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作为一名选民,我饶有兴趣地注意到您的建议,即您将“仔细看看” 在竞选 2020 年总统时,即使你在下个月竞选连任参议员。请原谅我说我将该评论解释为“我参与”。也请原谅我冒昧地提出了这个不请自来的——也许是不受欢迎的——关于如何制定你的候选资格的建议。


毫无疑问,选民需要确保你有能力维护国家安全并保护其切身利益。是的,这里存在明显的双重标准。唐纳德·特朗普在不具备起码的三军统帅资格的情况下,却在2016年赢得了总统宝座。谁能怀疑呢? 性别种族 发挥了作用?

因此,您面临的挑战是巨大的。我认为,为了实现这一目标,你应该首先揭露当今美国国家安全政策中存在的过时假设和迄今无法解决的矛盾。您必须表现出对事件实际趋势的深刻理解。你必须阐明一种合理的方法来应对未来的问题。要成为 2020 年可行的候选人、赢得选举并有效治理,您需要制定不仅听起来更好,而且更有效的政策。 ,那恭喜你, 比我们今天或不久前所拥有的更好。因此,没有时间可以浪费来开始制定沃伦主义了。

当然,你每周工作所在的城市充斥着关于不断变化的世界、新出现的挑战以及需要新思维的无休止的喋喋不休。然而,奇怪的是,所谓的国家安全政策在很大程度上仍然不受变化的影响,而是由两个特定事件固定下来的,这两个事件仍然束缚着该城市的政策精英:冷战和 9/11 事件。



当你当选时,20/9 事件 11 周年即将到来,全球反恐战争 20 周年也即将到来。谁能怀疑,当你20年2021月XNUMX日就职时,美军仍将在阿富汗、叙利亚、利比亚以及大中东和非洲各地进行作战行动?然而在当今的华盛顿,这些运动的目的和前景却没有引起认真的讨论。全球领导地位是否必然意味着永久处于战争状态?在华盛顿,这个问题不仅没有得到解答,而且基本上没有被提出。

请注意,特朗普总统一再明确表示他希望将美国从我们的制裁中解救出来。 没有尽头的战争却被下属告知,他 不能。然后,特朗普屈服于鹰派的坚持,因为尽管他大言不惭,但他很软弱,很容易被击垮。然而,还有一个至关重要的额外因素在起作用:特朗普本人缺乏战略原则,而这些原则可能为军事姿态提供基础,而这种军事姿态并不是某种版本的相同版本。当他被告知“我们必须留下来”时,他根本无法反驳这个论点。所以我们留下来。


您需要调整该愿景,使其受到三个不同受众的青睐。首先,要赢得提名,你需要说服自己党内的成员更喜欢你的观点,而不是潜在竞争对手的观点,其中包括比你拥有更令人印象深刻的国家安全资历的民主党人。在那些已经暗示可能竞选总统的人中,有一位备受推崇的人。 前副总统甚至可能 前国务卿,一位荣获勋章的退伍军人,并担任参议院外交关系委员会主席。尽管它们已经存在很久了,但我们仍不能忽视它们。





1 + 3 = 你赢了




应首先解决这一矛盾。它的本质是这样的:我们美国人相信我们是一个和平的人民。我们选举和任命的领导人经常确认这一点。然而我们的民族 永久处于战争状态。我们美国人还认为,我们对帝国有着明显的厌恶。事实上,我们作为共和国的成立本身就证明了我们的反帝国主义资格。然而,在华盛顿特区——如果有的话,一座帝国城市——提到美利坚合众国是凯撒时代罗马和全盛时期大英帝国的合法继承者的说法比比皆是。这里不仅仅是言辞:美军的军事存在 环绕地球 具体证明了我们的帝国野心。我们可能是一个“否认的帝国,”但我们是一个帝国。


这种重新排序应该从三个被忽视的发展开始,这些发展应该处于沃伦主义的最前沿。第一个是 地球变暖。第二个是全球权力的持续重新分配,以(但不限于)中国的崛起为标志。第三个是对我们越来越依赖网络的生活方式的日益增长的网络威胁。以这三项挑战为中心的沃伦主义不仅能让你从竞争对手中脱颖而出,还能让你在上任时明确优先事项——至少在发生一些意外事件之前,例如柏林墙倒塌或双子塔袭击,迫使你即兴发挥,这是不可避免的。

那么,这里是 CliffsNotes 对三巨头的看法。 (你可以聘请一些聪明的年轻人来填写详细信息。)

气候变化 对国家安全构成迫在眉睫的威胁,并影响生存。有了这个 夏季的热浪 最近 惊人的风暴,这种威胁的证据已变得无可争议。卡特里娜飓风(2005 年)、艾玛飓风(2017 年)、哈维飓风(2017 年)、 玛丽亚 (2017), Michael (中国)(2018),以及超级风暴桑迪(2013),更不用说普遍的干旱和日益破坏性的野火了 火季 那看起来 很难结束。将这些行为归类为天灾已不再足够。


其次,告别美国作为“最后”或“唯一”超级大国的自负。这 权力转移 现在正在顺利进行,特别是在东亚,而且在世界其他地区,正在创建一个多极的全球秩序,在这个秩序中——无论美国精英如何想——美国将不再是唯一的“必不可少的国家”。和平与稳定将取决于将其他自称不可或缺的国家纳入这一秩序,尤其是中国。

不,中国不是我们的朋友,也不会是我们的朋友。这是我们最重要的竞争对手。然而,中国也是一个重要的合作伙伴,特别是在贸易、投资和气候变化方面——中国和美国是两个最大的合作伙伴 发射器 温室气体。因此将中国列为敌人 主意 现在在政策圈中越来越受到关注的是愚蠢的高度。同样,玩 吃鸡游戏 南海人工岛屿上空, 引用 作为一项势在必行的“航行自由”,体现了国家安全机构热衷于危险的过时惯例。


然后就是这样 网络威胁, 它有多个方面。首先,它使美国人,甚至是技术困难的贡献者所使用的网络面临风险。 TomDispatch 像我这样的 , 已经变得依赖。然而,转移这些威胁可能会带来“解决方案”,这些“解决方案”可能会摧毁我们最后残留的个人隐私,同时让美国人面临国内外情报机构的全面监视。沃伦主义必须确保美国人享有完全进入“物联网”的权利,但要按照他们自己的条件,而不是由公司实体或政府规定的条件。

其次,允许五角大楼为美军装备不断扩大和更加昂贵的“智能”武器库的技术也正在创造 漏洞 这很可能会使这些武器毫无用处。这是一个复制品 谜语现象:假设你的秘密只属于你自己,那就会招致灾难,正如纳粹在第二次世界大战中所学到的那样,当时他们牢不可破的密码被证明是可以破解的。沃伦主义将挑战军事界普遍存在的将技术进步等同于更高效能的假设。如果技术是赢得战争的关键,我们早就在阿富汗宣布胜利了。

最后,还有进攻性网络战这一危险的新概念, 介绍 早在 2011 年,美国就对伊朗核计划释放了 Stuxnet 病毒。现在,随着特朗普政府的 准备 为了使美国的进攻性网络行动更有可能发生,这似乎是即将发生的事情——就像第二次世界大战前夕的战略轰炸或二战后的核武器一样。然而,在进一步沿着网络道路前进之前,我们最好反思一下二十世纪军备竞赛的后果。结果总是比预期的要贵得多,而且往往会带来可怕的结果。沃伦主义应该寻求避免进攻性网络战的正常化。


当然,这一切都不是一件容易的事。反对者会将这种沃伦主义描述为过于雄心勃勃且不够好战。然而,正如肯尼迪总统在 1962 年宣布美国将在十年内登上月球时所宣称的那样,有些目标恰恰是值得实现的,“因为它们很困难”。当时,美国人对肯尼迪的承诺感到兴奋。


从现在到 2020 年 XNUMX 月,还有很长的路要走。祝您在踏上旅程时一切顺利。



安德鲁·巴塞维奇(Andrew Bacevich) TomDispatch 定期,是作者 美国世纪的暮光之城, 将于今年 11 月出版。

(从重新发布 TomDispatch 经作者或代表的许可)
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. You really should address this to President Trump if you want any results before 2025.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  2. obwandiyag 说:



  3. Anonymous[417]• 免责声明 说:

    You provide enough proof of that every time you open your mouth.

    • 同意: Stan d Mute, David In TN
  4. Anonymous[346]• 免责声明 说:
    @The Alarmist

    You really should address this to President Trump if you want any results before 2025.

    I agree. But Bacevich was a Trump basher during the election so you have to question his real intentions. What anti-neocon wouldn’t have loved what Trump was at least saying?? After the election Trump capitulated to the neocons, but that might say more about the power of the neocons to control rather than Trump’s sincerity.

    • 回复: @The Alarmist
    , @David In TN
  5. anon[116]• 免责声明 说:

    Isn’t that what you’re here for?

  6. mark green 说:

    哇。刚刚完成这篇文章是一件苦差事。安德鲁·巴塞维奇(Andrew Bacevich)极其啰嗦、自命不凡且无趣。他在这里做什么?

    • 回复: @vinteuil
    , @chris
  7. Americans are not going to elect a hard-left Harvard professor with zero executive experience who denies her white heritage. Not enough time has passed since the last one.

  8. renfro 说:

    Dear Senator Warren

    Whatever you do don’t take the advice of this pompous , overly verbose guy in love with the sound of his own words…..or your audience will walk out of boredom before you ever get to the point.

  9. The USA was, in my opinion, a peaceful country from the moment it refused to ratify Versailles, and introduced neutrality laws.
    After WWI there was revisionism, after WWII revisionism was suppressed until the present day.
    The beginning of the end of the peaceful era was 1933, when Franklin Roosevelt became president, and began, as his friend Sol Bloom writes in his autobiography, ‘preparing the USA people for war’.
    The preparations took a lot of time, Pearl Harbour was at the end of 1941.
    索尔·布鲁姆(Sol Bloom),《索尔·布鲁姆的自传》,纽约,1948年

  10. FO337 说:



  11. FO337 说:

    唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在不具备担任三军统帅的起码资格的情况下,却在2016年赢得了总统职位。谁能怀疑性别和种族在其中发挥的作用呢?



  12. Albion 说:

    这封信的要点是什么?推销你的书的借口?我相信伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)很清楚所概述的问题。我希望 AB 的新书有一章是关于大规模移民的,奇怪的是,信中省略了这一章,因为如果你想谈论“美国世纪的暮光之城”,只需看看美国的人口转型和种族割据化。国家。美国如何与90%以上汉族的中国竞争?甚至俄罗斯?有多少美国城市已经被认为是美国城市了?我们甚至无法控制自己的边界。


    • 回复: @Oemikitlob
    , @Miro23
  13. m___ 说:

    Nationstates, US confined views of the world, single individual because of stature (President) to make a difference, climate change (itself a hijacked concept, the real problem is toxicity, and that relates to economics and in the first place military, growth economy), ignoring population, it’s dynamics, immigration between others as a consequence, class divergence (elites globalizing, the masses confined to local ghettos), …there is a conventional series of dogmas under the refreshing suggestions. Laying a foundation upon permafrost. Do not count on Russia, China, and their attributing to delve deeper.

    Bad as it seems, the world needs world government, and the bad rap on it, the “Soros” scheme is just a matter of the policies that go under the banner. Anything that matters, toxicity, global population policies, the eu-genic, not-obtrusive new half possibilities of biology, Artificial Intelligence, and for now just and precise data recollection and interpretation, that exceed a single brain analysis, are tools that scream for global practices. The planet, regardless of the US, that’s the real dongle.

    Historic arguments, models, the pace of lore (analysis and the inclusion of it’s variables seems not to have exponentially grown in this article), it all is irrelevant, we require associative thinking and a mindset of “opportunism must be ultimately ethical”. The human race must leave room for the liberal pet project re-ajusted. Biodiversity. Beyond the human race, humanity reducing it’s footprint, keep the buldozers and F35’s at the parking lot, and give some room to the three hundred species of mammals we lately extinguished between other insects. Living on a trash-ball shows in all corners.

    Ultimately, to interrupt towing the wagons with ignored loads of problems and solutions, what is the obsession (religion is similar in calling in God at any intersection) with the importance of a nominal president. Trump after all, just in front of any dead brain is a “live” illustration that presidents do not matter much.

    In all, an analysis into the thin air of convention. The “run-up” has started.

  14. Liosnagcat 说:

    Was there any mention of Israel, Zionists or Jews in general? If not, why is this advice worth heeding?

  15. When she claimed to be an American Indian, Elizabeth Warren committed fraud to gain preferential treatment in her career and she seems to be too stupid to just drop the claim, apologize and move on.

    Looking at the current Dem presidential field, being a grifter does not seem to be a bar to being a leading Democrat presidential candidate, but being another whiney white women is probably a bar to being elected, as shown in the 2016 presidential go around.

    So save a stamp, Andy.

    • 回复: @anarchyst
  16. Anyone who thinks that Americans actually get to 选择 this or that candidate is woefully uniformed.

    We vote on those selected by the FED, those TBTF Wall Street Casinos and Israel.
    ALL recipients of these never-ending wars brought on by the Israeli masterminded 9/11 False Flag.

    You are an exceedingly smart and gifted politician

    Gifted? Yes, if you’re referring to Lizzie’s ability to lie her way into Harvard, then the Senate, using her faux Native American DNA.

    If she wants to be selected to run for POTUS, Lizzie will have to refine her views on Israel, mainly go back to her 2014 view–when Israel was carpet-bombing the world’s biggest concentration camp, Gaza–where she was blubbering that Israel has the REICH to defend itself, instead of her most recent views, that kinda, maybe supports Palestinians:

    Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., broke with the political establishment and called on the Israeli government to respect the rights of Palestinian protesters in Gaza in a statement to The Intercept on Wednesday. “I am deeply concerned about the deaths and injuries in Gaza,” Warren said. “As additional protests are planned for the coming days, the Israel Defense Forces should exercise restraint and respect the rights of Palestinians to peacefully protest.”…


    If Lizzie does a sufficient amount of groveling to King makers Sheldon Adelson and Haim Saban, she might get picked by our Overlords to run for POTUS.

  17. WHAT 说:

    Black prove that on their own every single day, very effectively at that.

  18. 2700 words and no mention of zionism, the gravest threat to “national security.”

  19. 气候变化?你在开玩笑吧。任何世纪​​以来最大的骗局。变得真实!

  20. Miggle 说:

    Two points, Senator Warren:

    1. Freedom of navigation relates to cargo ships, not to warships. It’s the height of hypocrisy for the USA to send warships into the South China Sea while screaming propaganda about freedom of navigation. The only country that has restricted freedom of navigation through the South China Sea was the USA, to cut off supplies to Japan to force Japan into war.

    (Of course, that does not excuse China’s insolent claim to sovereignty over a channel between other countries.)

    2. There’s no such thing as cyber warfare. Again, nothing but propaganda. Computer security and network security have been issues from the beginning, cracking/hacking and intruding always issues. That’s why there are passwords, firewalls and intrusion detectors. Always, keep your computers secure.

    如果有 is such a thing as cyber warfare, someone please describe it to me.

    • 回复: @Alden
    , @peterAUS
  21. RVBlake 说:

    A putative President Warren would help this country immeasurably by drastically loosening our ties to the Only Democracy In The Middle East.

  22. DanFromCT 说:

    A Warren-Blumenthal ticket in 2020 would win overwhelminingly in New England simply for rewarding stolen valor. Nationally any ticket with her name on it goes down like Mondale.

  23. Anonymous [AKA“ Anon1212”] 说:

    All these issues–permanent war, illegal migrant invasion, racial tensions, a runaway deficit, an endlessly biased authoritarian media, a full speed 24/7 attack on whites and Christians, etc, etc, etc–are not the real problems of America, they are the 症状 of the one real problem that America does have and that is a government that has been occupied by the Jewish/Israeli/Zionist cabal to serve their own interests at America’s very great expense.

    Warren’s nomination would be a gift to Trump. Frankly, I don’t think she would ever get elected as she simply comes off as incredibly weak and scatter-brained, but I’m sure those very qualities are the source of any appeal she might have to the Jewish mob on Capitol Hill.

  24. fnn 说:

    In a few years, giraffes will be extinct in the wild unless some really drastic action is taken:

    Reports from around Africa provide new evidence that giraffe poaching in several countries is on the rise, a trend that could further threaten a species that has lost more than 40 percent of its population over the past 15 years. Today fewer than 80,000 giraffes remain in Africa, and three of the nine giraffe subspecies have populations that have fallen below 1,000 animals.

    Tanzania, which displays the giraffe as its national symbol, is a poaching hot spot. About 10 years ago herbal medicine practitioners in Tanzania started touting giraffe bone marrow and brains as a way to protect people from, or even cure, HIV/AIDS.

    The belief continues to drive poaching in the country, according to a recent report from Tanzania’s Daily News. The practice has also driven up the prices for giraffe meat, making poaching more lucrative. A 2010 report from Rothschild’s Giraffe Project found that “freshly severed heads and giraffe bones” can bring in up to $140 each.

    Tanzania, which is also the site of massive levels of elephant poaching, typifies another reason for giraffe poaching: The animals are killed to feed the people who are hunting elephants. This also happens in the Congo, Fennessy said, where the Lord’s Resistance Army, run by the notorious Joseph Kony, has been known to operate. “Giraffe are suffering as a result of indiscriminate killing for ivory,” Fennessy said.

    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Che Guava
  25. 我向上帝祈祷,巴塞维奇的意思是讽刺。 伊丽莎白沃伦只不过是一个愚蠢的老女人。 她没有任何资格担任 PTA 主席,更不用说国家主席了。 至于特朗普“不合格”,只能说明作者不知道当总统需要什么条件。 第一个资格,安德鲁,是有胆量反驳那些意图破坏国家的白痴。 软弱容易滚动? 谢天谢地,巴塞维奇从来都不是我的部队指挥官。 特朗普狡猾、狡猾,是等待合适时机的大师。
    至于将乔·拜登描述为“受人尊敬的”前副总统,将约翰·克里描述为“装饰过的老兵”,哦,看在上帝的份上。 拜登是个喜欢侵犯小女孩的人,而克里显然是通过剃须来赢得他的“装饰品”的。


  26. 是的,用一个全球主义傀儡换另一个傀儡永远是正确的答案。以驴换大象肯定会“搞定”。上帝保佑“穆里卡”,再递给我一杯 Bud Lite,足球比赛即将开始。

  27. Anonymous[339]• 免责声明 说:

    Liz Warren is a joke. Surviving as a liberal in Massachusetts doesn’t make one qualified to serve as president.

    It makes one qualified to pour coffee at Starbucks.

    It’s worth mentioning I have as much Native American DNA in my blood as Liz Warren. I breathe the air of North America deep in to my lungs. My best friend growing up was Native American. I’ve been to many pow wows growing up. In fact, based on my credentials, I have even more Native American in my blood than Liz!

    And I never lied about being a Native American to get preferential job consideration!

  28. 唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在不具备担任三军统帅的起码资格的情况下,却在2016年赢得了总统职位。谁能怀疑性别和种族在其中发挥的作用呢?

    I used to like Bacevich, but this shows how full of B.S. he is these days. Trump won because he’s a white man? No, Trump won because he’s rich and because the Democrats ran the worst possible person largely as an affirmative action candidate.

  29. Giuseppe 说:

    …to cast their ballot for a Massachusetts liberal who possesses neither executive nor military experience and is a woman to boot.

    You forgot to mention she is also the member of an underprivileged racial minority. To boot.

  30. Oemikitlob 说:

    “What is the point of this letter?”


  31. @Chris Bridges

    It’s not satire. Colonel Basevitch is a political liberal who supports legal homo marriage…..and importing millions of nonwhite LEGAL IMMIGRANT Democratic Party Voters. His son was killed in action in Iraq…..for no good reason.

    We won the Cold War!!…What does this statement even mean? Post WW2 Foreign Policy=INVADE THE WORLD….INVITE THE WORLD=Native Born White Working Class voted into a White Racial Foreigner-White Racial Foreigner within the borders of America by Chinese “Americans” and Iranian “Americans” to the great joy of the Colonel Bacevitch.

    Elizabeth Warren is a repugnant opportunist happy to promote the special interests that own the US….And the job description includes this:willing to exterminate Conservative Slavic Christians in Russia…Eastern Ukraine….and Serbia….

  32. Tyrion 2 说:

    Who can doubt that gender and race played a role?

    Yes, it played a role. It provided a substantial boost Hillary Clinton.


    But everyone always knew that. It is is why she and supporters talked about it all of the time.

  33. Buck 说:

    沃伦已经表明,她在特朗普的简单刺激下就被击败了。多年来,特朗普因她在自我报告的切罗基人身份上偏袒少数族裔而嘲笑她,但她接受了 DNA 测试,证明自己有 99% 的白人血统。然后向全世界宣布这一点,作为某种平反。相反,她的行为危及了两个进步的口号:“种族是一种社会建构”和“平权行动帮助少数群体”。


    关于我们的外交政策,确实大多数政策制定者充其量只是反应性和战术性的。其中很少有战略思想家。几个世纪以来,中国一直是而且很可能继续是一个统一的文化。美国则不然。我们来到的壁橱是经过20-40年的移民限制后的二战后时代。这一切于 1965 年结束,美国的未来也随之结束。多元文化帝国永远不可能长久。


  34. Colonel Bacevitch hates Trump because Trump gave minimal lip service to Native Born White American Working Class Racial Identity Politics. Colonel Bacevitch very much prefers the Racial Identity Politics of Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrette=full-speed ahead with the annihilation of The Native Born White American Working Class.

    Colonel Bacevitch is an example of malignancy of the Cold War. At the core of The Cold War Tumor that consumed post-WW2 America was a violent hatred of The Historic Native Born White American Majority Working Class by Corporate Elites. The Soviets weren’t the real threat…Corporate Elites were…and still are…..the threat to the White Working Class. Colonel Bacevitch is ultimately a toady for the Corporate Elites and the future Asian “American” Elites who will rule and govern post-White America….

    • 回复: @pyrrhus
  35. pyrrhus 说:

    “You are an exceedingly smart and gifted politician, so I’m confident that you have accurately gauged the obstacles ahead. ”

    Evidently not, having just committed a colossal “own goal” and been caught lying, again.

  36. pyrrhus 说:
    @War for Blair Mountain

    That’s the way it looks. Bacevitch’s comments about Trump ignore the Deep State/DNC coup launched against Trump, in which Bacevitch’s pals were complicit. Far from being “weak”, Trump has proven a great and cunning fighter, unlike the US military establishment.

    • 回复: @War for Blair Mountain
  37. Alden 说:

    The answer to Africans poaching is to recolonize Africa by Whites, the only people who care about animals.

    The administration would consist of really vicious African police and armies who would hunt down and torture the poachers to death and foreign animal rights activists to protect the animals.

    The remains of the executed poachers could be fed to lions leopards and hyenas. That would help protect the critters the predators feed on.

  38. Che Guava 说:

    That is very depressing to read. Perhaps a quarantine re. most sub-Saharans from the rest of the world would be a good idea. Also, no aid, medical, food, or otherwise.

    They will create Wakanda!

  39. When it comes to taunts as effective political tools, Warren forgets that Trump catapulted to fame solely on his accomplishment of the only person capable of forcing Obama to create a fake birth certificate.

  40. Alden 说:

    Thanks for the information about freedom of the seas. I learn something new every day I read unz. And thank you Ron for providing this forum

  41. @obwandiyag

    Laws of nature don’t require proof – like the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Get it?

  42. If China is such a threat to America….why are Donald Trump….Colonel Andrew Bacevitch….and the short fat bastard who pushes herbal male enhancement supplements….Alex Jones….enthusiasts for importing Chinese LEGAL IMMIGRANTS onto Working Class Native Born White American Living and Breeding Space?

    • 回复: @Alden
  43. anonymous[128]• 免责声明 说:

    “Smart and gifted politician?” Is the author being facetious?

  44. @pyrrhus

    Take your Q anonymous nonesense and shove it. Trump is not a cunning-great fighter. Trump is an indictable WAR CRIMINAL and he using the Working Class Native Born White American Teenage Male Population as canon fodder in the Middle East for OUR FRIEND ISRAEL!!!….while he gives multibillionaire Jeff Bezos a tax break…And Trump’s Justice Department is prosecuting young Working Class Native Born White American Males for defending themselves from the violent Antifa Tranny Freaks down in Charlottesville.

  45. Anonymous [AKA "Boy\'s State Speech 19173193771"] 说:

    First reason to stop reading: the ridiculous notion that it matters who the president is. JFK was the last president who didn’t know he was a puppet ruler. Presumably there were late-Roman partisans who were all like “Libius Severus for Emperor!” Bacevich is out of it like that.

    Second reason to stop reading: Threat shit. Bacevich is still brainwashed with this DC obsession to find enemies. China won’t be our friend, it’s a “competitor.” If it’s a competitor, you lost. You can’t compete with your shit kleptocracy. China is claiming indispensability? That’s pathetic, neurotic projection. China’s Five Principles are straight out of the UN Charter. The only incorporating that needs to be done is to incorporate the US into the civilized world. That requires razing CIA, prosecuting its criminals, and ending its impunity.

    More Tom Dispatch left gatekeeping.

  46. What is happening in Russia. US, China is only secondary importance.
    The other and more dangerous phenomenon is rising.
    Small countries all over the world are failing economically and socially.
    Particularly in central America, Africa, and Middle east.
    This will be a headache for all world.
    This will have lead to solution of creation of empires by larger countries.
    England leaving EU was a horrible mistake.

  47. @Anonymous

    When the Neocons say they have Trump’s back, what it means is that they are standing behind him with daggers pointed at his kidneys, lest he make a serious false move.

  48. Che Guava 说:

    I found this Basevich article to be completely devoid of iinteresthng points.

    BTW, good for the American Indians to reject DNA tests. It is almost making me to wish for Rajiv Khan to return, for analysis, but he was such a supercilious arsehole, though apparently knowledgeable, who cares?

  49. 多么可笑的浪费一篇文章。风中奇缘现在是首席笑柄。她的政治生涯结束了。她的下一场演出将是华盛顿红皮队、堪萨斯城酋长队、亚特兰大勇士队、克利夫兰印第安人队或芝加哥黑鹰队的吉祥物

    • 回复: @War for Blair Mountain
  50. Elizabeth Warren…..”Native” American…as a direct consequence of statistical noise…….This “Native” American tart cheated on her first husband multiple times…

  51. Chet Roman 说:

    所有这些都在谈论外交政策、全球变暖和网络威胁,这些问题将影响 2020 年的总统选举,而没有一个词提到将决定选举的真正问题:$$$$。 财大气粗的寡头(以及阿德尔森和萨班等外国势力的代理人)对谁获胜的影响最大。

    无论谁真正获胜,深州政策的连续性都将占上风。 作为无政府主义者,艾玛·戈德曼说:“如果投票改变了什么,他们就会把它定为非法。”

  52. 巴塞维奇上校

    I have some unsolicited advice for you…..

    Elizabeth Warren hasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell of being the next POTUS….for she is an old farting White Female Boomer in adult diapers at a time when the demographics of the US have shifted massively nonwhite majority Democratic Party Voting Bloc…..Your aging White Female Boomer Pinup Girl ain’t gonna win.

    But here is who the next POTUS will be:THE MOUSTACHED SHEMALE MOOOOOOOOOOOOCHELLE…..Black Shemale gonna announce a year from now….Blacks will be in a state of rapturous joy!!! at the prospect of Barack back in the Whitehouse……

    Modest Proposal:Colonel Bacevich…you really need to give the unsolicited friendly advice to POTUS MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCHELLE!!!!!

  53. anarchyst 说:
    @Steve in Greensboro

    Look at democRAT Blumenthal who claimed to be a “Vietnam Veteran”. In fact, “Hanoi” Jand Fonda spent more time in Vietnam than Blumenthal…

  54. @Swan Knight

    Statistical Noise “Native” American Elizabeth Warren’s next big gig will be POTUS MOOOOOOOCHELLE’S UN Ambassor where she will continue to issue the threats of nuclear extermination by Trump’s UN Ambassador the filthy stinking Sihk Whore Niki Haley to European Christian Russia….While MOOOOOOOOCHELLE issues daily threats to Working Class Native Born White American Males…….to the Great Joy!!! of West Point Graduate Colonel Andrew Bacevich…..Your Working Class Native Born White American Tax $$$$$ at work!!!!

  55. @Chris Bridges

    很明显,作者说丽兹沃伦甚至没有资格考虑跑步的可能性。 任何对该语言使用有初步了解的人都会清楚地看到这一点。

  56. Thea 说:

    Likely the goose is already cooked on climate change. Reducing greenhouse gases now is shutting the barn door after the horses have bolted.

    It would require a government with absolute and long term power to adequately address. A lifelong dictatorship rather than our constantly changing system of one side over turning the otherside’s decrees every few years.

    Taxes on gas and incentives for solar panels are barely a drop in the ocean. Maybe if we all immediately stopped burning any fossil fuels right this second…maybe we could correct course.

    • 回复: @AnonFromTN
    , @Alden
  57. AnonFromTN 说:

    Warren supported Hillary in 2016. In my book this sets her trustworthiness as close to zero as makes no difference. I hope Dems nominate a person not tainted by the support of corrupt mad witch. Otherwise, they have zero chance of getting my vote.

  58. AnonFromTN 说:

    Global warming is a fact. Human contribution to this process is a theory insufficiently supported by the evidence. After all, there were no humans in the Mesozoic era and no fossil fuel burning, but the temperatures were way above current or even projected levels. Case closed.

    • 回复: @Thea
  59. EagleEyeX 说:

    这里没有提到以色列或巴勒斯坦! 这位作家可以认真对待吗? 我觉得又是一次精神自慰。
    仍然很高兴 UNZ 出版了……这样读者就可以收听并指出它。

    • 回复: @AnonFromTN
  60. AnonFromTN 说:

    不幸的是,这些话题在民主党和众议员中都成为禁忌。 这是我们政治制度病态的症状之一。

  61. njguy73 说:

    Oh, I’m sorry. This is unz.com. I believe you’re looking for 4chan. Down the hall, second door from the water fountain.

  62. Would Pocahontas have declared Jerusalem to be the eternal capital of Israel? I don’t think so. She won’t be the next president… Donald Trump will be the next POTUS!

    • 回复: @Reuben Kaspate
  63. Thea 说:

    Yes, I never said it wasn’t a fact. Just we can’t fix it – it’s too late

    • 回复: @AnonFromTN
    , @Alden
  64. AnonFromTN 说:

    There is a big difference between “we can’t fix it because it’s too late” and “we can’t fix it because we don’t know what caused it”. Your post implies the former, mine the latter.

  65. anonymous[356]• 免责声明 说:

    formulate policies that not only sound better, but are better

    Not going to happen. She’s incapable of doing so. She’ll probably still be bogged down with her claims that her microscopic Native American ancestry prove her to have been truthful all along. Only external events can effect changes in American policies, such as a disastrous lost war, economic implosion, things like that. Otherwise forget it, it’ll be the same-old same-old. News flash: The Messiah will not be a candidate in 2020.

  66. @mark green

    “climate change” an election issue?


    If it’s a real problem, dealing with it at all seriously will require the extinction of most of the human race.

  67. 哦,嗯。

    Uhhhh, excuse me.

    But someone making a claim of being native american based on the dna results as reported, is not doing themselves any favors about a realistic view of the world around them.

    I was supportive of her views regarding the economy, bailouts and the like — but as chief executive —

    Even the Cherokee council won’t vote for her as one of their own.

  68. peterAUS 说:

    2. There’s no such thing as cyber warfare.
    If there is such a thing as cyber warfare, someone please describe it to me.



    That’s why there are passwords, firewalls and intrusion detectors. Always, keep your computers secure.

    You’ve left two elements out. One of them the most important in all that.


    • 回复: @Miggle
    , @Miggle
  69. Skeptikal 说:

    “provocations of “rogue states” like Russia, Pakistan, and North Korea”

    You lost me here.
    The main rogue states on the planet are the USA and Israel.

  70. peterAUS 说:

    I’d like to see somewhere, and read “Bacevich doctrine”.
    Say….the Col (Ret) writes one down and presents it to the woman. You know, initiative, being positive and proactive and such.

    Say….20 pages, tops.

    Actually, just that first thing, before “climate change” would be good enough for some of us here, I guess. True, not more than 10 guys, tops, but probably more readers I hope.


    ….honest cost-benefit appraisal, demonstrating that it leads inexorably to bankruptcy, both ECONOMIC and moral…..

    Say…a month….10 pages?


  71. chris 说:
    @mark green



    Just as a small aside to the above trash can missive; strategically balanced against it, the ‘very intelligent’ Ms. Warren (Cherokee-light) will be finding in her Christmas stocking, a check from AIPAC and Haim Sabam for 50mil, saying blue skies ahead, engine on full throddle.

    • 哈哈: Mike P
    • 回复: @Alden
  72. Anonymous [AKA "Southern Dog"] 说:

    Back when Bush Daddy ran for President, I thought that I’d make a personal rule that no way in heck do I vote for a CIA Director to run the civilian government. I’ve since expanded that to include any General. Civilian control of the military is too important a concept in any country that wants to be a democracy to put such people in control.

    By this point, America is so militarized that its become quite normal for any politician to be attacked when they have not joined the military, gone abroad, met interesting people, and then killed them to enhance the profits of Exxon. And by the way, I do not consider that to be “serving America”, which is far more usefully done with as a volunteer with a big spoon in a soup kitchen.

    Thus, I look for candidates who have ‘never served’ in this way, and I’m happy to vote for them. That someone would sneer at a US Senator for not having any military experience is just a sign about how terribly far America has fallen. I’d have expected such for an election to the Reichstag in 1940, but not in any America I’d see in my lifetime.

    I’m voting Democrat for Congress because I’m lucky enough that I don’t have one of the many CIA-Democrats running here. Instead I’ve got a Bernie Sanders supporter. Besides which, the incumbent Republican keeps making public statements that he would like to see me dead. He has said he wants me to starve to death, and I think that what he really prefers is if I die painfully from some disease after a hospital has thrown me out into the street for not being a millionaire who can pay their bills. Pretty easy to decide who to vote for in an election when one candidate clearly wants you to drop dead.

    • 回复: @Alden
  73. Alden 说:
    @War for Blair Mountain

    Alex Jones favors legal immigration? Well F him.

  74. niceland 说:

    It was probably in 2006, I was trying to understand the current state of affairs in the U.S economy. Actually I was trying to understand what on earth was going on in my own country, Iceland, but since our experience with “free” markets and private banking is rather short and our language is only spoken by 300K souls, good analysis and deep insight was virtually none existent. Rosy predictions and totally worthless “analysis” from our banks was in no short supply in these days. It’s possible some readers here know how this all ended for us. I was hoping to gain some insights from foreign sources to understand our own situation.

    I came across about hour long youtube video with Elisabeth Warren explaining what was going on in the U.S housing market; the sub-prime debacle, predatory lending, and how the loans were sold right away to second or third party, eliminating the risk from the original “lender”. I was very impressed by her analysis and passion for the subject. I remember thinking – my friends in the U.S would benefit if she would be raised to some kind of office or power. At least she wasn’t in the pocket of Wall Street. Her video was also very helpful for my quest and opened my eyes to some things of relevance.

    I remember the warm feeling I got when I learned of her participation in politics few years later. Since I try to avoid following American politics [health reasons] I admit I know nothing about her political carrier so far. Still, after reading some of the comments here it seems something she said about her ancestry (even if true) has come to hunt her, and renders her impossible politician, let alone presidential candidate.

    Like I said, I know little about her political carrier, but dismissing her over something so small and trivial makes no sense to me. Stupid she is not, and she can rise far above identity politics judging by previously mentioned video. That would be something from the left?!

    However, it seems to me you guys need Superman for president. Backed by swarm of angles, the justice league, and a powerful alien race. Who else can push for changes in U.S policy against all the interest groups and the so called deep state?

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
    , @peterAUS
    , @Alden
    , @chris
    , @chris
  75. Alden 说:

    The Vikings of 1,200 years ago couldn’t fix global warming so they took advantage to establish European style farming communities in Iceland and Greenland.

    700 years later when another ice age began the Vikings couldn’t fix the little ice age. So they abandoned Greenland which once more became a frozen wasteland

    4, 000 years ago the earth was so cold the Mediterranean peoples built their homes with the main part of the house facing south and west for warmth .

    By 2,000 years ago the Mediterranean peoples started building their homes with the main part facing north because the earth had warmed so much

    12, ooo years ago the North Sea and English Channel didn’t exist because so much water was frozen in glaciers . Eastern England was connected to western France Belgium and Netherlands . Scotland was connected to N Ireland
    Then the earth warmed up, the glaciers melted and the Atlantic broke through and created the North Sea and the channel

    At one time the Mediterranean Sea did not exist. Then the glaciers melted and the Atlantic broke through the straights and created the Mediterranean and the Bosporus channel

    700,000, 7 million or 7 billion humans, 2018 AD 2018 BC or 200, ooo years ago the earth does what it does.

    If global warming is true I can see a great benefit. Heat can be turned off the first of April instead of the first of June. Think of the savings. The vast resources of Siberia and the rest of the near artic can be used. Snow tires will last for decades because they will only be used 2 months.

    But global warming is just another liberal falsehood poured into the empty sink that is the liberal brain.

  76. Alden 说:

    Don’t you mean Winter Solistice stocking? Christmas is now an obscene forbidden word because it offends Jews.

    • 回复: @chris
  77. Alden 说:

    Your local county hospital can’t throw you out into the street. By law, it must care for you without regard for ability to pay.

  78. Ron Unz 说:

    I came across about hour long youtube video with Elisabeth Warren explaining what was going on in the U.S housing market; the sub-prime debacle, predatory lending, and how the loans were sold right away to second or third party, eliminating the risk from the original “lender”. I was very impressed by her analysis and passion for the subject. I remember thinking – my friends in the U.S would benefit if she would be raised to some kind of office or power….Like I said, I know little about her political carrier, but dismissing her over something so small and trivial makes no sense to me.

    Actually, that’s pretty much my own opinion, though I do think she’s unfortunately gotten “assimilated” a little from her last few years in the U.S. Senate.

    As far as I know, many, many years ago she vaguely said that there was a belief in her family that they had some Amerind ancestry many generations back, which is very common among whites in Oklahoma. So that got mentioned in some Harvard PR document somewhere, which nobody ever paid any attention to, and she never made any major public claim about that.

    But the Banksters really, *真的* hate her, and they used an ocean of their corrupt money to investigate anything they could possibly find against her. She turned out to be clean as a whistle, but they discovered that long-forgotten Amerind claim, and for years its been broadcast 24-7 on FoxNews to attack and ridicule her, which is absurd. But all the silly right-wingers always fall for that sort of thing.

    Basically establishment-conservatives these days all support Affirmative Action, except when they can use it to attack their enemies.

    Meanwhile, Steve Sailer used to sometimes claim he was half-Jewish in ancestry and I was always pretty skeptical about that, and that Milo guy also claims to be half-Jewish, which everyone is sure is a lie. So if the Banksters and FoxNews hated them, I’m sure we’d never heard the end of that.

    • 回复: @Alden
    , @niceland
    , @Tyrion 2
  79. peterAUS 说:

    ….it seems to me you guys need Superman for president. Backed by swarm of angles, the justice league, and a powerful alien race. Who else can push for changes in U.S policy against all the interest groups and the so called deep state?

    Looks as one of options.

    Another could be:
    An average American shifts his/her attention from entertainment, shopping and social media into learning how the system really works. After, say, 3 months of that connects with similar minded people around him/her and brainstorm how to make all that right.
    For a starter…….

    And, another, the most likely: things get worse until they get really bad (for lower 70 % of population).
    What happens after that…we’ll see.

    • 同意: Miro23
  80. Alden 说:

    Her speech about the mortgage crises selling homes to people who couldn’t make the payments and banks selling the mortgages to second parties who sold the mortgages to third parties was common knowledge all over America at the time

    Her speech was common knowledge, nothing special.

    Predatory lending wasn’t predatory

    The Clinton administration ordered banks to give mortgages to non Whites who had no down payment no jobs and no assets who could not possibly make the mortgage payments.

    Non White people whose cash income from welfare benefits was $10,000 a year and had no down payment were given half million dollar mortgages in California.

    Had the banks denied these indigent people the mortgages the government would have fined the banks hundreds of thousands of dollars and the liberal legal foundations would have sued the banks for tens of millions more.

    Everybody knew what was going on.

  81. Alden 说:

    Solar heating is just a scam for the solar heating industry. Better insulate your house to save the “ earth’s precious resources” Even better yet, nuclear power which is very cheap and doesn’t deplete Mother Gia and the Green Man’d precious resources

    Global warming is just a return to the old pagan earth worship of cavemen
    Best way the ordinary person can save the earths precious resources and worship Mother Gia and the Green Man is to go on welfare so as not to deplete Mother Gia’s precious resources by commuting.

  82. Alden 说:
    @Ron Unz

    I believe she checked the Native American box in her applications to law school and then professor.

    That’s more than look at my black hair and colonial ancestry I must be part Indian

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
  83. Miro23 说:


    Warren isn’t Hillary 2.0 – she’s not a globalist Wall St. type and understands the economic problems of “Deplorables”.

    The difficulty is getting the nomination (with Zioglob/MSM hostility), but if she did, she could well do more for Deplorables than Trump ever did (action rather than words) and she would also get the vote of all the “victim groups”, since they’ve nowhere else to go and they’re not going to vote for Trump.

    Also, she doesn’t seem to have the blackmail potential of recent Presidents, so altogether she’s not a bad Democratic candidate.

  84. 我对全球变暖的看法。我记得所有 MSM 记者、新闻读者和其他黑客都被派去接受有关全球变暖的教育,具体是什么时候我记不清了,但那是好几年前的事了。当我看到它时,我闻到了老鼠的味道。

    质疑环球航空 800 航班坠落事件和掩盖真相的 FBI 败类,
    谁质疑 911 BS 的故事,



    • 同意: Johnny Walker Read
  85. niceland 说:

    Her speech was common knowledge, nothing special.

    I find this surprising. Perhaps I didn’t find the sources pouring out this information into the mainstream, but Warren made the key point risk was shifted – a key element in the later financial crisis. Unfortunately I can’t find her video on youtube – as far as I know it was removed years ago. If memory serves me – she was the one who painted the whole picture for me. During this time I followed several financial websites who didn’t.

    I also find it strange if the banks were under command of the Clinton administration during the G.W.B years? Let alone their later “explanation” that a “glitch” in a mathematical model was the cause for incorrect risk evaluation for trenches of sub-prime mortgages sold to institutional investors across the globe with similar risk ratings as government bonds!

    “Common knowledge” is not the phrase I would use.

  86. chris 说:

    Very funny! Of course, if there isn’t yet a quasi-Quansa holiday for the native peoples, there’s probably on planned.

  87. MBlanc46 说:

    Blacks prove that they’re inferior every day. Sportsball excepted.

  88. denk 说:

    Cuba tells fukus to fuck off,
    That’s the spirit girls,
    Cant stand those insufferable !@#$%^!

  89. Ron Unz 说:

    I believe she checked the Native American box in her applications to law school and then professor.

    Well, that’s certainly possible, though I vaguely recall reading a sharp denial somewhere. My impression is that after she was hired without AA (except for being a female), someone heard about her supposed ethnic background and it was put on some obscure list by a Harvard PR guy.

    But it’s all pretty fuzzy in my mind. 99.9% of attacks I’ve against her have just been stupid jokes of the “Pocahontas” type. I strongly suspect it’s just the Banksters paying off the corrupt FoxNews types to stir up their conservatard TeeVee watchers.

    By contrast, I remember a year or two before she ran for office, someone linked some long YouTube presentation of hers and a longtime WN commenter was saying how great she had done in outlining how the totally corrupt banking-business interests that had wrecked the country.

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Skeptikal
    , @utu
    , @Skeptikal
  90. Nadir 说:

    巴切维奇上校没有从自己在越南的失败和儿子在伊拉克的死亡中得出正确的结论——不同的种族、宗教、文化和性别 不平等,而且永远不会平等.


    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  91. niceland 说:
    @Ron Unz


    Figuring out her situation isn’t easy for me. In her 2006 (?) video her views were pretty clear. But since then she is involved in the democratic party with Hillary Clinton giving speeches on Wall Street for considerable sums of money. And then there is the ever revolving door between Goldman Sachs and the U.S treasury – even during Obama years.

    And now we have the democrats towing the “war party line”.

    Difficult situation, even for “Pocahontas”.

    BTW – thanks for very interesting website and your articles. While I remain skeptical you are pushing out great many interesting points and fine thoughts.

    -all the best!

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
  92. Ron Unz 说:

    But since then she is involved in the democratic party with Hillary Clinton giving speeches on Wall Street for considerable sums of money.

    Yes, I’ll admit I haven’t paid much attention to her recently, and it wouldn’t surprise me if she’s gradually gotten “assimilated” into the Establishment over the last few years.

  93. @Anonymous

    “But Bacevich was a Trump basher during the election so you have to question his real intentions.”

    Bacevich demanded Trump’s resignation after his first weekend in office.

  94. Nadir 说:



    相比之下,我们对伊拉克人的生活造成了很大的伤害。我们应该偿还这笔债务,就像我们(至少部分地)偿还 1975 年后欠南越人民的债务一样:为他们提供庇护。西贡沦陷后的十年里,大约有五十万越南难民定居在美国。在这里,他们找到了在自己的国家找不到的东西:安全、自由和体面生活的机会。这是我们至少能做的。



    有多少伊拉克人会接受这一邀请还不得而知。他们的数量极有可能达到数百万。容纳这种涌入将是一项昂贵的提议,尤其是因为我们必须识别并拒绝激进分子或其他潜在的恶作剧者进入。” (“美国欠伊拉克人什么”,安德鲁·巴切维奇,基督教科学箴言报,27 年 2007 月 XNUMX 日)


    • 回复: @Anon
  95. niceland 说:
    @Ron Unz

    Possibly a compromise on her behalf. The cost of playing the game. If she would stick to her principles openly – she probably wouldn’t be there in the first place.

    But she is still there, and playing, perhaps hoping for better days.

    I like her and agree with your assessments.

    • 回复: @Mike P
  96. Anon[249]• 免责声明 说:
    @Ron Unz

    Here’s what I can tell from the Internet:

    Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren on Wednesday sought to explain her controversial decision to list herself as a Native American in a directory of law professors for nearly a decade before getting a job at Harvard Law School and said she is absolutely qualified for her job.


    Personally I had never heard of Warren before the Indian thing. It’s possible it was used in an effort to shut her down, but surely it had not so much impact on her Democratic base? At the time the 波士顿环球报 broke the story (2012 according to wikipedia) it was owned by the “纽约时报”, which might be interesting.

  97. Anon[425]• 免责声明 说: • 您的网站

    It must be called Immigration-Invasion.

    Just ‘immigration’ doesn’t really spell out what is really happening.

    Classic Immigration was More of Your Kind arriving. More whites to the US replenished White America. It’s like more Jews to Israel replenishes Jewishness.

    But what we have now in the West is Immigration-Invasion. It’s about replacing, not replenishing, the existing population.

    If you have a pool of trout and add more trout, it is replenished with more trout.
    But if you keep adding salmon to a pool of trout, the trouts will be replaced eventually with salmon.

    We must call what is happening Immigration-Invasion. Always add -invasion to ‘immigration’.

    • 回复: @S
  98. chris 说:

    That’s funny, I’ve also started to re-evaluate everything I had believed in politically and economically in 2006. This has lead me on a very long and rewarding path of personal ‘enlightenment’ which I am still pursuing. My most useful stops as far as economics was: mises.org

    Thus, by 2008, when this book came out about the financial crisis, I was able to understand the event much better.

    As far as Ms Warren is concerned, this podcast explains the background very well:

    Good luck and have fun on your journey!

    • 回复: @Oemikitlob
  99. Well I am disappointed. I was loving every line of it till I got to the end and not one mention of unicorns or rainbow ponies. What sort of a wish list is it without both these and fairy floss clouds as well?

  100. @Ron Unz

    Ron. Unless ‘they’ get with the program, you’re not even going to hear their name.

  101. Miggle 说:


    But Stuxnet functions by targeting machines using the Microsoft Windows operating system and networks, then seeking out Siemens Step7 software.

    How clueless would it be to use that notoriously insecure OS for anything that matters, when superior systems are free? And everything is open source, can be checked, and matched with other copies, and the kernel compiled from the source code by the user? The OS mentioned there is only for kiddies, isn’t it? Instead of picture-books?

    Okay, lack of professionalism in the professionals is taken advantage of, and that is cyber warfare. It exists. You win.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  102. Miggle 说:

    You’ve left two elements out. One of them the most important in all that.

    Which two? Please explain to all of us ignoramuses.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  103. Anon[147]• 免责声明 说:

    It is one thing to take exception to any proposal to increase even selective Iraqi immigration but your last paragraph is just plain dopey. Or is it just a bizarre way of expressing the feelings aroused in you by someone who was in the armed forces having a conscience and expressing a view you don’t agree with?

    • 回复: @Nadir
  104. @Alden

    Big time…..Alex can’t get enough Chinese LEGAL IMMIGRANTS because once they step on US soil they will all magically support gun rights and the Alex Jones interpretation of the US Constitution…..Although for some strange reason Judge Chen…1st generation…..in his recent ruling against the Trump Administrstion didn’t…..something about Trump being a RACIST!!! and the violation of the equal protection clause….

  105. Oemikitlob 说:

    Glad to hear about your “enlightenment”, chris.

    The Mises Institute is a fantastic organization and Tom Woods is a brilliant guy who is unafraid to smash anyone and everyone’s sacred cows with style and class.

    • 同意: chris
  106. Mike P 说:

    Possibly a compromise on her behalf. The cost of playing the game. If she would stick to her principles openly – she probably wouldn’t be there in the first place.

    Exactly. Many people start out with good intentions, but somehow they always end up with evil deeds.

    Trump campaigned and got elected on promises of peace, and I believe he was sincere. Well, where is he now? I guess you have to give him credit for not having start a new war so far, but he seems unable to pull out of the old ones, and his being increasingly surrounded by warmongers doesn’t bode well.

  107. Skeptikal 说:
    @Ron Unz

    Warren seems to be owned by AIPAC/Israel.

  108. Skeptikal 说:
    @Ron Unz

    “By contrast, I remember a year or two before she ran for office, someone linked some long YouTube presentation of hers and a longtime WN commenter was saying how great she had done in outlining how the totally corrupt banking-business interests that had wrecked the country.”

    I think that was really her strengtha, and maybe it still is.

    After the 2008 financial mess I think she came very strongly against bailing out banksters and for using that money to help citizens get their mortgages straightened out, and personal finance generally. She came on the scene as a strong consumer advocate, advocate for the middle class, and I believe that is also her academic area of expertise.

    Then, becuase she was intelligent, personable, and a “her,” she was immed. pushed forward faster than might have been the case for a male with similar views.

    And, IMO there is nothing intrinsically wrong with that. This is how our system works, for better or for worse. An aspiring politico must know how to use all postiive assets. Maybe that word should be “deploy.” In addition, her personal story was compelling. This woman was an incredibly hard worker. She got where she was with a lot of sweat, studying while raising a family—like Ruth Bader Ginsbury, I may say.

  109. Ron Unz 说:

    The Clinton administration ordered banks to give mortgages to non Whites who had no down payment no jobs and no assets who could not possibly make the mortgage payments.

    It’s been nearly a decade since I looked into the issue, but from what I remember, the “Minority Mortgage Meltdown” explanation of the 2008 so heavily promoted by Steve and picked up by the conservative MSM turned out to be mostly a hoax.

    It’s certainly true there was a huge wave of defaults in very heavily black parts of the country, but the housing prices in black areas were so low, they hardly impacted bank capital. I very vaguely recall that Detroit housing prices *peaked* at something like $20,000(!) then collapsed to maybe $4,000 (please don’t take these figures as correct).

    Meanwhile, CA was ground-zero of the Meltdown because homes were so extremely expensive, and has relatively few blacks, with even fewer of them owning expensive homes. So in CA, the issue would have entirely been Hispanics.

    However, the highest-default areas have only average numbers of Hispanics and the most heavily Hispanic areas had low default rates. So there seemed no direct connection.

    It looked like speculators were the biggest factor behind the Meltdown, with people buying 5 or 7 homes using false claims of income and hoping to make a fortune due to the inevitable rise in prices, until it became less inevitable, and they went under.

    Relatively few of the speculators were black or Hispanic, but many of them did seem to be South Asians or Middle Easterners, or something East Asians. So among non-whites, those were probably the major source of the problem, though I do think a large majority were Jewish and Gentile whites.

    It’s all very fuzzy in my mind, but I think I once very roughly estimated that something like 20-25% of the defaulted mortgage value probably came from blacks and Hispanics, despite the latter being so heavily concentrated in CA, FL, and other top meltdown states. So it really roughly their share of the national population.

    Basically, the conservative MSM hyped the hoax in order to avoid blaming the crooked banks, which made enormous profits then got bailed out by the government.

  110. peterAUS 说:

    How clueless would it be to use that notoriously insecure OS for anything that matters, when superior systems are free? And everything is open source, can be checked, and matched with other copies, and the kernel compiled from the source code by the user? The OS mentioned there is only for kiddies, isn’t it? Instead of picture-books?


    Microsoft Windows, Embedded, isn’t quite as those O.S.-es found on desktops/servers.
    If you want to talk about that we could, but, don’t think this place is a good place to do it.

    By “superior” systems you mean, naturally UNIX-like types, from the original and its versions itself to FreeBSD and….hehe…Linux and its zillion distros, I guess.
    Sounds good. Except, when you really get into it, it is not.

    You CAN check source code, yes. It’s written in C.
    Question: have you ever compared C code to assembly for THAT particular processor/chipset?
    If yes, not bad. Let’s go a step further:
    Have you ever tried to to compare the assembly code line to pure binary? You know, something like 010000110000011110000011………
    Let’s go one step further, even:
    Have you tried to change one, just one, bit above and then reassemble all that and run it? See what happens…..
    Because, at the end of the day, we are talking about electronics here. Just on digital level it gets beyond “source code”.
    And the real magic starts when you go a step below, in the real world of analog. Because those bits aren’t really 1 and 0. They are certain level of analog voltage which can fluctuate……..and then it really gets complicated.

    And all that just on software level. With current level of IC integration it’s not hard to slip, just in one production line, a slightly modified chip.

    I guess you got my point: state sponsored teams working on Zero Day exploits are beyond “open source, can be checked, and matched with other copies”.

    And all that not even addressing the most important, as below:

  111. peterAUS 说:

    Which two? Please explain to all of us ignoramuses.

    You can trick them with ease. Related to that “ignoramuses”.

    Industrial plant, for example. A mixture of microcontrollers and end user/server technology. A lot of inter-networking. Takes just one temp employee……………………………..

    Failing that you can buy them. Especially middle management. You know the type: ambition and such.
    Failing that you can threaten them. Anybody.

    The last, but not the least, PROCESSES and PROCEDURES.
    The same stuff 思想 out, written down and enforced by…ahm…PEOPLE.
    That’s just funny. All those passwords written down at the bottom of laptops….

    Tell me….assuming you work in some corporate environment…when was the last time you guys did proper penetration test?
    Industrial plants are even easier.
    One of, ahm, “benefits” of having employees on minimum wages.”Migrant workers” in particular.

    IT security. Sure.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  112. peterAUS 说:

    And, just one more thing re “cyberwarfare” for those couple of guys around with a bit of perceptive ability. Say……10 % tops.

    Take a look at middle management and up in IT related (in any way) industry in West.
    WHO are those people. Especially their knowledge about technical aspects of the industry. Those incomprehensible and utterly boring topics as transistors, capacitors, chip datasheets……oh my.

    Then….take a look at WHO are the people who, on Internet forums/Web sites, are REALLY good at that. People who write white papers, posts and even help in answering deep technical questions here and there.


  113. obwandiyag 说:

    What a bunch of stupid replies. They don’t even get it.

  114. S 说:

    It must be called Immigration-Invasion.

    Just ‘immigration’ doesn’t really spell out what is really happening.

    Hmm, sounds as though you’re saying something remarkably like the below as succinctly described on pg 4 of a 2003 academic paper.

    移民通常起三个主要作用:用廉价劳动力代替土著人; 在“边境”(周边)定居; 并控制着当地人和他们的土地。 这些动态通常会导致霸权的维持。

    Whether in the past it was the Roman colonia, the Irish Plantation, or what the various peoples of Europe are experiencing at present, it would seem to be the same story regarding ‘mass immigration’.

    The ideology of multi-culturalism is an attempt to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear (can’t be done) and get people to embrace their own physical, cultural, and economic displacement/destruction as ‘good’ for them.

    Regarding the forementioned Irish, they’ve had the misfortune to experience ‘multi-culturalism’ in more ways than one with the 16th century Plantation, their 19th century enmasse predation as wage slaves particularly during the Famine (ie so called ‘cheap labor’, chattel slavery’s 货币化, the economic and political basis of the multi-cultural society) and now once again along with the rest of Western Europe with the ‘mass immigration’.

    Lest anyone get the wrong idea, the Irish did not see their enmasse predation as wage slaves (ie ‘cheap labor’) by places such as the United States during the Famine (1846 – 1850) as a good and positive thing.

    They were losing as many from the Famine each year as from their ‘immigration’, ie 250,000. They saw this predation as a genocidal act of hostility towards them, and not as a helping hand, but rather a hand being placed around their throat and squeezed hard.

    The Irish called this predation and resulting large scale depopulation of Ireland ‘exterminatiom’, something they’ve not recovered from to this day, and as documented by 旁观者 of London in 1847 members of the British aristocracy in Ireland were being shot for promoting it.


    旁观者(20 年 1847 月 XNUMX 日)——灭绝与复仇

    ‘The case of Mr. Ormsby Gore is very instructive. The Irish papers, alluding to his estate of Leganommer, had a terrific story of “extermination in Leitrim,” full of direct falsehoods. Setting aside smaller matters, it appears that the tenants on the estate owed rent for several years, in some instances for as many as twelve or fourteen; one year’s rent was demanded, under pain of a twelve month’s notice to quit; not a shilling of rent was offered, and the notice was enforced; but the enforcement was accompanied with a declaration that those who could not retain their holdings would be aided by their landlord to emigrate to America. Such is the conduct which the Irish incendiaries name “extermination.” It is well, in the approaching debates, that the Irish meaning of that word should be understood.’



    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  115. utu 说:
    @Ron Unz

    The POV “heavily promoted by Steve” concentrates on plankton and blames the plankton for being plankton totally ignoring possible designs and shenanigans of banking industry who are the fishes. Does he think that mono ethnic higher IQ population would be immune to banker’s shenanigans? Would the outcome be different? Look at Iceland. The outcome was different only after the fact because Icelanders refused to bail out the bankers. Would Sailer blame Blacks and Mexicans for the bailout of bankers ( circa 1 trillion by Bush and another by Obama)?

    How banks can change the whole economic system it is instructive to look at financial crisis in Asia. During the financial crisis in Asia the MSM narrative was triumphalist that finally Japan and Korea had to accept the superior America system of running the business. There is a book and film by Richard Werner


    that demonstrates how the crisis was the result of the long term plan to reengineer the architecture of financial economy in Asia and how it was carried out by the central banks and it completely flew under the radar of people and MSM. And the main point is that the previous system worked very well for people but not well enough for the bankers. The book is

    Princes of the Yen, Japan’s Central Bankers and the Transformation of the Economy

    and film

    I find Richard Werner trustworthy and persuasive. More recently he began to look at banking system and how money is generated and at alternative possibilities. He wrote the paper where he traced where the money come from in particular case of a German bank:

    How do banks create money, and why can other firms not do the same? An explanation for the coexistence of lending and deposit-taking, International Review of Financial Analysis
    Volume 36, December 2014

    There is a lot confusion about banking and money creation among those who are interested in it while the rest is totally ignorant of it. Perhaps, you, Mr. Unz should take a look at it in the future. It could be the biggest American Pravda story. They do not teach it in economic departments.

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
    , @Oemikitlob
  116. Skeptikal 说:

    NOt ot forget the enclosures, in Scotland, that drove the starving Scottish crofters from their lands and homes in droves, mainly I believe to North America, mainly I believe to Nova Scotia. Oh, yeah, that’s “New Scotland”!!

    All that so that British landlords could introduce and have the fun of hunting deer.

    • 回复: @S
    , @Wizard of Oz
  117. Skeptikal 说:

    “There is a lot confusion about banking and money creation among those who are interested in it while the rest is totally ignorant of it. ”

    See the videos of Richard Wolfe. He will explain it all to you.

    • 回复: @utu
  118. Tyrion 2 说:
    @Ron Unz

    It’s all very fuzzy in my mind, but I think I once very roughly estimated that something like 20-25% of the defaulted mortgage value probably came from blacks and Hispanics, despite the latter being so heavily concentrated in CA, FL, and other top meltdown states. So it really roughly their share of the national population.

    Funny coincidence that. How the meltdown states just so happened to be the ones with lots blacks and Hispanics, individuals to whom there is obvious social pressure to issue mortgages to.

    Among recent borrowers, we estimate that nearly 8% of both African Americans and Latinos have lost their homes to foreclosures, compared to 4.5% of whites.


    Were I making investments into two different types of business and one failed catastrophically 8% of the while the other failed catastrophically only 4.5% of the time, I know where I’d focus my attention! Why didn’t they?

  119. utu 说:

    No, he won’t because he is one of the confused. I watched one of his video about Marxist something that happened to be temporarily free of charge and by the 2/3rd of it I could see that he was just a doctrinaire who had no answers. As long as he stayed within the realm of Marxist phraseology it made sense but this phraseology did not allow some issues to be posed.

    Do you have more helpful pieces of advice up your sleeve or ass?

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  120. utu 说:
    @Ron Unz

    the Banksters paying off the corrupt FoxNews types to stir up their conservatard TeeVee watchers

    Does Sailer get any cut?

  121. Oemikitlob 说:

    “There is a lot confusion about banking and money creation among those who are interested in it while the rest is totally ignorant of it.”


    ” Perhaps, you, Mr. Unz should take a look at it in the future.”

    I would strongly encourage everybody to do it.

    If you choose to do it, Mr. Unz, I highly recommend Murray Rothbards “The Mystery of Banking” and his “The History of Money and Banking in the U.S.” You will probably never look at the subject the same way again.

    “It could be the biggest American Pravda story.”

    Perhaps. It would definitely be bold though.

  122. Tyrion 2 说:
    @Ron Unz

    Might be a small difference in the scale of the coverage shown to Steve Sailer and Milo and the lady who was the presumed lead Democratic candidate for President in 2020…

    Also, and I shouldn’t have to add other reasons, but there’s no implication of doing it to game the AA system the former two cases, nor does it produce such an amusing image as an obviously white woman being labelled “Cherokee” in a photo.

  123. Skeptikal 说:
    @Ron Unz

    This whole Pocahontas thing is a huge ignorance flag.
    A flag of ignorance of the actual demographics of the state of Oklahoma (where my own forebears were teachers in schools for the children of Native Americans).

    An Oklahoma native once told me:
    “When people visit Oklahoma they always ask, ‘Where are all the Indians?’
    And I just tell them: ‘Just look around ya, honey!’”

    The point being that a lot of people in Oklahoma have Indian blood.
    But it is hard to nail down because there were so many strictures on those with Indian blood entering white society. That is, there may be some cachet to having some Indian blood nowadays, but that was definitely not the situation in the Bad Old Days. There is also a lot of family lore surrounding beliefs that there is an Indian ancestor, so many people might have been told this as children, and their parents may have believed it—and it may even have been true.

    So, just lay off the Pocahontas theme in connection with Warren. If you have nothing better to do than obsess about Warren’s DNA, why don’t you go and have your own DNA test. What is relevant about Warren is that whatever DNA she has has made her hardworking and pretty damn smart. When we have a Congress loaded with ignorant know-nothings, we should appreciate the presence of someone like Warren, whether or not we agree with her specific politics.

    On the elimination of ignorance front, recall, Native Americans from all over the Southeast were driven west until they ended up on reservations in Oklahoma.


    • 同意: Ron Unz
  124. Skeptikal 说:

    “Do you have more helpful pieces of advice up your sleeve or ass?”

    Why do you talk like that?
    Why does Ron Unz allow this kind of thing?

    The biggest problem with the Unz Review is the really awful tone of so much of the comments/commenters.

    Ron poses very interesting issues for debate, but the level of debate—the level of commenters—is far lower than his own. I wonder whether Ron has noticed this.

    • 同意: utu
    • 回复: @peterAUS
    , @utu
  125. peterAUS 说:

    Why do you talk like that?

    You don’t know ?!

    Why does Ron Unz allow this kind of thing?

    I wonder whether Ron has noticed this.

    You wonder ?!

    As for banking, that’s a hard one.
    Let’s try…..ah, yes….how about usury?
    Yes…yes…it’s all about “Satan spawn”. Case closed. For majority around.

    Now, for the minority still not quite sure it’s that simple, going deeper into it, well, it looks we get to GREED.
    From that stampede in shopping mall with specials to invading and destroying countries.

    怎么修 ?

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  126. Anonymous [AKA "this side toward enemy"] 说:

    This summer’s heat waves and hurricanes don’t prove shit about “climate change”. Neither are unprecedented, and you climate drum-pounders, totally convinced that AGW will absolutely lead to more severe in strength and more frequent hurricanes have no explanation for the 12 year hiatus in major hurricanes hitting the US from 2005 to 2017. The only explanation I’ve seen offered for that is “We got lucky”. Whoa, that’s some pretty serious “science” there.

    • 同意: Mike P
  127. chris 说:

    However, it seems to me you guys need Superman for president. Backed by swarm of angles, the justice league, and a powerful alien race. Who else can push for changes in U.S policy against all the interest groups and the so called deep state?

    Unfortunately, when the Superman does inevitably come, his name always turns out to be: Joseph Stalin.

  128. S 说:


    If a person wants to have an enhanced understanding of the modern world…study and understand the British Empire.

    It’s a long term project I’m still wrapping my head around.

    One thing I’ve found is that (being the Empire was quite commercial in its nature) is that contrary to popular thought and propaganda the British Empire would seem to be very much ‘undead’.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  129. Skeptikal 说:

    Unrelievedly cryptic is a sight better than trash talk.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  130. peterAUS 说:

    Lack of perception and social intelligence is slightly better than being plainly dumb.
    Is the latest slightly better than being disinterested could be an interesting question.

    With time and effort one could work on the first two in the first sentence. Probably on all three.

    Good luck, B.T.W.

  131. MarkinLA 说:
    @Ron Unz

    The race of the borrowers had nothing to do with anything. The real connection to race was the fact that home ownership was already high with whites and Asians who had no need to buy another house. They did, in some lower income areas like Palmdale, exploit the stupidly high prices to refinance themselves into foreclosure but it mostly occurred because they sold out to somebody who eventually defaulted like the house I bought in Palmdale for 100,000 cash with a 438,000 dollar mortgage.

    It is simple process of elimination that if most whites already had a house that the borrowers during the bubble would mostly be minorities and young whites just starting out. This was the case of whites in Palmdale getting foreclosed on – young construction workers who found themselves without jobs during the bust.

    The banks were not targeting anybody (unless you counted people who could fog a mirror as opposed to vampires) since they were selling the loans off as fast as they could make them. Anybody could get a loan, it was just that blacks and Hispanics were the great untapped market that could not previously qualify for a loan under normal conditions. This is not a targeting of that market.

    The whole thing was driven by the normal free market process of easy money leading to a lowering of standards leading to a bubble and a collapse. The commercial real estate bubble of the late 80s, Black Friday, the junk bond crash, Long Term Capital Management, the Mexican Peso crisis, …….

    • 回复: @Oemikitlob
    , @Ron Unz
  132. Oemikitlob 说:

    “The whole thing was driven by the normal free market process of easy money leading to a lowering of standards leading to a bubble and a collapse.”

    I must take issue with this statement since it is confusing categories, amongst other things.

    Firstly, a “normal free market” would not make “easy money” available to those who are high-risk without an interest-rate correspondent to the risk.

    And, secondly, there is no such thing as “easy money” in a “normal” free market. “Easy money” is a result of policies that have untethered the USD from sound money to back the USD up a la Nixon. In other words, the USD is now just backed up by the “Full faith and credit” of the U.S. government so, crank up the presses boys! We’re all dead in the long run!

    That is not a “normal” free market; it is a centrally-planned economy bent on profiting off of the debt of naive and gullible people who don’t understand the Federal Reserves schemes.

    • 同意: chris
  133. Ron Unz 说:

    Sure, that’s a very reasonable perspective, though since whites and Asians were generally much more affluent, I think the price of the homes they bought was considerably higher, hence the banks’ losses were much larger.

    But from what I recall when I looked into the issue some years ago, probably the biggest factor behind the Meltdown was very large number of homes purchased towards the end by speculators, who often used straw-buyers to claim to the banks in the docs that they were owner-occupiers. I doubt whether most of the bank lending officers were really fooled, but since they quickly turned around and sold the loans into secularization shops, they did very well from the loan-flow and only the MBS holders (and eventually the tax-payers) got hit.

    There were all sorts of stories about someone buying a house as an investment property, then turning around and selling it a year or two later for large profits. Next, the fellow did the same thing with 2-3 houses, making even bigger profits. But then the guy bought 7 homes, the market collapsed, and everything immediately went into foreclosure.

    Anecdotally, those speculators were disproportionately Middle Easterners and South Asians, though probably a large majority were Jewish and Gentile whites, with relatively few Hispanics or blacks.

  134. 当然,沃伦可能没有克林顿那么糟糕,但她并不比奥巴马好。我们这个时代的问题是大规模移民以及西方国家是否会在线生存。如果一个候选人甚至不愿意解决这个问题,而且我还没有看到沃伦这样做,那么她就没用,她的总统任期与奥巴马的跛脚鸭条款没有什么不同。如果我们无法阻止来自亚洲的移民或来自南半球的移民,那就结束了。

    • 回复: @Nadir
  135. niceland 说:

    If memory serves me the financial institutions packed the loans together in trenches. Evaluated them with some black box computer model spitting out magnificent risk-ratings enabling them to sell the packages to retirement funds all across the globe. All with the blessings of the rating agencies.

    To boot they bought and sold -over the counter- derivatives of all kinds creating (i.e C.D.S) international web of ticking time bombs. Something that drained the trust in the system because no one knew who was nursing these hot potatos on his books. For this reason AIG had to be saved, and it took great efforts in Europe if even small banks collapsed because such event triggered derivatives elsewhere risking domino effects far and wide.

    As far as I know, this problem has since only gotten worse regarding the derivative situation. Who created this mess if not the free market?

    • 回复: @Oemikitlob
  136. Oemikitlob 说:

    “Who created this mess if not the free market?”


    • 回复: @niceland
  137. niceland 说:

    I am sorry to disappoint you, but it’s not.

    I have read quite a bit from the Austrian school of economics and while it gives great insights into great many things, their belief in the pure spirit of the free market, and the honesty of the participants is misplaced. BTW this doesn’t mean I support the current system of central banks or the financial system in general. Far from it, it’s rotten to the core.

    • 回复: @chris
  138. Nadir 说:



    当这个人支持穆斯林移民时,你怎么能反对这一点呢?显然,这对这个国家构成了威胁(只要看看 9/11、胡德堡、波士顿马拉松爆炸案、圣克劳德、海军工厂枪击事件、圣贝纳迪诺、奥兰多、俄亥俄州等)。

    • 回复: @Anon
  139. Nadir 说:


    “这是关于被关在笼子里的孩子,这是关于分散在全国各地的婴儿,这是关于希望孩子回来的妈妈们。特朗普总统似乎认为制定移民规则的唯一方法就是将父母与家人分开,将强奸受害者和难民视为恐怖分子,并将儿童关在笼子里。这是丑陋的,这是错误的,这不是治理我们国家的方式。总统极其不道德的行为清楚地表明,我们需要从上到下重建我们的移民体系,首先用反映我们道德和价值观的东西取代 ICE。这一刻是我们国家的道德危机。马丁·路德·金博士说,总有一天,沉默就是背叛。我们不会保持沉默。我们不能保持沉默。我们将建设一个体现我们价值观的国家。这就是我们在这里的原因。” (1)

    “我对这里的[蒂贝茨]一家感到非常抱歉,我知道这不仅对这个家庭来说很困难,对她所在社区的人们、整个爱荷华州的人们来说也是如此,但我们必须记住的一件事是,我们需要一个有效的移民制度,重点关注真正的问题所在。上个月我去了边境,看到了孩子们被从母亲身边带走的地方。我遇到了那些被欺骗的母亲,她们不知道自己的孩子在哪里,也没有计划如何与孩子团聚。我认为我们需要关注那些构成真正威胁的人的移民法。我认为妈妈和婴儿不是我们应该花费资源的地方。将母亲与婴儿分开并不会让这个国家变得更安全。” (2)

    关于选择性穆斯林移民禁令:“我们将让全世界听到我们的声音。我们都听说过特朗普总统下达的这项命令。这是非法的。这是违宪的。它将被推翻。对任何人宗教信仰的攻击就是对民主基础的攻击。我们不会拒绝孩子,我们不会拒绝家庭,我们不会拒绝那些试图帮助美国人的人。我们不会因为任何人的宗教信仰而拒绝他们。” (3)

    “这些年轻的梦想家之所以处于危险之中,只是因为特朗普总统违背了美国的承诺。多年前美国承诺,如果这些年轻人走出阴影,接受全面审查,那么他们将有机会在美国上学,他们将有机会找到工作,参军,成为美国面料的完整组成部分。他们就在这里,这些年轻人是美国的一部分,特朗普总统几个月前说,不,就是这样,我们要把他们赶出这个国家,唯一能拯救他们的就是国会。因此,现在国会的工作就是采取行动。我们希望看到这种情况发生。我们希望现在就看到它发生。美国人民希望看到它发生。这些年轻人面临着被赶出他们大多数人唯一熟悉的家的风险。所以我很高兴看到这一切的进展。这就是我们所需要的。” (4)


    (1) https://www.breitbart.com/video/2018/07/01/warren-we-need-to-rebuild-our-immigration-system-starting-by-replacing-ice/
    (2) https://www.breitbart.com/video/2018/08/22/watch-warren-laments-treatment-of-illegal-immigrants-when-asked-about-mollie-tibbetts/
    (3) https://www.breitbart.com/video/2017/01/29/elizabeth-warren-to-airport-protesters-trump-immigration-ban-illegal-unconstitutional-will-be-overturned/
    (4) https://www.breitbart.com/video/2018/01/10/sen-warren-president-trump-broke-americas-promise-dreamers/

  140. ariadna 说:

    BEST ADVICE FOR ELIZABETH WARREN. Hope she reads this for her own good.
    Ignore Bacevich: he is Strategic Culture Foundation filler.
    You were wrong to rely on Injuns. They rejected and humiliated you. Change tacks.
    Your best bet is the #MeToo crowd– they are many and they are loud. Call a press conference and confess the deep, dark secret that has traumatized the whole mitochondrial branch of your family tree ever since your great-great-great-great granny was raped by a Cherokee.
    Make your slogan “Give no quarter to rapists!” Add that you hold no grudge against the Cherokee nation. Explain that although the overwhelming majority of rapists are white men, a few — and only very few — may be minorities perverted by the white society.
    See if I’m not right.

  141. @Oemikitlob

    Absolutely, right, Mr. OEMIKITLOB! No free market has an all-powerful entity setting prices. That’s against the definition. In this case, that entity is the FED, and it sets the price of (use of) money.


  142. @Ron Unz

    With all respect, Mr. Unz, I’m not sure you understand Mr. Sailer’s point on this. I say this, BTW, as someone who was paying close attention to the housing bubble-and-pop during that era, in a location where it was pretty big AND I didn’t read (or very rarely read) Sailer’s writing back then.

    The point goes way back, maybe to the late ’70’s. The push to AA blacks (there weren’t many Hispanics back then, period) into loans that they were otherwise being denied started long ago. Everyone with any knowledge of ACTUAL free markets and common sense knew that no banker would turn down a customer who, on average for his “type”, would pay back the loan.

    The local bankers knew what they were doing, so it wasn’t about racism. As we all know, that doesn’t/didn’t fly with the SJWs and even the proto-SJWs that were around back then. They wanted equal OUTCOMES. The big banks were coerced over the years by the Feral Gov’t to show better approval ratios (either higher YES/NO for blacks, or higher ratio of blacks/whites than previously). Just jawboning was not going to do it, so the Community something-or-0ther Reinvestment Act and other “anti-redlining” laws were made to hit the bankers in their pockets if they didn’t comply.

    That was the start of the problem. I don’t want to speak for him, but I think Steve Sailer doesn’t maintain particularly that the housing crash was so bad just due to the raw NUMBERS of black and Hispanics. The point was that, once this coercion of the banks by Feral Gov into making unsound loans started, plenty of white people got into the act too. The bankers threw up their hands, said “WTF, Joel”*, and gave the 3% down, low-interest (specially ARMs) loans to whomever walked in. This was all helped by the fact that the US Gov, via the FED had forcibly lowered interest rates after the 2001 dot.com, 1.0 bust. It helped everything that housing prices were “going to always go up” (if the last 20 years were any guide in most markets). Nobody would lose, if that stayed true, no matter how just plain financially-stupid the loans were (say, 3% down to a landscaper making $20,000 on a good year, on a $375,ooo McMansion in Temecula, … oh, but the rate may rise, but if you won’t be able to afford payments then, shoot, just sell it at a $80,000 profit, more money than you’ve been making mowing yards for that whole time, even if you undocumentedly cheat on taxes.)

    I don’t put all of this on any one presidential administration either. It went from Carter (not sure if Reagan/Bush 88 really said much about it), through Clinton and George W. Bush. They all thought they were doing right, of course.


    * OK, I misquoted the movie line here, for brevity.

  143. @Ron Unz

    I didn’t want you to think I believe 3 anecdotes explain my whole point, but just to emphasize that I WAS THERE:

    1) A guy I worked with had bought 4 condo units in S. Florida just for an investment in ’06 or so. I only worked with him in ’08 when things were going down the tubes. He had already lost his ass, and the units (maybe whole building) weren’t even finished yet. Yes, he took the hit, but a) Our jobs were not high-paying but long-term stable. b) His parents bailed him out, but, per (a), I believe he was going to make them whole.

    2) A friend bought a townhouse (TOWNHOUSE! not even a real house) in a medium-sized city for $550,000 in 2007, in a place where there was not the big, big bubble, but still, by 2 years later it was worth $350,000 according to him. He’s rented it out since, which worked out OK. However, when I saw it for the 1st time, before the crash though, I told him “I really wish you showed me this before you bought it. I’m telling you, it ain’t worth this much! ”

    3) A friend’s ex-girlfriend bought 2 houses in Arizona a few years before the crash. That was all her lump-sum retirement money from a government job. Prices dropped like a rock, and she probably couldn’t even rent them out. She was bailed out by her husband, as I guess that’s the way now. (My friend is probably glad she’s ex-girlfriend.)

    Oh, if it makes anybody feel better, these were all white people.

  144. I’m sorry I’m really late to this thread, as I had a lot to say once I read the post (got here in a roundabout way) and admittedly not more than 1/2 the comments yet.

    I reviewed Mr. Bacevich’s article this morning on Peak Stupidity with White man send smoke signals to Chief Spreading Bull. (Sorry, guys, I do like the un-PC fun terminology.) The writer starts off great. All of his anti-interventionism is writing that I completely agree with. Then he started in with the Global Climate Disruption(TM) crap, and I got turned way off. It really doesn’t help when the guy doesn’t even understand hurricane season.

    The comment section, though, has me very interested in writing more about the causes of the housing bubble/bust (version 1.0), though any solution by the Socialist Chief Warren of the Nations of the upper Massachusetts, will, by definition, be highly unsound. OK, I’ll just say “stupid”. More Socialism will not help problems that were caused by Big Government to begin with.

  145. @Nadir

    Can/could the Protestant Anglos “carry it on”? Which ones? The descendants of the White Trash as described in Nancy Isenberg’s fascinating book? The dysgenic breeders whose representation where it mattered got to zero on SCOTUS when, before Scalia J died there were six Catholics on the court and not a single Protestant?

    • 回复: @Nadir
  146. Anon[147]• 免责声明 说:

    I very much doubt that he argues “for Muslim immigration” in the undiscriminating way your words suggest. Whatever he says it may be justification for saying his ideas are foolish and naive but not for your hyperbolic fulmination.

    • 回复: @Nadir
  147. @S

    Maybe undead if you are thinking of zombies! There are only remnants of which the most prominent for most people is the Commonwealth (not even now I think “British” Commonwealth) that involves members of the Royal Family travelling to particular countries, Prime Ministers meetings and the holding of the Commonwealth Games every four years between Olympics. International Test cricket is played by many old Empire countries and it is notable that the 5 Eyes countries are Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom plus (most important of course the United States.

    • 回复: @S
  148. @Skeptikal

    Those British landlords were first and foremost Scottish at the time of the enclosures I think you will find. And the motive was money to be made from running sheep and cattle.

  149. Skeptikal 说:

    There is a difference between the enclosures in England the later clearances in Scotland.
    In both cases a centuries long economic development that resulted in local populations being driven from land or prevented from using it as before for their own sustenance.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  150. Kurt Gayle 说:


  151. Nadir 说:





    • 回复: @peterAUS
  152. Nadir 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    我们的 WASP 领导层的自我克制确实对美国来说是一场巨大的悲剧,我同意,我们是否/如何能够维持这个国家的历史形态,这是一个悬而未决的问题。但沃伦和巴切维奇的左翼平等主义肯定不是答案——这是我试图提出的唯一观点。

  153. peterAUS 说:

    …a bitter Leftist who thinks America is evil and guilty ..and that it must atone for its guilt by turning itself over to Third Worlders.

    That pretty much sums up the psychology of an average “prog”.Atonement for guilt.

    • 回复: @Nadir
  154. chris 说:

    I have read quite a bit from the Austrian school of economics … their belief in the pure spirit of the free market, and the honesty of the participants is misplaced.

    Niceland, as alluded in my previous comment, I too have read ‘a bit’ from the Austrian school, but your description of them naively believing in ‘the honesty of the [free market] participants’ sounds nothing like what they actually say. This is the 2-dimensional, straw man their mainstream critics say about them.

    What I believe them to actually say, is to point to the nefarious involvement of central banks in triggering financial booms and busts through their manipulation of interest rates, money creation, and bail-outs.

    The central banks are like the apothecarians spiking the punch bowl with viagra and wondering why the dinner party turned into an orgy which everyone condemns with #metoo the next day.

    • 回复: @chris
    , @Oemikitlob
  155. chris 说:

    The Austrians don’t say that the bankers are innocent, just that, in the absence of central banks, the system would be self-regulating. The banks would just go bankrupt (it’s where the word comes from!).

    That, to me seems very reasonable. If you don’t, consider what a complicated system of controls and incentives, graft and privilege you have to construct in order to allow these bankers to behave as they do today; with the resulting financial and societal ubhevals we are all subjected to periodically.

    Even if you yourself would be willing to accept the inherent downward risk of such a system, why should I or your neighbors be subject to it?

    • 同意: Miro23
    • 回复: @Oemikitlob
    , @MarkinLA
  156. @Alden

    The gall, breadth and depth with you pedal this kind of nonsense is astounding. I have my issues with the Pres Clinton and his policies — but if you can find a find a single such order, you are invited to present it.

    It’s nonsense and deserves to be called — nonsense. Regulations were eased across the board, but there was no mandate to ignore incomes, employment, down-payments or collateral — none.

    Not a single government agency ever made such a demand or had that expectation.

    • 回复: @Oemikitlob
  157. Nadir 说:


    • 回复: @peterAUS
  158. Oemikitlob 说:

    “It’s nonsense and deserves to be called — nonsense. Regulations were eased across the board, but there was no mandate to ignore incomes, employment, down-payments or collateral — none”.

    “Not a single government agency ever made such a demand or had that expectation”.

    Anon is correct and a simple internet search brings up the facts. I remember it also.





    I believe the Washington Post covered it also. I can’t recall anyone that didn’t.

    • 回复: @Oemikitlob
  159. Oemikitlob 说:

    Also, it sounds as if you are equivocating on the word “mandate” but this is just hand-waving and special-pleading. When the Attorney General states they will prosecute anyone who doesn’t cooperate, I believe it reasonable to interpret as a mandate.

  160. peterAUS 说:

    This is an intriguing comment…



    Sort of a “ping”, just to see are there any replies. Here you are.



    And, well, I think you know that the answer would take a lot of typing here. It IS important, I think, but I prefer people doing their own homework. Not you; I have a feeling you’ve already done a lot of it.


    It’s, almost to a fault, white male Westerners. I am talking about true believers, not the players.
    You won’t see the same idiocy with any Eastern European. Or, better, which points to another thing, old school guys there. The new breed of…ahm…..civilized, westernized youth there can get that illness too, but just a bit. Hard to sell them racism against blacks for obvious historical reasons…oh, wait….that “mindset” doesn’t operate on reason. Still, Eastern Europeans aren’t buying it as Westerners. J.Q. works marginally better, but only a little.

    And, then, when we analyze Western “guilt drones” (for a lack of better description) one could see the social-economic, even (God forbids on right spectrum) that class element too.
    I mean, the true believers appear to be only middle CLASS …hehe….and up. Working CLASS much less. Interesting, a?

    So, now we’ve come to the crux:
    Or , oh my, that guy they made a movie about and you can watch on Netflix (I haven’t). Because that CLASS can create a MAN, but only if many circumstances click together.

    So, the point (if not the full answer) is : deep in their hearts those SOFT people know they don’t deserve, really, the life they lead. That creates both that guilt and fear. A potent combination.

    Nothing new. What’s the saying: hard times create hard men->hard men make easy times->easy times create soft men->soft men make hard times->back to hard times create hard men.



    Israelis don’t make the same mistake. Sort of helps when you are surrounded by people who’d kill you in a minute, too.

    If….if we somehow pass the M.A.D. those soft people in West WILL get surrounded by those who don’t like them, in their own neighborhood. Immigration and demographics shall see to it. So..hehe…..hard times make…..


  161. MarkinLA 说:

    Everything in your post is just standard boiler plate free market drivel without any analysis of the reality of what happened. NOBODY cared who they qualified for a loan because they never intended to hold the loan to maturity.

    That makes everything you say irrelevant.

    And besides that, thare is no such thing as “a normal free market”. There have been plenty of bubbles and they were all due to the normal working of the free market. It is just the idiots and morons who have to hold onto their libertarian fantasy’s about markets being infallible that need some boogeyman like the FED for every financial disaster.

    • 回复: @Oemikitlob
  162. MarkinLA 说:

    just that, in the absence of central banks, the system would be self-regulating.

    And this is probably the biggest F-ing stupidity in the history of the world. Even Greenspan has admitted this is not the case.

    Think about what happened at every level in the bubble. People who couldn’t previously buy houses and were paying high rents could get a low interest for 5 year mortgage that lowered and fixed their rent for the next 5 years. The loan officer was making 250,000 a year instead of delivering pizzas. The high school graduate office girl was making 1 million dollars a year selling the loans to Wall Street. The rating agencies were making a ton of money rating this trash and handing out huge bonuses to everybody. The managing directors on Wall Street were getting 10 million dollar bonuses. The bond brokers were making millions selling them.

    Who was on the other side of that trade to act as a counter balance? Even in that movie about the big short, that company was almost squeezed out of their position. So there was no “self regulation” as there never is when the market runs off the rails as it does frequently. The Fed had nothing to do with starting this bubble or keeping it going.

    All bubbles start with seemingly good investments. The rush of new entrants into the market causes everyone to lower their standards to maintain their income stream. Then the bubble really takes off.

    • 回复: @chris
  163. MarkinLA 说:

    Just for your information. Easy money refers to making a lot of money without any real effort. And yes there was easy money at every level of this bubble all the way down to the loan broker who had you qualified in 5 days for a mortgage.

  164. Oemikitlob 说:

    Straw-men, canards, red herrings, genetic fallacy…where does one begin?

    How about here?


    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  165. chris 说:

    What a perfect introduction and descriptor of your own comment!

    … this is probably the biggest F-ing stupidity in the history of the world.

    Couldn’t have said if any better myself. When you started with: “Even Greenspann” I thought you were kidding; I still think you are, you have quite a penchant for satire!

    You’re referencing Greenspan ? The retarded half-wit who couldn’t identify a bubble if if popped on his nose?

    I won’t be able to correct your world view for you, suffice it to say that the setting of low to zero interest rates through money creation out of thin air, and the ensuing bail-outs, all purviews of our dear central bank, do play the most significant role in the haunted financial, roller-coaster ride we’re on.

    • 同意: Iris
  166. MarkinLA 说:

    Yes, when in doubt go to the source of all information that is always correct – The Mises Institute. Only if you want a good laugh.

    Been there done that years ago, but I grew up.

    • 回复: @Oemikitlob
  167. Oemikitlob 说:

    “but I grew up.”

    How unfortunate. Perhaps someday you’ll reconsider the losses.

    • 同意: chris
    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
    , @MarkinLA
  168. @Oemikitlob

    Haha, yes, there are none so blind as those who DON’T WANT TO see. MarkinLA is a good conservative on the immigration/nationalism questions, but just can’t or doesn’t want to understand the free market. I tried to explain to him in 2 different threads the beauty of a free market in health care, as opposed to the, and ANY shitshow, that will be the norm since/when the government is involved. He insists that insurance as a concept cannot work without THE GOVERNMENT.

    You and Chris wrote very good comments here to try to explain the screwing up of any kind of free market in banking by central banks, such as our 105 y/o FED. Nice job to both of you, but, some people, ya just cain’t reach…

    • 回复: @chris
    , @MarkinLA
    , @Oemikitlob
  169. chris 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    Thanks Achmed, that’s very nice.

    It’s hard to believe that people who are not on the government dole can still believe that the system can go on forever. As far as those who are on the dole are concerned, it’s like that quote I think from the socialist Sinclair Lewis who said something like: ‘it’s hard to convince someone of somethings if his job depends on him not understand that one thing.’

  170. MarkinLA 说:

    Nothing to reconsider. I have read enough of this childish drivel to recognize profound stupidity when I see it. Take chris. He was crying that Greenspan couldn’t see the bubble in 2008. Well according to libertarians markets self-regulate. There can never be a bubble if it self-regulates. This is why Greenspan did nothing, his natural libertarian stupidity would not allow him to see the bubble as being a bubble.

    • 回复: @Oemikitlob
  171. MarkinLA 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    No they just outed themselves as brain dead fools holding onto stupid fairy tales of the Fed boogeyman. How exactly did the Fed have anything to do with the real estate bubble that burst in 2008.

    Besides, why aren’t all you on Napolitano’s column defending him. He has the same stupid beliefs as you?

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  172. Oemikitlob 说:

    Out of respect for the author and other commenters I am not going to continue to respond off-topic. Perhaps some day an article will be posted where it can be given some hearing.

    To be clear, I don’t believe adults engaging in ad hominems shows maturity and hope you do not believe you personally have been attacked by me. I appreciate your candor though we disagree.

    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  173. Oemikitlob 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    Understood. Perhaps an article specifically related to the subject will come up and an Austrian perspective can be given its due.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  174. @MarkinLA

    Regarding Mr. Napolitano’s columns, I can’t be all over the unz review verbally defending the US Constitution against the tards, much less the whole internet. There’s just not enough time in the day.

    The FED, IMO, has had a long-term deleterious effect on the otherwise self-regulating price of money (i.e., interest rates). As 峰值愚蠢 just discussed on Saturday, Housing Bubble 1.0 was brought on via long term interference in the housing loan market from US Feral Gov’t pressure on banks to be “fair” to minorities, not particularly a FED thing.

    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  175. @Oemikitlob


    Dr. Ron Paul’s weekly or bi-weekly columns appear here on unz.com, so credit due to Ron Unz for that. I don’t usually see more than 5-10 comments on his columns that are related to finance. I’ve written in, but its hard to keep beating one’s head against the wall trying to explain concepts of freedom and markets to 国家标准 whose imaginations are not large enough for that.

    • 回复: @Oemikitlob
  176. Oemikitlob 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    Understood. Thank you for pointing these things out.

  177. MarkinLA 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    The primary cause of the bubble had to do with PRIVATE companies creating garbage loans that allowed millions of people who had not the means to pay for these loans to qualify for them.

    The Fed nor the government told PRIVATE mortgage originating companies that they didn’t need to verify somebodies income. They did not tell them that making a loan where the interest rate was 2% for 5 years with reset to 9% later was mandatory.

    The biggest originators of these crap loans were not banks or thrifts who had to deal with the CRA boogeyman. They were mortgage companies under no regulation other than “Truth in Lending” statutes. These were companies like Countrywide and Di-Tech.

    What you libtards don’t get is that individual people can and will do things that ultimately destroy the company they work for but benefit themslves so much that they will do it anyway.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  178. MarkinLA 说:

    I, like most intelligent people, sometimes use common synonyms for libertarian like dipshit, moron, imbecile, and so on. I thought you understood, no offence taken or meant.

  179. @MarkinLA

    They did not tell them that making a loan where the interest rate was 2% for 5 years with reset to 9% later was mandatory.

    The interest rates were exceedingly low, due to the FED’s interference in the markets at that time to try to get the country out of the .com 1.0 recession, for one thing, making real estate one of the only investments to give a good return (the dow hit it’s low in 2008 or so (coincidentally?)

    However, you are right that lots of the loans were not backed by the government or coerced. You get the government that involved, and the thing takes off on its own. That’s not to mention that the funds that bought these trash paper instruments backed by ARM with jump-to-9% interest mortgages to Jose, Joe, and D’Josephus were all in due to, again, low interest rates making them desperate for big returns. (Stocks and bonds weren’t otherwise going to come up with that 8% steady stream that pension fund managers based their calculations on.)

    What you libtards don’t get is that individual people can and will do things that ultimately destroy the company they work for but benefit themslves so much that they will do it anyway.

    No, Libertarians get very well, that that will happen when there are moral hazards interfering with the markets. Any prudent banker forcing his loan officers to do legit business would have had a leg DOWN in the business, as all the flamboyant, virtue-signaling companies like Countrywide were sure that the industry would get bailed out. None of the big shots ever lost out like the poor, albeit, suckers, in my anecdotes above.

    道德风险, Mark in Los Angeles, is bad, bad juju. You 国家标准 don’t understand the long-term effects of your “compassionate” policies. The resulting problems all get blamed on “capitalism”.

    • 回复: @MarkinLA
    , @MarkinLA
  180. MarkinLA 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    The interest rates were exceedingly low, due to the FED’s interference in the markets at that time to try to get the country out of the .com 1.0 recession,

    This is not true. I was getting more than 5% on the money in my brokerage account in the money market sweep. The LIBOR rate was above 5%. So was the CD rate, so was the 30 year Treasury Bond rate, the benchmark for fixed interest mortgages and a floor under which nobody would lend on real estate.


    These garbage loans (low starting rate with reset) were created by the mortgage companies to keep the bubble going because they thought they could sell them. They thought that within the 5 year window prices would have risen enough so that the mortgage would be refinanced. They were lower than a pure adjustable rate mortgage where the rate is tied to LIBOR or the 11th district cost of funds which were the two benchmarks used for adjustable rate mortgages.

    There was absolutely NO reason to ever offer those loans so pretending that the evil government boogeyman was all behind it is something only deranged libertarians think makes sense.

  181. MarkinLA 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    virtue-signaling companies like Countrywide were sure that the industry would get bailed out.

    This is an irrelevant delusion. People were making more money in one year than in their previous 10 years. They didn’t care if the company got bailed out or not. If the bubble lasted just a few years they were set for life. Who wouldn’t go along?

  182. S 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    In my previous post, I was referring to the British Empire’s strong commercial characteristics. Naturally, one can’t as readily see a country controlled by another by economic means as readily as one can see a country controlled by foreign troops, yet in both instances the country is controlled by outsiders.

    As an example of such power by the end of WWII a huge number of countries (ie many Central and South American) outside the US/UK bloc had joined the Allies in the war against Germany and Japan despite in a great many instances their having no real beef against the two ‘Axis’ countries. They very much appear to have been economically coerced by the US/UK bloc into declaring war though they themselves were not occupied by US or British troops.

    Though I don’t have links to them there was a website run by a woman who claimed that through the very US/UK establishment United Nations organization that much of Africa was still controlled by the US/UK through bank loans disguised as ‘aid’ of which it was known beforehand these countries had little chance of paying back.

    These Anglosphere banks in lieu of cash payment would then make claim to these country’s raw materials. Another fellow in Ireland at his website did some deep research and found that a huge amount of Ireland’s resources were still controlled by British based interests despite almost a century of separation from the Empire.

    While New York City has been the center of world finance for many decades, of late, London on occasion has been taking this position.

    Of course, within the US/UK ‘special relationship’ formed circa 1900, if the United States itself with its military bases at present all over the globe is the planned direct continuation of the British Empire and merely manifesting in a different form as a republic (something I lean towards), that the center of world finance occasionally reverts to London is no biggie.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  183. @Skeptikal

    You remind me to read Eric Jones “Agriculture and the Industrial Revolution” where I expect to find that enclosures, agricultural productivity, the finishing off of feudalism and the Industrial Revolution which was the biggest part of the creation of modernity were all intimately linked.

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  184. @S

    Interesting speculations. “Planned” I would question even more wrt the last century than wrt to the formal empire which grew out of the enterprise and depredations of the East India Company. After all FDR was an enemy of the British Empire as Churchill was uncomfortably aware.

  185. Skeptikal 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Another important facet, related to the agriculture-industrialization-imperialisim knot:
    The deindustrialization of India, in particular India’s textile industry.
    There is quite a lot of info on this in the Wiki entry for “cotton” or maybe “cotton industry.”
    India had the most advanced and extensive textile industry of the time, and supplied a huge portion of the world’s textiles.
    The Brits wanted to industrialize their own country. They dismantled the Indian factories and forced India to become merely a provider of raw materials for Manchester etc. And so all the “value added” was done in Britain, to the advantage of the British economy, and India was degraded to a supplier of raw cotton. Of course, the Brits also freely borrowed from the extraordinarily fecund Indian textile design tradition.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  186. S 说:

    I’m a big believer that in general regarding politics that things don’t ‘just happen’, but that rather there are people with various motivations not always publically stated pushing things along.

    Regarding ‘speculation’ some times things can’t be proven outright. All a person can do is make educated deductions.

    British PM Gladstone spoke of the US seeming poised to overtake the British Empire in the latter 19th century. US president John Adams much earlier seemed to allude to much the same thing in some writing of his I’ve come across.

    There are various analysis of the fighting during the 1776 Revolution that despite the sincerity of most of the troops on both ‘sides’ doing the fighting that it seemed the British Empire didn’t try too overly hard to retain the thirteen colonies, almost as though critical battles had been ‘thrown’ by the Empire to favor the Revolution.

    Then there is the Whig party of the UK’s open support for the 1776 Revolution. The Whig party adopted as it’s party colors the colors of Washington’s army uniform, buff and blue, and party members/supporters were encouraged to wear these colors as patches of cloth pinned to their clothing. The Duchess of Devonshire, amongst others, did so openly on the streets of London during the American Revolution with no official sanction or rebuke for doing so.

    There are other things besides, which I won’t go into here, which leads one to question the official story of the 1776 Revolution.

    Regarding the differences between Churchill and Roosevelt, I’ve heard tell of them.

    ..the formal empire which grew out of the enterprise and depredations of the East India Company.

    Funny that you should mention the British East India Company in regards to this. Presumably you’re aware the Grand Union flag which represented the American Revolution from 1775 – 1777 and the East India Company flag from the same time period are identical?



  187. @Skeptikal

    The East India Company wasn’t the ideal candidate for outsourcing the government of countries and it was finally displaced by British rule in 1857. I have heard some Indians complain of what the British did in various ways but those who really know India point out that there was no India, only hundreds of statelets, making Bismarck’s creation of Germany look very easy compared with what happened under the British. I wouldn’t trust a Wiki write up on the subject by young Indian chauvinists and certainly it is completely incorrect to say that India had the most “advanced textile industry of the time” [What time are you referring to? But whatever time you mean the inventions of textile machinery and the application of steam power were all British].

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  188. Skeptikal 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Re Wiki, no need to take the automatic attitude that there is no there there, without actually chekcing to see whether the entry actually is worthless as per your default setting.

    NB: “Britain eventually surpassed India as the world’s leading cotton textile manufacturer in the 19th century.[31]” See n.31 and other notes. Or, do your own research of primaryl and secondary sources, if you have time, Mr. Superior Attitude with your “I wouldn’t take . . . blah “!!

    BTW, “industry” means different things in differemt time periods.

    Industry existed before the Industrial Revolution. In fact, this is demonstrated by the very term “revolution.”

    There was an extensive woollens industry in Britain starting in I believe the Renaissance.
    You can do your own research to udnerstand what the Brits did to the Indian COTTON INDUSTRY, or feel free to take a gander at Wiki, “Hisory of Cotton https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_cotton,” Viz (partial):

    Main article: Textile manufacture during the Industrial Revolution

    Cotton’s rise to global importance came about as a result of the cultural transformation of Europe and Britain’s trading empire.[8] Calico and chintz, types of cotton fabrics, became popular in Europe, and by 1664 the East India Company was importing a quarter of a million pieces into Britain.[27] By the 18th century, the middle class had become more concerned with cleanliness and fashion, and there was a demand for easily washable and colourful fabric. Wool continued to dominate the European markets, but cotton prints were introduced to Britain by the East India Company in the 1690s.[8] Imports of calicoes, cheap cotton fabrics from Kozhikode, then known as Calicut, in India, found a mass market among the poor. By 1721 these calicoes threatened British manufacturers, and Parliament passed the Calico Act that banned calicoes for clothing or domestic purposes. In 1774 the act was repealed with the invention of machines that allowed for British manufacturers to compete with Eastern fabrics.[30]

    Indian cotton textiles, particularly those from Bengal, continued to maintain a competitive advantage up until the 19th century. In order to compete with India, Britain invested in labour-saving technical progress, while implementing protectionist policies such as bans and tariffs to restrict Indian imports.[31] At the same time, the East India Company’s rule in India contributed to its deindustrialization, opening up a new market for British goods,[31] while the capital amassed from Bengal after its 1757 conquest was used to invest in British industries such as textile manufacturing and greatly increase British wealth.[32][33][34] British colonization also forced open the large Indian market to British goods, which could be sold in India without tariffs or duties, compared to local Indian producers who were heavily taxed, while raw cotton was imported from India without tariffs to British factories which manufactured textiles from Indian cotton, giving Britain a monopoly over India’s large market and cotton resources.[35][31][36] India served as both a significant supplier of raw goods to British manufacturers and a large captive market for British manufactured goods.[37] Britain eventually surpassed India as the world’s leading cotton textile manufacturer in the 19th century.[31]

    The cotton industry grew under the British commercial empire. British cotton products were successful in European markets, constituting 40.5% of exports in 1784–1786. Britain’s success was also due to its trade with its own colonies, whose settlers maintained British identities, and thus, fashions. With the growth of the cotton industry, manufacturers had to find new sources of raw cotton, and cultivation was expanded to West India.[8] High tariffs against Indian textile workshops, British power in India through the East India Company,[27] and British restrictions on Indian cotton imports[38] transformed India from the source of textiles to a source of raw cotton.[27] Cultivation was also attempted in the Caribbean and West Africa, but these attempts failed due to bad weather and poor soil.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Wizard of Oz
  189. @Skeptikal

    Interesting. But interesting also perhaps that my question/point about dates was on the mark. What does 1721 protectionist legislation have to do with the “British Empire” deindustrialising India! Apparently too the 18th century equivalent of Apple et al. had been deindustrialising the employers of textile workers in England…

  190. @Skeptikal

    Here’s an exam question for some of those on UR threads who write of Zionist control of the US:

    Contrast and compare the impact of the East India Company on India in the 18th century with that of the Israel Lobby on the USA in the last 100 years? For extra marks consider the implications of American unity in contrast to the existence of hundreds of independent States in 18th century India.

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
    , @Skeptikal
  191. Skeptikal 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Lotta comment on this thread on the Fed
    For some clarification of lots of issues related to the 2008 crash, the bailout, Obama’s perfidy, Citibank’s crimes, etc., including the role of the Fed in all this::


    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  192. @Skeptikal

    You seem (below) to have changed your mind. Don’t do that on UR or all aspirations to be the pack’s Alpha Male will be drowned in saliva 🙂

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  193. @Skeptikal

    I haven’t finished the linked article yet but, whoever was to blame, I thought failure to emphasise help to the unfortunate mortgagees and failure to get on with needed infrastructure repair were faults in the US response to the 2008 melt down. (In Australia the big fault was the second stimulus package which proved to unnecessary and wasn’t designed to be reined in when it became clear Australia wasn’t experiencing recession. The Labor government left us with government debt after inheriting a debt free Treasury from the conservatives).

  194. @Reuben Kaspate

    Guess what? Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren is running!



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