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人民党——我们的斯洛伐克,由富有魅力的叛逆者玛丽安·科特莱巴(Marian Kotleba)领导,正在投票 14% 明年二月议会选举之前。 这将使他们在 2016 年赢得的席位几乎翻倍,领先于所有竞争的保守党和自由党,并仅次于执政的社会党 Smer,该党的民意调查率为 18.7%。

科特莱巴正在开展反对有组织的吉普赛犯罪、犹太复国主义势力、美国影响力和欧盟的运动。 他们将其与亲家庭的社会主义经济平台结合起来,这将重申斯洛伐克的主权,击败高级金融机构,并将经济重新交到陷入困境的斯洛伐克人民手中。 该组织以其志愿者项目和高水平的公民参与而闻名。

它们还纪念一位重要的斯洛伐克独立领袖、天主教神父约瑟夫·蒂索(Jozef Tiso),他在二战期间与德国结盟。

他们争取公共空间和代表权的斗争并不容易。 2016 年闯入议会后,人民党的政治对手试图 禁止 该组织被视为对“民主”的“新纳粹”威胁。 法院发现,禁止该组织可能会进一步动摇公众对该系统的信心。

科特莱巴本人因拒绝对吉普赛暴力问题直言不讳而受到起诉。 他是 罚款 10,000 年,他因在该主题上发表的评论而被罚款 2016 欧元。 去年,一名人民党党员 开除 因“仇恨言论”而被议会开除。

在西方很难找到有关“罗姆人”犯罪的统计数据,新自由主义者将对此问题的担忧视为盲目的偏执,但在英国,斯洛伐克吉普赛人的涌入引起了当地人的强烈抗议。 在谢菲尔德这个多元文化区,他们 殴打和抢劫 街上随意出现的老人,引起公众恐慌,甚至引起黑人和巴基斯坦居民的抱怨。

在格拉斯哥,一个 犯罪团伙 由斯洛伐克公民吉普赛人领导的组织因在五年内绑架斯洛伐克女孩并将其卖给当地巴基斯坦男子而被逮捕,这激怒了苏格兰法院。

在整个非洲大陆,吉卜赛人从东欧涌入西方,加剧了人们对欧盟自由流动条款的失望,包括在左翼和自由主义城市。 危机是真实存在的。

斯洛伐克媒体现在正在整合并针对科特莱巴及其组织进行宣传。 他们试图利用的一个例子是,科特莱巴介绍了一支反对共产主义的摇滚乐队 Biely odpor,他们演唱了一首名为“White Slovakia”的歌曲。 这可能不会对系统预期的民意产生影响。

进步党副主席、吉普赛人伊雷娜·比哈里奥娃 (Irena Biháriová) 正计划 使用诉讼 反对人民党,试图欺骗选举制度。 进步党,一个由亲欧盟社会自由主义者组成的联盟,以其富裕而闻名 “潮人” 基地党是以总统祖扎纳·查普托瓦为代表的政党。 尽管西方媒体去年夏天欢呼她的胜利,但她的政党目前在民意调查中排名第三,落后于人民党。

(从重新发布 国家司法 经作者或代表的许可)
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  1. 有趣的文章,因为我不知道吉普赛人抢劫老年人。

  2. 在整个非洲大陆,吉卜赛人从东欧涌入西方,加剧了人们对欧盟自由流动条款的失望,包括在左翼和自由主义城市。 危机是真实存在的。

    A lot of Western Europeans have only recently become re-acquainted with gypsies. In the Swedish media, they still talk in cryptic terms (“EU migrants” or “Romanians”). Many here still do not know the difference between a Romanian and a gypsy, which is quite amusing and surely a source of irritation for Romanians. We sterilised most of our domestic gypsies in the years between 1930-1970, so my generation of Swedes had forgotten them up until relatively recently.

    The courts found that banning the group would risk shaking public faith in the system even further.

    Golden Dawn was banned from parliament in Greece. I think if sufficient pressure is applied, the same will likely happen in Slovakia. The Slovaks are a small and rather insignificant group, so by virtue of being unknown and unimportant, this has allowed them to fly under the radar. But for how much longer?

    I am not a fan of either party, but I find it deeply problematic that these kinds of measures are taken. Free speech and freedom of association should be absolute values.

    • 回复: @Just passing through
  3. anon[365]• 免责声明 说:

    Style tip: “Slovakian” as a demographic descriptor is straight out of the BBC style guide, and is specifically designed for multiculturalism, mainly so as to 包括 Gypsies. For example, I’ll never forget the BBC quoting a ‘Slovakian’ in Northern Ireland: “they hate us because of our dark skin.”

    The Slavic inhabitants of Slovakia are overwhelmingly 斯洛伐克语: very fair-skinned. Not ‘Slovakians’. By a linguistic accident, only Slovakia from among the V4 group can have the enemy easily play this game. If they mean a Czech gypsy, they have to write that, not ‘Czechian’. For now.

    Now to really open a can of worms, there is the ~11% Magyar (pronounce ‘madyar’) minority that the multiculturalists were also trying to squeeze into the ‘Slovakian’ descriptor.

  4. anonymous[119]• 免责声明 说:

    The influx of Gypsies to the West is a real benefit to theEast Europeans who can finally unload them on someone else who wants them, at least theoretically wants them. It’s a golden opportunity and the E Europeans should give tickets to all their Gypsies. Westward-ho, London beckons.

    • 回复: @Just passing through
  5. @Thulean Friend

    Many here still do not know the difference between a Romanian and a gypsy, which is quite amusing and surely a source of irritation for Romanians.

    The same is true in the UK, opposition to immigration from Romania is quite high and people associate the country with Gypsies. Surveys have found that opposition to immigration from Romania is almost the same as that of Pakistan. In the run up to the EU referendum, Farage made reference to a ‘group of Romanian men moving in next door’ as a scare tactic, Romanian has become synonymous with Gypsy.

    Gypsies are a true menace. There is an abundance of them Edinburgh at the moment and they form gangs to camp outside stores and beg aggressively for money. They are the only group I can say I have had 100% negative experiences with.

    • 回复: @Johnny Smoggins
    , @Dumbo
  6. @anonymous

    Reminds me of Castro sending all the criminals of his jails and mental hospitals to America during the Mariel boatlift.

  7. @Just passing through

    An interesting poll to take would be; what’s the most undesirable ethnic/racial group to have turn up in your nation?

    a) 犹太人

    b) 吉普赛人

    c) 穆斯林

    d) 黑人

    • 回复: @Rosie
    , @Oliver
  8. Dumbo 说:
    @Just passing through

    There can be some nice Jews and Blacks, Indians, Pakis and Arabs, and many of them can assimilate to general culture. But it’s hard to have had any kind of positive interaction with gypsies, since they rarely assimilate and basically their only interaction with “gadjos” is to try to beg, scam or rob them. There may be some exceptions, but… I haven’t seen them. Anyway, a problematic population to say the least. I think they win the contest of less desirable peoples.

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  9. Skeptikal 说:

    Actually, the Gypsy/Roma terms “gadjo” to refer any non-Gypsy also contains the clear sense that these are the “marks” that are fair game for Gypsy/Roma to take advantage of in petty business deals and trading. In this sense the term seems to be virtually parallel to Jews’ reference to “goyim” as both “non-Jew” and approved potential marks. Except that in the latter case the scale is much grander than anything the Roma or Travellers can aspire to.

    The British reference to Dagos, Frogs, Krauts etc. contains the sense of non-Brit and these are more or less a negative racial epithets, but I don’t think they contain the sense that these groups are therefore approved “marks.” That is, I think, because the British, while on the national level earning the epithet “perfidious Albion,” on the personal level hold fairness and decency as one of their cultural markers.

    Perhaps British imperialism is the Gypsy “deal” writ large.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Dumbo
  10. @Skeptikal

    Are Jews easily scammed by the Punjabi we refer to as Roma? Or Muslims?

    Why are whites vulnerable? Blacks probably are not.

    All we hear about is that dumb, naive, silly, dense whites are used and exploited like the high school slag.

    When I read about how gypsies have trafficked some white girls, or how black thugs have impregnated them or how some Gentile watches a Hollywood film and believes some garbage dreamed up by Jewish screenwriters doing huge lines of blow in Malibu I think of that highs school slut with the reputation for being exploited.

    Why are Gentiles exploited? Why can’t Jews exploit Gypsies? Why can’t Gypsies exploit Jews?

    What makes whites a vulnerable target?

  11. Dumbo 说:

    Jews, Anglos, etc, can be problematic on the elite level, in the grand scale, but as individuals on the personal level they can be reasonably friendly and polite. With gypsies is the opposite, while they have zero influence in politics, finance or the general culture, as individuals there is no way you can have any normal relationship with them, best is to avoid them, as ghetto blacks – but also blacks have some exceptions that can assimilate, while gypsies rarely do. I think some countries tried to educate them, to change their culture, even in some cases to have gypsy kids raised by white families, and I think all failed.

    That said, they can be talented at what they do. Once in Rome an old gypsy woman came asking for money, I sent her away, then she approached a female tourist with the same old sob story, she was more receptive, minutes later she was gone and the tourist was crying, “where is my wallet, my passport, help”. The gypsy woman was far away by then. The police of course didn’t do anything, but what could they do? Usually they arrest them, then release them, soon they are stealing again.

    Also, I don’t think we should call them “Roma” – do they really call themselves that? It’s confusing with “Romanians”, and it’s not as if they care one way or the other.

  12. Renoman 说:

    War is coming, folks will only put up with the encroaching hoard of assholes for so long and then, slaughter!

    • 回复: @Just passing through
  13. Rosie 说:
    @Johnny Smoggins

    a) 犹太人

    b) 吉普赛人

    c) 穆斯林

    d) 黑人

    That’s easy. The most undesirable is the one who will organize the other three into a grievance coalition to harangue YT.

    • 同意: AnotherDad
    • 谢谢: nokangaroos
  14. @Renoman

    It is more likely that these Eastern Euro nations see what is going on in Western Europe and are taking preventitive measures. This kind of nationalism is not possible in Western Euro nations. The BNP only got 1.9% of the vote in 2010 in the UK general elections. Greens are still polling higher than AfD, France elected a Rothschild banker as president.



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