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纽约时报对美国白人的攻击,我昨天写的( https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/02/11/the-new-york-times-assault-on-white-americans/ ),并非纽约时报独有。 白人是身份政治——民主党的政治意识形态——的目标。 妖魔化白人是大学和学校“黑人研究”的主要焦点。 公司添加现在参与对白人种族的攻击,例如这个斯堪的纳维亚航空公司的广告:

为了不被排除在殴打白人的乐趣之外,PBS 宣布宣传片《长影》( http://thelongshadowfilm.com ),将在美国 697% 的 176 个 PBS 电台和频道播出 70 次。

《长影》是一部无知或故意宣传的电影。 前提是,白人强加的制度性反黑人种族主义“在南方强大的政治影响力的引导下,稳步、有意且有时秘密地在我们的制度、法律、文化和经济中建立了白人特权。” 这是一个惊人的谎言。 奴隶制是普遍的。 穆斯林拥有数百万从袭击欧洲沿海城镇中获得的白奴。 这是“受伊斯兰教强大影响力引导的穆斯林反白人种族主义”,还是像封建会费或现代劳动所得税那样占用劳动力? 为什么奴隶制只是白人对黑人所做的事情,而不是穆斯林对白人或黑人对黑人所做的事情? 正如历史记录所确定的那样,黑奴贸易起源于非洲,当时达荷美的黑人国王与其他黑人部落进行了奴隶战争。




长影电影、纽约时报的 1619 项目、黑人研究和身份政治都小心地避免了这些问题,因为问题是: 黑奴从何而来?



犹太奴隶贩子呢? 他们是否也负责将种族主义制度化?

为什么奴隶制只会对美国造成邪恶,而不是对希腊、罗马、欧洲、穆斯林世界和黑色非洲? PBS、纽约时报、身份政治、黑人研究、学区和公司在玩什么样的废话游戏?



根据长影宣传,电影制片人是两个“南方的特权女儿,被他们的家人拥有过去的奴隶所困扰”,并制作这部电影作为驱魔行为。 美国的奴隶制在一个半世纪前就结束了。 有没有人真的相信,在经历了55年的大学录取和就业的少数人偏好之后,21世纪的两个人会因为19世纪祖先社会的一个特征而懊悔? 这有什么意义?

纽约时报、PBS、大学和民主党有什么问题,他们无法理解美国的情况 奴隶制是一种继承制度,不是开国元勋或南方人创造的吗?

答案是他们决心不了解任何事情。 目的是妖魔化白人。



但是当白人被妖魔化时,这是可以的,但白人抗议他们的妖魔化就不行了。 那么,当白人是唯一被鼓励妖魔化的种族时,白人特权如何存在,如果白人抗议,就被视为不悔改的白人至上主义者的证据?

对白人的妖魔化是如此一发不可收拾,以至于今天美国和欧洲的白人被妖魔化得比犹太人在纳粹德国被妖魔化还要严重。 这不会带来任何好处。 瑞典女性已经付出了巨大的代价( https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/02/09/swedish-government-aligned-firmly-with-migrant-invader-rapist-murderers-against-swedish-women/ ).

(从重新发布 保罗·克雷格·罗伯茨 经作者或代表的许可)
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  1. Tusk 说:

    PCR 一如既往地准确命中目标。很高兴看到评论开放,并期待阅读回复。

  2. 评论现已开放,我只想感谢罗伯茨先生的另一个有力的事实陈述。

    The demonization of White people is indeed out of hand, and it needs to stop. The question is how and when will it? Perhaps those with ideas for this can write suggestions here — real, constructive ones, not crazy ones.

    也许一两篇关于做什么的文章也很合适。 这需要现在停止。 这是严重的和具有威胁性的。 不是开玩笑。

  3. Civil war looming, race hate is the devil’s hand.

  4. “PBS Assaults White Americans”


    Seems more like “ZBS” to me……

    • 同意: kikz, tomo
  5. Omegabooks 说:

    Posting a pix of Hoffman’s “They Were White and They Were Slaves”? Thank you!–from a descendant of white slaves (aka indentured servants…I am part Scots-Irish and Irish, THE white slaves of the 17th and 18th and 19th centuries!). And remember another thing…the demonization of whites will have nothing on the demonization of christians, that is, true believers. NOAHIDE! Decapitation of true Christ believers. Come on, Unz Review, cover this issue!

    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @anonymous
  6. Anonymous[392]• 免责声明 说:

    给我休息一下。 白人因抱怨反白人种族主义而变得绝对无法忍受。

    什么种族主义? 白人应该回到他们的安全空间,永远不要离开。



  7. Dannyboy 说:

    It’s gonna be a real hoot when we get ahold of these people and their children.

    They like to wail about “hate”. We’re going to show them how much we saved up just for them. Believe me, it will make what has come before, pale in comparison.

    • 同意: Realist
    • 回复: @Realist
  8. @Buzz Mohawk

    我同意,我们应该更加关注向前迈出的积极步骤。 对于许多亲白人的评论员来说,其中一个步骤是偶尔从白人受害者论中休息一下(通常是正确的),并强调黑人犯罪 福利 社区(也是正确的,但误诊了)……并更多地关注 美国黑人的积极收益 之前的1960s 种族报复 革命使每个人都倒退了。 种族诱饵者讨厌承认那些重要的成就,这些成就是在没有任意联邦干预种族政治的情况下发生的。




    黑人贫困率:1940 – 87%,1960 – 47%


    我承认一些价值来自 Paul Kersey 的 SBPDL(黑人不喜欢的东西),它强调了针对无辜白人的犯罪。 但我不认为将太多精力集中在一个方向上是一个好主意。

    • 回复: @Sol
  9. The politicians and the media lie but they are pandering now to people who demand to be lied to. We know this because the black vote is still overwhelmingly for the Democrats, yet every viable candidate left is pale as snow.

    It’s the education system. Retake that and society may return to normal.

    • 回复: @Realist
    , @flashlight joe
  10. Seraphim 说:

    You may almost believe that slavery was introduced in America by the King of Dahomey, forcing the ‘whites’ to adopt it against their will.
    Whataboutism is a weak form of justification.
    Of course slavery was not the effect of any ‘racism’. The existence of slavery induced the development of ‘racist’ attitudes. When the new state called the USA declared that only ‘”free white persons… of good character” can be American citizens, it sowed the seeds of ‘racism’.

    • 同意: FB
  11. Whites did not invade Africa, engage in warfare, and capture slaves. Whites bought slaves from Africans (blacks) who had engaged in warfare and had captured slaves. Whites did not eat their slaves.

  12. …that for the United States slavery was an inherited institution, not one created by the Founding Fathers or by Southerners

    This, of course, is true. How Blacks were treated in the South is a function of Black behavior and the desire of White Southerners to survive. Any White society that has a large Black population either uses some form of segregation or it disappears. There used to be Whites in India until the “great” Buddha and his fellow liberals agitated for ending the caste (color) system. You see the results.

  13. @Buzz Mohawk

    We could take a page or three from the Jewish playbook:

    (the assumption here is that public schools are a primary way that young people are turned against white culture and history)
    1. Prepare a 10 minute speech to deliver at the next meeting of the School Board. Make it positive and specific — perhaps about the way Germans or the Irish or Italians created the town and built its industry.

    2. Insist on giving similar speeches in the schools, to the school children. Tomorrow is the anniversary of the firebombing of Dresden. How many school children learn about that, and its intentional targeting of civilians? Community members have every right to demand that that material be made known to the school children: Prepare a presentation, insist on being invited to an assembly to make the presentation. (Dresden is not the only such incident, just an obvious example.)

    3. There’s at least one group, Citizens for National Security (CfNS) based in Boca Raton, FL, that for years has been scouring public school textbooks to make sure they conform to the Jewish version of Muslim history.
    We not only can, we MUST do the same: the history of holocaust and antisemitism being shoved down our children’s throats & into their brains is blatantly anti-European anti-Catholic anti-Christian and definitely anti-German. (You can read some of the materials and texts produced by 面对历史和我们自己, Klarman’s project –that middle school children study — 点击这里 Make yourself aware of what is being pumped into our kids.) That has to stop, or at least be ‘equalized’ — it’s past time the other side of the story is told to our children just as forcefully.
    Organizations that push those programs in public schools should be sued for lying and slandering European peoples.
    Jewish billionaires who are behind these programs can outspend us on legal fees. Copy the model of the law schools that get behind other legal justice causes: contact the law school at your alma mater; make a presentation about the need to confront abusive programming in public schools; persuade the third-year law school to begin by holding a mock trial of some public person or organization that offends in this way. Push it to real and live.

  14. SeanInNYC 说:



    • 回复: @Sol
  15. @Buzz Mohawk

    I agree. We all know this is going on; and it especially tripled down since Obama got in office (if you haven’t read this other Unz article https://www.unz.com/estriker/american-oligarchs-i-the-pritzkers-and-transgenderism/), although Trump seems to be all talk no action (ironically, considering your question).

    The articles are great but some kind of coalition needs to be formed between the many authors and websites that are trying to expose the truth; The E Striker article shows how filthy rich individuals are literally changing our society. The Pritzker family is an example of how much damage one family can do.

    Another thing that I do, which may not be a lot but it’s a start, is to turn it around on them. I have been calling these propagandists, liars, and anti-whites exactly what they are and backing it up using their own words to prove it. When they are spewing their anti-white rhetoric I call them racists because that is what they are.

    If more people did this it would start impacting their influence. Not enough people are doing that, though. They might comment at Twitter or Facebook but it’s usually with caution so as not to upset anyone.

    But really we should be upsetting these people. I don’t ever advocate for violence. That only helps THEM. People like Dylan Roof and all the other creepy crawlers only hurt us more. We don’t need violence to win. We can easily do it without violence by simply turning THEIR TACTICS and STRATEGIES on them.

    • 回复: @flashlight joe
  16. 那么,来自达荷美的家人们在说什么,他们在丛林中追逐其他家人们,然后带回他们的康兹,然后与怀伊进行交易?哎呀哎呀,他们在非洲研究中没有告诉我们这个!

    • 回复: @Tdancer
  17. As usual the thing that’s absolutely not talked about is class. Show me what your family was 500 years ago and I can peg what class you’re in now. That’s how persistent class is.

    So low-class whites, who indeed merit the term “deplorables”, were slaves 200-300 years ago, and probably the town chicken thieves earlier than that.

    It’s not like they can suddenly go to night classes and join the WASP ruling class, even if they are also WASP.

    And likewise, it’s not like they chose to be trailer trash.

    To hide the fact of class, when “whites” are picked on it’s always meant middle-class or higher caste whites. Whites below that level either don’t exist or are considered to be slumming it somehow.

    • 回复: @Montefrío
    , @MarkU
  18. Chinaman 说:






    What did we do instead? We traded and try to coexist with other races…what happened ? these fuckers tried to colonise enslave us.


  19. GazaPlanet 说:

    这就像中国对瘟疫的反应。 他们拒绝相信这会发生在他们身上。 德国人非常清楚布尔什维克犹太人为他们准备了什么。 我们今天应该了解这些人为我们准备了什么。 不幸的是,这种自满情绪根深蒂固。


    • 回复: @Arnieus
    , @Rev. Spooner
  20. swamped 说:

    “PBS宣布宣传片《长影》( http://thelongshadowfilm.com ),将在美国 697% 的 176 个 PBS 电台和频道播出 70 次……当白人被妖魔化时是可以的,但白人抗议他们的妖魔化是不行的”……实际上抗议是可以的,应该这样做。 PBS 有一个网站、一个 Facebook 页面(近 4 万关注者)、一个 Twitter 提要(超过 2 万关注者); 更不用说实体总部地址和电话线了。 可能更好地在那里进行抗议,因为他们不太可能在此站点(或关心)上注意到它。 但如果他们在自己的媒体上充斥着抗议信息,他们可能会坐起来抱怨。 不过,自 Pres 以来,没有必要让白宫参与进来。 自上任以来,特朗普一直坚定地试图削减公共广播公司 (PBS & NPR) 的资金。 他本周宣布的 2021 年预算提案呼吁彻底停止向国家广播公司提供的所有公共捐助,但“机构关闭成本”除外 30 万美元。 不幸的是,在最终批准之前,国会一直在支出法案中重新插入 CPB 的资金——在 465 财年达到 2020 亿美元——并且在许多共和党代表的全力支持下,今年很可能会再次这样做。 因此,请将您的愤怒指向您的国会代表。 并为所有 PBS(和 NPR)的许多富有的企业赞助商节省一些。 让他们拥有它!

  21. Whitewolf 说:

    Every race has owned slaves and no race has done more to end slavery around the world than the White race. The British were also nice enough to stop the Thuggee scourge in India when they ruled the subcontinent.

    • 同意: SBaker
  22. PCR, ya cut right to the old nuts once again. Wish I could buy ya a beer.

  23. Here’s Mr. Roberts original comment:

    Slavery was universal. Muslims held millions of white slaves obtained from raids on European coastal towns. Was this “Muslim anti-white racism, guided by Islam’s powerful influence,” or was it the appropriation of labor, as were feudal dues or the modern income tax on labor? How come slavery is only something whites did to blacks, and not something that Muslims did to whites or blacks to blacks? As the historic record makes certain, the black slave trade originated in Africa in the black king of Dahomey’s slave wars against other black tribes.

    Now let’s change that comment to reflect actual realities:

    Slavery was universal. Jews held millions of black slaves obtained from raids on African coastal towns. Was this “Jewish anti-white racism, guided by Judaism’s powerful influence,” or was it the appropriation of labor, as were feudal dues or the modern income tax on labor? How come slavery is only something Jews did to blacks, and not something that Jews did to whites or blacks to blacks? As the historic record makes certain, the black slave trade originated in Africa in the black king of Dahomey’s slave wars against other black tribes.

    What are they up to, the ones constantly trashing white people, but mostly white males?

    We’ve got a bullseye on our backs, and the end game is for us to be ethnically cleansed from their Brave New World.
    If you know who owns over 90% of the MSM, then you’ll know who is pulling the trigger.

    • 同意: CDebussey
    • 回复: @CDebussey
  24. gotmituns 说:
    @Buzz Mohawk

    Perhaps those with ideas for this can write suggestions here
    This is the only suggestion worth a damned anymore for White people – Take up a good position, control your breathing, put sights on 6 o’clock bull, take up trigger slack, let the round go at exactly the right moment, one round, one hit.

  25. Franz 说:

    when whites are demonized it is OK, but it is not OK for whites to protest their demonization.

    Right, Dr. Roberts.

    We’re all Germans now. The difference is Germany was given a couple generations to retool so they could “donate” expensive submarines, and so on, to their conquerors. USA will not get that breathing room.

    We’re all “Egyptian slavers” now. Except Bronze Age Egypt had no slaves, the story is fake. The sad story of how the fraud was perpetrated has been addressed by a patriotic modern Egyptian, Ashraf Ezzat, in a book entitled 埃及既不认识法老也不认识摩西.

    Only problem is it took 3000 years. The USA does not have that much time.

  26. gotmituns 说:

    The time for talking with the darkies has long since been over. It’s time to be preparing for the inevitable Civil War.

    • 同意: Dannyboy
    • 回复: @SBaker
  27. Hans Vogel 说:

    There is not a shred of historical evidence supporting the current narrative on slavery that is being peddled by the state and its minions. Do not let yourself be misled by the chorus of “historians” and “investigative journalists” flooding the media, the airwaves and the web with their utterings. No matter how respectable and reliable they may seem, no matter how convincing and suave their arguments, they are all con artists. The worst kind, actually.

    The current efforts by the ruling elites on both sides of the Atlantic are an indication that these people are becoming nervous. Just look at the Yellow Vest protests in France. For over a year now, these have been paralyzing entire sections of public life, demonstrating, blocking accesses to shopping centers, blocking il refineries, and organizing strikes. The Yellow Vests are a broad movement, composed of real Frenchmen as well as immigrants and their offspring. Many until recently still considered themselves “middle class,” but actually they were made to pay the price for the 2008 financial crisis. Actually, the Yellow Vests are a true mass movement uniting the downtrodden, underprivileged and exploited underclass. Don’t be mistaken, despite their name, it is not a US-engineered “Color Revolution.”

    Elsewhere in Europe, rebellion is brewing as well. Germans are seething wth rage over Merkel having opened the borders for at least a million of underqualified, incompetent, aggressive, fanatic Mohammedans that refuse to learn German (or are too stupid to do so). Like Swedish women, it is especially German women that are paying the price.

    The Catalans and Scots want to break free from their masters. Italy is also boiling with rage against its government.

    In the US, auto workers, teachers and others have been striking for a long time and in general, the underclass there is also enraged against its rulers. Worldwide, in one out of four nations there are anti-government protests, strikes and demonstrations.

    Methinks it is against this backdrop the elites are trying to impose new narratives about slavery, “transgenderism,” LGBT (and all the other letters of the alphabet) and other non-issues: to divert attention from the massive shakedown of the middle classes.

    • 同意: TKK
    • 回复: @Prester John
  28. m23 说:


    PCR 非常接近。但他的说法需要更正。当人们说出有关犹太人的真相时,说真话的人就会被妖魔化为反犹太分子。

    • 同意: mark green
  29. the black kingdom of Dahomey

    Eye witness account of the real life Wakandia before Colonialism destroyed Black civilization.

    For fun, do ctrl-f “skulls”:

    吉尼内陆国家达荷美国王博萨·阿哈迪统治时期的回忆录。 除此之外,还有作者的阿美之旅、首都:以及非洲奴隶贸易的简短记述。
    为 W. LOWNDES 印刷,编号。 77,舰队街。

    • 回复: @Liberty Mike
    , @Ko
  30. @Chinaman

    China will face great hardship in the future as they face stiff resistance from the West. The anti-China narrative currently in vogue is that China is ‘colonising’ Africa. This ignores that the African leaders signed contracts with the Chinese to develop infrastructure. Anything China is doing in Africa is orders of magnitude better than what the IMF gangsters do around the world.

    盎格鲁人将来会向中国发动战争,他们总是计划自己的 韦尔丹绍 on others and think everyone is out to ‘take over the world’.

    • 同意: Mustapha Mond
    • 回复: @Jake
    , @4justice
    , @antibeast
    , @FvS
  31. 具有讽刺意味的是,几年前,联合国人口贩运委员会将以色列列为世界上性贩运和奴役第一大国。但你永远不会在 PBS 上看到这一点。

    PBS 已经成为又一个反白人、反基督教、反欧洲的宣传盛会。也就是说,这只是犹太人控制的大众媒体的另一项资产。

    • 回复: @Mustapha Mond
    , @kikz
  32. Johann 说:

    这个问题的真正要旨是大部分反白人种族主义来自白人。 为什么白人如此憎恨他们的父母和祖先。 或者这只是意识形态压倒自我保护的另一个例子。 唐纳德特朗普第一次成为总统时非常引人注目; 尖叫的狂热人群涌上街头指责他无法形容的种族主义,几乎 99% 是白人,上层中产阶级到肮脏的富人。 也许他们只是因为富有和舒适而感到内疚。 即使乔拜登是典型的富有和强大的白人,也觉得有必要公开谴责白人。

    • 回复: @4justice
    , @Corvinus
  33. Anonymous[239]• 免责声明 说:

    之所以会出现这种情况,是因为共和党中的犹大山羊代表了白人,他们在七十年的文化战争中几乎没有保留任何东西,至少可以追溯到二战结束时。正如塞缪尔·约翰逊(Samuel Johnson)所说,他们并没有呼吁走上街头,以制止这种文化灭绝,而是表现出谨慎态度,即这些明显的懦夫借用了恐惧和原则——允许宪法在其规定中被如此滥用。明显的含义和意图是,它变得对它本应保护的人民变得冷漠。

    投票给共和党实际上使我们的文化种族灭绝合法化,如果历史有任何指导的话,就可以采取实际行动,因为他们的无所作为意味着他们的同意。我们看到同性恋婚姻,以及对情感困扰的儿童进行化学和手术变性,你会认为在后一种情况下,他们充分值得共和党人的爱和保护,从而将教堂涌入街头,不流血或不流血地结束它。不,它在左边。现在,投票给任何一个政党都是一种严重的道德罪恶,因为它使自 9/11 以来以我们的名义对无辜阿拉伯人进行的大规模谋杀以及两党中拥有小丑的百分之一的人对美国工人的持续强奸合法化,就好像他们受过训练一样动物园里的海豹。

    正如威廉·麦考利教授在他的著作中所表明的那样 宗教暴力神话在第二次世界大战之前的时代,最高法院一直认为美国的宗教,即基督教,是使美国成为伟大国家的文明和动力。然而,自从法兰克福特被任命以来,美国的宗教(现在仅指基督教)一直被认为是分裂和暴力的主要根源。

    共和党人本可以在 DJT 就职后关闭 PBS,以此明确警告内战即将来临,但据我所知,共和党人反而资助了这个内部公然的敌人。我发现怯懦只能部分解释瑞安和麦康奈尔等娘娘腔的直率背叛的深度,这让我想知道以色列及其美国第五纵队必须拥有什么样的哈斯特特档案,以及凌驾于其他人之上的权力才能让这些妥协的水男孩负责。还有整个保守主义公司,与其说是一场运动,不如说是一群预科生胆小鬼的集合,甚至 Antifa 的铅笔颈极客也可以在公共场合向他们吐口水而不受惩罚。

    • 同意: Monotonous Languor
    • 回复: @Richard B
  34. I am in agreement with the 1st 2 commenters already, as I had completely quit reading Mr. P.C. Roberts’ columns after he asked for his comments section to be closed. That was after an on-line argument over the Global Climate Disruption(TM) scam, in which Mr. Roberts was just plain beyond his league and wrong.

    Hey, we all make mistakes, and rather than just ignore the comments, or even apologize, it seems Mr. Roberts got butthurt about being corrected so much, and let his uncontrolled anger spill onto the page. I’d had enough of him.

    As a real Libertarian, P.C. Roberts is one of the few here on unz. We’ve got Ron Paul, but who else? (Serious question, as I may be missing out.)

    Anyway, this is a good column, and I look forward to many more, along with hopefully constructive comments below them.

    • 同意: Realist
    • 回复: @Liberty Mike
  35. Jake 说:

    This is not new. It has been going on since before Abraham Lincoln penned The Emancipation Proclamation. It is the Yank WASP making the Negro Numinous in order to use the black race as excuses, tools, and weapons against non-WASP whites. Jews came to the game rather late, but mastered it.

    As long as you bow to WASP culture, as long as WASP culture is in charge, you will get this in one of its many forms.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  36. Paul Craig Roberts (CIA) is trying to foment a race war just like his friends at the NYT, WaPo, and PBS.
    Together all they talk about is race and how outraged they are at each other. Today we have a level of economic inequality never before see in the US and it will get worse, not better over the next few years.

    So the master class is dividing the peons and making them hate each other the way they’ve always done. It works. Voting proves it works when millions of peons pledge their loyalty to the rich and powerful and turn their back on the poor. Every voter curries favors from the rich and fears poverty. They don’t necessarily hate the poor, but they don’t want to join them. So they vote for war and torture and massive inequality just to hold onto what they have. Note that the word “poor” is banned across most of the media.

  37. @Friend of Igor Svetnik

    Agree, and again, “PBS”=”ZBS”

    (“Zionist Bull Shit”)

    • 回复: @Orville H. Larson
  38. Jake 说:
    @Just passing through

    “Anglos will start a war on China in the future, they always project their own weltanschauung on others and think everyone is out to ‘take over the world’.”

    You cannot overemphasize this. Yes, the same is true of Jews, but it is true of WASPs excluding Jews, was true of WASP culture from its birth out of the English Reformation.

    Anglo-Zionist Empire is not an accident. WASPs are very much the Gentile Jews.

    • 回复: @Craig Nelsen
  39. @Buzz Mohawk


    今天的保守派美国人似乎没有从 1960 世纪 XNUMX 年代的动荡时代中学到的是,人多力量大。你甚至不需要大量的数据。你坚持自己的立场,说了一句话,然后你旁边的一个人说:“是的,他是对的!”,然后另一个人插话。没过多久,那些反对这种不断强加给我们的愚蠢行为的人就会感到更加大胆。

    我的另一个解决方案是简单地将 GTF 关闭电视。你每个月付有线电视费,每次花8美元看一部告诉你自己有多邪恶的好莱坞电影,都是在给这些人鼓励。你到底为什么要这么做?


    • 同意: Dannyboy, Loosely Speaking
    • 回复: @Greg Rapport
  40. Jake 说:

    If whites were a tenth that bad for blacks, then all but the most stupid blacks would flee any white land. But rather than get away form whites, blacks come by the tens of millions to live in white lands.

    Are blacks that stupid? Of course not. Blacks know that for them everything is better in any white country. And the handful of most astute blacks know that part of the reason that is true is that the white Elites privilege blacks at the expense of poorer whites.

    • 同意: Old and grumpy, TKK
    • 回复: @Mr McKenna
  41. geokat62 说:

    And remember another thing…the demonization of whites will have nothing on the demonization of christians, that is, true believers. NOAHIDE! Decapitation of true Christ believers. Come on, Unz Review, cover this issue!

    I agree. Ron should invite either Steve and Jana Ben De-Noon of 以色列新闻直播 or Adam Green of 了解更多新闻 to write an article on this topic.

    • 回复: @follyofwar
  42. Anonymous[369]• 免责声明 说:


    • 回复: @4justice
    , @follyofwar
    , @Richard B
  43. Republic 说:

    This is PCR’s first article with comments allowed since May 2019 with an article on WW II

  44. Realist 说:


    Yeah, the poor bastards have really suffered. The luckiest blacks on the planet are descendents of slaves.

    • 同意: Dannyboy
  45. 4justice 说:
    @Just passing through

    今天的中国处于中国共产党的控制之下,它是无神论犹太文化移植到唯物主义和虚无主义、只关心控制和巩固权力的中国的移植物。特别有趣的是,无神论者中国共产党如何效仿犹太复国主义,假装支持在大学校园推广儒学,以便他们可以监视学生和教授,并以犹太复国主义者的身份为其在中国的项目插入宣传。由于大学校园里的希勒尔分会甚至成为以色列政府恐吓和游说犹太复国主义的渠道。华尔街 — — 在不关心美国人民未来的人的推动下 — — 将我们的制造业外包给了中国共产党在中国的项目,摧毁了美国的经济和制造业能力。这两个群体都不关心普通美国人——无论是白人、黑人、亚洲人、拉丁裔、美洲原住民,也不关心在中国的普通中国人。他们正在共同努力建立一个全面的监视状态,以便控制我们群众会更容易。世界上的普通人需要团结起来,摆脱这种使奥威尔的《1984》看起来无辜的令人憎恶的现象。其中一部分需要包括对虚无主义唯物主义的清晰理解,以便我们能够理解所面临的危险,然后我们需要做出反应,承认个人的神圣性、家庭的重要性、种族社区的重要性、法治以及包括隐私在内的人类自由的重要性。在西方,这种观点主要来自基督教,因此出于历史和文化原因,它很可能需要复兴基督教。如果没有一个价值体系来支撑我们的抵抗,就会导致我们接受并扩散他们病态的社会框架和人类存在的目的,并使我们在开始之前就被击败。出于对上帝创造的尊重,我们需要说服自己和我们的同胞,生命是神圣的,我们都是神圣的,生育是一项积极健康的努力,如果我们学会在法律和限制内生活,我们都可以茁壮成长。未来。

    • 回复: @anon
  46. Realist 说:

    The first to be dealt with, when the SHTF, is anti-White, Whites.

    • 回复: @brandybranch
  47. Realist 说:
    @Jefferson Temple

    It’s the education system. Retake that and society may return to normal.

    Too many Whites are incapable of thinking for themselves.

  48. Turk 152 说:

    Because we are talking about two seperate ideas.

    There is the natural unfolding of history as Dr. Robert’s described it in which very harmful beliefs were practiced in the past, but subsequently people under stood and changed there behavior. I believe the vast majority of white people genuinely fall in this category.

    This is in contrast to the much smaller xenophobic minority, but vocal group of whites with a visceral hatred of any other race. They absolutely deserve the condemnation they are receiving and are quite irresponsible about their beliefs. They also hide behind the well meaning intentions of the majority as if we are attacking them and go further in making the majority believe that they are being attacked.

    I am not suggesting any of this is exclusive to white culture; it really happens everywhere in every culture. Undoubtedly many are familiar with British racism against the Irish in past centuries which should also be condemned. I also agree that is now fashionable to be racist against white males, but I also actively condemn that behavior as well for precisely the same reasons.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  49. What kind of bullshit game PBS is playing? I am glad you asked…


    Barbara Hope Zuckerberg

    Now that’s a woman that gives a shitload of money to the biased PBS and expects her son’s money’s worth. But how does her little Zooki in a hoodie gets hold of truckloads of the White people’s cash? Because they’re foolish enough to patronize his little college joke called Facebook.


    And once the White Christians are completely demonized the Tribe will insist on passing a law authorizing, what’s left of the wealth of the middle class, reparations to be doled out to the Blacks, who in turn won’t enjoy it for a long before it ends up in the grubby hands of you know who.


    Now sitting atop of the ponzi pyramid as the ever vigilant eye, the Chosen Ones will rule over the majority with the caste system, a nefarious system in which the exploited do not revolt against oppressors for some odd reasons, which they have studied very carefully since the times of Benjamin Disraeli. And it will be structured as follows:

    God = Mammon

    Jews (high priests)

    Blacks (foot soldiers)

    Yellows (petty merchants)

    Browns (laborers)

    Whites (untouchables)

    There you have it … so, what are you going to do about it? Most likely, sit on your hands as usual!

  50. 4justice 说:


    • 同意: DaveE
    • 回复: @DaveE
  51. 4justice 说:


    • 回复: @Aidan Q
  52. Arnieus 说:

    但就我所见,你仍然在玩弄农民 - 约翰·列侬


    • 回复: @Liberty Mike
    , @TKK
  53. Observator 说:

    What makes American slavery uniquely loathsome is that it was chattel slavery based on skin pigment. The institution denied the humanity of its victims, unlike other forms of human slavery. There was no such stigma attached to slavery in, say, the Roman empire, in which a freedman had full civil rights once released from bondage, save being able to hold public office. His sons could, however; in fact, the grandfather of Rome’s first emperor was a slave.

    African slavery took off in the American colonies because Indians wilted and died in captivity, and Irish indentured servants simply ran away and blended in with the free population. Slavery, at its most basic level, was a capitalist’s wet dream: not only did you get to legally steal your employees’ wages, but you got to act out your sadistic or psychosexual personality disorders with impunity on a pool of helpless victims.

    Initially slaveholders did not attempt to justify their spectacularly profitable “peculiar institution” but as criticism grew sharper in the early 1800’s, they reacted by elevating slavery into the white man’s noble duty. And every Sunday their ministers warmly congratulated them on doing their Christian duty, saving the barely human souls of ignorant brutes by bringing them to Jesus.

    There was never a strong movement in the US to abolish slavery. The loudest voices against the institution originated below the Mason-Dixon line, from the continual, grinding terror of slave rebellion, “the alarum bell in the night”, in Jefferson’s words. The solution proposed by all was compensated emancipation and repatriation to Africa.

    Many antislavery Yankees descended from the first Puritan settlers. They had always considered themselves the nation’s moral conscience, but they had become marginalized in the new dynamic, multiethnic industrial America. Fighting the good fight against slavery was a way of reasserting their moral superiority, the same way modern Christian fundamentalists created the anti-abortion crusade trying to regain their lost status as judges of others’ supposed iniquities.

    Only the radical Abolitionist faction proposed that whites and blacks could or should live together in something approaching political and social equality, but for all the noise they made they were never more than a politically impotent movement on what we would call today the lunatic fringe. Even in radical old Boston, it was barely safe for abolitionists to express this hugely unpopular opinion in public. William Lloyd Garrison narrowly escaped lynching on Boston Common, and as late as 1860 thugs were able to break up an integrated election eve prayer vigil in Boston’s Tremont Temple church.

    • 回复: @Nonny Mouse
    , @CDebussey
  54. @Achmed E. Newman

    Brilliant analysis commie. Why would you post on social media? The Patriot Act gave the Government the power to read every email, text, post, comment, porn search, all your thoughts and feelings on race and how attracted you are to shemales. A free country needs multiple secret police forces to spy on its citizens as well as the world’s largest private army. J Edgar Hoover would agree and so would Roy Cohn.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  55. Anonymous[239]• 免责声明 说:

    True enough in general, but you argue to the wrong conclusion in attributing the moral subversion of Hollywood, the Jewish press, and today’s MSM to WASPs. These cultural determinants were seized and made kosher from the get-go. Go back to the trial of Leo Frank in 1913, for example, where blackness itself was claimed by the Jews as sufficient explanation for the brutal rape of a girl by the janitor and not Frank, who as a “good Jewish boy” and president of the local B’nai B’rith was inherently incapable of such animal brutality. Go back to Marcus Garvey’s eye-opening visit to the NAACP offices in NY at the same time when he found an office full of Jews with not one black. Etc. The WASPs were played for fools, as Michael Jones’s books make clear.

  56. SBaker 说:

    Your ingratitude is disgusting after the US saved China from Japanese takeover in WWII. Do you recall the Japanese military’s unit 731 and their experiments with bioweapons? They used Chinese civilians as their experimental test subjects.

  57. SBaker 说:

    Nobody replies because they don’t want to think about it.

  58. @Arnieus

    Hmm…is there a correlation between the ever growing, incessant, interminable March Madness NCAA never-ending playoff regimes and the decay of our civilization?

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  59. DaveE 说:

    Couldn’t have said it better m’self. This is a “marketing problem”. The Chosen Race loves to mimic Whites when it comes to playing ethnic war-games against black and minority Goyim, so that Whites act as their cover. But at the same time, the Chosen Race will never cease to elevate itself when it comes time for taking credit for White innovations, or to blame Whites when things don’t go as planned.

    Things like the Nobel Prize are a perfect example of Jewish self-aggrandizement, generally at the expense of less arrogant achievers who did the real work and/or discovery. Then the Jewish “team leaders” take all the credit. Jonas Salk and Albert Einstein are two prime examples of what I’m talking about.

    I used to work for a Jewish-owned company who made the product designers print, in bold letters on the rear-panel of the product, the name of the Jewish owner as the designer of the product. Including products he (Jewish owner) didn’t even realize he had designed!



  60. @SolontoCroesus

    “Jewish billionaires who are behind these programs can outspend us on legal fees. Copy the model of the law schools that get behind other legal justice causes: contact the law school at your alma mater; make a presentation about the need to confront abusive programming in public schools; persuade the third-year law school to begin by holding a mock trial of some public person or organization that offends in this way. Push it to real and live.”

    First and foremost, the MOST important thing we can do is to emulate the wealthy jews and FINANCIALLY SUPPORT THE TRUTH TELLERS! Dig deep and fork over some hard-earned shekels to those that get the word out to your liking. Pay to play, if you want to keep the messages alive and well and out there where they can heard. Nothing else is as important as this. I do this, you can too. Just do it, whatever you can afford. It all adds up, believe me.

    Now to your suggestion.

    I attended a US “Top Ten” law school many decades ago. Even back then, ALL my first year law professors were jewish. All of them. And that pattern never changed much in the following two years, until graduation. I strongly suspect the same pattern holds up to the present.

    The universities are already under their effective control in largest measure, especially the top ones. Any attempts to sub rosa infiltrate and ‘slowly get the message out’ via 3rd year law students, will be nipped in the bud quite publicly, as a lesson for all. Careers will be over before they have even begun. The real, painful message will be clear and unmistakable: touch the third rail of confronting the Tribe and their ploys, and you’ll get nailed via Trump’s recent Title IX executive order, or worse. They saw your plan coming long ago, and now have the tools at their disposal to deal with it effectively, even if you try to sneak it by them, sad to say. Anything that even smells remotely of that plan, will be sniffed out early, and negated both internally and externally. All of which is truly depressing stuff, I admit.

    Everyone knows your heart is in the right place, and your desire expressed via your post is admirable to say the least. You are trying to find a way forward in a game that is now completely rigged against such. But brave people willing to risk career for justice are rare indeed, and usually suffer terribly for it. This is saddening beyond description, but devilishly effective.

    I fear the only real way forward is simply to do our collective best to keep the message alive among friends and family and anyone else we can reach who seek the truth (which you so thoughtfully do so often, as your gold star is well-deserved!) and wait for the you-know-who’s to completely overplay their hand (which they inevitably do), then use our warm connections to get the proles riled up and ready for action via local community awareness (patriotic organizations, such as the VFW, ELKS, local churches, clubs, etc.), and keep everybody moving in the right direction, i.e., against the ‘oligarchs’ (not “the jews”) and hope we can keep the grassroots ship steady and on course, knowing they will attempt to co-opt or destroy it at every turn. It ain’t much, but it’s probably our best shot.

    In short, only when it hurts them personally and deeply, will the majority be capable of being moved to action. Hopefully, by then it will not be too late.

    But until then, don’t forget to support the Truth-Tellers as much as you can. In that small way, we can play the same game that the turds at the top do: putting our money where our mouths are. If we won’t do that, we deserve what we get.

    • 回复: @DaveE
    , @Montefrío
    , @jbwilson24
  61. follyofwar 说:

    Steve and Jana were guests yesterday on TruNews. (2-12).

  62. I do hope this program will be aired during a PBS fundraiser. Preferably right after The Lawrence Welk Show.

  63. @Chinaman


    • 回复: @Chinaman
  64. Trinity 说:

    有趣的是,你从来没有听说过或读过巴巴里奴隶贸易,那里有数十万,有人说至少一百万欧洲白人被穆斯林奴役。你很少听说或读到过犹太人在非洲奴隶贸易中扮演的重要角色,也很少听说过奴隶制时期美国 40% 的犹太人家庭拥有奴隶,而在任何时候,美国白人非犹太人奴隶主都不包括在内。超过人口的2%。即使在美国奴隶制的鼎盛时期,美国南部也只有 6% 的外邦白人拥有奴隶。

    我总是觉得奇怪的是,这么多非洲人或非裔美国人信奉伊斯兰教,阿拉伯人是真正的奴隶制之王,特别是在奴役非洲人方面,他们会阉割非洲男性奴隶,并且与俘获非洲人的非洲人一样残忍。并奴役自己的人民。没有人说美国的非洲奴隶过着美好的生活,但尽管他们在美国的生活很糟糕,但如果他们被留在非洲或卖给阿拉伯人,他们的生活会更糟。如果不是他们的祖先被卖给白人,非洲裔美国人在自己同类统治下的非洲,或者在阿拉伯统治下的中东或北非,将会遭受更多的苦难。只有怀蒂才会愚蠢到让自己一直感到内疚,并继续向一群继续将数百年前发生的事情归咎于怀蒂的人施舍。黑人非常清楚,如果犹太人、阿拉伯人和非洲人试图与这三个著名的奴隶贩子和奴隶主群体打奴隶牌,他们会当面嘲笑他们,而这三个群体对非洲奴隶贸易的责任远远超过白人欧洲人。哦,顺便说一句,白人结束了奴隶制,甚至在美国互相屠杀,非洲人甚至无法为自己的自由而战,白人甚至不得不为他这样做。你永远不会看到阿拉伯人、犹太人或其他非洲人为了被奴役的被征服的非洲部落而互相争斗和残杀,事实上,到 3 年,奴隶制在非洲仍然存在。所有非裔美国人都需要站起来,亲吻非洲人。白人的脚,如果不是你的祖先幸运地来到了美国,你可能会在非洲被煮在锅里,被一些精神病和残忍的阿拉伯人阉割,或者在自己的粪便和尿液中窒息而死。犹太人拥有的船只正在前往美国。如果你足够幸运,没有被非洲主人打败,你的祖先仍然会在非洲打苍蝇,吃生粪甲虫作为主菜。

    • 同意: Delta G
    • 回复: @Delta G
  65. follyofwar 说:

    A big Shout Out to Tucker, for his calling that Roger Stone be pardoned before he is sentenced. That pre-dawn raid on Stone’s house by a dozen or more FBI commandoes was a disgusting stunt perpetrated by Trump’s enemies. With the impeachment farce out of the way, Trump has now been liberated. Trump must pardon Stone of these “process crimes” to show who is in charge.

    As Emerson said: “If you strike at the king you must kill him.” The press will hate him and call him a dictator (they’ve done that for 3+ years, so WTF does it matter), but the people, I hope, will cheer as Trump gets his methodical revenge.

    • 回复: @Richard B
    , @SBaker
  66. Aidan Q 说:


    讨厌他们的TPTB也是白人。 精英们。 统治阶级。

    Unz 上的很多人都会默认将其归咎于犹太人的轻松立场。 那么蠢。 仅仅因为很多犹太人属于精英,并不意味着犹太人集体支持它,控制它。

    捍卫西方(基督教)文明的一些最强大的声音/力量是犹太人。 有哪个外邦人像迈克尔·萨维奇一样直言不讳、毫不含糊、影响深远? “边界、语言、文化。” 我可以大声疾呼许多其他一直在前线与非法和第三世界移民作斗争的犹太人。 虽然有许多犹太人强烈反对开放边界(包括不久前的伯尼),但还有更多的非犹太人努力支持它。 绝大多数开放边界的人群是白人外邦人。

    全球主义和新保守主义战争也是如此。 许多反对无休止的新保守主义战争、犹太复国主义、深州等的不知疲倦的战士是犹太人(格伦·格林沃尔德、马克斯·布卢门撒尔、亚伦·马特、丹·科恩、亚历克斯·鲁宾斯坦、诺姆·芬克尔斯坦、诺姆·乔姆斯基等)。 当然,我认为我不需要指出 Unz Review 的许多贡献者,包括所有者本人。


    • 同意: SBaker
    • 哈哈: Trinity
    • 回复: @4justice
    , @Realist
  67. @Chinaman

    认识到所有将奴隶运往美洲的奴隶船都是犹太人拥有的,这一点也很有用。所有从黑人奴隶贩子那里购买黑人奴隶的中间商人都是犹太人,因为黑人对黑人奴隶制在非洲很普遍。此外,虽然只有 2% 的白人拥有奴隶,但 78% 的犹太人拥有奴隶。
    阿拉伯人带走了 10 倍以上的奴隶,其中 90% 在从非洲向中东进军时死亡。这些奴隶没有活着的后代,因为男性全部被阉割,女性的后代在出生时就被杀害。


    • 同意: Trinity
    • 回复: @Turk 152
    , @Chinaman
    , @anonymous
  68. TKK 说:



    如果您每天坐在小隔间里 8 小时,灵魂被荧光灯燃烧,填满电子表格并摇摇晃晃地走到车上,那么您就没有 BDE 可用于放置您的公爵了。



  69. Agent76 说:


    历史学家亨利·路易斯·盖茨(Henry Louis Gates)谈到了重建,该重建从内战结束一直持续到1877年,在此期间通过了旨在促进非洲裔美国人平等的修正案,以及随后在南部各州使用的吉姆·克劳法律和其他措施来重建白人。霸权。



    小亨利·路易斯·盖茨在《石之路》中,再现了内战后非洲裔美国人为争取平等而进行的斗争以及使他们陷入困境的暴力反革命的新景象。 记者A'Lelia Bundles将主持讨论。

  70. @GazaPlanet

    A certain kind of cancer is called ‘lymph node cancer’. America is infected by Lymph Node Cancer.

    Lymph nodes and what they do
    Lymph vessels route lymph fluid through nodes throughout the body. Lymph nodes are small structures that work as filters for harmful substances. They contain immune cells that can help fight infection by attacking and destroying germs that are carried in through the lymph fluid.

    I suggest give it up and go with the flow as treatment is too radical and results in death.

  71. DaveE 说:
    @Mustapha Mond

    Great post, thanks. And if you’ll permit me to add to your suggestions, don’t be afraid to use the J word, at least in non-public forums. There are so many who know something is wrong, but don’t understand the demonic ideology of Judaism / Zionism enough to clearly understand who the enemy is.

    When you are invariably called an “anti-Semite”, do what the Jews do. Jews deny their race but blame their religion when it suits them. Conversely they will gladly take credit for their “achievements” as a RACE or play the “innocent victim” of “anti-Semitism” whenever they can get away with it. Lets make sure their days of “getting away with it” are DONE.

    And you don’t even have to lie, like Jews do. Judaism is, above all, an ideology. I’m as entitled to despise the ideology of Judaism as much as a mouse is entitled to despise the ideology of the mouse-trap.

    • 回复: @Mustapha Mond
  72. Montefrío 说:
    @alex in San Jose AKA Digital Detroit

    “Show me what your family was 500 years ago and I can peg what class you’re in now.”

    In my experience, very few citizens of the USA or nearly anywhere else have any idea what their families were in terms of “class”, which I assume is what you mean. Perhaps from that simple fact the inference can be drawn that most families were in the class of illiterate non-“noble” peasants in 1520. As for their descendants, pegging them might not be so easy to do.

  73. MarkU 说:
    @alex in San Jose AKA Digital Detroit


    The excesses of colonialism and slavery were perpetrated by the exploiting classes, not the population in general and to suggest that it was a mainly ‘white’ racist phenomenon is extremely dishonest. During the height of the British empire we had people starving in the streets, 16 hour working days, little boys up chimneys and in mines to face premature death by silicosis. We had young girls with their faces melting from the fumes of match production or forced into prostitution to stay alive, at the age of 12. We had no education for the masses and no democracy (except for landowners of course) we didn’t exactly have a say in that stuff. Colonialism was simply the exploiters and oppressors going abroad to make more profit by exploiting other people as well as their own.

    It seems to me that some people are trying to foment a race war in order to draw attention away from the real oppressors, who are still shafting us all.

    • 同意: Robjil, Kali
  74. anon[837]• 免责声明 说:


  75. @Greg Rapport

    What do we have to do around here to get that “What The Fuck?” tag, Ron?

  76. @Liberty Mike

    I was referring to the official writers, Mike. There are often comments at unz that are better than lots of the articles, true.

  77. Anonymous[239]• 免责声明 说:
    @Liberty Mike

    It takes one hell of a brainwashed male population to sit in front of a TV for the 3-1/2 hour NCAA playoff games considering the official clock time of a college game is 48 minutes, not to mention the hired twenty-something-year-old black players palming the ball while they’re traveling at the same time nearly all the time, the jump stop, and the flagrant NCAA charging exemption if it’s a black player barging into some hapless white guy under the boards. What a joke.

  78. @Mustapha Mond

    Zionist Bull Shit? Yeah, I can dig that.

    Piss on PBS–er, ZBS!

  79. Delta G 说:





    您认为本网站上的任何 Honkies 会对您的想法表示不满吗?



  80. Delta G 说:


    • 回复: @Trinity
  81. Turk 152 说:

    “The Arabs took 10x more slaves, 90% of whom died on the March out of Africa to the Middle East. There is no living descendents of these slaves as the males were all castrated and offspring of females were killed at birth.”


  82. Montefrío 说:
    @Mustapha Mond

    Kudos on an excellent and instructive comment! I don’t live in the USA, haven’t for much of my adult life and haven’t been there at all for 21 years now, so I suppose I don’t really have any “skin in the game” any longer. I live in a village that has no blacks and only two jews that I know of. The two are quite careful to keep their heads down in terms of left-wing nonsense, a wise choice.

    Were I living in the USA as the citizen that I am, I’d find it very difficult not to call out the anti-white nonsense, risky though it well might be. It saddens me how the blacks and the jews have turned me into a somewhat intolerant person with respect to them, something that I wasn’t until recently, when it came to my attention that they were now openly acting against my interests, those of my family and of persons of largely or completely European ancestry, something we see little of in my corner of South America.

    • 谢谢: Mustapha Mond
  83. Tdancer 说:
    @Apex Predator

    有一位黑人教授,托尼·马丁博士,已故,他研究加勒比历史。 他因说真话而被黑。 他的作品和著作应该被纳入任何教育人民的努力中,尤其是关于奴隶制的教育。

    • 同意: 4justice
    • 回复: @Wally
    , @Wally
  84. It’s simple Mr. Roberts: Jew’s own the media.
    They have replaced the Anglo-American elite.
    We now have a hostile elite that feels free to put forth deranged fantasies of (((their))) racial hatred for Europeans.

    Wait for it…..here comes ‘Colin Wright’ to tell us all they aren’t really Jews….or something.

  85. 4justice 说:
    @Aidan Q

    可能在所有社会中,精英阶层绝对蔑视下层阶级的人。 但是,当 WASP 主宰统治阶级并管理社会机构时,他们并没有针对基督徒或基督教。 当犹太人接管文化机构时,他们提升自己并针对基督教和非犹太白人。 (黑人是代理人战士,所以他们被使用,但没有被授权。问问托尼马丁或马库斯加维,当你试图成为一个独立的黑人声音时会发生什么。)现在 LGBT 人是代理人战士,他们再次被用来瞄准基督教学校、图书馆、媒体等公共机构。谦虚和贞洁的基督教价值观很快被归类为仇恨。 如果您不喜欢 Drag Queen Story Hour,请不要来,但要继续缴纳税款以保持图书馆开放。 不,不会有修女主导的故事时间。 “左派”提供了摆脱基督教的自由,不必为 99% 的人提供任何形式的经济公平。 LGBT+ 兄弟姐妹们要小心刚才提拔你的人的议程——基督徒可能讨厌你的行为,但讨厌你的是寡头,而不是基督徒。 理解差异是明智的。

    我也曾经认为有许多勇敢和令人钦佩的犹太人领导着使我们的社会变得更好的行动。 我仍然这么认为,但没有我曾经想的那么多,而且很多人仍然有盲点,比如布卢门撒尔在 RT 上说以色列与暗杀伊朗将军苏莱曼尼没有任何关系,乔姆斯基说没有美国强大的亲以色列游说团体,诺姆芬克尔斯坦愿意放弃巴勒斯坦人的回归人权,也尽量减少以色列在美国游说团体的作用等等。 这些是盲点还是他们开始参与运动的原因? 我不能说,但我们需要诚实地说明他们在掩护犹太复国主义方面所扮演的角色。 (Aaron Mate 仍然踩着独特的犹太人受苦的事情,但大多数情况下他看起来像一个可敬的人——但是,是的,我确实希望他有亲犹太人的偏见。)

    我不听迈克尔·萨维奇的,但我知道 斯蒂芬·斯坦莱特 来自移民研究中心警告说,允许太多对大屠杀没有“适当认识”的人移民到美国。 他说墨西哥园丁只将犹太人视为富有的白人群体。 因此,即使是萨维奇也可能为了他自己认为的种族社区的利益而保护美国边界。 他能承受为以色列花费的数万亿美元吗? 我很确定他不会 b/c,如果他这样做的话,我会听说过这件事,而我听他说话的亲戚也不会对这个话题一无所知。 他是否指出禁止参与 BDS 运动是如何违反美国一项非常基本的权利? 我不认为他会。

    如果你是真诚的,而不仅仅是试图自己掩盖犹太人至上主义,那么我建议你更仔细地研究犹太人在媒体(新闻/娱乐/广告)、学术界和政府中施加不成比例的控制方面的作用。 谁会被名为 ADL 的仇恨组织从 youtube 上审查? 谁因为拥有“错误”的观点而被解雇——比如海伦·托马斯、里克·桑切斯、史蒂文·萨拉塔? 当需要反对他的共同宗教主义者的这些暴民策略时,乔姆斯基在哪里?

    在 2 年第二次起义爆发后,我真正陷入了这个问题,并从那时起一直在学习。 我对乔姆斯基非常熟悉,但是当你关注艾米古德曼等这些被提拔的“思想领袖”的其他角色时,随着时间的推移,你会看到偏见,首先是他们的人。 如果我们想那样玩,那将是一回事,但由于对这些人中的许多人来说是“普世主义,对我而言是犹太民族主义”,我认为其中许多人是虚伪的。 我不是来评判这些人的,但他们已经被社会化,以针对基督教和在某种程度上憎恨基督教。 像 Gilad Atzmon、Israel Shamir、Ron Unz 这样的人似乎已经超越了它。 我们都是有盲点和局限的有缺陷的人,所以这不是试图人身攻击任何人,但是如果您希望保护自己、您的家人、您的社区和您的社会,您需要知道人们何时向您发动战争. 虽然班级是其中的一部分,但你提到的这些人不愿意说实话还有另一部分的故事。 我不是福音派基督徒,但通过 E Michael Jones 和其他人(Tex Mars、Ted Pike、TruNews、Adam Green)的工作,我开始意识到基督教在保护普通人免受吸血行业奴役方面发挥的重要作用高利贷、色情、卖淫和物质成瘾。 这让我注意到许多历史学家和政策分析家(如霍华德·津恩、乔姆斯基、艾米·戈德曼)都有反基督教的偏见。 主要由犹太现代主义和后现代主义提供的基督教的替代品是虚无主义的唯物主义和享乐主义的奴役价值观。 所以,我并不是说我们可以在美国把基督教带回来,但我们肯定需要做些什么来对抗这些被踩到摧毁我们的破坏性价值观。 我有一个开放的心态——但目前犹太人至上的趋势,诺亚德的屈从是不能容忍的。 第一步需要看到那些试图摧毁你的人的策略,这意味着要超越 ADL 认可的声音传达给你的有偏见的亲犹太世界观。 我认为赢得这场战争的唯一方法是通过爱——爱自己、爱家庭、爱社区、爱真理、爱邻居、爱国家、爱世界、爱创造。

    • 回复: @Aidan Q
    , @anonymous
  86. @Buzz Mohawk



    他们牵扯的众多线索,每一条都导致了多年前计划好的棋局。无休止的战争让军队忙碌而远离“东道主”。疏远我们的盟友可以保证当事情发生时他们不会回应支持“东道主”。 “东道国”对各国实施制裁、禁运,制造对“东道国”的仇恨。如果寄生虫无法挑起摧毁宿主所需的战争,那么寄生虫有很多弦,分而治之就是其中之一。


    一旦你们(白人、棕色人种、黑人等)意识到你们与 POC 的共同点比与 POB 的共同点多得多,那么也只有那时,这样的文章就不会被写出来了!我建议观看随附的视频,这样您就可以看到并非每个人都对政府对所有人的攻击视而不见或无知。 “这有点大声,充满了灵魂,但我认为他传达了一个很好的信息”。

    • 回复: @James Scott
    , @c matt
  87. Richard B 说:

    It’s come to this because whites have been represented by the Judas goats in the Republican Party who’ve conserved literally nothing in seventy years of cultural warfare, going back at least to the end of WW II.


    But the fact is, like just about everything in the world, especially something as big and as important as this, it can’t be reduced to a single causal force.

    There are a lot of contributing factors.

    Still, at this point, it does boil down to, What are Whites going to do about it? Anything? Nothing?

    The retentless propaganda suggests that the hostile elite think Whites can still do something about it.

    Who knows? Maybe there is still something Whites can do.


  88. Wally 说:



  89. Wally 说:






    • 回复: @Corvinus
  90. Richard B 说:

    Pardoning Stone would be important.

    But, above all, Trump must pardon Schaeffer Cox!


    Of course, he probably doesn’t even know who Schaeffer Cox is.

    Until those two pardons happen (and there very well may be more needed that I’m not aware of) we’re all Roger Stone and Schaeffer Cox now.

    If it can happen to them it could happen to anyone.

  91. Richard B 说:



    It was one of the first things that came to mind.

    I’m sure others thought the same thing.

    That’s a good sign.

    In any event, there’s always more we can do than we think.

    The hostile elite certainly believes that. That’s why they’re pulling all the stops.

  92. Anonymous[373]• 免责声明 说:

    Papa John doesn’t seem to be your usual commenter name, and this website requires commenters to either use their sole Handle, or else use Anonymous or Anon. Please check for typos and retry, leave your comment as Anonymous or Anon, or contact us if you believe some mistake has been made.

    The question I like to raise is “who did we buy the slaves from?”

    And indentured servitude was 不能 slavery. It was a voluntary agreement.

  93. Trinity 说:
    @Delta G

    I don’t know who is sicker, Whitey for continuing to feel guilty for ancient history and taking sole blame for something he was only part of, or the lazy, parasitic, Blacks of the 20th and 21st century for still whining about something that happened in hundreds of years ago and ended over 150 years ago. Jews and Blacks are the biggest hypocrites and whiners on the planet.

    如果有什么的话,白人一直在以福利、降低我们特殊的美国黑人的住房和医疗费用的形式支付赔偿,平权行动歧视更合格的白人,并仅根据肤色为不合格的黑人提供工作机会,(更不用说穷人了)白人比有色人种面临更多的劣势)等等。你能想象照顾美国黑人让美国白人付出了怎样的代价吗?看看他们对底特律、巴尔的摩、费城、孟菲斯、新奥尔良、圣路易斯、芝加哥等地造成的破坏?看看黑人暴力犯罪的受害者有多少?看看所有美国人为将黑人罪犯关押在美国各地的监狱中付出了多少代价。当你剔除美国黑人人口中的老年人和极年轻的人,而只包括黑人社区中 13-45 岁的人口时,你可能只看到了犯罪率超过一半的人口的 6%在美国。然后,当你只包括那个年龄段的黑人男性时,你可能会将其细分为 3-4% 的人口,他们犯下了美国近或至少 50% 的犯罪行为,特别是强奸、袭击和谋杀等暴力犯罪。每年有数以万计的黑人对白人的强奸,无数的黑人对白人的袭击,(其中一些残酷的袭击是谋杀未遂,就像可怜的白人孩子被那只黑人动物从商场阳台扔下去),酷刑谋杀,(12岁)白人孩子在德克萨斯州被一名成年黑人女性绑架后被喷灯烧死),而且只是简单的老谋杀案。然而,大多数时候,许多黑人对白人的袭击、强奸和谋杀的暴力程度已经超出了苍白,其程度非常可怕,只有内心极度仇恨和愤怒的人才能犯下。心。

    • 回复: @anon
    , @anarchyst
    , @If_No_Facts
  94. Moi 说:


  95. anon[837]• 免责声明 说:

    I wish more white people had your views. Blacks and jews are both trash people, worth less than dog piss.

    • 谢谢: Trinity
  96. Paul 说:

    PBS would not dare to go anywhere near the prominent role of Jewish slave traders in the slave trade. Nor would PBS talk about warring African tribes selling captured Africans into slavery. Whites, actually, were the first people to see anything wrong with slavery. Why did non-Whites see nothing wrong with it?

    • 回复: @If_No_Facts
  97. @Anonymous


    • 同意: Mike Tre
    • 回复: @Anonymous
  98. @DaveE

    Hi DaveE!

    Thank you for those kind words, as they mean a lot to me.

    Regarding the “J” word, here on our beloved Unz Review we can speak openly, and largely among fairly like-minded people. It is an oasis of truth in a sea of bullshit. Again, I must repeat: TGFRU! (Thank God For Ron Unz!; I’m hoping this acronym catches on. Ron deserves it.)

    Okay, what about ‘going public’ about the Jewish takeover of our country? Well, that poses some problems, as most folks have been brainwashed for various reasons to fear and loathe anything that could be taken as ‘anti-semitic’.

    Here’s how I approach things with people who are not already friends or relatives (who well know my feelings on these subjects.) I look for areas of ‘resonance’, areas of commonalities which can be fertile grounds for planting seeds. I never go head on, early on. Ever. Once you get a reputation as a bigot, you’re screwed. Nothing you ever say from then on will get through, and you may face severe ostracism socially, even, or especially, at places of worship. This is serious stuff we’re talking about.

    Example: we just moved into a retirement community in the Southwest, and many ex-military are nearby. So what I do is try to find the guys who were Navy vets and befriend them. Not just because I can spread the word via them, but also because they’re usually very warm, decent folks who are great people to have as friends. Haven’t met one yet who wasn’t!

    Once I get a general sense of their leanings (i.e., do they go apeshit for Israel? If so, bad mojo. Unlikely candidate for conversion therapy. I’ll still gladly be friends, but I won’t go into the “J” zone with them, for obvious reasons), if they have an open mind, I then will make the first move by offering them to borrow the book I have, “Attack on the Liberty”, as the USS Liberty incident is really a shocker and can awaken ex-navy men pretty damned quick, if they care at all about their fellow servicemen. If they read the book, then we proceed to the next level by simply inquiring: “What do you think?” If they’re pissed off, we slowly take it from there, hopefully leading to them, eventually, wanting to share the book with a friend or two. And it spreads from there. It’s called the ripple effect. And it may not be much, but it is something any of us can easily do for the cause. Because it’s not about us, it’s about our collective future, and our country, America, and our kids having a great place to grow up in, like we did.

    Thanks again for the kind words. They really are appreciated!

    • 同意: geokat62, SBaker
    • 回复: @anarchyst
  99. anarchyst 说:

    Not only that, the “jew-run” 主流媒体正义 (actually “just us”) system will ALWAYS take the side of the criminal jew or black.

    A good example of this is the excuse that the criminal jew or black will use: “He called me “the j-word” or “he called me the “n字= 没有任何证据. To jews and blacks, calling them a name even if it never occurred is the excuse used to commit violence against another person.

    As a matter of fact, there isn’t a white person of good character on the earth that would call a jew or black names just to incite them to violence.

    In fact, name-calling is never a good reason to commit violence against another person.

    As to jews, EVERY instance of vandalism committed on jewish property (synagogues, etc.) has ALWAYS benn committed by jews themselves.

    • 回复: @Trinity
  100. Since you’re looking for ideas here’s one. How about the US reaches an agreement with some suitable African country, like say Liberia (together with a suitable aid package to that nation, or is it its rulers? however that works in such countries), whereby all Afro-Americans who are on welfare have to move to said country and collect their welfare there, and any who refuses will have his/her welfare in the US cut off and given to a citizen of that African country instead through a lottery system. And of course they’d get a one way ticket to said country at the expense of the US government. Would that be unfair? I mean they get sent back where they came from and the reparations are the continued payment of their welfare for life. They can even take up a job in said African country and still receive their US welfare. I think that’s a better deal than Marcus Garvey would have got for the passengers of his Black Star Line. And another deal could be to arranged to ship Afro-American prisoners to serve their sentences in African jails with adequate payment to said African prison authorities for their upkeep (which could even save some money to the US government as the cost per prisoner is cheaper in those countries) and further payment of US welfare upon release if they stay in said countries. The employed and the non-criminal could be allowed to continue living in USA as useful decent citizens. Just an idea.

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  101. @Commentator Mike

    Or how about you exchange the black Americans for the white South Africans, after a suitable aid package administered through the hands of the ruling South African politicians? You do two good deeds at once: help remove the black Americans from the whites they hate so much and save the whites from South Africa. Sounds good, no?

    • 同意: Mr McKenna
  102. anarchyst 说:
    @Mustapha Mond

    Posing “犹太问题” head-on is quite often counterproductive, as ((they)) don’t want to face the uncomfortable truth that what they have always believed is based on outright lies and fabrications..
    It’s the same thing with the jewish 大屠杀™. Telling a person head-on that the jewish holocaust ™ is a hoax also rarely works.
    For my friends who are engineers, I bring out the facts that there is no way to commit mass-murder on an industrial scale, along with the disposition of millions of bodies without enough time and resources. I point out that Germany was very energy-poor. The transportation of jews hundreds to thousands of miles just to kill them doesn’t make sense.
    The “camps” had swimming pools, theatres and other recreational facilities, hospitals, and other facilities commensurate with “劳改营“, 不是 ”死亡营“。
    It gets better…the claims that “气室” without gas-tight doors or ventilation systems, using “虫子喷雾” to kill jews is problematic. The claims that bodies could be incinerated completely in minutes also is inconsistent with physics and scientific principles. Even today, crematoria need maintenance on regular intervals to operate properly. More claims that flames were evident from the crematoria as well as being to smell the difference between jews and gentile incineration is laughable. Properly operating crematoria are smokeless.
    The “biggie” in the 大屠杀™ fable is the “灯罩“和”肥皂“和”shrunken heads“, oh my…
    There are those who simply cannot be “reached” or reasoned with, but, quite often, “lighting the spark” can be fruitful for many.

    • 同意: Mustapha Mond
  103. This is Level 4 batshit crazy bloviating. Whites have lost. Get over it.

  104. Anonymous[248]• 免责声明 说:



    You can’t have it both ways. Quit messing with other people and the rest of the world will leave white people alone.

    • 回复: @James Scott
  105. Trinity 说:

    Yeah, the N-word EXCUSE seems to be the latest MO of thugs who wish to attack Whites only for the color of their skin. Words can hurt, but my guess is the N-word doesn’t faze the average criminal thug that much, and the number of Whites going around and calling Blacks, “nigger” or “niggers” in public is about as rare as a person matching all 6 numbers in the Mega Millions lottery. How many videos have we seen of Blacks running up to unsuspecting Whites and slugging them in those “knockout games.” Most of the time the victim was just walking along, often with their head down, so it looks like one, especially if that person has white skin, doesn’t need to even utter the blasphemous so-called, “N-word” to deserve a beating from these black racists. They don’t discriminate as long as the victim has white skin. I have seen black males and black females punch white females full force with their fist, punch elderly, frail arthritic old white men who have no reasonable way to defend themselves against a young, strong, athletic black thug. Of course when we talk about the law and legalities, words alone don’t give you the legal right to haul off and chin someone, if that were the case, I would be decking people left and right. hahaha. Only kidding. All kidding aside, imagine a white male clocking a black female and knocking her cold and telling the police, and then later the judge that the black female called him a “cracker” so in his mind that gave him every right to bash her in the face.

  106. Dan’l 说:

    Anyone with half a brain knows where this calumny is originating. This is a Talmudic Blood Libel. The plan is to destroy Western Civilization through the use of proxy warriors such as Blacks and third world immigrants and most recently homosexuals and others who practice deviant sexual behavior.

    The Bovine behavior of the “Conservatives” in US politics are part of this demonology because GOP Senators take money from dual-citizen Zionists like Paul Singer, Sheldon Adelson and Bernard Marcus. The Chosenites are repeating their script from Weimar Germany and they may reap the same whirlwind from that era.

  107. SBaker 说:

    “A big Shout Out to Tucker, for his calling that Roger Stone be pardoned before he is sentenced. That pre-dawn raid on Stone’s house by a dozen or more FBI commandoes was a disgusting stunt perpetrated by Trump’s enemies. With the impeachment farce out of the way, Trump has now been liberated. Trump must pardon Stone of these “process crimes” to show who is in charge.

    As Emerson said: “If you strike at the king you must kill him.” The press will hate him and call him a dictator (they’ve done that for 3+ years, so WTF does it matter), but the people, I hope, will cheer as Trump gets his methodical revenge.””

    Here’s hoping you are correct. Trump is a calculating scrapper. He will never take abuse by slinking into the nearest closet.. He reminds of one George Patton, the only general feared by the Germans.

  108. antibeast 说:

    Crybabies. That’s what the white losers here on unz.com do all day long. What’s the matter? Can’t get it up anymore, limp dicks? If you want to dish it out, you must be able to take it too, like any real man would. All these whining only make you guys look like wimps. Blaming Jews or Blacks for all the problems of White Trash America ain’t gonna work.

    • 巨魔: renfro
  109. @Anonymous

    Even though anti-White forums are infinite, you comment here, and lo!–no one is calling for your comment to be deleted.

    This is what distinguishes White adults who understand the perils and annoyances of freedom versus everyone else.

    • 回复: @Trinity
  110. Marko 说:


  111. slorter 说:

    是关于经济的! 资本主义制度喜欢奴隶制,这对生意有好处!

    63% 的人在美国都不能凑齐 500 美元救急!

    归根结底,保守派相信“有”和“没有”的社会等级制度。 他们采取了这种具有腐蚀性的社会愿景,并用一种​​听起来“体面”的意识形态来装饰它,这一切都归结为他们赖以谋生的廉价劳动力。
    劳动力供应量越大,价格就越便宜。 你越迫切需要一份工作,你的工作就越便宜,那些“企业主”对你的权力就越大。

    廉价劳动力的保守派和现在更残酷的新自由主义鼓励种族主义、战争厌女症、同性恋恐惧症和其他形式的偏见。 为什么? 工薪阶层的偏见使他们分心,使他们无法认识到作为工薪阶层的共同利益。

    丑陋的事实是,廉价劳动力的保守派不喜欢劳动人民。 他们不喜欢“自下而上”的繁荣,原因很简单。 “企业领主”更难对付他们。 一旦你了解了廉价劳动力保守派的这一点,他们政策的真正动机就完全合情合理了。 请记住,廉价劳动力保守派相信社会等级和特权,因此他们想要的唯一繁荣仅限于他们。 他们绝对不希望看到任何有利于按小时工资工作的人。

  112. “对白人的妖魔化是如此失控,以至于今天美国和欧洲白人被妖魔化的程度比纳粹德国犹太人被妖魔化的还要严重。”


    我明白为什么 Counterpunch 不再运行该作者的文章了。


  113. Be vigilant against the “white privilege” indoctrination that is being used against your children. I had to intervene at my sons’ high school after a Theology teacher started in on “white privilege.” The short of it is that I had to have a very frank conversation with him about my background, not privileged at all, and that his assumption of “privilege” based on race was in fact racist.

    The cruel irony is that the snakes who preach this crap are the same ones who discriminate against whites in college admissions.

    • 同意: SBaker
    • 回复: @SBaker
  114. eah 说:

    About PBS >> Leadership Team

    “Chief Programming Executive and General Manager, General Audience Programming” –> Perry Simon (every person on Jew Or Not Jew with last name Simon is a Jew).

    “Chief Programming Executive and General Manager, Children’s Media and Education” –> Lesli Rotenberg (Boris Romanovich Rotenberg is a Russian oligarch, and a Jew; but aren’t nearly all Russian oligarchs Jewish?)


    • 回复: @eah
  115. Trinity 说:
    @Sick of Orcs

    Exactly!! Whites ( at least non-racist and Whites with healthy love for their own kind, so this excludes anti-White traitor trash like Antifa and the other unwashed masses of self hating White cuckolds) value the First Amendment and wish to protect all forms of speech whether we agree with it or not. Censoring speech is a non-white third world genetic defect among nonwhites, who along with kings of censorship and hypocrisy the one, the only, “the tribe” have a habit of wishing to silence those who speak the truth or expose the lies. Nonwhites are a hypocritical people for the most part, not all, but certainly most. Look at the majority of nonwhite countries and look at how they are run their own countries and look at how they violate even their own kind. Look at Mao’s China for example. Soviet Union? Well the Russians and Ukrainians are and were White, but the people running the old Soviet Union weren’t Russian or Ukrainian and they hated Whites, especially the Russian people. Censorship in Europe is not a European thing either, we all know who makes it criminal to discuss the WWII narrative and other non-PC issues like flooding Europe with biological WMDs from the third world.

    • 谢谢: Sick of Orcs
    • 回复: @Corvinus
    , @anon
  116. Corvinus 说:

    “Why do white people hate their parents and ancestors so much.”


    “White people are the targets of Identity Politics—the political ideology of the Democrat Party.”


    “The premise is that white-imposed institutional anti-black racism, “guided by the South’s powerful political influence, steadily, deliberately and at times secretly, established white privilege in our institutions, laws, culture and economy. This is an amazing lie. Slavery was universal.”


  117. Corvinus 说:

    “Censoring speech is a non-white third world genetic defect among nonwhites…”

    Please offer the requisite scientific evidence or retract your statement.

  118. Corvinus 说:

    I was told that blacks are not to be trusted. Yet, you apparently are a slave to their every word. Why?

    In 1820, over 75 percent of all Jewish families in Charleston, Richmond, and Savannah owned slaves, employed as domestic servants; almost 40 percent of all Jewish householders in the United States owned one slave or more. Is it because of their ethnicity, wealth, or both?

    In 1830, there were only 120 Jews among the 45,000 slaveholders owning twenty or more slaves and only twenty Jews among the 12,000 slaveholders owning fifty or more slaves. Is it because of their ethnicity, wealth, or both?

    In 1830, it was estimated there were 4000 Jews in the United States, mostly concentrated in urban areas. Thirty-six percent of the estimated 625,000 families in the South owned slaves in the 1830’s. Thirty-six percent is about 225,000 families. Out of that number (225,000), 322 were determined to be Jewish households. Out of the 332 Jewish households in the South, it is estimated 75% owned slaves. The remaining households (224,768) were non-Jewish…and owned slaves. So 99.89% of non-Jewish families (out of 225,000) held blacks in perpetual bondage.

    That is the proper context that Martin patently neglected to provide and that several historians have taken him to task on his shoddy work.

    • 回复: @Wally
  119. @Anonymous

    Time to discuss the Jewish middlemen in the slave trade. Auctions weren’t held on Jewish holidays in most locations.

  120. anon[837]• 免责声明 说:

    Its funny how in the beginning, during the 1960s, we were told blacks just wanted equality and fair treatment. Now it is all about black privilege and blacks being treated like gods. Just like how in the beginning, ((they))) just wanted Christianity to be more “tolerant”. Now we have full-blown homosexuality and outright Satanism shoved in our faces. Don’t you just love the games these degenerates play with us?

    • 回复: @Trinity
  121. Rich 说:

    Excellent essay. Every White parent has to make sure their children read this. We must never give in to he lies of the anti-White Left.

  122. Trinity 说:

    SPOT ON !!! (((They))) are the kings of lies and deception. Hell, ((( they))) even brag about “war by deception” do (((they))) not. Altruism, fair play, decency, morality, are virtues, but unfortunately low life scum with no value for human life or decency will more often than not take advantage or exploit and mistake kindness for weakness. Also remember how they pushed pornography out of seedy backrooms into mainstream entertainment claiming that pornography should be protected under the First Amendment, the same people who know are imprisoning people in Europe for questioning the validity of the so-called, “holocaust,” or even complaining about their countries being flooded with biological WMDs from the third world.

    • 回复: @anon
  123. African slaves didn’t oppose slavery any more than Spartacus did. It’s natural for slaves to want to be the slavers.

    The evil of slavery disappeared a long time ago and good riddance. Some people such as African Americans today enjoy the benefit of living in a richer country than their ancestors’ homeland. That is the same benefit their slave ancestors who were brought to the USA enjoyed being slaves in a richer country than when they had black owners. The civil rights movement was good and necessary but African American failures have been their own for the last 50 years or more. No amount of whining can change that. There is no evil white man using voodoo to stop African American children studying at school or an adult from starting a small business and working hard and saving.

    There are no evil Asians using voodoo to stop European American children studying as hard as their kids. There are no European Americans who are so childish that they even claim that. There are African Americans who are that childish and there are politicians who will take advantage of useful idiots. African Americans need to grow up. If they don’t want to study or work hard to be successful, that’s an ok personal decision but it’s their own.

    There were times I studied and worked hard for myself and there were times I didn’t. No African had the slightest influence over which it was. It’s called being a man, albeit a lazy and disorganised one. So I was a natural employee and a hardworking one? So what? [电子邮件保护]

  124. @Anonymous

    “it is totally disingenuous to dismiss the massive effect that slavery had on black people”

    Hey dumb ass……if American blacks were a nation unto themselves they would be 9th richest nation on earth…..source: Walter E Williams…..who BTW is an American hero and proof that America works for anyone who gives it a chance and puts in the effort.

    SO there ya go, I just destroyed your entire premise. hope this helps….. it probably wont because racism in the USA is big business and it pays very well……just ask Al and Jesse.

  125. Sol 说:
    @Steve Penfield

    没有人关心白人家长制的好处或福利国家的负面后果。 我们超越了对话。

  126. Sol 说:

    Yeah, Chinese historically preferred sex trafficking…

  127. KenH 说:

    How many school children learn about that, and its intentional targeting of civilians?

    Hardly any but anyone who does learn about it is told that the German civilians deserved it for supporting Hitler who they claim killed six million Jews. The German people are made collectively guilty but to assign collective guilt to the Jewish people for communism and the mass murders spawned by that execrable system is anti-semitism, hate and bigotry.

  128. anon[837]• 免责声明 说:

    I think conservative white Americans in the 1970s and 1980s would be shocked to find out that in 2020, blacks are allowed to physically attack whites for no reason and then claim the whites were being “racist”. Almost makes me feel sad for all the Nixon and Reagan voting white normies who had no idea what was coming down the pike. This was a time when those people completely dismissed people like Dr. William Pierce as extremists. It seems extremists always predict the future better than complacent cuckservatives.
    Not to mention Nixon and his Jewboy Dr. K turning Commie China into what they are now, trying to use China against the Soviet Union. And what do you know, the Soviet Union around that time was no longer controlled by (((them))) but by the white Slavic population of that land, so they had no problem trying to use the filthy Chinese against another Aryan power, this time Russia.

    • 回复: @Trinity
  129. KenH 说:

    So, how is there white privilege when whites are the only race whose demonization is encouraged, and, if whites protest, it is regarded as proof that they are unrepentant white supremacists?

    Whites have so much privilege that politicians refuse to acknowledge white people unless it’s in pejorative terms. The only good whites are those who loathe their own race and take the side of non-whites in domestic disputes. Whites who defend their race are demonized as “domestic extremists” and placed on the ADL-FBI’s shit list.

    White bashing has been on display all throughout the Democrat primaries and Trump and the Republicans won’t rise to our defense and his cult worshippers continue to make every excuse imaginable for he and them not doing so. Yet the Donald has made innumerable race based appeals to Jews, blacks and Latinos in the past several months.

    目的 长长的影子 seems to be to reinforce the myth that white on black slavery was uniquely evil and unprecedented in world history and PBS is flooding the zone with this piece of black propaganda to drive home that point during negro history month.

  130. 犹太人和穆斯林进行了数千年的奴隶贸易,直到白人结束奴隶制。

  131. Chinaman 说:



    You will say those are 1000 year old inventions and obsolete\irrelevant, well…





    我们已经势均力敌了。让我们看看 50 年后我们会处于什么位置。我们不要忘记,我们的聪明派(智商超过140的人)已经比大多数国家的人口还要多。


  132. Trinity 说:

    Yep. All those “conspiracy nut jobs” and “wackos” that were and still are mocked and scorned by the establishment “intellectuals” always seem to be prophets when all is said and done. Think about the guy who wrote the fictional book, “The Camp Of The Saints” back in the early 1970’s. The author, Jean Raspail, had to have incredible foresight about what the future had to hold for “Christendom” and America. Granted, we were already in PC lite by the time of the early 1970’s, but who that was living back then and is still alive today could have predicted that Europe and North America would have fallen so much in just 50 years. Fifty years is merely a blink of an eye really. In the early 1970’s America had to be at least 80%-85% White and Europe and Canada were even whiter. The way Raspail describes how Whites are so crippled and paralyzed by political correctness in his work of “fiction” that they literally allow their countries to taken over through mass migrations from the third world is really something. Sure sounds like modern day Europe and America, huh? Men like Dr. Pierce, Dr. Duke, Raspail, and other assorted “kooks,” “racists”, and “conspiracy wackos” must not be too stupid, huh? Usually anyone who the MSM or the “establishment intellectuals” dismiss as a “racist,” a “nut job,” blah, blah, blah…. you need to make a note that you would do well to listen to what that “nut job” might be saying because more than likely it can and will turn out to be true one day.

    • 回复: @anon
    , @antibeast
    , @Aldon
  133. Chinaman 说:





    • 回复: @Sparkon
    , @Aldon
  134. Identity politics is just another symptom of a rapidly failing capitalist system Mr. Roberts.

    Both the GOP and the Democrats want Americans to think of themselves as White, Black, Brown, Christian, Muslim, Jew, male, female, gay, straight… Anything but people who have to work for a living. Washington DC, controlled by Americas capitalist ruling class is deathly afraid of Americans understanding what social class means.

    When white people do or say mean racist things, as seen here at Unz regularly, the Democratic Party celebrates because this gives them an opportunity to appear to fight against something that costs their donors nothing. When Liberals do dumb shit like complain that nobody respects blacks, trannies, gays or women, the GOP rejoices for the same reason. They can be seen as the saviors, doing something to protect you, so long as it costs their donors/owners nothing.

    Sorry, but if you’re tired of identity politics, as most Americans are, then you’re tired of capitalism. Expect things to get much worse before they get better. We in the late stage now. The empire is rotting at the core, the fake economy is being propped up from collapse once again, and they’re going to do everything they can to deflect the attention from themselves and direct your anger towards literally anyone but them, the ones in power. Trump is no doubt doing his part, and doing quite well.

    The majority of blacks in govt. are no different than the majority of the whites, they’ll sell out their own for a nickle, blacks should be pissed, rightfully so.

    Its all about the Benjamin’s baby!

  135. antibeast 说:
    @Just passing through

    Anglos will start a war on China in the future, they always project their own weltanschauung on others and think everyone is out to ‘take over the world’.

    The Anglo-Americans are a bunch of cowards suffering from the “limp-dick” syndrome which they overcompensate by bombing and destroying a bunch of dirt-poor Third World countries AND bankrupting the USA government in the process. China is the emerging superpower of the 21st century while the USA is turning into a Latin-American style Third-World Banana Republic. Against near peer military powers like Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan, the Yanks would rather not fight but to hide in their country clubs. Against nuclear-armed military powers such as Russia or China? No way, Jose!

    • 回复: @jbwilson24
  136. @Chinaman

    The last part of your rant is 100% correct. China cares about who’s the best at what needs to be done, in the USA all jobs have to be filled based in skin tone and gonads…….experience, expertise and merit are actually a detriment.

    “the best person for the job should get the job”

    That is now a microaggression………racism is so bad in the USA that it needs to be found on the “micro” level.

  137. anon[837]• 免责声明 说:

    I don’t know about you, but all the evil and depravity surrounding modern society has turned me into a devout Christian recently. In the past, I was secular even while holding extreme right-wing views. But now I see being an atheist is a dead end. This Earth is a demonic realm.

  138. jbwilson24 说:
    @Mustapha Mond

    “I attended a US “Top Ten” law school many decades ago. Even back then, ALL my first year law professors were jewish. All of them. And that pattern never changed much in the following two years, until graduation. I strongly suspect the same pattern holds up to the present.”

    You don’t have to suspect.

    There’s a peer-reviewed research paper that examines the issue, finding that Jews are massively over-represented in US law schools.


    The ABA nicely classifies Jews as ‘white’, claiming that whites are over-represented in law. How nice. The nose-goblins get to be ‘minorities’ on law school applications, they get scholarships earmarked for Jews only, then when the official stats are collected they are magically ‘white’.

    • 谢谢: geokat62
  139. jbwilson24 说:

    “The Anglo-Americans are a bunch of cowards suffering from the “limp-dick” syndrome which they overcompensate by bombing and destroying a bunch of dirt-poor Third World countries AND bankrupting the USA government in the process. ”

    You seem like your IQ is 30 points too low for 乌兹网.

    Please tell me, who are these ‘Anglo Americans’?

    Name them. Individually.

    The Iraq war was started by the Neocons, 95% of whom are Jewish ‘Americans’ who hold Israeli passports. They are neither ‘Anglo’ nor ‘American’.

    Once you get past Rumsfeld it is basically a bar mitzvah invite list.

    Only someone with low IQ could possibly analyze something as complex as the initiation of a war with some juvenile penis analogy. The Israelis had a list of targets to be taken out, including Saddam and Assad. Thankfully Hezbollah managed to kick the crap out of the IDF in the last land invasion.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  140. Richard B 说:

    Great comment and suggestions.

    One thing we could stress at such meetings could be put in question form.

    Are students learning the intellectual skills of rigorous thinking, consistent reasoning, and cautious judgment?

    You’d think that would be the primary concern of our teaching-learning institutions.

    So, if they answer no, and of course they would, then we are within our rights to call them on it

    If they answer “Yes” then we know they’re lying. And we can call them on that too.

    In short, focus on the Procedural and avoid the Personal.

    Admittedly a hard thing to do with people who personalize everything.

    Exactly because they’re incapable of the emotional detachment and intellectual insight that comes from developing the skills of rigorous thinking, consistent reasoning and cautious judgment.

  141. Jay2130 说:

    White people fought and died to stop racism, which is why white people have done more than you to combat racism. Which is why white people have more right than you to object to any kind of racism. White people ended slavery, they did not start it. Blaming white people for slavery is as stupid as blaming ashkenazis for all predatory lending.

    Safe spaces? It is people like you who come up with yuppie terms like that. But as far wanting their own spaces, that is all white people ever asked. If white people were so “racist” why does everyone want to come to their civilization?

    White people integrated more people, from a wider amount of backgrounds, in a shorter amount of time than any other nation or society in human history. Name a single other group who has integrated as many others as white people have, oh that’s right, you can’t.

    And nobody said slavery did not have an effect. But if you weren’t ignorant about history you would know white people have been slaves too. In fact after the wars, attacks and slave raids that white people faced from Moors, Arabs, Mongols, Magyars, and Turks, the reason white people became suspicious of outsiders is that white people developed reverse racism. All white racism is reverse racism.

    White people actually tried their best to end slavery. White people ended black people’s slavery, black people did not end it for themselves. And now we all see how it is repaid. But go ahead and bash white people, don’t expect any sympathy when you see how the Chinese treat you.

    • 同意: renfro
    • 回复: @KenH
  142. antibeast 说:

    Yep. All those “conspiracy nut jobs” and “wackos” that were and still are mocked and scorned by the establishment “intellectuals” always seem to be prophets when all is said and done. Think about the guy who wrote the fictional book, “The Camp Of The Saints” back in the early 1970’s. The author, Jean Raspail, had to have incredible foresight about what the future had to hold for “Christendom” and America. Granted, we were already in PC lite by the time of the early 1970’s, but who that was living back then and is still alive today could have predicted that Europe and North America would have fallen so much in just 50 years.

    Samuel Huntington did in fact predict that Latino immigration would present the “Hispanic Challenge” to the core Anglo-American Protestant values which form much of the old-school National Identity of the USA. Unlike the European immigrants of the mid-to-late 19th century who had assimiliated to Anglo-American WASP society, Huntington claimed that Latino immigrants would preserve their own distinct ethno-linguistic identity and form separate socio-cultural communities. While Raspail was warning about the threat of Islamic immigration to France from its former colonies in North Africa, Latinos are also Christian but not Protestant. Instead, they’re Spanish-speaking Catholics with European ancestry and a Spanish-derived Hispanic culture. Moreover, ethnic Whites such as Irish and Italian Catholics as well as Eastern European Jews also faced similary hostility in the past after the Angl0-Americans passed the Naturalization Act of 1924 which limited immigrantion from Southern and Eastern Europe, presumably to keep out Catholics and Jews.

    If intermarriage between Catholics such as Irish/Italian-Americans and Mexican/Latino immigrants succeed in miscegenating ethnic Whites into brown Latinos as what happened in Latin America, then what could happen is that the USA might turn into a Latin-American style Caste-based Society ruled by Anglo-American Capitalist Elites at the top, followed by a small White Middle Class and a vast Brown Working Class and Black Under Class.

    That’s the future of the United States of Amexica.

  143. Wait a minute. It just dawned on me. I’m reading comments on a Paul Craig Roberts article. We’re able to comment on a Paul Craig Roberts article? Let me just take this opportunity to say all the times in the past I wanted to shout in agreement with him, but couldn’t because comments were closed, I felt like I had duct tape wrapped around my mouth and hands. I sincerely hope this isn’t a one-off privilege.

    Here’s the SAS video that had the broken link:


    • 谢谢: Achmed E. Newman
  144. @Jake

    was true of WASP culture from its birth out of the English Reformation.


  145. Sparkon 说:

    The cruel and crippling practice of foot binding had been outlawed by various Chinese authorities long before the Communists ever came to power, but it certainly wasn’t 500 years ago. Rather, the hideous practice of foot binding continued in China for 500 years.

    Despite what you mistakenly think, only a very small number of Americans ever owned slaves. It was an abhorrent practice imported from the Old World. Africans sold their brothers into slavery, and Jews played a prominent role in the trade of human flesh, not that they were alone. However, even at the time, the vast majority of Americans were not slave owners.

    Now this guilt trip is being laid on people who were not even born during the time slaves were kept in the United States. As far as I know, all of my European ancestors arrived here in the United States after the slaves had been freed, and I think that is true for many Americans of N. European ancestry, the source of most immigration to the United States during the 2nd half of the 19th century, so I simply refuse to feel any guilt about slavery or any so-called white privilege.

    None of us had any choice in the matter of our conception and birth.

    It’s entirely fortuity.

    • 回复: @Chinaman
    , @antibeast
  146. antibeast 说:

    Please tell me, who are these ‘Anglo Americans’?

    George Bush and Dick Cheney.

    The Iraq war was started by the Neocons, 95% of whom are Jewish ‘Americans’ who hold Israeli passports. They are neither ‘Anglo’ nor ‘American’.

    Well and good. But the Iraq War was just a cover for the USA to prevent Saddam Hussain from selling oil in Euros which would have undermined the Petrodollar System maintainted by the House of Saud. And why Afghanistan? Because of Al-Qaeda who had nothing to do with 9/11? Not at all. Dick Cheney was salivating after the mineral wealth of that dirt-poor nation and was already planning on invading Afghanistan years before 9/11. Besides, if the Jewish Neocons were truly responsible for the Iraq War, then why bother with Afghanistan which had never been a threat to the State of Israel? And lastly, removing Saddam Hussain (who’s a Sunni Muslim) allowed Iran, the arch-enemy of Israel, to gain power in the Middle East by controlling the Shiite Muslims in Iraq. That’s a self-defeating strategy. If anything, Israel would have been much better off if Saddam Hussein had remained in power to restrain Iranian influence.

    From Kissinger to the Jewish Neocons, the Jews are the hired guns for the Anglos who call the shots in the USA. The Anglos hire the Jews to do the dirty work for them. Simple as that.

    • 哈哈: geokat62
  147. renfro 说:

    Goldman to Refuse IPOs If All Directors Are White, Straight Men
    The bank is the latest firm to eschew a lack of diversity in corporate governance.


    ”The era of the white, all-male board is coming to an end.
    Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Chief Executive Officer David Solomon issued the latest ultimatum Thursday from Davos. Wall Street’s biggest underwriter of initial public offerings in the U.S. will no longer take a company public in the U.S. and Europe if it lacks a director who is either female or diverse. Asia is not yet included in the firm’s new policy.”

    I guess there is a conspiracy to disappear the white man in America

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  148. Ko 说:

    Racism does not exist exept in the mind of a racist.

  149. Anonymous[401]• 免责声明 说:
    @Turk 152

    >”I am not suggesting any of this is exclusive to white culture”

    Howsomever, the greater culture IS saying exactly that: 24/7/365!

    >”is now fashionable to be racist against white males, but I also actively condemn that behavior as well for precisely the same reasons.”

    All well and good…if all “isms” were equally condemned. Alas, they are not.

    Also, I’m curious: how did you “actively condemn” feminism over the past half-century?

    Finally, you sound like feminists do whenever a male cites male problems. They immediately tell the guy, “B-b-b-b-but women have problems, too.”

    The fact is that we’ve been harangued about female troubles nonstop for the past 50+ years. Meanwhile, hardly any time-attention-effort-money-programs-movies-courses-laws-etc. have been directed at helping men equally. Similarly, we constantly hear how uniquely evil white are, never examining the horrific pasts of Injuns (both dot and feather), yellows, blacks, and browns.

  150. Anonymous[328]• 免责声明 说:

    They will say you are a white supremacist because you reject being made a scapegoat for events that took place centuries before you were born by people who were not even your ancestors. They will say you are a bigot and a criminal for trying to defend yourself against such slander. They will say YOU have to pay the price for acts committed long ago by unidentifiable third parties, and that’s just and fair under the American constitution because “diversity.” You must live in a world of shit to compensate modern freeloaders for somebody else’s sins against their distant ancestors. That makes about as much sense as giving to European Jews the lands and wealth thereupon belonging to Middle Eastern Arabs for over a thousand years in compensation for what was done to and taken from said Jews by the German government in the 1940’s. (Maybe Merkel opened the floodgates to Islamic migrants into her country out of some unarticulated and half-baked sense of guilt for that.)

  151. Anonymous[328]• 免责声明 说:

    Do they have some test in mind to ascertain whether all the men are indeed straight? You know, marriage to a female is not necessarily proof positive. Look at Bruce Jenner, masquerading as one of us for most of his (or her) life.

  152. @Chinaman

    Do you use toilet paper ? If the Chinese didn’t invent, you would be still be using your hands.

    好的,我会给他们的。 The Shins – Wipe my Butt (album version)



    现在,在分配器吐出一份 TP 之前,访客需要与计算机进行眼神交流


    • 同意: Republic
  153. @Anonymous

    You non-asian minorities are unable to compete in a society with objective meritocratic standards. Only racial setasides and affirmative action will get you a decent grade in school, or a reasonable job. You know it and everybody else knows it. Your endless tirades about white racism are simply psychological transference of envy and revenge about your people’s inherent inability to do well on your own.

    Is that too intellectual for you? Dumbed down just for you: You blame YT for having a society with objective standards that you’re too stupid to achieve, but you’re also too dishonest to admit it, so you have to disguise it all with the racist boogeyman.

    • 同意: KenH, Trinity
  154. Anon[163]• 免责声明 说:

    “How is it different than …”

    Perhaps the distinction is how the Europeans treated their slaves.

    A “slave” in Muslim Ottomann Empire could and did become the Grand Vizier.

    A slave in Islam is not a “sub-human”.

    This is the issue you are white washing there Paul.

  155. let’s not fall for the divide-and-rule trick by the ruling class. ignore their “white vs black / jews / muslims / latinos / …” narratives and stay focused on the global ruling oligarchy vs. the people across the national, religous, racial lines.

  156. Aldon 说:



    • 回复: @Trinity
  157. Aldon 说:



  158. jsigur 说:

    Cohencidence, slavery was legalized in the colonies at the same time Jews were officially allowed back into England via their pet Lord Cromwell. Prior to that both white and blacks were indentured slaves.

    What is clear is everyday whites had a slave society imposed from the top and elite Jews and privileged goyim were behind it.

    Many of the same families that now are stoking anti-white villain-hood forced racial separation because back then they deemed it safer for their kind to do so.

    Ultimately, we must recognize the heavy Jewish influence on it all. When selling slaves was outlawed and the profit motive removed, subversive Jews started targeting those folks who previously purchased slaves from their ethnic, Jewish kin with a claimed sympathy for the pleight of the slave.
    Though slavery should have never been part of our heritage, it is hypocritical for the folks primarily responsible for it to lead the parade while feighning no resposibility

  159. Chinaman 说:

    Have you seen someone who have been foot bind-ed? My grandmother was foot bind-edand all I can say is that it was a debilitating condition. I am not a food binding historian so you may know more about it. Some people do have a fetish for it. I think it is totally insane and a reflection of the rot in Confucian society and the callousness of the Chinese people. There are many elements in 3000 years of Chinese culture which needs to be discarded. The communist did that through the cultural revolution.

    Your professed indifference to slavery is exactly why it happened. People like you condone it and let it happened. It is exactly of people like you that it lasted a century before it was abolished.

    Do you feel anything after reading that ? Of course, you don’t.

    You don’t feel any guilt because you, like your ancestors, don’t have a conscience.

    • 回复: @Adûnâi
    , @DB Cooper
  160. JackOH 说:

    I’m a bit late here, but I’m sort of thinking American slavery may be regarded as a lousy deal for both Blacks and Whites, and, likewise, it may be possible to think of a subsidized repatriation/relocation program untainted by race, if it were extended to all Americans in some measured, thoughtful way.

    I’m thinking a bit of the steelworker Polish ex-pats who bought their homes in the 1960s and 1970s, rose bushes and regular fresh paint to this day, in neighborhoods that are now ghettoized.

    Nope, I haven’t thought it through, but it may be worth considering.

  161. KenH 说:

    But go ahead and bash white people, don’t expect any sympathy when you see how the Chinese treat you.

    The majority of white people in North America simply have no will to defend themselves and become tribal since they don’t want to be called racist and therefore will go the way of the dinosaurs. The Chinese aren’t afflicted with racial guilt and Nordic and Christian sentimentality towards the various forms of black and brown biomass and will resort to using death camps against them whenever they conquer America which hopefully will be soon.

    Jewish wiles and trickery that have proven so successful against the naive and simple minded whitey won’t work on Chinamen.

    • 同意: Kolya Krassotkin
  162. anonymous[194]• 免责声明 说:

    demonization of christians, that is, true believers.

    True believers?! Very touching. Lol!

    The question is, “true believers” of what? Surely, that should matter, no?

    Given the pagan polytheist mangods-worship of “true” Christ believers, I have no doubt that you are all “true believers” of your own deceit. Where has that lead the laity?

    As for the real true Christ believers, that would be us muslims. He truly is the Messiah, a blessed true monotheist prophet of the Almighty 一个.

  163. eah 说:


    Taika Watiti’s actual name is Taika David Cohen

  164. @Chinaman

    Long live the Chinese Empire, eh?
    The world would be better off nuked.

    Stop casual animal cruelty (hidden during 2008 Olympics) and stop grinding endangered animals into dick pills. Cialis is available.

    • 哈哈: SBaker, Achmed E. Newman
    • 回复: @SBaker
  165. anonymous[194]• 免责声明 说:

    Can you godless mofers first reform your dietary practices? Your absolutely animal-like hogging of just about anything that crawls or flies or slithers, will be the death of this planet.



    • 哈哈: Rosie
  166. anonymous[194]• 免责声明 说:

    If your kind were really that smart and had some spiritual self-respect, they would reject their current pagan polytheist mangods-worship, shamelessly plagiarised from other more primitive pagan faiths (including the Trimurthi of Hindooism, yikes!), and collectively adopt Scientology… it being so scientific and all. 😉

    Here is an entry which lists Christianity and Hindooism on the same page!! For all the dissembling by s0-called Christians of their “truest faith,” being associated with that height of paganism, should be absolutely cringeworthy.



  167. Realist 说:
    @Aidan Q



  168. been approved.
    ARSEs love to target dumb White catladoes because they’re gullible saps.
    According to admiral, the 11p IQ White Man whose boats colonized the world is dumb, whilst nonexistent female navy captains & 70 IQ dindu thugs from an turd world African shack r capable of fixing anything.

  169. SBaker 说:
    @Paul Revere

    I was on an admissions committee more than a decade ago when the selection process for admission to a professional school was in session. A liberal member of said, suggested African candidates merit diversity points. I was the only member that objected. It was a disgusting display of dishonesty. At that time in the late 90s the committee was all white.

    • 回复: @Paul Revere
  170. Iva 说:

    The first Jews that ever put their foot on polish soil were slave traders. They came to Poland grab some Poles and sold them in the East. How PBS would call this ?  Maybe they will make movie about this fact. Now ( not)polish president Duda is spreading propaganda in trying to sell to Poles ”thousand years of history together “ b**嘘**t. The fact is that Jews were always hostile toward Poles and always collaborated with occupation forces. During referendums always voted to occupant desire. 

  171. SBaker 说:
    @Sick of Orcs

    “casual animal cruelty (hidden during 2008 Olympics) and stop grinding endangered animals into dick pills. Cialis is available.”

    Good one. I have to wonder if the chinaman is really defending China or if she/he is even Chinese? Most of his comments are absurd. Mao murdered what, 50 million? Several decades ago I shared an office with a Chinese visiting professor. He was initially terrified to say anything negative about Mao and his communist slave owners–the Chinese people because his family was still in China. He began to talk in a literal whisper after about 6 months. He spoke of many people who simply disappeared. He also stated how cruel Mao’s wife was and some of the atrocities they both committed. He simply said, the Chinese people lived in fear of their government– they were the slaves. If the Chinaman above is real, he is simply too stupid to realize he is the slave.

    • 回复: @Sick of Orcs
    , @Chinaman
  172. @Jefferson Temple

    @ Jefferson Temple,

    >>It’s the education system. Retake that and society may return to normal.”

    Right on! Letting the state and federal governments brainwash our children is the reason people believe such idiotic things as the myth of the Jewish holocaust, the myth of the war over slavery, and the myth of objective space-time. In fact, there was no planned murder of 6 million Jews, Lincoln’s invasion of the South was to put down a tax rebellion, and our experience of vision is a mind created sensual experience similar to sound and feeling (touch, taste, and smell), which also exist only in our life-spirit-mind, which is the true nature of our being. We are not lizards in a cosmic terrarium.

    The methods of teaching train children to sit at their desks, don’t talk or freely move around, and learn a lot of uninteresting crap that is not necessary or useful in their lives. I remember in school watching the clock because it was all so boring.

    Also, children learn best from other children. We do not need such a large educational industry. Teach some kids, and they will teach the others. Children need to learn how to learn. Today they are a necessary and captive part of an educational industry which serves itself rather than our children. Both of my children went to public school and I am guilty as charged.

    Buzz Mohawk above made a suggestion similar to yours about working together to help ourselves rather than just screaming into the wind for change.

    • 同意: anarchyst
    • 回复: @Bookish1
  173. @freedom-cat

    >> “I have been calling these propagandists, liars, and anti-whites ”

    Calling them anti-American may be a better strategy than calling them anti-white. It would be an appropriate and effective response every time you are called an anti-semite. And it would not emphasize any racial aspects, which is what they are trying to do.

    • 谢谢: freedom-cat
  174. Aidan Q 说:

    我同意你说的大部分内容。 但我仍然认为是推动这些东西的精英。 正如切斯特顿一百多年前所说,我解释说,

    “现代富人相信离婚,而现代穷人相信忠贞。 现代富人有权,现代穷人无权。 在过去的几年里,富人会宣扬他们的美德。 现在他们开始宣扬他们的恶习了。”


    但我认为我们可以就一件事达成一致,我们所知道的美国正在瓦解,现在几乎是实时的。 在接缝处分开。 Trump's election was catalyzing though not the cause. 那是几十年前开始的。

    特朗普之后,我们将看到 TPTB 吃掉自己。 建制派和#Resistance 之间将存在如此彻底的不信任和分歧,以至于随着帝国的崩溃,将立即发生无情的流血事件。 由于无限制的反特朗普运动,千禧一代和年轻人的破坏性和破坏性行动和活动被容忍,将在后特朗普极权主义的美国被无情地镇压和残酷对待。 他们开始相信是美德的尖刻和攻击将导致他们的牙齿被警棍和严厉的刑事起诉打掉。 在即将到来的后特朗普极权主义中值得期待的一件好事。

    但也许我认为甚至会有一个正常运作的中央权力和秩序过于乐观。 特朗普之后很有可能会出现全面的社会和经济崩溃。

    我只是希望我或我所爱的人不会在即将到来的 clusterf*ck 中受到附带损害。

    • 回复: @Sick of Orcs
  175. @Anonymous



    那么,在 2020 年的奴隶制问题上,您会因为哪些“白人”而责骂我们呢?您指的是哪个白人后裔?

    这就是为什么在 2020 年谴责“白人”奴隶制是不可能的,也是无知的。

    • 回复: @James Scott
  176. @J. Gutierrez


  177. @Anonymous

    Everywhere white people showed up life got better for everyone. Do you live like a Stone Age person? If you do not you owe white people gratitude. Without whites you would be picking bugs off your mate for a snack. This is simply true.

  178. @Winnetou1889


    The jew mob has claimed it was racism as a means to force whites into accepting lesser cultures as equal in the West. Don’t fall for it.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  179. antibeast 说:

    The cruel and crippling practice of foot binding had been outlawed by various Chinese authorities long before the Communists ever came to power, but it certainly wasn’t 500 years ago. Rather, the hideous practice of foot binding continued in China for 500 years.

    That was during the Qing Dynasty when the Manchus ruled China. No doubt Chinese women were treated badly during the feudal era but Mao did liberate Chinese women from patriarchal oppression. This is a remarkable achievement of social progress for modern China as compared to Islamic, Hindu, Japanese and other Asian societies. The status of Chinese women today in Modern China is equivalent to White Women in Northern Europe. Chinese women account for the largest number of foreign students attending MBA programs in US Universities. That’s how far Chinese women has come since Mao liberated China.

    Despite what you mistakenly think, only a very small number of Americans ever owned slaves. It was an abhorrent practice imported from the Old World. Africans sold their brothers into slavery, and Jews played a prominent role in the trade of human flesh, not that they were alone. However, even at the time, the vast majority of Americans were not slave owners.

    The question of who is to blame for African slavery is too politicized today in the USA. The institution of slavery was long practiced by Arabs whose victims included Europeans, Africans and Asians before the African Slave Trade which should be studied in their proper historical context. The Europeans then took over the African Slave Trade after demand for their labor increased soon after the European colonization of the New World. If Africans were not available, then Europeans would have enslaved other Europeans which is exactly what happened when the English colonized Ireland.

    Now this guilt trip is being laid on people who were not even born during the time slaves were kept in the United States. As far as I know, all of my European ancestors arrived here in the United States after the slaves had been freed, and I think that is true for many Americans of N. European ancestry, the source of most immigration to the United States during the 2nd half of the 19th century, so I simply refuse to feel any guilt about slavery or any so-called white privilege.

    The political discourse blaming “White People” is nonsensical because most White Americans are descended from Europeans who arrived penniless AFTER the abolition of African slavery. The Irish peasants for example were fleeing the Potato Famine. Blaming their descendants for African Slavery simply doesn’t make sense. Likewise blaming the descendants of Jewish refugees fleeing the pogroms in Eastern Europe is non-sequitur.

    • 回复: @Paul Revere
  180. anonymous[194]• 免责声明 说:

    基督教真正的敌人是它自己。 其固有的欺骗性具有腐蚀性。 2000 年腐蚀的结果就是我们今天所见证的。 看看教皇。 哈哈!


    Trying to spin Godhood as some kind of organisation with 3 or 4 departments has nothing to do with “love of truth.”

    This is more like “love of illogical hearsay.” How do you propose to win any war with that?

    • 回复: @4justice
  181. @SBaker

    Now, you get bonus points for not being native: foreign born parents, speaking another language at home, first generation college student all merit BONUS points. It’s unbelievable that the schools that we and our ancestors funded, built, and made world class are now closed to our children. It is going to spread to employment as well.

  182. @antibeast

    我是爱尔兰人,你的观点很好,与德国移民一起,爱尔兰人构成了美国“白人”人口的最大部分。 然而,这两个群体都不是奴隶主阶级。 仍然因为是“白人”而受到攻击。 没关系,因为为奴役而攻击白人只是对白人普遍敌意的滩头堡。 修辞总是先于行动。 他们放弃“白人特权”这个笑话只是时间问题。 这些是用来制造怨恨的马克思主义结构。

    看看自称是爱尔兰专家的劳拉·温斯坦 (Laura Weinstein),很奇怪吧,她现在说爱尔兰太“白”了。 这与奴隶制无关,与肤色和文化有关,他们不喜欢它,并且要摧毁它。 都柏林已经没了。

    • 同意: Dannyboy
    • 回复: @antibeast
  183. c matt 说:
    @J. Gutierrez


    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  184. @Observator

    阅读 约翰·伍尔曼杂志 and its 1871 introduction by John G. Whittier.

  185. Truth3 说:

    What? Commenting on a PCR article?

    This means RU is putting the Jewbusters together? Gonna make it into a movie?

    Think maybe Bill Murray will play Ron? Or Gilad?

    Aykroyd as Phil?

    Might be a sign of the End Times… Dogs and Cats living together… mass hysteria!

  186. Trinity 说:

    Calling LEFTIST FASCISTS who are nothing more than foot soldiers and biological WMD for ZIONISTS RACISTS, “liberal” is PROPAGANDA. (((These people))) HIJACKED the term, “liberal” while (((they))) are the very antithesis of “liberal.” And in all reality all these so-called, “leftist,” Antifa retards, and BLM double digit IQ morons are nothing more than USEFUL IDIOTS for their Zionist masters. If I had to choose which group was more cucked and more idiotic USEFUL IDIOT tools for Zionist Supremacists, between the Pawn Vanity, color blind, MLK worshiping, Detroit and Baltimore is the democrats fault, Israel Firsters, cuckservative group or the leftist, anti-White, fascist, anti-First Amendment, anti-Second Amendment, allergic to soap and water, George Soros foot soldiers, hmm? I would give the edge to the smelly, unwashed and unkempt leftist, anti-White, fascist leftoids who squat and ask how far when their Jewish masters like Soros tell them to jump and hate Whitey. Not saying that the Pawn Vanity of Fox News, MLK worshiping, Israel Firsters aren’t disgusting because they, too, make me want to puke, but if we had to choose which group is more repulsive and disgusting, it is hard to beat some undernourished, bony, smelly, white traitor trash Antifa cuckold marching against the establishment by fighting for the establishment. hahaha. Talk about moronic. Skinny fat, and often just fat, smelly, and incredibly cowardly and stupid is no way to go through life. Need that Dean Warner or what ever his name was ( the guy from the movie, “Animal House) to talk to those Antifa white traitor trash douchebags.

    • 回复: @SBaker
  187. I’m totally ignorant concerning slavery in Enland and in Russia. Please enlighten me, someone.

    • 回复: @Trinity
  188. Iva 说:

    The first Jews that ever put their foot on polish soil were slave traders. They came to Poland grab some Poles and sold them in the East. How PBS would call this ?  Maybe they will make movie about this fact. Now ( not)polish president Duda is spreading propaganda in trying to sell to Poles ”thousand years of history together “ b**嘘**t. The fact is that Jews were always hostile toward Poles and always collaborated with occupation forces. During referendums always voted to occupant favor. 

    • 回复: @Nonny Mouse
  189. SBaker 说:

    Believe me, when I say that white people would be far better off if Africans had been left to their demise. If you can possibly imagine the truth; where would Africans be today without influence by whites? Would they have the wheel?

  190. Trinity 说:
    @Nonny Mouse

    The Russian people were slaves to their Jewish Bolshevik masters from 1917 to who knows. I know Stalin went after the Jews but to say that Jews don’t have influence over Russia even in present times is being naive and giving Putin too much credit. The Jewish Bolsheviks definitely enslaved the Russians and others until the 1950’s. As for the English White goyim, hell, they have been enslaved by the Zionists for a long, long time. Hitler wanted no war with England and/or the British people but lackeys like Winston Cuckhill did the bidding for his Zionist massa. Whites are little more than indentured servants in America, breaking our backs, each and every day to support our Jewish rulers and their nonwhite foot soldiers with all sorts of gubmint freebies and if we dare complain we are chastised with job loss, name calling or being ostracized from the “normie” society.

  191. SBaker 说:

    You’re on a roll trinity. Please don’t stroke out, we need you.

    • 谢谢: Trinity
  192. @James Scott

    J. Gutierrez has already repatriated himself voluntarily and seems happy to have done so. If you’d been following you’d know. His idea that you may need some allies may not be without merit yet you just dismiss it out of hand.

    • 回复: @James Scott
    , @J. Gutierrez
  193. CDebussey 说:
    @Greg Bacon

    “We’ve got a bullseye on our backs, and the end game is for us to be ethnically cleansed from their Brave New World.”

    Seems like the desire for that is hastening as we watch things play out. The demand for more gun confiscation, coupled with new and more intrusive laws like “red flag” while nearly ignoring the off the charts levels of black gun violence are proof in my opinion that you’re statement is in fact their end game. Simply educating whitey in public schools and workplace seminars about the horrors of being white, and all of the horrific things we’re guilty of (by association of course) clearly isn’t bringing about their desired results fast enough. When they get the guns, and they will, that’ll be when the real fun starts.

  194. @Iva

    What do we know about the first Jews who ever set foot on Polish soil? When? Where from?

    Leon Uris wrote that German Jews fled to Poland to escape persecution, that was where all the Ashkenazi Jews came from, and were immediately persecuted there. Correct? Why?

  195. 4justice 说:


    有人说民主是可怕的,但比其他任何事物都要优越得多。 我认为有组织的宗教有点像那样。 显然,一个人类组织将由具有盲点、偏见和失败的内在缺陷的个人管理。 有人问它是否会在平衡上创造更多的提升,更多的提升,好比坏。 但更现实的问题是,如果你愿意,每个社会都必须在价值观/文化操作系统上运行,因此它是否会提升和产生比代替它流动的更多的好处。 当你试图评估这个问题时,重要的是要看看教会在保护人们免受高利贷、赌博、卖淫、色情等吸血行业的影响方面所发挥的作用。 如果教会倒闭,社会中的这些掠夺性力量仍然存在。 什么会试图控制它们? 醒来的人“离开了?” 他们似乎从不谈论银行家或性贩子,也不再关心工人——只关心堕落的权利。 一旦我们受到虐待和剥削,会为我们提供咨询的心理学领域?

    我们需要一个小组项目,以传播价值观,努力保护家庭,将儿童置于社会考虑的中心,促进自我控制和不顾整体而在限制内生活,阻止成瘾并赋予保护自我和他人的目的和创作。 这种价值体系将更好地保护人们免受剥削和奴役的犯罪项目的侵害。 我们以物质为基础的内在矛盾滑向享乐主义的个人主义无疑会让人们望而却步,但如果不是教会的复兴(仍然相信上帝创造男人和女人并且每个人都应该有一个妈妈和女人的教会),还有什么可以取代它的?父亲和婚姻是一男一女之间的婚姻——不是排斥或“憎恨”任何人,而是为了保护孩子……)如果我的选择是唯物主义监视暴政或天主教社会,我将不得不选择后者. 但是我对其他想法持开放态度 - 但几乎需要集体化(即如果我们都采用您独特的个人哲学,没有人听说过并且可能不会比其他人各自的个人哲学更好,那该有多好.) 不言而喻,人们应该确保他们从亲教会的角度来审视教会的历史,以对抗那些憎恨基督的人近一个世纪以来一直在推动的反教会宣传,因为他们的人数不断增加他们对娱乐、新闻、广告媒体和学术界的控制。 在您对教会在限制腐败和保护普通人免受各种有组织犯罪的侵害方面所发挥的作用做出判断之前,请以批判的眼光审视所有观点。 我本人正在继续研究这个问题,并对新的线索持开放态度,但到目前为止,我觉得天主教社会的积极一面因种族权力利益考虑而不是诚实寻求真相而受到压制。

  196. @Aidan Q

    A parting of ways is in order. We cannot “coexist” with red goblins, gibs-orcs and diaperscalps.


  197. CDebussey 说:

    “the alarum bell in the night”, in Jefferson’s words. The solution proposed by all was compensated emancipation and repatriation to Africa.


    Only the radical Abolitionist faction proposed that whites and blacks could or should live together in something approaching political and social equality

    By and large how is that working out today in our major metropolitan cities where minorities have pushed out whites and mostly taken over local government power? I hear idiot white conservatives clammer on about Democratically controlled cities that have clearly been completely, or severely decimated by blacks, who completely ignore other democrat controlled cities where whites are still demographically in the majority doing very well. Reality is tough for some, but if the US was so horrible, and whites the clear cause of that repeated lie, blacks and other “people of color” wouldn’t be sacrificing everything to come here. The truth is blacks know even with lies they’re forced to listen to and agree with in their inner circle of friends that being around and living in white societies gives them a far better chance at success, and the comfort of living in civilization that far exceeds anything they’ve ever experienced living in places controlled solely by blacks.

    • 同意: Dannyboy
  198. @SBaker

    Good one. I have to wonder if the chinaman is really defending China or if she/he is even Chinese?

    Let’s hope he’s the real deal. Being as there are so few of them, every Chinaperson counts!

    • 回复: @Chinaman
  199. Wally 说:


    “Prof. Martin was indeed correct when he said “75% of southern Jewish households owned slaves” or “more than twice as many Jews owned slaves as compared to whites (36%),” as these statistics were drawn from Ira Rosenwaike’s analysis that attempted to do an apples-to-apples comparison with Lee Soltow’s study, which focused on the 14 Southern slave states. It should be noted that it was these two Jewish scholars that decided to base their comparisons on the 14 Southern slave states and not Prof. Martin, who was merely relaying the results of these two studies.?”




    Jewish Dominance Of The African Slave Trade:

    – Thomas Sowell:

    “The number of whites who were enslaved in North Africa by the Barbary Pirates exceeded the number of Africans enslaved in America and in the American Colonies before that put together.”

    犹太人与奴隶贸易: https://wethoughttheywerewhite.tumblr.com/JewsAndTheSlaveTrade

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  200. S 说:

    What’s twisted about all this is we still have slavery in a much more virulent, widespread, and destructive form than the already ghastly chattel slavery. It’s called 工资 slavery, and no, I’m not speaking about generic wage labor, but specifically about the so called ‘cheap labor’/mass immigration system.

    The British Empire, which had dominated the Trans-Atlantic slave trade in the late 18th century, with the advent of full blown Capitalism, quite literally, and simply, 营利 chattel slavery, ie distilled it to it’s financial essence, with the introduction under the cover of ‘abolitionism’ of so called ‘cheap labor’, more accurately termed 工资 奴隶制。

    With wage slavery, from a financial point of view, the ‘immigrant’ is the slave for whatever period of time (days, weeks, months, years) that he or she is paid significantly below what was, or what would of been, the prevailing real time local costs of labor without the immigration, or the ‘immigrant’, being present. [For instance, Chinese wage slaves (ie ‘cheap labor’) being imported by diktat into the US state of California in 1876 were often being paid upwards of seventy percent below whatever the prevailing real time local rate of labor was.]

    The systematic theft of their labor (the slavery) is directly from their pay, their ‘wages’, and hence the term 工资 slavery. This is as opposed to this systematic theft of labor being accomplished via a physically owned person as property, a ‘chattel’, and hence the term 动产 奴隶制。

    Going back to the time of Jamestown in 1619, when chattel slavery was first introduced in British North America, all the then Anglo-Saxon purchaser of slave(s) cared about was paying far below the prevailing real time local costs of labor, ie what they would typically be paying to their own A-S people.

    Others, to ‘keep up economically’, would feel compelled to do the same. This had the terrible result that by 1860 Anglo-Saxons were a minority of the population of chattel slave holding South Carolina; other Southern states were going the same route. Northern States had had chattel slaves too, just not as many, before adopting the wage slavery (ie ‘cheap labor’) system in the late 18th and early 19th century.


    It has been researched and found that many of the early 19th century New England industrialist had been of the very same families which had been extensively involved in the New England centered chattel slave trade (Massachusetts and Rhode Island figuring prominently) besides often having owned slaves themselves.

    One likely such family was the Lawrence family of Massachusetts textile factory magnates. It was this New England industrialist family which had financed the construction of both Lawrence ‘Immigrant City’, Mass, and not coincidentally, it’s sister city, the ‘abolitionist’ center of Lawrence, Kansas, during the 1840’s and 50’s respectively.

    The family patriarch, Abbott Lawrence, besides being heavily involved in textile (cloth) manufacturing, was also mid-19th century the US ambassador (aka ‘minister’) to the UK, which then included the whole of Ireland.

    This was quite fortuitous for him as British occupied and famine stricken Ireland was a primary source of wage slaves (cheap labor) for his Massachusetts mills. By this time circa 1851 his own people (local Anglo-Saxon farmer’s daughters, the ‘Yankee girls’ of Massachusetts) which had formerly done this work, had already largely been displaced/replaced with imported Irish, and French Canadian amongst others. [Wasn’t this the same process of displacement which was already taking place with chattel slavery in British North America, albeit at a slower pace?]

    In late summer and early fall of 1851 Ambassador Lawrence made a tour of Ireland. The 伦敦时报 published an editorial about this which is excerpted and linked below.

    Bear in mind, Times editorials have long been seen as a mouthpiece for official British government thought regarding policy, and that this was published almost a full generation after the purported ‘abolition’ of slavery within the British Empire in 1833.

    However, if chattel slavery had not in reality been abolished, but rather monetized, doesn’t it make sense that slave terms (emboldened portion of the excerpt below) would be used by the editorial in describing the so called ‘cheap labor’/mass immigration system? [Would this perhaps also help to explain the peculiar modern use of the term ‘stock’, as in ‘migrant stock’, to denote the ‘immigrants’? The term ‘stock’ is first and foremost defined as ‘merchandise’.]

    As chattel slavery is genocidal due to ‘mixing’, so is wage slavery for the same reason, but much more so due to the huge numbers involved. The editorial declares that the Celtic Irish, as a direct result of their 陷入困境 predation [which US Ambassador Lawrence represents as a textile factory magnate] will be ‘known no more’ due to ‘mixing’ in the United States

    The Irish are to be replaced with immigrants who are described by the Times as being a devolved race of slaves, ie with the desired traits of being ‘more mixed, more docile’ and ‘which can submit to a master’. In the context of the article, and with due respect, this is referring to the historic ‘plantation’ population of Ireland imported in by diktat in past centuries, the people of Northern Ireland today.

    By the way, ‘progressives’ were around in the mid-19th century too, and called themselves by that term. They were by and large pretty much the same ilk as today. This editorial has all the earmarks of modern progressivism and liberalism, ie the race mixing and race replacement are all good and wonderful, and to be promoted, as is ‘mass immigration’. It’s just that the 伦敦时报 in this instance was being much more plain spoken (ie truthful) about it than today.

    The Irish, during this same time period mid-19th century, did not call this push for their mass immigration to the United States as wage slaves ‘immigration, or, ‘a helping hand’, but, rather called it ‘extermination’, as the 1847 旁观者 of London editorial linked below documented. According to it, members of the British aristocracy in Ireland were being shot for promoting or sponsoring the mass exodus of the Irish from Ireland at the time.

    So, this is the reality of the great claim of progressivism and liberalism to have ended chattel slavery and it’s trade, it’s supposed ‘abolition’, when they did nothing of the sort, but rather monetized it instead.

    The 19th century monetization of chattel slavery and it’s trade, ie wage slavery, via the introduction of the so called ‘cheap labor’/mass immigration system, is the economic and political basis of the modern ‘progressive’ Multi-Cultural society. This is a society which not coincidentally closely parallels the chattel slave holding society it evolved from in it’s genocidal and destructive dynamics.

    It is also not coincidental that super ‘progressive’ Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren chose the aforementioned Lawrence ‘Immigrant City’, Mass to launch her 2020 presidential election bid from.


    千禧年的谎言是 19 世纪废除奴隶制的谎言。

    爱尔兰戈尔韦 – 1902

    “ ..不再知道..”

    London Times (Sept 30, 1851) – The American Minister in Ireland

    “他(劳伦斯)所说的繁荣和幸福可能有一天会统治这座美丽的岛屿。 它肥沃的土壤、它的水力、它的矿物质和其他人类所需和奢侈的物质,总有一天会被开发出来; 但所有的出现都反对这种在凯尔特时代会发生的信念。

    那个部落很快就会履行天意的伟大法则,该法则似乎是对种族联合的命令和奖励。 It [the Irish people] will mix with the Anglo-American, and be known no more as a jealous and separate people. Its present place will be occupied by the more mixed, more docile, and more serviceable race, which has long borne the yoke of sturdy industry in this island, which can submit to a master and obey the law…”





  201. Dannyboy 说:

    “内疚的时代已经过去了。 我们不会为我们的成就道歉。 我们的历史不能用作对付我们的武器。 我们不欠任何人的债。 我们辉煌的过去对我们来说是一件值得骄傲和喜悦的事情。 我们过去所做的一切只会激励我们今天做出更伟大的事。 那些认为我们冤枉了他们的人应该为他们还活着而感到高兴。”

    Simply put, we don’t give a fiddler’s fuck about your suffering, past or present. That goes for jews, niggers, injuns, gypsies, homos or any of the other anointed “special victims”.

    It became crystal clear quite a few years ago that the “white guilt” schtick is just another weapon being used by the Left to destroy European Christian Civilization and extract money via various shakedown schemes.

    You’re welcome to the sweat off our nuts or a bullet in your head, but at this juncture I’m afraid that’s the best we can offer.

  202. anonymous[218]• 免责声明 说:

    I gave up watching PBS…during the 2016 elections it became so obvious that the network was a propaganda for the DEMs and rabid ANTI Trump..with usually many jews/silver/gold/Bergs/Steins on the panels. I was watching the series Country Music, I was hoping for a serious documentary saga. Unfortunately they kept repeating that the “deplorables” denounced it as a jewish take over of America, …BUT they were extremely careful NOT to mention who PROFITED the most from Country Music, how, when, WHY??? often times robbing intellectual property from backwoods serpent cultists toothless deplorables. YES the same deplorables that founded Plymouth, that gave their blood to open the West..PBS lost it…I didn’t know that there were WHITE supremacists in the 1400s,now all history is about white supremacists…Washington? nothing about jewish control of slavery since Greek, Persian, Roman Times even Caligula complained that the jews overpriced his slaves…

  203. Bookish1 说:
    @flashlight joe

    I remember sitting through 8 years of grade school and 4 years of high school and in all that time not one mention of jews and who controls what or anything that would help understand the world and give us any jump in life.

  204. Chinaman 说:

    You comment intrigued me.

    So if A Chinaman who is defending his government and his country, then he is too stupid to realise that he is a slave.

    Or Let me put it in slightly different way, so if you defend America and your own kin, are you too stupid to realise that you are slaves to the Jews and Israel ?

    All Chinaman who support the communist government are brainwashed by propaganda and doesn’t know that Mao is a mass murderer or the Tiananmen Square massacre.

    Is that statement equivalent to that all Americans who support the republicans are brainwashed by propaganda and doesn’t know that these politicians are bringing in immigrants to replace them and that Bush and Cheney are mass murderers who lied about Iraq ?

    Who is being absurd here?

    The communist government lifted 800 million people out of poverty. Increase life expectancy by 20 years. We ride in Maglev trains now. (Have you been on one before ?) The Chinese never had it so good in 1000 years. China’s economy went from being smaller than Montana to bigger than the USA on a PPP basis in 20 years. These are the objective facts.

    Am I supposed to cheer the collapse of China and welcome foreign colonisation because all of achievements above are not good enough? Perhaps I should exchange my master for an white overlord ?

    Nah, thanks but I think I will stick with the communist. I will reconsider when Americans can finally build a Maglev train network. You guys are still using the railroads built by my ancestor! You fucking moron.

    By the way, what have the US government done for you lately? Who is the goyim slave here ? Get a grip, man.

  205. Chinaman 说:
    @Sick of Orcs

    Check all my previous comments. My record is consistent.

    I live in Hong Kong now but I ran a hedge fund in NYC before. I used to managed money for sovereign funds and endowments…oh…and also for George Soros.

    As a Chinaman, I have seen and done a lot. Let just say I am in a different social strata than your average commentator here.

  206. Dannyboy 说:

    All Chinaman who support the communist government are brainwashed by propaganda and doesn’t know that Mao is a mass murderer or the Tiananmen Square massacre.

    It’s a shame you don’t have a hostile elite telling your children 24/7 365 about your evil retard Communist ancestors.

    The West gave you the technology you have today. White Christian European men largely created it. So in a sense, they lifted your boney Chink bat eating ass out of poverty, not Mao.

    Get back to us when you do this, gook.

    White American Boys on the goddamn Moon!


    • 同意: Achmed E. Newman
    • 回复: @Chinaman
  207. antibeast 说:
    @James Scott

    Irish, Italians and Germans were not victims of racism. They were simply told to become Americans or go back where they belong.

    Not true. The KKK was founded as an anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic group by Anglo Protestants who hated the Catholic Church. The Anglo-Americans didn’t want Catholics in the USA for fear that they would be more loyal to the Papacy than to their Anglo-American Republic. They preferred German/Scandinavian immigrants in the mid-to-late 19th century and passed the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1924 restricting immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe but turned anti-German during WWI and WWII. There were 10,000 German-American internees during that time as they were seen as “enemy aliens”.

    • 同意: GomezAdddams
    • 回复: @Dannyboy
  208. Corvinus 说:

    “as these statistics were drawn from Ira Rosenwaike’s analysis…”

    ++Indeed, as I used the numbers from Rosenwaike in Comment 123 (shown here). Are you now refuting his own work?

    In 1820, over 75 percent of all Jewish families in Charleston, Richmond, and Savannah owned slaves, employed as domestic servants; almost 40 percent of all Jewish householders in the United States owned one slave or more. Is it because of their ethnicity, wealth, or both?

    In 1830, there were only 120 Jews among the 45,000 slaveholders owning twenty or more slaves and only twenty Jews among the 12,000 slaveholders owning fifty or more slaves. Is it because of their ethnicity, wealth, or both?

    In 1830, it was estimated there were 4000 Jews in the United States, mostly concentrated in urban areas. Thirty-six percent of the estimated 625,000 families in the South owned slaves in the 1830’s. Thirty-six percent is about 225,000 families. Out of that number (225,000), 322 were determined to be Jewish households. Out of the 332 Jewish households in the South, it is estimated 75% owned slaves. The remaining households (224,768) were non-Jewish…and owned slaves. So 99.89% of non-Jewish families (out of 225,000) held blacks in perpetual bondage.

    ++Indeed, there were light skinned blacks who owned slaves in the South, and they supported the Confederacy. This fact, along with Jewish participation of slavery, does not negate that the non-Jewish dominated the “peculiar institution”. The 1860 census shows in the states that would soon secede from the Union, an average of more than 32 percent of white families owned slaves. Some states had far more slave owners (46 percent of families in South Carolina, 49 percent in Mississippi) while some had far less (20 percent of families in Arkansas). In addition, the essential ideology of white supremacy that served as a rationale for slavery, made it extremely difficult—and terrifying—for white Southerners to imagine life alongside a black majority population that was not in bondage.

    David Brion Davis, emeritus professor of history at Yale University, noted that Jews were one of countless religious and ethnic groups around the world to participate in the slave trade:


    His work also shows that in 1830 there were “120 Jews among the 45,000 slaveholders owning twenty or more slaves and only twenty Jews among the 12,000 slaveholders owning fifty or more slaves.”

    ++The Jewish Slave Owner ship chart from Duncan’s work were Jews from different places and time periods in the Thirteen Colonies. They were involved in the transport of a wide range of trade goods, including slaves. You do realize that Duncan also exposed the pervasiveness of different ethnicities–the English, the Welsh, the Dutch, and the Scots-Irish–in the American slave trade, whether it be shipping or ownership, right? For example, from one of the sources she collected, in 1790 there were a total of 60 Jewish households in New York State. Twenty of them owned a grand total of 43 slaves, or 0.2 percent of the 21,234 slaves in the state.

    From 1709-1807, there are 934 recorded voyages in which Rhode Island merchants were responsible for procuring 106,000 slaves. Now, Jews arrived in Newport as early as 1758. On the eve of the Revolution, they were estimated to be around thirty families. According to records historian Eli Faber used (e.g. naval office shipping lists, censuses, tax records) that identified merchants and planters as Jewish, there were 347 slave ships sent to Africa by Rhode Island slave traders from 1761-1774, with 21 being funded by Aaron Lopez, a Portuguese Jew. That means 326 voyages were underwritten by non-Jews during this time frame. Of course, Jews played a role in the peddling of human flesh. The extent in this particular case is nominal compared to other ethnic groups, according to Faber.

    ++What is Thomas Sowell’s source?

    ++Seymour Drescher remarked in Immigrants And Minorities (July 1993) that Jews’ investment share in the Dutch West India Company “amounted to only 0.5 percent of the company’s capital”. Dutch historians Pieter Emmer and Johanes Postma have argued that “Jews had a very limited and subordinate roles even at the height of the Dutch slave trade in the 17th century.” These facts are in response to a claim made in the “Jews And The Slave Trade” link.

    • 回复: @Dannyboy
    , @Dannyboy
  209. Dannyboy 说:

    Jackass, the KKK was founded to counter the effort of Radical Republicans to have ignorant nigger ex slaves stuff ballot boxes. Niggers, being the stupid and superstitious trash that they are, responded to that. The White Robe and such represented the ghost of Confederate dead.

    The original pre 1920 KKK were good Southern men. After that it became a different animal.

    • 回复: @antibeast
    , @Hibernian
  210. geokat62 说:

    For example, from one of the sources she collected, in 1790 there were a total of 60 Jewish households in New York State. Twenty of them owned a grand total of 43 slaves, or 0.2 percent of the 21,234 slaves in the state.

    LOL! Rather than highlight the fact that 1/3 of Jewish households in NY State owned slaves, Corvy, prefers to downplay this startling statistic by focusing instead on the small proportion of the total number of slaves they owned.


    • 回复: @Corvinus
  211. Dannyboy 说:

    Corvie, it doesn’t matter.

    We’re not ashamed of our history. We’re PROUD of it.

    • 回复: @Dannyboy
    , @Corvinus
  212. antibeast 说:
    @Paul Revere

    这就是我的观点:身份政治只是种族貌相和种族替罪羊,以掩盖英美寡头的罪恶。 爱尔兰人因为是爱尔兰人和天主教徒而在新英格兰受到洋基队的剥削和压迫。 那是一石二鸟。 德国人最初作为他们的新教徒同胞受到盎格鲁人的欢迎,但随着美国在一战和二战期间对任何德国人变得敌对,他们遭受了“白人种族灭绝”。 意大利人也受到同样的敌意待遇,尤其是在东海岸城市,他们经常被妖魔化为属于黑手党的犯罪阶层,就像特朗普今天对墨西哥非法分子所做的那样。 这些“白人”的真实历史——他们如何抵达美国,如何应对种族仇恨和歧视,如何在新世界谋生——今天在很大程度上被忽视了。 相反,你对美国历史进行了政治正确的粉饰,赦免了英美寡头政治,并指责所有那些欧洲移民祖先是在美国历史上的印度战争、非洲奴隶制和墨西哥战争之后抵达的“白人”。

    • 同意: Hibernian, Joekoool102
  213. Corvinus 说:

    “LOL! Rather than highlight the fact that 1/3 of Jewish households in NY State owned slaves, Corvy. prefers to downplay this startling statistic by focusing instead on the small proportion of the total number of slaves they owned.”

    Except it’s not startling at all. 1/3 of Jewish households–all 60 of them–owned a total of 43 slaves. Could it not be reasonably assumed that they were well off financially?

    Now. how many total households were there in New York State in 1790? What was the ethnic breakdown of those households, and how many slaves did they own at that time out of 21,191? Moreover, the statistic I “focused on” is accurate, right?

    Are you not relying on an apples to oranges comparison–an ethnic group (Jews) to a race (whites)–when it comes to slavery?

    Furthermore, why are you so afraid to address in detail my refutations to Wally, as well as the detailed evidence I offered on the other thread that related to slavery?

  214. Corvinus 说:

    “We’re not ashamed of our history. We’re PROUD of it.”


    • 回复: @Dannyboy
    , @Dannyboy
  215. Dannyboy 说:

    White Americans, cock breath.

    You know, the people who attend Trump rallies.

    The people you hate.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  216. Dannyboy 说:

    What’s is like to for a supposed white man to actually pull a lever and vote for a creature like Hillary?

    How low does a white man have to go to get to that?

    I’m interested in the psychology.

    • 回复: @Hibernian
  217. Chinaman 说:

    I hope you see the irony that it is mostly Jewish technology that put a man on the moon and the role of the white Christians is largely of the goyim assistant or disposable lab rat in most of these endeavours.

    Jews gave you the bomb and every other significant technological advance since WW2. Who started google, amazon, intel ? Without jews, you guys will still be stuck with 19th century Amish tech.
    I can substantiate that statement with the fact that, other English colonies like Australia or Canada which did not have significant Jewish immigration, have not invented a god damn thing in 200 years.

    You guys should thank your Jewish masters for giving you the living standard you have.

    Oh, in case you haven’t heard, the Chinese already landed on the dark side of the moon which no country have done. We don’t need to land a human there nowadays just to take some photos.

    Btw, Why are you talking about something that happened 50 years ago when quantum computing, machine learning and gene editing tech like CRISPR is already upon us? Who is at the forefront of these technology now and who will be its leader in 50 years. ?

    But there is something you can cling on to feel superior to other races. This is no doubt that white America will still be the global leader in the transgender bathrooms and child pornography in the next 500 years. That’s an achievement no country will ever match.

    • 不同意: Bookish1
    • 回复: @Dannyboy
  218. antibeast 说:

    The pre 1920 KKK were fighting to keep Blacks from Southern politics because they were being used by Northern carpetbaggers during and after Reconstruction. After the Jim Crow laws had succeeded in segregating Blacks from White society, the KKK reappeared as an anti-immigrant WASP society targeting Catholics. Even Protestant Ministers joined the KKK against the Catholic Church. Anti-Catholic sentiments again reared its ugly head when JFK became the first Irish-American Catholic President of the USA. Was it possible that he and his brother were assassinated by the WASP Elites because they couldn’t stand the Kennedys?

  219. @Chinaman

    You and Godfree Roberts think you can spread this BIG LIE around and have intelligent people believe it. It only works under Roberts’ threads in which the commenters argue back and forth about who had the best 5-year plans, the Soviet Commies, or Chi-Commies. You do know all that stuff it a sick joke, don’t you? Some of us do have a knowledge of history, so your BIG LIE won’t work until the people get dumbed down a bit further (hey, it may not be that long).

    Your BIG LIE regarding China is that Communism helped the country and that the country is Communist now. During the hard-core Communist era of Mao, the Chinese people, through starvations of dozens of millions, command-and-control of the economy by a retard, nutty “cultural revolution” shit, and just general deprivation, had the most misery the world has ever seen, likely added up through all of human history. I know there’ve been even worse situations over history but not involving a BILLION freakin’ people!

    When Mao thankfully kicked it (Rot In Place) and Deng took over, Deng liberalized (in the real sense of that word) the economic aspects of what had been central control of life in China. This allowed for real incentives, such that the industrious Chinese people could make a buck and have a REASON to work hard.

    The economic miracle in China is due to true Capitalism, at least at the small-Chinaman level, while the economic malaise in America is due to a transition to Crony Capitalism (better knows as Fascism – the economic system, that is). Would one have expected any different to have happened?

    I guess you Chi-Coms are hoping your lies will find fertile ground as the world races toward 峰值愚蠢. At that point, like clockwork, considering we are just over a century since the biggest and longest episode of Communism, the Commies will start crawling out of the woodwork again.

    • 同意: Dannyboy
  220. @Chinaman

    I used to managed money for sovereign funds and endowments…oh…and also for George Soros.

    Haha, so that explains it. I didn’t know the 敌基督 had interns. Did you make him coffee? Is this why you Chinamen prefer the Mark of the Beast to cash now?

    • 回复: @Chinaman
  221. Corvinus 说:

    “White Americans…”

    I am a White American. Must all of us think and act like you, or are we able to make our own decisions?

    “You know, the people who attend Trump rallies. The people you hate.”

    That would be you making a false attribution. But that’s your m.o.

    “What’s is like to for a supposed white man to actually pull a lever and vote for a creature like Hillary?”

    I don’t know, as I didn’t vote for her or Trump in 2016.

    • 回复: @Dannyboy
  222. Vote Farrakhan in 2020. He knows the truth.

  223. Dannyboy 说:

    Media Matters Leftist troll pedaling white guilt and other lies.

    Sorry Corvie, nobody’s buyin’ your bullshit anymore. You’d be much better off over at HuffPost or someplace like that.

    Shoo now.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  224. Dannyboy 说:

    Actually it was German Nazi scientists who helped Americans to walk on the Moon, not jews. Nice try.

    BTW, landing a probe on the Moon is NOTHING compared to putting a human on the surface, gook. As I already stated, the West provided you with the tech you have now and lifted you sorry bug eating asses out of poverty, not Mao.

    Here’s an example of what Chairman Mao and his Commie retards came up with.


    By April 1960, Chinese leaders changed their opinion due to the influence of ornithologist Tso-hsin Cheng[2] who pointed out that sparrows ate a large number of insects, as well as grains.[8][9] Rather than being increased, rice yields after the campaign were substantially decreased.[10][9] Mao ordered the end of the campaign against sparrows, replacing them with bed bugs, as the extermination of sparrows upset the ecological balance, and insects destroyed crops as a result of the absence of natural predators. By this time, however, it was too late. With no sparrows to eat them, locust populations ballooned, swarming the country and compounding the ecological problems already caused by the Great Leap Forward, including widespread deforestation and misuse of poisons and pesticides.[10] Ecological imbalance is credited with exacerbating the Great Chinese Famine, in which 15–45 million people died of starvation.[11

    LOL…Ruh Roh! 45 million, no probrem! We start over.

    • 同意: Achmed E. Newman
    • 回复: @Chinaman
  225. CDebussey 说:

    What has happened in China in our lifetimes is in my opinion nothing short of miraculous, and I applaud your people for what they’ve accomplished. That being said, China is proof of what’s possible when a hard headed, iron fisted government pulls their heads out of their collective asses and gets on board with the best economic system that has ever to this point been developed. And the fact that China is for the most part a culturally and ethnically homogeneous society the sky is truly the limit. Unlike the US that has so stupidly decided that blacks and Hispanics are the chosen people to lead us to a glorious future for reasons only god knows why, these United States are fucked. Aristotle wrote, ” that foreigners were also a favorite political weapon not only of tyrants but also of egalitarian extremists. He writes: “At Amphipolis someone by the name of Cleotimus introduced Chalcidian settlers, and incited them after their settlement to make an attack on the rich” he also said that naturalization of foreigners played a key role in founding the more extreme form of democracy found in Athens. Sound familiar? And this from a philosopher born 2400 years ago. More proof that humans never learn. The people (founding fathers) of the United States in their ignorance and quest to be the most free nation on the planet stupidly ignored, and continue to ignore history by not having an iron clad amendment in the constitution limiting who and how people immigrate to the US. I shudder at the notion of what this country would look like now had we not dragged Africans here to do work we should have done ourselves. Look at many of the so called socialist nations in Europe that have opened their borders to what seems like every culturally and ethnically different heathen with a pulse, they’re literally regressing into toilets overnight. London England is a prime example.

  226. Chinaman 说:

    Every chinese knows these story. What the fuck does your white ass know beside parroting what you read on Wiki.

    Stop pontificating on something you have absolutely no fucking idea.

    My grandparents were wealthy landowners who had everything expropriated and they were sent to labor camps. None of you would begin the fathom how my family suffered under the communist.

    Then Why do I support the Chinese “commie” government?

    Let’s get this straight first….There are no communists in China today. If you still don’t realize that, you are a fucking idiot. I don’t care or want to define what form of government it is now. It works. It get things done. We have maglev and 5G, America doesn’t.

    I support the “commie” government for one simple reason. Looking back 3000 years of Chinese history. When China is united under a stable government , China is strong. When it is divided and splinters into states and political factions, it is a human tragedy where millions die and foreign powers invade and colonized us.

    I rather live with under the commies with a 5G connection than get colonized by white people who will force transgender bathrooms upon me. Get it now??

    I think none of you can pinpoint exactly what the problem is but you know there is something wrong with America today . This is why you come to Unz to sprout your racist BS and your frustration.

    Let me give it straight to you since you can’t even admit it

    You are the slaves. You are slaves to the Jews, the elites, and the corporations. You have no freedom. You wouldn’t dare to say any of things you write on Unz in public. Try denying the holocausts. You are cowards. I dare you to goto a black neighborhood or drive into Detroit. I walk free in China. The only things you can do against all this oppression is to go on a mass shooting spree or to kill yourself. ( please don’t do it)

    Isn’t this what PCR‘s rant is about? I guess no one dispute the statement that America is a fucked-up country.

    It is funny those who are slaves are always clamoring to set others free.

    • 回复: @Dannyboy
    , @James Scott
  227. @Ostap Bender



    没有 水晶之夜 然而,这只是对兽人零后果的淘汰赛。

  228. Chinaman 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    I have to agree with you on that one. He is the antichrist.

    Money is colorblind though and it is fair to everyone.

    I think you shouldn’t be too presumptuous about who I am or why I express such “vile”views.

    I do a get kick whenever one of you takes the bait. I caught a big one today.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  229. Dannyboy 说:

    That’s funny Mr Chinaman, I could have sworn you showed up here pontificating to whitey about the morally reprehensible practice of slavery and to take a spin on the “white guilt” bandwagon.

    Others quickly pointed out how freakin’ hilarious that is coming from the Chinese, given a cursory look at your own history.

    You are the slaves. You are slaves to the Jews, the elites, and the corporations. You have no freedom. You wouldn’t dare to say any of things you write on Unz in public. Try denying the holocausts. You are cowards. I dare you to goto a black neighborhood or drive into Detroit. I walk free in China.

    Really, what’s your “social credit” score these days, Bozo?…lol

    Poriceman come knocking on your door yet?

    As of June 2019, according to the National Development and Reform Commission of China, 26.82 million air tickets as well as 5.96 million high-speed rail tickets have been denied to people who were deemed “untrustworthy (失信)” (on a blacklist), and 4.37 million “untrustworthy” people have chosen to fulfill their duties required by the law.[41][42] In general, it takes 2–5 years to be removed from the blacklist, but early removal is also possible if the blacklisted person has done enough remedies.

    Yeah, you’re “free” alright.

    There are plenty of fucked up things in America these days, but we ain’t to that point just yet.

    I speak exactly the same in public as I do here. I call bullshit on the Holoco$t all the time at work and in public. As for the niggers, why would I want to even go to their shithole areas after I lived and worked among them for 30+ years. White people don’t avoid them out of fear, goofball. They avoid them because they are a huge pain in the ass and not worth the aggravation. This isn’t just a “white” behavior btw, most all sensible people in this country make it a point to stay away from niggers and their areas, including Chinese, Hispanics, Middle Easterners etc…

    • 回复: @Chinaman
  230. @Chinaman

    I live in Hong Kong now but I ran a hedge fund in NYC before. I used to managed money for sovereign funds and endowments…oh…and also for George Soros.

    Yet Hong Kongese don’t like what China is doing to them. Without bailouts from government thugs, American/global banksters would have starved to death (or been lynched.) No one doing honest work for a living is impressed by Usury Inc. castles built on quicksand with others’ money.

    As a Chinaman, I have seen and done a lot. Let just say I am in a different social strata than your average commentator here.

    Yes yes, we are all special. Ron Unz is a billionaire.

    There is much to admire about China and Chinese history; genocidal communism, dictator-for-life Winnie the Xi, Orwellian social credit system, imprisoning citizens without a fair trial and harvesting their organs are not among them.

    If the Chinese stopped eating house pets and grinding endangered animals into dick pills (Cialis is available) that would increase good will.

    • 回复: @SBaker
    , @Achmed E. Newman
  231. Adûnâi 说:

    “Have you seen someone who have been foot bind-ed?”

    Was foot binding not a far better practice than modern incessant whoredom? Would you rather not take it over the new individualist rot of the Chinese society?

    “Your professed indifference to slavery is exactly why it happened. People like you condone it and let it happened. It is exactly of people like you that it lasted a century before it was abolished.”

    I for one oppose the enslavement of foreign races out of my fear of miscegenation. Not out of my disgust for slavery per se. Deal?

    • 回复: @Chinaman
  232. SBaker 说:
    @Sick of Orcs

    You ORCED the chinaman. LOL. Chinaman run hedge fund. Chinaman smart and know make money so live in social city.

    • 回复: @Chinaman
  233. @Chinaman

    Did I take the bait on this other thing too, or did you really not know that there is no dark side of the moon? Perhaps you meant the far side, or else you have been taking Floyd too literally.

    (But, I suppose the Chinese invented astronomy and the Newtonian reflector telescope too…)

    • 哈哈: Dannyboy
    • 回复: @Chinaman
    , @Dannyboy
  234. @Sick of Orcs

    Yes yes, we are all special. Ron Unz is a billionaire.

    Actually, that’s not quite true – Ron Unz is only a billionaire in IQ points.

    Great stuff, BTW!

    • 谢谢: Sick of Orcs
  235. Chinaman 说:

    That’s actually a deep one and I guess you can justify every uncivilized and savage act in history with that “individualistic” rot and “whoredom” talk. 3000 years of sexual repression have inadvertent consequences.

    We are all products of our time and social institutions. One can argue Mao’s cultural revolution was the worst thing ever since it decimated chinese culture or it could be the best thing that ever happened since it broke us out of a thousand year of stagnation. We will find out in 100 years. Seems to be going the right way with this whoredom.

    I also find myself agreeing on you about miscegenation. That’s how a nation and identity dies. I think you agree that too many white man lust after our women and it is not a good thing for either race. You are Corrupting our bloodline with lower IQ and I am making your sons and daughter eat their dogs.

    Capitalism is just another form of slavery. I have a couple of white slaves.

  236. Chinaman 说:

    Tolkien did model the Orcs after the “worse Mongolian types”. I think he never expected the Orcs to prevail as the fitting end to the the “Lord of Rings” in reality. The unholy alliance of dwarves ( jews) And hobbits ( anglos) only led to the corruption and slavery of all men. Let the reign of Sauron begin

  237. Chinaman 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    it is the dark side of the moon in chinese. I am a big fan of Pink Floyd. Music and art transcend all this racial hatred. We can always focus on our differences or what we share in common. At the end, It is either we nuke each other to extinction or we try to coexist on this planet. Americans seems to prefer we fight it out and see who survive. A devious ploy of the jews to kill 2 birds with one stone. It is only white lives anyway.

  238. Sink 说:

    你是说发明了让 PBS 吐出肚皮的技术的美国白人吗?

    • 回复: @Dannyboy
  239. Chinaman 说:

    Danny, man to man… I am sincerely impressed by your courage and candor. That’s how white man should live.


    Here’s the opportunity. I think you should walk up to a bunch of big niggers and call them out as they are. You dare to write it, then say it in front of them. They might actually admire your courage and spare you a humiliating death of by being asphyxiated by your own dick in your mouth.

    Here’s another one. I welcome you to come to China ( expense all paid) and call the the commies a “chink” in their face while I translate. If possible, We will then show you how organ harvesting works and we can both watch it together while it is being performed. You will be awake of course.

    You are the tired son of a long line of slavers. You are weak. You have no fucking idea what the real commies are capable of.

    • 哈哈: Turk 152
    • 回复: @Dannyboy
    , @Trinity
  240. Dannyboy 说:

    你是说发明了让 PBS 吐出肚皮的技术的美国白人吗?


    Don’t miss the part where the sleazy Jew Sarnoff tries to steal his work and sue him into submission…lol


  241. Dannyboy 说:

    I think you should walk up to a bunch of big niggers and call them out as they are. You dare to write it, then say it in front of them.

    Actually just called one a nigger to his face last week. He flipped me off, called me a “muthfuckin cracka” and went on his way. I’ve done it many times in my life. I grew up in Baltimore City, worked with them and around them for 30 years, and lived in the same room with them in the service. You being a canydass little gook obsessed with counting money have no idea how to respond to coons. Ask any white man who has had dealings with them and you’ll hear pretty much the same story. Niggers are pack animals like hyenas or chimpanzees. Very bold and assertive when they have the safety of numbers, not so much one on one.

    Here’s another one. I welcome you to come to China ( expense all paid) and call the the commies a “chink” in their face while I translate. If possible, We will then show you how organ harvesting works and we can both watch it together while it is being performed. You will be awake of course.

    LOL…Wooooooo! Sounds like I really struck a nerve, huh? I thought you Chinks were renowned for keeping your cool and being stoic in the face of hardship. What gives?

    Maybe you spent too much time in New Yawk?

    Before you stroke out, let me explain something to you. There’s lots of things I admire about Asians and Asian culture, but do not come on here and start berating whitey with the typical rehashed “white guilt” Jew inspired bullshit and think you’re not going to get told to fuck off. That was your first mistake.

    You people want to pretend to be blameless and morally superior? Really? That simply will not fly.

    Secondly, my people never owned slaves, but they did fight for the Confederacy nevertheless. Very proud of it too.

    I have no desire to visit China, no offense. Thanks anyway for the invite. I’d rather go back to see more of Europe and Eastern Europe.

    • 回复: @Trinity
    , @Chinaman
  242. DB Cooper 说:

    “There are many elements in 3000 years of Chinese culture which needs to be discarded. The communist did that through the cultural revolution. ”

    If this is true then Japan and Korea wouldn’t be able to modernize because these cultures also has its own bad elements and has never gone through anything like the cultural revolution. Cultural revolution is about vandalism of Chinese cultural relic and a wholesale rejection of Chinese culture (MidAutumn festival, Duanwu, Qingming were all banned during Mao’s time are just some examples). There was a brief period of time during the cultural revolution that even the written language was banned and replaced by pinyin written in alphabet. Mao used the cultural revolution to cut down his political enemies and keep himself in power. Fuck that piece of shit.


    • 回复: @antibeast
    , @Achmed E. Newman
  243. This thread is the worst example of troll feeding that I’ve seen in a long time.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  244. Trinity 说:

    Sounds like you are the internet warrior type, “Chinaman.” Oh, and you are pretty ignorant as well because as someone stated it was German “Nazi” scientists who put America on the Moon, and if you knew the truth about Einstein, you would know the FRAUD was a plagiarizer and a sexual pervert to boot. Bored, so I will just step in the conversation you are having with others. My guess is that you are not Chinese but a Jew hasbara troll PRETENDING to be Chinese. But hey, I’ll play along with your game.

    In regards to your beloved China. ROTFLMWAO. China was a backwater turd world cesspool not that long ago. I mean we are talking just a few short decades ago. They had their asses kicked royally in WWII by Japan and it wasn’t that long ago that they were walking around in pants with backdoor traps to make it easily accessible to squat and dump in the nearest hole like an alley cat. It took half the world to defeat Germany but America kicked Japan’s ass with no problem. What does that say about China?

    Personally I would dare your little Chinese self ( I mean really with a few exceptions what is the average size of the Chinese male, probably 5’5″-5’8″ and probably weighing a buck 3o to a buck fitty maximum) to walk up to any average size male and start a physical confrontation. Oh, yeah, I know, you know Hong Kong Phooey and other Asian martial arts that are ridiculously promoted as the be all in self defense. hahaha. Most people who practice Asian martial arts can’t even throw a proper punch, sure their feet are dangerous, but they are so small, can’t punch with their hands and can easily be overpowered unless they are members of the Chinese olympic weightlifting team. Now those are some strong Chinese dudes. Hey maybe those Chinese are so good at olympic weightlifting from all that squatting while trying to take a deuce in that little dug out hole. lololol

    • 回复: @Chinaman
  245. 我想,对于 1800 年的南卡罗来纳州来说,美国奴隶制是我们从英国继承下来的借口就足够了。但奴隶国怎么能将密苏里州的奴隶制归咎于英国呢?在阿肯色州。在密西西比州。在阿拉巴马州。在堪萨斯州(他们尝试过!) 在加利福尼亚州(他们尝试过!) 在俄勒冈州(他们尝试过!)?这些州不属于英国 13 个殖民地。这是从法国、西班牙、墨西哥等国获得或夺取的领土。

    到 1860 年,奴隶数量已达 XNUMX 万。这比革命时美国的总人口还要多。密西西比州和南卡罗来纳州等州的黑人奴隶人口多于白人。在一些县,这一比例高达十比一。想象一下这些奴隶社会该有多糟糕。一个彻底的警察国家。由奴隶大亨和他们的马屁精经营的奇怪的法西斯小公国。奴隶制正在爆炸式增长,其支持者希望将其推入美国或其领土内的每一平方英寸土地。他们总是热爱奴隶制胜过热爱美国,所以在他们以三路分裂民主党以确保林肯当选后,奴隶势力以此为借口退出美国,因为随着林肯当选,美国有史以来第一次反对将奴隶制扩大到新的领土。


    • 回复: @Dannyboy
    , @Dannyboy
  246. antibeast 说:
    @DB Cooper

    If this is true then Japan and Korea wouldn’t be able to modernize because these cultures also has its own bad elements and has never gone through anything like the cultural revolution.

    Imperial Japan after the Meiji Restoration and South Korea during the Cold War “modernized” their society and economy under military dictatorships, hardly ideal for civil rights for women, ethnic and religious minorities with China way ahead of them in this regard. The West underwent a similar “Cultural Revolution” but far more violent and bloodier when the Protestant Reformation destroyed the feudal power of Medieval Catholicism over West Europe, finally ushering in the Modern West.

  247. @DB Cooper

    Hey, finally a comment from D.B.Cooper that I can agree with wholeheartedly! You are quite correct about Mao and the Cultural Revolution. I will admit, though, that the Chinese written language, as it stands even now, is a royal pain in the ass. The piece of shit Mao had a point there.

    BTW, did you ever figure out why I keep asking you what you did with the 200 grand?

  248. @Twodees Partain

    What are you saying, that “Chinaman” is really Paul Craig Roberts? That’d be good one!

    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  249. Corvinus 说:

    “Media Matters Leftist troll pedaling white guilt and other lies.”

    LOL. Try to be more creative in your zingers rather than standard fare.

    “Sorry Corvie, nobody’s buyin’ your bullshit anymore.”


  250. @Commentator Mike


    • 同意: brandybranch
  251. @Chinaman

    Chinaman talking tough on the internet. Hilarious. You are a meek people who simply do as your told.

  252. Trinity 说:

    My guess is “Chinaman” is a JEW, more than likely a hasbara troll out of Tel Aviv. Most Chinese generally aren’t as big of a douchebag as this clown and we know that (((they))) are renowned for (((their))) ability to pit different tribes against each other. (((They))) did it in WWI and WWII. “Chinaman ” is about as Chinese as a bagel or matza balls. Most Orientals are non-confrontational and highly respectful, but are tenacious warriors when they have to be, but this clown is just another cowardly, and anti-White, racist Jew spewing anti-White bulldookie. The Jew is basically cowardly and his/her/it’s attempt at pitting Whites against Orientals is so typical of the little shriveled up cowardly instigator in school always wanting to see others fight because he lacks guts and is basically a coward. Yet it seems that (((these people))) have a sick addiction to violence as long as the odds are heavily stacked in their favor, i.e. shooting unarmed Palestinians or pitting other tribes against each other.

  253. Dannyboy 说:
    @E. Waldo Ralpherson





    African slavery is so much the outstanding feature of the South, in the unthinking view of it, that people often forget there had been slaves in all the old colonies. Slaves were auctioned openly in the Market House of Philadelphia; in the shadow of Congregational churches in Rhode Island; in Boston taverns and warehouses; and weekly, sometimes daily, in Merchant’s Coffee House of New York. Such Northern heroes of the American Revolution as John Hancock and Benjamin Franklin bought, sold, and owned black people. William Henry Seward, Lincoln’s anti-slavery Secretary of State during the Civil War, born in 1801, grew up in Orange County, New York, in a slave-owning family and amid neighbors who owned slaves if they could afford them. The family of Abraham Lincoln himself, when it lived in Pennsylvania in colonial times, owned slaves.

    从新英格兰到非洲的第一次系统冒险是在1644年,由波士顿商人协会组成,该协会派出三艘船只追捕金尘和黑奴。 第二年,一艘船返回了酒,盐,糖和烟草,这些货物是在巴巴多斯捡来的,以换取奴隶。

    甚至在北部禁止奴隶制之后,从新英格兰出发的船只仍将数千名非洲人运送到美国南部。 在156,000-1801年间,大约有08名奴隶被带到美国,几乎所有奴隶都是从新英格兰港口启航的,这些港口最近将奴隶制定为非法。 在6,400年和1805年,仅罗德岛州的一个奴隶平均每年就向美国进口了1806名非洲人。新英格兰战前制造业繁荣的财务基础是它在航运业中赚到的钱。 不论是通过将非洲人进口到美洲,将奴隶种植的棉花运输到英国,还是将宾夕法尼亚州的小麦和罗德岛的朗姆酒拖到加勒比海的奴隶制劳动殖民地,这笔运输费基本上都是直接或间接地从奴隶制获得的。

    直到南北战争前夕,北方人在许多方面从奴隶制中获利。 上南部奴隶制的衰落是有据可查的,弗吉尼亚和马里兰州的奴隶出售给南部南部的棉花种植园也是如此。 但是必须有人把它们送到那里,美国沿海贸易牢牢掌握在北方手中。 威廉·劳埃德·加里森 (William Lloyd Garrison) 通过印刷对将奴隶从巴尔的摩运送到新奥尔良的新英格兰商人的攻击,成为他作为反奴隶制人的第一个标志。

    Of course the difference between you people and those in the South is that when niggers demand you take down your monuments and express shame for your own history, you kneel down like little girls and comply along with some extortion money…lol

  254. Trinity 说:

    Want to know about life in Mao’s China? Read, “Life And Death In Shanghai” by Cheng Nien. By coincidence right now I am reading a book titled, “A Heart For Freedom” by Chai Ling that is set during the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989. Both books are good reads. My apologies for letting the Jew using the title, “Chinaman” baiting me into insulting China, Asian martial arts,or the Chinese people, most Chinese are indeed good and honorable people, so looks like hasbara did its typical job of divide and conquer. The Jew honorable and good? hahaha. Not so much. Finding an honorable Jew is like trying to find a needle in a haystack, they do exist, but they are as rare as the Hope Diamond.

    • 回复: @Chinaman
    , @Chinaman
  255. Dannyboy 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    Don’t miss the Chinaman bragging on his Maglev trains. I wonder if he knows who developed that technology.

    (Hint: It wasn’t the Chinese)

  256. Chinaman 说:

    That’s an interesting analysis on WW2 and chinese martial arts.

    I try to remain objective when it comes to history and empirical facts so I have to agree with you on both matters. I guess truth is the first step towards redemption.

    War is all about population, industrial productive capacity and raw materials. Japan lost since it can’t match Americans on all 3. Simple as that. China have the population and raw materials but doesn’t have industry ( or tech). Now…We can probably wipe out Japan in a few month now, even without nukes.

    A war between US and China+russia will end very quickly. 50000 snowflakes will die on each side. Americans would have had enough and declare “victory”.

    Give up just like Vietnam. Talk big about nuking china and first strike and then realize the Chinese have retaliatory capabilities.

    The Chinese will be asking for MORE…Can America afford to lose 50 million people? Who’s talking big?

    America is weak because it is a democracy. It is divided. The commie chinese government is born out of a bloody revolution. Reflect upon that. Anyway, I don’t think today’s kids don’t have the stomach for it. We are all too comfortable.

    I cannot defend chinese martial arts It is completely useless in MMA or street fights. We have to remember that it was developed in an age where everyone use weapons and punches and kicks are only part of the arsenal. It evolved to become an “art” over time and more like yoga. You should take a look at all the hand weapons that the Chinese have developed in the last 1000 years. Someone said I was talking big. It is funny you guys think physique matters a lot. It just means a lot of targets to hit in a weapons fight. Speed and flexibility probably matters a lot more in a real “battle”. We won’t be bringing a knife to a gunfight of course…

  257. Chinaman 说:

    I enjoyed and appreciate the candor. Don’t know what line of work you are in where you can still call people niggers without ramifications. ( must be one not very high on the corporate ladder, ) but I can’t have this kind of conversation in real life. This is exactly what I expected. I love to let out the monsters in each of you. You feel pretty good after writing that shit, right?

    Unlike you, I do try to be cordial to the people that I meet, regardless of their race. I think you agree that a nigger is a nigger not because he is black but the way his acts. Plenty of “wiggers” and “chiggers”that are lower than worst blacks. There is no reason for hostility simply because of a person’s skin color but you may feel different about it.

    On the matter of slavery, I actually don’t care what happened in america 200 years ago. We all know no one hands is clean but when white people is trying to be sanctimonious and try to do that “virtual signaling” thing. it is revolting and I consider it a moral obligation to call them out on it.

    It is not me trying to be morally superior here…if there was ever such a thing.

    • 回复: @Dannyboy
  258. Chinaman 说:

    I was talking to one of my earliest investor, who was American, about slavery and conversation got more tense and at the end, he said “ you bring this out of me, I believe everyone should own a nigger.” He said it in front of a small group of people and immediately regretted it.

    I did bring it out of you , right?

    Let everyone see what’s behind the facade. letting the real you-the monster- out once in awhile can be quite therapeutic. All those repression ultimately just lead to mass shootings or turning it to yourself.

    • 回复: @Trinity
  259. Dannyboy 说:
    @E. Waldo Ralpherson

    Keep begging forgiveness and apologizing and coughing up more money etc…,cuckboy.






    Of course, the Marxist filth brigades and their Jew agitators won’t even allow the dead to rest, so I’m pretty sure they’ll find something else that “offends” them.







    ― Theodore Dalrymple, Our Culture, What’s Left of It: The Mandarins and the Masses

    You see, to these people it’s not enough to be conquered, all future generations must be made sufficiently ASHAMED as well.

    • 巨魔: vot tak
  260. Turk 152 说:

    As I contemplate the Unz supermacists opinions on all shithole countries, I doubt they bother to consider why so many well traveled, successful people and Europeans choose not to live in the US.

    The only reason your German and Italian grandparents chose to move here is because they were caught in the middle of European Wars or were starved out of Ireland.

    This country is run by a tyrannical capitalist class that just brainwashes it’s people into ignoring other peoples suffering and work themselves to death. If you have the means, sophistication and moral sensibilities, you either stay away in the first place or get out of here.

    • 回复: @Dannyboy
  261. Dannyboy 说:

    It’s amusing how you attempt to preach racial harmony while sprinkling in some down home Chinese supremacy. That’s cute.

    Don’t know what line of work you are in where you can still call people niggers without ramifications.

    I never claimed that I call people niggers at work, Chinaman. And as a matter of fact, I always endeavor to be polite and cordial with blacks and everyone else, but I will (and have used) use the term in public if the negro acts the part. People like you, who have never traveled outside of someplace like New York City think blacks are some superhuman beings who immediately strike down every white who uses the term. That’s a fiction perpetuated by the media and Hollyweird, I’m afraid. I hate to break the news to you, there are still plenty of areas in this country where they will be called out for their bad behavior and get a ass whipping to boot. That is a good thing.

    On the matter of slavery, I actually don’t care what happened in america 200 years ago. We all know no one hands is clean but when white people is trying to be sanctimonious and try to do that “virtual signaling” thing. it is revolting and I consider it a moral obligation to call them out on it.

    Which is exactly why you felt the need to come on here and do some “virtue signaling” yourself…lol


  262. Chinaman 说:

    You got conned by Chai Lin and the western media, not me.

    That treasonous bitch was a paid CIA agent and Tiananmam square was just another color revolution following the standard script to try to overthrow the legitimate government of government that won’t fall in line.

    Mao’s China is gone…there are no communist in China now. let that sink in. We are experiencing the Han-naissance on a scale we haven’t seen in a 1000 years and you fixated on something that happened 50 years ago. My family got fucked by the communist but even I won’t dwell on that. Get a grip of reality, man.

    Why are you on even on UNZ when it is run by a Jew? For all you know, he might be just be collecting data on all of us, IP and everything for the CIA. It is a mental projection that I am a Jew. You see demons everywhere. Better get your head check before you go shoot someone.

  263. Trinity 说:

    I hardly ever use the word “nigger,” even in private. I pride myself on not saying anything on the internet that I am not willing to say publicly. I really don’t get off on demeaning other people, I get my rocks off on helping others, HOWEVER, I do like to EXPOSE other races HYPOCRISY and DOUBLE STANDARDS, be they Brown, Black, Yellow or Jew, so that is definitely helping others, particularly my own kind. Actually I have an ex-sister in law who happens to be Vietnamese and two nephews who are half Vietnamese, I have had good dealings with Orientals for the most part. My best friend growing up was half Korean. But I KNOW, AND YOU KNOW, you aren’t really Chinese, now are you? hahaha. Come on Shlomo, you aren’t fooling anyone.

    • 回复: @Chinaman
  264. Dannyboy 说:
    @Turk 152

    As I contemplate the Unz supermacists opinions on all shithole countries, I doubt they bother to consider why so many well traveled, successful people and Europeans choose not to live in the US.

    Well you wanna know what puzzles us “supermacists” here in the US and Europe.

    Why the black and brown hoards are crossing miles of open desert on foot and risking ocean voyages in rickety open boats and in cardboard boxes in the holds of container ships?

    All that just to experience the virulent hatred and racism of the white man and to be deeply offended by his history.

    Quite the conundrum, wouldn’t you agree?

    P.S. You and all the rest of your “successful, well traveled people” please stay where you are and don’t come back.

    • 回复: @Turk 152
    , @Turk 152
  265. Turk 152 说:

    India is India,

    But if you are referring to what is happening in Europe, perhaps it is because ZioUs bombed their countries and sent in their boys, Al-Qaeda and ISIS to slit their families throats and rape their daughters for Exxon.

    • 回复: @Dannyboy
  266. Chinaman 说:

    Always love the part when you guys catch yourself and regret everything you said.

    It is quite creepy when you switch from a racist gook hater in one comment and then now your best friend is asian and you family is asian..WTF

    Helping people…Talk about hypocrisy. Go re-read what you wrote

    At least Danny is consistent.. He is in tune with his nature and proud of being the hick that he is.

    • 巨魔: Trinity
  267. Turk 152 说:

    “Virulent hatred for the whiteman”

    This is just how you and your ilk choose to see the world. The hate you create is equal to the hate you receive.

    • 回复: @Dannyboy
  268. Dannyboy 说:
    @Turk 152



    I have no idea what you’re babbling about.

    But if you are referring to what is happening in Europe, perhaps it is because ZioUs bombed their countries and sent in their boys, Al-Qaeda and ISIS to slit their families throats and rape their daughters for Exxon


    Oh, that was for Exxon? Here I was thinking it was to “secure the realm”.

    You must mean all those Exxon execs who were holed up at the PNAC and AEI?

    Also I’m afraid that’s not my problem since I did not vote for or support any of it.

    You seem to think that unless Americans hate themselves and their entire history, they are essentially complicit in every bad thing that it has done. Let’s apply that same “logic” to every nation that has existed and see what we come up with.

  269. Turk 152 说:

    “Secure the realm” is that the crap they feed you in boot camp?

    I think there are alot of amazing white people and I certainly dont think they need to hang there head in shame for yesterday’s criminal oligarchs.

    This is about board rooms, banks, stock options and trillions of dollars of investment funds seeking returns off wars. Suff that 99% of white america has no access to and are barely aware of. This is the world of unimaginable money and power that the Bushes, Clinton, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Netanyahu play in and occasionally give us shelbs a crumb. It has nothing to do with securing the realm.

  270. @Achmed E. Newman

    Yeah, that would be funny, but that ain’t it. The troll feeding is mainly two trolls feeding each other. I just imagine them feeding grapes to each other and it’s more funny than annoying. 😉

    It’s good to see commenting on Paul’s articles, anyway.

    • 不同意: Dannyboy
    • 回复: @Dannyboy
  271. Dannyboy 说:
    @Turk 152

    For a “sophisticated successful well-traveled” ex pat, you sure have a lot of trouble with reading comprehension.

    Go back and re-read my reply very slowly this time and stop purposely misquoting me.

    BTW, Securing the Realm refers to the Neocon/Israeli plan that was laid out for the invasion/transformation of the Middle East prior to the First Gulf War. The American people had very little if any say in the matter.

    • 回复: @Turk 152
  272. Dannyboy 说:
    @Twodees Partain

    You’re welcome to butt out if you don’t have anything to add to the conversation.


    • 巨魔: Twodees Partain
  273. Hibernian 说:

    Don’t think those “good Southern men” generally thought much of Catholics. Good Southern men from South Louisiana quite likely being an exception.

    • 回复: @Dannyboy
  274. Hibernian 说:

    I never thought I’d be defending Mr. Corvinus, but I think that you, Mr. Dannyboy, are the FBI agent provacateur of this thread.

  275. Dannyboy 说:

    If you engage in a little research before running your mouth, you’ll find that anti-Catholic sentiment was nowhere near what it was in the North, especially in New England.

    There were no Churches or Convents ransacked and burned down in the South as in the North. As a matter of fact Jefferson Davis’s children were educated by Catholic nuns. The Spanish and French influence no doubt played a part in this.

    Furthermore, Pope Pius IX never formally recognized the Union or the Confederacy. And he did urge the Union to end the conflict.

  276. Turk 152 说:

    Nearly every one of your posts are about the victimized, downtrodden white man, who isnt responsible for anything, ever; except if it is something good, then every single white man is responsible for it. I believe that has something to do with the moon. You also really, really hate immigrants, well not all immigrants, only brown, yellow or black ones.


  277. gruntusmc8 说:

    “Even after slavery, white people tried their best to keep blacks in perpetual slavery…

    I think you meant to say, “Even after slavery, ‘Democrats’ tried their best to keep blacks in perpetual slavery…”

    There, bet you feel better now!

  278. vot tak 说:

    While the current coronavirus attacking China is specifically selecting east Asian males, it appears sufferers of Aspergers Syndrome are rightwingers pretty much exclusively. The coronavirus targets certain cellular traits east Asian males have more of than others. Aspergers blocks certain functions of the brain, empathy for one. They are abnormally self centered and are incapable of feeling for “the other guy” whom they victimize. Another aspect of the mental defect is the inability to admit error. The aspie is always right and those who think otherwise are the enemy. Especially those who the aspie thinks most threaten their status as an infallible superior being. Those who do that must be silenced and destroyed.

    • 巨魔: Dannyboy
    • 回复: @Trinity
  279. If_No_Facts [AKA "If_No_Facts_Make_Something_Up"] 说:

    Trinity, I understand being angry at injustices against descendants of Europe. But making up statistics about other races and distorting history (that whites commit zillions of crimes is just one example of the enormity of what you omit) shatters your credibility.

  280. If_No_Facts [AKA "they_of_course_did_over_many_centuries"] 说:

    Harriet Tubman, Fredrick Douglass, James Somerset (see Granville Sharp), Joseph Cinqué/Sengbe Pieh… Whites: Florence Baker , Pythagoras (https://philosophynow.org/issues/78/The_Death_of_Pythagoras “Greek visitors to Egypt, including Pythagoras, were collected into slavery by the conquering army and transported into Babylon.”

  281. @James Scott








    • 回复: @Liza
  282. @c matt



    保重,C 马特!

  283. @Commentator Mike

    谢谢我的迈克兄弟!我一直在 Phillip Girarldi 的帖子上阅读您的内容,但我无法分享,因为他阻止了我!哈哈,当你和 Chuck O 交往时,告诉我说,“怎么了”。

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  284. Anonymous[284]• 免责声明 说:

    What is/are the main differences between Jews and ANGLOsaxon whites goyim??? I would say that WHITE Aryan anglos have a higher sense of MORALITY, ethics, order..Even as jews proclaim themselves the IQ world elite..they never produced a Roman Empire, Greek, Persina, Chinese,,,or a Henry Ford, Edison, etc. why not…On the other hand jewish hyper neurotic love for USURY and profits make them morally immune to lead most notable forms of perversion in film, art, race, gender etc. While anglo Saxon WHITES stressed meticously processes, forms, and moral.ethical debates the JEWS only consider PROFITS even illegal, inhuman,

  285. @J. Gutierrez


    OK, I’ll let him know. I probably won’t comment much on PG’s posts as it’s usually the same topics: Israel-Palestine, Iran, and I don’t want to keep repeating myself. I’m more interested in the speculations about the coronavirus in China and its repercussions, which could be quite drastic. But you can enjoy the original Corona beer when you want to lay off the Tequila. Take care.

  286. Trinity 说:
    @vot tak

    Your post would be spot on IF you replaced, “rightwingers” with Jews. Self projecting again, Shlomo?

  287. anarchyst 说:

    …which reminds me. The Star Trek series has inadvertently portrayed jews to a “T”…
    The Ferengi are short characters with huge ears, wide noses and a propensity for “profit at all costs”.
    Their “Rules of Acquisition” mimic jewish concepts in which morality takes a “back seat” to “making and completing the deal” and “maximizing profits”.

  288. Incitatus 说:

    “The New York Times’ assault on white Americans, about which I wrote yesterday (https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/02/11/the-new-york-times-assault-on-white-americans/ ), is not unique to the New York Times. White people are the targets of Identity Politics—the political ideology of the Democrat Party…”

    “Not to be left out of the fun of beating up on white people, PBS announced that the propaganda film, The Long Shadow ( http://thelongshadowfilm.com ), will be aired 697 times on 176 PBS stations and channels across 70% of the US.”

    Well! Perfect DC swamp creature post. PCR hawks victimized “White People”? Hopefully with government defined benefits, 501c3 tax subsidies and perpetual health care like himself and CIA régime-change Dr. Phil?

    The pantomime: Barbarians at the gate, PCR confronts/defeats them. God bless PCR! Suck on his sour tit respondents. Don’t doubt a corrupt tax-exempt economist/poly-sci maven will turn things around. No way!

    Are you a ‘white person’ PCR? Are you free (as William Simon chair) of bias/guilt?

    What a sad case you are.


  289. @Hans Vogel

    “to divert attention”


    And, sad to say, it works!

  290. Liza 说:
    @J. Gutierrez


    No, it’s not. The Bible told me so:





    • 同意: Dannyboy, brandybranch
    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  291. @Liza






    • 回复: @Dannyboy
  292. Dannyboy 说:
    @J. Gutierrez


    That’s swell. But I’m afraid that’s not the vibe we’ve been getting from most of you folks for years now.



  293. antibeast 说:


    Don’t forget the Yanks who hate the Catholics – Irish, Polish, Italian, Spanish — so much so the U.S. passed the Immigration Act of 1924 to restrict Catholic immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe.



    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  294. gkruz 说:


  295. @Anonymous

    Yeah, if you subtracted the Jews contribution to civilization -Wall Street Financialization, Hollywood, the MSM, Public realtions-advertizing, higher ed’s
    “Social Science”/”Liberal” Arts, mass psychologizing, and the war on terror, what would you have?

    A real civilization?

  296. Turk 152 说:

    Sorry to break it to you, but that’s not what my wife, whose WASP family immigrated to the US from England in the 1600s, thinks of Irish Catholic.

    I thought it was me she would have a problem with, but apparently not.

  297. @Dannyboy


    你感谢犹太人,丹尼博伊,而不是我!在目睹自己人民遭受袭击多年后,我离开了美国。你们中没有一个所谓的“全美男性”对 9-11(超过 3,000 人死亡)和无休止的战争、俄克拉荷马城和韦科的婴儿做过任何事!所有这些袭击造成的白人死亡人数比任何其他种族都多!你似乎满足于生活在犹太人的靴子下,并谈论你的白人种族言论!

    我们不要忘记,让“全美男性”进入战斗模式并在中东强奸、抢劫和谋杀无辜的男人、女人和儿童是多么容易。你没有给我留下深刻的印象,丹尼男孩,因为你在电脑前做你的恶作剧,我搬到墨西哥并为总统选举工作,并为我的国家带来了巨大的变化! Dannyboy,这个手柄很适合你白人的言辞。

    至于爱尔兰人,他们是你的第一批奴隶,波兰人(拧紧一个灯泡需要多少个波洛克)已经足够说了,德国人,我们都知道你对他们做了什么(盎格鲁/犹太复国主义者称犹太人为犹太人)。镜头)而意大利人是拉丁裔,所以你无论如何都讨厌他们!你为什么没有提到早在清教徒登陆普利茅斯岩 200 年前就生活在美国的欧洲白人西班牙人?丹尼男孩对你来说还不够白吗?如果你给我看你的 DNA 测试,我愿意给你看我的 DNA 测试,Dannyboy,我打赌你身上有一点“黑鬼”!

    • 回复: @Liza
  298. @gkruz




  299. @Anonymous


    当他们对白雅利安德国人民进行地毯式轰炸时,更高的道德感在哪里?需要多大的道德才能将 50 加仑的汽油扔到无辜的男人、女人和儿童身上。需要有多少道德才能饿死数百万德国白人雅利安战俘?英国/以色列盎格鲁/犹太复国主义者“同样的狗屎”!

  300. JG,


    I agree. But I’d add the Germans too, and the Japs, and … oh I don’t know who I’d leave out … maybe some reclusive tribe that never did any harm to anyone. It’s just that some don’t have the power to act on their impulses and prejudices but if they did they would. But hate breeds hate, violence breeds violence and revenge, and so it goes round and around. There’s gotta be a way out. Or not? Like the old song still relevant today sang, Ball of Confusion:

    我在 PG 线程上向 Chuck 发送了您的消息,但他可能已转而对另一线程发表评论。

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  301. @Commentator Mike

    我在 PG 线程上向 Chuck 发送了您的消息,但他可能已转而对另一线程发表评论。



    我同意你的观点,迈克,这就是为什么我尝试将这种仇恨从 POC 中转移出去。他们没有任何权力发起一场白人种族灭绝,更不用说策划一场种族灭绝了!他们的生存已经够艰难的了。人们应该根据他们的品格来判断,而不是归入低人一等的类别!我知道西班牙裔和黑人帮派成员会让人们感到恐惧,但地狱天使和雅利安兄弟会也是如此!我们的种族群体中都有“坏人”。妈的,我一定是另一种动物,因为我有雅利安兄弟会的朋友!不是像 Dannyboy 这样的假监狱,真正的坏监狱类型!我与西班牙裔帮派成员发生过很多次冲突,尤其是住在芝加哥!

    如果那个混蛋是个正直、不废话的人,我不在乎他是什么肤色!当我发帖时,人们看到我的名字,就会自动认为我身高 5 英寸 1,又矮又黑,没有想到定居在这里的欧洲人!我身高 6 英尺 1 英寸,体重 190 磅,绿眼睛,60 岁,如果我站在 Chuck O 旁边,他会看起来像我父亲!哈哈



    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
    , @Dannyboy
  302. Liza 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    Geeze, I didn’t mean to start anything! I just wanted to point out that the writer of those verses in the bible perfectly understood humanity’s imperfections, namely: right or wrong, people will hate at times and love at times. That’s just the way the world rolls. Man proposes, God disposes, etc. etc.


  303. @Liza


    Here’s the musical version by the Byrds:

  304. @J. Gutierrez


    Thanks. I kind of agree but also feel that prejudice based on past experience and statistics can be a useful self defence mechanism. We’ve all got our pet hates I suppose, mine are Indian doctors (I mean East Indian) and my prejudice could have saved my life many a time. If I open the door of a surgery and see an Indian sitting there pretending to be an MD, I’m out in a flash and already feeling better. I guess there may be the odd good one among them but I’m not taking the risk when my health’s at stake.

    I used to hang out with all sorts too, and some mad as hell killer bikers although I never rode with them, but I’m getting too old for all that. Even the odd drink doesn’t do me much good any more. Trying to practice a healthy lifestyle in my older age to make up for a misspent youth. There was a lot of Tequila in it. And Vodka. And Whiskey. And … Herbal tea should do me fine nowadays.

    • 同意: Liza
    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
    , @J. Gutierrez
  305. @Liza


    你没有开始任何事情,我尝试使用这个空间作为平台来分享我在美国(60 年)和墨西哥(50 年)生活 10 年的经验。当移民在主干道上停下来吃饭时,我看到了他们。他们都有美元钞票、新衣服和向导。那个导游等待新闻组出现,他知道 MSM 想听到什么。有一个组织严密的团体资助并帮助这些人到达目的地

    命令。 MSM 利用挣扎中的移民面对墨西哥国民警卫队的镜头来抨击墨西哥新总统。这些相同的报告被用来为特朗普获得更多支持。

    我看过一部关于在全国战略地区建立大型配送中心的纪录片。这些中心为亚马逊、沃尔玛、E-BAY 等公司提供廉价劳动力,而抛弃了第三方人才中介机构,每小时支付 8 美元,没有任何福利。从货车接送到货车带回家,一切都受到控制。我见过很多西班牙裔,但在那里工作的白人并没有呆多久。这些中心每次建成都会提供最多的就业机会,但大多数美国人无法靠每小时 8 美元生存。

    听一些墨西哥新闻报道,我听到很多移民说他们被承诺进入美国并在美国工作。当边防警卫告诉他们这不是真的并且他们意识到自己不会再继续前进时,大多数人都会返回。我见过非洲人在这里停下来吃饭,他们说他们得到了“在美国做法语翻译的工作,那些人有钱! TPTB正在利用这些人来对抗墨西哥和美国。


  306. JG,

    当移民在主干道上停下来吃饭时,我看到了他们。他们都有美元钞票、新衣服和向导。 ……

    同样的事情也在欧洲发生。这是一场巨大的全球主义冒险,投入了大量的财政和其他资源,旨在摧毁所有国家,并将人们变成廉价工资的奴隶——如果他们幸运的话。一旦背后的人撤走资金,剩下的人就只能像街上的流浪狗一样,为任何吝啬的收获而战斗。 MSM 攻击正义的主权主义者,试图捍卫他们的国家领土,就好像他们是某种种族主义者和仇恨者,而法律、警察和士兵并没有被用来保卫国家,因为他们应该这样做,而是相反,攻击那些反对这种针对国家的全球主义罪行的人。这一切绝对是卑鄙的。

    • 同意: J. Gutierrez
    • 回复: @anarchyst
    , @S
  307. @gkruz

    这是一个关键问题。 盎格鲁统治阶级似乎对自己的人民没有感情。 看看英格兰。 他们把它交给了犹太人和第三世界。 所以为什么? 什么时候? E Michael Jones 认为盎格鲁撒克逊人是早期的白人犹太化人。 具有非常犹太价值观的加尔文主义新教摧毁了英格兰的天主教,并让乌苏里陷入困境。 我认为他正在做某事。

  308. anarchyst 说:
    @Commentator Mike


    他可能不知道这种语言,并发现美国的一些习俗和习俗“很奇怪”,但他完全接受了自己可以成为美国人的想法。 他不仅拥护美国理想,而且还确保他的孩子们完全欣赏他们出生的土地。

    与此形成对比的是,今天的移民只关心一件事-美元。 今天的移民不在乎这个国家的建国原则,我们的权利由我们的创造者赋予的宪法原则,我们的“权利”不是由政府授予的,而成为美国人最重要的是他自己或他的后代不想要的自由。



    这些旧世界的习俗和习惯在本质上常常是犯罪的,无济于事,以至于它们不适合美国本土出生的美国人。 他们只是不想被同化。 实际上,他们要求我们在美国出生的美国人改变“我们的方式”来容纳他们。

    福利和社会服务骗局很常见。 那些经营零售业务的移民从联邦政府那里获得了特殊的“贷款”,这些贷款不适用于美国本土出生的美国人。



    外资零售企业实施 EBT 卡诈骗,向 EBT 接受者支付 50 美元 XNUMX 美分的现金。当他们被“抓到”时,他们会假装“语言障碍”,并且经常会被“打一巴掌”,并被告知不要再这样做。




    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  309. Dannyboy 说:
    @J. Gutierrez


    But I’m sure they’re all good church going Catholics , hey esse?


  310. @anarchyst


    Almost same in UK and EU. And scams like insurance fraud often accompanied by “Jewish lightning”, identity fraud, etc. etc. It’s all good saying what should be done but nobody’s doing anything but more of the same. And most whites vote with their feet, or wheels, if they can afford to relocate, and keep their mouth shut and their opinions to themselves.

  311. @Commentator Mike




  312. geokat62 说:

    犹太复国主义报告的最新消息, 朱迪亚向白人民族主义者宣战:


    “In 2020, Bend the Arc: Jewish Action is mobilizing Jews and allies across the country to rise up in solidarity and build a country that is truly for all of us.

    一起, 我们将击败白人民族主义运动 that seeks to destroy us all. We won’t let politicians who harm our communities expand their own wealth and power.

    Our futures are intertwined — we rise as one so we can thrive as many.”

    • 同意: Dannyboy
    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  313. @Commentator Mike




  314. JG

    No man I don’t ride. Rode a bicycle, motorcycle, horse and a camel only very few times in my youth a long time ago. Nowadays I prefer long walks away from traffic. I’ve become very safety conscious, but a reckless youth I used to be in a long gone past. I hope it helps me to stay around a while longer and witness what will happen in these interesting times we live in. There’s never a dull day in the news, pity it’s all so bad.

    Regarding the other point, it’s scientific to make generalisations I guess. Sure to each generalisation there are exceptions but we have to orient ourselves somehow in this world.


  315. @geokat62




    你从Ron Unz关于二战的著作中知道,即使是德国也有非白人盟友,而且他们是世界上最强大的军事力量!



    • 回复: @geokat62
  316. geokat62 说:
    @J. Gutierrez


    你好,JG!我过得很好,你怎么样?很抱歉没有早点打招呼,但我看到你和 CM 正在进行有趣的对话,我不想打断。


    可怕的东西,是吧 JG?正如他们的第一个反乌托邦意识形态共产主义要消除除阶级(无产阶级与资产阶级)之外的所有社会类别一样,他们的新反乌托邦意识形态平等主义也应该消除所有种族差异(完美的人类是杂种,通过异族通婚)。为了实现他们的共产主义反乌托邦,他们杀害了数千万不准备接受他们谎言的人。有多少人会被处决、失踪或送往古拉格集中营以实现新的反乌托邦,还有待观察。





    From Canada with love… geo

  317. Eric Novak 说:
    @Ostap Bender

    对 75,000,000 万外国少数族裔及其在美国出生的后裔的雇用和就业晋升的平权行动与禁止白人就业是一回事。

  318. S 说:
    @Commentator Mike



    The Irish got an early dose of this ‘Multi-Culturalism’ in the mid-19th century.

    Check out the ‘comment’ link below and it’s links to a couple of British newspaper articles circa 1850.

    伦敦时报 flat out declares that the Irish will be ‘known no more’ as a people due to their 陷入困境 predation by the United States as wage slaves (ie so called ‘cheap labor’) and their being ‘mixed’ out of existance as a result. Imported immigrants, which are described as a race of slaves (ie ‘more mixed’, ‘more docile’, and ‘which can submit to a master’), are to forcibly replace the Irish people within Ireland itself.

    恕我直言,并在 在社论中,很明显,关于他们所描述的奴隶的替代种族,他们正在谈论构成爱尔兰种植园的移民,即今天的北爱尔兰人民。

    I think it well demonstrates the utter contempt elites in reality have towards ‘immigrants’, ie they see them as slaves. And indeed, as wage slaves (so called ‘cheap labor’, ie monetized chattel slavery), that is their role and function.

    根据 旁观者 伦敦的爱尔兰人完全同意 accesment of this entire situation (re. ‘known no more’), and called it ‘extermination’. Members of the British aristocracy in Ireland who were promoting the mass exodus of the Irish as wage slaves (‘cheap labor’) to the United States were being shot for the specific reason of doing so.

    Of course, the use of the term ‘stock’ (as in ‘migrant stock’) for the ‘immigrants’ they claim to care so much about, such as in the United Nations link below, says a lot in of itself.




  319. S 说:

    与我的上行帖子 #336 和前面提到的 1851 相关 伦敦时报 社论,该社论的主题是当时的美国驻英国大使阿博特·劳伦斯以及他正在爱尔兰进行的访问。

    Lawrence, besides being the US ambassador, was also the Lawrence family patriarch. It was this powerful Massachusetts family of textile factory magnates which financed the construction of both Lawrence ‘Immigrant City’, Massachusetts, and it’s related sister ‘abolitionist’ city of Lawrence, Kansas during the mid-19th century.

    Fitting right in with the deeply rooted ties between New England ‘progressivism’ and the chattel slave trade, ie New England ran the trade in British North America, Massachusetts and Rhode Island being major centers, Elizabeth Warren chose Lawrence ‘Immigrant City’, Mass, to launch her 2020 election bid from.



    Slave Revolt in Lawrence, Massachusetts – 1912




    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  320. jsigur 说:

    The fact is whites in the colonies had slavery imposed on them while at the same time ordinary whites were outlawed from socializing with blacks.

    This all was imposed on them by the elites at the top for financial and personal safety reasons.

    Clearly many whites, as a result, bought into the propaganda that supported these decisions. Major Jewish banking areas seemed to be the catalyst for the slavery climate.

    For example, England legalized slavery for blacks at the same time Jewish interests financed the English Revolution in order to get Jews legalized there and of course the English Fed was soon to follow.

    England had no history of remote territorial acquisitions, ever, before this, unless you count ruling over some traditionally French land for a short time “remote”.

    In other words, it was Jewish preoccupation, financed by money and blackmail that was the primary enabler.

    Had the Jews parked their financial asses in the mid east those elitist goy helpers would have likely been Arabs not white Europeans.

    Oh well, you know what they say, “Location, location, location!”

    Jews have always had a way of tying themselves in with host country aristocrats to gain special privileges.

    Prior to the invention of the printing press. it was always lower class outrage that would force the goy kings to penalize the Jews for their predatory behavior.

  321. @S






    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
    , @S
  322. @J. Gutierrez


    Go read comments #325 and #328 of PG’s 解释叙利亚 thread. Chuck says when you’re banned you’re banned, just like PG from TAC. Oh well, maybe I shouldn’t have tried to intercede. Actually I wasn’t asking that you be de-banned, just that your protest be acknowledged. Chuck’s not aware you’re still commenting.

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  323. @Commentator Mike

    请阅读 PG 的“解释叙利亚”主题的评论 #325 和 #328。 Chuck 说当你被禁止时你就被禁止了,就像 TAC 的 PG 一样。

    我会这么做的,兄弟,谢谢……我因为说中情局贩毒与琪琪·卡马雷纳谋杀案有关而被禁止参加 PG 活动。美国缉毒署探员莱文也谈到了他们的参与情况。

    哦,好吧,也许我不应该试图求情。其实我并不是要求取消你的禁令,只是希望你的抗议得到承认。 Chuck不知道你还在评论。

    没问题,CM,如果 PG 能让我参与到这个话题中并澄清事实,或者至少证明我错了,我会更加尊重他。他只是选择阻止我阅读他的所有文章,只要 Unz 网站允许,这是他的决定。 PG在这里有一群狂热的追随者,其中包括许多我最喜欢的评论员,比如查克。但是,没什么大不了的,CM……一切都很好!




    • 谢谢: Commentator Mike
  324. S 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    That’s a good question. I thought it might have been named after a person, but, according to the link below it was either named after the Isle of Rhodes, or was a Dutch derived name. Seems the Dutch may have been in the area earlier.

    Thanks for the kind word. Nice to know there’s at least one person out there who appreciates some of the stuff I post. 😉

    Hope you’re doing okay in your part of the world.

    Rhode Island was either named for the Isle of Rhodes (in the Mediterranean Sea) or for its red clay (the Dutch explorer Adriaen Block may have named it “Rood Eylandt” meaning Red Island, in Dutch).


  325. allis 说:


  326. allis 说:

    摘自《克莱蒙特书评》冬季刊《超党派主义:野蛮时代的野蛮术语》,作者:詹姆斯·汉金斯 (James Hankins):




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