 博客浏览纪尧姆·杜罗彻(Guillaume Durocher)档案
约瑟夫·索拉克(Josef Thorak),布隆迪(Blondi),阿道夫·希特勒(Adolf Hitler),约瑟夫·戈培尔(Josef Goebbels)和一名身份不明的女性,位于Mooslahnerkopft茶馆附近。 资料来源:希特勒档案馆。

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我最近写了关于灵感和汗水在 男性职业。 我也举了一个例子 戴高乐,他肯定更靠近汗水的一面。 通过偶尔的大胆举动和财富的祝福,这位法国人数十年的劳动获得了光荣的辉煌时刻。 阿道夫·希特勒(Adolf Hitler)和第三帝国的演变提供了另一个非常不同的政治领导力例子。 对于希特勒,我们有一个例子,一个人,对于他的一生,无法维持日常工作,并且永远被他的激情所吸引和追逐。

人们完全不知道希特勒的气质如何具有艺术性,波西米亚风情,甚至是完美无瑕的希特勒。 这是所有希特勒常去的人都知道的,并且是该时期所有历史学家都知道的,但在塑造公众意识的纪录片和好莱坞电影中却很少提到。 实际上,希特勒是终生的NEET(不在[正规]教育,就业或培训中)。 第三帝国执掌这样的独裁者似乎很独特。

在一个 我的奋斗希特勒(Hitler)解释说,他的文章内容更为贴切,他年轻时就无法忍受将自己的一生都用在预先定义的社交和专业包装盒中的想法,就像他父亲一样,在办公室里来回穿梭,海关官员。 后来他告诉绝望的奥托·迪特里希(Otto Dietrich),他的新闻秘书说,这一刻的灵感对世界的贡献远胜于一生的办公室工作。

青年希特勒(见谁 布里吉特·哈曼(Brigitte Hamann)的出色表现 希特勒的维也纳)痴迷于艺术,建筑和政治,这些激情永远不会离开他。 他是个贪得无厌的书呆子,而且是令人无法忍受的响亮嘴巴。 他可以制作专业的建筑草图和体面的旅游画。 他会画草图,看书,并与谁听(在这种情况下,他年轻的朋友奥古斯特·库比塞克)在早晨的凌晨时谈论政治和艺术。 这为他的余生树立了榜样:大多数时候,他完全无法在合理的时间上床睡觉。 他当然对找工作不感兴趣。 结果,当希特勒的家庭储蓄用完时,他成了无家可归的流浪汉。

第一次世界大战期间希特勒在德国军队中的服役似乎为他带来了很多好处。 战后,他不是靠做一些匿名的工作而兴旺发达,而是“寻找声音”:在战后德国的丑陋条件下,魏玛共和国有缺陷,显然无法挑战《凡尔赛条约》的罪过,终于为他的严厉政治分析做好了准备。 实际上,他在维也纳的时间-他亲眼目睹了多民族民主政治的闹剧-为他做好了充分的准备。 希特勒找到自己的“召唤”后,他当然会经历他壮观而又不稳定的职业,其中包括监狱,对德国和欧洲的精通以及完全的遗忘。

如果不加以观察,就无法理解希特勒主义的兴起及其在德国的巨大社会文化(而不仅仅是政治)转变 希特勒的演讲 并试图了解那些被他迷住的人的心态。 希特勒不懈地追逐那些在情感上引起他共鸣的事情:在右翼框架内的国家荣誉,权力和某种审美观 鳍去末世 他年轻时就吸收了讲德语的文化(让我们说达尔文,尼采和德鲁蒙正弥漫在空气中)。 根据科学原理,希特勒在一个热心的民族主义者的领导下提出了德国重生的愿景,这一思想引起了一大批德国人的共鸣。 在德国,民族主义更加引人注目。与大多数国家不同,德国在客观上既是伟大成就又是潜力之一。


对于希特勒古怪的管理风格如何影响德国政府和战争,我还没有一个很好的整体评估。 当然,这使他的公务员发了疯。 希特勒大臣只能在总统保罗·冯·兴登堡(Paul von Hindenburg)活着时坚持正常的办公时间,显然是在给人留下深刻的印象。 后来,他每天晚上熬夜到三,四,五点,这意味着通常无法在上午11点之前做出重要决定。

令人难以置信的是,1937年以后, 几乎根本没有内阁会议这种情况巩固了希特勒在政治体系中心的地位,但使他的部长及其官僚在彼此的活动中处于黑暗状态。 没有明确的决策方式,希特勒会根据他的心情以及周围的人提出的任何问题简单地发出“Führer命令”。 该系统还为控制访问希特勒的人(他的秘书马丁·博尔曼(Martin Bormann))赋予了巨大的力量。 这被称为任意而变​​幻无常的“前厅政治”。[1]东西 可以说,尽管议会政治不真诚且戏剧性,但它支持议会政治。


希特勒一天24小时都在清醒完善自己的身体 修习 [精神训练]。 他赢是因为他付出了代价。 他的发明使他的敌人感到惊讶。 但正是他对自己目标的专心致志,应该成为我们钦佩和模仿的对象。 尽管他整夜都在工作,但他的才智是无云无误的。 我们的思想是万无一失的吗? (圣雄甘地, 圣雄甘地作品集 (新德里:印度政府出版物处,1999年),第78卷。 349页。 XNUMX. https://www.gandhiservefoundation.org/about-mahatma-...andhi/

另一方面,从一些指标来看,第三帝国组织良好,远比魏玛共和国或西方民主国家都要好,尤其是在社会福利和团结,经济复苏,军事准备和群众参与方面。 希特勒是一位天才国家元首的艺术家,通常会坚持自己感兴趣的领域,而且通常很明智,可以让他的下属来照顾细节。 该国在不利的军事条件下的持久力简直是惊人的,尽管最终最终是徒劳的。

官僚们当然找到了解决希特勒管理怪癖的方法。 高级公务员将在各部委之间发送通函,讨论共同关心的重要议题,以便就将要提交给联邦政府的必要行动达成共同结论。 帝国内部的利益集团–妇女,公司,青年,工人。 。 。 –进行了组织,并在各党的官僚机构中都有代表,然后向政府提供了他们的意见。 这些做法从许多方面预示了我们今天在先进国家中发现的各种“咨询”程序和利益集团的永久“倡导”,无论民主与否。

希特勒习惯于建立临时职位来解决特定问题,而不是跟进。 结果是大量的官员和官僚机构争夺影响力。 这些官员中,有些人缺乏明确的职责,他们抱怨他们没什么事,只是出现在德国城市的炸弹袭击现场,并发表慰问性讲话。

一个人想知道,如果有更多常规的决策方式,德国帝国会更成功吗? 当然,内阁后面有官僚,会倾向于避免过分意识形态和不切实际的计划。 按照他们自己的内部逻辑,似乎孤立的官僚机构或多或少地独立于同僚,也更有可能参与激进的激进化。

常规的程序和牵扯进来的官僚会阻止希特勒做出某些灾难性的决定,尤其是在1941年下半年吗? 可能但又一次,如果官僚占了上风,从重新占领莱茵河到征服法国,希特勒的许多大胆的初步决定似乎都不可能做出。 当然,在1940年以后,人们经常发现官僚们提出了明智的建议,无论是在外交部(欧洲联盟承认成员国的主权),军队(缓和东方政策),还是Waffen-SS(公开招募)尽管希特勒偏爱,但远不止日耳曼人,也没有愿意服务的人,包括斯拉夫人,塔塔尔人和波斯尼亚穆斯林。

希特勒是一个令人生畏的精神病患者,他在三十多岁的时候就基本形成了他的世界观,然后坚持不懈地按照世界观行事,直到他的最后一天。 他全是关于灵感,到失禁的地步。 这些特征对于他的迅速崛起和彻底衰落都是不可或缺的。

无论如何,这一切都表明一个人需要在所有事情上保持平衡。 一个人需要灵感和汗水:持之以恒的毅力,勇于突破的勇气,适度的不破坏自己。 。 。 和运气。

[1]东西 可以说,尽管议会政治不真诚且戏剧性,但它支持议会政治。

[2] 圣雄甘地在1940年XNUMX月的演讲中说的不下:

希特勒一天24小时都在清醒完善自己的身体 修习 [精神训练]。 他赢是因为他付出了代价。 他的发明使他的敌人感到惊讶。 但正是他对自己目标的专心致志,应该成为我们钦佩和模仿的对象。 尽管他整夜都在工作,但他的才智是无云无误的。 我们的思想是万无一失的吗? (圣雄甘地, 圣雄甘地作品集 (新德里:印度政府出版物处,1999年),第78卷。 349页。 XNUMX。 https://www.gandhiservefoundation.org/about-mahatma-gandhi/collected-works-of-mahatma-gandhi/

• 类别: 创办缘起 •标签: 希特勒, 纳粹德国 
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  1. Matty 说:


  2. anon[234]• 免责声明 说:


    During the last years of his life Hitler was above all the supreme warlord, who tried to manage military operations even in detail and reduced his generals to obedient subordinates carrying out his orders (which doesn’t exculpate that military elite which failed both professionally and morally).
    The recent Hitler biography by Peter Longerich (which I haven’t read yet) also seems to depict him as a highly interventionist dictator who put his personal stamp on many policies. So Hitler did a lot more than merely set out the broad lines of policy.
    Apart from this issue, Durocher’s article strikes me as very pedestrian, quite an achievement to make even Hitler’s career sound boring. Durocher adresses none of the really interesting questions about Hitler, e.g. was there a “rational core” to his world view, as Ernst Nolte claimed? Was it really primarily an excessive reaction to early globalization, and to the universalist challenge of Bolshevism (as Hitler himself tried to claim in his last speech from 30 January 1945, basically justifying his actions by the claim that the bourgeois age was over and that a militant counter-movement against Bolshevism had been necessary)? And if so, what does this mean for today’s nationalist right, faced with the dominance of an immigrationist ideology which in some ways is even more extreme than Bolshevism? Obviously uncritical admiration of Hitler should be impossible, given his extreme amorality and the mass murders carried out by his followers (the “revisionism” promoted on Unz review is a dead end in this regard, the crimes are undeniable), but how should one deal with the status of WW2 and the Holocaust as the foundation myth of the present order?
    I would have expected at least some discussion of such questions. Instead we get “Hitler was a NEET and an artist”. Lame, but I guess one can’t expect more. Unz review has one of the best commenting systems on the net, pity the contributors are mostly cranks and idiots.

  3. peterAUS 说:

    With Hitler we have an example of a man who, for the life of him, could not hold down a day job and who was forever possessed by and ran after his passions.

    A corporate drone is ideal here, looks like it.

    Once Hitler found his “calling,” he of course had his spectacular and erratic career, featuring prison, mastery of Germany and Europe, and total oblivion.


  4. peterAUS 说:

    During the last years of his life Hitler was above all the supreme warlord, who tried to manage military operations even in detail and reduced his generals to obedient subordinates carrying out his orders ….


    ….Durocher’s article strikes me as very pedestrian…


    ….what does this mean for today’s nationalist right, faced with the dominance of an immigrationist ideology…

    Well, what’s 选择您 接受吗?
    Mine: a CUSTOMIZED version of Nationa Socialism sounds good, in my book.
    The key is that “customized”; what to embrace and what to reject/discard.

    ..how should one deal with the status of WW2 and the Holocaust as the foundation myth of the present order?

    Secondary to the thinking/work re the paragraph above, I guess.

    Unz review has one of the best commenting systems on the net, pity the contributors are mostly cranks and idiots.

    We are, we are….

    Still….the question remains. The “Well, what….” above.

    • 回复: @iffen
  5. fnn 说:

    How could the (human) female be unidentified?

    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
  6. From my reading, I would say that this is an accurate portrait of Hitler.

    “He later told his press secretary, a despairing Otto Dietrich, that a moment’s inspired idea contributed more to the world than a lifetime’s worth of office work设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

    Problem with that is that inspiration is a gift of the Muse and she cannot be counted upon to deliver with any regularity. An artistic muse is not a drudge, she is elusive and fickle, which is why the Greek Tragedians 祈祷 for her guidance before they launched into their spiel

    If one lives for the 1% of the time they are inspired then they will come up short 99% of the time. Course, that’s why Hitler had to goose his Muse with injections of benzedrine (which is why he couldn’t sleep and grew increasingly erratic and paranoid as the war went on).

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  7. peterAUS 说:

    ..a gift of the Muse and she cannot be counted upon to deliver with any regularity….

    …. that’s why Hitler had to goose his Muse with injections of benzedrine (which is why he couldn’t sleep and grew increasingly erratic and paranoid as the war went on).


    I just think it was something more…prosaic. Mundane.More down to earth, if you will. Or, in military terms: Enemy, Terrain and Weather. Not necessarily in that order.

    BTW….is it known 什么时候, exactly, he started using those injections (and probably some other stuff)?
    I’d venture an opinion: December ’41?

  8. anon[607]• 免责声明 说:

    这真的主要是对早期全球化和对全球化的过度反应吗? 普遍主义的挑战 (原文如此!)布尔什维主义(正如希特勒本人在 30 年 1945 月 XNUMX 日的最后一次演讲中试图声称的那样,基本上通过资产阶级时代已经结束并且有必要对布尔什维主义进行激进的反运动来证明他的行为是正当的)?如果是这样,这对于今天的民族主义右翼意味着什么,面对着在某些方面甚至比布尔什维主义更极端的移民主义意识形态的主导地位?

    It means that the left has to be totally eradicated and outlawed in all nation states, or it will not leave anything standing: no nation, no tradition, no institution, not a single value or idea that is not of its own and especially not a single population. It is inherently totalitarian, it always was. Their vigor of hate is relentless, especially that of the the anti-white Jews, their funding in the billions, their will determined, their opponents pathetic: “classical liberals”/”conservatives”, themselves of the left, just without bravado. Everyone knows by now what is at stake, but does not have the courage or readiness to make the sacrifice.




    The only pathetic idiocy of cranks is the claim of “moral action” on the allied side in WW2. And the anti-natural, immoral, indeed satanic world order they created.

  9. ‘… Anyway, all this to say that one needs balance in all things. One needs inspiration and perspiration: the steadiness to persevere, the boldness to break through, the moderation to not destroy oneself . . . ‘

    You’ve looked at De Gaulle and Hitler. Some other leaders to consider in the same vein: Churchill, Ataturk, Franco, Mussolini.

    • 回复: @PetrOldSack
  10. I’ve often wondered whether if that Vienna Art Institute to which he applied (his watercolor paintings weren’t all that bad) had accepted him, the world could have been spared a lot of agony.

    I think that perhaps more attention might be paid to Hitler’s military service. I remember reading in one biography that it the time of his life when he was truly happy, despite the deprivations and terror of service on the western front of WWI. I note that he stayed in the army in the immediate aftermath of WWI.

  11. @Colin Wright

    Relevant. To the point. The sketch of Durocher is overly simplistic. Anon corrected ditto in a more detailed way and putted back in the watercolors. ThreeCranes took to the bait.

  12. @Diversity Heretic

    ‘I’ve often wondered whether if that Vienna Art Institute to which he applied (his watercolor paintings weren’t all that bad) had accepted him, the world could have been spared a lot of agony.’

    什么是 做了 happen is that someone to whom Hitler submitted his work thought that while he didn’t really seem to have the makings of a great painter, he did show potential as a set designer.

    He gave Hitler a letter of introduction to a theatrical producer. Hitler’s nerve failed him, and he never presented the letter.

    Had he, it’s possible ‘Adolf Hitler’ would be an entry in detailed histories of Viennese theater in the first half of the Twentieth Century.

  13. @Diversity Heretic

    ‘… I think that perhaps more attention might be paid to Hitler’s military service…’

    One reason not much attention is paid to Hitler’s military service is that his performance was thoroughly commendable.

    It doesn’t fit with the demonization most writers feel obliged to engage in. One can’t have a chapter extolling Hitler’s virtues as a soldier.

    Stolfi wrote a book called Hitler: beyond Good and Evil.’ It has its flaws, but the concept is laudable. We need to get past feeling obliged to decide Hitler was evil, ‘demonic,’ etc and recognize that he was a remarkable if decidedly idiosyncratic individual of violent opinions who had an unfortunate impact on the world.

    • 同意: Rich
    • 回复: @Sin City Milla
    , @jsigur
  14. 另一篇关于一个白痴在他自己的时代被许多白痴崇拜的白痴文章——显然,这一传统一直延续到今天。

    由于每分钟都有一个白痴出生,这种其他白痴对白痴的崇拜无疑会继续下去,可悲的是。 🤮



  15. @peterAUS

    is it known when, exactly, he started using those injections

    Toland’s magnificent “阿道夫·希特勒” covers the various gastric maladies that Nasty Old Wolfie suffered, and the bewildering varieties of uppers, downers, fart-fixers, gut-biota-enhancers and dietary restrictions that the bloke endured. Little wonder he came across as a bit cranky at times.

    He was taking about 20 little black pills every day from 1936 onwards (Doktor Koster’s Antigaspills), under the supervision of Morell, who seemed to have gained his trust somehow (and thereafter kept an iron grip over who Hitler consulted for his medical issues).

    Those little black pills were supposed to help calm down his gurgling guts, but in the doses he was taking them also represented a significant amount of strychnine and atropine.

    He also had terrible teeth that gave him a great deal of pain, apparently.

    I can’t recommend Toland’s book highly enough; the contrast between ‘social’ Hitler and ‘Führer’ Hitler after Stalingrad are fascinating.

    The story would be the most ridiculous movie pitch of all time: a guy who didn’t finish school and who is living in homeless hostels in the early 1920s, and is imprisoned for fomenting a rebellion in 1926… is in charge of the country by 1933, mostly as a result of shouting about shit that grinds his gears.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
    , @Seraphim
    , @anon
  16. Would regular procedures and involved bureaucrats have prevented certain disastrous decisions taken by Hitler, particularly in the second half of 1941? Possibly, but then again, had the bureaucrats prevailed, it seems unlikely many of Hitler’s bold initial decisions would have been taken, from the reoccupation of the Rhine to the conquest of France.

    You have a real-life example before you in the Deep State’s attempts to block President Trump’s efforts at every turn. I can’t wait to see how America turns out.

    Going back to my earlier assertion that De Gaulle was not possible without Pétain, Pétain in his WW2 Vichy incarnation would not have been possible without the Führer’s deference to le Vieux Maréchal’s status as a military man of honour who would uphold the Armistice imposed upon Vichy France. Hitler was blind to the opportunities he was foreclosing by expecting the French to become willing allies, and succeeded only in blocking strategic moves into the rest of Western Europe that might have secured all of Western Europe and most of North Africa before allowing the Axis to get drawn into inevitable conflict with Russia. Above all, Hitler was a dreamer.

  17. Alexandros 说:


    I’m not sure this article is worthy of further comment. It has all the hallmarks of a very, very average and weak willed man trying to denigrate a world historical phenomenon. Even Stalin, evil as he was, does not deserve such a treatment.

  18. Alexandros 说:
    @Colin Wright

    Judging by what was accepted as “good enough” by the art academy, the only reason Hitler was rejected was his unwillingness to adopt Jewish post modernism. His talent was miles above the hackery that was produced there, most of it third rate Picasso scriblings. Today the art academies produce nothing but junk. And I mean that literally, they collect junk in a pile and call it art and get grants from the state. If any thinks Hitlers rejection in such a climate has anything to do with artistic talent they are deluding themselves. The opposite was true. He had too much talent.

    • 同意: neutral
    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Joe Levantine
    , @Oscar
  19. Malla 说:

    Expensive Modern “art pieces” are all about money laundering by the super rich, fake, pretentious, degenerate crowd.

    • 回复: @PetrOldSack
  20. Rich 说:

    I wonder if this might be the reason for his single-minded, self-destructive obsession with Stalingrad. Hindsight is 20/20, but he lost the war there, and could have, if he’d been willing to listen to the men in the field, withdrawn and lived to fight another day.

    • 回复: @houston 1992
    , @Colin Wright
  21. @Malla

    That’s the pinnacle of “finance” AND the fine gentlemen of the art-collectors world. That’s the undercurrent of Hollywood, …and Congress. The rich, synonym for “elites”, amuse themselves while we amuse them. Every second some clowns are born to please and travesty for the lunatic idea, that somehow they will be the next in line, invited to the ante-chamber. A religion, the promise of heaven, scrupulously wanted and longed for by any individual. The Vatican, Mecca, the Fed, there is no difference.

    • 回复: @Malla
  22. Brown boi 说:



    这对他所做的一切做出了最终的判断。 😐😒🤷‍♀️

    • 回复: @neutral
  23. peterAUS 说:

    Toland’s magnificent….

    …are fascinating.


    Now…if/as he was taking all those pills since ’36 then those weren’t the cause of his shortcoming(s) later on.
    Things were working fine for his team, will those pills/health issues, from ’36 to the late ’41. Six years.

    所以,似乎真正影响他的是当地的现实。 冰封,与不断奋战的敌人。

    His story, IMHO, is about the fallibility of a man, even a top guy. Good systems have to have some provisions to address that. Nazi regime didn’t.

    • 回复: @Durruti
    , @Oscar
  24. peterAUS 说:

    Here we go again, small men passing judgment on great men.

    ….a very, very average and weak willed man trying to denigrate a world historical phenomenon.


    But, then again, some of us small and average men would like to understand that phenomenon better. So, here we are.

    • 回复: @Alexandros
  25. Dutch Boy 说:

    The fact that Germany did not start full war mobilization until 1943 reveals the defects of Hitler’s management style.

    • 回复: @Alexandros
    , @the grand wazoo
  26. @Matty

    Black and white thinking = triumph / or downfall (Freud’s death wish – as part of the – – – program, so to speak (part of Hitler’s – – – – – way of life?!).

  27. Alexandros 说:

    在分析二战时要始终牢记的一件事是德国方面的叛国行为。 1944年刺杀希特勒的阴谋失败后,一大批高层阴谋分子暴露了出来。不仅如此,在总部总机上发现了一条秘密电缆,该电缆将自战争开始以来的所有军事命令传输到瑞士的一个间谍网络。立即向盟军转达。

    This becomes immediately apparent if one picks up the remaining transcripts of Germany’s military conferences:


    JODL:2 个重型,3 个中型,XNUMX 个轻型。
    元首: In the Channel it’s working! Why isn’t it working down there (Black Sea)?
    克兰克: 黑海比北海大。 Nothing can be done with motor torpedo boats if they don’t know the exact location. They were in the wrong place and had the order to observe the traffic at Tuapse.
    THE FÜHRER: The Russian fleet and our motor torpedo boats seem to me to be like two dogs that bark at each other through a fence and constantly run past the hole through which they could reach each other. They both get out of each other’s way.
    克兰克: 我们不是不避让,只是海域太大了。
    元首: 操作空间很小。
    克兰克: 现在他们已经出去了,前往康斯坦萨。没有人预料到这一点。
    元首: 但到目前为止他们还没有在那里捕获任何东西。他们从未见过任何东西。俄罗斯人不断地进进出出!


  28. Alexandros 说:
    @Dutch Boy

    Another myth. Germany went over to a war economy as fast as they were able.

    Major investments in infrastructure started in the 1930’s but took till mid war to become operational. These projects absorbed large quantities of capital and labor without contributing to the output of munitions. Once they were completed they helped boost production plus the resources that they kept occupied could be redirected to other projects.

    It was not wastage and bureaucratization but rather the lack of vital resources that affected production. The best way to describe the German war economy is scarcity management. The Germans responded to resource limitations by investing in new technologies (hydrogenation plants etc), in infrastructure and by shifting resources to important projects. They also substituted German workers (that were drafted by the armed forces) with forced and slave labour.

    The belief that the German economy could have produced more armaments if it hadn’t been mismanaged is not supported by the evidence.


  29. Matty 说:

    我认为这是一篇很棒的文章。不知道为什么有些人认为这是在诽谤这个人。我发现所有对希特勒军事冒险的关注都很无聊,它的作用只是让这个人沦为好战分子的漫画。更有趣的是检查他的个性、怪癖、痴迷和心理,以了解他想要什么以及他如何看待世界。弗雷德里克·斯波茨(Frederick Spott)的书《希特勒与美学的力量》和奥古斯特·库比泽克(August Kubizek)的书在这方面都很有趣。

  30. Anon[467]• 免责声明 说:

    Hitler’s “blunders” are greatly exaggerated. I would recommend the works of Leon Degrelle for different perspective on Hitler. Degrelle knew Hitler personally (in addition to Mussolini and many other Axis leaders) and was the only non-German to be awarded the highest possible honors in the Third Reich: The Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves.

    Here are his works at B&N:


    And a eulogy by the venerable Mark Weber:


    • 同意: Alexandros
    • 回复: @Sam J.
  31. peterAUS 说:

    I see………………………


    …..Halder neglected to fortify the weak flank at Stalingrad despite orders from Hitler to do so. ….

    Anyway….you appear to be interested in the topic, so a question:
    If you’d been a close friend and adviser to Hitler, would you have suggested to him to change anything, anytime, from ’39 to ’45? I mean to change some of his methods, approaches, ways of thinking, working habits…..stuff like that.
    For example: “My dear friend, your unique talents and capabilities are essential for big-picture; let somebody else command the Army/Army Group/Field Army. You are The Fuehrer. Just choose the right person and delegate that work to him.”


    Oh, BTW, would you know the full extent of the LONGEST chain of command the man had in his hands/his WORKLOAD; I mean, what was the lowest level he had direct command of?
    We start with Fuehrer (something as US president, say…) and go to …what? Field Army. As Roosevelt commanding the 3rd Army in Europe; Patton as his Chief of Staff there. Or bystander.
    I do hope the man didn’t go for a Corps anytime, but, who knows?

    • 回复: @Diversity Heretic
  32. Matty 说:


    斯波茨告诉我们,这张照片拍摄于 13 年 1945 月 XNUMX 日,地点是柏林帝国总理府下方的元首地堡内。即使在危急关头,希特勒也对城市规划的细节感到烦恼,显然没有意识到这些规划永远不会成为现实。

    阿道夫·希特勒 (Adolf Hitler) 在 1920 年代出现在德国政坛,是当时产生这个人的一个经典案例——也许是一个经典案例。正如斯波茨非常优雅地指出的那样,希特勒的大部分吸引力在于他承诺建立秩序、安全和免受现代性影响的保护,当他谈到这个话题时,他不仅是从他自己的心里这样做的,而且是从他自己的心里这样做的。德国境内外还有许多其他人。
    希特勒掌权后,至少在 1939 年秋天战争爆发之前,他对任何具有公众形象的事情都非常关心,以至于内部人士很难知道元首的参与是否将某件特定的事情定义为工作或快乐,官方的或个人的,消遣的或统治的。
    希特勒对文化事务最感兴趣,为了控制这些事务,他于 1933 年 XNUMX 月成立了帝国文化室。帝国的每位艺术家都必须成为会员,但事实上绝大多数艺术家和该领域的其他专业人士,例如批评家、作家和学者出于显而易见的原因希望与新的政治秩序建立联系。
    在第三帝国当一名艺术家并不是一件坏事。阿道夫·希特勒 (Adolf Hitler) 从来没有比和艺术家在一起时更快乐的了。正如他的一位追随者回忆的那样,只有在这样的插曲中,他的“不可接近性才被摧毁”。人们常说希特勒不喜欢微笑,至少部分是因为他在某种程度上对自己的牙齿外观感到尴尬。
    也许最值得注意的是,艺术家是阿道夫·希特勒唯一免除兵役的人。根据斯波茨筛选的证据,希特勒的爪牙保留了一份至少 20,000 名禁止征兵和志愿服务的艺术家名单,并且还在不断增加更多的人。即使在斯大林格勒灾难以及随后利用整个德国人口和经济进行“全面战争”的承诺之后,希特勒也不会默许戈培尔和施佩尔要求取消对艺术家的保护的呼吁。
    最后,还有阿道夫·希特勒和“现代艺术”的奇怪案例。希特勒认为 1910 年之后开始的所有艺术运动都是“现代艺术”。根据斯波茨的说法,希特勒鄙视现代艺术,因为它“发人深省、非传统、不舒服、令人震惊、抽象、悲观、扭曲、愤世嫉俗、神秘、无序、怪异”。对于一个充满传奇色彩的愤怒的人来说,最壮观的愤怒表现是由“现代艺术”引发的。
    1937 年,元首担任德国艺术之家公开开幕仪式的司仪,这是他掌权后委托进行的首批文化项目之一。希特勒发表了主旨演讲,演讲的基调和演讲方式都让听众清楚地知道他对现代艺术的厌恶程度。时任柏林国家美术馆代理馆长劳尔·拉夫出席了希特勒的演讲。他观察到,“他的说话方式变得……激动,达到了即使在政治长篇大论中也从未听到过的程度……他气得口吐白沫,口水直流,连他的随从都盯着他看。”惊恐中。”

    然而具有讽刺意味的是,独裁者对他愤怒的对象采取行动却非常缓慢。 1933 年,他解雇了国家美术馆下属王储宫的馆长,并下令停止展出所有现代艺术品,但将其保留在公众看不到的地方,而不是销毁。尽管如此,博物馆仍继续谨慎地展出现代主义作品,并寻求收购更多此类作品。一年后,希特勒甚至参观了展览,尽管他对他们的出现感到畏缩,但他对他们什么也没说,也没有采取任何行动。 1935年,他访问了德累斯顿并参观了当地题为“艺术中的颓废图像”的展览。斯波茨表示,“他发现这部剧堪称现代主义恐怖的典范,因此他下令该剧在全国巡回演出。”两年后,希特勒最终下令从德国博物馆撤走所有现代主义作品。
    弗雷德里克·斯波茨的《希特勒与美学的力量》在构思和执行上都是一部杰作。我记得希特勒认为自己首先是一位艺术家。 《希特勒与美学的力量》清楚地表明,这位元首一生中从未做过更准确的表述。 ”


    • 回复: @mcohen
  33. @Alexandros

    Stieff on the Western front, among others, deliberately botched the response to the Normandy landings, the location of which Hitler personally had pin pointed with accuracy. Stieff thought he was doing it for Jahwe.

    Interesting. Citation?

    • 回复: @Alexandros
    , @Carolyn Yeager
  34. anon[120]• 免责声明 说:

    Halder neglected to fortify the weak flank at Stalingrad despite orders from Hitler to do so

    Halder was removed as OKH chief of staff already in late September 1942, almost two months before the encirclement of 6th army, so your claim doesn’t make much sense just because of basic chronology.

  35. @peterAUS

    IIRC, William Shirer, in 第三帝国的兴衰, said that at one point Hitler was trying to direct eastern front Army operations down to the regimental level. Seems incredible, but perhaps he was attempting it.

  36. peterAUS 说:
    @Diversity Heretic


    Once, he did, I think, postpone a counterattack in Anzio until a (showcase/training I remember…) regiment from Germany arrived and participated in the effort.


    There was something deeply flawed with that approach to high-level leadership, and, more importantly, with the regime which couldn’t prevent that (save those failed assassination attempts).

    On a simple personal level, something is really out of whack when a high-level leader/commander gets interested in micromanaging ways below his level. More often than not it’s a sign of incompetence for the job. In this case, I think it was simply escapism. Inability to face the harsh reality.
    That’s about the man.

    Even the greatest men fail, in time. It’s inevitable. To have a 20th-century regime that can’t take that into account tells something about it.

    • 回复: @Golobki
  37. @anon

    I think Hitler’s most significant contribution was the fact that his invasion of the Soviet Union actually dealt it a mortal blow n thus saved Europe. It took decades for the SU to finally die, but psychologically it never recovered, it never regained the supreme even arrogant confidence that it possessed in 1941 when Stalin was poised to invade n occupy Europe. He shattered Communism. Quite an accomplishment for a homeless uneducated vagrant.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
    , @Wally
  38. @Colin Wright

    I wonder what exactly were his military awards?

    • 回复: @PeterMX
  39. @Rich


    但是,我同意 200 月中旬撤军可以挽救在补给失败中损失的 1,000 万人和 1941 架飞机。但正如日本人在 42-XNUMX 年就知道压倒性的美国即将到来一样,H 也明白,由于后勤以及石油和航空燃料的缺乏,他的胜算几乎每天都在恶化。
    即使没有中途岛战败,日本也注定会输掉这场战争。即使在 200 月中旬撤出 6 万人的第六集团军,德国也注定会失败

  40. Ghali 说:

    Compared with Fascists today ((Netanyahu, Modi, etc.), Hitler was a cultured and educated military man.

    EA plethora of credible evidence shows that Hitler was deceived and used by the Anglo-American gang to destroy Russia and Europe in order to advacce Anglo-American interests ((Zionist interests).

  41. Seraphim 说:

    Perhaps more attention should be payed to Dr. Theodor Morell, the “half(?)-Jewish” personal physician of Hitler until his very last days. One may surmise that he had more influence on him than the phantomatic Thule Society, Dietrich Eckhart, Rudolf von Sebottendorf, and that his sustained administration of methamphetamine and opioids had a much more powerful effect on him than the supposed occult Thulean inspirations.
    He looked (and notoriously smelled) like the typical ‘stinky Jew’ of the ‘Der Stürmer’ caricatures, which did not prevent Hitler to recommend his services to other Nazi officials, including Himmler and Göring (who dismissed him as a quack, Himmler even becoming suspicious, secretly ordering a test of the pills and finding out that they contained methamphetamine). Although Morell was the closest person to Hitler until the last day, he was immediately released after capture by the Americans.

    • 回复: @the grand wazoo
    , @Wally
  42. Seraphim 说:
    @Sin City Milla

    He might have saved Russia from Communism, but hardly Europe from it.

  43. mcohen 说:



    In fact it is well known that he was gay.The whole uniform thing being a globohomo giveaway.Degenerate as german art from the 1930’s


  44. @Rich

    ‘… I wonder if this might be the reason for his single-minded, self-destructive obsession with Stalingrad…’


    Hitler tends to get tagged with sole responsibility for errors that were in fact team efforts and not given credit for decisions that were in fact the correct ones. In the first category we have Stalingrad and also, the Dunkirk halt order, which was in fact first issued by Rundstedt and only subsequently confirmed by Hitler. In the second, we have Hitler hearing about Manstein’s 西克尔施尼特 plan to overrun France and insisting it be adopted, his ‘stand fast’ order in the Winter of 1941, and his refusal to give the final go ahead for what would almost certainly have been a catastrophically unsuccessful assault on Malta in 1942.

    This isn’t to deny that he also made many mistakes and in fact suffered several fatal limitations as a generalissimo, but I’d argue he was clearly better than Stalin, who probably about doubled the Soviet death toll with his policies, and Churchill, who made a series of dubious and even outright idiotic decisions — perhaps most inarguably, sending an expeditionary force to Greece in 1941. Not only was it a bad move, but everyone told him at the time that it was a bad move. One could also add Norway, Mers-el-Kebir, and Syria to the list, the ghastly fiasco at Dieppe, and the whole ‘set Europe ablaze’ promotion of resistance activities nonsense — which at its worst degenerated into dropping supplies to the Germans at the behest of subverted resistance networks. These were all cases where Churchill decided to take a hand — and the results were uniformly disastrous.

    But the errors of commanders who lose are always magnified, while the most egregious idiocies are excused if you’ve got the big battalions and win in spite of virtually continuous blundering.

    • 同意: Rich
  45. anon[237]• 免责声明 说:

    The story would be the most ridiculous movie pitch of all time: a guy who didn’t finish school and who is living in homeless hostels in the early 1920s, and is imprisoned for fomenting a rebellion in 1926…

    Try reading the article?
    Hitler was down and out in Vienna in the pre-war period. He remained in the Army following the war.
    Clearly, he was a brilliant politician, and while he had the backing of Capital, he went from nowhere to absolute power in 10 years.
    Who else ever did that?

  46. Wally 说:

    – Why your bizarre obsession with Hitler?

    – And do tell, what exactly have you studied concerning Hitler?
    Zionist propaganda designed to support the fake & impossible “holocaust” narrative?

    – Shall we talk about the unhinged Churchill & his alcoholism or lying FDR’s crude Communist authoritarianism and love of Stalin?

    “I cannot understand this squeamishness about the use of gas”
    “”I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes”
    – Winston Churchill, 1919

    罗斯福密谋发起欧洲第二次世界大战: https://www.unz.com/article/roosevelt-conspired-to-start-world-war-ii-in-europe/
    Churchill’s ‘naughty document’ showing his plans to carve up Europe with Stalin after WW2: https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=12437
    苏联与[FDR]密谋煽动第二次世界大战并渗入美国政府,作者:约翰·威尔(John Wear): https://codoh.com/library/document/6807/?lang=en

    • 回复: @Matty
  47. Wally 说:
    @Sin City Milla


    “如果没有Waffen-SS,到1944年,欧洲将完全被苏维埃占领。他们将比美国人早到达巴黎。 武装党卫队的英雄主义在莫斯科,切尔科夫,切尔卡瑟和塔尔诺波尔阻止了苏联的统治。 苏联人损失了超过12个月的时间。 如果没有党卫军的抵抗,苏联人本来应该在艾森豪威尔之前在诺曼底。 人民对献出生命的年轻人表示深深的谢意。[15]”

    苏联与[FDR]密谋煽动第二次世界大战并渗入美国政府,作者:约翰·威尔(John Wear) https://codoh.com/library/document/6807/?lang=en

    为什么德国攻击苏联,希特勒向苏联宣战–两个历史文献,由马克·韦伯(Mark Weber)撰写: https://www.unz.com/article/why-germany-attacked-the-soviet-union/
    Barbarossa行动是预防性袭击: https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=7999

    • 回复: @Johnny Rico
  48. PeterMX 说:

    1940 年 XNUMX 月,当甘地对希特勒说了这些赞美的话时,那是德国人和德国人的战争的高潮。击败法国以及法国和英国军队并将它们扔进海里(在这两个国家对德国宣战,使其成为世界大战之后)是德国人最激动人心的时刻,也是英国决定该怎么做的时刻下一个。

    David Irving says that Churchill contemplated accepting Hitler’s very generous offer of a peace agreement, where Hitler asked for nothing, other than be allowed to keep the lands stolen from Germany after WW I, which Germany had now reclaimed. Hitler wanted friendship and even an alliance with the British, who he correctly saw as closely related to Germans. The Saxons in “Anglo-Saxon” came from Germany and look at any diagram of the Indo-European languages (used to be shown at the back of dictionaries) shows that English is a Germanic language, from the “old German” branch, with Smith and Miller being the two most popular names in England and Schmidt and Muller being the two most popular names in Germany. David Irving says Churchill ultimately decided against peace and decided to try to pull the USA into the war on his side. He decided against peace because Churchill did not have a towering reputation then. He was known for two major failures, including being in charge of the disastrous attack on Gallipoli against the Turks in WW I, in which Turkey repelled the British. Churchill was afraid a truce with Germany would leave his reputation as that of a loser. He was Prime Minister at the time of the Battle of France. At the same time, he had to know that a second major war between Germany and England would be disastrous for both countries. Churchill’s decision led to the bankruptcy of Great Britain, the destruction of the British Empire and making that superpower into the minor state it is today, not to mention what he did to Germany and Europe. And almost no one in Britain even discusses this, and I think to make sure no one discusses it, the British media often acts like the war is still raging on, painting Hitler and Germans as the ultimate evil.


    • 回复: @The Alarmist
    , @Republic
  49. Tom Welsh 说:

    That’s odd, Alexandros. My reaction to the article was one of gratitude for a far more objective, sympathetic, revealing account than the orthodox histories give.

    • 同意: Mefobills, Carolyn Yeager
    • 回复: @Carolyn Yeager
  50. PeterMX 说:
    @Sin City Milla

    Two Iron Crosses, first and second class, received as a soldier in WW I.

  51. neutral 说:

    Not buying this at all, you don’t become head of state by being autistic or being in the “autistic range”.

  52. Seraphim 说:

    Nothing new about that. We know even their names and biographies: General Rudolf von Gersdorff (intelligence liaison with the Abwehr for Army Group Center), General Fritz Thiele (Chief of the office of communications at OKW)*, Christian Schneider (chemist with IGFarben, Party member, honorary Standartenführer, Hauptabwehrbeauftragter (head of security officers) for “Liaison Office W” (or Wehrmacht at IG Farben’s headquarters in Berlin – acquitted on all counts of ‘war crimes’ at Nurnberg Trials), Rudolf Roessler, Sandor Rado. The informations transmitted to Rudolf Roessler about Operation Barbarossa, contained the complete order of battle including codenames, individual battalions down to the soldier, precise times and directions of attack, senior officers down the corps commanders, and the intention of each individual attack.
    *both implicated in the plot of Colonel Klaus von Stauffenberg. Thiele was executed, Gersdorff escaped undetected (he organized on his own a plot to assassinate Hitler in 1943).

  53. neutral 说:
    @Brown boi


    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Brown Boiii
  54. @Alexandros

    我相信是希特勒本人在 11 年夏末命令曼施坦因率领他的第 1942 集团军前往列宁格勒。这支军队本来可以作为顿河沿岸的预备队。此外,1942 年夏天,希特勒还命令他的一些最优秀的装甲师前往法国。当斯大林格勒被包围时,这些师就在法国。

  55. Germanicus 说:

    @纪尧姆·杜罗彻(Guillaume Durocher)




    1919 年的阴谋者在布希马戏团相遇,成立了马戏团。

  56. Hitler was hundred times more emotional than any woman.
    He was able to transmit his emotion to masses. He was a very prolific reader, and so Main Kampf did reflect is literary skills.
    Hitler did love to wear black pants with grey jackets.
    Many years after war some man still kept this style dress.

  57. @Alexandros



    • 回复: @Adûnâi
  58. @houston 1992




  59. @mcohen

    你变态的幻想让我恶心。 你到底是怎么回事(((人)))?

  60. @Colin Wright

    Actually what happened was that the art school thought his architectural paintings to be rather good, and offered him a place for that.

    However he was not eligible for this as he had purposefully flunked his school exams to spite his father who was forcing him into a rather full career in the civil service. Of course Adolf’s father died while he was fairly young so in the end even if he had done well in his exams (which he surely had the ability to) he would have been free to choose his own career without his father interfering.

    Anyhow, he still would have joined the army and Germany would still have lost the war, so I really I think nothing much would have changed in regards to the rise of the NSDAP.

  61. gotmituns 说:

    Hitler’s “sin” was taking Germany off the gold standard and making it a success by 1935-36 while the rest of the world was still mired in the depression, thus exposing the treachery of the Jewish bankers. Here in America, Huey Long (Long was shot and killed) and Fr. Coughlin were saying these things and a lot of people were listening. Plus, the New Deal had mostly failed. So WW2 had to happen.

    • 同意: jsigur
  62. @anon

    这真的主要是对早期全球化和布尔什维主义普世主义挑战的过度反应吗(正如希特勒本人在 30 年 1945 月 XNUMX 日的最后一次演讲中试图声称的那样,他基本上通过资产阶级时代已经结束、资产阶级时代结束了)来证明自己的行为是正当的。反对布尔什维主义的激进反运动是必要的)?如果是这样,这对于今天的民族主义右翼意味着什么,面对着在某些方面甚至比布尔什维主义更极端的移民主义意识形态的主导地位?




    • 巨魔: NobodyKnowsImADog
    • 回复: @Alexandros
  63. jsigur 说:

    “Anyway, all this to say that one needs balance in all things. One needs inspiration and perspiration: the steadiness to persevere, the boldness to break through, the moderation to not destroy oneself . . . and luck.”
    Actually, no, one needs, apparently, to avoid the wrath of the Jews
    Hitler did quite well in 30’s Germany without Jew help and his success was the reason that constant slander was exerted to convince the public that Hitler needed to be stopped. It is obvious by the adjectives and superlatives this writer uses that he is enforcing the MSM negative stereotype of Hitler.

  64. @Diversity Heretic

    Regardless of how competent Hitler was or was not, you 不能 take Shirer seriously as a source. His book is full of distortion and lies, and based largely on false documents that were forged by the Soviets in 1945 and later.

  65. jsigur 说:

    the point is atrocities under Hitler were not Holocaust in scope and all the while, the allies committed way more (including bombing supply lines which would starve the labor camps therefore leaving the impression Germans were brutes with what was found at the end)
    I guess the real question is that if the atrocities are undeniable (as you claim), why can’t these facts stand up to a public challenge. The holocaust is the most censored topic in the world where many good men with valid arguments are hushed and then imprisoned or careers ruined.
    This censorship allows the Jewish world to claim a victim hood they don’t deserve while painting Germans as well as Europeans as barbarian brutes, actually something more easily laid at the Jews door if truth was a standard highly prized in the world today.

  66. @Matty

    在 YouTube 上查看 FALL BLAU 1942 – 审视灾难 –



  67. jsigur 说:
    @Colin Wright

    It’s’ pretty clear 90% of society is all about enforcing the “Hitler is evil” myth and no need to inquire further which for them, is necessary because of the results “inquiring further” would tally

    • 回复: @Sin City Milla
  68. eah 说:


    I’ve not really seen Hitler described as ‘socially awkward’, also not in German texts — ? — I have seen him described as well-mannered, witty, even charming; able to participate intelligently in, even dominate, a conversation on just about any topic — at the same time he was aloof, with no real close friends, which is fairly understandable given his position — he preferred small groups.

    • 同意: Carolyn Yeager
    • 回复: @Carolyn Yeager
    , @Daniel Rich
  69. Suomynona 说:

    Agree with your post 100%. Europe and the US are currently reaping the result of Roosevelt’s failure to take General Patton’s advice: ally with Hitler and the Germans and together crush the Jewish Bolsheviks. Europe and the US are paying the price.

  70. @gotmituns

    您有没有想过美国如何在战后变得如此强大和繁荣? https://nationalvanguard.org/2019/09/germany-an-economy-for-the-people-instead-of-for-the-parasites/#comment-27682

    “欺诈不会通过广泛传播而成为真实,真相也不会因为没有人看到而成为欺诈。”甘地 https://nationalvanguard.org/2019/05/sweden-local-activists-celebrate-adolf-hitlers-birth/#comment-27216

  71. @Matty

    Autistic spectrum, nah. Wigged out on amphetamines?–Now we might be getting closer to the truth.

  72. Matty 说:


  73. Matty 说:


  74. @anon

    Hitler was the only one to attempt to break his people out of “The Paradigm”. For better or worse.

    Force against you will be escalated proportionally to your threat level to the global elites. Against a Romney, you will be called a racist. Against Trump, the impeachment and Deep State comes out to remove him. For Hitler, he was crushed by a formidable military alliance.

    Yes, that is what happens when you make the ultimate attempt to break out of The Paradigm. The cultural and spiritual “left” is Satan.

  75. @PeterMX

    Churchill’s decision led to the bankruptcy of Great Britain, the destruction of the British Empire and making that superpower into the minor state it is today, not to mention what he did to Germany and Europe. And almost no one in Britain even discusses this, and I think to make sure no one discusses it, the British media often acts like the war is still raging on, painting Hitler and Germans as the ultimate evil.

    In fact, nearly every week at least one major UK TV channel carries some variation of shows about Nazi wonder weapons or Mega-structures, when they aren’t commemorating D-Day, the Battle of Britain, Dunkirk, Dambusters, etc.

    WW2 was Britain’s last hurrah, so they milk it for all it is worth.

    • 回复: @Rogue
  76. 乔治·奥威尔和 1984:自由是如何消亡的

    • 回复: @SonOfFrankenstein
  77. Realist 说:


    What you are saying is that people who are interested in architecture, set goals for themselves, conduct their life in an orderly manner, are determined to meet their goals, are loyal to their beliefs, highly principled, are moral, love nature, prefer the peace of the countryside and have a strong desire to gain knowledge are…autistic.


  78. @Diversity Heretic


    安东·库比泽克(Anton Kubizek)关于他与年轻希特勒一起度过的岁月的回忆录已在网上发布,非常有趣的阅读。

    • 同意: Matty
  79. @neutral


  80. Pheasant 说:


    • 回复: @Thomasina
  81. Truth3 说:

    Adolf Hitler’s unique combination of energy, will, purpose, ideas, and perception made for a man capable of anything.

    His destruction via Jewish relentless propaganda ensures that no man will ever rise to his heights that shares his Jewish revulsion and awareness of nefariousness and evil.

    One man will never save us from the Jew. It’s been tried. The Jew is too powerful.

    What is needed is a ‘Spartacus’ type movement… where there is no one leader. When the Jew asks… “who is the leader of this movement?” then… All Men will arise, claiming…

    I AM UNZ!

    The Jew then will have to crucify them all along I-95.

  82. iffen 说:

    Blondi is thinking, “Hmmm, I know where that wee-wee has been.”

    • 回复: @SunBakedSuburb
  83. 希特勒说:“人类罪恶的十分之九是贫民窟造成的,十分之一是酒精造成的。”没有一个健康的人是马克思主义者。健康的男人认识到人格的价值。我们与灾难和堕落的力量作斗争。”




    因为这就是布尔什维克革命和国家社会主义革命之间的区别:前者将蓬勃发展的国家变成了可怕的废墟,而后者则是在国家健康和经济繁荣的情况下再次重建了破败和贫困的帝国。 ” “

    来源AH https://www.wintersonnenwende.com/scriptorium/deutsch/archiv/parteitag1936/pt193612.html

    为什么德国攻击苏联 https://www.unz.com/article/why-germany-attacked-the-soviet-union/



  84. iffen 说:

    Mine: a CUSTOMIZED version of Nationa Socialism sounds good, in my book.
    The key is that “customized”; what to embrace and what to reject/discard.

    Description of the key for you Peter:

    Figure out a way whereby when a half-assed informed person hears the words, 民族社会主义, 99.9 out of a hundred don’t think of Nazism.

  85. Vojkan 说:


  86. Vojkan 说:

    My impression too when I read the post.

  87. Bookish1 说:

    All great prophets are misunderstood for many years after their death. Their followers are persecuted and rejected by mainstream society. It took over a century after the death of jesus before people started to recognize his prophet status. It seems that Hitler has the makings of a prophet since he had the answer to eradicating this evil global system that is in control of our world today.

    • 回复: @Alexandros
  88. Vojkan 说:

    Not in Hitler’s time, true. Today, anything’s possible. I mean, Hillary Clinton almost got elected president. That said, people often commit the error of judging historical events and people through a contemporary lens without fully apprehending the context that surrounded them.

  89. Emslander 说:

    In the second book of Mein Kompf, Hitler discusses his philosophy of management in the nationalist state. He said that a person ought to be given a position of responsibility with full powers to act in pursuance of its goals and then be held fully to account for the results. He thought that any cooperative or collaborative system left no one at all in charge. With no one fully responsible nothing would be done. That might explain his behavior better than all the psychoanalysis in the world.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  90. Poco 说:

    Just a couple of weeks ago I would have replied to your comment with a statement like, “if he was missing a testicle it was probably because some zionist sucked on it too hard.” Not because of any need to defend Hitler, but because of the disgust with which I view unrelenting zionist propaganda and smear campaigns. I have pledged to myself to attempt to refrain from replies like that in the future. No matter how angry and disgusted I become at the gaslighting. And at perverse zionist psycho-sexual manifestations like your comment.

    • 回复: @Vojkan
  91. Pheasant 说:

    ‘people who are interested in architecture, set goals for themselves, conduct their life in an orderly manner, are determined to meet their goals, are loyal to their beliefs, highly principled, are moral, love nature, prefer the peace of the countryside and have a strong desire to gain knowledge are…autistic.’

    Sounds like the european petit bourgeoise generally. A traditional hate entity of the jews generally.

    • 回复: @Realist
  92. Matty 说:





    • 同意: ivegotrythm
    • 回复: @Realist
    , @Nodwink
    , @Realist
  93. Vojkan 说:

    By dint of ceaseless, relentless zionist propaganda, one eventually gets tempted to think that nazis weren’t such bad folks. Which indeed they were.

  94. @mcohen

    Oh my @mcohen, you didn’t get the memo: Bashing Hitler as gay was the old story when gay was a shameful slur in America and became the major American propaganda story about him.

    我相信你从来没有读过任何希特勒同时代人的著作或采访,这些著作或采访揭示了希特勒对女性有着难以置信的兴趣,并且对十几岁的女孩有偏爱。据库比泽克报道,希特勒青少年时期对斯蒂芬妮·拉巴奇 (Stefanie Rabatsch) 的迷恋众所周知,他的艺术家工作室在 1920 年代与埃米尔·莫里斯 (Emil Maurice) 和/或赫尔曼·埃瑟 (Hermann Esser) 闲逛并与女性裸体模特聊天。

    然后,还有希特勒核心圈子里的人对他与艾达·克莱因、珍妮·豪格、梅莉·阿贝尔、苏西·利普陶尔、埃米·马尔、埃莉诺·鲍尔(施韦斯特·皮娅——声称与 AH 生下孩子)、洛特·贝希斯坦、海伦·贝希斯坦、温妮弗莱德·瓦格纳、米米·赖特、亨利埃塔·霍夫曼、格莉·劳巴尔、玛格达·匡特·戈培尔、洛特·穆勒、玛琳·温里希、爱娃·布劳恩、格蕾特·斯勒扎克、洛拉·埃普、格尔达·达拉诺夫斯基(“达拉”)克里斯蒂安(达拉对劳伦斯·奥的“一次”)唐纳 (Donnell))、安妮·温特 (Julius Streicher)、玛格达·施奈德 (Magda Schneider)(她的女儿罗密 (Romy))、西格丽德·冯·拉弗特 (Sigrid von Laffert) 和尤尼蒂·米特福德 (Unity Mitford)。其中一些女人只是纯粹的追求,但众所周知,他和名单上的十几个女人睡过觉,这还不包括赫尔曼·埃瑟轶事中的一夜情。然后是海因茨·林格(Heinz Linge)对希特勒和爱娃·布劳恩(Eva Braun)作为夫妻生活的描述,并且在林格成为希特勒的贴身男仆期间,性生活“特别活跃”。事实上,住在距离希特勒和布劳恩住所仅 35 英尺的林格至少三次不方便地遇见他们,其中一次据报道是在柏林希特勒的床上“激情澎湃”的。


    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @Vojkan
  95. @Matty

    你的自闭症谱系理论很有趣。由此看来,我们都是自闭症患者。你所说的“前后摇晃”无疑出自1936年夏季奥运会上希特勒紧张地前后摇晃的视频——他只是坐在座位边焦急地希望德国运动员获胜。希特勒看起来和他附近看台上的其他官员一样焦虑,他们都在为运动员加油。 YouTube 上有一个加速版本,让摇滚看起来很疯狂,但这不是真的。


  96. @Just passing through

    ‘Anyhow, he still would have joined the army and Germany would still have lost the war, so I really I think nothing much would have changed in regards to the rise of the NSDAP.

    You overlook the impact of Hitler’s years of homelessness on his psyche and outlook; also, it would have been the Austro-Hungarian army Hitler would have served in, not the German.

    The effect on his ideological development would have been different. Finally, Hitler would have returned to a place — if an insecure one — in the world of Viennese theater. His trajectory as ideological officer, orator, and finally professional politician could have happened — but hardly would have been laid out for him.

    It’s going to be a different Hitler in a different place in a different country; it’s improbable everything’s going to be just the same.

    • 回复: @ivegotrythm
  97. @Winnetou1889

    ‘Oh my @mcohen, you didn’t get the memo: Bashing Hitler as gay was the old story when gay was a shameful slur in America and became the major American propaganda story about him…’

    Definitely. The Hitler always commits the sins of our time, not those of the past. It’s one of his most essential properties.

  98. @anon



    • 同意: Mulegino1, NobodyKnowsImADog
  99. Mulegino1 说:

    Who at this late date in history can claim, with a straight face, that Hitler was not preponderantly in the right?

    • 回复: @mcohen
  100. Vojkan 说:


    • 回复: @Winnetou1889
  101. Franz 说:

    Historical match: Adolf Hitler, Alexander the Great.

    Both were Wizards Who Worked at Night. Both had odd personal habits based on early life oddities: Hitler’s Vienna starving artist period, Alexander’s dysfunctional family and probable weird tutorship by the strange “philosopher” Aristotle.

    Effectiveness of both not negotiable. Alexander remains one of the finest field commanders in history and Hitler’s conquest of most of Western Europe remains unmatched.

    Alexander had troubles with the more staid Greeks who were not at all accustomed to the Macedonian custom of drinking all night. Alexander and his marshals kept to it, hashing out strategy. And sleeping it off all day after the strategy was agreed upon.

    Hitler had troubles with old guard Prussian General Staff drones, who kept banker’s hours and expected him to do the same.

    Conclusion: Hitler/Alexander had essentially the same problem: Their backgrounds required a separate structure to operate. Had Hitler appointed a military staff to cross feed his input to the field with area commanders having some say in matters, it might have gone differently. Even so, Alexander DID have such a system and he faced mutiny anyway.

    Peter Green’s old but readable Concise Biography of Alexander of Macedon remains the gold standard for the man’s good points and possible blind spots. Read side by side with whatever Hitler biography you consider best and you’ll see some fine and obvious parallels.

    • 回复: @PetrOldSack
  102. @Alexandros

    Very much true. If one visits Guggenheim, it would not take much to differentiate between true Hitler art and the sham art of modernism associated with the stalwart supporters of the New World Order such as the late David Rockefeller. As for Picasso, his paintings speak a thousand words about the debauchery of modern art.

    • 回复: @anon
  103. @Dutch Boy

    The fact that Germany did not start full war mobilization until 1943 reveals the defects of Hitler’s management style.

    Or could it be that Hitler never wanted war, and hoped to sue for peace as late as 1943. If true it was surely a fatal error, as his enemy was as unsatiable then as today.

    So much hate and distortion has been heaped on Hitler, the opposite must be true.

  104. Rogue 说:
    @The Alarmist

    Yes, this is quite true.

    I lived in the UK for many years and the pseudo-religious way in which they treat all things WW2 – with regard to their own role in it – is thoroughly manifest.

  105. eah 说:

    (the “revisionism” promoted on Unz review is a dead end in this regard, the crimes are undeniable)

    究竟 which crimes are “undeniable”? — I’ll assume by “undeniable” you mean sufficiently proven, meaning eg to the 毫无疑问 standard used in adversarial court proceedings — if not, then explain what you mean by “undeniable”.

  106. David 说:

    Off topic, the strikes and protests in France today appear to be very white. 15 minutes or so watching the stream on RT, I haven’t seen a single colored person. Mr Durocher, why are only white people involved in this?

  107. @Matty

    ” All in todays terms would be considered autistic characteristics.”

    Today’s psychiatric terms are all nonsense, though. Any psychological analysis of a person long dead is bound to be skewed by the fact that the person himself isn’t available for interview and close observation.

  108. @Seraphim

    Dr. Theodor Morell, the “half(?)-Jewish” personal physician of Hitler

    is now a pathologist doing autopsies for the Clinton cabal.

  109. @Alexandros


    • 回复: @Germanicus
  110. aandrews 说:

    “…the love of nature and traditional rural living over industrialized city life….”

    That’s an indicator for high-functioning autism?!

  111. Fox 说:

    Isn’t everyone on the (or an?) autistic spectrum? Your list of characteristics of autismophoric personalities includes everyone with dedication, interest, fascination, self-discipline, self-awareness and character, food preferences, hence everyone I can think of to a larger or smaller degree. Also, what is gained with your insight about Hitler? Does that invalidate his desire to undo the criminal Dictate of Versailles as his major motivation?

    • 同意: Realist
  112. Realist 说:

    If you are trying to quote me accurately…you failed…you missed the just of my comment.

  113. Rich 说:
    @houston 1992

    With an intact 6th army, the Germans may have been able to hold off any Soviet advance for long enough for their missile and atomic bomb development to succeed. This would have ended the war in favor of the Germans. The English would have sued for peace rather than see their nation destroyed, the Americans would still have succeeded in the East, resulting in a long term Cold War between the US and Germany instead of the Soviet Union. That’s one scenario anyway.

    • 回复: @Uhh
    , @Houston 1992
    , @eah
    , @Anonymous
  114. Realist 说:

    Should read…missed the jest of…

  115. anonymous[367]• 免责声明 说:

    That’s one fugly mofer in a rather suave well-tailored, if somewhat crumpled, suit.

  116. Madcap Laughs [又名“NeetO”] 说:



  117. Germanicus 说:
    @Joe Levantine





    • 回复: @Joe Levantine
  118. peterAUS 说:

    ….a person ought to be given a position of responsibility with full powers to act in pursuance of its goals and then be held fully to account for the results

    Sounds reasonable. Any serious organization does the same, as military, merchant navy, even medicine in most cases, etc. Navy in particular; “master” as title.

    So, not quite sure about this:

    ….That might explain his behavior better than all the psychoanalysis in the world.

    Or, in plain language, he was NOT held fully responsible for the (lack of) results. In fact, he amassed more and more power in his hands (at the ludicrous level as pointed several times in this thread already) and kept blaming his subordinates.

    Or, he was a great man until he made his first mistake. From then on………
    So, then, maybe, just maybe, he was not that great in the first place.

    They had to have a provision put in place to take into account the fallibility of a man. Any man.
    So, there was something wrong with the system in the first place.
    That Fuhrer principle/whatever just wasn’t good. Well, in my book anyway. I know, who cares. That “Messiah” thing appears to run DEEP inside almost all of us.

  119. @Vojkan

    我不知道,一个 23 岁左右的有魅力的男人一生中所爱的兴趣,直到 52 岁左右才被认为是有吸引力的,这听起来并不“性欲过剩”。

  120. Thomasina 说:





  121. Tom67 说:

    我相信你得到了希特勒。 这也正是我对他的印象。 但是你错误地认为他是他那个时代唯一的独裁者 NEET(不在[正式]教育、就业或培训中)
    事实上,这种描述也适合斯大林。 此外,斯大林从不在凌晨 4 点之前睡觉,他对艺术也很感兴趣。 (不是在视觉上,而是在文学中)

  122. gT 说:


    那是老式的、有限的思维,生活的主要目的是为自己和您所爱的人、为您协会中的同事赚很多钱,这样您就可以追求您选择的任何议程。 最安全的赚钱方式是通过财富圈路线。

    你得到 2 个圈子,财富圈和贫困圈。 财富圈的第一步是教育,因为受过教育的人比没有受过教育的人挣得更多。 然后你会变得更富有和更健康,你的孩子会接受教育并且能够赚更多的钱,可以建立信托基金,这样年轻一代就不会塞满,企业开张等等。这是多代人的努力,更多闲暇时间可以用来思考更简单的方法来获得更多的钱,同时靠利息和投资过活。 但是你必须有一个目的、一个议程、某种统一的东西; 像一个事业,像一个敌人——否则孩子们只会自杀,因为他们一无所求,看不到生活的目的。

    职业也与进入壁垒有关,而不仅仅是任何人都必须能够从事该职业。 银行的准入门槛最高,试试开你自己的银行,你会发现的。 其次是医生、工程师、律师、会计师等各种STEM职业。任何一个白痴都可以成为砖头,不管他是不是好砖头,他只是一个砖头。 来自墨西哥的任何人都可以以更便宜的价格来接受他的工作。

    贫困圈当然是没有或很少受教育,挣一点钱,身体不好,糊口,孩子不能受教育,低薪工作——“任何需要工作谋生的人都比奴隶好一点”——亚里士多德(我认为)。 走出贫困圈需要运气,在一些国家,高等教育是免费的,医疗也是免费的。 但是只有特定类型的人才能设法利用这一点,学习并完成学位并保住工作。 同样的,也只有某一类人能够利用一些资本的意外之财,大多数人只会吹。

    协会也有帮助,你作为一个帮派通常可以比作为一个人取得更多的成就。 所以穆斯林在他们组织的地方有他们的清真寺,犹太人有他们的犹太教堂,印度人不停地互相交谈,所以找出机会在哪里,等等。西方人通常只有他们的直系亲属,如果有的话。 您协会中的同事为您提供更好的工作,您的工作晋升等等。

    希特勒只是一个幸运的白痴。 有多少说唱歌手幸运的? 有多少吉他手? 有多少鼓手? 有多少运动员是幸运的? 有多少艺术家? 很少。 您可以从教育开始自己的运气。

  123. Uhh [又名“可怜”] 说:

    纳粹永远不可能及时制造出原子弹来对付他们的任何对手,尤其是在 1945 年夏天之前。美国人已经在 1942 年 XNUMX 月登陆北非,你怎么会认为这会是一场平局呢?到那时西方盟国有可能与希特勒或任何其他纳粹分子坐在一起吗?

    国防军再多派一支军队可能会使苏军的前进速度减缓几周(最多几个月)。到 1942 年底,每一个理智的德国人都知道战争已经失败。现在回去读书吧!

    • 回复: @Rich
  124. Alexandros 说:
    @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan

    That is from Hermann Giesler’s book. He was Hitler’s personal architect. The book is in German, but Carolyn Yeager has made an abridged version in english, mostly dealing with Hitler’s art interest, politics and military affairs. The books are called “Ein Anderer Hitler” and “The Artist Within the Warlord”.

    Helmuth Stieff was a devout Christian, and it’s only my speculation he tried to sabotage Hitler for Jahwe. When awaiting execution by the German Government, after his part in the July 20 plot, he wrote to his wife:

    The sentence is just. I had no right to interfere with God’s creation.

    My guess is he initially thought he was doing “the Lord’s work”, but when Hitler miraculously survived the assassination, he realized the Lord’s work was right there in Germany.

  125. stevecel 说:


  126. Matty 说:




  127. @Rich

    I concede that you may be correct. Even just 40,000 of them scattered along Normandy would have changed the result on D-Day.

    • 同意: Rich
  128. eah 说:

    … and atomic bomb development to succeed.

    There was no significant effort by the Germans to develop an atomic bomb — they never had a working reactor (to produce plutonium), nor a facility to separate isotopes of uranium to obtain U235 — given the size and scope of the Manhattan Project, which 同时 developed controlled fission nuclear reactors, a huge gaseous diffusion plant to obtain U235 (Iran is reportedly using centrifuges, which is also possible), as well as carried out research into workable bomb designs for both identified fissionable materials (plutonium and U235), it’s very doubtful the Germans ever had the resources for an undertaking like that.

    • 回复: @Rich
  129. anon[144]• 免责声明 说:
    @Joe Levantine


    Sam Untermeyer’s law partner (and relative, if I’m not mistaken).

    Guggenheims cornered the market on copper
    Untermeyer’s forebears made at least some of their fortune as purveyors of goods to both the Union and Confederates (Untermeyers were from Lynchburg, VA, where it’s possible he met up w/ Cyrus Scofield).

  130. Alexandros 说:
    @Monotonous Languor


    Without a doubt the right should. After all, the right today is led by Jews. The easiest way to spot a faux right winger is to gauge his attitude toward Adolf Hitler. Ben Shapiro and Milo -fake greek last name- are his leaders and Israel is the model state. The most common talking point is that Hitler was a leftist and a war monger, and that’s why you should go with based Jews instead. Could you make it more obvious if you tried?

    • 回复: @Monotonous Languor
  131. @anon

    “Instead we get “Hitler was a NEET and an artist”. Lame, but I guess one can’t expect more. Unz review has one of the best commenting systems on the net, pity the contributors are mostly cranks and idiots设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

    And yet here you are, commenting on the offering of “cranks and idiots.”

    It’s not one of Durocher’s most interesting pieces, but at least focus on the point he is making rather than on why he didn’t talk about what you wanted him to talk about.

    He concludes his article with this:

    “Anyway, all this to say that one needs balance in all things. One needs inspiration and perspiration: the steadiness to persevere, the boldness to break through, the moderation to not destroy oneself . . . and luck.”

    Durocher, in my view, is saying that whatever you think of Hitler, his leadership lacked balance and he was unable to put in the hard organizational work and careful strategic calculus to make his vision–or some elements of it–a long-term reality. De Gaulle is a world leader who, in Durocher’s estimation, managed to balance “inspiration” and “perspiration” and build something that has endured up to the present day (though the current health of the Fifth Republic is obviously in significant uncertainty.)

    It’s not an earth-shattering claim, but it makes intuitive. The only mystery here is why a rather sensible piece leaves you spluttering about “cranks and idiots.”

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  132. The Nazi Party was a religion. Hitler was its messianic figure. That’s why the whole damn thing is so fascinatin’.

    • 回复: @mcohen
  133. ia 说:



    没有提及从德国博物馆移走的 16,000 件现代主义艺术品。

    没有提及 Entartete Kunst 展览和纳粹赞助的民族主义/欧洲艺术反展览。



    • 回复: @Matty
    , @Carolyn Yeager
  134. Rich 说:

    If the Nazis had managed to survive Stalingrad with the 6th intact, would the Soviets have been able to advance at all? The Germans were winning everywhere on the Eastern Front before Stalingrad. The loss at Stalingrad was the reason many Germans, both the sane and insane, thought the war was lost. And the fight went on anyway, didn’t it? How many Allies died in the war after 42? Quite a few, I believe. And 1945 wouldn’t have been the key year if the Germans had been able to delay. With an extra year, they may have completed their bomb, and history might have been different. Of course, if my Aunt had balls she’d be my Uncle, right?


    • 回复: @Seraphim
  135. The half naked fakir admired the incontinent tyrant but how did the latter feel the about the former?

  136. @iffen

    The obsessive crotch sniffing is why I’m a cat fancier. I think most doggy-lovers enjoy the crotch-sniffing.

  137. Alexandros 说:

    Adolf Hitler was indeed a prophet and will likely suffer the fate he so dreaded, becoming a God.

    National Socialist Congress 1937

    On the day when Hitler made his grand triumphal promenade at Nuremberg, I happened to be in a open car with the most important French and English guests, only a few meters behind the dictator’s car …. We could thus observe him from very close up and also especially the crowds cheering him from both sides of the road.

    The procession, triumphal in the true sense of the word, took more than an 1 hour to make its way through the old town. The impression produced by these masses of people cheering Hitler as though in ecstasy was extraordinarily powerful. Once again I noted with what an expression of devotion, with what biblical trust, the people gazed on Hitler, seeming to be under a magic spell. The thousands and thousands of spectators all along the route were as though seized by a collective rapture at the sight of him. They held out their arms and saluted him with rousing shouts. Moving along for an hour in the middle of this frenzied outburst was a real physical ordeal, which left us exhausted at the end of the trip. All power of moral resistance seemed paralyzed; we almost had the feeling of l1aving to restrain ourselves to keep from joining in with the general ecstasy …. I could see that the English and the French often had tears in their eyes from the effects of the inner emotions caused by all they were seeing and hearing. Even journalists as 布拉塞 as Jules Sauerwein of Le Matin and Ward Price of The Daily Mail, who were in my car, were literally groggy when we arrived at the end of the route.

    The American journalist Richard Hehns, special envoy of the United Press, who managed to get to the Nuremberg palace, where Hitler was receiving his guests at the end of the festivities, would make this droll comment: “When I got there myself, I was suffering from megalomania. I decided that I must be nine feet tall even though the cheers had not been addressed to me.”

    From Leon Degrelle’s “Hitler – Democrat”.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
    , @Bookish1
  138. @Guillaume Durocher

    “Sounds plausible!”

    So does this: Hitler was a golem created by a self-hating rabbi.

  139. Republic 说:


    1940 年 XNUMX 月,希特勒发表题为《理性的最后呼吁》的演讲


    • 同意: Matty
    • 回复: @utu
  140. peterAUS 说:
    @Oscar Peterson

    ….whatever you think of Hitler, his leadership lacked balance and he was unable to put in the hard organizational work and careful strategic calculus to make his vision–or some elements of it–a long-term reality.

    Balance in particular.

    But, then again, as the comment .137 also hints at, how to balance a Messiah?

    Feels as a conundrum.

    And, “cranks and idiots” or not, this pub is the last place, IMHO, to resolve it.
    Maybe, in time, somewhere else.

  141. Rich 说:

    I don’t know if it’s “very doubtful”, but you may be correct. Or those who say the Germans were very close may be right. My point is that if they were able to save the 6th, and were able to build a bomb, things might have turned out differently. If they hadn’t been able to develop the bomb, they would have been forced to surrender to the Americans, who did develop one, whether or not the 6th survived Stalingrad. In the end, the bomb would have won the war in Europe as it did in Asia.

    • 回复: @James Forrestal
  142. peterAUS 说:

    Adolf Hitler was indeed a prophet and will likely suffer the fate he so dreaded, becoming a God.


    That “cranks and idiots” feels much better now.

  143. How many crows to speed the dying lion…To quote the execrable (but great wordsmith) Churchill…There is no such thing as history only biography.Hitler’s 2 crimes were, trying to bell the ( Kosher) cat and losing a war.

  144. Matty 说:


    1904 年末,当时 XNUMX 岁的库比泽克第一次见到 XNUMX 岁的阿道夫·希特勒,当时两人正在歌剧院争夺站位。他是希特勒的好听众,希特勒经常花几个小时喋喋不休地谈论他的希望和梦想。有时,希特勒甚至向他的听众发表演讲,并做出疯狂的手势。希特勒只能容忍朋友的认可,而不能忍受被纠正,这是他在高中和年轻时就表现出的性格特征。


    1905 年的一天,两人前往林茨纪念剧院观看瓦格纳的《黎恩齐》演出。这对十几岁的希特勒来说是一个决定性的事件,他上台后也这样称呼它。在库比泽克 1953 年出版的希特勒传记《我认识的年轻希特勒》中,他回忆了这件事对希特勒产生的可怕影响,他在恍惚状态下离开了剧院:

  145. mcohen 说:

    Only you poephol,and only on unz ,where the likes of you are encouraged to do so.That should make you wonder.Keep it up.

    • 回复: @Mulegino1
  146. Wally 说:

    – What proof is there that Morell was “half Jewish”?

    – As for drugs being used during the war, the question seems to be; Who didn’t use drugs?
    The fact of the matter is that drugs were commonplace during the war.

    – Then we had booze maniac Churchill, yes, alcohol is a strong drug.
    – We had FDR using various ‘mood changing’ drugs for his polio.

    Meth-fueled German & Allied soldiers : https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=11759
    Was Hitler addicted to meth or other drugs?: https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=11052

    • 回复: @Seraphim
    , @Seraphim
  147. Matty 说:



  148. @Onebornfree


    • 回复: @eah
  149. mcohen 说:

    The nazi party and hitler were evil and got what they deserved.I heard that russian troops settled many a score after the war.including small units of jewish soldiers who hunted down ex ss soldiers.

    Revisionism is a game theory on unz.

    • 回复: @Rich
    , @Oscar Peterson
    , @Wally
  150. Johan 说:

    ‘modern psychological or psychiatric assessment’ is like astrology, there is always some hit by means of using a list of generalities. Then people (feel the need to)believe that the diagnosis is tailored to them.

    • 同意: Realist
  151. Johan 说:

    ‘ “”I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes”
    – Winston Churchill, 1919 ‘

    Poisoned gas huh, never imagined anyone wanting to poison gas..


  152. Durruti 说:

    Good systems have to have some provisions to address that. Nazi regime didn’t.

    Nicely parsed train of thought comment.


    • 回复: @peterAUS
  153. eah 说:
    @Ted Heath PM



    • 同意: Matty
  154. Rich 说:

    These Russian “heroes”, with the permission of their commanding officers, gave their troops the permission to rape every female from 8 to 80. There was a rape frenzy in Eastern Germany and that alone condemns the Soviets. The barbarity of their crimes against innocent civilians, girls and old women, is a permanent blemish on the Red Army. Those good, brave Russians who tried to prevent the rapes, were arrested.

    Even if you despise the Nazi ideology, you can’t justify these actions, nor the giant prison camp the Soviet Union became under the communists. How many priests murdered? Citizens sent to the Gulag? Innocents deprived of their property? The Nazis were pikers compared to the Reds.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  155. Giwu-Ger 说:


    • 回复: @Basehonoluluhaole
  156. Johan 说:

    They should read Oscar Wilde’s Dorian Gray, or the non fictional account Pen, Pencil and Poison, depicting psychopath killers who where highly cultured and refined. Why should a psychopath by rough like a dockworker? Besides, Hitler was a mediocre talent, there are millions of people who can paint like him.
    Psychopaths can demonstrate apparant love for animals and humans too, that is, as long as they receive the admiration which they think they are entitled too. As soon as the demanded admiration is gone though, you better run for your life. Loads of people are misguided by this false ‘love’.


    Hitler can only be the hero of mediocre minds, crude rigid blockheads, no matter the outward appearance, and the mediocre slavish mind’s utopia is hell on earth. A highly refined psychopath cannot exert such influence, because he makes no appeal to the masses of mediocres, as such, psychopaths with mediocre minds are the most dangerous, they can inspire millions of related slavish mediocres.

  157. @Matty

    ‘his love of order, system based thinking…’


    • 回复: @iffen
  158. peterAUS 说:




    Hitler did step in, with some great ideas, when Germany was in crisis. And held there…………and held…and held……

    • 回复: @Germanicus
    , @Durruti
  159. iffen 说:
    @Irish Savant


    Well, why don’t you and Matty just go ahead and expound on “systems based thinking” vis-a-vis Hitler.

  160. @Johan

    The one mistake Hitler made was not winning the war and us having to deal with Kikes like you.

  161. Mulegino1 说:

    Only you poephol,and only on unz ,where the likes of you are encouraged to do so.That should make you wonder.Keep it up.


    I think your answer indicates that your reading comprehension is abysmally low.

    • 回复: @Daniel Rich
  162. iffen 说:


    No they’re not. It’s just you.

  163. @Johan


    • 巨魔: Matty
  164. Germanicus 说:


    经济适用房,有水电厕所在当时是无与伦比的,旅游业的开始源于 KdF 计划,大众汽车是一个成功的故事等等



  165. @Wally

    Idiocy. The Waffen-SS was not a noticeably more powerful military force until is was II SS Panzer Corps at Kursk in 1943.

    Up to that point it fought as regiments as divisions piecemeal, integrated into Wehrmacht corps and armies on the Eastern front.

    2nd Das Reich was basically annihilated and reconstituted about 5 times in the course of the war.

    The best troops were all killed in 1941.

    • 回复: @Wally
  166. nymom 说:

    Minor point: I think that dog might have been photo shopped into the picture as Hitler’s dog was a Weimaraner, not a German Shepherd…

    My older brother was a World War II buff so I was subjected to various media covering different aspects of the World at War where I picked up this little factoid.

    Not sure why someone would have wished to mess with the picture in this way however…maybe psychological…

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  167. anonymous[191]• 免责声明 说:

    你称 Unz 上的大多数贡献者为“怪人和白痴”。这是因为他们达不到你高度精炼的智力,博士还是你只是想让他们离开你的沙箱,因为他们并不总是同意你高度调整的推理?我建议您建立自己的网站,您可以在其中评论事物,并且您可以成为唯一的评论者。你自己的个人天堂。

    • 同意: Matty
  168. peterAUS 说:

    I think that dog might have been photo shopped into the picture as Hitler’s dog was a Weimaraner, not a German Shepherd…


    5 seconds to find the page.

    …maybe psychological…


    • 回复: @nymom
  169. mcohen 说:

    There is a lot of sourkraut out and about.fake nazi’s all worshipping there one testicle king

    The beauty of it all- from the ashes of germany arose the kingdom of israel

    Long live israel.heil heil heil.


  170. @eah

    Hitler hated phoniness, and most social gatherings at his level, especially among the British and French (Italians too), were made up of phonies. Guillaume Durocher is a French phony himself, who has no insight into Hitler and doesn’t like Hitler. He likes to write about him though.

    For example, Durocher recommends Brigitte Hamann’s book “Hitler’s Vienna” as 优秀!快点。像这样关于希特勒的书读得越多,他就越不了解他。

  171. Durruti 说:


    Good thought.

    However, as an Anarchist, I — 尊重所有人! 鞠躬无!

    A Republic allows for a separation of Powers, whereupon all Citizens have a say. Depending on the set up of the Republic, some citizens have more influence than others; but all have value, from the blue haired old Lady, to the 18 year-old Recruit into the Army.

    Occasionally, a Totalitarian Government might produce a great figure, but it is more likely to produce more Tyrants.

    你知道 墨索里尼 & 希特勒 both declared war on the USA when it was not necessary for them to do so?

    By December 12, 1941, when Hitler declared war on the USA:

    Hitler’s German Army had lost the war – in front of Moscow. It was in front of Moscow, in the Winter of 1942-43, that Germany lost the war. After the defeat at Moscow, Germany had lost the ability to attack along the entire front line. This led to the desperate lunge by the German Army on -only- the southern portion of their front the next summer – which placed their Army in a pointy salient at Stalingrad, that was ripe – to be cut off & surrounded, (and annihilated).

    墨索里尼的意大利 had failed to defeat a nation of 8 million (Greece), suffered huge losses in North Africa, but, nevertheless, declared war on the most powerful nation on the planet.

    Totalitarian Governments cannot understand criticism, and do not tolerate any. Therefore, they may not learn from their errors, Moral or Physical.

    All Republics are different & have varying degrees of democracy. They are like an Irish Stew. Some contain Lamb with potatoes, & some contain Chicken, with more onions; but all are nourishing.

    I recommend We Americans 恢复我们的共和国! And with that action, we will restore our Sovereignty, and our Honor.

    I put up our Christmas Tree today. It is beautiful and restores my faith in a brighter future for our Country and our World.

    Nice communicating with you and the other commenters, including Unz.

    Durruti – alias, Dr. Peter J. Antonsen

    • 回复: @peterAUS
    , @Colin Wright
    , @Malla
  172. iffen 说:
    @Carolyn Yeager

    most social gatherings at his level, especially among the British and French (Italians too), were made up of phonies.

    How often did he have social gatherings with the British and the French?

  173. Durruti 说:


    In front of Moscow, in the Winter of 1941-42 that Germany lost the war..

  174. @mcohen

    “The nazi party and hitler were evil and got what they deserved.”

    Ironic how much Nazi ideology mirrors Jew Tanakh ideology–lebensraum, rationale for genocide (“Yaweh told us to kill them all and take their land”), very specifically defined enemies–Amalek, Haman and sons/followers.

    God certainly seems to have a wicked sense of humor, doesn’t He? When you look at the big picture, the “evil” of Hitler seems strangely fitting.

  175. @anon

    Halder was removed as OKH chief of staff already in late September 1942, almost two months before the encirclement of 6th army, so your claim doesn’t make much sense just because of basic chronology.

    Hitler’s order was before that, not after. See 军阀中的艺术家, Chapter 7, pgs. 119 to 122. https://www.amazon.com/Artist-Within-Warlord-Adolf-Hitler/dp/0692179585?SubscriptionId=AKIAILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q&tag=duckduckgo-ffab-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=0692179585

    Also available at other online sellers.

  176. Seraphim 说:

    It was affirmed by ‘The Guardian’ of 22 May 1945 when Morell was in Allied custody:

    “Hitler had split personality. His doctor’s opinion”:
    “Hitler’s half-Jewish personal physician, Dr. Theodor Morell, said to-day that during the last days before the fall of Berlin Hitler feared that he would be drugged and carried away forcibly from the capital…”

    “The seizure of power by the Nazis in 1933 was unfavourable to Morell. His name shield was plastered with the word Jude (Jew). Presumably because of his Jewish patients or, as he argued later, because of his somewhat Jewish appearance, his practice went downhill. Morell drew his conclusion and joined the N.S.D.A.P., although he continued treating Jewish patients for at least five years” @https://www.tracesofwar.com/articles/4656/Morell-Theodor.htm.

    He was not the only Jewish doctor of Hitler. His family doctor in Linz was the Jew Eduard Bloch and Adolf held him in high respect, inquiring about Bloch’s well-being, calling him an “Edeljude”, protecting him after the Anschluss and facilitating his emigration to America. Bloch spoke favorably about Hitler: “Dr. Bloch, is an Edeljude – a noble Jew. If all Jews were like him, there would be no Jewish question. It was strange, and in a way flattering, that Adolf Hitler could see good in at least one member of my race… If my relations with the Gestapo were not precisely cordial, I at least didn’t suffer at their hands as did so many others. I was told on good authority, and I can well believe it, that the bureau in Linz had received special instructions from the chancellery in Berlin that I was to be accorded any reasonable favor.” (Eduard Bloch, ‘My Patient, Hitler’. A Memoir of Hitler’s Jewish Physician’ @http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v14/v14n3p27_bloch.html

    Morel is a frequent Jewish name: Morel (Mor’el). The meaning of the name is “God’s (אל, el) myrty (מור, mor)” or “God is myrth”@http://hebrewname.org/alphabetical/M

    And it was his appearance and smell. Hitler’s entourage was complaining about the doctor’s crude table manners, poor hygiene and body odor, the classical stereotypes of the ‘dirty Jew’, ‘stinking Jew’, to which Hitler responded: “I do not employ him for his fragrance, but to look after my health”. Even his American interrogators were “disgusted” by his obesity and lack of hygiene.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @Wally
  177. @Just passing through

    You are right about Hitler and the Vienna art acadamies – he was directed to the architectural school but didn’t have the right credits. And he had purposely failed his regular classes because he wanted to be an artist.

    I think another aspect of this is fate. It was previous to his time in Vienna that AH had that transformative experience on the Linz hilltop, in the presence of his friend August Kubizek, during which he experienced a powerful premonition that he would play an oversize role in the salvation of the German nation/people. I don’t find that surprising or fanciful.

  178. nymom 说:

    I almost said the dog’s name was Blondi but I wasn’t sure I remembered it correctly…

    Hitler did eventually poison the dog and her puppies when he killed himself and Eva Braum as the Russians were closing in on his bunker.

    He thought the Russians might get her and torture her. I mean the dog, not Eva Braum.

    Actually Russians happen to like dogs as I know from another interesting dog in war story:

    As you probably know, the Czar of Russia and his whole family were murdered including a number of household servants who remained with the family throughout their capture and eventual murder. The only survivor was the Czar son’s cocker spaniel, whose name escapes me at the moment. The dog was taken in by one of the murderers. When the village or town where the murders happened was overrun a few weeks later by the Czar’s supporters, they found the dog and arrested the man who then told them the whole story of what happened to the Czar and his family.

    There should probably be some sort of historic book or something about all these dogs involved in these events.

    Back to Hitler, in spite of that Wikipedia article, I am still pretty sure that his dog was not a German Shepherd but a Weimaraner. I think she might have been one of the lighter colors of the breed, thus the Blondie name. William Wegman does a lot of art work with Weimaraners if you want to see some of the color variations…

    Anyhow, just another off topic factoid…strange why someone would misrepresent the dog he owned…

  179. peterAUS 说:

    A Republic allows for a separation of Powers, whereupon all Citizens have a say. Depending on the set up of the Republic, some citizens have more influence than others; but all have value, from the blue haired old Lady, to the 18 year-old Recruit into the Army.

    All have value?
    Now….there could be The Problem.

    Occasionally, a Totalitarian Government might produce a great figure, but it is more likely to produce more Tyrants.

    And, “Democratic” government is more likely to produce….well…look around you.


    Totalitarian Governments cannot understand criticism, and do not tolerate any. Therefore, they may not learn from their errors, Moral or Physical.

    That appears to be the case in this case (pun intended).

    Having said that you see these democracies/republics doing better in that regard since, say, the Fall of The Wall? Learning from mistakes?

    I recommend We Americans Restore Our Republic!

    Well, perhaps a better idea would be to restore something similar but just a different this time?
    Different in a way to prevent coming, again, where we are now. “We” as those defined as “deplorables”, I mean.

    See, the man in the article didn’t, couldn’t, learn from his mistakes. Related system, apparently, the same.
    Maybe those seeking to restore the Republic could do better. You know, learn from mistakes, change something, do something differently. Stuff like that.
    True, we definitely won’t figure that in this online pub.

    Some much smarter people, hopefully, will do it somewhere else. Sooner than later.


    • 回复: @Durruti
  180. @Durruti

    ‘…Totalitarian Governments cannot understand criticism, and do not tolerate any. Therefore, they may not learn from their errors, Moral or Physical.

    All Republics are different…’

    Lessee…we invaded Iraq, and are now working ourselves up to invading Iran.

    And it is your thesis that we learn from our mistakes.

    • 回复: @Durruti
  181. @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan

    I don’t think Stieff was ever on the Western front, nor was he involved with Normandy. If so, I completely missed it, and it’s not in my book.

  182. @anon

    ‘Halder was removed as OKH chief of staff already in late September 1942, almost two months before the encirclement of 6th army, so your claim doesn’t make much sense just because of basic chronology.’

    My recollection suggests you’re right. The problem with the flank at Stalingrad was that Paulus kept stripping it of intact formations as his attempts to finish off Soviet resistance continued — right up to the moment the Soviets counterattacked.

    Another problem was that — again because the frenzied attacks in the city had to continue — nothing was done about the remaining Soviet bridgeheads across the Don. Those bridgeheads, of course, made the Soviet counteroffensive possible.

    Finally, Von Richthofen flew over the Don just before the dam broke and warned Paulus et al about the Soviet buildup.

    The whole strategic conception that led to the Germans being at Stalingrad at all was flawed — but that was Hitler’s fault, not Halder’s. On the other hand, the immediate tactical vulnerabilities weren’t Halder’s fault either; they arose after he was relieved.

    • 回复: @Johnny Rico
  183. Mike Tre [又名“MikeatMikedotMike”] 说:


  184. Incitatus 说:

    There is no evidence Generalmajor Helmuth Stieff inhibited the German reaction to Allied Norman invasions. Hitler, late sleeper labeled GOÖFAZ [“Größter Feldherr aller Zeiten” (‘Greatest Commander of All Time’) by his own cynical subjects 1945, did all of that.

    Meanwhile you omit (much more damning):

    “The extermination of entire races including women and children is only possible by a sub-humanity that no longer deserves the name German. I am ashamed to be a German! This minority [NSDAP], which besmirches the name of Germany through arson, murder and plunder, will be the undoing of the whole German nation, unless we can soon put a stop to their game. For such things, as they have been described and verified for me by the most informed parties, must summon forth avenging nemesis. Or else this riff-raff will one day do the same thing to us decent people, terrorizing their own nation with their pathological passions.”
    – Oberst(后来的少校将军)Hellmuth Stieff,21 年 1939 月 437 日写给妻子关于波兰事件的信 [伯利“第三帝国”第 38-XNUMX 页]

    Stieff was a decent, honest man with courage of convictions who risked his life under a totalitarian régime. He paid the full price for dissent in the murder of auslander (Poles, Jews, etc.). Stieff was executed by hanging 8 Aug 1944. Probably filmed for the Führer’s entertainment.

    Hermann Giesler? Sycophant and flatterer. Third rate architect, puerile philanderer.

    Alexandros? Tell us about that.

    • 回复: @ivegotrythm
  185. Bookish1 说:

    True that Hitler would never have wanted to be known as a God or even a prophet. He once said bury me in a common grave. He just wanted to be one of the people. There was never any pretense or false fronts coming from him. He was the same to everyone. And I will note that Hitler was not an atheist as he believed in a higher order. He often spoke in his speeches of god almighty and gave many other references to a higher power. But it wasn’t necessarily christian as he was very critical of christianity. Hitlers religious beliefs are very complex and it is another area that can be discussed and debated to an indebth degree. In fact to really know Hitler his religious beliefs would have to be studied and known. It is a complex part of his personality that has to be considered.

    • 回复: @Johnny Rico
    , @Of course
  186. @Carolyn Yeager


    Why, Carolyn? You don’t give even a hint of why what you said would be the case.

    You haven’t even read that book.

  187. Oscar 说:

    我从未见过在希特勒被拒绝时被艺术学院接受的其他人制作的任何艺术品。 所以我无法比较。 我看过不少希特勒的作品,很可能他只是不够现代,不符合当时的口味——他的许多作品都足以巧妙地描绘普通人希望在他们的作品中拥有的传统主题。家,即使在今天。 显然他拒绝做印象派、立体派、表现派、达达派等等。如果没记错的话,希特勒也不太喜欢绘画或画人——他喜欢沉迷于建筑和民间风景。 我一直认为他只是不会画肖像,但他画的一幅我认为非常好的女人画——这是一幅构图,而不是真正的肖像。 我自己就是一个艺术家。 我倾向于同意亚历山德罗斯所说的,在这个线程中高于我。

    • 回复: @Carolyn Yeager
    , @Oscar
  188. @Tom Welsh

    My MISTAKE. I didn’t mean to agree with Tom Welsh, but with Alexandros. I don’t feel “grateful” just because there are far worse accounts of AH by orthodox historians.

    • 同意: jsigur
  189. @PeterMX

    I wonder how many Germans were more decorated?

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @PeterMX
  190. @Colin Wright

    It was all shuffling chairs on the Titanic after October 1941. All of them knew the war was lost with no chance of victory when Stalin capitulate by the fall. Each of them is quoted as saying as much at one point or another.

    All of them. Hitler, Goebbels, Halder, Bock, Guderian. All of them. But they didn’t know what else to do.

    They had no tanks, no transport, they were frozen in place. They had nothing to attack with. Divisions were the size of companies covering 40 kilometres.

    But before 1943, the Red Army was so bad, all the Germans needed was a bunker, a couple MG-42s, and captured T-34 turrets to hold them off.

    As soon as Stalin replaced his tanks and started mounting Katyushas on American trucks the jig was up.

  191. Durruti 说:

    Some much smarter people, hopefully, will do it somewhere else.

    Smarter than you & me? Now that’s unlikely.

    Restoring a Republic is a Revolutionary act. And, yes, a Revolution in America, in which we regain our Sovereignty & Honor, would be a wonderful thing.

    自由不是免费的! 必须为此付费!

    *Work on that “bit different.” I would like to read that!

  192. @jsigur

    It is necessary that Hitler be evil, otherwise the unique in history Holocaust, the growing tax funded Holocaust museums, the historical innocence of Jews, their accepted ethnic monopoly of finance n media, the existence of Israel, the never ending reparations…all come tumbling down.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  193. @PeterMX

    Hitler was wounded three times during the course of World War I; the last time he was temporarily blinded as a result of a gas attack.

    • 回复: @turtle
  194. @Bookish1

    “To [not] be known as a God or even a prophet” and thinking and acting like or “as if” you are God are two different things. They are not mutually exclusive.

    You can be an atheist and believe in a “higher order” at the same time. A lot depends on your definitions. This can get complex.

    Hitler’s ideas on these subjects were not necessarily complex. In fact, I doubt they were, since there is little written or recorded of him discussing or meditating on these subjects. We don’t really know. Maybe he only considered them in relation to his quest for power.

    You should also consider that there was no part of his personality that was any more or less complex than any other human’s.

    He had a few stunning successes, but the end result makes it seem he wasn’t so bright.

    • 回复: @Bookish1
  195. @Seraphim

    ‘…His family doctor in Linz was the Jew Eduard Bloch and Adolf held him in high respect, inquiring about Bloch’s well-being, calling him an “Edeljude”, protecting him after the Anschluss and facilitating his emigration to America…’

    As I recall, for his part Bloch commented that he was struck by the strength of the bond between Hitler and his mother as she was dying of cancer — and he meant that in the best way possible. Bloch also refused to say anything negative about Hitler, in spite of the considerable encouragement he received to do so.

    …Hitler had a remarkable ability to elicit loyalty from those who knew him personally — even, in this case, a Jewish physician.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  196. utu 说:

    “It is the Germany of social welfare, of social equality, of the elimination of class differences – that is what they hate!” – A. Hitler


    Only the socio economic solutions of Hitler’s Germany are worth studying now as they could pose a real challenge to the current socio-econocmic world order but they are studied the least and are shied away even by neo-Nazis and Hitler fanboys (like Wally or Germanicus here at UR) because they identify with the right where they caught the toxic virus of libertarianism. W/o the concentration on the socio economic solutions of Hitler’s Germany all interests and preoccupation with Hitler, Nazis, WWII, III Reich and Holocaust amount to nothing more than barren onanism by basement dwelling incels.

    • 回复: @Anon
  197. @Sin City Milla

    ‘I wonder how many Germans were more decorated?’

    I suspect not many. As I understand it, it was extremely rare for the Iron Cross First Class to be awarded to private soldiers in the First World War.

    Hitler got the medal for volunteering to carry a message through an artillery barrage when the previous three runners had all been killed.

  198. Durruti 说:
    @Colin Wright

    And it is your thesis that we learn from our mistakes.

    Thanks for your reply. I understand what you are saying, but it would be nice if you would read my comment – actually read it.

    I have repeatedly, on this Forum, pointed out, that Our Republic was destroyed, along with our last Constitutional President, 约翰·F·肯尼迪, in a hail of bullets on November 22, 1963. We do not live in a Republic.

    We Americans are an occupied nation. We Americans are Slaves. We serve Foreign Financial Oligarchs, such as the Rothschilds, mostly Zionist Oligarchs, and some American hangers-on Oligarchs, such as the Rockefellers & Duponts. and others.

    The remnants of our Republic died with John F. Kennedy. And we died with him, although we did not know it then.

    Therefore one should not look at the sad history of Post Republic America, as if our unfortunate status as an occupied nation, with phony Political minions serving their Masters. (ever heard of AIPAC) is Our Martyred Republic.?

    You cannot judge a Republic by the deeds of an Occupied Nation. Republics exist only in Liberty.

    I know that History can be an unpleasant medicine, and I do my best not to hit my students head-on, with the full import of their sad Present, and difficult future.

    你还记得吗 北美自由贸易协定,或 救助? Those Acts were tools to loot our wealth & siphon it to the Jewish Oligarchs (a version of money laundering), and NAFTA was an Atomic Bomb that has destroyed the lives of Millions of our People, and destroyed whole cities. Detroit & Camden & a dozen other cities appear to have been bombed by atomic weapons, or Napalm.

    When these acts were passed (and then the Patriot Act), our Republic and our Sovereignty had been murdered. Then Congressman 罗恩·保罗, Kucinich, and a few others, fought a rearguard delaying effort.

    A Republic Restored would be a lovely thing. Yes, it would, be different from those before, as We-The-People would have been transformed into Revolutionists, who had proved able to win the greatest prize of all, LIBERTY!


    • 同意: Republic
  199. @Sin City Milla

    ‘It is necessary that Hitler be evil, otherwise the unique in history Holocaust, the growing tax funded Holocaust museums, the historical innocence of Jews, their accepted ethnic monopoly of finance n media, the existence of Israel, the never ending reparations…all come tumbling down.’

    Perhaps the irony is that if it is accepted that Hitler wasn’t evil, a more useful lesson might be learned from it all.

    After all, what could we possibly learn about what we might do from what the bad man does? We’re not bad men.

  200. @Realist


    • 回复: @turtle
    , @Realist
  201. @ia

    这本书 The Artist Within the Warlord: an Adolf Hitler You’ve Never Known, clearly described as a translation from Hermann Giesler’s memoir, with added commentary, delivers what it promises. Nowhere does it promise to talk about German painting, or the actions taken to promote traditional art and discourage “modern” expressionistic art in the Third Reich. It is faithful to what Giesler wrote about architecture in connection with his friend Adolf Hitler in the last 125 pages of his memoir “Ein Anderer Hitler.” The title ‘Artist Within the Warlord’ was chosen by WLK and me to convey the sensitivity, humanity, and the undeniable artistic nature of Adolf Hitler that is documented throughout Giesler’s writing. Hermann Giesler was an international award-winning architect of great ability, although without the flamboyant ‘spectacularism’ of Albert Speer.

    There is a lot of new information in the book but you seem not to be astute enough to recognize it as such. You had a preconceived notion of what the book would be, so were disappointed. But Giesler’s intimate conversations with the Fuehrer, and their close connection artistically, makes the translation very valuable for English readers who are interested in experiencing a more intimate side of AH. You can read about the various art exhibitions in the Third Reich elsewhere, can’t you.


    Absolutely, especially in the first and last chapters which were all about art, plus the Introduction with it’s section titled “Hitler the Artist.” I also encourage you to read the Preface.

    More from Giesler’s memoir that we did not put in the book can be read on my website for free here: https://carolynyeager.net/battle-architects. I think you would enjoy it.

  202. Wally 说:

    “the barbarism of Nazism is evident in the crude militarism”

    Which is nothing but debunked Zionist propaganda.

    简而言之,有希特勒和“纳粹”,有神话般的、不可能的“6 万犹太人、5 万其他人和毒气室”,还有希特勒和“纳粹”,没有神话般的、不可能的“6 万犹太人、5 万其他人和毒气室”室'。


  203. @Oscar

    Alexandros is not right in suggesting Hitler was rejected because his work was not in the modern style. The academy’s were still quite traditional then. It was only because he didn’t have the required school courses for the Academy of Architecture, where they thought he fit best.

    I agree with you about what he was good at, and what not so much. But he had had no training at all so, as smart as he was, and dedicated, I’m sure he could have become proficient in the human figure. However, his love for structures and architecture revealed itself in his preference for buildings. And then let’s not forget, there was the fact of his destiny which would have been put in peril had he already become successful as an architect.

    I’d add, though, that Hitler was basically modest, like the architect Hermann Giesler, and lacked the flamboyance of an Albert Speer (or Arno Breker) that makes for a great art career.

  204. Wally 说:
    @Johnny Rico

    Tell that to all those they defeated.

    ‘Johnny Rico’, an indoctrinated Zionist who touts the impossible ‘Nazi gas chambers’ and claims there are millions upon millions of human remains in known locations, those alleged remains simply do not exist. Ah.

    • 回复: @Johnny Rico
  205. turtle 说:
    @Diversity Heretic

    Not expert on military decorations, but I am guessing that
    Iron Cross 1st class
    Iron Cross 2nd class
    Wound Badge (x3)
    Would translate approximately to:
    3(?) Purple Hearts
    in U.S. military
    So, A.H. had the chops as a decorated war veteran,
    which no doubt was extremely useful in his political career.
    He could (and did) say, “I was there, where were you?”
    Hermann Göring had an even more distinguished military record in WWI, as most here will know.
    AWOL from the Texas National Guard:

    doesn’t quite cut it, by comparison.

  206. @Alexandros

    You’re a drooling idiot, mindlessly accepting the shills that have been propped up by the oligarchs, parroting a pastiche of banal establishment drivel. The list of fake right clowns includes but is not limited to Shapiro, Prager, Spencer, Crowder, Kirk, Anglin, and everybody on the NYT’s approved ‘Intellectual Dark Web’. They provide the fake opposition against which you can successfully run through the usual leftist litany of gaslighting, strawmen, ad hominems, and general establishment lies.

    Either you’re a leftist troll, or else you’re one of their useful idiots who’ve swallowed the media categories hook, line, and sinker. No doubt you’ve been trained to regularly engage in a daily two-minute hate session during which you reflexively scream out ‘Hitler’, ‘nazi’, ‘racist’, ‘homophobe’ in a mindless rage, all at the behest of your globalist, corporatist, leftist, progressive handlers. Hell, that hardly even qualifies you as an NPC.

    The true right are not conservatives.
    The true right are not Republicans.
    The true right are not Nazi larpers.
    And the true right are not controlled opposition performance artists paid for, propped up, and advertised by the fake media and their masters.
    The true right are traditionalists, nationalists, and white culturalists.

    Your side is beginning to suspect what the true right actually consists of, what they actually believe in, and therefore what they are capable of, and it’s starting to scare the bejeezus out of you. What’s happening here is that you’re desperately trying to throw up a last-ditch defense against an enemy you’ve never encountered before, one that doesn’t just curl up automatically in a defensive posture and accept your premises and parameters of engagement. It’s an enemy that thinks outside the handy little sand box you’ve always expected your opposition to play in, that would otherwise automatically neuter itself as any kind of viable opposition.

    Sorry, but all that’s not going to work any more. We’re no longer brainwashed to roll over like meek puppies whenever you shout ‘racist’. Your side’s usual tactics are crumbling right before your eyes, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.

    Racism is good, hate is good, objective morality is good, judgment is good, white cultures are good, nationalism is good, national boundaries are good, Christianity is good, traditional values are good, Western Civilization is good… and without any possible doubt, Hitler was a damn globalist and a primary example of your side. Good luck with all that, chuck-0.

    • 回复: @Joe Levantine
  207. turtle 说:


    no doubt. 🙂

  208. Fox 说:

    For a, in your opinion, mediocre mind he certainly has had and has a remarkable impact upon the world. And the democratic systems which attest themselves enlightenment and love of freedom seem to be in constant emergency mode about keeping the subject H i t l e r a forbidden one. Every yokel with a name in Democracies has to make simpleton and self-dishonoring remarks about this remarkable Mediocrity, while holding a non-conformist opinion on him is becoming an easy way into ruination, prison, death – in the enlightened Democracies, that is.

    • 回复: @Germanicus
    , @Johan
  209. @Johan


  210. @Germanicus

    有效点。我读到过有关以色列前总理伊萨克·沙米尔的恐怖分子在年轻时想要与纳粹合作的报道。丘吉尔表示他更喜欢犹太复国主义,而不是犹太共产主义。然而,看看犹太社区内部的情况,我们会发现,持不同政见的犹太人吉尔达·阿兹蒙(Gilda Atzmon)所倡导的犹太集体主义掩盖了共产主义犹太人和犹太复国主义犹太人之间的意识形态差异,这一点给我们留下了深刻的印象。尽管犹太复国主义者与国家社会主义合作,将德国和其他欧洲阿什肯纳齐犹太人送往巴勒斯坦殖民,但这种合作注定会以彻底的敌对告终,因为犹太复国主义者的操纵者永远不会接受德国的反叛国家来生存和繁荣。当权者的意志。

  211. @eah


    The leader of the Free World

    Time to ‘boycott’ Mercedes…

    • 哈哈: neutral
  212. @anon

    - 折磨、强奸和谋杀了数千名牧师和修女
    - 摧毁和/或玷污了数千座教堂,经常将它们变成妓院或厕所
    - 禁止对犹太人的任何批评
    - 试图占领或强行占领许多邻国并执行他们的领导,利用当地犹太人作为目标观察员


  213. Seraphim 说:
    @Colin Wright

    It is more telling about Hitler’s attitude towards Jews. His protection of Morel doesn’t fit squarely within his ‘burning’ hatred of Jews.

  214. @Mulegino1


    I thought how can ‘mcohen’ misspell the word ‘‘ like that, so I tossed it into a translator and guess what…?

    It says ‘Afrikaans Detected’ and the word translates into ‘蛋hole' 用英语。

    It looks like ‘our’ friendly ‘friend’ thought he’d found a clever way to insult you.

    • 回复: @Mulegino1
  215. Germanicus 说:

    他们每天必须对“纳粹”进行 5 分钟的仇恨休息,但他们告诉研究人员他们对此很着迷,因为这项研究已被定罪。


    • 回复: @Fox
  216. Johan 说:

    Likes are attracted to like, to sweep the people you must be either a mediocre, or only show your mediocrity, or appeal to what lives among people (which is always the mediocre, what you have in common with them).
    So, indeed you can have a remarkable impact, because you can appeal to what is common. Additionally, he (they, the whole gang of Nazi bandits) used fear mongering to get into power, and to stay into power (which is about making an appeal to basic instincts), so yeah, a remarkable impact by means of canons, bombs and terror, bringing about fear and destruction.
    Churchill and Roosevelt where of a more refined quality, but they managed to appeal to a great number of people.
    Good heavens, see this brute shouting, the crude uniformism and demand for obeying, the tactics of fear mongering, the violence, from what hell hole caves are people crawling who admire this, what degenerate slaves.

    “Is that absolute or in comparison”
    There cannot be such a thing as an absolute mediocre.

    • 回复: @Fox
  217. Seraphim 说:

    Now with sex-change operations it would be possible that your Aunt become your Uncle. And maybe to finally beat the Russians.

  218. Realist 说:


    • 回复: @Realist
  219. Seraphim 说:

    Not a very good comparison. Churchill consumed natural drugs: alcohol and tobacco, drugs that have a certain sacredness about them and he was a voracious eater of fine foods. Hitler consumed synthetic drugs, didn’t touch alcohol nor tobacco and was vegetarian. Who fared better? Churchill outlived all people who fought in his wars, that he won. And he was a painter too, and not a bad one! And writer. And he was a decadent aristocrat.

    • 回复: @Fox
  220. @Monotonous Languor

    [Racism is good, hate is good, objective morality is good, judgment is good, white cultures are good, nationalism is good, national boundaries are good, Christianity is good, traditional values are good, Western Civilization is good]


    [and without any possible doubt, Hitler was a damn globalist and a primary example of your side. ]

    I cannot guess if your being factual or facetious. Hitler did speak of a new order and not if a New World Order. Check the link below for a revisionist point of view by the very respectable Paul Craig Roberts.


  221. Mulegino1 说:
    @Daniel Rich

    Thanks for that, and it makes perfect sense.

    So the misspelling was no Mccohencidence!

    • 哈哈: Daniel Rich
  222. Bookish1 说:
    @Johnny Rico

    Your attempts to bring Hitler down to the level of an ordinary man failed since he was one of the most extraordinary person in his.

    • 同意: Malla
    • 回复: @Johnny Rico
  223. @Colin Wright


    奇怪的是,迪耶普可能帮助盟军赢得了战争。德国人意识到迪耶普的海军集结,并认为一场大规模的入侵即将发生。作为预防措施,希特勒决定将他的一些最好的装甲师转移到法国。这些师一直留在法国,直到 1942 年冬天,斯大林格勒已被包围。

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  224. @peterAUS

    Funny how so many here who’d swing a junkie from the nearest lamppost admire so much one of the greatest druggies. Methamphetamine was apparently also distributed widely in the German army, especially in the air force so that they could fly repeated sorties with little sleep. It was probably responsible for the effectiveness of the German soldier, a meth fuelled supersoldier. I’d rather go out on speed in a fight against a bunch of drunks if I had the choice, so no wonder each German was worth several others in battle. But over time it develops amphetamine psychosis, which can lead to insomnia, bad judgement, irrationality, emotional tantrums, hallucinations, delusions of grandeur, paranoia, etc. The early successes and subsequent disaster of Hitler and the Nazis may be partly ascribed to drug use although of course many other more important factors were at play.

    Hitler may have had Narcissistic Personality Disorder too, but don’t most politicians? Well no one is perfect; he had his moment in the sun.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  225. threestars 说:

    不,他所展示的是互联网评论者的愚蠢,他们跳到了他们最喜欢的结论(很像你自己做的那样)。没有任何一个心智正常的心理学家会认为希特勒是自闭症。 正如您自己指出的那样,这些特征都不是自闭症患者所独有的,而且实际上符合相当明确的个性特征。

    • 回复: @Realist
  226. Fox 说:

    Since you refer to Churchill as a good painter, I have never seen one of his elaborations. I’d be curious to actually see one. Do you have any examples you could point me to? Hitler was a skillful painter, as his pictures attest to, but he also knew his limitations in this field. Music and architecture were two passions during his whole life. Churchill, on the other hand had no intellectual passions, neither did Roosevelt, and as far as Stalin goes, I do not know at all.
    Somewhere I read that Roosevelt also was painting, but I have never seen any of his pictures either. On the other hand, G.W.Bush has even a volume with his pictures “Portraits in Courage” in print, but I couldn’t say that what I saw there was pointing particularly into even the general direction of talent, even skill could only be judged on very shaky grounds.

    • 回复: @utu
    , @Republic
    , @Seraphim
  227. Realist 说:


    That is exactly what he is doing…perhaps you should learn how to read.


    我已经尽可能多地研究了通常与我们所谓的“自闭症谱系”相关的思维和行为的特征和模式。 我还尽可能多地研究了希特勒的性格、行为、思维方式等。我相当相信,今天对他的任何心理或精神病学评估都会将他置于自闭症谱系中。

  228. “I have not seen a good overall assessment of how Hitler’s erratic management style affected German government and the war effort.”

    Then have a look at Albert Speer’s 在第三帝国内部. Since Speer was the guy in charge of war production a confidante of Hitler, no one else had a more inside view of how Hitler effed up his own cause.

    • 回复: @Rogue
  229. Fox 说:

    I imagine that with your general attitude you always received excellent marks in school and are not un-noticed when a promotion is coming up, hence you are not mediocre, but rather belong to the elite. There you can mingle with other high-grade brainiacs, such as Merkel, G.W.Bush, B.Clinton, May, Macron, Stoltenberg, the various female Ministers of Defence in Europe, Juncker and soon with von der Leyen as new EU Commission President, etc. Your success is somehow predictable. Not that this would be different in any other system, but you choose your loyalties based on your character, ability to imagine the future and relationship to community.

    I should also tell that the violence you attribute to Hitler was a response to Bolshevik assault techniques, hence the SA was founded to keep them at bay.
    As far as the war goes, I’ll remind you that it was Britain, although recognizing the untenable situation on the German eastern border, refused to help bring about a solution to the problem mostly of Danzig and the Polish Corridor, and then declared war on Germany, together with France, over a purely German-Polish conflict.
    Although you will not be capable of weaving these facts into your world view, they exist nonetheless and are felt to be highly undesirable, as you can see in the their omission when the beginning of this world-wide conflict is accusatorily attributed to Hitler, instead of the the people who actually worked for and brought about armed conflict.
    That’s what the elites of today can come up with, screen out reality to create a make-belief world in which they are the king. Is that pathetic?

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  230. Wally 说:

    ‘Affirmed in a leftist / Zionist Guardian article’ which gives no source. LOL

    You’re just making it up as you go like the typical fake & impossible “holocaust” True Believer. LOL

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  231. Wally 说:

    Except they did not do what Zionists like yourself fantasize.

    Got proof for the impossible “holocaust” narrative? Nope.

  232. Fox 说:

    It is astonishing with what violent tenacity factually wrong opinions are held onto. I am just thinking here of the beginning of the war in 1939, and how it came about, in the currently official version. The “creativity” of the left and of today’s academia is mostly founded on destruction. Don’t build up, but tear down! It’s pathetic.
    其结果是混乱加剧并违反任何良好的判断力。因此,移民和难民意识形态、受害者学、抗生素主义(LGBTQ 疯狂),所有这些都具有破坏性,只留下一条通向险恶、不幸的未来的道路。
    Seventy years of distortion and destructive propaganda produce results, with the major effect that through a negative selection the “elites” become evermore idiotized, even if there are many highly intelligent members of that club. Intelligence without character, that is.

  233. utu 说:

    They are pretty good.


    He was that good that he did forgeries according to David Irving:

    Churchill of course is no stranger to counterfeit art: in dire financial straits in the 1930s he took to faking the paintings of the deceased French impressionist Charles Maurin because Maurin’s signature sold somewhat better in the Left Bank boutiques in those days than did his own.

    President Franklin D Roosevelt spotted the little deception, and wrote him a joshing letter about it in February 1942. For some reason those letters never made it into the official volumes of Churchill Roosevelt correspondence — an omission I have rectified in “Churchill’s War”, vol. ii: “Triumph in Adversity”. Now that’s Real History. Spreads like Butter.

    • 回复: @Carolyn Yeager
    , @Seraphim
  234. @Jon Halpenny

    ‘Strangely Dieppe may have helped win the war for the allies. The Germans became aware of the naval build-up for Dieppe and assumed a very large invasion was about to take place. Hitler decided to move some of his best panzer divisions to France as a precaution. Those divisions remained in France until the winter of 1942 by which time Stalingrad had become surrounded.

    Perhaps you’re right; but perhaps you’re looking at a source that lists the divisions in France without considering their condition.


    也有例外。我相信 自由标准 was pulled out and sent to France in in 1942 — but well before Dieppe. However, I’d look closely at just what kind of shape most of those panzer divisions were in.

    Then too, it wasn’t as if additional divisions could simply be added to either Sixth Army’s drive on Stalingrad or to the advance towards Baku. Both drives were slowed not by Red Army resistance so much as by a chronic lack of supplies. Sixth Army in particular was endlessly stopping and starting. Simply adding more divisions would have aggravated the Germans’ problems, not solved them.

    Of course more troops are always good — but it wasn’t a straight-line equation. That three panzer divisions were in France doesn’t mean those three divisions could have been driving on Grozny instead.

    • 回复: @Jon Halpenny
    , @Johnny Rico
  235. peterAUS 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    Funny how…

    …more important factors were at play.



    ….no one is perfect; he had his moment in the sun…

    Fact for the former; “oh YES” for the later. More importantly, he did leave the mark.

    And there is where some people could focus on, one day. Smarter than us here, of course.
    Get from the Man what was good, discard what wasn’t. The same for the regime and the society in general.

    Or….a proper analysis and, more importantly, “lessons learnt” for what “we” need. “We” as “deplorables” in the current paradigm.

    The Tribe did that analysis and act, immediately and with full force, when they get a sniff of something like that appearing, just in traces, anywhere. Quite effective there, so far.


  236. @Fox

    ‘…As far as the war goes, I’ll remind you that it was Britain, although recognizing the untenable situation on the German eastern border, refused to help bring about a solution to the problem mostly of Danzig and the Polish Corridor, and then declared war on Germany, together with France, over a purely German-Polish conflict…’

    This is one of those half-truths. It’s accurate enough — but it ignores the actual sequence of events.

    英国 尝试 appeasing Germany (‘appease’ used to be a word with positive connotations.) She forced the Czechs to accept a settlement on the grounds that this would be it, and Germany would be satisfied.

    Germany simply demonstrated (a) that she couldn’t be appeased, and that (b) she negotiated in bad faith. When this happened, Britain was supposed to say ‘fine; have Poland too’?

    It was not Germany that was left with no alternative but to go to war by Britain’s actions. It was Britain that was left with no choice but to declare war by Germany’s actions.

    • 回复: @Rich
    , @Fox
  237. @Colin Wright



  238. Malla 说:

    Bose would have been far better than that slimeball hypocrite Gandhi. Subhash Chandra Bose would have installed a National Socialist like system in India but would the globalist banker elites allow that? Maybe the USA and USSR would magically again become buddies and invade India to get rid of Bose.

    Savarkar was a slimeball too. He incited low IQ lower caste Indians to attack British officers but on being caught, licked British feet and begged for mercy and pleaded loyalty to the Empire.

    • 回复: @anon
  239. PeterMX 说:
    @Sin City Milla

    I don’t know how many Iron Crosses were awarded. I have my grandfather’s on my father’s side, second class and my grandfather from my mother’s side also received one, first class, whch was lost.

    • 回复: @Sin City Milla
  240. Republic 说:

    Churchill made a lot of money in the 1930s in art forgery

  241. @utu

    They are pretty good.


    If you enlarge them by clicking on them, you see that they are not good. Mostly just daubs – as Hitler liked to say about impressionist and expressionistic art. He called such artists “daubers.”
    Some are slightly better than others. Especially poor is the one titled “Diana Churchill in Dining Room at Chartwell.”

  242. Emslander 说:

    A sure way to know whether the way we think about something historical or some historical figure is to understand whose interest is being served by the common characterization.

    It is in the interest of every current group, from Jews to most Germans, that Hitler is seen to be a strange twisted monster.

    He wasn’t. Even his anti-Semitism was mild in the context of the general European attitude. This is easy to establish.

  243. Anonymous[758]• 免责声明 说:

    With an intact 6th army, the Germans may have been able to hold off any Soviet advance for long enough for their missile and atomic bomb development to succeed.

    An interesting detail that seems to be overlooked in many discussions:

    heavy water was first isolated … by Norsk Hydro; production started in 1935.

    Judging by accounts published after the war, this seems too early for anyone to have adequately realized the importance of heavy water for military purposes. (Heavy water is used to “moderate” a nuclear reactor which can be used to create fissile plutonium-239.)

    The rather drastic and repeated attempts by the Allies to destroy the Norsk Hydro facilities suggest that the Allies took the issue VERY seriously.


    Perhaps both sides knew MUCH more about the military potential of nuclear power by 1935 than has disclosed to the public. Without at least a partial appreciation of the military potential/danger, the focus on heavy water is difficult to understand.

  244. Seraphim 说:

    Why would have the Guardian said that so matter-of-factly if it was not Morell who said that at the interrogation?

  245. anon[837]• 免责声明 说:

    Globalist elites didn’t like the USSR either, especially after Stalin started purging the hook-noses in the late 30s. Germany, USSR, and Japan could’ve been a winning combination, its a shame Operation Barbarossa happened.

    • 回复: @Malla
  246. Durocher: “Hitler was astoundingly psychorigid, basically forming his worldview by his early thirties, and then relentlessly acting according to that worldview until his last day. ”

    Quite true. He was very much stuck in a WWI mentality, and thoroughly underestimated the effect of technological change. Had more attention been given to developing the atomic bomb, Germany might have won the war. Of course, that involved “Jewish physics”, so in order to develop the bomb anti-semitism would have had to have been discarded too, or at least substantially toned down. This lack of attention to technological innovation also probably hampered development of jet aircraft such as the ME-262, which had it been available earlier might have made a difference.

    More than this though, Hitler never understood that technological change was a far greater factor in producing the sort of societal maladies he deplored than Jews had ever been. For example, his experiences in WWI taught him to value and cultivate in himself martial virtues such as courage and strength of will. But of what use are such things in an atomic explosion which can vaporize whole divisions at once? Even in weaponry, technological “progress” ultimately kills warrior culture by rendering it superfluous. Though technological civilization brings wealth and ease, it at the same time promotes “degeneracy”.

    Matty: “I’m fairly convinced that any psychological or psychiatric assessment of him today would put [Hitler] firmly on the autistic spectrum.”

    I have to disagree with you there. Hitler very much enjoyed being around people and interacting with them. That alone would disqualify him from having autism. He was a genius, but not an autistic genius.

    • 回复: @Bookish1
  247. Seraphim 说:

    Actually Irving was referring to a forged painting attributed to Churchill:
    “I see that a Churchill painting has sold at Christie’s for a record price, £344,000. The Times reported it on June 11, 2005:
    Churchill Record — A painting by Sir Winston Churchill of a scene in northern France in 1921 set an auction record for his work at Christie’s in London. On the Rance, near St Malo, signed with his initials, was sold by the family for £344,000 — more than four times the estimate — to an American biding on the telephone. I do hope for the buyer’s sake it is a genuine Winston Churchill and not a Konrad Kujau, a fake…
    Irving is honest enough about Churchill’s paintings value:
    “Prices for a genuine Churchill of course now far outclass those for a Charles Maurin. Churchill’s 1924 French landscape, ‘Mimizan,’ sold for 48,000 in 1977; a Maurin attracted only 800 in 1972”.

    The story of Churchill using deception for selling his paintings happened in 1921 when he was not in any ‘dire straits’ financially (and Maurin was an obscure painter) and not in the 1930s, when he really was but didn’t try to sell any paintings. Nobody knows exactly what happened to the paintings of 1921, which were supposedly signed as Charles Morin (sic).
    Anyhow the discussion was not about whether Curchill’s paintings were better than Hitler’s, but simply that he was a painter too. Painting was a hobby for him anyway.

    • 回复: @utu
  248. Rich 说:
    @Colin Wright

    You’re probably right, war was inevitable. But I’ve often wondered what might have happened if the Brits hadn’t given their war guarantee to the Poles. Would the Polish colonels have realized that the Germans had a point, given them their corridor and Danzig? Would Hitler have still pursued war against Poland if the Poles had given him Danzig? And if they had, isn’t it possible that eventually Poland becomes allied against the Soviets with the Germans? If the Brits hadn’t feared a strong Germany so much, an alliance against the Reds would have been possible and the horrors of communism might have been avoided by all of Eastern Europe. All supposition, I know, but somehow I think the world would have been a better place if the communists had been stopped in 1939.

    In the end, Poland was enslaved by the communists for 50 years and the Brits lost their empire. Hardly a victory.

    • 回复: @Malla
  249. utu 说:

    I have intentionally omitted the Konrad Kujau case to demonstrate that Churchill was competent painter as he himself was faking French impressionist Charles Maurin. Konrad Kujau case confounds this issue though it also shows that forging Churchill’s paintings was worthwhile as they had a market value.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  250. Seraphim 说:

    Writing history wouldn’t qualify as ‘intellectual passion’? He tried his hand at novels (of political fiction) too. Churchill was an educated man through school and that had a bearing on his political life.

  251. Anon[202]• 免责声明 说:

    Hello. “We” are hoping to write a little something precisely about his economic policies, including a bit about social-cultural programs. Of course am not a fanboy, but found the petition interesting, even brave 😄. Would you have a book recommendation or link, maybe readable for younger adults?

  252. Seraphim 说:

    It seems rather that Irving made a mountain out of a molehill. Certain is that Churchill was not in need of money at the time. Why would he ‘fake’? That he was painting in the impressionists style does not mean that he was ‘faking’. It is clearly a slur.

    • 回复: @utu
  253. Bookish1 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    Germany did not need jewish physicists to create a bomb. German scientists were well qualified to create one. I dont believe that Hitler didn’t understand technology change. He emphasized courage and strength of will because those qualities are always important and always have been.

    • 回复: @Johnny Rico
  254. @Bookish1

    If anything, I was trying to bring YOU down to that level. I’m assuming that everybody here has a basic grasp of the history and of Hitler.

  255. @neutral


  256. @Colin Wright

    1941 年底,北方集团军群和南方集团军群被撤去装备和装甲先锋部队,将所有力量集中在中央集团军群,对莫斯科进行最后一次尝试。

    但这一计划失败了,到 1942 年 160 月,AGC 的作战坦克数量已不超过 50 辆。其中不可能超过 XNUMX 辆是 Mark IV。

    Operation Blau is a punch into thin air. There were no massive encirclements of Soviet forces like in 1941. Because there weren’t really any large units blocking the way.

    There are two drives. One towards Stalingrad to cut Stalin’s flow of oil north and one south to the Caucasus to capture the oil.

    具有讽刺意味的是,到 1942 年 XNUMX 月,这两个先头部队的装甲师几乎已经没有坦克了。尽管如此,这些编队由于现有坦克缺乏燃料,不得不一再停顿。这些延误使一切变得不同。

    By late 1942, American industrial input and lend-lease has sealed the deal. This was Hitler’s biggest fear in 1940 and 1941.

    事实上,如果巴巴罗萨在 1941 年秋末失败,希特勒和他的将军们都没有计划。


    It isn’t until the spring of 1943 when the Germans are able to form strong armored spearheads with new Panthers, Tigers, and upgraded Mark IVs.

    这些活动在七月的两周内非常成功。但 1000 辆 AFV 在库尔斯克仅一次推进了 15 公里,另一次推进了 30 公里。与苏联的宣传相反,城堡行动中的装甲车的爆炸率相对较低,并摧毁了大量苏联装甲。但两周后希特勒取消了计划,每个人都知道一切都结束了。

    Hitler’s Quest for Oil


    • 回复: @Jon Halpenny
  257. @Bookish1

    It is a shame he forgot the Soviets had courage and strength of will, too – in addition to actual physical tanks, planes, men, fuel and ammunition.

    In war, knowledge of the enemy’s forces counts a lot. And the Wehrmacht’s military intelligence just plain sucked.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
  258. Malla 说:

    Germany, USSR, and Japan could’ve been a winning combination

    Yeah that would be a serious combination.

    Globalist elites didn’t like the USSR either, especially after Stalin

    Yeah that is true but they still liked him enough to give him landlease money and return hapless refugees and escapees back to the Soviet Gulags after WW2. Maybe they hated Hitler more. But Stalin’s successor’ Khrushchev was a Trotskyite.

    its a shame Operation Barbarossa happened

    Operation Barbarossa happened because the Third Reich feared a very likely Soviet invasion of Central-Western Europe. It was a preemptive strike. There were 6 nations involved in Operation Barbarossa, including nations like Finland and Romania as they too feared a Soviet invasion of their nations. 30,000 odd Spaniards volunteered in this operation, they had seen the brutality of the Commies in Spain during the Spanish civil war.

    • 回复: @anon
  259. Malla 说:
    @Johnny Rico

    It is a shame he forgot the Soviets had courage and strength of will, too – in addition to actual physical tanks, planes, men, fuel and ammunition. In war, knowledge of the enemy’s forces counts a lot. And the Wehrmacht’s military intelligence just plain sucked.

    The Germans were very much aware of the Soviet strength but they had no option, they had to make a preemptive strike before the Soviets invaded the rest of Europe with their gigantic army. Hitler was trying to save free Europe.

    1942 年,第三帝国元首阿道夫·希特勒用他日常的声音与芬兰军事指挥官卡尔·古斯塔夫·埃米尔·曼纳海姆交谈。芬兰广播公司 Yle 的工程师托尔·达门录制了希特勒和曼纳海姆私人谈话的前 11 分钟。

    希特勒本人在 1942 年与卡尔·古斯塔夫·埃米尔·曼纳海姆的谈话。

    阿道夫·希特勒:…a very serious danger, perhaps the most serious one – its whole extent we can only now judge. We did not ourselves understand-just how strong this state [the USSR] was armed.

    卡尔·古斯塔夫·埃米尔·曼纳海姆:No, we hadn’t thought of this.

    阿道夫·希特勒: No, I too, no.

    卡尔·古斯塔夫·埃米尔·曼纳海姆: During the Winter War -during the Winter War we had not even thought of this. Of course….

    阿道夫·希特勒: (Interrupting) Yes.

    卡尔·古斯塔夫·埃米尔·曼纳海姆: But so, how they – in reality – and now there is no doubt all they had – what they had in their stocks!

    阿道夫·希特勒: 绝对地。 这就是——他们拥有人类所能想象到的最庞大的武器。 好吧——如果有人告诉我一个国家——有......
    如果有人告诉我一个国家可以从 35,000 辆坦克开始,那么我会说:“你疯了!”

    卡尔·古斯塔夫·埃米尔·曼纳海姆: Thirty-five?

    阿道夫·希特勒: 三万五千辆坦克。

    背景中的另一个声音:三万五千辆坦克! 是的!

    阿道夫·希特勒: We have destroyed – right now – more than 34,000 tanks. If someone had told me this, I’d have said:”You!” If you are one of my generals had stated that any nation has 35,000 tanks I’d have said:”You, my good sir, you can see everything twice or ten times. You are crazy; you see ghosts.”
    我认为这是可能的。 我之前告诉过您,我们在Kramatorskaja找到了工厂,例如其中之一。 两年前只有几百个坦克。 我们什么都不知道。
    今天有一家油罐厂,在第一轮班期间,工人人数超过了30,000,而“全天候”工作的工人超过60,000,因此,工人会辛苦工作–一家罐车厂! 巨大的工厂! 一群肯定像动物一样生活的工人……

    Another voice in background: (Interrupting) In the Donets area?

    卡尔·古斯塔夫·埃米尔·曼纳海姆: Well, if you keep in mind they had almost 20 years, almost 25 years of – freedom to arm themselves….”

    阿道夫·希特勒: (Interrupting quietly) it was unbelievable.

    卡尔·古斯塔夫·埃米尔·曼纳海姆: 还有一切——一切都花在军备上了。

    阿道夫·希特勒: Only on armament.

    卡尔·古斯塔夫·埃米尔·曼纳海姆: Only on armament!”

  260. Fox 说:
    @Colin Wright

    Germany did not act in bad faith. The separation of the German regions from the artificial entity >Czecho-Slovakia< was initiated by the Germans living in that state under duress. The very fact that Germans were under Czech rule goes back to the seizure of German territory in late 1918/early 1919 by the Czechs, at a time when Germany could not prevent such an outrage anymore. Afterwards, the German territories were handed to the new Czecho-Slovakia by the crowd at Versailles. It goes without saying that the Germans there were not made part of the decision making process.
    Hitler's goal was to dismantle the "Treaty of Versailles", as it created chaos, dissension, enmity and division.
    I am not going to rehash the events that led to the creation of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, but it was done in agreement with the Czechs (I am sure they were not happy about it, but after the secession of Slovakia, Czechia was isolated and not capable of existence anymore. In the language of today's democracies, it was all legitimate and based on a mutual agreement between Czechia and Germany.
    Initially, Chamberlain declared that the occupation was no concern of England anymore, as the previous conditions of guarenteeing the existence of Czecho-Slovakia had ceased to exist with the secession of Slovakia.
    Even the multi-faced Churchill said it earlier thet the Polish Corridor was the cause of the next war if not taken care of.
    I just wonder how much England would have liked it if Germany had actively intervened in the England-Ireland conflict, perhaps spiced up with some tough talk about war?
    You see, England's interest should really have been to work for a tenable situation in Central Europe, and not mongered for war.

  261. Malla 说:
    @Johnny Rico

    This is the English translation of the speech given by the Fuhrer of the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler, in Berlin, October 3rd, 1941.



    为了限制战争的范围,我在 1939 年决定做一些事情,你们,我亲爱的党内同志,亲眼知道我做这件事有多么困难。
    然后我派我的部长去莫斯科。那意味着我对感情的最痛苦的胜利。 我试图达成谅解。 你最清楚我是多么诚实和坦率地遵守了我们的义务和承诺。 无论是在我们的媒体还是在我们的会议上,都没有提到一个关于俄罗斯的词。 可惜对方从一开始就没有遵守他们的义务。
    这种安排导致了背叛,首先清算了整个欧洲东北部。 当芬兰人民被扼杀时,你最清楚我们沉默地看着意味着什么。 作为一名士兵,当一个强大的国家试图统治一个小的国家时袖手旁观,这对我来说是什么感觉。 然而我保持沉默。
    直到我看到俄罗斯已经到了向我们进攻的时刻,而我们在东普鲁士只有 XNUMX 个师,而 XNUMX 个苏联师在那里集结时,我才做出决定。 我们逐渐得到证据,在我们的边境上建立了一个又一个机场,一个又一个来自庞大的苏联军队的师正在那里集结。
    I was therefore compelled slowly to take defensive measures. But in August and September of last year one thing was becoming clear. A decision in the West with England which would have contained the whole German Luftwaffe was no longer possible, for in my rear there stood a State which was getting ready to proceed against me at such a moment but it is only now that we realize how far the preparation had advanced.
    1] 德国应该最终同意,因为俄罗斯觉得自己再次受到芬兰的威胁,俄罗斯应该能够清算芬兰。

    2] 德国担保是否会保护罗马尼亚免受俄罗斯侵害的问题。
    在这里,我也信守诺言。 我不后悔,......

    3] 莫洛托夫要求俄罗斯保留向保加利亚派遣驻军的权利,从而向保加利亚提供俄罗斯保证。 我们从爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚和立陶宛知道这意味着什么。

    4] 俄罗斯要求在达德尼尔海峡建立基地。 如果莫洛托夫现在试图否认这一点,那就不足为奇了。 如果明天或后天他不再在莫斯科,他将否认他不再在莫斯科。
    他提出了这个要求,我拒绝了。 我不得不拒绝它。 这让我明白了一切,进一步的谈判没有结果。 要求我采取预防措施。”


    之后我仔细观察了俄罗斯。 我们可以观察到的每个部门都被仔细记录并采取了应对措施。
    我在 XNUMX 月的职位已经发展到如此之高,以至于我不能再忽视生死冲突的想法。 那时我一直保持沉默,这对我来说是双重困难,也许对德国人民来说并不那么困难,因为他们必须意识到,如果一个人不想危及整个民族,有时就不能说话。 更加困难…。
    ……我对我的士兵保持沉默,他们一个个师地站在帝国的东线,但不知道实际发生了什么。 而正是因为他们,我不能说话。 如果我丢掉一个字,我就不会改变斯大林的决定。 但对我来说,作为最后的武器,惊喜的可能性就不存在了。 任何这样的迹象,任何这样的暗示,都会使我们数十万同志丧生。
    因此我一直沉默,直到我最终决定自己迈出第一步的那一刻。 当我看到敌人向我挥动步枪时,我不会等到他按下扳机。 我宁愿第一个按下扳机。
    这是我一生中最艰难的决定,因为每一步都打开了隐藏秘密的大门,以便后人知道它是如何发生的以及如何发生的。 所以只能靠自己的良心,靠人民的信心,靠自己的武器,靠全能者的祈求。 并不是说他支持无所作为,而是祝福那些准备好并愿意为他的存在而战斗和牺牲的人。 22月XNUMX日上午,世界历史上最伟大的战役打响了。 从那以后,大约三个半月过去了,在这里我要说的是:从那时起,一切都按计划进行。
    她的力量已经聚集起来反对欧洲,不幸的是大多数人都不知道,甚至今天许多人也不知道。 避免这种危险首先要归功于德国士兵的勇敢、忍耐和牺牲……
    ......还有那些与我们一起游行的人的牺牲。 欧洲觉醒之类的东西第一次穿过这片大陆。
    这涵盖了从北冰洋到黑海的整个战场。 我们的德国士兵现在正在这些地区作战,芬兰人、意大利人、匈牙利人也在他们的队伍中
    Malla: “gigantic Soviet Army”, “but it is only now that we realize how far the preparation had advanced.”
    Nah!!! does not seem like an underestimation.
    Add to that “I saw that Russia had reached the hour to advance against us at a moment when we had only a bare three divisions in East Prussia when twenty-two Soviet divisions were assembled there. ”

  262. Bookish1: “Germany did not need jewish physicists to create a bomb. ”

    America certainly did, many of them German émigrés. The result speaks for itself.

    Bookish1: “He emphasized courage and strength of will because those qualities are always important and always have been.”

    Again, they were important in WWI trench warfare, but not so important in a technological environment in which whole divisions can instantly be turned into atoms floating in a radioactive mushroom cloud. As drones and robot soldiers take over more and more of the combat burden, the martial virtues will be even less important, and in the end dispensed with entirely. Hitler didn’t understand that technological development is ultimately raceless and anti-human. Let run to its conclusion, it changes culture and necessarily destroys the very sort of human qualities he wanted to preserve. On the other hand, it’s possible he understood that only too well, at least in the area of weaponry. Sometimes I think that such developments as the atom bomb and the ME-262 didn’t get his support precisely because he suspected they would shift events away from the WWI paradigm he understood and was comfortable with. As Durocher put it, he was psychologically rigid. That’s the downside of having strength of will.

    • 回复: @anon
  263. Question: what did they people accuse off, before Adolf Hitler set foot on the world stage?

  264. Malla 说:

    All supposition, I know, but somehow I think the world would have been a better place if the communists had been stopped in 1939.

    In the end, Poland was enslaved by the communists for 50 years and the Brits lost their empire.

    I think the world would have been an even better place if the communists had been stopped in 1917 itself. Russia herself would not have been enslaved by communism for 80 years.
    As far as Britain losing the empire, that was a good thing for Britain. The Empire (full of ungrateful & less productive black and brown cretins) was expensive anyways. Good riddance.
    But Britain like a fool still spent aid money on the third world and allowed millions of those unwashed masses on its shore, so lost the empire but still took up some liabilities of that expensive empire. What a bunch of fools!!!

  265. utu 说:

    I do not know whether fake or nor (a slur or not) but if his paintings could be mistaken with a real thing it proves that he was a competent painter and that was all I wanted to show to the the Hitler fangirl and fanboys here.

    • 回复: @anonymous
  266. Malla 说:

    Totalitarian Governments cannot understand criticism, and do not tolerate any. Therefore, they may not learn from their errors, Moral or Physical.

    I suppose, you exclude the Soviet Union from your definition of a totalitarian government. Is that sane?
    In that case a bunch of peasant soldiers of a Vietnamese totalitarian government (North Vietnam) bled and defeated a supposedly free democratic superpower.

    You are aware that Mussolini & Hitler both declared war on the USA when it was not necessary for them to do so

    The US Navy was sneakily attacking German U-boats when the US Congress had not (yet) declared war on Germany. I guess the Third Reich decided to take some manly action (declare open war) rather than fight sneaky slimy pussyboy style as Roosevelt was.

    Fascism or National Socialism was the need of the hour because democracies failed in the task of containing communism as well as cultural & social degradation (see the USA today). If democracies were up to the task, maybe fascism would not have been needed at that moment.

    • 回复: @Durruti
  267. Rogue 说:
    @Almost Missouri

    I’ve read that book as well.

    According to David Irving, there is a discrepancy between the original German, and English translation of the book.

    I can’t remember what the issue was – or which was the “problem” version.

    Presumably the English version.

  268. @Colin Wright



    • 回复: @Malla
    , @anonymous
  269. Of course 说:

    Hitler wanted to be seen as one of the common volk; that’s why he only lived in a small damp apartment just like the common volk, and his portrait wasn’t all over the place, just like the common volk. And he definitely didn’t want to be known as Führer (a.k.a. God, or Prophet), juuust like the common folk.

    There’s nothing complex about his religious beliefs, or his beliefs in general. It was all just a mishmash, unreadable too if you read a couple passages from Mein Kampf. And with every passing year, his megalomania was kept less and less in check.

    • 回复: @Bookish1
  270. Malla 说:
    @Jon Halpenny


    Hitler’s alliance with Mussolini cost him heavy, this is something he himself admitted several times. Mussolini had this great desire to create a Roman Empire 2.0.

  271. anon[837]• 免责声明 说:

    If you look up Dr. Kerry Bolton, he argues that the USSR became anti-Zionist by default and thats why the Cold War happened around 1948, as Soviet Jews started being seen as subversive by Soviet authorities. In the 1970s, the USSR produced anti-Zionist documentaries that showed the Soviets knew what was up. Brezhnev was a great leader despite Gorbachev fucking everything up

    • 回复: @Malla
  272. Nodwink 说:

    As someone who is on the spectrum (Asperger’s, when it was considered a separate condition), I definitely think you are onto something; although I do think some of the reasons you gave are a bit off. A lot of the people challenging you on this thread don’t appear to know much about autism.

    • 回复: @Realist
  273. Bookish1 说:
    @Of course


    • 回复: @Uhh
  274. Durruti 说:

    I suppose, you exclude the Soviet Union from your definition of a totalitarian government. Is that sane?

    I’ll answer the easiest part first. Whether or not I am sane, is a separate question.

    1. The Soviet Union was clearly, & without a doubt a Totalitarian Government. Peruse Trotsky’s The Revolution Betrayed,
    or Solzhenitsyn’s The GulagDeutscher’s History of the Russian Revolution, Shirer, Alan Clark, among a dozen other sources for inside analysis.

    So you “suppose” – poorly.


    Fascism or National Socialism was the need of the hour because democracies failed in the task of containing communism

    Fool! Democratic Republics are the ONLY form of government that can contain Totalitarianism – of the Right, or of the Left. I include mention of the almost useless ‘Right’ and ‘Left’ (except as driving directions), to make it easier for you to understand.


    Vietnamese totalitarian government (North Vietnam) bled and defeated a supposedly free democratic superpower.

    You clearly don’t get it! As we say in Brooklyn. The American Revolutionaries of 1776, did not boast a Republican Democratic form of government, until years after they ousted the British. Washington was made President by acclamation (mostly by Southern slaveowners, and slave profiteers in the Northern states). The first democratically conducted election occurred in 1800, (often called America’s Second Revolution), when Thomas Jefferson won a Contested Electoral Victory & became America’s 3rd President.

    Revolutions take a while to transform into stable Democracies, and they may do so only if they are Free from serious threat from Imperialist nations (of which some are Totalitarian, and others highly flawed Republics). The political atmosphere must be conducive to the expansion of Citizen power over Oligarchs, both domestic and foreign.


    The US Navy was sneakily attacking German U-boats when the US Congress had not (yet) declared war on Germany. I guess the Third Reich decided to take some manly action (declare open war) rather than fight sneaky slimy pussyboy style as Roosevelt was.

    The US Navy never Sneaks! However, their Political commanders, (including both Roosevelts in their time), Gen. McCarthur, and the Financial Oligarchs (some Zionists among them), always Sneak. Your observation of the US Government attacks on German U-boats without a declaration of war is correct. To call Roosevelt a “pussyboy,” weakens the accuracy of your point on the attacks on German U-boats.

    I remind you that WWs I & II were ruinous to Europe & Asia. Germany was left in ruins, and has yet to recover its National Sovereignty in 2019. Hitler & his Nazis-Fascists lost the war. No matter how you slice it, the Nazis failed to enter Moscow, but the Russians tread all over Berlin. RESULTS MATTER.

    We return full circle:

    Fascism or National Socialism was the need of the hour because democracies failed in the task of containing communism

    Fascism or National Socialism failed at “containing” any thing. They accelerated the decline of their own Nations, their own people. Which was possibly their programmed intent.

    Malla, Stop supposing, and examine more carefully. You clearly have a Good Heart, and that is the major requirement for Good Humans everywhere.

    I just put up our Christmas Tree. And with a little effort, I might even like Ron Unz.


    Durruti – alias, Dr. Peter J. Antonsen

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Daniel Rich
  275. tac 说:

    Germany, Aryans, and European Brothers/Sisters, especially those that have been affected by Christianity, you’ve been domesticated, much like the dogs or cats have been domesticated and now made docile and subservient. Your natural, biological and psychological responses, your instincts have been conditioned away from their evolutionary ways and thus you’re now controlled.

    Christianity (and Islam) was a concocted controlled mechanism made up entirely by the Jews after the Romans (Aryans) massacred and destroyed the Jews and their temple between 66-70 AD. When one looks at the scientific and historical evidence for Jesus, one is left with no evidence (other then hearsay) that Jesus even existed (which he did not but was wholly invented by the Jews/aka (((Christians))) ) much less then being the son of God. Please see for yourselves the flimsy evidence for the existence for Jesus:

    Why the Gospels are Myth:

    Why Invent the Jesus?

    Richard Carrier PhD, The Historical Jesus:

    In the end please realize that you’ve been duped of your Aryan/European instincts and have been domesticated by the Jews so that you are more easily controlled and guilt tripped. Please think about that! You must get off of your knees and protect and serve our peoples! Think about this …

    这里有一个 小网站 that is dedicated to set people right. It may offend some, but it is nonetheless dedicated to progressing ideas that moved many readers further along into the realization of where we truly stand in the world today.

    • 回复: @Carolyn Yeager
    , @Nodwink
  276. Realist 说:

    A lot of the people challenging you on this thread don’t appear to know much about autism.

    Unlike you…the expert.

    • 回复: @Nodwink
  277. Realist 说:



    • 同意: Carolyn Yeager
  278. Malla 说:

    Fool! Democratic Republics are the ONLY form of government that can contain Totalitarianism – of the Right, or of the Left. I include mention of the almost useless ‘Right’ and ‘Left’ (except as driving directions), to make it easier for you to understand.

    How would you define the USA as of today?

    The US Navy never Sneaks! However, their Political commanders, (including both Roosevelts in their time), Gen. McCarthur, and the Financial Oligarchs (some Zionists among them), always Sneak.

    Yes, that is what I meant. My wording might have been a bit off so as to give a different impression, my sincere apologies. I was not raised my finger at the US Navy and the brave seamen who staff it, my respect to those men. I had raised my finger at the political commanders.


    Sure but intentions matter too.

    Fascism or National Socialism failed at “containing” any thing. They accelerated the decline of their own Nations, their own people. Which was possibly their programmed intent.

    I disagree. Fascism and National Socialism were partly a reaction to communism (both the hard Bolshevik kind and the soft Fabian/Cultural Marxist kind) as well as cultural/social degradation. The Weimar republic was culturally degenerate like the West of today. The National Socialists banned & exposed degenerate art and promoted healthy organic lifestyle. They did not accelerate the decline of their own nations, they were militarily destroyed.

    Anyways listen, I am not anti democratic, I love democracy and (responsible) freedom. You may not like fascism, and that is cool. But when you get your democratic republic (and my prayers are with you for that) there needs to be a deep analysis of why the earlier experiment/experiments in democratic republics failed. What went wrong, what were the loopholes exploited by the enemies of freedom and civilization, to undermine it. And those holes need to be sealed.

    Thank you for your kind words and God Bless you too.

  279. Malla 说:

    The post WW2 USSR’s place in the globalist scheme of things is still a mystery to me. At times it really seems like a nation out of globalist control or rapidly moving out of globalist control (and hence it was brought down) and at times, it seems like a fake controlled opposition to the ZUSA or it was a bit of both (power struggle in between conflicting political forces). But I will check out Dr. Kerry Bolton, thank you.

    • 回复: @anon
  280. @Colin Wright

    Hitler specifically enlisted in the German army, not the Austro-Hungarian one.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  281. anon[837]• 免责声明 说:

    In my opinion the USSR was genuine at least after Trotsky was killed off. If you want a good example of fake controlled opposition it is the so-called Peoples Republic of China lol. In the 1970s and 80s after the Kissinger visit, China was publicly aligned with the US against Soviets, so I laugh at all the Chinese trolls painting China as some heroic fighter against Western imperialism.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
  282. anon[361]• 免责声明 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    Hitler did not want the bomb.



    “Naturally! Even if the radioactivity were controlled and then nuclear fission used as a weapon, the effects would still be horrible! When Dr. Todt was with me, I read that such a device with controlled radioactivity would release energy that would leave behind devastation which could only be compared with the meteors that fell in Arizona and near Lake Baykal in Siberia. That means that every form of life, not only human, but animal and plant life as well, would be totally extinguished for hundreds of years within a radius of forty kilometers. That would be the apocalypse. And how could one keep such a secret? Impossible! No! No country, no group of civilized men can conciously accept such a responsibility. From strike to counterstrike humanity would inevitably exterminate itself. Only tribes in the Amazon district and in the jungles of Sumatra would have a certain chance of surviving.”

    -我的突击队行动:希特勒最勇敢的突击队回忆录,第 162 页,作者:Otto Skorzeny,Schiffer Miltary History 1975/1995

    • 回复: @Malla
  283. @tac

    Tac, you wake up. Richard Carrier in no way wants to” protect and serve our people,” as you put it. And Carrier and West’s Darkest Hour may both be anti-Cbristian but they come to totally different political-historical conclusions. “Please think about that.”
    By the way, I don’t recommend either of them.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @tac
  284. @ivegotrythm

    ‘Hitler specifically enlisted in the German army, not the Austro-Hungarian one.’

    Yes, that became possible because homeless Hitler moved from Vienna to Munich in 1913.

    He wouldn’t have had the same option if he’d still been living in Vienna, established as a promising young set designer.

  285. anon[361]: “Hitler did not want the bomb. [quotes Hitler in Skorzeny’s memoirs]”

    If Hitler actually said that, that’s a very interesting quote! I read it as confirming my guess above, that Hitler really didn’t want to move the war into an entirely different technological environment. What would have made him happiest would have been to fight WWI all over again, under the same “rules” and against the same opponents, but this time obtaining a different result. He wanted to preserve the old values of chivalry, honor, courage, strength of will, and so on. But unfortunately for him and for Germany, the enemy didn’t regard itself as bound by those restrictions. Technological “progress” runs roughshod over human values, and always has. Man thinks he is in control of “progress”, but actually “progress” is in control of him! Failure to understand this was fatal to the German cause in WWII, and in the long run stands every chance of being fatal to the white race as it exists today.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @anon
  286. @Durruti

    Whether or not I am sane, is a separate question.

    “In criminal and mental health law, sanity is a legal term denoting that an individual is of sound mind and therefore can bear legal responsibility for their actions. … It is not a medical term, although the opinions of medical experts are often important in making a legal decision as to whether someone is sane or insane.”

    Medically, you’re off the hook :o]

    • 回复: @Durruti
  287. Durruti 说:
    @Daniel Rich

    It is not a medical term, although the opinions of medical experts are often important in making a legal decision as to whether someone is sane or insane.”

    Medically, you’re off the hook :o]

    Wow! That’s a relief.

  288. roofus 说:

    Or he them betray the code just like the whole British Army was allowed to evacuate at Dunkirk. It’s all very complicated. Any speech or protest is easily just a cover story, in order to jump in front and take ownership. Public face is important.

    It’s no treason when you are really on the other side. Hitler was plainly a British agent. Germany was only “allowed” to rearm and could have easily bèen stopped by the French in 1936. A lot of things could have happened differently. I can only suppose that the result rests on the means.

  289. Malla 说:
    @Carolyn Yeager

    Prof. Revilo Oliver had the same opinion about Christianity as posted by tac. Prof. Oliver was a scholar in the Classics as well in Classical Greek, Latin & Sanskrit.

    • 回复: @Carolyn Yeager
    , @tac
  290. Malla 说:

    If you want a good example of fake controlled opposition it is the so-called Peoples Republic of China lol.

    I have a similar suspicion about the PRC. The PRC was a Rockefeller project from the very beginning.
    Indeed Stalin did not want a Communist China as he knew that in the early years, it would have been the USSR (and more specifically the Russian SSR) which would have to heavily fund a new Communist China. And after WW2, the USSR was not economically in the position to do so easily because of the economic and demographic toll the war took. He was proposing China being divided into two. Communist North China and a Capitalist South China just like been done in Korea and Vietnam. But it were the Rockefellers who pushed for a full Communist China (with the Nationalists given Taiwan). Maybe China was planned to be an experiment in Corporate Communism. Indeed there is this theory that the Imperial Japanese forces and the Nationalists were made to fight each other and thus weaken each other so that eventually the Communists would take over. Imperial Japan was big threat to their plans of spreading Communism in the East. Hence bring America into a war with Japan to weaken/destroy Japan and to also to get an opportunity to at Germany/Italy who were a big threat to the globalists in Europe specifically & the World in general.

    But it could also be that presently China is really moving away from the globalist orbit and hence the present animosity towards the PRC. OR as Brendan O’Connell, who uncovered ‘Operation Talpiot’, the plan to make Israel the nerve center of all information and surveillance of the entire world, this whole China-Russia Vs the West is a big kabuki/opera stage show which would eventually lead to the occupation of the USA by Russo-Chinese forces and Communism being fully imposed on the USA and hence the American White POPULATION (as against the Satanic GOVERNMENT) would be enslaved and de-armed and hence a big threat for the globalists (millions of freedom loving Conservative White Americans as well as the small number of non Whites who have truly imbibed the American ethos) would be” taken care of”.

    • 回复: @anon
  291. Malla 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    What would have made him happiest would have been to fight WWI all over again, under the same “rules” and against the same opponents, but this time obtaining a different result. He wanted to preserve the old values of chivalry, honor, courage, strength of will, and so on.

    You could say that about some of the top Japanese generals as well. The code of Bushido and harakari, against enemies who had no principles at all.

  292. 阿道夫·希特勒从来都不是尼特人。 他的官方传记是情报界为叙述而编写的混合物。

    第一次世界大战之前,他在维也纳担任德国军事情报机构的特工。 当时所有顶级间谍都在维也纳。 伪装成艺术家是他的掩饰。 他住在一个以激进的犹太居民而闻名的社区。 托洛茨基和斯大林也在那里。 掌管加夫里洛·普林西普的犹太无政府主义者也在那里。 等待“1/9”事件开始第一次世界大战。

    第一次世界大战后,他仍然是军事情报人员。 希特勒被指派确定民主行动党的威胁级别。 民主行动党有能力煽动德国红色革命吗?

    一个计划是利用民主行动党在民族社会主义的幌子下实现对德国的实际法西斯接管的。 因此,NSDAP从DAP的灰烬中诞生,就像凤凰一样,由希特勒掌舵。


    • 巨魔: tac
  293. @Rich

    I don’t know if it’s “very doubtful”, but you may be correct. Or those who say the Germans were very close may be right.

    当。。。的时候 K=25 gaseous diffusion plant at Oak Ridge was constructed in 1944, it was the largest building in the world — over 1.6 million square feet. It was only one of 3 steps — though the most important — used in enriching uranium for the Manhattan Project. Even ignoring the technology/ available resource issues, anything similar built on German territory would have been impossible to hide… and exquisitely vulnerable to aerial bombing.


    …a huge gaseous diffusion plant to obtain U235 (Iran is reportedly using centrifuges)

    Gas centrifuges were developed in the 1930s, but were not successfully used for enriching uranium 直到1950年代. Though their first successful use for that purpose was developed and implemented by a team of Austrian and German scientists who were enslaved by the Soviets after the war…

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  294. Malla 说:

    In my opinion the USSR was genuine at least after Trotsky was killed off.

    Could be. Very likely. Maybe, that is why the USSR was undermined. The USSR was definitely moving in a very different direction, the globalists had created it for. No doubt. It was moving towards some form of nationalist Communism in other words, in a direction of National Socialism.
    The ‘Social Realist’ movement purged the Warsaw Pact world of degenerate art and culture of the early Soviet years when the hook nosed were much more in command. Ugly degenerate art of the early Soviet period was replaced by healthy traditional art. The message was Communism but medium was healthy art. In that way the Warsaw Pact World was moving in the exact opposite direction than the Western/NATO world with its ‘Cultural Marxism’ and ugly grotesque modern art, promiscuity etc…. Indeed I read somewhere that the CIA was working against this ‘Social Realism’ movement. It could be that ethnic Russians and other Soviet/Warsaw Pact ethnics came into power at the expense of the ‘hook nosed’ and they found older Soviet art ugly and moved away from it.
    However according to Revilo Oliver the purges were just, more ferocious Communist Jews destroying earlier Communist Jews. It was Jewish infighting. According to Douglas Reed, the Soviet Union allowed millions of Jews to emigrate to Palestine after WW2. It is true that Stalin did not support Communist subversive movements in the Third world like Trotsky, his successor Khrushchev did so. Trotsky believed in spreading Communist slavery throughout the world by using subversive movements/terror cells while Stalin preferred the Red Army may of spreading Communism. Most of today’s neo-Cons (new Conservatives) are ex-Trotsyites who just replaced ‘spreading Revolution throughout the world’ with ‘spreading Democracy throughout the World’. Spreading “Revolution” or “Democracy”, all is good for the Jew and their coming One World Rule.
    Douglas Reed talks about how Wall Street money and Soviet/Chinese/North Communist weapons & and training came together in an unholy marriage and played a big part in destroying the colonial Governments in Africa as well as Rhodesia and Apartheid South Africa. This happened after Khrushchev came to power and started the de-Stalinification movement (he had Trotskyite leanings and this was his revenge).
    Besides, one more point. The Hungarian People’s Revolution against tyrannical Communist rule (crushed by the USSR) in 1956, was an anti-hook nosed uprising. So hook nosed were in power in the Communist Hungarian government and the people considered Communism as hook nosed rule in 1956.
    I think that the hook nosed lost the kind of overwhelming power they had in the early Soviet period but they definitely had some power. Maybe they had to share more power with ethnic Russians, Ukrainians, Poles etc… compared to before, but I suspect they had not lost power completely.
    That is why, I am confused. But I agree with you on one thing, the Soviet Union really did change and moved in a direction, that the globalists who created it, had not intended it to move.

    • 回复: @Sparkon
  295. Malla 说:


    “The effects would be frightful”

    “Impossible! No! No country, no group of civilized men can conciously accept such a responsibility. From strike to counterstrike humanity would inevitably exterminate itself. ”

    Sez the supposedly “super-evul nazis and madmen who wanted to destroy the world”!!!!
    However a supposedly “great champion of democracy & freedom” coolly dropped nukes on two cities.
    Oy Vey!!!!What a crazy and inverted world we live in. Evil is Good and Good is Evil. Up is down and down is up. As Charles Giuliani of Truth Hertz Radio would say “They always hero-ise the demons and demonize the heroes”.

    So these evul Nazis & Japs supposedly wanted to conquer, enslave & destroy the whole world. These Zios really PROJECT their OWN tendencies and intentions on their enemies.

  296. @Malla

    Well, I’m not arguing with tac’s opinion about Christianity, but only with his use of Richard Carrier, an atheist, and Cesar Tort, a Mexican. I guess I have to spell things like that out.

  297. tac 说:

    雷维洛·奥利弗(Revilo P.Oliver) was a great influence and one that is shared by the little Web site with great articles by a private scholar Cesar that I’ve linked previously and shares the tenets of our peoples.

    博士。 雷维洛·彭德尔顿·奥利弗 (REVILO Pendleton Oliver) 任伊利诺伊大学古典学教授 32 年,同时也是当时领先的语言学家之一,阅读包括梵文在内的 XNUMX 种语言,并在半个多世纪以来以四种语言为学术出版物撰写学术文章。美国和欧洲。

    奥利弗拥有透彻的才智——以及极少数作家所无法比拟的闪烁智慧。 他被恰当地与伟大的 HL Mencken 进行了比较。
    二战期间,他在华盛顿特区战争部的一个高度机密的密码机构担任研究主任,并因其对国家的杰出贡献而受到表彰。 正是在他在华盛顿期间,奥利弗博士第一次意识到共产主义——更重要的是,共产主义背后的力量——在多大程度上渗透了美国机构并促成了 1939 年至 1945 年的自相残杀。 在战后不久的几年里,他相信这些颠覆者的叛国行为将很快曝光,觉醒的公众将席卷美国政府。 对国家的未来充满信心,他继续追求奖学金,这是他一生中最挚爱的妻子格蕾丝。
    Upon his return home in 1954, Dr. Oliver was alarmed at the progress made by the subversive forces in the United States, who had infiltrated both major political parties and the business establishment there — especially the media of information and entertainment. He made a fateful decision in that year, 1954, to devote all his available energies to what was then called anti-Communism or Americanism or conservatism, and which is today called by its adherents Racial Nationalism. For the next 40 years, until his death in 1994, he was a major figure in that movement, though in many ways an anomalous one.






  298. tac 说:
    @Carolyn Yeager

    With all do respect, Carolyn, I’ve never made the claim that Dr. Richard Carrier will protect our people! That is our job. I’ve only put forth his peer-reviewed study (as on particular Aussie here is always in need of, but remains particularly silent when they are presented….hmmm) as an unbiased (no-one can claim Carrier is an “anti-Semite” EVER) source into the fictional Christianity myth.

    I’m quite awake and “based” (as they now term it). Don’t simply take Carrier’s, or Oliver’s scholarly works against the subversive (((Christian))) forgeries/inventions to make goyim followers subversive docile instruments at the Jews’ discretion for ultimate control of the masses (how else can such a minority impose its will on the majority?). 这里 are some other notable researches into (((Christianity))) over a span of hundreds of years who’ve tried to warn the peoples of their times, many of whom started in the “faith”:



    • 回复: @tac
    , @Carolyn Yeager
  299. tac 说:

    Correction to my previous statement:


    this link is what should have been in the “Here are some other notable researchers…” previous quote of mine. Instead, the general home site was linked instead by mistake.

  300. Rebel0007 说:

    我不可能加入这场希特勒复兴运动。 一方面声称他是有史以来最大的恶魔,另一方面声称他是一个失败的热情天才​​。

    事实上,希特勒是法西斯主义者。 希特勒也是大屠杀的凶手。 我相信他也非常偏执。 希特勒确实有一些好主意,比如政府发行货币,这是二战的真正原因,基于我对最近恢复的信息的极其有限的研究。

    • 不同意: tac
    • 回复: @Bookish1
  301. anon[361]• 免责声明 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    Agreed. The same Skorzeny continues:

    “These marginal notes by Hitler lasted scarcely more than a few minutes, but I remember those minutes precisely. At the beginning of my time as a prisoner of war, in August 1945, I heard that two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Unnecessary bombs, by the way, for the Japanese emperor had already asked the Americans for their peace terms.
    While a prisoner American officers constantly asked me the same question, “How did you bring Hitler out of Berlin at the end of April 1945 and where have you hidden him?”

    I can still see the consternated expressions of the American officer before me, when, disgusted with the question, I answered: “Adolf Hitler is dead, but he was right when he said that you and I would be the survivors of the Amazon.”

  302. @Incitatus

    You quote: “The extermination of entire races including women and children is only possible by a sub-humanity that no longer deserves the name German. I am ashamed to be a German!–Oberst (later Generalmajor) Hellmuth Stieff, Letter to Wife on events in Poland 21 Nov 1939 [Burleigh ‘The Third Reich’ p.437-38]

    I would not put much store in this. First of all it smells fake— entire races? Second, such comments are also common in the memoirs of Irgun and Haganah leaders. Why, even Mossad agents wring their hands over the blood of innocents.

  303. anon[837]• 免责声明 说:

    Goddamn man, it’s crazy how we share so many interests in common. We’ve had long discussions about anthropology and genetics (Australoid race etc.) and it seems we are equally well-versed on the deeper aspects of international politics. Back to your point, I have a hard time feeling much sympathy for white Americans, they have allowed all the degenerate trends to fulfill themselves, one could argue they were perfect tools for the Jews to use. It’s ethnic Americans, those who are neither white nor black, who feel the brunt of American social bullshit and discrimination.

    • 回复: @Malla
  304. Golobki 说:


  305. Sparkon 说:

    Indeed I read somewhere that the CIA was working against this ‘Social Realism’ movement.

    Yes, the CIA was promoting American abstract expressionism in the 1950s as a counter to Soviet Socialist Realism because, you know, it really does take artistic talent to splatter paint on a canvas à la Jackson Pollock, the alcoholic who ultimately killed himself and a friend when he wrecked his car in a drunken crash.

    But I agree with you on one thing, the Soviet Union really did change and moved in a direction, that the globalists who created it, had not intended it to move.

    I doubt it. The Soviet Union had served its purpose in WWII by luring Hitler and the Germans into their ill-considered attack, for which the Reds began preparing already in 1921, and the USSR continued to serve a valuable purpose for the globalists after WWII as the perfect Cold War bogeyman to justify the arms race, and the ludicrous art race, where well placed dealers, critics, and speculators made millions peddling that rubbish.

    • 同意: Malla
  306. Bookish1 说:

    希特勒没有下令大规模屠杀任何人。 你想到的是斯大林或列宁,另一个是该组织的共产主义者。
    我还要声明,真正的希特勒并不容易理解。 我花了很多年才理解真正的男人,而不是所有关于他的宣传和宣传。 我建议你在谈论你所说的关于他的事情之前,先阅读他的演讲和私人谈话。

    • 同意: tac
  307. anonymous[222]• 免责声明 说:
    @Jon Halpenny

    是墨索里尼 诱因 丘吉尔清楚地知道意大利军队不足以完成这项任务,因此德国将不得不救助意大利,从而从德国其他行动中吸取力量?

    One conspiracy theory holds that Churchill and Mussolini had an extensive correspondence that Il Duce hid somewhere in Italian hills. After he was slaughtered semi-Qaddafi style; after war was over, after Churchill trounced in British elections, Churchill’s first act was a trip to Italian hills in search of that cache of communiques from Winnie.


  308. @tac

    You said “Germany, Aryans, and European Brothers/Sisters” … but Carrier does not care about saving that group. He’s extremely liberal and an atheist. Are you an atheist? The vast majority of Germans, Aryans and Europeans are not atheists. Adolf Hitler definitely was not; he believed strongly in a Higher Power and also an afterlife, i.e. that he would still be conscious and communicate with others after death.

    great articles by a private scholar Cesar […] shares the tenets of our peoples.

    I know Cesar Tort well enough; he is not a scholar but only a prolific reader and writer in narrow fields and something of a crackpot. A few people gravitate to him (such as you). However, he is guilty of MISREPRESENTING the facts, being careless with accuracy. I have exposed this in a few places causing him to remove material and also change attributions of what he’s put on his site, such as an NS pamphlet that he slapped Heinrich Himmler’s byline onto, with picture and all. He’s a propagandist and a fantasist. His single-minded view of Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels, et al is extremely narrow, portraying them as vicious, violent revolutionaries because that is what he (Tort) is hoping for. He says so all the time.

    When you say the full-blooded Mexican Cesar Tort ” shares the tenets of our peoples,” you are cheapening your own declared values and kinship. Tort was brought up in a Latin Catholic family wherein he feels he was badly abused by having strict religious dogma shoved into his psyche. Today he is a very angry, single, never-married man in his forties, if not fifties, who lives like a monk (if you believe what he says), waiting for a U.S. dollar currency crash so the “revolution” can begin. I would hope we could do better than that.

    • 回复: @tac
    , @Adûnâi
  309. anonymous[222]• 免责声明 说:

    that was all I wanted to show to the the Hitler fangirl and fanboys here.

    Kudos to you for that noble effort, utu, and here’s a bit of support for your project:

    An Art Critic’s Secret Critique Of Hitler’s Paintings Shown Uncanny Insight

    One American critic, John Gunther, wrote of Hitler’s paintings in 1936, “They are prosaic, utterly devoid of rhythm, color, feeling, or spiritual imagination. They are architect’s sketches painful and precise draftsmanship; nothing more. No wonder the Vienna professors told him to go to an architectural school and give up pure art as hopeless.”
    You know what happens next. Adolf Hitler’s charismatic personality propelled him to the top of German politics. His long hatred of the Jews and his desire to keep his country “pure” led him to order the extermination of all Jews, a horrific and brutal genocide that still ranks as the darkest time in human history. As ruler of Germany, Hitler was evil personified. His actions sparked the Second World War, a conflict that resulted in the deaths of more than 85 million people. Between sending his enemies to the gas chambers and commanding his armies to invade other countries, Hitler still painted, although this time in private. It was a hobby that he found and satisfying. Yet, it was impossible for his cruel, evil nature to not permeate in his artwork.”

    Uncanny indeed! An insight never before expressed anywhere in the 6 billion words written about Hitler. Grateful we must be for the courage of this critic to come forth.

    As well, yours is an excellent contribution to the furtherance of understanding of Churchill’s talent and genius, utu;

    [Churchill’s art] it proves that he was a competent painter and that was all I wanted to show

    profoundest appreciation. Yes, consistent with the adoring view of Larry Arnn, head of Hillsdale College, Churchill was a giant of a man who saved western civilization. Were it not for Churchill, the people of the United States would be speaking German.

    而不是 希伯来语。

  310. @Johnny Rico


    这些装甲师于 1943 年初被送回俄罗斯。正是这些党卫军师领导了对哈尔科夫的进攻,这是德国在东线的最后一次伟大胜利。因此,如果说 1942 年底他们在俄罗斯,情况不会有什么不同,这几乎是不真实的。

    • 回复: @Johnny Rico
  311. Rebel0007 说:

    @ Bookish1
    I realize that Stalin killed many people, but it is my understanding that Hitler did also. If Hitler did not order the mass killings of people, then he was still responsible because the Nazis did perform mass killings.

    I realize that this view is in contrast to most people who use this site, but I watched an 8 hour video made by a Hitler fan, and in my opinion, one of the proofs that he offfered as evidence was that Jews frequently claimed that piles of hair and shoes proved that people were in camps, his rebuttal waa of course there were piles of hair and shoes because their heads were shaved because lice was prevelant and the Jews were given uniforms, and the reason for the videos of the emactiated starving people that I recall seeing on TV as a teenager were because they had typhus which results in emactiation.
    The question is though, what were Jews placed in camps in the first place for? So the proof that he offered was evidence that there was a holocaust. The problem that I find disturbing about the holocaust narative is that it was not limited to Jews placed in camps. The holocaust was not limited to Jews.
    Yes, it has been exagerated and distorted, and even used as propaganda, but that does not mean that it did not occur.

    • 回复: @Wally
    , @ivegotrythm
  312. anonymous[335]• 免责声明 说:

    Why were Jews in camps? Because those Jews in camps were a threat to Germany. There were over 100,000 Jews in the German army. So why weren’t they in camps also? Because they weren’t a threat to Germany. Those Jews in camps were mainly 5th column communists but I suspect there were also many pimps, drug pushers, etc. As far as that phony holocaust you can kindly take a look at some true facts and decide for yourself: http://www.stormfront.org----History and revision—top 10 reasons why the holocaust didn’t happen.

  313. @Jon Halpenny

    How was Kharkov in 1943 a “great” victory? They had already taken Kharkov in 1941 and 1942. Kharkov 1942/Izium bridgehead is a much bigger deal than 1943.



    他们各有大约 20,000 名士兵(至少在纸面上)。加上配属的新虎式坦克连和先发给他们的所有其他最新装甲车,这四个师都相当于一个德国装甲军。

    因此,将他们与其他军团进行比较。是否有任何军团最终在 1942 年或 1943 年发挥了作用?我想,但相关性值得怀疑。


    • 回复: @Jon Halpenny
  314. @Johnny Rico

    我最初想说的是,希特勒在 1942 年将他最好的一些师派往法国时犯了一个巨大的错误。

    1942 年夏秋两季,希特勒下令将他的两个党卫军师调往法国。他还下令将三个装甲师和另一个党卫军师留在法国原地。这样一共有六个师。当苏联人在斯大林格勒反攻时,没有机动预备队来阻止他们。这可能是希特勒在战争中犯下的最大的操作错误。

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  315. @Carolyn Yeager

    布拉德利·F·史密斯 (Bradley F. Smith) 是一本关于希特勒青年时代的优秀书籍,准确地描述了他早年的社会和政治背景,因此对希特勒是谁做了很多解释。 阿道夫·希特勒:他的家庭、童年和青年.

  316. Rebel0007 说:

    @ Bookish1
    Everyone that disagreed with Hitler, and even those that didn’t were a threat to Germany society according to Hitler, which also included Catholics, Protestants, the disabled, the senile, Juvenile delinquents, and communists.

    Hitler shut down and seized Catholic churches and assets, as well as Protestant churches that believed that his racist policies were antithetical to Christianity.

    Yeah, nice guy! A real underdog and hero for psychopaths!

    • 回复: @Fox
  317. Seraphim 说:
    @Jon Halpenny

    Hitler’s biggest mistake was when he attacked Russia, period.
    He contemptuously dismissed the warnings of Bismarck that Russia cannot be beaten and even if she is beaten: “Do not expect that once taking advantage of Russia’s weakness, you will receive dividends forever. Russians have always come for their money. And when they come – do not rely on an agreement signed by you, you are supposed to justify. They are not worth the paper it is written. Therefore, with the Russian is to play fair, or do not play”.

    • 回复: @Daniel Rich
  318. Uhh 说:


  319. @Giwu-Ger

    斯大林中毒了。 医生的阴谋是真的。 阅读基思·博尔顿的《不朽的遗产斯大林》以获取证据。

  320. @Seraphim

    Hitler’s biggest mistake was when he attacked Russia, period.

    My comment is made in hindsight:

    1) Napoleon went to Russia. The Russians chased him all the way to Paris.

    2) Hitler went to Moscow. The Russians ended up in Berlin.

    Perhaps no.2 should have studied what went wrong with no.1’s campaign [infrastructure, logistics, the weather, etc.]?

  321. Another quote about the atom bomb by Hitler, given in Irving’s 希特勒的战争, shows that he had changed his mind about it. Unfortunately, by then (February 14, 1945) it was too late.

    ‘In no time at all,’ [Hitler] said, ‘I’m going to start using my Victory weapon (Siegwaffe) and then the war will come to a glorious end. Some time ago we solved the problem of nuclear fission, and we have developed it so far that we can exploit the energy for armaments purposes (Rüstungszwecke). They won’t know what hit them! It’s the weapon of the future. With it Germany’s future is assured. It was Providence that allowed me to perceive this final path to victory.’
    – David Irving, 希特勒的战争, p. ,P。 789. XNUMX。

    Hitler was not a conventional Christian, but also was no atheist. Throughout his writings, speeches, and conversations he expressed an enduring belief in “Providence”. I suspect that earlier in the war he thought that “Providence” was going to help him to victory without the use of a technological game-changer like nuclear weapons, which he seemed in the Skorzeny quote above to regard with disdain as something too frightful to use. What he had initially believed was his predestined role according to “Providence” was to re-fight WWI, but this time simultaneously both defeat the Allies and settle accounts with the Jews, thus proving himself the savior of Germany and the greatest commander in history. A better understanding of science and the nature of technological progress might have saved him from making such a mistake. It would have led him to a healthy atheism. There is no Providence, and it wasn’t looking out for him.

    “I go the way that Providence dictates with the assurance of a sleepwalker.”
    -Adolf Hitler, Speech in Munich March 1936, quoted in Max Domarus (ed.) Hitler: Reden und Proklamationen 1932-1945

    • 回复: @Alexandros
    , @Adûnâi
  322. Wally 说:

    You curiously said:
    ” If Hitler did not order the mass killings of people, then he was still responsible because the Nazis did perform mass killings.”

    – No they did not. You have no proof they did, simple stuff.
    See this example and the comments by Revisionists who torch the Believers:
    “Babi Yar: The [Alleged] Einsatzgruppen ‘Killings“: https://www.unz.com/article/babi-yar/
    “The question is though, what were Jews placed in camps in the first place for? So the proof that he offered was evidence that there was a holocaust. The problem that I find disturbing about the holocaust narative is that it was not limited to Jews placed in camps. The holocaust was not limited to Jews.
    Yes, it has been exagerated and distorted, and even used as propaganda, but that does not mean that it did not occur.”

    – Jew were placed in camps for the same reasons that Japanese-Americans were placed in camps, and Germany needed labor, just like the Allies used camp inmates for labor.
    – There is no proof of the “holocaust” in any form, and you have none.
    Recall that sham “holocaust historians” claim that millions upon millions of human remain exist today in KNOWN locations, yet the claimed remains do not exist.
    – You’re desperately trying to play the old ‘holocaust-lite’ game as a fall back position because you cannot handle the fact that you have been duped into believing allegations, propaganda that are simply impossible.
    A reminder, all Revisionists are former Believers.

    美国真理报:大屠杀否认,由Ron Unz撰写: https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-holocaust-denial/
    犹太人被送往Aktion Reinhardt营地发生了什么?,by John Wear : https://www.unz.com/article/what-happened-to-jews-sent-to-the-aktion-reinhardt-camps/

    • 回复: @Adûnâi
  323. tac 说:
    @Carolyn Yeager

    据我了解,Cesar Tort 是 雅利安西班牙语(来自西班牙)体面 与您征收的“墨西哥”标签相反。 如果你有相反的证据,请拿出来。 据我所知,Cesar 支持 NS,就像他网站上的大量文章一样。 你已经在这个网站上声明你自己并没有真正参与我们人民的运动(我知道,因为我在这里读过你的话),而只是更关心 AH。 你如何平方呢? 你如何证明 Cesar 支持 Alex Linder(有很多指向他的网站和视频的链接)? 平心而论,让我们听听你的论点,尤其是你声称“暴露”了塞萨尔。 我们,至少我,绝不仅仅是道听途说,而是想要此类断言的可验证证据。 如果你的主张是可证明的(没有事实证据的断言时代已经结束——无论谁是他们的主张者——因此,人们可以得出自己的结论。

    让我们听一听(请理解,我并不是想表现出敌对态度),但我可以独立思考——一如既往,我坚信我之前在本网站上说过的格言:“不要相信任何人,除了你自己”。 在此处向我们展示您声称的内容的一些证据,然后可能会予以考虑。

    • 回复: @Carolyn Yeager
  324. turtle 说:

    I’m going to start using my Victory weapon

    Which did not exist.

    I would regard this (and the rest of the quote above) as clear indication of A.H.’s severe mental deterioration at that stage, as in “not in contact with reality as most people know it.”
    In the conversation with Skorzeny at an earlier time he comes across, at least to me, as at least sane, but by the end of the war it appears to me der Führer had completely lost touch with reality.

    Since he had absolute power , and was, unfortunately, neither deposed nor assassinated, Germany paid the price. for his madness.


    • 回复: @Alexandros
  325. Nodwink 说:

    I agree that Christianity is an ideology whose spirit is foreign to European peoples. The pagan religions were better suited to that continent.

  326. Alexandros 说:

    One fake quote is all it takes for your imagination to run wild. You can read Hitlers mental state in the last weeks. Completely lucid. A desperate man clinging to hope, but definitely lucid. And that’s the opinion of every honest man who spent time with him in those days.

  327. Alexandros 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    Quote Irving at your own peril. He cares little if documents are made in Germany or London. If it’s printed on a paper, Irving will believe. Especially if it helps him sell books.

    Curiously there is absolutely zero talk of these military wonder weapons in Hitlers War Room. Nor is there any indication the man has gone mad. So when testimonies written in American captivity tells a different story, it’s wise to be skeptical.

    • 回复: @Adûnâi
  328. Adûnâi 说:
    @Nicolás Palacios Navarro


    1. I agree that the denizens of the Internet are quite a recent phenomenon. But I would take this article’s title as a metaphor. Or an anachronism – wasn’t Hitler technically a “NEET”, although this term had not yet been coined?

    2. How you can jumble together incels with soyboys – the former’s antithesis – is beyond me.

    3. Asperger’s syndrome became popular/known way before the advent of the Internet.

    4. I have seen people with anime avatars advocating the genocide of the Jews. It is a complicated issue, but I wouldn’t outright call them hopeless degenerates.

  329. Adûnâi 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    A better understanding of science and the nature of technological progress might have saved him from making such a mistake. It would have led him to a healthy atheism. There is no Providence, and it wasn’t looking out for him.

    Indeed. I have had a weird realization (maybe it’s obvious) that the entire World War 2 was an anomaly against time. In the past, armies only needed to feed their soldiers and their horses, but modern war requires so much hassle with petroleum and coal and rare materials… It was all put into motion by a single militaristic will of the likes of Hitler and Hirohito, and all for what? For the sake of their nations’ future Lebensraum. But the forces of Industry care not for blood – to them, it is inconsequential.

    In short, the Industrial Age tells peoples to lie down and die. And they did. Only by happenstance can there still be born confrontation between the cogs of our universalist Machine.

  330. Anonymous[229]• 免责声明 说:
    @James Forrestal

    What about plutonium? Perhaps natural uranium could have been used as reactor fuel (eg. CANDU reactors) and the plutonium could have been chemically extracted. Possible?

    I also think the Americans may have massively overkilled it, since they first produced 3 bombs and then produced thousands (and almost all were plutonium cored devices)

    • 回复: @eah
  331. Adûnâi 说:

    ——《美国真理报:否认大屠杀》作者:Ron Unz: https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-holocaust-denial/

    What even is the point of Holocaust denialism? To paint the last hope of the Aryans race as pathetic weaklings that did not have the guts to gas the Jews? This cowardly background is why I have never bothered to check the lunatics’ claims seriously (the same as with JFK, 9/11 or the Moon landings). But when I do try to check any part of it for veracity, it all falls down like a house of rotten cards.


    • 哈哈: eah
    • 回复: @Wally
    , @Malla
    , @ivegotrythm
  332. Adûnâi 说:

    Quote Irving at your own peril. He cares little if documents are made in Germany or London. If it’s printed on a paper, Irving will believe. Especially if it helps him sell books.

    Ditto. I’m not sure why anyone would believe Irving after Richard J. Evans had demolished him in his “Lying About Hitler”. Pure cognitive dissonance. The same as with Christian Identitarians’ claiming Scythians to be Jews. A holy cow that is not argued upon because it’s so ridiculously and obviously wrong.

    By the way, the part that convinced me is on page 100 about the fate of the Italian Jews.


    此外,他不仅愚蠢地在与外交部长的正式通信中使用清算这个词,而且还大胆地在他的第一封电报得到答复之前联系陆军元帅凯塞林并获得他的同意,即犹太人罗马从事防御工事。 罗马的高级人物穆尔豪森、凯塞林,可能还有卡普勒,有效地组成了一个三人组来阻止驱逐出境。 在这场纠缠中,任何“干净”围捕的前景正在迅速消失。 希特勒的命令果断地打破了混乱局面,并毫不含糊地明确表示,罗马的犹太人仍将被驱逐出境,而不是被留在意大利进行防御工事。

    附加在概述元首在这件事上的指示的命令之后是明确的命令,即默尔豪森和拉恩“在任何情况下”都不得干涉此事。 相反,他们将把它完全留给党卫军。 我很清楚,欧文在 1991 年版的《希德的战争》和他提交给法庭的文件中都省略了对这部分内容的所有提及,从而操纵了这份文件。 我毫不怀疑他隐瞒这一重要信息是为了强调希特勒的干预纯粹是为了阻止犹太人被杀的印象。

    里宾特洛甫一定已经与希特勒讨论了局势的所有主要方面,包括亨德的清算令、党卫军即将进行的围捕以及领事和军队试图阻止它。 里宾特洛甫将“犹太人行动”留给党卫队的禁令一定是讨论的一个组成部分,希特勒一定已经批准了。 因此,欧文在这里陷入了同样的逻辑陷阱,他在其他一些尝试提供文件证据证明希特勒不知道或不赞成大规模屠杀犹太人时陷入了同样的逻辑陷阱。 如果希特勒进行干预是为了阻止罗马犹太人被杀,那么他就知道罗马犹太人将被清算,他知道这是希姆莱的命令,而且他一定知道这是更广泛的大规模屠杀模式的一部分党卫军处决犹太人,或者换句话说,他一定知道这是“欧洲犹太人问题最终解决方案”的一部分。

  333. Adûnâi 说:
    @houston 1992


    If Hitler indeed understood German resource shortages, why didn’t he announce the state of total war economy in 1940? I’ve heard a lot about his constant talk about petroleum and nickel and manganese, but this incomprehensible loss of 3 years’ worth of time can only be explained by cowardice and overconfidence. Was he afraid of a women uprising due to poorer living conditions? And did he really chicken out of any kind of plan B in case Barbarossa failed?

  334. eah 说:

    What about plutonium?

    What about it? — Pu is fissionable and found in nature, but only in trace/very minute quantities — it is produced in nuclear reactors via U238 neutron capture — U235 is the only naturally occurring material that undergoes fission with thermal neutrons (eg in a reactor), but just 0.7% of natural Uranium is U235, which is not enough to construct a pile (reactor) with a self-sustaining fission chain reaction — so to get a working nuclear reactor, you must still enrich Uranium to get more U235 — since U235 and U238 are the same element (same atomic number), they have the same chemical properties, so you can only separate U235 (which weighs less) from U238 physically (eg via gaseous diffusion or gas centrifuges).

    In ‘spent’ fuel, or an irradiated uranium (U238) tamper, you can separate plutonium chemically.

    You need approx 15% U235 to make a reactor core — weapons grade (for an atom/fission bomb) is approx 85% U235.

  335. George 说:

    Hitler is similar to other leaders of that time. Specifically Stalin and Truman. Mussolini maybe, he had a job as a journalist paid for by His Majesty’s MI-5. Did W every really have a job or education? The NEET concept making Hitler unique doesn’t work for me as so many world leaders have unsuccessful civilian lives, bogus credentials, ect gained through nepotism. What makes Stalin and Truman, Mussolini and Hitler unique is their lack of nepotism. Mussolini and Hitler (and Truman?) were government-paid informers and provocateurs paid off the books, which is not exactly ‘NEET’ to me.

  336. Alexandros: “Quote Irving at your own peril. He cares little if documents are made in Germany or London. If it’s printed on a paper, Irving will believe. Especially if it helps him sell books.”

    In fairness to Irving, he’s merely reporting what a certain Dr. Giesing, a physician who attended to Hitler, wrote down. Irving adds that Giesing wrote this 6 weeks before the explosion at Hiroshima. To report what eyewitnesses said is more or less the historian’s job. Evaluating it as to accuracy is another matter. It’s certainly possible Giesing made the whole thing up, but I know of no evidence of that. Do you? The fact that Giesing wrote about it before Hiroshima argues against it being a lie.

    Alexandros: “Curiously there is absolutely zero talk of these military wonder weapons in Hitlers War Room. Nor is there any indication the man has gone mad.”

    If there was no talk of nuclear weapons, the natural question to ask is why not? It’s obvious that if Hitler had possessed such a weapon, he would have won the war, which should have made him extremely interested in it. It’s also well-established that Germany did have a nuclear research program. If it wasn’t constantly on his mind and he wasn’t pushing it, it seems clear that either Hilter wasn’t particularly interested, or that German scientists weren’t remotely close to producing it. Maybe he didn’t really believe it was possible, or didn’t think it would be “fair” to win that way, or thought that “Providence” was going to bring him victory without it. In any case, the lack of talk about such a weapon is even more baffling than his talking about one, in either the Skorzeny or Giesing quote.

    As to whether Hitler was mentally falling apart toward the end of the war, there’s a lot of people attesting to that, not just this one quote. But that he had an irrational belief in “Providence”, which Hitler gives in his own words in many places, can’t be doubted. I’d say that in itself that was a kind of madness.

    • 回复: @Wally
    , @Adûnâi
    , @Alexandros
  337. Wally 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    Yet, the Nazis 做了 use atomic bombs on Jews, after all, it says so right here:

    “德国人用原子弹杀死了 20,000 名犹太人”

    • 哈哈: Alexandros
  338. Wally 说:

    Citing completely debunked links is humorous.

    – We’re talking about an alleged ‘6M Jews & 5M others’ … 11,000,000.

    – There is not a single verifiable excavated enormous mass grave with contents actually SHOWN, not just claimed, (recall the claim of 900,000 buried at Treblinka, 1,250,000 at Auschwitz, or 250,000 at Sobibor, 34,000 at Babi Yar) even though Jews claim they still exist to this day and claim to know exactly where these alleged enormous mass graves are.

    – Note that even after Krege*, much later excavations by True Believers have not, cannot show, the alleged 900,000 Jew remains that are claimed to exist at Treblinka, they certainly tried.




    – * As for Krege’s work:
    1999 年关于特雷布林卡“灭绝”营地的克雷格报告, 理查德·克雷格 : https://codoh.com/library/document/6411/?lang=en

    “工程师 Richard Krege 在前特雷布林卡营地使用他的探地雷达设备”

    Results: nothing has changed since the last ice age.
    犹太人被送往Aktion Reinhardt营地发生了什么?
    by John Wear : https://www.unz.com/article/what-happened-to-jews-sent-to-the-aktion-reinhardt-camps/

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  339. Adûnâi 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    It’s obvious that if Hitler had possessed such a weapon, he would have won the war, which should have made him extremely interested in it.

    Oh no, are you among those peddling such nonsense? Can you explain how nuclear weapons could have done anything to win the war? Even 10 fully functional Fat Men would have been quite useless on the Eastern Front, and the Eastern Front was all that mattered. Dropping them on armies is almost useless. Attaching them to Fau-2 (V-2) is impossible (the payload is 1000 kg).

    The only use I can imagine for them could have been the likes of Operation Eisenhammer – precise strikes on power plants deep in the enemy rear. The conventional weapon of choice was Mistel in history. Even then, getting the required aircraft to fly over such insane distances and in the enemy airspace would have been a fantasy.

    If it wasn’t constantly on his mind and he wasn’t pushing it, it seems clear that either Hilter wasn’t particularly interested, or that German scientists weren’t remotely close to producing it.

    Yes, it is a well-known fact of history that Germany had nowhere near close to the required resources to produce an atomic weapon.

    Maybe he didn’t really believe it was possible, or didn’t think it would be “fair” to win that way

    Hitler was indeed incredibly funny. It mystifies me why he chose not to use chemical weapons – and those would have obviously been both abundant, easy to handle and would have yielded decent results in close-quarters combat such as on the tight beeches of Normandy, and later in the sieges of the cities.

    I guess, the man was irrationally afraid of chemical weapons. And no, don’t bring up the case of British anthrax – Hitler was ready to destroy all German infrastructure in March 1945.

    • 回复: @Rich
  340. Adûnâi 说:
    @Carolyn Yeager

    Sorry for the ad hominem, but you support cranky conspiracy theories like that of chemtrails.

    Gassing Jews is pretty violent, so I’m at a loss as to how you can describe the NS any other way.

    I would hope we could do better than that.

    Guess what, we cannot. The White race is finished if the USD does not collapse (especially if controlled nuclear fusion is achieved). The closest our race has to an ethnostate is Belarus (Poland and Hungary are in NATO), and even that country will not be able to defend itself without nuclear weapons.

    A true hope for our race in this day would look like the DPR of Korea. And I don’t see a lot of proponents of White Juche around.

    • 回复: @anon
  341. Adûnâi: “Oh no, are you among those peddling such nonsense? Can you explain how nuclear weapons could have done anything to win the war?”

    A nuclear strike on London? How about that? I also don’t agree that such weapons are useless against armies, or even navies. Or what if there had been a nuclear detonation off the coast of Normandy during the invasion? I think it would have been stopped. But in any case, considerations such as it being too large for a V-2, or its uncertain effect on the Eastern front wouldn’t have prevented Hitler from developing such a weapon, as these things couldn’t have been known with any precision before it was ready to use. German scientists had been investigating the possibility of atomic weapons since 1939. His relative silence about the atom bomb and lack of enthusiasm for it still remains hard to explain.

    Adûnâi: “It mystifies me why he chose not to use chemical weapons …”

    Chemical weapons hadn’t been decisive in WWI, and were illegal under international law. Also, maybe his own personal experience with being gassed deterred him, making him think it wouldn’t be “fair”, at least so long as the enemy wasn’t using it too. Either that, or he was placing his faith in “Providence” again. Besides, using a technological trick like nuclear or chemical weapons to win the war would have taken the spotlight off him and his “brilliant” leadership as the deciding factor, which is where I think he very much wanted it to be.

    Adûnâi: “In short, the Industrial Age tells peoples to lie down and die.”

    Yes. The various human races arose in the natural world, and are doomed if technological civilization survives. In the artificial, anti-human world that’s under construction, natural distinctions become meaningless. Humans become only raw material to be fashioned into whatever the system requires.

  342. @tac

    Cesar Tort 可以随心所欲地描述自己,但他还在他的网站(您链接到的网站)上写道:

    CT 是一位在墨西哥享有古典音乐传统的作曲家的儿子; 他的母亲是一位音乐会钢琴家。 远程,他的起源可以追溯到西班牙祖先。


    The only thing I hold against CT is what I already said: he misrepresents what National Socialism is and what kind of people led and participated in it. He doesn’t understand the German mind, which is different from the Spanish mind; he’s hung up on Nietzsche, like so many men are. I think I said enough in my comment #322. Search on WDH for my comments and you will come upon my arguments and my evidence from several years back, if they haven’t been deleted. I don’t think Unz Review will appreciate my going over all that here.

    顺便说一句,我在 2 年和 2012 年的三个 2013 小时“周六下午”播客中主持了 Alex Linder。你可以在我的档案中找到它们。 只需搜索“Alex Linder”。

  343. Malla 说:

    Goddamn man, it’s crazy how we share so many interests in common. We’ve had long discussions about anthropology and genetics (Australoid race etc.) and it seems we are equally well-versed on the deeper aspects of international politics.

    Sorry for my late reply, was a bit ..busy. Yes , I know, man. It was great having these conversations with you. Well as they say”Great Minds think alike”. hehehe

    I have a hard time feeling much sympathy for white Americans, they have allowed all the degenerate trends to fulfill themselves, one could argue they were perfect tools for the Jews to use.

    Yeah, White gentile Americans (as well as some other Whites like the British) are like the perfect tailor made populations for Jews to exploit. Highly productive, high IQ, heritage of Protestant ethics (morality & hard work), brave in battle etc… BUT too idealistic and naive at times about human nature, easily excitable to fight for some high moral cause. What could the Zio-elites ask for more?
    But I feel bad for them as, in general/ overall, they are a good people with good intentions. It is sad how it all ended. Morality is not enough, what is needed in wisdom as well.

    It’s ethnic Americans, those who are neither white nor black, who feel the brunt of American social bullshit and discrimination.

    Yes, in many cases, the non White-non blacks feel the most squeezed out, in all this fiasco.

    • 回复: @anon
  344. tac 说:


    同样,重要的不是一个人住在哪里,而是他们是谁。 我们不是敌人,我怀疑,我当然讨厌所有的内斗,但请不要为此做出贡献——除了要澄清事实; Revilo P Oliver 应该是一个标志。 我们应该互相支持,但不一致——与部落不同——会破坏原本统一的信息的潜在统一性。

    我当然会看看你的档案,但我想你对 AL 的看法,如果你愿意发表任何评论。 如果您还记得,我确实在某些方面同意您的意见,但作为我自己的独立思想,任何人都不能如此,尤其是您。

    我会给你一个 埃兹拉·庞德的名言 (我为谁离开 链接 在这个网站上他的战时演讲),罗斯菲尔德政府所谓的“叛徒”:

    • 回复: @tac
  345. tac 说:

    如果您想参考我在意大利发表的埃兹拉·庞德 (Ezra Pound) 战时演讲的链接,Ron Unz 或他的团队绕过了这一过程……想知道为什么……所以在单击链接后,必须展开/打开评论和然后遍历到这里:

    tac 说:

  346. Malla 说:

    To paint the last hope of the Aryans race as pathetic weaklings that did not have the guts to gas the Jews?

    There was no need to gas any Jews. All they Nazis needed was to send most of them out of Europe, maybe to Madagascar or Uganda or someplace. Those few Jews who were genuinely friendly to Europe maybe can stay but their numbers would have to be very very low.

    • 回复: @Anon
  347. Seraphim 说:

    Direct witnesses said that rapists (and looters) could be court-martialed for doing this after three days. Others were executed on the spot, by the Russians that’s it.
    The number of victims of rape was initially estimated at between 20,000 and 100, 000. In recent years it jumped to 2 million! As the number of women who ‘broke their silence’ and ‘spoke for the first time’ of their ordeal after decades. The more since the feminists took the matter in their hands to demonstrate the ‘continuum of sexual violence’ through an examination of twentieth-century Western hegemonic masculinity, which facilitated the continuation of ‘war’ against German women throughout the period of Occupation”!

    • 同意: Adûnâi
    • 回复: @utu
  348. Alexandros 说:

    Russian soldiers standing in line to rape a dead woman should be more than enough illustration of what was going on. What official Soviet Doctrine claimed is basically worthless.

    The amount of rapes can be roughly estimated by the number of children born from them. That’s how they reach a conservative number of 2 million. Probably much larger when taking abortions and suicides into account.

  349. @Wally

    According to that site linked by Adunai:

    Krege states that in 1999, together with Jürgen Graf, a Swiss Holocaust denier, and Carlo Mattogno, an Italian Holocaust denier, he dragged the GPR over the grounds of Treblinka and found that the soil was “almost perfect” and “untouched by humans.” Krege concludes: “Not found: Mass graves, fragments of skeletons, human ashes, wood ashes, ground irregularities, construction compounds or remnants, remains of trees or stumps, cavities, golden teeth.”

    How does that square off with the other evidence presented so that they conclude:

    Krege’s assertion, that the soil at Treblinka was undisturbed, is false.

    So according to Krege, the number of victims buried at the site, as corpses or ashes, was zero. And you want the deniers to find evidence at the site of 900,000 corpses.

    Wally you’re acting like a spammer just posting your links. You haven’t engaged with that commenter to actually debunk the claims made in the link he provides which contradict what Krege claims. Now Krege may not be a liar, maybe just a poor scientist who found no evidence of “disturbance” when there was clearly a “disturbance”.

    I’ve looked at that debate on codoh and the replies to Trojan are not convincing:


    BTW, can you post the abstract, or full article under a MORE Tag of:

    “Treblinka Ground Radar Examination Finds No Trace of Mass Graves,” in The Journal of Historical Review, Vol. 19, No. 3, May-June 2000, p. 20:

    I am unable to open the link at that website (maybe censorship).

  350. anon[837]• 免责声明 说:

    Also the simple fact that most white Americans have a very submissive attitude to Jews and blacks but are openly contemptuous or hostile towards ethnics like East Asians, South Asians, Arabs, Hispanics etc. Thats why I somewhat rejoice in their downfall and opioid epidemic afflicting them. 99% of white Americans are scum who take out their anger on ethnics instead of having the balls to confront niggers and kikes destroying society.

    • 回复: @Malla
  351. anon[361]• 免责声明 说:

    What the hell is “White Juche”?

    A true hope for our race was the 1933-1945 National Socialist German State.

    “The White race is finished if the USD does not collapse (especially if controlled nuclear fusion is achieved). ”

    Wake up, the USD doesn’t matter and the White race is already a corpse. The White race IS finished because its Nordic component ceased to have any sort of influence.

    • 回复: @Alexandros
    , @Adûnâi
  352. Alexandros 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    When it comes to WW2 any seasoned historian should know that merely quoting documents will not do. We have numerous examples of forged documents and that puts everything in doubt.

    Giesing likely just added his signature to the document. We know this is so for a couple of reasons:

    1. Claiming Germany had the bomb or was going to get it was part of Allied propaganda, as the picture a couple of posts below your shows.

    2. Germany did not get the bomb nor did they ever apply serious research to get one. Very early their scientists acknowledged the resources required were not available.

    3. That leaves two options, either somebody told Hitler they had the bomb when they in fact didn’t. This could be a possible theory if Hitler had pushed for the bomb and if the German Government was run Soviet style and the scientists feared for their lives, leading to fantastical assurances to please Hitler. None of these assumptions are credible. Not only did Hitler not push for the bomb, he was against it. And nor did German scientists live in fear of their lives, as they did in the USSR.

    The other option is that Giesing, like so many other individuals post war, was told to put his name on documents suitable to the Allies. The bomb was part of their propaganda as was the holocaust, so this is a very, very likely possibility.

    Germany did have a program, but it was pretty much a dead program: https://www.inconvenienthistory.com/11/3/6861

    If Hitler had believed in weapons of mass destruction he would have deployed some of the superior poison gas Germany had invented. Churchill wanted to do this but Hitler forbade it. He said he would not be known as the man who laid the European continent to waste for thousands of years.

    Well, there are more people attesting to his mental sanity. People who did not spend time in an allied jail cell. But the most important proof we have of his mental sanity is his war conferences which were transcribed accurately. In there we find a paranoid and desperate man in April 1945, but certainly not someone who has in any degree lost their marbles.

    四月25th 1945

    Hitler and Goebbels justifies staying in Berlin

    GOEBBELS: The war situation is such today that only a visible symbol can achieve something.

    HITLER: As an inglorious refugee from Berlin, I would have no authority in either northern or southern Germany, and in Berchtesgaden even less.

    Hitler and Goebbels talking about winning the battle for Berlin and executing those who have run

    GOEBBELS: It would also be encouraging for the other side. If Stalin sees this development in the Western States that’s based on a German victory in Berlin, then he would say to himself “I won’t get the Europe that I had in mind. I’m only bringing the Germans and the British together. So I will strike a balance with the Germans and make some sort of agreement. Frederick the Great was once in a similar situation. He also got all of his authority back after the Battle of Leuthen. If the Führer proves that it can be done – that one can stay, and that one can win a battle by staying – then these executions will have an educational meaning and not a crushing effect.

    HITLER: It’s simply unbearable for me personally to have other people shot for things that I do myself. I wasn’t born just to defend my Berghof alone.

    There is certainly a lot of wishful thinking involved here, but I don’t see anything that could be deemed mentally unsound. Hitler still battling his conscience when it comes to killings, even just killings, is interesting at this point in the war.

  353. Alexandros 说:

    When do you think this happened? Certainly not recently. Was there a Nordic component in Germany before Hitler came to power? If there was they were not doing any good.
    Was there such a component in America? Herbert Hoover seemed to have sense when he proposed to solve the armaments deadlock in Geneva by saying the USA would destroy 2/3 of all their weapons. A huge sacrifice for America to promote world peace. But before him you had Woodrow Wilson, and after him, Roosevelt.
    And what about Britain? Was there a Nordic component when Cromwell made the country a Jew state? In France when Karl slaughtered Nordics in the name of Jahwe and hook nosed Italians? In Scandinavia when corrupt Kings brought not only foreign religions, but also foreigners to the lands. All in the glorious Viking age.

    This kind of thinking will not lead to anything productive. Nordics for sure do not have much if any political influence today, but nor did we for large parts of our so called glorious past. But as long as there is blood, there is possibility. If this blood can produce Adolf Hitler it can certainly produce other leaders as well.

    • 回复: @anon
    , @Seraphim
  354. anon[361]• 免责声明 说:

    For the leadership of a people, only the Nordic racial component has any real value. And without leadership nothing is possible because political organizations manage everything in the end. Add to this the fact that the Nordic elite in every White nation in history perished, and currently Nordics are the worst enemies of the Nordic race. One could jokingly say: “Kill Nordics to save Nordics!”

    Or do you, like Adûnâi, put hope in the pure mongol blood of the slavs for the Aryan revival?

    Hitler was apical, the greatest white man no doubt, it can only go down from there.

    I am of the opinion that intelligent life ended in failure on this planet anyway.

    • 回复: @Alexandros
  355. Alexandros 说:

    First of all it seems you need a mental adjustment. On the one hand you hail Hitler as the greatest man who lived (a fanatical deist), on the other you subscribe to Jewish ideas of Atheism when you declare intelligent life a failure. Demoralization is something else they have sold you.

    Does it look bleak? No doubt. But so did it to Hitler when in 1919 he already felt he had the right ideas to save the nation, but no name or means to carry them out. A “gutter rat” like him, a man of the common people, to think that somebody like that could rise to the top in Germany was a novel idea indeed. Lenin et.al had powerful support from the establishment. With Hitler that support was transformed into obstacles. He wasn’t even a German citizen, and here he was dreaming about becoming Chancellor.

    Hitler wanted to be a hero of the Aryan race, but he ended up a martyr. That is still an asset. Potentially a very powerful one. Who knows, if he had won, the white race as a whole would not be as wise to Jewish tricks because they would not see their depravity with their own eyes. Now, even the normiest of normies, while still not a “nazi”, is starting to wonder what the hell is wrong with society. This was not the case in Hitlers time because then the white race was still seemingly ruling supreme. The thought that one day all of America and England would be swamped by foreigners was simply unthinkable. Well, I say the presence of these monstrous misdeeds can only work in our favour, as hard evidence, when time comes to settle accounts. And this time it will not only be Jews who are in the crosshairs. This time Canaris and Stauffenberg will not be in a position to betray us. Another bonus.

    • 回复: @anon
  356. Alexandros: “Giesing likely just added his signature to the document. ”

    That’s a possibility, but I asked for proof. All you’ve provided is supposition.

    Alexandros: “Not only did Hitler not push for the bomb, he was against it.”

    In that case, perhaps he didn’t understand that it could win the war for him, or he believed that “Providence” would help him win without it. Actually, both could be true. Remember, Hitler would also have known that the enemy was working on developing such a weapon, so this stuff about it being too terrible to use and him refusing it for that reason rings a bit hollow. Are we really supposed to believe that Hitler thought that the Jews (the ones ultimately in charge of the enemy forces, in his view) wouldn’t use the atom bomb if it were available? Unless he wanted to lose the war, he would have had no choice but to pursue atom bomb development. This is the nature of technological “progress”, which is particularly evident in war. “Progress” is compulsory. So again, unless we attribute it to his scientific ignorance and/or reliance on “Providence”, his lack of enthusiasm and relative silence on this topic is very hard to explain.

    • 回复: @ivegotrythm
  357. Seraphim 说:

    Wasn’t ‘Karl’ a ‘Nordic’ too?
    Some sobering thoughts about ‘Nordics’ (of course from Wikipedia – to be used as a starting point):

    “Nordic Israelism or Norse Israelism is the belief that Scandinavian peoples, or the Nordic countries (Sweden, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Iceland, Norway) descend from the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. Nordic Israelism as a movement and ideology only emerged in the latter half of the 19th century among several early proponents of British Israelism…
    A 15th-century Latin chronicle, “Chronicon Holsatiae vetus”, found in Gottfried Leibniz’s Accessiones historicae (1698), states the Danes were of the Tribe of Dan, while the Jutes the Jews. Later the antiquarian Henry Spelman in 1620 had further claimed that the Danes were the Israelite Tribe of Dan, based on the apparent similarity in name. In the 18th century the Swedish historian Olof von Dalin believed that the ancient Finns (alongside Lapps and Estonians) who sprung from the Neuri* descended ultimately from the lost tribes of Israel:
    …the Neuri* seem to be remnants of the Ten Tribes of Israel which Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, brought as captives out of Canaan… [When one realises that] the language of the ancient Finns, Lapps and Estonians is similar to the Hebrew and even that this people in ancient times reckoned their year’s beginning from the first of March, and Saturday as their Sabbath, then one sees that the Neuri in all probability had this origin…
    John Eurenius (1688–1751), a Swedish pastor in Torsåker, Angermanland, Sweden, also connected the Israelites to the Nordic countries, in his Atlantica Orientalis (1751) he theorised that the Gods of Norse mythology were deified ancestors from the Levant, who he connected to Israel. Olof Rudbeck the Younger in the 18th century also attempted to prove that the Nordic languages sprung from Hebrew…
    Nordic Israelism as an established movement emerged as an offshoot of British Israelism in the 1850s. Key British Israelite authors such as John Cox Gawler and J. H. Allen first identified the Tribe of Dan with Denmark and others with different Scandinavian countries (e.g. Naphtali with Norway), while the remaining tribes they equated with Britain. Other British Israelites such as Edward Hine however took a more particularist view, deciding that only the British nation fulfilled the prophecies for Israel and that all the Israelites should be identified with Britain, not Scandinavia. Nonetheless Hine still believed that the Tribe of Dan had at one stage been in Denmark, from which he believed the name of the country was derived but that Dan’s final destined resting place (as well as the other tribes of Israel) was Britain. Other British Israelites took this view, maintaining that the Israelites migrated across Europe, having entered from Asia, leaving their name across various locations, but ultimately their final resting place was Britain. British Israelites however who did not subscribe to this more particularist view initially attacked Hine’s identifications in The Standard of Israel quarterly magazine of the “Anglo-Israel Association”. Later however, most British Israelites fused their views with the Nordic-Israelism offshoot, as identity groups were set up across Scandinavia promoting the identification of certain Israelite tribes with the Nordic countries and they remained closely linked to British-Israel organisations such as the British-Israel-World Federation”.

    *Neuri were living in Ukraine, the area of the Kurgan Culture, the supposed “Urheimat’ of the ‘Aryans’.

    • 回复: @Alexandros
  358. Alexandros 说:

    I don’t see exactly what is sobering about Jewish ideas on Nordicism. It serves well to show how poisoned the Aryan mind can become, but not much else.

    In your mind Karl is a Nordic because he was King of the Franks, a Germanic people. Firstly it should be mentioned that this people had more than dabbled in foreign blood by this time. But there may be a little truth to it, because when he sent his massive army into Saxon lands, he put terms. Somewhat surprisingly the Saxons agreed to those terms, and Karl was happy to let it be that. But his men, Franks and others, had long since been infected with the Eastern idea of ‘booty’. They were not about to relinquish their assured gains after defeating the inferior Saxon army. Ever a slave to his soldiers, the autocratic King gave in and put his kin to the sword. Was it perhaps his Nordic empathy that inclined him to strike a deal with the heretical Saxons? Whatever the case, he had still allied himself with the Jewified elite in Rome to increase his own power. And instead of going down to Spain to kill some Muslims, as we would think any Christian King would do, the most powerful man in Europe preferred to spend his time sword converting his brothers in the North.

    The totality of this suggests that whatever Nordic blood Karl had, it did not influence his actions very much. His legacy, the nation of France, is ever a testament.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  359. Adûnâi 说:

    What the hell is “White Juche”?

    The same as White Sharia – a more modern solution than the outdated NS. Modern to me means radical. Modern to me means being more Hitlerian than Hitler himself. Modern is meting out justice to both the fat traitorous capitalists and the promiscuous womenfolk. Modern means truly mythic.

    Wake up, the USD doesn’t matter and the White race is already a corpse.

    It matters because Checharists consider it the only possible avenue via which a chance at a revolution might be presented.

    Or do you, like Adûnâi, put hope in the pure mongol blood of the slavs for the Aryan revival?

    1. Slavs are not Mongol, we are Alpines/Tartars.
    2. Slavs are degenerate and dead.
    3. Juche Korea is just an inspiration (aside from architecture).


    First of all it seems you need a mental adjustment. On the one hand you hail Hitler as the greatest man who lived (a fanatical deist), on the other you subscribe to Jewish ideas of Atheism when you declare intelligent life a failure. Demoralization is something else they have sold you.

    Deism is a codeword for atheism. Any spiritual system that is not Christianity can be decent, even a native polytheism. And thinking in terms of intelligent life on this planet is just being honest.


    I doubt Germany had the technological capacity to entertain the idea of atomic weapons. A far bigger mystery is why they didn’t announce total war in 1941 at the latest.

    Yes. The various human races arose in the natural world, and are doomed if technological civilization survives. In the artificial, anti-human world that’s under construction, natural distinctions become meaningless. Humans become only raw material to be fashioned into whatever the system requires.

    What is the point of an anarcho-primitivist society if it is going to be wiped out by a meteor strike or a volcanic eruption in a million years anyway? In my opinion, trying out luck with a technological civilization would yield a higher chance of survival.

    • 同意: Malla
  360. Seraphim 说:

    It is not about ‘Jewish ideas’ about ‘Nordicism’ but about the fact that ‘Nordicism’ itself is a Jewish idea.

    • 回复: @Alexandros
  361. anon[361]• 免责声明 说:

    I have taken to the heart these words by Savitri Devi:

    “What, then, remains to be done by those who live now, devoted body and soul to our ideal of visible (and invisible) perfection on all planes? On a worldwide scale, or even national, absolutely nothing. It is too late. The “twenty-fifth hour” has sounded for too long a time.

    On the individual scale, or at least “restricted,” there remains to preserve, insofar as it is still possible, the beauty of the world: human, animal, vegetable, inanimate; all beauty; to obstinately and efficiently preserve élite minorities; dedicatedly to defend them at all costs—all noble minorities, whether they be those of the Aryans of Europe, Asia, or America, conscious of the excellence of their common race; or of those splendid large felines threatened by extinction; or of those noble trees threatened by the atrocity of being uprooted by bulldozers in order to install, on their nourishing soil, invading multitudes of mammals with two legs, less beautiful and less innocent than they. It remains to take care and resist; and to aid all beautiful minorities attacked by the agents of chaos; to resist, even if that should delay only a few decades the disappearance of the last aristocrats among men, animals, or trees. There is nothing else that one can do, if not, perhaps, to curse in one’s heart, day and night, today’s humanity (apart from very rare exceptions), and to work with all one’s efforts for its destruction.”

    • 回复: @Bookish1
  362. Anon[341]• 免责声明 说:

    India isn’t giving citizenship to Muslim refugees.

    • 回复: @Malla
  363. Rich 说:

    Stalin would have kept coming if the Germans were able to nuke his country into oblivion? Do you believe he was really that much of a madman? If the Germans had been able to nuke the attacking Red Army, would the soldiers have kept coming? There are many scenarios in which nukes could have saved Germany from its enemies.

    Your statement that field nukes are “useless” belies the NATO and Warsaw Pact reliance on them in battle planning during the Cold War. You may be right, but most military experts appear to disagree with you.

  364. Trump is the NEW Hitler-he must be stopped!

  365. utu 说:


    The Soviet soldiers in turn were allowed to loot the town for a period of three days.[7] They committed mass rapes of local women,[3][6][12] according to eyewitnesses, “regardless of age”, and shot German men who spoke up against this practice.

    Focus magazine (1995) quoted Norbert Buske as saying, “We will have to assume more than 1,000 deaths.”[17] According to Goeschel (2009), with reference to Buske (1995), “Some 700 to 1,000 people are said to have committed suicide directly after the arrival of the Red Army;”[18] Grashoff (2006), using the same reference, stated that “estimates of the number of suicides range from 700 to 1,200.”[4] Der Spiegel (2005) put the death toll at “more than 1,000.”[19] The NDR stated that “nearly a thousand women and children committed suicide.”[20] Bauer (2008) wrote that “some thousand people committed suicide, mostly by drowning.”[5] According to psychologist Bscheid (2009) and jurist and sociologist Volkersen (2005), it was the largest recorded mass suicide in Germany.[21][22] Both mentioned 900 suicides.[21][22] Rostock historian Fred Mrotzek estimated that the death toll was 1,200 to 2,500 people

  366. @Rebel0007

    What a sweet and reasonable liar. We need more of you than the billions we already have.

  367. @Adûnâi

    If the lie doesn’t work forwards, try the lie backwards.

  368. Seraphim 说:

    As usual the number of victims tends to increase with the passing of time. Memories get hazy. For example ‘Eyewitnesses’ speak of soldiers armed with ‘Kalaschnikows’ (in service only in 1948).

    “For example, in the course of one week, some 700 of 15,000 inhabitants killed themselves in the Mecklenburgian town of Demmin”.
    ” Estimates of the number of suicides range from 700 to 1,200. Cf. Norbert Buske (1995), Das Kriegsende in Demmin, Schwerin, pp. 44–45.
    “For example, in April 1945, at least 1,000 Germans killed themselves and others within 72 hours as the Red Army neared the East German town of Demmin”

    “The city’s official catalog of the event, which accounts for only 500 of the total people dead”
    It does not result that the cause of mass suicide was mass rape.
    “Yet PERHAPS the most terrorizing tactic of the invading Red Army was rape. At the twilight of the war, Demmin was but one of dozens of German cities traumatized by sexual assault, a condition that contributed severely to this lethal and widespread public panic”.

    That’s not to deny that rapes did occur, but that was not “wide and systematic procedure” of the ‘Red hordes’ of ‘Tartars’, ‘Huns’, ‘Asiatics’, condoned by the state. In actual fact mistreatment of civilians was severely punished:
    “The Soviet executive order to military prosecutors of the 48th Army for taking legal measures against lootings, burning of houses and killing of civilians by the Red Army soldiers. The original text reads as follows: “Volltext / Full text / Полный текст: Некоторые военнослужащие своим поведением наносят государству колоссальным материальный ущерб, выражающийся в том, что в городах и сёлах Восточной Пруссии из озорства и хулиганства уничтожают ценное имущиство, сжигают здания и целые деревни, не понимая, что всё имущество, находящееся на территории Восточной Пруссии, с момента захвата его частями Красной Армии, является собственностью Советского государства, подлежит охране и отправке в СССР. Чаще всего уничтожение имущества и поджоги проводятся лицами тыловых подразделений и в большинстве случаев лицами, находящимися в нетрезвом состоянии. Отмечены также факты применения военнослужащими оружия к немецкому населению, в частности, к женщинам и старикам. Отмечены многочисленные факты расстрела в обстановке, когда этот расстрел не был вызван абсолютно никакой необходимостью и был совершён только из озорства. Многие военнослужащие как офицерского, так и рядового состава загрузили обозы и свои вещевые мешки трофейным имуществом, что связывает боевую маневренность офицеров и красноармейцев. Военные Советы Фронта и Армии категорически потребовали от органов прокуратуры нещадно карать пьяниц и лиц, уничтожающих имущество и поджигающих населённые пункты и отдельные дома, применяющих оружие к немецкому населению, и других нарушителей воинскох дисциплины. Предлагаю: Провести в подразделениях разъяснительную работу совместно с политаппаратом и подчеркнуть, что уничтожение имущества, захваченного у немцев, и поджёги населённых пунктов — есть вредное антигосударственное дело, за которое виновные будут строго наказываться. Разъяснить военнослужащим, что Красной Армии несвойственны методы расправы с гражданским населением и что применять оружие по отношению к женщинам и старикам преступно, и за такие действия виновные будут строго наказываться. Немедленно организовать один-два процесса над яростными поджигателями населённых пунктов и лицами, уничтожающими имущество и другие ценности. Приговоры проработать со всем личным составом. Провести решительную борьбу с пьянством. Лиц, замеченных в пьянстве при исполнении служебных обязанностей, привлекать к строгой ответственности вплоть до придания суду Военного Трибунала. Помочь командному составу организовать освобождение обозов и вещевых мешков военнослужащих от стесняющих их трофеев, которые понижают боевую способность части. Добиться от командования, чтобы оно обеспечило предоставление лучшим офицерам и бойцам возможности отправки посылок из фондов трофейного имущества и продовольствия.” Translation, with commentary “Some servicemen have caused enormous material damage by their behavior, because they destroy valuable property in the cities and villages of East Prussia, burning down buildings and whole villages which belong to the Soviet state now.(..) Furthermore cases were determined where army members used weapons against the German civilian population, particularly against women and the elderly. Numerous cases were determined where prisoners of war were shot under circumstances in which shooting was not necessary but came only from bad will.” The order goes on to specify measures against such occurrences, defining the occurrences as unjustified and inadmissible.
    File:Soviet Order 1945-00.png
    创建日期:1 年 1945 月 XNUMX 日
    @Wikipedia: Soviet war crimes

    • 同意: Adûnâi
    • 回复: @Alexandros
  369. Alexandros 说:

    Nordicism is just Aryanism. It existed in Europe long before there was anyone calling themselves a Jew. Trying to link it to the Bible is a Jewish contribution, but that is all. What is Jewish, and dangerously so, is to abandon Aryanism in favor of degenerative “whiteness”.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  370. Bookish1 说:

    I read much of Devi and never once read where she used the word minorities. She was pro aryan all the way believing that the aryan is the aristocrats of all races. Show me where she used the term minorities.

    • 回复: @anon
  371. Alexandros 说:

    Official documents in the USSR was just for show. At the same time as this order came out, Illya Ehrenburg was bombarding the soldiers with propaganda telling them to kill and rape as much as possible. As he had been doing for the last 4 years. He was fully sanctioned by the state, and the soldiers and officers on the ground got the message.

    The best way to illustrate this policy is the demand for confessions when the government wanted to punish somebody. For all intents and purposes they could have just killed anyone they wanted, but it was very important to present a mask of legality. That is the reason for the endless tortures in their camps and prisons. Mere punishment was not enough, the victim had to affirm their guilt and the State would commit all and any evil to make that happen.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  372. Malla 说:

    White Americans are one big time brainwashed group. Hope they wake out of it.

    • 回复: @anon
  373. Malla 说:

    Yes, you are right. Most Hindus do not want to give Muslim refugees citizenship.

  374. Seraphim 说:

    Nobody had any idea of ‘Aryanism’ in Europe before Gobineau, who was also the first to equate his mythical ‘Aryans’ with ‘la race germanique’, enthusiastically embraced by, not surprisingly, the Germans. Actually the Germans were working hard since the Reformation to establish their moral ‘superiority’ over the corrupt Catholic Italians based on their supposed lack of admixtures with the sources of corruption. The equation Aryan=White is the American adaptation of Gobineau’s theories.

  375. anon[837]• 免责声明 说:

    The white people I empathize with are Germans and Slavs. Anglos (US, UK, Australia etc.) can burn in hell for all I care, nothing but a bunch of hypocritical self-righteous imperialist pigs.

    • 回复: @anon
    , @Malla
  376. anon[361]• 免责声明 说:

    All white groups are a joke today. Germanistan is today the greatest joke. Every German who failed to kill himself in 1945 deserves no pity.

    • 回复: @anon
  377. anon[837]• 免责声明 说:

    At the very least Russians and Slavs seem to have a brighter future than most other Europeans.
    And frankly East Asians are worse off than Europeans because of the constant kike media emasculation of Asian males.

  378. Seraphim 说:

    Stalin was not fighting the ‘Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee’s’ war of revenge, but the ‘Patriotic War’ against Germany, state to state, mindful of international laws against war crimes.
    Ilya Ehrenburg was criticized by Georgy Aleksandrov (the head of the Department of Agitation and Propaganda of the Central Committee) in Pravda on 14 April 1945, for writing too harshly about the Germans in his war time articles. Ehrenburg responded that he never meant wiping out the German people, but only German aggressors who came to our soil with weapons, because “we are not Nazis” who fight with civilians. He wrote already in May 1942 : “The German soldier with weapon in hand is not a man for us, but a fascist. We hate him […] When the German soldier gives up his weapon and surrenders, we will not touch him with a finger – he will live”. Ehrenburg fell into disgrace at that time and it is estimated that Aleksandrov’s article was a signal of change in Stalin’s policy towards Germany.

  379. Malla 说:

    Same here. However individual many individual Anglos are some of the best people I have met in this world.

  380. Anon[341]• 免责声明 说:

    You like Slavs more than Anglos?

  381. Sean 说:

    Loved sugar and sweets. He was a superb soldier and one of the very few privates to be awarded the Iron Cross First Class in WW1. Even as a youth he never mastrubated. Yes he inherited the financial and other reforms intended to make Germany much more formidable that Weimar instituted, and he inherited a very efficient civil service, but he decided what he wanted to do with his life early on.

    Rienzi and Adolf Hitler
    奥古斯特·库比塞克是阿道夫·希特勒的儿时好友,他声称希特勒在 1906 年或 1907 年看到里恩齐年轻时深受其影响,从而引发了他的政治生涯,而且当库比塞克在 1939 年在拜罗伊特提醒希特勒时,他欣喜若狂的回应希特勒对歌剧回答说:“就在那一刻开始!”[28] 尽管库比塞克的真实性受到严重质疑,[29] 众所周知,希特勒拥有歌剧的原稿,这是他要求并得到的作为 1939 年的五十岁生日礼物。 [30] 这份手稿和希特勒一起在他的地堡里; 希特勒死后,它要么被盗、丢失,要么被火烧毁(瓦格纳早期作品 Die Feen 的手稿也遭遇了同样的命运)。 [31] 托马斯·格雷评论:

    In every step of Rienzi’s career – from … acclamation as leader of the Volk, through military struggle, violent suppression of mutinous factions, betrayal and … final immolation – Hitler would doubtless have found sustenance for his fantasies.[32]

    Albert Speer claims to have remembered an incident when Robert Ley advocated using a modern composition to open the Party Rallies in Nuremberg, but Hitler rejected this idea:

    “You know, Ley, it isn’t by chance that I have the Party Rallies open with the overture to Rienzi. It’s not just a musical question. At the age of twenty-four this man, an innkeeper’s son, persuaded the Roman people to drive out the corrupt Senate by reminding them of the magnificent past of the Roman Empire. Listening to this blessed music as a young man in the theater at Linz, I had the vision that I too must someday succeed in uniting the German Empire and making it great once more.”[33]


    In “Hitler’s Panzers East” Stolfi argues that the turning point of the Second World War came in the beginning of August 1941, when German Army, after successful reduction of Smolensk Pocket stood idly in mere 300 km from Moscow from 3 August to October 1, waiting when sideshow operations in Leningrad and Kiev areas will be completed. If only Hitler ordered full-scale attack directly on Moscow around August 5, USSR capital could be taken, Soviet Armies in the North and Eastern Ukraine, unable to fight for long with inverted fronts, could collapse, and Stalin’s Empire would eventually crumble in 1942, or earlier.

    From the military point of view Stolfi’s analysis is quite plausible. Well-known facts, if taken without prejudice, tend to support his views. Germans were able to come perilously close to Moscow in November 1941, taking Krukovo and Krasnaya Polyana suburbs and even making foray in the city proper on the bridge across the Volga Canal, less than 1 mile distance from the “Rechnoi Vokzal” subway station on the line, leading directly to Kremlin. In August situation was much more favorable for the Germans than in November. More available German forces, less Soviet, no “Siberian” troops from the East, no T-34s in noticeable numbers, no even makeshift defensive positions, no mud on the roads, clear skies for Luftwaffe support, longer days for panzer and motorized infantry operations. All these factors could lead to the even larger version of the “Great October Panic” and prompt eviction of Soviet forces from the Moscow Defense Area. According to Stolfi all this never happened in reality not because of increasing Soviet resistance, but due to Hitler’s “siege” mentality and peculiar conservative, “hedge” mindset, manifesting itself in his over-cautious decisions and propensity for the lesser, secondary, sideshow operations.

    Hopefully, with Stolfi’s help, we will be getting more insights into the mind of one of these “Hegel’s impossibly rare world historical personalities”.

    Hitler’s last words allegedly were ” Ah, what an artist dies in me”

    • 回复: @Bookish1
  382. Fox 说:

    Really? Your breathless upset just proves that Wikepedia is not a source of information one should refer to. What you are saying is bare nonsense and not based on reality.

  383. Bookish1 说:

    The problem with Hitlers last words are there was no one to record those last words. Eva either had died or would die shortly after Adolph killed himself and there was no one else in the room with them. We can only speculate what happened and what was said in those last moments. Perhaps Adolph put his arm around her for a last hug and a few precious words. And then the end.

    • 回复: @Sean
    , @Seraphim
  384. Sean 说:

    Hitler did have a great interest in cultural achievements, and although untrained he was not entirely without talent as an artist. Thorak was the Nazi sculptor until they discovered 阿诺·布雷克 Oswald Spengler scoffed of Hitler that he was not the hero Germany needed, but a “heroic tenor”.

    The opera is set in Rome and is based on the life of Cola di Rienzi (1313–1354), a late medieval Italian populist figure who succeeds in outwitting and then defeating the nobles and their followers and in raising the power of the people. Magnanimous at first, he is forced by events to crush the nobles’ rebellion against the people’s power, but popular opinion changes and even the Church, which had urged him to assert himself, turns against him. In the end the populace burns the Capitol, in which Rienzi and a few adherents have made a last stand.

    It makes you wonder what Hitler was up to stopping for two months in front of the land bridge to Moscow.

    Anyway, all this to say that one needs balance in all things. One needs inspiration and perspiration: the steadiness to persevere, the boldness to break through, the moderation to not destroy oneself . . . and luck.

    The role of inspiration and perspiration in men’s careers, but what about mastubation? Hitler didn’t.

    In Nietzsche’s NOTES (1880-1881) he writes: “The reabsorption of semen by the blood is the strongest nourishment and, perhaps more than any other factor, it prompts the stimulus of power, the unrest of all forces toward the overcoming of resistances, the thirst for contradiction and resistance. The feeling of power has so far mounted highest in abstinent priests and hermits (for example, amoung the Brahmans).”

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  385. Seraphim 说:

    Of course, the ‘last words of Hitler’ are apocryphal. These were the (no less apocryphal) last words of Nero “What an artist dies with me!” (Qualis artifex perio!)”, attributed to him by his detractors, as apocryphal as Nero’s fiddling when Rome was burning. Clearly Hitler was compared to Nero, the paragon of the good emperor turned lunatic tyrant (e.g. busying himself with the grandiose plans to re-build Berlin when Berlin was in flames and ruin; like Nero he committed suicide; like Nero he was said that he didn’t die, but was spirited away). Clearly a literary trope: ‘sic semper tyrannis’.

  386. I cannot find the Gandhi quote (footnote 2) at the place cited in Gandhi’s Collected Works.

    It can however be found in this online edition of Gandhi’s book “My Non-Violence”, in Chapter 47:


    The words selected by Guillaume Durocher in footnote 2 are immediately preceded by

    We have to live and move and have our being in Ahimsa even as Hitler does in Himsa. It is the faith and perseverance and single-mindedness with which he has perfected his weapons of destruction that commands my admiration. That he uses them as a monster is immaterial for our purpose. We have to bring to bear the same single-mindedness and perseverance in evolving our Ahimsa.

    Gandhi appears to have viewed Hitler’s aggression as morally equivalent to British or French colonialism. He was under no illusions about Hitler’s character.

  387. Sam J. 说:

    “…Hitler’s “blunders” are greatly exaggerated…”


    Hitler has been blamed for the loss at Stalingrad but in Irvings books he stated that Goering promised him that he could deliver so many tons of supplies to the front even though Goering KNEW that he could not. I can’t remember the exact number but what was delivered was only 20 or 25% of what was promised. It’s often said Hitler was inflexible but he was not aware that the promised supplies would not and could not be delivered. Hitler had great reverence for Goering as a great war hero and never questioned him as he would have others. A huge mistake. A big what if was what would have happened if Goering was sacked and someone of competence like Speer had been put in charge of distribution and production earlier. If Stalingrad had not been lost the Russians would have been in deep trouble. It would have been a huge loss of face for Stalin and he would have wasted immense resources to take it back limiting his forces elsewhere.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
    , @Germanicus
  388. Seraphim 说:

    Hitler didn’t do masturbation. Ironically, Nietzsche did.

  389. Seraphim 说:
    @Sam J.

    Hitler is reputed to have said:
    “If I do not get the oil of Maikop and Grozny then I must finish [liquidieren; “kill off”, “liquidate”] this war”.
    Oil was vital, needless to say. The Germans had to split their forces in order to capture the oil fields. Hitler’s blunder was to attack Stalingrad for the flimsy reason that it would be a propaganda masterstroke, instead of concentrating on the Caucasus front.
    Even if Stalingrad would have been occupied, the Germans would have been encircled. Stalingrad was a deathtrap. The Russians were waiting for the arrival of their greatest ally ‘General Winter’, Ded Moroz! And they won the propaganda war as well.

  390. Germanicus 说:
    @Sam J.






  391. Seraphim 说:

    The war against SU could have been won (which is doubtful), if Hitler wouldn’t have unnecessarily declared war on USA, freeing the hands of the Americans to send all the supplies, and if he would have been able to secure the oil of the Caucasus.
    Anyhow, the tanks and planes and trucks were not unmanned, fighting on their own. The Russians’ human supplies were still greater than what Germans could have muster. Russians were fighting a war of attrition on their own turf and they would have fought to the last German. Bismarck warned that a war against Russia is unwinnable simply due to the vastness of its territory and size of its population. He added the ‘frugality’ of the Russians, their capacity to endure great deprivations and their Orthodox faith. But an element that is always overlooked when not altogether denied, is the instinctive patriotism, supposedly dampened by Bolshevism and the Orthodox faith supposedly annihilated by Bolshevism.

  392. @Colin Wright






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