drives down wages, so the debt strapped population has even more troubles.

    For the whiney lolbertarian-tards on this board who are “I got mine!” and why don’t you work for it like I did! That assumes much, especially that the playing field is the same now as then.

    For those who are worried about moral hazard, there are ways within the debt money system to deal with said moral hazard.

    Steven Keen’s debt jubilee pays off an equal amount to everybody. Any money received by a debt strapped student, said money MUST GO toward paying down principle on the debt instrument. Any money received by those not debt strapped, that money MUST GO toward purchasing stock in a company that is debt strapped. There will be new laws that the company must follow to receive this largesse.

    New laws must accompany a debt jubilee, that is a foregone conclusion – but nobody in the western ruling class are having that debate. Why? Because the finance ruling class is on the other side of the predatory debts. They benefit from the polarization.

    Basically a debt jubilee changes the ratio of debt to money in a nation’s money supply. It also un-polarizes generations, allowing young people to get on the ladder to life.

    Take the scales out of your eyes. Take a close look at young people today. They are fat, malformed, often filled with environmental chemicals, have low sperm counts or are weird blue haired women with tattoos. Most have also imbibed on clown world propaganda. Many of the Antifa crowd are delayed adolescents who are debt strapped and have checked out because they see no upward mobility ladder. They then call for communism, and have no idea what industrial capitalism is.

    Finance Capitalism is a (((nation wrecker.)))

  111. frontier 说:

    I support bailing out the everyman. I don’t support bailing out the rich corporations and rich people.

    Well, the government supports bailing out the rich, what are you gonna do about it? If you do nothing, your “support” amounts to giving money to anyone for the asking, not as a loan, no obligation to return, no debt and no work. Whatever everyone can have, by the virtue of mere desire, has no market value whatsoever. Thus, your generously given money wouldn’t buy anything, it’d be worthless, inflated to infinity. Let me repeat myself again because you missed the point entirely: Given that “free money” is retarded nonsense, if you don’t support bailouts for the rich, you should focus your efforts on ending them, that’s the only problem with a clear solution, it might turn out, nothing else is necessary to improve the lot of “everyman”.

    • 回复: @Smith
  112. @RoatanBill

    我认为 Unz 上的几乎每个人都同意当前的系统完全腐败和破碎。 法定货币可以无休止地贬值,与现实没有联系。 我同意各种形式的黄金标准通常更可取。 同时,金本位制,甚至是实物,也不是万能的。 古人有禁止高利贷的法律是有原因的,即使货币完全是贵金属硬币。

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  113. anon[438]• 免责声明 说:

    除了 STEM 专业之外,大多数大学生的照片可能非常准确。 除了派对现在在周四开始,有些更早。

    I actually know of a kid who went to an in-state flagship to study “photography” for 4 years, couldn’t get a job after graduating and is now getting a master’s in photography. His immigrant parents are low income so he probably got a free ride. If he didn’t, he’s now $100k in debt. What does one do with a Master’s degree in “photography”? And why is such a degree even offered in a 4 year flagship university? How many end up being professional photographers good enough to make a living?

  114. Mefobills 说:

    Bro43rd、Markus 和一出生自由的笨蛋可以在旅馆 lolbertarian 一起住一个房间。

    Read Mises? The road to serfdom is paid with Hayek’s privateering debts. The road to serfdom is a function of polarization, which happens repeatedly throughout history. Debts mount even in normal functioning economy, and no modern branch of economics has codified this reality. (Modern economics is actually a reversal, a falling down.)

    Hudson has gone back to the ancient near east for economic study, that way the lolbertarian-tards and neo-liberals can say nothing, because they know-nothing about this period. They haven’t invented too many a-priori theories that are out of alignment that history yet.

    Money’s true nature is law, and gravity makes you fall down. Deal with it. A government’s most sacred privilege is the money power.


    这种我们必须偿还债务,否则会有道德风险的想法是非常低智商的东西。 在许多情况下,债务是欺诈行为,因此您正在通过错误引导的道德风险使欺诈行为永久化。 特别是白人是为了偿还债务而进化的,这就是为什么他们很容易成为我们(((朋友)))的猎物。

    • 回复: @Bro43rd
    , @stevennonemaker88
  115. Smith 说:

    Change the government of course.

    If the government serves not the majority interests but the rich, it must be changed.

    Then the discussion will be on how to effectively change the government instead of this damage mitigation discussion and whining about muh “free money” and lazy poor people.

    And no, free money is not retarded nonsense, it is literally funny printed paper issued by banks, treating them with respect IS retarded nonsense.

  116. 马克 G.@ 28

    你在这里犯的错误是你认为上学=教育。 通常现在在大学里发生的事情只是灌输我们的统治阶级希望每个人都相信的东西。

    你的选择是什么? 放弃大学学位,因为你总能在麦当劳找到一份工作。 甚至卡尔文·柯立芝也获得了阿默斯特学院的学位。

    • 回复: @Mark G.
  117. 政府可以取消债务,因为它最终是学生贷款的债权人。


    本票的发行人是 主承销商 以及事实上的债权人/权益。







    例如,假设美国运通的全球吞吐量为每个月支付周期 100 亿美元的美元等值,唯一的例外是年终假期月份(200 月),该月或付款的总吞吐量翻倍至 XNUMX 亿美元。仅循环。

    So 美国运通从哪里获得额外的100亿美元 需要支付 12 月份的额外付款订单吗?回答: 来自持卡人。签署的付款指令(或 PIN 授权的付款指令)是美国运通认可的金融工具,并在其资产负债表上记录为现金等价货币资产。美国运通不需要在 100 月份出去找额外的 100 亿美元,因为它的卡用户在 XNUMX 月份直接向它提供了额外的 XNUMX 亿美元订单。

    所有的 工作 美国运通需要做的是对其持卡用户的名义信用限额(信用担保限额)进行预审。支付指令在功能上与通过资格预审的持卡人的持续收入流支付给美国运通公司的签名支票没有什么区别,但这些支票的日期实际上会推迟 21 至 52 天,具体取决于它们在开具时的时间点。 -正在进行的付款/报表周期。

    美国运通所做的就是 确保付款订单不违约 从发出指定订单到最终结算 21 至 52 天后 – 它不投资或借出任何自己的钱。签署的付款订单本身就是持卡人向 Amex 预付的信用额度,然后 Amex 将其再保险给商户,同时为自己扣除 5% 的保费。美国运通实际上每年平均收到 250% 的利息。其卡用户的钱(当年费计入总体费率计算时)。



    摘录自: http://werex.org/mortgage-payment-abatement-advisory/


    银行不是您想的那样。 他们不是放债人,而是 信用再保险公司 它们是 资产汇.

    当您签署并交付本票和抵押贷款时,您 保险业向银行提供房地产担保信贷。银行剥离并保留金融和房地产担保作为 高级 本身,然后将无抵押信用作为无抵押存款责任/信用退还或再保险给您,这不会使银行产生任何实质性成本。


    然后,您必须添加或发行相同金额 再次 以签名支票/支票(在银行开出)的形式发给房地产卖方,卖方必须对其背书/共同签名并将其交还给银行,作为对否则可收回的批准- 失去他们的财产和对银行的合法所有权,以换取无担保的存款信贷。 然后银行同意它欠卖家而不是你的本金金额(售价)。

    名义抵押是一种组合 销售单 将财产的所有权利,所有权和权益转移到银行,再加上嵌入式 回购期权 这样您就可以通过支付所有证券下所需的全部钱来从银行回购财产。 当银行 止赎 它不是在 房子,因为它已经拥有房子。 止赎属于回购选项——有时被称为 赎回权.

    银行家比喻地达成交易 空口袋,一方面保留了来自资格预审的主承销商/假借方的所有金融证券,另一方面保留了卖方对房地产的合法所有权(及背书)。

    从名义银行家的角度来看,只有一个实质性现实,那就是不动产/有担保资产 进来吧,并且只有无抵押负债 出去。他们是资产吸收者,也是无担保负债者。

  118. What are the benefits of paying $50k annual tuition for four years to have your kids become “woke indoctrinated”, then passed on by (((technophiles and monopolies))) who go on to hire cheating Asians and AA/diversity hire POC cause white Supremacists and domestic terrorists is out of control?
    I’m axing fo uh homie…

    • 回复: @Alden
  119. @A123




    • 回复: @GomezAdddams
  120. Bro43rd 说:

    As long as government can create money by fiat we are enslaved & are having our assets seized by default through inflation (when the fed creates new money). Money should be market based, like gold & silver was for thousands of years. But metals don’t have to be the only money, really whatever the trading parties agree on which is what I mean by market based.

    • 回复: @Smith
  121. Bro43rd 说:

    Hayek is not Mises. When one doesn’t have a reasonable argument to make then one resorts to ad hominem attacks. Nuf said!

    • 回复: @Usura
  122. 托马西娜@ 31



    效果很好。 我的儿子和女儿都有博士学位,毕业后在他们选择的专业工作时偿还了学生贷款。 大学学位就是你所取得的,但没有一个生活会更加困难。 对我来说,建议年轻人放弃大学学位似乎不是什么好建议,但显然你是一个不同的想法。

    • 回复: @Thomasina
  123. 借款人将来将能够轻松地用津巴布韦元偿还债务......我的意思是美元。

  124. Theone@101

    我想回复您对我的批评@24 的帖子,但我一生都无法弄清楚您在说什么?

  125. @Marckus

    你可以毫不犹豫地把它带到银行,一旦有消息说所有大学债务都将被免除,黑人大学,对不起,POC 大学将把他们能找到的所有 POC 都招进大学。 支出将达到数万亿美元,无需问责。

  126. Alden 说:

    It’s been 50 years since a months dishwashing wage could buy even one text book.

    Let’s see, 30K a year tuition, 20 hours a week work at $8.00 minimum wage in the college cafeteria 32 weeks a year. $5,100 Still 25 K tuition as well as living expenses. And for those whose college textbooks cost $18.00 back in the mists of time, college textbooks are outrageously expensive, as much as $300.00 or 2 weeks minimum wage scrubbing pots.

    Food, a roof over their head clothes utilities transportation laptops software 16 or 20 hours a week at minimum or even a dollar over minimum wage just doesn’t really help when one textbook costs 2 weeks take home pay.

    Before student loans, even the most expensive colleges geared tuition towards the average middle class wage. Because even Harvard and Stanford knew most of their students would be middle class.

    As for jobs after college, STEM degrees guarantee nothing. Because STEM employers would rather hire Indian and Chinese foreigners with their fake resumes and diploma mill degrees than a White American man.

    My last job was at UCLA. I worked all around the campus and the hospital. When I worked at the science and engineering campus, I observed the racist discriminatory hiring practices of the private sector tech companies and government agencies .

    January as soon as winter quarter began the recruiters arrived.

    First hired January and February were foreign students from the PCR in America on student visas . Student visas granted with the idea they would go home upon graduation. Well, they don’t. They stay here to increase the work force and lower wages.

    Next hired in March and April Chinese citizens here as immigrants with resident green cards. They were brought to America by their immigrant parents. These guys had not begun citizenship process, just green cards.

    Next in May when the employers were desperate Chinese immigrants who had started the citizenship process.

    By graduation , no more recruiters, and American born Chinese, Chinese immigrants who were citizens, and American born White men were not hired.

    The White men all ended up working as substitute math teachers, bartenders or went to grad school to incur more debt and more wasted young adult years.

  127. Smith 说:



    • 回复: @fish
    , @Bro43rd
  128. @dindunuffins

    Dats one smart azz blood, schitt…….

  129. Anon[383]• 免责声明 说:

    If we look at a US wide map of counties, colored with political colors, red and blue, where would the debts Biden won’t cancel, be concentrated? And by dollar amounts/volume?

    Presumably, the high dollar debt loads would be CA, NY, and other blue havens.

    Would low loan amounts be in fly over country, red county/states? If he would cancel $10K would that predominantly favor red regions? Would Biden shoot himself in the foot? Of course he would.

  130. RoatanBill 说:

    I’ve never quite understood the ancient’s meaning for usury. Was it excessive interest or any and all interest? If the lender has no right to compensation for lending the equivalent of his labor, then that’s just wrong headed. Both parties should win in the deal or else why would anyone take the risk of lending and possibly never getting even his loan amount back, never mind any interest as compensation.

    我们应该使用金钱而不是货币。 金钱是建立在积累财富的基础上的。 货币以债务为基础。 系统中的每一美元都是通过债务获得的。

    我希望有可能对我们的宪法作出单一修正。 我愿意单靠这一点来使我们的政府的行政管理减少到其宪法的真正原则上; 我的意思是补充条款,从联邦政府那里获得借款权。

    • 回复: @stevennonemaker88
  131. Rosie 说:




    I’m still waiting for someone to produce evidence that this is women’s fault. I’ve been asking for years now, to no avail.

    • 回复: @stevennonemaker88
  132. Rosie 说:

    他们确实创立并支持了 BLM 和其他“人”。

    White women founded BLM? Now, there’s one I haven’t heard before. Where is your evidence for that?

  133. Alden 说:

    I totally agree. And don’t forget living expenses for 4 years.

    • 同意: CelestiaQuesta
  134. @Mefobills

    金钱的本性是法律,万有引力使你跌倒。 处理它。 一个政府最神圣的特权是金钱权力。

    这是非常重要的一点。 今天最大的问题之一是我们允许银行发行我们凭空创造的货币,然后以利息贷款。

    “如果美国人民允许私人银行控制他们的货币发行,首先是通过通货膨胀,然后是通货紧缩,那么围绕 [银行] 成长起来的银行和公司将剥夺人民的所有财产,直到他们的孩子醒来——在他们父亲征服的大陆上无家可归。 发行权应该从银行手中夺走,并归还给它本应属于的人民。” 托马斯·杰斐逊


    • 同意: Mefobills
  135. @Rosie


    我同意,有很高的比例。 也许我弄错了,但似乎您将其视为某种反驳。 这怎么反驳我说的?

    我仍在等待有人提供证据证明这是女性的错。 我问了很多年了,无果。

    那很容易。 在美国,孕妇拥有选择通过堕胎谋杀孩子的专属“权利”。 父亲的意见没有法律依据。 美国平均每年有 XNUMX 万次堕胎(婴儿谋杀)。 至于一开始就简单的选择不怀孕,当然男人有一定的责任,只是比例比较小。 女性比男性更有可能接受激素避孕。


    • 回复: @Rosie
    , @Alden
  136. Alden 说:

    “ working through college to help pay for it” ha ha ha ha

    When did you graduate? 1950? Just a typical textbook even second hand costs more than 40 hours minimum wage work.

    The naïveté and ignorance of UNZ commenters never ceases to amaze. The only cheap colleges are the community colleges. The state colleges are expensive. Tuition rises every year. And living costs are the same whether you’re at Stanford or a local Community College.

    • 回复: @anon
    , @some_loon
  137. Alden 说:

    Anti fa 由失业的白人*男性组成,BLM 由 3 名黑人女性创立。另一个无子无女的阳痿英特尔白人妇女讨厌渣男 POS MAN OF UNZ。



  138. Should we invade St. Barts, Monte Carlo, all thise Mediterranean Islands, sieze all those yachts, look everywhere the 1% hide, and shake them from their trees.
    A debt jubilee would ignite our economy such as has never been seen before.

  139. Rosie 说:


    It refutes your silly claim that women are particularly “gullible” and “terminally foolish.”


    Women consider it nonetheless. A man cannot stop a woman from having an abortion, but he can threaten to leave the relationship if she doesn’t and he can follow through on that threat.



    这只是在没有证据的情况下重申妇女应对低出生率负责的立场。 我丈夫和我决定停止节育并作为夫妻生育孩子(如果、何时以及有多少)。 在没有相反证据的情况下,我将假设这是常态。

  140. @RoatanBill

    我一直不太明白古代对高利贷的含义。 是过度的兴趣还是任何和所有的兴趣?

    像大多数事情一样,定义有所不同。 来自古罗马人、印度帝国、中世纪基督徒等的每个人都限制或完全禁止兴趣。 很难做出过多的笼统声明。 但他们都承认这是一个潜在的大恶。

    如果贷款人无权因出借与他的劳动相当的劳动而获得补偿,那么这是错误的。 双方都应该在交易中获胜,否则为什么有人会冒险放贷,甚至可能永远无法收回他的贷款金额,更不用说任何利息作为补偿了。

    有很多方法可以在不增加复利的情况下获利。 例如,以预付价格出售房屋之类的东西,或以总价稍高的价格出售。 这与没有尽头的持续复利不同。 除此之外,通过贷款赚钱的概念通常会偏离实际的生产用途。 用钱赚钱,而不是通过生产赚钱,是金融资本主义的基石,具有破坏性。


    • 回复: @Rosie
    , @RoatanBill
  141. Usura 说:

    Mefobills 有很多重要的东西要教,但他基本上对自由主义著作和教义一无所知,因此他与 onebornfree 之间充满了脏话,这在这一点上就像一部 Unz Review 情景喜剧。 我试图让他看到法西斯主义和像霍普这样的激进自由主义者之间的惊人联系,但他似乎对刺人像比在右翼飞地之间建立桥梁更感兴趣。 那好吧; 世界也需要狂热者。 我建议每个人都将他的评论加入书签并阅读至少几百篇,你会发现不乏有趣的资源和原创想法。

    • 回复: @Mefobills
  142. Alden 说:

    罗西与堕胎有什么关系? 学生贷款债务与堕胎有什么关系。 你是一个典型的无知的 UNZ 人,他认为女性在美国堕胎合法化。

    堕胎合法化的是撒旦最高法院的 9 名白人男子。 同样的奴才如果撒旦将格里格斯对白人最公然和恶劣的歧视合法化。

    你正在为未出生的胎儿哭泣和哀号。 为什么不为自然流产的胎儿哭泣和哀号呢? 或者去教堂和雕像交谈?

    白人使堕胎成为这片土地的法律。 9 白人

    你就像环保主义者一样糟糕,他们不断寻找一些无用的杂草来列入濒危物种名单。 或者更疯狂的环保主义者想要将狼和美洲狮引入牛羊牧场。

  143. Rosie 说:



  144. Anon[264]• 免责声明 说:

    Here’s an eyeopening interview with 3 Millennial girls ‘o color at The University of Central Florida (largest campus in the nation?) on all things Trump, BLM, and Antifa.

    . . . simply stunning, couldn’t listen to the entire 15 minutes.

    • 回复: @bayviking
  145. Mefobills 说:

    Mefobills 有很多重要的东西要教,但他基本上对自由主义著作和教义一无所知,

    I’m more conversant with Libertarian doctrine than any libertarian posting on this board.

    Because I am so conversant, I can poke jabs at the Lolbertarians by using their own arguments – which are sophomoric at best.

    They need to be jabbed because the doctrine is a covering ideology that allows usury, rents, and unearned income. Lol’s even admit they don’t know what usury is, yet I have defined it many times. see comment 132 above.

    在我的论证过程中,尤其是与一出生的自由哑巴,它暴露了许多 lolbertarians 人格缺陷,缺乏同理心。 如果有人想仔细阅读他的评论,Unz 的读者已经纠正了数百次。

    此外,这两种方式的论点也暴露了一个叫做士气化的概念,由 Bezmenov 定义。 一个士气低落的人的大脑是固定的,不能接受与他的核心意识形态不一致的新信息。

    戳人的一部分是让他们震惊,所以这不是明确的人身攻击。 Ad-hominems 是您试图通过诽谤某人来赢得争论的地方。 消除士气需要某种情绪冲击。

    I’m not trying to win an argument, instead I am trying to warn off others not to join the Lolbertarian ideology, because it is bankrupt. It will demoralize people, to where they become unwitting agents of mammon.


    • 回复: @Chris Moore
  146. Corrupt 说:

    “Well, the fact is the economy didn’t collapse because they canceled the debts. Once you wipe out the debts to the creditor class, you prevent an independent financial oligarchy from developing.”


    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  147. [关于堕胎的来回咆哮太多令人讨厌且完全偏离主题。 这些类型的评论将被丢弃。]

    • 回复: @stevennonemaker88
  148. RoatanBill 说:


    That’s slight of hand. It amounts to the same thing. If a deal is made at 5% per year and the borrower runs over to years 2 and 3, for example, there’s no negative feeling that can be aimed at the lender that makes any sense.

    例如,我建议为房子贷款 30 年,这才是真正的问题。 这允许复利。 忍受我。

    Houses today are being sold for many times their construction value, even and maybe especially, brand new ones. That’s real gouging but no one says anything. The advent of financing drove up the prices just like it did with the current higher education fiasco. If there were no financing, house and land prices would have to come down to where a market could be made – sellers finding buyers. I’m not suggesting getting rid of mortgages, but reducing their term to, say, a max of 5 years. This would ripple through the market. Lumber prices would have to come down, everything in the house would have to come down to allow for the market to clear. It is the invention of the 30 year mortgage, the 7 year car load and the I don’t know how many year student loan that IS the problem. The (((finance mafia))) has rigged a system with the full cooperation of the universities, auto makers, home sellers, etc to jack up prices and extend the term to try to get a fit.

    Then, because simple interest wouldn’t allow the buyer to make the first payment, they invented amortization to in effect invent a new loan every month so all the payments are the same for the duration of the loan. It is the amortization that provides the ability to have long term loans. Without amortization, buyers wouldn’t be able to make their first payment because it would be too high for them to afford. This all points back to a term that’s too long, not really the compounding.

    The wealth someone has accumulated through their efforts is the result of their labor or brain power in most cases. That wealth denominated in some currency unit is the equivalent of labor. Once sufficient wealth has accumulated as saving, it can be lent out to help someone that needs the funds. There’s nothing sinister in this arrangement.

    • 谢谢: profnasty
  149. anon[438]• 免责声明 说:

    When did you graduate? 1950? Just a typical textbook even second hand costs more than 40 hours minimum wage work.

    I have two currently in college.

    Paying for college through work is hard but still workable if you go to a local state U/community college and commute from home. The annual cost is $15k at the State U and $5k a the community college, including tuition and fees. Commuting cost is free as bus fare is covered under fees. Many classes now don’t even require textbooks. 40 hrs x $15 = $600/wk. So far it’s been about $100 per quarter per kid for textbooks. One full time summer internship plus 10 hr part time per week could cover the whole year’s cost. Many kids also do running start which is free and saves them 1 to 2 years.

    • 同意: Thomasina
  150. some_loon 说:

    When did you graduate? 1950? Just a typical textbook even second hand costs more than 40 hours minimum wage work

    You greatly exaggerate, but are at least directionally accurate.

    Stewart’s Calculus, 9th edition, about $180, new (Amazon). The 4th edition, when I was at university, was the most expensive of any of my textbooks (but can be used for 3 quarters), but I don’t recall the exact price.

    About 11 hours work at Seattle’s minimum wage of $16.69/hr, or
    13 1/3 hours at the Washington State minimum wage of $13.50. 25 hours at the federal minimum of $7.25.

    I know it is more hours including payroll taxes, sales taxes, etc. but the point is easy enough to follow. It might just take 40 hours to pay for one term’s textbooks, but probably not. Rental options are also available.

    $30 to rent the above textbook for a couple of months, but it is an open question which is the bigger ripoff. Maybe this is less than the student loses from reselling the book to the school bookstore.

    I saw a number of years ago that the website of the Seattle Police Department mentioned that illegal file sharing was a major concern the department has about applicants for police jobs (that and having had sex at work).

    While most people would think that means movies and music, college textbooks were also a major part of filesharing traffic then, and maybe still is, though the major torrent sites seem much reduced, or gone.

  151. Thomasina 说:

    “Sane people should help each other to get educated.”

    Sane people are responsible people who don’t rely on others to get educated. Yes, maybe a helping hand here and there, but they are not reliant or “dependent” on anyone else. A dependent is a child.

    We already help each other when it comes to the education of “children”. Unfortunately, many of these children refuse to pay attention in school and only graduate because the education system has dumbed itself down for them. This does them no favors; they go on to fail in higher education (which too is being dumbed down for them). These people want to remain perpetual “children”, free to create chaos wherever they go, and then scream for bailouts when their stupid decisions turn out badly.

    As was said in the Good Will Hunting movie: “You dropped $150 grand on a fucking education you could have got for $1.50 in late charges from the public library.”

    You ask: “…why the goddamn hell does education cost so much money in the US of A in the first place?”

    It used to be that whenever someone wanted a student loan, the banks would demand to see their school transcripts. After seeing good grades and determining they had a serious student sitting in front of them, they would ask pointed questions about what the student wanted to study, how much they were going to make once they graduate, how they will pay the money back.

    It used to be serious for both the banks and the student because the banks used to keep these loans on their own books, suffering a loss if a student didn’t pay them back. Only very responsible students got loans (or they had rich parents who would co-sign the loan). And because students used to be able to declare bankruptcy, the banks wanted to make certain that they were dealing with a very responsible person who wouldn’t do that.

    From what I understand (and someone can correct me if I’m wrong), a few doctors and lawyers began to use bankruptcy to get out of having to pay the loan back. Others then followed, or so the story goes. There are always a few bad apples that ruin it for everyone. Congress closed the bankruptcy loophole.

    Fast forward to today when everyone and his dog expects to go to university, when the politically correct demand it. Congress caved and decided to guarantee the loans so that the banks wouldn’t suffer losses (which undoubtedly they would have). Banks, now free from losses, began to crank out loans to anyone who could form an “X”.

    All of the X’s converged on the colleges and universities, which created a lot of “demand”. Under the laws of supply and demand, too much demand and not enough supply forces prices up. After all, the government is backing the loans, so the bankers and the universities went to town: the bankers, no longer asking hard questions of the students, handed out loans freely and the universities and colleges accepted people who should never have gotten a foot in the door.

    The X’s, now having failed, don’t want to pay the money back. The grand experiment failed and everybody didn’t end up getting a ribbon. That is as it should be. I believe everybody belongs somewhere (they decorate a cake well, they’re a good mechanic, etc.), but they just need to go where they can excel.


    • 回复: @Smith
  152. @stevennonemaker88

    对主持人和 Unz 先生:我很失望你不能处理匿名的巨魔和大量的海报,他们提出荒谬的人身攻击并使用亵渎语言,而是专注于审查那些只是与你持有不同观点的人,然后回来它与数据启动。 我以我的合法名义发帖并捍卫我的每一个观点。 Unz 评论是言论自由的最后堡垒之一。 耻辱…


    • 回复: @Marckus
  153. rebel yell 说:
    @Mark G.

    Agree Mark G. Student debt has to be discussed in the context of why so many people are going to college in the first place and what they will ever get out of their degree even if it is free. I don’t think Michael Hudson gives this any thought at all.
    Most people are not cut out for the kind of work that requires a college degree, which is fine, because society has a very limited need for these kind of intellectual workers anyway. Most people need to work as skilled or unskilled laborers or in more routine office work that doesn’t require advanced education. This is due to their natural ability level. When these people go to college they do not increase their ability to do intellectual work – they just get a worthless degree.
    This is not said in a spirit of contempt for these people. Skilled and unskilled laborers should be paid a decent wage, should have ladders of success in the workplace, should have the opportunity to work for themselves, should be respected for the work they do. Above all they need an abundance of work opportunities – a growing economy with a tight labor market so good jobs are plentiful.
    我知道有研究生学位的收银员根本不应该上大学。 他们应该在高中毕业后成为收银员,收银员的工资应该是现在的两倍。
    我们应该完全停止学生贷款计划,而不是免除学生债务。 关闭一大批高校,直到剩下的高校足以培养社会真正需要的知识工作者数量。
    Deport all illegals, cancel all work visas and stop all immigration to create a “labor shortage”, i.e. a labor market favorable to workers.
    永远不要救助银行或公司。 对自由市场的伪君子执行市场纪律。
    破产法应允许取消任何债务,包括学生债务。 让贷方当心:您的债务人可以在破产法庭取消其债务。 在向某人借钱之前,请三思而后行。 让借款人当心:你从破产法庭出来就会破产。 借钱之前要三思。
    Personal disclosure – my family has saved hard for 18 years to have the money to pay for my son’s college education. Vacations not taken, cars not bought. I don’t want anyone else going to college for free.

    • 同意: Thomasina, Mark G.
    • 谢谢: Nancy
    • 回复: @Marckus
    , @Nancy
  154. bayviking 说:

    哈德森绝对解决了美联储的疯狂问题,但显然不是你能理解的方式。 他一直很清楚,银行应该被国有化,而不是无条件地纾困。 因为,对这些骗子的任何现金支出都应该受到谨慎控制。

    在英国和美国,每次银行发放贷款时,它都会凭空创造出这笔钱。 这种权力应该在财政部的控制之下,但却被富有的阴谋家劫持,他们明白这才是最重要的权力。 在美国和许多其他国家,所有货币的创造都被私有化,使少数人变得富有,但绝对不是在 Hudson 咨询的中国或冰岛。

    哈德森赞成为学生和抵押贷款持有人而不是债权人提供救助。 他指出,学生债务由政府担保,政府可以通过印更多钱或写钱来使私人贷方完整。 它可以被视为基础设施建设,以教育人民为基础,为国家创造更强大的明天。 但无论哪种方式,银行都会失去利息和罚款,因此该选项不在考虑之列。 我们如何能够根据 GI 法案将所有二战和越战老兵送到大学,但现在不行?

    • 回复: @frontier
    , @MarkinLA
  155. Emslander 说:

    The world can arrive at what everything is worth by consensus via trading patterns.

    The fair market value of goods and services, which is what you are presumably referencing by “worth” is set by free markets, which, at their best, are a kind of perpetual auction. There will always be barriers to immediacy, but our communications have never been better, so they will be minimal.

    A gold standard for all currencies or for one universal currency can be accomplished. The worth of materials or talents or services won’t be manipulated by governments, if a gold standard is established. This will defeat affirmative action schemes, preferential treatment and massive government debt.

    Governments will be controlled by an objective standard of material value and that’s why it will never happen.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  156. bayviking 说:

    The interviewer uses facts selectively. Among other thing she claims that the police only killed 19 black people last year.

    These records are difficult to verify because police departments do not like to report that number. Police officers in the US had fatally shot nearly 1,000 people a year since 2015. You are twice as likely to be shot by police if you are black than if you are white. Proof police are racist, but that problem includes the Justice System and predates Trump. Nixon set in motion the war on drugs as a method for targeting hippies and black people for lockup and render them politically irrelevant. His right hand man Erlichman has admitted that this was the purpose of the war on drugs, which continues to this day.

    Going back the last sixty years, there is a long history of elements in the CIA and FBI inciting riots, as method of discrediting all left wing movements. We are supposed to live in a free country and be able to express our opinions and political preferences, but if you joined the Communist Party you were black listed by Hollywood. J Edgar Hoover considered Martin Luther King the most dangerous man in America and treated him accordingly, spying on him, using the full powers of the FBI 24/7, even while he was assassinated.

    Trump and his father were sued for racist policies as a New York City, lost in Court, paid fines and then refused to admit that ever happened. There is no logic to Trump’s criticisms of Obama than raw racism, which he leveraged to divide the country and win the Presidency, but like BushII, only because we have an undemocratic Electoral College and a system of gerrymandering, ballot destruction and democrat district voter purging which has permitted Republicans to remain competitive.

    Trump made a point of hating Obama and everything Obama did, even when it was identical to what he wanted to do. He claimed he hated Obamacare and worked to dismantle it, yet promised to offer the same, “only better”, but never lifted a finger to actually create a new, better system. It was just politically successful hate speech. This won him many followers, particularly in the South. He hated the TPP and canceled it, correctly I might add, only to impose the same rules under a new name. He hated Obama’s border policy which was at least as rigorous at deporting people as anything the Trump Administration accomplished, though more humane in some respects. He claimed he wanted to bring jobs home, balance the budget and reduce tensions with Russia. Manufacturing trends remained unchanged, the trade deficit and budget deficit rose dramatically while the completely unnecessary budget deficit also rose. Russia became pour latest worst enemy.

    Serial rapist Trump demanded that five black minors in NYC, falsely accused of rape, be executed by taking our a full page add in the NY Times with that demand. Trump never apologized for that mistake because he never admits he ever made a mistake, even when the facts clearly say otherwise. Trump consistently sided with police, no matter how violent they became and against BLM, no matter how peaceful their protests. There is a universal denial that the USA is racist among his followers even though income and wealth distribution and prison populations suggest otherwise. The Republican practice of eliminating black voters is widespread in States which they control voting protocols. That is racism far beyond just Trump.

  157. @Mulga Mumblebrain

    Honey, it’s not changing, anthropogenic (not a real word) or even hallucinogenic. You are being hoaxed.


    Not only is the world headed into a Grand Solar Minimum–a cooling period–but plants, animals, and humans do much better when the CO2 is higher and the Earth is warmer.

    Add to that fact the purposely erasing of the heat waves of the 1930s and the 1910s and purposely erasing of the enormous forest fires of the 1880s, plus the record of 100-year droughts in California over the past 5,000 years and you’ve got something spelled H-O-A-X.

    But don’t stop there. Add the so-called models that have never ever ever predicted anything correctly and how the worst of the outcomes are routinely presented as “our” future.

    China is laughing at us, dude. They are building coal plants by the 100s and nuclear by the dozens. They know it’s all a huge fraud/hoax.

    That should send shudders up your ignorant spine. Stop participating in the hoax.

    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  158. sally 说:

    cancelling the student debt is not the answer because the mechanisms that generate that debt are still in place..
    just federalize all education is the answer.. one examination for all people in all course levels. pass allowed to continue fail return to go and start the course over.. Everyone everywhere entitled to free a PHd it might take some a long time and others a few short years.

    Eliminate the privatization of education so people cannot get rich on education and hording the information students, professors, researchers and others need to succeed. Eliminate copyright and patents too, those laws create monopolies; when those two things are done no debt to become a Phd and no patent or copyrights to make some fat guy rich, the whole world will be educated.. and race, language and other dividers of humanity will disappear. everyone will begin to work together.

    • 谢谢: Nancy
    • 回复: @Nancy
  159. RoatanBill 说:

    it will never happen.

    Eventually, I think it will happen. It’s all in the timing of future events.

    The world’s gov’ts are determined to come up with their individual CBDC’s. China supposedly already has theirs ready. Everyone else is late to the party.

    The economies of the industrialized nations are all in debt so deep they will never dig themselves out of that hole. Therefore they will default on that debt but covertly. They will attempt to come up with their CBDC’s before the SHTF on their respective economies. Since everything is so interconnected, the first to falter will cause the dominoes to fall one right after the other. It will be another Lehman moment but without an immediate palliative. The CBDC’s are to reset debt by just instantiating a new currency worth 10 or 50 or 1000 times the old and hand it out like candy and call everything square.

    If they fail in this attempt, the SDR’s are waiting to come to the rescue. As just another currency equivalent made up of the existing shit currencies, it has no long term chance. They’ll try to use it but it won’t last.

    At some point a nation holding lots of gold will declare that their currency is now at least partially backed with gold. The first to do this sets the new price for gold world wide. All other nations now must follow with some form of backing or else they won’t be able to trade. The Arabs might want to use oil. The Chileans might try copper. etc. The only common point among them will be that currency with no backing won’t be worth squat, even the US Dollar, military or no military.

    The US is going to be the biggest loser once US Dollar inflation starts to go towards hyper territory. Foreign central banks and investors will dump their Dollars and they will find their way back to the US to add more fuel to the price inflationary fires. It will be the perfect storm with a positive feedback loop attached.

  160. Franz 说:

    我会接受 Hoffer-Vidal 模型。

    Eric Hoffer 和 Gore Vidal 想出了一个简单的解决方案 长大荒谬 无政府主义者保罗古德曼很久以前提出的假设。

    他们将“工艺”视为获得公民身份的关键。 拿手好,对废话不感兴趣的小伙子们来说。 在最原始的锅炉车间开始他们,如果经济需要的话,让他们从字面上逐步发展到核能。


    目标是从一开始就在工作环境中教他们。 花哨的常春藤大厅是为那些无论如何都不会工作的富人的孩子们准备的,他们可以聘请专家来保管他们的书籍。


    一个充满 STEM 工作者的国家将与充满批判种族理论家的国家一样乏味。 我们需要一种方式来毫不含糊地表明以前被称为美国的国家存在有意义的工作赤字,并开始改变它。

    • 同意: Marckus
  161. frontier 说:


    That’s a boldfaced lie – the bailout money will end up in creditors’ hands and continue the corrupt tuition gauging by educational institutions. That’s the real reason “prof” Hudson wants a bailout at taxpayers expense instead of lowering his tuition to make education cheaper. You, econ “professors”, have a conflict of interest larger that Mnt Everest and you should keep your mouths shut about this issue.

    Of course neither you, nor Hudson ever mention or even think about the taxpayers, for you, they’re sheep to be sheered, and if it was done once on a small scale you conclude it must be done deep and hard on a large scale… So, I have to explain to supposed economists that the government doesn’t earn any money, it only spends taxpayers money, all money spend by the government, whether for bailouts or something else, comes from the taxpayers, 不是凭空而来的。 Thin air is what econ professors have in their heads…

    哈德森绝对解决了美联储的疯狂问题,但显然不是你能理解的方式。 他一直很清楚,银行应该被国有化,而不是无条件地纾困。

    Another boldfaced lie, actually two – first, bank nationalization is a bank bailout, and it would be a change for the worse. Second, I asked a specific question which wasn’t answered by either Hudson or you, but you said, it was…

    The Fed is effectively an arm of the government… and vice versa, which is the same. The government has exactly as much control over the Fed as they desire, the government created it in the first place. When Trump scolded Powell and told him to print more, Powell started printing like mad and he keeps printing for Biden despite the inflation jump. There’s no magic “nationalization”, whatever the case, there would be a central bank or a national bank, it’s a change of labels. Econ profs just love shifting labels around while preserving the corruption.

    Check the RBOZ – the Reserve Bank Of Zimbabwe – 100% 国有 and in full control of Zimbabwe’s money supply… the worst inflation after Wiemar, maybe even worse that that, Western aid is how the country survives now. It used to be prosperous with the “supremacists” on top…

    I conclude that Econ professors are the root of all economic problems, nothing they say ever works that way, neither bailouts, nor outsourcing, deficits, the service economy, globalization, immigration and what not. We need a replacement for economic science and its “professors”.

    • 巨魔: Mulga Mumblebrain
  162. fish 说:



    Excellent point…..regulations and price controls are ginned up by angels whose motive are entirely pure!

    • 回复: @Smith
  163. @Mefobills

    You’ve put your finger on exactly how Zionists destroy the human conscience so the goyim individual or group can be remade in their image, only as a lesser golem: Demoralization, brainwashing, remolding into Jew-lackeys or at least reflexively kosher.





    Most cults use similar techniques, most based on Jewish/Zionist indoctrination techniques. Most “libertarians” aren’t liberated at all, but indoctrinated in a group-think cult that adheres to strict orthodoxy. ((Ayn Rand)), for example, is held up as a model for libertarians. She was a Zionist.

    • 谢谢: Mefobills
    • 回复: @Bro43rd
  164. HbutnotG 说:

    As for doctors, few truly qualified people go to med school these days and hence, the applicant pool lacks the truly qualified ones who realize that they can make way more money in much simpler things like an MBA or law, or both. So, today, so-called med schools are turning out physician assistants – not doctors. It’s the pay thing. HCFA took care of that in 1983. Allowable physician charges were cut in half and concomitantly, the applicant pool turned into affirmative action dopes, hardly qualified to practice medicine in the true sense of the word. Today, only a handful of specialties still manage to screen out the subpar ones. That laptop with checklist your GP sits in front of tells you all you need to know. That so-called doc is really just a clerk. Just make sure that your answers to his questions show up on that checklist’s possible answers – if it don’t, they’ll keep hitting keys and categories until it does.

    These days, those interested in “medical” sort of stuff and want a good income just go to vet school. No limit on what you can bill as a vet – which is peachy, now that a huge population of nulliparous 40 year old women treat dogs and cats like their children; and to top it off, many dog breeds have been genetically so screwed up, veterinarians live like doctors once did.

    And, by the way, the AMA is what started the erosion of the medical profession. The AMA is a Democrat instrument. Those AMA journals were a total joke to us 40 years ago already.

    • 谢谢: Thomasina
    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  165. Thomasina 说:
    @Lawrence Miller

    I didn’t ask how it was working out for you personally, Lawrence. I asked how it was working out for those who took out a loan, went to college/university, and either dropped out or succeeded in getting a degree, but now can’t find a job. Some of these people feel they shouldn’t have to repay the loans they contracted for. Many of them got sucked into higher education when they weren’t higher education material, or they didn’t think it through, electing to go into fields where there just weren’t the jobs. That was my point: they didn’t stop to think.

    Like others have said, not everyone is cut out for academics, and this is a good thing. Academic are useless at many things. People should follow their own natural inclinations instead of being made to feel they are being cheated if they can’t attend university. The bar should be high, and half of the courses at university should be eliminated. We don’t need more clipboard administrators or financial manipulators.

    • 回复: @Marckus
  166. Marckus 说:

    这是一个很好的评论。 太多人学习他们讨厌的领域,或者毕业后几乎没有工作前景的领域。 无论哪种方式,无论他们为教育支付现金还是借钱,都是付之东流。

    更糟糕的是那些获得微生物学硕士学位的人,找不到工作,被说服转而学习化学工程,却发现他们也找不到工作。 有很多受过高等教育的人在沃尔玛工作,堆放货架和收银员。

    还有一些人想要一条白色领带、黑色裤子和干净的指甲,每小时 15 美元,而不是脏衣服,油腻的手,每小时 50 美元。 金融分析师的工作听起来比管道工更令人印象深刻,直到晚上 11.48 晚上你的厕所出现故障。

    你是对的。 人们不认为。


    • 谢谢: Thomasina
    • 回复: @bayviking
  167. Thomasina 说:

    “That’s a boldfaced lie – the bailout money will end up in creditors’ hands and continue the corrupt tuition gauging by educational institutions. That’s the real reason “prof” Hudson wants a bailout at taxpayers expense instead of lowering his tuition to make education cheaper. You, econ “professors”, have a conflict of interest larger that Mnt Everest and you should keep your mouths shut about this issue.”

    Yes, this is what I’ve felt for sometime now, but didn’t have the guts to say it. Professor Hudson (and I could be wrong about this), like many others in his profession, appears to want to bail out the banks. Of course, they pretend to want to help the “poor little indebted students”, but it’s really to bail out the creditors and take the heat off the government that is being screamed at by angry students/parents, a government who never should have underwritten the banks’ loans in the first place.

    As you said, these guys just want to erase everything so that the games can start up again, so they can continue their gouging. The taxpayers end up paying again, but “who cares about the taxpayers”, they say. Bailing out the indebted students wouldn’t bring education prices down. Nothing would change, except future bailouts would be expected.

    The no-fault, bailout society being run by the economic lie-ence profession.

    Thank you, frontier.

    • 谢谢: frontier
  168. Marckus 说:
    @rebel yell


    但是,您会发现像 Mefobills 这样的伪专家不同意您的观点。 在他看来,任何觉得偿还债务有道德义务的人都是傻瓜。

    不幸的是,这种被误导的态度会导致道德堕落,因此从业者认为没有道德义务去做任何涉及任何人的事情。 因此,从背叛偿还贷款的义务到背叛对子女和配偶的责任,拒绝照顾年迈或体弱的父母,我们的道德崩溃了。

    这就是为什么我们有这么多迷失的灵魂。 他们的整个性格都建立在流沙的基础上,在危机中他们无能为力。 观察者多年来一直在观察他们的滑稽动作并注意到他们缺乏道德,他们拒绝帮助他们走向灭亡。 他们的不良行为再次困扰着他们。


  169. Smith 说:

    So, I suppose we should wait until “angels whose motive are entirely pure” come down and control the monetary supplies.

    Can’t trust any human!

    • 回复: @fish
  170. Smith 说:

    Your “take” is the usual American right wing lunacy “individualist” take.

    At the end of the days, you still depend on someone, you still pay for electricity, food and the other things.

    But because capitalists and rich people tell you that you are a special little independent snowflake.

    Everywhere in the world, China, Europe, Russia, Japan, you name it, all people go to school and then university, but it’s only a problem when America does it. I guess americans really are dumber than most of the planet.

    America really is a alien wasteland of the planet, americans are taught a specific talking point, and they never ever deviate from it. Money is god for them, that’s why they are now clutching pearls about spent money, on education of all things.

    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  171. @Smith

    I once saw a theory purporting to explain just why the USA ended up such a God-awful place. The author posited that those who migrated to the USA were not the best of those societies, but rather the dregs. the wannabe rip-off merchants and con-men, and those who just could not or would not get on with others back home. Seems cogent to me.

    • 回复: @Smith
  172. @HbutnotG

    The US medical-indudstrial-insurance complex is the perfect example of Yankee perfidy. Not intended as a system to increase society’s health and well-being, it is a merciless, infinitely corrupt, machine for gouging profits out of the flesh and blood of living human beings. If you can’t afford the health commodities for sale to the highest bidder you can fuck off and die-loser! And this Evil system is imposed by the USA everywhere it has sway, to greater or lesser extents.

    • 回复: @HbutnotG
    , @showmethereal
  173. @restless94110

    I do love really stupid Dunning-Krugerites like you-it increases my regard for cockroaches.

    • 回复: @restless94110
  174. Smith 说:
    @Mulga Mumblebrain

    Or rather they just lack education, and what little educators they have happen to be some greedy scums.

    So that’s why now “americans” talk about the “moral obligation to pay debt”, old and young trained to be good little goy slaves who respect his master’s money.

    Then again, considering the circumcision rate, maybe they really are slaves.

  175. lloyd 说: • 您的网站

    The inviolability of legal contracts created capitalism and international trade that spread throughout the world. The Middle Eastern Kingdoms mentioned here did not expand beyond the Middle East. No wise merchant would dare risk losing all in a jubilee. This is caricatured in the Merchant of Venice and only a technicality in a Christian anti-Semitic Court saved the merchant Antonio. Germany cancelled all personal debt after World War Two because Germany no longer had a functioning economy. Julius Caesar after the civil wars, halved all debts. That brought about a economic revival.

  176. “for three thousand years, Sumer, Babylonia, all Near Eastern kingdoms and their rulers, normally, when they would take the throne, they would cancel the personal debts. Not the business debts, not the debts of merchants and traders, but the personal debts. And they did it because otherwise you would have the debtors falling into bondage to the creditors.”

    A policy like that has unintended consequences. It discourages lending, of course, but it also gives debtors an incentive to kill the king whenever they feel like escaping their debt.

  177. fish 说:

    Then you might as well wait….

    • 回复: @Smith
  178. MBlanc46 说:


  179. bayviking 说:

    On what possible basis could you possibly imagine you know enough about me to legitimately call me a liar? I have been reading Michael’s books since the 2008 crisis. He even answered a question for me from which I havetremoved respective addresses and names:

    Not if the gov’t had taken them over as a public option.

    On 1/11/13 1:07

    Isn’t the underlying reason for forcing taxpayers to make good on American Bank’s fraud and gambling that foriegn lenders on the lsoing end of these transactions would have stopped buying any more of our debt? US Banks would have lost virtually all future business.

    So I would call you an idiot, except I agree almost completely with your last paragraph. I would only have added one word, “almost” (every economist).

    • 回复: @frontier
  180. bayviking 说:

    德国人明白贸易工作总是比技术工作多。 为了建造金门大桥,需要一位才华横溢的博士工程师进行设计,需要 2 或 3 名审查设计,需要 20 或 30 名设计师和检查员为每个部分生成制造图纸,并需要一千名商人来建造和维护它。


    The fundamental problem is the US set out to create a financial economy in the seventies, based on paper shuffling by Banks, Insurance Companies and Real Estate Developers, what Hudson calls FIRE. We were going to all be part of a “service economy” with dirty manufacturing “offshored”. It was glorified in a book called “Megatrends”. The BIG MISTAKE IN ALL THIS NONSENSE, is some often high pay jobs are parasitic, in that they transfer money from one person (aka victim) to another (winner) whereas farming, manufacturing and mining create NEW WEALTH where none existed before. They are part of the REAL ECONOMY, which Hudson talks about, and he is not alone.

    将哈德森与控制美联储和 DC 的人混为一谈是错误的,他们也拥有经济学博士学位。 在大多数情况下,他们只是低谷中的更多猪。

    • 回复: @frontier
  181. @Mulga Mumblebrain

    In other words: I have no way of rebutting your points, so I’ll make an obscure reference that no one understands and then call you names.

    What a cockroach.

  182. frontier 说:

    On what possible basis could you possibly imagine you know enough about me to legitimately call me a liar?

    I called several of your specific claims “lies”, they’re simple enough to exclude ignorance. I don’t know or care about the general case and I don’t have to in order to address specific claims as presented here in clear text. Maybe these issues aren’t simple for you? It didn’t sound that way to me though.

    As I said before, an emergency case every 10 years is tolerable, a 13 year stretch of emergencies is out of a question. Since 2008 & Lehman Brothers (not bailed out) we’ve been into a never ending stream of emergencies and QE’s, the Fed’s balance and bank reserves have ballooned beyond any conceivable limit along with gov debt. This isn’t how the system is supposed to work but it keeps going and the results move from bad to worse.

  183. frontier 说:

    The fundamental problem is the US set out to create a financial economy what Hudson calls FIRE. We were going to all be part of a “service economy” with dirty manufacturing “offshored”… It is wrong to lump Hudson in with the people that control the Fed and DC, who also run around with phD Economics degrees

    It’s quite hard not to do it though, precisely because student loan bailouts are going to do zilch about reversing offshoring or manufacturing revival. On the contrary, such bailouts would divert funds that could otherwise be used in the real economy.

    Like many others, Hudson talks a grand game but makes an obvious error when he presents the government as some sort of omnipotent entity that can bail out everybody and everything without any ill effects to the taxpayers or the economy. This is quite ignorant from economic point of view and I don’t think he isn’t aware of it. Even more, he’s been alerted to it multiple times and his proposals continue to lack realism or even a tiny margin of safety. In other words, Hudson proclaims marvelous intentions but takes the wrong road to them, and we know where that road leads.

    We have a political class that is under the spell of illusions and they are overly committed to preserve them… Economics plays a large part in this, with Hudson proposing an illusionary alternative, not at all different from the mainstream … “just print more money”… as if we didn’t get here doing exactly that.

    • 回复: @bayviking
  184. Smith 说:

    Alright, so while we wait for the angels, who or what should control the monetary supplies?

    The animals? The trees?

  185. Mark G. 说:
    @Lawrence Miller

    Is that the best you can come up with, some snarky remark about working at McDonald’s? Are you aware how many college graduates now are working jobs that don’t require a college degree and are weighted down with a heavy burden of student debt? There wouldn’t be these outcries for canceling student debt if it weren’t for so many people who can’t pay back their college loans because they couldn’t get a decent paying job with their college degree.

    这些年轻人中的许多人本可以去贸易学校,而不是像现在其他人一样获得同样毫无价值的大学学位,因为课程被简化了,所以任何人都可以通过它们。 水管工、电工和汽车修理工一年可以赚 40 到 50 万美元。 如果您喜欢计算机,这里有各种各样的证书和两年制学位。 生意也一样。 我获得了两年制会计副学士学位,并找到了一份年薪 60 万美元的工作。 那是在我浪费四年时间获得新闻学学士学位之后。 新闻专业的毕业生数量是职位空缺的数倍。 许多其他大学专业也是如此。

    I’m not saying all college degrees are worthless. Most of the ones that are worthwhile are in science and technology fields that haven’t been taken over by woke leftists like most of the humanities and social sciences have. If you do have a desire to learn economics, literature, philosophy or history you would be better off learning them on your own. If you major in them in college you probably won’t get a job after you graduate and you won’t learn much either because people like Shakespeare, Aristotle, Darwin, Locke and so on are now just considered to be a bunch of dead white racist males and are being expunged from the curriculum.

  186. “Nothing in this life is for free !”

    Then you need more life experience

  187. bayviking 说:

    The Fed has already demonstrated that it has unlimited funds with which to manage the economy. Unfortunately, it chooses to only help its criminal stockholders.

    70% of the economy is consumer spending. The rich spend little of their resources on living expenses, they invest it instead. But that investment is not taking place in the USA. Debt deflation is killing consumer spending. There is some evidence the Fed, under Powell, and the Federal budget under Biden, will provide more resources to consumers than we have witnessed so far. But as Sanders points out, none of that will come to any fruition if spineless Democrats engage in endless “bad faith negotiations with Republicans”. For example, Republicans scream the budget must be balanced whenever they lose power and Nancy Pelosi, another member of the wealthy class, agrees. Yet, whenever Republicans regain power deficits soar, their sacred fake rule goes out the window. The Republicans are banking on Democrat failure to hold power. They will do everything in their power to insure failure in the coming year. With few exceptions they are ruthless scum.

    The only thing that pulled the USA out of the Great Depression was Government spending, as Keynes explained a long time ago. Government debt is public savings and visa versa. So whenever the Federal budget is balanced, as Clinton did once briefly with some sleight of hand, consumers have no money and only the rich save or invest. We do not have a booming economy, as Trump pretends, when we are in the middle of another stock market bubble. Only money in the hands of the working class yields a booming economy.

  188. Marckus 说:


    Stevennonemaker88 和 DickDongg69 一样是合法名称。 签名的时候有没有写88?

    您的名字不是一个以数字结尾的合法名字,本网站上的每个人都有权使用他们选择的任何句柄。 你是读你写的还是听你说的?

    Unz 评论是言论自由的最后堡垒之一。


    那是你的报价! 这意味着你这个危地马拉白痴是任何人都可以随心所欲。 然后你自相矛盾并且正在寻找对评论的谴责。 你的观点是不同的,即他们很愚蠢,你用来支持它的数据是胡说八道。 如果您是水果蛋糕、雪花蛋糕或 fagcake,请远离该网站,因为您不属于这里。 脸皮太薄,太容易触发。 豆子和玉米饼太多了。


    做点什么让你远离 UR。 你(和我们)会更快乐。

  189. @frontier

    UNZ POST 备份


    虽然我明白你为什么会得出这个结论,但这仍然是一个错误的结论。 并非所有经济学教授都有过错,尽管绝大多数[和相信他们的傻瓜]肯定有错。


    在我看来,奥地利学派是一个例外[证明了规则?]。 其重要性的一个线索是,它被所有主流的、绝大多数倾向于数学的马克思主义/凯恩斯主义/法西斯主义(即国家主义)经济学家系统地全面排斥,认为它是一种邪恶的无关紧要的东西,不惜一切代价避免。


    “现代经济学是一套正式的模型和方程,旨在完全决定人类行为,至少在经济领域是这样。 并且无法将不确定性压缩为确定的数学模型。” 默里·罗斯巴德 [强调我的]

    “[凯恩斯] 通论根本不是真正的革命性的,而只是旧的、经常被反驳的重商主义和通货膨胀主义谬论,披上了闪亮的新装,充斥着新构建的、基本上难以理解的术语。 默里·罗斯巴德

    “不了解经济学并不是犯罪,毕竟经济学是一门专门学科,大多数人认为这是一门'惨淡的科学'。” 但是,在保持这种无知状态的同时,对经济主题发表大声疾呼是完全不负责任的。”

    我建议阅读伟大的路德维希·冯·米塞斯 (Ludwig Von Mises) 的一篇简短、清晰、易于理解的文章:“经济科学的终极基础”,它一劳永逸地摧毁了所有其他经济思想流派的单一错误基本假设 [例如马克思主义、法西斯主义、凯恩斯主义和相关],他们的理论几乎完全基于:



  190. frontier 说:

    I agree with most of what you wrote, but I don’t see how Keynesianism, or Hudsonism for that matter, is going to change anything.

    “The only thing that pulled the USA out of the Great Depression was Government spending” – I think it was more of a Glass-Steagall and WW2. The government caused the baloon-bust depression in the first place, actually the Fed as a part of it, the rest of the government played along and then found itself in the position of a savior, and it assumed additional powers with great gusto. Little has changed since then, actually Glass-Steagall was reversed to allow for larger, more destructive balloons. Highest avg S&P PE ratio during depression years – 32, max avg S&P PE ratio 2020 – 40…

    “Only money in the hands of the working class yields a booming economy” – Yes, but only if that happens in a productive, 竞争的 economy. “Money for free” is the opposite of that, and said moneys always end up in the hands of the oligarchy. That becomes perfectly clear while looking at the wealth distribution of the top 0.1% vs the bottom 50%, before and after the money-for-free lockdown era.

    Keynesianism is all about redistribution to the top, masked behind care for the downtrodden, it’s a Trojan horse of communism, thus Hudson’s incessant dreaming of China. It’s not hard to point out where Keynes was wrong, the problem is, Keynes himself would have rallied against the monetary policies since the Great Recession, policies which are too loony even for an opportunistic hack like him. Today’s hacks have lost any sense of measure.

    • 回复: @bayviking
  191. Nancy 说:

    ‘Reinventing the wheel’ is stupid….a 10 yr old can explain why. Why can’t/don’t ‘we’ check out others who have better educated citizenry, and copy what will work for us? Because we have ‘termites’ manipulating ‘our’ governance, who don’t want a well educated citizenry… they ONLY want what will enrich themselves, and beggar everyone else. It seems so simple! even a white working woman could understand it : ) (You wonder why the DNC had to cut Sanders off at the knees?)

  192. MarkinLA 说:




    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  193. so there has to be some good reason why Facebook prohibits links to unz.com/

    So I ask people to check out unzDOTcom for themselves, on facebook.

  194. MarkinLA 说:



    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  195. Rubicon 说:

    Note: Paul Jay. His new website is “theAnalysis.news.

    He’s had Dr. Hudson, and most interestingly: retired Col. Wilkerson who’s noting a big shift in US funding for Israel.

    • 回复: @restless94110
  196. RoatanBill 说:

    The US isn’t competitive because the overall cost structure in the US is way too high. Lowering costs would make the US more attractive to use the available labor. This is especially true now that AI is making inroads in the labor market.



  197. RoatanBill 说:

    I’m advocating paying for what you get and not paying for what you didn’t get. How is that not logical and above all fair?

    那些获得假学位的人没有领先优势。 他们浪费了很多年,没有什么可以展示的。 与那些拥有有效学位可以过上好日子的人相比,他们肯定处于更大的劣势。

    If you have some logic I’m missing, show your work.

    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  198. MarkinLA 说:


    如果您每 50 年有一个禧年,人们就会知道在禧年之前停止借钱。 这对经济造成了阻碍。 如果它可以在任何时候发生,没有人会放贷,除非它的条件与银行那句老话一样——他们只把钱借给不需要的人。

    一些麻木者认为所有的贷款都应该是非法的。 问题不是贷款,而是它没有对项目和相关人员进行尽职调查,破产法允许贷款人一次又一次地在重组中陷入困境,直到他们一无所有。

    在 Micheal Milken 的垃圾债券之前,有新想法的新公司很难获得融资。 经纪公司是合伙企业,不愿为此类公司承销 IPO,银行也不会放贷。 早期的交易是合理的。 然后其他经纪商想加入游戏,标准崩溃了,就像他们在所谓的自由市场中所做的那样。

    只要 DBL 是镇上唯一的游戏,标准就可以维持,而且关系稳固。

  199. Nancy 说:
    @rebel yell

    高中职业顾问不应该为家庭阐述这些事实吗? 正如 Jau Leno 的母亲被告知,“你知道,Leno 夫人,学校并不适合所有人。” 哦,是的,白蚁已经渗透到美国教育的各个层面……

  200. MarkinLA 说:

    我们如何能够根据 GI 法案将所有二战和越战老兵送到大学,但现在不行?

    因为他们都没有上过大学。 它对职业培训开放,不需要大学学位的中产阶级工作很多。

    • 回复: @bayviking
  201. bayviking 说:

    我当然同意,要促进普遍福利,就需要生产和消费的良性循环。 我们仍然有实体经济,即使它已经萎缩,没有它我们都会死。 它恰好被寄生的 FIRE 经济所掩盖。 真正的 TINA(没有其他选择)是我们必须发展实体经济才能产生真正的财富。 它没有增长,但也没有完全消失。

    我也同意在每一个健全的经济体中都有竞争的地方,但不是那些自然垄断的部门。 包括医疗保健、道路、下水道管道、通信和教育系统在内的所有公共事业都是自然垄断的,为了共同利益,需要由政府运营或受监管的私人运营,而不是最大化一个垄断者的市场地位。 记录清楚地表明,公共事业以比私营企业更好的价格向消费者提供服务,为员工提供更好的工资和福利。 UPS 和 FedEx 对邮政服务的侵占导致普通消费者的包裹价格飞涨,他们补贴亚马逊等大客户的最低价格。 每天让 3 辆送货车到你家街道上而不是一辆,效率并不高,成本也相应增加。

    美国享有其他国家没有的经济优势,即通过军事手段迫使所有人用美元支付石油,这迫使世界上所有其他国家都持有美元储备。 美国还控制所有以美元为单位的货币转账,这些转账大多只是电脑屏幕上的数字,但它们通过美国银行进行清算,这为执行制裁打开了大门,这是一种极其恶毒、虐待狂的做法。 美国还控制着大多数国际贷款,并迫使其他国家以美元偿还,这使这些经济体面临巨大风险。 当它们倒闭时,我们要求用硬资产而不是美元来偿还。 这些因素都对我们有利,但不会持久。 根据美国的宣传,所有这些优势都被描绘成创造了一个法治的世界。 但这是一个很大的谎言。 它创造了一个世界,在这个世界中,美国生活在一套规则中,而其他所有人都受另一套规则的约束。 哈德森称之为超级帝国主义。

    我们正在创造敌人,他们计划在可能的时候退出我们强制执行的系统。 但是,当伊拉克发誓要用欧元换石油时,我们就发动了攻击。 当利比亚成立非洲中央银行时,我们用代理人进行了攻击。 我们一般不攻击拥有核武器的国家。 这一切将在何处、如何以及何时结束尚不清楚。 但它最终肯定会结束。


    • 谢谢: showmethereal
  202. @TKK

    任何投票给希拉里的人在助产士特朗普选民上的智商都可能有 10-15 分。

    • 回复: @Quartermaster
  203. Nancy 说:

    它是否变成了一种引人入胜的、凶猛的 :)、重新安置躺椅(和追逐红鲱鱼)而不是解决船的方向的游戏? (白蚁策略?)如何消除“准备金制度”,又名“全额准备金”银行制度……即,商业银行不创造债务货币! 此外,将货币供应管理转移到宪法规定的财政部,可以增加/减少供应以满足当前需求,防止通货膨胀等。

    它是在大萧条时期提出的,并得到了大多数美国经济学家 IIRC 的支持。 维基“芝加哥计划”。 (哦,你相信白蚁银行家 vs 财政部,在选举控制下?记住,在美联储成立 16 年后防止“银行挤兑/混乱”,我们遇到了有史以来最大的经济灾难?)

    已故的斯蒂芬·扎伦加 (Stephen Zarlenga) 在他的 AMI 网站和他的书中英勇地宣传了它。 为什么我们不能在这个想法背后进行大规模的运动。

    是的,我知道白蚁控制着美联储和银行,但我们唯一的(微弱的)机会是通过投票箱。 当然,我认为,像往常一样,主要问题是沟通…… 如何分享声音字节的主要推动力……想到将“死亡税”更名为“巴黎希尔顿税”、“1% 对 99%”等。 这里有很多创意大脑🙂

  204. Nancy 说:

    “以色列人 8 亿美元,美国学生 0 美元!”
    “以色列人每年从美国纳税人那里获得医疗保健 + 8B 美元......谁得到了 zippo。”

    • 同意: bayviking
  205. HbutnotG 说:
    @Mulga Mumblebrain

    是的。 医学首先被律师行业抢走。 然后(为了“据称”处理医疗事故诉讼,类固醇和医疗事故保险公司紧随其后)政府制定的官方“指南”得到印制(当然是律师)。 医学意见立即仅限于基于大学的意见(((象牙塔的意见)))。 HCFA 的计费限额(最初适用于 Medicare/Medicaid/VA)很快就被所有保险公司效仿并繁荣起来! 您只能按某些 HS 毕业生文员所说的收费。

    所以今天兽医赚的钱比医生多,他们得到了曾经做过的业务 petertricians*(狗和猫现在是未产妇的“婴儿”),以及 MBA(他们的工资增加了 10 倍并获得了金气球,所有这些都是自 HCFA 时代以来) 开着宝马到处走,而医生的工具开着一辆生锈的 8 岁的丰田车。 大约在 5 点左右访问您社区医院的停车场。 你会很快掌握。

    (*) “petertrician”是我妈妈认为老人在排尿困难时会去看的东西——真实的故事。

    • 回复: @bayviking
  206. @A123

    哇! 我想这是我同意你的第一个评论。
    绝对——该系统是美国高校以所谓的经济发展为名,尽其所能收取最高费用的游戏。 与医疗保健系统相同。 如果建立在家庭破产的基础上,那就不是真正的经济发展。

  207. @Rosie

    你确实意识到世界上有很多国家的大学系统实际上是负担得起的——对吗? 他们中的许多人将研究生送到美国,并主导了许多研究生课程。 就像过于昂贵的医疗保健(甚至没有得到最好的结果)和使人民背负债务的教育系统就像一个铁砧……

  208. @RoatanBill



    • 回复: @Smith
  209. @Thomasina

    美国对中国开放的真正原因是在莫斯科和北京发生争执时让中国站在反对苏联的一边。 他们没有考虑廉价劳动力或宽松的环境法。 他们认为中国拥有最大的常备军,也拥有核武器。

    建立中国的首都主要是居住在亚洲其他地区的华人(尽管大多数来自香港和台湾)。 美国公司迟到。 事实上——他们中的大多数只是让合同制造商为他们生产产品——所以他们甚至不会自己在中国投资。
    只有大约 10% 的中国大学生出国留学……90% 的人在国内接受的教育非常划算。 去海外的 10% 支付现金......他们不申请学生贷款。 中国拥有世界上最大的 STEM 劳动力……而且他们没有学生债务。 所以没有没有银盘。 这被称为智能计划与愚蠢计划。 更愚蠢的是,现在中国和俄罗斯都不信任美国,而且越来越紧密地联系在一起。 据我所知 - 俄罗斯高等教育也相对负担得起。

    但是为了说明我的意思——选择美国的任何基础设施项目并与下面的场景进行比较。 货币的时间价值意味着中国将通过更快地完成这项工作而获得更大的收益。 美国没有教中国人这个……老实说——美国的产业工人能与这种职业道德竞争吗??

    但有趣的是你注意到“叛国”。 英国和法国将从事工业工作的公民移居美国视为叛国。 事实上,英国人将其定为非法——这就是美国窃取工业技术的原因。


    它没有什么独特之处。 例如——看看这个关于民用核技术的故事。 如前所述 - 法国人和俄罗斯人等与中国合作。 美国迟到了。 现在中国发展自己的,不使用西方的伙伴关系。 现在 90% 的新核反应堆和 100% 的软件都是国产的。 但是有了他们需要的力量,他们仍然可以与外部国家合作。 现在唯一一个允许在中国建造核反应堆的国家……??? 俄罗斯。 为什么? 他们信任俄罗斯——但不信任西方。 这就是这些事情的运作方式。


  210. Smith 说:


    为正确的理由花钱不是问题。 国家可以随心所欲地消费,只要它造福于人民,这意味着食品、医疗保健、教育等。

    我记得之前和你讨论过这个问题,在这种情况下,你只是另一个崇拜金钱或黄金的财政保守派。 但是,没有人力和资源,钱就一文不值。

    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  211. Smith 说:



  212. @Smith


  213. @Smith


  214. @showmethereal

    你看到中国核聚变反应堆的最新成果了吗? 他们现在远远领先于美国,这很有趣。 如果美国花费了数万亿美元,通过军事侵略来恐吓人类,那么明智地,美国仍然会参与其中。 当然,这让美国变得如此致命——一只走投无路、狂暴的老鼠,除了尖牙之外什么都没有,会以不可预测的方式猛烈攻击。

    • 回复: @T.Rebon
  215. Smith 说:




    一方面,美国胖工人不断抱怨和摸索,总是要求更多的工资、更多的假期、更多的工会参与。 更糟糕的是,他们甚至罢工和反对中国管理人员,迫使公司加入工会并采取更多的安全生产措施。


    右翼(包括我在内)开始嘲笑美国人,开始怀疑他们如何以“铁律”与“勤奋”的中国人抗衡? 我敢打赌,那家美国工厂很快就要倒闭了。


    到 2018 年,在每年亏损数千万美元后,该工厂首次实现年度盈利。



    嗯,想大了。 事实证明,美国工会化的肥胖“懒惰”仍然可以获利,实际上是相当大的利润。 原来,“为国(公司)牺牲”的中国工人“铁一般”的工作时间表,其实并不需要赚钱。

    我想看这部电影的中国工人觉得他们一直被自己的上级骗了。 事实证明,拥有稳定的工资、医疗保健和假期休假不会对生产力产生不利影响,而“职业道德”实际上并不重要。

  216. @Rubicon

    威尔克森在某些方面很好,但当他拒绝处理一些明显的事实时,我对他有意见。 我不知道他为什么采取这种立场,但确实减损了他的声音。 这让他看起来愚蠢甚至贪婪。


  217. T.Rebon 说:
    @Mulga Mumblebrain


    我对此很感兴趣,因为在欧洲这里提前 40 年没有任何有用的结果。 那么能量盈余是多少呢?

  218. red22 说:

    SVDP 的书籍非常便宜。
    我购买 1.49-2.09 的教科书。


    我父亲给了我 600 美元。我借了
    $ 5000。

    支付给银行的金额为 7300 美元。



  219. @Smith

    继续吹口哨经过墓地,老儿子。 近几十年来,中国的条件和工资急剧增加,尽管人们仍然看到猪无知的洋基猪在那里谈论“奴隶工资”。 由于生活成本低得多,中国工人节省了大量时间,因此近几十年来的大众旅游。 大多数 Merkans 甚至没有护照。

    • 回复: @Franz
    , @Smith
  220. Franz 说:
    @Mulga Mumblebrain

    继续吹口哨经过墓地,老儿子。 近几十年来,中国的条件和工资急剧增加,尽管人们仍然看到猪无知的洋基猪在那里谈论“奴隶工资”。


    中国将建立一个神话般的消费经济; 美国人将抛弃塑料并制造出没人想要的劣质劣质商店 CRAP,因为我们的富豪们以更便宜的价格卖给我们,直到我们的工业工程师住在垃圾箱附近的箱子里与老鼠竞争一顿正餐。

    当 GHWBush 说“如果他们真的知道我们在做什么,他们会把我们从灯柱上吊起来”时,你真的认为他在说彗星披萨吗?

    梦完了,该醒了。 奔向未来的中国人。 美国把威玛放在心上。

  221. Smith 说:
    @Mulga Mumblebrain

    好吧,纪录片采访了中国福耀玻璃的工人,你可以随意相信他们。 而且比福耀玻璃在美国搞反劳工活动也是事实,你有美国工人打赢官司。


  222. Dusan 说:

    相当体面的废话。 我在大一的课上写过这样的论文。 这种债务免除完全是恶意的(正如乔所说)
    无论通货膨胀如何,货币都是有价值的。 有人把钱付给了别人。 一旦我们开始免除债务,那么至少会有一方在此过程中受到伤害。 这种贷款宽恕和“免费服务”是共产主义的乌托邦,行不通。 美索不达米亚的例子很可笑:他们没有成为一个社会,是吗?
    因此,如果您出于任意原因开始免除债务,那么人们将停止发行债务。 (得到它?)
    自由市场将崩溃,取而代之的是政府运行的系统=社会主义,共产主义。 你们的挪威并不是一个模范的自由资本主义国家。 所有北欧国家(以及德国)都不是真正的税收天堂。

    • 回复: @Smith
  223. Bro43rd 说:
    @Chris Moore

    稻草人和广告是你们大政府的辩护者所拥有的。 Ayn Rand 是我们的(lolbertairians 用 mefo 啊)女主角,字面意思是 roflol。 所以脱离了freedumb(另一个mefo啊)运动。 我无法确定你们是否知道你在扮演有用的白痴(斯大林主义者啊)的角色,还是被控制的反对派或巨魔。 如果稻草人或人身攻击吓跑了潜在的自由新兵,那么“我们的”运动一开始就对他们没有吸引力。 真正的战斗发生在集体主义者和个人自由倡导者之间。 不是自由派与保守派的建制叙事,他们是一个相同的集体主义者,只是不同的派别。 无论如何,继续为人类历史上最大的有组织犯罪团伙支付先令。 好主意不需要武力!

    • 同意: frontier
    • 回复: @Chris Moore
    , @onebornfree
  224. bayviking 说:

    执行计划比编写计划花费的时间更长。 职业贸易的工作总是比对训练有素的物理学家等的需求要多。在初级学院或大学教育公民,使国家更具竞争力和效率,就像修路和电话一样。 这没有改变,也永远不会改变。 发生变化的是,仅美国的工资扣除额就超过了中国的工资总额。

    我们不能不教育我们的人民。 优秀的教育体系是欧盟经济大于美国经济的主要原因。 但教育费用在过去四十年来猛增,原因有二:高层管理重任,以及由共和党领导的联邦和州机构的资金减少。 共和党人有兴趣解散政府并将我们教育机构的控制权交给富有的统治阶级,这样他们就可以获得更多政府机构不需要的非竞争性利润。 这只会削弱服务质量。 同样的事情也发生在监狱里。

    推动一切私有化是导致我们经济下滑的另一个因素。 仅次于离岸制造。

    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  225. Bro43rd 说:



    你没有看到这里的矛盾吗? 制定价格控制和法规的政府人员群体是“好”的,但男性设定的黄金价值是“坏的”。 让贸易方使用他们想与之交易的任何东西。 如果甲方不认为他们得到了公平的交易,那么他们可以简单地拒绝并继续前进。

    我的主要观点是,与法定货币相比,市场驱动版本的货币更不容易受到强制性操纵。 对金钱的控制使我们陷入当前滥用政府的范式中。 好的想法不需要武力。

    • 谢谢: Mark G.
    • 回复: @Smith
  226. bayviking 说:

    医疗保健部门现在雇用了 11% 的美国工人,占政府支出的 24%。 因此,运作良好的医疗保健部门是经济运作良好的先决条件。 美国比其他国家花费更多,却没有获得更好的健康结果,而且这个问题还在继续恶化。

    无用的健康保险行业是一个比审判律师更大的问题。 每次他们拒绝合法索赔时,健康保险业都会运行真正的死亡小组,这通常需要大量费用,只是为了看看您是否会对此采取任何措施。 如果你不这样做,他们就会把钱放在口袋里。

    根据本期简报中美国进步中心的估计,美国的医疗保健支付者和提供者每年花费约 496 亿美元用于计费和保险相关 (BIR) 成本。 随着医疗保健成本的持续上升,潜在节约的合理起点是解决浪费问题。 美国国家医学科学院 (NAM) 2010 年的一份报告估计,美国在 BIR 成本上的花费大约是所需费用的两倍。 根据 CAP 的计算,这些超额管理成本目前每年达到 248 亿美元。

    相比之下,无上限的医疗事故诉讼每年为医院和医生服务的成本增加多达 97.5 亿美元。 但是允许这种诉讼的一个好处是它使不称职的医生引起了管理人员的注意。 这是让不称职的医生承担责任的唯一功能机制。

    • 谢谢: showmethereal
    • 回复: @HbutnotG
    , @HbutnotG
  227. Smith 说:

    实际上,市场也是由男性控制的,所以不,它并不“比法定货币更不容易受到强制性操纵”。 事实上,它更容易受到影响,因为黄金囤积者可以完美地相互合作,像奶牛一样挤奶,他们不必承担任何责任或责任,这是他们的钱与你的关系。


    让贸易方使用他们想与之交易的任何东西。 如果甲方不认为他们得到了公平的交易,那么他们可以简单地拒绝并继续前进。



    • 回复: @Bro43rd
  228. Smith 说:

    哪一方在这个过程中受到伤害? 债务人?

    你现在是在为富有而贪婪的犹太人攥着珍珠吗? 必须用利息向他们支付每一分钱,否则他们不能在月底拥有新的运动车,对吗?



    • 同意: bayviking
    • 回复: @frontier
  229. MarkinLA 说:


    他们不像那些获得有用学位的人那样在成年生活开始时负债累累。 你连这个都看不到?

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  230. MarkinLA 说:

    这与可以负担得起的 GI 法案有什么关系?

    • 回复: @bayviking
  231. Bro43rd 说:

    是吗? 政府里充满了永远不会利用的聪明仁慈的人。 如果过去 500 年的历史教会了我一件事,那就是这个; 最无情的人会被政府吸引,愿意谋杀和胁迫以维持他们的权力地位。 我应该相信这些人手头有人类的最大利益。

    好的想法不需要武力。 政府首先是一件事,在一定的地理区域内垄断使用武力。 它一直在摧毁人类,同时称赞它的努力将我们从许多坏人手中拯救出来。 是坏人。

    • 回复: @Smith
  232. @Bro43rd


    这些“个人自由促进者”在哪里? 他们是幻影,就像“真正的马克思主义者”一样。 几乎整个共和党都是犹太法西斯主义的走狗,包括兰德保罗。 几乎整个民主党种植园都是犹太走狗和犹太复国主义者的走狗。 那是犹太法西斯集体主义。

    甚至创始人也批准奴隶制。 甚至“自由主义者”也假装相信大屠杀和 9/11 教条。

    你是个懦夫,也是个工具。 一个不错的小魔像。

    • 回复: @frontier
    , @Bro43rd
  233. RoatanBill 说:

    不,我看不到,因为这不是真的。 如果有人为了获得性别研究、社会学等编织学科之一的学位而贷款,那么他仍然背负着还贷的负担并且没有合理的工作。


    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  234. frontier 说:

    哪一方在这个过程中受到伤害? 债务人?

    政府救助时的纳税人、银行存款人和完全违约时的纳税人,两种情况下的整个经济。 一方认为 不会受伤 是富人……“控制金钱”并不意味着自动救助,恰恰相反,事实上,控制必须确保救助不会发生——当然,没有深度腐败。 “美索不达米亚”……你为什么不搬到那里,从此过上幸福的生活? 你的问题和胡言乱语暴露了对经济学所有问题的深刻无知。

    • 回复: @Smith
  235. HbutnotG 说:

    在这 97.5 亿美元的医疗事故费用中,大部分不是花在“不称职”的医生身上,而是花在经济中的经济上。 首先,许多(包括最大的)医疗事故诉讼是律师游戏诉讼,与医生“无能”无关(医生自行淘汰,称为同行评审)。 与合适的律师一起患疾病(通常是现在或从长远来看是不可避免的)的不良结果可能是大奖。 而且财力雄厚,特别是因为医疗事故保险公司不再为保护他们的投保人做太多事情——他们只是赔钱。 老实说,今天的医生必须使用算法医学来避免被起诉——无论这种(商业毕业生设计的)算法在特定情况下是否具有医学意义。 你这样做并记录你是这样做的 - 或者冒着诉讼的风险。 这相当于执业医学的律师和商业毕业生。

    您在电视新闻等上听到的无能医生只是现实生活中的医疗事故诉讼的一小部分。 有没有注意到他们经常以整形手术为中心? 这是医疗实践的一个很小的领域,但它是主观的,因此总是大范围解决,几乎总是在法庭外。 OB是另一个。 大多数 OB 很久以前就退出了,因为他们的渎职政策变得如此昂贵。

    “不称职”可能只是与一位通常被隔离并受律师青睐的顾问的分歧,他们从未在社区执业,通常只处理主观案件。 “我的意见凌驾于其他人的意见之上——因为我(和律师)是这么说的。”

    因此,在受监管的账单和如此渴望一次性支付给后代的人之间,聪明人比从事医学更清楚。 这些人可以双手被绑在背后,蒙住 MBA 的眼睛。

    医院管理部门显然避开了账单上限——自 350 年 HCFA 裁决以来,一张床位从每晚 5600 美元涨至每晚 1983 美元。 一段时间内查看您的医院账单和保险支出。 保险公司也顺其自然。 这张床单是给管理员他们的雷克萨斯的。 保险公司就是银行,那些家伙是学校里的好朋友(眨眼,眨眼)。 没有人想知道为什么过去 30 年的医院大堂花费巨大的成本变成了五星级酒店的大堂吗? 有没有人想知道为什么?

    作为一名感染控制专家(我通常做法的宠物方面),我在短短 10 年里看到感染控制委员会从 10 个非常参与的人(6 个医生,包括一名传染病专家和一名病理学家)、一名感染控制护士、一名药剂师、微生物学家和管理员)到…… 42 人——其中(我数过)28 人是行政员工,其中大多数只是作为“他们工作描述的一部分”。 具有讽刺意味的是,在同一时期,医院获得性感染(真实感染)有所增加,这可能是由于医院实践越来越草率之外的其他原因。 那么有什么意义呢? 我会问自己。

    • 回复: @bayviking
  236. bayviking 说:

    平衡的预算废话只是阶级斗争,完全没有必要,即使这是佩洛西想做的一切的一部分,她称之为“付费”。 不能对共和党人说同样的话,他们在获得权力后立即将平衡预算扔出窗外,他们大声尖叫,如果我们不在每次民主党政府期间平衡我们的预算,我们就会走向毁灭。 奇怪的是,很少有人接受这种荒谬的虚伪模式。 更多地嫁给他们的派对而不是理性。

    需要额外的证据,计算机上生成的 29 万亿美元和数量如何用于救助犯罪银行家。 “量化宽松”(QE)仍在我们身边。

    您可能会考虑阅读“赤字神话”以了解现实。 我们可以为每个符合条件的人提供免费的大学。 所以像欧洲一样,绩效标准源于测试,作为每个人免费上大学的先决条件。 这实际上比每个第一次世界大战和越南兽医的 GI 法案都要少。 这种方法的优点是您最终会得到受过高等教育和受过贸易教育的工人的自然分布。 对商人的需求总是更多。 他们同样有权在各自的专业领域接受免费教育。

    • 哈哈: frontier
  237. frontier 说:
    @Chris Moore

    “这些‘个人自由促进者’在哪里? 几乎整个共和党都是犹太法西斯主义的走狗,包括兰德保罗。” – 说“几乎”意味着有一些推动者,而其他人至少在表面上这样做,这只是在政治家中,在人民中还有更多,无论是共和党还是民主党选民,他们都是完全真诚的。 这是美国的传统,记得吗? 你为什么对它生气?

    “即使是创始人也批准奴隶制。” – 啊? 奴隶制是从英国人那里继承下来的,在当时很普遍。 不可能在建立一个全新的治理结构的同时进行废奴主义。 可笑的是,您对所涉及的复杂性一无所知。 杰斐逊写道,奴隶制将不可避免地被废除,可惜以错误的方式完成了,但它已经完成了——根据作为一种价值的个人自由。

    “教条,shmogma” ——你指的是什么? 个人自由不好? 或者,它没有支持者? 你为两者都提供了零参数,用毫无价值的无知原声代替它们。

    • 谢谢: Bro43rd
    • 回复: @Chris Moore
  238. frontier 说:

    “平衡的预算废话只是阶级斗争” – 就这样,相信我的帽子和里面的兔子……

    “受过高等教育和受过贸易教育的工人” – 免费,真的,用漂亮的粉红色独角兽作为装饰……为什么要限制受过良好教育的工人,为什么要在受过教育后停止喂养他们? 有了免费的钱,我们可以让一切免费,对所有人免费。 相信我,免费,免费,终于免费了。 全部免费——优质的教育、优质的住房、优质的汽车、优质的葡萄酒、食物、啤酒、烈酒和速溶……尤其是速溶,就像产生海湾海盗幻觉的那样。 然后每个人都可以享受关于他们选择的主题的精美幻觉......


    • 同意: Bro43rd
  239. @bayviking

    你对这个话题发表了一些很好的评论。 谢谢。

  240. Smith 说:






  241. Smith 说:



    控制金钱意味着金钱为人民服务,而不是金钱本身。 当大多数人负债时,让他们摆脱债务是明智的,这样他们就不必日夜工作来偿还债务+利息。

    “美索不达米亚”……你为什么不搬到那里,从此过上幸福的生活? 你的问题和胡言乱语暴露了对经济学所有问题的深刻无知。

    我是住在越南的土生土长的越南人,你这个笨蛋,是的,我从此过着幸福的生活。 不,我不胡言乱语,你不知道美索不达米亚是文明的摇篮,那里存在着最初的政府和经济法则,这表明你对 BASIC 历史的深刻无知。

    • 回复: @frontier
  242. MarkinLA 说:

    我试图给你一个简洁简单的答案,解释为什么 GI 法案是负担得起的,每次你回来时都会带着更多与此完全无关的胡言乱语。 我不想在所有这些散漫的咆哮上浪费时间。

  243. MarkinLA 说:

    你不合逻辑的咆哮越来越乏味。 谁来定义什么是毫无价值的学位? 你愚蠢的帖子建议只对那些没有价值的学位的人免除贷款。 每个学位都有一定程度的无价值。

    背负巨额学生债务的医生和律师确信,破产法官认为他们的学生债务需要取消(在允许的情况下),因为他们计划从事社区服务工作而不是为了大笔钱。 因此,他们没有办法付款。 当然,在Peace Corps 工作6 个月后,他们开始赚钱。

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  244. RoatanBill 说:

    我列出了一些你认为无法反驳的清晰逻辑,所以你开始变得令人讨厌。 我理解你遇到一个不会忍受你虚弱的胡言乱语的人的沮丧。

    这对你来说一定是一种全新的体验。 处理它。

  245. @frontier

    你指的是什么? 个人自由不好? 或者,它没有支持者? 你为两者都提供了零参数,用毫无价值的无知原声代替它们。

    “个人自由”很容易被犹太法西斯主义者劫持——而且确实如此。 这就是为什么我们有越来越多的犹太复国主义极权主义。

    鼓吹“个人自由”的人被黑帮/银行家犹太复国主义者和犹太法西斯主义者带走,或者是他们有用的白痴。 是的,当一个国家没有抵抗犹太复国主义和犹太法西斯主义的性格或完整性时,个人自由是不好的。

    “即使是创始人也批准奴隶制。” – 啊? 奴隶制是从英国人那里继承下来的,在当时很普遍。 不可能在建立一个全新的治理结构的同时进行废奴主义。

    英国人是从犹太人和穆斯林那里得到的。 为什么西方文明不接受奴隶制? 因为它是真正的基督徒。 但是盎格鲁犹太复国主义帝国接受了它,因为它过去和现在都是病态的贪婪和邪恶,就像开放边界((全球主义者))是病态的贪婪和邪恶一样,并且与想要更多的创始人和早期定居者一样进行同样的浮士德式交易! 快点! 大! 子孙后代该死。


    不,您正在以典型的塔木德主义者和犹太复国主义者的方式将其复杂化,而实际上它非常简单:弱者、病态和病态贪婪的人每次都喜欢“轻松赚钱” 犹太人耳语。 他们不适合领导,最终为了快速赚钱而让自己灭绝,并试图将西方带入其中。


    • 回复: @frontier
  246. @Mulga Mumblebrain

    真的…。 迄今为止最昂贵的医疗系统——但在实现医疗保健效果方面甚至没有进入前 10 名。 但许多人说这是“有史以来最好的”。

  247. @Smith

    正是中国管理层改变了美国办事处的文化,最终使他们盈利。所以你的想法不成立。 如果不需要进行任何更改,新所有者首先就不必保存任何人的工作。

    • 回复: @Smith
  248. bayviking 说:

    对于头脑简单的自由营销人员来说,让我们保持简单。 政治上只有两个问题,金钱和道德。 关于这两个问题的意见定义了税收政策的差异。 对于进步人士来说,对富人征税弥补了资本主义的致命缺陷是它一贯集中财富的事实。 保守派说,那又怎样,有几个超级富豪和几百万穷人更好,因为有钱人是每个人都有工作的原因。

    林肯看到了保守派思想的错误,他说:“劳动先于资本,并且独立于资本。 资本只是劳动的产物,如果没有劳动就永远不会存在。 劳动是资本的上等者,理应得到更高的重视。”

    促进普遍福利是宪法授权。 这需要一项产业政策,归结为政府对有价值的企业的补贴,以使它们起步。 在我们国家,这往往始于军事预算。 在我们的系统中,私募股权和华尔街可以成为新企业的另一个资金来源。 银行几乎只在房地产或汽车上放贷。 但在一个案例中,当 AT&T 受到监管时,他们发明了晶体管,运营着由纳税人资助的研究实验室。 当军方听说这一点时,他们宣布获得专利太重要了,他们占了上风。

    促进普遍福利需要资本、劳动力、自然资源和技术。 资本由美联储控制,为 22 位肮脏的富有股东提供服务。 劳工能够利用其权力并分享国家财富的唯一方式是工会。 几乎所有新技术都是我们教育系统或纳税人资助的私人研究的产物。 自然资源属于一般福利,而不是洛克菲勒的石油或沃克家族的北加州木材。 从看门人到总统,每个人都应该得到一份生活工资。 推动一切私有化是不道德和违宪的。

    • 回复: @Chris Moore
  249. frontier 说:


    这就是我的想法,一个 commie shill。 你没有资格为美国的政策提供建议,你离现实太远了,这表明。 你的写作缺乏理性的内容,取而代之的是愚蠢的说教——共产主义风格。 美国有它的问题,但成为共产主义越南不是美国的解决方案。 如果你在那里很开心,那么在 Unz 上做什么,像典型的共产无人机一样重复空洞的口号? 你不能在一个光荣的越南网站上做到这一点吗? 为了让派对开心?

    • 回复: @Smith
    , @Mulga Mumblebrain
  250. frontier 说:
    @Chris Moore

    你的评论绝对没有任何建设性,你一直在重复相同的声音片段,最后一次只添加了“Talmudist”。 显然,我不得不为我所谓的奴隶主过去而感到羞耻,并且没有正直来抵抗“犹太法西斯主义”......你的只是一个稍微不同的批判种族理论,对所谓的道德失败无休止的羞辱——这种风格受到了广泛的批评并显示为一大堆牛粪,这同样适用于您的“理论”。 当然,你仍然对需要做的事情一无所知,可笑的是,你的全部目的是让指责游戏永久化,希望……被废话弄得眼花缭乱? 并通过重复它来困惑? 无论如何,和你交谈是完全没有用的。

    • 同意: Bro43rd
  251. @Bro43rd

    “真正的战斗发生在集体主义者和个人自由倡导者之间。 不是自由主义者与保守主义者”


    就像“自由主义者与保守主义者”一样,他们 [法西斯主义者 + 共产主义者] 只是同一主题的微小变化:集体主义,即少数 [精英] 统治许多人,“为了多数人的利益”。 而大多数人,大多数都是笨蛋,因为他们从出生起就支持政府的计划,一次又一次地爱上了它,[“为了大多数人的利益”bs]。 [例如国家资助的“教育”、电视“节目”等]

    “如果你有完全的政府,你称之为共产主义、法西斯主义、社会主义、凯撒主义或法老主义都没有什么区别。 从必须在其下生活和受苦的人的角度来看,这一切几乎都是一样的。” ——加里艾伦,“没人敢称之为阴谋”

    “为什么超级富翁为社会主义? 他们不是输得最多的吗? 我看了一下我的银行帐户,并将其与纳尔逊·洛克菲勒(Nelson Rockefeller)的帐户进行了比较,我反对社会主义,而且他正在大力推广它,这似乎很可笑。” 还是有趣? 在现实中,促进者所定义的社会主义与实际中的社会主义之间存在巨大差异。 社会主义是财富分配计划的观念严格来说是一种信任游戏,它使人民将自由投降到一个权力强大的集体主义政府。 当内部人士告诉我们,我们正在地球上建立一个天堂时,我们实际上是在为自己建造一个监狱。” ―加里·艾伦(Gary Allen),《敢不敢称它为阴谋》


    • 同意: Bro43rd
  252. Bro43rd 说:
    @Chris Moore

    你又一次用稻草人和人身攻击我。 你声称我是一个很好的小魔像,但我是反对我们当前统治者英国人的人,有点自相矛盾。 但是很好的尝试,哈哈。

  253. @Smith



    日本和韩国紧随其后。 绝大多数来自香港 - 台湾和东盟。 不只是新加坡,整个东盟都是如此。 我的意思是连暹罗国王都担心回到内战,因为暹罗有这么多华人,他们向国民党和共产党方面发送资源以支持他们在内战中(是的,新加坡也是如此)。 中国人成为日本和东盟的日本友好政府的目标,因为除了运送物资之外——有些人甚至回到中国与日本作战。 远在加勒比地区的中国人回到中国与日本作战。 你知道民国时期的“国民党”是什么意思吗? 这意味着尽可能摆脱外国影响。 70年代和80年代中国改革开放时,华侨投资中国为美国服务的想法是荒谬的。 即使在台湾——国民党也只是在口头上宣扬美国的影响力,因为他们希望美国帮助他们夺回中国大陆。 是的,他们确实喜欢日本并学习棒球和西方乐器——但就像日本一样——那只是因为他们“不得不”。 台湾的中华民国要是能保住大陆,早就摆脱美国的枷锁了。

    问问英国人在苏伊士运河事件中发生了什么,为什么美国不支持他们......啊——这几乎标志着英镑的终结。 “有这样的朋友......”美国不是蒋介石的朋友——也就是“兑现支票”。 唯一的目的就是扼杀中国。 美国希望中国能够像日本在 1980 年代那样签署广场协议。 但是,如果中华民国保留大陆并更快地致富——正如许多西方人所声称的那样——那么中国可能会在 1980 年代超越美国。 然后呢? 一个拥有自己军队的庞大中国会像日本一样落入剑上吗? 一点也不。 谁知道会发生什么。 在台北读宪法。 他们仍然声称中国放弃了现在俄罗斯远东地区——蒙古——哈萨克斯坦——印度的数百万平方公里的土地。 所以可能会有毁灭性的战争。 我有点不切实际——但底线是没有华人为了服务西方而在中国大陆投资。 那是完全错误的。
    事实上——李光耀一遍又一遍地告诉西方“你必须为中国腾出空间。 看看中国历史——这是不可避免的。 我们在新加坡是离开中国的劳工的孩子,看看我们能够取得什么成就”。 里面没有任何东西听起来像屈从。

    是的,WTO 问题是分开的。 然后中国与西方和美国的关系更加紧密。 但在此之前,它的经济更以亚洲为导向,主要是亚洲投资。 即使技术明智。 俄罗斯——德国——法国——日本与中国分享的技术比美国多。 无论美国政客如何哭泣和抱怨——这些都是事实。 这就是为什么即使是现在,德国-法国-日本公司在中国设立研发办事处的速度也比最近才开始这样做的美国公司要快。

    • 回复: @Smith
  254. Smith 说:




  255. Smith 说:



    不,在我的帖子中没有字面上没有道德化,这都是关于历史和政治的事实。 每个功能性国家都有一个控制市场的政府,“自由资本主义市场”要么导致像美国这样的无政府状态或寡头政治,他们从小就告诉你,你永远不能对抗市场的“看不见的手”(它实际上不是隐形的,只是隐藏了)。

  256. @bayviking

    促进普遍福利需要资本、劳动力、自然资源和技术。 资本由美联储控制,为 22 位肮脏的富有股东提供服务。 劳工能够利用其权力并分享国家财富的唯一方式是工会。 几乎所有新技术都是我们教育系统或纳税人资助的私人研究的产物。 自然资源属于一般福利,而不是洛克菲勒的石油或沃克家族的北加州木材。 从看门人到总统,每个人都应该得到一份生活工资。 推动一切私有化是不道德和违宪的。

    肮脏的富有的股东被犹太复国主义罪犯缓慢、稳定、系统地渗透和控制。 这是一个非常类似于他们收购 MSM 的过程。 因此,今天我们有无休止的以色列战争和无休止的针对白人的 MSM 战争,白人是唯一能够将国家从犯罪团伙手中夺回的人。


    “犹太人”是引号,因为他们甚至不是摩西意义上的“犹太人”,他们实际上是他将犯罪的希伯来人绳之以法的传统。 他们是与文明交战的不法之徒。 他们需要再次被带进来。

    • 回复: @bayviking
    , @Chris Moore
  257. Thomasina 说:

    美国劳动力曾一度和中国人一样勤奋和勤奋。 例如,看看胡佛水坝的建筑。

    中国拥有无需“发明”任何东西的巨大优势。 是的,印钞票,把你的学生送到国外去学习别人的发明,或者引进西方教授到中国任教。 中国使用了别人开发的技术,然后进入了“复制”模式。 有点像打开电灯开关,然后拍拍自己的后背,以为自己做了什么。

    你认为中国建立起来没有美国和英国的钱? 哈! 再想想。

    “这被称为智能计划与愚蠢计划”。 是的,好吧,就像所有空荡荡的高层建筑一样? 中国用力按下“刺激”按钮,从未松开过踏板。 “嘿,我们得到了增长。 谁会想到它?”

  258. bayviking 说:
    @Chris Moore

    虽然我同意你的看法,即罪犯掌管着我们的政府,但我不愿意将一切都归咎于犹太人。 一方面,最近发布的记录指向约翰尼·罗塞利、卡洛斯·马尔切罗和桑托斯·特拉兰坎特策划和执行对肯尼迪、MLK 和 RFK 的暗杀。 所有这些黑手党头目都与中央情报局有联系,他们受雇暗杀卡斯特罗,但失败了。 这一系列悲惨的暗杀开始于肯尼迪兄弟的激进起诉。 我们怎么知道? 马塞洛被记录在他的牢房里承认这些罪行,而另外两人向他们的律师供认,这在他们死后被揭露。

    这并不排除摩萨德的管理角色,摩萨德一直与中央情报局密切合作。 但这些黑手党老大肯定有能力独自实施这些罪行。 他们有手段和动机。

    我反对美国和以色列例行进行的不必要的暴力。 中央情报局和摩萨德都有糟糕的人权记录。 我也同意 MSM 对犹太复国主义事业的支持是最疯狂的。 但是,将这个世界的所有错误都归咎于犹太人是不诚实的。 这样做会导致二战重演。 与美国军事工业综合体相比,以色列很小,它似乎对这个国家的大多数政策拥有最终决定权,并且是造成美国普通工人阶级生活水平下降的主要原因。

    • 同意: Bro43rd
  259. Smith 说:



    不要假装影响这些地方的大国,如果当时美国真的反华,他们会轻易地没收这些人/公司的财产或制裁这些国家。 不,但是因为他们需要建立中国来对抗苏联,所以这没有发生。

    美国在现代后毛泽东时代的中国建设中发挥了重要作用,这是没有争议的。 见鬼,这个过程在毛泽东遇到尼克松时就已经被考虑过了,当时他说他希望中国商品在美国市场上销售。

    • 回复: @showmethereal
  260. @Thomasina

    你是多么无知、愚蠢、种族主义、东方主义的傻瓜。 这种傲慢令人震惊,鉴于中国的快速进步,可笑,但无法忍受被强者超越的种族主义者是非常危险和可悲的。

  261. @frontier


    • 哈哈: frontier
  262. @Chris Moore


    “以色列”是指犹太国家。 深层国家是部分犹太国家。



    我也同意 MSM 对犹太复国主义事业的支持是最疯狂的。

    除了为以色列犯下叛国罪之外,所有这些萨亚南都需要做些什么。 他们可以犯下叛国罪,也可以为国际犹太复国主义制造麻烦。


    为什么? 根据犹太复国主义的叙述,世界是为“被选者”形象中的“被选者”创造的。 我明白了,他们想要一切美好的功劳,但不希望所有的邪恶都受到指责。 如果他们不想受到指责,他们就不应该玩这个游戏。 他们应该放弃他们“选择”的叙述,面对现实,加入人类


    犹太人引发了第一次世界大战,第二次世界大战,并试图开始第三次世界大战。 什么,他们不应该为他们的反人类罪行负责? 哦,我懂了。 已经回到“选择”的叙述了。


    不会有军事工业综合体,除非犹太人在戈伊姆国家之间发动战争,然后偷偷溜走喝香槟,从远处观看流血事件。 不过,对犹太人和他们的卑鄙走狗来说,尝试先令是不错的选择。

    • 回复: @bayviking
  263. bayviking 说:
    @Chris Moore

    通过虚假的威胁和贿赂,军事工业综合体能够自我延续。 随着恐怖主义威胁的减弱,俄罗斯和中国正在重新成为对我们生活方式的生存威胁,无论是否有以色列。 但许多人认为以色列在美国的中东军事战略中扮演着关键角色,因为它适用于基辛格控制粮食和石油的战略。

    • 回复: @Chris Moore
  264. @bayviking


    究竟什么是“我们的生活方式”? 它曾经以“反犹太”基督教道德为调节的希腊罗马哲学、逻辑、科学和技术。 现在“我们的生活方式”是犹太人的恶作剧。


    啊,是的,尼克松((基辛格))设计的石油美元球拍,最终服务于犹太复国主义黑帮/银行家和以色列。 它是将美国转变为犹太人走狗的重要工具,紧随其后的是另一起叛国的、以色列首创的犹太人走狗((LBJ's))粉饰以色列沉没自由号航空母舰的事件。


    • 回复: @bayviking
  265. HbutnotG 说:

    不,不是。 医生发明了同行评审。 它仍在继续。 我知道。 我是同行评审委员会的成员。 如果需要的话,我们会操一个一周前和我们一起打高尔夫球的人。

    商业和法律行业不仅从文档中窃取了同行评议,而且还发明了商业学校巨大的荒谬新词汇(从医学和法学院复制的概念),将饼图绘制成一些荒谬的无意义的东西,并以此为基础搞砸了 2 位商业课程,现在只需与合适的人擦肩而过,您就可以赚取 6 或 7 位数的收入。 噗!

  266. @Smith


    你不知道你在说什么……从 1949 年到 1970 年代,中国一直处于禁运状态。 即便如此,1989 年之后又出现了更多的制裁。


    再说一遍——你不知道你在说什么。 是个人投资者,而不是他们的政府。

    西方从没想过共产党会擅长经商。 他们唯一想要的是,如果需要,中国有可能与苏联作战。 他们总是期望中国继续成为贫困劳动力,这就是为什么他们像没有头脑的鸡一样四处奔波,想方设法阻止它。 他们希望你们越南人成为贫苦劳动者,也永远不要超过某个点。 西方不是在建设越南。 越南只是利用了他们的公开市场。 一样

    • 回复: @Smith
  267. @Thomasina

    “美国劳动力曾一度和中国人一样勤奋和勤奋。 例如,看看胡佛水坝的建设。”

    真的吗? 是吗? 你知道《排华法案》的实施是为了将华人拒之门外,因为他们“抢走了白人的工作”,对吗? 中国人因为抢走了他们的工作而被白人暴徒谋杀和私刑处死,因为据说一个中国人为了一半的工资而工作两倍。

    什么空高楼??? 你的意思是那些建于 10 年前现在被占用的? 再次 - 另一个对地球另一端一无所知的西方人。

    另外——我想让你告诉我美国和英国的钱是用来建设中国的。 给我举个例子。 你一定是说中华民国卖的债券。 那些无处可去。 有一件小事叫做日本入侵,然后发生了内战。 然后当共产党获胜时,美国切断了所有支持。

    至于刺激……你真的要比较两者吗? 你又被误导了。 事实上,中国在 2008 年美国和英国摧毁全球金融体系时启动了刺激计划。 如果中国不增加经济刺激措施并购买大量美国债券以稳定美国体系,你不会意识到会发生什么 - 是吧? 好吧,他们学到了,这次并没有帮助美国……相反,他们正在购买贵金属:

  268. Smith 说:


    如果美国想让钱停下来,他们很容易做到,就像他们现在对中国“个人投资者”所做的那样。 看看华为怎么了。

    但是不,他们在 70 年代并没有阻止它,因为他们需要中国来对抗苏联。


    • 回复: @showmethereal
  269. bayviking 说:
    @Chris Moore

    我们的生活方式始于统治阶级,他们为自己和这个国家制定了一套规则,而其他人必须遵守另一套规则。 举个例子,我们可以迫使一架外交飞机降落,但未能成功抓获阿桑奇或斯诺登,但白俄罗斯却不能。 根据美国 MSM 的说法,阿桑奇和斯诺登是报道美国真相的国际罪犯,而罗曼普罗塔塞维奇只是一名勤奋的记者,履行了作为诚实的事实记者的责任。

    我不知道是否有犹太卡特尔负责这种犯罪活动。 但是,似乎除了拜登之外的每个人都是犹太人,或者对犹太复国主义持正面看法,这很恶心。 对阿桑奇和斯诺登的仇恨一定源于我们的国家安全机构(中央情报局、国土安全部、国家安全局、五角大楼和国务院),很难相信他们都是犹太人或犹太复国主义者。 也许虽然??? 如果真的需要麦卡锡这样的疯子,他们会在哪里清除这些混蛋?

    我们的生活方式使穷国变得更穷,如果我们在他们无法用美元偿还债务时扣押他们的资产。 如果他们能够偿还债务,但拒绝遵守我们的战后规则,我们就会入侵。 我们创建了一个经济体系来统治世界,并以军事力量为后盾,以消灭任何没有核武器的人。 除了塔利班、ISIS 和每天靠一杯米饭生活的越共。 我们的军队无法打败那些决心保持自由的穷人。 所以超帝国主义对一无所有的人不起作用。

    • 回复: @GomezAdddams
  270. bayviking 说:

    首先,保险文书行业中的浪费是法律行业中任何所谓浪费的两倍。 我同意完全无能的医生只是所有合法索赔的一小部分。 但这并不意味着没有很多完全合法的索赔是由其他称职的医生造成的医疗事故。 如果你因为刀滑过而终生瘫痪,你应该得到赔偿还是被派到人行道上自生自灭? 您假设所有合法索赔都是非法的,这是无稽之谈。 出庭律师极不可能考虑通过我们漫长的法律程序来拖延边缘索赔。 大多数索赔都是合法的,应该支付。

    • 回复: @showmethereal
  271. @Smith

    对不起,但那是愚蠢的。 他们中的一些人只是在种族上爱国。 其他人则预计,一旦人们尝到资本主义的滋味,大陆政府就会垮台,而台北政府会跳回大陆,将其收复。 它没有发生……

    老实说,我想知道您是否像您声称的那样在越南。 越南的顶级投资者都在同一个街区——包括中国。 你是说美国可以告诉新加坡和中国投资越南吗??? 你也是越南人??? 无论如何——不管任何人向任何国家投入多少钱——该国都必须抓住机会。 那时你似乎对自己的人没有自尊。

    最后——华为怎么了??? 随着他们从低利润率的电话业务转向软件和企业业务,他们的利润率在去年有所上升。 他们的 5G 网络世界市场份额上升。 所以美国不能杀死华为——只能导致它重新部署资源。 至于美国关掉钱。 再次,你不知道你在说什么。 美国不是流入中国的钱。 查找 FDI 排名前列的国家。

    • 回复: @Smith
    , @GomezAdddams
  272. @bayviking

    你有很多优点——但医疗费用简直太可怕了。 他们很恶心。 它们是其他经济体脖子上的套索。

    • 同意: bayviking
  273. Smith 说:

    这没有什么愚蠢的,你只是否认美国允许他们的附庸和他们自己在中国投资以支持它。 跟什么“爱国主义”或那样的洗脑没有关系,美国过去一战前想支撑日本对抗俄罗斯的时候,也对日本做过同样的事情。

    考虑到国际货币基金组织的贷款,越南在美国正常化后也是一样,我们最大的投资者是通常的嫌疑人(韩国、日本、台湾、中国)。 是的,新加坡作为美国/英国的殖民地当然可以被告知要在越南/中国投资,直到今天新加坡和日本一样拥有美国基地。

    我们可以抓住机会,但这并不否认美国扶植国家对抗对手的事实。 来自台湾、新加坡、韩国和日本的资金都是来自美国/英国的代理资金。

    华为怎么了? 正是我说的,美国不让他们继续做电话业务,等于禁止他们的产品,制裁与他们有关的个人投资者,迫使他们投资其他业务。

    如果美国想要阻止中国的增长,他们就会像现在对苏联和俄罗斯所做的那样遏制它。 但它没有,因为它利用中国打败了苏联。

  274. Smith 说:




  275. @Smith

    如果美国想要阻止中国的增长,他们就会像现在对苏联和俄罗斯所做的那样遏制它。 但它没有,因为它利用中国打败了苏联。




  276. @Smith

    1)让另一个国家参与以帮助实现共同目标与征服和支持一个国家之间存在巨大差异。 巨大的差异。

    2) 将新加坡给予美国驻扎权与美国对日本的军事征服进行比较是完全不同的。 就在今年,新加坡和中国进行了联合海军演习。 日本是不允许的,因为它被美国征服了。 新加坡没有被征服。

    3)美国所能做的就是努力让华为过得艰难——但它无法粉碎它。 仅仅因为中国不是美国的主体。 东芝完全被美国阉割了,因为日本是美国的附庸国。 不一样。

    4)苏联自己崩溃了——美国没有“利用”中国。 中国完全知道自己在做什么。 当时北京和莫斯科之间缺乏信任。 但中国不可能代表美国对抗苏联——即使它确实允许美国从新疆监视苏联军队。 为什么? 这对当时的中国也有好处。 在过去的 30 年中,中国和俄罗斯一直在建立关系,因为他们知道谁都不能信任美国。

    • 回复: @Smith
  277. Smith 说:


    新加坡一直与美国进行海军演习,现在也与中国进行了海军演习。 这些海军演习具有象征意义,但在新加坡拥有基地的是美国,而不是中国。

    3)东芝居然还活着,有点像华为,美国也没有碾压它。 两者都有一个共同点,就是变得过于强大,被美国压制,被迫走不同的道路。

    4)是的,美国使用了中国。 中国花费数百万美元向柬埔寨和阿富汗派遣武器和训练,以对抗苏联和越南在那里的存在,正如美国所指挥的那样。 它愿意背叛其盟友,只是为了进入美国市场而跳到美国的脚下,这一事实令人作呕。 不,我不认为俄罗斯、美国、中国曾经相互“信任”,在地缘政治上没有“信任”。

    • 回复: @showmethereal
  278. @The Soft Parade

    尽管法院的 DNA 确认亨特是孩子的父亲,但美国总统乔拜登的儿子在他的新自传中似乎并没有拥抱他的孩子。

    “我并不以此为荣。 这就是为什么我后来会在法庭上挑战这位来自阿肯色州的女人,她在 2018 年生了孩子并声称孩子是我的——我不记得我们的相遇,”他在谈到这个案子时说。 “这就是我与任何人的联系如此之少。 我是个烂摊子,但我已经为这个烂摊子负责了。”

    亨特拜登也相信 1% 的因素。

  279. @bayviking

    “美国破产了戈麦斯——总有一天有人会来这里索要我们的资产,然后我们 99% 的人都会被关进债务人监狱”——格里姆赛德先生不会轻易上当。

  280. @showmethereal

    华为刚刚于 2 年 2021 月 XNUMX 日发布了它的 Harmony,哇——它是多用途的,可以做谷歌 Android 无法执行的事情——唐纳德特朗普——“我们撒了谎,我们偷了我们欺骗了”迈克庞培和其他迈克彭斯和美铁乔和角质亨特拜登——你的火车现在停在侧线——

    • 回复: @Smith
    , @showmethereal
  281. @Thomasina

    华为鸿蒙在 2 年内走到了一起,现在中国可以在谷歌 Android 上取得成功,这确实是加州梦——就像硅谷的噩梦一样。

  282. @Mark G.

    “尽管法院的 DNA 确认亨特是孩子的父亲,但美国总统乔拜登的儿子在他的新自传中似乎并没有拥抱他的孩子。 ” 当亨特在 2022 年接手时,美国会繁荣的原因——

  283. Smith 说:

    嘿戈麦斯,我没有把你当成技术人员,你能告诉我鸿蒙 2.0 的一些新特性吗?



  284. @GomezAdddams

    事实上,针对鸿蒙操作系统的抹黑运动已经开始。 声称它是 Android 克隆——当小丑不知道谷歌 Android 操作系统和开源 Android 之间的区别时——这是鸿蒙操作系统的基础。 但正如您所指出的 - 它可以完成 Google Android 没有的功能。
    是的,它具有前瞻性,适用于物联网行业的所有设备。 他们不能杀死华为。 他们拥有最有效的网络设备是有原因的。 手机从来都不是主要业务。 不过,再给它 2 年,如果他们不重新进入顶级手机——我确实希望看到所有中国供应商——他们一起拥有最多的移动销售——进行转换。 中国现在拥有世界顶级家电制造商——西方许多人都不知道——而美的和其他公司已经表示他们将在他们所有的智能家电上安装操作系统。 因此,亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲其他地区的人们即使没有华为手机,也会在他们的某些设备上安装华为的操作系统……这将使其过渡顺利。

    所有这一切与最大的 STEM 劳动力——没有被大量的学生债务所践踏。 他们使用的互联网网络是一种公共产品,而不是为了垄断控制。 我知道哈德森先生是他的粉丝。

    • 回复: @Smith
    , @Mulga Mumblebrain
  285. @Smith

    1)中国和苏联有物理冲突,而苏联是核武装的。 所以不——恐惧不是。 信不信由你——我把苏联和中华人民共和国之间发生的幻灭归咎于毛泽东。 他太固执了,反对苏联人“反动”。 所以——不,这不是恐惧。 你很困惑。 无论如何,即使两人从未闹翻,共产主义也注定会失败。 它不起作用。 两人都明智地放弃了。 俄罗斯通过崩溃做到了,而中国通过改革做到了。

    2)中国永远不会想要在新加坡建立基地。 为什么这有任何意义?

    3) 再次——由于美国采取行动,华为进一步进军软件领域并提高了利润率。 东芝摇摇欲坠,即使在今天也不得不出售部分业务。 它从未从美国对它的所作所为中恢复过来。

    4)按照美国的命令??? 这是个笑话吧? 并背叛什么盟友??? 苏联和中华人民共和国在十多年前就断绝了过去的关系。 至于中俄是否相互信任。 他们必须。 华为正在俄罗斯建设网络,俄罗斯正在帮助中国建设预警导弹系统。 这需要一定程度的信任。 即使在美中都反对苏联的情况下,美国和中国之间也从未发生过如此亲密的事情。 美国监视所有北约国家并被抓住并耸耸肩。 俄罗斯和中国互相监视吗? 当然......间谍活动的一部分是了解他们可以/应该相互信任多少。 这是真实的世界。

    • 回复: @Smith
  286. Smith 说:



    1)中国非常怕苏联,在岛内冲突中伏击了俄罗斯军队,被打得一塌糊涂,从此与苏联拉开了距离。 开始拉屎,哭了受害者。 “文化大革命”? 这是毛泽东在中华人民共和国内清洗苏联友好同志的借口,以彭德海的遭遇为例。 之后,毛与尼克松握手,与美国联手摧毁苏联,伤害越南/柬埔寨/阿富汗,甚至支持智利的皮诺切特。
    a) 苏联被中国出卖了。
    b) 中国被邓小平这样的走资派反革命。

    2) 呵呵,你觉得清朝当初为什么要把中国人送到新加坡? 当然是在马六甲海峡站稳脚跟。

    3)再次,华为被美国赶出手机市场,增速放缓至个位数,而全球市场被小米抢走,美国逼不得已,不得不投资其他业务。 和东芝一样,它甚至出售了自己的一部分(预算荣誉品牌)以维持生计。

    4) 不,这不是开玩笑。 美国命令中国人到柬埔寨和阿富汗去破坏那里,只是为了让中国劳工可以成为奴隶卖东西给美国。 想象一下,如果中国坚持下去并与苏联和其他共产主义世界保持联盟,它会比现在更加稳定和强大。 但是现在,信任被打破了。 不,在现实世界中,俄罗斯、美国、中国彼此不信任。 他们使用/从彼此购买的每个系统都经过审查并且是出于政治目的。 即使在美国的威胁下,中俄也不排除结成军事同盟。 老实说,冷战之后,谁能相信中国?

    • 回复: @showmethereal
  287. Smith 说:

    我已经问过 Gomez,但他没有回答(还),你能告诉我鸿蒙操作系统 2.0 做了哪些 Android 没有的事情吗?

  288. 如果美国的研究生教育的类型和质量与 20 世纪欧洲人的教育类型和质量相同,并且仍然在北欧,那么免费或几乎免费以及取消购买它所产生的学生债务也是有意义的。过高的价格。 在美国购买的研究生教育是完全不同的产品。 与弗洛伊德的精神分析一样,高昂的费用是入门的基本组成部分。 20 世纪风格的欧洲教育面向生产性经济运作所必需的行业,以重建经济中许多饱受战争蹂躏的部分,并预测基于生产、发明和建设的未来世界。 除了从罗斯福开始到尼克松辞职结束的异常时期,美国的经济总是基于掠夺而非生产,基于文明的破坏而非建设。 您不能将一个的商品换成另一个的商品。 如果你想接受生产性经济的教育,即使它是美国经济的生产性部分,你在美国不会得到这样的教育,对你来说最好和最便宜的事情是在另一个国家接受它然后只能与携带来自该国家/地区的移民的绿卡一起试试运气。 如果你想从事技术开发或科学研究,在美国不这样做,你会被越来越近的模仿红色高棉的觉醒左派和更糟糕的保守派取消,因为他们的参考身份是加尔文主义的反智主义。 当你在美国接受教育时,它是为了剥削你的人类同胞并尽你最大的努力给人类留下一个更糟糕的星球的艺术。 它实际上应该被称为启蒙,而不是教育。 只有通过您同意为成功而做出的牺牲,启蒙才具有任何价值。

    我只会在一个条件下同意取消学生债务,即您放弃学位,并且授予您学位的机构被政府学位终止超过一定比例的学位(我会说 10%)取消债务取消对于金融诈骗。 大多数所谓的常春藤盟校都应该像特朗普大学曾经那样永久关闭。 更普遍的是,在三个公然的虚假事实(由大型跨国共识确定)被教授为通过考试必须知道的科学之后,被发现教授诸如人类不存在或黑埃及理论之类的虚假事实的机构应该被关闭。 三击,你就出局了。 教职员工传授的三个虚假事实必须永久拆除,并取消其学位,并将资金退还给前学费。 任何机构和整个机构中的三个这样的院系都必须终止。 实际上,唯一应该保留的机构应该是军事院校。

    美国是一个寡头共和国,显然是由开国元勋建立的,他们明确地为拥有土地和雇佣奴隶的绅士以及各种形式的海盗的企业家设计了他们的权利法案。 它应该一劳永逸地回到那个国家,废除大约 97% 的人口的公民权利。 整个社会应该按照印度种姓社会的方式构建,犹太人和那些拥有犹太灵魂的人(转化为自由共济会承认的那种神秘力量)是婆罗门。 高级军事阶级同样应该由辛辛那提骑士团的成员组成,即圣殿骑士团的法国贵族。

  289. @Smith

    好点子。 如果他们采取一些大而简单的措施,他们实际上不需要贷款来支付本科学位,无论是两年制还是四年制:

    - 选择一所他们可以负担得起的学校而没有债务,这对大多数人来说意味着他们居住的州立大学的州内学费...... 不要选择学费高得多的私立大学或州外政府大学。

    - 如果可能的话,在最初的 1-2 年与家人住在一起,而不是借钱买公寓或末日房

    — 如果需要进一步降低成本,前两年在社区大学完成,然后转入四年制大学

    如果一个年轻人做这些事情并且在暑期全职工作,在学年兼职,他们将不需要“需要”债务来获得学士学位或学士学位。 因此,他们肯定不应该让我们其他人偿还因失败或拒绝做出这些选择和牺牲而招致的债务。


    现在,医疗保健是另一回事。 即使对于那些在平衡和努力方面做出好的选择的人来说,这通常价格不合理,而且不容易负担得起。 我宁愿让纳税人帮助美国公民获得良好的医疗和牙科护理,也不愿偿还可选的大学债务——这是自己造成的,而且完全可以避免。 而且我仍然宁愿做这些“赠品”中的任何一个,也不愿在侵略性战争和占领上花费数万亿美元。

  290. @Rosie


    对我来说,显而易见的是,公平甚至政治上可行的方法是全面消除或减少或限制利息和费用:即所有利息降低至最高 1.5%。 不允许收费。 没有技巧或有趣的业务。

    舒默的 50,000 美元赠品 = 购买选票。

  291. @showmethereal

    正如华为的一位老大,也许是老大所说,即使美国把华为毁了,几万华为专家也会找上百家华为。 统治 Thanatopia 的种族灭绝精神病患者(如甘蔗蟾蜍、自认是骗子的蓬佩奥)知道这一点,也知道他们已经输掉了比赛,所以打算摧毁中国,杀死尽可能多的中国人。 没有其他东西可以永远保证白人、西方人、犹太教-基督教的“全谱优势”。

  292. @Smith


    • 回复: @Smith
  293. Smith 说:


    此后双方都将冲突的开始归咎于对方。 然而,学术界已经达成共识,边界危机是中方策划的有预谋的侵略行为。 美国学者莱尔·J·戈德斯坦 (Lyle J. Goldstein) 指出,自公开透明时代以来公布的俄罗斯文件描绘了远东红军司令部的一幅不讨人喜欢的画面,高级将领对战斗的爆发感到惊讶,红军部队在零碎的风格,但所有的文件都将中国人称为侵略者。 [22] 甚至大多数中国历史学家现在都同意,2 年 1969 月 16 日,中国军队策划并执行了一次伏击,这让苏联人完全措手不及。 [23] 中国领导人选择对苏联采取这种进攻性措施的原因仍然是一个有争议的问题。 [XNUMX]




  294. @Supply and Demand

    你已经反过来了。 很明显,你是个助产士。

  295. anonymous[394]• 免责声明 说:

    我看到你是专栏作家 E. Michael Jones。

  296. NYCTEXAN 说:

    对不起,我参加聚会迟到了。 迈克尔·哈德森 (Michael Hudson) 的任何文章都确实触动了自闭症自由主义者和狂热的理论家们的神经。 我不同意 Hudson 将气候变化与债务问题联系起来,但我理解他为什么这样做(左右两边的狂热分子都很吵)。 继续说有意义的罗西。


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