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美国陆军的当前状态。 部队学习怀孕的艰辛。

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美国似乎正在考虑与俄罗斯、伊朗、中国或三者开战。 华盛顿推动北约更接近俄罗斯,退出核导弹条约,并试图在经济上摧毁两国和中国。 为什么要推动战争?

简单的。 亚洲正在觉醒。 中国(我刚刚从那里回来)经济以惊人的速度增长——所有的力量都依赖于经济力量。 中国是一个大国,美国是一个中等国家。 美国大约有 XNUMX 亿白人做几乎所有国家权力所依赖的科学工作。 中国有十亿受教育程度越来越高的汉族人,这是五比一的优势。 中国的既定目标是将欧亚大陆与其他地方联合成一个庞大的商业联盟。 华盛顿的好斗将中国、伊朗和俄罗斯推到了一起。 巴基斯坦、阿富汗、伊朗、伊拉克、叙利亚和土耳其等国家链都在向东看和向西看之间摇摆不定。 如果华盛顿不阻止这种增长,美国帝国将在几十年内被边缘化。

这不会威胁到美国公众。 它威胁到帝国和以色列。

与俄罗斯的战争会是什么样子,即使假设它没有发展核? 一位伟大的军事思想家——实际上是我——曾经说过,军事愚蠢分为三个层次:通常愚蠢; 真的 愚蠢的; 并入侵俄罗斯。 从查克十二到阿道夫一世,事实证明这是一个糟糕的职业生涯。

自 1945 年以来,除了第一次海湾战争之外,美国军队还没有赢得过一场战争,洛杉矶警察局本可以赢得这场战争。 它在越南决定性地失败了。 它以 241 名海军陆战队员的死亡作为唯一的成就,从黎巴嫩跑了出去。 十七年后,它没有显示出击败几乎没有武装的阿富汗农民的迹象。 伊拉克一直是一个彻头彻尾的烂摊子,没有实现它的目标,没有控制石油、建立永久基地和傀儡政府。 刚才在叙利亚,军队正在失去。

考虑到美军可用的巨大资源,只有天才才能造成如此持续的失败。 鉴于这种非常低水平的军事能力,也许战争不是我们爱好的最佳选择。

设想了什么样的战争? 美国无法打一场大规模的陆地战争。 伊朗可以。 俄罗斯可以。 美国军队意味着空中力量,仅此而已。 陆军自 1973 年以来就没有打过一场严重的战争,舰队自 1945 年以来就没有打过一场大战。在长期不作为的情况下,情况会恶化,因为它们看起来并不重要。 关键物资不复存在,备件不存在,物流列车悄无声息地无法运行。 相反,金钱用于购买几乎没有实际用途的昂贵武器。

陆军从软的千禧一代中招募新兵。 美国不再是一个有坚强的农村孩子的国家。 社会工程学已经腐化了队伍。 军队多年来遭受女性化、SJW 绥靖、平权行动、 降低身体标准, 和 LGBTQ 插入。 征兵在政治上是不可能的。 即使拥有无限的空中力量、大炮、炮舰、医疗后送、直升机和无人机的优势,陆军也无法击败阿富汗人,如果它必须以平等的条件与阿富汗人或伊朗人作战,它将持续很短的时间。 穆斯林比今天的美国人更有男子气概,而且已被证明是顽强的。

一支从不打仗的军队 具有 赢,永远不会遇到可以危险地反击的敌人,不可避免地恶化。

军队开始相信他们自己的宣传。 所以,很明显,白宫和纽约的野蛮人就是这样。 美国军队的正常做法是高估美国实力,低估敌人,误解它正在卷入的战争类型。 如果华盛顿决定与伊朗或俄罗斯开战(除非突然发生核打击),通常会谈论最强大、训练有素、装备最好等,以及伊万和毛巾头将如何在几天内消失,小菜一碟。 赌我。

军队在预测战争结果方面的记录非常糟糕。 这可能会引发思考。 美国内战预计将在一个下午结束。 这是错误的 650,000 人死亡和四年。 拿破仑入侵俄国时,没想到俄国人会占领巴黎。 德国认为第一次世界大战将在数周内结束; 事实上,一场持续四年的可怕消耗战。 当日本袭击珍珠时,它并不是故意邀请士兵到东京的艺妓屋。 当德国入侵波兰时,俄罗斯和美国对德国的占领在其期望中并不高。 法国再次入侵越南时,并没有预见到奠边和彻底的失败。 莱·哈内斯. 当美国入侵越南时,它没想到会打一场长达十年的失败战争。 当俄罗斯入侵阿富汗时,它没想到会输给穿着凉鞋的阿富汗人。 当美国入侵阿富汗时,看到了俄罗斯的遭遇,没想到会得到同样的结果。

我们不知道与伊朗、俄罗斯或中国的战争会是什么样子,也不知道伊朗人会做什么。 华盛顿的一个过度自信的军队和一个缺乏经验的政府将可以预见到一场短暂的战争,并谈到精确武器和外科手术式打击。 海军将保证它可以保持海峡开放,并谈论其先进技术。 期望将是没有任何意外。 白宫会相信伊朗会躺在那里,毫无反应地被轰炸。 俄罗斯? 核武器将落在发动袭击的欧洲国家身上。 德国可能会仔细考虑这一点。

美国当然可以摧毁伊朗的大部分地区并杀死数百万手无寸铁的人。 这就是美国现在所说的“战争”。 看看如果空军不得不与一个可以反击的敌人作战会发生什么会很有趣,但这意味着只有俄罗斯,或者,也许,可能,在某种程度上,几乎没有,中国。 这是一种懦夫的战争方式,而且,根据南越和阿富汗的判断,不是很有效。 杀了很多人和赢得战争不是一回事。

如果伊朗确实通过在皮卡车上安装导弹来阻止波斯湾的石油运输会怎样? 这可能吗? 我不知道。 我怀疑,海军也不会——它会坚持认为它可以凭借其出色的这个和那个、训练有素、装备最好、唯一的超级大国等来处理纯粹的皮卡车。 但是油轮不会冒着起火的小风险。


此外,美国的领导素质低到危险的地步。 基本上缺席的国会,克林顿夫妇的肮脏和犯罪行为,特朗普完全的粗鲁和阴暗的过去,对以色列的屈服,广泛存在且从未受到惩罚的腐败。 在这场令人遗憾的酿造中,似乎没有人对这个县的福祉感兴趣,只是不体面地抓住了军火工业、大石油、华尔街、特拉维夫和帝国的利益。 需要注意的是,战争为军火商带来了巨大的利润,战争持续的时间越长,无论输赢,利润越大。 对伊朗的战争将是一个宏伟的利润中心。 由于美军伤亡极低,永久战争几乎没有什么坏处。

在政府的最高层,我们有一群不起眼的人,他们会让威廉皇帝的法庭看起来很健康。 他们的主要特征是病态的攻击性和严重的环城公路泡沫综合症。 有特朗普怪异的爆发。 永远好斗的妮基·海莉。 史蒂夫班农,预言并希望与中国开战。 Mike Pompeo,威胁伊朗,威胁委内瑞拉,威胁朝鲜。 小胡子的约翰博尔顿,总是建议一场他不会参加的战争,就像特朗普一样,有一些事情需要证明。

数百万人的生活取决于这个怪胎表演? 我需要喝一杯。

(从重新发布 弗雷德对一切 经作者或代表的许可)
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  1. anonymous[340]• 免责声明 说:

    说实话,但这需要编辑。 (班农先生一年多前离开政府。拼写检查会发现几个拼写错误。)


  2. “Iraq War has been a complete botch, achieving none of its goals…”

    no, Fred-in-Mexico: the prime goal of the Iraq War was to put its oil sales back on the Jewbuck. Mission accomplished. Ditto Libya.

    as to the rest, pretty solid essay. I only wonder how horrendous the pre-Iran War zionist false flag will be. Because the war itself is now baked in. Probably during the run-in to the 2020 election.

  3. bluedog 说:

    Its not the spelling but the content which interest me,and I think anyone with a normal IQ can understand what Mr Reed is saying,as for Bannon who knows where Mr Bannon is or who’s he’s working for, but I can assure you he still has strings to some government agency….

  4. Anonymous[905]• 免责声明 说:

    Looks like Fred is slowly waking up to the JQ.

    Way too slowly, though. The MENA wars 做了 achieve what the Tribe wanted (except in Syria, so far) so complaining that they weren’t a “win” for the US is misleading to say the least. The US, and its goyim, weren’t there to spread democracy, get oil, get pipelines or “win” anything for themselves anyway.

    And no – the MIC is not running the show. It’s like claiming that the European immigrant housing slum-lords are the architects of white genocide. It’s a shallow, obfuscating, non-insight, Fred, and you shouldn’t be writing if you can’t connect more than two dots.

    • 同意: chris
  5. JLK 说:

    The UK used to control Iranian oil and gas. It is now facing a natural gas crisis. So is New Zealand.
    The largest gas field in the world is between Qatar and Iran. The Iranian oil fields are in Khuzestan, right next to Iraq. Much easier to take than the whole country.

    • 回复: @Herald
  6. Thank God conscription is impossible. I don’t want my young son enslaved to die for Netanyahu’s fascist regime.

    • 回复: @renfro
  7. Anon[425]• 免责声明 说: • 您的网站

    Don’t be fooled by tranny stuff. US is the most powerful military. Also, with its vast economy, US in war footing can be tremendous.


    Now… who hate Russia? It’s Jewish elites.

    Maybe humiliating white American soldiers with homo-tranny stuff makes them tougher warriors abroad. Denied full manhood in the US, they seek to demonstrate manhood somehow… and it is in hating Russia. It is like dogs that are made to cower before master become the most dangerous attack animals against the Other. Dogs, having been denied their predatory nature before their masters, vent their spleen on Object of Attack.

    以约翰·麦凯恩为例。 在美国,犹太人完全是个混蛋。 但由于他的男子气概在美国受到压制,他对俄罗斯、叙利亚、伊朗等国的外交政策变得格外激进。

  8. Anonymous[392]• 免责声明 说:

    弗雷德,从事科学工作的不是美国的 200 亿白人。


    • 回复: @AnonFromTN
    , @Steve2
  9. Michelle 说:

    No, he’s not wrong, but he does sound drunk. But, then, if there was ever a time for drinking….

    • 回复: @Liza
  10. Biff 说:

    My lingering question relating to the next world war is how/where would the powers side up? If Russia is attacked by the U.S., what would China do? What would the European powers do? How long would alliances last?
    How much democracy is really practiced, because if opinion polls mattered it would be Washington and Tel Aviv against the rest of the world – so does Washington have enough puppet regimes to weather a world war? Maybe soon we shall see?

    • 回复: @The Alarmist
    , @Rabbitnexus
  11. 优秀的反战言论。





    • 回复: @Justsaying
  12. 弗雷德,你说的是约翰·博尔顿 编码器 胡须。 我认为您正在寻找的术语是 默金。


  13. “The US military has not won a war since 1945, with the exception of the First Gulf War ….”

    Come on, Fred, you forgot Greneda. Been there, done that, surfed it.

  14. unit472 说:

    No nation has ‘won’ a war since 1945 because the world doesn’t allow it. India could’ve crushed Pakistan but, aside from carving out Bangladesh, it had to leave Pakistan intact. The US had the means to squash North Vietnam but, again, the rules did not allow a naval blockade or the severing of rail links to China though the mining of the North’s harbors and B-52 strikes on Hanoi did get the Paris Peace talks moving along smartly.

    The post 1945 rules limit the ability of major powers to ‘conquer’ or ‘subjugate’ weaker states. Regime change is allowed though and both the USSR and US engaged in this limited form of military activity. However, until Crimea, forcibly changing borders was prohibited and even Russia can’t find any major power, including China, to recognize the conquest. US airpower is kept on a leash too less civilian casualties reach 1945 Tokyo or German levels with 100,000 plus people being killed in a single day’s bombing raids.

    Remove those restrictions and allow ‘Total War Tactics’ again and the seeming impotence of our or even China’s military ( remember they fought Vietnam in 1979 but had to back off when the international outcry over Chinese troops inside Vietnamese territory grew too loud) and things will revert to the pre-1945 slugfests where wars were fought to a military and not political conclusion.

  15. Nieuport 说:

    Talking about the US Military. The US Air Force has posted an article by a female colonel, Cherie Roff, that says:
    “For years, Air Force Professional Military Education has had leaders watch the movie “Twelve O’Clock High” as a portrayal of leadership examples, as part of the curriculum. “Twelve O’Clock High,” a World War II depiction of leadership challenges, is now dated, and in my opinion, boring and not relevant to our up and coming leaders. I feel, we now have a new, much more exciting movie that should be on the PME listing for leadership movies, Marvel’s “Black Panther.”
    Besides the fact that the piece is written in miserable English (a 12 years old could write better) replacing a movie showing real commanders in a real world with characters from a comic strip looks like a deranged idea to me.

  16. TheBoom 说:

    弗雷德似乎又回到了正轨。 他是对的,精英们对战争的渴望远远超过了赢得战争的能力,而且随着时间的推移,情况会变得更加严峻。 然而,弗雷德花了太多时间关注他对特朗普的敌意,而不是这个国家的关键动态。

    1. 犹太人已经在很大程度上统治了美国,我们现在打的战争是为了他们。 犹太人也没有兴趣真正参军,并且有愿意以牺牲东道主利益为代价与其他国家合作的记录。

    2. 中国人是美国的另一个优势部落,和犹太人一样,他们比美国更忠诚于自己的部落。 他们相互争夺第一名的地位将如何影响一场战争,犹太人可能会带领美国卷入战争,但如果我们看起来输了,两个部落可能都愿意与敌人合作? 如果中国是敌人,中国人在这方面占据上风。

    3. Who will be in our military? Traditionally that has been tough white kids. As the US becomes just a waring coalition of races with whites as a demonized minority will whites continue to want to be in the military; if they do, will they be motivated to win especially if they are taking orders from transsexuals who identify as other races? Hispanics and Asians won’t fill the gap if whites aren’t sufficiently involved.

    4.随着时间的推移,大多数与军方签约的公司将需要以非白人男性为主。 如果现在预示着未来,那就意味着供应链将被打破。 这种情况还要持续多久?

    • 回复: @Ralph Seymour
  17. TheBoom 说:
    @The Alarmist

    It is only due to our victory in Grenada that we are still free people. It showed through 4 days of brutal warfare that even a vast populace of almost 100,000 couldn’t push us around. Take note China.

    • 哈哈: The Alarmist
  18. Shockingly….there is no anti-war Movement in the US…

    Which explains why the Democratic Party and the Trump Administration is attempting to crush the Alt Right out of existence, for the Alt Right…..and nobody else…..opposes war with Christian Russia and secular Muslim Syria.

    A limited nuclear exchange with Christian Russia would have the great benefit of ending Jewish control of the US…..The remaining Evangelical Christian Population in the US will then realize that THE RAPTURE was nothing but a heresy……

    • 回复: @The Scalpel
    , @Mj
    , @Pat Kittle
  19. JLK 说:

    Nuclear weapons have frozen the postwar world order into place to a large extent. Without them Russia would have lapsed into relative unimportance for a while, and it would not have been possible to keep Germany and Japan in vassal status.

    A lot of other factors conspire to keep things in place as well, of course. Our defense industry needs a near-peer enemy to keep getting contracts, and Russia is the closest thing to a threat. We also have a lot of economic sway over Germany and Japan because we buy a lot of their products.

    • 回复: @Winston2
  20. Si1ver1ock 说:

    I wonder if Fred got to ride on one of those spiffy high speed trains in China? Anyway, it’s nice to hear some semi-realist perspectives once in a while to counter the surrealist views of the Mainstream Media.


    military stupidity comes in three levels

    我们不要忘记 纪念 stupidity. Things so dumb they deserve their own monument. Vietnam War, Korean War etc. Will the F-35 fighter jet get its own monument? Perhaps.

    There’s a couple of typos, “drat dodger,” for example.

  21. @Biff

    “My lingering question relating to the next world war is how/where would the powers side up? If Russia is attacked by the U.S., what would China do? What would the European powers do? How long would alliances last?”


    • 哈哈: Redneck farmer
    • 回复: @Hubbub
    , @Belizar
  22. Even the females in the picture above are laughing about those two stupid males dressing women’s lingerie. How stupid, and ridiculous they look indeed! Whites are obviously portrayed, and I don’t believe blacks or others will do such a demeaning act. Whites are so P**y wiped that most will do whatsoever they are told by a female. Notice that those two females around are looking and laughing like saying, you weak, and effeminate man, you are worthless! American males, mostly whites, are desperately effeminate, and will defend all things related to that, betraying all ‘maleness’ and get upset when you point it out and win an argument that males are not normal if they don’t have the manhood needed it to stand up to that humiliating behavior.

  23. @Nieuport

    Our class also screened 奇爱医生, just to keep perspective, but that was in the ’80s, when we were still allowed to have a sense of humor.

  24. pyrrhus 说:

    The American government’s war against the white male, virtually the only source of competent scientists and engineers in our country, is coming home to roost…Asian students with no loyalty to the US have been handed the keys to the kingdom, while the American students have been handed opiates, video games and junior college.

    • 回复: @in the middle
  25. pyrrhus 说:

    War is madness for a nation even when it leads to “victory”, as WW1 demonstrated…In this case, America has no chance of victory, and losing would be catastrophic…

  26. Flavius 说:

    在美国治理中所有信誉不佳的机构中,总统、国会、法院,真正可悲的 MSM,五角大楼可能是最糟糕的。

  27. A key point here are 100% spot on:

    America’s roughly two hundred million whites do virtually all of the scientific work on which national power depends. China has a billion increasingly educated Han Chinese, a five-to-one advantage.

    The other point is that mass wars (e.g. WW2 style wars) are essentially competitions between industrial and logistical capacities. We won WW2 simply because we out-produced the rest of the world combined. I figured this one out as a WW2 history buff when I was 16 years old.

    Guess what? China has a far greater manufacturing capacity than we do today.

    Both of these points make clear that we will get our asses spanked if we start this kind of war against China.

  28. Si1ver1ock 说:
    @Abelard Lindsey

    China has a far greater manufacturing capacity than we do today.

    Maybe. A lot of military stuff has been moved underground into DUMBs Deep, Underground Military Bunkers. They have something called subterrenes which have been tunneling since at least the mid 1980s. There is also supposed to be a large underground high speed rail system that connects these facilities.

    This is one reason I don’t trust Russian or American claims about nuclear weapons. We have no idea what is squirreled away down there. Both the Germans and Japanese had similar underground bases. There is a documentary on the German supergun of WWII on YouTube. It was in a large underground base hollowed out by hand using slave labor. Similar things were done in the Soviet Union prior to the development of nuclear powered boring machines.



  29. DB Cooper 说:

    “remember they fought Vietnam in 1979 but had to back off when the international outcry over Chinese troops inside Vietnamese territory grew too loud”

    Nonsense. The 1979 war is short and China announced ahead of time that it will pull back after it made its point. There was no international outcry. The US in particular was gloating over Vietnam’s misfortune and glad that China taught those VC a lesson. It was reported that the US even supplied China with satellite images of Vietnam’s troop deployment much like the US supplied Saddam Hussein satellite images of Iran troops deployment during the Iran Iraq war. The US probably want China to stay in Vietnam longer!

  30. DB Cooper 说:

    Talking about no international outcry. There was no international outcry when India invaded and annexed the small independent Himalayan Buddhist kingdom Sikkim Saddam Hussein style a decade and a half before Iraq invaded Kuwait. The invasion caught the US by surprise but the US did nothing. One reason is Kuwait has oil, Sikkim doesn’t.

  31. @unit472

    丹东的铁路线两边都没有 NK 港口,而鸭绿江那里很窄——大约一个足球场那么长——中国一侧的港口就在 RR 桥的南边,它就在被半炸的自由号旁边朝鲜战争成名的桥梁。

  32. Liza 说:

    The White Man’s way of handling problems & stress – alcohol. Toujours booze. Can’t do anything without it. We aren’t being undone by our enemies, we are being undone by our love affair with good ol’ Ethanol.

    • 回复: @Michelle
  33. pyrrhus 说:

    The US military is FUBAR, and cannot possibly win a conventional war against any peer, let alone a peer country that is thousands of miles away…Fortunately, Trump is not nearly dumb enough to get into a war with any of the countries Fred is talking about…The danger would come if Trump is deposed or killed, with the probability of martial law being imposed.

    BTW, Fred, it is not going to take decades for the Anglo-Zionist Empire to dissolve…It’s already starting to happen, and when the real Nationalists (which won’t include any Israel Firsters) take control of the US, as they have in Israel, the process of pulling back and defending the borders will accelerate.

  34. Some of Fred’s rhetoric is a bit over blown. We did not lose in Vietnam. We lost the war in the US Senate, thanks to traitors like Kennedy, McGovern, and Mansfield. The policy of containment, the result of a very long cable from the Embassy in Moscow, got us into Korea and Vietnam. Afghanistan is being fought as a standard COIN battle. If you don’t lose your nerve, it can be won. If, on the other hand, give into stupidity, you will lose. We are in a battle that will follow us home too if we don’t fight them there.

    Much of the rest, however, is quite cogent. The feminization of the military, and the social engineering, has weakened the US Military quite a bit.

    We can win against China, if our goal is to push them back onto the Asian continent, and we need to end trade with them so we quite financing their military growth.

    As for the US itself, it has no future. Things like SJWs and feminzation are symptoms of the cause behind the decline of the US – immorality. Immoral countries do not survive long, and the US is on borrowed time.

  35. Anon[425]• 免责声明 说: • 您的网站

    China is a large country, America a medium-sized one. America’s roughly two hundred million whites do virtually all of the scientific work on which national power depends. China has a billion increasingly educated Han Chinese, a five-to-one advantage.

    Han Chinese study hard but don’t have much in way of creativity and originality.

    Also, the elite scientific-technological talent of any society is always very tiny. Most of 200 million whites know little of science/technology. It’s the top 0.1% that matters. Same in China. This is why Japan is still way ahead of China. Much smaller population, but its top 0.1% is better than China’s. Also, there is more incentive to make innovation in US and Japan because there is more rule of law for intellectual and property rights. In China, the state can bring down the hammer at any moment. And you need many more connections to get ahead in China than in US and Japan. Of course, the ONE BIG obstacle in the US is related to PC and Jewish Power. Jews and PC can destroy even smart people, like James Damore.

    Another thing. China is all Han-Chinese, but US attracts top brains from all over. The best minds of Latin America, India, China & Asia, Arab world, and Africa mostly come to the US. US does get lots of low-IQ morons but also the top ultra-high IQ geniuses. So, the future of US science/technology will depend less on 200 million whites than on globo-genius-pool, most of whom want to come to study in places like MIT and want to work for Silicon Valley. US serves as a brain vacuum cleaner. It scours the whole world for top brains who are showered with mega-riches(as long as they bend over to homomania and remain mum about Jewish domination).
    Look how Sili-Valley took some of India’s best.

    Granted, there is a downside to this. While US grabs the creme dela creme of world geniuses, the diversity doesn’t make for cohesive sense of purpose. Google Jews hate American whites, and the yellows and Hindus are following the Jews in their anti-white vitriol. Also, can homomania really be the unifying ideology and symbol of the elites? Anno Sodomini?
    One advantage for the mental nationalism-provincialism of China is a unity of identity and purpose.

    l totter between looking east and looking west. If Washington doesn’t stop this growth, the American Empire will be marginalized within decades.

    North America has US and Canada and Mexico. South America has huge potential. The US doesn’t need Asia to remain a great power. The real problem of US is demographic. Lowering birthrates among whites, massive non-white invasion, and an hostile elite. And degeneracy such as homomania. And worst of all, the Black Problem because blacks not only attack whites but destroy white manhood. White race is finished if white men lose manhood iconography to blacks. Whites have become mental whores of Jewish power and sexual whores of blacks. And cultural whores of homos and even trannies. It is fatal.

    • 回复: @DB Cooper
  36. Anon[425]• 免责声明 说: • 您的网站

    Militaries have a very poor record of predicting outcomes of wars. This might provoke thought. The American Civil War was expected to be over in an afternoon; this was wrong by 650,000 dead and four years.. etc

    But for every side that predicted wrongly, there was a side that predicted correctly. General Giap proved to be right about Vietnam. And Zhukov was right about Soviets beating Germans.

    Also, Hitler was right a whole bunch of times before he was finally wrong. And US won every war before it lost one. Napoleon was on a crazy winning streak before he met his nemesis in Russia. So, 9 times out of 10, military predictions are correct. But then comes the Bridge Too Far. It’s like boxing. An up and coming boxer predicts correctly that he can beat a bunch of people, and he’s right. But then, he comes against a real tough guy who isn’t so easy.

    America could of course destroy much of Iran and kill millions of the defenseless. This is what America now calls “war.” … It is a coward’s way of war and, to judge by South Vietnam and Afghanistan, not very effective. Killing lots of people and winning a war are not the same thing.

    But it’s that’s LOSING, losing is better than winning. US ‘lost’ in Vietnam, but its homeland was untouched by Viet Cong bullets. In contrast, Vietnam ‘won’ the war but lost 2 million people.

  37. What I don’t understand is why these neo-cons like Max Boot have such a hard-on for going to war against Russia. What has Russia done to them that they deserved to be warred upon?

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  38. Anon[425]• 免责声明 说: • 您的网站

    There will be no war with Russia. It’s just muscle-flexing to keep EU from working with Russia. In a sane world, EU should be friendly with both US and Russia and do business. As Jews run the US and Jews hate Russia, they are doing everything to keep EU and Russia apart. And one way is to warmonger and ramp up European paranoia about Russia. So, all those military exercises on Russian borders is pure political psychology. It is like US training exercises in South Korea. It is to send a message to South Koreans that ‘we Americans are your friends and protectors and the Koreans in the North are your enemy’.

    With Iran, there is a slight chance of war, but it’s highly unlikely? Over what pretext? Most Trump supporters liked his anti-war speech. Also, the Progs who ignored Obama’s war crimes may come to life against Trump’s war on Iran. Anti-war movement may come alive once again.

    What the US will try to do is foment internal chaos in Iran as it is ethnically diverse, with Persians making up 50% of the population. (Whites will be 50% of US in short time too.) Just like Jews foment anti-white hatred in the US, they promote anti-Persian hatred in Iran.

    As for Syria, US didn’t lose that war because it was involved only minimally on the ground. US mostly used proxies to tear that nation apart, and it succeeded in the short term. But if Assad survives and consolidates his power, it could be a long-term minus for Jewish-US strategy.

    • 回复: @yurivku
  39. @unit472

    恐怕你弄错了事实。 1999 年欧洲/美国对南斯拉夫发动的战争,以及其最古老、最具历史意义的省份科索沃的分裂,打破了通过侵略性和非法军事行动改变国家边界的规则。

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  40. DB Cooper 说:

    “Also, the elite scientific-technological talent of any society is always very tiny. Most of 200 million whites know little of science/technology. It’s the top 0.1% that matters. Same in China. ”

    That’s true. But China does not have these “Creationism” anti-science nonsense like in the US.

    “This is why Japan is still way ahead of China. ”

    Japan is ahead of China but not way ahead. Japan is still ahead of China in terms of GDP per capita. But China GDP per capita has been rising fast for the past three decades and is still rising but Japan has fallen and remain stagnant. These days you don’t hear anything from Sony anymore but increasing Huawei. Chinese commercial drone brand DJI is the leader in the industry.

    “US does get lots of low-IQ morons but also the top ultra-high IQ geniuses.”

    And a lot of these low-IQ morons are H1B scam artists from India. They have done untold damages to the US, not only taking away American jobs but destroying American companies in the process.

    “Look how Sili-Valley took some of India’s best. ”


    Selected list of companies ruined or almost ruined by imported Indian labor:


    Adaptec –印度首席执行官Subramanian Sundaresh被解雇。
    苹果– 2006年在印度关闭了研发部门。
    贝尔实验室(Arun Netravalli接管,关闭,变成了购物中心)
    波音Dreamliner ES软件(由HCL编写,被FAA禁止)
    Caymas –由印度首席执行官,法国开发总监,中国技术主管运营的初创公司。 在将VC撤出美国5年后关闭。
    Computer Associates –前首席执行官Sanjay Kumar,印度人,因会计欺诈被判入狱12年。
    德勤– 2010年–加利福尼亚的马林乡村(Marin Country)因RICO的欺诈解决方案而被起诉,这家印度公司是一家咨询公司。
    房利美(Fannie Mae)–雇用了大批印第安人,必须予以保释。 印度逻辑炸弹创造者被判有罪并入狱。
    惠普– 2011年退出PC硬件业务,无法与苹果的平板电脑竞争。 惠普在2001年被印度人和中国人接管。对于“亚洲”人才来说,这真是太好了!
    捷星航空的计算机故障于9/17/11降下了克赖斯特彻奇机场。 JetStar由Quantas拥有-据了解,该公司已外包给India,Inc.。
    Medicare –由印度国家医生Arun Sharma和妻子在美国欺骗
    微软–雇用超过35,000架H-1B。 股票过去是100美元。 今天,幸运的是超过了25美元。 更不用说Vista了。
    MyNines –由印度国民Apar Kothari创立和经营的初创公司,在将数百万美国VC投入巨额资金后,倒闭了。
    百事可乐–在印度首席执行官Indra Nooyi观看期间从#1滑落到#3。
    宝利通–前高级行政人员Sunil Bhalla负责内幕交易。
    Quark(Alukah Kamar的首席执行官被解雇,因为印度编写的QuarkExpress 60失败导致6%的客户流失给Adobe)
    SAP –与2010年上述德勤相同。
    Skype(Madhu Yarlagadda被解雇)
    Sun Micro(2001年被印度和中国工人接管,倒闭,必须卖给Oracle)。
    加拿大维多利亚女王时代的护士令(2011年中,SAP / IBM搞砸了工资系统)

    This list was compiled years ago. I am sure it is much longer now.

    People in the IT industry are sick of these Indian scammers. Check out these two sites:


  41. dkshaw 说:

    你没读过多少弗雷德的书。 无论如何忽略内容。 毕竟,拼写错误要重要得多。

    • 回复: @anonymous
  42. Corvinus 说:

    No side will win a nuclear war. Conventional war between Russia and America is merely a movie–Red Dawn. Because in the end, the human race will lose. Of course, Russia and the United States are merely posturing and pontificating. Leaders there are not going to foolishly pull the trigger. So leave it up to Fred and Vox Day to promote the Chicken Little narrative.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  43. Miro23 说:
    @Abelard Lindsey

    The other point is that mass wars (e.g. WW2 style wars) are essentially competitions between industrial and logistical capacities. We won WW2 simply because we out-produced the rest of the world combined. I figured this one out as a WW2 history buff when I was 16 years old.

    Guess what? China has a far greater manufacturing capacity than we do today.

    Both of these points make clear that we will get our asses spanked if we start this kind of war against China.

    True if you’re going to replay WW2. However in WW3 industrial capacity would be irrelevant.

    Modern ICBMs each have hundreds of times the destructive power of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs, and there are 800 – 900 of them (with something like 10 – 15.000 nuclear warheads) ready to launch with no effective defense . It’s estimated that everything would be over in 2 days in an all out war (and what else could there be once it got going).

    Nothing at all like WW2.

  44. Anonymous[290]• 免责声明 说:
    @Abelard Lindsey

    It’s for white genocide. Check out the Kalergi plan while you are at it.

  45. Ragno 说:

    Maybe it’s me. I mean, most of this essay is truthful (if cynical and provocative) but it’s all the sort of dark rumination you can get every day at ANTIWAR or COUNTERPUNCH, and twice on Sundays. If you replaced the Mencken-like bits with undiluted Chicken Little alarmism, you could’ve sent it out with Paul Craig Roberts’ name on the byline with no one the wiser.

    It’s only when the essay takes a turn towards Trump-bashing towards the end that Fred’s priorities – the actual subtext here – shows itself. By maintaining, with a straight face, that Trump and his beleaguered braintrust made up largely of Beltway outsiders are long-practiced, corner-office war criminals on par with the Bush and Clinton crime families, Fred is either volunteering to write agitprop for the Evil Party’s 2020 assault, or he’s trying to keep peace in his 庄园里有一两句夸张的修辞。

    By the time Fred’s serving up “…a freak show that would make Kaiser Wilhelm’s court seem wholesome” in the windup graf, I can practically close my eyes and hear him shouting over his shoulder, “马德雷德迪奥斯,我是 写作 它,我是 写作 it! I have to build up to it, y’know!….I can’t just call him ‘hijo de puta‘ right in the damn title!”

    (不能 you, Fred? Hmmm…..maybe they don’t get the Guardian or the Washington Post down in Chihuahua Province….but times have changed.)

    • 回复: @EagleEyeX
  46. Nieuport 说:

    Yes, that’s her, Col. Roff. But my question is, how can the lady in the background have five or six rows of medal ribbons, more than Gen. Jimmy Doolittle? Did she fly thirty seconds over Tokyo?

    • 回复: @Simply Simon
  47. JLK 说:

    The most frightening potential weapons today can be made a laboratory in Switzerland or Taiwan as easily as they could by a superpower, and deployed without any clue as to their origin.

    That’s why we should be working to strengthen international weapons control regimes, not weaken them.

    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @another fred
  48. anonymous[178]• 免责声明 说:

    是的,内容很有价值。 因此,应该对其进行编辑,使其对 Fred 的粉丝以外的人来说更加美观和有说服力。

    你真的误会了吗? 我怎么能更清楚这一点呢?

    • 回复: @Intelligent Dasein
  49. AnonFromTN 说:

    The US military has not won a war since 1945, with the exception of the First Gulf War, which the LAPD could have won.

    This is not quite true. The US won the war against Grenada (population ~90 thousand) in 1983. Admittedly, it’s hard to tell whether the US should be proud or ashamed of that particular achievement.

    From Chuck XII to Adolf I it has proved a poor career move.

    Napoleon in 1812 is another example of that.

  50. AnonFromTN 说:

    As a matter of fact, the faculty in good Universities is ~80% white (many of these whites are born outside of the US, though), ~18% Chinese/Korean/Japanese, and ~2% other.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  51. @anonymous

    Nikki is gone in just a bit, too. SHE is a nut cake.

    • 回复: @Anon
  52. Anon[425]• 免责声明 说: • 您的网站


    White Men = Punching Bags.

    PS. How come we hear of ‘Jewish men’ and ‘Jewish women’ but of ‘white males’? Why are white men ‘males’ whereas Jewish males are ‘men’?

    Calling white men ‘males’ makes them sound like animals.

  53. Anon[425]• 免责声明 说: • 您的网站
    @Jim Christian

    SHE is a nut cake.

    No, just an over-eager whore.

    If US elites were Iranian-Americans, she would be the most vocal hater of Israel. Bolton too. They are whores.

  54. Antonius 说:

    How about a jew LGBT poc pos division or divisions to take on the russkies. They could televise it, and it would be a guaranteed money spinner.

  55. Hubbub 说:
    @The Alarmist


  56. Michelle 说:

    Well Miss Liza, I came home from work tonight with an ass pocket of whiskey myself. What else to do in the face of our country’s inevitable deterioration? It’s all so very depressing!

    • 回复: @Liza
    , @Ralph B. Seymour
  57. @War for Blair Mountain

    “Shockingly….there is no anti-war Movement in the US…”

    Hey! what about me? I am the leader of an anti-war individualist, anarchist, anti-war movement of one that is against war for all of those smart enough to oppose it, and for high precision (with respect to casualties) war for those dumb enough to volunteer for it. Join me, and we will un-conquer the world!

    • 回复: @Liza
  58. Rich 说:

    The US Military did not lose in Vietnam. In fact, the US Military won every major engagement, destroyed the VC after the Tet offensive and had the North on its knees begging Nixon to come to the negotiating table to offer terms after Operation Linebacker. It was only after the leftist coup removed Nixon and US troops withdrew, that the Reds were able to successfully invade. US combat troops left in’73. the Communist Vietnamese didn’t defeat the South until two years later. Had the US fulfilled its treaty obligations with the South, providing air support and supplies, the North, well armed from its communist allies, could never have succeeded.

    It grows tiresome, as the years pass, how the commie propaganda about a fake US defeat keeps getting repeated. Is there really nobody left who can read a history book and speak honestly about the Vietnam War without throwing in all the anti-American, communist BS? Enough already. I’d have thought Fred, a Vietnam vet himself, would know better, but I guess not.

  59. nsa 说:

    Save the Vietnam victory speech for your fellow senile drunks down at the VFW lounge. Vietnam represented a complete collapse of the US military. Insubordination, rampant drug usage, fragging officers, widespread AWOL, cynicism, refusal to leave the base perimeter….all described in pathetic detail by Hackworth. Or maybe those pics of US helicopters pulling out with camp whores and quislings hanging from the struts were faked? The final proof is that immediately following their abject defeat, the US PTBs abandoned the concept of a conscripted citizen army and instead opted for a permanent mercenary military that would do anything for a fat easy paycheck.

    • 回复: @AnonFromTN
  60. Biff 说:

    The freedom fighters of Vietnam sent the Empire packing, but you go ahead and re-write history all you want.

  61. Liza 说:

    I am sure that it is always a good idea to have our brains functioning as well as possible. Weed, liquor, prescription mood-altering drugs (stupid-making pills) don’t change the fact that when we wake up in the morning, the deterioration in our society is still there. But white people have been overdoing alcohol for eons. No matter what the event, happy or sad, there was always that magic bottle there. Except for abos, no one else behaves like that. Really, we have this major flaw.

  62. @Rich

    You don’t understand the difference between strategy and tactics. War is not a scoreboard of kills, it is politics by other means. Whoever achieves their strategic and political goals “wins” and the side that does not achieve them “loses”. Now try to explain to me how the US people (aside from the MIIC) got what they wanted out of the Vietnam War. Bottom line, the US advanced to the rear – just what the North wanted.

    • 回复: @Rich
    , @peterAUS
  63. Anonymous[392]• 免责声明 说:

    Faculty is mainly just collecting that sweet paycheck while the underlings do all the work.

    Also, faculty is a good ol boys club.

    • 回复: @AnonFromTN
  64. @anonymous

    Did you really misunderstand? How could I have been any clearer about that?

    One thing you must always remember when reading Unz评论 is that the self-proclaimed high IQ set is often pretty butt-fucking clueless.

  65. Sean 说:

    Russia sold weapons to China. What did they expect, a pat on the back?

  66. @Rich

    I think it’s just more convenient to cast Vietnam as a simple military defeat for the US rather than try to explain the reality that it was a hard limit to the ambitions of empire.

    Now, it’s true that as a matter of mere kinetics, the US could have pounded Vietnam into submission with massive invasions, continuous scorched earth bombing campaigns, and nuclear weapons. But it would have been immensely costly to do so, and then the task of administering a broken Vietnam as a military colony was one America never would have borne. From the moment we took that fateful step (had we done so), we would have had to set a defiant face against the rest of the world, backing up an international military empire with the constant use of force, and maintaining an heroic posture that is utterly beyond the capacity of modern Americans. As it was, the economic burden of the Vietnam War already gave us the stagflation of the ’70s—a setback we’ve never really recovered from once you consider the now four-decade-long decline in the purchasing power of the US median wage.

    So yes, Vietnam was a military defeat for us the kind of limited warfare we were willing to engage in. We don’t have a people willing to joyfully produce the arms and pay the taxes necessary to sustain global conquest, nor do we have women willing to bear the sons solely to be used as cannon fodder for the battlements. The frank recognition of these facts means that we will never again wage or be capable of waging a major war. Vietnams, Iraqs, and Afghanistans are all we have left, and we 能够 be defeated by an enemy who is ready to simply wait us out.

    • 回复: @Rich
  67. Carl Jones 说:

    The US has never tried to win any wars since WW2. The policy is control through perpetual chaos or perpetual war. Sure, it looks like WW3 is coming, everything points to that but must guess is that we are going to have a planned genetic pandemic, a massive human cull. And you know what, I wouldn’t be surprised if China & Russia weren’t in on this scheme.

    • 同意: Liza
    • 回复: @Simply Simon
  68. yurivku 说:

    A great military thinker–me, actually–once said that military stupidity comes in three levels: normally stupid; really really stupid; and invading Russia.

    Well said. But nobody will listen. As always.

  69. Rich 说:
    @The Scalpel

    Okay, explain to me how the military lost the war two years after withdrawal? The North had been defeated, signed a peace treaty, released, for the most part, American POWs and the US withdrew its combat troops. Then there was a leftist coup in the US that brought down the administration that was fighting the war and the new leaders of the US decided not to fulfill its treaty obligations to South Vietnam. To make that clear, and hopefully it will get through your skull, the US military was no longer fighting in Vietnam when the South was defeated, and the US government had made the conscious decision that defeating the Reds was no longer what it wanted. Please, explain to me how you lose a war two years after you stop fighting, after bombing the North into submission, after they come crawling to the negotiating table begging for mercy?

  70. yurivku 说:

    There will be no war with Russia. It’s just muscle-flexing to keep EU from working with Russia. In a sane world, EU should be friendly with both US and Russia and do business. As Jews run the US and Jews hate Russia, they are doing everything to keep EU and Russia apart.

    What a stupid way to think! You and other “thinkers” – don’t you allow that seeing Trump bombarding Syria right near our (Russian) positions, somebody will press a red button?
    What will go next, having assholes imbeciles in military and political leadership of USUS etc ?

    Getting closer and closer to our borders don’t you assume that again somebody will press a BIG red button? What about provocations neare our borders? Accidents with failing weapons?

    Can’t you understand that such level of risk for the whole world is just should not exist? But some of your stupids still are raising the stakes while others repeating “There will be no war with Russia”.

    My advice – dig the assylums.

  71. Rich 说:
    @Intelligent Dasein

    I agree it’s more convenient for anti-American propagandists and poorly educated people and those who’ve just never studied the war, to cast it as a defeat, but the fact is, it wasn’t a defeat. The US military was never defeated on the battlefield and we had been out of the country for two years when the North finally took the South. The men who replaced Nixon made the decision that keeping the South free was no longer in their best interests. You can’t lose a war you’re not fighting.
    The purpose of the Vietnam War was to stop, or at least slow, the spread of communism. By showing the boys in Moscow and Peking that we were willing to fight them for every country they saw as easy pickings, we made their advance too expensive to continue. Where are the communists today? I don’t see too many new statues of Marx going up, and part of that reason is because brave Americans fought the Reds at every opportunity.
    I disagree with your statement that “we don’t have a people willing to joyfully produce the arms and pay the taxes…”. At the present time in history, we have the largest military in the world, our troops are stationed in 150 countries, our Navy rules the seas, our Air Force owns the sky and the only country close to us in nukes is Russia. We are the nation no one else can defeat, that no one else wants to fight. We have mad dogs like Bolton and Haley and Graham chomping at the bit, ready to fight anyone, anywhere. And with wars going on everywhere, American kids are still lining up at the recruiting office.

  72. bluedog 说:

    Lol are you one of those assh*les who still cling to that old line of “we are exceptional,we never loose” we simply change the facts of history to suit ourselves,the fact is we did loose with a loss of some 56,000 thousand and thousands more who committed suicide after their return and over a 100,000 wounded, and of course the beginning of the destruction of America.But keep dreaming maybe we will win a war against some third world country,that is if we don’t have our own civil war or military take over before that time arrieves …

  73. @Rich

    I was trying to have a civil disagreement with you and to explain politely why you are wrong, but it is clear from this comment that you are nothing but a deranged lunatic.

    • 回复: @Rich
  74. JLK 说:

    We couldn’t get all our POWs back because we lost, and didn’t want to pay reparations as North Vietnam demanded.

    • 回复: @Rich
  75. Liza 说:
    @The Scalpel

    Well, no one is marching around against war, that is true; but there is antiwar.com, which consists of the latest warmongering news from around the world. Worth reading. Lots of info on Yemen.

    Antiwar.com leader, Justin Raimondo, seems to be on his last legs, maybe.

  76. AnonFromTN 说:

    Faculty is mainly just collecting that sweet paycheck while the underlings do all the work.

    That’s a common misconception. The main determinant of success in science is the direction: what to do, what not to do, how to do things worth doing. This requires creativity and smarts and is determined by the PI (principal investigator). Smart grad students and post-docs figure this out early and discuss their experiments with me before doing them, which increases their success rate manifold. The productivity of everyone, from post-docs down to rotation grad students and undergrads, was a lot greater in my lab than in other labs afterwards. Sometimes the differential is striking. In fact, when you look for a post-doc, and someone with strong publication record from a good lab applies, you always try to determine how big was the contribution of the person as compared to the lab s/he was in. In most cases no more than 1/3rd is determined by the qualities of the person, and 2/3rds by the lab.

    Also, faculty is a good ol boys club.

    That may be true for teaching faculty (who aren’t paid all that much) and research faculty in “privileged” schools like Ivies. In our Department about a third of the faculty are females, including a few of the most productive ones.

  77. AnonFromTN 说:

    It was best described in a movie “Apocalypse now”. It is depressing to acknowledge that in the past decent movies were made in the US. Not anymore.

  78. Rich 说:
    @Intelligent Dasein

    So, by strongly disagreeing with your opinion, I become a “deranged lunatic”? Look in the mirror, sir. Of course, as we know, in the modern day West, by calling someone a name, you automatically win the argument, but in this case, you’re argument is factually wrong. Best of luck.

  79. Rurik 说:

    Tucker is spot on here. “Says it all”.

    Sure does Tucker.

    American soldiers, just as American tax slaves, exist to spill unlimited buckets of goyim blood and treasure in abased service to Jewish supremacists in Israel.


    Nice article, and glad to see others pointing out that Fredo’s hysterical antipathy notwithstanding, it is Trump that has declined war with Russia over Syria. Which the war hag would have had us embroiled in by now.

    Also agree with others that Iraq was a success from the ((neocon)), CFR, PNAC- scumfuck’s perspective. Just as is Libya and Afghanistan and others.

    The purpose of the ZUS military is to serve Zionist/Jewish supremacist’s interests, just as it did during WWI and WWII. And bombing Israel’s well-earned enemies’ countries into the stone age for generations, is pure, Old Testament rapture for the tribe.

    Vietnam was an aberration. But at least it slaughtered off some 60 thousand goyim, so there’s always a silver lining.

    However, until Crimea, forcibly changing borders was prohibited

    you forgot to mention how Putin shot down the plane!, and poisoned those people in England!, and hacked our election!, and refuses to be gay!, blah, blah, blah…

    The imbeciles in Ukraine sticking pointed sticks in the bear, are John McCain’s execrable legacy.

    They take their orders from the Beast. They think the Beast has their back. What utter losers.


    brave Americans fought the Reds at every opportunity.

    Who do you think imposed commie slavery and genocide on Eastern Europe for generations? (Clue = FDR)

    Who funded Trotsky (the Reds) and arranged for his transfer to Russia with suitcases full of cash in order to impose commie hell on the planet?

    Woodrow Wilson, was his name.

    The same Woodrow Wilson that handed the keys to the US Treasury over to the world’s most sinister Jewish supremacists. Guaranteeing all the rest of the horrors being lamented by articles and comments like this here.

    The ZUS has been slavishly serving Zion for over a hundred years, and its favorite way to do that is by endless wars.

    Wars that slaughter not only brown people inconvenient to Israel’s agenda, but also the hated white men of N. America, Europe and especially Russia.

    Our only dilemma is cyphering who hates white folks more..

    The ((neocons)) of Eternal Wars, or Mexico’s puto extraordinaire; Fredo Reed.

    • 回复: @JohnnyWalker123
    , @RVBlake
  80. Rich 说:

    I guess all those pictures of our boys stepping off those planes were fakes? The reasons we didn’t get back all our missing servicemen are a little more complicated than what you wrote, problems with the leftist coup at home, communist sympathizers within our government and some politicians who were afraid of being blackmailed, among other reasons, but you just want to jump up and down saying “America lost”. You’re wrong, and obviously, the brief, easily understood facts I wrote in my other comments aren’t changing your opinion. Oh well. can’t convince everyone of the truth.

    • 回复: @nsa
    , @EagleEyeX
  81. Truth 说:


    Alfredo should just have his wife or daughter edit his posts. From what I’ve read they went through a FAR superior educational system.

  82. 好文章。

    The U.S. is basically the Spanish Armada.

    • 回复: @Anon
  83. @Rurik


    However, you have to remember that many contractors and other business interests are making huge amounts of money off these wars. Such as Dick Cheney’s Haliburton, which made tens of billionars of dollars in Iraq (much of it from absurd no-bid contracts) and engaged in quite a bit of fradulent billing (none of which was ever prosecuted).

    I think one reason so many White gentile leaders are supportive of the “War on Terror” is because they’re personally profiting.

    Look at how many retired Generals have ownership stakes in defense firms that supply our troops. These same Generals go on tv and push more military action in the Middle East.

    Look at how many politicians take lobbyist money from these various defense firms.

    Look at how many people in Washington D.C. are in some way directly or indirectly working for the sprawling military-industrial complex.

    That’s a major reason why so many White gentile leaders are such enthusiastic boosters of these wars.

    As one wise man once said, “War is a racket.”

    • 回复: @Rurik
  84. By-tor [又名“杰西·詹姆斯”] 说:

    The US withdrew under watchful eye of the North Vietnamese military who inventoried departing US personnel and equipment at the places of disembarkation. Every man and piece of equipment had to be accounted for. Here are photos showing this event.

  85. nsa 说:

    Unzville is a tougher audience than your senile barstool generals down at the the VFW lounge knocking down $2 doubles while reminiscing about the time they captured alive that hapless north vietnamese field nurse………….

  86. peterAUS 说:
    @The Scalpel

    Whoever achieves their strategic and political goals “wins” and the side that does not achieve them “loses”.

    BUT….that doesn’t mean that the losing side has/had/will have bad/weaker military.

    It’s amusing to see people focusing on MILITARY when talking about wars.
    Military is about campaigns and battles, actually.
    War is not.

    So, excellent military can keep winning all engagements (from strategic campaigns to small unit firefights) and still a COUNTRY can lose a war.

    Of course, majority here can’t comprehend that, but it’s O.K.

    “Waiter….another one, please !”

    • 回复: @The Scalpel
    , @Colin Wright
  87. @nsa

    You might be surprised how many of those VFW “barstool generals” are doing great community service instead of knocking down $2 doubles. At our meetings I seldom hear anyone reminiscing about their war experiences, that’s not the thing real combat soldiers, sailors and airmen do. We have found out there are plenty of Vietnam War wannabees including for example the infamous Senator Blumenthal from Connecticut, who are more likely to brag about their non-existent military service.

  88. @Carl Jones

    Jack London wrote a story describing how a group of nations connive to drop massive amounts of killer germs over China which would wipe out the Yellow threat. That could very well be one of the Pentagon’s secret war plans, or perhaps China’s also.

  89. @Nieuport

    The highest decoration she has is the Air Medal which ain’t much when it comes to combat decorations.

  90. Rurik 说:


    so many White gentile leaders are such enthusiastic boosters of these wars.

    They’re the worst scum on the planet.

    genocidal fiend Netanyahu is a Christ-like noble statesman compared to Tony Blair or Dick Cheney.

    At least bb is serving the interests of his nation and people as he sees it. Whereas Blair and Cheney are working to see nations and people destroyed, in order to get their thirty pieces of silver.

    I hope Hell has a suitable situation for these rats. Perhaps next to John McCain and Ted Kennedy.

  91. Rod1963 说:


    此外,我们的军队规模比里根时代的高度要小得多。 我们能够将任何数量的靴子放在旅级以上的地面上,这需要我们拥有的一切。

    更糟糕的是作战部队的数量非常少。 只有 8% 的陆军是战斗士兵。 其余的是 REMF。 海军陆战队在 12% 左右要好一些。 重点是我们最多只能让大约40,000人参加战斗。 剩下的人推纸,整天开会喝咖啡。

    如果你看看阿富汗,我们会派出小队大小的单位执行任务,因为我们没有人力,所以应该由一个完整的排来完成。 当他们与部落交战时,他们总是呼叫空中支援,因为他们缺乏单独对付他们的人数和火力。

    如果我是普京或习近平,想把美国踢得一塌糊涂。 我会向 GPS 所在的低地球轨道发射几枚装有静止子弹的火箭。 把他们干掉,社会和军队中的大多数人就会变得又聋又哑。 我们甚至会失去我们的电网,因为它可以让 GPS 卫星定时让一切同步。


    • 回复: @Rich
    , @Jeff Stryker
    , @Thim
  92. Biff 说:

    Keep re-writing history! It’s fun to read your nonsense!

  93. Biff 说:

    The purpose of the Vietnam War was to stop, or at least slow, the spread of communism.

    And Saddam had Weapons of mass destruction. The lies people believe never cease to amaze.

  94. Rich 说:

    And yet, you “geniuses” can’t factually prove any of my assertions false.
    1. The US withdrew its combat forces 2 years before the North defeated the South.
    2. Operation Linebacker (1 and 2) brought the North begging to the negotiating table.
    3. The Viet Cong were finished as an effective fighting force after the Tet offensive.
    4. The US won every major military engagement against the North.
    5. The 1975 post-coup American government had no interest in stopping the North.

    • 回复: @nsa
    , @By-tor
  95. Anonymous [AKA "Jim F"] 说:

    The military has suffered years of feminization, SJW appeasement, 肯定行动, lowered physical standards, and LGBTQ insertion.

    It was all good UNTIL THIS. Affirmative Action CARRIED the military when no one, I mean NO ONE wanted to fight a foreign war. If you think you’re so tough, get those WHITE boys up in Penn, and Ohio on the front lines. Help get em off that China white.

  96. Rich 说:

    2. There has been a lot of technical advances since the days of Reagan, so the smaller number isn’t indicative of a less combat ready force.
    3. REMF 的数量一直远大于作战部队的数量,即使在罗马军团时代也是如此。
    4. 看看阿富汗,塔利班被打败了,那些仍然活跃的人生活在丛林中,无法对美军造成任何严重的伤害。
    5. The Chinese military is unable to take back Taiwan, how are they ever going to take on the US? China has only 260 nukes, compared to the US having 6500. The US could wipe out the Chinese nukes and destroy China’s ability to fight back with a first strike attack. The Indians sent the Chinese running not too long ago. The only victories the Chinese have had since ’45 are against Tibetan Monks and unarmed students. Although I have great respect for the Russian military, I’ll wait until I see them defeat Ukraine before I get nervous. For the time being, both Israel and Turkey shot down Russian military crafts, and the Russians did nothing. If Putin is afraid to fight back against two middling powers, what makes you think he’d fight the US?
    6. 我同意,在经济崩溃、城市一片火海的情况下,要起诉一场战争是很困难的。

  97. @Rich

    German-American here. The Berlin Wall did not collapse because of Americans fighting the spread of communism. It collapsed for economic reasons. One of which was simply a love of material things.

    The Cold War ended in Berlin. Not Vietnam.

    And in any event China and Vietnam went to war in 1979 anyhow.

  98. @nsa


    My Dad was a combat medic in Vietnam. He had no choice. He was drafted and in those days if you evaded the draft your life was ruined.

    The number of soldiers that committed war crimes was relatively low.

    I asked my father once about that and he said “they would take any warm body. They had to.”

    But many guys were drafted who did not want to serve in the military. In those days the only way out of serving in the military was to be in jail.

  99. @Rod1963


    Young people are cynical, they might have been born in the late 90’s but they associate everything that has gone to shit since Clinton left office with the Bush years, they live at home, they’re racially and culturally divided and more of them are unpatriotic than ever.



    • 回复: @Liza
  100. @Rich

    Leftist coup.

    Had the draft been reinstated for Iraq or Afghanistan, the same thing would have happened. Reed notes that the Pentagon has long since decided to make the military a volunteer force.

    And if Jews are accused of being behind Communism or wars in the Middle East they are always at the forefront of the anti-war movements. And would be again. Hoffman etc.

  101. 如果包括阿拉斯加,美国是世界上面积第五大的国家。美国拥有世界第三大人口。人口数量不如中国,面积不如俄罗斯,但也不是中等规模。那么你认为西欧、加拿大、日本、澳大利亚都是美国的附庸。还要考虑到一个面积和人口都小于美国新泽西州的国家控制着整个帝国。否则,我同意弗雷德的观点

  102. @Rich

    Chinese troops parachute into Idaho? I doubt it.

  103. KGH 说:


  104. EagleEyeX 说:

    写得好,无论你是谁。 我怀疑是否有人在家听。 当城堡燃烧时,他们只会随着以色列风笛手的曲调继续摸索……
    这就是这一切的现实。 它正在下降,而且下降幅度很大。
    民众最好开始冷静地审视这种阴险的寄生虫,它似乎正在吞噬死去的肯尼迪的战利品、移民失误、大屠杀和 9/11 恶作剧……好莱坞和无处不在的暴力正在吞噬群龙无首的人。 。
    美国诞生于征服和暴力……靠枪生存,死于枪……很多好人都在倒下,我对此深感悲痛,但从定义上来说,他们也负有责任。 许多邪恶的混蛋也在倒下,尤其是这些隔离国家的新骗子。

  105. EagleEyeX 说:

    读一读《老子》和《孙子兵法》。 我怀疑美国军方没有必要这样做。 美国是一片炒作、傲慢和过度自信的土地。 ……不是这样的,我的朋友,不是这样的。

  106. EagleEyeX 说:

    很酷的观察……这个男人很油嘴滑舌? 是的……我也是一名在墨西哥生活 32 年的外籍人士。 我邀请老弗雷德来“brindis”庆祝我们共同的敌人(不是墨西哥人),但没有成功。 他在龙舌兰酒之地的某个地方盘踞着,带着典型的美国优势缺陷。

  107. RVBlake 说:

    The last two lines of your comment triggered a memory. 30 or so years ago when I was on active duty our unit regularly received copies of the Navy Times in the mail, which circulated throughout the office for crewmembers to read. It was in newspaper format and displayed articles of interest regarding military life. The last page of the paper frequently featured an opinion column by a writer named Fred Reed, who was an ex-Marine. In 0ne particular piece he stated that officers who belonged to racial minorities were better leaders than White officers because they shared with enlisted men a history of being denigrated, increasing the bond between the two groups. Allegedly, White officers lacked this sense of empathy with their men. That has always struck me as asinine. I can’t swear this is the same Reed.

  108. EagleEyeX 说:


  109. 弗雷德再次钉住了它。忘掉所有关于打字错误和现已离开的国务院人员的批评吧。那些现在已经离开的人已经被同类的新保守派所取代。


  110. Herald 说:

    “Much easier to take than the whole country.” But it still won’t be easy in any sense and most likely will be unattainable. It seems that like many, you have no real idea of what Iran is capable of in the military sense. Iran is not going to sit back and allow itself to be partitioned in the way your post indicates.

    Fred’s facile reference to missiles on the back of a pickup truck, likens the Iranian military to the Taliban or possibly ISIS. This ignorant comparison demonstrates Fred’s lack of knowledge of what would most likely happen should the US decide to take out Iran. Iran has a large armoury of modern medium range missiles that would render Israel and all US bases in the ME to be very viable high value targets. The US will not get away unscathed, and its likely losses of men and equipment and/or ships could be unacceptably high.

    It should also be remembered that Iran has a number of midget submarines, which are almost undetectable in the littoral waters of the Persian Gulf. The Gulf will likely be closed indefinitely.

    Now as for Israel wanting a war with Iran, is this just more Turkeys voting for an early Christmas?

    • 回复: @FB
  111. Ger 说:

    那些指挥好战进程的人并不属于“政府”。 “国会”的唯一目的是提供资金……有些公开宣布,有些则没有。战争的唯一要求是将部分战利品回收到连任资金。

  112. What I always notice about pro war American articles (and internet trolls, at least some of whom are professionals paid by the CIA) is their incredible contempt for the people whom they talk of fighting. It’s beyond racism. Like some unz commentators talking about black people, they don’t even pretend to believe that the Afghans or Iraqis or Russians they want to massacre are human; while their glorious American armed forces, wrapped in Kevlar from head to toe and armed with matte black plastic guns, are something out of Steven Spielberg’s Star Wars universe.

    And then those splendid warriors done up in ultra-modern uniforms go off to war and get their heads handed to them by semiliterate Afghan peasants in turbans and Iraqi slum teenagers with fifty year old weapons, and this doesn’t make any sense to them, not at all, at all.

    • 同意: Kiza
  113. Biff 说:

    If you look at Afghanistan, the Taliban is defeated,

    That’s too funny. One simple web search says otherwise about ninety times, but please don’t stop – you’re too good – we want more please.


    • 回复: @Rich
  114. DanFromCT 说:

    There’s only a passing comment or two about the US Navy keeping the Strait of Hormuz open, I gather assuming it can be done by de-mining, fire fighting, wreckage clearing, and 24/7 maintenance of a two-ship-wide safe passage through thousands of mines, burning oil smoke, vessel wreckage, and missile barrages. Foreign tanker operators, their crews, cargo owners, and insurers will go along with this scenario, of course. And if the Iranians and Russians decide a full response is their best defense, what happens when Saudi pipelines and terminals are taken out of action as well, for months on end?

    Some years ago when at least air strikes on Iran seemed immanent the Heritage Foundation preposterously claimed in a white paper that there’d be almost no economic consequences to a closure. No, of course not, yet considering the almost impossibly bad track record of ME war cost-estimating going back to the ‘73-74 oil crisis, what would the economic implications be from prolonged $300-400/bbl oil?

  115. NOT winning wars is the only thing keeping enough new Federal Reserve Notes entering the Fed’s Ponzi scheme to prevent it’s collapse.

  116. @Rich

    “Okay, explain to me how the military lost the war two years after withdrawal”

    The US goal of the war was to unify Vietnam under the government of the south. That was never accomplished. Not when the US withdrew, not 2 years later, not ever.

    The goal of the North was to kick out the Yanks and unify the country under the North’s government. That was accomplished.

    QED. Simple.

    • 回复: @Rich
  117. Desert Fox 说:

    The Zionists control the U.S. government and have for over 100 years ever since they got their privately owned FED and IRS pushed through a corrupt congress in 1913 and with this control have kept America at war starting with WWI and continuing down through the wars in the Mideast.

    Then on 911 Zionist Israel and the Zionist controlled deep state attacked the WTC and killed some 3000 Americans to provide the excuse to go to war in the Mideast and Afghanistan and since that time for over 17 years Americans have fought and died for Zionist Israel and their Zionist NWO and now they want the war to end the world as we know it by going to war with Russia.

    The Zionist elites believe that they can survive in their DUMBS aka deep underground military bases but what will they see on the top when the nuclear exchanges end ie a world with very few survivors and little else, but these Satanic Zionists are insane and so do not care about the destruction of the world, they only care about war and the Zionist NWO.

  118. @The Alarmist

    You forgot Panama and Noriega, a menace to democracy.

  119. @Rich

    That would be the same Taliban which captured nine more bases just 昨天?

    Perhaps you should go tell them they’re defeated. I’m sure they’d like to know that.

  120. @peterAUS

    “BUT….that doesn’t mean that the losing side has/had/will have bad/weaker military.”

    True, but ultimately irrelevant (as you imply)

    The above is why I encourage bright young men (and women) to reconsider any decision to join any military force. You are being used as cannon fodder for reasons different than what you are told. Your efforts are likely futile and possibly counterproductive to your personal ideals.

    If you consider yourself a good person, valuable to society, with good genes to pass on – protect yourself from needless physical and psychological risk! Choose a positive way to contribute to humanity and be fruitful and multiply. Don’t risk it all by surrendering your free will and your conscience to a government.

    On the other hand, if warfare and destruction is appealing to you, and you have no qualms about surrendering your conscience to a random commander, then by all means join some armed forces and seek the most dangerous missions possible and hopefully get stopped from reproducing.

  121. Rich 说:

    Are you actually arguing that the Taliban is in control of Afghanistan? Really? How is the US and its allies still there, then? Did the Taliban give us permission to hunt them down and shoot them dead whenever they crawl out of their caves? Are you delusional?

    • 回复: @Biff
  122. Rich 说:
    @The Scalpel

    You have been misinformed about the purpose of US involvement in Vietnam. It was never the policy of the U.S. to unify the two governments. If it had been, the US would’ve invaded the North, which many argued we should have done at the time.

    The purpose of US involvement was only to prevent the murderous Reds from butchering the people in the South and preventing the spread of totalitarian communism.

    In 1975, after the leftist coup, 2 years after troops had been pulled out, it was no longer the policy of the U.S. to save the South.

    • 回复: @The Scalpel
  123. @Rich

    So, to summarize, you are saying that the US did not lose because, while there, the US goal was simply to be there. (Thus preventing complete control by the opposition) But once the US left, their goal of “being there” was abandoned. Nice circular logic there. Can’t possibly lose that way. If you are not already, you should try to become an Army officer!

    • 回复: @awry
  124. awry 说:
    @The Scalpel

    US Democrats in Congress forced the cut of military aid to South Vietnam. They wanted the commies to win to be vindicated. Nixon practically won the Vietnam War for the US, he forced the commies to the negotiation table with bombing Hanoi with B-52’s. The commies had to choose between peace and being bombed back to the Stone Age. After that he brought the troops home and he was reelected with the biggest landslide in US history. But then the liberal, VC-loving kikes stroke back with Watergate, had Nixon removed and with the Dems controlling Congress US betrayed South Vietnam. It would have been quite easy to prevent North Vietnam from invading the South, the commies started the invasion only after it was made sure that the US won’t intervene, won’t bomb them and won’t send any more arms to the South.

    • 回复: @The Scalpel
  125. sondjata 说:

    “自 1945 年以来,除了第一次海湾战争之外,美国军队还没有赢得过一场战争,而洛杉矶警察局本可以赢得这场战争。它在越南惨败。它唯一的成就是在黎巴嫩境内造成 241 名海军陆战队员阵亡。十七年过去了,它没有表现出任何击败几乎没有武装的阿富汗农民的迹象。伊拉克是一个彻头彻尾的烂摊子,没有实现其目标:控制石油、永久基地和傀儡政府。现在军队在叙利亚正在失败。”



    • 回复: @Avery
  126. ‘I’d Rather Be Ruled by Autistic Hamsters’

    Some good fairy granted your wish, then.

  127. anon[101]• 免责声明 说:


    does anyone take this clown seriously, from his roost there in mejico?

    • 回复: @Reg Cæsar
  128. Liza 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Young people are cynical, they might have been born in the late 90′s but they associate everything that has gone to shit since Clinton left office with the Bush years, they live at home, they’re racially and culturally divided and more of them are unpatriotic than ever.

    If all young people would live at home (as most immigrants do), there wouldn’t be a problem with race and culture. It is when millions of young people are booted out the door the moment they’ve finished high school because “ya gotta be independent” that the problems begin.

    How many young people have the wisdom or experience required to resist the liberal crap shoved down their throats while living alone or with another equally confused person their own age. The reality is that they do need a proper parent (or even two) to supervise them and put the brakes on stupid behavior when necessary. However, in recent generations, the parents are as clued out as their progeny, kick their children out ASAP, and proceed to act worse than adolescents themselves. Fifty years old and still trying to “find themselves” – maybe because they were kicked out of the home, too.

    The establishment of millions of new, one-person households was/is a capitalist-Marxist plot to increase consumption, “grow the economy” and throw our children to the wolves of liberal degeneracy.

  129. Agent76 说:

    25.12。 2015年北约:寻求自1949年以来的俄罗斯破坏




  130. Mj 说:
    @War for Blair Mountain

    反战运动是中上层婴儿潮一代对自己的球被放在桌子上的威胁的回应。 现在他们已经太老了,不能被征召入伍,他们可以在安息日观看 CNN 的战争精彩片段或 ESPN 的体育精彩片段。 我的ggg一代!!!

    • 哈哈: Liza
  131. Avery 说:



    ‘International restrictions’ 无论是在二战期间还是之后,都从未阻止过美国军队。


    [64 年前,在美国空军的三年“风雨和毁灭”之后,朝鲜人从这场战争中陷入了一场活生生的噩梦。平壤已被夷为平地, 空军在官方文件中表示,朝鲜城市遭受的破坏比二战期间德国和日本的城市遭受燃烧弹袭击还要严重.]

    US did everything except drop nukes in Vietnam: carpet bombing, chemical** attacks, Napalm,…
    Nukes were considered next, but cooler heads prevailed, rationally arguing that things will most likely spin out of control with USSR also using nukes in support of NK (I presume tactical first, then who knows,…..)

    Who’s going to stop US? The UN? The war crimes tribunal at The Hague?

    Reason US does not use this or that in its illegal attacks on defenseless countries is because it has to maintain some image: you know, “we are there to bring liberty, law and order, blah, blah,….” (mainly for US sheeple consumption)
    US seeks to ‘legitimately’ maintain its spot on top of the perch: ruling classes are mainly interested in accumulating wealth and unrestricted access to world’s resources so they can accumulate…..more wealth and power.

    Yeah, if it is the end of everything, US can wipe out the world (….as Russia can).
    But US can’t resort to “total war”, because even its sycophant ‘allies’ would distance themselves from her.

    #1 那里没有什么可以进行地毯式轰炸的:即使是美国也没有足够的常规炸弹来覆盖阿富汗的每一平方英里,并杀死藏在山洞里的每一个 Muj。
    #2 喀布尔是美国的傀儡:地毯式轰炸喀布尔(首都)对美国利益有什么好处,无论阿富汗的利益是什么。
    #3 美国将如何利用数千年来在阿富汗利用的一切放射性物质?

    Your whole premise of US military supremacy may be valid in some unreal hypothetical scenario, but is as constrained as it is due to practical constrains which have nothing to do with any international agreements, bans, conventions, etc…which US routinely ignores as needed.
    * https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/aug/13/america-carpet-bombed-north-korea-remember-that-past

    ** bring pictures of Vietnamese children born deformed: see if you are still gung-ho about US military.

  132. Agent76 说:

    May 15, 2017 Ukraine: US-Installed Fascist Rule in Europe’s Heartland Will Donetsk Rejoin Russia?

    该国与俄罗斯共享近1,500英里的陆地和海洋边界。 停止北约组织的里克·罗佐夫(Rick Rozoff)早些时候曾解释说,乌克兰是“美国及其北约盟国实施军事封锁线计划的决定性关键,这将俄罗斯从欧洲中分离出来”。这是阴险的阴谋,可能是核战争的前奏。


    拉塞尔·本特利(Russell Bentley)是一位前美国海军陆战队士兵,现在与美国资助的乌克兰军队争夺乌克兰东部的顿巴斯(Donbass)。

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
    , @anon
  133. @pyrrhus

    What will take for whites to grow some cahones? Even the bold headed bikers will knee down before a feminist if confronted with one. Also, irresponsible parenting, is a hideous effect coming from the dysfunctional American culture. Most hellwood movies if you can notice, are made even fiction, or one parent, divorced either male of female, where she/he is caring for the children alone. I have not noticed any movie where both parents are taking care of their families together, although when I visited the Phoenix Zoo, families of the mormon community were enjoying with their four of five children having a wonderful time. Don’t let helliwood make you believe that parenting is either mom, or dad. They just want people to believe that that is the norm, rather than the oddity. May God have mercy on every one in the USA.

  134. @peterAUS

    ‘…So, excellent military can keep winning all engagements (from strategic campaigns to small unit firefights) and still a COUNTRY can lose a war…”


  135. ” Germany thought that WWI would be a war of movement over in weeks; in fact a ghastly war of attrition lasting four years. ”

    德国 希望 it could beat France before tsarist Russia attacked Germany, Germany has no natural borders, has always feared a two front war.
    The Germans were well aware of the GB, French and tsarist plans to annihilate three empires: the German, the Austrian-Hungarian and the Ottoman.
    Few here are going to read Ludendorff in German and ghotic letters, but with the extensive map material one sees what a two front war means, even with a relatively extensive railroad system.
    German militarism, little more than excellent planning and execution of the plans.
    Von Moltke was the planning genius.
    埃里希·卢登道夫(Erich Ludendorff),《 1914年迈恩·克里格瑟琳纳朗根(Meine Kriegserinnerungen)= 1918年》,柏林,1918年
    What I miss in the article is how British volunteered eagerly for the war, the fun would be over by Christmas.

  136. Biff 说:

    Are you actually arguing that the Taliban is in control of Afghanistan? Really? How is the US and its allies still there, then? Did the Taliban give us permission to hunt them down and shoot them dead whenever they crawl out of their caves? Are you delusional?

    That’s too short. You need to flesh it out more – especially the delusional part.

  137. Generals fight the last war, it is said.
    In 1940 in three weeks France lost the second First World War.
    Commenters here also seem to expect to fight the last war.
    I expect WWIII to be over in a few days, by then nearly anyone on this planet is dead, or will be dead in a mattter of days or weeks.

  138. Reg Cæsar 说:

    If he wants to be ruled by autistic hamsters, he need merely come back home. They won last night.

  139. @awry

    coulda, woulda, shoulda

    That’s what all the losers say…….

  140. nsa 说:

    Saving face is very important to Westerners. Nixon’s house joo conceded defeat but managed to negotiate a “decent interval”. What is often overlooked is the religious aspect of the conflict to recolonize SE Asia. The US sided with a Catholic minority against a Buddhist majority…..insuring abject defeat from the git go. Reality is a very demanding mistress…….

  141. @anonymous

    It’s funny that’s the first comment. It echoes my sense.

    Taken alone both Reed and Raevsky have individual good points that stand on their own. Taken together it’s a bit much.

    Reed for the most part here is making a laundry-list of grumpy old men the world is going to hell in a handbasket points. The important point is that current policy is driven by the needs of empire and that’s just stupid because all the US has to do to not overstretch and not find itself in that weak rapidly retracting place where spent out empires implode, is get about the business of acting like a normal country ASAP. As a normal country the US will punch far above its weight and do fine. Even Israel will be OK – it will just have to make do with an ally, not a hyperpower.

    Put together though these articles either come off as someone who is depressed, self-talking down, and projecting; or propaganda, or in Raevsky’s case, one who is incapable of keeping analysis tightly inside the realm of the computable, even when overstatement and brashness puts ostensibly his own young men in harms way. Of course Russia should “prepare for war”, the US is behaving like a drunk in the city park with an M1 tank and a loaded cannon – but of all people in the world Raevsky knows Russia will do everything in its power to avoid war with the US.

  142. Steve2 说: • 您的网站

    一段时间以来,白人在科学活动中被取代。出于成本和可用性的原因,国家科学基金会很久以前就优先选择最初持有签证的印度人和中国人。这当然增强了他们祖国的能力。如果您的搜索引擎没有完全隐藏它,请参阅 VDARE 关于计算机科学人员培训 H1-B 和离岸替代者的信函。尽管如此,请注意,这里最优秀的中国人和印度人将与白人分享他们的知识,因此一切还没有丢失。如果你关心美国,那就放手去学习一些有用的东西,然后实施它。这意味着你。

    • 回复: @DB Cooper
  143. @Agent76

    Yet the construction of the gas pipe line through the Baltic to Germany continues.
    The Petersburg Peking railway is operational.
    Putin has good relations with Erdogan, seaway to the Med and Syrian bases open.
    Climate change, first convoy from Murmansk N of Siberia to Vladivostok.
    EU economic interests in Iran.
    What NATO, Pentagon and Brussels are doing together seems to be in complete opposition to the facts.

  144. @SimplePseudonymicHandle

    If the yesterday elections have made one thing clear it is that USA no longer exists.

  145. By-tor [又名“杰西·詹姆斯”] 说:

    The US only held the territory it had soldiers standing upon. Why do you persist in the absurd premise the US was saving Vietnam from its own population? The Vietnamese population never held a referendum on allowing France, Japan nor the US to occupy their country. South Vietnam was ruled an unpopular dictatorship installed by the US which was fighting a war to maintain power within its own borders.

    • 回复: @Rich
    , @Avery
  146. DB Cooper 说:

    “That said do note that best Chinese and Indian people here will share their knowledge with whites, so all is not lost yet. ”

    当然有非常聪明的印度人。但在美国,他们中的绝大多数都是骗子,他们来这里是为了逃离他们的黑坑国家。印度人的平均智商是 82。纳夫说。

  147. John Henry 说:

    When Russia invaded Afghanistan it did not expect to lose to Afghans in sandals. When America invaded Afghanistan, having seen what had happened to Russia, it did not expect the same result.

    In the mid-1990’s I taught classes for the Army’s Command and General Staff Officers Course. The students are Majors and senior Army Captains. With a few Lieutenant Colonels who were in branches that did not require the course for their rank.We discussed the Soviets in Afghanistan. We all wondered how they could have been so stupid.

    I guess my students are no longer in positions of influence.

    • 回复: @EugeneGur
    , @AnonFromTN
  148. DB Cooper 说:

    “The Indians sent the Chinese running not too long ago.”

    If that is true Indians won’t be obssesing what happened to them in 1962 to this day. India has been land grabbing its smaller neighbors every which way and even annexed a whole country but Indians never make any fuss about it because they got what they want in every of these cases. But with the Chinese they got defeated, and in a decisive way. Hence all these obssession of the 1962 war by the Indians.

    Bragging gets India nowhere. It only makes it a laughing stock of the world.

  149. Alfred 说:

    The author is implicitly suggesting that the Kaiser and Germany started the First World War. Nothing could be further from the truth. The records of the German Foreign Ministry have never been released as they demonstrate that the very opposite was the case. The British were the instigators and they started their mischief more than 10 years before 1914.

    I suggest he reads this book:

    “Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War” by Gerry Docherty and Jim MacGregor


    • 回复: @JLK
  150. Rich 说:

    You are factually wrong. The VC were defeated as a fighting force by the end of 1969. The US along with its South Vietnamese ally had a firm grip on the South. That is a fact. The South Vietnamese government were cream puffs compared to what the Reds did to the population after they took over. Ever heard of the “boat people”? Ever spoken to a Vietnamese refugee? You have been lied to in what you’ve been taught about this conflict. As time passes, more and more propaganda is published, and the truth is hidden away, but there are still some indisputable facts that even the leftist professors and leftist media can’t cover up.

    Try to look past the anti-American bias and dig into the facts of the war with the same emotion you would study the Punic Wars, and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

    • 回复: @anon
    , @By-tor
  151. JLK 说:

    Germany started WWI only in the sense that it had an unelected monarch who by all accounts wasn’t very bright. He could have stopped the madness and told Austria-Hungary that he wasn’t ready to sacrifice millions of working class men because of a random political assassination. Instead he jumped in with both feet and started a cycle that brought ruination onto his own country and the rest of Europe twice in 30 years.

  152. anon[157]• 免责声明 说:

    拉塞尔·本特利(Russell Bentley)是一位前美国海军陆战队士兵,现在与美国资助的乌克兰军队争夺乌克兰东部的顿巴斯(Donbass)。

    i heard this guy on a podcast a year or two ago and he sounded confused

    btw he’s dead now isn’t he?

  153. renfro 说:
    @Fidelios Automata

    If we brought back the draft things might change quickly……..people might start asking questions about the ‘real reasons’ behind our wars.

  154. anon[157]• 免责声明 说:

    The South Vietnamese government were cream puffs compared to what the Reds did to the population after they took over. Ever heard of the “boat people”? Ever spoken to a Vietnamese refugee?

    this is the thing, to judge who was worse compare how many North Vietnamese would have tried to escape on rafts etc over the open ocean? because in the case of South Vietnamese it was apparently over 500,000 that felt they needed to escape to avoid being murdered by the communist regime

    • 回复: @Rich
  155. Pat Kittle 说:
    @War for Blair Mountain

    A limited nuclear exchange with Christian Russia would have the great benefit of ending Jewish control of the US…..The remaining Evangelical Christian Population in the US will then realize that THE RAPTURE was nothing but a heresy……


    1) In the real world the notion of a “limited nuclear exchange” is right up there with “Duck & Cover.”

    2) “Jewish control” has a goal — WHITE GENOCIDE, if you haven’t noticed. A nuclear war between the world’s 2 largest primarily White populations would do just fine.

    3) Time & again “charismatic preachers” have promised evangelicals the EXACT DAY of the Rapture. The DAY comes. No Rapture. And most of the deceived conclude that is a test of their faith, which they will not fail.

  156. EugeneGur 说:
    @John Henry


    Typical American arrogance leading to total inability to look reality in the face. The Soviets did a hell of a lot better in Afghanistan than the “superior” American army is doing now. The Americans there only control the ground they stand upon in a particular moment – the Soviets controlled large swathes of the country.

    And that was considering that the US organized, armed, trained, and otherwise supported mujahideen fighting against the Soviet troops. Imaging what the war in Afghanistan would’ve looked like if Russia had supported the Taliban – like Vietnam, perhaps?

    • 回复: @Winston
  157. ‘Typical American arrogance leading to total inability to look reality in the face. The Soviets did a hell of a lot better in Afghanistan than the “superior” American army is doing now. The Americans there only control the ground they stand upon in a particular moment – the Soviets controlled large swathes of the country.’

    The distinction is actually that we’re wealthy enough so that we needn’t admit we’ve lost.

    As long as we stay there, we don’t have to admit it; so we stay there.

    • 回复: @EugeneGur
  158. Freespirit 说:



    • 同意: Z-man
  159. renfro 说:

    Don’t be fooled by tranny stuff. US is the most powerful military. Also, with its vast economy, US in war footing can be tremendous.

    That may not be true any longer. Assuming conventional war, not nuclear and assuming the ‘win’ would mean taking over and controlling a country as opposed to bombing it into literally ‘glass”…the US may not be the best.
    It depends on several things, manpower and training and weapons/equipment supply being the first two in ground wars.


    29 Largest Armies In The World

    Rank Country Active Military
    1 China 2,183,000
    2 India 1,395,100
    3 美国 1,347,300
    4 North Korea 1,190,000
    5 Russia 831,000
    6 Pakistan 653,800
    7 韩国 630,000
    8 Iran 523,000
    9 Vietnam 482,000
    10 Egypt 438,500
    11 缅甸 406,000
    12 印度尼西亚 395,500
    13 泰国 360,850
    14 Turkey 355,200
    15 Brazil 334,500
    16 哥伦比亚 293,200
    17 Mexico 277,150
    18 Japan 247,150
    19 Sudan 244,300
    20 Sri Lanka 243,000
    21 Saudi Arabia 227,000
    22 Taiwan 215,000
    23 Ukraine 204,000
    24 France 202,950
    25 Eritrea 201,750
    26 Morocco 195,800
    27 South Sudan 185,000
    29 Israel 176,500
    This page was last updated on February 12, 2018.

    And even when you look at numbers it can be misleading. For for instance in Turkey ALL military has combat training on a regular basis regardless of their actual assigned job in the military. In the US the Marines are the only military group in which ALL members have combat training. In midget Nazi Israel their combat training consist of fighting unarmed Palestines. I havent looked into all of them on this list to see how their militaries are trained but combat training plays a big part in performance, win or lose.

    Yea, the US could finance a war longer than any others……could add more trillions to our national debt……and OBL would be laughing from his grave and Putin laughing his ass off as he watched the US bankrupt itself on wars just like Russia bankrupted itself in a arms race with the US.

    • 回复: @anon
  160. anon[157]• 免责声明 说:


    29 Largest Armies In The World

    Rank Country Active Military
    6 巴基斯坦 653,800
    7 韩国 630,000
    8 伊朗 523,000
    9 越南 482,000
    10 埃及 438,500

    this doesn’t mean much

    not an accurate representation of real military power

    • 同意: Z-man
    • 回复: @renfro
  161. Winston2 说:

    “History is a set of lies agreed to”.
    Even though I trained as a WEO on upkeeping nuke warheads long ago and was convinced of their
    power and lethality then, I’ve stated to have serious reservations as to the truth of that.
    Badly doctored photos of the tests,people living and thriving at ground zero’s in multiple locations.
    The Los Alamos pre and post test photos showing hundreds of tons of conventional explosives
    being used with no fusion of the sands etc etc.
    Things do not add up,at all.
    Question your assumptions.

  162. Rich 说:

    Where on planet earth is the country where millions fled after an American victory? The US has been the most magnanimous conqueror in history, and no, that doesn’t mean the US is perfect, just better than the rest. Regular citizens never flee to the bloodthirsty communists. Are you guys really that ignorant of the brutality of the Reds? Is it possible the left has been able to hide the homicidal nature of every communist revolution that has ever taken place? We may be in big trouble if this is true.

    • 回复: @By-tor
  163. Winston 说:


    • 回复: @EugeneGur
  164. AnonFromTN 说:
    @John Henry

    Psychiatrists tell us that doing the same thing and expecting a different result is a sure sign of mental illness.
    It is also said that fools learn from their mistakes, whereas smart people learn from the mistakes of fools. The US elites did not learn from the Soviet folly. What does it make the US elites?

  165. 如果我听过的话,这就是事实。 美国在很多方面都成为了笑话,其中包括军队。 让我们希望美国在给世界造成更多麻烦之前经济崩溃。

  166. @Anon

    是的,当然是犹太精英(伦敦金融城的银行家)讨厌俄罗斯。 但我不能同意你帖子的其余部分。 如果美国入侵俄罗斯,双方都会伤亡惨重。 我认为俄罗斯人会嘲笑不断前进的美国人而死。

    • 回复: @anon
  167. anon[195]• 免责声明 说:
    @Ralph Seymour


    if i’m Russia and i’m being invaded by a serious force i just give a few days warning and then use tactical nukes.

  168. Thim 说:

    那么感谢上帝你不是普京。 核战争对任何人都没有那么好。 普京心中非常清楚,美国正处于死亡螺旋中。 他所要做的就是等我们出去。 昨天的选举中,23 位民主党人选出了参议员,证实他的做法是正确的。

  169. You can have as many drinks as you want Fred. You’ve almost convinced me to jump off the wagon. I wish I could bring you some clean tax-paid US liquor and drink it with you– cause they’re gonna need the money for the war and you don’t need to be drinking that rotgut Mexican Raicilla or any Dominican Mamajuana.

  170. Baron 说:


    1999年,美国统治精英在塞尔维亚重新绘制了欧洲地图,划出了该国的一块土地,称之为科索沃,甚至在这个附庸国建立之前就开始在那里建立其最大的欧洲军事基地。 克里米亚位居第二。 在说话之前你应该先了解一些东西。


    • 同意: FB
  171. @SimplePseudonymicHandle

    Do you really not understand that neither the US nor Israel want to or even can behave as “normal” countries? Are you that thick?

    That Pompeo(us) asshole just now reprimanded Iran about the “normal country” thing. Normal doesn’t work in the US or Israel, because neither majority thinks that their own country is or ought to be normal.

    Right or not, universalism comes at a price. Both Americanism and Zionism (as well as most influential Jews) seem unwilling to pay it, so they all truly belong together. Of course there are many exceptions.

    So no, Reed and Raevsky are mostly right on.

  172. @Rich

    The US withdrew because it had lost. Like a two year old you are not hard to fool.

    • 回复: @Rich
  173. Avery 说:

    { The Vietnamese population never held a referendum on allowing France, Japan nor the US to occupy their country.}

    Ho Chi Minh, a nationalist (first) and a communist (second), first approached US for help in ousting the French. He was rebuffed.

    After the defeat of the French at Dien Bien Phu, parties agreed in Geneva that Vietnam would hold a referendum on re-unification in 1956. Fearing/sensing that very popular Ho Chi Minh would win by a landslide, and thus lead a unified Vietnam, French/US puppet Ngo Dinh Diem* of South Vietnamese government , backed by the United States, refused to support the Geneva accords, and put off elections indefinitely. Armed conflict between North and South broke out in 1959 or so, and the rest is history, as they say.

    All the predictions about dominoes falling in South East Asia proved to be bunk.
    Communists won in Vietnam and……..today (nominally) Communist Vietnam has a thriving trade relationship with US, and very good political relations. US Navy might even be invited to anchor in Vietnam as a counterweight to China. Imagine that.

    As to the South Vietnamese who fled to US [re poster Rich]: yeah, of course they are going to say bad things about Communist Vietnamese. Much of it true. What did they expect? They collaborated with a foreign power whose involvement resulted in an estimated 3 million Vietnamese dead (military and civilian). The country carpet-bombed, Napalmed, shot to smithereens, and saturated with chemical agents. Look up pictures of Vietnamese born deformed as a result of the tons and tons of Agent Orange dumped all over Vietnam.

    And yeah, Viet Cong was brutal, but if local population did not support it, it could never gain ground. That is why US came up with the Orwellian “Pacification” program: millions of South Vietnamese, mainly from rural areas, were forcibly removed and displaced to deny VC the support base.

    * A highly unpopular Catholic in an overwhelmingly Buddhist country.

    • 回复: @Rich
  174. Rich 说:
    @ploni almoni

    You’re wrong, the reds were on their knees, begging Nixon to come to the negotiating table and they kowtowed like the worms they were when they hid in their tunnels before agreeing to stop trying to invade South Vietnam. But like the lying scum that all communists are, they violated the terms of the treaty as soon as they could. Don’t take my word for it, read about the Paris Peace Accords. Try it. Actually do some research, instead of repeating nonsensical communist lies.

  175. @DB Cooper

    True enough. As an Indian I can assure you that Indian propaganda victories are the only victories India has these days.

  176. “The US military has not won a war since 1945, …”. A rather bold misstatement. Russia’s defeat of the Germans effectively ended WW2. Not America. The reason why the USA isn’t in it (wars) to win it, is near obvious. If the USA invaded a nation and achieved a clear victory, it would then be expected to help form a new “democratic” government, then leave. That’s not what it’s about today. Chaos and resource theft is what it is all about. Get it on the cheap, through terror and corruption.
    However, with nations now looking for alternatives to the USD America may not have a choice, and may be forced into real war by the real powers, the Central Bganksters. These families have a great track record of not just surviving war, but a 100% record of growing stronger too.

  177. Rich 说:

    1. The Viet Cong were a brutal, murderous gang of commie butchers. If the rural people didn’t do what they were ordered, they were tortured and/or killed.
    2. Ho was popular with some as an anti-Japanese fighter, there is no proof he would have won a referendum and as communists were notorious for fake referendums, one could not be trusted in the North.
    3. Laos and Cambodia fell after the US withdrew from Vietnam. US involvement in Vietnam prevented the brutal disease of communism from spreading even further into Thailand, the Philippines, Japan and Indonesia. If the reds hadn’t been met with force in Vietnam, they’d have kept going.
    4. South Vietnam was an actual country. Those that supported it weren’t “collaborators”, they were good folk with enough sense and knowledge to have seen what the murderous reds did everywhere else they went.

    Look up the history of communism, the millions on top of millions murdered, denied basic rights, imprisoned and starved. The battle against International Communism was one of the noblest in mankind’s history and everyone who played a part in it, deserves to be applauded.

    • 巨魔: Biff, Mike P
    • 回复: @james charles
  178. FB 说:

    Good comment Herald…

    I agree…Iran is more than the US military can bite off…remember the Nato bombing of Serbia in 1999…?

    It came as quite a shock that tiny Serbia fought the empire to a draw…Iran is ten times bigger than Serbia…the country graduates as many engineers as the US…it has used that brainpower to build a pretty impressive missile arsenal that can lay waste to anyplace in the Mideast where the US military may be squatting…

    Remember the takeover of that ‘state of the art’ US RQ170 Sentinel drone…?…it’s supposed to be super secret…well it’s not so secret anymore…

    Basically the US talks a good game but doesn’t deliver the goods…all hat no cattle…

  179. renfro 说:

    not an accurate representation of real military power

    So what do you think does?

    • 回复: @anon
  180. Justsaying 说:
    @Denis Coghlan

    Sobering read, yes. Completely agree. But as all matters issuing from the pens (or keyboards) of American analysts and writers of international affairs, the piece says absolutely nothing on the effects of a war as described here — although describing limited protagonists — on the rest of humanity. Africa’s 1.2 billion people and India’s 1.3 billion, the nearly half a billion humans in South America and non-Chinese Asian countries seem to count for aught, zero, zilch. Typical American exceptionalist thinking, leaving out the bulk of humanity because they have been disappeared in the American psyche. Now if the purported war does go nuclear, few if any countries will remain unscathed by the effects of unprecedented amounts of radiation clouds and environmental devastation. What also goes missing in the piece, is America’s favorite pastime: creating the fear of war and driving imagined enemy economies into a perpetual war footing as a war-making strategy in and of itself. Consider for just a moment, if a minuscule fraction (say 1- 5%) of the estimated 4350 of Russia’s nuclear warheads were to make it past the American and allied anti-missile systems and land on cities in the continental US… or vice versa. American recklessness and brinkmanship, at the behest of Israel, seems to be getting out of control. Meanwhile, most of mankind — screw them, can only watch in total impotence. The probable scenarios are beyond sick especially when psychopaths — and elected ones at that — are in charge. But what does that say about the people who put them in power?

    • 回复: @Miro23
  181. lecturer 说:

    Some people here are still trapped in an illusion. Can’t say i blame them as they have been brainwashed into believing fabricated stories of how the US liberated Europe and Asia in the last World War or how US politicians were responsible for the withdrawal in Southern Vietnam thus America did not lose the war. Sadly the majority of the Americans possessing IQ comparable to a donkey are easily fooled. Since US television is constantly showing US military commercials many are misled into believing the US military “supremacy” which isn’t helping these poor folks waking up either. They need to join in with their brothers and sisters in Iraq and Afghanistan. After couple of months fighting peasants i’m sure they will be having second thoughts on China and Russia.

  182. By-tor [又名“杰西·詹姆斯”] 说:

    The NVA inventoried the side that departed South Vietnam in 1973, and they then swept the field of the ARVN in 1975. That is the historical record. You may not like it, but Vietnam is today governed by the Vietnamese and not by French nor American proxies and occupation forces.


    • 回复: @Rich
  183. Rich 说:

    Is it better to be ruled over by vicious, murderous communists, or to be ruled over by your own people in partnership with a strong ally who protects you from the butchers? The commies in Vietnam were not friendly freedom fighters, they were communist ideologues who enjoyed torturing and murdering. Especially their own people. I can’t emphasize this enough, the South Vietnamese government was run by South Vietnamese people. They were not a US province, or puppet. We were allies. And the leftists who took power in the US after the coup that removed Nixon, took glee in abandoning this ally.

    Maybe the truth isn’t important to you, I know that nowadays college kids get A’s for parroting their professors’ Marxist lies. That path will eventually lead to more dupes fighting to impose a future communist dictatorship here. It’s a dangerous, bloody path that’s mapped out in the history books covering last century.

    • 回复: @By-tor
    , @bluedog
    , @1RW
  184. @Michelle

    Frankly, it’s all got so stupid you have to drink.

  185. Miro23 说:

    Consider for just a moment, if a minuscule fraction (say 1- 5%) of the estimated 4350 of Russia’s nuclear warheads were to make it past the American and allied anti-missile systems and land on cities in the continental US… or vice versa. American recklessness and brinkmanship, at the behest of Israel, seems to be getting out of control. Meanwhile, most of mankind — screw them, can only watch in total impotence. The probable scenarios are beyond sick especially when psychopaths — and elected ones at that — are in charge. But what does that say about the people who put them in power?

    A higher percentage than 1 – 5% would get through and both the US and Russia would be nuclear wastelands – just empty spaces.

    The people who put them in power are too lazy and stupid. The ones who aren’t vaporized in the first strikes will be as incapable as babies – probably hanging around the ruins of Walmart waiting for the next delivery.

  186. By-tor [又名“杰西·詹姆斯”] 说:

    The Vietnamese are capitalists on the Chinese model. You are not keeping up with modern Vietnam, but are stuck in 1968 propaganda yourself. You are purposely omitting US wars of choice perpetrated against countries whose populations are nationalists and refuse to have Wall Street’s raiders and George Soros as the definition of a so-called ‘culture’.

    Vietnam’s freedom fighters were actually US B-52’s bombing civilians in Hanoi and C-130’s spraying the population in the Vietnamese countryside with US-made dioxin, right? See below for how ‘communism’ works in Vietnam.


    • 回复: @Biff
    , @anon
  187. annamaria 说:

    Crimea is a “conquest?” — you need to do some search instead of peddling the MSM line.

  188. annamaria 说:

    “We can win against China, if our goal is to push them back onto the Asian continent…”

    — And what are the countries that China occupies beyond the Asian continent?

    At least the Chinese are busy with building the trade paths and unions, unlike the brave US service-people in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Yemen and such.

    In its current form, the US exists for Israel, war profiteers, and various voracious corporations of health-non-care kind, oil racket, and Monsanto poisoning on industrial scale. Why should good American kids die for Israel & the profiteers that care not a iota about the US future?

  189. Biff 说:

    Albeit, Rich’s demented diatribes have been entertaining, and I hope he does retort with more, but you’re more than welcome to mop the floor with him.
    OTH, I love that link, and although I haven’t flown that airline, I have used Vietnam airways which is among my favorite in the world. We like to fly up to Hanoi during the hot season(about an hour from where I live), and it’s luxury all the way. Cheap food, accommodation, beer, and fantastic service. Vietnam has had its struggles shedding off the imperial jerks, but it has done quite the job in coming around.

  190. bluedog 说:

    Give it up you have lost this war as we have lost other wars, and if the American people don’t change their mentality change their ways we will lose more wars as the empire unravels…

  191. 1RW 说:

    美国输掉了那场代理人战争。 克服它。 它能赢吗? 也许。 但我们支持的人输了,这就是你输掉代理人战争的原因。 按照你的逻辑,苏联人在阿富汗获胜,因为当他们离开时,他们的附庸政权牢牢控制着这些城市,可以将圣战者拒之门外。 一旦苏联停止援助,该政权就垮台了。

    别给我们这个盟友废话。 美国只有附庸,没有盟友。 如果美国获胜,越南将成为美国的海军基地,威胁中国,并成为更多“民主建设”的跳板。 这将激励中国支持反对派,并将西贡牢牢置于核十字准线之中。

    • 回复: @Rich
  192. Rich 说:

    Well, I agree there are some similarities between the US experience in Vietnam and the Soviet experience in the Afghan and I’d agree that the mujahaden didn’t actually defeat the Soviet forces because the Soviets had withdrawn. You have made the point that sometimes different things are a little similar. One of the main differences would be that the reds in North Vietnam signed a treaty respecting the integrity of their border with the South and agreeing to peaceful reunification talks, then violated the treaty as soon as the radical leftists took control of the US government. The war in the Afghan was more of a true civil war between several different groups trying to seize control of the country.

    • 回复: @1RW
  193. macilrae 说:
    @The Alarmist

    As I recall it would all have been over in a few hours had not a tiny handful of Cuban soldiers held out in the highlands for days against all odds – but in the end they were crushed and a fine victory was declared.

    • 回复: @The Alarmist
  194. EugeneGur 说:
    @Colin Wright

    The distinction is actually that we’re wealthy enough so that we needn’t admit we’ve lost.

    No, you aren’t, not any more. You’ve squandered your wealth and are now leaving on borrowed money, which means on borrowed time. And the longer you refuse to face the reality, the longer you keep digging, and the deeper the hole becomes.


  195. anon[418]• 免责声明 说:

    its a mix of troops, tanks, ships, airplanes etc

    often a third world country can put lots of troops in the field but that doesn’t mean much in terms of power

  196. anon[418]• 免责声明 说:

    See below for how ‘communism’ works in Vietnam.

    is this supposed to be an improvement? young Vietnamese girls acting like they’re in a strip club

    • 回复: @By-tor
    , @Biff
  197. EugeneGur 说:


    I recently read an article in the Russian press – I cannot say whether it’s true or not but it sounded convincing – that the CIA people participated in the torture of our captured soldiers by mujahideen. Considering these were draftees 18-20 years-old boys, I was shocked. I shouldn’t be but every time I am shocked on discovering just how low these people can stoop.


    • 回复: @S
  198. By-tor [又名“杰西·詹姆斯”] 说:

    Japan is an island chain whose entire population was under arrest and military occupation in 1945. Continental Europe was surrounded by navies and occupied by land armies from 4 different major industrial countries in 1945 and full of millions of desperate and displaced people. Colonial China went from Imperial Japanese military occupation to resuming the war pitting the West’s puppet Chiang’s armies against Mao’s Chinese peasant armies. Where were these multiple hundreds of millions of people displaced by war and economic ruin in Europe, Japan and China going to go, and by what means of transport even if they had a destination?

    • 回复: @Rich
  199. JLK 说:

    I recently read an article in the Russian press – I cannot say whether it’s true or not but it sounded convincing – that the CIA people participated in the torture of our captured soldiers by mujahideen.

    Not credible. Link? Rumors like this can only help those who want to ban access to certain foreign news sources.

    The Russian press has its share of propaganda, but it is usually much more subtle than that. It also publishes some interesting news and analysis that you won’t see in the US media.

    • 回复: @AnonFromTN
  200. 现在试图完善他们的新世界秩序的伦敦金融城的犹太人会很高兴看到美国和俄罗斯互相摧毁。


  201. AnonFromTN 说:

    Banning access to news sources is called censorship. It is the last resort of scoundrels: if your story is that two times two makes five and a half, while your opponent says that it equals four, you cannot argue, so you have to ban the sources publishing your opponent’s views. Hitler and Stalin would approve wholeheartedly.

  202. buckwheat 说:

    弗雷德的前提全是狗屎,自 1945 年以来,政客们把每一场战争都搞砸了。单手绑在背后很难赢得战争。如果没有约翰逊的干预,军队可能很快就会结束战争。我知道,因为我当时就在那里,对我们能做什么和不能做什么的限制在战时简直是疯狂。

    • 同意: Simply Simon
  203. By-tor [又名“杰西·詹姆斯”] 说:

    The Vietnamese woman who owns the successful airline the girls work for is now on track to be a billionaire. You tell me.

    • 回复: @Truth
    , @anon
  204. Rich 说:

    Chiang was a western “puppet”? Quoting the Chicom propaganda people, eh? Well, with that little line you’ve revealed who you are, a communist dupe. Shame I wasted so much time on one of you guys, you’re usually so brainwashed, it’s impossible to cure you. I remember reading about some of the commies imprisoned in the Soviet gulag who still loved Marxism and thought it was great. It’s a victory in that anyone reading your future comments knows you’re a Red and can judge what you have to say more accurately.

    • 回复: @By-tor
  205. By-tor [又名“杰西·詹姆斯”] 说:

    He was a US puppet, because that is who equipped, funded and trained his army. The US even set up an air base in Taipei. Are you so out-of-touch that you deny factually documented and academically recognized historical records?



    Even neo-liberal Wikipedia has to be factually correct about the prior US presence, since there are official US government records and statements.


  206. annamaria 说:

    “Corvinus,” you are promoting a childish optimism. You need to learn about some tense moments in the history of nuclear weaponry.
    例如: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasili_Arkhipov
    和: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanislav_Petrov

  207. Truth 说:

    Well there’s a beautiful moment of cultural cohesion for ya’…

  208. anon[176]• 免责声明 说:

    Larry Flynt made lots of money too

    is that all you care about?

    • 回复: @Avery
    , @The scalpel
  209. S 说:

    I recently read an article in the Russian press – I cannot say whether it’s true or not but it sounded convincing – that the CIA people participated in the torture of our captured soldiers by mujahideen.

    Your caution is appreciated.

    As much as I don’t care for either Capitalism or Communism (I think they’re both monstrous and flip sides of the same unhuman coin) I’ve learned to have a certain wearyness about ‘atrocity’ claims in general, even in regards to those two anti-life systems.

    Historically, there’s been too many fraudulant accusations made all around about ‘atrocities’ which are later found out to have not been true.

    That’s not in anyway to suggest that bad and terrible things don’t take place in war, nor that there shouldn’t be deterance towards them taking place, just that people ought to retain a certain reasonable skepticism about the various claims made.

    What you saw in the newspiece might have happened, maybe not.

    There was a late 1980’s movie (spoiler alert!) called 野兽 about a Soviet tank and its crew in Afghanistan which got separated from the rest of its tank unit, ie they took a wrong turn. The crew’s commanding officer was a brutal psychotic.

    The movie starts out with the unit taking action against an Afghan village where there had been insurgent activity reported (and indeed one of the village men is shown uncovering a hidden anti-tank gun on the side of a hill and scoring a near miss against a Soviet tank as the unit attacks the village).

    During the attack one of the Soviets casually takes an RPG and blows up the base of a prayer tower (minaret?) causing it to collapse. Another is shown dumping some pre-packaged powdered poison into the village water well.

    After the village has largely been destroyed by the pre-emptive air raid and the tanks, one of the Mujahadeen is captured (he being one of the few men around, most of the villagers seeming to be women and children) but he won’t talk.

    The Russian Soviets are angry having lost a tank and its crew due to their being burned alive by a Molotov cocktail. To make an example to the surviving villagers their non-talking Islamic prisoner is deliberately run over by a tank.

    This is the same tank (ie ‘the beast’) that takes the wrong turn and is ultimately destroyed by the Mujahadeen, its commanding officer killed, by the angry Afghan village women no less. His last word being ‘Afghanistan!’

    Now, did poisoning Afghan village wells, blasting Islamic prayer towers, and running over Mujahadeen prisoners with Russian tanks happen quite so casually and regularly as the movie showed?

    Well, here I’m weary. Maybe it did, maybe it didn’t.

    My take ultimately is that the historically Capitalist Anglo-Saxons and Communist Russians with their two ghastly systems shouldn’t of been in Afghanistan in the first place, then or now.

    They’ve both made a bad situation much worse, the ‘cure’ being worse than the ‘disease’, and the self described progressive types advocating the ‘convergance’ of Capitalism and Communism which forms Multi-Culturalism ought to be confronted about this history.

    In this a war wrecked Afghanistan is a micro-cosm of what’s been done and is being done to the world.

    To save the world they’ve had to destroy it.


    • 回复: @anon
    , @EugeneGur
  210. 早在 1995 年,我就通过官方渠道警告五角大楼,美国在尖端军事技术研发方面过于依赖外国人才。我的战友和军官们给我贴上了种族主义者的标签,此后我就不会得到晋升。

  211. Avery 说:

    The gist of this particular discussion was the Vietnam war, Communist Vietnamese, US involvement to “save” Vietnamese people* from Communism, etc. It was pointed out that today Vietnam, despite its Communist leadership, is a hybrid, like China: Communist leadership, but capitalist pseudo free-enterprise economy. With all the good and bad that comes with it.

    As long as there is no coercion, adult Vietnamese women choosing to work as flight attendants in bikinis, who are we to judge? Maybe the pay is very good, and the young women make the tradeoff between easy money, or working long hours in a shoe factory for far less pay. I personally would rather they were fully clothed in pants and comfortable shoes, like Southwest attendants, so in an emergency they can be of help. But one of the features of free-enterprise is that people are free to……be enterprising.

    And the whole point of the chain of comments was that Communists won the war in Vietnam, and contrary to all the doom&gloom predictions, eventually learned on their own that capitalism has many attractive features and went there on there own, like Communist China. And that all that death and destruction to “save” Vietnamese from Communism was for what again?
    * An estimated 3 million Vietnamese were permanently “saved” from Communism by being killed during the war. An unknown number left crippled. An unknown number of Vietnamese children born deformed as a result of environmental contamination by Agent Orange and other chemicals used during the war.

    • 回复: @anon
    , @Rich
  212. anon[176]• 免责声明 说:

    There was a late 1980′s movie (spoiler alert!) called The Beast about a Soviet tank and its crew in Afghanistan which got separated from the rest of its tank unit, ie they took a wrong turn. The crew’s commanding officer was a brutal psychotic.

    i saw this one around 1990, rented from a DVD shop

    was good iirc but i had forgotten the name, was trying to look it up a few years ago

    • 回复: @S
  213. anon[176]• 免责声明 说:

    As long as there is no coercion, adult Vietnamese women choosing to work as flight attendants in bikinis, who are we to judge?

    oh, i think i can judge

    they’re making the same mistake American women did 40-50 years ago, allowing themselves to be portrayed as……..what is the right word – trollops?

    • 同意: Liza
    • 回复: @Biff
  214. @macilrae

    Those weren’t soldiers … they were peace-loving “construction workers.”

  215. Rich 说:

    You give the estimate of 3 million Vietnamese killed during the war, do you think they should have just surrendered to the communists the first day the Reds crossed the border? Should the Soviets have surrendered the day Barbarosa began? Imagine how many Chinese could have been saved if they just knelt on day one of Imperial Japan’s invasion. Do you think we all should just surrender to an enemy when he attacks? I can imagine what a paradise we’d all be living in if every time a bully attacked, we rolled over without a fight. The North Vietnamese invaded South Vietnam. The Viet Cong used terror attacks against the people of South Vietnam, torture, rape, murder, etc.. Sometimes it’s necessary to stand up against evil, and the communists were among the most evil people to have ever existed.

    • 回复: @By-tor
    , @annamaria
  216. S 说:

    It’s a good entertaining flick.

    It was filmed in Israel and used actual Soviet T-55 tanks. I suppose the ‘Afghans’ were either local Arabs or Mizrahim possibly.

    I thought the scene where the Soviet helicopter lands and the tank’s crew thinks they’ve finally (at last!) been rescued from the Afghan desert hell was particularly effective.

    The tank’s crew is celebrating and they’ve already gotten on board the chopper to return to base. Everything’s great till the chopper pilot declares he’s going to call in the almost out of fuel/battle damaged tank’s coordinates to have it destroyed.

    When he hears that, Daskal (the psychotic commanding officer) then orders his crew out of the chopper saying very slowly ‘No one wastes my tank’.

    As he is saying that Daskal slowly turns the tank’s heavy top machine gun on to the chopper with his now almost crying crew still inside.

    One of the tank’s crew then says to the other while both still in the chopper ‘what if we just ignore him and go anyway?’

    The other responds ‘Are you crazy? He’d shoot us down for sure!’

    The crew ends up staying with the tank and some extra fuel left by the Soviet helicopter.

    • 回复: @anon
  217. lecturer 说:

    US is an overrated power, nothing more. Back in the Korean War they were crapping in their pants
    after encountering the Chinese volunteer army who were ill equipped. The US was fighting a backward army and yet ran away after seeing the massive Chinese troops, hence it’s called the Forgotten War in America. Vietnam War was another failure, after fighting for two decades, using disgusting chemical warfare and napalm bombs and still couldn’t win. So much for the US supremacy lol

    • 回复: @anon
  218. By-tor [又名“杰西·詹姆斯”] 说:

    But the Asian Communists make our cell phones, TV’s, 75% of the world’s shoes, high tech aircraft parts, steel used in building structures and keep Wal-Mart’s shelves full of non-edible things we buy. We also sell the Chinese Communists 1/3 of the USA’s soybeans ( or did until last month when the Communists stopped buying them ) and GM’s cars ( GM sells 70% more cars there than in the US ), but not near as much as we buy from them.



    You are omitting the US destruction rained down on North Vietnam in an undeclared war of choice. South Vietnam was governed by an unpopular regime that could not quell the nationalist rural insurrection inside its own borders. I do not understand your inability to grasp the hypocrisy of your position.

    • 同意: james charles
    • 回复: @By-tor
  219. By-tor [又名“杰西·詹姆斯”] 说:

    I meant to state that GM sells 70% more cars in China than it sells in the US.

  220. @anon

    Well, one could care about any or all of the things money can buy/accomplish including political change

    • 回复: @anon
  221. Biff 说:

    From the CEO of the airline describing you – irrelevant.

    Thao dismisses any criticism of her bikini-fueled business as old-fashioned and irrelevant.

    • 回复: @anon
  222. Biff 说:

    Warn us to get our hip waders on when you post that crap.

    • 回复: @anon
  223. Biff 说:

    they’re making the same mistake American women did 40-50 years ago, allowing themselves to be portrayed as……..what is the right word – trollops?

    Is that why they turned into needy greedy and fat?

  224. @Abelard Lindsey

    China’s manufacturing runs on imported oil with a pretty vulnerable supply line. I have no doubt that they could mobilize enough local resources to defend themselves, but projecting power beyond their immediate vicinity in wartime is not realistic.

  225. @JLK

    The most frightening potential weapons today can be made a laboratory in Switzerland or Taiwan as easily as they could by a superpower, and deployed without any clue as to their origin.

    That’s why we should be working to strengthen international weapons control regimes, not weaken them.

    Prevention of biological weapons is almost impossible because of the ease of manufacture and deployment. Response, creating and deploying defenses, will be the difference between winners and losers.

  226. anon[112]• 免责声明 说:
    @The scalpel

    how you get that money matters too

  227. anon[112]• 免责声明 说:

    When he hears that, Daskal (the psychotic commanding officer) then orders his crew out of the chopper saying very slowly ‘No one wastes my tank’.

    i remembered that George Dzundza from the Deer Hunter was in there but i didnt remember too much other than that

    from your link this was interesting:

    The film has enjoyed a cult-favorite status in spite of its low box office statistics.

    预算 8 万美元[1]
    Box office $161,004

    • 回复: @S
  228. anon[112]• 免责声明 说:

    that’s ok, i don’t think much of her either

  229. anon[112]• 免责声明 说:

    are you saying you don’t trust “history dot state dot gov”?

  230. anon[112]• 免责声明 说:

    US is an overrated power, nothing more. Back in the Korean War they were crapping in their pants after encountering the Chinese volunteer army who were ill equipped. The US was fighting a backward army and yet ran away after seeing the massive Chinese troops, hence it’s called the Forgotten War in America.

    did you serve in the military?

    • 回复: @Simply Simon
  231. Nick Diaz 说:

    How was it not a defeat? The stated goal of the war was to hold Saigon, and Saigon fell. Winning battles is only a means to an end. The end is winning the war. And America failed at doing that. Saying that America was out of Vietnam for two years when The Vietcongs took the sout is a redundant argument: America had left two years before because it realized the war was unwinnable. What difference does it make if America still had a military presence in Vietnam or not in 1975? The end result would have been the same: a defeat and America leaving.

    The problem is that Unz is full of the worst kind of American patriots around. I like to call them “cowboy Republicans”. All sound and fury and pride, but very little in the way of a thinking brain.

    • 回复: @anon
    , @Rich
  232. anon[112]• 免责声明 说:
    @Nick Diaz

    The problem is that Unz is full of the worst kind of American patriots around. I like to call them “cowboy Republicans”. All sound and fury and pride, but very little in the way of a thinking brain.

    so why are you here?

  233. S 说:

    Can’t speak for George Dzundza in the Deer Slayer but The Beast is one of the few movies he’s in that he’s thin.

    The box office numbers were surprising. I can see the cult favorite status though as it as an entertaining and technically well done film.

  234. “The life of millions depends on this freak show? I need a drink.”

    Fortunately, not the Kool-Aid.

  235. @Anon

    You vastly overestimate the US military. As Fred says, quite accurately, it has a very poor history./

    • 回复: @AnonFromTN
  236. @Biff

    No question. Everyone will ally against the USA.

  237. @Quartermaster

    Oh please. All things considered, you lost in Vietnam. Always the same clown circus tries to re-write history. if if if…. You lost mate, deal with it.

  238. Rich 说:
    @Nick Diaz

    In 1969 the goal was to hold Saigon, in 1975 a new, leftist government had taken over the US and they no longer cared about South Vietnam. If this is too difficult for you to understand, there’s obviously nothing more I can say.

  239. annamaria 说:

    You wrote: “Do you think we all should just surrender to an enemy when he attacks?”
    — Tell us when the Vietnamese (Iraqi, Libyans, Syrians et cet. ) have attacked the US?

    Post 219: “An unknown number of Vietnamese children born deformed as a result of environmental contamination by Agent Orange and other chemicals used during the war.”

    — Don’t you think, “Rich,” that “saving children” a la Madeleine Albright in Vietnam and Iraq and Libya et cet. does not exactly agree with the image of a Christian Nation making a Shining Hill and Beacon of Democracy?

    Read the noble general Smedley Butler who was a real soldier and honest man and not some silly cheerleader for the wars for the US corporations and war profiteers. (Currently the US is also busy with fighting for the mythological aspirations of certain “shitty” foreign country of ethnic supremacists).

    Smedley Butler: “War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small ‘inside’ group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.”

    “Smedley Darlington Butler (July 30, 1881 – June 21, 1940) was a United States Marine Corps major general, the highest rank authorized at that time, and at the time of his death the most decorated Marine in U.S. history设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smedley_Butler

  240. EugeneGur 说:

    As much as I don’t care for either Capitalism or Communism (I think they’re both monstrous and flip sides of the same unhuman coin)

    I disagree. As far as Communism goes, what exactly is so monstrous about the idea that all people are equal not in just general abstract terms but in the access to the national wealth? What’s so wrong with the idea that the ultimate goal of the society should be not the accumulation of things but the full development of all and every member of that society to his/her full potential? Everybody works for the common good; everybody receive equal opportunity with the full support of the society. That’s what Communism is, in short. I find it to be a noble idea.

    You have to understand that 99.9% of what you know or think you know about the Soviet system is a deliberate lie, misrepresentation, distortion, things taken out of context, stupid stereotypes, or all of the above.

    I’ve lived a good part of my life in the Soviet Union, and I’d be the first to admit that it was’s a perfect implementation of that great principle. However, principles do matter even when the reality falls short, and some of these ideas, at least, actually were at work in the Soviet society. That was a grandiose project trying to put these ideas into practice. It failed, yes. But as a personage of Jack Nicholson in a popular American movie remarked: “I, at least, tried”.

    • 回复: @anon
  241. AnonFromTN 说:

    There is a good perfectly applicable expression in Texas: “all hat and no cattle”.

  242. Belizar 说:

    But but. No vibranium. And there are still subhuman ice monkey white devil officers. We need Jakubd!!/ Farrakhan

  243. Belizar 说:
    @The Alarmist

    The bulgars are always up for an attack from the rear

  244. anon[231]• 免责声明 说:

    As far as Communism goes, what exactly is so monstrous about the idea that all people are equal not in just general abstract terms but in the access to the national wealth?

    it doesn’t seem to work to well

    also for some reason you’re interested in “access to the national wealth” – i hear leftists complaining that they “can’t get access to healthcare” which is of course a lie, they can get access they just want someone else to pay for it

    What’s so wrong with the idea that the ultimate goal of the society should be not the accumulation of things but the full development of all and every member of that society to his/her full potential?

    your full development is your business and your responsibility, not mine

    Everybody works for the common good….

    until you find out they don’t

  245. lecturer 说:


    So what the history.state.gov put on her website is crap?

    Only those unwilling to see the truth will continue to believe the Vietnam War was about liberating the Southern Viets from the Commies.

    Yes the US was and still is an overrated power. Forcing so called allies to join in and still manage to lose. During the Korean War, after the massacre of the people in DPRK, the Chinese Volunteer Army entered the war and banging the armies from 16 countries hard, the US troops literally ran away. In the Vietnam War after 2 decades with no sight of winning, decided to pull out. These were the 50s-70s and 17 years in Afghanistan still struggling against peasants in the 21st Century.

    The US was accusing Iraq of developing WMD (no proof at all) just to justify the invasion. When DPRK performed it’s first nuclear test, US was scared to invade after receiving a severe warning from China. The memory is still fresh and it was a terrifying thought to ignite another Korean War knowing China will come to the rescue.

    The containment game did not work in Vietnam, Korea and now in South China Sea failed miserably as well. Does any Yankee really believe the US army would even survive fighting the world’s biggest fastest modernizing army?

    What is scaring the US army is the Chinese and Russian army LOL

  246. @anon

    Do you think those Chines soldiers wee all volunteers? LOL. As to being ill-equipped so were our troops, not prepared at all for the bitterly cold weather. History would be much different had MacArthur not chosen to pursue the North Koreans to the Yalu River in the dead of winter. No need for that, as he could have established a defensive perimeter north of Pyongyang and waited out the winter until spring. He deserved to be fired by Truman and was directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of our troops.

    • 回复: @anon
  247. EugeneGur 说:

    i hear leftists complaining that they “can’t get access to healthcare” which is of course a lie, they can get access they just want someone else to pay for it

    You truly think the America health care system is any good? Well, you are probably the only one in the country, beside the member of the Congress, of course, who thinks that. You see, if you are sick, which is usually not by choice, it means inability to earn and, consequently, inability to pay. Which means someone else 具有 to pay for it, and that’s the only way the health care system everyone has access to can possibly function.

    I am sorry to point this out but what you said is actually quite silly.

    it doesn’t seem to work to well

    Well, perhaps not. But I must say you people has a lot to do with it. A TV set won’t work too well if you have a go at it with a hammer. But this doesn’t mean television can’t work in principle.

    • 回复: @anon
  248. anon[390]• 免责声明 说:

    You truly think the America health care system is any good? Well, you are probably the only one in the country, beside the member of the Congress, of course, who thinks that.

    i didn’t say that, you’re making silly assumptions

    what i would have said is that if you charged everyone for what they used then the prices would come down because selfish black and brown wouldn’t be clogging up the emergency room with their sniffles

    You see, if you are sick, which is usually not by choice, it means inability to earn and, consequently, inability to pay.

    you need to plan for this ahead of time instead of foolishly living paycheck to paycheck

    • 回复: @bluedog
  249. anon[390]• 免责声明 说:
    @Simply Simon

    i suspect you meant to respond to “lecturer”

  250. Anonymous[874]• 免责声明 说:


    US goal was to contain China in Korea thus it would have crossed the Yalu River regardless whatever season. The US didn’t think China would intervene, what a big mistake that was. That’s why the US didn’t dare draw up a plan to conquer North Vietnam knowing the PLA would come en masse again.

    The US is a pretty sour loser actually, facing a defeat in both the Korean and Vietnam War America had plan to deploy nuclear weapon against China and Vietnam. That’s why MacArthur was fired for this diabolic idea.

    That’s why i’m laughing when i saw those US army commercial, Trump: “We dominate the Sky, We dominate the Sea, We dominate the Land, we keep on winning, winning, winning” LOL Yeah even US Generals know who really dominates the Land and it ain’t the Yankees.

    • 回复: @Rich
  251. bluedog 说:

    When millions are living paycheck to paycheck due to high taxes inflation and low wages it becomes very difficult to plan for anything concerning the future,and I’ve heard that old bullshit line that its the one working two jobs who’s to blame rather than the system that created it…

  252. Rich 说:

    Another historical ignoramus. The North Koreans invaded South Korea, getting its troops down to the Pusan Perimeter before being driven out of the country. It’s true the Chinese fought bravely, but, in the end, the North’s invasion failed and their objective of conquering the South was defeated. The US and its allies prevented their conquering of the South and restored the original border. That’s a win, genius. And, if Truman had listened to MacArthur, the Reds would have been defeated in China, Korea would’ve been reunited and the Chinese people wouldn’t have had to suffer under decades of brutal communist rule. Tired after years of war, however, Truman kept the limited objective of repelling the commie invasion.

    The Vietnam war has been covered in other comments.

    • 回复: @Mike P
  253. Anonymous[874]• 免责声明 说:

    Keep the fairy tale to yourself LOL

  254. Eurozone here, just a 2 cents worth of observations:

    Don’t overestimate Russia, the country was invaded and defeated by Germany towards the end of WWI, when the Bolshevik government had to sign the treaty of Brest-Litovsk. It was only its defeat in the West that forced Germany to retreat from front lines almost as far East as what was achieved in WWII.

    Russia country also suffers from the same degeneracy as the West, only to a different degree. There is no way that Russia could ever be able again to sustain the mass mobilization and casualties it sustained in WWI and WWII.

    Neither could the West so we must be careful about what kind of war we are speaking about. The hybrid war on Russia is already being waged on many fronts and in many ways. What is most accute is the hybrid war becoming less hybrid and more like a classical war with modern cyber ingredients. A full scale invasion is neither wished nor planned for. Regime change is all that matters, see Ukraine.

    The question for the powers that be consists of how to engineer a moderate escalation, just enough to attain desired geopolitical ends. The killing of a large number of able-bodied white males on either side in a limited nuclear exchange would probably be considered a desirable side-effect.

    The short-term effects of nuclear war are usually overestimated, the long-term effects underestimated. Nuclear winter has been discounted but what is generally ignored is the effect of a nuclear war on civilian nuclear power. Nuclear plants require a functioning society around them to keep waste heat from radioactive decay under control. A nuclear exhange, even a limited one, could result in an unforeseeable number of Fukushimas due to societal breakdown. Russia has dozens of nuclear plants, that’s where its real deterrence lies. No wonder that Russia is building nuclear plants like crazy both at home and abroad. Russian nuclear forces, on the other hand, are dead in the water for the time being, look up something called superfuzes. Russia is only slowly changing the situation through improved anti-ballistic defenses (ABM). Wonder-weapons like hypersonic glide vehicles are of dubious value in this regard because they are mounted on silo-based missiles that can be destroyed in a first strike. They are useful to deter nuclear blackmail through limited strikes. The erstwhile cenario would consist of firing just a few weapens against Russia, counting on ABM to prevent Russia from responding in kind, and counting on the Russian political process preventing an escalation, preferably through palace revolution. ABM-evading hypersonic vehicles in the hands of Russian leaders take care of that, no more. Really bizarre weapons like intercontinental nuclear topedoes and cruise missile look more like testimony to how desperate the Russian leadership really is. (Look out for up and coming nuclear-driven space probes though.)

    So, the Russian posture is improving albeit only slowly and from a very, very precarious baseline. Event that is too much for the West as the pending withdrawal from the INF treaty shows. Further escalation is on the cards as “space force” is just coded language for putting nuclear weapons into orbit. On the current trajectory, nuclear war is a dead given because any given year carries a probability of nuclear war by mistake. Just substract this probablity from one and put the number of years in the exponent. That gives you a peace function approaching zero.

    What the powers that be are putting before the world is basically the alternative between total subjugation and no world at all. Putin’s vaguely Christian, oligarch-friendly Russian statism carrying over the momentum of the Soviet MIC is all that stands between us and that choice.

    Until the Chinese can get their act together, that is. China fought the Korean war to prevent US forces from being put into position close to its heavy industry in Manchuria. This rationale is still the reason why North Korea continues to exist, despite of its nuclear-tipped ICBMs and everything. There is no way that China could ever accept regime change along its entire Northen border with Russia, taking over Siberia would be the only possible course of action. Siberia not being part of China is a historical accident brought about by Russian gunpowder-enabled expansion during a period of Chinese self-imposed isolation. Siberia is China’s natural geopolitical backyard. Russia is still holding on to Siberia only through a single latitudinal rail line. All the region’s natural axes are longitudinal, pointing towards China. A China with Siberia in its fold would dominate the rest of the world, nobody could ever want that. Hence we, the people, need Russia, and that’s only saying like it is, not to put Putin on a pedestal. We also need China but not with a Chinese Siberia and not with Chinese of dubious loyalty all over the place everywhere.

    Still, China is willing to cede Siberia to the Russians only as long as they play ball. A Chinese takeover was actally already going on until Putin came along. Since then, China has abstained from overtly pushing into Siberia although the process is still proceeeding naturally. Russians are still leaving the Far East in droves while Chinese are moving in. That’s another problem area where the Russian leadership is desperate as the probably useless bridge project between the mainland and Sakhalin shows.

    The Chinese military is probably overestimated but that’s true of all militaries nowadays. The question is only who is overestimated the most and in what scenarios. The Japanese military is interesting in this regard because it is modern, growing and generally flying somewhat under the radar. The least overestimated military perhaps? Regardless, what is interesting about the Japanese is that they are buying almost all of their stuff. Japan may be barely ahead of China in areas like robotics, consumer electronics, manufacturing and general science. China is clearly ahead of Japan in terms of cyber capabilities and producing its own military hardware. Whether that is forced or not, the fact remains.

    For all what it’s worth, hypersonic vehicles have been streaking across the Siberian sky, look up the Youtube videos showing it. China and Russia are undoubtedly closing the technological gap in the military field. That puts into doubt the argument about the top 0.01% being drawn to the US, and that being all that counts. The Chinese and Russians are clearly retaining enough talent. Probably they also profit from enough selling of technological secrets by talent that they could not retain but still keeps the characteristically corrupt mindset.

    From the point of view of the powers that be, the situation appears complicated. Short-term action may be called for not the least because China and Russia are gobbling up gold wheras the all-important financial sector is proppped up by zero interest rates. The window for action may be closing but there is clearly also a very long-term strategy being played out. The low-ranking convert Ivanka Trump having her children taught Mandarin is not a fluke, this kind of activity has apparently going on for a long time. The Chinese, for their part, appear to be generally oblivious of this kind of hybrid war being waged against them. If they think that they are on top of it, never have they been more wrong. It would be interesting, though, to hear anything indicating the contrary.

    • 回复: @Miro23
    , @Ilyana_Rozumova
  255. Miro23 说:
    @Moderate Escalation

    An interesting commentary that clearly puts WW3 in the nuclear category, and IMO correctly, gives a high probability of it happening, given the current trajectory.

    I would have emphasized that the “current trajectory” is formulated by the US (or rather the US deep state and Israel).

    Russia was quite open to improved relations with the US and welcomed Trumps pre-election declarations in this regard, and China has a long standing policy of engaging in trade without political interference (regime changing) other countries.

    The US Jewish media barrage and sanctions against Russia, the unilateral cancelation of the Iran international nuclear agreement, promotion of an Iran war, and soon to be abrogation of the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia are all parts of the “current trajectory”.

    In my opinion the non-elite 99% of the US public are entitled to carry out any actions whatsoever to halt this madness. Their “Democratic” voting is a trivial waste of time.

  256. Mike P 说:

    And, if Truman had listened to MacArthur, the Reds would have been defeated in China, Korea would’ve been reunited and the Chinese people wouldn’t have had to suffer under decades of brutal communist rule.

    The U.S. won the Korean war only because the Soviet Union decided not to join the fight (in a serious manner – they did send some fighter planes etc.). Had the U.S. attacked China, the Soviets would most likely have joined the war – one the that the U.S. could not possibly have won.

    Also note that the Korean war was perpetrated, not “fought”, by the U.S. with unexampled brutality against the North’s civilian population. The US government and military are the worst war criminals in modern history.

    • 回复: @Rich
    , @Simply Simon
  257. @Moderate Escalation

    There must be something wrong with you. There is no garbage pick up in your area?

    • 回复: @Moderate Escalation
  258. Rich 说:
    @Mike P

    China wasn’t defeated completely only because Belgium didn’t fully enter the war. That statement makes about as much sense as your statement about the Soviets. The Soviets didn’t enter the war because they were afraid that if they did they would force the US and the rest of its UN allies to expand the war, causing another world war to begin, a world war it was doubtful the Reds could have won. In other words, your beloved Soviet Union was scared to enter the war. Keep in mind that if Red China hadn’t given up on their original plan to conquer South Korea, Truman wouldn’t have been able to keep the war limited to the Korean peninsula and the Red Chinese would probably have been run out of power.

    • 回复: @Mike P
  259. Mike P 说:

    Whether or not I love the Soviet Union or communist China has nothing to do with it. Underestimating your enemy has always been a good way to ensure defeat – and your comparison of the Soviet Union to Belgium gives a nice illustration.

    • 回复: @Rich
  260. Rich 说:
    @Mike P

    You’re right, Belgium’s GDP per capita is $43, 324 and Russia’s is only $10,743. I apologize for comparing a 2nd world nation to a 1st world one.

    • 回复: @Mike P
  261. “It would be amusing to see what would happen if the Air Force had to fight an enemy that could fight back, but this would mean only Russia or, perhaps, just possibly, barely, to some extent, China.”

    Turkey is very advanced militarily. The Turkish armed forces could probably eat the accident-prone Russian ones for breakfast. Ankara seems to be increasingly asserting its own interests in Syria, the Aegean, and the Med, independent of WARshington and Tel Aviv. Stay tuned.

    • 回复: @Avery
  262. Mike P 说:

    We were talking about the Soviet Union, not Russia. The Soviet Union had the most powerful land army ever built – the U.S. would have been hopelessly outmatched.

    • 回复: @Rich
  263. @Mike P

    The US did not “win” the Korean War by any stretch of the imagination. History would have been much different had MacArthur established a defensive perimeter around Pyongyang to wait out the winter instead of charging insanely toward the Yalu River in the dead of winter. Obviously he did not learn from Napoleon’s and Hitler’s misadventures in the Russian winter.

  264. Rich 说:
    @Mike P

    The Soviet Union had a very good land army, we could argue whether it was the “most powerful ever built”, but they also had wise generals who knew they didn’t want to get involved in a two front war against the US and its allies. The Soviets barely survived a one front war against Germany, they’d have had a tough time in a two front war, besides the enormous death and destruction they’d only just suffered in WWII.

    Russian GDP is actually higher than overall Soviet GDP, you have to remember all those very poor regions controlled by the Soviets, like Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Moldova, etc. I was giving them a few dollars more in their GDP because I like the Russian people personally and believe they have a very good chance of moving into the 1st world this century.

    • 回复: @Mike P
    , @By-tor
  265. S 说:

    You have to understand that 99.9% of what you know or think you know about the Soviet system is a deliberate lie, misrepresentation, distortion, things taken out of context, stupid stereotypes, or all of the above.

    You presume much. How would you have any idea as to exactly how much or how little I know of the Soviet system?

    Anyhow, thanks for the thought out response, and naturally you’re welcome to your opinion.

    Regarding Communism, broadly speaking, I see its pretensions to obtain total world power for global empire’s sake, its unhealthy and unreasoned fanatical belief its adherants have in the absolute rightness of its cause in its drive to create a never before seen and never will be perfect world, the almost obsessive compulsive thing it has with sameness, and or making so, ie what they term ‘equality’, in regards to its utter disregard of and warring against reality and the sovereignty of the individual and the various peoples of the world and their naturally occurring and expressed differences, as 一些 of its very major flaws.

    And too, people at minimum being at least dual beings, it’s as though with the extremism of Communism it was only figurately promoting half of a man, an artificial collectivist half, leaving out the individualist half of the said person almost entirely.

    Vice-versa, all the same as the above can be said regarding the artificial and extreme hyper individualism pushed by the historic adherants of Capitalism.

    以上皆是 the Capitalist and Communists have had a strong tendency to see their world views as ‘perfect’, which is perhaps their greatest flaw. Things just aren’t perfect in reality. And yet, each wishes to force this unasked for ‘perfection’ upon the world, no matter what the costs to humanity.

    In examining the criticisms that Communists make against Capitalists, and the Capitalists make against Communists, I’ve found them in general to be excellent, and they should be read by all, being quite correct in that these closely paralleling anti-life systems are indeed both bad and terribly destructive and should be wholly rejected by everyone, as should their ‘convergance’ which forms the artificial construct known as multi-culturalism.

    You add the zero of Capitalism and the zero of Communism together to form Multi-Culturalism and you’ve still got zero.

    More broadly still, the people pushing what I submit is a faux, contrived, and manufactured Hegelian dialectic between Capitalism and Communism the past two hundred plus years, are despite their apparent tendency to see themselves as perfect, are in reality fallable and imperfect human beings. The world of 1776 and 1789 in which this faux dialectic was born was steeped in dreams of global empire and slavery, as were its proponents, and this has colored this manufactured dialectic ever since.

    How many are aware that major Anglo-Saxon Founding Fathers of the Capitalist 1776 Revolution ie Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and Thomas Paine, amongst likely others, were either Founding Fathers of, and, or heavily involved in the construction of the Communist 1789 French Revolution as well, with London ever in the background seeming to act as something like a central axis for both Revolutions?

    Within the British Empire and reflective of the long term dysfunctional relationship which has existed between the Anglo-Saxon and Jewish peoples, powerful elements of the elites of the Jewish people have been heavily involved with the financing of these two revolutions as well.

    So you have the promoters of the 1776 Capitalist Revolution with its multi-national corporation British East India Company flag (identical to the nascent US Grand Union flag) flying over it that same year to symbolize the revolution, also promoting (and I submit, ultimately controlling) its opposition, the Communist 1789 French Revolution as well.

    This is the same French Revolution which had its ‘Commune’, ‘Whites’, ‘counter-revolutionaries’, and mass executions of the Great Terror which the Communism of the Soviet Union evolved from..the same French Revolution which today has in its capital city Paris a square named Place de la Bataille de Stalingrad to honor its Soviet Communist defenders.

    In that light, and following this same pattern of the forces promoting Capitalism sponsoring and promoting Communism since 1776 and 1789 respectively, should it be surprising that during WWII to insure Communism’s survival the US and UK would massively re-supply the Soviet Union during its war with Germany to the amount which according to Khrushchev Stalin is supposed to have said without this aid ‘we [the Soviet Union] would have lost the war’?

    ‘I would like to tell about some remarks Stalin made and repeated several times when we were “discussing freely” among ourselves. He stated bluntly that if the United States had not helped us, we would not have won the war. If we had had to fight Nazi Germany one on one, we could not have stood up against Germany’s pressure, and we would have lost the war.’ – Memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev: Commissar, 1918-1945, Volume 1. pp. 675–676

    Being that neither Capitalism nor Communism was expected to (nor allowed to) ultimately defeat the other but instead rather each was pushed rather to ‘converge’ the one with the other, it would also make eminant sense that the standard US battle doctrine of ‘total war’ and unconditional surrender would not in general be applied to Communism when this contrived dialectical struggle sometimes got a bit hot..ie Korea and Vietnam.

    Just as we’ve seen the ‘Fall of Communism’ declared (a very top down affair) regarding the old Soviet Union expect similarly with much fanfare to be seeing a formal ‘Fall of Capitalism’ announced in regards to the United States, possibly after a somewhat limited Red October 2.0 type of event has occurred, in order to clear the way for the final synthesis of Capitalism and Communism within Multi-Culturalism, and the creation of an artificial New Man and Woman to repopulate the earth.

    WWIII should it occur would likely form a major if not central portion of this ‘synthesis’.

    Since 1776 and 1789 and their respective contrived Capitalist and Communist revolutions, the peoples of the world and humanity as a whole has been being ‘played’ on a massive scale.

    By the 1790’s, within this faux dialectic, the template for the future ‘Cold War’ between the Capitalist United States and Communist Soviet Union was already firmly in place.

    ‘The defection of Marseilles soon produced that of Lyons. This important city became the central point of the counter revolution in the South..’








    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  266. 1RW 说:




    • 回复: @Rich
  267. Mike P 说:

    The Soviet Union had a very good land army, we could argue whether it was the “most powerful ever built”

    Only someone as caught up as you are in your blinkered America Uber Alles ideology would contest this point.

    The Soviets barely survived a one front war against Germany

    那是 before they really got going – by the end of WW2, Soviet strength was utterly overwhelming, and they kept cranking out more armaments after the war.

    Russian GDP is actually higher than overall Soviet GDP,

    GDP doesn’t win wars, as you should know by now – otherwise, the war in Afghanistan should have been won in 17 minutes, not lost in 17 years.

    • 回复: @Rich
  268. Avery 说:
    @Jeff Masters

    {Turkey is very advanced militarily. The Turkish armed forces could probably eat the accident-prone Russian ones for breakfast. Ankara seems to be increasingly asserting its own interests in Syria, the Aegean, and the Med, independent of WARshington and Tel Aviv. Stay tuned.}

    Turkey (Ottoman Turkey) and Russia (Tsarist Russia) have fought something like 12 times over a couple of centuries or so. Russia has won every time, except during the Crimean war (1853-1856). Russia was crushing the Turks there also, until England and France intervened to help the Muslim invaders, and Christian Russia lost that one.

    Turkey is advanced militarily? Is that why it is buying an S-400 system from Russia?
    Turkey exists and has always existed thanks to the support of outside great powers.
    Christian powers (Germany, England, Europe, US,…..), who have been and are being stupid and extremely short sighted to allow the Turk IslamoFascist state to exist near them at all.

    { The Turkish armed forces could probably eat the accident-prone Russian ones for breakfast. }

    是的。 当然。
    Here is the litmus test: if Turks are so confident of, quote, ‘eating Russia for breakfast’ let them quit NATO and stand on their own. Let’s see how long they’ll last.
    Stay tuned indeed.

  269. @S

    And so this Napoleon figure never existed and it is only invention?

    • 回复: @S
  270. Rich 说:

    You need to reread my comment. I never said the Soviets “lost” in Afghanistan.

  271. Rich 说:
    @Mike P

    1. Some might argue that Genghis Khan had the greatest land army in history, others might argue for the Roman Legions, others for Xerxes and his Persians, I think the Babylonians and the Akkadians have often been argued to have had the greatest land armies. Some might even credit the Carthaginians. Napoleon has to figure in there, along with the Prussians. The Soviet Army won victory while the Germans were fighting a two front war and had lost their supply routes as well as having a limited number of troops. But, I believe that if Hitler hadn’t stubbornly insisted on staying in Stalingrad, the Germans still might have prevailed. I’m not taking anything away from the Soviets, they had some really good generals, well made American armaments and those wonderful commissars shooting anyone who retreated, I’m just not ready to hand them the crown.
    2. If you don’t believe the Soviet army was exhausted at the end of WWII, you haven’t studied the Eastern Front enough to know what these men went through.
    3. You missed my original point about Brussels and the Korean War and my joke about GDP went over your head, too, but that’s okay. And the US did defeat the Taliban in 17 minutes and installed a more friendly government. The Taliban that remain live in caves and in the bush and only pop their heads up once in a while to kill a few civilians, or plant a bomb. They are defeated, as of now.

  272. S 说:


    I did not suggest Napoleon never existed or that he was an invention.

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  273. @Ilyana_Rozumova

    You are Russian? What seems to be wrong with many Russians is their love/hate relationship with their own country. That’s not to denigrate Russia. Less than 20 years ago, it seemed as if the country could be written off. Nowadays, as I wrote, it’s the only thing that stands between us and death to our souls and/or death to everything. But we have to be realistic. Russia is still in a very precarious state vs. the West. I think the Russian leadership, for all its failings, is quite realistic, in contrast to many Russians.

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  274. @S

    Liberte fraternite egalite.

    Please forgive me that I am not fully aligned with your chain of thought, but I can’t help myself. I was little bit touched negatively by your lack appreciation of French revolution.

    French revolution did not end with beheading of Robespiere. It just started.
    It was Napoleon that quelled the bloodthirsty mob in Paris by salvo from his cannons.
    Napoleon established law and order in France and he let his parliament to work.
    The results of his action were tremendous progress in human right, in economics, in science, and also in culture, and arts. Napoleonic code and new Constitution become known all over Europe. France has become a leader in European progress. Napoleons army found Rosetta stone. Napoleons army invented Canning food.
    US framers did not participate in French revolution. They went to Paris to learn.
    The precious US constitution is nothing else than carbon copy of Napoleonic constitution with minor changes and some additions.

    • 回复: @S
    , @Incitatus
  275. @Moderate Escalation

    I did reread your comment.
    I do apologize.
    I am withdrawing my previous comment.

    • 回复: @Moderate Escalation
  276. By-tor [又名“杰西·詹姆斯”] 说:

    The Soviets barely survived a one front war against Nazi Germany? It is the German people that barely survived a war where 80% of the Axis Power land armies were ground up fighting the USSR and not from fighting the Amero-Anglos in certain parts of Italy and France. You are a Nickelodeon-minded person on an adult forum.

    • 同意: Mike P
    • 回复: @Rich
  277. Rich 说:

    You should read something other than communist propaganda about the 2nd World War. That 80% number was straight out of the communist propaganda machine and was debunked years ago. Read about the Battle of Stalingrad and how close the Soviets were to defeat prior to that debacle ordered by Hitler. Or, keep repeating communist nonsense, it’s not like our little discussion here matters to anyone, anywhere, anyway.

    • 回复: @By-tor
    , @EugeneGur
  278. By-tor [又名“杰西·詹姆斯”] 说:

    As the Germans became more mired down at Stalingrad in the fall of 1942, the Red Army counteroffensive that ultimately doomed Operation Barbarossa was being assembled on the other side of the Volga. The USSR’s Operation Uran in Nov. 19, 1942 and Operation Ring Jan. 10, 1943 finished off the entire German Sixth Army, the Third and Fourth Romanian armies, and portions of the German Fourth Panzer Army. Luftwaffe losses were also never fully replaced. Germany and its ROM, Croatian and Italian allies needed to defeat the USSR quickly in 1941-42, and they failed. Underestimating the Red Army, which was fighting for national survival and revenge, was a catastrophic mistake made by the Nazi leadership.

  279. @Rich

    “The battle against International Communism was one of the noblest in mankind’s history and everyone who played a part in it, deserves to be applauded.”

    Then why was this occurring?



  280. EugeneGur 说:

    Read about the Battle of Stalingrad and how close the Soviets were to defeat prior to that debacle ordered by Hitler.

    But they weren’t defeated, were they? Instead, it were the Germans that were utterly defeated, surrendered, and a good number of them perished. After that, the fate of the war and Germany was sealed. And that’s all that matters. Nobody says it was an easy fight. However, the Russians did win, and this is the starting point for any meaningful discussion anywhere, anytime.

    BTW you should leave off attributing any opinion you don’t like to “communist propaganda”. If you have something to say to counteract that opinion, why don’t just do so? bBringing up this “propaganda” cliche sounds extremely silly and makes you look silly. Just a friendly advice.

    • 回复: @Rich
  281. 斯大林格勒战役
    Stalingrad was a large city.
    The front in the city moves very slowly.
    The fight resulted in considerable casualties on the both sides. Probably more on Russian side.
    Eventually Germans couldn’t take the city before winter.
    In the mean time Zhukov did train his divisions of new conscripts in Siberia.
    He made them to be used to fight in severe cold.
    Once bitter cold established itself in Stalingrad, Zhukov placed his divisions behind German lines.
    they surrounded the German army. For some reason they did call it vessel.
    Russians also took the airport.
    All supplies to Germans were cut.
    After few days Marshal Paulus surrendered with his army. (Something around million man)
    And than Hitler ordered to play Beethoven on all radio stations.

  282. Rich 说:

    Thanks for the friendly advice, Eugene, but you should follow the argument from the beginning in order to understand why I was bringing up the “communist propaganda” to the young pinko I was having the argument with. He’s been quoting the Daily Worker and Soviet textbooks in one comment after another.

    I don’t think anyone on this thread, or for that matter,anywhere, is claiming that the Germans prevailed in WWII. The point that you stumbled upon was in reference to the assertion the young communist I was arguing with made about the Soviet Army being the greatest land army of all time.

    Just a little friendly advice to you, read through the entire thread before you give “friendly advice”. And thanks for the unsolicited advice, I’m sure going around giving advice to those who haven’t asked for it, has made you very popular in the circles you run in.

    • 回复: @EugeneGur
  283. S 说:


    I am somewhat surprised at the Francophile attitude towards Napoleon, and this is said respectively, but you are Russian, no? Or Finnish possibly? And I say that not that I hate or dislike either the French or Russians. Am just curious. (I try not to hate anyone.)

    I also have to say it seems that depending where one is in the world, the corporate mass media seems to only teach of the one 1776 Revolution, or the other 1789 Revolution, each largely to the exclusion of the other, as if the other either didn’t or hardly existed/mattered.

    I find it a bit odd that that is the case and I tend to think it is deliberate.

    Yet these Revolutions and resulting American and French republics are ‘sister’ revolutions as well as ‘sister’ republics. Though in theory, within this manufactured Hegelian dialectic, I think these revolutions were supposed to be equal, due to human fallability this is not so.

    It was the 1776 Capitalist (individualist) Revolution as the thesis which was first, then second thirteen years later as the anti-thesis came the 1789 Communist (collectivist) French Revolution.

    Capitalism is the senior partner in this contrived dialectic with the junior Communism, both working historically towards convergance (ie synthesis) to form the artificial construct of Multi-Culturalism.

    I submit the British Empire acted as something of a god parent for both the 1776 Capitalist and 1789 Communist revolutions in the form of Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and Thomas Paine, amongst likely others.

    That’s not to say other non Anglo-Saxons were not involved. They certainly were, and plenty, ie Lafayette, known historically as ‘the hero of both worlds’, in reference to his own heavy involvement in both the American Capitalists and French Communist Revolutions.

    Lafayette, by the way, would forever after the 1776 Revolution refer to George Washington as ‘father’.

    Napoleon established law and order in France and he let his parliament to work.

    Napoleon established a dictatorship, declared himself emperor in the Roman imperial style, and under cover/rationalization of ‘republican values’ created a short lived French empire by invading and occupying other people’s countrys.

    Of course the Anglo-Saxon US/UK capitalists also under cover/rationalization of ‘republican values’ have been doing much the same creating their own much larger empire.

    For myself, I wholly reject Capitalism and Communism as artificial constructs as I do their synthesis, Multi-Culturalism.

    And I don’t particularly care for empires, a bad business, ie control freakdom writ large.

    A small non-empire seeking, non-slavery based, non Capitalist/Communist nor Multi-Cultural republic is plenty enough for me.

    Napoleons army found Rosetta stone. Napoleons army invented Canning food.

    Napoleon’s army in the name of empire also invaded Russia, amongst other places, doing untold harm.

    US framers did not participate in French revolution.

    Not so. Thomas Jefferson, the author of the 1776 US Declaration of Independence was the US representative to France during the time of the 1789 Revolution.

    He with Lafayette and one other person were principle authors of the French Revolution’s 1789 Declarations of the Rights of Man, a core statement of the French Revolution, and formed the 1791 Constitution’s preamble.

    Regarding Jefferson’s influence on this important document it is sometimes spoken of as his being ‘consulted’, ‘cooperation’ with, or ‘writing’ with Lafayette.

    It shouldn’t be surprising that Lafayette would ‘cooperate’ with Jefferson, an old friend from the 1776 American Revolution, in that Lafayette besides calling George Washington ‘father’, would name a son ‘George Washington’ and a daughter ‘Virginie’ in honor of Washington and Jefferson’s home state of Virginia.

    To further illustrate this Lafayette would advocate the French constitution being modeled on US and British lines. Upon Lafayette’s death he arranged that he would be buried in Paris with US soil from the Bunker Hill battlefield covering his grave.

    Lafayette proceeded to persuade the French National Assembly to adopt the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen,” a document he drafted in cooperation with Jefferson.

    Ben Franklin, a signer of Jefferson’s US Declaration of Independence, appears to have been heavily involved in the formation of the French Revolution as well while in France as the US minister during the early 1780’s via involvement in French masonic lodges.

    (While there is much talk of ‘brotherhood’ in free masonic lodges, even so, people have a natural tendency to retain strong vestiges of their ethnicity, whether it be French, Anglo-Saxon, Russian, or Jewish, etc, even consciously or unconsciously forming in effect what are cabals within. In the background to this world of the 1780’s is the looming global hegemony of the British Empire.)

    ‘..they [Franklin and Jefferson] served as nuclei around which formed a latticework of interrelated or interconnected French revolutionary leaders, one of whom was Marquis de Lafayette..’

    As soon as America gained her independence from Great Britain (with substantial French assistance), first Franklin and then Jefferson went on missions to France where they served as nuclei around which formed a latticework of interrelated or interconnected French revolutionary leaders, one of whom was…Marquis de Lafayette, who, after fighting in the American Revolution, imported revolutionary ideology into his native France under Jefferson’s guidance and inspiration.

    欧洲启蒙运动的产品富兰克林和杰斐逊是法国美国仓库的站长,而拉斐特则是在美国革命训练场上接受训练的法国中央火车站的代理商。 然而,播种革命性的云并不是法国的单方面冒险。 相反,法国大革命的播种时间是在本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)任职法国期间,而美国人是播种机。

    Thomas Paine, a Founding Father of Capitalism’s 1776, whose encouraging pamphlets have been seen as critical to that struggle’s success, was brought from Britain by Benjamin Franklin to the thirteen colonies shortly before the American Revolution.

    Later, Paine would also be strongly involved with the French Communist Revolution writing 人权 in 1791, a million selling pamphlet in its defense, and in 1792 serving in the French National Convention, the first Revolutionary French government organized as a republic and having no king.

    Appropriately enough, after being born in England and during his life strongly supporting both the Capitalist and Communist Revolutions, Paine would die in 1809 and be buried in what would become the future center of world finance, New York City.

    Paine was a very strong supporter of the French Revolution that began in 1789; he visited France the following year.

    Of the 300 or more pamphlets which the [French] revolution controversy spawned, Rights of Man was the first to seriously damage Burke’s case and to restore credit to the French both in Britain and America.

    The publication of Rights of Man caused a furore in England; Paine was tried in absentia, and convicted of seditious libel against the Crown, but was unavailable for hanging, being in France and never returning to England. (Sir Archibald Macdonald, 1st Baronet served as the prosecutor.)


    Despite his inability to speak French, he was elected to the National Convention, representing the district of Pas-de-Calais.

    Several weeks after his election to the National Convention, Paine was selected as one of nine deputies to be part of the Convention’s Constitutional Committee, who were charged to draft a suitable constitution for the French Republic. He subsequentially participated in the Constitutional Committee in drafting the Girondin constitutional project. He voted for the French Republic..

    Ilyana writes: The precious US constitution is nothing else than carbon copy of Napoleonic constitution with minor changes and some additions.

    How can the US Constitution, written and fully ratified by June 21, 1788 be a copy of the Napoleonic constitution?

    Napoleon’s Constitution of the Year VIII was adopted on December 24, 1799. The first French Constitution of 1791 prior to Napoleon’s rise had only started being drafted on July 14, 1789, over a full year after the US Constitution’s ratification.

    It would seem rather it was Communists learning from the Capitalists within this manufactured dialectic as symbolized by the hero of the French Revolution, the young master Lafayette, a person who called George Washington ‘father’, named a son George Washington, would ‘consult’ and ‘cooperate’ with Thomas Jefferson in the writing of the French Revolution’s Declaration of the Rights of Man which would form the preamble to the 1791 Constitution, and lastly would order his Paris grave be covered in soil from the US Revolution’s Bunker Hill battlefield.

    It was the 1776 Capitalist revolution which had been first after all.

    Anyhow, in a sense it’s immaterial, at least for myself, as I see it as ultimately a false dichotomy and a manufactured dialectic. Like someone in a game of poker playing both their own hand while simultaneously attempting to try to play the other peoples’ hands as well, controlling the game as it were, you can’t do it without retaining any integrity in such a rigged system.

    Similarly, this game of playing both sides of the Capitalist/Communist coin within this manufactured dialectic since 1776 and 1789 has seriously harmed the integrity of much of the Anglosphere elite.

    With the revelations of the ‘me too’ movement we’ve had a glimpse of the innards of the US/UK establishment and a witch’s cauldron of thorough and utter corruption lying within.

    While loudly having been proclaiming for the rights and welfare of women, certainly a positive thing, many of them have been found to be guilty of the most egregious sexual violations. Who knows what other utter corruption is present within this edtablishment?

    There needs to be a walk away movement from this contrived Capitalist/Communists, Dem/Republican, left/right, etc. paradigm of the past two hundred plus years in addition to it’s ‘convergance’ to form Multi-Culturalism.

    The sooner such a movement takes hold the better.








    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  284. @S

    What happened in Haiti?

    • 回复: @S
  285. S 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Entirely understandably the slaves there revolted.

    Can you elaborate some perhaps?

  286. EugeneGur 说:

    I don’t think anyone on this thread, or for that matter, anywhere, is claiming that the Germans prevailed in WWII.

    Good. I least, we agree on something.

    The point that you stumbled upon was in reference to the assertion the young communist I was arguing with made about the Soviet Army being the greatest land army of all time.

    Perhaps, you should express yourself more clearly, then. Who is that young communist BTW? I’d like to meet him.

    And what’s you problem with that statement? I don’t know about “of all times”, for the comparison would be difficult, but it was certainly the greatest land army of 时间。

    • 回复: @Rich
  287. Rich 说:

    Now, Eugene, I’m getting the impression you’re picking a fight with me .If it’s my lack of clarity that’s leaving you befuddled ,I apologize. Sometimes it’s difficult to understand what’s going on when you’re late to the show, so again, try reading the argument from the beginning.

    The question wasn’t who had the better land army in WWII, the statement was “of all time”, an arguable point.

    I’m beginning to wonder if you were named after the infamous Eugene Debs.

  288. @Ilyana_Rozumova

    Thank you, apology accepted.

    By the way, I have to retract somewhat with regard to my assessment of hypersonic glide vehicles. These vehicles are useful not only to deter nuclear blackmail. They are useful, too, in a full-scale exchange since
    they can be directed against enemy ABM. Purely ballistic weapons can then get through unhindered. Here
    we are talking about an all-out armageddon scenario though. That’s not the same as nuclear blackmail.
    Putin has made clear that he considers armageddon
    a possibility when he was talking about his willingless to take down the entire world if Russia is taken down.
    In a sign for how accute the situation is, Russia says that it wants to put into service hypersonic vehicles
    already in 2019 and possibly without any further testing. The most recent test was according to US accounts not a complete success.

  289. AnonFromTN 说:

    Otto von Bismark said, “Never fight against Russians“. He also said that “Preventive war is like committing suicide for fear of death”.

  290. Incitatus 说:

    “US framers did not participate in French revolution. They went to Paris to learn. The precious US constitution is nothing else than carbon copy of Napoleonic constitution with minor changes and some additions.”

    Code Napoléon: 21 March 1804
    US Constitution: 21 Jun 1788

    Believe in time-travel, Ilyana?

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  291. @Incitatus

    Does not mean anything. They may be (if they are correct) only finalization dates,

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  292. @Ilyana_Rozumova

    If French revolution started in 1776 what they were doing in the mean time fiddling their fingers?
    Establishing new rules for the nation was the primary task of the parliament. And that of course included the new constitution.
    That happened 12 years before US constitution.
    That Napoleon made some changes later is irrelevant,
    So please do not come at me with silly garbage.

    • 回复: @Incitatus
    , @S
  293. Incitatus 说:

    “If French revolution started in 1776 what they were doing in the mean time fiddling their fingers? Establishing new rules for the nation was the primary task of the parliament. And that of course included the new constitution.
    That happened 12 years before US constitution.”

    The French Revolution began 5 May 1789 [États Généraux à Versailles]. The Bastille fell 14 July 1789.

    The US Constitution was ratified 21 Jun 1788. A year earlier.

    The American Revolution began 19 Apr 1775 [Lexington & Concord]. Fourteen [14] years before the French Revolution.

    “Does not mean anything. They may be (if they are correct) only finalization dates”

    The US Constitution followed the Declaration of Independence [4 Jul 1776] and Articles of Confederation [15 Nov 1777]. The latter was twelve [12] years before the États Généraux [1789], twenty-seven [27] years before the Code Napoléon [1804].

    “So please do not come at me with silly garbage…Grow up for Gods sake.”

    Took the words right out of my mouth!

  294. I do advise you to compare your notes with commentator named S (above)

  295. S 说:

    If French revolution started in 1776

    Didn’t say that it did. Always said French Revolution’s outward manifestation started in 1789.

    1776 was the year of the signing of the individualist orientated Capitalist American Revolution’s Declaration of Independence.

    Establishing new rules for the nation was the primary task of the parliament. And that of course included the new constitution.
    That happened 12 years before US constitution.

    US Constitution was ratified in 1788. Twelve years prior (1776) the nascent US government had wartime operations going on but not revolutionary France, which was not yet in existance.

    There might be some misinterpretations of what’s been said here is all I can say.

    That Napoleon made some changes later is irrelevant,

    Earlier you had indicated that American Capitalist revolutionaries had copied from French Communist Revolution (ie ‘carbon copy’, ‘went to Paris to learn’), where if anything, with Jefferson being the acting ‘consultant’ for the writing of the French Declaration of the Rights of Man (which in turn forms the French Constitution of 1791’s preamble), it would seem to be the other way around.

    Though Capitalism, being older, is the senior partner of Communism , broadly speaking I suppose I see the closely paralleling ideologies as being controlled opposition of each other.

    Your response in this proves my point that many, whether they be in the US, France, or Russia, have little if any awareness of how intertwined the Capitalist and Communist revolutions of 1776 and 1789 respectively were. It surprised me too when I found out about Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Ben Franklin, Lafayette, amongst likely others, heavy involvement in both these revolutions.

    While its largely all part of the open record isn’t it interesting how it seems de-emphasised and little if any significance is given to potential implications?

    So please do not come at me with silly garbage.

    What was ‘coming at you’ was facts.

    This has apparently shocked you (as stated it did me too). Most people, in regards to either Capitalism or Communism, it’s a ‘belief’ in the ideology by default (that’s all they know) rather than being what might be termed a true believer.

    I can only think that you are perhaps the latter.

    No one likes to think they’d been lied to and sacrificed for something that was not what they thought or had been told. Some don’t wish to face the harsh reality. This might explain certain of the posters at this site nostalgia for the Communism of the old Soviet Union.

    However, I submit, within this manufactured and faux dialectic, neither Capitalism nor Communism was ever intended to be permanent but rather way stations on the way to their synthesis.

    So soon enough, unfortunately, we will likely be seeing a formal ‘Fall of Capitalism’ declared with the economic collapse of the United States, and the true believers of the former Capitalist US will be able in their grieving and nostalgia for it keep company with and comfort those grieving the loss of the old Communist Soviet Union.

    I say all this realizing the peoples of the world and humanity as a whole has many severe problems that need working on, just not this way, ie by way of a deception and an incredibly destructive faux dialectic.

    We might just have to agree to disagree about this.

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  296. @S

    Please do me a favor. Find me the date when King was arrested.

  297. S 说:

    You will have to do your own research regarding historical matters.

    Besides that, it wouldn’t matter what was found as there is simply a difference of belief.

    You apparently still believe in Communism, while I submit that (as designed) both Capitalism and Communism were closely paralleling ideologies, that from their late 18th century beginning as part of a faux and contrived dialectic never were intended to be stand alone or forever, but instead were intended to ‘fall’ so as to converge/synthesize, the one with the other, to form the artificial construct known as Multi-Culturalism.

    Expressing that belief apparently goaded you to respond. And I in turn responded to you.

    There’s no point in my responding further as there is simply a plainly observed difference in belief on the matter.

    We’ll just have to agree to disagree and leave it at that.

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  298. @S

    From the beginning it was for me empty irrelevant argument. The point of the argument was that I did claim that Americans were one learning from French while you claim that it was the French who learned from Americans.
    Regardless of any dates The fact confirm my argument, It was Americans who traveled to France including Franklin and not vice versa.
    Lets be realistic here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    If French would want to learn from Americans, than why Americans without any arrogance would not told French to come over and learn????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
    And also the American constitution written by Jefferson is only one sheet of paper about denouncing tyranny, and praising the freedom of the people. Actually system of rules for the Government were summarized in amendments dates of which we do not know.
    So you do not have a choice other one than to admit defeat

    • 回复: @Incitatus
  299. Incitatus 说:

    “Americans were one learning from French…”

    The Anciene Régime – a feudal monarchy – taught Americans to rebel against another monarchy? Are you sure? Think carefully.

    “It was Americans who traveled to France including Franklin and not vice versa.”

    American rebels sought French arms, money, support and (ultimately) direct involvement. Versailles desired a reduction in British power, vengeance for 1763. The match benefited both.

    Travel? François-Joseph-Paul comte de Grasse, Jean-Baptiste-Donatien de Vimeur marquis de Rochembeau, and Marie-Joseph-Paul-Roch-Gilbert Motier marquis de La Fayette. All were present at Yorktown [1781].

    Who learned from whom? Rebellion in France began eight [8] years after Yorktown. By then La Fayette’s son was ten years old [born 24 Dec 1779]. His name? ‘Georges Washington’ Motier de La Fayette.

    “And also the American constitution written by Jefferson is only one sheet of paper about denouncing tyranny…”

    James Madison wrote the American Constitution [1787]. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence [1776].

    “Actually system of rules for the [US] Government were summarized in amendments dates of which we do not know…”

    The Bill of Rights (first ten Amendments) were created 1789, ratified 1791. Seventeen Amendments followed, codified and ratified, dates easily referenced (the 27th in 1992).

    “From the beginning it was for me empty irrelevant argument…”

    Who can disagree, given your spotless record of bogus claims? Example:

    “The precious US constitution is nothing else than carbon copy of Napoleonic constitution with minor changes and some additions”

    Napoléon was age 6 when the American Revolution began [1775]; age 7 when the Declaration of Independence was written [1776]; age 8 when the Articles of Confederation were confirmed [1777]; and age 19 when the US Constitution was ratified [1788]. He was serving as a lieutenant serving in Valence and Auxonne when the French Revolution began [1789]. The Code Napoléon [1804] was adopted sixteen [16] years after the US Constitution, twenty-eight [28] years after the Declaration of Independence.

    “Regardless of any dates The fact confirm my argument…”

    Dates and “facts” can be re-fashioned to fit your narrative? Only on Planet Troll.

    “So you [S] do not have a choice other one than to admit defeat”

    Lazy, stupid and arrogant! Way to go, Ilyana!

  300. @unit472

    As Prof Chops says, if the destruction of Yugoslavia and the forcible separation of Kosovo from Serbia, was not rearranging borders by force, I don’t know what would be.

  301. @Quartermaster

    In 1950 China had just emerged from 19 years of a war of occupation and was in poor shape before that. It had almost none of the strength it has now. The US army was probably in the best shape it has ever been since WW2. They did not do very well against the Chinese then. What makes you think they could “push China around” now?

  302. Svigor 说:


    You know you’re over the hill when you’re a writer and you produce lines like that.

    The United States seems to be contemplating war with Russia, Iran, China, or all three.

    YES, stupid, the US gov’t is always contemplating war with everyone. That’s a big part of their job.

    FFS, grow up libertardians.

    Any gov’t that isn’t always contemplating fighting everyone remotely capable of presenting a threat should be shot en masse and replaced.

  303. Svigor 说:

    Like many neokahns, this one folds in much truth with his lies.

    We didn’t lose Vietnam militarily, that is true. And we won’t lose Afghanistan militarily, either. But these are very similar shitholes that 不能 be won because the inhabitants don’t mind dying in droves, and there’s really nothing to be won. These campaigns are always long-term losers because even the lowest human capital doesn’t want foreigners pushing them around.

    There are two kinds of war to fight vs. these kinds of peoples:

    1 The war of extermination: exterminate them and then colonize the place with your own people. Whites don’t have the constitution for this anymore.

    2 The punitive expedition: invade, destroy their infrastructure and conventional forces (fortifications, materiel, plant, etc) and leave as quickly as possible, a la Iraq Attaq I. The US military is great at this.

    Nothing in-between (i.e., occupation) is worth the time, blood, or treasure.



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